Mmmyes. As branding goes, “Coalition of the Willing” rates about on par with “New Coke”.
Mmmyes. As branding goes, “Coalition of the Willing” rates about on par with “New Coke”.
Big mistake. Like a kid trying to show off to mum and dad. There are consequences, fool.
The anniversary of HMAS Yarra, a brave fighting ship HMAS Yarra was a sloop of the Royal Australian Navy’s World…
Moreso than NATO/EU though…
It looks like the money men will be instigating a right royal Purge of the Democrat fa fa fa Lefties.
And in comes choo choo man on his RDO dribbling shit.
JC, note how he does it.
Once he’s been demolished he just keeps on talking and truth and facts are irrelevent.
He just figures if he has the last say, no matter if it’s the biggest pile of embarrassing shit known to man, he’s won.
He’s a unionised rail “worker’ (I use the term loosely) so he’s got plenty of time on his hands.
You aren’t doing much either I take it.
Look to these guys.
Remember, what you don’t know about Queenslanders, or anything really, should never be a barrier to mouthing off.
Just make something up.
It’s called magical thinking.
It never stops these guys………
Evolution has a lot to answer for but to whom?
The man barely finishes huffing and puffing about being lied about and mUh ChArAcTeR AsSaSsInaTiOn!
And here he is, laying it on thick.
And all because I once checked his fact-free ranting about the railway systems in this country.
I’d make a comment along the lines of Hypocrisy, thy name is Struth, but then I realised that if the manlet did not have double standards, he’d have no standards at all.
Hey Struth, let me know if you want something reasonably strong to keep that Glass Jaw of yours intact. I think I know where I can find a spare knuckle pin or drawbar or something similar for you… 🙂
Choo choo man the fantasist……..it wasn’t me who caught you out lying about rail subsidies…….oops.
You never did get over that did you?
Says the Manlet who, like the last time this happened, started the day with a bluster and s lie (first with a cartoonish refusal to understand about how rail companies pay their way, this time with the ambit that governments in Australia were buidling death camps for unvaccinated people on Day One of the covid crisis), moved his own goalposts multiple times to try and sustain it, called me every name under the sun as if discrediting all of his challengers might miraculously deflect from him and salvage his failure, then desperately seized on a third party’s misunderstanding of his own lie to claim victory.
And then spent all his spare time lamenting about character assassination and being lied about behind his back. While dishing out everything he kept saying he hated and could not bear to take.
Life must be hard being a Manlet. He just can’t let anything go…
That offer for something to reinforce you Glass Jaw still stands, Manlet.
Even if it’s just a lend of my roll of Gaffer Tape… 🙂
Our tax dollars at work:
Q+A host Stan Grant asks pro-Russian audience member to leave the studio after Ukraine claim
It really is as disgraceful as the headline suggests. The booted audience member made a verifiable claim* that was too anti-Narrative, and sTan got the vapours then kicked him out.
Expressing unauthorised views will not be tolerated at the national broadcaster.. And the ABC is proud to maintain this standard.
*that a bunch of people had been killed in the Donbas due to Ukrainian military action since 2014
Struth, the fact remains – left or Right – if a commenter continually makes stupid, ignorant and ridiculous comments, when challenged breaks into a psychological stupor and appears unable to cope, most often that person is from Queersland. We’re up at the 95% confidence level in making this prediction.
Walked to Notre Dame, repair work advancing, two years ago they were putting in the replacement oak timbers, now the stone work over those timbers is well advanced.
Plenty of tourists, me too, milling about.
I popped into St Paul et St Louis too, they have definitely moved an side altar on the left hand side, it used to be just chairs and ‘my spot’.
Was good to see much sterner written rules for tourists who I’ve seen interrupt Sunday mass in the rudest way.
Buses seem much less crowded, I think a lot of people still working from home.
Works for me.
Mark Knight.
Warren Brown.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Bob Moran.
Christian Adams.
Peter Brookes.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Al Goodwyn.
Chip Bok.
Steve Kelley.
Matt Margolis.
Lisa Benson.
Ben Garrison.
Some excellent ones today, Tom.
Liked Bob Moran’s.
Tszyu wins again.
new.com.au has it prominently displayed.
It appears that smh.com.au isn’t covering it.
Maybe they don’t like his heritage all of a sudden.
At least they didn’t try line “he isn’t really Russia, he’s Cossack don’t ya know”.
I’m old enough to remember when the French were testing nukes in the Pacific 20 odd years ago, protesters harassed the owners & patrons of the Delifrance franchises.
Not much has changed.
Head line at ProPublica:
What’s Holding Up the COVID Vaccines for Children Under 5?
PS, ProPublica’s biggest private donor?
Bill Gates.
second round of U & R negotiations concluded. Humanitarian corridors agreed
Walter Kirn
I actually lost friends over what they felt was my inadequate esteem for Dr Fauci. They were very upset with me & made a big issue of the matter. Now the regime itself seems to have ditched him. He’s nowhere to be found. How strange that showing loyalty to him was once a test
Breaking news, old lefty hippy finds out his old lefty friends are actually fascists.
