It would be a madness to allow Labor to govern if it is at all possible to prevent it

There is a view I sometimes come across that argues that The Coalition should willingly lose the election since things are certain to crater over the next year or so and therefore, Labor will be blamed for everything. That way, The Coalition will be able to win in three years with an even more solid majority. Even more fantastic is the belief that being in opposition will allow the Libs/Nationals to sort things out so that when they return in 2025 they will be able to govern from strength based on the newfound wisdom they will have generated.

There is a lot of crazy around at the moment, but that is up there with the worst of them. Witness the United States under Joe Biden. The Democrats are perfectly aware that there is a large possibility that they will lose the presidency in 2024 along with Congress. They therefore are going about doing everything to fulfil their insane agenda right now. They also believe they will also likely be able to again cheat their way back in, but are hurrying things along just in case they might really lose.

So for Australia. Labor is not a party of sense and moderation with a slightly socialist bent. They are out and out full-on Marxists who will do as much damage as they possibly can. They will wreck the economy, they will open our borders, they will demolish the private sector, they will further subvert the education system, they will socialise every aspect of society they are able.

These are not moderates. Albanese is from the Socialist Left and he means every stupidity he says, plus all of the others that he now keeps to himself.

It would be a madness to allow Labor to govern if it is at all possible to prevent it by not electing them in the first place.

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John Sheldrick
May 21, 2022 2:38 am

Great Post, however, we are stuffed. As to how stuffed, we should know by Sunday……………………..

Winston Smith
May 21, 2022 3:32 am

John Sheldrick:

As to how stuffed, we should know by Sunday…

Aren’t there still some votes to be counted after a week?
Or am I mixing up the US system with ours?
A week should give Labor a decent enough amount of time to find more boxes of uncounted votes currently making their way through Customs from the Chinese printers.

May 21, 2022 6:12 am

I will, at least, congratulate ScoMo on being the first Australian prime minister to serve a full term since the iPhone came out.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 21, 2022 6:33 am

Unfortunately to some extent both parties are channeling the insanity of the voters. I was reflecting last night that I’ve been opposing the climate craze for nearly 15 years now, and in that time it has just gotten worse and worse. There’s still nothing much happening in the real world – no actual global warming, none of the dire prognostications. Yet this election is a choice between the totally bonkers Libs and the beyond insane Labor Party. Both are falling over themselves to destroy our country for a myth.

That’s because the voters demand this stupidity. The MSM demands it. The whole of the nation is stuck in a lemming-like race to disaster which only a literal disaster will crack the people out of.

The Covid arc illustrates this. You had guys like McGowan immensely popular for converting his entire state into a prison camp to save the people from a virus so innocuous that people often don’t know they have it. It took two years of disaster – closed businesses, lost jobs, lockdowns, vaccine injuries, masking and elderly parents dying alone for the people to suddenly, overnight, get over it. Now the pollies don’t mention the virus and it’s like it never existed.

The people haven’t yet gotten to this point on the climate scam, but they will once the pain really amps up. Which it is just starting to, particularly electricity and fuel prices. But with the elites all Believing like religious fanatics even that’s not going to be enough. Saving the world syndrome is a very powerful hubristic drug. It may take a full-on political apocalypse to stop these people saving us from an apocalypse which isn’t happening.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
May 21, 2022 6:38 am

Welcome to Victoria

May 21, 2022 6:56 am

They will wreck the economy, they will open our borders, they will demolish the private sector, they will further subvert the education system, they will socialise every aspect of society they are able.

to be fair, the fed LNP have given the bastards a decent head-start

May 21, 2022 6:59 am

The people haven’t yet gotten to this point on the climate scam, but they will once the pain really amps up.

Don’t count on it, look up Einstein’s quip about the universe and human stupidity.

May 21, 2022 7:19 am

That’s done it.
I’ve changed my mind.

May 21, 2022 7:23 am

I think I’m at the stage of “we have to destroy the village to save the village”. Physically or metaphorically I don’t mind.

