Guest Post – Twostix – How many voters boycotted the Fed Election 2022 ?

The voter turnout numbers from the AEC site are astonishing.

Nearly 30% of Australian voters boycotted the election.

The lowest turnouts are in the inner city seats consecutively, look at the comparisons to 2019:

Electorate, Turnout %, Enrolled, Marked Off, Turnout % Relative to 2019
Melbourne 61.4 114447 70270 -28.22
Sydney 61.83 125421 77550 -24.47
Brisbane 62.46 125241 78223 -28.05
Perth 62.63 122719 76856 -26.9

The highest turnout in all of Australia was just 86% in Page.

Just look at these numbers, a blood bath!

Electorate, Turnout %, 2022 vs 2019
Wright 63.72 -28.29
Melbourne 61.4 -28.22
Brisbane 62.46 -28.05
Chisholm 67.45 -27.36
Perth 62.63 -26.9
Cowan 64.07 -26.62
Higgins 67.09 -26.59
Bruce 65.6 -26.41
Bonner 66.67 -26.09
Wills 65.16 -26
Maranoa 65.99 -25.94
Swan 63.01 -25.84
Moreton 65.16 -25.76
Dickson 70.13 -25.31
Petrie 66.16 -25.14
Ryan 67.97 -25.01
Hotham 67.68 -24.71
Oxley 66.55 -24.65
McEwen 67.55 -24.61
Sydney 61.83 -24.47
Tangney 69.05 -24.45
Maribyrnong 69.26 -24.24
Kooyong 71.66 -24.17
Dunkley 68.24 -24.12
Gorton 66.99 -24.02
Mayo 71 -23.97
Lilley 68.45 -23.7
Longman 68.58 -23.58
Moncrieff 64.64 -23.56
Rankin 67.11 -23.56
Scullin 68.81 -23.42
Hasluck 65.89 -23.35
Casey 72.19 -23.33
Isaacs 70.23 -23.27
Fadden 66.51 -23.12
O’Connor 68.79 -23.03
Pearce 65.42 -22.99
Corio 71.04 -22.84
Blair 70.16 -22.78
Cooper 69.67 -22.67
Curtin 69.36 -22.64
Parramatta 66.98 -22.63
Spence 67.97 -22.57
Kingston 70.63 -22.54
Corangamite 73.3 -22.49
Jagajaga 72.79 -22.47
Fremantle 68.84 -22.39
Durack 63.04 -22.31
Adelaide 69.28 -22.24
Fraser 68.09 -22.01
Hindmarsh 70.86 -21.99
Makin 71.14 -21.98
Aston 72.33 -21.96
Boothby 71.7 -21.91
Griffith 69.24 -21.81
Gellibrand 69.1 -21.79
Groom 71.28 -21.77
Forde 67.77 -21.72
Burt 65.55 -21.44
Reid 70.46 -21.25
Brand 67.45 -21.01
Clark 72.74 -20.9
La Trobe 68.66 -20.56
Goldstein 73.16 -20.56
Bass 73.55 -20.49
Macnamara 69.66 -20.28

and on, and on, and on, not a single electorate isn’t impacted.

Somebody had better say something about this because this is historic, and if no explanation is offered people are going to start theorising about the election.

I cross referenced the turnout numbers against the voting numbers. They’re identical and those turnout numbers are up to date, seats like Moreton are 100% counted are reporting only 65% turnout.

So don’t let anyone say they “just need to update the figures” or something dumb. No.

My theory: unvaccinated and covid state power aggrieved people boycotted the election.

I know two people that did. I held my nose and voted for Chaos but ultimately put LNP before Labor at the bottom – but it disgusted me to do any of it, I fully understand them, I couldn’t have cared less about the entire thing in the lead up.

The establishment problem, if they address this and confirm that people stayed home en-masse….uh-oh!
1. Mandate? lol!
2. The number becomes a rough proxy for how many unvaccinated people there are….a lot more than 5%.
2a. But the lies Feb 2021 – Feb 2022! A rotten state and system from top to bottom, it must fall, surely!
3. Why has nobody said anything about this historic event straight away? Very sneaky are our overlords as they weave their sneaky narrative of a New Leftwing Australia without mentioning that 4+ million people boycotted the whole thing (absolutely allowing the green win in Brisbane and at least a couple of teal wins) – there was no magical surge, there was a boycott, a loss of votes from the system creating the illusion of an increase in others.
5. They have created millions of militant activists who now reject the entire system.

