Farking Brillo. 2 Billion Up Thumbs and a chocolate frog.
Farking Brillo. 2 Billion Up Thumbs and a chocolate frog.
DOGE says 239 contracts canceled over 2 days, including a grant to teach trans farmers about ‘food justice’
Re 1: For about the fifth time, your retort not only makes no sense, but it’s also an intellectual travesty.…
Sheesh Duk, throw down a /sarc tag if you’re going to drop this sort of cold cut
Netflix last night popped up a doco on Ukraine. Think it might be the one YouTube banned. Was about the major protests in 2013/14 which threw out the Putin supporting President who went back on a deal to sign trade deal with EU. The protesters very much wanted to be part of Europe and carrying lot of EU flags.
Very good footage of the protests which lasted for months. The Govt side even deployed snipers who can be seen in operation. Many religious leaders joined in. The protesters would not give up and eventually removed the President. Brave considering the police brutality.
The final point came when an Army guy stood up at rally and said his unit was going to deploy against Govt the next day if President did not step down. He was standing next to one of the boxer guys who I think was already a mayor at that time. The boxer mayor had just been telling the crowd to trust the President and looked very uncomfortable when the Army guy gave his speech right next to him.
All dubbed but some incredible footage. Not sure why it would be banned.
Oh, you meant your state member…why didn’t you say so?
I just rang him, his secretary is in the office and would love to hear from you: 4114 1100.
You’re welcome.
I ask myself.
What would a real man say?
Would it be something like,
Probably not.
Sancho Panzer:
Certainly did, Sancho!
Provided jobs – careers even, for scores of useless no-hopers in admin who would never observe the grim reality of the racism of low expectations, and who among themselves are utterly convinced of the dire necessity of their limp wristed interventions. (and of course the need for appropriate remuneration.)
Missed that, but the banned one was was ‘Ukraine on Fire’.
Last I checked it can be donwloaded for free from Vimeo courtesy the film’s producers.
Russia should be one of the world’s dynamic, rejuvenated nations. Resource mega-rich, ultra-brainy population, sophisticated culture, it had everything going for it. It could have been a resources and technology powerhouse.
100% true. A vast land with more natural resources than they know what to do with and, make no mistake, Russians are (generally) very bright and their scientists are exceptional. Education is highly prized and whilst the caricature of the vodka soaked Russian is true in some areas, Moscow and St Petersburg are buzzing cosmopolitans with millions working hard. Even Volgograd deserves an honourable mention.
Although it’s currently opportunity misplaced, I won’t say it’s opportunity lost. The new relationship with China may change things. Russia and China both have a lot to gain from each other – and the prize is awesome.
Gosh, that’s awkward.
St Ruth, you weren’t lying about trying to contact him were you, by any chance?
Pro tip.
Maybe try “Hide Caller ID” before the next try.
This is your morning Frank, you’re the star, not me, no one needs look at me right now, they should all be looking at you, Mr road warrior wot didn’t happen.
Trying to start a character assassination of truckies because of me, you’re inherent bigotry toward men in general, and envy, (you know it’s true), you made a complete goose of yourself which was picked up by others……….so you then denied it ever happened!
You’re not real bright , troll.
I always have fun pressing your highly emotional buttons.
And they’re easily pushed.
The Liberal party won’t be impressed.
Here ’tis
What a surprise.
No expectations would be more accurate.
I was thinking about that this morning, with the whole Foetal Alcohol Syndrome excuse making.
I see plenty of people around our community who might be classified as ‘slow’ who manage to live useful lives, holding down simple jobs, albeit with close supervision.
This guy was smart enough to know about tracking bracelets and evading cops, so he was no vegetable.
His office is locked and he’s not there.
You don’t have to be sitting in an office to take a call to the office.
It’s the year 2022.
However, I’m starting to think you might be a female, Frank.
Whenever some women I know get caught out, they immediately try and turn it back saying things like …..yeah, but back in 1987 you said I looked fat in those jeans I loved”
So let’s see…….which or if any part of the truck and the off ramp part was true??
Oh hang on a sec.
I can’t ask you.
No one can now believe a fucking word you say.
Cassie of Sydney:
Of course, and like those Baktiari boys, when they’ve been used are then cast aside.
Standard Lefty playbook.
People are disposable.
So you believed everything I said right up until today, huh?
That is the whole point.
You treat yourself as the font of all truth and wisdom, with most people here being worthless dickheads who aren’t worth listening to.
Until one of them posts something which you think you can jump on to validate yourself.
Suddenly this tale must be true.
BTW, no-one cares about your 16 speed cashbox or whatever it is.
Is that still a skill requirement for truck driving.
Like Putin, Morro is a wretched man upon whom the failings of others are being heaped and these others are getting off scot free.
This age of political correctness and secularism is returning to the primitive belief in the scapegoat.
You missed the sly bit of empire building there, Malcolm.
the lead organisation that isn’t properly resourced
A dog whistle for an organisation to be put onto the public purse, and therefore under the control of the bureaucracy. With ‘maaates’ in the top jobs on $200k a year.
Why do you need to see him in person.
I’ve heard rural Queensssland electorates are bigger than Texas.
Maybe he is out tending more deserving constituents in the far-flung corners of his electorate and doesn’t have time to spend one-on-one with a Doomsday cultist who has bedsores from sitting on the couch.
Reports of that today. I have no idea of the veracity.
Putin purges Russian intelligence as military elite suffer devastating losses (WaEx, 14 Mar)
Looking at the map sites this morning and from guys like Mick Ryan and Pentagon briefee Dan Lamothe (WaPo) there still appears to be not much progress.
When ‘sources’ make statements that contradict known information prior to the conflict and facts on the ground, but confirm the prevailing narrative, you have good reason to conclude they are lying.
Calli at 7.50am:
Bob Moran is hated by other British cartoonists and the UK media establishment because he thinks for himself and therefore exposes their dumbed-down groupthink.
The bloke who runs the Twitter account that lists daily UK cartoons regularly attempts to lampoon Moran and just ends up proving what a zombie club Fleet Street has become.
When assessing what appears in the media, you should remember that 90%+ of journalists are members of the leftist herd, which has strict rules banning original thought, from which no deviation is tolerated.
It’s quite hilarious when most journalists consider themselves masters of the universe who are so much cleverer than ordinary people.
After a lifetime in the journalism business, I have concluded that, as a class of people, journalists are among the stupidest, most un-self-aware people ever born, yet, in a classic self-delusion, they believe they are among the smartest.
Like the Silicon Valley nerds whose one talent in life is writing HTML code, which now delivers them the power to control what we are allowed to say on social media, journalists are the worst possible people to be deciding what is in the public interest. They don’t think like the public – or vote like them.
“…but MH17 is Russia’s fault.”
I posted links at the time to Russian military holding a press conference where they followed the rocket number to missile number etc etc from manufacture all the way to deployment and showed it was under Ukrainian control – they had hand-written log books on display for journalists to peruse to prove it.
Sure, could have been faked I guess, but looked pretty convincing and they did take questions, none of which they appeared to “dodge” or otherwise fumble over.
Then there is the purported recording of the then Ukraine president (or maybe a general, I don’t recall) saying along the lines of “… do I have to shoot down another airliner…”.
Saying it was “a Russian missile what shot it down, therefore Russia done it” makes about as much sense as claiming the US is responsible because the Ukrainians used US RPGs to destroy Russian tanks – it’s not who makes it, it’s who has control and who pulls the trigger.
Want to make a bet we could out-shit-the-bed worse than the Russians?
Not taking a bet. I’m sure we would.
funny – knowing a couple of people who worked in the trade, I tend to agree.
Not so much stupid – but vacuously unaware of the possibility that people who don’t think like them exist.
Senator suggests plan to ax Fauci’s NIAID post
White House medical advisor Anthony Fauci should not be allowed to act as a ‘dictator-in-chief’, Sen. Rand Paul said
Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) has proposed an amendment that would remove chief medical advisor Anthony Fauci from his role at the top of the public health pyramid. On Monday, the senator, who is also a trained physician, revealed a plan to split Fauci’s role as the head of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) into three roles run by separate directors.
“This will create accountability and oversight into a taxpayer funded position that has largely abused its power, and has been responsible for many failures and misinformation during the Covid-19 pandemic,” Paul wrote in a Fox News op-ed.
“We’ve learned a lot over the past two years,” the senator wrote, adding that the main lesson is that “no one person should be deemed ‘dictator-in-chief’.” His measure, Paul said, would “finally force accountability and fire Dr. Fauci.”
