The climate war, it’s time for a tactical retreat

I will preface this piece by saying that I believe climate change to be the biggest scam in human history. At its core it is pure unadulterated Marxism, a religious cult dressed up as science, a theological and ideological tool constructed to destroy the West. It is designed to destroy humanity because it is fundamentally a cult that is anti-human. It is the climax of a philosophy of anti-humanism began by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. I always laugh out loud when I hear climate cultists cry out about “our children’s future” because the plain truth of the climate scam is that it is about denying a future to our children. We do not have to look far to see the results of the scam, the unfolding tragedy in Sri Lanka shows us very clearly how quickly the green climate scam can destroy a country’s economy and now its people are starving. 

However, I am going to be very blunt here. I believe that at this moment in time we on the right side of politics need to acknowledge that we have lost the climate change war and we need to engage in a tactical retreat. Please hear me out. For many years we have been let down by cowards on the right who should have been fighting this scam but instead all we have seen are gutless and lazy Liberal and National politicians who have simply tiptoed and danced around the whole climate change debate, too timid and too scared to confront and call out the scam.  Even so-called culture warrior Tony Abbott dithered and wimped, he refused to honestly call out the scam, and how was he rewarded?  He was knifed twice, first by miserable Malcolm Turnbull and then by a vacuous and empty-headed bimbo backed by hard-left progressives. It was a Greek tragedy of epic proportions. Our children have been completely indoctrinated and poisoned, because for far too long politicians on the right have done nothing about our education system, bar one or two examples our MSM has been completely corrupted and captured, we’ve had successive Liberal governments do nothing to confront ABC bias and only recently the Morrison government threw even more money at the ABC, thus rewarding a media politburo that is unashamedly and unapologetically hostile to right of centre politics, politicians and mainstream Australia. So now the die has now been cast, the damage has been done and the inevitable result has ensued, that despite committing to “net zero emissions by 2050”, voters deserted the Coalition anyway on 21 May 2022.

What now and where to now? Well, until we on the right begin to engage in tactical politics it will be decades before we will ever hold the reins of government again. The sensible right side of politics, in this country and elsewhere, needs to engage in a tactical retreat when it comes to the climate scam. By tactical retreat I mean, let them win the war for now but at the same time continue to suck them into the black hole of climate alarmism and climate extremism. The Teal independents did indeed win big last week, and they managed to destroy a flank of the Liberal Party. Let them continue winning. In fact, I wish they had won a more seats, such as execrable Paul Fletcher’s seat of Bradfield, they missed that one, sadly Fletcher has hung on. But all these electoral victories will, in the long term, be Pyrrhic victories because it will not be long before the exorbitant power bills arrive, the blackouts begin, the power rationing starts and then all hell will break loose. Nobody will be immune, not even those living in the Teal electorates. And then people will begin to get agitated, very agitated and the revolt against the doctrines of climate change will begin. This means that politicians on the right must start to speak truthfully and bluntly about how renewables such as solar and wind will never provide base load energy. This means that politicians on the right must start to speak truthfully and bluntly about how vested interests are making money from renewables. And the most important message? This means that politicians on the right must start to speak truthfully and bluntly about how, if we want clean reliable energy, then such energy will only come from nuclear power. But speaking truthfully and bluntly requires courage and we desperately need politicians on the right side of politics who are courageous. I can only hope Peter Dutton is such a leader, after years of lacklustre Liberal leadership and Labor lite government. I was impressed by his speech after winning the leadership. He spoke truthfully and bluntly and whilst that is a good sign, it is early days. People are desperate for the truth and to convey that truth we need men and women who are willing to be brave and blunt.

But I can guarantee you this, when the truth is spoken, as people struggle to pay their energy bills, as inflation wrecks household budgets, as young people are unable to charge their computers and phones, the climate scam will be exposed, the cult will begin to unravel, people’s minds will be awakened and freed and the Teals, the Greens, the left and the cowards on the right will wonder why and how, despite winning the war, they lost the battle. 

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May 31, 2022 2:09 pm

Nice thoughts.
Except the ‘right’ of the political class are the rear guard of the left. Menzies was the last patriotic PM we had and that was a long time ago.
The Liberals are not on your side now and will not be on you your side in future.

The goose is cooked.
Sit back and enjoy/witness the decades of decline.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
May 31, 2022 2:27 pm

The message that this is a scam needs repeating, and repeating and repeating. This tactic works for lies, why won’t it work for the truth?

Scientists are no different from other humans and, as described by geologist Ian Plimer, contain ‘their own share of followers, fanatics, fundamentalists, fools, and frauds.’

In the unlikely event that all signatories live up to the Paris Accord for 2030, the reduction in global temperature has been estimated at 0.05C. Meanwhile, the madness continues, with yet more pointless and unachievable targets to be met to save the planet, the latest being Net Zero by 2050, this while the major emitters increase their CO2 output. Apart from the exorbitant cost, there is no possible way Australia can achieve new targets without new and unproven technology, or nuclear power. Using current renewables would require 3,000 new wind turbines or 250 square kilometres of solar panels installed every single day – plus an extra 15 per cent to cover peak loads.

We are regularly told the science is settled (in 2008, 31,000 US scientists disagreed). Philosopher Karl Popper insisted the dividing line between science and pseudo-science is whether advocates of a hypothesis search for evidence that could falsify it, and accept the hypothesis only if it survives. This is an approach the IPCC has conspicuously failed to follow.

Dr Graham Pinn, FRCP, FRACP, FACTM, MRNZCGP, Retired Consultant Physician.

May 31, 2022 2:33 pm

Sit back and enjoy/witness the decades of decline.

this entire century is about decline

May 31, 2022 2:37 pm

when 2030 comes by and the reductions are not as people expected, it will merely be expalined away that politicians and deniers delayed action for too long and we need another 20 or 30 years now, to get it right

it’s an article of faith that it is happening and our fault, all our kids are taught this from an early age

it will take generations to turn around the school system, let alone acedemia

we have well intentioned billionaires now deciding what the country needs and are putting it in place, whether it’s right or wrong, they are disenfranchising our votes by their behaviour

we have lost this war and we continue to lose all the battles as well, all you draw is sympathetic looks when you talk about this from any view except the believer’s view

maybe Cassie is right, that when the costs become enormous people may rethink things, or more likely, find better scapegoats

May 31, 2022 2:37 pm

Can you believe some wankers sign up for the destruction of our society, starting with the lives of the poorest, so their children can continue to ski regularly?
Not that there is has been any sign of climate changy/global warmmonging actually affecting snow fields the last couple of decades. Any moment now though.

Keith Forwheels
Keith Forwheels
May 31, 2022 2:41 pm

There is a direct link from the climate scam to social credit, digital tokens, energy rationing and transhumanism. Evil never rests, neither can we.

May 31, 2022 2:43 pm

The Liberal Party looks to be in the early stages of a 1955-style split. The Teals are in the position of the anti-Liberal party as the Democratic Labor Party were to Labor in the 50s. The rump of the Liberal Party is, quixotically, moving closer and closer to mirroring the DLP’s policy platform.

Dutton is most likely the exact wrong person to be leading the Liberal Party at this time. He is the most powerful symbol of all the major weaknesses of the Party: authoritarian, stubborn, beholden to special interests, complicit in major rorts, deaf to the concerns of key demographics that the Party needs to win over, and generally unlikeable. He could be the right’s Jeremy Corbyn.

If the major strategy for the Libs is doing precisely nothing and waiting until Albo stuffs up… they might be waiting a while. Albo is not a good campaigner, to be honest, but he’s very good at running the government – he did it exceptionally well under Gillard in a minority. Events, dear boy, will continue to occur but one can not always rely on events to go your way.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

m0nty says: May 31, 2022 at 2:43 pm
ALP take Dutton very seriously, very seriously indeed.

May 31, 2022 2:51 pm

As I wrote this morning, the electorate, particularly in metropolitan areas where the majority of seats are, has been moving in a green-left direction for some time. This election comfirms that. Until voters experience the stark economic and social consequences of the policies they appear to support, they won’t want to hear that those policies are wrong-headed and downright dangerous to our prosperity and social cohesion.

May 31, 2022 2:56 pm

You lot have tried nothing and you’re all out of ideas.

May 31, 2022 3:00 pm

I believe that at this moment in time we on the right side of politics need to acknowledge that we have lost the climate change war and we need to engage in a tactical retreat.

….as people struggle to pay their energy bills, as inflation wrecks household budgets, as young people are unable to charge their computers and phones, the climate scam will be exposed, the cult will begin to unravel, people’s minds will be awakened and freed…..

God bless you Cassie. I’d love to believe your plan and optimism, but I can’t.

The climate change scam is so deeply enmeshed into our global society that 130+ nations have already agreed to the framework to achieve net zero by 2050. Those federal governments and their thousands of regional government counterparts (State, District, Territory, Council etc) are all signed on with increasing pressure on the recalcitrants.

The UN, IPCC, OECD and a host of others are fully captured by the zealots. Spending to achieve net zero by 2050 is forecast to be $250 trillion and yet most of the world’s nations have signed up.

Promoters of hydrogen, lithium, windmills, solar, thermal, wave action……you name it, are all lining up for their share of the pie. Then, there are the car manufacturers (discussed extensively on the Cat). Eventually, every passenger car in the modern world will have to be replaced with a ‘green’ alternative – the legislation is already in place to outlaw ICE vehicles in many countries. Planes, boats and trucks are all being examined for viability of hydrogen power.

I understand what you’re suggesting but there is simply too much money at stake, too many large and emerging businesses grasping at the trough, too many professional and political reputations wedded to the concept. There is no point hoping (planning, plotting) that people will come to their senses when their electricity bill comes in – it is already too late. Dissent/change from the pre-ordained path will not be contemplated.

May 31, 2022 3:02 pm

Funny how m0nty only shows up here after the federal election.

May 31, 2022 3:11 pm

Monty is upper middle class donchano?
He’s come home, where he belongs.

