Open Thread – Weekend 12 Feb 2022

Samson and Delilah, Anton van Dyck, 1630

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Boambee John
Boambee John
February 12, 2022 10:58 am

Because they’re mindless followers of political fashion, most “progressives” are too stupid to have noticed that they’ve become the useful idiots of the elite rich in a war against the working class

Further proof, if it were needed, that the former parties of the left have now become the spiritual homes of upper middle class fascists.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
February 12, 2022 10:59 am

Those fascist racist truckers in Canada.
What did Justin’s daddy do to fight the fascists?

The Second World War

In his obituary, The Economist described Trudeau as “parochial as a young man”, who “dismissed the second world war as a squabble between the big powers, although he later regretted ‘missing one of the major events of the century’.” In his 1993 Memoir, Trudeau wrote that the outbreak of World War II in September 1939 and his father’s death were the two “great bombshells” that marked his teenage years. In his first year at university, the prime topics of conversation were the Battle of France, the Battle of Britain, and the London blitz. He wrote that in the early 1940s, when he was in his early twenties, he thought, “So there was a war? Tough. It wouldn’t stop me from concentrating on my studies so long as that was possible…[I]f you were a French Canadian in Montreal [at that time], you did not automatically believe that this was a just war. In Montreal in the early 1940s, we still knew nothing about the Holocaust and we tended to think of this war as a settling of scores among the superpowers.”

February 12, 2022 11:00 am

. The Flux Party’s platform is essentially electronic mobocracy

You cannot have it this way.

Either you support a form of democracy or you don’t. You cannot demand to have a democracy valve, too much democracy means stuff you don’t like.

I support a very limited democracy.

Sortition & term limits
Recall votes
Jury nullification
Referenda to repeal bad laws
All legislation sunsets

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 12, 2022 11:01 am

Castro was a Spook and CIA plant.

Of course, nothing else makes any sense.

JFK was likely Trudeau’s father.

Since JFK was a Flamer, that is extremely unlikely.
See: K.Lem Billings, JFK’s long term boyfriend, died of AIDS.

February 12, 2022 11:01 am

Too right Roger. Should be some Angels …LOUD.

This’d be funny:

The Oils, The Power and the Passion:

“People, wasting away in paradise
Going backward, once in a while
Moving ahead, falling behind
What do you believe, what do you believe?
What do you believe is true
Nothing they say makes a difference this way
Nothing they say will do
They take all the trouble that you can afford
At least you won’t have time to be bored
At least you won’t have time to be bored
Oh the power and the passion
Oh the temper of the time
Oh the power and the passion
Sometimes you’ve got to take the hardest line!”

February 12, 2022 11:02 am

He never set foot in the US until 1959 and certainly didn’t try out for any US baseball team.

According to Snopes, long since discredited.

Snopes? What is it about a big red X and the word “False” that you don’t understand?

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 12, 2022 11:05 am

According to Snopes, …

Groogs, don’t spoil the magic. Fuckwit.

February 12, 2022 11:05 am

MASSIVE: A bird’s eye view of the convoy heading to Parliament House right now in Canberra.

February 12, 2022 11:07 am

Have my Akubra

tin-foil akubra I hope.

turn the brims down so the signals bounce off

we will triangulate your position


Top Ender
Top Ender
February 12, 2022 11:08 am

Why would Pierre Trudeau chose anyone else to be the biological father of his children?

Fascinating reading!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 12, 2022 11:10 am

Am in the middle of an estimated 100,000 people here at Parliament House in Canberra. Unbelievable amount of cars on highway coming in from other states. Police look very concerned. Don’t think they expected anything like this.

Just checked the news websites of Seven (and their Sydney twitter feed), Nine, ABC, SBS, The Australian, The Telegraph and Sky News.

Nothing. Not a word.

Which is what so called “news” is worth these days.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 12, 2022 11:11 am

MASSIVE: A bird’s eye view of the convoy heading to Parliament House right now in Canberra.

Oh dear. Obviously it is too easy to get to Canberra.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
February 12, 2022 11:12 am

Ed Casesays:
February 12, 2022 at 9:22 am

Male children tend to resemble the Mother’s father.

comment image&exph=239&expw=149&q=Ron+Barassi+Sr.&simid=608001922897876697&FORM=IRPRST&ck=70E830E2D114162670E6935AF9FDAB94&selectedIndex=25&qpvt=Ron+Barassi+Sr.

comment image&exph=361&expw=480&q=ron+barassi&simid=608031467976529452&FORM=IRPRST&ck=62962A4E754DF39B96748F4ECF1CD79E&selectedIndex=49

Ron Barassi Sr and Ron Barassi Jr

If Ed’s theory is right, Ron Jr’s mum’s da must have been an absolute doppelganger for him

February 12, 2022 11:14 am

A small group of neo Nazis, sovereign citizens and anti vaxxers fled from Capital Hill today – owing to no popular support whatsoever.

We cross now to the East German unpopular sports temple in Bruce, ACT to speak to Dr Wolverine who is busy vaccinating a five year old against one of about 100 common cold causing viruses.

Totally not clown world.


February 12, 2022 11:14 am

Which is what so called “news” is worth these days.

The Guardian is on to it:

“Anti-vax protests expected in Canberra”

“Police expect up to 4000 protesters.”

That may explain their concerned looks, as per Vicki.

February 12, 2022 11:15 am

Posted at Adam’s by Steve Trickler – looks like drone video of the scene at Exhibition Park, where the Convoyers are camping. 2 min 48 sec – awesome:

That’s not counting those who are packing out hotels, motels, and other camping and caravan sites across the region. My motel was filled in an hour after an initial phone call on Friday asking if there were rooms available. They have all left for the demo(s) now. The are staying tonight as well, so there may be further action on Sunday.

Why am I not there? Arthritis – just can’t do that stuff any more, to my disgust. I’d love to be there. 🙁

If anyone finds a link to Rukshan or Avi or anyone else covering the events live – please post. We stay-at-homes are very keen to know what’s happening at this alleged small gathering of neo-nazis and conspiracists, and there’s zero chance that the MSM will be of any use.

February 12, 2022 11:16 am

…and far too few who could stop it are not. In fact they are participating, some eagerly.

And far too MANY who could stop it are not.

Sheesh. Saturday morning, a day (mostly) off, and this is what I type!

February 12, 2022 11:16 am

Johnny Farnham “You are the Voice” ringing out over loudspeakers.

They lost me right there.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 12, 2022 11:16 am

Ed Casesays:
February 12, 2022 at 10:57 am
He never set foot in the US until 1959 and certainly didn’t try out for any US baseball team.

According to Snopes, long since discredited.

Snopes! ROFLMAO! Dick Ed plumbs the depths.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 12, 2022 11:17 am

The Guardian is on to it

Roger – I steeled myself to look at ABC News, I think for the first time in a couple of years.
The Guardian is lower on the food chain than I can manage without technicolour yawning.

February 12, 2022 11:19 am

Snopes! ROFLMAO! Dick Ed plumbs the depths.

And still gets it wrong because he didn’t bother to check his “source”

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 12, 2022 11:20 am

[I]f you were a French Canadian in Montreal [at that time], you did not automatically believe that this was a just war.

So much for the supposed amour of les Quebecois for La Belle France. Deserted in her hour of need!

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
February 12, 2022 11:20 am

Australian MSM

“I see Nazis”

Brought to you by TrudeauVision*

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 12, 2022 11:21 am

Avi or anyone else covering the events live

Johanna – P’s link to Avi is excellent. Quick work getting a drone up to video the enormous procession of people down the Commonwealth Avenue bridge. Well done to him and to Rebel News.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
February 12, 2022 11:22 am

Yikes! Format fail.

Never mind. I’m feeling bold today.

You may be bold calli but never brazen

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 12, 2022 11:23 am

Trudeau Snr:

“So there was a war? Tough. It wouldn’t stop me from concentrating on my studies so long as that was possible”

Liability Bob, your soulmate is waiting.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 12, 2022 11:24 am

Dick Ed

Since JFK was a Flamer, that is extremely unlikely.

You fell into the trap of automatic contrarianism. The real reason that JFK could not be Justine’s father (which was part of the trap into which you fell, or, actually, jumped enthusiastically) is that JFK died in 1963, and Justine was born in 1971.


Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 12, 2022 11:25 am

The bait:

Castro was a Spook and CIA plant.

The European Carp:

Of course, nothing else makes any sense.


February 12, 2022 11:26 am

Joe Rogan Gets NO Forgiveness From Establishment Media…Duh | Louder with Crowder

Rumble — If you want proof Joe Rogan shouldn’t have apologized, we’ll show how Trevor Noah threw him under the bus. This is AFTER Rogan defended Noah’s comedy. Also, CNN is full of sexual degenerates. And why can’t Al Sharpton find toothpaste? #JoeRogan #TrevorNoah #CNN

February 12, 2022 11:26 am

The Guardian is lower on the food chain than I can manage without technicolour yawning.

