Open Thread – Weekend 19 Mar 2022

Boulevard de la Madeleine, Edouard Cortes, early 1900s

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March 19, 2022 3:59 pm

Also Roger, you’re talking about the future whereas I’m talking about the present day

Compared to the Cold War -so in living memory – we are living in an unstable time. That’s an unavoidable result of the world adjusting to a new power dynamic. There have been more than a hundred wars since 2003 alone; we only hear about those involving western powers, whether directly or by proxy. This instability is now effecting the major powers, as we see in Ukraine. As the world becomes increasingly polycentric, more wars and political instability are unavoidable.

March 19, 2022 4:02 pm

March 19, 2022 at 3:50 pm
“Mine is that I’m absolutely freaking shocked how inept the Russian military is. “

Could be rules of engagement, or political objectives, or corruption , or ineptitude – hard to say. Probably some combination. If it’s mainly the latter two, Putin will not be happy. If it’s mainly the former two, it may be something he can live with or even desires. Only if it turns into full-blown war against someone with a bit more “oomph” behind them will we ever know.

Another blog I read pointed out most of the non artillery forces in the south east are actually the militia, supported by Russian air and artillery. With the Russians taking on blocking Kiev and some of the tougher fights in cities.

Who actually knows what the truth is though. Lots of the same equipment for everyone and you can’t really trust any of the sources that much.

March 19, 2022 4:03 pm

Winston Smith, the Carl Gustav is in service with a few different ammo types. Makes a fair old bang.

March 19, 2022 4:04 pm

I believe they call it “Thor”.

“Rods from God” is another one.

March 19, 2022 4:06 pm

Is it okay if I chuckle, or is that classed as abuse?

I’m strongly reminded of a hostile and very pimply break-up at school, with notes and accusations and factions forming in all directions.

March 19, 2022 4:06 pm

The first man in space, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, has been stripped of his honours by the Space Foundation, which censored his name “in light of current world events.”

No doubt they gave him the honour when the Soviet Union had hundreds of thousands of people imprisoned in gulags, was supporting communist insurgencies around the globe and had Eastern Europe borders firmly shut.

The Space Foundation: Virtue signalling fuckwits.

March 19, 2022 4:08 pm

I am waiting for the insecure consipracy sheeple to explain why a bloke in his 50s could possibly drop off the twig in these circumstances without the vax being responsible.

That one’s easy, it is the spike protein that gets shed from all the recently vaxed sheeple that attacks the heart muscle.

March 19, 2022 4:09 pm

The Space Foundation: Virtue signalling fuckwits.

Sounds like another Star Trek spin-off.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 19, 2022 4:11 pm

Waiting for enlightenment, Runnybum.


Oh. Stage Three of Bundy consumption in Quenthlanders (three cans, then on all fours under the table looking for stray Cheezels) appears to have appeared early.

March 19, 2022 4:13 pm

On Robert Malone’s Substack today (you have to join to access) there is a discussion of the conviction for major medical fraud in the Theranos case, and also of the successful Australian class action lawsuit against Merck for marketing of a drug – Vioxx – that was unfit for sale. Subsequently Merck agreed on a mass tort settlement of $4.8 billion to settle 27,000 lawsuits. Worth reading this lengthy discussion that Malone has conveyed from other sources.

I understand that there is currently a big lawsuit afoot in Australia which aims to put certain bureaucratic bodies to the test at law in respect to a failure in due diligence in giving government approval to vaccines that were not subject to accepted longitudinal studies, and of failing to make that known to recipients of the vaccines. Can’t give more detail than that at the moment.

March 19, 2022 4:15 pm

“Who actually knows what the truth is though. “

Is the “bogged down” Russian convey a ploy to try and assess Uke capabilities?
Is Russian advance slow because they really don’t want to kill and destroy too much?
Has Russia already got what they want and are just continuing for leverage in any peace negotiations?

March 19, 2022 4:15 pm

Since we’re circling back* to Covid, the New Broom finds himself in the same boat as Rickw.

All the family down with the coof, yet he remains stubbornly coof free, regardless of extremely juicy children snotting everywhere and an unwell wife. Upon enquiry, he was informed that he must have a very well developed immune system. Considering he rarely had a day off school with illness (plenty from injuries) I am not surprised.

He wants to get the thing. He can’t.

* tee hee

Harlequin Decline
March 19, 2022 4:18 pm

Tom says:
March 19, 2022 at 3:47 pm

Good call Tom. I bet on a win following your post yesterday.

March 19, 2022 4:19 pm

Is that all you have knobhead….booze?
For crying out loud I was agreeing with you, everyday I have to beat people off with sticks who want to tell me their Vax status, it probably happens to most people.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 19, 2022 4:20 pm

I believe they call it “Thor”. … Maybe we should develop those…

We already got one.
Lives in Byron Bay.

March 19, 2022 4:20 pm

Challenging the West’s Superiority Complex & Erasure of History, w/ Prof. Joseph MassadMainstream media coverage of the war in Ukraine has sought to erase the U.S. and NATO role in setting the stage for the conflict, the Western history of attacking Russia, and Europe’s violent and racist past and present.

Joseph Massad, Professor of Modern Arab Politics and Intellectual History at Columbia University, joins Dispatches with Rania Khalek to remind us of the hypocrisy and history the West has attempted to erase as it escalates the war against Russia in Ukraine.

March 19, 2022 4:22 pm

Maybe we should develop those…

Thor sounds like a good idea, but the best current technology can come up with is the MIRV, which is essentially the same thing but splodey.
Alas, they are only good against things which don’t move
because Isaac Newton was a bit of a spoil sport.

March 19, 2022 4:23 pm

Newt Gingrich: This is an invitation to war
Former speaker of the House gives his take on a new Iran deal allowing Russia to build a controversial nuclear plant on ‘Kudlow.’ #FoxBusiness #Kudlow

March 19, 2022 4:24 pm

Also Roger, you’re talking about the future whereas I’m talking about the present day and the recent past. It is and has been pretty stable.

JC, I understand where you are coming from. There certainly have been periods of greater volatility in international relations. However, the contemporary extent of globalisation has really exacerbated all types of threats – biological, economic, geopolitical and so on. We have never experienced this degree of connectivity in the history of our species. It is a moot point whether we can survive the consequences.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 19, 2022 4:25 pm


Final bit on Invasion.

After the subs, missiles, air strikes and other miscellaneous obstacles have reduced the invading force (and ignoring those silly enough to have landed in the north and north west, who have a long, tiring, walk ahead of them), those who have landed in the south east and south west need to be found, trapped and rounded up.

A network of local defence reserve units raised in towns and cities, and tasked with the defence of their area would find and fix those groups, and hold their attention until heavily armed units can arrive to finish the job. The local units would be armed with rifles, light machine guns (perhaps some heavy machine guns), grenades, man portable anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons and heavy mortars. Their principal training would focus on patrolling, tracking and ambush, and knowing their local area.

In short, make Australia an echidna, with spikes wherever an enemy might be encountered. Here endeth the Invasion commentary.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 19, 2022 4:26 pm

everyday I have to beat people off with sticks


Keep your Quenthland perversions to yourself.

