Open Thread – Weekend 7 May 2022

The Luxemburg Gardens, Paris, Albert Edlefelt, 1887

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May 8, 2022 8:58 pm

Frog Chicks

Apart from speaking that ‘orrible poofy lingo, I really don’t see the point.

May 8, 2022 9:02 pm

They must have had more than 1.4 million in advertising surely. Then again there is the mandatory ABC freebie publicity for fellow travellers.

Winston Smith
May 8, 2022 9:06 pm

Farmer Gez – that’s cool.
I thought it was a long stretch until I saw the evidence…

May 8, 2022 9:07 pm


From the West Australian. WA rich list.

27. Holmes a Court family
$389 million | Heytesbury
2018: $320 million

When it comes to the Holmes a Court family nowadays, we talk about matriarch Janet when it comes to art and son Simon when it comes to environmental issues.

Each of these family members has made the most of their family name, their skills and their connections to become high-profile players in their respective fields of interest and influence.

This passionate participant in most things agricultural is the one who bears the risks and enjoys the current rewards of the Heytesbury cattle empire.

And let’s not forget the magnificent Vasse Felix winery, long associated with the family.

Patriarch Robert Holmes a Court died in 1990, leaving widow Janet to consolidate an indebted empire. The family sold key assets to Paul in 2008 in a $100 million-plus deferred payment deal.

There are four kids plus the wife who seemed to have split $100 million in 2008.

Four kids plus the wife – assume the hundi was split evenly and that’s $20 million apiece in 2008 dollars.

More from Wiki

A heavy smoker who suffered from diabetes, Holmes à Court died of a heart attack in bed on the morning of 2 September 1990.[17] Holmes à Court died intestate and his estate was to be divided one third for his widow Janet (née Ranford), and the remainder equally among their four children. Heytesbury Holdings continues as one of the largest private companies in Australia. Janet Holmes à Court ran Heytesbury from the time of her husband’s death until 2005, when she retired. She was, at one time, Australia’s richest woman. The couple’s eldest son, Peter Holmes à Court, is now a major investor and entrepreneur in his own right, after divesting himself of his share of Heytesbury, reported as A$35 million.[18] Peter Holmes à Court, along with Russell Crowe, is the 75.8% owner of National Rugby League club South Sydney Rabbitohs. Another son, Paul Holmes à Court has since taken over as chief executive. Robert Holmes à Court’s other children are Simon who is an academic focused on environment and climate[19] and founder of climate fund Climate 200 and Catherine (married, with four children). Holmes à Court’s mother Ethnee died at the age of 98 in May 2014.[20]

Robert and Janet Holmes à Court had 12 grandchildren by 2005, according to an interview with her.[21]

Doesn’t sound as though Simey was the money making type, but then you don’t know if he bumbled his way into gains through the clean energy racket.

May 8, 2022 9:08 pm

Frog Chicks, skinny, hairy, smell like Gauloises, bad goon and garlic. Horrible bunch of hags.

May 8, 2022 9:08 pm

What we call in politics the “Christian Porter Rule”, says if you don’t disclose, you cannot be in the top tiers of Government

FitSimian really is a slimy little dickhead. No one calls it that; everyone knows the accusations were complete bullshit – dates/times/building features/chronology did not make sense.

May 8, 2022 9:09 pm

They must have had more than 1.4 million in advertising surely.

Are they doing TV ads? All I’ve seen of the scumbags are front yard posters at supporters homes.

Oh, and shopping bags with Zoeeeee image on a side.

May 8, 2022 9:24 pm
May 8, 2022 9:28 pm

shopping bags with Zoeeeee image on a side

For when one needs to be seen dead.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 8, 2022 9:29 pm

Greens leader Adam Bandt calls for young Aussies to vote out ‘rotten government’
Hamish SpenceNCA NewsWire
Sun, 8 May 2022 4:02PM

The Greens are calling on young Australians to start an “uprising” with early voting to begin on Monday.

In a speech that will be given in the seat of Higgins in Melbourne’s southeast on Monday night, Greens leader Adam Bandt will appeal to young people to “vote this rotten government out”.

After a record number of young Australians enrolled to vote in the upcoming election, Mr Bandt believes they will play a significant part in the outcome.

“Young people could determine the outcome of this election,” he is expected to say.

“Young people are lining up to kick this government out and we are on track for a youthquake at this election.”

With many young people voting for the first time, Mr Bandt believes they will make their voices heard on issues that affect them like climate change and the rental market.

“For our climate, it’s make or break. For your cost of living, it’s now or never,” he will say.

“Politicians from Liberal and Labor have sold out young people and this election they’re vowing to make it worse, opening new coal and gas mines and keeping tax breaks that push housing out of reach.”

He believes that young people will not “accept the discrimination of the past” and this will be reflected in their vote.

“You’re going to be told by older generations that you’ve never had it so good, and that you’re all too sensitive. It’s bulls***,” Mr Bandt will say.

“But, this is not the time to despair or throw our hands up and say ‘this is all too hard’. It’s your future, and you’re going to have to fight for it.”

Mr Bandt will draw on his own history as a politician when he was first elected as an MP back in 2010.

Julia Gillard and Labor formed a minority government at that same election with the help of the Greens, with Mr Bandt believing his party could hold the balance of power once again.

“Now, 12 years later, the Greens are once again in a position to hold the balance of power. This election, which is now weeks away, is going to be close,” he will say.

“The analysts are all saying a minority parliament is likely, where neither Labor nor the Coalition wins enough seats to govern in their own right.”

The Greens want to use this balance of power to tackle environmental, rental, health and university fee issues.

May 8, 2022 9:30 pm

Hey Jupes – Lou, going that mighty li’l “D” thang

May 8, 2022 9:31 pm

Not sure, I try to avoid the TV so have not been keeping up with things that way.

May 8, 2022 9:31 pm

I know zero about horse racing, but boy the Kentucky Derby was an incredibly exciting race.

Watch to the end

May 8, 2022 9:34 pm

At least if Zoe gets into parliament it will be beautiful in its ugliness.

Cassie of Sydney
May 8, 2022 9:35 pm

“Robert Holmes a’Court – pig excrement be unto him – was Australia’s first billionaire.’

Robert Holmes a Court was a crook and a thug.

May 8, 2022 9:38 pm

Eddles, in one of his more lucid moments:

I know zero about horse racing and try to avoid the TV because I always wanted to be matched with her while not knowing about how things are going in the Donbass pocket for UKR

So it’s time for a choko mush recipe, eh, Cats – you know you want to! 😕

May 8, 2022 9:43 pm

Putin’s lapdog dances to “American Boy” I bet the song is no longer on the play list.

May 8, 2022 9:43 pm

Zoe, Zali, Monique and the Ayeggra …

Collectively blessed with fewer brain cells than a recently deceased slug.


May 8, 2022 9:53 pm

I feel blessed to have led a choko free life.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

This is the best debate I’ve ever seen! After several minutes of snarling & yelling, Scomo & Albo are about to start slugging each other.

I’ve seen less exiting blues in the school playground.

May 8, 2022 9:56 pm

The ending of Ozark sucked.
Not as bad as The Soprano’s which was what I reckon they wanted to be compared with.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 8, 2022 10:00 pm

Not as bad as The Soprano’s

The best bit of that finale was Journey.

May 8, 2022 10:02 pm

Nah the daughter trying to park the car.

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 8, 2022 10:03 pm

Started watching The Deuce. Well done.

All about the seedier aspects of New York in the 1970s.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 8, 2022 10:06 pm

Highlights of Phil Leotardo from The Sopranos – here, speaking about Tony Soprano:

‘He said I look like the Shah of Iran.’

And getting his head squished at the servo after being shot.

May 8, 2022 10:06 pm

The ending of Ozark sucked

But various (allegedly) repulsive figures ended up dead, dead, dead.

However, did Jonah have it in him?

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
May 8, 2022 10:07 pm

We’ve tapped into the huge pent-up frustration with parliament’s inability to address the big issues. Just three more strong independents and the Respect at Work report could be implemented and start to actually deliver respect for women in the workplace, we could have a federal integrity commission to weed out corruption, we could have sensible discussions around the Uluru Statement and so forth.

Yeah, caught up today with my god-daughter’s family. Refrigeration mechanics, a carpenter, a sparky, a roof plumber, a nurse and so on, and all they wanted to talk about was the Uluru Statement

May 8, 2022 10:08 pm

the daughter

Miss Hublitz?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 8, 2022 10:08 pm


‘That fuckin’ animal Blundetto’

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 8, 2022 10:10 pm

Holmes a Court Snr certainly saw the writing was on the wall sooner than any of the others and exited stage left. His death prevented a lot of pertinent questions being asked. At the time Janet H a C made much of the poor widow status. We will never know what she knew and when so shouldn’t throw stones. Plenty of minority shareholders in Bell Resources might. If you were a minority shareholder in Bell Resources and didn’t sell out when Holmes a Court appeared you were along for the ride.

May 8, 2022 10:12 pm

Stupid Goils … 🙂

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

caught up today with my god-daughter’s family. Refrigeration mechanics, a carpenter, a sparky, a roof plumber, a nurse and so on, and all they wanted to talk about was the Uluru Statement

Must have been a close call though, coz surely they spend a lot of time hoping for a Federal ICAC & worrying about there being insufficient Tesla charging stations across the Nullabor?

