Interesting take on church attendance in Russia. TLDR is there’s not enough churches for people to go to, and rates of attendance have tripled since the end of the soviet union.
incoherent rambler
June 14, 2022 12:13 pm
Modern issue #3
Does my EV have enough power to drive me to an area that has a working electricity supply?
incoherent rambler
June 14, 2022 12:16 pm
Believe it or not, the local SES has battery driven chain saws.
As I’ve written about before, climate change is going to be bad, and it will hold back humanity from thriving as much as we should this century. It will likely cause mass migration and displacement and extinctions of many species.
What it won’t do, however, is make the Earth unlivable, or even mean that our children live in a world poorer than the one we grew up in.
“There might not be a world to live in when she grows up. What use is school without a future?” one page describes Thunberg as thinking. Even as a setup for Thunberg’s rise as an activist, I’m not thrilled about that message. Some kids might hear that and be inspired to speak before the United Nations, but most kids are going to hear that and be scared and disempowered.
That pessimistic message seems to be sinking in for the young. A 2021 study funded by the campaign and research group Avaaz polled 10,000 people between 16 and 25, and found that over half thought that humanity was “doomed” because of climate change.
There’s something twisted and cruel about people who seem to go out of their way to tell kids that they are all doomed.
Jo Dyer, the Adelaide arts administrator who led the charge to tear down former attorney-general Christian Porter over historical rape allegations, had her own sexual history with him at university and failed to disclose it publicly.
The liaison, when both Mr Porter and Ms Dyer were in debating teams at university, is -revealed in a new book, Ego: Malcolm Turnbull and the Liberal Party’s Civil War, to be released this week.
Ms Dyer, who was the director of Adelaide Writers’ Week before unsuccessfully running as an independent candidate for the South Australian seat of Boothby, has been the most vocal advocate for justice for the woman known as “Kate”, a former school friend who said she was raped by Mr Porter.
Kate had claimed she was raped in the early hours of January 10, 1988, at the University of Sydney’s Women’s College after the World Universities Debating Championship.
Despite Ms Dyer pursuing the historical claims and traversing Mr Porter’s sexual history as a teenager, she never revealed her own sexual history with Mr Porter during the campaign to destroy his political career.
The new book Ego, by Australian Financial Review senior correspondent Aaron Patrick, reveals Mr Porter’s and Ms Dyer’s sexual history. “Dyer knew Porter from debating too. Porter told friends he and Dyer slept together when they were university students at debating competitions,” the book says. “Dyer described their encounter as ‘entirely inconsequential and statistically insignificant’.”
Patrick told The Australian he took this “as confirmation”.
In a separate interview in 2021, Dyer had said: “It is on the public record that Christian and I got on well when we first met but there was never anything serious between us and I can’t imagine how our erstwhile friendship could be relevant to the serious allegations Kate made against Christian.’’
June 14, 2022 12:44 pm
Don’t have Top of the Pops either.
June 14, 2022 12:49 pm
No Ross No!!!
Dont bell the cat.
Its actually a revealing article about how Ross’ cohort view the great unwashed vs his Eloi contemporaries.
The teal seats’ most dominant characteristic was their high levels of “educational attainment”.*
Many people think they’ve detected in recent election results a growing divide between city and country in Australia, but also in Britain and America. But maybe it’s more about the better-educated concentrating in the big cities – where the best-paying jobs are – leaving the less well-educated in outer suburbs or back in country towns, feeling the world has changed in ways they don’t like and thinking of voting One Nation.**
… But it still gets down to education and the way ever-rising levels of educational attainment – particularly among women – are remodelling the party-political landscape.
Take climate change. The better educated you are, the more likely you are to accept the science, believe we should be acting, and not be worried about either losing your job in the mine or paying a bit more for power.***
* So they have been through the indoctrination mills of uni and now have a much more homogenous view of what s “correct” in the world..
* *Obligatory slur on those rural rubes from a highly credentialed know nothing.
*** Would high wages have anything to do with those opinions oh wise mong? Given the impacts are to be felt by thos *MINERS* and filthy uneducated poor people?
There are not enough posts happening here at the new Cat. There I said it.
June 14, 2022 12:57 pm
H-EV-Y LOAD Why electric car buyers face DISASTER if they buy the wrong crucial part
The top three areas of concern are – the increased weight of the car, the noise in the cabin, and low rolling resistance.
1. Extra load
Having tyres that can carry the weight of the car is always important, no matter the motor.
But on an EV, there’s the extra weight of the battery to take into account too.
You should check whether the tyres that came with the vehicle initially are extra load (XL) tyres, with a load range developed to offer higher load capacity than standard tyres.
In some cases, you might even find that heavy load (HL) tyres are required.
The load capacity of new HL tyres equates to a 10 percent increase on the more familiar XL standard.
Always go for a like-for-like tyre replacement that has the load capacity specified by the vehicle manufacturer.
EVs are typically a lot quieter than vehicles with standard internal combustion engines.
As a result, the noise generated from their tyres interacting with the road surface is a lot more noticeable in the cabin.
Continental’s ContiSilent technology, which uses a special layer of polyurethane foam on the inside cavity of the tyre to absorb vibration and noise, is popular with vehicle manufacturers for its ability to reduce in-cab noise levels.
If your EV came with ContiSilent tyres, you should make sure any replacements you have fitted are ContiSilent as well.
3. Range anxiety
Specially designed, low rolling resistance tyres can help to extend an EV’s range by up to 12 per cent.
For newer cars with ranges greater than 250 miles, a tyre with an EU tyre label value of ‘A’ could benefit from an additional 30 miles per charge compared to a ‘C’ rated tyre.
This can not only save you money on charging, but you will also be able to complete longer journeys, uninterrupted.
Steve Howat, general manager for technical services at Continental Tyre Group, said: “While some standard tyres can be fitted to electric vehicles with no impact on performance, many others risk making the braking distance longer, hampering the range and ruining the sound reduction benefits that EVs bring – compromising on the comfort, cost-efficiency and safety of the drive.
“And even within battery-powered vehicles, there’s not a one-size-fits-all approach with tyres.
Top Ender
June 14, 2022 12:57 pm
Judith Sloan in fine cutting fashion on the energy situation:
Drive to renewables won’t bring energy prices down soon
Even before the election there were signs the coming three years would be a difficult time for any government. The combination of higher prices for petrol, electricity and food and escalating mortgage rates means many households will find their budgets squeezed.
The challenges for the Labor government are extensive and weighty. The national electricity market is under considerable stress, but government actions are constrained by the election pledges made to reduce emissions by 43 per cent by 2030 and to increase the share of renewables in the system to 83 per cent. The expectation was that household power bills would be lower by $275 by 2025 and by nearly $400 by the end of the decade.