Cassie of Sydney
March 19, 2022 4:27 pm

“I’d rather politically weak rather than economically weak. Theoretically, you can turn the politics around and detractors will always have to consider what’s coming around the corner. That’s because around the corner means a US$21 trillion gorilla coming at you in the next few years.”

True, but we end up living with the political consequences for years and those consequences are sometimes catastrophic and create a very unstable world. Remember Carter and his weakness when the Shah was in trouble? We’re still living with an unstable, messianic and theocratic Iran that’s determined to flex its muscle in the ME and determined to wipe Israel off the map.

What’s your take on the current Ukraine thing?

Mine is that I’m absolutely freaking shocked how inept the Russian military is. This may also suggest the Chinese military is shittier too.

I agree, I think the Russian army has met stiff resistance and is in some trouble but this is how many Russian wars have been conducted since the Swedes invaded three hundred years ago. Russian armies have long been inept. But what the Russians do instead is throw manpower, traditionally in wars Russian and Soviet leaders and generals aren’t concerned with the number of casualties and fatalities…although that might have changed with the young today….I don’t know. You’ve got to understand, in 1812 at the Battle of Borodino, the Russian losses were staggering. The French army won the battle against the Imperial Russian Army but the French failed to win decisively. The Russians retreated after the battle…..however it was a “pyrrhic victory” for the French….and ultimately contributed to their defeat and retreat. A similar scenario played out during the Siege of Leningrad, the 900 day siege is lionised in Russia for the sacrifices of the residents. It really was a catastrophe for the Soviets….with hundred of thousands of people dying but in Russia it is celebrated as a feat of endurance and patriotism….because the city never succumbed to the Germans.

The risk I worry about is nukes.”

Umm…yes, as I am.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 19, 2022 4:27 pm

… why a bloke in his 50s could possibly drop off the twig in these circumstances without the vax being responsible.

Because K.D., it is the single biggest killer of men in that age bracket.
Scant consolation for his family and friends to find out that fatal heart attacks are not all that rare in 45-60 y.o. men.
As I said here the the other day I had a relative die at a slightly younger age last year. Not in tip-top condition but not a Coke-drinking couch blob either.
I am 100% sure vaxxes played no part in it.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 19, 2022 4:29 pm


March 19, 2022 at 4:19 pm

Is that all you have knobhead….booze?
For crying out loud I was agreeing with you, everyday I have to beat people off …

It’s a living, I suppose, when the banana crop fails.
Remember to wash your hands, though.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 19, 2022 4:32 pm

A network of local defence reserve units raised in towns and cities, and tasked with the defence of their area

Any such local defence reserve units should be restricted to men over 65 – could you imagine the fighting power of two hundred thousand grumpy, irritable old men, with the best years of their lives behind them, armed to the teeth, and the belief that killing some arZehole who richly deserves it may just assuage their foul moods?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 19, 2022 4:33 pm

Because K.D., it is the single biggest killer of men in that age bracket.
Scant consolation for his family and friends to find out that fatal heart attacks are not all that rare in 45-60 y.o. men.


This undeniable truth, however, is being hijacked by the increasingly shrill freak-show that are fans of the theory that everyone who has ever been vaccinated – and has since died – has done so because of the vax. Words and phrases like ‘undeniable’ and ‘none so blind’ are thrown around like Brittany Higgins on a parliamentary couch.

I just wanted to see how they would reconcile the death at the same age of Unjabbed Mr Average as opposed to public figures like Warne and Kitchings, and I am yet to receive any sort of cogent argument.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 19, 2022 4:33 pm

Keep your Quenthland perversions to yourself.

Clearly we will have to have a look at the ‘Woomba Miata Helldrivers by-laws.

March 19, 2022 4:40 pm

Boambee John a rifle behind every blade of grass perhaps?
I like the idea of being like the Swiss in that respect, we just need a government willing to trust the citizens enough to do it. That is a pretty big stumbling block.

Winston Smith
March 19, 2022 4:41 pm


The risk I worry about is nukes.

All it takes is one mad/senile old fool to push the button – and we’re all up shit creek.
The problem is that in the US we have a President who has surrounded himself with Generals who won’t stop him.
At this moment in time the US is the weakest link.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
March 19, 2022 4:42 pm

March 19, 2022 at 12:36 pm
I’m even going to try to make this but I think I will prorata the pecorino with parmesan.

That is a beautiful dish rosie, the bite of pecorino really makes it though parmigiano will be milder but still tasty– I have lately replaced parmigiano with pecorino in a few recipes and I really like it, especially on gnocchi made with potatoes. It is an acquired taste – sheep’s milk is.

I’m afraid the tagliatelle with salmon will have to wait as the beloved Sunbather is again on a no-carb diet but when I do give it a go I will let you know the outcome.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
March 19, 2022 4:42 pm

The Pies win last night with the Son of a Gun starring and now the Bombers are getting a kicking at the hands of the Cats.
Simple pleasures are the best.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 19, 2022 4:44 pm

I realise its old weaponry but does Australia produce an equivalent to the RPG7?

The American M72A6 LAW is still in service as the 66mm LDFSW.

One shot, sadly, but broadly similar in anti-armour capability. And you’d expect to see at least 1 being carried per Squad of 5 men. Minimum 2 per Section.

After that, you’re looking at the 84mm Carl Gustav for ammo nature variety, reach and greater punch.

But the 84mm is a bigger and much heavier weapon and munition to lug about. So it is a Platoon or Company-level weapon like the MAG-58, 40MM automatic grenade launcher or .50cal, grouped in dedicated Squads and Platoons.

An RPG-7 knockoff (maybe with a ‘soft’ recoilless launch system like the German Armbrust) would be a useful multipurpose weapon in between for rifle section use.

Winston Smith
March 19, 2022 4:51 pm


Tungsten telegraph poles with a small rocket and enough smarts to de-orbit themselves onto a target – I believe they call it “Thor”.

Project Thor is too expensive.
IIRC, the US has produced a variant that is dropped from a carrier aircraft and has engines attached/integral to it. The rod is fired in an arc to about 90,000 feet and with the engines still going flat out, tips over and accelerates until the fuel runs out. A guidance packadge delivers it to the right spot.
Not Rods from God, but an economical alternative.

March 19, 2022 4:51 pm

Tom – who won the Golden Slipper?

Winston Smith
March 19, 2022 4:53 pm


PS: Leigh’s daughter, Emma Freedman, is the perfect thinking man’s crumpet in the Channel Stokes coverage.


H B Bear
H B Bear
March 19, 2022 4:55 pm

Sorry, no one should take pleasure from a Cats win. Even over Essendon.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 19, 2022 4:55 pm

I just wanted to see how they would reconcile the death at the same age of Unjabbed Mr Average as opposed to public figures like Warne and Kitchings, and I am yet to receive any sort of cogent argument.

Okay Dumbo
Name 2 public figures who died between, say, the ages of 45 and 60, the last 2 years who didn’t die of Heart Failure [or Suicide].

Winston Smith
March 19, 2022 5:01 pm


Winston Smith, the Carl Gustav is in service with a few different ammo types. Makes a fair old bang.

