He’s doing a lousy job of it.
He’s doing a lousy job of it.
Trump’s peace talks are just a charade. Russia wants to obliterate UkraineThis piece from The Age would be at home…
Short late bookshop-bonehead anecdote time. Local bootique bookshop, specializing in eco-catastrophe, coffee table glossy and misery memoir. Hip DINK behind…
Heard today that the Feral Government collects $1.40 in tax from smokers … per cigarette! Rsoles.
Mark Steyn used to say that the Democrat Party is the only party of the slaves still in existence in…
Behaviour I see as disgusting, I call out, comrade-ette. You see, 20 , 30 years ago, what I am calling out as pure irresposible selfishness and evil, most others would.
Men certainly would have.
You’re behaviour to me is disgusting.
Let me put this in perspective for you all.
30 years ago nearly everyone would be appalled at the idea that an Australian would submit to tyranny, get her good Nazi green tick and give her middle finger to Australians fighting the tyranny, and use it to travel Europe while the fight was still happening.
It would have been a no brainer.
She would have been seen as a traitor.
Which she is.
Nowadays people know that’s true………..but unfortunately, they too have the green tick and have used it, so the same standards no longer applies, and they go full opposite to what they know to be decent behaviour, and even cheer her on and wait for her reports back with baited breath.
And declare such, as a way to justify their own failure.
My standards have always remained the same.
Now you can have different opinions than me regarding politics up until a point. Once you give in to communism and tyranny that’s a whole different ball game, and if you then promote yourself as some middle of the road intellect, when in fact you’re just a “whore to socialism” then you are evil and the enemy.
30 years ago that would have been the case.
And it is today.
You just don’t want to hear it.
Top of the page.
And with a pun.
Struth might be right, Dover- This place is slipping…
Something lighthearted and uplifting for the day
I Still Call Australia Home – Japanese performers sing with love and gratitude – – Voice Collage 4
We are a Japanese group making music videos based in Sydney, Australia. This project, “Voice Collage”, was started in 2020 under the restriction of the Covid-19 epidemic. I named it “Voice Collage” because it was created by singing voices and smiles in a video recording.
Our newest work is “I Still Call Australia Home”, this song is one of the patriotic songs for Australians. We performed this song by 32 participants (Mainly Japanese) living in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Gold Coast and Newcastle. It’s been difficult to return to Japan due to this restriction, so we sang with love and gratitude for being able to stay in Australia. We feel Australia is our second home.
Hisae Kato (Voice Collage director, Video Editor)
The Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 requires that a postal vote application (PVA) be in the approved form [s184(1)].
Reality, should be that you can only lodge a postal vote for, specifically, listed & proven reasons, not because it saves you the effort of physically attending a polling station ..
It should be obvious to the Electoral folk that the troughers would/do subvert postal applications for their own benefit .. just like they do everything else they can trough off! …..
Out of all of them that are paid, I would put my money on KD.
Couldn’t argue his way out of a paper bag but just here to poo poo anything that looks like affecting the status quo of the coup’s progress.
One thing about UAP policies.
I wasn’t shocked.
Nor appalled.
Entirely as expected.
No they aren’t. You sold your boat (a luxury item by the vast majlrity of folks’ standards. Including mine), and felt a need to use it as a sobbing martyr to your poor, downtrodden cause.
If you truly had standards, the prime mover you alleged you still had parked up the back* would be gone. After all, you did say you don’t drive trucks anymore…
*/Ht the AdBlue Blues from February. You said wouldn’t be allowed to drive your truck ever again because it didn’t use Adblue, and all transportation links would collapse because all the Adblue users on the road would stop and be unable to run. April’s almost over, and the trucks are still running. Adblue and non-Adblue alike…
As far as I can recall pollies have always sent postal votes out.
And you are correct shatterzzz you are supposed to have a darn good reason to use one.
No doubt postals will once again be significant source of double and triple voting. Aged care residents featuring.
Visit from electoral officers/postal vote/ toddle down on polling day.
Australia now has a ‘serious national security problem’ with fuel supply, as report warns we only have 68 days of reserves
Australia now has a “serious national security problem” when it comes to fuel supply, with a report revealing how bad the situation is.
The situation was already precarious for Australia, but now new research by The Australia Institute has revealed we have only increased our reliance on imported transport fuels in recent years.
Now, it says Australia is reliant on imports for around 91 per cent of its fuel consumption — meaning the big oil producing nations, quite literally, have us over a barrel.
Just 68 days of fuel in the tank
Worryingly, the report states that Australia only has 68 days of liquid fuel to keep us going if we’re cut off — despite International Energy Agency (IEA) guidelines requiring us to hold 90 net import days worth.
However, the average daily consumption over the last year means current stocks are expected to last just 32 days.
“The Australian Government tries to bolster this by including some 21 days of fuel in transit to Australia or on-board ships docked in foreign ports – the majority of which are foreign vessels,” the report states.
“There is no guarantee that this fuel would reach Australia in the event of a crisis.”
If Australia needed to access US-based fuel reserves, the fuel would take around three weeks to get to Australia, the report states.
link – https://www.news.com.au/technology/motoring/australia-now-has-a-serious-national-security-problem-with-fuel-supply-as-report-warns-we-only-have-68-days-of-reserves/news-story/93fca5a761c588aa65278b007ef7198e
That was the idea during the first couple of days but reports are that others are not having trouble with internet service in Kharkov. That he hasn’t had contact with family is worrying.
Everyone I don’t like is a paid shill of the TyRaNnY?
Check your lips haven’t turned purple and that blue hair hasn’t developed rainbow streaks, Struth. And chain yourself to the bed, lest you suddenly wake up at the local university in the middle of a rousing speech to the local Socialist Alternative…
(SJW bites are lethal if not treated early, Cats.)
At the AEC
Electoral Backgrounder: Enrolment fraud and multiple voting
After reading UAP policy statement I resigned from it. This is just more of the same rubbish from the Uniparty except UAP is doing it.
She goes out ‘clubbing’ without her mobile phone & is uncontactable if it all hits the fan late at night/early morning.
What happened after 2016.
I’m guessing multiple voting is the main issue in a country with compulsory voting.
Not like the US where fraud seems to more around votes from non voters.
More than 18,000 people asked to explain why they voted twice at election
Clearly sending McGowan’s little bitch around the twist.
Well further anyway.
The poisoned fruit of BLM.
Much harder to write it off as a bigger-than-usual turnout I suppose, rosie.
The assumption of compulsory voting is that you get close too 100% of the eligible population on the day, with relatively small margins of absentees.
And short of doing the indelible ink on the thumb thing, the multiple votes gag might be relatively easy to game amd difficult to police.
Finland’s PM was put in there by the WEF.
This is a classic example of how far this blog is behind, thanks to just a few 24/7 shitstains.
Still projecting, Struth.
Still, I don’t blame you. It seems your shilling for the UAP overnight and efforts to defend it have knocked the lustre off it a little. And led to inadvertent and uncool exposure, both of itself and you.
Time to find a new Cause, I think. Let Clive and Craig argue and rescue their own policies and platforms on their own merits, since your Reverse Midas Touch is almost as bad as Julia’s and Joe’s…
Oh dear! .. sometimes the sheer boredom of it all starts to catch up! .. Having spent all of the Easter break fence painting intermingled with my normal biking & swimming I realised on Tuesday morning on reaching the last hill before the home stretch on my ride that I was bu-gar-ed(with a capital B) not just normal weary but the physical demands I’d put this 74 years old body thru for several days running had caught up!