The government is under pressure from the Greens and the teals to lift its emissions reduction target but Labor is likely to resist. It was refreshing to see newly installed Resources Minister Madeleine King speaking sense about the need to repair coal-fired power stations quickly to provide reliable (and less costly) power.
Needless to say, this incensed Greens leader Adam Bandt. His solution to the problems in the NEM is to hasten the rollout of renewables, citing the example of electricity in the ACT as a success story of 100 per cent renewables.
Had he bothered to look more closely at the situation in the ACT, he might have been more circumspect. The ACT is the size of a handkerchief and has a population of just more than 400,000. No large-scale electricity is generated there; the ACT is effectively part of the NSW system.
The Australian Energy Council’s Chief Executive Sarah McNamara says Australia’s energy crisis is being impacted… by reduced coal output. “This puts more pressure on gas and of course, gas prices are very high at the moment, which is making everything very strained in the market,” she told Sky More
The boast that 100 per cent of electricity used in the ACT is from renewables is a mirage. It is based on the contracts-for-differences the ACT government has entered into with renewable energy providers that, in theory, cover the needs of the territory. The reality is the electricity used in the ACT is sourced from the grid and these electrons are a melange of coal, gas, hydro and renewable sources. ACT residents have paid a high price for this because providers are compensated when wholesale electricity prices are higher than the contract strike price. For most of the past decade retail electricity prices in the ACT have been relatively high.
Last year, however, there was a period when wholesale prices were lower than the strike price, which has enabled the regulated electricity price to be reduced by a small amount – a little more than 1 per cent or an average of $23 a household across the year. Looking into the near future, however, these contracts will require a great deal of compensation to the providers and electricity prices in the ACT will jump.
When it comes to the NEM, the most obvious medium-term solution is to create a capacity/standby mechanism to ensure reliability in a system with a high proportion of weather-dependent renewable energy. The Coalition government had been inching towards this solution, but bear in mind that the NEM is owned and essentially controlled by five states and one territory.
These sorts of mechanisms are common overseas, including in some parts of the US as well as in Britain. Their principal aim is to pay providers to be available to generate electricity to cover gaps when supply falls short of demand. The costs of these markets are transferred to users but 24/7 reliability is a necessary feature of a First World electricity system.
The design features of these markets are critical. The British one uses annual contracts that reduce the incentives for providers to invest in standby capacity. Longer-duration contracts are preferable. The specification of the energy sources of these standby facilities is also important.
Some of our states have arced up about including coal-fired (and even gas) generation in the capacity market, which limits the options. The likelihood, given the strains on the system, is that these states will have to compromise. (It is nonsense for renewables to be listed in a capacity mechanism.)
We witnessed a practical example of the impact of the absence of a capacity mechanism in Texas more than a year ago. The combination of an extremely cold weather snap, an electricity system too dependent on wind generation and poor interconnection with the other states led to widespread blackouts and rapidly escalating prices. With some gas generators unable to be brought into operation through lack of gas, the result was a short-term catastrophe for the state.
The absence of any capacity market was based on the belief by the key regulators that intermittent spiking prices would create enough incentives for providers to gear up to cash in on the high prices by gap filling. The reality is these opportunities were too uncertain for providers to make the required investment.
It is also worth examining the potential impact of Labor’s proposed Rewiring the Nation program in which a $20bn off-budget fund will be created to subsidise the construction of a tapestry of transmission lines to link renewable energy projects to the grid.
The claim is the availability of cheap renewable energy is being thwarted because the regulatory process of approval is bogged down and there has been insufficient investment in transmission lines to the sites that could provide cheap electricity, albeit intermittently. Bear in mind that a regulated asset – one approved by the regulator – means the owner of the transmission line is guaranteed a rate of return, with costs passed on to all consumers.
But here’s the problem – if a renewable project (or set of projects) produces power only 20 or 30 per cent of the time (the sun has a nasty habit of setting), then the attached transmission line will similarly bear that inefficiency even though the costs are the same as a line with a high usage. In other words, there is a potential for prices to be driven higher because of this policy.
Renewable energy zones partly offset this problem, although the degree of homogeneity in the generation of electricity – the wind blowing at the same time, for instance – means that connecting transmission lines will still often carry low loads.
The bottom line is we are a long way from the affordable and reliable electricity system we had when the NEM was created at the start of the century. Electricity prices have risen in real terms over the past decade and a half and are now high by international standards, although there are other countries with high prices too, including Germany and Britain. With the engineers sidelined, many ill-considered decisions have led us to this predicament. It won’t be easy to fix.
There are not enough posts happening here at the new Cat. There I said it.
How about a lamp post, gate post, fence post, trading post, post box, post mortem and any other post that you can think of……………………………..
June 14, 2022 1:12 pm
Dover will the Cat close down this evening to ease the strain on the QLD & NSW power grids?
Ex Faluchi beagle puppies are considered a renewable resource.
You can chuck as many of them as you like in the Cats patented InSinctrator to generate lots of lovely green energy.
Just dont live downwind or within earshot.
June 14, 2022 1:15 pm
Just dont live downwind
Speaking of which, Dover is requesting volunteers to provide methane to keep the Cat running this evening.
Knuckle Dragger
June 14, 2022 1:18 pm
Good afternoon, traitors.
And mentally ill, sick denialists.
June 14, 2022 1:18 pm
Its actually a revealing article about how Ross’ cohort view the great unwashed vs his Eloi contemporaries.
The vast majority of them educated well beyond their level of intelligence.
Knuckle Dragger
June 14, 2022 1:19 pm
GreyRanga, tail of the OOT:
Shit news on your FiL. Kept his marbles to the end though, by the sound.
Sky News host Chris Smith says there will be pensioners who will not turn on their heaters tonight in order to avoid a hefty power bill.
“Tonight – one of the coldest nights we’ve had since winter started – there will be heaters turned off,” he told Sky News host Paul Murray.
June 14, 2022 1:22 pm
The vast majority of them educated well beyond their level of intelligence.
Leftism is a special form on endumbenment: you start off with an average IQ, then reduce it by supporting primitive, hippie policies like destroying the electricity grid and replacing it with something out of the 19th century.
June 14, 2022 1:23 pm
Must be the weather.
My daughter’s home in qld faced east, on a sunny winter day, barely needs heating, but overnight, it can get icy, and the only ‘heating’ is air-conditioning which I find bizarre given the average winter temps in this part of QLD.
How much modern multi density housing being built in Melbourne is energy intensive for heating and cooling?
Never should government policy right hand know or care what the left hand is doing.
June 14, 2022 1:23 pm
Dover will be putting the dickless uptick function on hold this evening to conserve power.