May 31, 2022 3:15 pm

When ultimately the power is turned off or rationed and people won’t be able to cook, heat their homes, do the washing, watch TV, or (horror of horrors!) operate their computers and iphones at their convenience, then even the most die-hard green Millenials and Generation Zers will have their “Road to Damascus” moment, leading to massive protests and eventually rioting in the streets.

May 31, 2022 3:17 pm

Cassie, I don’t really get your advice. You want the Libs to change no policies at all, and merely wait for the other mob to fail. Specifically, you want to abandon blue ribbon seats to the Teals by refusing to budge on the issue the Libs lost those seats on… and make the situation worse by leaning in to climate change denialism.

What is even more flabbergasting to me is that Dutton appears to be following your game plan.

To me, the Libs seem like they are jumping bum first into a big hole where they will wallow in opposition for a generation. YMMV of course but I don’t see how they win back government without recovering the Teal seats.

Show me the seats they will win off Labor to win a majority. It’s tough sledding.

May 31, 2022 3:18 pm

Wish I had your confidence. There is no way that the failing of the grid wont somehow be laid at the feet of “fossil fuels” and be clear evidence that of course we need more solar and wind power. They have no understanding of how things work, have no STEM education and the mere mention of kilo, Mega, Giga anything will make there eyes glaze over and start to chant PC talking points.

Keep stating the problems but let them bring it on good and hard. The sooner we hit the wall the better. Sadly I think we need the disaster and probably people will die directly because of this stupidity.

May 31, 2022 3:33 pm

The Greenies will all eventually freeze, fry, or starve to death. Yes, there will be a lot of collateral damage. It’s science.

May 31, 2022 3:43 pm

yarpos says:
May 31, 2022 at 3:18 pm

There is no way that the failing of the grid wont somehow be laid at the feet of “fossil fuels” and be clear evidence that of course we need more solar and wind power.


…..probably people will die directly because of this stupidity.

Also 100%. The elderly and/or infirm, the poor….all of whom will not be able to fund their electricity accounts to heat or cool their homes. Governments will declare it a “tragedy that must be addressed” and a small price discount will be applied (after means testing).

Whether we like it or not, the world is transitioning to a ‘green’ future. Climate change is the mantra and almost every government, at every level, is captured. If and when necessary, Governments may apply rebates/discounts to energy prices to mollify the proles but these will be offset by tax increases in other areas. But make no mistake, notwithstanding minor adjustments along the pathway, the die is cast and the ultimate goal cannot/will not be altered. We are well past that point.

Not Uh oh
Not Uh oh
May 31, 2022 3:48 pm

Yes, the horse has well and truly bolted. Chalmers on Sky saying that the latest electricity price hikes are proof that we’ve been too slow getting more renewables into the system. Kieren Gilbert nods rather than laughing at him. It’ll just become the accepted mantra – more renewables = lower prices. Poor fellow my country indeed.

John of Mel
John of Mel
May 31, 2022 3:52 pm

Without widespread homeschooling even electricity failures and lowering of the standard of living won’t dissuade the majority, I’m afraid. The bastards will adjust the education to suite the current narrative. Kids will grow up thinking it’s normal and maybe even noble to live in poverty for the common good. And there is no greater common good than the “health” of the whole planet.
Just remember how easily majority accepted the last two years of madness never seen before in almost any country, not just first-world countries, all for the supposed common good.

May 31, 2022 3:52 pm

I’m sorry, there should be no retreat. There just needs to be new people, real fighters, people with courage, intelligence and tenacity to continually point out the dangers, the flaws and the stupidity.

If we sit back and do nothing (like the Libs), the criminals won’t relent, they have the media to constantly spin the story anyway they like. Look at the job they have done on the jabbed fools. The fools are thankful they got vaxxed, even though they are getting sicker and sicker!

And so it will be with the climate change con. In about 5 years from now, the media will say something like: “You think your electricity bill is high because its gone up 250%, and there are more blackouts? Well, if we didn’t go to renewables, it would have been a lot worse!” …And the sheep will be thankful….

But I understand how you feel, I was at a dinner last Saturday night with some well off friends, with whom I haven’t socialised with for the past few years. They are all from the new Zoe Daniels seat, and fretted over the Libs loss, but felt that the Libs didn’t do enough on climate change, and worried that Dutton was too far right. Their kids, now at voting age, are all climate extremists and voted either Teal or Greens (same thing really).

I had enough, so I finally opened up. I tackled all their stupid/ignorant arguments. No one could debate what I presented, they were completely clueless. Needless to say things got s little frosty at times, but I made my points.

Will that change anything? Probably not, though some of them may think twice about their views and level of ignorance….

Unless there are constant objecting voices, even on the periphery, then there is no chance of recovery for reason…

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
May 31, 2022 3:53 pm

The issue at hand has moved to freedom and rights, which is where all politics should be fought.

Climate changes is cover for totalitarianism as we know, so concentrating on freedom and rights negates the excuse of climate change, which is the siren call to “action”.

You can’t beat the siren, but you can point out the rocks ahead.

May 31, 2022 3:58 pm

Australia Pastor: ‘We’ve Lurched So Far to the Left … I Wonder If We Will Remain a Sovereign Nation’

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 31, 2022 3:59 pm

May 31, 2022 at 2:43 pm
The Liberal Party looks to be in the early stages of a 1955-style split. The Teals are in the position of the anti-Liberal party as the Democratic Labor Party were to Labor in the 50s. The rump of the Liberal Party is, quixotically, moving closer and closer to mirroring the DLP’s policy platform.

monti-fa sees what he wants to see, then writes an internally contradictory paragraph to convince himself.

Are the Teals the New DLP, or are the Liberals? make up what passes for your mind!

PS, the “rump” of the Liberal Party is far bigger than the “body” that you seem to think is the future.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 31, 2022 4:01 pm

Almost missed the best of monti-fa’s comment.

beholden to special interests, complicit in major rorts,

Shirley you are talking about the Teals and their subsidy harvesting sponsors?

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 31, 2022 4:03 pm

May 31, 2022 at 2:56 pm
You lot have tried nothing and you’re all out of ideas.

Perhaps you should stop wasting your time here, monti-fa? Don’t let the door hit your very substantial rump on the way out.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 31, 2022 4:05 pm


there is simply too much money at stake, too many large and emerging businesses grasping at the trough, too many professional and political reputations wedded to the concept.

Are these the “special interests, complicit in major rorts” of which monti-fa speaks?

May 31, 2022 4:06 pm

I tend to agree Cassie.

It’s going to take a fundamental collapse of the grid with power rationing and black outs for everyone before the penny might sink.

There is still quite a sizeable minority (or even a silent majority) who know this is a scam. Once the shit hits the fan and people actually start dying then we might see some blowback/riots.

The ways it’s going it might be sometime this decade.

May 31, 2022 4:07 pm

I’m with Yarpos and others,

they’ll put the blame on ‘unreliable old coal stations’ or some shit. Just look at fuel & gas prices now and see where the blame is being slated. Not at our local lack of investment and supply, but at a far-distant war.

People today and just too stupid and too far removed from the reality of how things work to understand more than the superficial feels they’re spoon-fed every day.

May 31, 2022 4:11 pm

Cassie I hate to say it, but I reckon you’re too optimistic. I’m inclined to see us lurching toward Venezuela. There will be no admitting the policy was wrong, only doubling down and blaming the conservatives for not knuckling under.
The real question is how far they go, will they leave people semi free and throw blame, or will it become a purge of all those who do not think correctly. Just look at the acceptance of violence toward Tony Abbot and Bolt, and by extension others who don’t agree.

There is no compromise. The is no retreat. There is no losing. There is no other choice, because losing will be our destruction.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 31, 2022 4:12 pm


abandon blue ribbon seats to the Teals by refusing to budge on the issue the Libs lost those seats on…

They haven’t been “Blue Ribbon” seats for some time, but you (being a hypocritical fascist leftist yourself) recommend abandoning our principles and simply joining the empty headed lemmings racing for the cliff edge. GTFO.

You firsgt.

May 31, 2022 4:13 pm

Good article Cassie- agree it’s unfortunate the Fletcher waste of space was returned but as for the other seats (Wentworth, N Sydney etc)- good riddance to bad rubbish. There’s a strong chance that the vacuous air heads will irrelevant now that Anal doesn’t need them.

Not sure why people here even engage with the marxist troll- he brings nothing but spite and malice here. Best ignored.

May 31, 2022 4:14 pm

And when all the coal fired stations have been closed and the situation gets worse who do they blame then.

As it’s probably only a few years away people’s memories will go back to when they could charge their phone, computer, tablet etc without worry; heat and cook without interruptions or not being able to.

We’re talking about the basics of modern day life and many people are going to get mighty pissed off.

I know many here say the people are stupid but when you can’t even do the basics then it’s going to be a Road to Damascus moment for many.

May 31, 2022 4:14 pm

Just look at the acceptance of violence toward Tony Abbot and Bolt, and by extension others who don’t agree.

true- just a bit of a giggle as far as the meja is concerned.

May 31, 2022 4:15 pm

Gender and identity politics is already the accepted norm.
I’m going to give up just because the mob think they have won.

May 31, 2022 4:16 pm

miltonf says:
Not sure why people here even engage with the marxist troll- he brings nothing but spite and malice here. Best ignored.

I always just scroll past.

May 31, 2022 4:23 pm

Talk about Laugh Out Loud!

Ferken Retreat!

It was John Howard that led the charge with the entire RT boondoggle and Kyoto that set the stage for the complete cluster stuff up now!

It will be interesting to watch Australian cities when the power goes out.

May 31, 2022 4:29 pm

Well it already happened in Adelaide

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 4:35 pm

What now and where to now? Well, until we on the right begin to engage in tactical politics it will be decades before we will ever hold the reins of government again

The Liberal Party was born as a Party to the Left of Centre, Menzies called it a Progressive Party, when did it shift to the Right?

