Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
AMK Mapping@AMK_Mapping_2hUkrainian forces now “control” less than 230km² of Kursk Oblast, down from 360km² just 24 hours ago.
The Spectator Index@spectatorindexEUROPE: The Financial Times reports that many European governments are feeling ‘buyers remorse for decades of US arms…
Thank you Wally.
Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…
You got any more good jokes like that?
Gillon McPolo-Pony to launch nuclear family round.
Thank you Roger & Will for making the government debt clearer. The projections re debt proportion of GDP are terrifying.
Like to see Sweden’s debt situation after allowing economy to continue functioning relatively normally during the economy.
America’s Next Top Mong?
No point having an Australian version.
Cooker Monster has it won.
Gillon McPolo-Pony to launch nuclear family round.
I thought the Drag Queen Round was supposed to win them back?
Beep … beep … beep … beep …
Just backing my swimsuit model into place.
beep … beep … beep … beep.
And where are the journos telling the voters what the actual situation is? That we will be paying 7.2% of GDP every year off the debt?
How can either Party promise any expansion – or “growing” of the economy , as the Treasurer argued?
Stale thinking Cooker Monster.
They’re the same political axis to us.
Greens are shit cake with shit sprinkles.
ALP are shit cake with no frosting.
LNP are shit cake with jelly beans.
This bloke is sounding more like Fred Kite every day.
Labor will sign the WHO pandemic treaty
Fair enough Dot, stay angry and never be happy.
Listening to Morrison saying that they will not increase personal income taxes. Rubbish. They will have to increase every form of tax that is available.
From one perspective debt represents just an opportunity cost; that future tax cash flows to government will be used to service debt, rather then used for other purposes. Governments don’t really have to pay off debt, they just roll it over (i.e. issue more to cover maturing debt).
How can either Party promise any expansion – or “growing” of the economy , as the Treasurer argued?
Since 2000 governments in Australia appear to be more interested in hobbling or destroying productive industries: fishing, timber, farming (remember Kyoto), manufacturing industry, electrical generation,..
Now remember all the folks who deeply regretted voting for Rudd.
I’d put money on them moving even more centre-left if they lose this election.
That’s the lesson their HQ will draw from the rise of the Teals.
Morrison’s “Quiet Australians” were abandoned during the pandemic.
Since 2000 governments in Australia appear to be more interested in hobbling or destroying productive industries: fishing, timber, farming (remember Kyoto), manufacturing industry, electrical generation,..
When Rudd left office in 2013, Australian government debt to GDP was about 30%. It’s now about 48%. Rudd hasn’t had much to do with it in the last decade.
It’s fascinating how you agree with someone on the left that politicians are corrupt, useless windbags, but they still can’t understand you won’t vote for the scum. That’s without getting into the utter blindness to the sins of their team.
Labor will soon arrive to lower debt and the deficit, like they always do.
Stop it munty, my ribs are aching with laughter.
And get real you idiot.
I know Disney executives had made a lot of wrong decisions lately but I didn’t know they’d become suicidal. Disney people might find it advisable to avoid visiting Arkansas.
Disney’s Hulu Axes Hillary Clinton Series ‘Rodham’ After Two Years in Development (17 May)
It’s fun how these people think Lefties are so wonderful they’ll bring millions of eyeballs. This one comes just after Jill Biden’s book sold 250 copies in its first week and Meghan McCain’s did even worse, selling just 244.
May 18, 2022 at 8:57 am
Fair enough Dot, stay angry and never be happy.
Advice from Pollymuntyanna.
You’re right mUnty. Debt was one of KRudd’s minor failures. Complete loss of the borders to please the Left in the Senate was (and still is) arguably the greatest pure policy failure at the Commonwealth level.
May 18, 2022 at 9:05 am
Now remember all the folks who deeply regretted voting for Rudd.
When Rudd left office in 2013, Australian government debt to GDP was about 30%. It’s now about 48%. Rudd hasn’t had much to do with it in the last decade.
What was it when KRudd came into office? How did it go over the six year RGR governance?
I didn’t argue that monty.
A political party cannot make you happy.
All it can do at best is not mess your life up.
You are correct about Morrison – he is just like Rudd, Swan & Gillard.
When Rudd came to office Australian government debt to GDP was zero percent.
Technically there was some debt on issue because APRA requires the banks to own it for Basel II reasons. But it was offset by the surplus in the Future Fund. In net terms it was zero.
Thank God.
Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democrats (SPD) suffered a crushing defeat in a key German regional election on Sunday, exit polls showed. The likely loss for the SPD in North Rhine-Westphalia would be a big blow for Scholz.
KRudd will be Jimmy Carter to Albo’s Biden. It will be seen as a Golden Age.
‘There’s No Rules, There’s No Restraint’: Kerry Gershaneck on China’s Plan to Win W/O Fighting
China in Focus – NTD
Costello left minimal government debt; basically zero. RGR increased it to 30%, it’s now 48%, so most of the current debt is thanks to the ALP and Swan. Got it.
Costello’s biggest failure was not to abolish income tax.
Almost as bad as getting the ball back for another go in League (Rugby for Brain Dead). I love how every now and again they have a scrum and the other side pushes, the commentators are astounded.
FYI the Future Fund is now worth about 9.5% of GDP. Nice little earner.
Spike Protein and Mysterious Hepatitis in Children (Research Hypothesis)
Drbeen Medical Lectures
Researchers from the Imperial College London and Cedars Sinai Medical Center LA postulate that the spike protein is behind the overreactive immune system causing severe hepatitis in children.
it’s not the governments job to own income producing assets that should be in private hands
Australian government debt to GDP was a touch smaller in 2008 than what it was in 2004. Then the GFC happened.
Good to see you confirming support for Costello’s historically high tax take to pay down debt.
OK, but has he been institutionalised then? If not, why was someone mentally incompetent employed in aged care?
Yes, that’s pretty pathetic.
Not the mysterious hepatitis in unvaxxed children in the UK and in children median age two in the US!
We are not.
Will: Costello failed by not abolishing income tax.
Was he employed or was he a resident?
No, no. The Future Fund isn’t about government owning assets, it’s about stopping Labor from stealing them, like is happening from supposedly private sector industry funds.
Costello knew that any sovereign wealth fund would just get spent by Labor when they got in. So he got clever. What he did was to camouflage the sovereign wealth fund as a superannuation fund for public servants. That was brilliant. It meant that when Labor did win office they dared not touch it because their base of public sector wukkas, who regard it as their money, would tear them to shreds if they did.
How Many Lives Were Lost Due to NIH Corruption?
Chris Martenson
OK, cooker m0nster.
the working hypothesis is that the adenovirus used in the AZ & J&J vax that was made non-replicating that carries spike protein, recombined with wild type and became replicating and spread with said spike protein.
welcome to the brave new world of genetic chaos
That is bank debt.