What I quoted – two sentences – is the entirety of the report along with a photo taken earlier in the week. And it’s filed in their covid thread, not general news. Suggests it was probably prepared yesterday and they were expecting a nothing burger today. So not only are they biased, they’re also too inept to pick up on what looks like a very big story. Birm.

February 12, 2022 11:27 am

We should go easy on the grigglebot a bit.

We use the internet to search for facts.
He uses the Mongternet.
Its why he knows so much that just isnt so.

February 12, 2022 11:28 am

The real reason that JFK could not be Justine’s father (which was part of the trap into which you fell, or, actually, jumped enthusiastically) is that JFK died in 1963, and Justine was born in 1971.

The screamers you miss when you scroll on by.

February 12, 2022 11:29 am

They are saying there may be up to 500,000 here. Could be right, as I have been in contact with friend who is moving with a crowd still 3km from Parliament House. Don’t know where they will go as there is a sea of people everywhere I am looking from between New & Old Parliaments.

February 12, 2022 11:30 am

Yes Bruce – saw the drone working this morning. We thought it was a police drone.

February 12, 2022 11:31 am

Thanks P for the Avi drone clip. Does the heart good.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 12, 2022 11:33 am


Which is basically mUntynet 2.0.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 12, 2022 11:37 am

Don’t know where they will go as there is a sea of people everywhere I am looking from between New & Old Parliaments.

Lucky the Constitution says this is not ScoMo’s problem. He might need to raise it at National Cabinet though.

February 12, 2022 11:37 am

BTW no fancy outfits or city fashion plates here! These are average Aussie working families. No fancy techno equipment. Great, witty, hand painted signs & thankfully, no evidence of organised splinter violent groups.

They are angry and they have had enough.

February 12, 2022 11:38 am

They are saying there may be up to 500,000 here.

That’s quite a few Nazi freaks then.

local oaf
February 12, 2022 11:38 am

Almost nothing on youtube about canbra.

“convoy canberra” brings up all MSM plus a little of the aerial footage from Exhibition Park.

Melbourne Ground are there but newest video is 20 hours ago.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 12, 2022 11:40 am

That’s quite a few Nazi freaks then.

Might be a good weekend to go to the Grampians. Should get a seat in the beer garden.

February 12, 2022 11:42 am

We’ve got to get Kelly now to push Morrison and Albanese to pass the voluntary vaccine bill now.

As in by end of tomorrow, COB.

February 12, 2022 11:42 am

Finally, the ABC leaps into action:

‘COVID-19 vaccine protesters force cancellation of ACT Lifeline charity book fair’

February 12, 2022 11:42 am


Monday COB…

Helen Davidson (nmrn)
Helen Davidson (nmrn)
February 12, 2022 11:45 am

Which is what so called “news” is worth these days.

ABC News has an article in their ACT Stories section.

Says 10,000 protesters. Main focus is terrible disruption to Lifeline book fair.

February 12, 2022 11:47 am

The workers were too happy with their lot. The Left set out to make their lives miserable with Multiculturalism, Feminism and the rest of their agenda.

Definitely most peoples lived experience.

February 12, 2022 11:49 am

Am in the middle of an estimated 100,000 people here at Parliament House

Great stuff Vicki. I didn’t realise it would be this big.

That’s quite a few Nazi freaks then

They’ll be marching into the soviet union next, at this rate.

February 12, 2022 11:49 am

We’ve got to get Kelly now to push Morrison and Albanese to pass the voluntary vaccine bill now.

As in by end of tomorrow, COB.

Hasn’t the Federal Political Sewer already failed to pass it once?

February 12, 2022 11:51 am

‘COVID-19 vaccine protesters force cancellation of ACT Lifeline charity book fair’

Oh, boo-hoo.

February 12, 2022 11:52 am



February 12, 2022 11:53 am

We should go easy on the grigglebot a bit.

He makes a new deposit into the flogging sock every time he gets someone to google something to prove him wrong. It’s his kink.

February 12, 2022 11:57 am

Just saw Pauline Hanson cruising through her people. The only pollie I have spotted so far.

Unfortunately, as with the Hyde Park rally I attended a few months ago, the speakers are abysmal. They rant incoherently and no one appears to be paying any attention at all. Just chatting amongst themselves with occasional marches of groups and individuals with banners. Hundreds of thousands just enjoying declaring their frustration & enjoying a magnificent 24 degree Canberra day.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
February 12, 2022 11:59 am

From the Oz 10 mins ago.

Protesters surround Hanson as crowds liken themselves to ‘invading army’
Liam Mendes

In an aerial view, part of the makeshift camp of the Convoy To Canberra Protesters, dubbed ‘Camp Freedom’, is seen at the Canberra Showgrounds on February 8.

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has been surrounded by protestors outside Parliament House in Canberra.

The crowd, calling themselves”freedom activists”, are protesting against vaccine mandates and government restrictions at the nation’s capital again today.

Ms Hanson was seen greeting and hugging protesters, many of whom have been gathered in the ACT for almost two weeks, joining anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists and sovereign citizens.

One figurehead likened the movement to an “invading army”.

“If we can do half a million (on Saturday) we’re taking the town,” one said in a video posted online.

Overnight hundreds of vehicles arrived at Canberra events complex Exhibition Park, expanding a makeshift campground on the eve of the protest.

The demonstrators are taking inspiration from similar protests in Canada, with participants travelling by busload, truck, ute, caravan, four-wheel-drive and sedan from as far as Townsville.

On Saturday morning, protesters made their way from the campsite towards Parliament House, playing songs such as “I am, you are, we are Australian” and John Farnham’s “You’re the Voice”.

They are also chanting “freedom” and “sack them all” as they march.
There have been suggestions the hub at the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) Arena will be the next location targeted by protesters.

ACT Police warned locals that rallying was expected to continue throughout the day, with authorities preparing for “Superhero Day” at the AIS to be disrupted.

The dress up event is targeted at children aged five to 11 to “channel their inner superpowers” and make the experience of lining up for their first jab more enjoyable.

ACT Police Commander of Operations Linda Champion said authorities were monitoring the demonstrators after suggestions the protest would be brought to AIS Arena.

“We don’t want to be too present in the face of children but we’ll certainly be there behind the scenes if we need to,” she said.

“We don’t anticipate anything unlawful going on but we (will be) there in sufficient numbers to ensure the safety of all parents and children turning up to the clinic.

“What we don‘t want to do is interrupt the safety or security of our children, nor intimidate them with large numbers. We’ll do it peacefully.”

With NCA NewsWire

February 12, 2022 12:03 pm

If anyone finds a link to Rukshan or Avi or anyone else covering the events live – please post. We stay-at-homes are very keen to know what’s happening at this alleged small gathering of neo-nazis and conspiracists, and there’s zero chance that the MSM will be of any use.

Johanna, Rukshan is there with a heap of other independent media types. Signal is so poor, drop outs make it unwatchable. Rukshan said something about Telstra being pretty hopeless.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 12, 2022 12:03 pm

Woke bowling activist and Cricket Australia handbag dog Pat Cummins sees his popularity go through the floor (the Hun):

Negative sentiment towards Cummins has quadrupled on social media since the resignation of coach Justin Langer.

Even after his impressive press conference on Thursday, in which he addressed Langer’s departure for the first time, Cummins received further increased criticism on Twitter, dousing the glow he enjoyed in the aftermath of Australia’s 4-0 Ashes win over England.

For context, here is a snippet of the current disapproval ratings:

9. Pat Cummins (26.1%)
10. Craig Tiley (21%)

He’s more unpopular than Djokovic hater Craig Tiley. Oof.

February 12, 2022 12:04 pm

Hundreds of thousands just enjoying declaring their frustration & enjoying a magnificent 24 degree Canberra day.

Keep an eye out for angry book lovers, Vicki.

Could get ugly.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 12, 2022 12:05 pm

Finally, the ABC leaps into action:
‘COVID-19 vaccine protesters force cancellation of ACT Lifeline charity book fair’

Its funny but I’m not sure it’s $1.1bn pa funny.

February 12, 2022 12:05 pm

Goose Morristeen really is a detestable stinking sack of excrement. Just heard him on the news: “We’ve never supported vaccine mandates, except when we have.”

That is basically what he said, BTW.

February 12, 2022 12:07 pm

“We’ve never supported vaccine mandates, except when we have.”

He’s also never told a lie in public life.

February 12, 2022 12:07 pm

I’m seeing chatter the CEO of moderna has dumped $400million worth of stock, nuked his twitter account and made statements accusing mordera and phizer of fraud during the trails of the RNA jabs.

This is on top of chatter about the vaccines having used HIV proteins.

Not seeing anything concrete yet, but 4chan looks like having latched onto it and they do the best weaponized autism.

February 12, 2022 12:08 pm

Great news about Dr Duk being released from the AMC. Hopefully he’s there at the demo.