May 8, 2022 10:16 pm

Ooh look! The Russian ambassador, several LDP luminaries such as John Ruddick and Ross Cameron, assorted far right cranks (including a real wacko in military uniform) and an illegal bikie gang all got together for a Soviet Victory Day cruise on Sydney Harbour over the weekend. Hysterical! How many Cat commenters were there? I bet a whole bunch of you went!!!

May 8, 2022 10:16 pm

His untimely death (conveniently) prevented a lot of pertinent questions being asked

Including by our beloved politicians and braindead j’ismists.

May 8, 2022 10:20 pm

What’s a guy in the ADF called “Averose” doing at a Putinist propaganda crankfest with the Russian ambassador?? Then there’s Tony Kevin, lunatic conspiracy theorist and former Australian ambassador to Cambodia, and the LDP!! I can’t believe the LDP showed up. Dotty please explain! Hilarious.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 8, 2022 10:23 pm

If you were a minority shareholder in Bell Resources and didn’t sell out when Holmes a Court appeared you were along for the ride.

Alan Bond was the villain there – anyone questioning his appearance on the scene was advised that, “Well, he and the other partner in that deal will still own only less then 40% of the shares – “Minority” shareholders will still control 60% of the company.”

May 8, 2022 10:24 pm

Fiskables – for goodness sake – so you’re not into the Poot.

Do you really think you’re able to distinguish fact from bovine excrement?

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 8, 2022 10:25 pm

Disclosure: I think I may have stayed in a Holmes a Court family apartment in London around 1990, albeit being rented by a mate’s brother.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 8, 2022 10:28 pm

Disclosure: I think I may have stayed in a Holmes a Court family apartment in London around 1990, albeit being rented by a mate’s brother.

I hope you stole all the soap and toilet paper when you left…

May 8, 2022 10:28 pm

Fiskables – for goodness sake – so you’re not into the Poot.

Do you really think you’re able to distinguish fact from bovine excrement

Rabsy – don’t know, don’t care. It’s delicious trolling fodder and I’ll dine on this for months!

May 8, 2022 10:28 pm
May 8, 2022 10:28 pm

Lovely dinner cruise in the Katharine gorge. Sunlight playing on the red sandstone, changing colour, the water shimmering. And the finale…stars. It’s a clear night and little light pollution.

Dinner partners were Boomer ES Greenies regaling us with stories of re-wilding and the wonders of evs. I will say no more for there are simply no words.

May 8, 2022 10:30 pm

Bear – are you trying to unleash an avalanche of unrequited creditors on your ample ursine backside?

Winston Smith
May 8, 2022 10:30 pm

Timothy Neilson:

Yeah, caught up today with my god-daughter’s family. Refrigeration mechanics, a carpenter, a sparky, a roof plumber, a nurse and so on, and all they wanted to talk about was the Uluru Statement

You and yours are now on the list for After the Revolution.
Insufficient Fervour.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 8, 2022 10:30 pm

Zulu – playing with fire at any rate. There is a reason the takeover threshold is set at 20%.

May 8, 2022 10:35 pm

The Entire BDS Movement is a Fraud

Well, at least they’re not a bunch of nayzees. That would not be good.

WellKamps would be springing up all round. 😕

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 8, 2022 10:36 pm

Bear – are you trying to unleash an avalanche of unrequited creditors on your ample ursine backside?

Needless to say, it was very conveniently located and I am certainly not one to look behind an offer of free accommodation.

May 8, 2022 10:38 pm

Video: Col. Richard Black — U.S. Leading World to Nuclear War

There’s also a transcript below. Long but very interesting, not to mention frightening.

Again, does anyone have a link to the meme of the Obama/Clinton 16 year plan because I’m pretty sure that a nuclear war was part of it.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 8, 2022 10:40 pm

Zulu – playing with fire at any rate. There is a reason the takeover threshold is set at 20%.

My knowledge of the Act isn’t what it used to be, but Holmes a Court was skating on thin ice on that deal.

May 8, 2022 10:47 pm
May 8, 2022 10:52 pm

Airline Incidents Fall More Than 50 Percent After Mask Mandate Lifted

People like to breathe free. Who knew.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 8, 2022 10:54 pm

Zulu – the were a lot of things done by a range of parties that were a bit iffy. Holmes a Court definitely took advantage of options not available to his fellow shareholders. Not strictly illegal but not looked upon favourably by those who do this stuff for a living.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 8, 2022 10:59 pm

The Takeover Panel did find that SGIC and Bond were acting in concert and made Bond make a full takeover offer for Bell Resources. Yes, some skullduggery afoot.

Winston Smith
May 8, 2022 11:02 pm

As an aside, Tank Chats discusses the JagdPanther and its doctrinal use. Excellent video. It looks like thay’ve finally finished restoring one of the REME built ones. Nifty paint job.

May 8, 2022 11:24 pm

What a great race call. He was astounded. So much better than the pre planned line.

Winston Smith
May 8, 2022 11:32 pm


Dinner partners were Boomer ES Greenies regaling us with stories of re-wilding and the wonders of evs. I will say no more for there are simply no words.

This is where you need one of these gadgets to record their words and play them back in ten years time when their ‘Paradise’ goes tits up.
But don’t buy the one I’ve linked to. You can buy these things on Alibaba for about $10 each and they are the SAME thing.
The reason I’ve put up the two products is to show the absolute rip offs thar are happening.
2 items – no discernable difference but $900+ Vs $10… there is a subclass of people in this country who produce nothing, but are becoming millionaires because people don’t, or are too bloody lazy to shop around.

May 8, 2022 11:32 pm


What illegal bikie gang was it?

Dugin’s Daggers?

May 8, 2022 11:34 pm

lunatic conspiracy theorist and former Australian ambassador to Cambodia

Ask rabz. He knows why.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 9, 2022 1:35 am

Zero Hedge posts something useful:

Don’t tell JC. Even if it’s not correct how good is an index of second hand vehicles?

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 9, 2022 1:38 am

We have to rely on Carsales for 2nd hand Miata prices and usually make a few calls around the Club.

May 9, 2022 3:28 am

Woke up wondwering who won the slanging match on Channel 9 tonight . ulaman could not get Albo to admit he told lies about his ability to answer The 6 points of NDIS . He lied about the lies .

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
May 9, 2022 3:54 am

How are things going in the Donbass pocket for UKR?

Even South Front’s most ardent and enthusiastic admit to things being pretty static for the last few weeks.

When you’re down to tit-for-tat village swaps and hopeful statements about prospective (albeit seemingly limited) breakouts on one hand, and the other side seems to be pushing the flank of that main effort out and away from Kharkov and back towards the Russian border, nobody appears to really be doing any better or any worse than each other.

What I do find fascinating, is that Mariupol is still somehow not completely pacified. Despite every numerical, tactical and firepower advantage held by the attacking side, and both Ukrainian and Russian officials saying that every last civilian has now been evacuated from the Azovstal plant…

May 9, 2022 4:05 am
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May 9, 2022 4:18 am
Rex Anger
Rex Anger
May 9, 2022 5:19 am

Warren Brown is savage this morning, Tom.

Savagely accurate…

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
May 9, 2022 5:29 am

And on the subject of Tina Brown’s cartoon,

Sydney Watson presents: When ‘Men Giving Birth’ Goes Too Far

May 9, 2022 5:46 am

Warren Brown is savage this morning, Tom.

Savagely accurate…

As is Leak.

May 9, 2022 6:00 am

Below from Gateway Pundit in relatin to 2000 Mules. Many of the mules were tracked going to and from stash houses on their ballot dropping runs. One of them was Stacey Abrams HQ.

Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips announced they will be releasing ALL the addresses of the stash houses.

Stecey Abrams may want to find a good lawyer.

On Saturday night political columnist Brian Cates posted this on the stash houses:

Tonight during the virtual premiere of 2000 Mules, Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips announced they will be releasing ALL the addresses of the stash houses run by the NGO’s that were orchestrating this massive criminal racketeering operation in multiple states.
This also helps explain how a radical Marxist candidate like Rafael Warnock can win in Georgia”.

Another Gateway Pundit post mentions social media already blocking posts related to 2000 Mules. Reason being might incite violence.

May 9, 2022 6:29 am
May 9, 2022 6:32 am
May 9, 2022 6:40 am

Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips announced they will be releasing ALL the addresses of the stash houses.

Stecey Abrams may want to find a good lawyer.

Not just her.

Can’t wait for the ABC to report on this…

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
May 9, 2022 6:40 am is a joke.
Trying to pull a sexism angle on the two leaders but the comments posted point clearly to the empowered moderator lacking the skills needed.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 9, 2022 6:40 am

Have none of these Teal Independents realised they have forever linked themselves to the Port Adelaide Football Club?

It’s the worst strategy since Hewson thought ‘I reckon I’ll wing this presser. They won’t ask about cake.’

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
May 9, 2022 6:49 am

Below from Gateway Pundit in relatin to 2000 Mules. Many of the mules were tracked going to and from stash houses on their ballot dropping runs. One of them was Stacey Abrams HQ.

Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips announced they will be releasing ALL the addresses of the stash houses.

Stecey Abrams may want to find a good lawyer.

That might be awkward- Stacey Abrams is supposed to be the Dems’ celebrity politician for electoral ‘integrity…’

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 9, 2022 6:53 am

From Gez’ link:

Viewers of the debate have expressed concern

Yes they have. Concern with the apparent inability to find a moderator with the gravitas and/or presence to civilise a debate between two blokes who’ve been in politics all their lives, and who are desperate to gain some cred and therefore run the country for the next three years. Mind you, your average ten year old should have been able to sort those two mincers out.

Reminds me of a couple of years ago when Mongyang Lord Mayor Sally Capp had to be dragged to safety in the Melbourne CBD, after deciding to intervene in a post-match drunken punch-on between Collingwood and Essendon supporters.

At least Capp had the decency to admit she was wrong to even think about it. ‘I just thought I’d use my mother’s voice’, she said later.

Admittedly, Ms Abo rocked a great pantsuit and had the ‘power stance’ going. Couldn’t back it up though.

Anchor What
Anchor What
May 9, 2022 6:54 am

Tom Switzer’s ABC radio program this morning featured an interesting chat with John Howard. In a departure from common sense both agreed that Trump was terribly wrong to say the 2020 election was rigged.
At the same time, today’s review of “2000 Mules” by Andrea Widburg at American Thinker adds to the mountain of evidence of foul play.
There are too many inconsistencies in those election results, too many instances of manipulation – not just faked or harvested ballots, possibly also alteration of tallies in machines – for 2020 to do anything but undermine faith in the electoral process.
How the half terms will go remains to be seen. It’s already evident that the Dems can’t win by fair means, but who thinks they’ll give up and say “ yes, it’s a fair cop, we concede”?

Anchor What
Anchor What
May 9, 2022 6:55 am

Link to Andrea Widburg article.

Anchor What
Anchor What
May 9, 2022 7:00 am

From Gateway Pundit:
“ According to the evidence discussed in the movie, if you factor in just the Mule ballot traffickers: Trump won with 305 electoral votes. That does not even count all the other fraud that occurred during the election like the mysterious ballot drops at 3 in the morning or the questionable machines.”

May 9, 2022 7:04 am

John Howard should have kept his mouth shut in order to keep some dignity but no, he had to join Kevni and Trumble. My guess is he is sliding into second childhood and had to better the other two.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 9, 2022 7:04 am

It’s already evident that the Dems can’t win by fair means, but who thinks they’ll give up

Anchor – Before the 2020 election I had noticed that the Dems were very complacent and unworried, despite Joe bringing in crowds of 6 people while Trump was filling and overflowing the biggest venues they could find.

The Dems are again complacent. The MSM are saying woe, woe, and lower level Dem congresscritters have been retiring. But not the Dem hierarchy, they don’t seem worried at all.

May 9, 2022 7:11 am

I witch on Sky News and the first thing that comes on is the Libs’ committing harakiri (or do I mean sepuku?) They intend to cross the floor to vote against the religious freedom bill. Yes, that will win them the election. They are too stupid to remember the ancient Greek proverb that those whom gods wish to destroy they first make mad.

May 9, 2022 7:16 am

Bruce, if the Dems pull another electoral steal in November they will leave ordinary voters no other option but partition.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 9, 2022 7:21 am

Former dreadlocked footballer Harry O’Brien, aka Hertier Lumumba has scrawled down some alleged specifics on bad behaviour from Collingwood executives before he was traded away two years after the 2010 flag win, and who then drifted into obscurity without the lifestyle he felt entitled to.

Apropos of Gary Pert:

– Holding him accountable for inappropriate comments re: players’ sex lives in front of their partners in Sydney in 2011
– As a member of the leadership group I demanded an apology and Pert was forced to apologise to the players
– After this I felt retaliation from Gary Pert who was part of the club’s hierarchy that ended my time at Collingwood

‘Demanded’ an apology. ‘Felt’ retaliation. Got it. On Buckley:

– Confronted teammates about the ‘Chimp’ nickname and other concerns with the club culture that violated people’s rights
– Continued to be in the leadership group until I walked out of team meeting when an assistant coach made a homophobic joke and Nathan Buckley targeted me about being too sensitive – essentially mocking the fact that I had finally confronted my peers about racism and other serious issues
– I demanded an apology from him for singling me out and reiterated my struggles at the club with respect to racism
– Buckley CLEARLY knew about the ‘Chimp’ nickname

A lot of ‘demanding’ going on. Everybody knew about the Chimp name, which he actually encouraged for years. More Buckley bastardry:

– Buckley became paranoid about me, claiming that he felt “judged” all the time, that I was demanding too much change from the club, that I was being too selfish and “not acting in the club’s best interests”, ie not being deferential enough to him – even saying I was walking incorrectly

‘Walking incorrectly’. Righto. Then, this bloke who suffered so much – who was publicly nailed to a cross and abused by an entire football club for not being an albino, and who was then traded off – was so relieved, and so happy to walk out the door and be rid of this horrible racism, what did he do?

He went to Eddie McGuire to try and stay where he was. Lumumbabrien’s notes on McGuire:

– Caught up with McGuire just before the trade was to take place. Told him about the “Chimp” nickname and everything that had happened since the King Kong incident

Which involved Adam Goodes from the Sydney Poofs, not O’Brien.

What fucking horseshit. Way to double down, Harry. Clearly your LA lifestyle (that’s where he lives now) is getting beyond your means, or you’re doing this for cred with your new circle of mates.

Either way – fuck off.

Cassie of Sydney
May 9, 2022 7:23 am

I see DaStink overnight making mockery of a local remembrance of the Soviet war effort in World War II and trying to make out that it was attended by a cabal of “far-right cranks”…..oh the irony. Remind me, just how how many Russians were butchered by the Nazis between 1941 and 1945? Oh that’s right, between twenty-five and twenty-seven million. But DaStink thinks that’s funny. Stay classy DaStink.

May 9, 2022 7:27 am

Tom Switzer’s ABC radio program this morning featured an interesting chat with John Howard. In a departure from common sense both agreed that Trump was terribly wrong to say the 2020 election was rigged.

I recall Jim Molan on ABC several times during the campaign saying he was backing Hillary Clinton.

Most Australian Liberals would fit quite comfortably into the “moderate” wing of the Democratic Party.

Anchor What
Anchor What
May 9, 2022 7:28 am

John Hinderaker at Powerline is correct but late to the conclusion that “liberals are evil”.
He is of course talking about the Dems and extreme left in America, not our light green nuclear energy avoiders and coal fired power wreckers the Liberal National Coalition.

Anchor What
Anchor What
May 9, 2022 7:29 am

The moderate wing of the democrats?
It’s just Manchin and Sinema.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 9, 2022 7:31 am

May 9, 2022 at 6:40 am
Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips announced they will be releasing ALL the addresses of the stash houses.

Stecey Abrams may want to find a good lawyer.

Not just her.

Can’t wait for the ABC to report on this…

Don’t hold your breath, puce is an even less attractive facial colour than teal.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 9, 2022 7:34 am

Gnu’s poll.

Support for Labor increased by one point to 39 per cent, while the Coalition fell down one to 35 per cent, an exclusive Newspoll conducted for The Australian showed.

It is the largest margin the Opposition has held over the Coalition since the two leaders started their drive for votes.

In the two-party preferred stakes, Labor also slightly extended the gap to 54 to 46 after it held steady at 53 to 47 for the past couple of weeks.

The polling results signal a hung parliament would be unlikely and a considerable victory for Labor.

Our election is very similar to Davey’s cartoon that Tom posted above. Labor has a vehicle that does sort of go, whereas the LNP have had their tyres stolen by the Teals and have Net Zero no engine under the hood.

Labor extends lead in two party basis with Anthony Albanese closing in on Scott Morrison as preferred prime minister (Sky News, 9 May)

You’d think the LNP would realize their policies suck, especially in the eyes of their base. A primary vote of 35% is pretty clear they’re not appealing to voters. Maybe they should do something different, like actually have conservative policies not green-lite ones.

Cassie of Sydney
May 9, 2022 7:37 am

“I recall Jim Molan on ABC several times during the campaign saying he was backing Hillary Clinton.”

Yep……as did John Howard.

May 9, 2022 7:39 am

The moderate wing of the democrats?
It’s just Manchin and Sinema.

Hence the inverted commas.

If you listen to them, Australian Liberals like Switzer, Howard & Molan regard Clinton, Obama and Biden as “moderates”.

And none of them expected, or wanted, Trump to win.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 9, 2022 7:52 am

The new Dr Who is everything you expected the BBC would choose. Here’s some more background.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 9, 2022 7:58 am


Remind me, just how how many Russians were butchered by the Nazis between 1941 and 1945? Oh that’s right, between twenty-five and twenty-seven million.

Don’t forget that a fair percentage of those were killed either by their own side (tens of thousands of executions) or by the use of tactics that would have been considered primitive on the Western Front in 1916.

Not to detract from the Russian sacrifice, but some was self-inflicted (but that certainly would not have been mentioned during the commemoration).

May 9, 2022 7:59 am
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 9, 2022 8:27 am

Who’da thunk it news.