May 31, 2022 4:38 pm

I have the solution to Australia’s climate woes.

Dutton needs to promise, if elected PM, he will hold a non-compulsory-voting plebiscite on Climate Change where voters will be asked to nominate a selection of monthly charges to fight climate change (it’s either that option… or it continues to come out of your overtaxed income).

Peoples’ voices in action!!! Their ABC will love it (not)!!! 😛

Rod Stuart
Rod Stuart
May 31, 2022 4:39 pm

Very well put, Cassie
I find it infuritating that all those who SEEM to be on the side of commons sense on Sky insist on talkking about how many fewer emissions we make relative to someone else, and how these “emissions” are reduced etc.
They are talking about emissions of CO2, which are quite simply irrelevant. It is quite straightforward to refute the idiotic myth that “greenhouse gases” exist.
Unfortunately there are at least a couple of generations who were never taught critical thinking, and rason and logic cut no ice with them.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 31, 2022 4:41 pm


The Liberal Party was born as a Party to the Left of Centre, Menzies called it a Progressive Party, when did it shift to the Right?

Your level of comprehension of the philosophy espoused by Menzies is worse than abysmal. Go away and read it all, not just one sentence.

May 31, 2022 4:42 pm

I’m with Yarpos and others,
they’ll put the blame on ‘unreliable old coal stations’ or some shit.

It will be extremely difficult to blame them when they no longer exist.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 4:48 pm

As I wrote this morning, the electorate, particularly in metropolitan areas where the majority of seats are, has been moving in a green-left direction for some time. This election comfirms that.

The Greens are a Party of the Far Right.
They haven’t been a Left Wing Party since Bob Brown took over the Liberal Preferencing Tasmanian Greens from Norm Sanders 40 years ago.
A few Moderate Liberals got the flick.
What’s a Moderate Liberal anyway?
25% of the Teal vote was former Liberal voters, so if the Liberals had run Liberals in those seats instead of Maniacs like Katherine Deves, they’d be in the Catbird Seat.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 4:51 pm

Communist Party preferences won the 1961 Election for Menzies.
Why were they preferencing Liberal if Liberal is a Party of the Right and Labor is a Left wing Party?

May 31, 2022 4:51 pm

As in Kanaduh:

Will the last sane person to leave Oz please blow out the last candle; it would be rude to start a bushfire for the new owners.

May 31, 2022 4:52 pm

In ancient times, a High Priest would go to the top of a mountain with a calf or a lamb (or kid!), would find a holy spot and burn (“sacrifice”) it so that the smell was pleasing to the Gods and the Gods would reward us with good rain, sunshine instead of drought or storms.

Things have gone full circle. We must make sacrifices to offer up to the Climate Gods, invisible as they are, to atone for our sins. And, these days, its the royal “we” as in you, me and everyone else except them (and you know who them is).

May 31, 2022 4:53 pm

But it is NOT the whole world that is transitioning.
China is not.
India is not.
Russia is not.
The whole of Africa, Central and South America are not.
Europe is being forced to reconsider.
We easily fall into the trap of thinking we are the world when soon we will simply be Sri Lanka.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 4:54 pm

I have the solution to Australia’s climate woes.

No, you don’t We just had an Election, the Coalition will meet the target thru Technology, The Labor Party will meet the Target by Legislation, which means force.
Right or wrong, the voters chose Force.

May 31, 2022 5:01 pm

No, you don’t We just had an Election

I don’t think so Ed. The voters chose to ignore the climate scares in the 2019 election and Labor knows voters have clubs under beds for the “carbon tax” lingo. A few price shocks, tax hikes, higher bills and supply shortages and, despite Labor’s voting changes, I’m not entirely convinced Albo will see a full term*.

*Disclaimer: Making predictions on the Cat is not recommended. 😛

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 31, 2022 5:01 pm

No retreat. Climate lies need to be confronted. Witnessed against. The harm this fraud is causing is enormous. Poor people are going without food and heating because of it. Lives are being lost: cold kills 10 times more than heatwaves. I will not accept such evil for any expediency.

It is a false choice between liars and other liars. I will not vote for either of them until they repent. I spoiled my ballot this election for this reason.

Pragmatically there are signs of some reality intruding into the skulls of these cretins.

While Australia is rushing to close coal plants, the UK is thinking of keeping them running (31 May)

Likewise France has done a full backflip from intending to close their nuclear power stations to building more of them. When the rubber really hits the road our pollies will also backflip cravenly. Very soon now the electricity and gas price rises will be a daily “crisis” in the news. Then they will have a choice: continue on this quixotic crusade to fix something which isn’t happening or act to alleviate the suffering of the people.

May 31, 2022 5:04 pm

No retreat. No surrender.

When someone starts rabbiting on about Climate Change I let them know brutally and directly that it is the biggest scam and swindle the world has ever seen run by the most hypocritical spivs imaginable.

I say it has every hallmark of a religious cult. How long will it be before they start burning unbelievers?

I no longer care about the dropped jaws, the blabbering, the dirty looks. They can all go jump, the ridiculous sheep that they are.

May 31, 2022 5:07 pm

The harm this fraud is causing is enormous. Poor people are going without food and heating because of it. Lives are being lost: cold kills 10 times more than heatwaves. I will not accept such evil for any expediency.

Heads should for roll for it among the political and elite class, and others with vested interests in the business, banking, and insurance classes.
Or at least lengthy jail terms for allowing, supporting, promoting or profiting from this fraud.

May 31, 2022 5:07 pm

Great stuff Cassie. Bring on the blackouts. Too many of the populace need to experience the reality of no coal, no nuclear and the horrible consequences. Not fair that we all suffer but nothing else will bring the morons to their senses. Personal hardship.
Also I do not accept the premise, widely assumed as a given now, that carbon dioxide is a problem. Been on this planet 7 decades plus and the climate is going through its usual cycles. Maunder minimum at present. Oz – A land of drought and flooding rain – 1908 MacKellar.
All their “climate change” computer modelling – garbage, must suit the narrative to get grants.

May 31, 2022 5:15 pm

May 31, 2022 at 4:14 pm
And when all the coal fired stations have been closed and the situation gets worse who do they blame then.

all the big bad coal infrastructure and lack of investment.

It won’t reverse until we get to Sri-Lanka levels of fertiliser stupidity.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 5:24 pm

The harm this fraud is causing is enormous. Poor people are going without food and heating because of it.

What are they spending their dosh on then?

May 31, 2022 5:27 pm

What are they spending their dosh on then?

Poor people have dosh? Odd, I thought that’s what makes them poor?

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 5:29 pm

It won’t reverse until we get to Sri-Lanka levels of fertiliser stupidity.

Sri Lanka’s problem wasn’t fertiliser.
The problem was that organic farming was announced as the new standard, starting tomorrow.
Year Zero style.
Without pesticides, fungicides and herbicides, Sri Lanka’s plantation economy fell over.

May 31, 2022 5:32 pm

The denialism in here is nearly complete. A near full repudiation of reality.

You hate to see it. But even more… you love to see it.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 5:33 pm

Poor people have dosh? Odd, I thought that’s what makes them poor?

Yeah, Social Security, it’s been around for a few generations now.
The old age pension is worth $1190/fortnite, including Rent Assistance.
Taking into account the Food Vans that make the rounds of the Cities, plus Food Bank, how does anyone go without food?

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 31, 2022 5:33 pm

Ed Casesays:
May 31, 2022 at 4:51 pm
Communist Party preferences won the 1961 Election for Menzies.
Why were they preferencing Liberal if Liberal is a Party of the Right and Labor is a Left wing Party?

Was Liberal their second (after Communist) preference, or was this yet another artifact of the compulsory preference system? My recollection is that he didn’t get over the line for a while, suggesting he got some preferences from well down the list.

As for why they had Liberal ahead of Labor, the vendettas on the left are ruthless and eternal.

May 31, 2022 5:34 pm

unfortunately, the policy wonks, lobby groups, and every idiot nanna can have an opinion and drive debate, expectation and policy.

However, there is a disconnect between their current ‘climate rapture’, the urgency, and the consequences.

Acceleration is the answer.
bring it … bring it now

that way everybody can connect the cause and the outcomes.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 31, 2022 5:34 pm


Or perhaps the Commos gave preferences to the Liberals in gratitude for their attempt to ban the Communist Party?

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 31, 2022 5:36 pm


the Coalition will meet the target thru Technology


May 31, 2022 5:37 pm

You tell me:

A growing number of people with jobs and mortgages are turning to charities for help because they can’t afford food and rent, according to Perth not-for-profits. One in six people that comes to us for assistance at the moment has a mortgage. Now, that would have been unheard of only three or four years ago.”

May 31, 2022 5:40 pm

the problem with mUnty
is that he’s just another true-believer
thumping the bible
all hell-fire and salvation

he has no engineering
doesn’t understand
can’t understand
couldn’t tell his arse from and Angstrom


Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 5:41 pm

Canavan said NetZero was dead.
That’s when the Election was lost.
Scotty’s HomeBuyer Policy was good Politics, Peter Dutton has stuck with it.
Basically, they’ve gotta ditch Canavan, he’s a wrecker.

May 31, 2022 5:41 pm

What are they spending their dosh on then?

It’s all relative, but even poor people (unless they are literally homeless or relying on charity) have to outlay thousands a year on rent or council rates, water and sewage, medical expenses (not always free), car running costs, including repair, maintenance and petrol (and if no car, the cost of using public transport).
Of course, you could forgo expensive housing, health and car insurance, but at your own peril.
And that’s even before the costs of heating, lighting, cooking, running electrical appliances, and food are added in.

Robby the sceptic
Robby the sceptic
May 31, 2022 5:41 pm

There is a real disconnect from reality. It is obvious we will have a real shortage of energy. Yet the crazies talk of EVs being green and a green hydrogen industry. I hope I live long enough to see the angst of those who count on EVs as being viable waking up to the supply problem. Perhaps not. Not likely to be very happy times. I also figure interesting times when EV batteries need replacement. What price a secondhand EV then.