Not government debt.
Aww, poor Kevni had a GFC! Lucky he didn’t have a black hole from a recession we had to have, or a 9/11 or a tech wreck, that would’ve been beyond even his immense capability of cope with.
Sancho – The banks are required under Basel to own government debt as part of their Tier I capital adequacy thresholds. It became a problem under Costello when there wasn’t enough Federal debt for the banks to fulfill this legal requirement. For the banks it isn’t debt, it’s an asset that they are forced to own.
Who was the person standing on stage behind the feather fans in Rowe’s cartoon? Is it supposed to be Albo? Looks nothing like him, but if it is supposed to be him Rowe would be having a dig at someone in Labor.
That would be a change.
Probably the Best Article I have seen that ScoMo’s Buy House from Super is a Good Idea – Surprisingly SMH
House now, super later: Life is too short to delay purchase
By Cameron Murray
In 2010, financial analyst Chris Joye proposed that superannuation funds should consider investing in housing equity. I opposed Joye’s idea because I was a fan of the super system and thought it would undermine super and increase house prices.
But it got me thinking more deeply about super and started my decade-long intellectual and personal journey that transformed me from a super fan to super’s biggest critic.
In 2010, I was 28 years old and had two children aged under three. I was just embarking on the parenting journey.
What I came to realise was that raising a family was expensive. Paying rent, paying super and saving for a home deposit all at the same time seemed totally ridiculous.
I needed money then, not later.
Worse, I had just seen my measly super lose 20 per cent of its value in the global financial crisis years. When I needed it most, my money was tied up in risky financial assets instead of being in my bank account.
As my kids have grown, I can now see the other side of parenting. I can see that when they finish high school in a few years our expenses will plummet. Yet our household income will be at its highest point ever.
The super system attempts to solve a lifecycle income problem – in retirement we need to spend but don’t work, and not everyone has non-work income sources like financial assets. But we already solved this problem with a new non-work source of income, the age pension. In fact, for the bottom quarter of households, when they go on the age pension they get a pay rise!
The bigger income problem is that young families have their highest expenses in their lowest income years. We help solve this with parenting payments and child allowances. But compulsory super works against this, reducing incomes in those years while also reducing the gains to working.
In 2020, 4.5 million people took nearly $40 billion out of their super in the early release scheme. It was clear to these millions of people that having their own money today was better for them. And I was one of them. That money helped me buy my own home and spend more on my family. If the opportunity came up again, I would repeat the exercise. As I suspect millions of others would.
In 2020, I had a health scare with suspected bowel cancer. I was only 38, but it is genetic. My father had a similar scare in his early 50s. What’s that got to do with super? Dead people don’t need super. One in 11 men don’t make it to age 60, and one in seven don’t make 66.
A happy life is not one where you can’t enjoy your money while you are young. It is a life in which you create great memories and social connections in your youth that stick with you when you are old, one in which you raise great children
My personal experience motivated my economic research, which resulted in a report in 2020 arguing that we should scrap super, pay it as wages, and let everyone take their money out of their fund gradually to spend as they please.
Everyone who has looked closely and objectively at the super system finds that it doesn’t make the age pension more sustainable. In fact, it makes the situation worse. The tax breaks to super are nearly $40 billion a year, and nearly $30 billion a year is paid in fees. The whole age pension system costs only $45 billion per year. Without super and its associated tax breaks, the federal government could afford higher pensions.
Even better than the Morrison government’s proposal of super-for-housing is super-for-anything — unwinding the super system altogether.
That wouldn’t mean people couldn’t save. They could. Just as they did before super.
It would just improve the budget, improve choice, improve fairness and improve the lifecycle of Australian families who need their money when they are young, not when they are old.
The only mystery is why our apparently left political party seems so intent on a high-fee privatised retirement system rather than boosting the only retirement system that actually works — the age pension.
Dr Cameron Murray is a research fellow, Henry Halloran Trust, the University of Sydney.
Twitter Lead Client Partner Says Woke “Ideology” Responsible For Company’s Inability to “Profit”
Project Veritas
super was and is a scam
It’s no mystery. Here’s a hint … IFS.
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
May 18, 2022 at 9:17 am
When Rudd left office in 2013, Australian government debt to GDP was about 30%.
When Rudd came to office Australian government debt to GDP was zero percent.
Let me get the numbers straight.
When KRudd came to office in 2007, we had zero nett Australian government debt. When he left office six years later (after the Gilliard interregnum), it had reached 30% 0of GDP.
When Abbott came into power in 2013, he started with that nett 30% figure. Now, nine years later (one and a half times the RGR period of givernment), munty tells us it has reached 48%.
So RGR increased debt by 30% in six years (average 5% pa), and Abbott/Turdballs/Morrison increased it by 18% in nine years (average 2% pa). And the idiot munty thinks that “Labor will soon arrive to lower debt and the deficit, like they always do.”
Two short planks are starting to look smart.
BLM co-founder spends charity funds on family and friends
May 18, 2022 at 9:58 am
Even better than the Morrison government’s proposal of super-for-housing is super-for-anything — unwinding the super system altogether.
super was and is a scam
and nearly $30 billion a year is paid in fees.
Honey Pot to Union Funds, the Labor Party and their Hangers On
Simon Holmes a Court is tearing down the Liberals for one reason – to make money for Simon Holmes a Court.
Belated Snap!
Yeah it’s Albo, you can tell by the Rabbitohs socks. Chalmers holding the feathers.
The point of the toon is that Frydenberg’s show is a lot more embarrassing than Labor’s.
I see no problem here.
May 18, 2022 at 9:24 am
Technically there was some debt on issue because APRA requires the banks to own it for Basel II reasons. But it was offset by the surplus in the Future Fund. In net terms it was zero.
FYI the Future Fund is now worth about 9.5% of GDP. Nice little earner.
An advantage of keeping it out of the reach of rabid left fascists who would otherwise have thoroughly looted it by now?
Australian government debt to GDP was a touch smaller in 2008 than what it was in 2004. Then the GFC happened.
Translation of munty-speak:
“They was robbed of the ability to show their genius.”
May 18, 2022 at 10:00 am
BLM co-founder spends charity funds on family and friends
Tax Documents Further Expose Black Lives Matter Organization As Racist Multimillion-Dollar Grifter Project
Public tax filings for the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation further exposed the racist organization built explicitly on Marxist values as a multimillion-dollar enterprise to enrich its leadership while cloaked in the self-righteousness of social justice.
According to the New York Post on Tuesday, disgraced co-founder Patrisse Cullors, who stepped down last year amid scrutiny of a series of financial scandals, funneled major six-figure sums to family members from the network’s donors. Paul Cullors, Patrisse’s brother, raked in $840,000 from the nonprofit’s charity funds. Damon Turner, who fathers a child with Patrisse, owns a company that was paid nearly $970,000 from the organization for “creative services” including “produc[ing] live events.”