May 21, 2022 7:39 am

Steve on a personal note I don’t know how you continue to do what you do. Do any of the students actually listen to what you say. The pendulum is still heading in the Keynesian direction, not even slowing. The only thing I know about economics is the more government is involved the worse the economy becomes. I value your imput. Thanks.

May 21, 2022 7:40 am

The climate scam should have been finished in 2009 with the release of the emails from University of East Anglia but no, it kept going as if nothing had happened. The academic malfeasance just got covered up, excused and ignored.

May 21, 2022 7:49 am

Some Labor Quotations

When I joined the Labor Party, it contained the cream of the working class. But as I look about me now, all I see are the dregs of the middle class. When will you middle class perverts stop using the Labor Party as a cultural spittoon? Kim Beazley Snr to an ALP State Conference, circa 1970.

If there was a university degree for greed, you c@nts would all get first-class honours. – Australian Treasurer Paul Keating in 1985 after backbenchers had complained about having to substantiate, for tax purposes, their electoral allowances.

He is lofty, and I am eminent. – Gough Whitlam, comparing himself to Malcolm Fraser, 1975.

It is the first time the burglar has been appointed as caretaker. – Gough Whitlam, 11th November 1975, following his Dismissal by the Governor-General, Sir John Kerr.

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
May 21, 2022 7:57 am

Well today is the day we install our new puppet leader. Or more likely, we don’t install him at all as the decision is out of our hands a la US election (and probably the French election from what I read).

Voting harder isn’t going to change the wickedness within the system, but since we have to vote the least we can do is vote independent.

Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
May 21, 2022 8:05 am

Yes, but in our ‘system’ enough people need to actually experience the socialist shit show before the scales fall from their eyes enough to vote against it. It will be unpleasant, but the tree of Liberty needs a little blood from time to time to survive and the coming hardships are as close as we can go without spilling actual blood. As someone noted up thread ‘welcome to Victoria’…

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
May 21, 2022 8:17 am
May 21, 2022 8:22 am

For god’s sake, we are in imminent peril from Flying Saucers and Monkeypox.
Don’t you read the papers??

May 21, 2022 8:27 am

For god’s sake, we are in imminent peril from Flying Saucers and Monkeypox.
Don’t you read the papers??

Yep, they’ll use monkeypox as an excuse for the next lockdown as a way to kill demand and attempt to control inflation…

Can’t/won’t increase supply to tame inflation, all they can try and do is reduce demand…

May 21, 2022 8:27 am

Advancing technology now means ballot box stuffing will now be conducted by the AEC itself based on telephone instructions from teal coloured Covid “victims”.

Much more efficient and transparent.

May 21, 2022 8:27 am

So. The ALP is Marxist. And this man is allowed to teach young people. FFS.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
May 21, 2022 8:30 am

Mate- the Libs will never will as they do not oppose the idiocity of global warming, males acting as females, females trying to be males, males going into female toilets, sticking up for heterosexual sexual unions, marriage, doing your best, start sticking up for yourself, being able to argue your case, going ahead and doing stuff like labor, eg andrews ripping up the Sydney to Melbourne roadway, a vision of beautifying our cities, sending water inland, building that mountain range on the wa/nt border.
Mate have a vision and stick up for your self and expose the freaks from the Star Wars bar across the floor from you.