May 31, 2022 5:42 pm

I’m not going to give up…

May 31, 2022 5:43 pm

“Let them eat cake” Ed.
No idea.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 5:44 pm

A growing number of people with jobs and mortgages are turning to charities for help because they can’t afford food and rent, according to Perth not-for-profits

Find cheaper rent?

One in six people that comes to us for assistance at the moment has a mortgage.

Okay, what happens when Interest Rates go up and they’re underwater on the mortgage?

May 31, 2022 5:45 pm

The denialism in here is nearly complete. A near full repudiation of reality.

Classic left wing projection and gaslighting.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 5:47 pm

Of course, you could forgo expensive housing, health and car insurance, but at your own peril.

If you can’t afford to eat, what’s the point of Heath & Car Insurance,
and paying expensive rent?

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 31, 2022 5:48 pm

For monti-fa, some more denialism. Borrowed from the open Thread, go there for the full story.

May 31, 2022 at 5:09 pm
I’ve been fascistbook banned for 30 days for posting the below TRUTH.

A very interesting read with plenty of perspective
Letter to the Editor
Written By Terence Cardwell*
The Editor
The Morning Bulletin
I have sat by for a number of years frustrated at the rubbish being put forth about carbon
dioxide emissions, thermal coal-fired power stations and renewable energy and the
ridiculous Emissions Trading Scheme.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 5:50 pm

And that’s even before the costs of heating, lighting, cooking, running electrical appliances, and food are added in.

Gimme a break.
Louis the Fourteenth made do without heating, lighting and running electrical appliances.

Sarah Hawker
Sarah Hawker
May 31, 2022 5:50 pm

I agree Cassie, but there is a huge opportunity, with the phasing out of gas. If the liberal party were liberal, they would be everywhere telling us that our gas appliances in NSW and Vic are about to become obsolete and then tie that into the high electricity prices and coming brown outs – make Labour and Andrew’s own it.

But they won’t of course because they are stupid.

Trained Observer
Trained Observer
May 31, 2022 5:51 pm

Cassie: there’s no such thing as tactical retreat. This debate is about assets and investment. It’s happening. Right now in Australia it’s a debacle because successive governments dodged policy. Take a look: the gas price cap was triggered today at $85/Gj. Electricity prices in every State are way over trigger. The debacle is here now and will lead very quickly to job losses. Much of this problem is due to people who ignore science and engineering and insist that experts are ideologues.
Thanks to Abbott etc we can be certain that we will be going very rapidly to renewables, probably in the least effective or efficient way.

May 31, 2022 5:52 pm

It’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind (apparently) but I don’t see the teal set for changing until they lose their harbour views. Listening to Kate Chaney the other day was as depressing as it was predicable. She ain’t for changing. Mind you Lillian Andrews has a different take on all this. Her view’s that the climate con is simply a ready tool for elite women and that the Liberal party should

ignore screeching demands to let sulky upper-class women dictate policy and understand those women will be satisfied only with a party that places them at the top of the pecking order – never one that governs for the unwashed masses. Then, and only then, might they take seats from Labor and find their way back to power.

Maybe. But sadly I do not see the power and influence of these Teals diminishing any time soon.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 31, 2022 5:52 pm

What are they spending their dosh on then?

Ed – You better be being rhetorical because the alternative is not good at all. Pensioners have enough trouble as it is without high double digit price increases for electricity, gas and food.

NSW electricity prices to rise 19.7 per cent (28 May)

Power prices to rise ‘much more’: Anne Ruston (31 May)

The reason electricity is rising is because of gas. Gas is sky high because everyone needs it to stop their grids collapsing. But no one wants to explore or develop more of it because of the climate scam and the activists. Food is expensive because fertilizer is produced from gas. The Ukraine war has just accelerated what was already going on.

I will add that coal is high too right now because of the same problem: pollies keep on knocking back new coal mines. We’re rapidly approaching a real crisis for ordinary people who aren’t rich and are already struggling.

May 31, 2022 5:54 pm

For monti-fa, some more denialism

it’s a form of stimming

mUnty feelz better

at least he isn’t banging his head on the floor

May 31, 2022 5:56 pm

Ed’s solution, find cheaper rent lol!!!

Good luck with that!

May 31, 2022 5:57 pm

Some random thoughts:
The Labor Party won with only 32% of primary votes. Its worst performance in a century.
This is not an endorsement but a disaster for the ALP.
The Liberal Coalition lost not because its votes went to Labor but because these were hived off to minor parties most of which had an anti climate change agenda.
This means that there are potentially a hell of a lot of people out there who don’t believe in the climate change agenda who are looking for leadership to take them out of what could become a national disaster.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 5:59 pm

Ed – You better be being rhetorical because the alternative is not good at all.

The poorest pensioner is getting paid $595/week, plus their Power Costs are subsidised.
You’re saying that Power prices are so high that pensioners can’t afford to eat?
I’m saying you’re having yourself on.

May 31, 2022 6:03 pm

The hierarchy of needs
Food shelter warmth/ cool all are threatened but not for the rich.

Those who fight always win over those who want to be left alone.

I honestly don’t know how this story ends.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 31, 2022 6:06 pm


Louis the Fourteenth made do without heating, lighting and running electrical appliances.

It seems that your historical knowledge is on a par with your political history.

Louis XIV “made do” with multiple fireplaces, masses of candles, and many servants to do the cooking and cleaning and those other mundane but necessary functions for which we now use electrical appliances.

But please do go back to the living styles of his era. Good luck employing the staff. You might find them rather more expensive than the electrical appliances.


May 31, 2022 6:09 pm

You lot have tried nothing and you’re all out of ideas

This is apparently what passes for intelligent debate in Monti-fa world.

Being out of ideas is better* than trying to repeatedly sell only one single idea that has never worked anywhere it’s been tried. And don’t tell me it’s because your side believes it’s never been done properly.

* Because in time, better ideas will come.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 6:09 pm

The Liberal Coalition lost not because its votes went to Labor but because these were hived off to minor parties most of which had an anti climate change agenda.

They lost c. 9% of the total vote, that is, over 20% of their own voters, to the Teals.
They lost nothing to UAP or PHON, who are a bit cagy about their Climate Policies anyway.
In the other dozen Seats they lost, including 2 to the Greens, yeah, Mass Movements can be seductive, but the price is selling your arse to the Big End of Town, that generally doesn’t stack up.

May 31, 2022 6:11 pm

Thanks for that Cassie, great article again.

As for Monty, I don’t read his posts any more, pure infantile drivel.

As for gerbil warming, fuck me it’s cold in Perth.

May 31, 2022 6:12 pm

viva la Nina

May 31, 2022 6:13 pm

I did a Tele interview re gas in NT even though it came from gas industry, I was astounded at the assumptions underlying the questions. That CO2 was bad. Although they did not say CO2 it was all emissions. How the language has moved. Now it is emissions, it can be defined as anything. Etc etc etc

I felt I could not logically answer them but I had to because otherwise it would have been full on Marxist. I felt very uncomfortable.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 31, 2022 6:13 pm

The poorest pensioner is getting paid $595/week, plus their Power Costs are subsidised.

What are you sniffing? I look after my elderly mum’s finances, her energy costs are very high, the subsidy is about $75 a quarter. Tiny compared to what she must pay, since she lives in a cold location. She’s a full pensioner, fortunately owning her own house. And no she does not get $595 a week. It’s about $475 including the energy subsidy. But if she didn’t have savings, and sons, she’d be at wits end and would be terrified.

May 31, 2022 6:13 pm

Louis the Fourteenth made do without heating, lighting and running electrical appliances.

Louie also did without modern anaesthesia during surgery for an anal fistula, leaving a wound that took two months to heal.

May 31, 2022 6:14 pm

Here’s an idea.

Australia should ignore the shivering morons in the northern hemisphere and ramp up new coal fired power stations to supply to industry and domestically.

We will be shunned. But we will be envied.

May 31, 2022 6:14 pm

Meanwhile in Thredbo 28mm of snow
And not even winter yet

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 31, 2022 6:14 pm


The poorest pensioner is getting paid $595/week, plus their Power Costs are subsidised.
You’re saying that Power prices are so high that pensioners can’t afford to eat?
I’m saying you’re having yourself on.

And you say that the Liberals need to get in touch with voters!
But, please, live the good life. Restrict your expenditure to $595.00 per week, plus the equivalent of the power subsidy. Find some cheap rental housing somewhere, and report back in six months about the luxurious meals you have been enjoying, in your warm and comfortable housing, and walking to work every day (or splashing out on public transport if you prefer).

We will appoint shatterzzz to monitor your activities. You can pay him from the money you have that is over the $595.00 per week.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 31, 2022 6:17 pm

A fortnight not a quarter. I think, I’d have to look it up. But the energy price rises are going to be catastrophic for pensioners.

May 31, 2022 6:18 pm

Being out of ideas is better* than trying to repeatedly sell only one single idea that has never worked anywhere it’s been tried.

Australia is not buying what the Liberals are selling any more. Changing the brand name but not the product will work about as well as Vegemite iSnack 2.0.

May 31, 2022 6:21 pm

Boambee Johnsays:
May 31, 2022 at 6:14 pm

The poorest pensioner is getting paid $595/week, plus their Power Costs are subsidised.
You’re saying that Power prices are so high that pensioners can’t afford to eat?
I’m saying you’re having yourself on.

And you say that the Liberals need to get in touch with voters!
But, please, live the good life. Restrict your expenditure to $595.00 per week, plus the equivalent of the power subsidy. Find some cheap rental housing somewhere, and report back in six months about the luxurious meals you have been enjoying, in your warm and comfortable housing, and walking to work every day (or splashing out on public transport if you prefer).

We will appoint shatterzzz to monitor your activities. You can pay him from the money you have that is over the $595.00 per week.