“The 63-page Form 990 document, an annual filing required for nonprofit organizations to maintain their tax-exempt status, shows Cullors reimbursed the organization $73,523 for a charter flight,” the Post reported. “BLM insists she took the flight in 2021 out of concern for the COVID-19 pandemic and the health risks that come with it.”
Meanwhile, Cullors “already found herself in hot water after receiving a cool $120,000 payment for undisclosed ‘consulting fees’ by BLM.”
The document, published by the Associated Press on Tuesday, shows the organization that raised $90 million in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death ended its fiscal year on June 30, 2021 with nearly $42 million in assets.
A board member said the BLM Global Network operates with a $4 million dollar budget with tax forms detailing $32 million invested in stocks that are expected to serve as a permanent endowment fund for the group’s work.
“More than $37 million was spent by the foundation on grants, real estate, and charter on private flights, according to the tax filings,” the Post wrote.
Major purchases with little oversight have raised eyebrows in recent months as the group’s leadership buys high-priced homes in Los Angeles and Toronto for questionable use.
Prior to her resignation last summer, Patrisse Cullors used the organization’s new $6 million dollar California mansion to throw her son a private birthday party despite claims she would never use the property for personal use.
“I look back at that and think, that probably wasn’t the best idea,” she told the Associated Press after she was caught.
Apparently there was a rumour in cooker circles that Riccardo Bosi would appear on the Kyle & Jackie O show on KIIS this morning. Instead it was Karl Stefanovic. The cookers are furious.
Everyone who has looked closely and objectively at the super system finds that it doesn’t make the age pension more sustainable. In fact, it makes the situation worse. The tax breaks to super are nearly $40 billion a year, and nearly $30 billion a year is paid in fees. The whole age pension system costs only $45 billion per year. Without super and its associated tax breaks, the federal government could afford higher pensions.
This para is an eye-opener.
Some $70 billion a year to run super, vs $45 million for the OAP. Apart from providing jobs for maaaaates, what does compulsory super actually do?
shatterzzzz, feel free to comment!
“Apparently there was a rumour in cooker circles that Riccardo Bosi would appear on the Kyle & Jackie O show on KIIS this morning. Instead it was Karl Stefanovic. The cookers are furious.”
The cookers are cooking Monty’s brain. He’s obsessed. He needs to get out and get some fresh air, read a book, just do something. It’s sad.
The only mystery is why our apparently left political party seems so intent on a high-fee privatised retirement system rather than boosting the only retirement system that actually works — the age pension.
Jobs for maaaaates, and political support and “donations” in kind at election time.
But but but they have legitimate grievances! How can this possibly be??
How Black Lives Matter Criminals Were Enabled by the I.R.S. and the Democrat Party (17 May)
May 18, 2022 at 10:00 am
BLM co-founder spends charity funds on family and friends
But, but, but, BLM have “grievances”.
Put the cooker jar down m0nster.
Not good for someone who is the size of two Sports Illustrated swimsuit models (2022 version).
Squirrels are cookers? Or are cookers squirrels?
Anyway look over there it’s a squirrel cooker!
Looking at the Super/pension numbers, here’s a policy for Scomo: Everyone gets their super back, Age pension increased to 2 x present value and asset/income limits eased considerably.
If cookie m0nster thinks the Cat is a Bosi fan-club, he hasn’t been paying attention.
The point of the toon is that Frydenberg’s show is a lot more embarrassing than Labor’s.
Have you confirmed this with Rowe, or is it just what you hope?
Prof. Michael Sandel: Why the elites don’t deserve their status
You’re comfortable with Simon Holmes a Court making a great deal of money out of renewable resources?
May 18, 2022 at 10:11 am
Apparently there was a rumour in cooker circles that Riccardo Bosi would appear on the Kyle & Jackie O show on KIIS this morning. Instead it was Karl Stefanovic. The cookers are furious.
munty seems very well connected with the “cookers”.
The cooker m0nster lives?
EXCLUSIVE: 2000 Mules Director Dinesh D’Souza says ‘Our Film Proves Joe Biden is Not the President’
Some $70 billion a year to run super, vs $45 million for the OAP.
Correction”$45 Billion for the OAP, not million.
A few million here, a few million there, soon you’re talking real money!
what is this mutleyesque urkrofascismo supporting neo nazi smoking?
The other aspect is, why is favourable tax treatment given to superannuation when it is (mostly) compulsory? How much additional superannuation funds are attracted by the tax benefits?
it’s not the governments job to own income producing assets that should be in private hands
Unless they use it as a means to allow all taxation to be abolished?
Dismantling the super system will cause Mosman property prices to plunge. A lot of well remunerated index huggers enjoying the good life on a compulsory 10.5% of your income.
Thanks Paul Keating.
Good Moaning.
The Cat isn’t a Bosi fan club, it’s just that he’s worth a thousand Sanchos.
Still not enough to make me a fan.
He needs to get out and get some fresh air, read a book, just do something. It’s sad.
He’s not allowed out, COVID, @ 2 X 2022 swim suit model size, he’s not going to last 5 minutes.
Get your wills sorted out.
Tip..only leave stuff to the unjabbed
Dismantling the super system will cause Mosman property prices to plunge. A lot of well remunerated index huggers enjoying the good life on a compulsory 10.5% of your income.
Thanks Paul Keating.
I guess you could call it a partial privatisation of the OAP which has enriched a lot of grifters. Similar to the privatisation of the electricity industry.
We can already see evidence at the cat.
I Don’t have a Brain, but I get my 10 percent
Exces mortality going through the roof, especially in Aus..AFTER JABS
It’s breaking through the MSM
It wasn’t a pandemic, it was a global IQ test.
it’s not the governments job to own income producing assets that should be in private hands
Unless they use it as a means to allow all taxation to be abolished?
If the government owns an income producing asset I guarantee that it won’t be income producing for long. Except for the featherbedded unionised employees.
they would have to own the majority of the economy.
Anyone you know?
Labor will soon arrive to lower debt and the deficit, like they always do.
Try the veal.
JC thinks this bloke is great, doing god’s work.
Mornin’ Clive!
miltonf – not sure the financial services industry has the same natural monopoly characteristics as the electricity industry. There is a lot of regulatory risk hidden in the pension. At present we have an expensive hybrid system that sees too many people ending up on the pension at the end of the day.
Honestly, you wouldn’t buy a car from these people, let alone let them inject you.
The biggest Darwinian move in the history of the world.