Stan the Grant spent too much time under the sunlamps.
Or had the Jackson treatment before?
What the hell is that Broelman contribution saying this morning? Weak and pathetic to the power of eleventy.
The social media warriors will love it.
Mainstream media isn’t bothering to look at negotiations with Iran in Vienna. This is about getting another stupidly naive agreement up and running – naive because, like last time, there’s no way Iran will stop doing what it has been doing all along. Naive because lifting sanctions will not result in any benefit to the free world, and certainly not to the long suffering people of Iran.
Thanks are due again to Melanie Phillips and Powerline for drawing attention to a report by a former State Department guy who spills the beans on what’s going on.
It isn’t pretty.
Europe is rediscovering the benefits of locally sourced coal power generation, and since Russia has been a major source of aluminium (also known as congealed electricity!), prices for coal and aluminium are way up.
Australia used to have a healthy aluminium smelting industry.
Why? Because we have the bauxite ore and used to have affordable and reliable power.
Anchor What says:
March 4, 2022 at 7:01 am
Ah, sweet memories.
Yes! When everyone is Hitler whom do you choose as the “good guy”?
Blue sky alert! Repeat…blue sky alert!
Looks like the deluge is over. I await a bird with a leaf in its beak just to make sure. The loudmouth kooka on the porch waiting for mince is insufficient evidence.
“Australia used to have a healthy aluminium smelting industry.
Why? Because we have the bauxite ore and used to have affordable and reliable power.”
Australia once had a manufacturing industry. Gone.
Australia once had cheap and reliable power. Gone.
Unless we go nuclear, there’s no hope for this country.
Successive governments, both Liberal and Labor, have participated in the destruction of these industries by promoting the use of unreliable renewables, by destroying our energy grid and by kowtowing to fringe green activists.
We are governed by clowns and cowards. Morrison is both.
We were to become a “clever” country, not a productive one.
Only the deluded imagine we can become wealthy by mind power alone. And even that was a nonsense. If anything, the place has become even dumber.
It was refreshing last night to see UK commentator Calvin Robinson, on Rita Panahi’s show, speak some truth about what’s happening in Ukraine. Whilst condemning the Russian invasion, he spoke of the deluge of fake news in the western MSM and he said, accurately, that the Ukrainian government isn’t lily white and innocent of any culpability.
Calli, you aren’t implying that it’s baddies v baddies are you?
Careful, you’ll get the full anti-Abbott treatment from the left.
It was during John Howard’s prime ministership that the Granville aluminium works, where my husband worked, closed. Liberals have a lot more to answer for seeing as they were supposed to have been rational about national security not just profits.
Did anyone see the Stan Grant Q&A last night?
He appears to have booted an audience member out.
Curious minds are asking why.
Calvin Robinson is a divinity student yet is more knowledgeable and politically savvy than so many so-called foreign affairs specialists.
Ah – caught up on the Grant explosion thru C.L.
March 4, 2022 at 7:32 am
Calvin Robinson is a divinity student yet is more knowledgeable and politically savvy than so many so-called foreign affairs specialists.”
Especially some of our own “foreign affairs specialists”, I’m looking at The Oz’s resident Dribbler, Greg Sheridan.
This is just silly:
Apparently the integrity of the Ukraine’s tax system (ha ha) is an important consideration in the propaganda blizzard.
Not so silly, but very unpleasant, is this:
These are the people we are told by the Great and the Good that we should be supporting.
And no, I’m not supporting the other side either.
Ed Casesays:
March 3, 2022 at 10:16 pm
Yeah, checked out National Vanguard.
It’s a Spook site.
Razey is a Glowie after all, but, so what?
Yeah, it’s a puzzler?
Razey posts some SpookShit, 2 minutes later, Dot flounces, 2 minutes after
that Rex Franger presses Report Comment, then larps as a statesman.
I’m sure it’s all totally legit …
Almost as legitimate as Dick Ed, who shows every sign of being a Glowie/Spook himself?
Overnight there have been a couple of analysts asking the question.
Why are we being told to dump Russian assets & boycott them at the same time the Russian gas is still pumping west though Ukraine uninterrupted.
At some point, Russia will put the squeeze on Europe.
Can they do without $US700mill a day in income?
What happens if Russian literally turns off the gas, what reaction from the US.
It’s not a pretty picture.
Sad wet birdy.
Navy Recovers Stealth Fighter From Bottom of South China Sea (3 Mar)
Good crop again this morning Tom.
Broelman perfectly encapsulates the ‘Pollyanna politics’ spoken of over the last day or so.
‘Put your weapons down. You are surrounded by love.’
Fuck off.
I’m old enough to remember when it was illegal to go overseas as a private citizen to fight in a foreign war.
Now it’s celebrated.
Did anyone see the Stan Grant Q&A last night?
He appears to have booted an audience member out.
Snowcone would have taken that as a comment.
Q&A – AfghaniStan for the believers.
‘I’ll tell you what questions you can ask and the answers I accept.’
Good Moaning.
Some of the jabbed, like JC are finding the world a harder place to cope with these days.