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May 24, 2022 6:57 pm

Astonishing numbers. But why wouldn’t angry people vote?

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
May 24, 2022 7:07 pm

Covid deaths must account for the shortfall.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 24, 2022 7:12 pm

There seems to be three schools of thought:-
.1 It’s a yuuuge boycott;
.2 People voted but votes were destroyed or diverted;
.3 This is an interim anomaly during the count due to the AEC’s misuse of their own defined term “turnout”.
I vote for 3.

May 24, 2022 7:14 pm

An illegitimate government led by an illegitimate imbecile (in more ways than one).

pete of perth
pete of perth
May 24, 2022 7:15 pm

I’m with Sancho.

May 24, 2022 7:17 pm

The Federal erection means shit. Its the stinking state Stazi governments that did and is doing all the damage.

May 24, 2022 7:17 pm

I refuse to hold my nose and vote for fuckwits that are mere shades of the uniparty on the grounds that the other party is even worst.

I will not vote for anyone that cedes any of our rights to the UN or signs up to such a treaty without a plebiscite.

I will not vote for anyone that will violates our rights through unwarranted
“emergency” powers nor anyone that mandates medical genetic experiments on any part of the population.

I will not vote for anyone that supports policies of mass migration without clear popular mandate.

I will not vote for any party or candidate that has no policy to address the destructive below replacement birth rate.

I refuse to play the game.

May 24, 2022 7:22 pm
May 24, 2022 7:31 pm

Updated: Tue, 24 May 2022 7:09:12 PM AEST
Totals –
Eligible Electors = 17,228,900
Turnout = 8,922,662
% = 51.79

May 24, 2022 7:33 pm

Many thanks Dover.

I have shared this widely.

May 24, 2022 7:37 pm

The percentage of formal votes cast in my electorate in the lower house?

66.2%, i.e. less than two thirds of the eligible voters. Not including those of course, who’ve never bothered enrolling.

My vote would have been included in the informal tally, as I refused to number all the boxes and stopped after numbering two of the five candidates (PHON and UAP).

Our political system is beyond repair. It needs to be obliterated and reconstituted from the ground up.

BTW, I see Albansleazey’s seat has gone back to being a two candidate runoff between labore and the greenfilth – the latter receiving over 5,000 more primary votes than the gliberal candidate.

Smug, cult crazed hypocrites.

May 24, 2022 7:37 pm

Don’t know but I sorely hope they did decide to stay home, mischief and disgust are valid responses. Considering the penultimate census that went tits up it could also just mean that the AEC has joined other government departments and hit developing world levels of competence.

Leon L.
Leon L.
May 24, 2022 7:45 pm

P has linked to the senate votes.

AEC House Reps results here

You have to scroll down to divisional results.

May 24, 2022 7:56 pm

P has linked to the senate votes.

Thanks Leon L

May 24, 2022 8:01 pm

AEC turnout figures here – click headings for lowest to highest results:

AEC definition of “turnout” (same link):

“Turnout is the number of people who were enrolled to vote that ‘turned up’ to cast a vote via any voting method.”

Big story here if there are any journalists interested.

May 24, 2022 8:02 pm

Thanks for posting, Dover and Stix.

May 24, 2022 8:10 pm

May 24, 2022 at 7:37 pm
Don’t know but I sorely hope they did decide to stay home, mischief and disgust are valid responses. Considering the penultimate census that went tits up it could also just mean that the AEC has joined other government departments and hit developing world levels of competence.

I’ve never done a census, and that was my last election. Fuck em.

The average punter is as dumb as dog shit. I’m just gonna eat my popcorn and watch it all burn down.