February 12, 2022 12:12 pm

Forget John Farnham. They should be playing Skyhooks Why don’t ya all get Fucked!

Am late to the party, went bush yesterday, no internet or phone. So great to see Duk’s freedom walk.

By the way Duk’s duckling is a lovely young woman. Quite the asset. Duk is obviously very proud.

February 12, 2022 12:13 pm

They are also chanting “freedom” and “sack them all” as they march

Magnificent stuff.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 12, 2022 12:17 pm

Attention chicks who want to be showered in jewellery, sports cars, botox, cash and bolt-ons and willing to exchange it for the occasional root:

Australia’s competition watchdog is on high alert for dodgy businesses and fake sugar daddies pulling at our heart strings, and our wallets, ahead of the romantic holiday.

Fake sugar daddies. ‘Oh but the sugar daddy didn’t boost my profile. Totes devo.’

So, so delicious.

February 12, 2022 12:17 pm

February 12, 2022 at 12:08 pm
Great news about Dr Duk being released from the AMC. Hopefully he’s there at the demo.

I watched video of him with his daughter arriving at one of the camps yesterday afternoon. He seemed in fine spirits so I bet he’s there today.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 12, 2022 12:17 pm

February 12, 2022 at 11:53 am
We should go easy on the grigglebot a bit.

He makes a new deposit into the flogging sock every time he gets someone to google something to prove him wrong. It’s his kink.

This could be an interesting experiment. Is it possible for a bloke to flog himself to death?

February 12, 2022 12:18 pm

This is on top of chatter about the vaccines having used HIV proteins.

Salty cracker had what looked like I phone footage of a very professional presentation showing exactly where and how and why it had been used, a “clamp” on the end of the spike protein to keep it in the correct configuration.

It wouldn’t surprise me in the least, if you’ll happily torture dogs in experiments with no apparent purpose the what other stupid, dangerous and immoral idea’s are you playing around with.

February 12, 2022 12:21 pm

They are also chanting “freedom” and “sack them all” as they march

Magnificent stuff.

No doubt the political class will be as shocked by all this as the Canadian political class were when the trucks rolled into Ottawa. They’re really not very bright.

February 12, 2022 12:21 pm
Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
February 12, 2022 12:22 pm

This could be an interesting experiment. Is it possible for a bloke to flog himself to death?

Debatable but I’m fairly sure a bloke could be socked to death.

February 12, 2022 12:24 pm

An aborted Australian attempt at a COVID vaccine really did use part of the HIV structure.

As for anything else, I have not been able to verify that yet…

February 12, 2022 12:25 pm

An aborted Australian attempt at a COVID vaccine really did use part of the HIV structure.

As for anything else, I have not been able to verify that yet…

Apparently the BBC have reported it, I haven’t attempted to look for it.

February 12, 2022 12:26 pm

Family member works for one of the big four accountancy/consultancy firms. Recipient of a new push to find people who are Polymaths. Apparently one does not advertise these positions. Most have certificates or diplomas with a lot of work experience and best of all they tend to know the same sort of people. Having discovered that the straight from Uni types have no idea how business works and have been brainwashed, it gives me some hope for the future of our young ones.

February 12, 2022 12:26 pm

Salty cracker had what looked like I phone footage of a very professional presentation showing exactly where and how and why it had been used, a “clamp” on the end of the spike protein to keep it in the correct configuration.

That “clamp” mechanism, using HIV protein, was used in the Uni of QLD vaccine which was abandoned mid-2021. The presence of the protein was triggering antibodies that were detected in tests for HIV. The scientists involved insisted there was no possibility of actual HIV infection but conceded the results had damaged trust in the vaccine, hence its abandonment.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 12, 2022 12:27 pm

Debatable but I’m fairly sure a bloke could be socked to death.

Certainly if you don’t take the cricket ball out.

February 12, 2022 12:28 pm

No doubt the political class will be as shocked by all this as the Canadian political class were when the trucks rolled into Ottawa. They’re really not very bright.

Beaugy – Morristeen was also trying to duckshove the blame for this hitlerist insanity onto the state governments.

A despicable useless imposter. Worst PM in this country’s history.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 12, 2022 12:28 pm

Nice science story from NASA since they’re telling it like it is.

Webb telescope spots its first star—and takes a selfie (11 Feb)

The first picture sent back of the cosmos is far from stunning: 18 blurry white dots on a black background, all showing the same object: HD 84406 a bright, isolated star in the constellation Ursa Major.

But in fact it represents a major milestone. The 18 dots were captured by the primary mirror’s 18 individual segments—and the image is now the basis for aligning and focusing those hexagonal pieces.

We humans have double vision, but a critter with 18 new eyes has decaocto vision (or is it octdeca?)
Now to line up all 18 mirror segments!

February 12, 2022 12:31 pm

Is it possible for a bloke to flog himself to death?

To steal a line, you know he would be beating that thing like it owed him money.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 12, 2022 12:31 pm

A despicable useless imposter. Worst PM in this country’s history.

Quite possibly. Soon to be dealt with in the traditional fashion.

February 12, 2022 12:32 pm

Worst PM in this country’s history.

Big call with KRudd & Juliar still fresh in the memory.

I’d suggest worst Liberal PM in this country’s history.

And even then he’s just nudging John Howard – another notorious phoney – out.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 12, 2022 12:33 pm

As is usual in policing across the country, if there is a perceived problem the dynamic and agile will look to see what others have done in similar circumstances.

ACT Police Commander Linda Champion (snork): ‘Curse these book fair-ruiners! Confiscate their fuel immediately!’
Constable Wut: ‘Ma’am, they’re all on foot. They don’t need fuel.’

Champion: ‘Uh. Ah. Confiscate their shoes!’
Wut: ‘That’s up to one million shoes.’

Champion: ‘Create a shoe bonfire that can be seen from space!’
Wut: ‘Ma’am, the toxic smoke. Plus, because we’re all so fat they can out-walk us.’

Champion: ‘Are you heterosexual?’
Wut: ‘Wut?’

Champion: You’re fired, bigot!’

February 12, 2022 12:33 pm

This could be an interesting experiment. Is it possible for a bloke to flog himself to death?

DickEd has proved this to be false. No matter how hard he tries there is no solution to the premise. On the matter of crapping himself before getting out of bed is another to ponder.

February 12, 2022 12:33 pm

‘COVID-19 vaccine protesters force cancellation of ACT Lifeline charity book fair’

If the mandates and other restrictions were lifted, much of Lifeline’s “business” would be surplus to requirements.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 12, 2022 12:34 pm

” Leigh Sales copped constant misogynistic and hateful abuse”

February 12, 2022 12:36 pm

Canberra convoy millions March to Parliament

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
February 12, 2022 12:36 pm

Debatable but I’m fairly sure a bloke could be socked to death.

Certainly if you don’t take the cricket ball out.

Very funny H.B. Bear —

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 12, 2022 12:38 pm

Journalists’ sources in sharp focus at Roberts-Smith trial
Deborah Snow
By Deborah Snow
February 12, 2022 — 9.00am

The gravest question lying at the heart of the Ben Roberts-Smith defamation trial is whether the once universally lauded former soldier committed or enabled war crimes during his service in Afghanistan.

That question loomed ever larger over the hearings this week as a third military witness, Person 16, entered the witness box on Friday morning to join two previous SAS witnesses, Person 41 and Person 14, in levelling damning accusations at the Victoria-Cross recipient.

Roberts-Smith has strenuously denied he was involved in any wrongdoing or unlawful killings, as alleged by Nine, the owner of the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. The media outlets are pressing the truth of their allegations.

But gaining sharper focus behind the more headline-grabbing evidence this week was another vital question: how to protect sources for investigative journalists.

The issue, fought on and off over several days between Nine’s barrister, Nick Owens, SC, and Roberts-Smith’s barrister, Arthur Moses, SC, resulted in a setback for the media outlets when the second of the military witnesses, Person 14, was forced to recount, in detail, his dealings with Nine’s investigative journalists Chris Masters and Nick McKenzie.

On Friday afternoon, the latest military witness, Person 16, was also ordered to detail his meetings and conversations with McKenzie.

Person 14 is a member of the elite SAS who served his country in Timor, Iraq and Afghanistan. Like the others, his identity has been shielded by the Commonwealth under national security orders so that journalists can only hear, not see him, over a secure audiovisual link.

A plainly-spoken professional soldier, Person 14 spent four gruelling days in the witness box this week under cross-examination by Moses.

His testimony centred on two alleged unlawful killings which he claims he witnessed directly. The first, in April 2009, was the machine-gunning by an Australian soldier of an Afghan man thrown to the ground outside a village compound known as Whisky 108. He told the court that in fading light he was initially unclear about the culprit’s identity, but later came to know it was Ben Roberts-Smith.

He alleges several other SAS members also witnessed this incident and confirmed that the gunned-down Afghan had a prosthetic leg which was later used as a trophy drinking vessel at SAS headquarters. He said he and many other soldiers drank from it over time, including some who’d since been promoted to very senior positions.