Cassie of Sydney
May 21, 2022 8:38 am

For over fifty years ordinary people across the West have stood back and allowed the Marxists to steadily infiltrate our institutions, academia, church, entertainment, education, MSM and social media and so on, even the monarchy is now a Marxist mouthpiece. And over the last two decades we’ve seen how this infiltration has ramped because of the scam known as climate change. This scam called climate change has been a perfect vehicle for the Marxists to fully indoctrinate our young and our impressionable. They’ve succeeded beyond their wildest dreams because most ordinary people have stood back and allowed it to happen, even politicians and parties on the centre and the right across the West have refused to engage in pushback, fightback, rebuttal or discussion about the science of climate change, more often than not they’ve naively, gullibly and stupidly just accepted the far-left false narratives. A few years ago, at a conservative function, I asked a Liberal politician in attendance whether the Liberal party would do with gas what they’ve done with coal. In other words, will the Liberal party just sit back and allow the demonisation of gas the same way they sat back and allowed the demonisation of the the one fuel that has lifted more people across the globe out of poverty in the last two hundred years than in previous human history. Whilst he agreed with me, his response was to just shrug his shoulders…..and you see, ladies and gentlemen, therein lies the rub. Why should I vote for supposedly centre-right, right-wing parties and politicians that just shrug their shoulders and refuse to fight and refuse to stand up about anything, and not just about fossil fuels, but about this insidious transgender nonsense, about free speech, about fiscal responsibility, about religious freedom and so on? Why? All the Liberal party has done is swallow this Marxism, it makes most of the so called Liberals we elect no different to those in Labor. Just a few days ago, here in NSW, under a so called Liberal government, Voluntary Euthanasia was legalised. I ask, what is the point? As I wrote here yesterday, on another thread, I cannot in good conscience vote number one to a party that refuses to fight about anything…..that regularly smears its base as “far-right”, “Trumpian” and “Putin sympathisers” and that passes abortion and euthanasia laws that would make a far-left activist proud. NO.

The spinelessness of the right, the inaction of the right, the inertia of the right and the outright craven capitulation of the right will today meet its Waterloo. Whilst I don’t know who will win, there might be a second miracle or Labor might win by a few or more than a few seats, I know that many of us have elected to vote for minor right-wing parties precisely because of the inaction, inertia and spinelessness of the Liberals and Nationals. I don’t know about others but my decision, after years of disappointment, despair and disgust, was finally sealed late last year when Morrison and the Liberals capitulated and signed up to the Marxist nonsense that is “net zero emissions”.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
May 21, 2022 8:43 am

non e il mio Papa e un falso
Cardinal Angelo Becciu implicates Pope Francis in financial corruption megatrial
12:00AM MAY 21, 2022

The gloves are off in Vatican City as Angelo Becciu, the disgraced cardinal at the centre of a financial corruption megatrial, moved to implicate Pope Francis in a bid to save himself.

Becciu opened a marathon two-day tribunal hearing this week by denying he had orchestrated the mysterious 2017 resignation of the Vatican’s first auditor general, Libero Milone, appointed to work alongside Cardinal George Pell to clean up and reform the Holy See’s sclerotic and antiquated financial systems.

Rather, Becciu claimed on Wednesday that Francis himself had ordered the removal of Mil­one. Becciu had previously refused to answer questions on the sacking, citing “love of the Holy Father” for his silence but told the tribunal that the pontiff had now given him permission to speak.

Milone, he alleged, had hired an outside firm to investigate him as well as the activities of other senior Vatican officials and thus had lost the “trust of the Holy Father”. Francis had not only asked him to seek Milone’s resignation but apologised for giving him the unpalatable task.

Asked about his relationship with the Secretariat of the Economy and its then chief, Pell, Becciu said he thought the Australian had wanted to mount a “field invasion” into the “sovereign” finances of the Vatican’s Secretariat of State. The Vatican provided no detail when it announced the resignation on June 20, 2017, of Milone, a former Deloitte’s boss, just two years after he was headhunted to conduct a forensic investigation into Vatican financial dealings.

His unexplained removal along with the cancellation of a PricewaterhouseCoopers contract as Holy See auditors has since been widely cited by seasoned observers as well as Pell as evidence the new financial team had come very close to unearthing illicit economic activities within the Secretariat of State.

Three months after his resignation, Milone broke his silence and told Italian media and The Australian he had been interrogated for hours by Vatican police and forced to leave his post after he had requested documentation that he believed would uncover evidence of potentially illegal financial transactions in the Vatican.

In a series of heated exchanges during this week’s seven-hour interrogation by senior Vatican prosecutor Alessandro Diddi, Becciu appeared to lose patience, responding to forensic questioning with “I don’t remember” and at one point banging his fist on the table, insisting while his memory was failing him, he had “always and only worked for the good of the Holy See”.

Tempers became so frayed at one point that tribunal president Giuseppe Pignatone was forced to briefly halt proceedings in a bid to calm the protagonists.