*READ MORE: Rand Paul to make ‘criminal referral’ to DOJ after accusing Fauci of ‘lying to Congress’ regarding gain-of-function virus research
Under Paul’s plan, the three smaller national research institutes would be the National Institute of Allergic Diseases, the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, and the National Institute of Immunologic diseases – and each would have their own director.
To prevent abuses of power, those directors would be appointed by the president and serve out a five-year term.
Paul tore into Fauci personally in the oped, saying that in all his years studying and practicing medicine, he has never encountered someone with the gall to proclaim himself “the science” and portray anyone opposing him as “attacking science.”
Fauci is the highest-paid US government employee whose salary is furnished by taxpayers, taking home a whopping $417,608 in 2019, according to Forbes. He and his wife also held over $10.4 million in investments at the end of 2020, financial disclosures revealed.
*Read more Fauci predicts ‘a bit more pain & suffering’ for unvaccinated
Paul and Fauci have squared off repeatedly during the pandemic, with the senator accusing the lifetime public health bureaucrat of lying to congress by denying that the National Institutes of Health paid for gain-of-function research at the Chinese Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Fauci has accused Paul of attempting to implicate him in the origins of Covid-19 itself, which Paul said is not his aim. The Kentucky senator has even referred the case to the Department of Justice – a gesture that seldom amounts to an actual court case.
With nearly a million Americans having died of Covid-19, President Joe Biden declared victory over the virus during his State of the Union address earlier this month, and the mask mandates and lockdowns that kept much of the world indoors for the last two years have all but disappeared. Arguing these measures did nothing to protect Americans, Paul blamed the fact that the science the government followed was “dictated by one man, an unelected bureaucrat with far too much power.”
* https://www.rt.com/news/551905-rand-paul-fauci-niaid-breakup/
I saw newspapers in London retailing these lies and eager intellectuals building emotional superstructures over events that never happened. I saw, in fact, history being written not in terms of what happened but of what ought to have happened according to various “party lines.”
? George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia
“… let’s not pretend he brings much else to the table other than his ego.”
To paraphrase Zaphod Beeblebrox: “Hey, if there’s anything around here more important than my ego, I want it caught and shot immediately!”
Not so much stupid – but vacuously unaware of the possibility that people who don’t think like them exist.
First line of Mark Steyn’s obituary for Ronald Reagan:
“All weekend long, across the networks, media grandees who’d voted for Carter and Mondale, just like all their friends did, tried to explain the appeal of Ronald Reagan.”
[Steyn then eviscerates them, as you’d expect.]
Just checking the schedule Dot.
The original prediction was made in October 2021 (just before Frank died and was raised again).
The prediction was that all the ‘jabbed’ would be dead in 18 months to four years.
So, that is between April 2023 and October 2025, according to my sums.
Better get cracking.
Not long now.
Tempest Fungus and all that.
It’s sometimes best to remember most only know what they’ve read in
the Sacred Press Release. Which is written by another J’ismist.
Blokes engage in harmless fun…
Karen complains to the ABC manager who finds a Whakerdemonic* to essentially link it to rape.
Perth woman confronts men ‘rating’ women out of 10 at Scarborough Beach
Three men who were holding up numbers rating female joggers out of 10 as they ran past on a public beach have been called out by a woman who filmed the encounter.
Key points:
The woman says men need to confront their peers over this type of behaviour
An expert says young men need to be educated about equality and respect
She said positive male role models could also set an example
Elizabeth was running on the beach in Scarborough on Saturday when she saw the men sitting on deck chairs and holding up little whiteboards as women ran past.
She said they were also yelling and whistling.
“It took me a second to realise they were actually rating me and other women who ran by out of 10,” she said.
“I stewed on it for the rest of the run because I didn’t really take it all in at the time.
“And then on the way back they did it again, gave me another rating out of 10.”
‘I wasn’t going to stand for that’
Elizabeth said she was initially shocked.
“When you see something like that, that makes you feel small and scared, you sort of want to laugh it off to make everyone feel comfortable, but then I got angrier and angrier as I ran along,” she said.
“Then on the way back I decided I wasn’t going to stand for that and so I decided to say something.
“Because I thought about friends, and my sisters and other women who might not ever want to go for a run again after feeling so scared and embarrassed by these guys, and I just didn’t want it to happen to other people.”
She took out her phone and started filming, and called out to them: “Do you know how uncomfortable that makes people feel?”
Three men holding up whiteboards
One of the men shouted: ‘Yeah the boys’ when she confronted them. (Supplied)
One of the men hid his face behind the whiteboard.
“Do your workplaces and families mind sexists?” she said, to which one of the men shouted “Yeah the boys” as he pumped his arms in the air, adding “I’m a feminist.”
Elizabeth said she would have felt disappointed in herself if she just ran past and ignored the behaviour.
“But I think this behaviour needs to get called out because I don’t think these guys know what they’re doing makes people feel uncomfortable, I think they need to hear that from us,” she said.
“Otherwise it’ll just continue.”
RMIT Professor Nicola Henry said gender inequality shaped this kind of behaviour.
“These behaviours exist on a continuum,” she said.
“A woman across her lifetime will experience many instances of sexual and street harassment.
“But she might also experience a sexual assault, or numerous sexual assaults … online abuse … images being taken and shared without her consent … coercive control and domestic violence.
“We can’t think about these behaviours in isolation, we have to think about them across the spectrum.”
*Like a garden variety Whakerdemic, but using their powers of wankery for evil.
Don’t worry about the press releases.
That is public domain stuff.
It is the background briefings which make them really, really smart.
Young Woke annoying people defeated in court:
Environment Minister Sussan Ley wins major climate change case
The group of school students behind a landmark climate change lawsuit have vowed to keep fighting for protection from global warming after a “devastating” court ruling.
The federal court on Tuesday found Australia’s environment minister does not have a duty of care to protect children from the harm caused by climate change.
Sussan Ley secured the major victory after being taken to court by eight high school students.
The teenagers launched their class action in 2020, attempting to stop planning approval for an expansion of Whitehaven Coal’s Vickery mine in regional NSW.
They secured a partial victory in the federal court in July last year.
Justice Mordecai Bromberg dismissed their application to prevent Ms Ley from approving the mine expansion, but found she owed a duty of care to young Australians when assessing fossil fuel projects.
Justice Bromberg’s decision was hailed as a landmark ruling that could pave the way for future climate litigation in Australia.
Ms Ley appealed against the decision, arguing she didn’t have this duty of care. She was ultimately successful on Tuesday morning.
The full bench of the Federal Court unanimously overturned the earlier win by the students, with all three judges agreeing there was no duty of care.
The teenagers have promised to keep fighting for stronger action on climate change in Australia.
“Today’s ruling leaves us devastated, but it will not deter us in our flight for climate justice,” 17-year-old Anjali Sharma said.
“Climate change is already wreaking havoc on the lives of Australians. Two years ago, Australia was on fire; today, it’s underwater.
“Burning coal makes bushfires and floods more catastrophic and more deadly. Something needs to change. Our leaders need to step up and act.”
Izzy Raj-Seppings, 15, said there was still much to celebrate.
“The court’s recognition that extraction and burning of fossil fuels will cause future climate impacts is an important step in the fight for climate justice in the courtroom,” she said.
The students’ lawyer David Barnden said their legal team would carefully review Tuesday’s decision.
“Independent climate change experts established that Whitehaven’s Vickery coal mine will create a risk of personal injury and death to young Australians,” he said.
“The science has not changed. Irrespective of today’s decision, adults should do all they can to create a safe future for our children.”
Ms Ley has since approved the Vickery mine expansion, which is expected to produce an additional 100 million tonnes of carbon emissions.
Her office has been contacted for comment.
Mordecai Bromberg is the bloke who presided over the Bolt case where he was arguing about “aboriginality”.
Mother Lode:
No. The right to bear arms is the fundamental right.
When the people cannot defend themselves, they cannot defend their speech either.
Wow – just got for the first time “Your comment is awaiting moderation.”
Was a story just out in the Oz re:
The group of school students behind a landmark climate change lawsuit have vowed to keep fighting for protection from global warming after a “devastating” court ruling.
The federal court on Tuesday found Australia’s environment minister does not have a duty of care to protect children from the harm caused by climate change.
Sussan Ley secured the major victory after being taken to court by eight high school students.
Wow, the Oz goes all-in against ScoMo.
