Some old Pommy git in the Oz (Max Hastings) banging on about “Twump’s tweachewy”. An inversion of the facts.
Some old Pommy git in the Oz (Max Hastings) banging on about “Twump’s tweachewy”. An inversion of the facts.
What has never been talked about in the media is the tariffs/taxes imposed by Canadians on US goods. This is…
Surprised it took so long. They were a POS.
I thought you misspelled ‘toilet’ and I was trying to figure it out. Try Mr Google. https://infamousswim.com.au/collections/toile-de-jouy OK. It’s a…
Yes, he’s shitting into the office drawer on his way out. Weak as piss.
He’s got a better idea than Biden!
My personal experience is you can get away with 1, maybe 2 accidental flashes, beyond that, its corneal burn time
Snap Cassie.
Pointing out a law exists is not advocating for it.
But only a fool ignores it’s existence.
Everyone loves freedom of speech … until someone uses their freedom of speech to defame you.
News Radio Drive program just referred to premier Dominic Perrottet as “they”.
ABC: $1.2b/year to promote cultural dementia.
I’m having a delightful evening.
You could have apologised but chose to repeat your libel.
The weather worm has turned.
Let’s say you’re Putin. You want to go into Ukraine but also appreciate that it’s a big risk. You haven’t decided but keep hearing from Brandon and the Euroweenies you’re going in on Wednesday. Like WTF? Why are they saying that? Are they goading me?
I’ve also read in the past that you need a ratio of 3 :1 if you’re the aggressor party in a war.
It’s the conventional wisdom if you are attacking an entrenched enemy. Even 4:1 is needed.
The concept is that the defender has had lots of time to site his heavy weapons; prepare fields of fire, and choose the best ground. If he’s sensible he will have made killing zones you’ll fall into, made ambushes, and even given you a line of retreat, where he can still pulverise you if he wants to, or even let the remnants of your force go.
You as the aggressor meanwhile have to be fast and fluid, and you have the added disadvantage of not fully knowing the ground. You have to think while moving, and face difficulties with having your supplies cut off, losing such essentials as fuel and ammo replenishments.
No, actually it’s the Opposite. Not Brandon himself as he wouldn’t have any idea, but the administration would know what’s in there.
The age of Mong is certainly producing some wonderful derivatives!
Even in “encouraging” the elderly towards vaxxination, there should have been a re-think immediately they discovered that the concoctions were not fulfilling even the basic requirements of a vaccine.
Israel’s experience should have been warning enough. If it doesn’t work don’t use it. Hardly make it compulsory.
No wonder there’s an entire ecosystem of conspiracy and doubt and finger pointing. If governments are falsifying or covering up data, if they are acting like petty tyrants, of course people are going to suspect there’s another agenda.
Everyone is always wise after the fact. Even me.
The Ukraine has nukes.
I’m going to have to do a (three) disputed transactions with commbank.
Salvador dali museum put the same transaction through four times. So darn obvious. I told them but they insisted I was wrong and they wouldn’t go through.
They did.
Naturally the commbank help function is infuriating to use.
Anyhow I’ve logged it.
They better not put a hold on my card.
I thought they gave them up, no?
Sorry, sorry, sorry. I’m yapping about covid in the War Room!
I’ll fetch some cigars and good imbibables.
Do you want the big table with the map and shuffle sticks or will the coffee table do?
February 21, 2022 at 9:29 pm
I thought they gave them up, no?”
I’m not aware they did. I might be wrong. This whole Ukraine imbroglio is a fuck up caused by the west and the EU.
Putin rightly doesn’t want NATO on his doorstep. But he’s never had any intention of invading. He’s sabre rattling and he’s mocking western weakness.
The Persistence of Memory.
Its not really fair JC, I just like hearing you say you bought the fat fuck lunch. I know the back story. Have you had your boostershot yet? No joke my missus had had a personality change since having her first lot. Don’t know if she is so pissed at being conned or something worse. She always used to notice the cold long time before me, but now is always hot. Well I reckon she’s hot anyway.