The after tax income from my last full time job was not much more than that. I don’t own my own home. One of the reasons the centerlink supplements over covid really pissed me off, they were getting as much as I was or more, without having to work.

So Ed, you can go fuck yourself with a rusty cheesegrater.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 31, 2022 6:25 pm

I’m amazed with lefties like M0nty. Labor and the Greens are now suddenly the parties of the rich who seem to be saying “let them eat cake” to the poor, who have to freeze in the dark and try somehow to pay bills.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 6:26 pm

Louie also did without modern anaesthesia during surgery for an anal fistula, leaving a wound that took two months to heal.


John Sheldrick
May 31, 2022 6:29 pm

I agree with never give up. Sir Winston Churchill said never, never, ever give up (and with maybe a few more nevers) in that famous wartime Statement.

And Cassie, the other mob have only won a few battles and not the War. The War is not over yet. You have it the wrong way round in your last paragraph.

Yes, and things will Crash and Burn before any change. And that change will come from the population at the end of their tether. By which time the Pollies and all of the others involved in this Scam will be running for their lives.

And after the Crash and Burn, a Phoenix will arise with the World in a far, far better place than it is now.

Here endeth the first lesson of “Nil Illigitimi Carorandum” which roughly translated means, “Don’t let the Bastards Grind you Down”……………………………….

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 31, 2022 6:32 pm

Bruce of Newcastlesays:
May 31, 2022 at 6:25 pm
I’m amazed with lefties like M0nty. Labor and the Greens are now suddenly the parties of the rich who seem to be saying “let them eat cake” to the poor, who have to freeze in the dark and try somehow to pay bills.

Labor abandoned its roots in the rural and urban working classes many years ago. It is now the party of the “upper middle” classes and the ultra rich. But if push comes to shove, the “upper middle” types like monti-fa will get the shove. So sad, too bad, if only Comrade Stalin knew.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 6:33 pm

A fortnight not a quarter.

$75/fortnite Energy Subsidy?
My quarterly bill was $247.85 and I don’t have Gas.
On the brighter side, i’ve only got 3 years to go to get the Age Pension,
you’re telling me I won’t be able to afford to eat?

John of Mel
John of Mel
May 31, 2022 6:34 pm

surgery for an anal fistula, leaving a wound that took two months to heal.

No shit!

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 6:40 pm

Labor abandoned its roots in the rural and urban working classes many years ago. It is now the party of the “upper middle” classes and the ultra rich.

Labor never had any roots in the working classes.
All their leaders have been Toffs and ShitMen, even Jack Lang was a Real Estate Agent.

After the failure of the Nationalist Government in 1929 and the collapse of the UAP in 1941, Menzies realised that no Party of the Right could ever be perennially competitive against Labor, so he organised a Party of the Left.
In the 78 years since, the Liberal Party has held Government for 51 years and it’s never looked like falling over.

May 31, 2022 6:40 pm

Gimme a break.
Louis the Fourteenth made do without heating, lighting and running electrical appliances.

So what; completely irrelevant.
He and everyone else at the time and earlier also made do without many modern facilities and conveniences, what has that got do with the situation today?
Do you expect people these days to do without many of the mod cons and basics of life just so billionaires and climate carpetbaggers can further enrich themselves from the climate scam and graft corrupt politicians?
Get out in the real world.
You’re all heart.

May 31, 2022 6:42 pm

Ed had a good run there for a while but now monty is back. Ed is feeling the pressure. Monty is ruthless when he’s on top.

May 31, 2022 6:43 pm

The poorest pensioner is getting paid $595/week, plus their Power Costs are subsidised.

Where is the poorest pensioner getting $595 a week?
My OAP is 987.60 a fortnight tho as a “houso” I don’t get the rent allowance of around $145 a fortnight (guessing!) that takes it up to somewhere around $1130 f/n .. tho I prefer my way as my rent is $112 a week (standard NSW single OAP rate) so a fair bit cheaper than someone “private” & claiming the allowance I’m assuming! ..
As too power (electricity) costs, yep, like ANYONE on a low income (low income threshold is a sight higher than any OAP rate up around $45 000 pa income) who makes a claim I’m subsidized never really check it’s an, automatically, calculated percentage off the total bill .. don’t think it applies to gas tho and having gas cooking/hot water my gas bill (in winter, anyway) is, generally, equal or dearer than the electric (I’ve a gas fire) ……

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 31, 2022 6:44 pm


Labor never had any roots in the working classes.
All their leaders have been Toffs and ShitMen, even Jack Lang was a Real Estate Agent.

Ben Chifley, who was a train driver? Hard to wear a lounge suit to work there. Plus many others, but your knowledge is too limited to have been aware of them.

John Sheldrick
May 31, 2022 6:46 pm

The poorest pensioner is getting paid $595/week, plus their Power Costs are subsidised.
You’re saying that Power prices are so high that pensioners can’t afford to eat?
I’m saying you’re having yourself on.

The Age Pensioner Power Cost allowance is nowhere near enough to help with these ever increasing power costs. Of course it is better than nothing but anyone on a fixed income being “dudded” by the Federal Government and their CPI (Corrupted Price Index) indexation are just simply falling behind. The next 3 years will be very interesting indeed. We do live in interesting times.

May 31, 2022 6:51 pm

The poorest pensioner is getting paid $595/week

In what world?
A single pensioner, I am only getting about $490 about a week.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 6:58 pm

Ben Chifley, who was a train driver?

For 3 weeks in 1917.
It was classed as an Essential Service, he was hedging his bets in case Hughes’ Conscription Referendum got up.
Check out Chifley in Burkes Peerage.
He was a Toff who didn’t want to fight for his Country.

May 31, 2022 6:58 pm

Australia should ignore the shivering morons in the northern hemisphere and ramp up new coal fired power stations to supply to industry and domestically.

We will be shunned. But we will be envied.

India and China aren’t shunned which says a great deal. That we are discussing nuclear power is an acceptance of the lie that CO2 is a pollutant. Sure there may be economic arguments for having one or two here but HELE Coal is probably the best way to go. The smaller Rolls Royce Nuclear (small modular reactor (SMR) ) units sound interesting though.

May 31, 2022 7:01 pm

Rolls Royce-very interesting

Chris M
Chris M
May 31, 2022 7:01 pm

Thank you Cassius. I didn’t understand where is the retreat part and why is it necessary?

You are correct to observe the result will be power cuts and rationing before long. However modern ‘Straylians will accept an amazing lot of punishment and still vote for more. I’d sit back and enjoy the show with a generator running but they made that expensive to run also.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 7:01 pm

In what world?
A single pensioner, I am only getting about $490 about a week.

Because you own your house and don’t pay Rent.
What’s your food costs for a week?

May 31, 2022 7:02 pm

I’m amazed with lefties like M0nty. Labor and the Greens are now suddenly the parties of the rich who seem to be saying “let them eat cake” to the poor, who have to freeze in the dark and try somehow to pay bills.

Um, it’s the Teals who own those seats now, not Labor or the Greens. Of course you will say they are all the same, but they’re not really.

Labor never had any roots in the working classes.
All their leaders have been Toffs and ShitMen, even Jack Lang was a Real Estate Agent.

Mmyes, whereas the Libs are full of blue-singleted brickies labourers.

May 31, 2022 7:03 pm

Louie also did without modern anaesthesia during surgery for an anal fistula, leaving a wound that took two months to heal.

There are occasions when an overload of info isn’t really required .. LOL!

Chris M
Chris M
May 31, 2022 7:05 pm

Rolls Royce-very interesting

All computer generated images, like Russian vapour-ware. Lets see some running please.

May 31, 2022 7:07 pm

For 3 weeks in 1917.
It was classed as an Essential Service, he was hedging his bets in case Hughes’ Conscription Referendum got up.
Check out Chifley in Burkes Peerage.
He was a Toff who didn’t want to fight for his Country.

Congrats Ed, every single part of that is wrong.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 31, 2022 7:23 pm

Um, it’s the Teals who own those seats now, not Labor or the Greens. Of course you will say they are all the same, but they’re not really.

M0nty, it’s Electricity Bill that says that.

Bill Shorten takes swipe at Peter Dutton as he concedes teal independents’ core issues are ‘already Labor policies’ (31 May)

How unfortunate! Accidentally telling the truth is not a character trait for winning high office in the Labor Party.

May 31, 2022 7:38 pm

Just like weather and climate, sunspot activity, El Niño and La Niña, physics, economics, geology and a thousand other things besides, everything runs in cycles.

Those of us born after WW2 have had the enormous privilege of entering the world after the lows of the 20 previous years. We saw the country pick itself up from the challenges of a massive military engagement and it’s accompanying restrictions on food, fuel, clothing and manufacturing, etc. to say nothing of the overriding climate of fear and uncertainty. Through the 50’s to the mid-70’s we were the beneficiaries of a cycle heading up.

It’s simplistic and easy to say that Menzies was responsible for the climb out of survival mode to the prosperous country with plenty of opportunities to share that was the situation when I came of age and voted for the first time. Equally simplistic is the explanation that the slide down began with Whitlam. Both men were products of the time – Menzies capitalised on the cycle heading upwards, Whitlam did not. But the cycle inexorably climbed to its peak and began its inevitable decline.

It’s a mystery hidden in plain sight, even though we often talk about burning the village to save the village, or what goes up must go down. YMMV but the last ten days has forced me to think more deeply about this phenomenon and the current state of not just Australia but the world. Clearly, as Cassie has so eloquently written, we need to accept that fighting against the reality we find ourselves living in today in will not work to reverse the inevitable decline of the cycle.

The pattern of loss and renewal is so constant and ever expanding it is hardly worthy of the word mystery at all. Problem is, too many of us and our fellow travellers don’t want to see it. I don’t want to be heading down at this time in my life but arguing with reality won’t change it and make it easier.

The way up is the way down, or if you prefer, the way down is the way up. Both work for me. It’s a continual lesson of life. We don’t want to see it – which is an intellectually and spiritually lazy perspective that forces us to stay on that same path that is going nowhere. But we can prepare for the tough times…not with that modern weasel word ‘resilience’ but with the deep resolve that brings us to a position of strength to endure the worst life can throw at us.