Power Grid Operators Warn of Electricity Shortages (Newsmax, 8 May)

A U.S. energy crisis is emerging and electricity power-grid operators are warning of the potential of rolling blackouts as the summer heat arrives.

The peak electric demand period and high temperatures will lead to a shortage of supply, California’s grid operator warned Friday, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Both the Midwest and Texas operators have also signaled potential electricity shortages for the peak demand summer season, according to the report.

It’s so unthunkable that Teal Man, who appears to be a new superhero, has not thunk it either.

‘A lot of reasons’ to close AGL’s fossil fuel assets early: Cannon-Brookes (Sky News, 8 May)

Atlassian co-founder Mike Cannon-Brookes says AGL need a plan for a more “aggressive transition” away from its fossil fuel generating assets.

“I don’t think anyone outside of AGL has a model for that which makes any economic sense,” Mr Cannon-Brookes said.

“And the shareholders, and/or the taxpayer are going to pay the bill when they don’t make those marks.

“There’s a lot of reasons to close those earlier: more financing for the company, cheaper power for the customers and a more stable and reliable grid, and ultimately a better outcome for shareholders.”

“Cheaper” in teal-speak now seems to mean “catastrophically expensive”. And “stable and reliable grid” means rolling blackouts.

May 9, 2022 8:27 am

Don’t worry about Fisk, Cassie.

He’s a fake PHON supporter and controlled opposition to boot.

“We will never have a PM better than Johnny Howard”

That sounds like a knock off of one of those “ancient Chinese curses”.

May 9, 2022 8:33 am

I find it curious that medicos seem to think that challenging the immune system over and over again with weird stuff, strengthens it. It might work with muscles, but I somehow think immunity could possibly be different.

May 9, 2022 8:36 am

You’d think the LNP would realize their policies suck, especially in the eyes of their base. A primary vote of 35% is pretty clear they’re not appealing to voters.

The LNP thinks a poor primary vote means that their policies don’t suck enough.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
May 9, 2022 8:38 am

Rosie, for you.

IBAC: $10,000 for developer’s dumplings with Daniel Andrews

The Flower Drum Chinese restaurant in Melbourne. Picture: Nicole Cleary


10:00PM MAY 6, 2022

You can buy a lot of dumplings for $10,000, even at the Flower Drum.

But for property developer John Woodman it was a price worth paying because it also bought him an intimate lunch with Dan Andrews.

Having won the luncheon with the highest bid at an earlier ALP fundraising auction, Mr Woodman and a small group of associates, including Labor-linked lobbyist Philip Staindl, gathered at Melbourne’s most ­famous Chinese restaurant on September 13, 2017.

Mr Staindl briefed them about the ground rules for the lunch; a precondition of the Premier’s ­attendance was an embargo on raising any specific planning ­issues with him. Rather, this should be seen as a relationship-building exercise.

But IBAC has obtained evidence of something that the Woodman camp intended to raise with Mr Andrews. But the agency has found no evidence of any specific conversations having occurred. The exact nature of the topic has not been disclosed.

During his evidence before a secret hearing as part of Operation Sandon, the agency’s two-year investigation into allegedly corrupt land deals in Casey, the Premier recalled the Flower Drum luncheon but said he had no recollection of Mr Woodman or his associates raising any such matters with him.

Nevertheless, the Flower Drum luncheon forms part of a narrative IBAC calls “privileged access” in what rates as one of the most significant findings from Operation Sandon.

IBAC has concluded that Mr Andrews and Mr Woodman’s ­attendance at such functions ­illustrates the opportunities for “privileged access” at a ministerial level that the Woodman camp attained and is directly linked to the substantial donations made over time.

IBAC has likened the cash-for-access strategy as an approach to “investing across the political spectrum” and has estimated that, between September 2010 and June 2019, the successful developer donated $969,968 to both major parties.

Enterprise Victoria, a Liberal fundraising body, received $266,995 while Labor’s Progressive Business pocketed $210, 290.

IBAC has estimated that Mr Woodman donated $113,500 towards six Labor and Liberal candidates in the 2014 state election and $56,335 to three candidates from both parties leading into the 2018 election.

From February 2014, IBAC has concluded, Mr Woodman and his associates sought to ­influence state and Casey council decision-making in favour of rezoning a big chunk of industrial land known as C219.

Labor was in opposition then but, in anticipation of Mr Andrews winning the next election, the Woodman camp worked hard to build relations with future Labor ministers.

Mr Staindl told an Operation Sandon hearing that he arranged Mr Woodman to connect with significant members of the shadow cabinet and Mr Andrews.

By 2016, Mr Woodman felt comfortable enough and, along with Mr Staindl, approached the Premier at a number of functions and briefed him on Mr Woodman’s wish to expedite implementation of planning decisions on his project, Aviators Field, at Point Cook.

IBAC has focused heavily on the activities of Mr Staindl, a ­veteran Labor lobbyist.

IBAC has come to the view that Mr Staindl played a significant role in building a “sense of obligation” within Labor resulting from Mr Woodman’s donations to the ALP.

Despite the hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations and hours spent schmoozing Mr ­Andrews and his ministers, Mr Woodman, IBAC recounts, learnt a harsh political lesson after two reports in The Age highlighted his political donations to Labor.

Following the articles in ­October and November 2018, IBAC concludes, Mr Woodman was dropped by Labor MPs who avoided any overt association with him and he was no longer welcome at political functions, ­including Progressive Business events. But, luckily for Mr Woodman, IBAC points out, the ­property developer was represented by Mr Staindl and another associate at such functions.

May 9, 2022 8:40 am

I don’t get why these “manosphere” yutzes are glorifying the now dead Kevin Samuels as “the GOAT”.

Pros: Called out African American women as delusional and hate black men.

Cons: Fashion SIMP.
Said Nicki Minaj was a 9/10 (barf).
Made fun of female virgins – effectively encouraging them to be less marriageable. He also wanted more black men and women to get married and form families, huh?
Died alone after having “a lot of red bull” whilst he was boning a 30 something nurse who couldn’t give him first aid.

It’s as though a lot of the guys in the “field” who aren’t supportive of traditional values or self improvement are grifters in it solely for the poosy or heaven forbid, are pickup coaches err, roaches, who just want SIMP blood and treasure.

May 9, 2022 8:44 am

Imagine how that 35 year old nurse feels.

Couldn’t save her lover’s life and now she’s basically a walking headstone.

At least she can claim she has “deadly bomb pussy”.

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 9, 2022 8:45 am

Kids’ book Our Skin blames racism on white people

An “inflammatory” children’s book being distributed to New York City schools teaches kids as young as two that the concept of race was created by white people who claimed they were “better, smarter, prettier, and that they deserve more than everybody else.”

The book Our Skin was penned by Harlem activist Megan Madison and Brooklynite and library worker Jessica Ralli, and published last year.

It begins with a simple discussion of skin tones — then launches into a screed that blames the idea of race on white people along with an illustration of scary-looking human skulls encased in glass and sitting on shelves, NY Post reports.

“A long time ago, way before you were born, a group of white people made up an idea called race. They sorted people by skin colour and said that white people were better, smarter, prettier, and that they deserve more than everybody else,” the book declares.

It goes on to say “That isn’t true or fair at all!” with a picture of a “caucasian” man holding up the “Most beautiful skull.”

The book, aimed at those aged two to five, has been distributed to at least one Manhattan kindergarten, one on Staten Island as well as a school in Brooklyn and appears to be part of the Department of Education’s new “Universal Mosaic Curriculum.”

More at

May 9, 2022 8:49 am

You Assumed My Gender


No Matter What Weird Language Biden Prefers, Today Is Still Mothers’ Day

The word “mother” is being erased by the federal government, in accordance with the executive order that President Biden signed on his first day in office on January 20, 2021. Along with other sexed words (father, brother, husband, wife, daughter, son), the edict “Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation” is leading to the elimination of traditional terminology.

The proliferating bastardization of the language would be laughable if it weren’t so insulting:

. Birthing parents

. Childbearing people

. Gestational carriers

. Bodies with vaginas

. Menstruators

. Postnatal people

. People with a uterus

The Ministry of Truth (AKA the new Disinformation Governance Board that has been created under the Department of Homeland Security) no doubt will be helping us all get used to the new usage.

As George Orwell observed, “if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.”

At Edinburgh Napier University in Scotland, the Wokerati have started instructing students on the care and treatment of pregnant males, and future midwives are being trained to be able to catheterize a penis during “labor.”

I’m not a biologist, but I did pay sufficient attention in high school to know that a uterus and cervix are required equipment for giving birth. I also understand biology sufficiently to know that it is not possible for any mammal to change sex. Sex is not just the obvious features such as genitalia; sex is embodied in every cell of the body and plays a part in every aspect of health and wellness. Sex is determined at conception and remains static until death.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
May 9, 2022 8:50 am

Usually in an election the press picks a side (well, defaults to it) and is then selective with their stories and shameless in how they present the stories they do report.

Is that happening this time round? I mean the pair of them are pretty shabby and half-hearted facsimiles of humans. Are the press finding they don’t have to present Morro in a bad light, and has their previous zeal for Labor (+Greens) shifted to the flotsam washed by by the Teal sea?