Science – Atmospheric waves and global seismoacoustic observations of the January 2022 Hunga eruption, Tonga
The 15 January 2022 climactic eruption of Hunga volcano, Tonga, produced an explosion in the atmosphere of a size that has not been documented in the modern geophysical record. The event generated a broad range of atmospheric waves observed globally by various ground-based and spaceborne instrumentation networks. Most prominent is the surface-guided Lamb wave (?0.01 Hz), which we observed propagating for four (+three antipodal) passages around the Earth over six days. Based on Lamb wave amplitudes, the climactic Hunga explosion was comparable in size to that of the 1883 Krakatau eruption. The Hunga eruption produced remarkable globally-detected infrasound (0.01–20 Hz), long-range (~10,000 km) audible sound, and ionospheric perturbations. Seismometers worldwide recorded pure seismic and air-to-ground coupled waves. Air-to-sea coupling likely contributed to fast-arriving tsunamis. We highlight exceptional observations of the atmospheric waves.
11 Page PDF – https://www.science.org/doi/epdf/10.1126/science.abo7063/strong>
They definitely don’t want the truth Cory…
A thousand Sanchos!
Modesty prevents me from pointing out how much better the world would be if this came to pass.
Ze Vaccine mach Kaput
How’s the birth rate looking?
And yes it is most definitely the elephant in the denialist’s room.
DANGER: The WHO’s Death Trap for the US
Act Fast: They Vote Next Week
This is a plan that Congress and the public need to fight vigorously.
The Biden administration, it appears, unless stopped immediately, is tee-ing up America to make it easy for the Chinese Communist Party to defeat it, and other nations, through biological warfare.
. “On May 22-28, 2022, ultimate control over America’s healthcare system, and hence its national sovereignty, will be delivered for a vote to the World Health Organization’s governing legislative body, the World Health Assembly (WHA).” — Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Ross Breggin, America Out Loud, May 4, 2022.
. “This threat is contained in new amendments to WHO’s International Health Regulations, proposed by the Biden administration, that are scheduled as ‘Provisional agenda item 16.2’ at the upcoming conference on May 22-28, 2022.” — Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Ross Breggin, America Out Loud, May 4, 2022.
. “These amendments will empower WHO’s Director-General to declare health emergencies or crises in any nation and to do so unilaterally and against the opposition of the target nation. The Director-General will be able to declare these health crises based merely on his personal opinion or consideration that there is a potential or possible threat to other nations.” — Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Ross Breggin, America Out Loud, May 4, 2022.
. “The targeted nation is also required to send WHO any relevant genetic sequence data.” — Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Ross Breggin, America Out Loud, May 4, 2022.
. “Under the new regulations, WHO will not be required to consult with the identified nation beforehand to “verify” the event before taking action.” — Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Ross Breggin, America Out Loud, May 4, 2022.
. Unfortunately, this “next pandemic” is neither far off nor a hypothetical “conspiracy theory.” According to multiple credible reports from the U.S. Department of State, to the executive director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Peter Jennings, China has been preparing for bio-warfare using pathogens for more than six years.
. A WHO with expanded authority is a terrifying concept. Can you envision providing an international organization with the power to dictate how the U.S. should respond to a future pandemic? Perhaps by forcing the U.S. to turn over supplies and equipment to China because of its larger population? How about an international organization that would have the power to mandate whether we should be required to be vaccinated with a particular vaccine, say China’s inferior SINOVAC vaccine? Or imagine a WHO that has the power to impose what mandates or lockdowns a country would be required to impose, say like China’s current lockdown of Shanghai? Unfortunately, the WHO already has proven itself to be a willing organ of China’s Communist leaders. Providing it with international, legal binding authority over global pandemic response must never be allowed to happen.
The Biden administration, it appears, unless stopped immediately, is tee-ing up America to make it easy for the Chinese Communist Party to defeat it, and other nations, through biological warfare.
The World Health Organization (WHO), the organization that has unhesitatingly been doing China’s bidding during the COVID pandemic, is reportedly now planning to orchestrate a massive new power grab to internationally control the response to any future global pandemic. The plan is apparently to make the health of Americans dependent on the whims of China — which is both actively seeking to displace the US as the world’s leading superpower and has for years been working on new means of bio-warfare.
Are you the same St Ruth who accused Sancho of thread bombing?
So many open tabs.
So little time.
Sure! If it’s good enough for Elon Musk…
Apparently Fat Cloive had a steak for lunch … with chocolate milk.
You simply cannot vote for this barbarian.
And the dishonesty is that it is an average age and hysterical brainwashed dildos got their kids vaccinated even when not ordered to be.
Besides that, the kids that could be sufferering from mum’s spiked blood are coming up to 2 years old anyway.
People like Notaclue are disgusting.
Giant Tonga Volcanic Eruption Was as Powerful as Krakatau in 1883, Scientists Reveal
17 MAY 2022
An underwater volcano erupted in January near the Pacific nation of Tonga and sent massive pressure waves racing through Earth’s atmosphere, where they lapped the planet several times.
The last volcano to generate such large ripples in the atmosphere was Krakatau in 1883, during one of the most destructive volcanic eruptions in recorded history, a new study shows.
“This atmospheric wave event was unprecedented in the modern geophysical record,” said first author Robin Matoza, an associate professor in the Department of Earth Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
The research, published Thursday (May 12) in the journal Science, revealed that the pressure pulse generated by the Tonga volcano was “comparable in amplitude to that of the 1883 Krakatau eruption and over an order of magnitude greater than that of the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption,” Matoza told Live Science in an email.
The higher the amplitude of a wave, the more powerful it is.
A second study, also published May 12 in Science, suggested that this powerful pulse not only jiggled the atmosphere, but it also sent ripples racing across the ocean below.
In fact, the atmospheric waves generated small, fast-traveling meteotsunamis – meaning series of waves driven by air-pressure disturbances – which reached the shore hours before the conventional, seismically-driven tsunamis generated by the volcano’s blast.
These small “forerunner” tsunamis were observed all around the world, primarily in the Pacific Ocean, but also in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, surprisingly, said Tatsuya Kubota, a research fellow at the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience in Japan and first author of the second study.
“The height of the ‘forerunner’ tsunamis … was approximately a few centimeters or so, although it depends on the location,” Kubota told Live Science in an email.
May 18, 2022 at 11:05 am
You’re comfortable with Simon Holmes a Court making a great deal of money out of renewable resources?
Sure! If it’s good enough for Elon Musk…
Musk puts the subsidies to good use, with his private space program.
Holmes a Court uses his to paint the spectrum teal.
Agree Bear that Electricity and Retirement Income are massively different but my argument was both have been turned into rich pickings for grifters and parasites.
A once great blog that had switched on people commenting is now just a site for dribbling injected cretins looking for a way to escape reality.
The jab took away your desire for truth.
The day after this election we become officially governed by the Communists through never ending invented crisis, health entwined with climate change, never ending lock downs and starvation, meanwhile you argue about debt and deficit with a moron like Monty, who really does have your number. He owns the direction of the blog.
Because you want him to.
You need hin to.