No one should flounce during that time.
Knuckle Dragger
June 14, 2022 1:28 pm
What are you going to write about Petros?
‘Dance, monkeys, dance for me.’
June 14, 2022 1:30 pm
Sydney will be colder than Melbourne tonight.
June 14, 2022 1:30 pm
My daughter’s home in qld faced east, on a sunny winter day, barely needs heating, but overnight, it can get icy, and the only ‘heating’ is air-conditioning which I find bizarre given the average winter temps in this part of QLD.
New build?
June 14, 2022 1:30 pm
“And all to make no difference to a climate that right now has produced one of the coldest snaps in our lives,” he said.
Predicted years ago.
Would not be surprised to see this season turn to crap in a lot of areas because of late season frosts.
Progressives first demanded that social media platforms silence critics of climate alarmism. Now White House national climate adviser Gina McCarthy wants them to censor content on the costs of a force-fed green energy transition.
A few years ago, Facebook enlisted third-party “fact checkers” to review news stories about climate.
That didn’t satisfy Democratic Senators who howled about a “loophole” for opinion pieces. Facebook then began appending fact-checks to op-eds, including by our contributors Bjorn Lomborg and Steven Koonin, that criticized apocalyptic climate models and studies. The goal was to restrict readership.
Now progressives are moving to censorship phase two, which is shutting down debate over climate “solutions.” “Now it’s not so much denying the problem,” Ms. McCarthy said in an Axios interview last Thursday. “What the industry is now doing is seeding doubt about the costs associated with [green energy] and whether they work or not.”
Ms. McCarthy cited the week-long power outage in Texas in February 2021. “The first thing we read in the paper was” that the blackouts occurred “because of those wind turbines,” she said. “That became the mantra.” In fact, most of the media immediately blamed climate change and fossil fuels.
We were among the few to point out that wind energy plunged as temperatures dropped and turbines froze. Gas-fired plants couldn’t make up for the wind shortfall despite running all-out, and then some went down too. Ms. McCarthy doesn’t want to admit the inconvenient truth that renewable energy sources are making the grid increasingly unreliable.
Comparing fossil-fuel companies to Big Tobacco, she complained that “dark money” is being used to “fool” the public about “the benefits of clean energy.” “We need the tech companies to really jump in,” she said, because highlighting the costs of green energy is “equally dangerous to denial because we have to move fast.” Got that, Mark Zuckerberg ?
Merely pointing out technical limitations of lithium-ion batteries could be “disinformation.” Asked whether climate disinformation posed a threat to public health, Ms. McCarthy replied “absolutely” while adding hilariously that “President Biden doesn’t focus on, and neither do I on, bashing the fossil-fuel companies.” The Axios interviewer smiled and nodded along.
Some conservative scholars argue that Big Tech companies could be sued as “state actors” for violating users’ First Amendment speech rights when they censor content at the behest of government officials.
Headlining channel 9 news (last night -i thought I’d sent this already) is power calamity, with users in QLD asked to turn off appliances.
While I’m happy for Labor to dump ruinables in such a crisis, one must be suspicious that the whole ruinables election promises were knowingly false. Labor was always going to dump it like last week’s sushi.
I just hope the Teals are in tears.
June 14, 2022 1:36 pm
According to twitter Ohio just joined the states where Constitutional Carry is a thing.
June 14, 2022 at 1:18 pm
Its actually a revealing article about how Ross’ cohort view the great unwashed vs his Eloi contemporaries.
The vast majority of them educated well beyond their level of intelligence.
I think you mean “credentialed”, not “educated”.
The Beer whisperer
June 14, 2022 1:39 pm
Sydney will be colder than Melbourne tonight.
Does that mean Tumut will be warmer than Sydney tomorrow? Asking for a friend!!!
June 14, 2022 1:42 pm
No Roger, but it is a rental, which would explain why no consideration was given to energy costs for the occupants.
It does have a electric pumped water tank which is used for sewerage and washing machine which I assume was government mandated.
The Beer whisperer
June 14, 2022 1:42 pm
seems to me pre election all the ABC SBS stories were about people being let down by NDIS now it’s fraud fraud fraud
The only thing that has changed is the narrative.
June 14, 2022 1:42 pm
Tumut, like Crookwell, is never warmer than anywhere this time of year. 😀
Bruce of Newcastle
June 14, 2022 1:42 pm
There are not enough posts happening here at the new Cat. There I said it.
I’ve been at the shops. Bought a rechargeable LED lamp and looked at a butane camp stove but didn’t buy it. I’d prefer a methanol one, but they only had gas (butane or LPG).
Then went into plonk shop. Here’s a new stand proudly labelled in great big letters “The Wine That Will Save The Planet”.
Okaaay. Big claim that. So looked closer. They’d put the wine into what looked like recycled polycarbonate bottles. That was it. Then I saw whose wine it was. Banrock Station, which I tried ‘way back when it first came out in a box. It wasn’t bad for chateau cardboard, but very ordinary otherwise.
I did not buy any and resolved not to, ever. But somewhere a Green is drinking bad wine and congratulating itself for its virtue.
The Beer whisperer
June 14, 2022 1:42 pm
Lol, Calli, my boss is bringing thermal underwear for the occassion.
Take climate change. The better educated you are, the more likely you are to accept the science, believe we should be acting, and not be worried about either losing your job in the mine or paying a bit more for power.
With acknowledgments to Peter Smith of Quadrant Online –
“The airhead Teals didn’t get in because of the strength of their arguments. They rode in on the general gullibility of a population, which has succumbed to climate-related lies; just as the same population dutifully and uselessly masked up.
I’m not talking, by the way, about the unproven hypothesis that man-made CO2 is the predominant cause of the mild warming since, say, 1875, or that continued warming might cause problems. That’s at least a contestable proposition. I’m talking about the surrounding gabble. The ten years to extinction trope, which is constantly updated to ten years hence as each year passes. They don’t think we notice. And, for the most part, they’re probably right.
Dud prediction after dud prediction. Tim Flannery’s, ‘the dams will never fill’ prediction has gone down in Australian folklore, thanks to Sky News saving the video from deletion. But his wayward prediction is one of many. Snow is a thing of the past. ‘Drowning’ Pacific Islands. More widespread and intense droughts, floods, famines, bushfires, cyclones. Millions of climate refugees. None of it bears scrutiny. Lies. And deliberately constructed to serve an agenda”.
Riveting fester. Please let us know which lamp and wine you buy. Don’t keep us in suspense.
Farmer Gez
June 14, 2022 1:49 pm
132andBush says:
June 14, 2022 at 1:30 pm
“And all to make no difference to a climate that right now has produced one of the coldest snaps in our lives,” he said.
Predicted years ago.