But do we make them here?
OK, all answered.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 19, 2022 5:02 pm

Is the “bogged down” Russian convey a ploy to try and assess Uke capabilities

Russia has established a No Fly Zone in eastern 404 and has bombed the airfields in the western 404.
So, their convoys can move or stay where they are, it’s up to them.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 19, 2022 5:03 pm

Name 2 public figures who died between, say, the ages of 45 and 60, the last 2 years who didn’t die of Heart Failure [or Suicide].

Diego Maradona.
Kobe Bryant.


March 19, 2022 5:04 pm

Do the Cats have a girls’ team?
What are they called?

Carpe Jugulum
Carpe Jugulum
March 19, 2022 5:05 pm

Do the Cats have a girls’ team?
What are they called?

The Geisha’s

Cassie of Sydney
March 19, 2022 5:05 pm

“and I am yet to receive any sort of cogent argument.”

KD, I wouldn’t hold your breath.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 19, 2022 5:06 pm

From your efforts this morning Ed, it is clear you have unresolved Glue Ear issues.

Don’t let deafness run your life. Let go of your rage towards those who gave you milk as a child.

March 19, 2022 5:07 pm

“…restricted to men over 65 – could you imagine the fighting power of two hundred thousand grumpy, irritable old men, with the best years of their lives behind them, armed to the teeth, and the belief that killing some arZehole who richly deserves it may just assuage their foul moods?”

Sounds like a bastard cross between Rambo and Bad Grandpa – I like it! Might want to make sure they use up all the ammo before they come back though, or it could have unintended consequences – “Stay off my lawn” would gain a whole new meaning for one. 🙂

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 19, 2022 5:08 pm

Do the Cats have a girls’ team?
What are they called?

I’ve got something for this, but it would disappear quicker than the previously-touted new covid variants.

March 19, 2022 5:08 pm

+ India. An emerging power with a large diaspora that isn’t easily pigeonholed and can’t be expected to toe any line, despite its numerous formal and informal alliances.

There’s one pigeon hole it can be dumped in and that’s anti-China.

India may have a decent relationship with Russia, however if the Russia China thing strengthens then that’s another curry.

But really, if Russia had no nukes, like who would give a shit? It’s GDP is the size of Spain.

March 19, 2022 5:09 pm

Not Rods from God, but an economical alternative.

May as well fit it with a warhead, otherwise all that kinetic energy will be wasted if it doesn’t hit something hard.

Anchor What
Anchor What
March 19, 2022 5:09 pm

Bernardi did a good job shining a strong light on Albanese’s character last friday night on Sky.
I don’t bother with most of the MSM these days, but would be surprised if any of them bothered to do the same sort of research into his past and general attitudes.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
March 19, 2022 5:10 pm

I just wanted to see how they would reconcile the death at the same age of Unjabbed Mr Average as opposed to public figures like Warne and Kitchings, and I am yet to receive any sort of cogent argument.

You’re at the wrong venue.
This is the venue to which you come to be accused of curing poultry by immersing it in fumes from burning materials, if you get my drift.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 19, 2022 5:10 pm

Bloody hell.

Now it’s Sydney v Greater Western Sydney on the teev. A mancraver-fest.

Might be time to walk the dog, or something.

Winston Smith
March 19, 2022 5:12 pm


I am waiting for the insecure consipracy sheeple to explain why a bloke in his 50s could possibly drop off the twig in these circumstances without the vax being responsible.

One of my brothers did just that few years ago.
Small amount of scar tisssue in the heart muscle, heart goes into ventricular tachycardia, then degenerates into ventricular fibrilation. Only immediate defibrillation brings them back. Sometimes precordial thump if done immediately may work.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 19, 2022 5:12 pm

Name 2 public figures who died between, say, the ages of 45 and 60, the last 2 years who didn’t die of Heart Failure [or Suicide].

Generals Vitaly Gerasimov, Andrei Kalesnikov and Andrei Sukhovetsky of the Russian Federation Armed Forces, Grigory.

Or how about Kobe Bryant and Jeffrey Epstein instead?

Winston Smith
March 19, 2022 5:14 pm

Knuckle Dragger:

Oh. Stage Three of Bundy consumption in Quenthlanders (three cans, then on all fours under the table looking for stray Cheezels) appears to have appeared early.

Or as my sister used to say, “One drink and I’m anyones. Two drinks and I’m everyones.”

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 19, 2022 5:15 pm

March 19, 2022 at 4:40 pm
Boambee John a rifle behind every blade of grass perhaps?
I like the idea of being like the Swiss in that respect, we just need a government willing to trust the citizens enough to do it. That is a pretty big stumbling block.

Or two major problems are governments which do not trust their citizens (after recent events, perhaps with reason, but it is self-inflicted), and a defence bureaucracy, military and civilian, which will defend the “iron rice bowls” of existing doctrine, capabilities and strategic guidance to the death.

As simple examples, the ARA will oppose anything that seems to give specific authority to the Reserve for any task, for fear that the contagion might spread from ä rifle behind every blade of grass” to armoured vehicles and field (much less heavy) artillery, while the Navy will fight for the surface fleet of major combatants, and Air Force will stick to manned fighter/strike aircraft against any concept involving long range SAMs and SSMs.

Then there is the problem of finding a minister who will question, and even reject, Defence advice. They are few and far between.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 19, 2022 5:15 pm

Name 2 public figures who died between, say, the ages of 45 and 60, the last 2 years who didn’t die of Heart Failure [or Suicide]

Ghislaine Maxwell.

Wait, wait. That’s scheduled for mid-April.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 19, 2022 5:15 pm


PS, I hope you are finding this interesting.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 19, 2022 5:18 pm

This is the venue to which you come to be accused of curing poultry by immersing it in fumes from burning materials, if you get my drift.

Wait, you mean this isn’t the cow-towing forum?

Sad now… 🙁

Climbs back into cab of cattle truck and tries to pull out of carpark…]

(It’s OK folks, it was a Ford. 🙂 )

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 19, 2022 5:18 pm

Winston Smithsays:
March 19, 2022 at 4:51 pm

Tungsten telegraph poles with a small rocket and enough smarts to de-orbit themselves onto a target – I believe they call it “Thor”.

Project Thor is too expensive.
IIRC, the US has produced a variant that is dropped from a carrier aircraft and has engines attached/integral to it. The rod is fired in an arc to about 90,000 feet and with the engines still going flat out, tips over and accelerates until the fuel runs out. A guidance packadge delivers it to the right spot.
Not Rods from God, but an economical alternative.

Good for ruining the day of a naval task force commander?

Winston Smith
March 19, 2022 5:18 pm


All the family down with the coof, yet he remains stubbornly coof free, regardless of extremely juicy children snotting everywhere and an unwell wife.

I’ll repeat the offer I made to rickw – please send me multiple used tissues from the kids and I’ll say something nice about you to God.

Delta A
Delta A
March 19, 2022 5:19 pm

The world is burning (literally) and you are making small talk about French patisserie.

Is it okay to chat about Bavarian patisserie?

Best Man’s birthday tomorrow, so we are having a picnic at the new property. I’m doing the birthday cake, a bee sting.

(Hope the link works, Kapersky has ruined my links lately… ooh, wait! Kapersky is Russsian, isn’t it. That explains it!)

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 19, 2022 5:21 pm

Knuckle Draggersays:

March 19, 2022 at 5:03 pm

Name 2 public figures who died between, say, the ages of 45 and 60, the last 2 years who didn’t die of Heart Failure [or Suicide].

