Mmmyes. As branding goes, “Coalition of the Willing” rates about on par with “New Coke”.
Mmmyes. As branding goes, “Coalition of the Willing” rates about on par with “New Coke”.
Big mistake. Like a kid trying to show off to mum and dad. There are consequences, fool.
The anniversary of HMAS Yarra, a brave fighting ship HMAS Yarra was a sloop of the Royal Australian Navy’s World…
Moreso than NATO/EU though…
It looks like the money men will be instigating a right royal Purge of the Democrat fa fa fa Lefties.
Putin’s greatest advantage is that although he can play politics when required, he’s not a politician*.
He doesn’t even attempt to attract lunatic fringe groups to his ‘base’.
No free stuff for life for country shoppers. No focus summits. No pandering to minorities – it’s ‘this is Russia. You can like it here or fuck off somewhere else’.
No apologising for things he didn’t do, and which happened years before he was born.
Routinely tells the UN to go fuck themselves. Rightly views the current state of Western Europe with unbridled contempt. Has a military unburdened by free bolt-ons or requirements to work in aged care – and in another direct contrast to this country, is allowed to march at night time.
No downside.
*Is this reminding anyone of anyone else on the world stage in recent years?
Anchor What we used to say when the dick gets in the way the brains fly out the window , same sentiment as your law professor . As a psychologist who trained in sex therapy , my beef was that sex education back in my day was the little book mummy gave you to read on how babies were made . Boys got similar , followed by any questions and everyone too embarrassed to ask . Decades later how to put a condom on a banana. Nowhere was the physical changes that occur in the body due to pheromones , hormones, neurotransmitters etc that Mother Nature has designed in order to get us procreating to keep the species going. Try thinking straight when we are hot hot for someone and your brain is exactly like someone with OCD . Throw in alcohol , we didn’t drink much in my youth because we couldn’t afford it A pimms No 1 was the limit .
Anyway now in my later years I am experiencing a very hot romance which I am documenting . Examining clinically how my body is responding , my partner’s also as we both agree
that we have never experienced this before even with our much loved partners now dead. I seriously questioned the vaccine Libidos unreal when we are together as we don’t live together , even just holding hands for instance . I reckon we could give those MAFS couples a few lessons .
Thank you Hugh.
LATEST: Police Move on Camp Cotter, Canberra
The State really is a swamp. They should have set up a tent embassy out the front of Parliament. Or Seems some races may be more equal than others.
The old ‘you don’t have a valid permit, which we just created….and hid behind the toilet.’ Trick.
Nice story, but not what happened.
The West Siberian pipeline, the first Russian gas export pipeline to Europe, was negotiated in the late 1970’s, contracted in 1981, and first gas was delivered in 1984.
The project got up, despite US opposition, because the Russian Far East gas price, delivered into Europe at volume, was lower than supply from the North Sea gas terminals.
Germany started its grid connected windmill program in 1989.
The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. Gazprom was privatised in 1993 and dumped gas into the European market, at windfall pricing, from about 1995 until Putin was elected in 2000 and shut the oligarchs down.
German grid-scale solar started in 2003.
Merkel announced the phased closure of German nuclear generation in 2011, shortly after Fukushima.
In short, cheap Russian gas facilitated the European Green fantasy. Not the other way round.
So, normally my upticking finger is bursting with self assured confidence.
Not so this morning.
The upticking finger is filled with nervous trepidation.
Fearful even.
To tick or not to tick.
That is the question.
That’s my recollection Winston, especially the quote by Hitler at the end of your comment. The Russians had already moved their arms factories beyond German reach so they easily could have maintained government after the fall of Moscow.
Hitler’s mistake was to think that the disastrous results for the Soviets in the attempted invasions of Poland and Finland were proof the USSR would be an easy win. His generals weren’t that confident. As an old friend of mine who was in the army said: a man defending his homeland is much more difficult to defeat than the man invading that homeland. It didn’t matter if Moscow wasn’t captured, if Germany had secured the oilfields it would have solved single biggest logistical problem it had during the war. The whole course of the war would have been perilously altered against the allies.
Yitler could have taken Moscow, had he not decided mid-campaign to go with Operation Fall Blau and go after the south-eastern oil at the same time.
To that end, and to the horror of his Field Marshals (Manstein and von Bock chief among them) he stripped Army Group Centre of most of its armour – the First and Fourth Panzer Armies), and sent it south with the Sixth and Seventeenth Armies.
Then he rewrote the Blau plans again, incorporating the capture of Stalingrad although he didn’t need it at the time.
He tried to do three things at once – pin down Moscow, get the oil and take Stalingrad, and he shifted resources around that were ultimately unable to do any of them.
Ed Casesays:
February 15, 2022 at 10:21 pm
Kemal died in 1938.
What’s that got to do with his being a British Intelligence asset?
I doubt that he was active on the MI-6 payroll in 1941, the period being discussed!
The longest drawn out flounce ever.
Those police in Canberra seem to have no qualms at all persecuting peaceful protestors. When faced by rampaging leftists they come out in armour and retreat the whole time. Here they are telling people that their permits are no longer permitted so they are liable to be arrested for trespass in a public park.
Are there any stories of police balking at any of this? Any upsurge in numbers calling in sick?