Would not be surprised to see this season turn to crap in a lot of areas because of late season frosts.
Finishing our last paddock of lentils today.
Being the frost capital of Australia, hasty early sowing can lead to empty crops and lots of hay in our parts.
June 14, 2022 1:50 pm
Designed our house to be passive solar, so it heats up fast and stays that way. Same for cooling in summer when the skylight is closed and the awnings down. It has enough insulation to sink the Queen Mary, plus extra thick glass on the windows. Energy bills are negligible.
I heard the ocean roaring this morning – that Tasman Low is creating huge surf. Have to pop down to Birubi and sea what the tide dragged in.
June 14, 2022 1:51 pm
June 14, 2022 at 1:32 pm
seems to me pre election all the ABC SBS stories were about people being let down by NDIS now it’s fraud fraud fraud
Haven’t seen Turtle Head spruiking about ruinables today and telling us nuclear is the most expensive option. Gerbil warming mantra has gone quiet too.
Fact Check# .. Not quite true!.. the “new” NDIS minister is, apparently, on-the-ball and well up to the task of sorting the wheat from the chaff sez OUR ABC ..!
after all, he’s a, renowned, expert at all the lurks of “rorting” & “troughing” .. LOL!
Barking Toad
June 14, 2022 1:58 pm
Created in Gillard’s own image.
Thank you Calli for not posting that link with the slappers on stage “dancing”.
It is also worth examining the potential impact of Labor’s proposed Rewiring the Nation program in which a $20bn off-budget fund will be created to subsidise the construction of a tapestry of transmission lines to link renewable energy projects to the grid.
I expect that this $20bn off-budget fund will be called an “investment” using borrowed money. Will the Federal Government (the Taxpayer) then have “ownership” of this tapestry of transmission lines whether fully or partly? Will the Federal Government receive rental income from this “investment” or will some large “Ruinables” Company or Companies get the $20bn as a subsidy and full or partial ownership?
The mind boggles. Another NBN anyone (funded by off-budget accounting trickery)?
June 14, 2022 2:03 pm
It’s always nice when your predictions come true. All thoughtful, informed ppl knew that the enviroloons and their stupid, ignorant policies would a) increase the price of electricity dramatically and b) lead to blackouts and power restrictions.
Gotta hand it to “Bill” he’s got his “TV” style down pat .. he did it all wiv a straight face thru-out .. LOL!
In an interview on the ABC’s Insiders program on Sunday, Shorten confirmed he was concerned by the “disturbing” trend, and that the incoming Labor government would take action. “There’s very few things more despicable in life than crooks taking money, which is due to go to disabled people,” he said.
I heard the ocean roaring this morning – that Tasman Low is creating huge surf. Have to pop down to Birubi and sea what the tide dragged in.
Maybe a wrecked Container Ship with some expensive motor cars washed up onto the beach. Take a few cans of petrol just in case and have a minimal drive away price from the “Showroom”………………
“There’s very few things more despicable in life than crooks taking money, which is due to go to disabled people,” he said.
I suspect Electricity Bill will go vewy vewy quiet when he works out which demographics feature most often. The childcare industry being a worked example.
On shopping trip of the planet saving wine I was also in bank talking to a teller since the ATM was down, when two guys of no mentionable description arrived at the next teller along. I want to open account pliss, say one. Turned out they were nationals of a certain other place. Teller asks how long are you in the country, 3 months or more? No. No three months. Do you have a return booked airline ticket. No, solly, no airline ticket. (Pause for conference with manager.) Ah, sorry you can’t open an account right now without it. They then wandered off. I had this feeling I’d seen the tiniest tip of a very large iceberg just visible above a vast and deep swamp of such things.
And more courtesy of Peter Smith of Quadrant Online –
“Then there’s renewable energy and the tall tale that this will bring many green jobs and lower energy costs. The recent events in Australia, soaring gas prices and the ironic call by the government for more coal and gas power, should put pay to that. It won’t. The powers that be are shameless. If they said higher power bills, unreliable power and less prosperity is the price for protecting the planet, at least they would be honest, if stupid. Instead, they lie. It’s hardly noticeable against the backdrop”.
Mother Lode
June 14, 2022 2:28 pm
Take climate change. The better educated you are, the more likely you are to blindly accept ‘the science’,
What is it that they think higher education achievement is doing here? Does someone with a law degree or a politics degree delve into Da Science and check the figures?
Or have they somehow instead just developed an instinct for valid science which does not require knowledge of science?
Or have they (perhaps as a professional courtesy) decided they they will respect those who have been labelled ‘experts’ one way or another?
Or, what regretfully seems most likely to be the case, did their pursuit of their higher attainments inculcate a habit of grabbing at authoritative reports that bolster pre-existing agenda?
After a few centuries of science progressing by leaps and bounds the politicians and orators, and the demagogues and rabble-rousers, the cranks and the puritans aching to control our lives, they have finally put science back on a leash. They have reduced it to their currency – polemic texts, loaded words, patronage, social policy, and money.
Who would be so rude as to defer to scientific method at a discussion about ‘da science’?
You know, since reading this morning about Jo Dyer, it confirms everything I wrote in my thread. The right doesn’t fight back.
Porter didn’t fight. He capitulated, sure he was probably in shock but I wonder whether he did of his own accord or he was pressured by Morrison, I don’t know, it wouldn’t surprise me to learn that Morrison, the eternal appeaser, may have pressured Porter. But this garbage about “Kate” and the fact that her lunatic ravings were deliberately used by a monstrous cabal of well-heeled Adelaide and ex-Adelaide females – Dyer, Wonk, Crabb, Maiden….they all know each other, confirms to me that this was a well co0rdinated hit job.
June 14, 2022 2:57 pm
Of course they’re in bus.
All O/S is business class.
Any domestic over 2(?) hours is first class.
Cos the workers, united, will never be etc etc.
June 14, 2022 2:58 pm
I love youse all (except for the malakes).
H B Bear
June 14, 2022 2:59 pm
Tough day to be collecting for renewables in a koala suit on commission.
June 14, 2022 3:00 pm
I heard the ocean roaring this morning – that Tasman Low is creating huge surf. Have to pop down to Birubi and sea what the tide dragged in.
I sea what you did there.
Old Lefty
June 14, 2022 3:01 pm
Indeed, Cassie. The other angle that the ABC never disclosed was that Dyer was a longstanding SLP member and preselection aspirant. Surely a material fact, I would have thought.
When and how she ‘left’ the ALP to become a teal pseudo-independent remain a mystery, if course.
June 14, 2022 3:03 pm
Well Winston we know Chrissy Pyne didn’t bang her for a start off.
Also a council spokes-mongette saying how they would love to ban gas to help them achieve zero emissions in their LGA.