Hundreds of documents, phone chats lifted from laptops, letters, meeting minutes and newspaper articles were projected on the walls of the Vatican Museum hall turned courtroom as Diddi fired questions on issues ranging from the circumstances of the controversial €350 million ($621 million) London property investment to the decision to host one of his co-defendants, Cecilia Marogna, a self-styled “intelligence agent” in his apartment overnight.

“She came one evening to speak to me and it got late … when she was leaving, the nuns who assist me told me she was frightened to go to her hotel because of Covid and asked if she could stay,” Becciu said.

“I said yes. She slept in their quarters. I found her again the next day at breakfast when we said goodbye.”

In an unexpected personal statement filed to the court on Thursday, Marogna explained her job in what a US newspaper described as “James Bond-style” terms, stating her responsibilities to the Holy See ranged from trying to free a captive nun in Colombia to meeting Russian emissaries of Vladimir Putin who wished to negotiate the return to the Russian Orthodox Church of holy relics held in a cathedral in southern Italy.

She is accused of using Vatican payments to buy luxury goods.

Dubbed the “trial of the century” and featuring fraud, conspiracy and embezzlement charges against Becciu and nine others involved in the purchase of the London building on Sloane Avenue, the case aims to shed new light on wider investments made by the Vatican Secretariat of State, including the alleged use of Peter’s Pence, funds provided by the Catholic faithful, for high-risk speculative projects.

Asked to provide detail of its investment policy, Becciu said he could not as it was the responsibility of the Office of Administration to prepare dossiers before proceeding with financial decisions. This meant they – not him – bore the “moral obligation” to ensure that no problems were encountered. In the case of the Sloane Avenue building, a former Harrod’s showroom earmarked for redevelopment into apartments, he insisted the proposal was “totally to the advantage of the Holy See” but it was impossible for him to go into detail because “that was their job”.

The cardinal told the prosecutor he simply couldn’t remember many of the hundreds of documents showing his signature and screened on the court’s walls because of the “stress of the trial” and because there was so much paperwork to deal with in the Secretariat of State.

Becciu was pushed, however, to consider notes of a meeting held late in May 2020 with Giancarlo Innocenzi Botti, a former undersecretary in the Berlusconi government, as well as a former Italian ambassador to the US, Alessandro Cattaneo, who wished to present details of the proposed London purchase.

The project was then presented to Francis by Becciu, who also vouched for the gravitas of the two men but did not, according to the tribunal, pass on criticisms raised by Father Juan Guerrero Alves, the current prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy who in an email said he was “sceptical” about the plans.

The prosecutor also forced Becciu to look at a WhatsApp message he sent to the former Vatican investment manager and ex-Credit Suisse official, Enrico Crasso, who was one of the so-called gang of four laymen and brokers involved in the failed London deal. The message said: “When the time is right, we need to launch a campaign in the press! In fact, why don’t you do that straight away … ask your lawyer if it is now time to debunk the magistrates?”

Diddi asked Becciu if he had indeed commissioned negative articles critical of the investigation into the London property deal. Becciu insisted it was a conversation with a desperate man and he was simply advising him to defend himself “in the best way he could find”.

May 21, 2022 8:49 am

There is a lot of crazy around at the moment, but that is up there with the worst of them.

Along with imagining the Liberals are the answer.

Q. What’s the difference between the Liberal Party & the Labor Party?

A. About three years.

May 21, 2022 8:52 am

Cassie, that’s pretty much a long winded version of what I’ve been saying. Conservatives parties are useless. They won’t fight. They’ll spin their bow ties in indignation, bluster, and carry on like pork chops, but they won’t do anything that matters.

We have effectively ended up with our so called center right being a left wing party, asking us to choose it because it’s not the far left or extreme left. I reject that choice entirely as, quite clearly, do many here.

May 21, 2022 9:04 am

Conservatives parties are useless. They won’t fight. They’ll spin their bow ties in indignation, bluster, and carry on like pork chops, but they won’t do anything that matters.

That’s because they’re choc full of collectivists. There are no “conservatives” in the gliberal or national agrarian socialist parties. Funnily enough, there aren’t any among labore or the greenfilth.