The second incident related to Roberts-Smith’s alleged order to members of an Afghan military unit to execute an unarmed detainee following the discovery of a concealed weapons cache on a mission in October 2012. “Tell him to shoot him or I will,” Person 14 recalled Roberts-Smith saying.

Person 14 revealed he’d also harboured doubts about aspects of the citation provided for Roberts-Smith’s receipt of the Victoria Cross.

In forceful cross-examination, Moses, for Roberts-Smith, repeatedly accused Person 14 of lying and of seeking to smear and “rubbish” his client.

The soldier wavered on some secondary aspects of his testimony, but has remained steadfast on the core details he provided to the court this week about the 2009 and 2012 incidents, insisting they are “100 per cent” correct.

Moses set out to convince the court it was necessary to test Person 14’s evidence against what he might have told Nine’s reporters, Masters and McKenzie, in meetings four years ago.

Person 14’s barrister, Glenn Cridland, opposed the move saying his client could be exposed to ADF disciplinary proceedings and his army career imperilled if he was confirmed as a media source.

Nicholas Owens, for the media outlets, also sought to shield Person 14 from answering questions about contact with the media, arguing Moses was trying to “outflank” safeguards in section 126K of the Evidence Act which give journalists protection from having to reveal their sources.

Owens also contended that Moses’ attempt to reveal which soldiers might have been sources for the media outlets was an abuse of process which would have the effect of media organisations no longer being able to rely on truth defences because they wouldn’t be able to honour promises to sources.

Justice Besanko granted Person 14 a certificate under the Evidence Act against self- incrimination and initially disallowed Moses’ question about contact with the media.

However on Wednesday morning the judge reversed his position on that issue, with the result that the soldier had to recount in detail what transpired at a meeting with Masters in January 2018 and another with Masters and McKenzie the following month.

Moses put to Person 14 that he’d originally told Masters it was a more junior soldier, Person 4, who had machine-gunned the Afghan with the prosthetic leg.

Person 14 maintained that was “incorrect”, though agreeing he’d originally assumed the more junior soldier was responsible. He denied telling Masters that Roberts-Smith had “gone up the river” – an apparent reference to the fictional colonel Kurtz who goes rogue in the Vietnam War movie Apocalypse Now.

The precise reasons for Justice Besanko ordering Person 14 to reveal his dealings with the media remain semi-opaque, because the evidence on which the decision was based was produced by Moses in closed court.

Commonwealth concerns over national security and current federal war crimes investigations have meant the court closing to the public and media at regular intervals, sometimes for hours at a time.

Moses revealed enough, however, to indicate he had a possession of a document which he claimed went to the “credibility” of Person 14 as a witness. It is not clear at this stage how many other military witnesses may be forced to disclose their dealings with the media.

The clashes in the courtroom have served to highlight the tangled thicket of issues that arise when competing public interest considerations – support for sources versus broader “interests of justice” concerns – are brought to bear against one another.
Interests of justice

President of the Australian Bar Association, Dr Matt Collins, QC, told the Herald and The Age that Australia does not have broad- based journalist source protection laws.

“There are very limited protections in most jurisdictions, including before the Federal Court (where the hearing case is taking place),” he says. “And such protection as [exists] is always capable of being over-ridden by the court if a court takes the view that the public interest in the administration of justice ought to prevail over the protection of the journalist’s source.”

The new witness called by Nine on Friday, Person 16, has testified about an entirely separate alleged atrocity from the previous two SAS witnesses.

On November 5, 2012, he said, he and Roberts-Smith had both been on a mission to Fasil in Afghanistan. Person 16 recalled stopping a group of four males travelling along a road in a Toyota Hilux, among them a youth in his late teens, who, according to Person 16, was shaking with terror when detained. Although components for IED’s had been found in the Hilux, Person 16 said, he found the youth to be unarmed and turned him over for questioning to Roberts-Smith’s patrol.

A day or two later he asked Roberts-Smith what had become of the young man. Allegedly Roberts-Smith replied, “I … shot the c–t in the side of his head, blew his brains out and it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen”.

Cross-examining Person 16 on Friday afternoon, Moses accused the soldier of “imagining” the conversation. The soldier replied that “this conversation 100 per cent happened”.

Another outstanding issue relates to a claim Owens made on Wednesday, that Moses had sought to facilitate new lawyers for two other potential witnesses for Nine, persons 56 and 66. Owens said this had resulted in Person 56 getting cold feet about appearing for the media outlets.

The men had already been supplied with Defence department-approved lawyers. Owens questioned whether their identities had been properly shielded in the communications that had taken place with the putative new lawyers, Phillip Boulten, SC, and solicitor Peter Hodges.

Boulten and Hodges have denied any wrongdoing and say Owens’ claims are inaccurate. The issue will be debated in the courtroom at greater length between the competing legal teams in a fortnight’s time.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 12, 2022 12:39 pm

Another fine interplanetary science story.

What are asteroids made of? A sample returned to Earth reveals the solar system’s building blocks (11 Feb)

Just over 12 months ago, we were sitting at Woomera, in the Australian outback, waiting for a streak of light in the sky to testify that the Hayabusa2 spacecraft had returned from its voyage to collect a little piece of a near-Earth asteroid called Ryugu. Unfortunately for us, it was cloudy in Woomera that day and we didn’t see the spacecraft come in.

But that was the only imperfection we saw in the return. We found and retrieved Hayabusa2, brought it back to Woomera, cleaned and examined it.

The sample capsule was removed from the spacecraft. It was in good shape, it had not exceeded 60? on reentry, and the capsule rattled when it was turned over, suggesting we did indeed have a solid sample.

I like that, it “rattled”. The photo is excellent – taken when they opened the capsule. Indeed I think it did rattle! Stones from very far away.

February 12, 2022 12:39 pm

Rog – look at the idiot’s record – it is appalling. Trillion dollar government debt, imposition of totalitarian restrictions on the populace, destruction of small business across the country, oversaw the collapse of the federation into a squabbling dunce’s collective of failed banana republics, enabled fascist imbeciles such as McClown, Pluckachook, Beryl G and that grotesque imbecile in Victoria to visit unheard of excesses on the citizenry and on and on and on …

Krudd and Gillard were almost benign amateurs in comparison.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
February 12, 2022 12:42 pm

February 12, 2022 at 12:36 pm
Canberra convoy millions March to Parliament

God bless you P, thank you – that footage brought tears to my eyes — I showed the Sunbather the Rebel News footage a few minutes ago and he said that he’s sorry we couldn’t be there. #MeToo

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 12, 2022 12:43 pm

Krudd and Gillard were almost benign amateurs in comparison.

And to think we complained once about a summit led by 20 year olds.

February 12, 2022 12:44 pm

The scientists involved insisted there was no possibility of actual HIV infection but conceded the results had damaged trust in the vaccine, hence its abandonment.

It’s unlikely that Australian scientists cooked up this fucked idea by themselves. ie. the idea seems to have been floating around since at least since 2018 and most probably the technique has been used in many vaccines. The Australian scientists were probably the only ones dumb enough to mention it, didn’t get the memo.

As for scientists insisting that it can’t happen, I’m somewhat sceptical of their boiler plate guarantees….

February 12, 2022 12:49 pm

As for scientists insisting that it can’t happen, I’m somewhat sceptical of their boiler plate guarantees…

So was the government, as it pulled their funding.

Seems like an innocent, far ago time now.

Anchor What
Anchor What
February 12, 2022 12:49 pm

Deb Snow was lovely back when as the ABC’s Russia correspondent she covered the sequestration of Gorbachov, the rise of Boris Yeltsin and the siege of the parliament.

February 12, 2022 12:50 pm

The real danger to democracy today is that the people are excluded from big political battles which are reduced to internal bunfights between different wings and houses of the political elite. So long as that remains the case then, to adapt the song that New Labour used against Major’s government 25 years ago, whether Boris stays or goes, ‘Things Can Only Get Worse’.Sounds familiar. Major, like Howard, only looks good because what replaced him was even worse.

February 12, 2022 12:52 pm

For us, there is no spring. Just the wind that smells fresh before the storm.

February 12, 2022 12:52 pm

We’ll eventually, eventually recover from Morrison.

But Howard set us on an altogether different path as a country, much as Blair did to the UK.

So I’m revising Howard up to first place in the worst stakes.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 12, 2022 12:54 pm

Ok, yes. They can’t be white or beige, that would be racist. They can’t be brown or black because there aren’t many science ladies of that colour. Green might be misconstrued as a political statement. Blue would be irritating and would suggest they’re all Democrats (not that unlikely). Red is also out because colonialism, also another c-word associated with redness. Yellow is not acceptable because I suspect quite a few of them are yellow, which is a very touchy issue in elite universities these days.

That gets you to down to a choice between purple and orange. Maybe they should’ve chosen purple, given that orange is a colour associated with someone I don’t think they like much.