We always knew there were jerks on the force, but you would still tell a kid that you could trust the police and you should pull over if they signal you to and so on. But now they are just thugs.
Speaking of a sea route for natural gas from the ME to the EU, Biden picked this moment to remove US support for the EastMed pipeline that would run from Israel to the southern EU via Greece and Italy. Because ‘green’.
The EastMed pipeline would remove a significant amount of the continent’s dependency on Russia for natural gas supplies. Leverage that Putin has been happy to use to bully the UE.
This of course happens after Biden cut the Keystone XL pipeline among other actions to destroy US energy independence and export capability. Forcing western reliance on Russia and OPEC, and again granting them leverage. Because green.
Then he makes a speech today where he makes a rediculous threat to prevent the Nord 2 pipeline if Russia invades Ukraine, but otherwise Nord 2 is just peachy, green considerations be damned.
2024 cannot come soon enough. I only hope we can limit the damage this drooling imbecile (or his controllers) can do before then.
Dr Rumack:
‘I just want to tell you good luck, and we’re all counting on you.’
– Airplane
Would you put it past the bastards?
If I get a little windfall in the future, it will go straight to the ABC gold account.
I have a “vault” under one of the flower beds out in the backgarden .. kids are gonna have fun turning over my garden .. it’s the size of a small park .. told ’em where but not which bed, lotz too choose from! .. make ’em work for it! ..LOL!
The length of the front was ridiculous. From Leningrad to Stalingrad. What were they thinking!?
I wonder what the inert metal is in the electrolytic steel making process?
I can think of gold or maybe they could use tungsten or maybe iridium? I’m not a chemist.
Largely horse-powered, at that.
Rather than read about how much money folks have or not, I’d like to hear about the charities and good causes you support.
It doesn’t have to be cash.
Volunteering your time can be the best donation and most rewarding.
that’s depressing – but true.
I didn’t realise Bob Moran was so young – 35. He comes across as a much wiser than many of his older peers.
‘I just want to tell you good luck, and we’re all counting on you.’
Those police in Canberra seem to have no qualms at all persecuting peaceful protestors. When faced by rampaging leftists they come out in armour and retreat the whole time. Here they are telling people that their permits are no longer permitted so they are liable to be arrested for trespass in a public park.
Everyone should go & pitch tent next to the “embassy”, apparently, it has “diplomatic immunity” plus if it getz cold lotza BIG “doors” nearby .. LOL!
I hear Nicolas Maduro is thinking of changing his title from President to Prime Minister because it seems to be a position entitled to more power.
I wonder if Justine will go for price controls to make it look like his economy crippling Covid responses work?
Lizzie, ask yourself.
Why is this all so important to you?
And when I say “ask yourself”, that is exactly what I mean.
It is not an invitation to post a dissertation on the subject.
Whatever the subject is.
Dr Faustus What makes country leaders give up being independent for energy if you have the means to do so ? History lessons ignored even if your country is not involved in war or such, relying like Australia on other countries to supply energy is a disaster in the making .
There was a discussion above about how when a guys tick is up his brains take a holiday.
Virgin Galactic Stock Rockets Upwards By 28% After Spaceflight Ticket Sales Open For $450,000
Covid passports apparently not an issue.
So, you don’t care how much I’ve got invested in BHP?
It’s really quite a lot.
Not as much as JC says I have, but still a tidy bundle.
‘I just want to tell you good luck,, and we’re all counting on you.’
In And It Gets Worse news:
MA’AM’S THE WORD Royals ‘bracing for tell-all book’ from Prince Andrew’s accuser, as it emerged Virginia Giuffre DIDN’T sign NDA
Ellen Degenerate?
Three very expensive shags.
There were whole armies of Panzers?
Go us!
A stupid word, Eyrie. Same as hoary old FFS’s impatient outbreak. Unpleasant.
I won’t be checking this site any more so do your worst now. Or check your manners.
It is not just the left who eat their own.
Relax everyone, Ushi von der Karenhair has saved the day.
Or at least
the EU’sthe Fatherland’s gas supplyif things go pear shaped.
(I suspect Japan’s decision to share its energy surplus with Europe
might contain a not so minor translation error.)
They really are preparing the ground for the death camps.
Do us all a favour and be honest for once in your life. Fuck off and stay fucked off!
I wonder if covid could ever mutate where it only impacts dwarves ?
Just throwing it out there.9
“I just want to tell you good luck, and we’re all counting on you.”
I think they lay him down for his nap at 10:30.
20:24 is way past his bedtime (although he can stay up sometimes if there is something on ‘The Ice Cream Channel’ – now they have got rid of the Gorillas.)
What Japanese surplus?
I seem to recall Japan going to war at least partially to obtain fossil fuels the home islands didn’t possess.
He (and all politicians) needs to realise that jobs are a COST of any project, not a BENEFIT, hence the more jobs a project ‘creates’, the worse it is.
To illustrate, riddle me this – would you rather have your kitchen remodelled by a builder who can do it in a week with 3 guys, or one that will take a year and ‘create’ 800 jobs?
That, as much as anything, led to my drinking problem.
Because I have been a long-term and genuine commenter here and have been mercilessly bullied by one person for over ten years and now by a multitude playing to her tune.