May 9, 2022 8:53 am

Cassie of Sydneysays:
May 9, 2022 at 7:23 am
I see DaStink overnight making mockery of a local remembrance of the Soviet war effort in World War II and trying to make out that it was attended by a cabal of “far-right cranks”…..oh the irony. Remind me, just how how many Russians were butchered by the Nazis between 1941 and 1945? Oh that’s right, between twenty-five and twenty-seven million. But DaStink thinks that’s funny. Stay classy DaStink.

Could do with a better class of troll, at least be amusing rather than boring.

May 9, 2022 8:53 am
May 9, 2022 8:56 am

From the Comments on the above post – No Matter What Weird Language Biden Prefers, Today Is Still Mothers’ Day

“Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities Can Make You Commit Atrocities”


– Happy Non-Binary, Half a Parental Unit, Pseudo-Mom Day!

Btw, what’s for dinner, it?

– You cannot call someone a women because it reduces them to biological attributes.

So we call them people with uterus now.

– Roses are red,

Kamalas not black,

Joe has dementia,,

and Hunter’s

on Crack…

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 9, 2022 8:57 am

Kids’ book Our Skin blames racism on white people

Fit only to be collected and burned by the public hangman.

May 9, 2022 8:59 am


Zero fucking Hedge. You too, Brutus?

Used car pricing took off during the pandemic so it’s no shock there’s a correction. Those idiots think this natural correction is an economic indicator? FFS.

May 9, 2022 8:59 am
May 9, 2022 9:06 am

“The Whole Planet Is A Pot, And We’re All Frogs”

The lockdown in China: if the powerful are doing something that looks stupid, it’s because whatever they’re doing IS actually stupid

I received several comments on my post “The Shanghai Lockdown: a Memetic Analysis,” and I think that some were so interesting to be worth reproducing in a full-fledged post. The first comment comes from an anonymous commenter living in China. It seems to me believable, and also consistent with my interpretation.

In practice, the Chinese were (and are) not the only one who are conditioned by factors such as avoiding a loss of face.

Italians did the same during the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021.

There seems to be an enormous psychological problem that when you discover that you have been conned, you don’t want to admit that. It makes little difference if you are Chinese, Italian, or another nationality.

There follows a comment by “Mon Seul Desir” on which I fully agree. So much that I used it in a condensed version for the title of this post.

When something looks insane, most likely, it IS insane.

May 9, 2022 9:06 am

Thoughts on the Informed Medical Options Party?

May 9, 2022 9:07 am

Calm down JC, it is interesting.

May 9, 2022 9:09 am
May 9, 2022 9:10 am

these were never really experts
mistaking sheep for shepherds

One of the ABC’s go to expert epidemiologists on covid was an expert in handwashing in the hospital setting in 3rd world countries. Seriously, that’s what her PhD was on, and they were consulting her on vaccine safety and efficacy.

May 9, 2022 9:13 am

oops. Dover – accidently reported Toms comment at 04:06. Please disregard.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 9, 2022 9:20 am

There’s a hole in your budget, dear Labor

About the best political advertisement I’ve seen for a long time.

May 9, 2022 9:29 am

Sowing update:

Last of the canola went in the ground on Saturday, stretching the planting window a bit even for a shorter season variety but given a full profile of moisture, the seasonal outlook and prices on offer it’s worth the risk.
800ha of the longer season canola already out of ground as is all the long season wheat.

A bit of mid season wheat (Rockstar) in on a couple of paddocks but main focus for now is Lentils and Durum on this farm.
I’m 240ha through a 540ha paddock of Lentils and the smaller linkage seeder has just started on the Durum.
Pre plant urea spreading still happening as is the usual pre plant spraying.

The latest seasonal update still brings once in a generation good news for Australian Ag.
A lingering LaNina leading to above average winter rains.
Continuing drought in large parts of the US and Sth America.
Also a “crunched” planting window for the corn/soybean belt because of two reasons.
1. Wet weather (ironically)
2. Late spring frost and generally cold weather (because the planet is heating up)

They’ve got a window just about now to get it all in but this means virtually the whole lot will be at the same stage of maturity through the season and any adverse weather will effect the whole crop, not just portions. This will make the markets very jumpy and should keep our prices up.

Europe and Black Sea area also forecast to go dry, so on top of all the other crap they may also be headed for a dry season.
Hopefully we see a lowered urea price as a result.

We have over a month’s worth of Flanneries forecast from Wednesday onwards.
300ha of lentils and about 500 of durum to get in before it hits.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
May 9, 2022 9:36 am

main focus for now is Lentils and Durum on this farm.

Bloody Italian hippies.

May 9, 2022 9:43 am

In the hope of avoiding the usual crowds of idiots and HTV pushers, I’m planning to hit up one of the early voting centers today. Having checked out the list I’m happy to see there’s an alternative to voting Labor or greens for a change. The Liberals only really put up a token candidate here, but this time around there LDP, ONP, UAP as well.

May 9, 2022 9:44 am

Mothers Day was marked in my area of the woods with lots of excitement and heavy traffic to florists and full bookings at local restaurants.

I do hope Matthew Guy and the rest of the Libs had an enjoyable day. No doubt they’ll be back to normal today moving to expel antiabortionist extremist Bernie Finn.

Modern politics: celebrate Mothers Day on Sunday; on Monday talk up abortion.

May 9, 2022 9:46 am

Bloody Italian hippies.

I know!
It takes all sorts.

Delta A
Delta A
May 9, 2022 9:56 am

May 9, 2022 at 9:29 am
Sowing update:

Great post, Bushie.

Farming has certainly come a long way in my lifetime. Apart from all the region specific crops, Internet access to weather patterns – locally and nationally – helps to plan for the best product and, hopefully, the best return.

More then just chucking a few seeds in the ground and praying for rain.

May 9, 2022 9:56 am

The new Dr Who is everything you expected the BBC would choose. Here’s some more background.

Haven’t watched that shit since this guy.

John Brumble
John Brumble
May 9, 2022 10:00 am

132andBush. You old sow and sow.

May 9, 2022 10:01 am

More then just chucking a few seeds in the ground and praying for rain.

Getting them in the ground is the easy bit.
Getting them the right way up is the trick.

May 9, 2022 10:03 am

Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
May 9, 2022 at 9:20 am
There’s a hole in your budget, dear Labor

About the best political advertisement I’ve seen for a long time.

Nah, the female voiceover neuters it.

That sort of message needs a menacing basso profundo.

I don’t know why Libs insist on thinking women only listen to women. My observations indicate the contrary.

May 9, 2022 10:03 am

Not old
But feeling it right now.

May 9, 2022 10:08 am

How are things going for you, Gez?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 9, 2022 10:12 am

Farming has certainly come a long way in my lifetime

I put in the last crop, before I retired, using an onboard computer, and satnav, on ground my grandfather originally tilled with horses…

May 9, 2022 10:18 am

HIGHER CULTURE: Mother’s Day With the Beatles

Below is a clip of Paul McCartney explaining how the song connects so much to mothers and how they nurture us throughout our lives, on James Corden’s “Carpool Karaoke”:

McCartney also shared more details during an episode of Wired magazine’s YouTube series, “The Autocomplete Interview”:

I had a dream. It was in the years when we were probably overdoing everything–drinking and staying out too late and getting crazy.

So, I was a bit… sort of, exhausted, and I went to bed. Anyway, I had a dream.

And my mother, who died probably about 10 years previously, was in the dream. She came to me in the dream.

It’s a magic moment, ’cause you’re actually there with your mother.

So, she seemed to know that I was a bit stressed out. And she said: “Don’t worry, it’s going to be fine. Just let it be.”

As he explained in the Corden clip, when he woke up the next day, he went to the piano and–ho hum–wrote one of the greatest songs of all time. And really, one of the signs you’ve managed to do that is when great performers cover your songs.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
May 9, 2022 10:19 am

Roger Franklin nails it, and I’ll soon be taking his advice in the last paragraph.

The Ever-Narrowing Church of Victorian Liberalism
8th May 2022

Roger Franklin
Editor, Quadrant Online

Well that makes it official: Victoria’s conservatives no longer have any mainstream party at the state level in which to invest their votes and confidence. The confirmation came on Friday morning (April 6) from the angry lips of Opposition Leader Matthew Guy, who launched into a spittle-flecked rant — there is no other word for it — about what he evidently regards as an odious and thoroughly unpleasant member of the upper house, fellow Liberal Bernie Finn (above).

No, none of that, for there is only one explanation: in order to vote the Opposition onto the government benches there first of all needs to be an Opposition built upon principles more enduring than a whining passivity. That leaves only one alternative to Andrews & Co., a solution already embraced by tens of thousands of Victorians and reflected in the state’s shrinking population: hit the Hume Highway heading north, cross the Murray and quit this shambles of a state for good. If only Matthew Guy would make the same trip.

May 9, 2022 10:28 am

I put in the last crop, before I retired, using an onboard computer, and satnav, on ground my grandfather originally tilled with horses…

Don’t fret, they’ll have us back to horses soon…..

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
May 9, 2022 10:29 am

132andBush says:
May 9, 2022 at 10:08 am
How are things going for you, Gez?