Diego Maradona.
Kobe Bryant.


I am pretty sure Kurt Cobain died of heart failure.
Whether putting the 12 gauge under his chin and his big toe in the trigger guard contributed in any way we’ll never know.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 19, 2022 5:23 pm

Knuckle Draggersays:

March 19, 2022 at 5:08 pm

Do the Cats have a girls’ team?
What are they called?

I’ve got something for this,

Sometimes, the first idea isn’t the best idea, and you just have to workshop it a bit longer.

March 19, 2022 5:25 pm

Boambee Johnsays:
March 19, 2022 at 5:15 pm

PS, I hope you are finding this interesting.

I have been. My understanding is if you go back to pre WW2 a lot of this stuff was in place. Many of the rifle ranges that exist now for example, were built so there would be a large body of semi trained men available.
I just keep coming back to it being the culture and political will. We no longer have a culture of self reliance that would foster those attitudes, and the political will to build and maintain that isn’t there. Let alone the political willingness to consider it in the first place.
Could you imagine any party suggesting even a system similar to Switzerland, where every military trained person keeps an assault rifle? It’d be great for giving a few of the right people a heart attack, but I can’t see it going further.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 19, 2022 5:26 pm

This is the venue to which you come to be accused of curing poultry by immersing it in fumes from burning materials, if you get my drift.

You don’t mean … surely not … not … smoking of cock?
I swear to God, I didn’t inhale.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 19, 2022 5:26 pm

March 19, 2022 at 5:09 pm
Not Rods from God, but an economical alternative.

May as well fit it with a warhead, otherwise all that kinetic energy will be wasted if it doesn’t hit something hard.

Back in WW II, the Poms developed 5″ air to surface rockets. They fitted an armour piercing head for anti-tank use, and a high explosive for anti-submarine use.

Testing showed that the AP head only caused damage to tanks with a direct hit (obviously), and the HE one did little damage once the sub was under water. They swapped uses, and found that the HE head would destroy a tank with a direct hit, and damage tracks and radio aerials even with a near miss (and also any crew with his head out in the open).

The AP head, even if the sub was fully submerged, would punch a 5″ diameter hole in the pressure hull, which would ruin the day of a submarine doing a crash dive, even if the skipper had fast reflexes.

Winston Smith
March 19, 2022 5:27 pm

Boambee John:

A network of local defence reserve units raised in towns and cities, and tasked with the defence of their area would find and fix those groups, and hold their attention until heavily armed units can arrive to finish the job. The local units would be armed with rifles, light machine guns (perhaps some heavy machine guns), grenades, man portable anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons and heavy mortars. Their principal training would focus on patrolling, tracking and ambush, and knowing their local area.

An Irregular Militia, to be precise. Even if all they have is M113 APC, and trucks, they can be damned effective. No arty – just mortars. There’s no point giving IM anything the Regulars would just take from them – leaving them with an incomplete formation. Better to train with the weapons and tactics you will retain.

March 19, 2022 5:30 pm

“Project Thor is too expensive.”

Part of my long term plan, see.
Instead of Snowy II, build a space launch facility in FNQ.
Then launch vehicle building capabilities.
Both are potential sources of international income, especially as asia and africa modernise – we are close to a lot of people in asia, a lot closer than the US or Russia and “friendlier” than China, and are considered politically “stable”.
We have the land to do it.
We have a habit as a people of being able to do such things on a relatively shoe-string budget.
I reckon it’s do-able, but insufficient political will to make it happen. Pity.

March 19, 2022 5:35 pm

Brought a CCP made 1” water pump. Didn’t work when plugged in, just BRRR. Seller gave me a 50% refund.

I fixed the motor in 10 minutes. My guess was the the start capacitor was disconnected. Exactly what the problem was.

Then I plugged it in and water was pissing everywhere out of the main casing joint. Opened it up and the o ring that was supposed to be there had literally been chucked in the casing and the thing bolted up. Gave the o ring a massage to get it back in shape, bolted it up and all good.

My thoughts are with the CCP pump assembly slave, you were clearly having a very shit day!

March 19, 2022 5:35 pm

Good for ruining the day of a naval task force commander?

Unless there’s a big bada boom, it’s just a hole.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 19, 2022 5:36 pm

As simple examples, the ARA will oppose anything that seems to give specific authority to the Reserve for any task, for fear that the contagion might spread from ä rifle behind every blade of grass” to armoured vehicles and field (much less heavy) artillery

The current excuses of modern equipment being too complicated for citizen soldiers to maintain reliably is a bit bullshit, given the cadres of ARA admin and RAEME staff in each ARES unit.

The Armoured Corps was always more serious about having trainable and usable troops within the Iron Rice Bowl limitations imposed on it, and liked the idea of having formed units of Cavalry Scouts to slot into its ASLAV units or send out on their own. But only in the last 4-5 years has the concept of a universal ‘Crewman’ trade reappeared in the RAAC. Where the only difference between Choco and Reg is the badge, vehicle licences and working hours.

Restricting the Choc artillery to 81mm mortars for nominally training Forward Observers on the cheap was and remains bullshit.

A BM-21 equivalent cheap MLRS launcher that can be bolted on or off the flatbed tray of a Unimog or MAN 4×4 or 6×6 truck, or an M113/Lynx/Boxer ’tilly, makes a useful capacity and cheap as the real cost is in the munitions. The upcoming acquisition of the truck-based M142 HIMARS would be perfect for the job, except that it will be exclusively ARA cos reasons and not acquired in sufficent numbers. Like the upcoming M1A2 MBTs.

ISR UAVs and Command Post training (All Arty responsibilities in current doctrine) are also well within reach, cost and training time. Especially when ARES and ARA alike are being ubiversally equipped and trained to use micro-UAVs. Basically parkflyer-sized RC planes with a good video camera that come deployable in a suitcase. You ensure the battery is charged, then whip it out the back of your G-Wagen/Bushmaster/Hawkei/Abrams/Boxer when you want check something out. And try not to lawn-dart the thing into the ground when you throw it.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 19, 2022 5:37 pm

My understanding is if you go back to pre WW2 a lot of this stuff was in place

Pre World War Two, the Australian Regular Army comprised some three to five thousand men, made up of the gunners who manned the coastal forts, and the “Staff Corps” – the cadre responsible for training and planning. The defence of Australia was in the hands of the militia – “part time” soldiers – and most towns of any size had a militia unit, with their own drill hall and rifle range.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 19, 2022 5:38 pm

Let’s put Warnie’s death down to repeated unhealthful dieting practices which eventually caught up with him.
Kimberley Kitching, she was unrecognisable the last month or so of her life.
Obviously dying, yet the media were totally silent and now pretending that her death was “sudden”.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 19, 2022 5:39 pm


An Irregular Militia, to be precise. Even if all they have is M113 APC, and trucks, they can be damned effective. No arty – just mortars. There’s no point giving IM anything the Regulars would just take from them – leaving them with an incomplete formation. Better to train with the weapons and tactics you will retain.