Here endeth the lesson. Thanks for not falling asleep.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 31, 2022 7:39 pm


On the brighter side, i’ve only got 3 years to go to get the Age Pension,
you’re telling me I won’t be able to afford to eat?

Don’t worry, we’ll send you food parcels. Hope you like baked beans.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 31, 2022 7:43 pm


I’m amazed with lefties like M0nty. Labor and the Greens are now suddenly the parties of the rich who seem to be saying “let them eat cake” to the poor, who have to freeze in the dark and try somehow to pay bills.

Um, it’s the Teals who own those seats now, not Labor or the Greens. Of course you will say they are all the same, but they’re not really.

So tell us, in detail, how Labor and the Greens are going to look after those driven into poverty by the futile quest for “nett zero”. And explain how they will be better than the Teal Ducks in that respect.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 31, 2022 7:45 pm


Congrats Ed, every single part of that is wrong.

No need to congratulate Ed, every single thing he writes is wrong, including “and” and “the”. He is close to your standard.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 31, 2022 7:51 pm

And explain how they will be better than the Teal Ducks in that respect.

That would be difficult since Shorten has just said the Teal’s platform are already Labor Party policies.
Ergo the poor can eat bugs and shiver.

May 31, 2022 7:54 pm

Bill Shorten takes swipe at Peter Dutton as he concedes teal independents’ core issues are ‘already Labor policies’ (31 May)

If Labor, Greens and Teals were all the same then they would govern as a coalition. That’s not going to happen.

The Teals can’t wedge Labor on ICAC, that much is true, assuming that Labor doesn’t squib on making it retrospective and giving it enough teeth. It remains to be seen whether they can wedge Labor on climate change despite what Shorten says… much water to go under that bridge in the next term. The Labor Right is not just going to roll over. I can see some scenarios where Climate 200 might arc up about Labor’s squishy commitments, giving the Teals and Greens scope to attack from the left.

May 31, 2022 7:57 pm

billie @2:37

we have well intentioned billionaires now deciding what the country needs and are putting it in place, whether it’s right or wrong, they are disenfranchising our votes by their behaviour

Make no mistake about this.
There is not one altruistic bone in their bodies.

It is graft of the all too freely available government (taxpayers) money and nothing else.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 8:00 pm

Mmyes, whereas the Libs are full of blue-singleted brickies labourers.

Course not, though they never had an Spats wearing Toff like SM Bruce lead the Party, either.
If all the Blue Collar workers voted Labor, it’d a been the Government the last 121 years.
But they don’t.
Frightened, uneducable workers will vote Labor for the simple reason that they think there’s strength in numbers.
Smarter people know that a rising tide lifts all boats, and they vote with their brain, i.e., Liberal.

May 31, 2022 8:12 pm

What’s your food costs for a week?

Surely you jest.
More like $100+

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 8:13 pm

The Teals can’t attack a Right Wing Mass Movement like the Labor Party from the Left.
That’s ridiculous.
If that were possible then the poor dumb Socialists in the Labor Party woulda already done it.
Labor’s existential problem is that The Greens have outflanked them to the Right.
What they’re already lining up to do is take the money and run.

May 31, 2022 8:15 pm

MatrixTransform says:
May 31, 2022 at 5:34 pm

unfortunately, the policy wonks, lobby groups, and every idiot nanna can have an opinion and drive debate, expectation and policy.

However, there is a disconnect between their current ‘climate rapture’, the urgency, and the consequences.

Acceleration is the answer.
bring it … bring it now

that way everybody can connect the cause and the outcomes

And people need to understand it’s not going to be “transitioning pains”, it’s going to be the future.
As others have said; people will die.
And monty will rejoice.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 8:15 pm

More like $100+

So you treckon $375/week won’t cover your Power Bill?

May 31, 2022 8:15 pm

Anyone who engages with the Monty, Ed Case and Non Trampis is making a material contribution to making this website unreadable.
It’s easy to avoid their trolling – because their names are bolded and can be scrolled past. But now people are responding to their trolling I can’t see which parts of the discussion are infected with their nonsense. So to ensure I’m not wasting my time I scroll past their posts as well as the next 3 or 4 just to be sure. No doubt missing some good contributions.

May 31, 2022 8:22 pm

One qualifier to above – I should have said anyone who isn’t the forum moderator

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 8:22 pm

The Australian had it’s first Bosses and Unions headline yesterday.
The gist is that Big Boss Jennifer Westacott is gonna okay a pay rise that
puts 50,000 people outta work and sends another 2% of your Net Wages down the road to Big Boss Sally McManus’ UnionSuperPalace, where you’ll be able to draw a few crumbs if you can live to 95.
In return, McManus will chuck a few Workers Conditions down the drain.

May 31, 2022 8:26 pm

So you treckon $375/week won’t cover your Power Bill?

Plenty of other bills as well.
But that’s not the point; plenty of other people (who have to pay rents or mortgages and rates, etc.) are nowhere near as well off as me, and I suspect you.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 31, 2022 8:27 pm

Look out, Lord Snooty has joined the fray.

Texas Jack
Texas Jack
May 31, 2022 8:40 pm

Nuclear is the answer to everything, from basic energy security to lowering energy input costs, to defeating the moronic Teals at their own game. Dutton and the Suss-one need to embrace it, articulate a pathway to it (Gen IV and SMNRs), and get every state division to endorse a nuclear-led path to Net Zero on pain of death for speaking out.

May 31, 2022 8:44 pm

Great post Cassie – as you can judge by the huge number of responses.

I am reading Ian Plimer’s “Green Murder” at the moment. What a great scholar he is, and a courageous campaigner for truth. His argument is just so cogent that I don’t know how those climate change rogues can ignore it.

But sadly, education today is not about the search for truth or evidence. It is doctrinaire – & nothing less. It is wonderful that Connor Court published it.

Plimer has not been well & it is awesome that he wrote such a tome when ill.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 31, 2022 8:46 pm


The Labor Right is not just going to roll over.

Perhaps they could do a DLP, and join their fellow supporters of the poor in the Liberal Party?

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 31, 2022 8:49 pm


If all the Blue Collar workers voted Labor, it’d a been the Government the last 121 years.
But they don’t.
Frightened, uneducable workers will vote Labor for the simple reason that they think there’s strength in numbers.
Smarter people know that a rising tide lifts all boats, and they vote with their brain, i.e., Liberal.

People like tradies, small business types (except monti-fa), aspirational workers? Those smarter people?

May 31, 2022 8:58 pm

Watch out for that Tie fighter.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 31, 2022 9:26 pm

If Labor, Greens and Teals were all the same then they would govern as a coalition.

That’s very funny M0nty. Lefties fight amongst themselves like hyenas. Maoists vs Leninists vs Trots. Fascists vs Communists. It goes with the territory. There can be only one!

Unfortunately for poor ordinary people the Labor Party and the Greens are WEF Davos people with private jets and skiing holidays. Price rises are exactly what the Left wants, so sorry for the poor being ground beneath their heels.

May 31, 2022 9:33 pm

The Libs best strategy on Climate Change is to push for a referendum on nuclear power.

Once it gets up (I’m confident it would if there was a genuine debate), it becomes like the Brexit result. Anyone opposing it gets labelled antidemocratic.

But the ALP won’t be able to support nuclear power due to their alliance with the Greens. They will get ripped apart in the same way the British Labour party was over Brexit.

May 31, 2022 9:56 pm

Anyone arguing seriously for nukes in Australia is a complete clown, an intellectual joke.

Nukes are pushed by the coal lobby as a distraction. They know that nukes would take 10-15 years to come online, and given that solar already knocks it out of the park on cost there is zero justification for even considering it.

Of course you lot will whine about it forever, but those are the cold facts.

May 31, 2022 10:01 pm

Lefties fight amongst themselves like hyenas.

The funny thing about that is that the Liberals are not even fighting the Teals. They have conceded defeat and conceded their former territory. It would be like the French surrendering to Hitler and decamping as a nation to the Sahara. Quite peculiar really.

May 31, 2022 10:05 pm

May 31, 2022 at 9:56 pm
Anyone arguing seriously for nukes in Australia is a complete clown, an intellectual joke.

Nukes are pushed by the coal lobby as a distraction. They know that nukes would take 10-15 years to come online, and given that solar already knocks it out of the park on cost there is zero justification for even considering it.

Of course you lot will whine about it forever, but those are the cold facts.

so maybe monster, you can estimate for us:
– area of solar required to power the country
– how we’re going to run the place when the sun is over the horizon. A quick estimate of some proposed storage methods would be nice. I’d suggest batteries and pumped hydro to start.

go. Back of envelope is ok.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
May 31, 2022 10:09 pm

It’s going to take a fundamental collapse of the grid with power rationing and black outs for everyone before the penny might sink.

My mum remembers blackouts in the 50s. It quickly became a political imperative to resolve them, and it will again.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
May 31, 2022 10:11 pm

The funny thing about that is that the Liberals are not even fighting the Teals.

What’s really funny is that Muttley doesn’t realise that every man and his dog knows he’s a typical cowardly lefty mocking people for losing when he couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag.

May 31, 2022 10:12 pm

batteries and pumped hydro

That is the plan, yes. Plus a bit of wind when available.

A lot more viable than expecting nukes to get up and running within two decades within budget.

May 31, 2022 10:16 pm

cold facts.

better get used to being cold, mate

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 31, 2022 10:20 pm

given that solar already knocks it out of the park on cost

Haha. Don’t do LCAs much do you M0nty? I think you’ll find solar is a whole lot more expensive than nuclear on a LCA baseload comparison. There’s this thing called “night” for example.

And if solar is so wonderful why has the NSW wholesale price in May ($320.14/MWh) been more than I pay retail?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 31, 2022 10:27 pm

As for nuclear power plant construction China seems to be able to build them in 6 years very consistently. I wonder how they do that?