Anyway, I resolved to have a coupla days doing SFA to recoup .. not often I allow myself 2 days of nuttin’ and I’m starting to realise why …… not only bloody boring days but late nights TV/computing cos I’m not tired enuf for my, usual 8/9-ish bed-down …
Still, could be worse given that lotza folks in my age group aren’t lucky enuf to be enjoying being healthier & fitter than I was at 30 …
Fortunately .. tomorrow is an OAP freebie at the pool and I never miss my freebie sessions .. LOL!
Yes Rex only gets discovered post election. A few prosecutions might have nipped that in the bud though I see the AEC writes to previous offenders to discourage repeats.
The other issue is address borrowing, a problem in Indi as I recall that should have resulted in at least one prosecution.
People who are concerned should definitely be volunteering as scrutinisers.
Which reminds me.
finland joining nato is a history defining decision, probably made in a moment of enlightenment in the dunnies of club buttfuck at 3am helsinki time
Not identified because of their age and not charged with any hate crimes….
Brendan O’Neil:
Why they loathe Libs of TikTok (20 Apr)
Since they own Tiktok, I wonder what the Chinese make of all this stuff? They probably get the idea the West is totally degenerate and decadent, which would be pretty accurate.
I remember when he was Vice President there were reports coming out that female Secret Service agents were asking to be excused being detailed at his house because he would swim and walk around completely naked – utterly indifferent to the presence and sensibilities of the women.
That’s woefully inefficient.
I’m not sure that those noodle arms alone could generate the force necessary to crack a harp seal pup skull.
A mobile phone’s mass and shape would help, but that would still be animal cruelty.
That cursed WEF…
Wow, if even our favouritest nutty climate think tank has worked out we have a problem then it must be worse than we thought. Maybe we should electrify everything for Gaia, like the Poms.
Energy crisis: State pension warning as millions of Britons face ‘devastating’ blow (21 Apr)
Well knock me down with a feather, all those windmills don’t seem to be lowering electricity prices. Someone must’ve put a minus sign in their computer model by mistake.
Really irritating how all this stuff we have been discussing on the Cat for over a decade is suddenly being discovered by our pollies.
At the beach – this season has been a write-off for swimming, but finally clear skies and clear, blue water after weeks (apart from Easter) of rain and dirty seas; though rain is coming for the weekend. Off the coast, ten ships are at anchor ready to load up with our abundant, beautiful black coal.
On the mask front, I’ve seen only two!
Better late than never, though.
Finland is in safe hands. Finland’s PM:
Was raised by her mother & her mother’s wife.
Is Vegetarian.
Joined ‘Socialist Youth’ straight out of high school.
Has degrees in Administrative Science.
Is married with a 3yo child,
…yet goes out ‘clubbing’ sans any means of contact.*
As PM posed for a cleavage+ photo shoot** wearing nothing but a blazer above the waist.
Makes unintentional mistakes of AUD $20,000 with her accommodation allowance.***
‘Didn’t know’ there was a limit to the PM’s allowances, giggle.
*Being PM would put one’s chances of ‘picking up’ through the roof.
**This is the photo shoot some of you may remember from when it was linked at the old Catallaxy. She was also a married mum at the time, the photos were published in a national magazine.
***Numbers are such an abstract concept, it’s ‘government money’ anyway.
Hey, jab jab booster booster…………………………………………..
Those at highest risk of dying from COVID-19 are also at highest risk of dying from the COVID shot. The shots are also causing severe heart damage in younger people whose risk of dying from COVID is inconsequential
While you only get at most six months’ worth of protection from the COVID shot, each injection will cause damage for 15 months as your body continuously produces toxic spike protein
The spike protein is responsible for COVID-19-related heart and vascular problems, and it has the same effect when produced by your own cells. It causes blood clots, myocarditis and pericarditis, strokes, heart attacks and neurological damage, just to name a few
The safety signal is very clear, with 19,249 deaths having been reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System as of November 19, 2021. Historically, drugs and vaccines are pulled off the market after about 50 suspected deaths
Children aged 12 to 17 are five times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID jab-induced myocarditis than they are to be hospitalized for COVID-19 infection
Doc Faustus:
You have no standing.
You are in a no standing zone.
Ka Ching!
It’s beginning to sound as if the last two years were not too bad all; the ‘never forget’ mantra regarding oppression by the political class is a fast fading echo.
Yet you never mentioned one of them before hand.
You’re a goose, it’s just whether or not you are a paid goose.
”extraordinarily decent person”… “the most decent, honourable politician I’ve ever known”…”a person with decency”…
He raised his kids as feral turds.
Hes neck deep in his sons influence peddling.
His original campaign for President was derailed because he engaged in plagiarism.
He tried to derail the appointment of a black man to the Supreme court using lies and insinuations.
He presided over the debacle of the Afghanistan withdrawl.
He green-lighted Putin “having a little war’.
And he loves sniffing/fondling little kids in public.
Leigh Sales: Well judged by ABCcess standards hes practically a saint.
Thanks, OldOzzie. That was lovely.
Good to see you posting here again. I hope all is well with you and your family.
April 21, 2022 at 9:08 am
Freedom freedom freedom.
There’s a policy for you, you evil bitch.
That’s not the UAP’s policy platform.
See e.g:
Under a United Australia Party government, at least one trillion dollars of Australian super invested off-shore will be required by law to be instead invested in our country to secure our citizens’ economic prosperity and maintain the nation’s independence
Thanks but no thanks. I’ve worked for my small proportion of the trillion. I’ve earned it. I’ll decide where it’s going to be invested, and in what.
What are you getting at, Franx?
People not obsessing about it 24/7
For those who understand, no explanation is needed.
For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible.
Not fair to make judgment of this, until you see what the Fire Chief says!!!!
In South Los Angeles, a 4-plex home was destroyed by a fire.
A Mexican family of six, all welfare recipients and gang members, lived on the first floor. They died.
An Islamic group of seven welfare cheats, all illegally in the country from Kenya, lived on the second floor. They, too, all perished.
Six LA, Hispanic, gang bangers & ex-cons lived on the 3rd floor.They, too, died.
A white couple lived on the top floor. The couple survived the fire.
Jesse Jackson, John Burris and Al Sharpton were furious!! They flew into LA and met with the fire chief. On camera, they loudly demanded to know why blacks, Muslims and Hispanics all died in the fire and why only the white couple lived?
The Fire Chief said, “They were at work.”
We don’t live in a perfect world anymore Tim.
The Libs have destroyed us.
It’s not all of the super, just some of it, basically a third, and Australia is in desperate need of infrastructure to be able to compete and be self sufficient.
In times gone by, I’d agree with you.
Oh no the Palmersaurus party is looking like a populist grab bag of ideas that might cause damage were they to with the election outright and introduce their policies….
Better vote Lib/Lab then for a responsible ruination of a nation instead.
FFS Lib/Lab, the turducken of Australian politics, the only question is which one is lodged up the others fundament at any given time.
Our combined Foxtel/internet has gone kaput and so I am hotspotting on my phone. Just what we need when we are going away and there is only Friday to get it fixed for my cat-sitting son. We leave the day after Anzac Day, and that’s the next business day.