Anthony Albanese more ‘in touch’ with Australian voters than Scott Morrison according to the latest Newspoll (Sky News, 15 Mar)
And wow that 57% of Aussies think Albo cares for the people. Boy, are they going to get a shock or what?
I read that as a TIPPLING competition. I’m in.
It would have been a spectacular job on Russia’s part then, given that the launcher that shot MH17 down was subsequently identified by the investigating authorities as belonging to the Russian Army’s 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade.
Whoever actually ordered the shot and who pressed the button can be quibbled over, but blaming Ukraine through tracing missile ID numbers (given both sides use identical machines) was not a bad deception effort at the time.
Should be given five hundred lines, and told to concentrate on their lessons.
Whilst on treadly I regularly encounter ladies of great mass doggedly jogging, or shuffling, along the shared path. A good thing. The Wuhan bat crud seems to’ve inculcated to the masses an idea that great mass isn’t a great thing. So hence the jiggling joggers.
latest on negotiations on war started solely to distract cats from the vaccine horror
Russia will become a blockchain superpower.
An economy where the government actively supports it, rather than trying to regulate it out of existence.
We are handing Putin a lot of power.
I suspect she may have been aggrieved by the low number they gave her.
Secondly, she didn’t just confront them, she pulled out her phone to record the interaction because it was more important for her to share it with those who share her views and receive their admiration than it was to castigate the “offenders”.
The Oz is auto-moderation I think.
All comments go on hold until one of the j’ism graduates gets back from yoga.
Well, I’m out.
I can’t compete with the Bundy and Fanta crowd here on the weekends.
No, I meant here on the Cat I got:
“Your comment is awaiting moderation”
when trying to post.
Haven’t seen it before…wasn’t aware there was much that would send something into moderation on this forum.
Geez! .. there must be a few quid to be made being an internet provider .. had emails this week from both my utility mob (AGL) & bank (CBA) offering me discount internet .. neither offer beats my current provider (New Republic) pricing tho ..!
The question has to be asked. Who is paying the costs of these actions? Certainly not the kids. A federal court case and a full court appeal does not come cheap, particularly since they lost.
If the picture of the kids on the ABC report is anything to go by, the future of the country really is rooted.
A dog whistle for an organisation to be put onto the public purse, and therefore under the control of the bureaucracy. With ‘maaates’ in the top jobs on $200k a year.
Many volunteer organisations already have such a structure. Think Bush Fire Brigades (even outside Victoria), Marine Rescue/Coastal Patrol, SES.
Potential greatness status: Dodged.
Five years on, Snowy 2.0 emerges as a $10 billion white elephant
Five years ago on Tuesday, then prime minister Malcolm Turnbull announced, with great fanfare, the Snowy 2.0 pumped hydro project: “The Turnbull Government will start work on an electricity game-changer … This plan will increase the generation of the Snowy Hydro scheme by 50 per cent, adding 2000 megawatts of renewable energy to the National Electricity Market (NEM).”
The nation-building vision was for a big battery to be added to the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme. It was to be completed in four years (that is, by last year) at a cost of $2 billion without any taxpayer subsidy, bring down electricity prices, generate renewable energy and incur minimal environmental impact on Kosciuszko National Park.
Inspiring stuff. But not one of these grand claims has turned out to be true. Worse, Australian taxpayers and NSW electricity consumers will be up for billions of dollars in subsidies and increased electricity costs, all while Kosciuszko is trashed. Let’s have a quick recap.
Snowy Hydro now expects completion in 10 years, not four, by 2026. Some experts consider even this extended timeframe to be optimistic. Construction of the tunnels is running at least six months behind the latest schedule and the transmission connection is unlikely to be built by 2026 anyway. The all-up cost has increased at least five-fold, to $10 billion-plus, as energy experts warned the Prime Minister and the then NSW premier in 2020.
The underground power station and tunnels alone will cost more than $6 billion, and Snowy Hydro avoids mentioning the transmission connections to Sydney – $4 billion-plus for HumeLink and the Sydney ring – and to Victoria. To make matters worse, Snowy Hydro refuses to contribute to these transmission works, leaving it to electricity consumers to pick up the tab. Transmission tariffs in NSW will increase by more than 50 per cent if the NSW government allows Snowy Hydro to get its way, based on analysis in a Victoria Energy Policy Centre report.
Power, good and hard.
The finest, most bespoke and patrician of voltage.
Elizabeth must have scored below her expectations.
I am having trouble understanding why Putin would run an invasion to distract scrutiny from vaccines in the West.
Vaccines which were not widely used in Wussia (they developed and used Sputnik Vax I think).
And, even if other vaxxes were used there, and did cause problems, would Vlad give a fat rat’s clacker?
But I am not as good at joining the dots on my 256 open tabs as others.
Behold my shocked face.
All those future Greens politicians..
Irony alert 11
I read Instapundit too much. Sarah Hoyt is good value.
A cut and paste from The Australian:
Fears began when he was a newborn: Kumanjayi Walker’s tragic life before he was shot by NT cop Zachary Rolfe
Kumanjayi Walker and the girlfriend he repeatedly assaulted, Rickisha Robertson.
9:07AM MARCH 14, 2022
Arnold Charles Walker was just a tiny baby when the alarm bells started ringing for adults seriously concerned about his welfare.
But the odds had been against him before he was even born in Alice Springs Hospital on October 13, 2000.
His birth mother, Luritja woman Selina Lane from the Central Australian Indigenous community of Haasts Bluff, was a “sniffer” who drank heavily while pregnant with the boy who, after death, would become known as Kumanjayi Walker.
Soon after his birth, Lane – for reasons unknown – gave her newborn to Leanne Oldfield and Sampson Anthony who “grew him up” in an environment of “alcohol abuse and severe domestic violence”.
Kumanjayi Walker.
Walker at 17, after years of addiction and homelessness.
Oldfield told authorities she was friends with Kumanjayi Walker’s biological parents but was not related to either of them.
By April 2001, at seven months old, he was living with Oldfield and Anthony at a town camp on the outskirts of Alice Springs but a dispute had erupted between Walker’s maternal and paternal relatives over who should care for the infant.
Both sides claimed the other was incapable due to alcohol abuse.
A couple of months later, in June 2001, community members raised concerns the couple were struggling to cope and the baby was not thriving.
By Kumanjayi Walker’s first birthday, a dispute between his grandfather and Leanne Oldfield was underway.
Kumanjayi Walker’s paternal grandfather accused Oldfield of always being drunk and claimed she didn’t dress the boy known as “Charles” appropriately for the weather. Concerns were being raised their home was “filthy”.
Kumanjayi Walker, now 15 months old, was supposed to be living with Oldfield, but it was now unclear who at Warlpiri Camp was actually caring for him.
By September 2002 Walker was being cared for by his grandmother but was described as “failing to thrive” and simultaneously suffering from an ear infection, a chest infection, nits and scabies.
Kumanjayi Walker’s foster mother Leanne Oldfield, right, visiting his grave in Yuendumu with two of Walker’s other relatives, Meggery Brown and Lara. Picture: Amos Aikman
As a child, he also spent stints living in Katherine with Oldfield’s aunt Meggery Brown and at Ti Tree with Margaret Brown, before she moved to Yuendumu, a town of approximately 800 residents, 300km northwest of Alice Springs.
Around 2007 the couple — Oldfield and Anthony — moved with the boy to Adelaide.
Kumanjayi Walker was enrolled at McFarlane Primary School from 2007 to 2010 where teachers identified him as having “special needs”.
In 2010 Oldfield left Adelaide, with Walker, for Yuendumu where her family – including Margaret Brown – now lived.
It was at Brown’s house, number 511, where police would fatally shoot Walker a decade later.
Sampson Anthony followed Leanne Oldfield and Kumanjayi Walker to the NT but wound up in prison in Darwin, where he died in 2014.
After returning from South Australia, Kumanjayi Walker was enrolled at Yuendumu Primary School from May 2010 until August 2012.
He began committing break-ins when he was 11.
“It was the big kids’ idea,” he always said.
When Walker was 12, he entered the government-funded Mt Theo Program, run by Warlpiri Youth Development Aboriginal Corporation (WYDAC), which started in 1993 to address Yuendumu’s petrol sniffing epidemic.
The then-Outstation Co-ordinator of the Mt Theo Program Kerri-Anne Chilvers observed that Walker was hard to engage and considered him to be a “dysfunctional child with poor impulse control and inability to control his emotions”.