Carting wheat on contract at the moment and hoping I don’t get a call from the seeding operation. You know what that means.
Very slow start due to lots of little things and not rushing so we take advantage of a weed germination for a complete kill. That’s my excuse anyway.
Broke a drive shaft on the seeder clutch. We replaced the drive chain but it wasn’t exactly the same as the original and snap it went.
Beans and vetch in and now onto canola. I’m delaying hay oats so we don’t get rank growth and blow the budget on fungicides. Can’t get inoculants around here and most are happy to avoid the extra gunk on the seed.

May 9, 2022 10:32 am

Thank you Mak.
The take away for me is that politicians know exactly what they are doing when they auction off ‘yum cha specials’.

May 9, 2022 10:34 am

Made the mistake of looking at the David Rowe cartoon this morning.

It strikes me that his drawing style may reflect that which is of the left in Canberra. Degenerate, sloppy, and blinkered with stale ideas.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
May 9, 2022 10:36 am

Read it if you dare but this critique applies to all states and federally.

An extract.

But back to this past Friday night. Aus- tralia’s best legal organisation, the Samuel Griffith Society, which is committed to feder- alism and to honest, non-activist judging and which I urge all you readers to think about joining, was having its yearly conference in Sydney and our first night speaker was none other than Mark Latham. His speech was a tour de force, aimed squarely at the NSW Liberal party. Listeners didn’t know whether to laugh or cry as Mr Latham went through chapter and verse of the failings of the NSW Libs – and to be abundantly clear I mean the failings solely in terms of having caved in to wokeness, identity politics and the new reli- gion of ‘diversity’ (which is just new clothes for the old affirmative action and quotas religion). Any conservative who listened to Latham would never again say that New South Wales has the best state government in the country. Heck, I suspect many would find it tough ever to vote for these virtue-signal- ling Libs In Name Only whatever the alter- natives on offer.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 9, 2022 10:38 am

Don’t fret, they’ll have us back to horses soon…..

I was actually told that, by one rabid Greenie …”Farmers will just have to go back to using horses…..”

May 9, 2022 10:40 am

I saw that about used car prices.
People were chasing a second car to avoid using public transport because germs, and paying insane prices.
My son watches a lot of YouTuber car enthusiasts and they were all remarking/complaining about insane price surges.
Now demand is petering and prices are falling.
Song and dance time.

May 9, 2022 10:40 am

REVEALED: Elon Musk plans to FIRE 1,000 Twitter staff,
You know what would be great?
Elon telling every Twitter staff member to write a brief 100 word statement.
The subject:-
“How my job contributes directly to Twitter revenue growth, cost control and profit growth.”

It would be simpler and more effective to remove the 1000 by starting at the top of the organisation chart and working the way down.

May 9, 2022 10:43 am

I was actually told that, by one rabid Greenie …”Farmers will just have to go back to using horses…..”

And you’ll have to go back to thin gruel twice a day.
If you’re lucky.

May 9, 2022 10:45 am

It’s no better over the border.
Vote minor parties and try and keep the b***ards honest.

May 9, 2022 10:47 am

Lewis Hamilton has called on Formula 1’s governing body the FIA to back down in its strict approach to drivers wearing jewellery in their cars.

Race director Niels Wittich reiterated before the inaugural Miami Grand Prix it is prohibited to wear body piercings or neck chains in competition.

Hamilton described the new focus on the issue as “almost a step backwards”.

“It seems unnecessary to get into this. I am here to be an ally of the sport – we have bigger fish to fry,” he said.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 9, 2022 10:52 am

Zyco at 10:40.
My proposed homework project for Twatter “workers” was two-fold.
Firstly to sort out those for the first wave of the cull.
But secondly to re-set the organisation “culture”. That is, reminding them they work for a social media organisation. With subscribers/users, advertisers and shareholders.

Oh come on
Oh come on
May 9, 2022 10:54 am

The anti-Russian bigotry campaign continues relentlessly and on many fronts over at the ABC. In both its news website homepage and on its news app, the headline for this article is “Russians to be deported from Bali for 0bscene Instagram content”, but when you click through to the article itself,”Russians” is replaced with “Foreigners in Bali” in the headline. Nevertheless, the focus is on a pair of kooky new age-y Russian Instagram influencers who posted photos of nude yoga poses in a ‘culturally significant’ tree. Or some shit.

Seriously? Does anyone believe this would be being reported if these people were Swedes? Or Australians, for that matter.

Generally speaking, I’d say Australian news outlets are on pretty thin ice if they’re scolding foreign tourists for obscene behaviour whilst holidaying in Bali. It would seem that maintaining the rage against Russia demands the jettisoning of any sense of self-perspective.

May 9, 2022 10:58 am

I am looking forward to Piers Morgan’s movie review of 2000 Mules.

May 9, 2022 10:59 am

May 9, 2022 at 10:47 am
Lewis Hamilton has called on Formula 1’s governing body the FIA to back down in its strict approach to drivers wearing jewellery in their cars.

Race director Niels Wittich reiterated before the inaugural Miami Grand Prix it is prohibited to wear body piercings or neck chains in competition.

As Jenson Button said during discussions Miami F1 Friday (he supports ban), the F1 concern is if MRI is needed after crash

Do you have to take piercings out for MRI scan?

Do you have to take piercings out for MRI scan? Lucille January 23, 2022 Body Piercing
Studies have shown that removing piercing jewelry is generally not necessary for X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and many other procedures, unless the piercing is directly in the area of examination or treatment.

People who have body piercings are asked if they can be removed. If they cannot, the clinic may decide to go through with the scan, but will offer an important caveat. … Some MRI clinics get patients with tattoos to cover them with ice packs during the procedure.

Also, do you have to take out nose piercings for MRI? Piercings/Jewelry: Many people are concerned about removing piercings or jewelry before their exam. The clinic will most likely ask you to have all metal removed before your arrival. And this is the safest and most convenient action.

May 9, 2022 11:03 am

White House Won’t Condemn Supreme Doxxing

By Susan Crabtree – RCP Staff

May 9, 2022 11:04 am

Check the video

I’m killing the babies!’ Swimsuit-wearing pro-choice protester called Crackhead Barney screams and dangles doll as she and others target NYC Catholic Churches…

‘God killed his son, why can’t I?’ Crackhead Barney yelled, dangling a baby doll

Oh come on
Oh come on
May 9, 2022 11:05 am

HoR vote: Green last. Teal second last. Lib after that, ALP after that, whoever else above this odious bunch. Prolly LDP first.

Senate: will vote above the line for the first time ever, so I don’t give anything to the majors or the Greens. LDP first, PHON second, UAP third, whatever other small parties I like until I’ve used up my six or four or whatever the hell number of preferences I must award.

May 9, 2022 11:12 am

The clinic will most likely ask you to have all metal removed before your arrival. And this is the safest and most convenient action.

Very difficult for me to remove all the metal in my body. None of it can be seen, just the scars. Usually have a good discussion with screening staff at airports.

Oh come on
Oh come on
May 9, 2022 11:16 am

Am preferencing ALP above LNP in HoR because the ALP candidate has zero chance of winning – in 2PP it’s LNP incumbent vs Teal, so my vote will end up in the LNP column.

This election I’d preference the ALP above LNP, regardless of electorate. Australia will have an ALP government sooner or later, and I reckon an Albo-led ALP government will be about as good as could be expected for the foreseeable future.

May 9, 2022 11:19 am

Carting wheat on contract at the moment and hoping I don’t get a call from the seeding operation. You know what that means.


Friday night we had a magneto fail on one of the grouper engines, a 10hp B&S.
We have two Heaslip groupers on a skel trailer, one for seed, one for fert. The seed one failed with a batch of freshly inoculated lupins on board.
Farmers will know what that means.

Had to change the engine over from the fert grouper after filling airseeder.

Did someone say there’s an election coming up?

May 9, 2022 11:20 am

Therapeutic Albanese is the Prince Harry of Australian politics, constantly whining about his ‘difficult’ childhood

Multi-millionaire property tycoon.

Pity what haven’t you Albo.

Thank you Coochin Kid for the inspiration!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 9, 2022 11:26 am

Accidentally reported Rosie at 10:45.
Ignore please Dover.

May 9, 2022 11:39 am


POTATUS Speaks, A Nation Groans

A shot and a chaser from a drowning man.

It’s hard to single out just one thing which came out of the Biden administration this past week which best illustrates how transformationally awful it is.

We’ll have to settle on two of them, which together made up a one-two punch to the gut of American morale.

First was his hyperbolic bromide against MAGA/revivalist conservatism. The president, showing off his status as a thoroughgoing nincompoop, thought it would be a good idea to verbally assault some 75 million Americans by predicting that since “this MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history,” that red-state legislatures will pass laws segregating gay and “trans” kids from their classmates in schools.

No, Joe. Maybe just the bathrooms, though — there seem to be fewer rapes that way.

That was the shot. The chaser was a day later, when after several Supreme Court justices were set upon by angry mobs protesting at their residences and a speaking engagement scheduled for Associate Justice Samuel Alito, the author of the draft majority opinion in the Dobbs case, had to be canceled due to violent threats, the administration refused to condemn the behavior of the pro-abortion extremists.

