A non-paid political advertisement for our current government

This is not a paid political advertisement in that I am not being paid. But I pass this along since I completely agree with the conclusion:

This is from Terry Barnes at The Spectator:ย Tezzaโ€™s how-to-vote card.

On Saturday, Iโ€™ll be voting Liberal, but out of loyalty rather than conviction. The party is no longer that of Menzies, Howard, or Abbott, and instead is riven with power-hungry egos and factional warlords.

The Liberal Party needs reform. It needs to rediscover its roots. It needs to be a party of the mainstream centre-right and to stop being so desperate in trying to appease affluent progressives on issues like โ€˜climate actionโ€™ and public health, even while knowing theyโ€™ll never vote for it….

I believe the only way necessary change will happen is from the heights of federal government, because the country canโ€™t afford the Left-Labor alternative. Incumbency brings purpose and demands at least nominal discipline. Opposition would bring nothing but an open invitation for Liberals to eat each other alive, unleash ferocious factional wars, and set federal and state organisations against each other.

Itโ€™s a recipe for long-term opposition and unelectability, not a quick return to government….

As a Victorian, I also know that the shock of losing office to an inferior opposition can lead โ€“ not to a brief spell in the paddock โ€“ but decades in the unelectable wilderness….ย 

If youโ€™re a disillusioned Coalition voter, the Liberalsโ€™ need to retain your support gives you lasting influence and leverage over the Liberal Partyโ€™s (in a wordplay readers under 40 wonโ€™t get) future directions. You are their true base. Your preferences matter. Please use them wisely.

I only differ from this in giving the Prime Minister the benefit of the doubt since on most issues I think he sees things in an entirely conservative way (but who knows?). With the world filled with climate and covid zombies whose votes also matter, and who are found in large numbers even amongst those who vote for The Coalition, there is no way to remain a purist on either issue.ย 

Labor will follow Joe Biden on every issue. We will have open borders, massive deficits and a weakening of our national defence. Lockdowns and Covid restrictions will not come to an end.

Three years is a very long time in politics, specially if it stretches out to six years or even more.ย 




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May 20, 2022 12:52 am

Yeah, we couldnโ€™t possibly afford a massive deficit, weakened economy, stupid unrealistic and unaffordable climate targets, a military that determines success by how inclusive its brass is and how much it spends on useless subs and a government who will turn societal norms on their heads and who thumbs itโ€™s nose at itโ€™s base could we. Oh wait, thatโ€™s exactly what we have had the last decade.

Seriously, what is to fear from Labor that we havenโ€™t already seen under the Libs?

John Sheldrick
May 20, 2022 1:27 am

Seriously, what is to fear from Labor that we havenโ€™t already seen under the Libs?

We have a lot to fear as they are likely to to be a lot worse than the Libs/Nats. For the Libs/Nats, this is a good election to lose as the next 3 years will be a shocker for the World whoever is in Government here.

Leon L.
Leon L.
May 20, 2022 6:30 am

The Liberal Party needs reform.
Incumbency brings purpose and demands at least nominal discipline.

9 years of incumbency and the party needs reform that it will achieve from incumbency, which hasโ€™t been achieved by 9 years of said incumbency.
The continued notion of the lesser evil.
More of the same isnโ€™t the way out.
There may not be a way out from where we stand.

May 20, 2022 6:31 am

John Sheldrick says:
May 20, 2022 at 1:27 am
Seriously, what is to fear from Labor that we havenโ€™t already seen under the Libs?

We have a lot to fear as they are likely to to be a lot worse than the Libs/Nats. For the Libs/Nats, this is a good election to lose as the next 3 years will be a shocker for the World whoever is in Government here.

If the Coalition wins they also will see it as approval of their woke policies and will also go more left. It’s heads they win, tails we lose. Sri Lanka is where we are headed regardless which major party wins.

May 20, 2022 7:05 am

If the Coalition wins they also will see it as approval of their woke policies and will also go more left.