And he’s a fat little communist.
Then there’s Ukraine.
It’s not healthy here.
My apologise to the 10 percent still here and still sane.
You know who you are.
So, you regard gullible lefty virtual signalers as a “renewable resource”?
By Howell Woltz -May 18, 2022
A military officer’s oath is for life, so one could rightly suspect that the crapstorm Trudeau’s Trevor Cadieu, The Biden Crime family’s, Admiral Eric Thor Olson, and BoJo’s LTC John Bailey just stirred up, was with their consent.
Numerous headlines read, “U.S. Admiral Surrenders to Russia in Mariupol, Ukraine.” What they missed is that U.S. Lt. Gen. Roger Cloutier was also captured at Azovstal and is now headed for Moscow to be put on trial as an international terrorist as well.
“Reports have been circulating much of today (Sunday, May 15, 2022) claiming that a U.S. Military Commander surrendered to Russian forces from the Azovstal Steel Mill in Mariupol, Ukraine.”
Not to be outdone in international Bioweapons Crimes against humanity, Boris Johnson’s lad, British Lieutenant Colonel, John Bailey—and four NATO military instructors—also surrendered to the Russian troops Sunday past from the depths of the Neo-Nazi tunnels beneath Azov Steel (Azovstal).
There is also news of other officers still hiding in the tunnels under Azovstal—along with an estimated 600 Ukraine Neo-Nazis who can expect less cordial treatment by the Russian courts than the western brass.
Russian tribunals will hold them responsible for the 14,000 dead Russian-speaking souls in Eastern Ukraine murdered by these men since 2014.
I’m so glad you asked.
We’ve covered the Biden Family crimes in Ukraine since before they rigged and stole the U.S. election, all the way back to the Burisma disclosures first made here.
Most pertinent to this, however, is that the U.S. Military funnelled the millions if not billions to Metabiota—the firm that managed the illegal U.S. bioweapons labs, through Rosemont Seneca—a Biden company.
The FBI and other compromised agencies would never do anything against any of these thugs—as time has proven—and it worked.
Others are now catching up with our reporting, however. “Cadieu was apparently not on a mission for his government but was in charge of a bio laboratory, Biolab No.1, with 18 staff working under his command.
Biolab No.1 is reportedly managed by US company Metabiota, the company Hunter Biden, son of U.S. President Joe Biden, and Christopher Heinz, John Kerry’s son-in-law, had organized subcontracting arrangements for Ukrainian research laboratories through their firm Rosemont Capital, on behalf of the Pentagon’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA).”
While we are not verifying anything, it is interesting where sources say these international criminals are headed:
Gullible right-wing vice signallers seem to have heads on ’em like mice, so sure why not.
One of the foundational rules of a site like this is that rich people have ultimate freedom because they’re winners in life, so according to your credo Simon HaC can do what he likes.
Looks like 93.1% of us are still smoking cork.
I would prefer a barbarian who likes chocolate milk with his steak to a traitor who will surrender our national sovereignty to a foreign organisation.
Morrison pushes “WHO” control of Australian health
From the Globalist’s Magazine, Foreign Policy, to the Mockingbird media pom-pom anchors every morning, to the pathetic Atlantic Magazine, they’ve all been singing the same, “Ukraine is winning!” tune, ad nauseam while the numbers and pictures coming across the border just 100 kilometres away from my home told an opposite story.
Sorry to disappoint the Zelenskyy fanboys and U.S. politicians laundering money there—but these high-ranking officers from Canada, Britain and the U.S., surrendering to the FSB and now on their way to trial in Moscow—is a humiliating defeat unlike any I’ve seen.
It is so humiliating, because they deserve it.
The most amazing part of this story—now that Putin appears to be holding the cards—is his restraint.
One of the foundational rules of a site like this is that rich people have ultimate freedom because they’re winners in life,
I know it will be a bit of a bore, but could you provide some evidence for this assertion?
The reason Keating conceived and implemented the compulsory superannuation system was twofold:
1. To remove unions’ need to have membership revenue streams to finance them – especially important as union membership is collapsing, now down to around 10% of the workforce in the private economy and not much higher among public service unions.
2. To give the ALP a slush fund of billions of dollars to help it win elections.
For that reason, Morrison’s election carrot this week of releasing more of young people’s super to help them buy houses was politically inspired as it attacks the central pillar of the ALP’s raison d’etre – using private citizens superannuation as a slush fund which the unions regard as THEIR money.
Mainstream Media Covers Up Ukrainian Azov Surrender In Mariupol
Legacy media claims Ukraine simply ‘ended their combat mission’
264 Ukrainian soldiers, including 53 severely wounded ones, surrendered to Russian forces on Monday after months of being holed up in the Azovstal iron and steelworks plant in Mariupol, Ukraine.
However, if you were one of the millions of people around the world who only consume mainstream media, you’d likely think the Ukrainian military voluntarily retreated from the city after a job well done.
Dinosaur media outlets like CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times and several others framed the surrender as Ukraine troops “fulfilling their combat mission” or “ending” the battle and “evacuating” the Azovstal plant.
Perhaps global media is simply regurgitating what Ukrainian officials are reporting, as the Associated Press specifically noted, “Ukraine didn’t use the word ‘surrender.’”
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called the surrender “a difficult day.”
A statement released by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine praised the soldiers who surrendered, saying, “The defenders of Mariupol are heroes of our time. They will forever be marked down in history. This includes the special ‘Azov’ unit, the 12th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine, the 36th Separate Brigade of Marines, border guards, police, volunteers, the Territorial Defense of Mariupol.”
I walked to Brisbane City Hall yesterday to vote. As I was lining up a Greens how to vote worker starting shouting ‘Free Health care, Free Education, Free ……’. It may be to free to him but very expensive for me.
The Qld Senate candidate for the Greens is Penny Allman-Payne. The Ryan Greens candidate is Elizabeth Watson-Brown. The Griffith Greens candidate is Max Chandler-Mather.
It seems the Qld Greens are full of people whose mother didn’t know who the father was and had an eacy way bet! Pack of Bastards!
US aid to Ukraine looks ‘like money laundering scheme’ – Congresswoman
American aid to Kiev goes to NGOs run by “friends and families” of US politicians, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene claims
The financial support America provides to Ukraine looks very much “like money laundering schemes,” Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has told ‘The Truth With Lisa Boothe’ podcast on Monday. The money supposedly destined for Ukrainians ends up in the pockets of “non-profits and NGOs” that are often run by people close to the politicians in Washington, Greene has claimed.
“They want to get $40 billion to Ukraine and you have these $40 billion on top of the money that have already been given. That brings it to $53 billion. That is over two thirds of the State Department’s entire budget for the year,” the congresswoman said, referring to the latest aid package that is currently going through the US Senate.