And no-one except Cassie, and earlier Tinta, has said a word about it.
‘Innocent bystanders’ just doesn’t cut it. Grow some balls and call it out.
The game is definitely no longer worth the candle. Bullies win. Other sites call.
Well, I sure picked a bad week to give up glue sniffing.
Are those thoughts arising because you haven’t had your first coffee and cig for the day JC? I know the feeling. I trained last night, came home and started writing something, stayed up til 3.00am and thought I’d get to sleep, got up at 5.30 am and trying to write now but oh I wish I still smoked because the coffee isn’t enough!
God bless my staff.
The two suffering from Macca’s induced food poisoning have been pumping out work since 6 & 7am.
The downside (for skivers) with WFH is unless you are on your death bed, the idea of having a sickie no longer exists.
Sancho Panzer says:
February 16, 2022 at 8:38 am
Farmer Gezsays:
February 16, 2022 at 8:30 am
Rather than read about how much money folks have or not …
So, you don’t care how much I’ve got invested in BHP?
It’s really quite a lot.
Not as much as JC says I have, but still a tidy bundle.
You got it.
For a good part of my education I was under the tutorage of the Sisters of Mercy.
They still sit on my shoulder and whisper in my ear.
That’d be our gas which they keep in storage.
Largest importer in the world, chiefly from us but also a dozen or so other countries.
Daily Telegraph:
Why ‘just for show’ QR codes must be scrapped.
Experts say keeping rules and restrictions that don’t do anything to fight Covid means the public won’t trust health authorities the next time there is a crisis.
Wow. It took an expert to say that?
‘Innocent bystanders’ just doesn’t cut it. Grow some balls and call it out.
Without giving a tongue bath, JC gets 1o times the blow back from his posts then you do.
I can’t remember him flouncing or threatening to flounce.
Bless. They still think we trust them now.
I suspect an NDA would have cost Andrew and other £12million, which would put the settlement in the eye watering region of what she was said to be asking for. However, the damage is already done, Andrew is a private citizen & her account of the affair is already out there.
Sandy Hook families settle for $102 million with gun maker Remington over school shooting culpability
This case was decided on the basis of Remington’s aggressive marketing of an AR15 variant.
An entire new can of worms.
Compare and contrast: Dyson Heydon, Prince Andrew and Jarrod Hayne.
PJ O’Rourke is dead.
It’s a damn good thing he doesn’t know how much I hate his guts.
I haven’t kept score, but I suspect the insult count between you two is roughly even. It is undeniably heavy two-way traffic.
The only difference is, she seems impervious to the insults and you do not.
As for “multitudes playing to her tune”?
I think you’d be surprised how few people give a fat rat’s clacker either way.
“Oh, but the upticks say otherwise!” I hear you say.
Newsflash! Firstly, most of that was driven by that ancient Australian custom, ‘taking the piss’. Tue more you whinged, the more ticks it drew. And secondly, upticks can be manipulated, and the main exponent of this was someone whose return you have been advocating.
Which neatly brings me to this.
I don’t care about your stoushes with Johanna.
Nor do I care about your obsession with upticking.
But what really pisses me off is you simultaneously sooking about bullying and white-knighting one of the worst bullies to ever stick his head up here, blithely editing and deleting comments (or people) he had taken a dislike to.
The only difference was, he didn’t do it to you so he got a pass.
Rated by laughs per minute, that movie must represent the best consumer value comedy ever.
Prediction: nobody will mention you. Maybe a couple of Where’s Lizzie?
Come on Hairy we’re leaving.
Yes, pretty sure you are correct. However Team Andrew must have been negotiating from a dreadful position – no NDA leaves Andrew and the Royals horribly exposed, for all the obvious reasons.
I’m afraid you’re underestimating the prurient interest – plus the ‘He’s no better than he should be’ factor.
The British tabloid press would pay serious money for a first-hand soft porn description of Andrew’s mating prowess. Add in the ghost-written book, the appearance fees, the run off gigs as a ‘Royal expert’ – and suddenly your talking millions.
And, more importantly (to me, at least), ongoing pressure on an otherwise effective constitutional monarchy.
Tudge in the fudge.
Thinking with your dick is harder than it looks.
Vintage P. J. O’Rourke.
Leigh, the simple answer is that it offends my sense of justice as much as anything.
I don’t want to be part of it but I do want to hold a mirror up to it.
I’m off for a PCR test soon. Feeling increasingly woozey.
My plague-ridden darling is still zonked out asleep in his separate room.
At least if I am positive we can sleep and sweat together again. There is that. 🙂
And I don’t want to come back here. Some good people are here and I will miss the jokes, but there is more to life than the likes of JWH and his ilk. I’m looking forward to some well-earned long-delayed travel and more writing elsewhere. Post-Covid. See y’all in occasional comments on Quadrant.
Use an identifiable handle. JWH, don’t bother.
Faustus – you’re quite right. The Royal Family are better seen and understood as a tourist attraction much like the Tower, with a common law hangover.
Andrew’s popularity is -80% in the UK, the inverse of Her Maj & Wills & Kate at c. 80%.
The Firm will ride this one out.
Tudgement Day: Liberal MP’s career hangs on review of independent
Alan Tudge; the subeditor’s pal.