Given the last two years and the increasing contempt I have for my fellow citizens I see nothing but a good hard dose of Labor as being the only remedy.

From the little I know of the type of people either already in or aspiring to parliament for the Liberals we are screwed.
Vacuous, venal, incestuous, spinless troughers.

I’ll never vote for declared socialists/progressives.
I’ll also never vote for undeclared socialists/progressives ever again.

Anchor What
Anchor What
May 20, 2022 7:11 am

The strenuous attempts at cover up in Oregon reveal something rotten in the state when it comes to auditing their 2020 ballots.
Voter Integrity group being sued to stop revelations.
File under โ€œToday in No Evidence of Voter Fraudโ€.

Anchor What
Anchor What
May 20, 2022 7:13 am

Sorry, wrong fred.

May 20, 2022 7:15 am

Quite frankly, I have been so shocked by the failure of the so called conservative Party to act out the essential principles of their beliefs, I am prepared to hunker down & accept what comes.

But I will not vote for those who betrayed me over the last two years.

May 20, 2022 7:16 am

No matter who holds office in Australia, they all take their orders from overseas…

This election means nothing.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
May 20, 2022 7:45 am

Cassie’s right – The Libs will take victory as meaning their leftward course is a winner. Certainly abandoning lefty policies would seem to them to mean losing voters on the left without gaining any on the right, because they think people on the right will vote for them anyway.

And that is where this election presents an opportunity.

Voting for LDP, UAP, or PHON will show them they can lose votes by going left.

(Sadly there is no LDP member in my electorate, but there is the senate I suppose.)

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
May 20, 2022 7:55 am

Put the majors last.
When you try the same thing as previous times and expect a different result, that is the definition of insanity.
Although I expect one of the major parties to get in itโ€™s important to follow whatโ€™s Good and True

May 20, 2022 8:12 am

Quite frankly, I have been so shocked by the failure of the so called conservative Party to act out the essential principles of their beliefs, I am prepared to hunker down & accept what comes. But I will not vote for those who betrayed me over the last two years.

This is exactly what I loudly told the Lib/Lab reps trying to hand me their HTVs as I voted yesterday: ‘Nope not this time and never again – your parties COVID management policies destroyed my life and ruined my childrens future – you are NEVER getting my vote again’

May 20, 2022 8:23 am

It is nearly impossible to reform the libs. The broad church is now a Cathedral and there would be little agreement between its factions or bits towards meaningful reform. Look at the recent moves by the base towards more democracy in the party. This has been ignored by the executive and political operatives. I should add that the party’s constitution is massive, unintelligible and difficult to change.

May 20, 2022 8:35 am

Hopefully some conservative/libertarian parties get up in the Senate! And while on the topic….the lib dems in chisholm need help handing out HTV cards if anyone interested, please reply!

P.S I was fully ready to hold my nose and put labor before libs in preferences – just to punish them…and then I found out Carina Garland has a PHD in gender studies. Face palm.

May 20, 2022 8:40 am

Although I’m of the generation that remembers and suffered the horrors of Whitlam and then RGR, I can’t bring myself to vote directly for the coalition this time around. If being shafted is inevitable I’d rather it be by the liars and greens, whose remit has always been to destroy society, rather than being betrayed by a party that should be standing up against such craziness.

I’ll be putting the liars and the greens last so I suppose my vote will trickle down to the useless green lib who will almost certainly win the seat (Higgins). I only hope the libs learn the lesson from the massive swing against them but I fear they are too stupid to do that. We’re in for a federal version of the Victorian experience.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 20, 2022 8:48 am

Yeah, Nah. The Lieborals arenโ€™t reforming in government. Time for a spell in the wilderness. Yes it will be disastrous, that is the price that has to be paid.

May 20, 2022 8:50 am

May 20, 2022 at 8:12 am
Quite frankly, I have been so shocked by the failure of the so called conservative Party to act out the essential principles of their beliefs, I am prepared to hunker down & accept what comes. But I will not vote for those who betrayed me over the last two years.