I hope all these people die cold, alone and in the dark after the power goes out.
You forgot the ‘cats eating their face’ part.
But otherwise an A-.
H B Bear
June 14, 2022 3:06 pm
But this garbage about “Kate” and the fact that her lunatic ravings were deliberately used by a monstrous cabal of well-heeled Adelaide and ex-Adelaide females – Dyer, Wonk, Crabb, Maiden….they all know each other, confirms to me that this was a well co0rdinated hit job.
Yep… reeks of something put together over lunch at a writers festival.
June 14, 2022 3:08 pm
No Roger, but it is a rental, which would explain why no consideration was given to energy costs for the occupants.
Yes, southern QLD can get very cold, particularly west of the Great Divide. We’ve been consistently colder than Melbourne over the last few weeks. I know that because every time my sil calls my wife to complain how cold it is my wife is able to say “We’re colder!”. With a fireplace we don’t notice it indoors.
June 14, 2022 3:08 pm
Another great post Cassie.
incoherent rambler
June 14, 2022 3:11 pm
Take climate change.
P L E A S E.
A few blackouts are not going to do it. The east coast power grid shut down for a couple of weeks ought to focus attention on the roonabaubles scam.
June 14, 2022 3:13 pm
Someone was asking about Firefox slowing down their computer. I have found if I don’t install W10 updates my machine runs slow and I had Avast pro anti virus. The thing just chugged along, so I dumped it and used the free version instead. Hope it helps.
The best operator I’ve met told me he’s had to extend his “date of last frost” by ten days in the last 20 years. Now into first week of October.
Not far from you.
June 14, 2022 3:13 pm
I now identify as a professional Fact Checker:
Fact check: TRUE
see 🙂
June 14, 2022 3:15 pm
JC, are they wearing masks?
They all do.
How else would they hide their scales?
incoherent rambler
June 14, 2022 3:15 pm
With all this CO2 around, how come I am so frickin cold?
Do I need to make more CO2?
Barking Toad
June 14, 2022 3:15 pm
Darts Cassie, lovely darts……. Morrison, the eternal appeaser
What was Porter to do? Accuse Dyer of sleeping with him?
All she had to do was deny it and he was in deeper poo. Or…she could go the other way and say he forced himself on her.
Either way he loses. Dot is right. It’s no longer a strings free frolic for fellows.
June 14, 2022 3:19 pm
Want to sow your wild oats? Just don’t anticipate a career in politics, particularly conservative politics.
June 14, 2022 3:21 pm
Of course, if you’re looking forward to a lifetime in Labor, you can brothel creep, organise all sorts of bizarre harbour stuff, even assault young females – you’ll be riiiiiight maaaaaate.
Might even make PM.
June 14, 2022 3:22 pm
What was Porter to do? Accuse Dyer of sleeping with him?
He just had to say that they were previously involved.
If Dyer wanted to make up stories then, she would have tied herself in knots.
June 14, 2022 3:23 pm
The east coast power grid shut down for a couple of weeks ought to focus attention on the roonabaubles scam.
Only the sane would think so.
A failure to properly invest in our green future would be the top line message.
June 14, 2022 3:23 pm
Oh, and Aldi bags. Many…many Aldi bags.
For da planet.
June 14, 2022 3:23 pm
Porter had a lot of levers to pull.
He didn’t pull any of them.
June 14, 2022 3:24 pm
Bern, bern, bern. You dear innocent.
Dyer could have said anything she wanted to. Belieb all women!
Except Kimberley Kitching. Don’t belieb her.
Barking Toad
June 14, 2022 3:24 pm
Want to sow your wild oats? Just don’t anticipate a career in politics, particularly conservative politics.
Only way to do it is to be a cock in a frock
incoherent rambler
June 14, 2022 3:27 pm
A failure to properly invest in our green future would be the top line message.
Bugger orf. I’m gonna be making lots of CO2 because I am frickin’ freezing my arse off.
Boambee John
June 14, 2022 3:32 pm
Old Lefty
When and how she ‘left’ the ALP to become a teal pseudo-independent remain a mystery, if course.
Was there an ALP candidate in that electorate? If so, watch to see if she turns up later as a future ALP candidate. Given the Liars’ strict rules, that would indicate she ran on a false flag.
I understand what you’re saying but I feel it also relates to the thread I wrote. Nobody on the right fights back. I think if Dyer had been exposed last year as having had a sexual relationship (however fleeting) with Porter, then that would have put a spanner in the whole narrative. This was a well coordinated hit job on Porter.
Until people on the right start doing two things, one defending themselves and the other, being ruthless in returning serve, then these kind of fabrications against men on the right will become the norm….in fact they already are.
If you look at the example of Depp…he could have folded, his reputation and career in shreds, but he fought and he’s won his court case and the bitch of a woman has been exposed for what she is….a serial liar completely lacking in any credibility.
I think Morrison had a role in Porter’s acquiescence. Bern is right, Porter had options and he chose not to pursue them.
Eight women and two men died after the killer ploughed a van down a busy pavement.
Throughout the ruling last year, Justice Malloy refused to name the attacker, referring to him instead as John Doe*, and said she would not give him the notoriety “he sought from the start”.
* Alek Minassian
Wally Dali
June 14, 2022 3:45 pm
Let me guess… second generation Armenian m#slim?
Colonel Crispin Berka
June 14, 2022 3:45 pm
The committee also was told that Mr Trump’s closest campaign advisers, top government officials and even his family were dismantling his false claims of 2020 voting fraud on election night
Really? On election night? Twenty six days before the counting room witnesses had come forward to testify in Michigan? J6 circus stopped collecting testimony when the very first opinions supported their goals.
There is only one way that renewables will ever become feasible.
That is by the invention of room temperature superconductors.
Geothermal/Solar/Wind all tied together in a continent wide network delivering no loss transmission to the end user will work – but it will be too expensive to use, and too inefficient to be practical.
Cop: Can [the new mental health response unit] come over?
Dispatch: Per [the unit] we’re not allowed to dispatch them. They must volunteer.
Cop: So they’re not volunteering?
Dispatch: No
Colonel Crispin Berka
June 14, 2022 3:57 pm
The best operator I’ve met told me he’s had to extend his “date of last frost” by ten days in the last 20 years. Now into first week of October.
That is not supposed to be happening. One of the most basic mainstream predictions of enhanced greenhouse gas theory is that – all other factors being equal – with more CO2 the overnight minimum temperatures should be increasing.
Possibly not all other factors are equal, such as the presence of overnight cloud. If there is less cloudcover during early spring the overnight temperature would be lower and frost would occur for longer. So many variables, unfortunately.