He can’t grasp the thinking of Queenslanders!
Yet by looking at the mass migration of Victorians up to here many of his fellow Mexicans can, and are indeed grateful we exist.
And both states have tyrannical Premiers.
Both states have cities full of Victorians and third world immigration.
That’s why since the coup started the Vics have been moving to Queenslands regional areas.
The country!
The Queensland country!
How will Big Tech censor independent media re Ukraine & Russia.
They did with Trump.
They’ve started with the banning of RT.
What next?
It was funny listening to TikHistory reading extracts from Orwell’s what is fascism https://youtu.be/05FFux4uPd8 .
Literally everybody is a fascist.
Have we reached the point of idiocy when “thinking stuff” constitutes support? As if it mattered in a material way?
It’s the equivalent of “thoughts and prayers” for victims rather than physically helping them. But watch out! Just thinking wrongthoughts will have you cancelled.
“Did anyone see the Stan Grant Q&A last night?
He appears to have booted an audience member out.”
Hmm….all paid for by you and me.
When you need a bulldozer, this is what government provides. Note the date.
Oh good. It’s Quenthlander Day.
Only white Anglo Christian blokes, though, because only they can save us. Right, Premier* St. Ruth?
*Outlandish claims. ‘Millions of deaths;. Parochialism. Can’t walk it back. Doubles down. Nowhere to go.
People have been moving to Queensland for 30 years or more. Longest coup ever
Initially, the motivation was for cheap smokes.
Oi! I have rellies in Queensland! They’re not strange at all.
Well, just a little bit.
But we pretend not to notice. 😀
Not one Queenslander has moved to Victoriastan and one of the very first compliant to Dan, who took a jab from criminals that hate humanity, to save himself from a virus 99.99999% survived before the vaxxes etc etc can’t grasp why Cardimona , Pauline Hanson, Mat Cavanaugh, Clive Palmer, and even the bad names like Rudd come out of Qld.
From a once Victorian myself let me give you a hint.
There’s life outside the AFL.
Typing in the pre-dawn. Stupid typos.
Cheap smokes, then pop across to NSW to play the pokies.
Living the dream in border country.
Note the date
26th Oct 2021
March 4, 2022 at 7:53 am
I’m old enough to remember when it was illegal to go overseas as a private citizen to fight in a foreign war.
Now it’s celebrated.
As an example of how positions change to follow fashion, Homer P was waxing eloquent on a thread at CL’s blog a few days ago, about how the Australian government should change the law to allow Australians to travel to Ukraine to fight there!
See the “Prime Minister suggests” thread.
From Pauline Hanson’s Please Explain:
Episode 17 “Please Explain Political Campaigning”
Old men urging young men to go and die for a cause none of them understand.
Been happening since time immemorial.
Not walking one thing back KD.
By the way, you are a perfect example of the Victorian mind.
You are the example this morning.
Footy and cricket have consumed you to the point you haven’t been able to fully grasp the world outside.
Footy is the opium of the masses.
One of political corruption’s finest weapons.
And Victorians like yourself are terribly addicted.
No, initially, it was to escape State government imposed death duties. Bjelke-Petersen abolished them, and retirees with more than $50 to their name began to consider the advantages of mosquitoes and floods. In fact, it was the genesis of the Gold Coast, it being as close to NSW and as far away from mozzies and floods as you could reasonably get.
Over the years, State governments had to abolish them, but by then it was too late.
It was cheaper to live in Queensland too. Great climate if you enjoyed heat, swap your triple fronted texture brick for something a bit more up market, maybe live closer to the beach.
Trouble is when everyone does it. Now my rellies discover their Queensland idyll is increasingly resembling the Sydney suburbia they left behind, without the capital gain.
And they don’t like it.
Black gold.
Aussie Coal Prices Surge Almost $100 As Countries Seek Alternatives To Russian Energy (4 Mar)
Maybe the majors should develop a few more coal mines, with expedited help from Scotty.
Your link did not work for me. See if this works better:
The world with death camps, pre-fitted with gas piping straight to the showers that not one tradie who installed them has leaked, even to the most retarded conspiracy sites on the net? Righto.
I might just post about cricket and footy all day now. It’s no wonder barrel-stuffers don’t mention them, as they are good at neither.
I stand by any comment regarding the enemy of the left’s cultural Marxism and declared evil doers…white men.
There is a reason they fear them and want them gone.
Unfortunately Victoria doesn’t have any left.
Putin understands America’s moral decay
This is a letter to the Editor of the Wall Street Journal
The Class Rage Behind Trudeau’s Trucker Emergency
So, you’re saying it wasn’t the Stonecutters coup?
Resident Evil: The Andrews Curse
Number 7 in the trilogy. The curse results in a state where only zombies remain.
Only a matter of time before Tickets St. Ruth compares regional Queensland to the rebel Ukrainian provinces.
The Last Holdouts. A sub-tropical Alpine Redoubt.
You know he’ll do it.
“I Wanna Know Who’s Going to Jail for Murder First” | Pfizer Data Shows Mortality Rate of 3%
I knew I shouldn’t trust that kookaburra.