I haven’t read back thread at all. Busy looking at the ‘other’ threads. Such a lot of good posts are up and thanks Dover for the way this site is still forging ahead. Will check in from the UK.
Joe Biden would be 86 years old on retirement if he’s elected for a second term as US president in 2024.
Even the hoodlums who now run the Democratic Party know the idea is insane.
Tucker Carlson Tonight.
Needs must.
Delta Asays:
April 21, 2022 at 11:49 am
April 21, 2022 at 10:49 am
Something lighthearted and uplifting for the day
Thanks, OldOzzie. That was lovely.
Good to see you posting here again. I hope all is well with you and your family.
Thanks – Recovering from 9 1/2 hour Craniectomy Surgery mid Feb 22, and as always feeling fine
In March 22, completed 2 year Cancer Immunotherapy Trial – 34 Rounds every 3 weeks and zero side effects and seems to have worked – will check with Oncologist in June after PET Scan
As I said in a comment on Jo Nova’s Blog
unvaxxed, but what Cancer would you like – I’ve got loads – a testament to Great Australian Health and Hospital Systems – somehow still bouncing along enjoying life whilst, (at the moment) looking like Papa Smurf – little grey cells still working, and 9 Grandkids beat the sterility
I remember when he was Vice President there were reports coming out that female Secret Service agents were asking to be excused being detailed at his house because he would swim and walk around completely naked – utterly indifferent to the presence and sensibilities of the women.
By the standards of Their ABC, that probably counts as “decent”. Having it off with Dr Jill while the agents watched might have been considered a bit over the top.
Hi Lizzie – I put up an article for you on the previous page. Link.
Bespoke, Lest we Forget.
Yep. Sympathies. I’m still doing my dance classes three times weekly but after the Birthday Party for one of my sons and his son on Sunday, with all that celebratory cake eating and drinking, I collapsed into bed for an early night and slept twelve hours, with a couple of brief pit stops inbetween.
And the party was on Monday not Sunday. We did our usual lap swimming on Sunday.
Forgot it was a holiday Monday. And I did an online Dance Class on the Monday morning pre-party.
No wonder I was feeling knackered after doing all the birthday stuff as well.
She’s a fruit loop, but can we have some verifiable evidence for this assertion?
I guess that’s a social requirement for a trouser-free existence.
China blasts West’s theft of foreign reserves as a ‘violation of sovereignty’, says US sending weapons to Ukraine worsening humanitarian crisis
China has called on Western states to refrain from freezing the foreign reserves of other nations, saying that the measure undermines world economic stability.
The Chinese ambassador to the UN, Zhang Jun, made the remarks at a UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine on Tuesday. The call comes a month after roughly half of Russia’s foreign exchange reserves, worth over $300 billion, were frozen by Western countries as part of sanctions over Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine.
“Arbitrary freezes of foreign exchange reserves of other countries also constitute a violation of sovereignty, and is tantamount to weaponizing economic interdependence,” Zhang said.
“Such practices undermine the foundation of world economic stability, and bring new uncertainties and risks to international relations,” the envoy said, adding that they should be abandoned as soon as possible.
Zhang also called for “eliminating the negative impact of sanctions,” saying that all-dimensional and limitless economic penalties entail “serious spillover effects, with developing countries bearing the brunt.” The envoy criticized unnecessary export restrictions as well.
The diplomat called on the West to stop sending offensive weapons to Ukraine, warning that this would only escalate the current conflict and worsen the humanitarian crisis in the country.
Thanx, Bruce, for the link to the Welsh long-duree occupation site.
A genetic dating would help explain what the grave of the Romanised soldier might be about.
This bit was interesting to me:
Graves show what concerned people, and here we seem to have something of a reversion to traditional belief systems, probably syncretic with Christian ones in that western part of Wales near the River Severn.
Dr Faustussays:
April 21, 2022 at 12:23 pm
H B Bear says:
April 21, 2022 at 12:02 pm
You’re struggling with a lack of balls.
Needs must.
I guess that’s a social requirement for a trouser-free existence.
Don’t forget – Time to Tan Those Testicles! Masculinity Under Attack, Claims Tucker Carlson
I thought you didn’t have any money due to Big Tyranny.
I wish I was paid straight out of the uncosted UAP plans, as revealed last night, and which apparently require the actual details to be read out by randoms.
can’t argue with any of that
Hey KD you dick head.
Do you think Palmer would be having trouble getting the message out via MSM, or ABC?
And if you don’t see it there in the year 2022, but on the internet, is it somehow deligitimized?
Sanna Marin
On the question of whereabouts our super should be invested, (all?) members in public/industry super funds currently are fighting a rear guard action on the incursion of ESG principles on the investing of their nest eggs. While the fund’s responsibility to invest wisely for the long term benefit of the member still trumps ESG, I think it’s only a matter of time before the left ensure that our money will be pulled from anything they don’t like. It only needs a slight change to legislation for that to happen.
indeed, the bugmenaucracy runs finland, she just has to sign the paperwork, read the teleprompter and smile for the cameras.
So emotional.
He had no trouble the other night on PML, and I remarked on it.
Marin’s parliament, like ours and Canada’s, NZ etc are full of WEF plants and WEF money got them in.
She is Europe’s horse face.
If that’s as far as it goes on MSM is that a win for the minors in your eyes?
Four persons were arrested for allegedly r@pingj a Bengal monitor lizard in Sahyadri Tiger Reserve (STR) in Maharashtra, a forest official said on Wednesday.
The incident, which occurred at Gothane village in Ratnagiri district, came to light days after the four accused were booked for illegally entering Chandoli National Park, which is part of the reserve, with one of them carrying a gun for hunting, he said.
The accused were being probed after they were booked on March 31 for illegally entering the forest when the crime came to light, the official said.
The STR is spread over four districts of Satara, Sangli, Kolhapur and Ratnagiri.
The accused were identified as Sandeep Tukaram Pawar, Mangesh Kamtekar, Akshay Kamtekar and Ramesh Ghag, he said.
“During the investigation, the forest officials found that the accused had allegedly r@ped a Bengal monitor lizard. Their act was also recorded in a mobile phone of one of the accused persons,” he said.
“We have recovered all the related evidence from the accused and they were granted forest department custody initially, but are out on bail now,” the forest official said.
They have been asked to mark their presence before the forest officer, who is probing the case, every Monday, he said.
“The four accused have been booked under various sections of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972,” field director of Sahyadri Tiger Reserve (STR), Nanasaheb Ladkat, said.
Tony Thomas’s superb exposé on the ABC’s coverup of Hunter Biden’s laptop
Stan Grant: “Joe Biden’s appeal to decency, to bring Americans together…”
Leigh Sales: “When you talk to people who have spent time around Joe Biden, including Republicans, there is one word that keeps coming up…”extraordinarily decent person”… “the most decent, honourable politician I’ve ever known”…”a person with decency”…
Joe actually leads a sleazy family of grifters.
Hunter Rips Joe in Blistering Letter: ‘You Have Finally Crossed the Line’
Hunter Biden’s laptop has revealed a lot, not the least of which is that Joe Biden and his family have some serious issues.
The National Pulse has a draft letter from Hunter to his father that was on the laptop that puts a sharp focus on that. According to them, part of the letter is mentioned in Miranda Devine’s book on the laptop and Devine appears to acknowledge that.
