And box sets of the Peter Fitzsimmons collection
And box sets of the Peter Fitzsimmons collection
China would have a little poo if Iran became openly nuclear under its watch. It could expect that Japan and…
Any wonder why all four US Presidents that have been assassinated have been Republican? JFK
Play the long game as the Chinese do. It works.
Good entertainment, but not the more soberly assessed and meticulously researched “Authorised Wartime History” by Ben Macintyre – which I…
Where’s the 556? I don’t mean CRC.
I certainly am.
There are millions of fuckwits, and they need to be challenged and called out.
They’ve fucked the place.
There also millions of good people, even here in Australia.
You show us everyday which camp you belong in.
Flying Duk:
Remember the Winter War was fought on a much narrower front.
Now Russia has a much broader base to launch operations from and Finland hasn’t grown enough to to cover their extra lines.
Suomassalmi and the sausage slicing tactics on logging roads were excellent, but Russia now has moved the border away from Leningrad and the Finns have lost the Mannerheim Line advantage.
There are some excellent photos in the Wiki Link.
Just received an email, signed by John Howard, trying to drum up last minute support for the Libs. This is what I wrote in reply:
I’ll take that as a yes, then.
I’m so proud of my Daughter. Recently she had lunch with a lady she used to work with. Lady was lowly office staff nobody paid attention to except to blame when things went wrong. Low self esteem. Daughter doing a project asked her to help and what she thought about the project. Turns out the woman has a creative bent that she never knew she had. A year later woman gets paid double and is in demand. You’ve changed my life and I can never repay you, she said. Just seeing you happy is enough, Daughter replied.
Thank God for the scroll function. A lot of mental vomit here atm.
Sounds like you’re the man with the plan then.
Run as an independent. That way nobody cares what you put on social media.
If not, why not?
I called the SFL head office when they dumped Abbott (even though I knew he was useless) to tell them I will never vote for them again. They stand for nothing.
No, more like being called a shallow cock smoker fuckwit who needs to get a clot and die.
Pro tip: Volume does not equal substance.
But failed to say boo when others were copping shit for getting vaxxed for equally pressing reasons.
In fact, joined the St Ruth pile-ons more than once.
Miltonf says:
May 12, 2022 at 1:22 pm
Thank God for the scroll function. A lot of mental vomit here atm.
What, just ATM, not forever?
The return of the turd
A good watch:
40 minutes of Fr Frank on Pell case followed by 40 minutes of questions from audience. Was filmed in Melbourne* on Monday night.
(*Brennan refers to Victoria as not being a democracy and the most corrupt State in Australia)
I’ll take that as a yes, then.
Whatever you say Ed Montgomery.
hello anybody home?!?!? the market sets the equilibrium, if someone could work it out the socialists would be all over it like flies to shit
Cambridge music students are being instructed to “decolonise the ear” and consider the classical canon as “an imperial phenomenon”.
The works of composers such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Giuseppe Verdi are being taught in relation to topics including European imperialism and Orientalism, as the music faculty pursues work on “curricular decolonisation”.
Undergraduates studying for the course, titled Decolonising the Ear, are taught to consider listening to sound in a “postcolonial” way, while a “music, power, empire” module explores how the classical repertoire is a middle-class and imperial phenomenon.
May 12, 2022 at 1:01 pm
Show me an economist who knows exactly what the wage equilibrium is in Australia right now, Tim N. You might as well show me a bunyip while you’re at it.
Poor old m0nty. I actually spelled out exactly how you identify whether award wages are above or below equilibrium. Facts, not theorising, which of course is why poor old m0nty simply couldn’t get it.
It’s a stupid point you raise, based on an unknowable variable with little to no political relevance. You can’t just say the sacred market did it thus we must bow to their infinite wisdom, especially when the inequalities are as stark as they are now. That way lies guillotines.
Poor old m0nty. Who cares whether it has “political” relevance? If you prefer a command economy to free market economy, North Korea awaits.
Someone upthread said that CEO pay had been flat for a few years, so last year’s 24% rise was just a catch up. Sure, why not, I’ll accept that. Accordingly, low-paid workers deserve a similar catch up on their flatlining wages. Fair’s fair.
Poor old m0nty. What makes you think that award wages haven’t been above equilibrium in many industries for a long time, so that now equilibrium is merely being restored?
No doubt Fr Brennan is right.
Andre McKenzie’s 2019 conviction for attempted child r@p3 and communication with a minor for immoral purposes fell apart because of two words: “gorilla pimp.”
The sex-trafficking term, invoked by Pierce County deputy prosecutor John Neeb during McKenzie’s trial, recently prompted a trio of state appeals court judges to reverse his conviction and six-year prison sentence.
I’m guessing that with so many unskilled jobs currently being advertised employers only offering the ‘award’ will be waiting a while to fill vacancies.
Atheism Is Inconsistent with the Scientific Method, Prizewinning Physicist Says
An aggressive effort in St. Louis is trying to lure Afghan refugees like Niazai. About 600 have arrived so far and another 750 are expected later this year.
Civic leaders are hopeful that over the next few years, thousands more will decide to relocate to the Midwestern city, helping to offset seven decades of population loss and rejuvenate urban neighborhoods — just as the arrival of Bosnian refugees did three decades ago
It’s worse than that actually Sancho
Empty claimed someone else, a EV driver, in fact, ‘rationalised’ him in to getting vaccinated.
Not the only pathetic ‘someone else made me do it’ excuse I’ve seen trotted out here , but certainly up there for abrogation of personal responsibility.
Obviously realising he’s wrong and that he was judgementally screeching in the first place, KD doubles down and has a teary.
It is a computer rendering. The site cgi_living specialises in it, see the about page.
Fr Brennan, a Leftist who makes Monty look like a RWNJ, calling Victoria the “most corrupt State in Australia” says a lot.
I’m also sick of the moral high ground been taken by people whose, almost without exception, apparent main reason for not getting vaccinated is
‘Experimental gene therapy might kill me’.
I know only one person who simply refused to because he wasn’t going to do what the government told him, and he doesn’t post here.
Do they?
Good to know.
Hard for them to claim lack of medical disclosure when they are an elf insurer providing the travel insurance if I have been with them for twenty years.
Who feels like getting the jab will have helped them in a year from now?
(if you’re still alive?)
Yes you would have lost some material wealth, if you had stood against tyranny, but you didn’t and now, because you submitted you’re going to lose it all.
And your life and the life of the loved ones you didn’t stop getting the jab.
Meanwhile, so hysterical with fear and driven insane, you couldn’t even work out that the yearly flu had disappeared for the first time in history.
Talk about easily taken in, gullible chumps.
Smart move, sheeple.
To give Fr Brennan credit Lysander, he is capable of objectively viewing facts.
An unusual trait in progressives.
Not the camps again!
Cough cough… ahem.
“you’re going to lose it all.
And your life and the life of the loved ones you didn’t stop getting the jab.”
Talking to the mirror, apparently.
The perfect beginning for a maiden Parliamentary speech, as an independent.
fair call Rosie…. (although I’m not always sure theologically….)
An unusually belated thanks to Tom for the cartoons.
I think Mark Knight’s got it wrong. Why would Sir Robert Menzies support someone like Frydenberg?
Menzies once described Billy McMahon as a “contemptible little squirt”. One wonders what he’d say about the current Parliamentary Liberal Party.
We don’t know, you freaking moron because wage rates at lower levels are determined by a goberment board. We do know they’re the highest in the world. Whereas, wages for CEOs are market determined, you fat donut munching idiot.
Well good for you Frank.
It’s the only anti vax stance I admire.
Menzies held Kooyong?
Well he is a Jesuit Lysander.
You need to get out more, and not hang around so much with your green tick Nazi mates.
Both reasons are not mutually incompatible.
It also came with a tick…….and your dishonesty knows no bounds, because before you got your booster to travel, you knew the tick was in force.
You also had people here telling you it there would be a jab that will come with a passport before the jab came out.
You, a completely fucked up Nazi mutt, had what many millions didn’t.
Insight from right wingers as to what was happening, but you ran around for a year screaming “Nanna killers” and having tearies over bullshit propaganda from Italy and New York, and London.
You were so totally lost, in the face of overwhelming evidence being presented to you, that you couldn’t blame people for thinking you must be getting paid.
You are a sickening low life hypocrite.
Then you quickly got your booster to get your green tick and gave the finger to the millions here holding the line, and fucked off.
And then gave us all a running commentary.
If you were a bloke, somebody would have sat you on your arse by now.
Thanks for reminding me how delightful the icing on the travel cake was, and continues to be.
Fabulous trip, fabulous weather.
Psaki Passes Swamp Megaphone to Admitted Diversity Hire, Immigrant Lesbian Person of Color
“Your most impressive feature – the singular reason we handpicked you — is on account of your skin color”
WA State Budget comes out at 2pm today…
I’m expecting net debt to top $40Bn (highest its ever been). And all the media will pick up on is FY surplus…FFS…
Fr Brennan, a Leftist who makes Monty look like a RWNJ, calling Victoria the “most corrupt State in Australia” says a lot.
The family has form in this area.
Another Frank Brennan helped bring down the MacCormack Labor Government in 1929.
Which wasn’t a bad Government though heavy handed.
Basically, Andrews has a lot in common with the Forgan Smith Government, another fairly brutal Right Wing Labor State regime which introduced an Amendment to the Transport Act [1938] making gatherings of 3 or more people illegal and outlawed the Ave salute, among other things.
well, no they don’t.
You know why, but you’re being your usual obtuse self.
Minimum wages were not lowered during the pandemic. So there’s nothing to ‘catch up’
In fact, when Barnett was Premier and net debt hit $25Bn, McClown demanded he resign.
And when ambulance ramping reached 1,000 hours under Barnett (is now 4,000) he demanded Health Minister resign.
And when police response times blew out under Barnett to 8 minutes (now 15) he demanded Min for Police resign.
By his own standards, he should fire himself and his whole Cabinet…
And again, remember, you’re a female so you’re safe (also why they shouldn’t vote) but that comment right there is what would have done it.
in fact the FWC raised them 2.5% in 2021.
“Everyone was free to make a choice, ask her.”
For lunch you can have ham, lamb, ram or mutton – ham’s off, what’ll you have?
Menzies once described Billy McMahon as a “contemptible little squirt”. One wonders what he’d say about the current Parliamentary Liberal Party.
Any proof for that claim?
You reckon award wages are always at or above equilibrium by definition, and will handwave any and all exorbitant executive pay rises as just “the market”. This is schoolboy economics, laissez-faire garbage.
We moved past such econo-religious zealotry several generations ago. Such extremism is about to be expunged from the polity with a well-deserved bum-kicking by the Australian electorate.
Real wages have flatlined under the LNP. The minimum wage rose 2.5% in 2021 but inflation rose by 3.5%. There is a lot to catch up.
A quick question for the Submariners among us:
Do we have any battleworthy subs?
And are we going to refurbish the Oberon Class subs with nuclear engines and SLAM cruise missiles?
The Fat Man always dismisses as irrelevant the things that bring his entire line of posturing undone.
If he cocked up a shallow turn on the Great Ocean Road and went clean through the Armco barrier, he’d dismiss the rocky base and angry ocean he was plummeting towards, because it spoiled his image of himself as being a very good driver…
Forgan Smith also declared admiration for Mussolini, though he wasn’t alone there.
Churchill was another and Menzies himself may have praised Il Duce.
Just to place Forgan in context though [this is from Wiki],
Billy Hughes always referred to him as “Hogan Smith, an Irishman from Glasgow”.
Getting forced to have it is the only getting the vax stance I admire.
How? There are only 2 museum hulks left- Onslow in Darling Harbour and Ovens at Fremantle. There are bits of sail and upper casing and stern and bow sections from Oxley, Otway and Orion in various memorials around Australia. And Otama is pretty much gone as a museum hulk herself.
These maiden speeches write themselves.
May 12, 2022 at 2:18 pm
You reckon award wages are always at or above equilibrium by definition,
Poor old illiterate shiteating m0nty. I spelled out exactly the circumstances in which one could tell that award wages were below equilibrium, and gave a recent example.
Poor old m0nty. Can’t argue against what’s actually said, so prances around screeching denunciations of things that were never said.
And the Fat Man’s strawman will be replaced by an ongoing 2-tier economy (where mining will be used as the government’s golden goose until there is no neck left to wring), crippled further by Leftist-created supply and demand shocks (Stagflation says hi!), idiot renewable dreams that steal even more of the average worker’s wages to fund the masturbatory fantasies of the left-voting rich (like yourself, Fat Man).
And the uncomfortable prospect of Australia potentially having to do shoot its way out of a regional crisis with China, led by a government that is really more interested in its own domestic power agendas, and with negligible popular support for anything it does as a result.
The TL;DR version is- Bad Times coming, folks…
40 minutes of Fr Frank on Pell case followed by 40 minutes of questions from audience. Was filmed in Melbourne* on Monday night.
(*Brennan refers to Victoria as not being a democracy and the most corrupt State in Australia)
When the PC left has lost Frank Brennan …
Ed Casesays:
May 12, 2022 at 2:17 pm
Any proof for that claim?
My pleasure Ed.
We don’t know, you freaking moron because wage rates at lower levels are determined by a goberment board. We do know they’re the highest in the world. Whereas, wages for CEOs are market determined, you fat donut munching idiot.
You are far too kind to munty.
You mustn’t be a bloke then, Struth.
Because you have repeatedly wailed and raged about how Socialism has kept sitting you on yours…
“Your most impressive feature – the singular reason we handpicked you — is on account of your skin color”
Grotesquely waaaacsssisst comment.
That the Lieborals are still pedalling John Howard tells you all you need to know.
Basically, Andrews has a lot in common with the Forgan Smith Government, another fairly brutal Right Wing Labor State regime
If you think that the DAndrews government is right wing, you have to be a raving communist or fascist.
ROFLMAO. Dickless, who never provides proof for any of his claims, demands proof from someone else.
The Progress of The War In Ukraine
There is an actual war in Ukraine and an information war about what’s happening there, so it can be hard to sort through propaganda from both sides to see what’s actually happening. One thing to keep an eye out for is the military equivalent of a statement against interest. When Russia said its Black Sea flagship, the Mosvka, sunk, that was one such statement against interest. It does them no benefit to acknowledge a defeat like that, so we can assume it’s likely true. Similarly, if a Western analyst says Ukraine may not be doing well militarily, we can assume that analyst is on the level as well, since the West is backing Ukraine in this war.
With that in mind, consider the comments by Colonel Markus Reisner of the Austrian military academy.
Markus Reisner, Austria’s top military strategist: “Ukraine’s situation is much worse than is believed in the West”: “The bitter truth is: Putin can win the war”
He notably says that a “not inconsiderable part” of the weapons delivered to Ukraine are either captured or destroyed by the Russians and that the amount of weapons delivered within a week only last a single day on the battlefield before they’re used up or captured by Russia.
Bertrand links to a German article quoting Reisner, but you can read an English translation of it here. Colonel Reisner also posts weekly briefs on the war on YouTube. They’re in German too, but by clicking on “settings” you can turn on English subtitles. In last week’s video, he analogized the situation in the Donbas region of Ukraine to World War I trench warfare. The Russians are up against fortifications and trench systems that the Ukrainians have established over a period of years, so their progress has been very slow. But Russia has an advantage in artillery and airpower over Ukraine.
So to recap, the Russian army deploys artillery with three times the density of an equivalent American formation, and their weapons have a range advantage. It’s all about firepower. (13/N)
Russia isn’t fighting the American army, and God willing they never will. However, American doctrine is the starting point for western militaries and Ukraine is operating at a similarly huge artillery disadvantage, but without the air superiority that America can count on. (14/N)
That advantage may be lessened by the enormous amount of Western (and in particular, American) aid being sent to Ukraine, but there are two points to bear in mind regarding that. The first is Colonel Reisner’s comment about the amount of Western equipment that gets destroyed or captured by the Russians (so much has gotten captured that Russia has printed Russian instructions for some weapon systems like antitank rockets for its troops). The second is some of what’s going on with these Western aid deliveries is the equivalent of “cleaning out the garage”.
Consider that the U.S. is giving Ukraine 200 M113 armored personnel carriers. These are aluminum alloy-hulled, Vietnam-era vehicles that offer protection against rifle rounds and little else. The U.S. military announced plans several years ago to replace its M113s with the Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle manufactured by BAE Systems; a cynic might wonder if dumping M113s off on Ukraine is a way of expediting that purchase order.
Churchill was another and Menzies himself may have praised Il Duce.
Any proof for these claims?
PS, FDR was quite keen on Musso.
Well, that’s Litchfield in a half day.
Termite mounds that reminded me of the alignments in Brittany, beautiful waterfalls in palm and fern filled gullies, multi-storey waterholes for swimming. It has been fearfully hot, so made it snappy. Very photogenic.
KingsAAT in abundance, everyone at least 65 and looking hot and bothered.
Question – why do pale old pot bellied men in Speedos insist on being in my photos? Please gentlemen, sit down. You aren’t all that. And possibly not even all there.
Now watch the Looney Left go nuts, further alienating the Right, and generally making themselves unelectable.
Worthwhile doing it for that reason alone.
Tomorrow it’s plant shopping. I have a list of tropical nurseries in and around Darwin, but have to make sure what I buy can tolerate down to 8F (possibly higher in the shadehouse).
Looking at orchids, bromeliads, begonias, palms and ixoras, amongst others. I snuck two collapsible crates into the back of the car before we left. Always Be Prepared. 😀
Not much room in the clown car today.
How clever of them to not mention the M113 as built provides protection from artillery shell splinters as well. Which was and remains standard for most APC designs up to today.
The MT-LBs in use by Russia and Ukraine alike are no different.
Infantry Fighting Vehicles like BMPs and Bradleys are a different vehicle type and design again, and require more training to employ.
Systems like M113 and even Bushmaster are useful for speed of conversion training. Same as M777 howitzers and Polish T-72s- They are mechanically broadly similar to the equipment the AFU have been using to date, and thus do not tie up large numbers of troops while they learn the system.
The article is rather cynical.
The Australian Public won’t elect Left Wing Parties, this has been proven many times.
Therefore, Andrews is an extreme Right Winger, evidenced by his handling of the CovidHoax.
God bless Manchin, a moderate Democrat!
Has munty realised that come the revolution in the People’s Glorious Democratic Republic of Danistan, small business people (aka kulaks) will be first to the gulags. A couple of years digging irrigation canals (or mass graves) should do wonders for his physique.
Oh, and the vote to legalise abortion failed 51-49!
Bruce O’Newk:
But but but!
Saddam didn’t have WMD! splutter splutter Despite the fact he HAD WMD and used them against his own people and the Marsh Arabs.
A Chemical is a Germ is a Bomb. That’s NATO doctrine and has been for decades.
Ed Casesays:
May 12, 2022 at 3:01 pm
The Australian Public won’t elect Left Wing Parties, this has been proven many times.
Therefore, Andrews is an extreme Right Winger, evidenced by his handling of the CovidHoax.
Politics is very different on Planet Dickless!
No idea. Probably the same reason that causes them stand in the change rooms naked with arms folded and one leg up on a bench engaged in conversation, at length. Dehumidifying possibly.
I’ve had a message from the sneerers.
You’re a conspiracy theorist.
It’s all over, remember.
scoff, sneer.
This Senator Joe Manchin is an eminently solid US citizen! He’s in the RATS but is a full-on small government, anti-China, anti US wars, pro life conservative!
FBI Whistleblower LEAKS Doc Showing Bureau Targets “News Media” as “Sensitive Investigative Matter”
Project Veritas
“And your life and the life of the loved ones you didn’t stop getting the jab.”
But not in the concentration camp for the filthy unvaxxed, eh? They’re gonna lock you unvaxxed up in a camp and you’ll starve to death cause you can’t get out and no-one to let you out or feed you.
Still, that was your choice, right?
Feeling good about it – watching yourself and your loved ones slowly fade away and die from starvation or dehydration?
Ready for it, are you?
You should be.
You’ve said that’s what the camps are for, haven’t you?
You’ve said all the vaxxed will die or be incapacitated, haven’t you?
Not that I would personally support them doing it, but you know how it is – now matter how much you peacefully protest/disobey, if the mob wants it, they’ll get it. You really think the pollies won’t scape-goat you, and the mob won’t cheer them on?
So, sorry, can’t really help you there, you made your choice, now you have to live (or die) with it.
Heh – just like the vaxxed. Well, fancy that!
Destination depends on the state of the national tallow stocks.
Whose views would be too extreme for the Liberal Party!
Biden wanted $33B more for Ukraine. Congress quickly raised it to $40B. Who benefits?
Glenn Greenwald
From the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, the Biden White House has repeatedly announced large and seemingly random amounts of money that it intends to send to fuel the war in Ukraine. The latest such dispatch, pursuant to an initial $3.5 billion fund authorized by Congress early on, was announced on Friday; “Biden says U.S. will send $1.3 billion in additional military and economic support to Ukraine,” read the CNBC headline. This was preceded by a series of new lavish spending packages for the war, unveiled every two to three weeks, starting on the third day of the war:
. Feb. 26: “Biden approves $350 million in military aid for Ukraine”: Reuters;
. Mar. 16: “Biden announces $800 million in military aid for Ukraine”: The New York Times;
. Mar. 30: “Ukraine to receive additional $500 million in aid from U.S., Biden announces”: NBC News;
. Apr. 12: “U.S. to announce $750 million more in weapons for Ukraine, officials say”: Reuters;
. May 6: “Biden announces new $150 million weapons package for Ukraine”: Reuters.
Those amounts by themselves are in excess of $3 billion; by the end of April, the total U.S. expenditure on the war in Ukraine was close to $14 billion, drawn from the additional $13.5 billion Congress authorized in mid-March. While some of that is earmarked for economic and humanitarian assistance for Ukraine, most of it will go into the coffers of the weapons industry — including Raytheon, on whose Board of Directors the current Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, sat immediately before being chosen by Biden to run the Pentagon. As CNN put it:
“about $6.5 billion, roughly half of the aid package, will go to the US Department of Defense so it can deploy troops to the region and send defense equipment to Ukraine.”
As enormous as those sums already are, they were dwarfed by the Biden administration’s announcement on April 28 that it “is asking Congress for $33 billion in funding to respond to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, more than double the $14 billion in support authorized so far.”
The White House itself acknowledges that the vast majority of that new spending package will go to the purchase of weaponry and other military assets:
“$20.4 billion in additional security and military assistance for Ukraine and for U.S. efforts to strengthen European security in cooperation with our NATO allies and other partners in the region.”
It is difficult to put into context how enormous these expenditures are — particularly since the war is only ten weeks old, and U.S. officials predict/hope that this war will last not months but years. That ensures that the ultimate amounts will be significantly higher still.
The amounts allocated thus far — the new Biden request of $33 billion combined with the $14 billion already spent — already exceed the average annual amount the U.S. spent for its own war in Afghanistan ($46 billion). In the twenty-year U.S. war in Afghanistan which ended just eight months ago, there was at least some pretense of a self-defense rationale given the claim that the Taliban had harbored Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda at the time of the 9/11 attack. Now the U.S. will spend more than that annual average after just ten weeks of a war in Ukraine that nobody claims has any remote connection to American self-defense.
Even more amazingly, the total amount spent by the U.S. on the Russia/Ukraine war in less than three months is close to Russia’s total military budget for the entire year ($65.9 billion). While Washington depicts Russia as some sort of grave and existential menace to the U.S., the reality is that the U.S. spends more than ten times on its military what Russia spends on its military each year; indeed, the U.S. spends three times more than the second-highest military spender, China, and more than the next twelve countries combined.
But as gargantuan as Biden’s already-spent and newly requested sums are — for a ten-week war in which the U.S. claims not to be a belligerent — it was apparently woefully inadequate in the eyes of the bipartisan establishment in Congress, who is ostensibly elected to serve the needs and interests of American citizens, not Ukrainians. Leaders of both parties instantly decreed that Biden’s $33 billion request was not enough. They thus raised it to $40 billion — a more than 20% increase over the White House’s request — and are now working together to create an accelerated procedure to ensure immediate passage and disbursement of these weapons and funds to the war zone in Ukraine. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said said in a letter to House members:
“Time is of the essence – and we cannot afford to wait. This package, which builds on the robust support already secured by Congress, will be pivotal in helping Ukraine defend not only its nation but democracy for the world.”
Indeed, by transferring so much military equipment to Ukraine, the U.S. has depleted its own stockpiles, necessitating their replenishment with mass government purchases. One need not be a conspiracy theorist to marvel at the great fortune of this industry, having lost their primary weapons market just eight months ago when the U.S. war in Afghanistan finally ended, only to now be gifted with an even greater and more lucrative opportunity to sell their weapons by virtue of the protracted and always-escalating U.S. role in Ukraine.
BREAKING: Senate Vote To Codify Roe V Wade Fails To Advance After GOP, Manchin Vote No
If the Supreme Court does declare that the Federal Constitution doesn’t guarantee the right to an abortion, but leaves it to the States, how can Congress legislate to guarantee abortion rights? What head of Federal power would they be purporting to exercise?
Link – Biden wanted $33B more for Ukraine. Congress quickly raised it to $40B. Who benefits?
“This Senator Joe Manchin is an eminently solid US citizen!”
Yep. His vote made it 51-49 against the “pro-choice” federal abortion law.
Of course, they needed 60 votes anyway, so not really much difference except that the Kamel didn’t get to vote.
I’m still trying to work out how I could have stopped my family being inoculated. I was the very last one.
– let down their car tyres
– threaten them
– tie them down
– manipulate and guilt trip them
– refuse to ever see them again/disinherit them
There is absolutely no way a sane adult can stop another adult doing something they want to do without resorting to one or a mixture of the above.
And to do so would ensure the manipulated person would cut ties instantly.
The Russians might feel ripped off. The Taliban got $80 bil of serviceable weapons, while they have to fight to capture theirs.
Tucker: There is something really wrong
And for those interested in LOTS of tables on floor crossings in Australian Parliament since 1950, see here:
Total ALP crossings under ALP government: 30
Total Lib crossings under Lib government: 419.
And you wonder which of them is more democratic!!! 😛
I like fishing shows.
(Phew, never thought I’d say that in Group.) 🙂
I find them relaxing, and Hook, Line and Sinker – now featuring a Tasmanian Upper House personage as co-presenter, is a favourite. I don’t mind having Aussie travel shows with the sound off as wallpaper.
But lately, every time I put one on, including 4WD bush-bashing, within minutes we have either the white presenters or some speedily hired local identity who looks whiter than a Sicilian drooling about ‘kulcha’ and ‘sacred sites’ and ‘bush tucker’ and all the rest of the phony paraphenalia that now surrounds the very profitable Aboriginal Industry.
It is the sickening reverence to anything that is said by anybody that really turns me off.
‘Aboriginal people believe that this site is sacred to (fill in the blank).’
Oh wow, thanks for sharing this important information, we are honoured, say the ignorant sycophants of the MSM. Nobody ever dares to ask – sez who?
“What head of Federal power would they be purporting to exercise?”
MaboRoe v Wade, its the constitution, it’s the VIBE!Be interesting to see what happens when the Rice-Whine finally goes to MSDNC, how long it takes the Black lesbian to ban Peter Doocey from the WH. In the sweep, I’ll take 6 weeks, thanks.
And there have only been 4 ALP MPs who’ve crossed the floor since Whitlam…
“…led by a government that is really more interested in its own domestic power agendas, and with negligible popular support for anything it does as a result.”
So – same as any of them for the last 50 odd years then?
I’ll keep going with the stats… only 5 MPs, ever, who have crossed the floor went on to become PM or Opposition Leader:
LOL Tucker and his mate Putin can pound sand, as the Americans say.
The Lib who crossed the floor most was Reg Wright, from Tasmania = 150 times.
The Lab who crossed the floor most was Graeme Campbell, WA = 4 times.
Excellent letter, Vicki.
“Dear John…” Brilliant!
The current MP who has crossed the floor the most times (28) is no surprise….. Barnaby!
The people who so readily accept this have little to no conception of what aboriginal totemism actually involved.
Let’s not forget poor Graeme then lost his nomination for candidacy from the ALP as a result of this.
As a political lecturing (Labor friend) friend once said to me: “The Australian Labor Party is the least democratic party in any democracy anywhere in the world.”
Thanks Delta A. I believe we should “sock it to them”.
On another matter…Covid & its treatment ….again….
Just watched vid of the incredible Dr. Shankara Chetty discussing his observations and treatment of all the successive waves of COVID19. This bloke amazes me. He is a GP, not a specialist, but he knows more about this blasted virus than all the highly paid donkeys that the government shoves in front of TV cameras to spout their insane theories. Probably because he has treated so many Covid patients who seek him out.
Watch this video, because he analyses the latest Omicron manifestation & has fascinating observations that you will not hear anywhere else – except if you know some courageous dissenting or retired GPs, specialists, pharmacologists etc.
This bloke has some interesting vids. I didn’t know that so many huge fish are caught around spillways.
So the special adviser to Bill Clinton who brought Epstein along to WH around 10 times has died unexpectedly. At 59.
Forgot Linky:
Barp Barp!
Consider that the U.S. is giving Ukraine 200 M113 armored personnel carriers. These are aluminum alloy-hulled, Vietnam-era vehicles that offer protection against rifle rounds and little else.
I need to update my order with my Uke dealer!
Middleton’s family said that he passed away on Saturday at the age of 59 in a statement which did not reveal the cause of death
Suicide by two bullets to the back of the head is the epidemic that no one wants to talk about.
Heroic effort by monty trying to claim the high ground for Labor compared to the Libs. Both are now peas of the same pod.
“Sicilian drooling about ‘kulcha’ and ‘sacred sites’ and ‘bush tucker’”
Yep I har about ‘Bush Tucker’ all the time but I’ve yet to see any aboriginal restaurants serving traditional food. Even the Africans have managed to get the occasional restaurant serving african food going. But there seems no market for raw or almost raw meats, bugs and nardoo mixed with sand, I wonder why.
You heard it here yesterday.
First time voter asks his dad a question…
“So, Dad…what’s the difference between the Liberals and Labour?”
“About three years, son.”
For some amusement, go to Mark Latham’s Facebook page, where:
MV just put this up at the furniture shop, and it actually is quite good.
Oops…me and my good spelling habits.
Fisky, Vermeulle isn’t a ‘nat con’. If you’re reading NRO to keep up with these developments you’re going to be in trouble.
We have King O’Malley to thank for the Australian Labor Party. An American who passed himself off as a Canadian (and hence a British subject) so he could sit in parliament.
McClown Budget Speech Live Now:
Kias and Hyundais continue to burn after 5.8 million cars and SUVs recalled
“And your life and the life of the loved ones you didn’t stop getting the jab.”
No that was your choice.. No one would be end up in a camp if you held the line……..
My whole point you so dimwittedly say outloud…..FMD.
Looking at history, I’m expecting it….thanks to you and your jabbed mates.
Many of the vaxxed are have already died.
And the rest are in the process.
When people are at war with you, they try to kill you.
That might seem unbelievable to you, but that’s what happens, and you sir are a white, colonialist oppressor causing climate change, and you’re a racist, and the earth will be alot better off without the likes of you and me in it.
Klaus said so.
No you did support them doing it, you very much did…….
You made my choice
Always remember that.
I did nothing to you except not give in to what you have.
Quite like Adam Liaw’s cooking show at 7 30 I think but looked in last night and his guest was bloody Bruce Pascoe.I turned it off so dont know who the other guest was, probably Marcia Langton
” The Lab who crossed the floor most was Graeme Campbell, WA = 4 times
Let’s not forget poor Graeme then lost his nomination for candidacy from the ALP as a result of this.”
Which is exactly why parliamentary votes should be secret – making them part of the public record only empowers the parties.
My mother, we grew up in social housing, was watching a Jamie Oliver pop up restaurant show on SBS the other night and she recognised a man walking in and sitting at a table…. darn GEORGE PELL!!! 🙂
Well, I’m glad he’s eating well. 🙂
Remember who fired the first shot.
Shame you missed the bit where your source admitted to conflicting reports about whether the force was going to the offence or had been contained, dover.
And then looked at a video of a flaming Russian T-72 MBT still rolling due to intertia after a K-kill (hint- Flames coming out of Armoured Fighting Vehicle hatches is bad) and decided the NLAW strike that killed it had failed…
Nobody’s going into camps anyway, Struth.
Not unless you make up your own.
“You made my choice
Always remember that.
I did nothing to you except not give in to what you have.”
Then GovCo made my choice as well as those of everyone else who, unlike you, was not in a position to withstand their economic warfare against us.
Always remember that – you are part of the elite who could afford to ignore the economic threats they dangled in front of us.
Not that I begrudge you for it you understand – half your luck.
What you fail to understand is that it is not the fact you managed to stay unvaxxed, nor even that you were in a position to do so that makes me cross with you. It’s your stinking attitude that is the issue.
Not everyone was so fortunate as you – a fact you continue to ignore. Just like the fact that your insistence on “my way or the highway” is equally as disgusting as those who stripped our rights with propaganda and economic warfare – “do as I say – or else!”. That’s not just them, it’s you too – if you care to look in the mirror.
Imagine waving around a pan on fire ffs.
“The surrender to a Communist isn’t the end of the war – it’s the starting point of the next.”
“Quite like Adam Liaw’s cooking show at 7 30 I think but looked in last night and his guest was bloody Bruce Pascoe.I turned it off so dont know who the other guest was, probably Marcia Langton”
Liaw is a total leftist. Hates Morrison, thinks Australians are all waaaacist. When I was in hospital and I had limited programmes to watch, I tried watching him but all his guests were vomit inducing and for my own physical and mental well-being, I had to switch him off.
The Lab who crossed the floor most was Graeme Campbell, WA = 4 times.
Didn’t he end up either having to leave the Liars, or choosing to jump first, then sitting as an independent?