“He has poor understanding of what he does as he often acts on impulse and does not understand the consequences of his actions,” Ms Chilvers noted at the time.
She also expressed concern about his cognitive function due to his “prolonged exposure to domestic violence” while with Ms Oldfield and her suspicion that Kumanjayi Walker may have suffered frontal lobe damage as a result of his biological mother’s petrol-sniffing.
After a trip back to South Australia with Ms Oldfield, Kumanjayi Walker returned to the NT and re-enrolled at Yuendumu Primary School in October 2013 although his attendance was “extremely low”.
The principal said when Kumanjayi Walker was present, he “would not be participating” and that she too believed he had “special needs”.
“This school is not suitable for Arnold – we do not have the services/resources Arnold requires,” she said at the time.
“Arnold is growing older, his needs increasing and he is becoming more difficult to care for”.
At that time, he was living with another ‘grandmother’, Jean Brown, and her partner Allan Dixon in Yuendumu. They also cared for other children, and it became clear to adults who interacted with the family they were struggling to control him.
Ms Brown said the boy had been attending school but “stays away when kids tease him”. “They call him crazy,” she said at the time.
“He has had these problems since he was young.”
Pointing to her head, she explained that his problem was that “he gets angry”.
Jean Brown believed the boy had mental health issues resulting from his biological mother’s chronic substance abuse during pregnancy, but this was never proven.
Kumanjayi Walker liked living with Grandma Jean.
“She buys food – everything,” he said at the time.
“She treats me good and takes us to school.”
He frequently wagged school, exhausted from spending his nights walking around the community.
By age 13, he regularly drank alcohol and smoked ‘gunja’ (cannabis) daily.
He would steal spray cans from adults in Yuendumu to inhale the petrol, paint or deodorant that he was addicted to despite saying they “made him feel dizzy and hurt his brain”.
And at age 13 his behaviour escalated to a new level. He broke into buildings, damaged property and vandalised vehicles.
In April 2014 he broke into and trashed the Yuendumu Medical Clinic and the newly built early childhood learning centre, causing an estimated $130,000 of damage.
This is the same clinic from which staff would later be evacuated, due to their fear over break-ins, on the morning of Kumanjayi Walker’s fatal shooting in November 2019.
There was a further estimated $100,000 damage done to the water tower that night which Kumanjayi Walker was suspected to have been involved in.
He told others, at the time, he did the damage because he was bored and “for fun”.
The Yuendumu Night Patrol reported seeing Kumanjayi Walker wandering around the community every night.
‘Grandma’ Jean Brown said she would go looking for him at night to try to stop him from wandering around the community after dark but she also made excuses for him.
“He gets angry when other kids tease him – he goes off his head,” she said.
Around this time a female government worker who visited the family had to be hidden for her own safety when Mr Walker threatened to “smash” her with an iron bar.
On April 29, a Yuendumu community meeting took place where everyone present agreed that those who had destroyed the medical clinic and child care centre should be punished.
Kumanjayi Walker came to that meeting to identify the others involved, naming three young children aged between 7 and 11.
Kumanjayi Walker was barely a teenager, but he was effectively homeless, without a responsible adult to care for him.
The Mount Theo Outstation was reluctant to have him back, and Ms Oldfield said he should return to live with Jean and Allan in Yuendumu.
“I would like him to go hunting and do men’s things,” she said.
“Allan will take him out bush and he knows about his problem,” referring to the boy’s mental health problems.
“He can’t sit still. He would get up every five minutes. He gets angry when someone gets him upset and when he gets teased.
“Arnold would listen to Allan; sometimes when he stays with me, he gets angry”.
Another of Kumanjayi Walker’s grandmothers, Katrina Brown, who sometimes cared for him, said he didn’t listen to her either.
In mid-2014 it was agreed Kumanjayi Walker, now 13, would live with BushMob, a residential program to help marginalised young people – but he was reluctant to go, threatening the adults who tried to encourage him.
In the weeks that followed, new incidents occurred.
First he graffitied the school bus. BushMob staff – aware of his ‘like’ for graffiti – tried to turn this into a positive interest by “providing him with materials to allow him a creative outlet by pro-social means”.
Then Kumanjayi Walker took a knife from the kitchen and threatened another boy, whom he accused of teasing him.
He stole a car and assaulted a 12-year-old boy, eventually leaving the BushMob program.
At 15 — after dozens more episodes of stealing cars, damaging property and fighting with other youths — he moved in with his grandmother, Margaret Brown, at house 511 in Yuendumu.
In 2015 he met a young woman, Rickisha Robertson, and began bashing her.
He was stealing, damaging property and terrorising Ms Robertson – behaviour he blamed on his habit of sniffing deodorant.
He went to Papunya to live with his biological grandparents Phillip and Ena Lane, but rarely spent time in their home, instead returning to Yuendumu to be with Ms Robertson.
Kumanjayi Walker had little understanding of the effect his behaviour had on his victims such as when he stole the Yuendumu medical clinic car and how this prevented people in the community from getting medical treatment.
He claimed he only assaulted Rickisha Roberston once when he was smoking ‘gunja’ and said at the time he didn’t know why he did it.
He had no interest in finding a job and was happy to spend his days watching TV and smoking.
He had half a dozen different Facebook accounts where he shared photos of himself posing as a gangster and followed Mariah Carey fan pages.
He followed Collingwood and was part of the East side in the Papunya competition, but sources said he did not play. “He would just walk around and not listen to anyone,” one said.
Kumanjayi Walker confided in others he was lonely and missed his family, but Ms Oldfield refused to take him in and his great-aunt Meggery Brown, in Katherine, said she was unable to support him.
Protesters take to the streets of Melbourne in November 2019 after Walker’s shooting. Picture: AAP
A relative in Papunya, Joseph Lane, said at the time: “He mad one, he don’t listen, he walk around day and night. He make trouble for everyone. He need to be locked up for long time.
“He chase little dog and puppy and he tease them like little kid brain do.
“He is young man. He should know more but he know nothing”.
Mr Lane said he felt Kumanjayi Walker needed “some help for his head” because “he does not listen and he does not care”.
“He does not listen, he can’t understand, I tell him but nothing”.
Papunya elder Sid Anderson said the young man caused too much trouble in the community and makes life hard for others.
“That mad one is not welcome back here,” he said.
“He breaks into shop and clinic and steals people’s cars.
“Smoking gunja and making trouble is not our way.”
Mr Anderson said Walker needed to “listen and respect our community”.
“This boy has no idea who he is,” he said.
“He does not listen to anyone, especially the old people.”
After the shooting, his Papunya relatives told the media Kumanjayi Walker was a “funny and friendly” young man who had a lot of friends.
Yuendumu police regarded him as a sniffer and the local ringleader of break-and-enters, describing him as a risk to community harmony.
Both the Yuendumu Clinic Manager and the Alice Springs Hospital said in official reports Kumanjayi Walker had no documented history of cognitive or mental health issues.
Mr Walker was open about his life: he received money from Centrelink and spent it all on food, clothes, grog and “smokes”.
By this time, his biological relatives in Papunya and Haasts Bluff, and his adoptive relatives in Yuendumu were all fed up with his behaviour – but Leanne Oldfield said she was again willing to care for him at Warlpiri Camp at Alice Springs.
But that’s not what Kumanjayi Walker wanted; he “got on the bus with the footy team and left for Yuendumu,” Ms Oldfield said soon afterwards. “He wants to see Rickisha.”
“Family in Yuendumu might have him, but he shouldn’t go there,” she said.
“He always gets in trouble when he goes there.”
Ms Oldfield lamented: “no one will keep him from Rickisha … he will listen to no-one,” she said. “Arnold will always go back to her.”
Kumanjayi Walker continued his spree of vandalism, fighting and abuse until October 2018, when he checked into a rehab facility briefly before returning to Yuendumu.
In November – now aged 18 – he appeared in court, represented by the North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency on two counts of assault.
The lawyers applied for bail, arguing that “being on bail will lessen the likelihood of reoffending” and that he would “suffer significant hardship” should he have to remain in custody until the March hearing.
Kumanjayi Walker agreed to be admitted to rehab at the Central Australian Aboriginal Alcohol Programs Unit. “I need to go there. Too much drinking and smoking,” he said. “Drinking and smoking (cannabis) causing problems”.
He said he wanted support and that support officers should “visit me to check that I am doing okay … I want to finish CAAAPU and stay out of trouble. Be happy life, be with family.”