The letter is sometimes hard to decipher because it reads like Hunter wrote it while on parmesan cheese or some other more powerful substance. But the gist is a lot of anger at the way that Joe Biden has treated the family
It makes clear that there’s something very dysfunctional with the relationships in the family and that Hunter doesn’t feel like Joe is hearing or seeing it, that he’s too wrapped up in his own narrative and not seeing the worth of the people around him. It’s pretty sad when it’s Hunter who has so many issues having to preach to Joe about how to act.
The point is that the UAP look no different then the Lib/Lab’s.
How is this going to change the directions of the major parties?
Michelle Obama’s brother and his wife, Craig and Kelly Robinson, are suing the private school their children attended, claiming their sons were kicked out in retaliation for their complaints about racial bias at the academy.
The Robinsons brought the action against the University School of Milwaukee on Monday, claiming their two young sons were expelled last year after the parents raised concerns about bias in the curriculum and mistreatment of students of color, they said during an interview with Good Morning America on Tuesday.
They are seeking financial compensation from the school, which charges about $24,000 a year for tuition, but say they will donate any monetary award to initiatives for diversity, equity and inclusion in schools.
It’s Not Just Joe Biden. The United States Has A Potemkin Government
Joe Biden is a symbol of the entire federal government: Its dangerous incompetence, corruption, and utter disrespect for the American people and the rule of law.
Joe Biden’s shameful performance at the White House Easter egg roll Sunday was another strong visual indicator that he is not really governing this country. And he’s not the only sham authority in this country — our nation is replete with them.
The term “Potemkin village” arose in Russia to describe empty buildings set up as propaganda, to give a false impression of industry and life. The fake villages were intended to hide the regime’s mass mismanagement and infliction of suffering upon its own people.
The glorious Oxford English Dictionary gives examples of the term being used to describe everything from political situations to personal libraries. It dates the origin of the term to 1787, and today defines Potemkin as: “Sham, insubstantial; consisting of little or nothing behind an impressive facade.”
That is precisely what the U.S. federal government has been now for many years.
Both parties have been complicit in such behavior such that no other conclusion can be drawn but that leading elements of the Republican Party are simply a controlled opposition.
And the lockdowns were only going to be in place for two weeks. And we’d need only one jab.
Struth hates any form of Big, Tyrannical Government. Except when it’s his form of Big, Tyrannical Government…
Take a chill pill, pal. You’ve obviously lost the ability (if you ever had it in the first place) to distinguish between comments made in jest and the commenter’s actual views.
This should not even need stating – I am not and have never been a member of the gliberal party let alone an advisor to them. The last time I voted for them was almost a decade ago and that was solely to ensure labore were turfed. I will never vote for them or any of their candidates intentionally or otherwise, ever again.
BTW, if there’s a more strident critic of the gliberals on this blog, I’d like to know who they are. Even some of my collectivist work colleagues have conceded I’m a more strident critic of the gliberals than they are.
I had a “minor” contretemps with some stupid paranoid ol’ face nappie clad imbecile while just out on my run. Hopefully, his ears are still ringing. The gall of these morons.
Hence there’s no actual gap in the chain of command when it’s 03:00 hrs & she’s lining up to 4 x football players in the dunnies of Klub Techno Buttsmash.
mole – on geriatric Joe, you neglected to mention his disgusting attempts to blame the innocent party in his wife’s fatal vehicle accident and his equally foul attacks on Clarence Thomas when the latter was nominated for the Supreme Court.
He’s been an inexcusable deadshit for the duration of his seemingly interminable existence.
I think Struth is just a little buttburt (again) that something he has decided is a Very Big Deal (TM) has been looked at by some folks on this esteemed blogue, and replied to with “Yeah, Nah.”
The frequency of such events, and the violence and duration of these responses has been steadily increasing in the last 18 or so months.
The frequency of such events, and the violence and duration of his responses
Typo. 🙁
I see reports that the CCP is getting its hooks into Timor Leste also. All that foreign aid doing wonders for us. If anyone thinks we won’t be kissing serious USA arse for several generations yet then you’re dreaming. Unless of course it’s CCP arse we pucker up to.
And if the US is any indication, we have a LOT of woke road yet to travel.
Deceptive Edits: Audio Contradicts Piers Morgan, Shows He Warped Trump Interview Ending in Promo
Audio provided by former President Donald Trump’s team to Breitbart News of the end of Trump’s interview with Piers Morgan proves that Morgan and his team deceptively edited the interview to make it appear as though it was a contentious ending when it was not.
A 30-second promotional clip that Morgan released on Wednesday afternoon seemed to show Trump flying off the handle and walking out mid-interview as a righteous Morgan asked him tough questions about his views on the 2020 election. But the full story seems to indicate that Morgan’s team deceptively edited the clips together to make it as nasty as possible for Trump—and to drive up the ratings for Morgan’s new show. Morgan’s new show, Piers Morgan Uncensored, launches next week on Talk TV, a subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation.
After another minute of back and forth between Trump and Morgan, Morgan asks Trump’s team for yet another “last question.”
Budowich replies by saying: “You’ve done last question four times now. I feel like you’re lying at this point.”
Trump interjects and says “very deceptive.”
“You’ve said last question four times,” Budowich says.
“I haven’t asked about—I wanted to end with your hole-in-one,” Morgan says, then asks Trump to describe his recent hole-in-one when playing alongside golf legend Ernie Els.
Trump agrees and says “go ahead.” Then Morgan asks his question, and Trump answers for more than a minute. After that’s over, Morgan agrees the interview is over and thanks Trump for a “great interview.”
As they’re unhooking their microphones and Trump is getting up to leave, Trump can be heard saying “turn the camera off,” and then a Trump staffer asks to “turn the mics off too,” and Trump says “very dishonest” as the audio file ends.
Sky have given a platform to this smarmy numbskull, why exactly?
this what happens folks, when you don’t get signed consent on paper…
Sorry Rabz.
Didn’t you go to a Liberal party meeting and let us all know you did.
It might surprise you to know that on a blog like this we can only go by what you say.
Maybe we need a list of those who are just bullshit artists.
We could call it “Slip Lane Liars”
cantonese honey pot seems to trump landed beach whale
Should have let the Indons stay..
Are we putting you on entry #1, with daylight before anyone else?
What a goose.
Net Zero?
Globalist agenda.
Anti Australian.
Money printing hostage takers and mandating murderers the UAP, the Lib Dems or even Hanson are not.
I thought MV was off his rocker claiming people here will keep voting libs like ignorant rusted ons, and had arguments with him saying it was bollocks.
Fuck me dead, he was right.
The only thing left to find out is who is stupid and who is being paid.
Ken Worth, self admitted bullshit artist.
White House quits asking Saudis for more oil after verbal dust-up with top official: report
The Saudis have reportedly cancelled multiple meetings with Biden cabinet members
Karl Rove, a former George W. Bush adviser, told Fox News on Tuesday that a recent skit mocking Biden on Saudi television is a signal of the rift between the two countries that has also been exacerbated by the Biden administration’s negotiations with Iran on a nuclear deal.
Rove continued, “I think the bigger issues are these three, and they feel like the new administration in the last year-and-a-half has not been working with them, but is working against the interests of their country. And they don’t understand why — they think of themselves as a strong ally and they know that we want help from them on energy issues, and they can’t understand why we have on all these big issues: Yemen, Iran, nuclear deal and military assistance to Saudi Arabia been less than forthcoming in this administration.”
You certainly can, Ms McGowan-Down, once you can prove a lie.