It’s raining again.
Regional Queensland is like the rebel Ukrainian provinces.
I suppose when I hit a raw nerve or maybe something you’ve never even thought about regarding yourself you might get all emotional and claim I spoke about gas lines into camps.
You do realise there are level heads that read this?
You guys are the worst but not far behind is WA and SA and as we see, in the midst of some over the top tyranny the forces of evil made sure minds were occupied by footy and cricket. Stadiums allowed to be packed in WA etc.
Some people follow the rugby up here but it’s not a religion.
That’s one of the best things about living here.
Being able to go somewhere and talk about other things.
The lack of footy zombies incapable of a conversation about anything else.
Lucky bastards.
If we don’t get three inches, man,
Or four to break this drought,
We’ll all be rooned,” said Hanrahan,
“Before the year is out.”
BREAKING: US Senate votes to end COVID-19 national state of emergency
March 4, 2022 at 8:37 am
Sorry about that Girls and Lads.
My comments regards Queensland are only made because an insulated urban Victorian pondered the world beyond Lygon st. He was having difficulty understanding QLD.
I’m just here to help.
Scummo’s attempt to weld without a mask was gold!
The Cassandra List.
Or at least a list which includes some surprising Cassandras.
Germany to boycott Russian gas in solidarity with Ukraine.
As if.
Virtue signalling isn’t supposed to actually cost you anything in terms of money or comfort.
My late father always said that Hanrahan was the patron Saint of marginal area farmers in the Eastern Wheatbelt.
Re Queensland – it is impossible to generalise because it is so vast and decentralised.
But when, for my sins, I had to read letters to the PM on topics including immigration, there was a disproportionate number of very hateful ones from the backblocks of Queensland. You know, ‘slopes’ and ‘gooks’ and pollution of the white race – that kind of thing. Fortunately, we had permission from the PM’s office to not reply. That was Keating.
When Howard came in, the rules changed. We had to either send a ‘thank you for your letter’ response or even sometimes to engage with these fuckwits. I ended up moving from that job because I couldn’t stand it.
It is one of the nasty secrets of the Howard administration.
We’re going to freeze to death until you do what we say!
In what way is Russia going into Ukraine different from the US going into Iraq in 2003?
A Canberra public servant grizzling about Queenslanders.
Oh dear……..
Is this the Q and A that gave Zaky Mallah a forum? H/T Michael Smith.
Good News, Casey DeSantis Now Considered ‘Cancer Free’
I had dinner with a former head honcho mining dude the other night. I wasn’t totally focused if it was an individual or a guy that leads a coal mining group he was talking about. He was saying this guy bought a ton of coal assets from the two big miners for a song as they were divesting over recent years.
He’s made a bomb.
Georgia and Moldova Request EU Membership, All the Cool Kids Are Doing It
March 3, 2022 | Sundance
Car fans and collectors news:
Delusional doesn’t even begin to describe it.
Living in North Korea MKII and having the conceited arrogance to mock or pass judgment on anyone.
All those institutions and universities and so on who have heeded calls to ‘divest’ from debbil debbil fossil fuel investments have done their shareholders or whoever a great disservice.
Good! 🙂
JC, the guys with no debt on those assets are making major bank.
Unfortunately, I know a group that took on debt to do the same & he’s been getting squeezed at 8% in private markets.
Russian reasons are legitimate. The USA illegal invasion was based on lies.
That’s the difference.
I knew I shouldn’t trust that kookaburra.
Never trust a creature that literally laughs at you.
You foist Dan Andrews onto this country, you prevent any right wing national parliament ever forming, you are the conduit through which CCP and globo homo influence openly flows into this place.
Fix your shit and be silent.
Just gonna put on my Waylon Jennings cassette, my blue singlet and enjoy another day on the Cat.
“What? Why didn’t you put it on top of the wardrobe?”
I stood for my and everyone else’s freedom. But no-one stood with me.
Roger please don’t joke about Russian gas.
Reading back from last night, I just saw this:
First cat shows, now this. When will it end?
Although I’m not sure that relieving Russkie apartment dwellers of the Agonies of the Allen Key is much of a punishment. And, having tried to understand the instructions rendered from Swedish into English, I hate to think how they would translate into Russian.
Kassam Explains WEF Propaganda on GBNews
(with Mark Steyn – 9:40)
johanna at 9:39 – a guy from school made a fortune (literally) from a Bangladesh coal mine divested by one of the majors. No one knows how much he made but he has lived in Chelsea for the last 20 years and has a kid at Timbertop, so I assume he is going alright. Did a geology degree when he couldn’t get into Med.
you prevent any right wing national parliament ever forming,”
What on earth are you talking about here?
Also Johanna.
A Dutchwoman who spent her life leeching off the australian everyman then got driven out of Canberra by the Rudd mass immigration into Canberra and now lives in white outpost “struggle town” Queanbeyan (a normal regional town that Canberra’s make a national sport of sneering at). That she spent her life – up until that point – sneering at and mocking as all good Canberrans do.
I remember why JC used to beat you up so much here.
Oh and you used to open mail.