If you are going to flounce, do so.
Don’t let the door hit you on the arse on the way out.
SO. The splattering of sloppy excrement continues. Ad-bloody-nauseam
As was expected. As was predicted.
Never a truer word was said, Bear. I won’t even be watching this time.
The Cat is dead to me.
Which is to say, most Brits have already made up their mind about him and their judgment doesn’t flow through to other members of the royal family. I’d venture to suggest that Charles presents more of a problem for the continuity of the Royal Family than Andrew.
John H:
They were thinking “Kick the front door in and the whole rotten structure will fall down!”
Eyrie – It says “metal” so probably not boron nitride which I think the aluminium guys have been playing with. The melting point must be a lot higher than that of steel, and it has to be immiscible in iron or the molten iron would dissolve it like salt in water. Tungsten does alloy with iron so maybe not it, unless the anode is protected from contact with the molten metal by the MOX electrolyte. Zirconium is a possible although it can be pretty reactive to oxygen. Wouldn’t be iridium because of cost I would’ve thought, since it’s regarded a platinum group metal. Might be a tantalum-tungsten alloy, that seems to be in the range of properties from the wiki.
One of the problems is that oxygen gas is being produced at 1500 C or so. That’s ferociously corrosive. I’d be surprised if the anode lasts very long.
Hope so.
But unfortunately we currently live in a World of Wonders – so I’m not discounting some shitty politician seeing a fundamental change to our democratic process as a vote-winner.
Oh, it’s JMH, not JWH. My apologies.
Carry on. You are doing so well. Maintaining standards.
I was talking to Leigh not you. He is worth listening to. You are not.
Bruce, while you are here and I am here, keep looking after those birdies. You stories and pics of them were a wonderful introduction of something pleasant and normal here at times. Only my old mum Currawong visits now; all the others have departed to feast on the Autumn fruits. I wonder if they will come back for winter. Take care, kind man.
How’s this for big tech.
Half an hour ago I had an itchy back so I lent up against a door frame and relieved the itch old man style.
Now I’m getting splash ads for back scratches.
Big Tech has gone too far.
Thanks, BoN
Looking around for something to shove a bag* full of updicks into.
* yes, bag not hag
Always a possibility, but much depends on how the leading royals comport themselves in public life.
While they remain popular, they are safe.
Even Sir Keir Starmer has converted from an abolitionist to a monarchist.
More excellence at The Speccie. An extract.
Leaving would not benefit those left behind, not even those who seem to be cheering it along. The hour needs all sorts.
Caroline Wilson complaining that someone leaked the Melbourne Press Club’s deliberations to the Oz.
She’s a journalist, right?
Anyone got the URL for Steve Kates’ blog. TIA.
Don’t be like that. People dump on me all the time, but I still think, while there are significant differences of opinion, most of us are on a similar wavelength and I appreciate that.
1. The Editorial Board of The Wall Street Journal yesterday: Trump Really Was Spied On.
2. Keith Windschuttle in Quadrant, 6 December 2021: The Commissioner and the Choirboy.
To date, there is still no explanation of why a crooked Italian cardinal desperate to stop George Pell cleaning out the stables in Rome sent $2 million to the Melbourne office of the very same company hired to spy on the man cleaning out the stables in Washington DC.
I would have thought AFL spook. Sorry Groogs.
I’m late to all this flouncing around, but that gave me my morning laugh.
Thank you HB
Needless to say, straight out of the Stalinist handbook.
Yet people keep thinking the Communists lost the Cold War.
Please see my comment yesterday here.
McKayla J
The reason why media is quiet about the Durham investigation is because they don’t want us to know they’ve been complicint in the biggest scandal in history
Flounce count of 15.
min: depends which country.
Germany’s indigenous energy is mainly brown/black coal and coal seam gas. They gave up on that in the late 90’s early 00’s largely because of developing government Energiewende policies and to appease the host of radical (and violent) anti-everything AnarchoLeftGreen groups.
It seemed smart at the time.
The UK has significant offshore gas reserves. Given the flush of cheap Russian gas in the 90’s, the UK government was content to have offshore operators effectively ‘bank’ those reserves for future development.
It seemed smart at the time.
Starmer is a classic ‘shitty politician’ blowing in the wind.
Lizzie – Thanks, I now have three new-season young currawongs accepting food from my hand. They learn from their parents very quickly that I’m a sort of ambulant fig tree or something.
I enjoy your stories and comments, sad to see you go. Do what works for you and always have fun.
Daily Mail.
Doctors in Australia are being sent these notices from government agencies to ignore vaccine expiry dates, and continue administering the vaccine poison.
Perry Williams at The Australian continues to cheer on the exit of fossil fueled power from The Grid.
It’s because renewables are so cheap, doncha know?
Doesn’t The Oz realise that there are plenty of climate alarmist memes in all those newsy publications that the left reads, and that the Oz readership would appreciate an alternative, sensible discussion of power.
Plus, whoever put Matt the Keen Green as minister in charge of power needs a rethink. Seriously.
Straight from the horses mouth.
A young Trudeau’s view on dictatorship.
Strange to see this come up on msn.
The most influential women of the Bible
Stars Insider 3 hrs ago
If it was about a “sense of justice” you wouldn’t be white-knighting the erstwhile blog bully.