Or another one for butt hurt coffee snobs.
But that’s just about all of you is it not?
Fucking townies.
The idea that the USA is going to be there when we need them is a joke, even if I didn’t believe there a very good chance they’re going to fall apart in the next decade or so.
Just look at the last few years, is it really a reliable ally?
Audio of Trump interview tells different story than explosive Piers Morgan promo
Piers Morgan’s fiery interview conducted with former President Donald Trump, as advertised in a dramatic promo Wednesday, does not quite live up to the hype.
Whereas the 30-second ad, shared by Morgan himself, strongly suggests Trump walked out of the room after being confronted about his claims of a stolen election in 2020, audio obtained by the Washington Examiner indicates the interview actually ended amicably.
I thought Faulty wasn’t on your blog any more. You said so. Repeatedly.
I think I just did.
Oh dear… 🙁
Morgan will be gone inside a year.
Not my blog ,arse bandit.
And did i say when I argued with him?
It was on Sinc’s blog.
Back when you were still in nappies learning how to say “give it to me harder Mark”
Is Struth, a coastal fringe dweller who has grumble-boasted about getting crabs for money several days a week (stop that folks- He allegedly sorts trawler catches…), now busy trying to hide behind another cloak of division for the sole rhetorical purpose of elevating himself and putting others down?
Yes to both. And repeatedly for the latter.
And just because he occasionally changes his account names and flounces when you’re too busy dominating Narratives over there for him to dominate them instead, means nothing.
You seem to know a lot about the blog over there dart board, …………as I said….I’m in your head.
I own you.
Except when Mark treats you well, like a, dart board.
My way or the highway Ken, oh it can’t be the highway coz no ad-blue. Get off the couch and stop being a failure.
So Struth, if the Furniture Store is not your blog, why do you carry on so hard like you actually own the joint?
Giving Moderation privileges to you seems to have given rise to a fascistic edge of your personality beyond that of even the pettiest Council Ranger. You only tolerate the folks there because they echo-chamber you.
And it is very obvious that you would render that place (and this one) a wasteland for anyone who so much as spoke back to you or dared to challenge your grandstanding. Look at the trantrums you threw there, here and on the Dash-Cat when Dover deleted a few of your posts and others’ replies to them one fateful weekend a month ago…
OO at 12:05pm.
Old Ozzie, thanks for giving us an update & best regards to you.
I’ll need to see a deed of sale.
Also, your Operator Licence, Credit History, the alleged Seller’s ABN and all applicable tranafer paperwork…
The failures are the jab takers.
Problem with you grey Ringa, is you’re just smart enough to know the pure bloods were right and you don’t like it.
Esecially when some of them drink Instant coffee.
I mean, how much can a Koala Bare?
Drbeen Medical Lectures
561K subscribers
Natural Killer Cells and Antibody Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity (ADCC) German Study
A German study demonstrates how the natural killer cells of the innate arm kill the spike expressing cells through antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity mechanism. This is also a form of antibody dependent enhancement (ADE). Let’s review.
Straight to the slip lane for you, comrad-ette.
Pure bloods is back, eh?
The first casualty of an aggressive promotional campaign for the UAP on the Cat is the Struth, it seems…
Sorry, Struth darling,
But I think when you said slip lane, you meant Gulag.
What is a Slip Lane, anyway? Is this even an Australian term?
Because whatever these words mean, I do not think they mean what you think they mean…
Has the Titanic sinking been solved?
Pauline is not jabbed.
Craig Kelly is not jabbed.
Clive is not Jabbed.
With all that is now known, you’d be committing suicide getting a booster.
Probably too late already.
Of all the hundreds of thousands of deaths they can’t attribute to the Salmon Mousse or bad words, and have had to admit, the real death figure world wide would be in the millions and yet no figure ever says these words after.
“So far”.
It’s only been a year……….
Who’s the losers?
Memory failure again Ken, still unjabbed like I said last time. Must be a symptom of being stuck on the couch.
What happened after 2016
Nothing, it seems. Information of multiple voting and the consequent risk to our democracy (does it still exist?) should have been heard from one end of the country to the other.
The PM & relevant minister should have been screeching about this from the roof tops by doing dozens of interviews on every current affairs and radio show . But nothing.
Message to the govt, if you want to push the Liars, make the thing, whatever it is, news worthy. That’s the only way to sway public opinion and force the other side to accept the need for change.
Irony Alert, as Biden Preaches: ‘You Shouldn’t Make Money While You’re in Office’
“Joe Biden being Joe Biden.” It’s a thing. And that thing is not only getting more pathetic, such as clueless Joe’s Easter Bunny minder at Monday’s White House Easter Roll, but also more mind-blowingly ironic and devoid of self-awareness. The latter brings us to the latest example.
During his Tuesday remarks on the so-called “Bipartisan Infrastructure Law,” Biden did what he always does: embellished, took credit for things he didn’t do, outright lied, and in one ironic as hell admonishment, declared: “You shouldn’t make money while you’re in office.” (Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, and the majority of the members of Congress were last seen rushing for the exits.)
Despite the long history of Washington politicians of course making money while in office — and a hell of a lot of it — the 500-pound elephant in the room is Joe Biden himself, and his “The Big Guy” cuts of his grifter son Hunter’s shady business dealings in Ukraine and China.
Here’s Joe, as transcribed by Becker News:
If you don’t like being reminded what you have done to yourselves, you absolute jabbed morons, don’t head down this line as it will only end in tears for you.
Before the vax mandate, Christian was a science teacher. Now he drives trucks
Christian Marchegiani used to be a high school science teacher at St Gregory’s College in Campbelltown. Now he drives trucks.
He left teaching when vaccine mandates were introduced last year because he refused to be vaccinated – he did not think there was enough evidence to prove they were safe or effective – and became an unofficial spokesman for teachers who felt the same way.
He declared victory on Wednesday after the NSW government said the mandate would not continue beyond mid-May for most teachers and health workers. The decision comes amid serious shortages of health workers and teachers due to COVID-19.
“I’ve been inundated with messages. Everyone’s saying, ‘we did it, congratulations’,” said Marchegiani, who also taught at St Joseph’s College in Hunters Hill.
“It was a victory, but there was a lot of suffering and heartache along the way. A lot of struggles. A lot of teachers lost their homes, they couldn’t pay their rent anymore. A lot of them will reapply for their jobs, although there’s a bitter taste in their mouths.”
However, the decision worried some of their vaccinated colleagues. “I think it is highly problematic,” said Craig Petersen, the president of the Secondary Principals Council. “I am concerned that this may compromise the safety and health of our students and staff.
I know you aren’t jabbed, according to what you say, but a lot of your loved ones are, and you don’t want to hear anymore about it.
Have you been on to them to not take the booster?
Even if they drink Instant coffee?
Seems struth has a new ‘trusted blogger’ to get his never original ideas from.
You have as much foundation to claim I get paid (rofl) to comment here as I do you.
So let’s play that game; struth who gets paid per word (obviously) by the right ‘they’ to post here.
Putin tests ‘world’s deadliest weapon’
Vladimir Putin has boasted that he had unleashed the first successful test of a new nuclear missile known as “Satan II” which carries a dozen warheads and could be used to strike enemies around the world.
The missile is believed to have a range of 11,000 miles and can deliver between 10 and 15 nuclear warheads at hypersonic speeds.