I’ve had my third shot and other than the short term sort joints and headache for a couple days. I’m fine. No biggie.
I’m not having another though and that’s it for me. Omni doesn’t sound ominous. 🙂
Adam Schwab
WA AMA head Mark Duncan Smith: “I don’t know why people are still listening to [Dr Nick Coatsworth]”
Fact check 1: Coatsworth is one of Australia’s leading infectious disease experts
Fact check 2: Duncan-Smith is a plastic surgeon who does boob jobs all day
5:34 PM · Feb 18, 2022
Has your booster erection subsided yet, JC?
I’m not.
Although I am having one of those moments now.
Watching a TV show on the Boeing Max crashes.
I remember thinking it was a shitty third world airline and non cutlery pilots problem.
Turns out it wasn’t.
The problem lay squarely at the feet dumbarse software designers/engineers and avaricious executives in Seattle.
Well all my friends are getting Covid
Yes, they’re all getting a cold
They’re staying home in isolation
They’re all doin’ what they’re told
Ottawa Police Service statement:
“We respect the rights of our residents and community to speak out and we understand the community’s deep pain and frustration. Our role is to provide a safe space for people to be heard.”
Oops, that was Ottawa Police in June 2020.
Head prefect, work out a method of shorting Atlassian so that bearded fuck, pop-gun brookes, can’t take over AGL.
I think vaxxes should be optional for everyone.
Why would anyone take them? They simply don’t work and come with serious risks, some of which are now becoming apparent. Further on, nobody knows.
significant levels of mongstrosity in the body politic.
Federal polliemuppet rep invites public to a local park, runs away when the public turns up.
I’m donating my booster to a deserving Covid Karen.
I’m told there’s cheap labour available in southern NSW There was a largish group of people from WA who journeyed across to Canberra for the demonstration, those who are unvaxxed will not be allowed to return home.
They were camping around the ACT but have been moved on, many farms around Canberra have taken them in. Might be good for the local farmers looking for labour, if someone wants to work for a meal, and if they have a rural background, that’s a plus.
We’re going back to the 1800’s, itinerant workers working for a meal and moving around, how long before we see them carrying their swag and billy can.
Jordan Peterson – Population Collapse Is Coming
The problem lay squarely at the feet dumbarse software designers/engineers and avaricious executives in Seattle.
The problem was that the stick force required to pull the stick further back didn’t keep increasing at the right rate as the stall was approached. EASA actually tested the aircraft for return to service and reckoned it didn’t really need MCAS anyway. MCAS was a rather drastic solution to that problem with lots of ramifications if things went wrong (hardware failures)It isn’t a fly by wire aircraft so the elevator position depends on the stick position. I’d have put in a spring that came in only when the stick got pulled back far enough.
The Boeing mob aren’t covering themselves with glory lately. See Starliner capsule for sending crew to ISS. These gits got $4.2 billion for the contract, SpaceX got $2.6 billion and guess who has already delivered multiple crews while Boeing is still trying to fly the second unmanned demo to the ISs because the first was such a screwup. They managed to get the mission clock to start not when the vehicle lifted off but when the launch vehicle was powered up 11 hours earlier. They were lucky they didn’t lose the capsule in flight. During their pad abort test they managed to not connect one of the parachutes to the capsule.
But there is another agenda and it has not been secret.
‘Here’s our agenda, it’s all planned, tested and set.
You can be one of leaders or go down with the ‘livestock’, your choice.’
The Tendrils of the World Economic Forum
I’m shocked and chagrined.
Cassie says,
” Secondly, have you heard of libel laws.”
No libel laws were broken let alone challenged by ssr’s stupid comment last night.
“Thirdly, have you hard(sic) of the “Online Safety Act”…which came into force last month? “
The only current threat under this act comes from Sancho.