It wasn’t that some high ideal of truth and justice was transgressed.
It offended you personally.
No. The focus south simply extended supply lines incredibly and made them vulnerable to counterattacks. Also, the attrition of vehicles was high. Ths Soviets would always win a prolonged war, given the materiel and personnel they could deploy. To win, the invasion had to be short and overwhelming. Even the effect of capturing Moscow leading to capitulation is an open question.
Last Tuesday, Senator Malcolm Roberts (PHON QLD) and Senator Alex Antic (LIB SA) separately questioned AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw about the presence and possible use of LRAD devices at the Canberra protest on Saturday. During his evasive reply, Kershaw said he would take the question on notice.
He was also asked his estimation of the crowd at PH. He ‘was informed’ that numbers ranged from 6,000 to 10,000 limit.
Precisely my point.
He won’t risk advocating against the monarchy while the royals remain popular in the UK.
Any politician who turned on the Queen because of Andrew would be howled down as disloyal.
But the wind will change slightly when Charles accedes the throne.
I realise this comment will now never ever be read, but what were you actually expecting from we assembled eunuchs?
A general second-strike pile on and spray at Johanna? Mutually Assured Destruction?
Is that really the way you’d like the blogs to work?
I can’t speak for the other ball-less, but I prefer to scroll stouchers until normal service is resumed. Otherwise this place would be Babel.
In other words, he lied.
Yes, P. MS Edge allows anyone to ‘report’ a site as ‘unsafe’ and somebody did so with my site a few weeks ago. I don’t really care as Edge users are a small minority.
He’s now finding out that Canadians aren’t Chinese.
H : “Yeah. I’ll just finish my beer.”
[Long awkward pause]
H : “Or not …”
We’ve all been there.
A lot of them are Indian, but.
Not teepee Indians.
Vindaloo Indians.
Ditto. Life is short and time is precious.
Geeze, Bob Moran’s ‘toon was chilling this morning.
Thanks Tom.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
February 16, 2022 at 8:47 am
I won’t be checking this site any more
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
February 16, 2022 at 8:59 am
Why is this all so important to you?
12 minutes is all it took for the hollowness of Great Flounce III to be revealed.
Farmer Gez, I support a number of charities and donate larger amounts regularly to the Fred Hollows Foundation. Blindness is an avoidable curse that ruins lives. I start there. Others can now chime in with their own contributions if they feel you are making a wider address than just to me. Some I know here who are not high earners still have ‘favorite’ charities for whom they set aside money.
When I first retired I have briefly mentioned here that I did fairly intensive counselling training and worked the charity call-in phones as a volunteer for two solid days a week often 8 hours daily without a real break, and did my best to help loads of people in great distress. Did it for more than two years, and then burnt out, but still did some collecting for Red Cross etc. I support my wider family in many ways, and others in need associated with them (my phone sometimes never stops), and I am also busy saving an historic Church. That’s enough now for someone turning 80 in July.
The money discussion about my circumstances was raised on the Dash-Cat by Johanna and then Delta. I thought it worth responding that I had feathered my own nest quite effectively by my own efforts in addition marrying a man who has by his own efforts also achieved financial and career success in life.
On Sinc’s site it used to be that enterprise and its rewards were not sinful.
As a farmer, I am sure you know only too well the virtues and heartaches of enterprise.
Fun read on truckers and confiscation of bank accounts. Dot will like it I think!
Martial Law in Canada: It’s never been riskier to NOT own Bitcoin (15 Feb, via ZH*)
I like the idea of crypto to avoid this appalling new persecution, ie. stealing and freezing bank accounts for thoughtcrime. But it just brings forward the government desire to monster the cryptos. Trudy is already pursuing that under the ludicrous and egregious emergency law.
Holy moly has Trudeau dropped his mask or what? I don’t know what will happen but fascism is baaack baby.
I am waiting for my PCR.
it’s boring.
* ZH is currently miffed that the CIA is after them. That’s a fun read too.
Now We’ve Done It: We Pissed Off The CIA (ZH, 16 Feb)
Yes, like the leader of the “New Democrats” who promised Mr. 32% parliamentary support for emergency powers. While many Indians are entrepreneurial, India itself is officially a Socialist state, and while that may be more honour’d in the breach than the observance these days, the centre of gravity politically is definitely left of centre and more collectivist than individualist. Having said that, I wonder if there are Sikh truck drivers in the protests? I would expect there to be some.
Ignoring the to and fro, best wishes Lizzie and Hairy.
I hope you two ride out the bug in style.
These days if you made a movie called “Dr Strangelove” or wrote a book like “Catch 22”, “Animal Farm” or “Fahrenheit 451” you’d get your bank account frozen and would be kicked off social media.
Worth a million upticks.
Your ruling “elite” love the Chinese mode of government and are undertaking to bring it into our countries.
And the worst thing is they don’t even hide it one little bit. They’ve never lied.
Interesting change to the Starting So meme.
Six feet of wet concrete wouldn’t stop it.
Hard to find an actual text version of it but this is one of P.J. O’Rourke’s less PC offerings. Not sure his view of Australians has stood the test of time though.
Foreigners Around the World.