According to Greene, the US officials are doing this to eventually fund the NGOs operated by “their families and friends.” “It is basically like money laundering schemes,” she said.
The congresswoman believes these funds should be spent to deal with issues inside the US instead, including homelessness or human trafficking, which, according to Greene, have reached “record-high” levels.
Of the upcoming $40 billion aid package, $900 million is to be given to “qualified” organizations and NGOs for wraparound services, housing and medical services, the congresswoman said, adding that these organizations will be “eligible for any help the US government can give them.”
Washington also plans to provide $150 million for global agriculture and food programs at a time when US farmers are “on the verge of going out of business,” Greene said, adding that she has talked to the farmers in her district over the past week and found out they had been “hurt so badly by inflation and high fuel costs, chemicals and fertilizer costs… they are not breaking even.”
The congresswoman has also accused the US of being hypocritical about its alleged desire to “help the Ukrainian people.” Washington is being pouring money into Ukraine but is “totally ignoring” other conflicts around the world, she said, adding that “Ethiopia has a civil war right now, with thousands of people killed and millions displaced,” but the US pays little attention to this fact.
What’s so blatant about the WHO push, is that CHINA started this pandemic and was the country blocking and confusing investigations into its origins.
Guess which country is not lining up to sign this new global authoritarian push by the WHO?
.. and now, a match made in heaven. Global governance of climate and pandemics
How climate law can help to prevent the next pandemic
Said Pablo, In Caffe sVeritas.
Today’s exchange rate:-
1 Bosi = 1,000 Sanchos.
If you would like 1,000 Sanchos, press the uptick button.
If you would like 1 Bosi, press the downtick button.
Ukrainian troops holed up in Mariupol begin surrendering
Kiev puts on a brave face as trapped Azov fighters give themselves up to Russian forces
From the Comments
– mission completed! half of them died, 1/4 of them siriusly hurt, 1/4 of them foreign nato military experts, and nazis. Treat them accordingly! If you guys Z troops dont know how, call Kadirov!
– Mission accomplished (by the Ukrainian military, apparently). Surrendering was part of the plan all along! So, can we have our money back? Those fckrs wont be needing any weapons for a very long time. I want a refund!
– Imagine “the confidence boost” to Ukrainian troops holed up in Severodonstek from this latest order from their president. I’m sure they will be motivated to keep their positions until a rescue mission from Kyiv arrives. They just have to patient just like those in Azovstal.
– I don’t think the Azov will be treated the same as the rest of the Ukrainian soldiers
I think that a lot of the Russian boaties will be having their boats returned before these captured military officers are freed from prison.
Wait…so the Rowe cartoon was supposed to show Friedeggonburger embarrassed about his costings – but my understanding is that the Lib’s have already released theirs and Albo is running and hiding, not want to show his, for which circumstance the Libs are actually glad.
Objective:Health – The WHO Pandemic Treaty: Bad News for National Sovereignty
Remember that time we all voted for the WHO to take on a dictatorial role over our countries to tell us what to do in the event of a pandemic under threat of punishment? Funny, neither do we.
And yet this is where we are. Allegedly 194 countries are poised to sign away there right to self govern in the event of a pandemic, completely giving up their national sovereignty, giving themselves over to the will of the World Health Organization.
Any country signing on to the legally binding pandemic “treaty” would be obligated to follow the dictates of the WHO any time they arbitrarily declare there to be a pandemic (or even the threat of a pandemic). No checks to their ultimate declarations, no questioning their instructions, no autonomy, no self-determination.
This isn’t a ‘conspiracy theory.’ This is real, and it’s happening right now while we’re all distracted by celebrity trials, abortion debates and wars in far off lands. If all goes according to their plans the proposed “instrument” will be presented for adoption at the 77th World Health Assembly in May of 2024.
NewsReal: Buffalo Shooter a Nazi, like Azov Battalion in Ukraine
It seems KK Keneally has established residency in Liverpool by renting a one bedroom flat for $400 a week.
$400 is probably less that she pays the gardener at her Scotland Island mansion.
From the Oz: The new digs in Liverpool.
Superannuation certainly provides rich pickings for ticket clipping.
Big Pharma-funded paper recommends taxing the unvaccinated
A new paper published by Oxford University’s Center for Business Taxation – Taxing the Unvaccinated: Externalities and Paternalism During the Pandemic 16 May 2022 Alice Pirlot Kristoffer Berg discusses – and in the end supports – the idea of a special tax levied on those who decline to be “vaccinated” against “Covid19”.
The paper’s authors argue that a vaccine-related tax would be “justified” because “Taxes on behaviour that is considered undesirable are nothing new”.
And that even if the “vaccines” do cause serious harm to some people…
“some states do adopt policies that can lead to serious harm in exceptional cases when they consider that the benefits outweigh the costs”.
Yes, you did read that right.
They go on to suggest all sorts of ways of correcting this “undesirable behaviour”, from straight taxation to tax credits for those who have been vaccinated, to vaccine mandates and compulsory Covid insurance for the unvaccinated (which is just another way of saying “taxation”).
Now, here is where we could – and normally would – break down the article paragraph by paragraph. We would dissect the arguments, include data they ignore, highlight logical fallacies…you know, the usual.
We’re not going to do that today.
We could point out the infection-fatality ratio for Covid “cases” is minuscule.
Or that the so-called “vaccines” don’t prevent either infection or transmission of the alleged new disease called “Covid19”.
We could launch into a legal argument on civil rights, the Nuremberg Code, and medical coercion.
But we’re not going to do any of that.
Because it’s been two years of this, and life is just too damn short. We’ve done it enough, the facts are all there for anyone who cares enough to find them.
Instead, we’re just going to quote the ‘About’ page of the Oxford Center for Business Taxation, with a bit of added emphasis…
The Centre for Business Taxation was formed in 2005 and was initially funded by substantial donations from a large number of members from the Hundred Group. A number of these companies and others continue to support the CBT. Donors during the year were AstraZeneca [and] GlaxoSmithKline Plc
Unfortunately all Australian Mexicans have relocated to the Gold Coast.
You are a gem, Old Ozzie. And you are right – this is the biggie that is about to take place. And the idiot Morrison apparently still can’t see the blueprint that has been developed. Yesterday, in Darwin it appears he indicated he would support the proposal for those goons to mandate any vaccine they choose.
I have consistently believed the simplest explanation of the pandemic debacle ie that it was the product of incompetence. Now I am beginning to support Mike Yeodan and others that it is far more sinister.
David Rowe is Australia’s most boring cartoonist, attached as he is the Anti-Business Daily (Australian Financial Review).
He is maniacally anti-business and maniacally anti-LNP and it’s the same every day — variations on the same anti-LNP theme and never a word of criticism of the communist left, the pro-CCP ALP or the communist Greens.
Boring, boring, boring.