“Firstly, I’m not aware of Sancho advocating for any law to protect someone from “hurt feelings”.”
Sancho’s advocacy was literally in the threat of using a law premised, among other things, on “hurt feelings” and the “taking of offence”.
In 2019 Mikey promised he would have robot EV’s on the market by the end of 2020. Where’s my robot car, dude?
oh but we do know
Study Finds Increased Heart Disease, Stroke Risk After Surviving Even Mild Covid-19
Long-term cardiovascular outcomes of COVID-19
all caused by S1 spike protein
all caused by S1 spike protein
Which the vax causes your body to make.
Sancho says
“Pointing out a law exists is not advocating for it.“
Sancho, you did not point out that a law exists, you said you would use it.
If that’s not advocacy I don’t know what is.
that’s good work DVA data.. Now do the vaccines.
It was considerably more than stupid. Consider:
All Ed Case the Cat Fondler’s posts over time have remained, while the post created by that demented magic pudding was thrown overboard.
Surely buying AGL with the intent of shutting it down when you have so much invested in renewballs is a predatory action that breaks some law or other?
(btw: He’s obviously a bit of a dunce. AGL is already playing the market by closing down the coal and driving up their own renewballs and gas generation assets).
Which the vax causes your body to make.
Shocking! mRNA and Spike protein found 8 weeks after vaccination in some people
He’s a piece shit, Cronkers. I can’t stand the sight of him.
Hopefully, next decade it his firm should make a profit for the first time.
Iron Cove.
Are you OK with devout traditional Catholics being accused of being complicit in “baby murder” because a few bishops in the US support abortion choice?
That is the crux of last night’s post.
Fucking rabid dog madness.
And, along with that, we get constant links which accuse people of being party to child exploitation and murder.
I reckon it will end in tears.
For somebody.
Even the ones saying Joe Burns should still be playing for Australia.
Think about that for a moment.
What was stupid was rosie choosing to kick away the slipper and insisting on wearing the Jackboot.
rosie could have simply said, ‘Yes I try to be good Catholic.’
‘It’s very sad that we still have so many Bishops letting down the Church with their open support of politicians who campaign for full term abortion on demand.’
But no, instead everyone freely went the Jackboot option.
Is everyone OK with the terrible corruptions in the Church that a great many work hard to try to clean up?
With so many here who like to use Cardinal Pell’s name at the drop of hat, you’d expect they could acknowledge the obvious levels of corruption the Church is suffering, considering all that money sent here during, ‘Get Pell’ time.
Catholic Hour on the exCat was so much more genteel.
So recently Elon Musk launched a heap of satellites.
40 or so
Widely reported
Then it was reported that a heap of them got knocked out by solar winds.
Did that actually happen?
I don’t rosie even read the stupid comment let alone responded to it.
I probably would have but it was removed before I has a chance.
The bizarre thing about the Boeing thing is that old school Boeing employees speak with absolute conviction that the whole thing started to go down the shitter when they took over McDonnell Douglas.
I call bullshit on that.
Just petty competitiveness boiling over.
The biggest problem seems to be it went effectively a global monopoly in 1975 to #2 behind Airbus in 2003, and didn’t see it coming.
And they were blindsided when Airbus introduced the A320 neo in 2010 and they had to cobble together the 737 Max.
They should have started looking at a full re-designed replacement in the early 2000’s.
Someone left the gate open again.
While you’re all being asked to consider things.
Sancho is just one of the mob who relentlessly attacked Arky for deleting posts in his, Arky’s, Threads.
Sancho insisted that all posts should stay & stand or fall on their own merit or lack of.
Arky didn’t want to be responsible for damaging things left on his threads.
Sancho still hasn’t shut up about how very dare Arky remove things so that context was lacking, YET, that’s the very thing Sancho (& Co.), insist be done to those who dare quote their mountains of bald faced, filthy lies at them.
Liars & hypocrites, they always keep digging then cry at the dirt that falls back on their heads.