A little bit of Lizzie style embellishing been going on in your posting career, Johanna the Mail Clerk?
The biggest buyer of BHP & Rio coal assets.
Making money really is in their DNA.
Forgot what they say publicly.
Watch what they do privately.
Courtesy of Westprint Maps Friday newsletter.
Initially, the motivation was for cheap smokes.
And the cheap car rego.
Now, not so much.
The USNavy are going to say they have recovered the plane even if they haven’t to put the choggies and ruskies off the scent.
There was an article at The Conservative Woman (excellent site) recently about kingfishers, and somebody in the comments mentioned that Kookas are kingfishers, and that they eat insects and grubs.
The commenter must have missed the kookas I have seen beating snakes and lizards to death against a tree branch or trunk. I’m told they do it against rocks as well.
It’s amazing how people can get one fact right and the next one completely wrong. How does that happen?
There was a window where Glencore were buying so many quality assets from BHP & Rio that they had to sell some of their existing lower quality assets for competition reasons.
I think we’re past the point of no return here, but…
If you wanted to make Russia even more anti-Western and pro-China you’d do exactly what Western governments and corporates are doing now.
Stix. Feel better now?
Struth’s funny in that he makes some people out their true selves.
It’s weird because he’s never said much that other people aren’t saying. So as I’ve said before it’s not what he’s saying it’s who he is that sends these people into a posting rage.
And if you look it’s always the same type of people that form themselves into little grey cardigan hen pecking posse whenever he arrives.
Rod Marsh has died.
Rod Marsh has died.
Or Russians?
Or Russians with COVID?
Piss off, twostix. Your description of me is wildly inaccurate, and I have dealt with that crap several times before.
For the record, I am not in receipt of any kind of pension whatsoever, never have been.
It is sad to see someone seething with hate like you are.
Nice to hear that Keating didn’t give a shit about the concerns of Australian citizens.
Way to let badly articulated problems fester.
But then he always was ‘above’ the working Aussies he made kick shit up hill against ‘the recession we had to have’.
Mind you, in my attempts to live in Qld (I like my four distinct seasons & that’s the beauty of this uniquely blessed land, we have climates & terrains to suit everyone who wants to make Australia their ‘homeland’), I also experienced a lot of genuinely hateful racists, in the older, heavily accented, German & Dutch communities who came here for our White Australia policy.
Sure, not all Dutch & Germans, just like not all Australians who took themselves North, away from larger populations because war experiences made coping with people in general and some specifically, harder than it is for most.
If you really want to understand how the world works, this book on Marc Rich is the playbook.
Right now with relation to Russia, there would be hundreds of parties trying to replicate what he did.
So somebody’s making money then? Can’t expect any help from the ASX, private equity, Mike Canon-Brookes or Holmes a Court types.
Jetstar pilot says he is being treated unfairly for losing job while on two murder charges…
RIP Rod Marsh
It was ’81 and a holiday treat for the kids that took us to the SCG for a One Day match, Aus v NZ. From up in the newly completed Brewongle stand we witnessed to our delight Marsh’s bat break and fly through the air.
Rich was one of Clinton’s final pardons.
His ex wife was a friend of Hillary & substantial donor (for the time).
Lot, a lot, of money to be made buying assets off governments and big miners. Helps to have some to start. I wasn’t great at taking on risk but happy to look on from the sidelines.
To put that 8% private market debt into perspective, BHP issued bonds last year at margin of 30bps over the benchmark (the new LIBOR).
That is, BHP issues bonds at a lower margin than most non OECD countries.
Watching Lillee, Marsh and the West Indies at the WACA in the late 70s as a kid was a great introduction to the game.
Regional Queensland is like the rebel Ukrainian provinces.
It is yes, but you have to travel through coastal and central QLD to understand the extraordinary lengths (and expense) that the South Brisbane Government is going to in order to undermine any spirit of regional
Control over volunteers, schools of course, small business, arrogant police, regional ‘universities’, Dept of Environment, Waterways & Fisheries, are all tools to repress non-inner city thinking.
The great coup against rural industries and culture was the ‘rationalisation’ of Council boundaries that ensured that most rural council regions were dominated by a regional city populated by Numbers clones with professional council staff as the gestapo.
FMD. The Biden administration has announced they are looking at sanctions on India because they won’t sanction Russia. India now looking to trade directly with Russia in the Ruble, and move away from the dollar.
Stupid like that should hurt, and maybe people would learn something. Going to be interesting what the other BRICS nations do.
“It is sad to see someone seething with hate like you are.”
I can’t stop laughing.
What is the purpose of this post –
Can’t people read for themselves and think for themselves?
They have to have a running commentary of who is & isn’t allowed to sit at the cool kids table?
Most complain that they don’t like the personal bitching, but only, it seems, when it’s the targets of some bothering to respond to the bitches.
But what’s really going on is good old fashioned, Social Pressure To Conform To The Mob, which is why they never let up their pressure against those who share views different to the Pressure Mob.
