Mad, bad and dangerous to vote for

Came across two very similar articles on the net with almost identical titles and with sentiments very close to my own. First this: “We Live in a Time of Utter Madness and We’re Ruled by Lawless Monsters”. If you would like to see who was saying what, please go to the link.

And then there was this: The Sheer Madness of Today’s Left. This one is by Victor Davis Hanson, and this is part of what he writes.

When the rock of green and woke ideology hits the hard place of reality, sheer madness always results.

The world prices of oil and natural gas are skyrocketing. At the time of a major war in Ukraine, the Western democracies have framed the conflict as existential, with a Russia/Mordor on the attack against a declining West/Gondor.


A subtext of the struggle is that the world’s illiberal regimes—fossil-fuel exporting Russia, Venezuela, Iran, and the various Middle Eastern autocracies—are getting richer by the day while destroying Mother Earth, as noble gas and oil importing green Western nations can scarcely afford to drive or heat their homes.

And this is how the article ends:

Yet madness is predictable when the unchecked left-wing’s demand for limitless and endless power collides with a hated, but unremorseful ideological agenda utterly divorced from reality. Put simply, when ideologues demand power but cannot maintain it politically because they are cruel ideologues that destroy what they touch, expect more of their insanity to follow.

For the bits in the middle, you can go to the link, on the off chance you have not yourself recognised how mad the left is and how much worse they lately seem to have become.

Might add this one in since it seems to be based on a similar theme: Joe Biden’s Big Gaffe Perfectly Exposes the Imbecility of the ‘Experts’. Being an imbecile is similar to being mad. Go to the link for more. Here’s the final line:

People with no real skin in the game pushing their costs onto others around the world, while showing not even a semblance of strategic thinking. That’s not morality. It’s imbecility.


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Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 29, 2022 6:38 am

It’s worse than all that. Most of the political establishment of the supposedly right wing parties are also Davos-aligned lefties in reality. That covers the Liberal Party (eg. Photios), the Conservative Party (eg. Boris and his greenie wife), and the Republican Party (eg. McConnell, who opposed Trump tooth and nail through his full term).

All three supposed right-wing parties’ elites are converts to the green religion, although a little less rabidly than the Left. The madness is that this new religion is based on nothing. Global warming isn’t happening in the real world (only in fraudulent metrics and computer models, not in empirical datasets like snow cover and sea ice extent). And for their supposed love of the environment we have them increasingly clear cutting forests for wind turbines and solar panels. Anyone recall the forestry wars of the seventies with enviros tying themselves to trees? Now they’re doing what they were then trying to prevent, all for no purpose but enriching billionaires.

There’s going to be a crack-up coming. This unreality cannot continue forever. Be warned politicians, once the public see through this madness it will be like the fall of the Soviet Union, but worse, since there is no remaining civilized West to ameliorate it.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
March 29, 2022 7:09 am

People with no real skin in the game pushing their costs onto others around the world, while showing not even a semblance of strategic thinking. That’s not morality. It’s imbecility.

. Well doesn’t that sound like my favourite economist turned social theorist Thomas Sowell

Half a decade ago I was listening to an interview with Thomas Sowell by Peter Robinson. Thomas Sowell talking about the vulgar pride of Intellectuals and how society is held captive to the tyranny of intellectuals – he said they can’t help it because all their lives they’ve been told they are the smartest, the bestest, the golden-haired brainy ones and that is how they see themselves-they never see anything other than their own brilliance.

Thomas Sowell’s deep resonating calm voice telling the truth what a wondrous thing — he said that there has never been an era in history when intellectuals have played a larger role in society than in the era in which we now live.

He also said, (and this I think is absolutely germane to the tyranny of the know-it-alls) he said: that

on issues ranging across the spectrum from housing policies to laws governing organ transplants intellectuals have sought to have decision-making discretion taken from those directly involved, who have personal knowledge and a personal stake, and transferred to third parties who have neither, and who pay no price for being wrong

– isn’t that just a perfect summation? because of course the cost, the price and the consequences are borne by those who have personal knowledge of, and a personal stake in the issues but are excluded by the know-it-alls.

March 29, 2022 7:43 am

There will come a time when ‘intellectual and expert’ will be associated with the likes of the worst people in society (along with politicians).

March 29, 2022 7:51 am

We’re living in a time that will soon become no less mad than Mao’s great leap forward.

The lefties will be calling for all the sparrows to be killed.

May you live in interesting times!

March 29, 2022 8:40 am

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The U.S. economy is not a bastion of market freedom but is in fact rife with collusion between government and those businesses most unscrupulous in playing the game.
By S.T. Karnick March 27, 2022
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Chris M
Chris M
March 29, 2022 10:05 am

We’re living in a time that will soon become no less mad than Mao’s great leap forward.

Currently there is a famine in Sri Lanka. Some are even fleeing the country and neighbours like India are sending food aid.

No, not from droughts or floods. Last year the govt there decided to transition to all organic farming, so chemical fertilisers and certain pesticides were banned. That’s all it took for people to end up starving. Organic at scale can work but it requires a LOT of planning, preparation and knowledge.