May 31, 2022 10:30 pm

Haha. Don’t do LCAs much do you M0nty?

mUnty has no clue how any of that works

mind you, neither do the temporaries that just got elected to Govt either

cold or hungry.

May 31, 2022 10:32 pm

I think you’ll find solar is a whole lot more expensive than nuclear on a LCA baseload comparison.

Given that nuke in this country is a shimmering mirage of nothing, it’s hard to see how a straight comparison can be made. Solar is working right now, nuke is a bunch of Pollyanna estimates in a spreadsheet for something that will take decades to build. Nuke is unserious.

May 31, 2022 10:38 pm

As for nuclear power plant construction China seems to be able to build them in 6 years very consistently. I wonder how they do that?

They have a manufacturing base that we don’t have any more. Sure we could import stuff but there goes your budget. Also if you think the construction is the only part of a nuke project you are pretty clueless.

Face it, nuke is a non starter. Particularly since your mob just lost government and look to be headed for a long stint in the wilderness.

May 31, 2022 10:43 pm

Given that nuke in this country is a shimmering mirage of nothing,

My hopes for nuclear power in Australia just shot through the roof.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 31, 2022 11:14 pm

I am reading Ian Plimer’s “Green Murder” at the moment

I like his dedication to Gina Rinehart…..

May 31, 2022 11:26 pm


We were never going to build a nuclear plant from scratch. We would import equipment, just like other countries have done, you big fat idiot. One of the Gulf states has a large reactor that I believe is is service and they managed to jump over every hurdle you claim would prevent us from accessing nuclear power.
Furthermore, we export yellow cake, which means that Australia actually is an indirect producer of clean energy by exporting uranium to those countries that use it to produce energy. We therefore should receive the credit to continue using cheap coal to make our own.

And this is the last warning before I tell Brett Sutton you’re out of the basement pestering people.

May 31, 2022 11:28 pm

Given that nuke in this country is a shimmering mirage of nothing, it’s hard to see how a straight comparison can be made. Solar is working right now, nuke is a bunch of Pollyanna estimates in a spreadsheet for something that will take decades to build. Nuke is unserious.

You big, donut glomming idiot.

Do Rolls-Royce build nuclear reactors?
Rolls-Royce is to start building parts for its small modular nuclear reactors in anticipation of receiving regulatory approval from the British government by 2024, one of its directors has said.

May 31, 2022 11:30 pm

The funny thing about that is that the Liberals are not even fighting the Teals. They have conceded defeat and conceded their former territory. It would be like the French surrendering to Hitler and decamping as a nation to the Sahara. Quite peculiar really.

They’re about 7 days into defeat, parliament hasn’t been called you’re expecting the Libs to go after those morons in the first few minutes of defeat. You really are an idiot.

May 31, 2022 11:41 pm

Europe is fucking itself very badly. This is a consequence of years – decades in fact- of virtue signalling and peddling green bullshit.

Oil Jumps as EU Commits to Partial Russian Crude Ban

Crude prices extended recent gains after the European Union said it would impose an oil embargo on Russia, while U.S. stocks slipped.


EU’s Ban on Russian Oil Adds Stress to Region’s Economies

The embargo threatens to deprive Moscow of revenue from its most valuable export.

Eurozone Inflation Hits Fresh Peak as More Energy Sanctions Loom

Inflation in the bloc reached an annual 8.1% in May, underlining the costs to European households of Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Years and years of following greenslime policies and you end up with no energy.

May 31, 2022 11:55 pm

Cassie, nice piece as usual. I’m not disagreeing with you nor suggesting you got it wrong, but my first thought while reading through this is at times, countries simply don’t reverse the abyss. Argentina would be a good example of what I mean. Up to the 30s, Argentina was very wealthy per capita and then it descended into the rathole from which it’s never come out. People get used to hardships and continue living their life. I’m not sure Australia would be able to resurface after the descent. Also, I don’t know what the solution is, because, perhaps we’re too far gone.

June 1, 2022 4:38 am

When ultimately the power is turned off or rationed and people won’t be able to cook, heat their homes, do the washing, watch TV, or (horror of horrors!) operate their computers and iphones at their convenience, then even the most die-hard green Millenials and Generation Zers will have their “Road to Damascus” moment, leading to massive protests and eventually rioting in the streets.

Lee, by then nobody will know about it because communications such as computers and phones will not be working. Isolation is our future.

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 1, 2022 4:58 am

As for nuclear power plant construction China seems to be able to build them in 6 years very consistently. I wonder how they do that?

By bypassing all construction safety standards and dumping the waste into the Pacific Ocean, same as Japan does.
A high rise in China fell over the other day.
When’s the last time that happened in the First World?
[Don’t say 9/11/01]

June 1, 2022 5:28 am

Dutton is not the man for our times, he is simply ScoMo without the smirk. Everything he has said since the election loss makes me think that he is advised by ScoMo’s and Malcolm’s people. He is a bit better than his two predecessors but not by much. If the Liberals want to win they will have to shed the back room staff who got them to where they are.

As for the Nationals and their leadership, they are so in tune with the Teals they should form a coalition with them. Pitt Street Farmers and their wives.

June 1, 2022 5:48 am

countries simply don’t reverse the abyss. Argentina would be a good example of what I mean. Up to the 30s, Argentina was very wealthy per capita and then it descended into the rathole from which it’s never come out.

By 1900, both Argentina and Australia had the highest per capita wealth and living standards in the world at that time. Things have gone downhill since.

June 1, 2022 6:23 am

cold or hungry.

Suspect it will be both and there will be no choice involved.

June 1, 2022 6:45 am

Solar is working right now

sorry mUnty, you are victim to a mass psychosis

solar hasn’t been working since you typed gibberish at 10:30pm yesterday and now, 6:30am

down here in Melb at -38S the sun angle is very low
nothing appreciable will come from solar here all day

oh … and its raining cats and dogs so, there’s that

the only place the sun is shining, is in your head

Anchor What
Anchor What
June 1, 2022 7:24 am

Old and new catallaxy have suffered from the same degradation. I told you that having scum like monty and head case around was nothing more than pollution. The “high ideal” of giving everyone a go falls on its arse.

Rod Stuart
Rod Stuart
June 1, 2022 7:32 am

Please don’t overlook the connection that Greg Hunt and Scomo have with the WEF.
The cabal represented by the Nazis at the WEF was sufficiently powerful in November 2020 too exercise a coup d’etat on the mos powerful economy in the world.
The corresponding coup in Australia was 14 September 2015. The corresponding coup in Canada was 20 October 2015. In New Zealand the coup occurred 17 October 2020.
And another wet that clung to power two weeks ago is Bridget Archer.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 1, 2022 8:14 am


Nukes are pushed by the coal lobby as a distraction. They know that nukes would take 10-15 years to come online, and given that solar already knocks it out of the park on cost there is zero justification for even considering it.

It doesn’t matter if solar is (genuinely) free, ignoring capital costs, replacement cost and environmental disposal costs, if it isn’t sunny, you get nothing, and eat raw prawns in the dark. Solar is, at best, a part-time provider of power.

But you keep playing with yourself, you and your ilk.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 1, 2022 8:21 am

May 31, 2022 at 10:12 pm
batteries and pumped hydro

That is the plan, yes. Plus a bit of wind when available.

A lot more viable than expecting nukes to get up and running within two decades within budget.

You forgot to estimate the area needed to be covered in solar panels to achieve your Nirvana, the quantity of batteries needed to cover poor solar periods (which often coincide with low wind), the time to construct these various systems, the total cost, and the ongoing replacement costs as they age. Oh, don’t forget the extra transmission lines needed, and transmission losses.

We realise that these are but minor points to you and your equally stupid ilk, but perhaps you could devote 10 or 15 seconds of your time to solving them.

June 1, 2022 8:28 am

Cassie of Sydney says:
June 1, 2022 at 7:12 am

The climate cult is a mass psychosis, which has taken hold to the point where I think we need to step back and wait for the blackouts to happen

Yes.. except that we have travelled too far down the postmodernist mal-education system, where black is white, 2+2 is racist and, eventually, most people agree that it’s all true.
This, combined with the wealth generated by evil capitalism, has made most people in the West ignorant, fat, lazy, complacent and, worse of all, stupid.
The corrupt shitholes in the 3rd World will milk this until the end.

The climate cult is just one aspect of this terminal condition.
Amazing that it’s happening right before our eyes, today, accelerated by modern tech.

Nothing to reverse this will happen until the coming Dark Ages have destroyed enough lives and old ideas, so that a new Renaissance arises from the ruins.

Last time, this took around 1000 years…
.. don’t hold your breath..

June 1, 2022 8:31 am

You lose one election and suddenly the world ends. Cassie, you are a delicate petal.

Waiting for the apocalypse seems like a courageous electoral strategy. The amount of energy you use to figure out what to do next is the same as surrendering.

You are committing to your own net zero: the effort you are putting in. Very green of you!

June 1, 2022 8:33 am

Old and new catallaxy have suffered from the same degradation. I told you that having scum like monty and head case around was nothing more than pollution. The “high ideal” of giving everyone a go falls on its arse.

I actually enjoy watching Head case in a clinical sense. How does he come up with all the deranged stuff he posts? constantly, 24 hours a day? It would be amusing if it didn’t indicate that there are deep problems here.

June 1, 2022 8:36 am

Old and new catallaxy have suffered from the same degradation. I told you that having scum like monty and head case around was nothing more than pollution. The “high ideal” of giving everyone a go falls on its arse.

Monty, on the other hand, is what you are up against with totally impervious to facts and logic left wing loons who are destroying civilisation.

June 1, 2022 8:39 am

Also.. it’s been quite obvious for years, and extensively commented on the various Cats, that democratic systems in the West have been corrupted beyond repair.

If anything, the incentives to game them further against rational decision-making is increasing.