News.com.au has this headline this morning:
‘DELUSIONAL’: Putin’s astonishing statement about Ukraine invasion
A “delusional” Vladimir Putin intends to seize the “whole” of Ukraine, according to French President Emmanuel Macron who said he fears the “worst is to come” after a 90-minute phone call with the Russian leader.
For about a week, we at the Cat have been saying Russia must occupy the entire Ukraine but apparently this is fresh news to those at News.com.au.
I thought we should extend a broad ‘professional courtesy’ to News journalists.
Dear News Journalists,
Here are the Cat we have numerous experts in a range of subjects from domestic politics, international events, defence, science, business, law, mining, climate and environment to name just a few. Many of our contributors have significant professional experience in their chosen field and offer their advice and forecasts freely to the Cat.
We invite you to harness this knowledge base in order that your readership be accurately informed on a wide range of local and international events in a timely manner. We believe that our contributors will also balance the systematic partiality inherent in the current reporting format and, as an added bonus, some of our contributors are adept at biting satire which your readership may find thought provoking.
Our contributions are offered free of charge.
The Cat
RIP Bacchus Marsh.
Like this saying more about them than me, twostix?
It’s not that I’ve been right for most of this…..it’s that I’VE been right for most of this!
A Queenslander (even though I’m more of a Territorian than anything else) a diesel mechanic truckie WHO NEVER EVENT WENT TO UNIVEE…um, univur….um….higher education and mouths off as if I’m a normal member of society!.
The cheek!!!!
Self education by travel and experience through tour driving etc, is now paying off.
(For example, my education stopped me from jabbing myself to death).
Those educated in Australian institutions are at a distinct disadvantage.
It’s an insular experience as well.
It certainly doesn’t broaden your horizons or give you any clue regarding politics and the way the world works.
In fact, quite the reverse, in most cases.
But I also have the ungentlemanly behaviour of not letting the wrongologists off and just moving on, which sends them insane.
Their pigeon holing of people based on bigotry such as above is a display of ignorance and it’s a characteristic predominantly of the collectivist left, but as we can see, is also prevalent amongst those who think they’re right wing, but are actually as “individualist” as the collectivist left.
And as ignorant.
I think it means, you did not touch the hem of Fat Cloive’s garment as he passed by.
But if he had murdered some Russians, he would be a national hero.
Rural people, especially those with an oxy set and a MIG set, are a problem. Once you live in an apartment even growing a pot of fresh parsley becomes a challenge.
On the proviso that they will not comment.
We don’t want the standards and tone of the blog lowered.
Speaking of QLD regions, I recently had to travel to Yeppoon. A not unpleasant, but nothing town supported by local beach tourism (popular with those who enjoy crocs and stingers), boaties, and regional retirees.
The little dump has the most extraordinary foreshore development of any town that I have seen in Australia.
Various pools, kids water gardens, activities centers, picnic & BBQ facilities, all built to the highest standard.
Fascinated, I started researching to understand how a humpy town can sport Dubai standard facilities.
It appears that the $59m was diverted from Federal cyclone relief funds all arranged by ‘a prominent racing identity with connections to a certain political party’.
Ya gotta love Oz.
Suck on this, greenies:
Those following the MSM would think that debbil debbil fossil fuels are fast receding as we move into the sunlit uplands of windmills and solar panels.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
I note that coal prices are skyrocketing. You know, those ‘stranded assets’ greenies keep talking about.
Keep talking, eejits, while the wise investor buys coal and oil and gas.
Having worked in construction, doing both engineering design and also running men on the tools, I can say that in my experience having a ‘Uni degree’ is no indicator of intelligence.
Assuming the translator got it right – and wars have been started over mistranslations – and Macron is not lying, if I were a Russian oligarch I’d be thinking it’s time for Vlad to retire to his dacha in Sochi.
Oh come onsays:
March 4, 2022 at 3:20 am
Our tax dollars at work:
Q+A host Stan Grant asks pro-Russian audience member to leave the studio after Ukraine claim
It really is as disgraceful as the headline suggests. The booted audience member made a verifiable claim* that was too anti-Narrative, and sTan got the vapours then kicked him out.
Heres the exchange.
The young man, Sasha Gillies-Lekakis, had asked a “rogue” question, Grant said, although Gillies-Lekakis later said it had been vetted by the ABC except for a few added words. It prompted shouts of “lies” from the audience on Thursday night.
“As someone who comes from the Russian community here in Australia, I’ve been pretty outraged by the narrative created by our media depicting the Ukraine as ‘the good guy’ and Russia as ‘the bad guy’,” Gillies-Lekakis said.
“Believe it or not, there are a lot of Russians here and around the world that support what Putin is doing in the Ukraine, myself included. Since 2014, the Ukrainian government together with Nazi groups like the Azov Battalion have besieged the Russian populations in the Donbas killing an estimated 13,000 people according to the United Nations.
“My question is: where was your outpouring of grief and concern for those thousands of mostly Russians?”
An audience member interjected with “That’s a lie” and “Don’t do this, it’s propaganda” before Grant tried to clarify the figures involved.
“The United Nations has listed 13,000 total people killed since the conflict, but you’re trying to suggest that is Russians killed by Ukrainians,” Grant said. “The United Nations has pointed out there is 13,000 killed since the conflict began in 2014.”