Smithsonian to show 120 orange statues of female scientists (, 11 Feb)

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
February 12, 2022 12:55 pm

The Canberra protest is large and unsettling the central committee for approved freedoms.
MSM and all the left limpets are desperately looking for fault in the ranks.
Try – TrudeauVision*
‘You won’t see the woods for the trees.’

February 12, 2022 12:55 pm

…whether Boris stays or goes, ‘Things Can Only Get Worse’.

Aris Roussinos on Bozo’s squandering of the opportunity to demolish Blair’s legacy.

The Trump comparison may be overdrawn, but otherwise he hits his target.

February 12, 2022 12:55 pm

“Vicki says:
February 12, 2022 at 11:57 am
Just saw Pauline Hanson cruising through her people. The only pollie I have spotted so far.

Unfortunately, as with the Hyde Park rally I attended a few months ago, the speakers are abysmal. They rant incoherently and no one appears to be paying any attention at all. Just chatting amongst themselves with occasional marches of groups and individuals with banners. Hundreds of thousands just enjoying declaring their frustration & enjoying a magnificent 24 degree Canberra day.”

O.K. we get the bad speakers thing, but we also know some of the best speakers are the least trusted.

Still, we’ve had lots of gatherings to hear bad speakers and The Numbers Keep Growing because it’s the average Aussies getting out in numbers and talking amongst themselves, that the Political Classes fear.

They know they can’t write off the whole country as “Nazi & every other slur” because the whole country know those lies don’t fit them.

It’s the ‘Good Speakers’, the ‘Impressive Individuals’, who are ever so easily smeared (with any bit of made up bullshit), for the purpose of having the average Aussie ‘dare not mention anything the smeared said‘, i.e. Everything That NEEDS to Be Said, amongst their family & friends and so, yet again spread the very wrong and defeatist feeling of being alone, isolated & powerless against the Globalist’s Propagandists & their Stormtroopers.

February 12, 2022 12:56 pm

Weaponised autism…

comment image?w=800&h=359

comment image

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 12, 2022 12:57 pm

But Howard set us on an altogether different path as a country, much as Blair did to the UK.

Yep. Immigration can kill a country.

Cassie of Sydney
February 12, 2022 12:58 pm

“No doubt the political class will be as shocked by all this as the Canadian political class were when the trucks rolled into Ottawa. They’re really not very bright.”

No, they’re not very bright but they have a formula they stick to and the MSM scum follow if faithfully. Anyone who dares disagree with this narrative is smeared….so the Canberra protesters will be smeared as far-right, white supremacist, racist, misogynist, Nazi trash.

February 12, 2022 1:01 pm

Thank you P for that awesome drone footage of today’s Canberra march. I have saved the link.

February 12, 2022 1:02 pm

Immigration can kill a country.

It’s certainly destroying the livability of our major east coast cities.

Ellen of Tasmania
Ellen of Tasmania
February 12, 2022 1:04 pm

Vicki, we deeply appreciate your updates. Thank you.

Cassie of Sydney
February 12, 2022 1:05 pm

February 12, 2022 at 12:55 pm
…whether Boris stays or goes, ‘Things Can Only Get Worse’.

Aris Roussinos on Bozo’s squandering of the opportunity to demolish Blair’s legacy.

The Trump comparison may be overdrawn, but otherwise he hits his target.”

Thanks for that, superb piece and Roussinos ruthlessly hammers the nail on its head. No different here. Abbott had a chance after being elected back in 2014 and 2015…..but he chose to cower in the corner.

Cassie of Sydney
February 12, 2022 1:07 pm

From The Oz…can’t access the story….

Canberra mob takes cue from Canada chaos

Pauline Hanson mobbed as huge crowd marches on Parliament House; Canada protesters dig in with military-style proficiency.”

February 12, 2022 1:10 pm

Thanks for that, superb piece and Roussinos ruthlessly hammers the nail on its head.

Aris is always worth reading, cassie.

Only once – writing on the wildfires in Greece – did I think he got it wrong and I wrote to tell him why. As I expected, he receives criticism graciously.

February 12, 2022 1:10 pm

Posted this earlier about comment made by my pharmacist when I told her about my stay in hospital with gall stone pain . She asked me post booster which I confirmed , Moderna . She said she had others that had suffered similarly . I am not in the usual category who get it Fair Fat Fertile and Forty nor pregnant like my surgeon had managed without operating . Although doing my best haha!

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 12, 2022 1:11 pm

Yep. Immigration can kill a country.

And still our masters (none of them are leaders) want ever more of the Ponzi scheme.

February 12, 2022 1:13 pm

Bruce of Newcastle says:
February 12, 2022 at 12:54 pm
Ok, yes. They can’t be white or beige, that would be rac..

Izlam again provides the solution – no human form at all. “Those who will be most severely punished by Allaah on the Day of Resurrection will be the image-makers.”
It marches on.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 12, 2022 1:13 pm

Because the Ponzi is what their masters want.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
February 12, 2022 1:14 pm

Cassie. I posted the story earlier upthread.

Cassie of Sydney
February 12, 2022 1:15 pm

Speaking of the left and MSM’s go to smears “far-right, white supremacist, racist, misogynist, Nazi trash“, remember how back in September last year Billy Shorten went on television and called the protesters outside the CFMEU headquarters “Nazis”…..and remember how no one in the MSM confronted or rebutted him to his face about his offensive LIE…..the bottom line being that those protesters were almost all paid up members of the CFMEU. We have a compromised and biased MSM…who aren’t interested in reporting facts and truth but instead propagate smear after smear after smear.

February 12, 2022 1:18 pm

Well done Vicki. Wish I could be there.

Been listening, via Megyn Kelky on YouTube, to interview with Ezra Levant of Rebel News about Candadian Truckers. Good update by him about actions by Ottawa police etc. Not got to him yet but next guest is Ben Shapiro.

Not checked the OZ and CM, HS and Tele for coverage of Canberra but obvious they will undersestinate the numbers and distort the motives and deride the protesters. Contrast to their love for BLM protests.

February 12, 2022 1:19 pm

And still our masters (none of them are leaders) want ever more of the Ponzi scheme.

Albanese suggested a revision downwards of the numbers and a skilling up program for local workers, which is just about heresy for the Uniparty.

Whether he means it or is responding to focus group reports is another matter.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 12, 2022 1:20 pm

No doubt the political class will be as shocked by all this as the Canadian political class were when the trucks rolled into Ottawa.

Young Mr Castro and the RINOs in Ontario seem to be doubling down. They’ve found a compliant judge.

Judge orders anti-mandate protesters to clear Windsor-Detroit Ambassador Bridge, as Trudeau warns ‘every option is on the table’ (Sky News, 12 Feb)

Anti-mandate protesters who have caused trade chaos by blocking a bridge that connects Canada with the United States for five days have defied an order to clear the road by a judge.

The ruling, which was made by Chief Justice Geoffrey Morawetz of the Ontario Superior Court, came into effect on Friday at 7pm local time – just hours after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau warned “every option is on the table” to disperse the demonstrators at the Ambassador Bridge.

“Make no mistake: The border cannot, and will not, remain closed,” Mr Trudeau wrote to Twitter.

“Every option is on the table.”

Good luck getting your morning double soy decaf latte Mr Trudy if you shoot all the truckers.

February 12, 2022 1:20 pm

Headline at the Oz says “Canberra mob takes cue from Canada chaos”. You already know the angle before reading the article.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 12, 2022 1:20 pm

Reading between the lines of today’s The Weekend Australian, i’ll say Scotty is terminal.
Trying to do a deal on a Corruption Commission is insane politics.
This is what appears to be happening:
Falinski has his troops embarrassing the Government once a week, in response Scotty is doing a Family Guy impersonation playing the ukelele on 60 Minutes.
So it’s gonna be Falinski v Dutton to decide who will be PM for 8 weeks.
Can anyone post a pic of ‘ski?
If he’s got Movie Star looks, then Liberal is still in with a chance of a 4th Term.

February 12, 2022 1:25 pm

We have a compromised and biased MSM…who aren’t interested in reporting facts and truth but instead propagate smear after smear after smear.

Products of the sausage machine – 12 years of schooling and then a BA majoring in journalism.

Young minds squeezed into the desired form in order to to parrot the official narrative without prompting whilst imagining themselves to be of superior intelligence to the average citizen.

February 12, 2022 1:26 pm

Mr. Ed, who the hell is Falinski? Is this some figment swirling around in your stupid head?

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 12, 2022 1:27 pm

Albanese suggested a revision downwards of the numbers and a skilling up program for local workers,

It’s more Albanese bullshit then, because if he drastically cuts the ImmigraNumbers, “skilling up” programs won’t be necessary, short staffed employers will do the required “skilling up” themselves.
“Skilling up” a phrase that encapsulates Labor’s contempt for the Working Class.