“This is probably the most destructive single weapon on earth,” Ian Williams, a fellow at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies think tank, told The Telegraph.
“It could destroy 10 cities with one missile,” he said, as the warheads it carries can be “independently targeted”.
According to one military analyst, if it was based in Russia’s extreme west, it could reach London in minutes. The missile will only be deployed at the end of 2022, according to Russian news agencies.
Everyone who disagrees with struth who gets paid by the word to post here is jabbed, whether they know it or not, or are or not.
The only real truth is struthtruth.
If only I could get paid.
I should.
However the issue of payment comes up with you because no one can be that stupid, truth twisting and illogical, combined with what seems to be an agenda to get people jabbed and to excuse bad behaviour.
Even though you’ve been shown to be a vacuous clown, a hysterical loon, you keep going as if to suggest if you don’t, you won’t get paid.
You have zero shame.
CFMEU chief accused of disrupting sites to host super fund BBQs
The head of the CFMEU in Queensland is facing court action over claims he unlawfully entered building sites and stopped work to host meetings with the industry superannuation fund.
The building industry watchdog has alleged Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union Queensland secretary Michael Ravbar, who is also a director of state super fund BUSSQ, broke right of entry laws when he and another official disrupted Brisbane’s billion-dollar Cross River Rail project for site barbecues.
According to the Federal Circuit Court statement of claim, in August last year a Cross River Rail project supervisor sought to block a vehicle carrying a BUSSQ trailer from entering the site as it was not authorised.
However, CFMEU official Andrew Blakely allegedly pushed the supervisor out of the way with his hip and shoulder and directed the vehicle into the site through a gap in the boom gates.
Mr Ravbar followed on foot as Mr Blakely directed the vehicle down the site haul road, the statement of claim said.
It is alleged that despite the site’s senior industrial relations adviser telling Mr Blakely “you need to leave” and his access was “unauthorised”, both he and Mr Ravbar supervised the set-up of a barbecue attended by about 50 workers from labour hire outfit Heinrich Constructions.
Mr Ravbar spoke to the workers about COVID-19, amenity issues on the project and that vaccines should not be mandatory before BUSSQ representatives then addressed the workers.
It is also the fourth court case against Mr Ravbar for alleged industrial breaches. Most recently, he was fined $10,656 for right of entry breaches in 2020.
Mr Ravbar joined BUSSQ as a board director in September and before that sat in on investment committee meetings as an observer. He is now chairman of the investment committee of the fund,
The super fund has experienced a rocky start to the year, with all its employer-nominated directors quitting, its chief executive taking personal leave for several months and its CIO recently resigning.
is it really a reliable ally?
I guess it’s CCP arse then?
Or the ‘I was held up at gunpoint by the Feds and stared death in the face’ list.
Or the ‘I stood in a turd and could tell it was human and could also tell an Indian had done it and then threw my pants out the window’ list.
Slip Lane Liars indeed. There’s two crackers, right there.
When I got jabbed, I knew I was committing slow suicide, but will be able to work in my business for a coupla years until Lucifer claims me.
What I did not realise was that I’d have these uncontrollable urges to frequent the reptile section of the zoo.
This urge to ‘flash’ at goannas & shinglebacks, you’d think it was weird but hey, it feels natural. Who wants to girlwatch on the beach when you can hang around the goanna compound, like Errol Flynn outside a high school?
What was in those rna injections anyway?
Nice little ideology you have there.
It’s a well known fact that all world leaders have been placed by the WEF or maybe the WWF or was it the WWE?
“Lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in pay”
Or the ‘I was held up at gunpoint by the Feds and stared death in the face’ list.
I headed a convoy where the Feds blocked the road with their cars and had their semi automatic rifles in hand.
Or the ‘I stood in a turd and could tell it was human and could also tell an Indian had done it and then threw my pants out the window’ list.
Never said anything about it being an Indian. That’s your lie.
The rest TRUE.
Slip Lane Liars indeed. There’s two crackers, right there.
You’re the same as Notafan, so glad you bought this bullshit up, which is actually you lying.
“It could destroy 10 cities with one missile,” he said, as the warheads it carries can be “independently targeted”.
MIRVs (Multiple Independently-targeted Re-entry Vehicles) have been around since at least the 1980s.
Satan was the NATO name for the SS-18, also a venerable design. Presumably Satan II is an updated version.
“The point is that the UAP look no different then the Lib/Lab’s.
How is this going to change the directions of the major parties?”
If you honestly believe that then you’re either an hopeless ingenue or a case of severe wilful blindness.
I’ll put that in blockquotes.
I headed a convoy where the Feds blocked the road with their cars and had their semi automatic rifles in hand.
Never said anything about it being an Indian. That’s your lie.
The rest TRUE.
You’re the same as Notafan, so glad you bought this bullshit up, which is actually you lying.
Not up to me to tell others what to do, just as they don’t tell me to get jabbed. Some of them are not getting boosted , the others I don’t know. Maybe you can tell me, you think you know everything.
Could be worse, I could be regurgitating whatever passes across the synapses of the most reliable ‘trusted blogger’ in the whole wide world.
Classic KD conflation.
The prick has to be getting paid.
But then again, maybe people are just this low.
That is not the story you told, and you know it.
If you hadn’t thrown your pants out the window they’d be on fire.
Explainer: The seats that will decide the election (and why)
Here’s a crash course in which seats are the ones to watch this election, and why.
To form government, a political party needs to win the majority of the 151 seats in the House of Representatives.
Some of those seats are considered safe, where the representative voted in at the last election is so popular that they are a shoo-in for re-election, or where a community has a strong political leaning in one direction. But there are a number of electorates across the country that are deemed at risk of changing political hands – and they could win or lose the government an election.
Many of these seats are marginal, which the Australian Electoral Commission defines as ones held by a margin of under 6 per cent (where the winning party beat their closest opponent by less than 6 per cent of the vote at the last election after accounting for preferences).
“Safe seats” are defined as those with a margin of between 6 per cent and 10 per cent, and “very safe seats” are those with margins above 10 per cent.
The closer the score is to zero, the more competitive the race between the candidates in that electorate at the next election is deemed to be.
As a result, those marginal seats – where only 6 per cent of voters (or less) need to be convinced to vote differently in order for the electorates to change hands – tend to be a key focus of the major political parties in the lead up to the election.
But not all the seats to watch are marginal. There are a number of safe Liberal seats being challenged by well-educated, well-connected and well-funded businesswomen who are frustrated that not enough is being done by the current government, particularly when it comes to climate action, and they are building momentum within their electorates.
There are also a number of popular MPs who are retiring from politics, which could allow for other political parties and their candidates to get their foot in the door.
These are the key seats across the country that could decide the election.
What are the seats to watch in NSW?
– Gilmore
– Parramatta
– Dobell
– Macquarie
– Wentworth
– Mackellar
– North Sydney
– Reid
– Banks
– Lindsay
– Robertson
– Hunter
What are the seats to watch in Victoria?
– Dunkley
– Corangamite
– Chisholm
– Goldstein
– Kooyong
– Casey
– Flinders
What are the seats to watch in Queensland?
– Flynn
– Leichhardt
– Longman
– Brisbane
What are the seats to watch in WA?
– Pearce
– Swan
– Hasluck
What are the seats to watch in Tasmania?
– Bass
– Braddon
– Lyons
What are the seats to watch in SA?
– Boothby
What are the seats to watch in NT?