Here’s the two most important papers published to date about S1 spike protein
Persistence of SARS CoV-2 S1 Protein in CD16+ Monocytes in Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) Up to 15 Months Post-Infection
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S1 induces fibrin(ogen) resistant to fibrinolysis: implications for microclot formation in COVID-19
the TLDR:
S1 damage your immune system. certain types of white blood cells called monocytes whose job is to clean up stray virii and debris in the blood, choke on S1 become dysfunctional and attach themselves to the lining of blood vessels throughout the body. These damage cells cause a slow cascade of inflammation that persists indefinitely. The immune system is unable to find the cause because the protein is stuck inside the monocytes and over time the immune system escalates and starts attacking the lining of your blood vessels. Likely developing antibodies against itself. Consequences are dire.
Second known pathology: S1 is a natural coagulant. It cause messy micro clots that are extremely resistance to the normal fibrinolysis process ie clot removal of the body. These clots protect S1 from being cleaned up the immune system. The result is wide spread vascular inflammation with all the negative consequences of damaged blood vessel lining.
There is a 3rd pathology involving microglial cells that is also emerging. I’ll post more about it as I find the research.
Interestingly routine blood tests are unable to identify any of the pathologies. Cytokine panels are required to identify damaged monocytes and a TEG blood test is required to identify micro-clotting.
The effects of covid persist long after infection, even a very mild infection, due to the toxicity and tenacity of S1 spike protein. I will post details about recovering from long covid, with some luck in the next few weeks.
In life, so it is in death. On Saturday night four punters were killed in a prang in D-Town’s rural area (the NT News):
The solid mail is that all four of these people were absolute cretins, with plenty of mouth and a mankini underneath. Classic pretend hard men who got badly sunburnt when the driver fishtailed it down a road at 130. Predictably, he stacked it into a culvert.
The usual, albeit small assortment of flowers and so on got laid into that culvert by the local lunatics. One bloke left a special message for the now-deceased taxpayer drains.
A red Vodka Cruiser with a smiley face written on it. Brilliant.
As a mother and grandmother, I am deeply hurt by that comment.
Yep the gate is open and here’s Sancho
Sounds more like “rat cunning” to me. Once the renewable scam runs its course, he’s sitting on a valuable asset.
rsrsrsrsrs at 10.52:
Why have you attributed my comment to Mr Panzer in your quote?
Ah. Silly question. Next you’ll be attributing comments to other posters that they didn’t make, at times they didn’t make them.
Oh wait.
Who Donald Trump really is. David Friedman with Sebastian Gorka
One on One
Rumble — For this One on One, Sebastian talks to President Trump’s former Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, about how his team set out to redefine American foreign policy in the Middle East, how President Trump kept his promises, and how his approach to diplomacy show just what a truly great man he really is.
Mrs Faulty.
The words about the Cat Fondling originally came from KD.
Please don’t misquote me.
Two comments questioning my quote.
It’s a conspiracy!
I still have no idea what that was all about.
And probably nor do the people who were roped into it either.
I put it down to too many open tabs.
NT about to have a whole lot of Sorry Business?
I reckon some of the strands of wool stretched across her pinboards, connecting various newspaper clippings on her wall came loose.
Since when did Arky give a shit about anything?
more on LRAD and other crowd control devices at ‘The Conversation’
“Damaging things” = Narrative busting evidence.
Not the clippings with the red Texta arrows I hope?
“Arky” and “responsible” shouldn’t be used in the same sentence.
Surely buying AGL with the intent of shutting it down when you have so much invested in renewballs is a predatory action that breaks some law or other?
Emergency Powers Act 1949.
All it takes is a government with balls. Good luck with that one.
Mind you, although KD wrote the words about the dubious honour of having a comment scuttled whilst all the Cat Fondler’s scribblings still have standing, I agree completely with the sentiment.
Nonetheless, correct attribution is important.
We’ve all seen Arkys videos to the twenty second mark.