Not quite. Formed units, with a chain of command. For logistics, rely on local resources (IGA< Colesworths, even Maccas for food, petrol stations for fuel for essentially civilian vehicles (forget about M-113s), local hospitals and doctors for medical support, but using military standard encrypted communications

March 19, 2022 5:40 pm

Pureblood Bulldog Breed @Gary3
BANNED – Ukraine Citizens ask Ukraine Army to move S2Air Rockets from Kindergarten

BANNED – Ukraine Citizens ask Ukraine Army to move S2Air Rockets from Kindergarten
This got Max Blumenthal post and account deleted instantly by Dirty GOV Sanctions and for what it shows the filth Ukraine army using citizens as human shileds by placing rocket outposts by schools and kindergartens – FukDaGov and FukDaMsM1-)))

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 19, 2022 5:43 pm

March 19, 2022 at 5:35 pm
Good for ruining the day of a naval task force commander?

Unless there’s a big bada boom, it’s just a hole.

From the top, through the bottom, unless it hits something reasonably solid, or explosive, when there is a transfer of kinetic energy to the object struck.

See also my comment about the Pommy 5″ rocket and U-Boats.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 19, 2022 5:43 pm

Ed Casesays:

March 19, 2022 at 5:38 pm

Let’s put Warnie’s death down to …

I never fully understood the term “diagnostic tool”.
Until now.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 19, 2022 5:44 pm

Curiously there’s no mention of vegans.

Finding the most boring person in the world (University of Essex, 18 Mar)

The most boring person in the world has been discovered by University of Essex research—and it is a religious data entry worker, who likes watching TV, and lives in a town. The peer-reviewed study into the science of boredom has uncovered the jobs, characteristics, and hobbies that are considered a stereotypical snooze.

After examining more than 500 people across five experiments researchers found the blandest jobs are seen as data analysis, accounting, cleaning and banking. The paper—published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin—also discovered that religion, watching TV, bird watching, and smoking were amongst the dullest hobbies. Boring people were also perceived to shun large settlements to live in small cities and towns.

Uh oh, I’m two out of four. It were always raining in Denley Moor, except when it were fine.
I just wanted you to know that last observation.

March 19, 2022 5:45 pm

“I swear to God, I didn’t inhale.”

“You have rule it over millions to be a dictator.
You have to kill thousands to be a mass murderer.
But you suck one cock…”

Attributed to Saddam Hussain, IIRC… 🙂

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 19, 2022 5:46 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
March 19, 2022 at 5:37 pm
My understanding is if you go back to pre WW2 a lot of this stuff was in place

Pre World War Two, the Australian Regular Army comprised some three to five thousand men, made up of the gunners who manned the coastal forts, and the “Staff Corps” – the cadre responsible for training and planning.

There was also the Australian Instructional Corps, regular sergeants and warrant officers. By the end of the war, many were highly decorated majors and lieutenant colonels. They provided a lot of the RSMs/CSMs for the AIF.

March 19, 2022 5:47 pm

Enjoying the movie threads, and I wandered into Peter Gunn (there was a movie as well as the TV show).

First, Mancini’s brilliant original:

And then, after I viewed several milquetoast versions, Duane Eddy and The Art of Noise:

Just wow.

Young ‘uns who think that ballsy music only happened when they became dimly aware of it yesterday need to rev up their ‘learnings.’ 🙂

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 19, 2022 5:47 pm

The last successful Invasion of Australia [started 1788] took quite a while due to the decentralised nature of the place.
It started from Sydney though, not Darwin or WoopWoop.
So, Sydney is still the start, but now we’re Centralised all the invader has to do is pay off some guys in Canberra.’
That’s what the Japs did in 1941, but the Yanks beat them here anyway.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
March 19, 2022 5:49 pm

I am concerned for my newly acquired set of 55 Russian piping tips – i’m hiding them in the Australia Day box under the flag just in case.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 19, 2022 5:49 pm

The current excuses of modern equipment being too complicated for citizen soldiers to maintain reliably is a bit bullshit, given the cadres of ARA admin and RAEME staff in each ARES unit.

And I will add that ARES Armour units are now rolling with Bushmasters and Hawkeis as well as G-Wagen jeeps.

The former two were all but ARA-only a few years back. Until the doctrine-based idea that Transport units treating Bushies like armoured buses didn’t work in practice in Afghanistan. SOCOMD exclusively brought in Armour crews to operate their Bushmaster pool tactically, and the motorised infantry battalions of the RAR were left more or less unmolested.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 19, 2022 5:50 pm

There was also the Australian Instructional Corps, regular sergeants and warrant officers.

I was trying to think of the right title – they were seen as “the best and brightest.”

Winston Smith
March 19, 2022 5:53 pm

Boambee John:

Good for ruining the day of a naval task force commander?

Oh yes.
Consider it will be going at about Mach 15 – 20, and not taking into account the chance of the energy being delivered to a body of seawater in the immediate vicity and heating it beyond the 3000 c range where you end up with a hydrogen/oxygen dissociation that creates a fuel air explosion at sea level or just below, consider the day ruined.

March 19, 2022 5:55 pm

I am concerned for my newly acquired set of 55 Russian piping tips – i’m hiding them in the Australia Day box under the flag just in case.

Yikes! I have some if those too!

I have printed Delta’s cake of Pure Evil. It might just get made. Easter Day, when all the family are here and I can watch them eat it.

Winston Smith
March 19, 2022 5:55 pm

Delt A:

Best Man’s birthday tomorrow, so we are having a picnic at the new property. I’m doing the birthday cake, a bee sting.

You have him insured, I take it?

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 19, 2022 5:59 pm


That’s what the Japs did in 1941, but the Yanks beat them here anyway.

You have made this allegation before, and asked to provide evidence to support this statement. If you can’t, perhaps shut up and be thought a fool rather than rush into print and prove it.

March 19, 2022 6:02 pm

Any such local defence reserve units should be restricted to men over 65 – could you imagine the fighting power of two hundred thousand grumpy, irritable old men, with the best years of their lives behind them, armed to the teeth, and the belief that killing some arZehole who richly deserves it may just assuage their foul moods?

Zulu K2A:
Read that to my husband. He loved it!

Winston Smith
March 19, 2022 6:05 pm

Boambee John:

From the top, through the bottom, unless it hits something reasonably solid, or explosive, when there is a transfer of kinetic energy to the object struck.

I’d suggest that at Mach 15-20, seawater would be considered solid.

March 19, 2022 6:09 pm

I am still unjabbed & happy about it too.

Delta A
Delta A
March 19, 2022 6:12 pm

Considering he rarely had a day off school with illness

Same here. And while my sickly, puking peers got to stay home – even in the middle of a freezing winter – I was there, on the desk, hating every minute of it.

Life has always been particularly tough for an independently minded eight year old.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 19, 2022 6:13 pm

“Dr Groogs will see you now.”

March 19, 2022 6:14 pm

Boambee John,
You are channelling Lord Kitchener.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 19, 2022 6:18 pm


Perhaps, but the 1911 version, not the 1914 version. And all Kitchener really did in 1911 was validate the plans already drawn up by Legge.

local oaf
March 19, 2022 6:20 pm

johanna says:
March 19, 2022 at 5:47 pm

Enjoying the movie threads, and I wandered into Peter Gunn (there was a movie as well as the TV show).