May 24, 2022 8:11 pm

House of representatives Turnout by division
Eligible Electors = 17,228,900
Turnout = 12,750,138
% = 74.00
Swing = -17.89

(I hope I got it right this time)

May 24, 2022 8:16 pm

You are talking through your hat. The situation may well be they other way around. There were more votes lodged than people on the roll. Look at Moreton.

Enrolled: 107128

2PP to date:
Perrett. 69722
Huang. 27788
Informal. 2185

Declaration votes issued
But not yet returned. 12784

Total Votes issued. 112479
Excess votes issued
Compared to enrolled 5351

So it looks like 5351 additional people turned up in Moreton who weren’t on the roll and were given a declaration vote. That’s 5% additional. That doesn’t make sense.

Leon L.
Leon L.
May 24, 2022 8:17 pm

I am pretty sure stix has the turnout numbers right.

See Moreton Qld.
2019 results are here.
93341 total votes. Turnout 90.92%.

2022 Results here.
71807 total votes. Turnout 61.03%
“Two candidate preferred (TCP) for Moreton (QLD)
51 of 51 polling places returned and 100.00% of the ballot papers counted thus far have also had a TCP count undertaken.”

For seats like Ryan, Qld, turnout is 72% (80742).
The two party preferred is being recounted I think as showing in the box:
“Two candidate preferred (TCP) for Ryan (QLD)
11 of 45 polling places returned and 34.15% of the ballot papers counted thus far have also had a TCP count undertaken.”

This will not change the turnout number.

2019 Reps turnout by division here to compare with CL’s link above.

May 24, 2022 8:20 pm

It rings true to me. I was nearly moved by the prescient warnings from Steve Kates, but I chose not to vote in this election. I know its a slightly stupid thing to do, but I could not bring myself to do it. Glad to know I am not the only one.

May 24, 2022 8:21 pm

BTW, the AEC page with my electorate’s results states that 96.1% of all votes have been counted.

I’ve noted similar results for Grayndler and Watson on the old Cat for previous feral elections, but 66.2% is a spectacular new low.

May 24, 2022 8:22 pm

May 24, 2022 at 8:20 pm
It rings true to me. I was nearly moved by the prescient warnings from Steve Kates, but I chose not to vote in this election. I know its a slightly stupid thing to do, but I could not bring myself to do it. Glad to know I am not the only one.

Voting in the election is just pissing against a wall of the dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks masses.

No point.

May 24, 2022 8:24 pm

I scrolled down to the bottom of the Moreton results and it looks like quite a few postal and declaration votes have not yet been counted and are not included in the ‘turnout ‘ total.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 24, 2022 8:27 pm

Postal Votes disappeared between the Red Box and the AEC?
It’s been known to happen in Union Elections years ago, the AEC supervises all Union Elections these days.
The Liberal Party usually do very well on Postal Votes, so making 20,000 envelopes disappear is gonna make a huge difference to the result.

May 24, 2022 8:27 pm

C.L. that was the link I was going to post earlier when my screen froze and I had to close the computer down and lost all in info in the process.

Leon L.
Leon L.
May 24, 2022 8:29 pm

Adding in the 12800 ballots in Moreton leaves turnout at 80% in 2022 v 91% in 2019.

Still a significant drop in turnout.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 24, 2022 8:29 pm

Are the gross figures for Postal Votes received available?
If not, then it’s a doddle for the AEC to disqualify Postals on any grounds, who would know?

Leon L.
Leon L.
May 24, 2022 8:29 pm

That 12800 is the awaiting processing ballots.

May 24, 2022 8:48 pm

I refused to return to Sydney just to vote in the by-election for Gladys’ seat. I have just been informed that I will be fined if I can’t come up with a good reason.

I have told them that the government’s Covid rules made it too difficult.

May 24, 2022 8:53 pm

Years ago I went to the NSW Parliament House to hear an informal public discussion (ie not in parliament itself) of the scope for electoral fraud . Latham & Malcolm (what’s his name – used to be the guru on elections???) made a good case for the possibility & indeed likelihood, in our system. Lobg time ago & I can’t recall the details.

May 24, 2022 8:55 pm

True Leon.
Postal votes don’t close til 3 June so possible that number might also increase, perhaps not by very much.

