Thank you Will. I didn’t know where to start looking. If Trump says we are exporting aluminium, for example, “below…
Thank you Will. I didn’t know where to start looking. If Trump says we are exporting aluminium, for example, “below…
I suspect just about all the lefty judges who’ve been spraying out injunctions lately are dirty. That is an opportunity…
Good Christmas special. From back when Dr Who wasn’t qwerty propaganda.
I reckon oily faced Chris Bowan couldn’t even change a car battery without f*cking it up. He’d put the positive…
Douglas Murray on Islam: “… you’ve got to say my religion is peaceful, otherwise I might kill you …”Douglas Murray…
I read it another way.
Her natural disposition is to take people as she finds them (as most people do).
But she’s been indoctrinated to hate anyone on “the right”.
Hence her cognitive dissonance.
A pox on milk…
Drink Monkey Milk to Save the Planet (Daniel Greenfield, 13 Jun)
Oddly enough, for the 50-odd years up until the 1990’s, you could pretty much predict to the day when a coal-fired unit was “going to go out”. It was called ‘scheduled outage’.
Unscheduled outages were managed by spinning reserve on other units, and at other stations. From memory this achieved 98%/99%+ system availability.
A lost skill: like driving a manual car, or changing a TV channel without a remote.
Gobble it up, punters.
No, no.
It would be the Steel and Coal quarterly, incorporating the Journal of Flyash and the Slagheap Examiner.
Who would have thunk it.
It will be hilarious if (when) they turn on their benefactor.
Is Bowen that thick or is he in on it?
[rhetorical question]
Embrace the power of ‘and’ as a conjunction Roger.
Her natural disposition is to take people as she finds them (as most people do).
But she’s been indoctrinated to hate anyone on “the right”.
Hence her cognitive dissonance.
Your right Roger, my fractured writing on my phone doesn’t suggest that very well.
First step in cutting back the state’s electricity consumption should be to order all schools and universities to turn off their air conditioning. A practical demonstration of consequences is much needed.
Her challenge now is, does she resolve that cognitive dissonance or dismiss it?
Resolving it could be the first step to freedom!
But she’d be sacrificing career advancement at the ABC.
June 14, 2022 at 10:25 am
Is Bowen that thick or is he in on it?
Maybe he needs to go the Bowen Basin in QLD to learn about Thermal Coal and Coal Seam Gas……….lol
No aircon when we were at school.
If the temperature got to 100F in summer, the boys in my high school were allowed to take off their ties!
The contortions of da meeja to explain recent cold weather are a sight to behold.
One, at TheirABC, told us that unprecedented ‘blocking highs’ are at fault. Apparently nobody there has ever heard of them before – they are some sort of abberration previously unknown to meteorology. The fact they are well known, common, and can also be a factor in droughts has apparently passed by the work experience kids.
And then there was the regional politician who said that ‘droughts, floods and bushfires’ are all becoming more common because ‘climate change.’ Not a skerrick of evidence. Needless to say, TheirABC parroted that as fact.
Forced to fly Qantas cause those Virgin pricks canned my flight with two hrs notice.
FYI Qantas are the face mask Nazis of the sky .
Just So depressing.
“The last sentence is verbatim. This journo is feeling bad because her natural disposition is to hate Morrison and presumably others like him. What hope do anyone on the centre right have in dealing with the ABC.”
Well, so long as governments of the centre right refuse to rein in their ABC…..no hope. Don’t forget, Scumbag Morrison and his motley government gave more money to their ABC earlier this year. In effect, they rewarded the ABC for its smearing, its libelling, its fabrications, its lies, and its endless anti-Coalition bias.
Oh and speaking of the most recent and most unlamented Coalition Minister for Communications, one Paul Fletcher, who was and is the most insipid, the most supine, the most useless and the most dismal of all of Morrison’s ministers, Fletcher, despite an independent threat, narrowly (and I mean narrowly) retained his seat of Bradfield in Sydney’s north (once the Coalition’s safest seat). Pity, because that’s one loss I would have celebrated.
I’m glad Andrew Laming has methodically gone after everyone who’s defamed him. The most recent to issue a grovelling apology was one Mrs Cane Toad, wife of Pirate Man. That’s what you do……you don’t turn the other cheek to this.
China in Focus – NTD
01:00 Patients: Chinese vaccines cause cancer, diabetes
04:29 U.S., China spar over Taiwan at #DefenseMeeting
06:15 China responds to Austin’s speech over Taiwan
07:06 Japan calls on China to use ‘self-restraint’
08:20 Japan could defend Taiwan in case of attack: Expert
09:28 China, Australia hold 1st defense talks in years
11:50 Pacific islands can make own decisions: New Zealand
12:46 China will keep trying in #IndoPacific: Expert
14:01 Allegedly staged video shows happy Xinjiang family
You’ll go a long way before you find something to take the crown from Bad Boy Bubby.
The ALP Net Zero strategy is wholly dependent on having the same thieves – now feasting and chortling at their cleverness in increasing power prices 5x in the space of months – invest huge money in the game.
And they’re going to need huge profits to do that.
BTW, it’s 4.3C here, after a low of -3.7. It’s misty and damp. No chance the maximum will get into double figures.
Fortunately, Queanbeyan is part of the over-engineered everything that protects our most precious resource – politicians. The rest of the country could go dark tomorrow – but not Canberra (and hence Queanbeyan.)