And then, after I viewed several milquetoast versions, Duane Eddy and The Art of Noise:

Yes, the twang remains the thang! 🙂

March 19, 2022 6:21 pm

Finding the most boring person in the world (University of Essex, 18 Mar)

The most boring person in the world has been discovered by University of Essex research—and it is a religious data entry worker, who likes watching TV, and lives in a town. The peer-reviewed study into the science of boredom has uncovered the jobs, characteristics, and hobbies that are considered a stereotypical snooze.

Nah, it was established years ago that Eric Oldtwaite whose only two topics of conversation were the weather and shovels was the most boring man who ever lived:

March 19, 2022 6:23 pm

March 19, 2022 at 3:27 pm
I find all this talk of weaponry highly distasteful and dull in the extreme.
It should be banned.

No! No! Some interesting stuff – always interested in logistics and appraisal from guys who know what they are talking about.

We live in extraordinarily volatile times. All info welcome.

Me two but I think you misread irony as desire.

March 19, 2022 6:27 pm

You don’t mean … surely not … not … smoking of cock?
I swear to God, I didn’t inhale.

This pic works on at least 2 levels.

March 19, 2022 6:27 pm

About 2,000 people turned out today at Supreme Court Gardens Perth for a Freedom Protest event.

There were about 30 police in attendance with 2 on horseback and about 12 on bicycles. They essentially were on the perimeter in a semi circle. Wearing masks FFS!

Lots of stalls were set up with political parties mixed up with food sellers and paraphernalia dealers.

Some good signs as always and a real mixed bag of people.

The main speaker was good and the band did a great crowd starter rap song which I really enjoyed.

I left after an hour and a half and walking just outside of the gathering to my car I was greeted by a fleet of about 12 semi trailers and prime movers who had just started a go-slow along Riverside Drive and had just started massively on the horns. It was so loud it interrupted proceedings inside and the crowd acknowledged the trucks to huge cheers and applause.

We need our freedoms returned.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 19, 2022 6:29 pm

Duane Eddy and The Art of Noise

Johanna – That version charted as I recall, I’ve always liked Art of Noise. Going back quite a way. My fave is of course from the Blues Brothers. Sadly there doesn’t seem to be a good version from the actual movie, but the trailer uses the Peter Gunn theme:

Lots of fine music in that movie, always a hoot to watch.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 19, 2022 6:32 pm

This pic works on at least 2 levels.

Look out, Sancho has got CornHolio thinking about Cock [again]!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 19, 2022 6:35 pm


March 19, 2022 at 6:09 pm

I am still unjabbed & happy about it too.

That is your right.
How happy were you before you cracked your first Dark ‘n Stormy this arvo?

March 19, 2022 6:38 pm
March 19, 2022 6:42 pm


If you removed nukes from the equation you would still have to take Russia seriously. It is agriculturally near self-sufficient. It has access to plentiful fuel, energy, metals, etc. It has a large land mass in which it can employ defence-in-depth.

That’s true, but you’re describing what it was before the invasion. The world has taken a hit with the sanctions closing down Russian agri and energy exports, but the world – at least the west- is incredibly flexible.

My view is that as exports are directed toward China – obviously at a discount, production will be redirected. For example, Australia may end up selling more wheat to Europe. It could kill a lot of Europeans as Aussie wheat is dreadfully high in gluten. 🙂

The producers will replace China with new customers.

It’s Russia that has the long term problem as no country on earth wants to be tied up with those fucks.

March 19, 2022 6:45 pm

I’m glad people are enjoying the movie threads. WolfmanOZ does very good work there without fail.

Indeed he does – and on a weekly basis too. One can only dream about such productivity. 😕

Shameless plug time, peoples – the next Radio show after the Disco one, being May, some communist marching tunes? 🙂

Or some Funk and Soul?

P.S. Arks will presumably long/vote for the former.

March 19, 2022 6:45 pm

We need our freedoms returned.


They’re our rights, not privileges to be doled out.

March 19, 2022 6:48 pm

Shameless plug time, peoples – the next Radio show after the Disco one


March 19, 2022 6:50 pm

Do the Cats have a girls’ team?
What are they called?

In honour of the earlier James Bond Movie thread,

Pussies Galore!!!!”

March 19, 2022 6:53 pm


I’m suggesting the client mix will change. There is some obvious dislocation, which is what the commod markets are saying, but higher prices are signal to produce more. Marginal land will be cultivated and there will be more exploration for energy – particularly around Europe- and increased production.

The only thing to w0rry about economically is if the Demonrats are able to introduce appalling policies such as what they are currently talking about. They would like to tax the so-called super profits of the oil producers. They are the biggest fucking impediment to almost everything.

We just need to wait and hope until the mid term election. Hope is that Cronkite is wrong.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 19, 2022 6:56 pm

the next Radio show after the Disco one, being May, some communist marching tunes? 🙂

Or some Funk and Soul?

No idea. But having been reading about The Blues Brothers earlier I found Dan Aykroyd’s daughter is a fine singer, so I’ve been listening to some of her tracks just now. Her stage name is Vera Sola.

March 19, 2022 6:57 pm

err, Rog – there will not be two disco threads in succession, Squire.

I’m flat out finding enough material for the first. However, research is the key and some disco “classics” (if they could be dignified with such a term) have been unearthed. There will also be some text about how humans were willing (or otherwise) to tolerate such staggering mediocrity.

Not happy about being dragged back into a particularly hideous time of my life (as a school boy). Pre-Punk, so to speak.

March 19, 2022 6:58 pm

JC you seem to have a fear of gluten. Do you only eat flatbread coz its the only bread that doesnt need gluten to stay up after it has been proved. Thats what proving does, the yeast makes it rise, the gluten keeps it there. If the grain doesn’t have enough gluten it is added.

March 19, 2022 7:00 pm

SA State Election: We need a routing. Libs; Labor; Greens. Will we be granted our wish?

March 19, 2022 7:02 pm

SA State Election

Barrels be stuffed.

March 19, 2022 7:03 pm

Not happy about being dragged back into a particularly hideous time of my life (as a school boy). Pre-Punk, so to speak.

ha ha a guy in year 11 wore a ‘death to disco’ badge

March 19, 2022 7:04 pm


I have no fear but a concern with excessive gluten and we along with Canada have the highest content in the world.

A cousin in law of mine died from cancer of the duodenum as from possibly being gluten intolerant and never knowing.

Aussie wheat kills 🙂

March 19, 2022 7:04 pm

I thought punk and disco were almost contemporaneous

March 19, 2022 7:05 pm

err, Rog – there will not be two disco threads in succession, Squire.

I’m flat out finding enough material for the first.

OK, I guess that’s democracy.

Some suggestions:

Boney M Rasputin

Billy Ocean Love Really Hurts Without You – always used to get the dance floor packed. Don’t ask how I know this.

Knock on Wood

Don’t Leave Me This Way

Funky Town

And my personal fave:

Disco Inferno (Burn Baby Burn)

How I wish I didn’t have such a good memory.

March 19, 2022 7:07 pm

wore a ‘death to disco’ badge …

… of honour.

It will be a difficult post. However, there have been some fabulous tributes to disco released across the four subsequent decades, which will be posted on the evening.

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 19, 2022 7:07 pm

That’s what the Japs did in 1941, but the Yanks beat them here anyway.