Sancho Panzer
June 14, 2022 3:57 pm
Knuckle Draggersays:
June 14, 2022 at 1:18 pm
Good afternoon, traitors.
And mentally ill, sick denialists.
And cocksmokers.
Don’t forget the cocksmokers.
incoherent rambler
June 14, 2022 3:58 pm
Winston. Wrong answer to the wrong question.
Roonabaubles were legislated into existence. You vill uze ze vatts from ze vindmills!
Will decommissioning the windmills cost more or less than some new submarines?
June 14, 2022 3:58 pm
TheLastRefuge retweeted:
Greg Price @greg_price11 ·1h Lemon: “Experts say last year’s stimulus package contributed to inflation. Does the Biden admin bear some responsibility for this?
Jean-Pierre: “It has put us in a place where we can actually put us in a place where the American people feel can actually we can take on inflation”
Greg Price @greg_price11 · 2h Lemon: “Does the president has the stamina, physically and mentally, do you think to continue on even after 2024?”
Jean-Pierre: “I can’t even keep up with him… That is not a question that we should be even asking. Just look at the work that he does.”
Sancho Panzer
June 14, 2022 4:07 pm
H B Bearsays:
June 14, 2022 at 2:59 pm
Tough day to be collecting for renewables in a koala suit on commission
WWF koalas are humourless pricks.
Whenever one would appear outside my work I used to offer to go into Chemist Warehouse and get some cream for the chlamydia.
He/she/ze wasn’t really that appreciative.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 14, 2022 4:08 pm
My favourite colour is Teal but that has been spoiled by recent events.
Yep. My girlfriend and I sat at coffee after our dance class the other day and sadly agreed that our mutal choice of a teal top was a mistake, a wardrobe malfunction. Would hate to be mistaken for a supporter, we said to each other. She’s from Warringah, I’m from Wentworth, and we are both disgusted by Teals.
We made a pact then and there: into the rag bag go any teal tops. Royal blue sounds good though.
Bruce of Newcastle
June 14, 2022 4:08 pm
Scientists discover some Fully Vaccinated Children are suffering Sepsis & Autoimmune Disease when exposed to Covid-19
“We’re all sick, or if we’re not sick we are recovering from being sick, or we are about to get sick. People are getting Covid twice, or recovering from Covid, then getting some other sickness pretty much straight away, or they are not recovering; their sickness is lingering into days of double digits (one person I know has been sick for 54 days!). The sick wonder with dread if they have the extended mix of the sickness, the long version: The Sickness – Uncut? They wonder if this is now them, forever.”
He’s double vaccinated and boosted. The other time he had it was only back in January.
I think this sort of thing should cease after people stop getting boosters, then give it 12 months or so for their T-cells to regenerate. But in some unlucky people it looks like they’re in for a fair bit of illness until then.
Farmer Gez
June 14, 2022 4:11 pm
Colonel Crispin Berka says:
June 14, 2022 at 3:57 pm
The best operator I’ve met told me he’s had to extend his “date of last frost” by ten days in the last 20 years. Now into first week of October.
That is not supposed to be happening.
We had a frost on November 16th last year. My late father said he’d seen the same thing.
June 14, 2022 4:18 pm
McClown has announced closing all govt owned coal stations in WA by 2030 due to “increasing costs.”
Shortly afterwards an announcement comes out about $662,000,000 (!!!) to grow jobs in Collie.*
(*Collie being WA’s biggest coal town). Collie has 7,000 people. $95,000 per capita.
June 14, 2022 4:22 pm
We had a frost on November 16th last year. My late father said he’d seen the same thing.
I’ve checked up with him, I had it wrong.
It was late October.
Now into November.
June 14, 2022 4:26 pm
McClown has got rid of coal/ power and forestry in the southwest WA.
Tourism will apparently pick up the slack.
The ads almost write themselves.
“ it’s dark, it’s cold, the food is raw, why would you want to be anywhere else”
Boambee John
June 14, 2022 4:28 pm
Colonel C B
Really? On election night? Twenty six days before the counting room witnesses had come forward to testify in Michigan? J6 circus stopped collecting testimony when the very first opinions supported their goals.
If so, this is why they cannot afford to charge Trump in relation to 6 January. He would be able (absent a change to an overt Show Trial) to bring evidence in his defence, evidence that the Committee does not want before a genuine court.
pete of perth
June 14, 2022 4:28 pm
Any chance mclown is going to build Oz’s first nuke reactor? Probably not, gas turbines it is then.
Boambee John
June 14, 2022 4:33 pm
WWF koalas are humourless pricks.
Whenever one would appear outside my work I used to offer to go into Chemist Warehouse and get some cream for the chlamydia.
He/she/ze wasn’t really that appreciative.
I once told one that I could not afford to donate, as I was saving to buy a chainsaw. Definitely not amused.
Bruce of Newcastle
June 14, 2022 4:34 pm
McClown has announced closing all govt owned coal stations in WA by 2030 due to “increasing costs.”
They keep on lying and the public believes it because they have no way of figuring out otherwise. Certainly not from the MSM.
It’s the same when pollies keep on claiming that the energy crisis is because not enough windmills have been built yet. It takes a fair bit of mental effort to work out that this is a lie. Especially when the lie is coming repetitively from every direction and ever since kindergarten.
I don’t know what will happen but it’s gearing up to a French Revolution level event of some sort. The trouble with that is that places like Venezuela, Zimbabwe and North Korea have already reached that point, but rather than a revolution they’re stuck in a sort of twilight zone and can’t get out. Maybe technology, both military tech and information tech, is the problem – since in the hands of the dictators it can very effectively prevent grass-roots action. Orwell’s boot is coming even nearer.
June 14, 2022 4:34 pm
Heading into week six of my kid waiting for his passport.
Barking Toad
June 14, 2022 4:40 pm
Blessed are the Kochsmokers.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 14, 2022 4:41 pm
Sydney will be colder than Melbourne tonight.
From 3pm on this sunny Sydney day our north side with plenty of glass has been warm and our south side, with less glass, has been really cold. Sitting here now in my south-side study there is a real cold around my legs in light track pants. It feels like bitter mid-winter. I’ve just flicked the heater on, apparently at great risk of it being the final flick that broke the grid’s back. We have been warned.
Got some candles, matches, torches, your Ancient Briton rug for your knees and the camping gaz stove with extra gaz for boiling a cuppa? asks Hairy solicitously, off to the gym as he leaves me to my frozen fate.
Perhaps we should make it a reverse Earth Hour. Turn everything on, and let it shred the grid.
they’re stuck in a sort of twilight zone and can’t get out.
Sri Lanka too. We’ve given up hope of ever getting a safe trip or our money back there.
They will go back in time to become as they were in 1973, very like today’s Venezuela.