Less you be tempted to snicker at those uneducated brown people first consider what our govt has done to the power supply here and show me how it differs.

Roger W
Roger W
March 29, 2022 10:38 am

There will come a time when ‘intellectual and expert’ will be associated with the likes of the worst people in society (along with politicians).
bemused, that time is well and truly now!

March 29, 2022 10:39 am

“The vulgar pride of intellectuals.”
Thomas Sowell
That’s a keeper Tinta!
Up there with “science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.”
Richard Feynman
And William Pitt the younger ‘s “Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves. “

March 29, 2022 11:08 am

“70% of Australians don’t even want to spend $1 a week on “Net Zero”
The most devastating thing about this survey is not what it says about energy policy but what it says about our democracy.

70% of Australians think energy policy should be about reliable cheap supply, not about stopping storms, and 70% don’t want to even spend $1 a week saving the world from climate change. Despite this, neither major party stands for that 70%.”

March 29, 2022 11:20 am

…that time is well and truly now!

It is, but not enough people voice that idea.

March 29, 2022 12:36 pm

“It’s worse than all that. Most of the political establishment of the supposedly right wing parties are also Davos-aligned lefties in reality. “

Here in Aus, we have virtually zero control over who gets to stand with the party’s endorsement.

In the US, they have “primaries” where voters registered as “of” that party get to vote on which candidate of that party will be the “official” party candidate.

So if, in the US, sufficient voters pay attention and vote in the primaries, establishment runners don’t get a run as party endorsed candidate. If that is what happens this time, then expect to see more “populist” candidates entering the house and senate – more people like Marjorie Taylor-Green, less people like Mitch McConnell.

Alas we do not have such a system here. Although to be fair, the preferential voting here is superior to “first past the post” in the US, and does allow you “make a statement” to some extent, without “throwing your vote away”.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
March 29, 2022 12:45 pm

There will come a time when ‘intellectual and expert’ will be associated with the likes of the worst people in society (along with politicians).

and the Hollyweirdos

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
March 29, 2022 12:58 pm

We actually live in a time of utter badness.

Cassie of Sydney
March 29, 2022 1:00 pm

I actually believe the West is gone.

March 29, 2022 1:49 pm

does it matter who you vote for? Not really as the mobs who don’t get power just keep going using other means. How many times do we show the majority of Australians don’t care for the climate crazies? Only to have them show up under rocks, in the next election, in our schools and everywhere else babbling away at us

Bruce of Newcastle, climate change is happening, always has happened but is it caused by this or that, no idea but I do think the underlying and unmentioned problem is population growth.

if Carbon Dioxide is really a problem, then surely 9 billion people breathing it out might be contributor?

another thought is land clearing, if we have to feed so many people, and keep clearing land for crops, maybe somewhere there is an issue?

it’s unsaid and not easy to go to, but in the end I suspect the various green whackos really want to bring down society as it is so the population can be reduced, that’s very scary

do the useful idiots realise this? it’s a bit like arming the general population in the Ukraine and asking them to go kill professional soldiers from Russia .. they will die. When they do though, it’s to the benefit of the marketeers and actors who say, wow, those awful Russians are killing innocent civilians

and so it goes

March 29, 2022 1:49 pm

bemused says:
March 29, 2022 at 7:43 am

There will come a time when ‘intellectual and expert’ will be associated with the likes of the worst people in society (along with politicians)

Already happened at my place, years ago!

March 29, 2022 1:51 pm

Well, Cassie, that’s a fashionable view among the holders of right wing cocktail parties.

Like “the US is descending into fascism/civil war” and “Australia is a splattered toilet” – so popular among those who have no concept of what most of the world is like.

It’s always interesting to watch discussions here among people who think the above, and then start to actually canvass alternatives. Surprise, surprise, decent alternatives are in short supply. Zero supply, when you take climate and economy into account. Iceland may be a Libertarian paradise, but when you are freezing for seven or eight months of the year it is quite possible that ideology might not be enough. If you can get a job that pays the energy bills. And, do you want you or your children to live indoors for most of their lives?

How is this different from the Left’s unicorns?

March 29, 2022 2:25 pm

All I can say is thank God for global warming. Last year we had our fireplace alight from around the start of Mar and it burned until the start of Dec, and now it’s nearly Apr and haven’t yet had to think of lighting the fireplace. More of this would be greatly welcomed.

Cassie of Sydney
March 29, 2022 4:08 pm

“Well, Cassie, that’s a fashionable view among the holders of right wing cocktail parties.”

Really Johanna? I wouldn’t know as I don’t attend “right wing cocktail parties”.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 30, 2022 1:49 pm


Bruce of Newcastle, climate change is happening, always has happened but is it caused by this or that, no idea but I do think the underlying and unmentioned problem is population growth.

There are plenty of radical Slime who fantasise about a virus or something else that leads to a major drop in world population (excluding themselves, of course).

  1. Regarding what you described- the cowardly, pissie hypocrisy just leaves me speechless. How dare canbra import violent thugs.

Version 1.0.0
Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x