In early February 2019 he completed a three-month program at CAAAPU and then moved back in with Ms Oldfield at Warlpiri Camp in Alice Springs.
On March 5 support officers thanked him for complying with his bail conditions and offered to arrange for him to have a haircut “as a reward for his efforts”.
Kumanjayi Walker told the Community Youth Justice Officer (CYJO) that he wanted to attend a funeral for his “little sister” at Yuendumu on Monday 11 March.
The caseworker allowed him to go so long as he stayed with Ms Oldfield and was back at Warlpiri Camp by 7pm on Saturday, 9 March 2019.
Kumanjayi Walker’s Electronic Monitoring Device was then suspended until 7pm on Saturday, 9 March 2019.
At 7.07pm on Saturday March 9, NT Police were contacted to advise the strap had been tampered with at Yuendumu.
At 1.12am on Monday March 11 CCTV footage captured Kumanjayi Walker entering Mai Wiru Regional Stores, known as Big Shop, in Yuendumu through the ceiling with an unknown co-offender.
Kumanjayi Walker obtained keys from inside the office and used them to attempt to gain entry into the room containing the cigarette safe and cash safe.
He made two failed attempts, using two separate sets of keys, to gain entry to the safe room.
He then approached the CCTV camera and ripped it from its housing, leaving it dangling, facing towards the ground.
The cabling and wiring for the security system and CCTV camera inside the office had been ripped out.
But the cameras had already captured Mr Walker – who despite having a black bandana wrapped around his face – was wearing distinct yellow Nike shoes and red, black and yellow socks with palm trees on them.
The store manager attended the store and found that the keypad and turning mechanism had been ripped off the cash safe.
The office had been trashed with paperwork, garbage and shredded paper strewn around the room.
Walker and his co-offender had stolen up to $7000 worth of cigarettes.
On Mar 19, 2019 Yuendumu Police officer Senior Constable First Class Christopher Hand arrested Walker for breach of bail. Eight months later Walker would chase Sen Const. Hand with an axe.
On June 26, 2019 Walker was convicted of unlawful entry, damage property and stealing in the Alice Springs Local Court.
Judge Birch sentenced him to 16 months prison, backdated to February 22, 2019 and partially suspended so that after serving just half of it, Walker could attend another eight-week rehabilitation program at CAAAPU.
On October 21, a week after Walker’s 19th birthday, he was released from prison to begin his CAAAPU placement.
Conditions of his suspended sentence included that he remain at CAAAPU in Alice Springs, abide by a 7pm curfew and be subject to electronic monitoring.
A week later, just after midnight on October 29, Walker cut off his Electronic Monitoring Device and absconded from CAAAPU.
“The offender’s current breach of his conditions demonstrates a disregard for his suspended sentence and a desire to not be located by way of his EMD,” departmental notes stated.
The next day, October 30, Walker was listed as an NT Police arrest target and Yuendumu police were told to ensure that Robertson – as a domestic violence victim – knew.
An NT Police Intelligence Support Officer issued an urgent internal alert stating that Walker “represented a danger” to Robertson.
“Good Morning Everyone, Please NOTE – Arnold Walker has absconded from CAAAPU and is currently an arrest target for breach of suspended sentence. If you are currently engaged with Ms Rekeisha (sic) ROBERTSON – please ensure she is aware.”
Walker was then listed as an arrest target on daily taskings sent to Alice Springs police members.
Alice Springs police searched for, but failed to locate, Walker who was now – once again – on the run.
On Friday November 1, a Community Probation and Parole Officer (CPPO) visited Walker’s adoptive mother Oldfield at Warlpiri Camp who advised that Walker had got a lift to Yuendumu two days earlier on Wednesday Oct 30.
Oldfield told them that he might be staying with his grandmother Margret Brown or Robertson’s family on the west side of Yuendumu.
On Tuesday November 5, a warrant was issued for Walker’s arrest for breaching his suspended sentence.
Just after 5pm on Wednesday November 6 a Yuendumu community member informed Senior Constable Lanyon Smith that Walker was at house 577.
Walker’s violence, when the two officers arrived to arrest him, could have got him — or them — killed.
Walker escaped that day but his next encounter with police would be fatal: shot three times by Constable Zachary Rolfe, who was later charged with murder just four days later, as Black Lives Matter protests swept the nation. Rolfe was on Friday found not guilty of Walker’s murder.
Sometimes if you make an inadvertant change to your email or screen name (usually fat finger trouble) it bounces?
Or maybe Dover finally read my pleas to ban you!
Whilst on treadly I regularly encounter ladies of great mass doggedly jogging, or shuffling, along the shared path. A good thing. The Wuhan bat crud seems to’ve inculcated to the masses an idea that great mass isn’t a great thing. So hence the jiggling joggers.
Just the opposite for me during the pedalathon .. folk here in Fairfield seem to have gone back to the pre-BAT FLU numbers on the bike track(s) .. average bike sighting on the top (outward) track is down to 1 or 2 a day (over 50 mid 2021) and no joggers (tho never was many) mostly it was mums pushing prams (double digits mid 2020) now around 5 a trip and walkers in single digit numbers ( up to 50 mid 2020) ..
On the bottom (return) track .. zero in all forms of exercise .. from around half of the top track figures mid 2020 .. the bottom track has no residential property on or near it so always been fairly quiet .. it is also very prone to flooding in parts which may be accounting for very little usage … folk being wary .. LOL!
Many environmental groups get government grants for doing things like noxious weed management. They don’t really do that though, apart from a few things that create photo opportunities and pull the wool over auditors’ eyes. The money ends up being spent on stuff like this.
It would have been a spectacular job on Russia’s part then, given that the launcher that shot MH17 down was subsequently identified by the investigating authorities as belonging to the Russian Army’s 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade.
They would say that, wouldn’t they?
The worst part of Snowy 2.0 is that it is a power sink, not a source.
I thought Germans were bad when they got pointed in the wrong direction but Australians are at least as bad except whatever it is will be done less competently.
Sort of how spacechook began, eh zuckerberg?
I am not letting anyone in the MH17 foodchain off the hook.
From those who pressed the button, to the Ruskies, right through to MAS.
I still remember the footage of the whoopin’ and hollerin’ when they realised they had hit something (but no idea what).
They did not come across as perfessional soldiers.
So whoever put that weapon in the hands of those hillbillies is equally culpable.
Just a poor, troubled youth…..the victim of colonialism……….
BTW, Abbott is perfectly within his rights to make noise about MH17 right now. He has the best chance in eight years to maybe trigger a re-direction of confiscated ill-gotten Wussian wealth to the families of victims.
“Rex Anger says:
March 15, 2022 at 12:43 pm”
As I said Rex, they followed the entire “lifetime” of the missile, showed hand written logs for everything, including when control was handed over to Ukraine. About 20-30 mins presentation.
Looked convincing.
Was it real?
Fucked if I know.
I haven’t seen any “debunking” of any of the steps they listed – by anyone. Maybe that exists and I haven’t seen it, I dunno.
Do I trust them?
No, not really.
Could they have faked it?
But as I said, I haven’t seen anyone provide evidence that any part of that “chain of custody” was faked.
And from a time when “poking the bear” was in fashion (much like now, eh?)
So who can say – were Russia the propagandists, or was it “the West”? Given the current kerfuffle and outright lies about “bio-labs in Ukraine”, do you trust “our” side to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? ‘Cause I sure don’t…
Shatterzzz – That’s fun and interesting in a city of 5 million. Our local network is maybe 30km of shared paths in a council area of 80,000 or so. Yet the path around the lake is unrideable because of endless pram phalanxes.
The other main path to the north is the one I ride each day when I can. Much better. But usually a half dozen dog walkers and jigglers to dodge. Very nearly ran over a small dog a couple weeks ago. Dog got a lesson when I slammed on anchors: my front brakes screech like banshees and the tyres were shrieking too as I skidded to a stop. Large lady dogwalker was on her phone and oblivious.
Interesting reporting by the fuckedfacts press about the BRS trial: according to them one witness, 24, said another witness, 4, was instructed by BRS to kill some towelhead so he would be blooded. However witness 4 refused to give answers about that which refusal was permitted by the Judge. Witness 24 also asserted another person, 5, who is not a witness, danced a jig after witness 4 was blooded. Now all testimony has probative value, positive and negative; given that witness 4 and 24 have already said BRS did not deserve his VC, I’d have to say the testimony of witness 24 was entirely negative in probative value to the defence.