The Chermans, immensely rich, are nevertheless being forced to face the reality of energy policy after many years of denial. This is big news in Europe. What with wind and solar being a bust, and Putin supplying their gas, and welcoming ‘refugees’ from anywhere without identification, there’s a lot of trouble being stored up.
The thing that really annoys them is that Trump warned them about it.
That loud thudding noise you are hearing is from the ASX going over a cliff this morning.
Anyone for a J-Curve that we had to have?
Some people say its parody of Adelaide living. I think there is more truth to it than fiction. It just needed a few bodies in a barrel and it would of been a materpiece.
Some people say its parody of Adelaide living. I think there is more truth to it than fiction. It just needed a few bodies in a barrel and it would of been a masterpiece.
And you know why she went down on bended knee?
Because, unlike Seven-Nilligan, her legal advice was that she was done cold and, more importantly, her employer wasn’t going to pick up the tab.
The Maslin Beach movie was partially watchable due to nudity
Don’t forget, less than a month after the election the ABC had a round of redundancies & other restructuring.
This was after they got a budget increase.
Not a peep from the “Friends of the ABC”.
The only Titus I know is women’s Titis. That is the plural of Titus isn’t it?
Ed Zachary.
Yep……and again this shows the complete ineptitude of the Liberals under Morrison. They simply refused to fight about anything .
Insipid liberals.
Louise “Signal” Milligan.
PS, did Telegram users see how the app owners have been co-operating with 3 letter agencies around the world?
Blackout warnings tonight for NSW.
What a time to be alive.
Cassie has put up a good post on that very subject.
New OT up at noon.
How long before a midwit calls the Jo Dyer revelation “slut shaming”?
I expect this to be expunged from youtube soon – so Cats/Kittehs who know how, please save it.
Tom Lehrer – National Brotherhood Week;
A simple video seems to have become of interest.
Too late, it’s been copied.
An their ABCcess this morning the Emannuel Goldstein is Gas, we hates it my precioussssss, gollm…gollum…
Full ballenced ABC chunderism on display with 3 guests all agreeing it was awful wicked stuff we were tricked into using by the evviiil companies followed by a balanced selection of ABC facebook responses and callers in.
One stood out for me as a guest with a definite bit of skin in the game.
Some property development council who was stating gas is ba/ electricity is best/ fossil fuels etc. Unmentioned: The money saved by developers in not putting gas onto new developments.
A curious oversight by the usually laser like hate the ABC brings onto anything to do with property developers.
Also a council spokes-mongette saying how they would love to ban gas to help them achieve zero emissions in their LGA.
I hope all these people die cold, alone and in the dark after the power goes out.
No problem.
Wood heaters, briquette or bottled gas hot water, kerosene lanterns.
It is a shame that I do not have any of the above.
And thanks to the power hungry NBN, we now have no phone service during a power outage.
Whom the gods would destroy they first send mad.
Be nice if the ABC gets blacked out too.
Forlorn hope, they probably have backup gensets.
Well it turns out that you can’t spell “Crypto” without the word “Cry”.
Taking a long term view.
Its a special form of brilliance to splurge a billion on NBN brontosaurus network and at the same time forget to ensure you actually have the electricity to power it.
Mind you I bet Elon is making out like a bandit with enquiries on his powerwall installations.
Gods are now working overtime.
I think I’ve still got the old kero column heater stashed in the garage.. time to dig it out.
Medical straighteners.
Asthma Australia promoting their survey showing that three quarters of people supported banning wood fires in urban areas and a majority wanted them banned altogether.
How to lose support for your cause.
New thread guys.
I’ve already embarrassed myself there…so you don’t have to.
WARNING—Graphic footage: Fox News host Tucker Carlson reacts to calls for red flag laws following the elementary school shooting in Uvalde, Texas on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’ #FoxNews #tucker
FiL died at home this morning. Last thing he said was MiL’s name. His body gave up but not his mind. He always wanted to live as long as his Father, who was gassed in WWI and heart attack at 40. Missed by 4 days. Only in recent years did he suffer health wise. On an amusing note, he was an international conference in Canberra. He was introduced to PM Hawke and Howard. His observations of both men enlightening. Hawke calls Howard little Johnnie Howard when he’s shorter and wears platform shoes. Insecure. John Howard tried to talk about things he knew nothing about. A try hard. He did admit later Howard did grow into the job but thought the talent pool was shallow if he got up. Never liked many politicians in the 50 years I knew him. He could be a bit overbearing at times, I dropped him when I was 20, never picked me again. Could have been a test, he was like that. I will miss him.
June 14, 2022 at 11:30 am
Don’t forget, less than a month after the election the ABC had a round of redundancies & other restructuring.
How many of Their ABC’s “Stars” on their individual contracts were made redundant or “restructured”? What odds that the answer is a number lower than one?
June 14, 2022 at 11:43 am
How long before a midwit calls the Jo Dyer revelation “slut shaming”?
Only a slut can be shamed?
Headlining channel 9 news (last night -i thought I’d sent this already) is power calamity, with users in QLD asked to turn off appliances.
While I’m happy for Labor to dump ruinables in such a crisis, one must be suspicious that the whole ruinables election promises were knowingly false. Labor was always going to dump it like last week’s sushi.
I just hope the Teals are in tears.
Porter was the Errol Flynn of the mid 80s debating scene. It must have been a bit wild. Hold my cheese and cracker …
Ruinables currently supplying 4% of NSW’s power. Outfuckingstanding: