Knowing Hiding where the bodies are buried

Moving to a “post pandemic world,” two Australian states – Queensland and Western Australia – have made two of their most senior pandemic response public servants – QLD’s former CHO Jeanette Young and W.A.’s Commissioner of Police, State Emergency Co-ordinator and previously its Vaccine Commander, Chris Dawson – their respective state’s new vice-regal appointees. In doing so it would seem both governments have created an insurmountable obstacle against these previous “servants of the people” being required to give evidence at any future, formal inquiry into the pandemic.

Will some of the other States move also to stymie the airing of what really happened over these last two and a bit years and utilise as well a “vice regal strategy”? In the case of Victoria, the sidelining of certain minions must be tempting for Daniel Andrews, given the debasing of individual liberty and the abuse of citizens’ rights, including the shooting in the back with plastic bullets of innocent people at The Shrine.

In Victoria, Linda Dessau, the current governor, has been in place since July 2015, while in NSW Margaret Beazley has held the vice regal position since May 2019. It would not be inconceivable therefore for either Premier soon to announce a change to their state’s vice-regal position.

So will we see Victoria’s CHO, Brett Sutton, or their Police Commissioner, Shane Patton, get elbowed upwards? Rather than giving evidence before a Royal Commission, what are the odds for Kerry Chant becoming the next NSW Governor? At the federal level, could we expect Dr Brendan Murphy, our previous CMO and now head of the Federal Department of Health, or Adjunct Professor Skerritt, the current head of the TGA, being re-moved up and away to a “safe haven” in the not too distant future?

But any hope for a formal inquiry will be up against it and what would be examined should one actually be announced. Reported yesterday by the ABC was changes to the W. A. State’s Emergency Management Act (2005), which enables the government to declare an emergency, thereby enabling the government access to the emergency powers, including the declaring of a pandemic, which first requires the State’s Emergency Coordinator, currently Police Commissioner Dawson, provide that advice to the Emergency Services Minister who then makes a declaration every two weeks. In moving to extend W.A.’s pandemic powers until January 2023 in State Parliament on Tuesday, the Emergency Services Minister, Stephen Dawson (no relation to Chris Dawson it would seem) revealed that the fortnightly advice from the Emergency Coordinator was given verbally at each fortnightly meeting. With no formal written advice to examine, evidence taken under oath from W.A.’s Emergency Coordinator (Police Commissioner Dawson) would be central to an examination of how decisions were made in that State during these two long years.

One thing is clear: no one at any level of government is even slightly interested in examining formally how Australia came almost within a hair’s breadth of dictatorial government and the mandating of vaccinations despite our constitutional limitations, if Scott Morrison is to be relied on to announce such an investigation. When asked on the campaign trail about a Royal Commission into the pandemic, Morrison responded that “the pandemic was not over” so an examination of the last two years, he said, could not be had. Yet some days earlier in relation to the Reserve Bank increasing interest rates, his spin was that this move amounted to the “strengthening of the economy,” because we were “through the pandemic.”

Throughout this election campaign there have been few questions from any quarter on what the government did or allowed to be done to citizens during the pandemic, apart from whether the vaccine roll-out was too slow. In fact, the PM has only really conceded on that one point, saying at the leaders debate on Nine last Sunday night, and in response to a question from the Opposition Leader, that “it really was a race.” Thus showing that neither the media or the Opposition is really interested in what happened.

So we sit and we wait for the truth to be revealed, which will happen, sooner or later. And as we wait, our level of trust in government is at an all-time low, which is why the right-of-centre minor parties it would seem have gained momentum.

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May 13, 2022 8:53 am

What we witnessed was industrial scale corruption and a clown show worthy of the ringling bros.

May 13, 2022 8:55 am

One thing is clear: no one at any level of government is even slightly interested in examining formally how Australia came almost within a hair’s breadth of dictatorial government


May 13, 2022 8:58 am

There is zero likelihood of any kind of commission into the handling of Covid.

Even now people are still losing their jobs due to vaccine mandates and the Press seem disinterested.

You see articles about those who have had bad cases of Covid but never see any relating to difficulties getting exemptions , even after bad 1st Vax, or bad reactions to vaccines.

In Qld I can see from Courier Mail that CHO and the local guru Dr Paul Griffin that they would love to mandate the 3rd jab.

I have zero confidence in MSM holding anybody to account.

May 13, 2022 9:16 am

Slowly we all wake up.

17,000 physicians and medical scientists declare that the state of medical emergency must be lifted, scientific integrity restored, and crimes against humanity addressed.

We, the physicians and medical scientists of the world, united through our loyalty to the Hippocratic Oath, recognize that the disastrous COVID-19 public health policies imposed on doctors and our patients are the culmination of a corrupt medical alliance of pharmaceutical, insurance, and healthcare institutions, along with the financial trusts which control them. They have infiltrated our medical system at every level, and are protected and supported by a parallel alliance of big tech, media, academics and government agencies who profited from this orchestrated catastrophe.

Cassie of Sydney
May 13, 2022 9:25 am

I fully expect Dr Brendan Murphy to be one day appointed Minister for Women.

Old Goat
Old Goat
May 13, 2022 10:19 am

The fact that this ass- covering is necessary means that they know what’s coming is going to be bad . So far the push back has been minimal but I would guess that they see a political change coming that will demand accountability . Interesting times….

Anchor What
Anchor What
May 13, 2022 10:20 am

The treatment of the public under the hysterical response to COVID ranks as second only to the destruction of our power system under the similarly hysterical and fraudulent response to the climate alarmism which has permeated western society courtesy of the zombie left and complicit media.

May 13, 2022 10:31 am

Agree with Bourne1879. Those who perpetrated the outrageous, not to mention ridiculous, conga line of restrictions, enforcements, ‘vaccinations’, ‘boosters’ etc will never allow an enquiry into their actions, especially not whilst they are still in positions of power.

In time, when all those involved are much older (or dead) an enquiry is possible but many will say “why bother, that was over (ten, fifteen, twenty) years go”. And in any event, those responsible for the edicts will say they were acting on the “best medical advice” available at the time. Those responsible for enforcement will say they had a statutory obligation to act in accordance with directions given by government. The medical fraternity will say it was a ‘one in a hundred year event’ and they acted on the best information available, but it was a swirling and dynamic environment.

The MSM, if even asked to account, will say they report and don’t make the laws nor are they responsible for enforcement.

The enquiry, if it ever happens (which I doubt), will be headed by a person hand-picked by government and who will be unable to find any evidence of wrongdoing but may express some ‘concern’ at certain aspects but the terms of the enquiry disallow further examination and/or the files are misplaced, the persons are dead etc. Ultimately, a number of recommendations will be made and those will be promptly filed and forgotten.

Nobody will ever, ever, be found to have overstepped their authority; democracy was not threatened; and, the actions of those involved were reasonable in all the circumstances.

I will bet anything you care to name.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 13, 2022 10:35 am

Chris Dawson did keep the baton charges on West Australians to a minimum.

May 13, 2022 10:43 am

Let’s see who holds the balance of power in the senate come the election and what undertakings they may be able to extract from the government of the day. That’s about the only hope.

May 13, 2022 10:45 am

I should have mentioned the only possible exception may occur for political reasons. For example, if a Liberal govt ever replaces Labor in Victoria, the Libs might want to bury Andrews. Ditto in the West, or anywhere else.

Having said that, I can’t see Albo wanting to rake over the coals at a federal level.

May 13, 2022 10:54 am

Well said Speedbox.

Although Andrews will probably sneak in again at November he still faces a real risk of being turfed out.

If the Libs do follow through on their commitment for a RC then it’s going to be real squeaky bum time for this evil cretin.

I have utter contempt for 95% of the political class, but with Andrews he should be facing serious time in jail.

Cassie of Sydney
May 13, 2022 10:55 am

“I have zero confidence in MSM holding anybody to account.”

As do I. One of the biggest problems across the West today is the biased progressive media. Ninety percent of the MSM engage in deliberate lies, obfuscation and gaslighting. The so called “right-wing” media, such as Sky and The Australian, are slightly better but not much better. I can’t see democracies surviving without brutal and honest media and journalists willing to tackle all issues in an even-handed manner and willing to hold ALL politicians to account, regardless of their politics. But this is not happening. A recent example is the coverage of Katherine Deves….the gaslighting by the MSM around the whole sinister transgender movement is a scandal.

Journalists are now, more often than not, far-left progressive activists, they don’t even try to hide their biases. Whilst a large part of the rot lies in the fact that journalism is now a university degree (the old cadetship system was far better), there also another reason which I find interesting. There’s a great Canadian journalist by the name of Trish Wood. Trish began her journalism back in the heady 1970s. She now runs a popular podcast which is well worth listening to. Over the decades she’s worked for most major North American media outlets and she covered the AIDS crisis back in the 1980s. At the time she called out Fauci for his corruption and mishandling of the crisis. So when Fauci was given the task of running the Covid pandemic response two years ago she knew the response would be deliberately political, aimed at destroying Trump and that things would go awry and of course, they did.

However what I find interesting is that Wood argues that a lot of the problems with contemporary journalism is that it’s now the preserve of smug progressive elites, the career choice for the privileged children of the upper middle classes and the rich. This is in contrast to the past where kids from all walks of life became journalists. These children aren’t hungry for the truth, they’re only interested in propagating their truth, and their truth only contains the narratives they’re imbued with and they believe, be it on climate change, Covid, transgender rubbish, conservatives are evil and so on.

There are big stories to be told about Covid, about transgenderism, about big pharma, about the women behind the Christian Porter scandal but few if any journalists bother to investigate.* Perhaps they find these stories too scary but once upon a time a credible journalist of old would have seized upon a “too scary” story.

I make an exception for some journalists, such as Sharri Markson who’s done great work on the China lab, and Bernard Lane who’s done fantastic work on the insidious transgender nonsense…..and there are a few others. However it’s worth nothing that Bernard Lane has been targeted by activists who’ve lodged complaints with the biased Press Council and Markson has been mocked by other so called journalists, particularly at the tax funded ABC, for her work on the Covid lab theory. Clearly these other journalists aren’t interested in the truth.

Cassie of Sydney
May 13, 2022 11:01 am

I should add that good journalism is all about “finding where the bodies are buried”….if you’re not interested in that then you’re a propagandist.

Anchor What
Anchor What
May 13, 2022 11:09 am

As somebody here or the old site used to say, there can be no properly functioning democracy unless there is honest media.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
May 13, 2022 11:18 am

@ Bar Beach Swimmer-

In reference to the WA Lawsuit you mentioned, I linked a Spectator Australia article on it tonthe Open Thread the other day. I’ll put it up here again for reference, too.

As you said, the allowance of expert evidence against the wishes of the WA CHO is a big deal:

May 13, 2022 11:25 am

Excelling point about journalists Cassie. I’ve read similar about the US media, when it was predominantly cadetships and seen as a working class kind of job you’d see a wide variety of views and actual quality investigative journalism.
As with many industries, the professionalization with degrees has created a status driven employment. It’s become a fairy tale, just look at how often things become a xxxxgate. There’s not the drive to find truth, it’s all about taking down the conservative or right wing man, and virtue signaling their allegiance to the correct views.

May 13, 2022 11:28 am

Speedbox at 10.31am…

100% spot on. Anyone who has seen “Yes, Minister” can tell you this.

Pauline Hanson, Rowan Dean, Peta Credlin, Andrew Bolt(?), and whoever else is calling for a Royal Commission must surely know that this is how it would pan out.

May 13, 2022 11:37 am

Bluey says:
May 13, 2022 at 11:25 am
…..become a xxxxgate.

As an aside Bluey, that ‘xxxxgate’ thing is so tedious. Nobody under 50 years old* would have any ‘living knowledge’ of Watergate, Nixon etc. meaning that unless they actually looked up the reasons why the MSM use ‘xxxxgate’, they would have no idea of the relevance/history to the ‘gate’ suffix.

* even those of us in our 60s were only young(ish) men at the time.

May 13, 2022 11:42 am

That making journalism a uni indoctrination course is really paying off now isn’t it.

I’d love to think the WA case will lead anywhere but “ emergency powers” appears to be the ultimate ace card.

McClown is engaged in exactly what I predicted, not letting powers lapse until a legal block is put on any cases for damages etc.
I’d be betting there will be another election run in WA before they allow the emergency powers to end.

May 13, 2022 11:48 am

Morrison responded that “the pandemic was not over” so an examination of the last two years, he said, could not be had.

This from the same totally unprincipled arsehole who said that “free speech doesn’t create one job.”

Ellen of Tasmania
Ellen of Tasmania
May 13, 2022 12:03 pm

When I was writing this post, one of the main thoughts I had was are any fine investigative journalists left to find out what happened? And if so, could they get into the public domain any of what really happened published?

I think there are such investigative journalists around, but you will probably know them as
‘conspiracy theorists’. After all, if it’s not reported in the MSM, it can’t be true, can it?

May 13, 2022 12:13 pm

17,000 physicians and medical scientists declare that the state of medical emergency must be lifted, scientific integrity restored, and crimes against humanity addressed.

No credence was given to the

Great Barrington Declaration

, or the subsequent Rome Declaration in which thousands of eminent physicians and epidemiologists et al expressed their opposition to the genetic vaccine in lieu of early treatment. Rather, they were ridiculed & discredited by medical technocrats and pollies around the world.

Bar Beach Swimmer is so right – pollies, bureaucrats and most of media are pretending as though nothing much has happened in the last two years. They seem to have no concept (or cognitive dissonance is rampant) of the absolute rage that people are harbouring in respect to the fruitless disruption to their lives and livelihood as a result of ignorant, ill advised and heartless policies.

May 13, 2022 12:20 pm

And in any event, those responsible for the edicts will say they were acting on the “best medical advice” available at the time. Those responsible for enforcement will say they had a statutory obligation to act in accordance with directions given by government. The medical fraternity will say it was a ‘one in a hundred year event’ and they acted on the best information available, but it was a swirling and dynamic environment.

Speedbox, I think you are absolutely correct. This is what I fear. It is entirely consistent with the way the technocrats and pollies seek cover when the chips are down.

Those I have spoken to amongst the dissenters in medical circles have said that the only way of bringing them to justice – is literally through “justice” i.e. the courts.
I know of at least one action that is being pursued right now by people who understand the machinations of the medical/bureacratic world and how to negotiate it. God speed their cause.

May 13, 2022 12:45 pm

“Nobody will ever, ever, be found to have overstepped their authority; democracy was not threatened; and, the actions of those involved were reasonable in all the circumstances. “

Well, of course – that’s a given. No such inquiry has ever been convened when the answer was not already known, because that is a basic precept of such inquiries.
Another is that you need someone “sound” to run it – that is, someone who is desperate for some “reward” (promotion, award, grant, sinecure etc) that can only be given by Government and therefore knows which side of his or her bread is buttered, and therefore which way any “benefit of the doubt” should lie, which issues are “important” and which are “within the terms of reference” and so on.

It doesn’t matter which party has power, the system (including those who abuse it) must be protected at all costs. If that means being a little careless with the truth, then that is the price we must pay for “public confidence” in the establishment – the whole system might collapse without such confidence, don’t you know. And then there would be chaos and destruction – which would be “bad”. So we want to avoid that, don’t we?
After all, what’s right is a matter of perspective, isn’t it?
Better a small lie than widespread anarchy, surely.
Don’t worry, it’s all for the greater good.
If you rock the boat, it might be you who falls overboard.
And so on and so forth – you get the idea.

May 13, 2022 12:47 pm

So they haven’t allowed expert witnesses in these court cases? Great. The justice system is just as corrupt as the medical system. Vale British Empire.

May 13, 2022 12:53 pm

Vicki – during covid, it was impossible not to notice how the politicians always prefixed their remarks by saying “on the medical advice…..” and the medical fraternity always prefixed their remarks with “on the available evidence…..” or “the overseas data shows……”.

Everyone, who made any kind of decision or recommendation, used a prefix to push the responsibility elsewhere.

I would love to see some of these people in the dock – but don’t believe it will ever happen. When the Qld CHO (Jeannette Young) was given the position of Governor of Qld, I remarked to Mrs Speedbox that the fix was in.

It will be impossible to prove that actions taken under the emergency powers were malicious and/or unconstitutional and/or unlawful. And remember, even if some independent Justice found in favour of a plaintiff, any govt can make a law retrospectively absolving itself, or any person it deems appropriate, blameless.

I think we can howl at the moon as much as we like – but it won’t make any difference.

May 13, 2022 1:08 pm

“I should add that good journalism is all about “finding where the bodies are buried”….if you’re not interested in that then you’re a propagandist.”

How outdated Cassie!
These days, it’s about “making a difference” and “supporting the cause”, about “telling A story” not “telling THE story”, about “audience engagement”.
Don’t you know how much it costs to do a real investigative report? How boring those things are to many readers most of the time?
Many more clicks (and $) in engaging the emotions – facts are so DULL!

May 13, 2022 1:14 pm

BBS – agreed. And I, for one, will make sure my vote is directed to them.

I would be perfectly happy to see a number of these individuals face justice (or at least be held accountable/reputation trashed/legacy destroyed), but have zero confidence.

May 13, 2022 1:43 pm

If as I believe, there are long term major side effects from the Jab jab booster booster, there will be nowhere for the medicos and pollies to hide. And there will be justice,not for the lock downs or destroying the economy but for poisoning a large majority of the electorate. (not me).

May 13, 2022 1:54 pm

how much say does the state governor have in kicking of a (state) RC ?

May 13, 2022 2:02 pm

Agreed nothing will happen to anyone that matters. Ever.

By the way being vice- regal did not protect Peter Hollingsworth.

May 13, 2022 2:13 pm

May 13, 2022 at 1:43 pm
If as I believe, there are long term major side effects from the Jab jab booster booster, there will be nowhere for the medicos and pollies to hide. And there will be justice,not for the lock downs or destroying the economy but for poisoning a large majority of the electorate. (not me).

If the jabs are as bad as some say, the courts are going to be the least of their problems. It’s very difficult to stop someone who knows they have nothing to lose.

Cassie of Sydney
May 13, 2022 2:34 pm

“On top of that, when he was selected there was a huge blowup over the “separation of church and state” which at the time few people properly understood – and was designed to undermine him and Howard by Labor and the left.”

I was opposed to the appointment of Hollingsworth for the very reason you state above however I couldn’t believe the witch hunt against him. Even though it was years before social media, it was a portent of cancel culture.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 13, 2022 4:54 pm


biased progressive media

Make that biased so-called “progressive media”. They are regressive, not progressive. Don’t let them get away with that particular lie.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 13, 2022 5:03 pm


By the way being vice- regal did not protect Peter Hollingsworth.

But he was a Christian, not a so-called “progressive”. That makes all the difference.

May 13, 2022 6:10 pm

Excellent thread – thanks BBS and Cats.

May 13, 2022 6:55 pm

it is possible if not probable, that the outbreak of deadly hepatitis in children being experienced in the U.S., UK and Ireland springs from the J&J and/or Astra-Zeneca adenovirus vector vaccines.

has a non-replicating adenovirus recombined with its wild version…

May 13, 2022 6:59 pm

Coronavirus in China: half of Covid-19 survivors still suffer from one symptom two years on, study shows
Study by Wuhan and Beijing researchers covers longest follow-up period to date for discharged Covid-19 patients
Fatigue, anxiety and impaired lung ability among long-term complaints, with risks rising with age

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
May 13, 2022 9:03 pm

There’s no hurry.

Pitchforks need time to be sharpened.

May 13, 2022 9:26 pm

nice work BBS !!

Simon Morgan
Simon Morgan
May 13, 2022 11:38 pm

There’s so much to detest here: The Federal government and Morrison, the state premiers (even of NSW), the MSM and social media, the medicos, the TGA, the oh-so-dumb bovine voters of QLD, VIC , SA -all of them in fact except voters in NSW.

The morons on weblogs revelling in the further exclusion of people who refused to board the ‘we’re all in together’ train.

Its a veritable hate fest I’ve got going here. And Morrison is at the top of the pile. Even Turnbull was preferable to this useless excrescence of a man.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
May 13, 2022 11:59 pm

Cassie – agree with what you wrote. The upper middle being impractical and low skilled go to journalism, law and education. These “disciplines” do not need maths or science but the ability to convince others – this has become a natural as those with the economic power throw their weight around.
These people have also made jobs in charities and ngo desirable with the tax concessional salary incentives. So becoming a professional amendicat is desirable – no embarrassment. Check out Costello son who quit being a. Liquidator to go to a charity as it’s fun, no stress and it’s easy.
Deplorables – the sole traders, trades, cnr solicitor, go, accountant, engineers.

May 14, 2022 12:21 am

We were just being warmed up … the laws are still very much in place, ready for Part 2:
[p.3] “As detailed below, the amended Defence Act expands the military’s powers, including to kill people, beyond situations where commanders claim it is necessary to protect a life. Lethal force can be used to protect ‘declared infrastructure’ or end ‘threats to … public health or public safety’. In addition, military personnel have been further protected from legal liability by adding a new defence of acting in ‘good faith’.”

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 14, 2022 6:43 am

There will be no meaningful inquiry, at best a shallow whitewash.

As I remarked on the OT yesterday I’ve noticed that in the election campaign no pollie is talking about Covid, nor the totalitarian methods they took during the last two years. Silence. It’s like it never happened.

One thing which has occurred as a result, though, is the major parties are now closer together than ever before. The elites are behind the walls of their castle and aren’t letting ordinary people in. As an example Lib elites are so hostile to PHON, FFS and UAP that they’re preferencing Labor over them. The election campaign is like kabuki.

May 14, 2022 10:58 am

Morrison responded that “the pandemic was not over

Given he followed the advice of the WHO back in 2020, why is he now ignoring their advice that the “pandemic” is actually over.

May 14, 2022 12:45 pm

My 2c worth musing on the above. Could be wrong but searches have uncovered a few articles that refer to immunity of the crown from statute. Apparently there is no automatic immunity in Australian law or constitutions, which is an outlier compared to the rest of the world. If and it is a big if, the opposition when it becomes government could pursue Sutton and even Janette Young if they choose to. However the squealing would be heard on Mars.

Secondly I believe both parties are knee deep in it anyway. Unified Security, especially the deregistered subsidiary and recommendation of charges by ASIC against a director that went down the memory hole. I remember Credlin & Murray both hot on the trail then it went quiet as if they were quietly told to back off or else. National Cabinet docs being classified after private journalists tried to get FOI access. Wagners deal with Palace”chook” for a Quarantine centre in the middle of nowhere. No interest in the exemptions given including the Northern Beaches event that was blamed on a flight attendant but as FTB pointed out was much more likely someone with a diplomatic passport. I could go on but it would end up a word wall.

Agree with Bruce above, any inquiry will be a shallow whitewash.

May 14, 2022 4:43 pm

Never forget, never forgive.

The fascists who destroyed the last two years of my life (and counting) will be held to account.

May 14, 2022 7:46 pm

I am not a lawyer, so why would vice-regals be immune from testifying?

May 15, 2022 8:52 am

Hows that jab jab booster booster working for you?

According to global databases, Australia led the world in per-capita COVID infections (if you ignore the tiny islands of Montserrat, Anguilla and The Falklands).

On Friday 54,591 cases were reported across Australia, on the back two consecutive days of about 58,000 cases, with Western Australia bracing for new infection records.

Saturday’s numbers moved the official seven-day average to above 48,000 daily cases, putting Australia behind only Germany and the US in total new daily cases recorded.

May 15, 2022 11:23 pm

If there is not to be an enquiry then there needs to be a class action.

Winston Smith
May 16, 2022 4:04 am

Anchor What:

As somebody here or the old site used to say, there can be no properly functioning democracy unless there is honest media.

Probably me – “Who would have thought the strongest foundation of Democracy would also be its Achilles Heel.”
I take no comfort in being proven right.

Winston Smith
May 16, 2022 4:21 am

Cool Snoopy:

“Lethal force can be used to protect ‘declared infrastructure’ or end ‘threats to … public health or public safety’.” So who gets to define the infrastructure or Threats to public health or safety? Dan Andrews?
The framework of a tyranny is being put together in front of us.

May 16, 2022 8:36 pm

Yes, Winston, you are absolutely correct. These are the people who control what definitions are applied to particular words, so as to produce the outcome they want to achieve.
I could see the Professor who wrote that article was using the language of shock horror, as if he perceived what may indeed be the result. I note he has continued to write on this topic: see the “publications” tab just under his profile photo for his more recent works.

  1. I was in hospital a few months ago, and one of my nurses was muslim. At one point she recited…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x