May 24, 2022 9:01 pm

Figures says:
May 24, 2022 at 6:57 pm
Astonishing numbers. But why wouldn’t angry people vote?

It’s those old jokes, it only encourages them. The other one is, whoever you vote for you still get a politician.

May 24, 2022 9:20 pm

C.L. noted above that the AEC’s definition is “Turnout is the number of people who were enrolled to vote that ‘turned up’ to cast a vote via any voting method.”
I saw recently that some 30-odd% of the electors had voted either postal or absentee of other method.
Could it simply be that the AEC’s running count at the link in the article does not yet include all those ‘other method’ votes?

May 24, 2022 9:43 pm

amortiser says:
May 24, 2022 at 8:16 pm
You are talking through your hat. The situation may well be they other way around. There were more votes lodged than people on the roll. Look at Moreton.

Enrolled: 107128

2PP to date:
Perrett. 69722
Huang. 27788
Informal. 2185

Declaration votes issued
But not yet returned. 12784

Total Votes issued. 112479
Excess votes issued
Compared to enrolled 5351

Went off half cocked there. Sincerest apologies. Double counting is such a bitch.

May 24, 2022 9:59 pm

The AEC definition of turnout is formal votes cast plus informal votes plus declaration and postal votes not yet returned.

Not all postals will be returned by the cut off date.

Some might take informals out of that equation but most people make a genuine attempt to cast a valid vote. A lot just don’t know how to do it. Blank ballot papers and ones telling a story or giving unsolicited advice are deliberately informal.

Looking at the NSW divisions the AEC turnout was 83.65%. The best was Page at 90.58% and the worst was McMahon at 76.33%.

May 24, 2022 10:05 pm

Replying to a similar question to the OP:

AEC @AusElectoralCom
You’re reading it prematurely. There’s no way of determining turnout until we’ve processed all outstanding votes, and postals still have more than a week to arrive.

We’ll publish a final turnout figure when the number is final.

May 24, 2022 10:11 pm

Looks as though the final turnout is more like 80% rather than 70%.

Still, significantly lower than 2019. That would tie in with my thoughts. Opposition to lockdowns/vax is about 25%.

It’s also consistent with the booster rate for the jab.

May 24, 2022 10:27 pm

Just a small note. Postal votes and out of area votes are still being counted so things will change until finalisation. That said there does seem to be a strike by voters. Less worry about the fine. In my electorate the informal vote halved, but the number of votes actually received overall declined by 9k. And that’s despite a 5k increase in registered electors. In nth Sydney it was worse. 15k voters went walkies and that’s after increasing registered by over 2 k.
These numbers are not final. But I don’t think the finals will change much. There has been a strike by voters. And guess who was on the receiving end?

May 25, 2022 5:17 am

Keep an eye out for the number of people fined for not voting.

May 25, 2022 6:25 am

Seriously what is the point of voting informal or not voting at all? Surely you could lodge a valid vote for one of the freedom loving minor parties. Thanks for nothing, idiots (and I use that word in its original sense). You have just empowered the psychos.

May 25, 2022 6:46 am

Interesting to see if the votes counted later on will change any seats, let alone who holds certain commissions!

If the turnout is 80% and the informal vote is 7%, the uniparty getting 78% of that all up is utterly pathetic considering how the media runs dead on any decent minor party.

They got a touch under 57% support with compulsory voting. For apparently three opposing ideologies?

43% of the population does not approve; even with coercion and welfare handed out like by a carpet bombing B52.

No government has a mandate at all other than to act as an administrator.

The objectively most pressing issues, as a sensible government to tackle are:

1. Pay down all of our public debt back to zero from 1.2 trillion AUD.
2. Continue the process of getting more powerful military equipment such as cruise missiles, better nuclear powered subs and punish cheating military contractors; procurement may be one legitimate area where corruption exists.
3. If we eventually choose economically destructive policies such as banning coal or petroleum, then we need to insulate ourselves with nuclear power and thorium & uranium mining
4. Property prices are so absurd they will eventually destroy labour supply in the cities. Tackling the lack of supply of new land development and concentration of government jobs in metros must occur. Current policies will only stimulate demand whilst supply will remain constrained.
5. Give everyone back their civil liberties. No one voted for the Public Health Acts or the e-Safety Commissioner.