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
March 15, 2022 at 1:00 pm
Five years on, Snowy 2.0 emerges as a $10 billion white elephant
Behold my shocked face.
So which of the lying SOB’s who got it started will be held to account?
Another example of how f….d is this country.
We need some sort of mechanism where politicians who act against valid advice pay a cost.
But removing the poor kids and placing them with someone who actually cares is “racism”.
Comedy legend John Cleese had his microphone confiscated at the South by Southwest festival during a comedic discussion in which he suggested Italy and France owed historic reparations for enslaving Brits.
The Monty Python icon, 82, was riffing with other comics in front of the crowd in Texas when he talked about the ‘competition’ between cultures over who has been more oppressed by colonisations throughout history.
Pointing to world history being ‘a history of crime’, he added: ‘It’s a history of people who were stronger beating up people who were weaker and it’s always been that. It’s deeply, deeply distasteful.
‘But to pretend that one lot were worse than another – you do know the British have been slaves twice, right?
Cleese explained: ‘[People] get competitive about this business of being oppressed. We were oppressed, the English, by the Romans from about 0 to 400.’
Despite the event being labelled a ‘comedy panel’, his remarks sparked horrified reactions and an awkward environment for those in attendance.
How is the Stalag Luft Toowoomba round-up progressing?
Has anyone we know gone off the air unexpectedly?
And are they looking at alternate means of extermination now gas prices have gone up?
Thankyou Winston.
Can’t see anything in that account to explain how he turned out.
Liberalism is killing indigenes with good intentions.
And then there are the neo-Marxists who want to use them for their own political agenda, like those writing the script for the grieving Walker family atm. Human vultures feeding off the misery of others.
They have UBD, but the government has extended them.
Isn’t legislative science wonderful?
his tragic life story needs to be circulated far and wide. Poor kid didn’t stand a chance.
This is what the aboriginal industry has done.
He actually makes a good point.
Most Europeans are indifferent about the historical ebbs and flows of invasion and conquest over the centuries.
I took the eggshells approach when talking to people in the Balkans about the most recent skirmish, as it is only one generation removed, but they kind of just moved on with life.
Even a couple we spoke to who had lost close relatives.
If the historical injustice (if you can call it that) is generations past and any oppression has been relieved, does it matter if it was 200, 400 or 2,000 years ago?
Don’t get him started on transgenderism
The World Health Organisation is reportedly working on a global vaccine passport system and wants as many countries as possible to join. Will the key to the future of public life also be the linchpin of a global surveillance network?
Russell Brand
“Don’t get him started on transgenderism”
Half expecting the Ministry of Funny Walks….
Thai Rub’n’Tug. Did I get it right
Notafan up to her old tricks, helping give her boyfriend the twisted truth narrative, that he eagerly swallows.
Did you really stand up to all the north shore ladies at the Tupperware party Frank?
Give ’em a lesson on Pell?
Pow, take that?!
No matter what you say, we’ll never know.
St Ruth open forum rule no. 497
No joking allowed.
Removing the poor kids, who are living on the town rubbish tip, while their parents are away “on the grog” is racism.
Removing the ten year old girls, infected with venereal disease, as a result of their parents prostituting them to the crews of the North West pearling fleet is “racism.”
Probably more along the lines of his character’s observations in Life of Brian about Stan/Loretta’s struggle against oppression/reality.
Cleese has form
London no longer an English city
expiry dates of the vaxxes are determined by the manufacturer, that is, the efficacy (such as it is) is a matter of ‘science’ and not of bureaucratic expedience, surely. I wonder if consumer affairs is agreeable to stale vaxxes. Might be ok for boosters, though.
I trust that a great many unrelated people (remind me what interest the Dutch have or ever had in antagonising Russia?) sat down and spent a grrst deal of time working through all the evidence and sources presented to them.
If it were all pro-Ukrainian and Western propaganda, the ICJ proceedings based on the final report that ave been ticking away utterly unnoticed until an anti-Abbott Cat linked his statement and had a spray about him this morning, would have been BIG NEWS! throughout the entire invasion.
So yes, all sides are untrustworthy. But serious and deliberate investigative work still has this remarkable habit of sidestepping the propagandists and getting closer to the truth of the matter. Do you think anyone would be in jail post- Jan 6 if there wasn’t a rushed and perfunctory ‘investigation’ effort hell-bent on producing scapegoats by a service thoroughly corrupted by its involvement in provocateuring?
Had it been, say, Georgia’s or Texas’ or even Vermont’s investigators doing the sleuthing afterwards, I suspect you’d be lucky to find a decent loitering charge amongst all the people currently jailed for ‘insurrection.’
“Probably more along the lines of his character’s observations in Life of Brian about Stan/Loretta’s struggle against oppression/reality.”
Indeed it was – life imitates art, as it were.
But the Ministry of Funny Walks also seemed apropos.
Or is that just my twisted sense of humour?
duncanm says:
March 15, 2022 at 1:42 pm
Kumanjayi Walker
his tragic life story needs to be circulated far and wide. Poor kid didn’t stand a chance.
This is what the aboriginal industry has done.
For those of you who like most people that comment on Aboriginal stories have never been to a community in W.A. or the N.T. or QLD there are many thousands just like Kumanjayi Walker and many much worse. Believe me that continued failure to intervene in these tragedies will come back to bite Australia, big time.
Tucker: Maybe this isn’t a crazy idea
“Do you think anyone would be in jail post- Jan 6…”
One guy at least looks set to get off – and maybe even get compensated. Happens when you don’t follow procedure, but whether he gets a “with prejudice” dismissal or not, we’ll have to wait and see.
Hey, they arrested at least some of them for “peacefully gathering” to “present their grievances”, so what’s another constitutional rights violation? May as well go hard or go home, right? And being denied bail for misdemeanor trespass for 6 months, in solitary 23 hours a day, with no legal representation is just showing them that you don’t fuck with democracy, right? And if they get a criminal record, no more guns for them – keeps everyone safe, dunnit?
A searing indictment of Aboriginal policy. Any government – state or federal – who keeps supporting this shit is immoral and culpable.
Albanese has lost some serious kilos:
Indeed. Many of them have experience of a war/s in which they enjoyed the benefits of superior arms, armour, air superiority, and the like, only to find themselves, while still several hundred kms from the front, already in harm’s way.
Subsection 497 (a) – Taking the piss out of St Ruth is specifically prohibited.
By order of St Ruth.
Rosé spritzer on Perrier, with orange slice, mint garnish and a little umbrella.
Beverage of choice for the steely-eyed, rock-jawed Queenslander with a hard-earned thirst.
I don’t doubt it.
I see the real possibility of a Black Panfa movement arising, aided and abetted by inner city Che Guevara wannabes.
And politicians and police crippled by PC fear from curtailing it.
The caravan park version is Bundy and Fanta.
Tulsi hands romney his tiny little nuts.
I’m still thinking a Trump/Tulsi ticket might be ok.
Gough Whitlam has a lot to answer for…
Meme of the day?
I’ve read enough to know that the story of Kumanjayi Walker is too often the norm.
Eg scabies gets a mention in the Australian article, reading the TGA website on scabies treatment, aboriginal children typically first get infected with that parasite at age two months.
I remember Bolt getting angry about the numbers of young Aboriginal children with veneral diseases too.
How strange: NY, another Asian lady attacked by a black gentleman. It must be white supremacy at work. Graphic video.
Rex Anger at 2:18.
The added credibility of the Dutch investigation was that it was conducted under the auspices of the Dutch police as a ‘normal’ homicide investigation.
Under Dutch law, murder charges can be laid irrespective of the jurisdiction in which the offence occured. Given there were Dutch nationals on the flight, they treated it as the would someone being stabbed and thrown in a canal in Amsterdam. The investigation was effectively handed Dutch Homicide police, with seconded in experts, running a murder investigation under their normal rules of evidence gathering.
Not bulletproof to be sure, but it gives a higher level of confidence.
Cleese losing his microphone as he competes for most oppressed is fkn hilarious.
albo is dumber than a box of rocks
That was so very cute CL.
I love dancing babies.
Instilling confidence…criminals all.
How strange: NY, another Asian lady attacked …
’The Batman’ criticized for scene of attempted subway attack on Asian victim
Critics on Twitter are calling the scene “triggering” and insensitive to Asian Americans during a time of increased violence against the community.
Asian Americans are raising concerns over a scene in the new movie “The Batman,” which premiered nationwide Friday, depicting a group of men following an Asian man off the subway with the intent of physically assaulting him.