If you want to envision how far the overton window has shifted in thirty years, try and imagine that hideous li’l goblin Hawkey trying to sell homosexual marriage to the electorate in 1992. Even an actual ALP homosexual (Keato) wasn’t a fan of the concept. “Two poofs and a yapdog aren’t a family”.

May 21, 2022 9:04 am

They’ll spin their bow ties in indignation, bluster, and carry on like pork chops, but they won’t do anything that matters.

Let’s not kick Alan Tudge while he’s down.

May 21, 2022 9:06 am

Whilst I don’t know who will win, there might be a second miracle or Labor might win by a few or more than a few seats, I know that many of us have elected to vote for minor right-wing parties precisely because of the inaction, inertia and spinelessness of the Liberals and Nationals. I don’t know about others but my decision, after years of disappointment, despair and disgust, was finally sealed late last year when Morrison and the Liberals capitulated and signed up to the Marxist nonsense that is “net zero emissions

Ditto Cassie! My next door neighbour, an ex-LNP member, was also next to me in the queue to vote this morning and she expressed the same level of disgust towards the current Coalition.

In their current form, they simply do not deserve my vote.

May 21, 2022 9:10 am

Let’s not kick Alan Tudge while he’s down.

I respectfully disagree.

May 21, 2022 9:13 am

Eloquently said Cassie – I’m 100% in agreement with you and share exactly the same sentiments.

May 21, 2022 9:18 am

The Liberal Party was screwed the moment they refused to admit they had been winners for 71 years (some of that before conception) but Gough basically imposed regime change in Australia.

The left won and have ruled Australia ever since. The Liberals lost in 1972 and they lost very, very badly.

“Ooh, John Howard”

Ooh, it didn’t matter and was never going to after the middle class started calling their ill gotten welfare “John Howard money”.

Bow to monty, he’s actually your social better.

Cassie of Sydney
May 21, 2022 9:28 am

“Bow to monty, he’s actually your social better.”

No, I will never bow to Monty, he most certainly is NOT my social better nor my intellectual better.

Behind Enemy Lines
Behind Enemy Lines
May 21, 2022 9:29 am

We’re getting four more years of dictatorial left-wing government no matter who we vote for. So why reward the libs for betraying their supporters, and encourage them to continue doing it?

This vote is the single chance most of us will get to send them a message that they can’t ignore. If that message has to be ‘BFYTW’ then so be it.

Put them last. Especially in the Senate.

May 21, 2022 9:36 am

Until the majority of conservatives (and liberals, if they exist anymore) admit defeat and concede their actual losses, they can never regroup again and win.

Moving with the Overton Window, has simply destroyed them as an effective organisation. They have simply been subverted to a branch office of their enemy.

Botswana O'Hooligan
Botswana O’Hooligan
May 21, 2022 9:44 am

Labor are far worse than the LNP in some aspects, marginally worse in others, but both will take us to the bottom, the former at slightly faster pace.

May 21, 2022 10:01 am

Excellent comment BoN. I take issue with this sentence though:

Now the pollies don’t mention the virus and it’s like it never existed.

Maybe they don’t mention it, however they still make us wear masks on public transport and airports. It’s as if they are keeping it there on the backburner to bring it back when required. Fuck I hate them.

May 21, 2022 10:02 am
May 21, 2022 10:45 am

Where is our Ron de Santis? A shining light in the Western world. Does not suffer from the inertia of the Libs nor the insanity of Labor.
Great post and comments above, particularly Bruce of Newcastle who wonders where the virus got to. Lack of verbal outrage from the PM on the draconian actions of the Labor Premiers and Net zero madness have done it for me.

May 21, 2022 10:49 am

Well, that’s done. I’ve voted; legit this time instead of spoiling the ballot.
HoR – 6 Green, 5 Lab, 4 Lib, 3 non-entity Ind, 2 PHON, 1 UAP.
Senate – ATL – 1 UAP, 2 Informed Medical Choices, 3 Lib (“Zed”), the rest, who cares.
I’m in a very safe Labor seat so it’s only the Senate that matters. So I voted for Zed to keep the left from getting both Senate seats here in the ACT.
I totally understand the sense of betrayal that many on here feel, but this current lot of useless twats in the ALP cannot be allowed to take power.
And I can only see the LNP turning more left if/when they lose.