May 25, 2022 7:28 am

Just an observation, the more regional seats in Qld generally had higher voter turnouts than the seats in Brisbane and South East QLD.

May 25, 2022 8:00 am

I really struggled to vote this time.

I have never been more pissed off with the offerings.

As an aside: I am in the Page electorate (Northern Rivers, NSW) and the National bloke (Hogan) retained with an increase even with a “Teal” in the mix.

Our next door neighbour electorate (Richmond – Tweed area) voted Green.

Leon L
Leon L
May 25, 2022 8:39 am

The turnout numbers will need to be revisited.
It is a work in progress.
It should be able to be calculated as the number of issued postal votes ought not to change.

It does requires a manual calculation for each division, adding back the postal votes not yet returned and the not counted postal/absentee votes to the totals.
The results vary widely.
In Bonner QLD, the current turnout is 66.67%.
There are 19581 postal votes not yet counted and 6787 postal votes not yet returned.
If all these are added in the turnout is 91%

I did the numbers for 27 electorates.
Average turnout 4% less than 2019.
All the outstanding postals will not be returned so this number will be a little higher.

May 25, 2022 9:21 am

Does our Constitution specify a quorum for valid elections? Maybe that should be put to a referendum. Imagine if we could express our disgust with parliament by too few turning up to vote.

May 25, 2022 9:30 am

Seriously what is the point of voting informal or not voting at all? Surely you could lodge a valid vote for one of the freedom loving minor parties.

I did, in the senate. It’s impossible to “lodge a valid vote for one for one of the freedom loving minor parties” in the lower house, as I patiently explained on this blog at least twice in the run up to the election. Read my explanation above of how I “voted” in the lower house on Saturday if you still don’t get it.

My electorate results, 2019 feral election:
Formal votes: 84,250
% of formal votes: 78.2%

I can guarantee that once the votes are all counted, the percentage of formal votes in my electorate in 2022 will be significantly lower than 2019.

May 25, 2022 10:17 am

Well said Rabz.

That’s exactly how I voted.

May 25, 2022 10:25 am

It’s impossible to “lodge a valid vote for one for one of the freedom loving minor parties” in the lower house, as I patiently explained on this blog at least twice in the run up to the election

yup. You can’t exhaust preferences (unlike the senate ballot).

See pp6 of

May 25, 2022 10:38 am
Slim Cognito
Slim Cognito
May 25, 2022 10:57 am

The average punter is as dumb as dog shit. I’m just gonna eat my popcorn and watch it all burn down.

A popular sentiment at the moment.

May 25, 2022 11:33 am

I was marked off the electoral roll, but I defaced my ballots as no candidate was worthy. I wrote mandate freedom on the green paper. It’s trite and no one will read it or care, but it amused me and I think it unwise to submit a blank paper.

May 25, 2022 11:35 am

P.s. maybe the punters have worked out that voting doesn’t make a difference?

May 25, 2022 12:04 pm

Let’s give it a week.

May 25, 2022 12:55 pm

I was too frightened to go down to Melbourne now, as 51% voted for the Greenfilth, and thus may be considered dangerous. I now see that nearly 30% of the voters didn’t vote, so it may not be as bad as I thought. I note that the first link was to Senate voting, which was much higher non-votiers.

May 25, 2022 1:28 pm

Those counts do not yet include postal votes, which are counted later. The scuttle but is that up to a third are doing postal or prepoll voting.

May 25, 2022 1:35 pm

The scuttle but is that up to a third are doing postal or prepoll voting.

Indeed. This was discussed here late last week.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 25, 2022 4:08 pm

I cross referenced the turnout numbers against the voting numbers. They’re identical and those turnout numbers are up to date, seats like Moreton are 100% counted are reporting only 65% turnout.