So, even if enough of the Demos eventually “woke up” to the climate BS, it will be impossible to translate this into a new policy direction.
Just look at the West’s political trajectory since the late 1800s.. every attempt to reverse the trend (Churchill, Eisenhower, Reagan, Brexit, Trump etc..) has failed.

June 1, 2022 8:39 am

May 31, 2022 at 10:12 pm
batteries and pumped hydro

That is the plan, yes. Plus a bit of wind when available.

Solar is working right now

yes, yes it is.

Now, because you’re a) too ignorant, or b) too lazy, or c) both, I’ll do some numbers for you.

Let’s pick something in QLD, ‘cos its sunny there and is probably a better spot than Melbourne.
Darling Downs Solar Farm, est 2018
110 MW (nameplate), 250 ha in area, 430 thousand panels, ~$200M to build

quite nicely, it produces about 255 GWh/year*. ie: roughly 1 GWh/ha and 1.3 kWh/$

Now, wiki tells us we generate 200 TWh/year from fossil fuels.

So, some very simple maths (do keep up), tells us we will therefore need 200e12 / 1e9 ha of solar farm area. That’s 200,000 ha., or 2,000 square km. ie: about a 45 x 45 km square.

ie: total cost of about $155 billion dollars.

Now.. onto storage.

Solar output in QLD runs from (let’s be generous) about 8am to 5pm. So you’ve got to cover the other 15 hours of the day with storage. Now demand is lower overnight, so let’s say we only need 40% daily power storage. That’s 0.4 x 200/365 TWh = 220 GWh of storage.

The much vaunted Hornsdale Tesla storage in SA is 130 MWh at a cost of $90M.

220 GWh would be 1700 of those. That’s another $150 billion right there.

For pumped hydro, have a quiet read of and see if you can figure out the enormity of the task at hand.

* – note, link appears dead, but wayback machine has it.

June 1, 2022 8:42 am

Thank you all. Gosh I didn’t think it would elicit so many comments

You always manage to capture the things I’m pondering on in a way that elicits further thought. A great gift, Cassie. Keep on keeping on, please.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 1, 2022 8:52 am


cold or hungry.

What makes you think there will be a choice between those options?

Still, with his reserves of fat, monti-fa should be OK for a while.

June 1, 2022 8:55 am

LOL. I note that you appear here right before the federal election and then stay to rub it in. Childish.

I’ve paid my dues over many years at the Cat. You lot need to deal with a Labor government without cracking it like a toddler who lost their dolly. I am here to help you transition to the next phase of your lives. I’m like a life coach, gently guiding you away from vicious cycles and towards acceptance of reality.

As for that filthy language, wash your mouth out young lady.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 1, 2022 8:55 am

June 1, 2022 at 6:23 am
cold or hungry.

Suspect it will be both and there will be no choice involved.


June 1, 2022 8:57 am

Cold enough for you Mr global warming?

June 1, 2022 8:58 am

Transitioning is a progressive speciality.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 1, 2022 9:02 am

June 1, 2022 at 8:31 am
You lose one election and suddenly the world ends. Cassie, you are a delicate petal.

Mmmmmm. Tell us again about November 2016, and the years of shrieking hysteria that you and the rest of your fascist left ilk indulged in, before you criticise those who have years to go to catch up with you and your ilk.

And answer the questions about hectarage of solar panels needed to run a modern society, their cost, the environmental cost of clearing land for the panels, the transmission lines and transmission losses, and, ultimately the replacement costs.

PS, pumped hydro is a consumer of energy.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 1, 2022 9:04 am


You lot need to deal with a Labor government without cracking it like a toddler who lost their dolly.

You mean, unlike you and your ilk in November 2016?

June 1, 2022 9:10 am

Relax – the spot electricity price was negative for 16% of Q1 2022 in South Australia, and 12.5% in Victoria. And worsening with every new solar panel installed.
And even enthusiastic experts say the ALP is on completely the wrong track – with storage being the key issue.
The implosion is nigh.

June 1, 2022 10:37 am

Some facts and realities that may come into play to thwart the green enthusiasts:
1. The East coast electricity grid is balanced on a knife edge and at times in the past few months would have dropped out if it hadn’t been for the current amount of coal power and hydro . No amount of extra wind or solar installations would have rescued it, as wind was in the doldrums and the sun wasn’t shining.
2. Nature will continue to deliver unpredictable weather patterns and events. Man has no control. It will get hotter or colder of its own accord and the following are all on the cards:
3. A drought in Tassie or a failure in the underwater cables
4. Major dust storms, high velocity winds or bushfires taking out swathes of turbines, connectors and panels
5. A volcanic eruption resulting prolonged disruption to sunlight

And then there are other potential impacts such as major litigation affecting electricity retailer viability and the potential for a cyber disruption affecting the ability to control interconnectors, switching etc.
And of course an unanticipated black swan event.
Given you were Albo with only a 32% primary vote for your policies you would have to be one nervous nelly in following through to turn off all that coal because if it fails the angry mob will be coming for you.

June 1, 2022 11:45 am

And even enthusiastic experts say the ALP is on completely the wrong track – with storage being the key issue.
The implosion is nigh.

some nuggets from that paper, which reveal as much about government boondoggles and wastage as they do about future power storage requirements:

Regarding South Australia, 67% from variable renewable energy: “RD” is residual demand, “demand minus variable renewables” which must be met by dispatchable sources.

It is notable how little difference the expansion of wind generation5 has made to RD … In other words, despite the expansion of VRE over the 5-year period, the requirement for dispatchable generation needed to meet maximum RD has barely changed.

the amount of dispatchable generation needed in SA to meet the peak residual demand is much the same with or without the (Victorian) interconnector.

when the demand for dispatchable capacity in SA is the highest, only a small amount of production is being imported

additional interconnectors are not necessarily likely to make much difference to the demand for dispatchable generation, when the demand for dispatchable generation is at its highest

Snowy 2.0:

TransGrid’s and AEMO’s analysis provides the basis for the conclusion that the cost of HumeLink (currently estimated to be $3.3 billion +50%/-30%) being recovered from NSW electricity consumers in regulated charges. … we have estimated that this will result in transmission charges in NSW increasing by 40%
When properly including the cost of Snowy 2.0, the benefit of HumeLink falls far short of its cost

regarding the proposed new Tassie link:

In its assessment of the costs and benefits of Marinus Link, AEMO excludes most of the cost needed to double generation capacity in TAS, without which Marinus Link would have limited value22. Like AEMO’s analysis of HumeLink, AEMO’s analysis of Marinus Link shows benefits exceeding costs because most of the cost of expanding generation and storage in Tasmania, without which the transmission expansion would have little value, has not been counted.

June 1, 2022 11:50 am

No one is asking where the electricity will come from to power all the electric cars. Solar and wind just won’t make it up and neither of them are really green anyway. It’s only a matter of time before the true believers realise that burying 10 tonnes wind turbine blades made from fibreglass every 7 years is a bigger impost on the environment than hydro and nuclear put together. Then what? Besides, they are in the process of banning all plastics anyway.

The interesting part of religion is how it renews itself, green ideology is dependent on the dominance of public education to repeat it’s mantras, but this mechanism is currently being hijacked by the qwerty movement to further gender queer theory and the BLM movement to entrench privilege. How long will it take for these movements to destroy the credibility of the scientific method on which modern society is built and which the green movement relies on as a shield of avoiding question?

The answer to those questions will determine how far down the rabbit hole we go.

The libs however, are in a stronger position now than before with the left of the party decimated and their main opponent unused to government and aware of the few recent opportunities they have had, the temptation for the ambitious in their ranks to make a grab for power will be too much after the feckless Albanese showed how little intellect he truly holds during the campaign. He has 12 months maybe 18, then it will start the same way it started with Rudd.

A two seat majority is hard to hold onto, historically, it requires incredible discipline. The kind of discipline and loyalty even Albanese doesn’t believe he has from his ministerial picks.

June 1, 2022 12:39 pm

The libs however, are in a stronger position now than before

Keep telling yourself that. Keep being complacent, do nothing, be lazy. You were born to rule, things will fall your way again without you lifting a finger. Why change?

June 1, 2022 12:43 pm

“Why were they [Communists] preferencing Liberal if Liberal is a Party of the Right and Labor is a Left wing Party?”

Because there are two parts that the left/right spectrum: fiscal and social.
Liberal party is fiscal conservatives and social progressives.
In my view, this is where we need to be.
Because it tends towards small government and libertarian, while protecting rights and freedoms.
In other words, government should largely stay out of business matters, except for ant-trust things like abuse of market share and so on. And it should ensure that all citizens are treated equally, regardless of race, creed, colour, religion, sex, sexuality etc etc.
It should provide assistance only on a case by case basis, not by group, identity or industry.
Government, like business, is there for the betterment of society – those things don’t (well, shouldn’t) be served by the society, society should be served by them.

And that is where things have gone wrong – laws are written to benefit business in the belief that doing so will benefit society. Laws, rules and regulations are written to benefit government. That is totally backwards – society in general and citizens in particular should be the beneficiaries, while business and government bend to societies needs.

It is the divisions, the lack of a common social vision, that causes this inversion. By subverting this common social vision, the left has created the divisions that have created said inversion. So to fix it, we need to come up with a common social vision of what our country wants, what it’s goals and aspirations are – without that, we can never get back on track. We are adrift, fighting individual fights at finer and finer scales, instead of focusing on what matters – social cohesion, society becoming materially richer and leading fulfilling lives; being both materially and spiritually richer.

No, I do not have the answer to all of it, but I believe this is where we need to start. What that vision is, those best to promote it, and those best to enact it I leave to further discussion and debate. But if we want to “fix” things, this is where we need to start IMO.

  1. @nicksortor LMAO! White House staffers are LITERALLY eating Zelensky’s lunch after President Trump kicked him out of the White House.…

  2. So ‘the conversation’ is really an agitprop rag for labor-greens but we already knew this. Just rather blatant. Written by…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x