– Lingiari
And what about the ACT?
Labor is a lock to win all three of the ACT’s lower house seats.
The main interest is in the Senate, where former Wallabies skipper David Pocock and legal academic Kim Rubenstein have launched high-profile independent bids to defeat International Development Minister Zed Seselja.
So emotional. Point out where you didn’t say all that.
‘But but but’
Also, 57 posts since midnight and reckons other people are here 24/7.
So are you telling me that if your own child went to take the jab with what you know, you’d say nothing?
The jabbed did it.
Using a slip lane installed through a hole cut in the deck floor above the engine compartment.
I stand by every word I have ever said, KD.
I seem to own you so much you go back and count my posts.
You’re calling me a liar.
Prove it.
I’m telling you what I said.
You’re making shit up about me, so you prove where I’ve lied.
It’s not exactly traffic division work, but have a crack.
This reeks of Vicpol and Pell.
If not for mh, Steve and a couple of others, that blog would be a desert.
I pop in once a week maybe if at all.
Nothing much of interest.
That is very hurtful to Mr Hyphen-SeaPatrol.
If you really want to stand out, buy a ‘continuation car’
Replicas would seem to be a thing, if Bentley, Aston Martin and Jaguar are anything to go by. Join the queue, if you’re a cashed-up nostalgic.
Bentley will soon deliver the last of its 12 new Blower Bentley Le Mans cars.
These modern-day replicas of the 4.5-litre supercharged Le Mans racing car were built using the original 1920s moulds and jigs, and traditional hand tools. They sold quickly at $US2.1 million apiece.
Aston Martin is in the process of building a small run of new Goldfinger DB5 coupes, complete with replica James Bond spy gear (though no ejector seat, alas).
The same company’s new-but-old 1960s DB4 GT Zagato costs £6 million (about $10.5 million) and comes with a current model Aston Martin thrown in. That’s for a very practical reason: the Zagato Continuation doesn’t pass any modern safety or emission standards so cannot be road registered in most places.
In 2014, Jaguar built six new Lightweight E-Type coupes (the competition version of the 1960s classic) and sold them for a mighty price. Understandably, it kept going. Its latest continuation is a C-Type racer built to the exact specifications of the 1953 works cars that dominated that year’s Le Mans 24-Hour with their revolutionary disc brakes.
Former F1 world champ Jenson Button is involved with the Radford Type 62-2. It’s a modernised take on the Lotus Type 62 from 1969, built in partnership with Lotus on Evora underpinnings.
Ferrari’s reluctance has left a gap for others to fill, and the English RML Group is among those that have moved in while somehow dodging the lawyers of the highly protective Italian company. Officially, the RML Short Wheelbase “takes its inspiration from the great road and race legends of yesteryear”. But to most it looks remarkably like the highly prized Ferrari 250 GT SWB, first seen in 1959.
The newcomer aims for modern comfort and uses a lot of 2022 technology. So, in strict terms it isn’t a continuation, though it is pitched at the same cashed-up, nostalgic buyers. The dashboard has a satnav system that appears only when being used. The body is made from carbon-fibre, and a rebuilt Ferrari V12 from the 1990s provides the power. This is linked to a six-speed open-gated transmission.
RML Group does a lot of prototyping and development work for big car-makers. A spokesman for the Wellingborough-based company tells us it will produce 30 examples of the Short Wheelbase, each tailored to the buyer’s requirements. The first customer cars are now in build and deliveries are starting about August, priced from £1.35 million ex-factory. That’s nearly $2.4 million, before you start factoring in freight and local taxes.
I was coerced into taking the jab, too.
I was coerced but I unjabbed.
I have never taken the jab.
Struth is saying he likes the place because there are more folks over there who are saying the same things he is, Gabor.
Pretty low act.
Yep all true.
They threatened me with losing work if I didn’t take the jab, but unlike you, little miss submissive, I didn’t bend over, and so I did lose my work, while you kept your job as a whore to tyrannical socialism.
From today’s edition of the twice weekly AAP Media Movements newsletter, a woke mag-rag I’ve never heard of called Primer has appointed a “Gendered Violence Reporter”. I’m guessing it’ll be her job (it’s always a chick) to make up stories about fake sex attacks on pouves and transvestites which, thankfully, none of us will have to read.
Because you said that in 18 to 48 months (soon to be 11 to 41) all the vaxxed will be dead.
Because you said that all vaxxed, regardless of circumstance were shallow cock smokers, and that they should ‘get a clot and die’.
Because you also said that camps were being built around the country for the express purpose of herding the unvaxxed into them, where they would die.
And because you have, on a number of occasions, mentioned that you made up some of your more outlandish statements (not including these ones) to ‘shock people into action’.
I can work with that.
Oh dear.
Mak Siccar: April 21, 2022 at 9:04 am
An excellent summary of the facts.
Husband, who is a classic car fanatic, has always lusted after the Jaguar C-Type. A production company in NZ has been manufacturing an affordable replica for some years and “the man” fancied that I could be eventually convinced that it would be a good investment. Sadly for him (but great for our finances) Jaguar has apparently withdrawn permission for the replica to be manufactured. We understand Jaguar themselves will be the only constructor from this point.
Personally, I always thought it was a purchase only suitable for the zillionaire collectors who just garage huge collections. The C-Type, I know, is a classically beautiful sports car, but is totally impractical for a collector who wants to use them from time to time, as it lacks any sort of top – not even a canvass fold back or a mountable hard top. Woman are practical….I know.
I’d already made my thoughts known, berating them Ken style will only bring heartbreak. If you carry on with your jabbed son like you do here how long before he tells you where to go.
Never forget these people didn’t go away – many of them now occupy respected positions in society.
If they haven’t already.
We shouldn’t mention that the US Aor Force’s Ballistic Missile Squadrons are equipped with the LGM-30G Minuteman III, whose base model was originally fielded way back in 1962…
(As a piece of unrelated trivia, the LGM-30 Minuteman I’s guidance computer was the first example of equipment fitted with transistors, and its design was a critical predecessor to the guidance computers that put Neil Armstrong and co. on the moon).
looks like 25 years to cool his heel in Siberia hasn’t worked yet
Most likely.
That’s what the experts tell me.
Getting boostered will probably mean a lot sooner.
No, not all, but many.
Funny you of all people should try to generalise like that, when I have said there should have been around 10% of the population, NO MORE, that may have had emergency situations right at the start, like getting through borders, that excused them. You being one. However for the rest, yes.
Complete and utter cock smokers and the reason you had to get the Jab is because cock smokers that could have stood their ground didn’t.
Right at the start.
Oddly enough you dumb shit, if we’d all gone out and defied their tyranny on the very first dawn service, and no one submitted….you’d be jab free right now, that’s really how thick you are KD.
You did it to yourself in a way, by not wanting to defy and disobey tyranny right at the start.
Slowly boil the frog…especially the ahistorical dumb frogs.
No straight talking.
Not lying…as you said…outlandish.
To you the truth is outlandish.
Straight talking is all I’m doing.
Do you think I’m unaware it’s not a nice thing to do to keep reminding surrender monkeys that the jab is designed to kill them?
However, when there is boosters coming and all sorts of hell after the election, I have learned that denialism requires very direct speech.
Stand by everything I’ve said.
I can work with that.