And I don’t intend to ever revisit the nightmare that Sri Lanka was then. And is becoming again.
Cook Islands has come through though. We’ve been offered a week in September.
Better take it, we decide, because 2020 credits probably won’t extend to 2023.
June 14, 2022 4:49 pm
The DOJ has requested all the Jan 6th documents/files/interview notes but the committee has said no.
The DOJ requested the Crowdstrike data into the DNC server alleged hack but the DNC said no.
Amazing how the DOJ runs dead on certain issues.
June 14, 2022 4:50 pm
DOJ requests Jan 6th data, gets told no, does nothing.
Someone refuses to appear before Jan 6th committee, gets arrested for contempt.
How do these two things possible at the same time?
Oh that’s right.
Bruce of Newcastle
June 14, 2022 4:52 pm
TIME reports that the ‘older, wiser’ David Hogg is OK with a compromise he would have hated at 17
While speaking at the June 11 March for Our Lives rally, gun control proponent David Hogg suggested that putting more cops in schools may actually endanger students do not have white skin.
If he’s supposed to be older and wiser now then he must’ve been a total fruitloop hitherto. I think I’ll stay with the fruitloop view myself.
Any chance mclown is going to build Oz’s first nuke reactor? Probably not, gas turbines it is then.
No, I don’t think so. I think that he will probably go with Twiggy’s Brave New Hydrogen World to power those Electricity Generating Plants. Hopefully, it is Gas although I have my doubts.
McClown has announced closing all govt owned coal stations in WA by 2030 due to “increasing costs.”
By 2029 according to their ABC.
LOL. He will try and trick everyone into believing that Hydrogen is cheaper. Which it won’t be of course. So, hopefully he goes with Gas.
The only hope is that LayBore is booted out of Office way before then, but then again the Libs are in such disarray that is wishful thinking.
incoherent rambler
June 14, 2022 5:11 pm
Shutting down coal in WA is problem ridden.
It is not like they have transmission lines to world cheapest Viktoristan electricity.
Err.. hold on that for a moment …
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 14, 2022 5:12 pm
Any chance mclown is going to build Oz’s first nuke reactor? Probably not, gas turbines it is then.
Charles Court proposed a nuclear reactor, in Western Australia, in 1979..
I once told one that I could not afford to donate, as I was saving to buy a chainsaw. Definitely not amused.
I just tell all these Commission driven Collectors that I am a poor Pensioner, then I show them my Pensioner Health Card. I then say, “How about you contribute to my ‘Adopt a Pensioner venture’. They are usually not amused so Fark them all.
In a landmark announcement this afternoon, Premier Mark McGowan and Energy Minister Bill Johnston revealed state-owned power provider Synergy would shut its remaining coal-fired plants by 2029.
Mr McGowan said the change was needed because the proliferation of renewable energy sources meant coal power was becoming more expensive.
He said without a shift, household power bills could rise by around $1,200 a year by 2030.
About 1,200 staff from Collie and the surrounding areas will be affected by the decision, although the government, industry and unions are aiming to retrain or re-employ workers as part of a “just transition” program.
Synergy currently owns and runs two coal power stations, the 854MW Muja plant and the 340MW Collie asset, both of which are near Collie about 200km south of Perth.
The government had already announced its planned closure of dates of October this year and 2024 for some older units at Muja.
Renewable projects to ramp up
Under the decision announced today, Collie will be closed by October 2027 while the remaining units at Muja will be shuttered just two years later, by October 2029.
The exits will leave one coal-fired power plant operating in WA – the privately-owned Bluewaters generator which is also near Collie.
As part of the shake-up, the government will spend $3.5 billion over 10 years building renewable energy capacity to replace the lost generation.
This will feature about 800MW of new wind capacity along with more than 2000MWh of storage, including fast-start lithium-ion batteries.
I suppose that means we’re fourth world. Ok, fifth world, since even Argentina has nuclear power. They even sold us the Lucas Heights research reactor.
June 14, 2022 5:24 pm
Now try to count the electric motors.
June 14, 2022 5:24 pm
Charles Court proposed a nuclear reactor, in Western Australia, in 1979..
Father-in-law of Margaret Court.
Barking Toad
June 14, 2022 5:26 pm
Boambee @04:33
Hahaha – nice one centurion
Bruce of Newcastle
June 14, 2022 5:28 pm
Is there an English word which means totally stupidly inanely predictable? I could use one about now.
Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell says Prime Minister Anthony Albanese claimed Australia’s energy crisis was a result of the “failures” of the former government.
“Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was called upon this morning to comment on the energy crisis amid reports there was a danger of blackouts in Queensland and NSW over the last 24 hours,” he said.
You stupid berk, they were doing exactly what your own imbecilic and utterly bonkers policy is. I need more adjectives please.
“I’ve said it before and will say it again – cryptocurrencies are not a safe investment. I know it is not a popular opinion; people have had success with trading. The problems with cryptocurrencies: (1) they depend entirely upon the government; with the stroke of a pen, they can all be seized; (2) they depend upon a power grid; (3) they also become dependent upon others accepting them.
A fourth all too common issue is that crypto trading platforms can prevent people from trading with little or no explanation. Binance recently announced that users are not permitted at this time “due to a stuck transaction causing a backlog.” CEO Changpeng Zhao stated on Twitter that the issue would be fixed in under 30 minutes. Later in the day, he said the issue would “take a bit longer to fix than my initial estimate,” but would only impact the Bitcoin network. Uncoincidentally, this sudden system glitch occurred after bitcoin fell by 10% beneath the $24,000 level.
This happens more than they would like people to believe. A few years back, a friend of mine was blocked out of their Bittrex account as soon as one of their cryptos began crashing. At one point, Bittrex suspended and eliminated numerous accounts in 2017, and it took them days to respond. They claimed the issue was a “compliance review,” as these platforms can seemingly make up any excuse they please. During that instance, they did not even inform users before they were locked out of their accounts. Unpopular opinion but the fact of the matter is that cryptos are seriously flawed”.
H B Bear
June 14, 2022 5:35 pm
Is Albo TweedleDee or TweedleDum? That’s the problem criticising UniParty policy from Opposition.
June 14, 2022 5:38 pm
Is there an English word which means totally stupidly inanely predictable? I could use one about now.
albimbobvious – a PM who is stupid and formulaic in his approach to a crisis
Ed Case
June 14, 2022 5:39 pm
“We had a bit of a falling out at one point about debating club politics, if you can believe that,” she said.
Probably not.
Pretty obvious what the falling out was about now this has become public.
The Australian does it again, this story shoulda broken before May 21,n when it mighta mattered. Boothby, won by the Labor Party by 7,451 votes.