We’re not going to do HMAS Sydney being sunk by the perfidious Japs in November 1941 are we?

Please no.

March 19, 2022 7:08 pm

For example, Australia may end up selling more wheat to Europe. It could kill a lot of Europeans as Aussie wheat is dreadfully high in gluten.

Constipated Germans…

Probably more irritable than constipated Arabs.

What I came to know as the “lay-and-display” German toilet model has horrified and scarred many an expat or traveler. Instead of excretions making the plunge straight into the water, this toilet has a prominent shelf midway to catch everything.


March 19, 2022 7:09 pm

I thought punk and disco were almost contemporaneous

Pretty much. In NYC the CBGBs scene was happening a couple of years before Studio 54 opened.

March 19, 2022 7:09 pm

We’re not going to do HMAS Sydney being sunk by the perfidious Japs in November 1941 are we?

The whiiiiite SUUUUUBBB!!!!

March 19, 2022 7:10 pm

Most here seem to think that a military invasion is how another country, say Chine would invade. That would be really dumb. The best way for them to get a foothold here would be to simply load up as many ships as possible with civilians, especially families, sail to Darwin, they already control the port and disembark the people, return and bring back more asap. What could we do? If we attacked unarmed ships of civilians we would be labelled as barbarians. You can’t kill or imprison that many people when they got here. Their sheer weight of numbers would enable them to overwhelm all forces available as well as the Australian population. They could just commandeer housing, food, anything they want. Much of the local population would just flee south. Then China could deliver supplies until the new population could self sustain. There is simply nothing we could do and we would then have a major Chinese city on our turf, it would just keep expanding to all habitable areas.

March 19, 2022 7:12 pm

If you watch Cruising with Al Pacino you hear how full on punk was in the late 70s.

March 19, 2022 7:13 pm

I thought punk and disco were almost contemporaneous

Sacré bleu, Milts – the former killed the latter (and the “seventies”) stone dead.

I’m actually looking forward to posting some of the (backhanded or otherwise) tributes to that legendary time that taste forgot. For when you need to “get on down…” 🙂

March 19, 2022 7:13 pm

In NYC the CBGBs scene was happening a couple of years before Studio 54 opened.

Which segues into the only group who played CBGBs & featured on Studio 54’s playlist:

Blondie, Heart of Glass

March 19, 2022 7:14 pm

Billy Ocean Love Really Hurts Without You

Actually a based and red pilled song.

March 19, 2022 7:16 pm

Ed Case says:
March 19, 2022 at 1:30 pm
Page 7 of today’s

The Australian
Scotty Morrison has commanding lead over AlboFlamer among Female Voters.
Heh, it’s over, losers.

Ed’s been taken over by the spirit of Hedley Lamar.

March 19, 2022 7:16 pm

Does Sister Disco count?

March 19, 2022 7:17 pm

Disco? Punk?

Uncontrollable shuddering and feelings of nausea.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 19, 2022 7:18 pm

We’re not going to do HMAS Sydney being sunk by the perfidious Japs in November 1941 are we?

Riiiight, so, with the Japanese poised to strike throughout South East Asia, and a Japanese submarine sinks an Australian cruiser…….

March 19, 2022 7:19 pm
March 19, 2022 7:20 pm

Great selection Roger
Some of my favourites
I love the night-life Alicia Bridges
Boogie Wonderland and September by earth wind fire
Boogie oogie oogie
Turn the beat around
You make me feel (mighty real)

March 19, 2022 7:20 pm

One of the future radio shows will be dedicated to the phenomenon that Rog has alluded to above – “Punk” as she was practised, on both sides of the Atlantic, from about 1973 onwards.

One of the more obvious examples* …

areff will hopefully be in there, actively contributing.

*Incredibly, this li’l ditty was used as the soundtrack to nike’s 1996 Atlanta Olympics ads, I shit you not, cats. 😕

March 19, 2022 7:21 pm

Margaret Troodough used to hang around Studio 54.

March 19, 2022 7:23 pm

iirc it was in 1978, the disco era, that Solzhenitsyn spoke of ‘intolerable music’.

March 19, 2022 7:23 pm

JC, may have and did are two different things. I’m not being flippant. Well maybe. See.

March 19, 2022 7:23 pm

Turn the beat around

Yeah, forgot that one, rosie; it’s quite good.

But let’s not forget the most lyrically inane example of the genre:

Patrick Hernandez (?) Born to be Alive!

March 19, 2022 7:24 pm

Considering Germany exports almost as much wheat as Australia, Aussie wheat isn’t going to end up there.
The French exports almost double what Australia does, so Aussie wheat isn’t going there either.

March 19, 2022 7:26 pm

Good win by the Sharkies.
Spoiled only by ScoMo bunging it on in the crowd.
The guy is a fraud.

March 19, 2022 7:27 pm

Born born born to be alive. To be alive to be alive to beeee alive
Thanks Roger

March 19, 2022 7:28 pm

Canadian beaver on the loose at studio 54!

NSFW, but yes that is Justinian the grates mum in the wild.
At least she combed her hair before going out.

March 19, 2022 7:28 pm

Thelma Houston Don’t leave me this way

March 19, 2022 7:28 pm

OMG – SA State Election: Flint spruking for the Liberals. It was sickening. Trust me. I reached for the mute.

March 19, 2022 7:29 pm

Macarthur Park cake in the rain?

March 19, 2022 7:30 pm

She was also caught in a men’s lavatory with Jack Nicolson

March 19, 2022 7:30 pm

Body, wont ya feel my body…

Also known as the Queensland soundtrack song.

March 19, 2022 7:31 pm

Tucker details the effects of biden’s inflation and biden’s swamp’s proposed solution: let them buy EVs or catch the bus while losing weight from eating less. The US is on an edge. I’ve said the 2022 mid terms are in jeopardy. If they run per the public’s intention the GOP will have sufficient numbers in both the house and senate to impeach the old grub. Then I can see the swamp gathering around biden and stopping the effect of an impeachment; in which case all bets are off.

March 19, 2022 7:32 pm


I wade through muzakal mud and everyone else gets to steal the proverbial punchline.

Not happy, I tells ya! 🙁

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 19, 2022 7:32 pm

You mean most people don’t inspect their stools? How would you know about the gluten?

March 19, 2022 7:33 pm

One of the future radio shows will be dedicated to the phenomenon that Rog has alluded to above – “Punk” as she was practised, on both sides of the Atlantic, from about 1973 onwards.


Which can feature two locally grown specimens:

The Saints
Radio Birdman

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 19, 2022 7:33 pm

The issue isn’t Gluten, that’s a distraction Squirrel promoted by BigWheat.
The issue is Hybridisation.
Today’s wheat is nothing like the Wheat from even 200 years ago.
It’s a poisonous FrankenWheat.

March 19, 2022 7:33 pm

Has the SA wanker conceded yet?

March 19, 2022 7:34 pm

H B Bear says:
March 19, 2022 at 7:32 pm

Bear – there are not many personages of the german persuasion on this site, we would hope.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 19, 2022 7:34 pm


March 19, 2022 at 6:57 pm

err, Rog – there will not be two disco threads in succession, Squire.

One in succession will be plenty … thang you vera much.