Interesting that Aston Martin is building a rerun of the DB5 s. Husband’s car collecting/restoring mate (they used to do this together before we bought our farm -ha! ha! says me! ) about a year or so ago bought a DB5 which he thought could be easily restored. That was before they took some of it apart and saw the extent of rust damage! Covid appeared & the car was sent to a professional restorer. Now, some $200,000 later, it still is to be reassembled! Restorer bloke reckons it will be with up to $2 million when finished. But mate’s wife… who thinks like me….is speechless….
gp120 superantigens
Recently, a Chinese individual revealed on social media that the legendary figures who loan knives on credit in Chinese folklore have reappeared. Unlike before, this time the Credit Knife Man has made a shocking prophecy that can influence the fate of all Chinese people.
During the Warring States period in China, which started from 475 BC and ended in 221 BC., there was a well-known figure named Guigu Zi.
He was the master of Chinese military arts and one of the icons of Taoism. It is said in Chinese folklore that the credit knife people belong to Taoism, and they are the disciples of Guigu Zi. – 56
They are proficient in all kinds of magic, able to foretell the future by Divination of life and death.
But it’s none of your business Ranga….as you say
Anyone who thinks they might be dealing with Nazi bar staff should speak to Mr Grooglery Wiesenthal who can be contacted via Chambers.
My arse.
Tell me how I am with my son, you know shit.
The difference between my son and many here.
He’s not a hypocrite.
I base my personal End-of-the-World scenario on someone in Russia/US/possibly China launching a nuclear attack aimed at an opposition city. As I understand things, our collective destruction would then become pretty automatic – with ICBM’s striking first, and sub launched, bombers following up.
Not sure that Poot’s sooper dooper extra sonic [cue spooky music] SATAN missile changes that algebra at all.
But I’m sure it does excite readers of the Daily Express. Who will write strongly worded letters…
I could well be wrong.
But luckily that doesn’t matter two knobs of goat poo.
St. Ruth is Ed Case. That’s Ed’s favourite phrase.
Yesssss. Internet ‘experts’ on clown show websites that beg for cash and describe how blood turns to sludge, and which ones of the 9/11 conspiracies are true and which run a nice sideline yelling ‘tRuth!!1!’ which is actually opinion.
You’re like your beloved Premier. Nailed your colours to the wrong mast, and now you’re doing the daily double-down because you can’t walk it back.
He’s told you to get fucked then.
BTW in the midst of this spat re vaccines going on at the moment on the blog:
Family arrived at Easter with what they thought was “Long Covid” (they had Covid about a month ago). Three days after they left, husband and I (recall – unvaccinated) came down with some respiratory “thingy” – husband reasonably unwell, me – so-so.
Very annoying, given the almost 2 years of careful healthy diet, FLCCC protocol etc. But was it Covid? We returned to Sydney and, still with symptoms but negative RAT tests, decided to have a drive-in PCR test. Results – NEGATIVE – arrived this morning. Guess it must just be a respiratory virus of some sort – funny one too – with fleeting aches & sticky congestion in back of throat, fatigue & some digestive upset.
The point is – we have become so entrapped in the Covid narrative, that we forget that colds and flu once were a normal facet of life!
PS it has responded to the Vits, Bisolvin, Bonningtons Irish Moss, aspirin, and asthma inhalant, & a touch of Ivermectin on the inside of the wrists (as anything should!) – but then…..it had probably run its course!
We don’t have cretinous family members like your son does with you, you redneck moon howler. STFU.
Hopefully they update the horrible suspension.
No the inventor of the vaccines and other experts the tyrants silenced.
The ones with everything to lose for speaking out, and most importantly the ones who have so far been absolutely spot on about the type of harm these jabs would do, right from the start.
Walking nothing back, and have hated the Premier from the word go.
Your Victorian chip on the shoulder parachialism is ….embarrassing.
Back in the 1980s I was at a smallish party when I took a wrong turn and ended up in the host’s garage.
Before me was an immaculately restored silver Mercedes 300SL gull wing, one of only c. 3000 built.
Chap was in advertising. It suddenly occured to me I’d gone into the wrong profession.
Poesidon is the real danger. A 500 m high tsunami would do more damage than several MIRVs and would be relatively “clean” since fallout would tend to stay in the ocean.
Nope a cynic, it’s just a grab bag of talking points with no underling ideology.
Thay are part of the circus not an alternative.
Can you show a bit of class please?
Coming in here and tipping your spag bol of foul language all over the place.
Suck it up.
No one listens to you here, you cretinous moon howler. You bore the shit out nearly everyone.
You dumbshit.
The boosters are already here.
You’ve been so privileged by living in Queensland, you’ve forgotten that the wider world doesn’t stop at Coolangatta.
If you were carrying on the way you are in WA or Vic, you’d have already necked yourself…
Advertising is for people who do not have the credibility to get into real estate.
Just trying to keep their blood pressure under control.
You know what’s going to happen next time you do a bit of exercise?
If I were you, I’d think carefully about your next wank.
Geez dover, how much blog space will you allow this shit flinging with struth and his band of merry hecklers? Petty squabbling harpies. Every open fred, fair dinkem. The place becomes a boring shit show at times. Surely it can be cleaned up?
There’s thousands of WOMEN……WOMEN….nurses, teachers etc, unjabbed and holding the line in WA.
More power to them and more balls than you.
You’re McGowan’s bitch and you let them down.
A failure as a man.
You are missing one trait that is essential, Roger.
So no you aren’t.
Actually a mate’s brother has gone from Perth to New York to Sydney in advertising. Another guy started when they delivered a pizza to the head of Marketforce in Perth and he said come in for an interview on Monday. Never went to Uni. Probably doesn’t happen any more.
Yes I miss the good old days. You and JC lead the way.
One of Bosi’s favourite quotes.
It’s in his manifesto. The one that also said they’ll execute people practicing ‘political warfare’.
I get all that.
But even that sci-fi horror doesn’t seem to change the likelihood of retaliation that spoils everyone’s day.
For me, the biggest danger at the moment is the dribbling old fuck in the White House sending mixed signals to the West’s enemies- and then forgetting the launch codes.
How do people manage without a manifesto?
I’d rather a thousand Bosi’s than you KD.
He was in the SAS…
You were in Vicpol…and the cadets wasn’t it?
The bloke has the right attitude compared to you.
And he’s not right about somethings but spot on where it counts.
We could do with more like him and less like you.
Gonzalo Lira , murdered by the saintly SBU and Azovs.
If not for mh, Steve and a couple of others, that blog would be a desert.
I pop in once a week maybe if at all.
Nothing much of interest.
kaysee’s memes are always worth a look.
Maximum Leader’s “covid response commander”, Jeroen [Post-] Weimar is stepping down.
It seems that there’s not going to be a replacement appointed. Query whether that’s a signal that Maximum Leader really means to ease off on the covid totalitarianism, or whether it’s gaslighting till after the Federal and State elections.
But he’s jabbed so he must be a hypocrite by your reckoning of everyone who’s jabbed. Logic not a strong suit.
Winston Smithsays:
April 21, 2022 at 3:26 pm
Never forget these people didn’t go away – many of them now occupy respected positions in society.
I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people, most of which have graduate degrees, from Columbia and other well-known educational centers, and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people and they were dead serious.
Many of those who met at Wannsee in early 1942 were also highly educated and qualified from well-known German educational institutions.
Head Prefect how come you are still here? I sent you banana ammo for your hunt for Putin.
Did I waste my time?