After a brief discussion, the program moved on to other issues including the floods in New South Wales and Queensland but a visibly unnerved Grant returned to address the young man later in the show.
“Something has been bothering me, I have to admit, since we had Sasha’s question earlier about Russia, and it’s been playing on my mind,” Grant said.
“Sasha, people here have been talking about family who are suffering and people who are dying. You supported what’s happening, hearing that people are dying. Can I just say – I’m just not comfortable with you being here. Could you please leave?”
But Gillies-Lekakis did not want to leave and protested.
Grant said: “You can ask a question but we cannot advocate violence. I should have asked you to leave then. It’s been playing on my mind and, I’m sorry, but I have to ask you to leave.”
The audience applauded Grant’s stance and, while Gillies-Lekakis initially resisted, he did leave while the camera stayed on Grant.
Grant apologised for the disruption.
“It was not a vetted question,” he said. “It was a question that was, you know, a rogue question, if you like. It’s not good to exclude people, but we have to take those steps from time to time.”
That’s our job.
Johnny clearly learnt from Maggie,
Mrs Thatcher has read your enquiry with interest but it will not be part of official Conservative Party policy, though we are sympathetic to your cause.
If you’d had the sort of education I have had, a very superior education than most (in the important subjects) You’d never make stupid comments about the racists of Queensland.
You have learned history for your tour driving job and you’d know by having all nationalities aboard your tour coach/4wd truck etc, that we are the least racist people on earth.
Maybe those Queenslanders had a point.
In the real world, Asians detest other slightly different looking asians and think they are superior to whites and detest blacks.
Almost fear them, generally speaking.
The blacks hate whites, the blacks hate asians, the Germans have fucking great chips on their shoulders, the French think they are above everyone else, and then there’s the groups that keep business amongst themselves and only marry amongst themselves like Italians and in some cases Jews.
And I’m married to one.
Greeks, Turks, on it fucking goes. Sand monkeys and infidels.
The Mexicans and the blacks don’t see eye to eye.
You know, maybe, looking back, those Queenslanders may have had a point, and we are in the shit we are in precisely because of anti white public servants like yourself.
All cultures are not equal and I’m sick to fucking death of public servants dismissing those white people paying their wages as some back water freaks.
Fuck you.
“It was not a vetted question,
Sshhhh…you said the quiet part out aloud !
We only take approved opinions comrade. To the gulag with you.
The producer was in his ear piece.
Roger says:
March 4, 2022 at 9:57 am
I think we’re past the point of no return here, but…
If you wanted to make Russia even more anti-Western and pro-China you’d do exactly what Western governments and corporates are doing now.
100%. Startling isn’t it.
Re Bons comment at 10.34am.
A similar amount spent on some rather hideous street landscaping down from the NGV towards the ABC headquarters off St Kilda Rd in Vicdanistan. Yeppoon might have got better value for money, for things that will actually be used. Corruption isn’t always bad…
Therefore, all questions on Q&A are vetted (which we already know).
But the ABC always tries to weasel out of this.
“We can’t help what people ask”.
Example, the David Hicks gotcha with Howard.
Or the ABC reverting to a wide shot just before the shoe throwing incident.
“It was not a vetted question,” he said. “It was a question that was, you know, a rogue question, if you like. It’s not good to exclude people, but we have to take those steps from time to time.”
A lesson in modern political discourse.
When Howard came in, the rules changed. We had to either send a ‘thank you for your letter’ response or even sometimes to engage with these fuckwits. I ended up moving from that job because I couldn’t stand it.
Good to know what public servants think of constituents, even the shit ones. Does any public servant ever wonder why they are like that when engaging with politicians or the PS in general?
Nothing worse than having a Punch & Judy show run off script.
I thought this was a bit weird.
Grant said: “You can ask a question but we cannot advocate violence.
I didnt see any “violence’in that question unless it was to the narrative.
Isnt the whole idea of the show to air views and debate them?
My violence isnt violence, your words are!
Russian reasons are legitimate. The USA illegal invasion was based on lies.
That’s the difference.
If you believe Russia has not and is not lying, I have a bridge you may want to purchase…
Perhaps you can enlighten us then.
Can you point to the UN Security Council resolution that authorised the Russian invasion of Ukraine as was supposedly required for the US and coalition members to legally invade Iraq?
If it was required in Iraq, why is it not required in Ukraine?
“Therefore, in the absence of an armed attack against the US or the coalition members, any legal use of force, or any legal threat of the use of force, had to be supported by a UN security Council resolution authorizing member states to use force against Iraq.”
Don’t upset the hive.
If you wanted to make Russia even more anti-Western and pro-China you’d do exactly what Western governments and corporates are doing now.
Forever Wars.
Incase anyone is interested.
If it was required in Iraq, why is it not required in Ukraine?
Because it was a mere fig leaf. Obviously. Just a pretext.
“You can ask a question but we cannot advocate violence.”