Ugly PDF version here.
Credit is due for managing to not get cancelled despite having written it.
I wonder if covid could ever mutate where it only impacts dwarves ?
Richard Freudenstein at Cricket Australia just marched straight under his desk to hide without needing to bend over.
A run on the banks?
Anyone heard about this?
Mexican Coke trades at a premium to normal Coke in NY.
There’s a grey market in the stuff.
Because they use “real” sugar or something.
So, Zali “Downhill” Steggall is now zigging whereas a couple of days ago she was zagging.
It appears the hidden $100,000 donation she defended is now actually a real problem, but not one of her responsibility. She blames her former financial controller and current Climate 200 director Damien Hodgkinson.
Looks like Damo has been pushed under the slope grooming machine.
Try putting on ‘Woodstock’ again. With Invermectin instead of pot.
Ukrainian ‘babushka battalion’ featured in Western press is trained by neo-Nazi militia.
Liberals finally find some Nazis they like!
Castro strikes a blow for freedom. Justin Castro that is.
Nice Mr Singh seems to think Trudy isn’t being sufficiently repressive.
Report: Alleged GiveSendGo Leak Shows Canadians Donated Most to Freedom Convoy (15 Feb)
It’s really saying something when the other lefty party in Canada wants to go the full fascist even more than Trudeau currently is. How fast can a country fall into nazism? We’re seeing right now how fast, day by day in front of our eyes.
Those weekends in the Grampians were not a complete waste of time then?
Dear Lizzie:
I just read your attack on Delta. Of all people, the wonderful Delta!
Go. Just go.
I say this for your sake. For the ill Hairy’s sake.
Get off this anonymous platform and look to what should be your only priority at this time.
Come back when both of you are well and start writing about politics and travel.
Another case of failing upward.
I have a Partek Phillipa watch and a flash German car.
If that doesn’t impress you, nothing will.
Mr Singh wants to go full Nazi?
Maybe he likes the trademark. It is sanskrit after all.
Welcome back Lizzie.
Yes, I realised that.
This is certainly true.
However it doesn’t stop politicians launching at the institution of the Monarchy itself:
Drop the Duke of York title: Andrew must ‘show his respect for those affected by abuse’, the city’s MP demands
Now Ms Maskell is a fairly obscure backbencher on the make, but the UK has a fine tradition of ‘outspoken’ MP’s being used to test the waters.
As we know, it often starts with legislative control at the margins on popular issues…
Should one flounce on an empty stomach?
Or a full one?
If a full one, what should one have?
A cooked breakfast maybe?
Should one announce one’s flounce?
Or should one simply flounce unannounced?
There’s Orwellian, and then there’s Orwellian-on-steroids:
Soros-Funded Group Hires Former Anti-Trump Lincoln Project Operative (14 Feb)
Just wow. He’s left the propaganda factory called The Lincoln Project (which our numerical friend used to love linking to), and has reappeared at a thing called “Good Information Inc.” That is as creepy a name as I’ve ever seen. George must be whizzing around in his grave like a wind turbine.
Anyone know who was supplying food to the Canberra protest?
Pro Tip: You bought the watch at a Chinese discount place. Obviously.
I suspect your car may be a BNW.
Check the warranties.
Sancho Panzersays:
February 16, 2022 at 10:33 am
More Wind-in-the -Loo Indians!
Yeah. Good for getting a crust on BBQ meats too.
I know a lady who has had a Golf for 14-15 years & she reckons she’s never had a problem.
That’s a formidable Krautmobile.
Dot, business idea.
Importing Mexican Coke to Australia.
In the immortal words of Harry Hutton, aka Chase Me Ladies, I’m in the Cavalry.
I think most of it is probably donated. There were food stalls set up at legitimate camps. The cops have been sweeping the camps, made easier after they reinterpreted the word “legal” to suddenly mean illegal! The ground is being held as far as I am aware despite the stasi’s efforts to disrupt.
Once they go all electric that is going to change.
Battery lifetime hasn’t improved much.
Eight years and you own a worthless brick.
The Flounce and Pounce would be a good name for a pub, or a pub toilet, at least.
Dr Gerrard: I might remove restrictions but don’t go thinking you’re the boss of me:
They can never get the spelling right on those cheap knock offs.
I wasn’t going to comment, but I do have to observe that the previous reputed gold medallist in habitual farewells, Dame Nellie Melba, could at least sing.
Lizzie, I usually scroll past your comments, as I’ve no interest in them, but it’s difficult not to notice when your assumed mask of niceness slips, and your gutter mouth is exposed. I’d prefer to think that’s not the real you, but you’re the one who hits your own “Send” button, so you own your comments. You give as good as you believe you get.
Endless posts about “dickless upticks” (whatever they may be) and threats to decamp just invite the guffaws and responses you seem to find so upsetting. Why do it?
Just let it go – for your own peace of mind.
Daughter assumed most came from GoFundMe donations. All food, coffee and snacks were provided free of charge. In addition, there were many donations from locals of blankets, towels, toiletries etc. People kept coming in all day to donate.
No msm reports that the book fair for Lifeline was open all day Friday. Many of the campers bought books or donated cash.
I donated a case of spam to the Canberra protesters.