The scene occurs within the first 10 minutes of the three-hour film, when Batman interrupts the attack and beats up the assailants, telling them that he is “vengeance.” This saves the Asian man, who appears fearful of Batman as well.
Critics on Twitter are calling the scene “triggering” and insensitive to Asian Americans during a time of increased violence against the community, regardless of whether the attack was intended as racially motivated.
A searing indictment of Aboriginal policy. Any government – state or federal – who keeps supporting this shit is immoral and culpable.
Gough Whitlam has a lot to answer for…
iirc according to Hasluck, a lot of this shit was started by Dr H C Coombes when McMahon was PM.
Any updates on the Toowoomba round-up?
Pretty much what I was posting all over the place when there was talk about volunteers going there. The Russians have a long history of taking a very simple approach of pounding everything flat with artillery, then making the rubble bounce. A cursory interest in the eastern front of WW2 demonstrates it quite well, particularly in the later half of the war.
I’m surprised at how restrained they’ve been.
There’s been a lot of governments sine 1975
You’ll never know until you try it.
Of course I allow jokes.
Notafan and you are still here.
Coombes put his ideas forward when McMahon was Prime Minister, yes, but complained that he was ignored, and, it was only when he became adviser to Gough Whitlam, that he found someone who would listen to him.
@ Kneel-
My point remains that the Jan 6 people were arrested, investigated and then indicted by policing authorities up to their eyes in political compromise.
If they had not been ‘done over’ by the FBI and Capitol police (the direct equivalent of MH17 being solely investigated by your Ukrainian authorities), then the outcome would have been very different.
That they are being used as scapegoats to justify the Biden Democrat presidency going berko on its own people is without question. And if there was anything that was actually illegal (like, littering or double-parking), it is forever tainted by the injustice.
Well, it’s in the future if no one fights it….of course it is.
Probably about the same time you pop your clogs, within four years.
Coombes was an old turd- LSE so what else would you expect
2 years of word-walls, frantic redefinitions, deflections and incessant ad-homs in response to anyone poking holes in the Kenworth King’s hyperbolic bloviations, suggests that 497 and 497(a) are well substantiated, and his case of Glass-Jaw is terminal.
Case in point:
“I’m still thinking a Trump/Tulsi ticket might be ok.”
If only to watch Dem heads explode as she “changed sides”… and then won.
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has declared he will introduce an amendment to remove Dr Anthony Fauci from his position as chief medical expert to President Biden – citing no “one person” should have that much “unchecked power”.
No opinion on the validity of the dosing of the cv-19 vaccines., though;
It would be trivially easy to adjust amounts of active ingredients added on batching systems as you saw fit once you have access to the PLC code.
Does no one remember Stuxnet back in 2010 ?
The death camps are in full swing.
However – 13 to 43 months to go, and two weeks before all the vaxxed die.
Hold the line.
Special Operation Z- Alexandr Dugin
A reading from a 3/9/22 article by Philosopher Alexandr Dugin reflecting his Apocalyptic vision of the situation in Ukraine and beyond. I do not endorse these views and am sharing to broaden the discussion of this very complex moment in time.
“You’ll never know until you try it.”
Only be hot air left. Oh wait…
“I’m still thinking a Trump/Tulsi ticket might be ok.”
I pointed out that Tulsi is a WEF ‘young leader’- but it is possible for someone to change his mind. I used to listen to tractor Kelly in the morning and then one day I realized it was bullshit (actually bullshit with poison and mental vomit).
When Trumble announced it the Old Cat instantly predicted the forthcoming car crash – desktop/beer coaster engineering, plus no allowance for power system upgrades.
The first shoe dropped in 2017:
The second shoe dropped a few weeks later:
The project is still shown on Snowy Hydro’s website at $4.5 billion – and coming online in 2025, rather than (possibly) 2026/27 – but now “partly funded through a $1.38 billion equity injection from the Australian government.” – infrastructure-speak for ‘it doesn’t stack up commercially’.
Even more worrying:
So, an ocean-going, Payne Class project.
Must be an election year.
$43,000,000,000 .00 on the credit card coming our way. Scomo announces drydock facilities at Henderson.
SA must be spewin.
Just had time to look at the morning’s festivities.
A bit rich for some to point fingers about fibs when they themselves are well on record – boasting, in fact – about telling blatant untruths to ‘shock people into action’. Also:
A bit of confirmation bias exposure never goes astray. I will mention here that I thought something was odd about the second story Mr Panzer put up in recent months about twucks and divided lanes as such.
Oh well. Chompers gonna chomp.
whoops… 4.3 billion… but after the cost blowouts could be 43 billion
For those of you who like most people that comment on Aboriginal stories have never been to a community in W.A. or the N.T. or QLD there are many thousands just like Kumanjayi Walker and many much worse.
And a lot of country towns/cities have the same pathology, just a lot more “resources” to be sucked up by the pathologies and 1/2 a chance for some of the kids to escape.
How much dysfunction? (WA only)
At 30 June 2019, 20,077 Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander children were in out-of-home care, with the
majority unlikely to return to their family or kin
This is a problem..
In the past year, there has been a concerning trend
in some jurisdictions towards permanent care and
adoption of our children, particularly with nonAboriginal carers
Because screw the kids….
Because empowering a separatist movement based on race is more important.
Upholding the commitment to the United Nations
Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
(UNDRIP) to autonomy and self-government is a
crucial factor in moving forward with selfdetermination. We can already see self-determination
happening through the delegation of statutory powers
in states such as Victoria and Queensland
There were 20,077 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
children in out-of-home care at 30 June 2019, which
was one in every 16.6 Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander children living in Australia
This report is a festering disgrace.
Its a “look at what you made me do to my kids” while simultaneously prioritizing empire building and separatist policies.
Disgusting tripe.
Even newspapers giving up the gig. Remember, based on “cases” notafan, you completely lost your shit as many others did, and now the people that had you filling your frillies tell you it was all bullshit.
My point remains that the Jan 6 people were arrested, investigated and then indicted by policing authorities up to their eyes in political compromise.
Yet mysteriously the planter of pipe bombs at the event remains at large.
They have men working on it.
Cassie can you please explain to me why these students should be allowed any access to electricity for the rest of their lives? I’m sure there’s a great reason – maybe they will vote Liberal when they’re 90 – but I would be fascinated to hear it.
Important dick-drawing news, lost in the fog of war and Covid misinformation.
Australian PM’s department drops widely mocked ‘phallic’ women’s network logo
So, pretty much the whole public service thought this was a good idea.
But just in case Grace and Brittnee think otherwise, Scummo himself wasn’t involved. No siree, not one little bit.
Top Men indeed.
One of whom probably planted it… 😉
Because you’re the glowposting, fascist-curious stooge who proposed it, Chad Thunderbrain.
Next question?
I may have missed it, but, before it’s too late:
I told him, Julie, baby, don’t go.
struth, I’ve got a Mr Dale Carnegie on the phone for you.
Everyone (except the APS apparently) knows the appropriate place for a cock and balls is your ballot paper.
Dale Carnigie?
Author of “ get a wooly bull up you” and it’s follow up “ ram your head up a dead bears bum”?
What can I say. It’s true we invaded England and Wales but it civilised backward Saxons and grubby Britons. We gave Scotland a swerve. Hairy men and ugly women. Even the Romans retreated to Newcastle.
We need some sort of mechanism where politicians who act against valid advice pay a cost.
The problem is deciding what is valid advice. Compare “We must follow the expert advice” on Kung Flu.
OTOH, knowledge of hydro schemes in the Snowy region is far more solid than advice on a new virus.
Tucker’s on fire. Just brilliant.
Tucker: Maybe this isn’t a crazy idea
Got to say I am feeling a little nervous about the rapid escalation of the new variant of COVID in Hong Kong, and indeed, in other parts of China. The high death rate is concerning. After all, this is what Geert predicted in December could happen as a result of vaccinating in a pandemic..
We need to ban the letters W and M, they are triggering for women.
Every uncovered sigma, M and W is a rape.
So strong.
Much independent.
Tucker on the biolabs and the domestic response.
William I had almost no legacy, his sons pretty much stole the silverware from his Rouen “palace” and armour of his fat corpse.
He kept the English institutions, he imposed a “better” supervisory manner.
That has certainly been the worry since specific batches of vaccine have been linked to adverse reactions. Even so, Mike Yeodan, ex Pfizer VP & huge critic of the vaccines, reckons the production process has a great many built in quality and checks. But who knows?
