The climate war, it’s time for a tactical retreat

I will preface this piece by saying that I believe climate change to be the biggest scam in human history. At its core it is pure unadulterated Marxism, a religious cult dressed up as science, a theological and ideological tool constructed to destroy the West. It is designed to destroy humanity because it is fundamentally a cult that is anti-human. It is the climax of a philosophy of anti-humanism began by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. I always laugh out loud when I hear climate cultists cry out about “our children’s future” because the plain truth of the climate scam is that it is about denying a future to our children. We do not have to look far to see the results of the scam, the unfolding tragedy in Sri Lanka shows us very clearly how quickly the green climate scam can destroy a country’s economy and now its people are starving. 

However, I am going to be very blunt here. I believe that at this moment in time we on the right side of politics need to acknowledge that we have lost the climate change war and we need to engage in a tactical retreat. Please hear me out. For many years we have been let down by cowards on the right who should have been fighting this scam but instead all we have seen are gutless and lazy Liberal and National politicians who have simply tiptoed and danced around the whole climate change debate, too timid and too scared to confront and call out the scam.  Even so-called culture warrior Tony Abbott dithered and wimped, he refused to honestly call out the scam, and how was he rewarded?  He was knifed twice, first by miserable Malcolm Turnbull and then by a vacuous and empty-headed bimbo backed by hard-left progressives. It was a Greek tragedy of epic proportions. Our children have been completely indoctrinated and poisoned, because for far too long politicians on the right have done nothing about our education system, bar one or two examples our MSM has been completely corrupted and captured, we’ve had successive Liberal governments do nothing to confront ABC bias and only recently the Morrison government threw even more money at the ABC, thus rewarding a media politburo that is unashamedly and unapologetically hostile to right of centre politics, politicians and mainstream Australia. So now the die has now been cast, the damage has been done and the inevitable result has ensued, that despite committing to “net zero emissions by 2050”, voters deserted the Coalition anyway on 21 May 2022.

What now and where to now? Well, until we on the right begin to engage in tactical politics it will be decades before we will ever hold the reins of government again. The sensible right side of politics, in this country and elsewhere, needs to engage in a tactical retreat when it comes to the climate scam. By tactical retreat I mean, let them win the war for now but at the same time continue to suck them into the black hole of climate alarmism and climate extremism. The Teal independents did indeed win big last week, and they managed to destroy a flank of the Liberal Party. Let them continue winning. In fact, I wish they had won a more seats, such as execrable Paul Fletcher’s seat of Bradfield, they missed that one, sadly Fletcher has hung on. But all these electoral victories will, in the long term, be Pyrrhic victories because it will not be long before the exorbitant power bills arrive, the blackouts begin, the power rationing starts and then all hell will break loose. Nobody will be immune, not even those living in the Teal electorates. And then people will begin to get agitated, very agitated and the revolt against the doctrines of climate change will begin. This means that politicians on the right must start to speak truthfully and bluntly about how renewables such as solar and wind will never provide base load energy. This means that politicians on the right must start to speak truthfully and bluntly about how vested interests are making money from renewables. And the most important message? This means that politicians on the right must start to speak truthfully and bluntly about how, if we want clean reliable energy, then such energy will only come from nuclear power. But speaking truthfully and bluntly requires courage and we desperately need politicians on the right side of politics who are courageous. I can only hope Peter Dutton is such a leader, after years of lacklustre Liberal leadership and Labor lite government. I was impressed by his speech after winning the leadership. He spoke truthfully and bluntly and whilst that is a good sign, it is early days. People are desperate for the truth and to convey that truth we need men and women who are willing to be brave and blunt.

But I can guarantee you this, when the truth is spoken, as people struggle to pay their energy bills, as inflation wrecks household budgets, as young people are unable to charge their computers and phones, the climate scam will be exposed, the cult will begin to unravel, people’s minds will be awakened and freed and the Teals, the Greens, the left and the cowards on the right will wonder why and how, despite winning the war, they lost the battle. 

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June 1, 2022 1:11 pm

A week and a half after the election, the national turnout for the election is standing at 82%, normally it’s 95% plus. That’s a big protest at the system, one that undoubtedly would disadvantage the incumbent. If you feel comfortable that this election truly reflected a desire to pursue ruinables why did so many people decide to opt out rather than really ram home a change of government?

Every which way you slice it, this is a weak endorsement of an uncompelling opposition facilitated by independents operating as a defacto party.

June 1, 2022 1:49 pm

Great posts Buccaneer.

June 1, 2022 2:12 pm

Haven’t got time to read all the resposes so i apologise if it’s already been said, but Cassie, you are talking out your arse.

Enough backing off ladies.
If you want to promote that shit get back in the kitchen.
STFU, I’m fucking sick of it.
Children are being not only sexual abused in schools but mentally abused being told the world will end.
They are crying in the streets.

What’s this crap?

Nobody will be immune, not even those living in the Teal electorates. And then people will begin to get agitated, very agitated and the revolt against the doctrines of climate change will begin. This means that politicians on the right must start to speak truthfully and bluntly about how renewables such as solar and wind will never provide base load energy.

This is going to make politicians on some non existent right talk honestly about climate change?
What planet are you on?

They are out to destroy the west.
We are at war with traitorous government intent on ending our civilisation.
And yet Cassie reckons when people start getting angry, the pollies will sit up and take notice?