Except they’re wrong. COVID has been endemic for at least 27 months now, possibly 38, with vaccination rates that are very high across the globe and a significant proportion of the population infected and recovered; the virus mutated into a more transmissible but less severe pathogen.
There is literally no reason to punish anyone any further.
David Rowe – just another scroll
The Dangerous “Weigel Script”
Eric Sammons – May 17, 2022 – Crisis Magazine
In the American Catholic world, George Weigel needs no introduction. Perhaps best known as the biographer of Pope John Paul II, Weigel has been a public Catholic commentator for decades. In fact, in 1982 Weigel was a contributor in the first-ever issue of Crisis Magazine (then known as Catholicism in Crisis), and since then Crisis has published almost 100 of his articles.
One subject matter of particular focus for Weigel is American foreign policy, especially in how it relates to issues of war and peace (in fact, that first Crisis article was about that topic). Over his decades of punditry, Weigel has advocated for robust American interventionism throughout the world. He has doggedly maintained that position, despite mounting evidence of its repeated failure, in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. Now he has set his sights on Russia, where the price of failure could very well be nuclear war.
Neil Mitchell 3AW with a story that a US government committee is actually concerned about UFO’s.
Monty, Ed, Phone home.
homosexual nonsense
He is maniacally anti-business and maniacally anti-LNP and it’s the same every day — variations on the same anti-LNP theme and never a word of criticism of the communist left, the pro-CCP ALP or the communist
Does he have a man bun or a pony?
I sense there could be hairstyle indicators.
mutley! what yo mates doin?
Well, not quite.
This would be the US Military looking to soak Congress for funding to “further investigate”.
The most credible sightings will be in Aspen, Las Vegas and the Napa Valley.
After five years they will produce an inconclusive report from re-heated leftovers and put their hand out for more cesh.
sounds exactly like socialism with chinese characteristics
well done (no make it burnt) with tomato sauce? yum.
OldOzzie says:
May 18, 2022 at 11:53 am
NewsReal: Buffalo Shooter a Nazi, like Azov Battalion in Ukraine
From Scot.net
Other stories reveal Scott is free wheeling in lava lamp land.
That was in The Australian this morning, too:
No-one is scared of covid any more and the war is losing its concern value with the peasants. Time to trot out a new, more terrifying terror to keep them subservient.
So, nobody’s girl has moved on from “looking for a house with Ben” and a “promise(d) to continue living in the area should the unthinkable happen and Labor lose the seat” to a bolt-hole 1-room bedsit for postal and transport rort purposes.
Interesting that Erich von Daniken published his UFO books around 1970 at the same time the Left got its progressive boots on for the first time. Then we got stagflation, an oil shock and Jimmy Carter.
Looks like history is repeating again, although back then the music was better.
As a society, we have reached a stage where people are dragged into public view and wildly applauded for either:
1. Genetics; or
2. Their deep, passionate, lifelong embracing of carbonara in all its forms.
although back then the music was better.
Pink Floyd – Dark Side Of The Moon
Just checked out pictures of Rowe.
Sporting a perm.
I bet the studio has pin ups of the Teal ladies with Sweet Talkin’ Woman playing.
1. Genetics; or
2. Their deep, passionate, lifelong embracing of carbonara in all its forms.
Nobody walks out of the bush after weeks lost still chunky.
‘The Game is Over’: Google’s DeepMind says it is on verge of achieving human-level AI
New Gato AI is ‘generalist agent’ that can carry out a huge range of complex tasks, from stacking blocks to writing poetry
original paper
A Generalist Agent
I suspect that is why the Fat Bastard needs choccy milk.
To help digest the cremated cow chunks.
With vacancy rates at c. 1% many desperate people will be wondering how she managed to score that flat to further her vanity project.
A poet am I
my name is AI
I work on Cat 6 cable
but prefer WiFi.
Riccardo Bosi’s request to appear was discussed live on KIIS FM this morning. Kyle Sandilands branded him a “lunatic” and accused him of trying to pass himself off as a teal. Then again, Kyle is a dickhead.
And HAL 9000 was invented in 1968 too.
Be nice to have a new Woodstock, except it’d probably feature bad rap and multiple knife injuries.
A sneak peek at Oz’s future from across the pond.
Elbowed or Analed, its not going to be pretty.
More people leaving New Zealand than entering as young flee high cost of living
Thousands head overseas, partly because of economic conditions, with departures accelerating and labour shortage feared
Now, many New Zealanders – particularly young professionals and graduates – are heading off overseas once more. Some are driven by tough economic conditions in New Zealand, which is dealing with high inflation of 6.9%, housing unaffordability, and sky-high living costs: petrol, rents, mortgage interest rates and groceries are all on the rise.
Brad Olsen, Infometrics principal economist and director, said the latest figures “demonstrate just how momentous really the shift has been in New Zealand’s migration outcomes”, changing to a net loss from 50,000-60,000 annual net gains in the years leading up to the pandemic. “It’s a huge reversal – and the first time we’ve seen those negative figures since the global financial crisis, the Christchurch earthquakes and the Australian mining boom all combined in the early 2010s.”
Stats NZ, the government’s data and statistics agency, said the losses were driven by young adults, with a particular increase in New Zealand citizens aged 18 to 27 leaving. With unemployment already at a low of 3.2%, economists say the loss of more of the workforce via migration could create ongoing labour shortages.
Lucky their glorious leader Madame ivermectin knows better.
Asked about those projected losses, the prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, said that overseas trips were “part of our history” and a rite of passage for many New Zealanders, noting that she had spent time living in London. “It has been part of our history as a nation to frequently have New Zealanders come and go as part of our overseas experience, building skills and talent.”
Even a dickhead can be correct occasionally.
Well, you seem to be an exception.
nd accused him of trying to pass himself off as a teal.
Kyle isnt exactly over-endowed with grey matter is he?
Bosi would be fist pick as a teal clubber.
Ah, cookie m0nster, have you listened to much Kyle-style radio?
As much as I think that Bosi is a dick, that was a classic set-up.
You invite them on (pre-recorded) to edit and ambush them.
Or you invite them on, cancel them and bag them to show you are down with the Kool Kids.
FMD, cookie m0nster.
Kyle Sandilands?
This is how far you have fallen?
The entirely politically unaligned Kyle Sandilands with one of KD’s carbonara devotees.
I’m getting a little suspicious of the story about the bloke who had never flown before landing the Cessna Caravan after the pilot became medically incapacitated.
Watched an interview this morning where it was clear there was a third person on the aircraft – the pilot’s “friend”. Now if they had been friends for a little while I’d expect the friend to have flown before with the bloke and at least had a bit of a fly even though not rated or especially if a student pilot.
My nasty suspicious mind says “girlfriend” who actually flew and landed the aircraft but the passenger took the credit to avoid any publicity for the friend and particularly to keep it from the pilot’s wife. I hope I’m wrong.