Moreton is reporting a 67.03% “turnout” as of now.
Looks like this was much ado about naffink.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 25, 2022 4:36 pm

Fat Cloive update.
The number of Court of Disputed Returns writs lodged by the notoriously rambunctious and litigious Mr Palmer currently sits at … zero.
On election night he threatened action “in at least one electorate” (an unnamed electorate) after saying he had “video of AEC officials taking votes home”.
Four days in and no video has surfaced. Fat Cloive says the video “is with his lawyers”.
FMD. Is it on Super8 Zapruder film?
If it was taken on a phone or any video camera produced this century it can be copied and distributed at the press of a button.
Maybe what we’ve got is a UAP flunkie stalking an AEC employee who was bringing the shopping home.
Who knows?
But it is time to back up the big mouth, Fat Bastard.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 25, 2022 4:48 pm

Maybe what we’ve got is a UAP flunkie stalking an AEC employee who was bringing the shopping home.

Bringing the shopping home at one o’clock in the morning after the Election?
After being at the Booth since 6 am on Saturday morning?
Palmer has got the goods, Agent Sancho.
He’ll horsetrade the evidence for a coupla seats in the Senate.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 25, 2022 4:55 pm

yup. You can’t exhaust preferences (unlike the senate ballot).

Here’s an example of Full Distribution of Preferences from the seat of Ryan at the 2019 Election.

Trained Observer
Trained Observer
May 25, 2022 4:58 pm

Not sure what data this is. But last time I looked the postals were about 10% in most electorates. I gather pre-polling was heavy in many places as well.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 25, 2022 5:12 pm

2PP to date:
Perrett. 69722
Huang. 27788
Informal. 2185

Declaration votes issued
But not yet returned. 12784
Total Votes issued. 112479
Excess votes issued
Compared to enrolled 5351

Went off half cocked there. Sincerest apologies. Double counting is such a bitch.

Where did those figures come from.
There’s been only 73,807 votes counted in Moreton as of 4 hours ago.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 25, 2022 5:21 pm

The main point is that the “turnout” number is dynamic, as illustrated by the fact that your figure is 1.9% higher than the figure I saw an hour before.
Sure, the ultimate turnout figure may end up below historical trend, but calling it a massive voter boycott based on incomplete numbers was bullshit.
And it was pointed out as such almost immediately.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 25, 2022 5:23 pm

May 25, 2022 at 12:04 pm
Let’s give it a week

Tagged for one week from now.

May 26, 2022 1:24 am

Unless the count is closed and a comparison made of results from previous elections this appears to be a big nothingburger.

May 26, 2022 1:56 am

I told my wife voting turnout was down by something like 20 to 25%, and she queries my data. Its the ABS I said. Yes, but does it include postal and remote voting, is it final? Yes of course i said, like a dill. Check your sources she said again. As usual she is right.

Trained Observer
Trained Observer
May 26, 2022 1:28 pm

What it doesn’t include as of yet are all of them.

This does rather suggest that this whole post is a waste of energy?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 26, 2022 1:53 pm

I’m not sure why people are overly critical of people exploring matters in a post and getting responses which clarify the matter either way. It’s pathetic.

The author of the post was given three or four valid explanations on the open thread as to why his analysis was flawed.
He chose to not only reject those out of hand, but to abuse and denigrate those advancing explanations which have since proven to be correct.
So, if you are going to call for the niceties of the finer points of debating, you might start with him.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 26, 2022 1:57 pm

As I say above re Moreton, if all of those envelopes return we will be around the turnout percentage for 2019, but if only half of the remaining return, we will be in the mid-80% which would be well below the 91% of 2019.

I do not dispute that.
In fact my gut feel is that the correctly calculated turnout in the final wash-up will probably be lower, which might be worthy of discussion.
What I take issue with is the headless chooks running around saying it was evidence of a voter boycott of around 25% or, alternatively, these were all votes stolen from Fat Cloive.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 26, 2022 4:35 pm

Fair enough Dover.
I just think Thumbstix might have considered the explanations given instead of rejecting a person putting forward a solid rebuttal as “the dumbest person here”.
So if there was a bit of blowtorch applied, it was possibly just a well deserved return of serve.