This is exactly what I loudly told the Lib/Lab reps trying to hand me their HTVs as I voted yesterday: โ€˜Nope not this time and never again โ€“ your parties COVID management policies destroyed my life and ruined my childrens future โ€“ you are NEVER getting my vote againโ€™

I pointed at each of them and asked why should I vote for your party of corrupt, incompetent fuckwits? Was less polite to the fat creature representing the greens, it was pushy.

Usually I leave people like that alone, they’ve got a job to do after all. This time around, I’m ticked off, and view anyone voluntarily aligning themselves with the parties that screwed us the last two years as fair game.

May 20, 2022 8:58 am

No matter who holds office in Australia, they all take their orders from overseasโ€ฆ

That’s why the liberal (in the real sense) independents holding the balance of power are the only hope.

May 20, 2022 9:01 am

My hope is that by voting Lib Dem first, then another minor, and the Liberals before Labor, the Liberals might get a message.
BTW, my LD candidate tells me that very soon the party will have a name change, probably to ‘Liberty and Democracy’. A bit wordy, but it retains LibDems as the moniker. It also more clearly differentiates them from the Liberals. As a LD HTV volunteer, I have encountered hostility from some who think the party is Liberal.

Ellen of Tasmania
Ellen of Tasmania
May 20, 2022 9:03 am

We have LDP, PHON & UAP candidates in the house to vote for – and Topher in the senate! (Also with the other Freedom parties to number.) Better than we deserve.

As I’ve said before, I don’t know if our pollies are blackmailed, drugged, bribed or hypnotised, but the Tweedledum/Tweedledee puppets who do their master’s bidding are anathema. Will the Libs sign up to the new global WHO-calls-all-the-shots pandemic plan next week? We need freedom fighters in parliament to block it.

It’s the little ‘David’ parties that are our only political hope against the global ‘Goliath’. May God have mercy on our country.

May 20, 2022 9:09 am

Libs are dead to me.
Filthy, stinking, quislings Who deserve to disappear like the whigs did in the USA.
The cavorting skin suit is just an obscene plaything for the Maocolm greens to cloak themselves in.

May 20, 2022 9:29 am

You donโ€™t stand by people who donโ€™t stand by you. Itโ€™s that simple.

May 20, 2022 9:30 am

Put the majors last

This is impossible to do while we have compulsory preferential voting in the lower house. My seat is a classic example of this – it’s a safe labore seat with zero chance of being won by the gliberals or the greenfilth.

There are five candidates – in addition to the three above, there are PHON and UAP candidates. The current incumbent is a vile piece of filth and the gliberal candidate is a bag headed moozley bimbecile on the local council (err, how does that work – I thought you were ineligible if you held a position in another level of government?).

While there is a phenomenal residual level of anger in my electorate over the schlockdowns (it takes in several of Beryl G’s “LGAs of Obsession”) the fact is that at both the state and feral government level we were shafted by coalition governments. Whether this translates into more votes for the “freedom party” candidates remains to be seen. Hypothetically, I could vote like this:
3. Greenfilth
4. Gliberals
5. Labore

This would mean a vote for the gliberals in the final two candidate run off, or even worse, a vote for the greenfilth (who are not thank goodness, a major party) if their candidate ended up with more primary votes than the gliberal (so unlikely as to be effectively impossible).

Labore and the greenfilth simply are not an option, however, nor are the gliberals. Therefore my only course of action is to vote informal, or possibly number one and two for PHON and UAP, while crossing out the other candidates. I always use a pen so as to prevent any “repurposing” of my vote by ALPEC imbeciles.

It is possible to cast a valid vote in the senate that allows you to avoid the majors, which I’ll be investigating and memorising today.

However, I will never, ever vote for the gliberals again, even inadvertently. Their performance at state (NSW) and feral levels since 2011 and 2013 respectively, has been appalling, especially since the commencement of the bat flu insanity in early 2020.