My daughter said it was yummy and thanks you from the bottom of her heart. 🙂
Thanks guys; the reason I asked is someone suggested there was a centralised source, a rich guy or company (Clive?) who oversaw the food.
Biden’s nuclear waste guy is proving to be quite radioactive.
Biden Unleashes Dog-Role-Playing Fetishist On Key Nuclear Post (15 Feb)
Caligula’s Horse in the Senate, Biden’s Dog in the Department of Energy (14 Feb)
It’s quite something that Biden is appointing to nuclear policy high office a guy who is actually stranger and weirder than Peter Sellers’ Dr Strangelove character. Maybe I have to learn to stop worrying and love Cobalt Thorium G.
Probably Putin. He is always doing stuff like that. Or so I keep hearing.
I have a Partek Phillipa watch and a flash German car.
All the best Nazis did.
Let’s face it, the British peerage has been on a downhill run since the end of WWII and the accession of Clement Attlee’s Labour government, and that’s probably not a bad thing. But the seat of the Duke of York is not York but Windsor, Berkshire. Perhaps the good folk of Windsor are the ones who should get a say?
I’ve mentioned this many times. Ever since they went back from New Coke to Classic Coke it has never been the same because instead of sugar they use corn syrup. That was ages ago. I haven’t been able to drink Coke in America since.
Thank goodness, they never fiddled with it here because I do like a glass.
Clive Palmer tells defamation trial comments by Mark McGowan made him ‘equivalent to drug dealer’
Go, fatso! Gettim!
If McFuckface loses, he’ll probably try his Big Old Eastern States Meanies Bullying Poor Widdle WA routine. See if it works this time.
An amusing story for Cassie: lefty Supreme Court tells lefty Gen. Gantz to explain why his ministry is still enforcing a Jordanian law in Israeli territory. Popcorn time!
Court orders Gantz to explain why Jordanian law banning land sales to Jews not repealed (15 Feb)
McClown invents a power which allows him to disenfranchise the electorate.
Legalise Cannabis MP Sophia Moermond suspended from WA parliament over vaccine mandate
A West Australian MP for the Legalise Cannabis Party has been suspended from WA Parliament after a motion was passed requiring proof of vaccination.
The motion, which passed the upper house this afternoon, requires MPs to be triple-vaccinated against COVID-19, if eligible, or provide a valid exemption.
Two MPs have refused to publicly reveal their vaccination status: the Legalise Cannabis Party’s Sophia Moermond and Liberal MP Nick Goiran.
After the motion passed, Ms Moermond gathered her things and quietly left the upper house chamber.
But Mr Goiran remained in the chamber.
During debate on the motion, Mr Goiran reiterated his position was that he was in favour of vaccines but he felt the measure was a breach of privacy.
“I support vaccinations. I also support the right of individuals to medical privacy,” he said.
“I would have thought that one or more members opposite would have had an understanding of the principles of natural justice and would understand how repugnant it is for us to be simply passing a motion that might see one or more members escorted from the chamber at some point today.”
Ms Ellery said the measure was based on health advice and parliament should be no different to other workplaces.
“Employers across Western Australia have had to adjust their work arrangements to manage the risk based on which of their employees are vaccinated or have a valid exemption,” she said.
“Parliament House is a workplace, for us as members and for the staff, the presiding officers and their managers need to know the status in order to manage the risk.”
Then prove it you slithering trail of slime, remove your precious emergency powers and see how far your otherwise illegal mandates get you.
McClown still maintaining his 1″ diamond hard fascism boner.
Mark McGowan also continued to defend his decision to cancel the February 5 border opening without setting a new date.
“Had I followed the pig-headed route and said February 5 was the date no matter what, then lots of people would have died unnecessarily while we get our third-dose vax rate up,” he said.
“I’m absolutely amazed, the opposition criticises me for saving West Australian lives, the world has turned on its head.”
And outside there was one of the largest police presences the WA Parliament has seen as several hundred anti-vax protesters gathered outside the building after marching through the CBD.
State daddy a little scar’t of the people hes fucking over?
I hope he dies suddenly and unexpectedly in the near future.
My estimate was 100,000 to 200,000
Money is a better predicter of real world events than The Science:
Video here.
“This the New Normal and you can be told you have to wear a mask, self isolate, be locked down, and take vaccinations every flu season for the rest of your life”.
I’m getting why the original pick for QLD CHO spectacularly rejected the job at the 11th hour. They told him he was going to have to be a whore for the New Normalists in the government.
Classic Coke used to actually have coke in it. That would’ve been fun, if not especially good for one’s health.
Some more outstanding black work:
Anti-Gun BLM Activist Quintez Brown Charged with Attempted Murder of Louisville Mayoral Candidate
Report: NYC Homeless Man Accused of Stabbing Woman 40 Times Had ‘Sexual Motive’
Trudy and Sneakers should get together and do a Sauron-Saruman joint ticket.
An Indian denouncing “foreign interference” in Canadian politics.
This can only happen in clown universe hell.
The way these white lab coat experts lie so brazenly is breathtaking. Look at him, trying to pretend Covid used to be a significant threat to young people but for the vaxx, which means it now only targets old people with comorbidities.
The difference we’re seeing clinically in 2022, Dr Dickhead, is primarily due to OMG, not your poisonous vaxx.