March 19, 2022 7:35 pm

ha ha a guy in year 11 wore a ‘death to disco’ badge

A wise and classy bloke.

March 19, 2022 7:35 pm

Tucker details the effects of biden’s inflation and biden’s swamp’s proposed solution: let them buy EVs or catch the bus while losing weight from eating less. The US is on an edge. I’ve said the 2022 mid terms are in jeopardy. If they run per the public’s intention the GOP will have sufficient numbers in both the house and senate to impeach the old grub. Then I can see the swamp gathering around biden and stopping the effect of an impeachment; in which case all bets are off.
what has happened in the US in the last two years is intolerable

March 19, 2022 7:35 pm

Sorry Rabz.
As long as there is no ‘disco duck’

March 19, 2022 7:35 pm

err, Rog – let’s wait until May, thanks squire …

March 19, 2022 7:36 pm

Who would win in a fight.

Sex pistols or Village people?

To the death of course.

Anchor What
Anchor What
March 19, 2022 7:36 pm

Wow! There’s a new spin:
Headline in the Daily Telegraph –
Albanese blames media for politicising Kitching death.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 19, 2022 7:36 pm

Tucker details the effects of biden’s inflation and biden’s swamp’s

Give it a rest, Swampy.
No one gives a fuck about The Midterms, Tucker’s a Cucker and Trump wouldn’t be doing anything different from Brandon, i.e., talk bullshit and pray some fools are still buying.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 19, 2022 7:37 pm

Top Endersays:
March 19, 2022 at 7:07 pm
That’s what the Japs did in 1941, but the Yanks beat them here anyway.

We’re not going to do HMAS Sydney being sunk by the perfidious Japs in November 1941 are we?

Please no.

Nah. Dickless keeps claiming that Curtin had cut a deal with the Japanese to surrender, and was only stopped by the arrival of US forces.

Dickless seems unaware of the Labor belief in the White Australia policy at that time. He’s a dope.

March 19, 2022 7:37 pm

ha ha a guy in year 11 wore a ‘death to disco’ badge

We all wore them, but if you wanted to take a girl out it was to a disco.

March 19, 2022 7:37 pm

As long as there is no ‘disco duck’

That’s a big 10-4, rose.

March 19, 2022 7:39 pm

if you wanted to take a girl out it was to a disco

Or a school dance, copping a big lecture beforehand about the concept of there “not being any of that” and being home by 10:00pm 😕

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 19, 2022 7:42 pm

Dickless keeps claiming that Curtin had cut a deal with the Japanese to surrender, and was only stopped by the arrival of US forces.

It’s ironic – before the War, Curtin, as leader of the Opposition, was in talks with senior Japanese officials, proposing to appease them by offering them access to the iron ore deposits at Yampi Sound..

March 19, 2022 7:43 pm

Good ducks: Duckman.

Bad ducks: Disco Duck, Howard the Duck, Duckman.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 19, 2022 7:44 pm

Gratuitous Russian choral singing!

(It’s Tsarist)

March 19, 2022 7:44 pm

Give it a rest, Swampy.
No one gives a fuck about The Midterms, Tucker’s a Cucker and Trump wouldn’t be doing anything different from Brandon, i.e., talk bullshit and pray some fools are still buying.

Ok donut.

March 19, 2022 7:45 pm

The only thing that matters are the mid terms.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 19, 2022 7:46 pm

Curtin was bad news, but then, as now, the MainScreamMedia was covering for him.
Lifelong alcoholic, so likely a closeted flamer as well.

March 19, 2022 7:48 pm

what has happened in the US in the last two years is intolerable

And what about here?

March 19, 2022 7:51 pm

Just watching the Sydney Harbour Bridge 90 year special on Seven.

While the engineering and structural descriptions were woefully inadequate and dumbed down, there’s some excellent animations and old photos.

Highlight for me – the eight year old without any safety harness on the top of the arch giving cheek to his friends below (on opening day). Not my Dad – he was being wheeled over in his pram.

Also the 50th in 1982 – the incredibly thin police! Then the camera pans – everyone is slim and fit in close fitting clothing.

I put that down to over five years, by then, of Disco.

March 19, 2022 7:52 pm

Further to Tom’s earlier post James Macdonald had a bad day at the office today.
Rode 3 favourites to poor placings.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 19, 2022 7:52 pm

Ed Casesays:
March 19, 2022 at 7:46 pm
Curtin was bad news, but then, as now, the MainScreamMedia was covering for him.
Lifelong alcoholic, so likely a closeted flamer as well.

Are you sure he wasn’t also a spook?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 19, 2022 7:52 pm

And the old Imperial Russian Navy’s evening hymn:

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 19, 2022 7:53 pm
Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 19, 2022 7:55 pm

Good ducks: Duckman.

Bad ducks: Disco Duck, Howard the Duck, Duckman.

How about Duck Dodgers in the 24th and a half(th) Thenturyyyyyyyyy….?

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 19, 2022 7:56 pm

Until the Venona decrypts pertaining to Soviet activity in Australia are released, we don’t know.
But the likely answer is yes, he was compromised if not on the Soviet payroll.

March 19, 2022 7:56 pm
March 19, 2022 7:58 pm

Just watching the Sydney Harbour Bridge 90 year special on Seven.

I knew a gentleman who used to survey the progress on construction every day as he walked to and from
school. Departed this world about 6 years ago.

March 19, 2022 7:59 pm

Good ducks: Duckman.

See also: Duckspeak …

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 19, 2022 8:00 pm

Kinzhal missile just used in 404:

Just one, Grigs?

With a single glorified Iskander missile with some extra GoFast!(TM) firework shoehorned in, and a PR hype-train big enough to make most Hollywood moguls green with envy (not virtue-signalling) and simultaneously moist in their gussets?

You are an embarrassment to all adherents to the doctrine and ideals of Chaotic Stupid…

March 19, 2022 8:01 pm

This seems to be an ongoing process now.

CDC Removes 24 Percent of Child COVID-19 Deaths, Thousands of Others

You mean it not the plaguey proportions the lying meeja and lying politicians made it out to be? Gosh, who knew, eh?

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 19, 2022 8:04 pm

CDC Removes 24 Percent of Child COVID-19 Deaths,

What’s the new Cause Of Death, then?
Were they “vaccinated”?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 19, 2022 8:05 pm

Rex Angersays:

March 19, 2022 at 7:52 pm

And the old Imperial Russian Navy’s evening hymn:

Not a patch on the USN battle hymn.
Stirring stuff.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 19, 2022 8:05 pm

Bear – there are not many personages of the german persuasion on this site, we would hope.

The only stools this Prussian* descendant has ever inspected, were the ones he intended to use to sit on at a bar.

Wonky-Leg is a dangerous affliction for chairs, folks…

* (***Haubitzen! Intensifies***)

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 19, 2022 8:06 pm

Not a patch on the USN battle hymn.
Stirring stuff.

There’s always one…

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 19, 2022 8:07 pm

You talkin’ to me, ChooChooChooChoo man?

March 19, 2022 8:09 pm

Who would win in a fight.
Sex pistols or Village people?
To the death of course.


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 19, 2022 8:10 pm

Who would win in a fight.
Sex pistols or Village people?
To the death of course.

Would anyone care who won?

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x