Let’s remember something. Joe Biden isn’t the leader of the country. Joe Biden is more like a talking potato. That’s why I’m calling him POTATUS now. Joe Biden is Ron Burgundy. He says whatever is on his cheat-sheet flash cards or his teleprompter.

He isn’t capable of reasoned, intelligent speech. At his best he was one of the dumbest, shallowest members of the U.S. Senate; Biden said what he was told to say by the people who paid him and by his political advisors. He never had much in the way of independent thought, which is why he was constantly caught plagiarizing others’ speeches when he wasn’t engaging in whiplash-inducing reversals of his positions. Joe Biden has always been a dim bulb, and that was before his cognition went into sleep mode.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 9, 2022 11:42 am

Joe Biden is Ron Burgundy. 

Harsh, but fair.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 9, 2022 11:42 am

Flip flop flip flop…

Federal election 2022: Cracks continue to appear in ALP over live exports
Headshot of Peter Law
Peter Law
The West Australian
Mon, 9 May 2022 2:00AM
Peter Law

The rift inside Labor over a plan to ban live sheep export is growing, with Rita Saffioti the latest State minister to speak out against a policy that farmers claim “panders to the Greens”.

Ms Saffioti on Sunday echoed Mark McGowan’s stance that changes to protect animal welfare, including a mortarium in the northern hemisphere summer, meant there was no need to end the trade.

“I’m very much aligned with what the Premier has been saying in relation to understanding that there’s changing views, but also there’s already been significant changes and will continue to be changes to protect animal welfare on those ships,” she said.

The Ports and Transport Minister said the McGowan Government had worked “very well” with industry and denied mixed messaging from State and Federal Labor MPs had created confusion.

“I think everyone’s quite clear that the industry would continue. What’s been highlighted is there’ll be a transitioning out sometime in the future. But, you know, in the future a lot of things can change,” she added.

Her remarks were at odds with federal colleague Patrick Gorman, who just hours earlier doubled-down on Labor’s commitment to “phase out” live sheep export.

“We’ve said that we’re not going to have a definitive date for the phase out of that industry,” Mr Gorman, the Perth MP, said. “It’s in our national platform. That’s the path that we see is best in Australia’s long term national interest.”

WA Agriculture Minister Alannah MacTiernan infuriated farmers last week when she said they were “flogging a dead horse” and should accept the trade would one day be banned.

WAFarmers president John Hassell said the comment was “an absolute disgrace” and the veteran Labor politician should “tidy up her act or move on”.

“Labor are pandering to their Green mates, which I think is selling their souls. There’s lots of people who are in that industry who are traditional Labor voters,” the Pingelly woolgrower said.

May 9, 2022 11:45 am

When Biden’s own people don’t trust him to speak, we have no real president

There is nothing more symbolic of American political power than a president of the United States holding court in the Oval Office.

And now we know why. According to new reporting, the reason we don’t see Joe in the Oval very often is that his team can’t install a teleprompter to keep the gaffer-in-chief on script.

So yeah, that’s where we are regarding the leader of the free world.

We have a president today who is incapable of this most basic element of his job. And whatever unelected group of White House flunkies there are — who are actually the president — can’t trust him to even open his mouth unless he can stare at a teleprompter and mouth their insights like the weatherman.

Things have gotten so obvious and awkward of late that even when Biden does have his trusty large print screen scrolling his supposed ideas he can’t even push them out. His struggle with the word “kleptocracy” in recent remarks was just sad. And fine, he grew up with a stutter, but he’s been in the public spotlight since “The Godfather” was in movie theaters.

The darkest and most troubling possibility here, but one we must face, is that we functionally have no actual President of the United States. If he can’t appear in public, in his own office, for want of a digital cheat sheet, then of course he has little if anything to do with the actual running of the country. And he’s not even a good false figurehead — using the teleprompter he often looks and sounds like he’s reading the bottom line of the eye exam.

Let’s face it. Even for an administration that thinks it’s a TV show, the construction of a White House set where Biden can wax incoherently was bizarre. But now we know this sound studio was set up to protect Biden, as much as possible, from his own words and actions. Maybe soon the president will only do live events in virtual reality where his handlers can correct his errors in deep fake real-time. Why not have the president be a programmed hologram? Is that so different from the current reality?

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 9, 2022 11:49 am

‘Method based on heart’: Dennis Waterman dies aged 74

By the age of 16 Dennis Waterman could boast a CV that included Shakespeare at Stratford-upon-Avon, The Music Man in the West End, Richmal Crompton’s William on television and a sitcom in Hollywood. Yet unlike many child actors he went on to an even more successful adult career.

For 15 years in the 1970s and 1980s he had star billing in The Sweeney and Minder, two of the most successful television series of the time. In both he played essentially the same character, the rough-hewn, streetwise but likeable Londoner, and it was a persona from which he rarely escaped.

In The Sweeney, a drama based on the Metropolitan Police Flying Squad, his tough-nut DS George Carter was teamed with John Thaw’s DI Jack Regan, both attired in modish flared trousers and kipper ties. It was one of the first police shows in which the cops behaved as badly as the villains and, with its staple diet of car chases, fisticuffs and gunfights, set new levels of violence on television, albeit mitigated by a vein of dark humour to which Waterman strongly contributed.

Almost as soon as The Sweeney had finished he signed up for Minder. “They said, ‘It’s set in west London,’ and I thought, ‘Hmm, should I do this, or should I actually be thinking of veering away from the Sweeney image?’ And then I read it and thought, ‘Sod the image! This is going to be massive, it’s so funny and so good’.”

As Terry McCann, former prisoner 147639 who becomes bodyguard to Arthur Daley, a used-car salesman, he was nominally the lead character. However, he was soon eclipsed by George Cole, who made Daley a by-word for dodgy dealing. Yet, stooge or not, Waterman’s role was invaluable. He also sang the Minder theme, I Could be so Good For You, taking it to No 3 in the charts in October 1980.

Despite a lifetime on the screen and stage, Waterman was modest about his career longevity, shrugging it off as nothing more than luck. “I’ve been unbelievably lucky that I keep falling into really good work. I’ve never thought, ‘I must play Hamlet before I’m 70,” he said in 2009, with a guffaw. “And now I’m not really thinking of Lear.”

Dennis Waterman was born into a working-class family in Clapham, south London, in 1948, the youngest of nine children of Rose (nee Saunders) and her husband Harry, an upholsterer, railway ticket collector and amateur boxer who encouraged his sons in the art of pugilism. His siblings were Allen, who died at a young age, Joy, Ken, Myrna, Norma, Peter, who boxed at the 1952 Helsinki Olympics, Stella and Vera.

They grew up on a Putney council estate and Dennis was encouraged by his thespian sisters to tread the boards. “We were all dragged into Joy’s amateur theatricals,” he said. “I made my debut at Brixton town hall when I was nine, wrestling with a snake as Moth in Love’s Labour’s Lost.”

After Waterman failed the 11-plus, Norma paid for him to join the Corona Stage School, where his contemporaries included Francesca Annis and Susan George. “It was thought best to have a posh accent at the Corona,” he said. “South London was out. Streatham and Stockwell became St Reatham and St Ockwell. Very genteel.” Within months he was centre forward in the school’s football team.

His professional career started in the film Night Train for Inverness (1960). As Ted he was kidnapped by his father, who has just been released from jail but is unaware that his son is diabetic and needs regular insulin injections. That same year he made his Shakespeare debut in The Taming of the Shrew and at 14 he flew to Hollywood to play Neville Finch in the comedy series Fair Exchange about two families, one American the other British, who swap teenage daughters for a year. He was earning pounds 340 a week, while his father was still making pounds 8 a week clipping tickets.

While still in his teens he was at the Royal Court Theatre, appearing in a season of plays by new writers, the most notorious of which was Edward Bond’s Saved, in which Waterman was one of a group of youths who stone a baby to death. His first starring role was in Up the Junction (1968), Nell Dunn’s study of working-class life in Battersea, which took him back to his roots. The premiere was at the Granada in Clapham Junction, which was packed, he recalled, with the local lads: “At that point in the film where I said, in huge close-up, to Suzy Kendall, ‘Do me a favour, seduce me,’ the cinema erupted with catcalls and laughter. That brought me back to earth.”

Waterman’s personal life was rarely out of the public gaze and the tabloid press seized gleefully on the heavy drinking of “Dennis the menace”. It led to two driving bans and a string of well-documented affairs. Cheerfully conceding that he found it difficult to be either faithful or abstemious, Waterman did little to contradict a reputation for a laddish lifestyle centred on booze, women and football. His marriages to the actresses Penny Dixon (in 1967), Patricia Maynard (1977) and Rula Lenska (1987), whom he met on the set of Minder, were dissolved. The break-up with Lenska led to public recriminations and he was later criticised for trivialising domestic violence when he described how he hit her but insisted that she was not “a beaten wife”.

He is survived by his fourth wife, Pam Flint, whom he married in 2011, and by his daughters, both from his second marriage: Hannah, who played the nanny Laura Dunn in EastEnders, and Julia, who leads a private life. He once told how he had been convinced that Hannah would be a boy. “I got all this blue-and-white Chelsea stuff for the baby’s room,” he told The Sunday Times, referring to the team he supported passionately. “I mean, being a sports freak and a drinker, it was only logical that I’d have a son. You take your son to football, then the pub. But the baby was a f***ing girl.” Those feelings did not last.