May 20, 2022 9:32 am

It warms my heart to read most of the comments above.
There is no way I will hold my nose and vote for the libs again. They are not going to change if we put them back in charge. What nonsense.
I hope that “the others” vote count increases by a significant percentage this election.
The message has to be sent to both the Libs and Labor that we are not happy with the path they intend the country to take.

May 20, 2022 9:35 am

This time around, Iโ€™m ticked off, and view anyone voluntarily aligning themselves with the parties that screwed us the last two years as fair game.

Exactly. Ignorance of why we might be a tad pissed off about the last two years is no excuse for those amoral drones.

May 20, 2022 9:43 am

How about this: If you’re in a House electorate where the seat could go to Labor/Teals/Greens, you preference the Libs above their chief rivals.

In the Senate, you don’t vote for them all — LDP, One Nation, UAP etc, the order calibrated against your sense of their worthiness.

The ONLY hope, given the Liberals’ poor prospect of re-discovering what they’re supposed to be about, is a Senate so constipated with minor parties it can’t pass anything. Govern least, govern best.

May 20, 2022 9:44 am

I only differ from this in giving the Prime Minister the benefit of the doubt since on most issues I think he sees things in an entirely conservative way

Ha ha ha ha. I want what you’re having Steve!

May 20, 2022 9:49 am

The party is no longer that of Menzies, Howard, or Abbott, and instead is riven with power-hungry egos and factional warlords.

Good heavens!

John Howard is where the rot started. The rot then undid Abbott.

As for Menzies, I believe that after his retirement he began voting DLP. Perhaps he’d already seen the writing on the wall?

May 20, 2022 10:37 am

Well I’ve voted already, and like so many here I could no longer vote for the Libs . . . I utterly refuse to vote for their appalling treachery and behaviour. They no longer represent my values and beliefs.

Voted informal in the HoR as it’s a safe Labor seat, and voted below the line in the senate with a mixture of Lib Dems, One Nation, UAP and some independents.

May 20, 2022 11:47 am

Here in the electorate of Ryan, we are spoilt for choice. Nine candidates in the HoR including UAP, LibDem, One Nation, Aust Federation, Animal Justice and that’s before Lib, Lab, Progressives and the Greens.

I agree with Leon L. who said “9 years of incumbency and the party needs reform that it will achieve from incumbency, which hasnโ€™t been achieved by 9 years of said incumbency“. The LNP won’t reform itself. Electoral success will be interpreted by them as having achieved the right balance – in other words, more of the same. They will be ‘rewarded’ with government.

And if the Libs lose, it has to be because of large numbers of votes going to the centre-right parties being a demonstration that the LNP has lost its core. In any case, the LNP have been a bitter disappointment for reasons Cats know well and I am in no mood to reward their behaviour.

With any luck at all, UAP/LibDem/One Nation will grab several HoR seats to hold the balance of power and, a swag in the Senate.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 20, 2022 12:03 pm


BTW, my LD candidate tells me that very soon the party will have a name change, probably to โ€˜Liberty and Democracyโ€™.

An excellent change. The word “liberal” has been polluted both by the current Australian users, and by its use by hard (fascist) left American so-called “progressives”.

May 20, 2022 12:16 pm

I think Terry is suffering from the lack of imagination that besets the insider. He can’t imagine that things could ever be any different from the status quo that the two major parties – aka the Uniparty – have lazily enjoyed in the post-war period. But their declining primary vote – not to mention their declining membership – suggests that a growing number of Australians are disillusioned with that status quo and are seeking alternatives. The majors ignore that at their peril.

Old bloke
Old bloke
May 20, 2022 1:13 pm

The Liberal Party in Western Australia has preferenced the Labor Party higher than the minor conservative and liberty parties so obviously they believe that Labor are worthy of support.

Why should I disagree with them?