February 12, 2022 1:29 pm

Episode 254 on Highwire has caught my eye. Have local politicians, edidem mediocre “experts” and MainSewageMedia noticed the change of tune in USA? All mandates dropped in Scandinavia?
The longer it goes here the more ridiculous they will look. But the ordinary people will/do pay the price.

Winston Smith
February 12, 2022 1:33 pm


On the very same day the company approached me about the possibility of rescinding the termination if I got vaxxed. I had already been thinking about this because I was basically fucked and couldn’t convince my wife to sell up and move to the farm permanently.
On 10 Jan the company responded with a “Fuck You Very Much” we will be proceeding with you termination on Jan 17 regardless. Final payment consisted of just what little long service I have left, no payment for the 5 weeks etc. because I had been stood down without pay from the outset.

Say what?
Isn’t this like the bride getting jilted at the altar?
Surely there is some legal avenue to follow re promises implied?

February 12, 2022 1:35 pm

Thanks for that, Ed.

Now get back to the Battenberg family tree.

February 12, 2022 1:35 pm

Mak Siccar says:
February 12, 2022 at 11:59 am

Yep, the MSM doing a hit job, just as they did on the Canadian truckies.

They are racists, neo-Nazis, fruitloop anti-vaxxers, right-wing extremists – the whole panolply of people feared by the Left.

Unfortunately for them, that is not the case at all. Many of us have seen the clip of a black trucker involved in the Ottawa protest. He says he doesn’t know what they are talking about.

There have been a group of protesters staying here at the motel, and they are just ordinary people. Caused zero trouble. The proprietor said she had a call from the cops this morning asking if she’d had any issues.

As she pointed out to me, the same service was not offered when she had a victim of domestic violence staying here, and the enraged ‘boyfriend’ kicked in the glass door in Reception.

Note that the police station is 200m away as the crow flies. It took them 20 minutes to turn up.

February 12, 2022 1:39 pm

The proprietor said she had a call from the cops this morning asking if she’d had any issues.



Why don’t they advertise, like they do in Victoria?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 12, 2022 1:43 pm

The proprietor said she had a call from the cops this morning asking if she’d had any issues.

The implications of that are pretty creepy.
I see the secret alphabet agencies are hard at work.
Appears their main enemy these days is the mk 1 ordinary Australian.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 12, 2022 1:44 pm

Unfortunately for them, that is not the case at all. Many of us have seen the clip of a black trucker involved in the Ottawa protest.

While most people are over the Raaaacism!!! hysteria of the past 50 years,
having one black trucker there, or even 100, doesn’t mean they’re not racists.
Let’s say they were all racists and wanted a return to Jim Crow and a revival of The Minstrel Show.
Would that make their protest any less valid?

February 12, 2022 1:45 pm


The AFP could have paid informants to help them find Nazis!

Australia…land of the boomerang.

February 12, 2022 1:45 pm

So the working classes are coming into their own. No more jokes about bogans and bogan suburbs. That’s a good thing.

February 12, 2022 1:45 pm

AAP’s description of the Canberra protesters:

“The protesters appear to be a mix of anti-vaccine activists, conspiracy theorists and people from the sovereign citizen movement.”

No mention of normies fed up to the back teeth with two years of this tragic, ruinous farce.

As for Prime Minister Useless, he’s telling reporters there’s nothing he can do because the mandates are all the states’ doing. So why bother paying taxes to the feds when Wobbleguts & Co., are the very picture of impotence?

Delta A
Delta A
February 12, 2022 1:48 pm

No live video from Ruckshan for some time now. Rumours (in comments) suggest that transmission is being jammed. Very poor quality towards the end of his live feed; broken picture and constant drop outs.

He commented that Canberra Internet is crap, after several attempts to restore transmission. Rumours or not, something has managed to shut him down and shield the world from this momentous event.

February 12, 2022 1:49 pm

36 mins ago
Canberra convoy millions March to Parliament
Part 2

February 12, 2022 1:50 pm

“Make no mistake: The border cannot, and will not, remain closed,” Mr Trudeau wrote to Twitter.

Tear gas and rubber bullets, eh?

That’ll go down well.

Maybe you should have made better efforts to keep that border crossing open in the first place, Justin.

February 12, 2022 1:54 pm

Johanna, Rukshan is there with a heap of other independent media types. Signal is so poor, drop outs make it unwatchable. Rukshan said something about Telstra being pretty hopeless.

In the nation’s capital and surrounds, Telstra’s service is impeccable. I have been using their wireless broadband for more than 15 years. Since it services Our Betters, believe me it is very good indeed.

There has been nothing amiss with my service today. If Rukshan is having trouble, it may just be targeted.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 12, 2022 1:55 pm

That Border Crossing is vital for Canada’s economy.
Disperse is a euphemism for shooting to kill.
The protesters need to think of their families and head off home.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
February 12, 2022 1:59 pm

Aris Roussinos on Bozo’s squandering of the opportunity to demolish Blair’s legacy.

The Trump comparison may be overdrawn, but otherwise he hits his target.”

Thanks for that, superb piece and Roussinos ruthlessly hammers the nail on its head. No different here. Abbott had a chance after being elected back in 2014 and 2015…..but he chose to cower in the corner.

To be fair, Trump was fighting single handedly against an entire trough-snouting establishment filled with the most vile treasonous scum imaginable (as well as almost the entire media, woke corporates, education system…on it could go).
Likewise in the Photios Party’s parliamentary party room Abbott was confronted by a majority of Mick Trumble types – self-seeking Dunning-Kruger effect invertebrates whose sole mission in life is pandering to ABC/Fairfax and their NPC audience. Remember, he won the leadership against Mick Trumble by only one vote, and that was at the time when it was blindingly obvious that if Trumble led them in 2013 they’d be losing their cushy sinecures rather than getting access to the bigger trough on the other side of the green baize table.
Boris, on the other hand, seems to be uninterested in trying to harness a potential majority of real conservatives in his own party room, but instead seems to be trying to thwart them.

February 12, 2022 1:59 pm

Disperse is a euphemism for shooting to kill.

Two can play at that game.

local oaf
February 12, 2022 2:02 pm

P says:
February 12, 2022 at 1:49 pm

36 mins ago
Canberra convoy millions March to Parliament
Part 2

Many thanks P for the links.

Those people who said today would be big weren’t kidding!

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
February 12, 2022 2:03 pm

when it was blindingly obvious that if Trumble led them in 2013 they’d be losing their cushy sinecures rather than getting access to the bigger trough on the other side of the green baize table.

Sorry, slight time lapse there – of course Trumble got the axe before he could “lead” the party to oblivion in 2010 – but the tenor of the description still stands.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 12, 2022 2:03 pm

Disperse is a euphemism for shooting to kill.
The protesters need to think of their families and head off home.

Grigory is a spook.

Someone better poison him before he ‘tards at us any harder and levels up.

A Level 100 Idiot is something nobody wants to encounter…

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
February 12, 2022 2:04 pm

So a handful of extremist, right wing, anti-vax, white supremicists protested in Canbra about something or other?

(Did I miss anyone?)

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 12, 2022 2:05 pm

While most people are over the Raaaacism!!! hysteria of the past 50 years,
having one black trucker there, or even 100, doesn’t mean they’re not racists.

Dover, why have you not smote this stooge yet?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 12, 2022 2:07 pm

(Did I miss anyone?)

You forgot the insurrectionists browsing in the Parliament House bookshop.

And the racists drinking tea with some new friends who hail from Sri Lanka.

Oh, and Grigory and his spooks…

February 12, 2022 2:07 pm

Albo courageously decides not to wait for the focus group results, tells protesters to “Go home”.

Not even a nod to the right to peacefully protest, which Morrison at least endorsed.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 12, 2022 2:08 pm

Remember, he won the leadership against Mick Trumble by only one vote, and that was at the time when it was blindingly obvious that if Trumble led them in 2013 they’d be losing their cushy sinecures rather than getting access to the bigger trough on the other side of the green baize table.

In fact, there was an Election due later that year, though Rudd had been making noises that he would hold off calling the election til well into the first half of 2011.
It turned out that Abbott couldn’t even beat Gillard in 2010, but Turnbull woulda been a good chance to beat Rudd later that year.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
February 12, 2022 2:11 pm

Humphrey! You told me that all the normie citizens were right behind me! What is going on?

Well that depends on what you mean by “right behind” Prime Minister.

Cassie of Sydney
February 12, 2022 2:13 pm

Tucker overnight…

The Ontario police are now adopting Vic Plod tactics. They’re scouring through Facebook groups and paying “courtesy” visits.

Old bloke
Old bloke
February 12, 2022 2:13 pm

“Make no mistake: The border cannot, and will not, remain closed,” Mr Trudeau wrote to Twitter.

Over here in the west, we need to replace Mr. McGowan with Mr. Castro.

February 12, 2022 2:14 pm

There has been nothing amiss with my service today. If Rukshan is having trouble, it may just be targeted.

The drop outs are occurring to every livestream provider, not just Rukshan. The very same thing happened at a massive rally in Melbourne last year. Overloading the service.