Fat Clive bulimic?
I agree.
In December 2019 we all were transported via some sort of portal into Hell.
Change my mind.
How’s this for a good laugh.
Too windy for a WIND TURBINE! Villagers in Wales wake to horrific crash as £20million 300ft eco-energy generator is blown over in 50mph storm
Surprisingly, the victim was the Democrat candidate. His religion may have played a part though it’s a safe bet that will be downplayed.
Unsurprisingly, the shooter’s family and the local BLM chapter is suddenly concerned about his “mental health”.
Pity – Capetown to Pretoria by rail was one of life’s experiences….
Feeling The Bern (WUWT, 16 Feb)
Willis Eschenbach really should read the Cat, if he doesn’t already.
It’s really saying something when the other lefty party in Canada wants to go the full fascist even more than Trudeau currently is. How fast can a country fall into nazism? We’re seeing right now how fast, day by day in front of our eyes.
If our governments get pushed as hard and quickly as Trudeau has been by the truckers and their supporters (ordinary people), how long do you think it would take for our governments to go down the same path?
They’ve managed to hype up the fairly harmless Omigod variant into a worse killer the the 1918 Flu Pandemic. These governments are not going to go without a physical fight – there are too many skeletons in closets.
What happens now in Canada will be very revealing.
After stuffing up a blockquote which should never had been I’ll add this terrific single line summary of Herr Führer Trudy’s clown state.
Trudeau declares all Truckers, Donors and honkers are terrorists, seize their bank accounts (Jonova, 15 Feb)
She manages to capture the inanity of saying horn honking is terrorism. That’s Blair-level headline writing.
Dr. Benjamin Braddock@GraduatedBenThe Trudeau regime is threatening to arrest tow truck drivers if they don’t do their dirty work for them.
This megalomaniacal psychopath really must be stopped somehow.
‘The time will come when people will go mad.
They will look upon people who are not mad and attack them, saying “You are not like us. You are mad!”‘
St. Antony the Great +AD356
The unstated scandal: The CIA collected info on President Trump
Because they have not razed buildings to the ground and unleashed waves of violent crime within their ranks?
NSW Covid data from 26th Nov – 22nd Jan 2022.
Chances of dying 60/100,000.
Of that 49/100,000 will be aged 70-100
This data still has delta cases involved as omicron only took hold in late December.
80% less chance of being hospitalised with omicron.
Zero cases of delta detected last week.
The most entertaining bit about this and the other alphabet agencies spying on Trump is they didn’t find anything. The guy is a cleanskin. If they’d found anything at all it’d’ve gotten to Mueller in a trice, but Mueller still came up with zilch after two years of effort.
Unfortunately I can’t tell you the vaccination status of the 49 elderly who died of the virus because the cunning Covidians hide the death vaxx status in with all ICU patients.
Heres a prime example of talking out both sides of your mouth.
Gruinaid flogbag writes a piece decrying a chap he says murdered/slaughtered Aboriginals.
But writes this himself.
In 1836 Stirling despatched Bunbury and his redcoats to York, 100km east of Perth in the Avon district, to repel the “warlike” and powerful Balladong Noongar, who were violently resisting the invading colonists*. Bunbury went with Stirling’s orders to “tranquilise the district” and to give the Noongar “proper examples of the severity to the full extent to which the law warrants in such cases … so that the natives may be deterred from the Commission of further outrages”.**
* Civilians, they were civilians you box headed narrative mangling blowhard.
** Because Stirling wasnt in favor of having civilians speared by war parties of Aboriginals.
Just think of how much mental stress it takes to simultaneously keep up the narrative of “fierce indigenous warriors resisting the redcoats” alongside “The redcoats were murdering innocent Indigenous people for shits and giggles”.
So the political class were duped into embracing all this QWERTY nonsense by people (a small group overall) intending to use it purely as a wedge to force politicians to do what they want them to.
And now that this frightful, and coerced, compact has been made by the small number of progressive loonies and timid politicians (who are also a small portion of our population) they have now taken to persecuting the vast majority who are still living with the same understanding of gender that they have always had (and politicians had up until a few years ago) unsullied by the craven manoeuvering of a small band of power hungry nobodies.
The political class made something up. The rest of the world was not involved at all. Yet now the political class is hunting down ordinary people for not submitting to their game.
You can be sure that NSW health will be dreading the release of updated figures from late December to February.
I have no doubt it will demolish the rationale for any restrictions. I dare say the government will beat the stats by declaring freedoms.
In Victoria the figures are well hidden and TaliDan decides what’s truth.
When I was in NYC, Mexican Coke was the go. Much better than the normal Coke. And it came in the traditional bottle which was a bonus. Very refreshing and only a dollar a bottle.
COVID Cronyism: How Government-Business Ties Shaped The Pandemic Response
Many angles of this are yet to be explored here.
Just one is why the Morrison government invested so heavily in Astra Zeneca’s vaccine and what ties exist between government ministers and the CEO of the multinational company, who is a Sydney based French-Australian dual national. I’m not suggesting any wrong doing, but without further details we simply don’t know the basis for the government’s actions in purchasing millions of doses of the AZ vaccine and keeping the details of the deal hidden behind a “national security” provision .