May 27, 2022 12:20 am

Oh dear.
Dover comes up against the sneering oxygen thieves who only get excited when defending the “never question the criminals” stance against the enquiring minds of people who believe in holding to account the people they pay to operate within the rules.

May 27, 2022 12:28 am

People sneer and mock you because you’re an redneck imbecile and who ought to be practicing engine braking instead of polluting blogs with nonsense.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 27, 2022 12:34 am

If you are going to call somebody “the dumbest person here” it does help if you are right. Or perhaps be more moderate in your use of language. We are not serving word salads here.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 27, 2022 12:36 am

I put the post together from twostix’s comments so don’t draw any conclusions against twostix re the above.

That’s precisely what I am doing.

May 27, 2022 7:00 am

Who’s “we” HB Bear?

And JC….with your foul mouth lately, you have no right to judge who is a redneck.
If being a redneck is not being a greasy urban wog who uses the c word spelled out exactly …then I’m guilty of being that name used to describe me by bigotty little racists who then boo hoo about being called a wog in respose.
You’re a failure and a mental case.
Get yourself checked out by a quack who hasn’t been jabbed.

May 27, 2022 1:24 pm

Was the election rigged?

Hello Everyone,

The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has released figures (see table below) showing that one quarter of Australians who are enrolled to vote did not turn up to vote.

This means over four million Australians decided not to vote in a country where voting is compulsory. It is the highest number of people who have failed to turn out for voting since 1922.

Additionally, of the people who did turn out to vote, the AEC would have us believe that across the country over 5% cast informal votes, with informal in New South Wales alone over 7%.

Two left-wing media outlets – the Guardian and the ABC – reported exit poll results from pre-poll polling booths saying the UAP had received more than 25% of the vote in New South Wales and a swing of more than 15% towards us in Victoria.

The party has video evidence from a number of sources showing AEC officers removing large numbers of ballot boxes in vans which, in breach of the law, were taken to their private residences. Moreover, our party has been flooded with serious complaints of improper occurrences on Election Day and have been contacted by other parties who have experienced a whole range of anomalies requiring investigation.

NSW? 5,472,469? 4,340,003? 79.31? -12.85
VIC 4,344,208? 3,303,653? 76.05? -16.57
QLD ?3,503,609 2,613,938? 74.61? -16.61
WA 1,773,969
1,281,601 72.24 -17.81
SA 1,272,047 972,569 76.46 -16.61
TAS 402,331 332,606 82.67 -11.67
ACT 314,329 263,420 83.80 -9.35
NT 145,938 97,045 66.50 -11.44
TOTAL 17,228,900 13,204,835 76.64 -15.25
Anthony Albanese was sworn in as Prime Minister, together with his interim ministry, before any writs had been returned or any final result of any seat was known. Never in Australian history has a new Prime Minister been sworn in so quickly after Election Day. This is truly unexplainable and means the Coalition and the Australian Labor party were working together to maintain the status quo in Australia.

It’s easy to conclude that our democracy is dead. However, we must remember the words of a great man who once said; “Governments may come and go, but ideas go on forever.”

I want to personally thank each and every one of you for joining our party. We have a high resolve to pursue the things we believe in, so each and every Australian can be all that they can be and that freedom returns to our country. Thanks for everything you have done at this election.

With this letter there are two videos – one of my speech at the National Press Club in 2014 and an appearance on Q&A when I highlighted the issues and concerns regarding the AEC and the integrity of the elections it conducts in Australia.

CLICK HERE for the National Press Club video

CLICK HERE for the Q&A video

It is worth noting that following the 2103 election, the AEC lost over 1500 ballot papers in a recount after our Senator Dio Wang was elected to Parliament, forcing a new election to be called. At that re-election, our party received 17% of the primary vote and Dio was officially elected again to the Senate giving us the balance of power in the country. The whole process resulted in the Australian Electoral Officer in Western Australia resigning in disgrace.

The actions of the AEC at the 2022 Federal Election are much more serious and their published figures relating to voter turnout and informal votes is simply not believable.

We’ll keep you updated. God Bless Australia,

Clive Palmer

  1. Good morning all. And a great big fcuk you to the Greens in Prahran. Even the gays and hippies are…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x