And of course the person asking the question wasn’t advocating violence. It was a revealing response from Grant and one that now represents the West to a tee now. If you dare to speak up against the prevailing narratives and dictates, then your language is deemed “hateful” and “violent” in order to silence you. It is akin to World War I and II censorship.
Needless to say I don’t watch Q&A, but I’m curious if there was any discussion or approval of Australia sending $70m worth of missiles and ammunition to a foreign government that is reportedly handing weapons out to civilians?
All letters to ministers must be responded to.
Unless it’s a Labor minister?
Violence is required when reason fails.
Good Tom’s toons most noting the connection between the biden cadaver’s energy policies and putin and iran.
In other news more evidence of the election fraud:
Zuckerbucks at Work: 91 Nursing Homes in 5 Wisconsin Cities Had 95% to 100% Voter Turnout Rates – They Abused Disabled Seniors and Stole Their Votes
Still waiting for you to produce your evidence that DeATh CaMpS were being built on day one of ‘Two Weeks to Flatten the Curve,’ Manlet.
And repeatedly squealing that you said all along they were AnNoUnCeD! REeeeeeEE Communist Koala C9mrade Choo Choo Manz! doesn’t count.
You don’t have to be educated to be a fool…
Cats, hurry up and give this man your upticks. You’ve only given him about 25 or so this morning, and he needs at least 90 to feel validated. If you have to, refresh-spam the page so the man gets his quota of upticks and he can carry on with his day.* Otherwise you’re in for a repeat of yesterday, and our darling Glass-Jawed Manlet is more monomanic and mindlessly argumentative than old Numbers Bob…
* And that goes for all you lurkers out there who like watching me get kicked for disagreeing with the Nuffier elements of the zeitgeist here, too! Do your part!
I’m not racist.
I don’t care who shoots ’em.
Mine beat dead cows to death. Sometimes on the hand of a live human. Kookas are eccentric.
Echos of Iraq if the recent statement that Russian intelligence reckons Ukraine were developing nukes with the assistance of the US are remotely true. Only seen that only telegram chats though, so who knows.
Like watching a pit of vipers and snakes fighting each other for no reason other than ego.
Still doing fuck all, comrade?
How very railways of you.
Let us sing.
OOOOOOOOH, you can’t touch me I’m part of the Union….
No, with more of a Northern Pommie accent please…
Start again.
OOOOOOOOOOh, you can’t tooch me ‘ Im parrrt of the youneeeon…
much better.
Right. So if and when the Azov Battalion goes into action against the Russians, our government is literally supporting Nazis.
Where is the journalist to put that fact to SloMo and his government?
Pilger defends wussia and putin.
Re STan, what did the Q & A advertising say some years ago (haven’t even channel surfed if for so long, I can’t remember when)? “Where you get to ask the questions”?
But only the ones that Their ABC approves.
Devastating news about Rod Marsh. Australia and Western Australia’s wicketkeeper during my youth, I watched him play many times at the WACA (and Gabba). Caught Marsh bowled Lillee was the most common mode of dismissal at the time. Just sad.
Nobody mention Rod Marsh’s death.
It will upset St. Ruth of Wordwall, who is busy writing thank you letters to his new Governor, Jeannette Young, who closed Quenthland schools to teach people a lesson, and who was appointed by a Government Quenthlanders voted in.
Even the fat old unjabbed who didn’t even buy Hitler’s car survive covid.
’cause we used to call it a cold.
Or maybe a flu.
How many boosters are you going to take?
I said:
The Glass-Jawed Manlet said:
I am sorry that my presence on this blog, Struth, causes you to spontaneously shatter your veneer of Heroikly Speekin’ Troof Ter Powah and revert to being a toddler.
Would some more upticks soothe your psychic pain?
Also, you have a standing invite to come West when all this business is over. For as I said to JC yesterday, during the nearest thing to the total supply chain failure (that you wanted us to all experience) that happened in January this year, I tried to experiment with creating my own mayonnaise.
I had no problem finding eggs, but could not find any Vegetable Oil. I found a suitable press, though, and I think it would fit you perfectly… 🙂
It’s a very strange world indeed when one finds oneself in general agreement with John Pilger.
Putin and the energy situation:
You have no idea how revolting those letters were. None.
We are not talking about discussion here. We are talking about suggestions about how ‘gooks’ and ‘chinks’ and other undesirables should be fed into woodchippers and used to fertilise the fields of ‘white Australians.’
‘Thank you for your letter?’
A quote from Emerald Grains’ daily update.
“Export demand for Australian origin supply is immense as we are well positioned to fill open supply gaps, with wheat and canola being the most sought after commodities.”
The dollar is rising as a result which is taking some shine off but overall it’s happy days.
Not sure how Australia can fill supply gaps when our handling facilities and infrastructure are maxxed out already.
I forgot to ask Struth,
How is it you know union culture so well?
Do you guiltily hide a TWU Member Card and T-shirt under your mattress in the same way a guilty schoolboy stashes his Maxims and Pictures?
That’s not very Road-Warriorish of you…
Why people are siding with putin against a decadent US:
This would not have happened if Trump had not had his election stolen, which is part of that decadence.