On the other hand, signal scrambling sounds like a bit of fun. Too bad if there was a medical emergency in that gigantic crowd!

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
February 12, 2022 2:15 pm

It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the MSM.
On the one hand they’ll want to downplay the numbers at the protest.
On the other hand they’ll want to play up how the vast hordes of campers “forced” the cancellation of the Lifeline book fair.
Cognitive dissonance and “progressive” views are almost synonymous, so they may shoot themselves in the foot.

February 12, 2022 2:16 pm

i’ll say Scotty is terminal.

Poor Morriswine, spurned by the furry-nazi-kkk apologist LARP segment of the population.
The one group he was depending on.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
February 12, 2022 2:19 pm

Over here in the west, we need to replace Mr. McGowan with Mr. Castro.

Seeding demands?

Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
February 12, 2022 2:22 pm

Very disingenuous of Scomo, given the Feds hold the purse strings. Also, the Senators are supposed to represent the States, so they at least could be a lot more vocal and use their leverage on the passage of legislation to have an impact on this. They just choose not to, hiding behind the federation whilst tacitly facilitating all this BS.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
February 12, 2022 2:24 pm

It turned out that Abbott couldn’t even beat Gillard in 2010, but Turnbull woulda been a good chance to beat Rudd later that year.

What makes you think that, hypothetically, Turnbull would have beaten Rudd?
Why wouldn’t he have been running against Gillard?
Oh, that’s right, Rudd was smashing Trumble politically, then the Photios Party installed Abbott, and he mauled Rudd so badly that Labor had to reach for the gender card at the last minute.
That is, the only reason Gillard was Labor leader was because Abbott had lifted the Photios Party’s stocks so enormously compared with the debacle Trumble had created for them.
And Abbott would have been PM after the 2010 election if Oakeshitte and Windbag hadn’t betrayed their own voters. That is, to say Abbott couldn’t beat Gillard is plain wrong. He clearly could. In fact he did – it was Oakeshitte and Windbag who kept him out of the Lodge in 2010, not Gillard.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
February 12, 2022 2:26 pm

Perfidious Johnson is right!
The feds had/have enough power to crush the state cockroaches.
Squelchy, crunchy sounds are required accompaniment .

February 12, 2022 2:27 pm

Cognitive dissonance and “progressive” views are almost synonymous, so they may shoot themselves in the foot.

The unwritten script calls for the appearance of various right-wing extremists tropes at this point.

Keeps the cognitive dissonance at bay.

February 12, 2022 2:28 pm

Anchor What says:
February 12, 2022 at 12:49 pm

Deb Snow was lovely back when as the ABC’s Russia correspondent she covered the sequestration of Gorbachov, the rise of Boris Yeltsin and the siege of the parliament.

I shared a house with Ms Snow when we were students at the ANU. She was one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen – Rabz would drool over this gorgeous brunette.

Her dad was the boss of the Naval College at Jervis Bay for a while, and I had the great fortune to go and stay there a couple of times. Magnificent, he was a lucky guy to get that gig at the end of his career. He must have been a good guy.

Her reports from Russia were indeed outstanding. Whatever else people might say about her, she is not lacking in guts and determination. She started work in the old Fairfax mill on Broadway doing shipping reports, with an Honours degree in English from the ANU back when that meant something.

The last time we spoke she was trying to drive around the Arc De Triomphe or whatever it is called. That was a long time ago.

Say what you want about Deborah, she is not a lightweight or a follower of the breeze.

local oaf
February 12, 2022 2:29 pm

Cognitive dissonance and “progressive” views are almost synonymous

MSM want to attack protestors because Narrative.

MSM want to praise protestors because protestors attack Morrison.

MSM brain explosion.

Winston Smith
February 12, 2022 2:32 pm


On that note, I recently enjoyed a birthday. Our Best Man gave me a bottle of Limeburners for my birthday. The amazing lady of the house selected that bottle to put 250ml in a Tiramasu recipe.

I bought a bottle of that stuff about 2 -3 years ago.
IIRC the term ‘heavily peated’ doesn’t cut it.
Year old unwashed grundies worn by the entire shearing team and then smoked over a funeral pit for dead ‘roos being ignited by a mix of diesel and super that you pulled out of the ute you stuffed up, then aged for another two years until it grew a crop of fungus, does.

Tirimasu was too good for it.
Even Flo’s pumpkin scones are too good for it.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 12, 2022 2:34 pm

Year old unwashed grundies worn by the entire shearing team and then smoked over a funeral pit for dead ‘roos being ignited by a mix of diesel and super that you pulled out of the ute you stuffed up, then aged for another two years until it grew a crop of fungus, does.

Okay, so you don’t like that one.

The Johnny Walker Black Label is over on that back shelf by the carpet polish and drain cleaner, sir…


February 12, 2022 2:40 pm

WS. How did you access the recipe.
It has been a closely guarded family secret for over a century.
Take great care, they are notoriously vengeful.
But you are correct – it can never be an acquired taste – nobody lives that long.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 12, 2022 2:44 pm

then the Photios Party installed Abbott, and he mauled Rudd so badly that Labor had to reach for the gender card at the last minute.

The Photios Party didn’t install Abbott, stop being a clown.
P.M. Rudd announced that Climate Change was going on the backburner as an issue, possibly to be revisited at a future Parliament.
He was gone within days.
John Howard was dumbfounded, he was certain that Rudd woulda beaten Abbott in 2010.
That was arguably borne out by the 2013 Election, when Labor only lost 17 Seats under Rudd, if they’d gone with Gillard it woulda been at least double that number.

February 12, 2022 2:44 pm

The return of an old friend…

‘I screamed from the bottom of my being’
As Adelaide Festival director Neil Armfield unveils an oratorio about a notorious, unsolved killing, he reveals publicly, for the first time, that he, too, was the victim of a gay hate crime.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
February 12, 2022 2:46 pm

The Photios Party didn’t install Abbott, stop being a clown.

Then how did Abbott become leader of the Photios Party?

Winston Smith
February 12, 2022 2:48 pm


However there is reason for cautious optimism. Canada – the truckers look like they might win there, even bring down the Trudeau government. Wow. England has ended mask and vaccine mandates. Democrat states in the US are easing restrictions. NSW are hinting they will end mask mandates.

I initially felt the western world would divide into two camps – those whose leaders would double down and those who would realise they have to face the punters and think they should ease up.
Not too many took the second path in January, but it looks like the first option was too much for the voters.
.1 The truck campaigns with the effect of a national strike.
.2 The Evergreen mishap.
.3 The overreaction by the worlds governments in the lockdowns.
.4 The arrogant treatment of the citizenry by clueless Ceausescu like leadership clones.
.5 The US transport debacle that has caused worldwide disruption while the California Transport Minister takes a holiday with his boyfriend to celebrate the pretend birth of his surrogate baby.

It must be time for reaping whirlwinds.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 12, 2022 2:51 pm

Trudeau betterYouTube how Dad and Che dealt with leaders they disagreed with.

February 12, 2022 2:52 pm

It will be interesting to see how the Ottawa police handle the truckies.

I was brung up in the belief that the police were the good guys, and they were there to protect me from the bad guys. Now they are the bad guys. I’d like to ask the senior cops: Where do you think this is going? Are you planning to go full Stasi/Nazi? Because that’s the end of the path your headed down. Well, not the end, that’s when you get hanged from lampposts. I do hope someone has given this trajectory some thought.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 12, 2022 2:52 pm

Then how did Abbott become leader of the Photios Party?

Don’t worry about that, Timothy.
At the moment, you’ve got more pressing problems, like Snickers stopping you from buying Bubble gum.

February 12, 2022 2:53 pm

ABCcess reports on the protest, about 5th story from the bottom of the page, being edged out by such vital news as.

Winter Olympics ski jumping a death-defying spectacle
As barramundi season gets into full swing, the industry is hooking into fashion and fertiliser to reduce waste
Perth horsewoman receives Order of Australia at 85 for her contribution to equestrian
The COVID supplement changed single mum Jeanie’s life. Now that it’s dried up, the stress is back
Also they stick an apparently unrelated crime story in to tar the protesters as violent.
Police also said an assault took place at the offices of the Canberra Harness Racing Club at the Exhibition Park in Canberra on Thursday afternoon.

Police said a person was hospitalised for non-life-threatening injuries, and asked anyone with any information relating to the incident to contact Crime Stoppers.

Albosleezy keeping it classy.
we’ve seen of people dressed up in military camouflage walking around Canberra

Oh noes, a fence was pushed over.
Ms Leeson said protesters caused damage to the venue overnight.

“Our security fencing was pushed over and campers have moved onto the site now so there isn’t clear access to the book fair at this point in time,” she said.

February 12, 2022 2:56 pm

For us, there is no spring. Just the wind that smells fresh before the storm.