“Poor vaccine coverage among elderly population results in city reporting the highest death rate in the world.”
in zero covid Hong Kong deaths smash global records
“They have men working on it.
yeah – odd that.
No fingerprints.
No face picture.
No way to chase back through the street cameras and get a license plate etc in the most “camera’d” city in the US.
Untraceable explosives.
Simple (untraceable) mechanical timers.
Yet despite this seemingly “professional” individual leaving no clues behind, the bombs themselves didn’t actually explode. Neither of them.
What is wrong with this picture?
I would welcome new Coronavirus restrictions.
The scum hopefully don’t get away with this so close to an election.
Hopefully the lesson is learnt by government loving knuckleheads.
I really, truly don’t care about “struggling businesses” that gleefully went along with this. Oh no a pub has lost trade! Like I care. I couldn’t care less if the Karen’s in the Kathmandu shop who demanded I walk around like a biohazard and get medically raped lose their job and can’t pay their mortgage.
Let me be very clear – I couldn’t give a fuck.
Two years of my life have been wasted, why do I care about the rest of a COVIDmaniac’s life?
I couldn’t give a shit if they spent the next 20 years under house arrest.
Until the lesson is learnt: freedom is a precious thing.
Yes, I am very bitter, don’t bother pointing it out.
If the voters forgive Morrison et al, they get what they fucking deserve.
Gonzalo Lira
A False Flag Is Coming
chill dot
you’re starting to sound like St Ruth
No milt, I hope they find what they are looking for.
True dot. He was just a bastard. The family became the dukes of Arundel and Norfolk. They died out in Shropshire but were ok in Scotland and Ireland. Unfortunately we backed Mary.
The deniability of the planter is so plausible, it isn’t? 😉
Yes, I had that bookmarked already. It really is a feast at the moment. I have another good one for tomorrow too, but the night is still young my friend.
Oh, I’ve never been a huge fan of Sophie Loren and then this pic pops up in my timeline. Absolutely stunning. The quotation is spot on too. Thus the splendid medieval cathedrals, chant, etc.
Snowy 2.0, according to an engineer at the Hydro Discovery Centre told me that it is, at best, 80% efficient.
The model works by pumping water up to the “battery”, ie. a holding dam, when power is cheap, and generating and selling the power when it is scarce and expensive.
Wow! It’s a multi billion dollar money churn.
Actually it is down to, let’s see now … carry the one, deduct the thing, allow for a leap year … yes, we’ve got between 13 months and 43 months to go.
Speaking of which, shouldn’t you be spending quality time with the prodigal son who disobeyed you and got the jab. He’s terminal too, right?
After you kick his arse that is.
How old is he again?
Yet the current wave of wymminses rights seems to be all about acting like men, and denigrating any seemingly innate female preferences.
I don’t see it that way.
I see Perrottet being (a somewhat craven) political pragmatist.
He (and NSW health) didn’t agree with the approach (otherwise he’d have kept his mouth shut), but did it to shut up the media and teachers’ union.
It gives me _some_ hope that there’s sensible minds in power.. but equally, I’m saddened by the fact they’re all so weak they can’t stand up to the hysterical media and unions.
KD at 3:21.
Bwah ha ha ha ha, yes.
What is sad is that Googlery was the only one who called bullshit.
Although he has called bullshit on 93.1% of my previous 150 posts.
First rule of sequels is continuity and coherence of narrative.
Bing Bong!
You are departing from the plot formula!
Bing Bong!
Actually, I agree that these tiny dick eejits need a good kick in whatever excuse for nads they might have.
What they do not need is some perpetually aggrieved ‘feminist’ taking selfies and whining. All that does is rally support for the dickheads.
A run-by featuring the local women’s hockey or footy team, taking a slight detour, would suffice.
It’s because the feds. I hate them. I’m going scorched earth. Morrison out.
Speaking of porkies, who was it who said they were “trapped in Queensland and couldn’t get to SA*” and that dear old dad and mum “had no-one to check on them**”?
* Oh. Yes. I can leave. But they might stop me coming back. Maybe.
** Except my son. Who lives close by and drops in regularly. And who needs his arse kicked.
could equally be interpreted as a pair of norks wearing an apron. Equally offensive!
Zelensky in tee shirts; such unpretentiousness.
.. but honestly.. the energy efficiency is actually not too important if you have renewballs with 400% overcapacity during a sunny and windy day, and 0% overnight when there’s no wind.
The big picture. Singapore death rate 1950 – 2021 with projections to 2100
Struth and USSR, Marvel’s new comic heroes, fighting evil with lightening bolts.
I’ve finally found it!
The Frog of War!
March 15, 2022 at 4:18 pm
No milt, I hope they find what they are looking for.
Im pretty sure this is Dot talking at :20 seconds in.
Marvelous use of the double meaning..
“you mean Ill be well rewarded sir”?
Makes perfect sense.
If the picture of the kids on the ABC report is anything to go by, the future of the country really is rooted.
Those kids will suffer what I call the Grace Tame syndrome. They will be completely unemployable as anything except ultra left political hacks. Any other employer finding out about their past would be crazy to have anything to do with them. The urgers that put them up to this folly as well as whoever paid for it need to be sued for abrogation of a duty of care, not the federal minister. They have ruined the kids’ lives.
Just sprayed more toxic shit on my lawn to kill the grubs.
I guess that’s a whole day tormenting invertebrate pests and watching them squirm.
I guess that’s a whole day tormenting invertebrate pests and watching them squirm.
All the bells and flashing lights just went off at ASIO HQ.
Oh, I’ve never been a huge fan of Sophie Loren and then this pic pops up in my timeline. Absolutely stunning. The quotation is spot on too. Thus the splendid medieval cathedrals, chant, etc.
I could see India and China buying into this for their airlines, and that provides opportunity for solid middle class jobs. Awful lot of the world is looking at alternatives for all sorts of things after the sanctions on Russia.
Dot says: March 15, 2022 at 4:14 pm
Dot, we all realise you have a free ride through life & thus are unaware of the battles the little people have to face, however;
Please name a pub which gleefully went along with this.
A run-by featuring the local women’s hockey or footy team, taking a slight detour, would suffice.
A slight problem would be that when the world champion women’s hockey team from the US played a boys under 16 team they got thrashed.
Zacary Rolfe’s Dad makes you feel deservedly inadequate.
He is extraordinary. Given the threats, provocations and insults that his family have endured while being disowned by any person in authority or in public office, his calm is remarkable.
Where I would be a screaming, threatening ball of fury, he calmy questions, exposes and explains. And hints.
Gunner and his band of fools have created a formidable and implacable enemy who hopefully will bring them undone.
It could be anticipated that our PM who blindly supported rape accusations based on no evidence has failed to support or comfort this innocent young man.
I have emailed both my local UAP and LDP candidates asking whether they are prepared to support Rolfe. I got what I expected. The Minors are no better than the rest.
Go to hell, you piece of shit.
We gave Scotland a swerve. Hairy men and ugly women. Even the Romans retreated to Newcastle.
The way the commie bastards in Scotland are I’d a say a fair few English would think re-building Hadrian’s Wall higher would be a good investment.
That’s quite some courtroom debating skill you’ve got there.
Should really convince juries.
It’ll really work a treat in any matter which is Judge-only.
Yep, but one man who in recent times was effectively turning things around, got professionally set upon by all sides of politics & media (mainstream & ‘social’), and so all sides have been able to continue to virtue signal, on bigger budgets.
Boambee John:
That was who I had in mind, John.
I got the feeling there was a push for local charities like RedX, St Vinnies, etc under one umbrella.
Michael Smith News.
Not a bad idea to have someone with deep knowledge of the “other side” to be part of your team.
The controversy alone would waken millions to the existence of the WEF, known only as Davos to most.
The brilliance of Stuxnet was that even the Engineers and Operators didn’t know that the information on their screens and logs/records were false.- and this was used successfully on equipment enriching uranium so it would go bang, which has greater checks & balances than a fill & finish line in a vaccine manufacturing facility.
I can’t help it if you decide to walk into the line of fire of an angry maniac with a scattergun loaded with bile. The comment clearly wasn’t aimed at you.
There was no need for that cheap shot, furthermore I don’t believe anyone here got a free ride.
It comes down to this: if Australians continue to vote for the uniparty, we’re screwed.
Our only salvation is a total and utter bloodbath over the next few election cycles.