In a normal society you expect to read the ages as 16 to 20.
But late 20’s and 30’s?
If they are doing this shit at that age, how did they get to last to that age?
What videos?
Ignorance is bliss.
You have to admire Merkel’s extraordinary skill in suborning European interests through the Russian gas supply monopoly.
Is she WEF, or simply vengful reversionist East German commo?
Between the gas, the immigrants, insinuating krauts into key EU posts, technocrats into rebellious EU member governments, Irish throughout the EU bureaucracy, she has left a time bomb that is unlikely to be defused.
And now Schwab and the EU are funding Blair to overturn Brexit. A couple of lattes with Carrie will see that goal in the bag.
Even five years ago all this would be the stuff of crazed conspiracy theories – and then….
Enough with the redundant language for effect KD.
It is sufficient to simply say grandmother.
If you are a grandmother, by definition you are also a mother.
Is English your second language or something?
All right, which one of you lot is this? FORTY beverages a day,FFS.
Absolutely. One of the originals to come out of the cabal.
President Trump kept his promises, and how his approach to diplomacy show just what a truly great man he really is.
So he actually built the wall but decided to keep it a secret due to modesty?
Seriously though, that story is absolute bullshit.
Joseph A. Camp @JoeyCamp2020
Enrico and Deborah Kuhn are the owners of Iconic Cafe inside the “Red Zone” of Ottawa. They have been open for business during the #TruckerConvoy2022. Now #BlackfaceTrudeau Dictator Justin Trudeau wants to put them in jail for serving the truckers.
They said they will not give in, what they do is for their country and freedom all over the world.
Grant Klokeid
Canada News
The unvaccinated cannot leave Canada, unless they escape.
Read that again and convince yourself everything is normal in Canada.
If you are going to knock over 40 Schooners in a day, you need to get started early.
BITE COIN is stroking out look at the charts .. Whales can’t save it now.. 37,573.78
quote price arrow down-758.17 (-1.98%)
Truckers are just the start.
Just wait until the people figure out other ways to get their message across.
There may be a little more to the story.
(i.e. a bit more backstory would be helpful to raising the profile of their case)
New thread.
Anyway, sliante to all you horrible mob. An old soldier in this district went to God the other day. He had been badly wounded in the “Fun Factory” , but he set an example of fortitude and courage that I can only envy, and he never, ever complained about the unfairness of it all. He was a former National Serviceman…
For example, just point blank refuse to pay your rates or other Government imposed taxes. Cut off the supply lines to public servants. The list of shit people can do to make life really uncomfortable for Governments is endless.
You only need to think about what those with their “noses in the trough” love about being in control and enjoy. Your “private jet”? Nah. Blockaded. Want to have your chauffeur drive you home? Nah. Your house is blockaded. What’s your favourite restaurant? Nah. You won’t be going there. Blockaded.
I like the trucker protest, but it’s hurting the average people on some level.
You need to walk up to a bully and kick the bastard fair in the nuts.
It was leg day! Did well thanks FTB. Still sweating. There is something satisfying about a good workout, especially when I find myself training harder than people 1/3 or even 1/4 my age. The other gym I went to was much more intense, people there really knew how to pound out the reps but this new gym seems to be populated by many teenagers who can’t be bothered working up a sweat.
Sancho Panzersays:
February 21, 2022 at 11:05 pm
Next you’ll be attributing comments to other posters that they didn’t make, at times they didn’t make them.
I still have no idea what that was all about.
And probably nor do the people who were roped into it either.
I put it down to too many open tabs.
srr made reference to a comment of mine that supposedly supported (or perhaps rejected, it wasn’t clear) one of her comments. My comment at the specified date/time was actually an insult directed at Dickless Ed, on an entirely different subject.
I think it’s more accurate to say we’re heading back to the Depression Era.
Video banned by yourtube, facebook because Fr Mawsley dares to lambast the c ov id plandemic.