They’re not surrendering, they are being evacuated!!!
That’s the problem with FM radio- inane PC chatter (often an obnoxious m-f duo). Just shut up and play some tunes. At 1278 does just that except for the fauxfacts ‘news’ on the hour.
Just suffering watching the ship’s steward kid at the Press Club.
A master at talking but saying nothing. It’s just background noise.
And the imbecile questions from “journalists”! Just statements because “I’m on TV” .
Doh – never use an apostrophe in error
What a terrible shame for the Vlad Bae-lievers that their vaunted CaPtUrEd US AdMiRaL iN AzOvStaL is 71 and been retired from active service for some years…
Cope poisoning on the same level as playing the video of a Uke T-72 towing a captured T-90A backwards and saying LoOk! RUS CaPtUrEd A TaNk! NaZis GoInG DoWn!!!1!
And I note the story about UkrONaZi SuPeR-DuPeR TuBeCuLoSiS from the BiOlAbS being given to and spread by innocent Donbassian children in the Luhansk has abruptly gone quiet again…
I am putting “the hole in the bucket” jingle last.
You have to draw a line and stand (or fall if necessary) somewhere.
A quick fly by while I stop for lunch.
Re the debt to GDP ratio; The (so called) conservatives have increased it 60% since 2013.
On the other hand, the increase during R-G-R, was in orders of magnitude for all intents and purposes.
When monty mentions “cooker” read “Thermomix”.
Didn’t take long for the new order control freak to come out. Buyers remorse.
The trouble with super is that it takes a very long time to build up to a sizeable amount and let compound interest really start working .
If you used 50,000 as a deposit on a 500,000 house, your borrowed 450000 is actually working for you.
If the property goes up by 10% , your original 50,000 has gone up by 100%.
Assuming that your repayments are equal to market rent
Plus you can add value to your house by renovating,subletting etc
It has worked for me 4 times
Super not so much
A duo.
Costs have been cut.
Last time I looked they were all trios with mandatory banal nick-names.
Red Symons did a pisstake of it when he was at the ABC. Called his show “Symo, Tubby and The Girl”.
But, yes, when they stray from playing “Workin’ Class Man” five times a day to trying to sound intelligent it all falls apart.
Just voted. It was weird to see the Greens HTV card have the Liberal at 4th out of 8, but there are a lot of nut jobs running this cycle.
Also got to put Monica Smits dead last, which was fun.
THIS IS A NOTICE TO ALL POLITICAL PARTIES. I know you read this blog. I will not vote with my head this Saturday, I will vote with my heart and my heart is filled with contempt. I have been lied to for far to long. My intelligence has been attacked but my eyes do not lie and my onboard ‘bullshit’ detector is still in working order. If you want my vote your going to have to work hard for it and put in place orders to protect my FREEDOM..my PROPERTY..my FAMILY. NOTHING LESS WILL SUFFICE.
Flicked thru Fox, Nova, and Gold the other day in the car- just chatter and ads. Three? Even worse than 2!
mUnty hanging with the cool kidz again?
You are a rolled gold, entitled, fascist nutjob.
Err, I’ve not seen anything confirmed about NATO types being captured, but you do understand the concept of “deniable” don’t you?
Just a spiteful sociopath
Also got to put Monica Smits dead last, which was fun.
Filling out every box on a Senate ballot paper (even if he means every box above the line) is m0nty’s idea of “fun”.
Desperately sad.
It becomes clearer by the day that the Ukraine is the latest neo-con plaything. Part of the requirements for being a neo-con plaything (apart from sending other people’s kids to war) are extensive grifting opportunities for connected US politicians.
Hey, do you really think they care one way or another about what we think? Maybe you are right – but they sure don’t seem to take much notice in terms of policy changes.
Our household has been getting a lot of weird personal communications lately from conservative sources, but then I put that down to the fact that I am also a prolific letter writer – it alleviates anger and anxiety issues!!!!
That’s the problem with FM radio- inane PC chatter (often an obnoxious m-f duo). Just shut up and play some tunes. At 1278 does just that except for the fauxfacts ‘news’ on the hour.
Stream the music / news /podcast of your choice
Both super and housing have paid off for us.
The point is, no-one should be bound to a particular mode of investing.
The thing is, leveraging within super is available for more high end investors, but not through industry or retail funds.
I can recall when Costello introduced freedom of choice of fund in the early 2000’s. It was an eye-opener how funds tried to frustrate withdrawals. I even had one condescending prick tell me that my request to transfer out would be put to the trustees “in due course” and the trustees would “consider if it was appropriate”. I gave the arrogant shit a massive spray telling him that I had complied with the law, and that he personally was about to be reported to ASIC.
That loosened things up a bit and the cash fell out of the tree.
(Plum Super).
Uric acid: A KEY cause of weight gain, diabetes, heart disease & dementia (Dr. David Perlmutter)
Levels Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Casey Means, chatted with our advisor, Dr. David Perlmutter on the discovery of how the elevation of uric acid in the body is a causative mechanism in the development of metabolic diseases, and one of the key links between obesity, diabetes, heart disease, neurologic diseases like dementia, ADHD, fatty liver disease, and more.
They also covered:
– The several mechanisms of how uric acid causes cellular dysfunction and insulin resistance, including oxidative stress, inflammation, and even preventing insulin from getting out of the blood stream effectively.
– The evolutionary reasons why the metabolic dysfunction and weight gain caused by uric acid would have benefitted us historically in terms of low access to food and water, by letting us more easily pack on weight and raise blood pressure. And how we now live in an evolutionary-environmental mismatch where this survival mechanism is now hurting us in the face of caloric abundance.
– The different dietary and environmental factors that generate uric acid, including fructose, purine rich foods and umami foods, dehydration, alcohol, and more.
– The optimal levels for uric acid.
– How uric acid impairs our hunger signals, drives us to eat, and even promotes risk taking behavior. We talked about how to reverse high uric acid levels as a way to unlock optimal health.
31 Judges demand Federal ICAC.
Have never been a fan of superannuation. To begin with, I hate the lack of choice. I like to decide on my own investment strategies. But I am also an untrusting soul, & don’t like the arcane procedures of some funds.
Around 2006 we had sold a property and had a large sum to invest, so we took advantage of Peter Costello’s super changes to put the whole amount into superannuation which allowed some generous concessions on capital gains tax, as I recall. We put it into an industry fund which commonly invested in asset classes – like parking lots (just an an example) which were not regularly revalued. When the financial crisis hit suddenly a couple years later, the calculations on the final amount we were able to withdraw did not tally with the most recent figures provided to us – which the fund put down to the variability of valuing such assets. That was the last time we put money into super.
Amazing hoe that hepatitis is skipping vaxxed children and only infecting unvaxxed children.
I think today is some sort of record for not clicking links.