In 1972 Waterman joined Denholm Elliott, Billie Whitelaw and others in The Sextet, a BBC initiative to create a TV repertory company with the same six actors appearing in a season of plays. Then came The Sweeney, for which he was chosen after appearing in Special Branch.

During a break from Minder he starred in, and part-financed, The World Cup: a Captain’s Tale (1982), an engaging fact-based television film about an amateur football team from the Durham coalfields that won an early (1910) version of the World Cup by beating Juventus in Italy.

Meanwhile, in the Dennis Waterman XI charity football team he was known as the centre-forward Terry McCann, after his character in Minder. Their matches always ended in the local hostelry, with Waterman/McCann picking up the tab. “As soon as I’m in company with a drink in my hand, I’m the life and soul of the party,” he explained. “I do enjoy and need that.”

By the end of the 1980s he had gone into film production, setting up East End Films with two colleagues. He sank much of his own money into its inaugural project, Cold Justice (1991), in which he played a boxer-turned-priest and co-starred with Roger Daltrey, but the film was a commercial disaster and its failure left him with large debts.

After leaving Minder he played another of his cheery duckers and divers in the ITV comedy drama Stay Lucky and starred in the BBC sitcom On the Up as a self-made cockney millionaire at odds with his socially superior wife. When they ended, he tried for a grittier image in Circles of Deceit, playing an SAS man who goes undercover for the intelligence services.

During the 1990s Waterman was increasingly seen in the theatre. He played the legendary Soho drunk in Keith Waterhouse’s Jeffrey Bernard is Unwell in Australia and on a British tour, appeared in a West End revival of the 1960s musical A Slice of Saturday Night, and toured in another Waterhouse play, Bing Bong. When appearing in My Fair Lady at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, he built a bar in the corner of his dressing room. “Everyone would pile in after the show,” a friend said.

Although Waterman was lampooned on the sketch show Little Britain as an actor who keeps losing contracts because he insists on singing the theme song for his shows, he did just that again on his next long-running television show, New Tricks, in which he played the old-school Cockney detective Gerry Standing. It ran for 12 series from 2003 to 2014 featuring the Unsolved Crime and Open Case Squad, a fictional division within the Met responsible for re-examining unsolved crimes.

Looking back on his characters in Sweeney and The Minder, Waterman said that he could have done either of them in his sleep because neither required him to stray much outside a version of himself. “I’m about as far removed from an intellectual actor as you can get,” he said. “My method is mostly based on heart and bollocks.”

(Dennis Waterman, actor, was born on February 24, 1948. He died on May 8, 2022, aged 74)

The Times

May 9, 2022 12:11 pm
May 9, 2022 12:11 pm
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 9, 2022 12:12 pm

During the 1990s Waterman was increasingly seen in the theatre. He played the legendary Soho drunk in Keith Waterhouse’s Jeffrey Bernard is Unwell in Australia and on a British tour, appeared in a West End revival of the 1960s musical A Slice of Saturday Night, and toured in another Waterhouse play, Bing Bong. 

Bing Bong?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 9, 2022 12:13 pm

He played the legendary Soho drunk in Keith Waterhouse’s Jeffrey Bernard is Unwell in Australia

That was a brilliant performance!!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 9, 2022 12:17 pm

Israel ‘will assassinate Hamas leaders if terror attacks continue’
Anshel Pfeffer, Jerusalem
Sunday May 08 2022, 6.00pm BST, The Times

Israel has informed its allies that it is preparing to send assassination teams to kill Hamas leaders abroad in retaliation for deadly attacks on Israeli civilians in the past two months, sources have told The Times.

Hamas is believed to have been warned of the impending hits by intelligence agencies in the Middle East and Europe.

At least 19 Israelis have died in random attacks by Palestinians since mid-March. Three people died and seven were injured in the most recent incident, on Thursday, when two men leapt from a car and started swinging axes at passersby in the predominantly ultra-Orthodox town of Elad. A manhunt ended yesterday with the arrest of two Palestinians hiding in a forest.

There was more violence yesterday. Israeli soldiers shot dead a Palestinian near the barrier with the West Bank and another, armed with a knife, was killed after infiltrating a Jewish settlement inside the occupied territories. A policeman was stabbed in Jerusalem.

Only one of the attacks, the shooting of a security guard at a West Bank settlement on April 29, has been directly linked to Hamas, designated as a terrorist group by the UK, the US and the European Union. However, Israel blames Hamas for inciting Palestinians who have acted “on their own initiative”, as well as for several other attacks which have been foiled.

Intelligence sources said Israel was seeking to send a “clear message” after a year in which it has observed a ceasefire, brokered by Egypt, which ended the latest round of warfare in Gaza in May 2021. After the new surge of attacks on civilians, the government is preparing to “up the ante”.

Naftali Bennett, the prime minister, said yesterday that Israel was entering a “new stage in the war on terror”, adding that it was establishing a civilian national guard that would be deployed in emergency situations. “The government’s main goal is to restore personal security to Israeli citizens,” he said.

May 9, 2022 12:18 pm

In both he played essentially the same character, the rough-hewn, streetwise but likeable Londoner, and it was a persona from which he rarely escaped.

An actor who wasn’t bothered about being typecast and made the most of it, much to the enjoyment of his fans.

A breath of fresh air given the pretentious nature of the acting profession these days.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 9, 2022 12:20 pm

There is a Netflix show called “7 Days Out”, a series of fly on the wall documentaries about the lead up to various big events.
There is one on the Kentucky Derby.
From memory the year they covered was the wettest on record and the dirt track turned to slop.

May 9, 2022 12:26 pm

Adrian Vermeule
Is this … democracy in action?

More like an incipient insurrection in action.

May 9, 2022 12:46 pm

Well, I went and voted. More or less ended up following the LDP HTV. Gave the Liberal and Labor HTV people a serve about both being corrupt useless leaches when they tried to hand me something. They were busy chatting like best mates when I rocked up. Looked like they were the types just entering the party machine to get into politics.

The UAP people seemed like average working Aussies, pretty much settled for saying Clive is a flog but at least he’s done something outside politics. They tried to emphasize their candidate wasn’t a politician.

The greens clown, strolled over when I was talking to the UAP people and tried to tell me they’re the party that’s not corrupt. Bloody fat disgustingly thing had tits bigger than most women. Had that typical socialist uni student attitude. Lisped “ohh, hostile” and ran away when I gave it a serve about their party would see us back living in caves.

God I hope we’re not doing this again in a couple of months.

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 9, 2022 12:51 pm

The Chris Dawson trial has begun in Sydney.

Judge only. His Nibs refused to impose a media blackout. Prosecution has started by listing various reasons why it looks like Dawson murdered his wife.

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 9, 2022 12:58 pm

He’s baaaaaack!

The man whose treatment in a notorious youth detention centre triggered a royal commission has faced court over an alleged act of domestic violence.

Dylan Voller is alleged to have assaulted his girlfriend Colleen Cook on April 24 between 4pm and 4.15pm, court documents state.

The 25-year-old was charged with one count of DV-related common assault on April 27 and has entered no plea.

On Wednesday he appeared in Sydney’s Downing Centre Local Court where his legal representative asked magistrate Susan McIntyre to urgently vary the conditions of an apprehended violence order (AVO) put in place to protect Ms Cook.

After Ms McIntyre indicated the conditions would not be varied, Mr Voller rose from his seat in the public gallery and demanded to address the court.

“He’s sacked from this case,” Mr Voller yelled in reference to his legal representative who advised Mr Voller that he could not address the court. “If I can’t speak for myself and be given my right, what’s the point of staying in the court?”

The court was told that Mr Voller’s health was deteriorating, and after police moved towards him to respond to the behaviour, he lashed out at officers.

“Don’t intimidate me, don’t scare me, get the f**k away from me,” Mr Voller said.

After Mr Voller left the court briefly and returned, Ms McIntyre told him to watch his behaviour.

“Don’t come back in here aggressively like that, you’ll be removed,” she said.

The case was adjourned to May 18 when a plea is due to be entered.

Mr Voller came to public attention in 2016 after the ABC’s Four Corners program highlighted the horrific abuse and torture children at the Northern Territory’s Youth Detention Centre endured.

The image of Mr Voller in a spit hood, restrained in a mechanical chair, sparked widespread outrage and led to a royal commission.

Children who were mistreated in facilities such as Don Dale won a $35m payout last year after the NT government reached a landmark settlement agreement.

The class action covered an estimated 1200 young people who were mistreated between 2006 and 2017.

May 9, 2022 12:59 pm

The gall of Musk wanting to turn a profit on his 43 billion dollar investment.

May 9, 2022 1:02 pm

I stayed in Louisville once.
Very miffed I couldn’t get a mint julep at the bar.
Only during racing season said the barman.

Oh come on
Oh come on
May 9, 2022 1:04 pm

I wonder how much Voller banked personally from Don Dale? Must have been a few million. I wonder if he’ll have spent it all before he winds up dead.

Oh come on
Oh come on
May 9, 2022 1:05 pm

I’m kind of surprised he’s lasted this long, to be honest.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x