I’ll be voting tomorrow and my vote will go to the UAP/LDP/PHON/ Independents before getting to the majors, I’ll be reminded that the Liberals believe that Labor are pretty good and will vote accordingly.

The major parties won’t get a mention in my Senate vote, that will go to the minor parties and independents before the vote expires at number 6.

Behind Enemy Lines
Behind Enemy Lines
May 20, 2022 1:30 pm

Terry Barnes:

Opposition would bring nothing but an open invitation for Liberals to eat each other alive, unleash ferocious factional wars, and set federal and state organisations against each other.

I voted early, and this is exactly what I’m hoping to achieve.

Irrespective of which branch of the UniParty gets to rule Australia, we’re going to get ruled even harder this time around.

So let the so-called ‘liberal’ party go kill itself. That’s what it deserves. If anyone worthwhile emerges from the mess, we can consider them on their merits later on.

May 20, 2022 2:04 pm

If youโ€™re a disillusioned Coalition voter, the Liberalsโ€™ need to retain your support …


Not falling for it again, sorry.

Cassie of Sydney
May 20, 2022 2:42 pm

I’ve already voted here in Wentworth. My conscience wouldn’t allow me to vote for the Liberals, I have now reached a stage where my disappointment, my despair and my disgust with the Liberal Party, both federally and here in this state of NSW, knows no limits. Only last week Matt Kean went on television and happily smeared the Liberal base, that is people like me, calling us Trumpian and Putin sympathisers. That’s what the Liberal Party does to its base, it despises us. And my local member, Dave Sharma, a man who desperately needs my vote tomorrow, agreed with Kean. How can I possibly vote for a candidate and a party that has such contempt for me? I voted Liberal Democrat, lower and senate followed by PHON and UAP. I have no regrets.

An example of just how far removed the Liberal Party here in NSW is from any centre right beliefs, we now have Voluntary Assisted Euthanasia in this state, passed only yesterday. This comes after the atrocious abortion laws that were brought in by another so called Liberal premier, Glad Slag (remember her) back n 2019…..she did the bidding of a green left independent named Alex Greenwich. I won’t write what I really think of Greenwich, I don’t want to imperil the blog. In other words, she and other Liberal scum like Kean sold their souls to the devil for a vote.

The Liberal Party is gone. Yes, Albo’s going to be worse but I can’t keep propping up a party that hates me. Here’s another example, here in Wentworth the geniuses at Liberal Party headquarters preferenced the Greens above One Nation.

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
May 20, 2022 2:46 pm

I’d like to see the minor conservative parties have a majority in at least the Senate. Failing that, I’d rather see the country be ungovernable as another poster put it awhile ago.

Cassie of Sydney
May 20, 2022 2:57 pm

“Perplexed of Brisbanesays:
May 20, 2022 at 2:46 pm
Iโ€™d like to see the minor conservative parties have a majority in at least the Senate. Failing that, Iโ€™d rather see the country be ungovernable as another poster put it awhile ago.”

That was most likely me, I’ve argued here before that I’d like our next government to be like the unstable governments of Italy, Belgian, Israel and other countries where the rocky governments always fall because not only are they unstable, they’re unworkable. Bring it on. Belgian didn’t have a government for quite a few months a few years ago, I can’t see anything wrong with that?

May 20, 2022 3:29 pm

I tried to put the “conservative” government MP last, but my hand slipped and they got put 2nd last, Greens dead last again!

It’s like the “hidden” Prime Directive in RoboCop

Bar Beach Swimmer
May 20, 2022 6:20 pm

+1 for all the above comments.

Why is it that when the SFLs are electorally in trouble they put out a call to their so-called base – aka Menzies “forgotten people,” the middle class – and expect them to “bring home the bacon” of the treasury benches; despite being completely ignored and even derided by those who think they own the Liberal Party: the residents of the so-called blue ribbon seats of Wentworth, Higgins, Kooyong, Warringah etc.