February 12, 2022 2:58 pm
Not Uh oh
Not Uh oh
February 12, 2022 2:59 pm

LOL. Just got a news alert from channel 9. “Anti-vaccination protesters force cancellation of mental health fundraiser”. They really are a joke aren’t they?

February 12, 2022 3:02 pm

thefrollickingmole says:
February 12, 2022 at 2:44 pm

The return of an old friend…

‘I screamed from the bottom of my being’
As Adelaide Festival director Neil Armfield unveils an oratorio about a notorious, unsolved killing, he reveals publicly, for the first time, that he, too, was the victim of a gay hate crime.

I know that jokes about Neil Armfield are common currency here, but unlike the jokers, I actually knew the guy.

He is one of the nicest people I have ever met, and had to deal with, and is top of the game professionally.

The theatre is full of bitches, incompetents, bullies, pretenders, liars, frauds and thieves. It’s rather lazy to hand everything on one person – especially is he is none of the above.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 12, 2022 3:03 pm

Year old unwashed grundies worn by the entire shearing team and then smoked over a funeral pit for dead ‘roos being ignited by a mix of diesel and super that you pulled out of the ute you stuffed up, then aged for another two years until it grew a crop of fungus, does.

I find Limeburners a very fine sipping whisky.

February 12, 2022 3:05 pm

February 12, 2022 at 2:52 pm
It will be interesting to see how the Ottawa police handle the truckies.

I was brung up in the belief that the police were the good guys, and they were there to protect me from the bad guys. Now they are the bad guys. I’d like to ask the senior cops: Where do you think this is going? Are you planning to go full Stasi/Nazi? Because that’s the end of the path your headed down. Well, not the end, that’s when you get hanged from lampposts. I do hope someone has given this trajectory some thought.

Indeed. I have my doubts Vicpol will be able to recover their public image from the last two years. There’s far to many normal people I’ve dealt with that view them with a great deal of suspicion now.

February 12, 2022 3:07 pm

Dr. John Campbell

Myocarditis after vaccination, firm data

The papers says that the risk of myocarditis following mRNA COVID vaccination is around 133 times greater than the background risk in the population. Dr. Campbell believes it’s significantly higher.

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
February 12, 2022 3:09 pm

It will be interesting to see how the Ottawa police handle the truckies.

I was brung up in the belief that the police were the good guys, and they were there to protect me from the bad guys. Now they are the bad guys. I’d like to ask the senior cops: Where do you think this is going? Are you planning to go full Stasi/Nazi? Because that’s the end of the path your headed down. Well, not the end, that’s when you get hanged from lampposts. I do hope someone has given this trajectory some thought.

Cops aren’t really well trained for civil warfare. Their training is for writing traffic tickets, small civil disturbances, the odd violent assualt or murder, family disturbances etc. I don’t think they would enjoy it.

February 12, 2022 3:10 pm

From the CM referring to comments by the PM. I get the feeling he realises mandates a major issue and trying to disassociate from them. Perhaps, despite lack of coverage here, he is also aware of what is happening in Canada.

Last week I called Peter Dutton office even though not my local MP. Gave the staff member some of my thoughts on mandates and how it would affect my voting and what I was discussing with many people.

“I want to be very clear when it comes to the issue of acting mandates, the Commonwealth government have only ever supported mandates that relate to aged care workers, disability workers and that those that are working in high-risk situations in health system,” he told the reporters in Sydney on Saturday.

“My government has only ever supported mandates that have been recommended right across the country by the medical expert panel and our chief medical officers.

“All other mandates that relate to vaccines have been imposed unilaterally by state governments.”

I think do need more state protests targeting state parliament etc.

February 12, 2022 3:12 pm

Albosleezy keeping it classy.
we’ve seen of people dressed up in military camouflage walking around Canberra

Perhaps Albosleeze is so entirely out of touch about the Canberra rallies that he is unaware there is quite a contingent of Returned Soldiers. Veterans in other words, you obnoxious squirt.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 12, 2022 3:12 pm

Snickers stopping you from buying Bubble gum

Who is Snickers?

And where the hell do you keep getting these loaded dice from, Grigory?

You roll so many natural 20s on your retard checks, the statistical anomalies are as obvious as the 2020 Election voter fraud…

February 12, 2022 3:13 pm

And yes. They are wearing their uniforms. Some in camos.

February 12, 2022 3:14 pm

February 12, 2022 at 3:02 pm

Dont ruin the illusion…

Winston Smith
February 12, 2022 3:15 pm

Trudeau is the one in the middle being used by a naked Klaus Schwab as a footrest.

February 12, 2022 3:15 pm

So there isn’t clear access to the book fair at this point in time

A Canbra book fair eh. Sounds even worse than listening to Neil Mitchell. I envisage much thumbed copies of ‘Kerr’s King Hit’ and ‘A Certain Grandeur’ or maybe Jim Cairns’s ‘The Quiet Revolution’.

February 12, 2022 3:15 pm
February 12, 2022 3:15 pm

Wow just looking at the crowd in Canberra on Cris Smith News, the governments will have to start to pay attention. Demonstrations this big can’t be ignored in a democracy.

February 12, 2022 3:17 pm

February 12, 2022 at 3:10 pm
From the CM referring to comments by the PM. I get the feeling he realises mandates a major issue and trying to disassociate from them. Perhaps, despite lack of coverage here, he is also aware of what is happening in Canada.

Last week I called Peter Dutton office even though not my local MP. Gave the staff member some of my thoughts on mandates and how it would affect my voting and what I was discussing with many people.

“I want to be very clear when it comes to the issue of acting mandates, the Commonwealth government have only ever supported mandates that relate to aged care workers, disability workers and that those that are working in high-risk situations in health system,” he told the reporters in Sydney on Saturday.

“My government has only ever supported mandates that have been recommended right across the country by the medical expert panel and our chief medical officers.

“All other mandates that relate to vaccines have been imposed unilaterally by state governments.”

Yet when heroic Pauline Hanson asks that parliament start clamping down on the states, she gets shut down.

Scummo is a smirking lying piece of shit.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 12, 2022 3:20 pm

And yes. They are wearing their uniforms. Some in camos.

Not really a good look, is it?
The Spook Agencies are talking up [non existent] Right Wing extremism and these bozos turn up to a Rally wearing Camos and Army Uniforms.
It’s enough to cause a reasonable person to think

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 12, 2022 3:22 pm

Ed Casesays:
February 12, 2022 at 1:20 pm
Reading between the lines of today’s The Weekend Australian, i’ll say Scotty is terminal.

Hang on, hang on, you have been telling us that “Scotty” has been playing the MSM and Liars like a fine Stradivarius, now he is reduced to strumming a ukelele, and is “terminal”. Got out the wrong side of bed today Dick?

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 12, 2022 3:23 pm

Demonstrations this big can’t be ignored in a democracy.

Course they an.
If the demos have been covertly organised by the Spook Agencies, which is entirely likely, then the attendees are just Shills and well intentioned dopes.

February 12, 2022 3:24 pm

I think do need more state protests targeting state parliament etc.


The Canberra protest is wonderful but it’s the state premiers who really need to be targeted.

Palasczuk was heckled on the state lockout by a lone protester on the GC yesterday and it looks to have made the TV news bulletins of every station up here.

February 12, 2022 3:24 pm

The asteroid sample return is cool. Snatching star stuff from the heavens.

Old bloke
Old bloke
February 12, 2022 3:27 pm

Bear Necessities says:
February 12, 2022 at 3:09 pm

Cops aren’t really well trained for civil warfare. Their training is for writing traffic tickets, small civil disturbances, the odd violent assualt or murder, family disturbances etc. I don’t think they would enjoy it.

From viewing some footage of police actions, particularly in Victoria, I think that a large number of police actually relish the idea of bashing protestors. There are some very evil people in uniform.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 12, 2022 3:28 pm


So why bother paying taxes to the feds when Wobbleguts & Co., are the very picture of impotence?

If he is now admitting to impotence on matters domestic, perhaps it is time to cut the Commonwealth to its real duties: Defence, Foreign Relations (let’s have no more affairies), Borders and Excise. Give the states their income tax powers back, the Commonwealth keeps the GST and Excise, and they all focus on their own responsibilities.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 12, 2022 3:28 pm

Grigory in his spookposting mania, thinks that Australia is like Ceaucescu-era Romania.

The population are so under the thumb that they need to be shown how to revolt, and then have it conducted entirely on their behalf by the same State that has been oppressing them all this time.

I would like to hope I speak for all Cats when I say:




Ed Case
Ed Case
February 12, 2022 3:29 pm

Circumstances change, SpongeBob.
The fact that nonentities like Bridget Archer are on centre stage indicates a puppet master pulling the strings.
Scotty is rattled, since the people that voted him in in 2018 have either left the Parliament or are mostly in the Falinski camp.
So he’s a corpse on skates, playing his ukelele into oblivion.

  1. The idea that a Trump who will not or cannot backstop a Ukrainian settlement, will backstop the UK backstopping an…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x