May 21, 2022 11:26 am

If you’ve “tested” positive within 8 days you get the “telephone vote” option. What checks are in place to vouchsafe this process I have no idea. If it’s like eligibility to pre-poll then the answer is “none” save for a cursory non-inquisitive enquiry . Let’s see how many telephone votes get cast in the close seats….

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
May 21, 2022 12:43 pm

It’s as if they are keeping it there on the backburner to bring it back when required.

Spot on.
All the AEC volunteers and officials were masked up this morning. Not so the hundreds of people coming and going to vote, selling hot sausage sangas, spruiking the cake stall, standing gossiping with long lost acquaintances etc etc. Yet the workers were masked.
Not in the interests of ‘elf and safety; just an in-you-face reminder of who rules society these days.
Get ready for restrictions to be imposed yet again.

May 21, 2022 1:00 pm

The spinelessness of the right, the inaction of the right, the inertia of the right and the outright craven capitulation of the right will today meet its Waterloo.

Yep. I voted UAP. Dropped the Libs after 25 years of voting for them….

The globalists are circling Australia, like vultures waiting to feed off a dying animal. Our freedoms and traditions have been destroyed, our economy trashed and future made bleak….all under the watch of the Libs/NP.

For all I care, you can fuck off and die Libs.

May 21, 2022 1:41 pm

We feel your pain, Steve – all of us. And a great rejoinder from Bruce of Newcastle.

Although I am hoping for a mighty blow against the two major Parties from the good old working class of Australia (& not the Teals from the affluent suburbs of the major cities) – I am not optimistic. The preferential system is too arcane – unless you have a “vote whisperer” as occurred some elections ago.

No – our household is just hunkering down. I honestly expect some sort of Armageddon across the globe in the next few years. Everything is just too stuffed by globalisation to be untouched by the deterioration of sanity.

And, as for voting for those mongrel Liberals to avoid a Labor win – NO! I just could not tick those boxes.

John Brumble
John Brumble
May 21, 2022 1:52 pm

I get that someone can like PHON or UAP because they feel they get more as a result of the way in which those parties promise to spend everyone else’s money.

But I don’t understand why someone who doesn’t like the structure we have at the moment will vote for them. You’re not sending the message you think you are.

May 21, 2022 2:55 pm

“both will take us to the bottom, the former at slightly faster pace”
Yo, Bots! How’re ya goin?
Good to hear from you again!

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
May 21, 2022 6:00 pm

Cassie of Sydneysays:
May 21, 2022 at 8:38 am

Brava Csssie

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
May 21, 2022 6:30 pm

Dot – your post at 9.18
Would you please explain in simple langauge

another ian
another ian
May 22, 2022 8:59 am

Steve – FYI

“My daughter just finished a class in college about the alchemists. Before some of you rant about how useless this class was, it’s not It teaches us about the past and is a guide to the future. The alchemists did produce some useful discoveries. But they are most known for some of their absurd attempts to turn lead into gold and other nonsensical endeavors.

Climate science is really the new alchemy. It is using regression analysis to figure out what level of CO2 will endanger the planet. But it makes no more sense than what the alchemists were doing. We don’t really have quality information on worldwide temperatures for past years. It’s questionable whether we have information on it for present years. We don’t know all of the variables that impact temperature. So the new alchemists are trying to predict future weather by generating computer models that are absolute garbage because they don’t take into account natural variability, urban heat zones, etc. They don’t know the variables and just fudge the numbers to get the programs to make it look like they work. But of course, how did they predict the Little Ice and the Roman Warm Period. These models can’t even accurately predict the past. And we are spending billions of dollars supporting this new alchemy and possibly trillions of dollars, endangering the health and welfare of our citizens because of this elitist nonsense.”

“Centrally planned havoc”

“Definition of the day”

“Religious Fanatic (n): “A person who does what God would do if only He understood the situation.”

Version 1.0.0
Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x