The SFLs know that the growing numbers of virtue signallers in these seats won’t accept the traditional policy positions of the Party: small govt, private enterprise, low taxes, reliable and cheap power, individual freedom, safe and secure borders and strong defence. So they expect the suburbs dwellers to do a “deal with the devil” and forget that these things matter, just so a bunch of career politicians can keep being re-elected and getting invited out.

But this time it’s worse than even that. The behaviour of Scummo and the Federal Govt (and Gladys and Perrottet in the NSW) over the last two years has been a disgrace. Freedoms have been taken, jobs and businesses have been lost, the debt has been deliberately and exponentially increased, children’s education has been irrevocably damaged, families have been denied the right to see their ill and ultimately fair well deceased family members, treatment for all manner of medical conditions has been cancelled, experimental drugs have been forced on almost the entire population and unvaccinated Australians have been made into second-class citizens and pariahs, and yet the expectation from our political betters is that we should ignore what has been done and vote them in again?

It’s the working men and women of Australia who are Menzies true, forgotten people, not the likes of Dave Sharma, Matt Kean, Trent Zimmerman, Katie Allen et al., which is why the SFLs need to be taught a lesson.

May 20, 2022 6:20 pm

When you reward bad behaviour it tends to reinforce that behaviour, rather than inspire some change to that behaviour. I just cant bring myself to vote for people who obviously don’t like me.

Bar Beach Swimmer
May 20, 2022 6:34 pm

I think Terry is suffering from the lack of imagination that besets the insider

He needs to ask the millions of Australians who could not go to work, who were left on the wrong side of the state borders and could not go home, who could not work from home, who had no physical room in their homes to school their children, who were physically assaulted by police, and arrested and fined for doing no more than being outside, and who were forced – and are still being forced – by the state, or who lost their jobs when they would not succumb, to take a properly test “medication.” Terry, after you’ve done those things, you can get back to us.

Cassie of Sydney
May 20, 2022 6:56 pm

“Bar Beach Swimmersays:
May 20, 2022 at 6:20 pm”


Bar Beach Swimmer
May 20, 2022 7:06 pm

properly tested

***not*** properly tested

May 20, 2022 7:52 pm

If you really really want to know how corrupt politics is now, just try to join the local branch of either party

May 20, 2022 7:53 pm

John Howard, a “Liberal”?

Jackboot Johnnie, the suburban lawyer turned totalitarian statist?

That John Howard?

I was sour on the liberal party well before 1996. They had guzzled the statist / socialist Kool-Ade in the 1980s; Anyone remember Malcolm Fraser?. The Lawyers and “doctors wives” had done the old “concerned citizen” schtick and, “Liberal” was now “Labor Lite”.

There were once even parts of the ALP that still had some regard for personal liberty, but they seem to have got over that.

May 20, 2022 8:06 pm

As an entirely non-professional Cat survey, I think the election outcome is pretty clear. Neither party wins a majority in HOR, and our fate is in the hands of the minor screwballs.

pete m
pete m
May 20, 2022 8:54 pm

Indy pinko

Messing with Greens scrutineer heads
Lib local girl was the vote that got rid of malcolm so only for that reason she keeps 1 vote above labor.

Sorry I know Libs need time in opposition but I was brought up and still consider Labor/Greens as commos and could never help them win power.

pete of perth
pete of perth
May 20, 2022 8:55 pm

I am tempted to give PML how to vote cards to the spruikers outside the polling booths.

Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
May 20, 2022 11:05 pm

No. Burn it down. Enough.

May 23, 2022 3:03 pm

The political class do not appear to have learned anything from the US election. The population voted AGAINST Trump, they did not vote FOR Biden, and they are pretty unhappy about the way things are progressing. Australians voted against Morrison, they did not vote for Labor, and it should not assume that they approve all of their radical policies. Could I suggest that we don’t make the same mistake?

  1. Similar, shoulder joint rooted after a vigorous … Sleep. I’m going drugs and rest, I suspect tendon or bursitis as…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x