Oh, I dunno.
Seared roo is quite trendy.
Seriously, there are some useful bush foods of the plant variety about, but a few herbs and a beast thrown into the fire don’t make a cuisine.
That said, I did enjoy some of the food programs based in the NT which combined Indian and Indochinese, as cooked by black (ish) fellas. Curried duck and that kind of thing. It looked delicious.
I shared a house with an Aboriginal chap a long time ago, and he was a wonderful cook, knew all about food. It didn’t include witchetty grubs.
This is why you don’t lick the toads, Struth…
Cross posting with the furniture shop. That’s new.
Which is exactly why parliamentary votes should be secret – making them part of the public record only empowers the parties.
Many years ago, I argued this point with a prominent ALP MHR, saying that if we have secret ballots to elect the member (to avoid pressure on voters), then we should have secret votes in Parliament (to avoid pressure on Members and Senators). He eventually closed the discussion by saying words to the effect that “If [he] had wanted to think for himself, he wouldn’t have joined the ALP”.
munty is a good example of this type of mentality.
Pascoe would be among friends at the Socialist Broadcasting Service.
Cassie, nobody with incorrect views is going to get a gig on SBS.
They still run a comment program by George Stephanopoulos, formerly Bill Clinton’s Press Secretary. Why anyone in Australia would care about his opinions is a mystery. But, our taxes are paying him.
A tank turret 100 m up in the sky is a bit of a tell too.
https://twitter.com/ChrisO_wiki/status/1524448245539393539 (12 May)
Note the geolocation. No one knows yet how the Ukrainians did it, assuming it was them, but the effect of the ammunition carousel going up is spectacular (and quite fatal for the three poor Russians in the T-72 unfortunately, unless they got out before their tank was hit).
I was about to say it wasn’t, remembering that SRR could clog threads here for hours at a time with that sort of carrying on.
But you’re quite right- She never used to link to the Furniture Store…
H B Bearsays:
May 12, 2022 at 4:45 pm
Pascoe would be among friends at the Socialist Broadcasting Service.
Remember the old days, when SBS was an acronym meaning “See Breasts Soon”?
Boambee John:
A valid question, good sir.
Such a pity I won’t know the answer because scroll.
That was Mariupol. Spectacular and awful as it was.
The one I am thinking of was in the Kharkov region- As seen here:
I know that many of you don’t like Jordan Peterson all that much. In fact, recently a Cat (can’t recall which one) wrote that he couldn’t watch the Peterson interviews anymore, since Peterson was always interupting his guests. Now, as you probably know, Peterson is a very unusual man – with a deep and tortured intellect. His weird dietary regime and terrible work load almost killed him a few years ago.
These days, his health appears to be improved and his workload has resumed. But the most interesting development is spiritual. Jordan seems at last to have found God. Not in a conventional way, of course, but then Jordan is hardly conventional. He wrestled with the concept of divinity for many years in his youth, but in ways that were curiously puritanical and mentally agonising. Recently, tears flowed when an interviewer queried him on his recent transcendence.
I will watch with some fascination to see where this will lead for this great teacher. I frequently return to listening to him when confusion reigns in these awful times. On a prosaic note, I am a terrible procrastinator, so I have one of his homilies on a little sign on my desk, and it is amazingly effective in gently persuading me to get things done:
“The secret to your existence is right in front of you. It manifests itself as all those things you know you should do, but are avoiding”
And when I DO those things – the satisfaction is amazing.
BTW Peterson is coming to speak publicly in Australia in November. Sadly, his Sydney appearance is sold out. I would have loved my errant grandson to have heard him speak. He speaks to young men in a way that often changes their lives.
So the bridgehead is actually there, and we are only quibbling about whether the RUS bridgehead is contained, or widening and they are preparing to go on the offensive.
Many years ago, I argued this point with a prominent ALP MHR, saying that if we have secret ballots to elect the member (to avoid pressure on voters), then we should have secret votes in Parliament (to avoid pressure on Members and Senators).
The counter argument is that the voters are entitled to know what their elected representatives are doing. If voters didn’t like mindless careerist NPC’s blindly following orders they could always vote for someone else.
Entire battalion of Russkies cancelled by Ukrainian artillery!
Scanned the meat offerings at Coles this morning and it seemed to be between $8 and $20 a kilo for most things. Not cheap, but hardly in hardship territory.
I wonder where TheirABC finds those people who live like C18th peasants and can only afford a few scraps of offcuts in their gruel. Note, at Coles there were beef bones (for dogs/stock) at $5.60 per kg.
BTW, I’m not saying that it is easy to live on the age pension – OK till your fridge dies – but TheirABC has no idea about the cost of living. They always focus on food, because it gets lots of tear-jerks. In fact, nobody in urban or semi-urban Australia ever starves to death, as they well know. It’s not the cost of food that causes the problems, but the cost of housing and energy. Food is a cheap and dishonest hook to hang the stories on.
Remember the old days, when SBS was an acronym meaning “See Breasts Soon”?
I thought it used to be known as “Soccer Before Sex” as they would play the European “arthouse” movies after the soccer games.
You have got to laugh at our news media.
Further on in the link:
Friend needed to vote early, calls me, what order should I put these scumbags in?
Let me help you!
Never had this question before and I have no doubt they always voted labour before this.
Uniparty Voters are pissed off!
I remain unconvinced by your ambit, given that for all the RUS chatter of 4 entire bridgeheads, only one could be found. And it had been confirmed splattered as of the 9th.
As described here:
And here:
Conincidentally, your fellow with the Bilhorivka scoop, @Cyberspec1 is still running with the rather fantastical RUS story that Ukranian marine saboteurs, a US Marine Corps LTCOL and a UK Marine Commando Major all got
wiped outcapturedwiped out and/or captured and/or wiped out on Snake Island by heroic Russian defenders. The same defenders who seem to keep having problems with landing barges and SAM batteries and patrol boats suddenly exploding every time they offload there…Some of this ‘reportage’ on behalf of all the Little Green Z-men is turning into a pub battle of ‘Who can tell the tallest story? Loser shouts the Winner a round.’
He didn’t answer. As expected.
Sex, Boobs & Soccer …
Going Hungry:
Inner-city university survey finds single mothers on the NDIS are skipping meals in order to pay for their kids’ gender re-assingnment.
Easy, unna.
Timothy N
He didn’t mount that argument, probably wasn’t in his Liars Party talking points.
The pontoon bridge we were discussing is confirmed destroyed and the pics around today, which have now made it into the MSM, look like a scrapyard. I haven’t seen anything about the other three bridgeheads, but there doesn’t seem to be any reports of much of an advance in the area.
What passes for independence in modern western society.
The ABC is hammering social security ‘suffering’ lately.
Why is it so?
For Andy, the loss of the DSP was devastating, and it has left him entirely financially reliant on Meg.
“When I was on disability income, you felt like you had [your] independence. You could help with the groceries for the week, or you could help with something,” he said.