Look at the millions marching for freedom around Australia.
Look at the events of the last two years.
When will men learn that there is a good reason we never let fearful, security obsessed women have too much of a say.
No matter how right wing they are, Cassie proves even good women like her are willing to continue to let children suffer and let it get worse in the hope people will come to their senses, despite history telling us that thinkig that way is delusional.

When people get mad about power bills, there will be a scapegoat Cassie, the left do it all the time.
And you Cassie, will most likely be one of those terrible non comrades who sabotaged it all.

As it daily grows more serious, we men have to realise it’s time to get the ladies to STFU.

And it’s not just me saying it.

June 1, 2022 2:23 pm

green ideology is dependent on the dominance of public education to repeat it’s mantras, but this mechanism is currently being hijacked by the qwerty movement to further gender queer theory and the BLM movement to entrench privilege.

cue Blairs Law: the ongoing process by which the world’s multiple idiocies are becoming one giant, useless force.

June 1, 2022 3:02 pm


How long will it take for these movements to destroy the credibility of the scientific method on which modern society is built and which the green movement relies on as a shield of avoiding question?

It’s already destroyed for mine.

Apart from the Western World, the other real victim of this crap will be science itself.
There will come a time when a real existential threat rears it’s head but no one will listen.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 1, 2022 3:13 pm


There will come a time when a real existential threat rears it’s head but no one will listen.

Hmmmm. Wasn’t there a Greek fable about that, written a very long time ago? Something about a boy and a wolf?

June 1, 2022 3:14 pm

How long will it take for these movements to destroy the credibility of the scientific method on which modern society is built and which the green movement relies on as a shield of avoiding question?

how long did it take fundamentalist Islam to destroy the the scientific achievements of the muslim world? It feels like a chilling parallel at the moment.

That – or the Eloi’s and their comfort in a complete lack of awareness of how things work.

June 1, 2022 3:32 pm

Where we have to start, is to educate our children that there is a place for both renewables and coal, gas or nuclear. At the moment all are caught up in the propaganda which is being pushed at them in the education system without any real pushback about the consequences. Surveys re young people show time and again and what they would actually be prepared to do to support “climate change”. Exactly ZILCH

There has been not mention by government about how they are going to support manufacturing (what little we have), domestic, commerce, retail, EVs etc. That angle is where in my opinion the push should be coming from starting in our own households.

June 1, 2022 4:41 pm

I might add, it’s historically difficult to win from opposition. The coalition has only done it twice since the fall of Frazer in 1983. Neither of those wins were from the left of the party and both took exceptional campaigning and a shambles of a government to motivate a change.

The election of the new government is clearly not a strident endorsement of the alp in the way the election of Hawke or Rudd was the last two time the ALP won from opposition. This is a qualified we are unhappy statement.
Unless there is a significant volume of votes still in the mail, there is a huge participation gap either signaling that future Australian elections will have a participation element to campaigning (something the hole in the bucket tosh didn’t address) or there were some silly buggers with the covid voting arrangements (something I would need to be convinced of in pretty certain terms)

June 1, 2022 6:16 pm

Something about a boy and a wolf?

I heard it was a finger in a dyke

June 1, 2022 6:31 pm

Apart from the Western World, the other real victim of this crap will be science itself.

I once started a thread with that very topic on Universe Today by asking the disarming question The Most Significant Impact of Global Warming, then proceeded to give the actual numbers on ice cover in Antarctica and the flaws in the global surface temperature record. This was years ago, and it turned into the longest thread ever. Nothing much has changed.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 1, 2022 6:50 pm

June 1, 2022 at 6:16 pm
Something about a boy and a wolf?

I heard it was a finger in a dyke

The trans-woman said it was a finger?

June 2, 2022 2:38 pm

Pirate Pete and Lisa hosted a party re the election with Hollywood types, media people, and the like, the movers and shakers of Sydneytown, but monty still perseveres with the ‘born to rule’ stereotype.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 2, 2022 3:10 pm

June 2, 2022 at 2:38 pm
Pirate Pete and Lisa hosted a party re the election with Hollywood types, media people, and the like, the movers and shakers of Sydneytown, but monty still perseveres with the ‘born to rule’ stereotype.

If he looked honestly at both major parties, he would have to re-evaluate his entire philosophy. Not going to happen. He will ride that H-Bomb all the way down, as in Dr Stangelove.

Ted O'Brien (Not the politician)
Ted O’Brien (Not the politician)
June 4, 2022 1:20 pm

This is not the time to give up the fight. This is the time to grab the unprecedented opportunity!
The battle was lost the day the Morrison government caved in to the scam. That is now history.
Now we are harvesting the fruit of that action, and it’s a brand new world in which we can call I told you so!
That cave in doubled the wholesale price of electricity. But the crisis we are facing right now was triggered by the closure of a single 500 MW coal generator at Liddell.
This crisis can be relieved by recommissioning that generator. The crisis can be further alleviated by announcing that Liddell will not be shut down as planned in 2023.
We have the coal. We have the generators. By getting electricity from there we are relieving the pressure on the gas market.
When the crisis has been overcome we should get more sanity in the market.

  1. I agree with this assessment re. the Ukraine presser. It was hard to watch. I can’t believe a letter from…

  2. You wanted transparency? You got it. Already we see not just the media preparing their take on the dust up…

  3. Thank you Roger for letting me know about the be-barnacled torpedo – and Winston, you rascal you, a radiation trefoil…

  4. A new survey from Gallup revealed that the American people’s trust in the mainstream media has reached the “lowest point”…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x