I should mention that while Snake Island has remained more or less in Russian hands since Day 1 of the invasion, it seems to be comfortably kept at bay by mere airstrike and loitering drone harrassment.
I suspect a goodly number of the ‘Ukrainian’ helicopters Russia proclaims to have shot down while trying to retake the island (aside from any imaginary ones added in to pad the stats) were actually theirs. Much like this one:
Yep…high housing and energy costs foisted upon the masses by their political leaders.
Excuse me?
I’m elite?
And the logic seems to be only us rich folk could hold out, only we who this didn’t effect in any way whatsoever, while old “diddums” Kneel, poor, downtrodden man from the slums, who could never aspire to be as rich as Struth (FMD) had NO choice.
Surely he had a choice Notafan?
Luck has nothing to do with it.
This is getting a bit pathetic now, kneel.
Are you trying to tell us that the millions that held the line all could afford to?
How do you know what my circumstances are and what we’ve had to sacrifice here to live with our principles?
Clutching at straws much?
Spare me this bullshit..
You could have managed to stay unvaxxed too.
Fucking oath you could have.
This is pathetic.
The warped logic of an excuse monger.
I’m just letting you know what your shit decisions are going to mean for you and everybody else thanks to you, and all who submitted.
Look what you’ve done to your fellow Australians.
Do you expect them to be happy with you?
Just let it go.
Sorry, the world doesn’t work like that.
Boy someone is getting rich in Ukraine
$40 Billion from who smokes Crack Hiden Biden “Big Guy”
and NOW
EU to loan Ukraine €5 billion PER MONTH to keep country from collapsing – diplomats
The European Commission is planning to issue new EU debt to cover Ukraine’s short-term financing needs over the next three months, estimated at €15 billion, three diplomats with knowledge of the discussion told POLITICO.
Comment: For just three months? We’re expected to believe Ukraine will experience an economic miracle after then?
The plan would be unveiled as early as May 18, they said.
According to the Ukrainian government and the International Monetary Fund, Ukraine needs €5 billion per month to keep the economy afloat — from paying wages and pensions to caring for displaced populations and other war-related costs.
The United States has pledged to provide a third of that sum, which would leave €10 billion uncovered.
Comment: We’re meant to believe that money will make it into the pockets of pensioners? What happened to the billions Ukraine has already received?
The Commission briefed EU ambassadors Friday on a plan to bridge that gap, which would entail the Commission issuing debt on the back of guarantees provided by EU countries. That’s similar to the so-called SURE program used during the pandemic to raise funds for the short-term unemployed, the diplomats said.
At the time, the Commission asked €25 billion in guarantees to raise €100 billion.
While Ukraine’s financial gap is much smaller, the Commission hasn’t provided details of how much it would need and how that would be divvied up between countries, the diplomats said.
Comment: These ‘pandemic payments’ basically paid governments to enforce the lockdown agenda.
A few countries, including Germany, Austria and Greece, asked the Commission to provide alternative financing options ahead of presenting its plan on May 18. If other non-EU countries — like Japan, the U.K., Norway and others — chip in, that would leave the EU with a few billion to cover. And that could happen by bilateral donations, their thinking goes.
Comment: ‘A few billion’; as if the EU isn’t already on the brink of economic collapse.
“Whenever there’s a problem with money, [the Commission] says SURE!” quipped a diplomat.
The French presidency wants to bring up the matter for heads of state and government to discuss at the end of May.
I shorted gold earlier this morning, it’s a piece of shit. It hardly goes up with when rates are near zero and then falls down the elevator shaft when monetary policy is tightening. With this war going on and the risk it carries, the yellow metal ought to be well over US$2,000. But it’s clowning around now at $1,850 looking like a freight train will hit it. Just a trade though.
May 12, 2022 at 5:02 pm
I wonder where TheirABC finds those people who live like C18th peasants and can only afford a few scraps of offcuts in their gruel. Note, at Coles there were beef bones (for dogs/stock) at $5.60 per kg.
Were the Dog Bones Brisket, which is all I seem to able to get from Local Butchers for our 1 year old Neurotic Female Beagles vs Real Bones we used to get for our Male Beagle Brothers years back?
Cyrptos are like the aftermath of a Russian artillery barrage. Again, no safe haven nor hedge. They are absolute crap. Will I trade them? Nope.
BREAKING: Trump is posting “MAGA KING” Memes on Truth Social
SEE IT: Trump owns Biden’s ‘MAGA king’ nickname in Lord of the Rings meme
Earlier in the day, Biden introduced the moniker while criticizing his 2020 rival.
“Under my predecessor, the great MAGA king — the deficit increased every single year he was president,” Biden said at an event in Chicago. “The first year of my presidency, the first year, I reduced the deficit.”
“The Return of the Great MAGA KING”
Gabor, no, you are right. I’ve made a simple mistake: I meant it will cost us a hundred DOLLARS each to vote when we have to pay the train fares from Colchester to London. I think Hairy said the return cost was around fifty pounds each, and I always double the pound figure to arrive at an approximate dollar cost (which in my mind was a hundred dollars).
This moving from Aussie dollars to pounds is doing my head in. 🙂
That said, there is certainly a level of inflation in the UK that is hitting the ordinary workers very hard. So silly that so many of them cannot seem to relate it to the price of energy, and see energy prices as a ‘separate’ issue. They just don’t factor in how energy costs become added all the way along the line in any item they purchase.
What the media still isn’t telling you about Russiagate
Two years ago last Saturday (May 7, 2020) Adam Schiff (D, California), Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, was forced to perform what Nixon co-conspirator John Ehrlichman famously called a “modified limited hangout.”
On that day, Schiff released sworn testimony that there was zero technical evidence that Russia – or anyone else – hacked those DNC emails so prejudicial to Hillary Clinton (later published by WikiLeaks).
Now, please, before you put me in Putin’s or Trump’s pocket, read on:
The testifier was Shawn Henry, the head of the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike. For reasons former FBI Director James Comey would never really explain, he deferred to CrowdStrike to do the forensic work on the DNC computers that were supposedly “hacked.” Comey told Congress that CrowdStrike “would share with us what they saw.”
In June 2019, it was revealed that CrowdStrike never produced an un-redacted or final forensic report for the government because the FBI never required it to, according to the Justice Department.
Are you starting to smell a rat? What about the “modified limited hangout”?
Well, if some or all of this is news to you, it is because the NY Times and other major media have deep-sixed it for exactly two years now, and counting. It gets worse – much worse.
What Did Schiff Know and When Did He Know It?
Fasten your seatbelts: It was on December 5, 2017 that Shawn Henry gave sworn testimony to the House Intelligence Committee – see the official transcript. Henry testified that there was no technical evidence that Russia, or any other entity, hacked the DNC emails that were published by WikiLeaks just before the Democratic Convention in July 2016. (The emails showed how the deck had been stacked against Bernie Sanders – in the primaries, for example.)
Shawn Henry is a longtime protégé of former FBI Director Robert Mueller and headed Mueller’s FBI cyber investigation unit. After retiring from the FBI in 2012, he took a senior position at CrowdStrike. At his testimony on Dec. 5, 2017, he had Graham M. Wilson, a partner at Perkins Coie, as well as David C. Lashway of Baker & McKenzie in support.
Falling Silently in the Forest
And so many of the Brits are full-on ‘believers’ in the climate change mythology.
It seems to replace churchgoing in the annals of virtue seeking.
And the churches don’t help, as they hop on board with it all too.
This is a very constrained society. There is nannyism everywhere. At the traffic lights near us there is a sign saying “Think about it and turn off your engine while waiting”. Hairy is furious at the implicit ‘climate message’ being conveyed. Think about resetting your bloody lights instead, he fumes.
Turns out you were correct about the market movements last night, JC.
Scroll back and have a look at my query re travel insurance, if you would be so kind Lizzie.
That’s the thing with Britain. Every sign, every activity, every instruction is a ‘messaging’ one, condescending talk to the deplorables who need to be brought into line, whether about Covid or other ‘safety’ issues, or anything environmental.
I retreat into history and church saving and putting in a gentle word against it all where I can.
I hold off because I am a visitor here, and it is not my country, although actually it is when it comes to the church, and also because I am British-born. Apparently I have ancient legal rights to the gravestones of my ancestors and to any more recent familial burials (of which there are two in the graveyard). This displeases the woman who now owns the manor, because she is hoping that she can block access, deny rights and let the church fall down. Not with a Grade 2 listed church and me on the case though!
Meanwhile in Canberra, according to the local newspaper:
There are now nine public schools where some grades are learning at home, which is 10 per cent of all schools in the public system.
Then again, it is the ACT, so there may some unexpected benefits.
Severodonetsk is in deep do-do. Surrounded on three sides, and its supply lines likely to be cut shortly.
Went out for lunch today to our favourite bistro. First time in what must be a year. Lovely main but the dessert was out of this world. Lemon curd tart with crème fraise. Every spoonful was just delicious.
If there’s one thing the current crop of bludgers, spivs, and lounge lizards have done – it is to get me to write a letter to the local gutless wonder resting his arse on the Parliamentary leather.
At the traffic lights near us there is a sign saying “Think about it and turn off your engine while waiting”.
I suppose it’s preferable to “Beachtung! Motor ausschalten!”
Their sacrifice wasn’t in vain.
Well done Dover. I’ll be fancy – tarte au citron is my favourite too. Followed closely by creme catalan.
Whoops! I’ve just gained a pound thinking about it.
Milton F:
I shall order further supplies of glitter, and cancel the polish, then.
Looks like we’ll be needing it.
He’s just showboating because he thinks we’ll crack the sads when the Libs tank.
The caravan has moved on.
The return of Vindman, clamoring to start World War III
Among the most fervent war hawks in America today is Alexander Vindman, a retired lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army and a former member of the NSC, who now works at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies Foreign Policy Institute. His previous claim to fame was as a witness who testified about former president Donald Trump’s call to Ukrainian officials in the second impeachment trial of Trump. He became an instant hero to the crowd at MSNBC and other anti-Trump major media (is there any other kind?). Vindman also reportedly claimed that Trump “bears an enormous burden of responsibility” for the Russia-Ukraine war, even though Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has occurred during the Obama and Biden administrations. There was no Russian aggression against Ukraine on Trump’s watch.
Vindman has now taken to the pages of Foreign Affairs to urge U.S. policymakers to “embrace the goal of Ukrainian victory” against Russia by throwing caution to the wind. The United States, he writes, is not doing enough to help Ukraine win this war. We should forget about building a stable relationship with Russia and instead provide Ukrainian forces with sufficient military weaponry to take the war to Russia’s territory, Vindman counsels. We need to “discard the desire” to seek a compromise with Russia for a negotiated peace.
Vindman writes that our aid thus far has been too “incremental.” Too many of our policymakers, he says, are acting based on a “flawed assessment of the risk of escalation and the potential consequences of a Russian defeat.” The United States should provide Ukraine with weapons that can reach far inside Russia to destroy “militarily relevant targets” there. “There can be no return to business as usual with Russia,” according to Vindman, “as long as Putin rules from the Kremlin.” In other words, our policy toward Russia should be regime change.
Vindman writes that his recommendations carry “obvious risks,” including cyber-war, Russian conventional attacks on NATO arms shipments, a broader European war, and even nuclear escalation (a risk that he claims has been “overstated and remains exceptionally small”). Stepping up arms shipments, including deep-strike weapons, Vindman assures us, will not likely “provoke any meaningful retaliation from Moscow.” He claims that the nuclear threshold for Moscow “remains almost impossibly high.” And he is convinced that peace can come about only with a Ukrainian victory — and that, he writes, must also be our goal.
The Biden administration’s recent call for more than $34 billion in new assistance to Ukraine, Vindman claims, is not enough. We need to supply Ukraine with “more advanced military technology and the comprehensive training to accompany arms shipments from the West.” NATO, he writes, should establish warehouses of military supplies just across the border from Ukraine in Poland, Romania, and Slovakia — presumably, Russia will not attack those warehouses due to its alleged fears of escalation. And then, after Ukraine’s victory, he writes, the United States should help rebuild Ukraine via a new “Marshall Plan,” followed swiftly by Ukraine’s admittance to the European Union, further poking the Russian bear.
No wonder Vindman doesn’t like Trump. It was Trump who tried to stop the “endless wars” of past administrations while seeking to avoid unnecessary new wars. It was Trump who instinctively understood what John Quincy Adams meant when he said that America should not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. And it was Trump who attempted to pursue policies — policies resisted at every turn by the military hierarchy — in accordance with George Washington’s prudent counsel in his Farewell Address not to act abroad based on sentiment for any other nation, but always to look to America’s interests exclusively.
Melanie hasn’t aged that well, but she can still sing pretty good.
Doing God’s work, Kneel.
calli, at 3.17:
You forgot calling them shallow cock smokers and telling them they deserve to die in death camps.
Bashing his head against a word-wall I’m afraid.
grosteque government clowns
the ukrainian shrimp keeps feeding his people into the meat grinder
Oh I don’t know. She scrubs up alright for a ’60s hippy.
How good is Miley Cyrus. Don’t know any of her original stuff but her covers are superb.
Sweet Jane.
Plenty more on the net.
Sheridan says scomo will lose because the LNP has campaigned on being a pale shadow of the liars and filth particularly on the non-issue of global warming. Who’d thunk?
And that they deserve to get a clot.
Don’t forget the clots.
Timothy Neilson:
He – so I understand – runs a footy betting site that puts him into a category of unpersons in the Nork system on two grounds:
.1 Capitalist entrepreneur,
.2 Parasite on the economy.
Monty – report to the kitchens NOW. Shower first, and don’t bother dressing. We will supply our own version.