Independent Candidate and long time Labor Operative Jo Dyer 7,441 votes.
June 14, 2022 5:40 pm
You stupid berk, they were doing exactly what your own imbecilic and utterly bonkers policy is.
Yes, but Elbow’s complaint is they weren’t going hard enough.
If they had done, we’d be in the sunlit uplands with power too cheap to meter instead of the valley of load shedding.
I’m waiting for an ABC fact check on this claim…waiting…
You stupid berk, they were doing exactly what your own imbecilic and utterly bonkers policy is. I need more adjectives please.
I don’t have the “predictable” word that you are after. Anyway, how about –
– Codswallop
– Poppycock
– FW1 (not a word)
– NFI (three words)
– Foolhardy
– Misinformed
– BS (two words)
– Predictable failure (two words but it uses the predicable word)…………………
I am sure that many more apply.
Ed Case
June 14, 2022 5:43 pm
Charles Court proposed a nuclear reactor, in Western Australia, in 1979..
Yeah, and the Liberal were turfed out at the next Election and stayed in the wilderness long enough for voters to forget they’d ever shilled for Nuclear Power.
June 14, 2022 5:47 pm
The Bard can help us out:
“An ass head and a coxcomb and a thin faced knave”
But “mooncalf” might cut it.
Wally Dali
June 14, 2022 5:49 pm
Zer Germans were never hemmed in by a mere two-word limit, they have ad lib linguistic lebensraum, withou even the politeness of hyphens. Just force your words to mate, mate
Ed Case
June 14, 2022 5:51 pm
In a separate interview in 2021, Dyer had said: “It is on the public record that Christian and I got on well when we first met but there was never anything serious between us and I can’t imagine how our erstwhile friendship could be relevant to the serious allegations Kate made against Christian.’’
Starting to sound a bit sinister.
Did The Australian sit on this information until the Election was done and dusted?
Wally Dali
June 14, 2022 5:52 pm
Either that or misdirektionsboner
Barking Toad
June 14, 2022 5:53 pm
Calli @05:47
Matt Kean?
Boambee John
June 14, 2022 5:54 pm
Yeah, and the Liberal were turfed out at the next Election and stayed in the wilderness long enough for voters to forget they’d ever shilled for Nuclear Power.
What is your preferred option? Wind? Solar? Hydro? Gas? Coal? Diesel? Slaves on treadmills?
“I’ve said it before and will say it again – cryptocurrencies are not a safe investment. I know it is not a popular opinion; people have had success with trading. The problems with cryptocurrencies: (1) they depend entirely upon the government; with the stroke of a pen, they can all be seized; (2) they depend upon a power grid; (3) they also become dependent upon others accepting them.
A fourth all too common issue is that crypto trading platforms can prevent people from trading with little or no explanation. Binance recently announced that users are not permitted at this time “due to a stuck transaction causing a backlog.” CEO Changpeng Zhao stated on Twitter that the issue would be fixed in under 30 minutes. Later in the day, he said the issue would “take a bit longer to fix than my initial estimate,” but would only impact the Bitcoin network. Uncoincidentally, this sudden system glitch occurred after bitcoin fell by 10% beneath the $24,000 level.
This happens more than they would like people to believe. A few years back, a friend of mine was blocked out of their Bittrex account as soon as one of their cryptos began crashing. At one point, Bittrex suspended and eliminated numerous accounts in 2017, and it took them days to respond. They claimed the issue was a “compliance review,” as these platforms can seemingly make up any excuse they please. During that instance, they did not even inform users before they were locked out of their accounts. Unpopular opinion but the fact of the matter is that cryptos are seriously flawed”.
Cryptos are therefore no different to your AUD or USD.
H B Bearsays:
June 14, 2022 at 3:06 pm
But this garbage about “Kate” and the fact that her lunatic ravings were deliberately used by a monstrous cabal of well-heeled Adelaide and ex-Adelaide females – Dyer, Wonk, Crabb, Maiden….they all know each other, confirms to me that this was a well co0rdinated hit job.
Yep… reeks of something put together over lunch at a writers festival
The Kavanaugh thing was worse. You could basically prove it by putting Feinstein, Eshoo and Blazey Ford under oath and asking a few very simple questions.
It would be a real shame if an irresponsible hacker got Maiden and Milligan’s WhatsApp messages.
Heading into week six of my kid waiting for his passport.
My kids took 7 weeks and entailed waiting in a que for 4.5 hours to pick it up.
The 4.5 hour que’s must have been going on for a while because the nearby coffee shop had a trolley going up and down the que taking orders and making deliveries.
June 14, 2022 6:19 pm
I ponder, have these chaps been busy today… and why is the ad appearing on the real estate site all of a sudden?
I reckon they’re on a winner. Gas is a great option, no long term storage problems. And if it got really pear shaped I reckon you could get it to run on wood gas with far less work than any other option. Could probably also get it to work on a coal gas if you could get some coal.
“Yeah, and the Liberal were turfed out at the next Election and stayed in the wilderness long enough for voters to forget they’d ever shilled for Nuclear Power.”
Honestly Ed…you’re quite endearing at times with your nonsense. The Liberals won the WA state election in 1980. They lost in 1983 to Labor. Then there was ten years of corrupt Labor and then the Liberals won in 1993 and 1996.
“The Kavanaugh thing was worse. You could basically prove it by putting Feinstein, Eshoo and Blazey Ford under oath and asking a few very simple questions.”
Yes…Kavanaugh was fortunate, Donald Trump had his back.
Timothy Neilson
June 14, 2022 6:22 pm
Mr McGowan said the change was needed because the proliferation of renewable energy sources meant coal power was becoming more expensive.
To an extent the latter assertion is true. The regulatory preference for “renewables” means that coal powered stations are artificially prevented from selling as much as they otherwise would, which means that to stay solvent they have to charge more when they can sell.
But the solution would be a proper level playing field free market, not shutting down coal and replacing it with the very things that are so much more expensive that they have to be propped up with the regulatory preferences that are making coal more expensive.
The offensively fake masks now have an Australian supplier! Tempted to buy one and wear it just to piss off the Covid fascists, even though the mask madness seems to have abated.
I’ll go wandering through crowded places wearing it, loudly humming that ‘we’re all in this together’ lockdown/vaxx anthem.
June 14, 2022 6:27 pm
A pretty interesting assessment of Ukrainian V Russia:
Yes…Kavanaugh was fortunate, Donald Trump had his back.
Should have thrown him to the wolves.
Ed Case
June 14, 2022 6:28 pm
Yes…Kavanaugh was fortunate, Donald Trump had his back.
Rewriting history?
Trump publicly declined to explicitly back Kavanaugh in his Confirmation Hearing.
It didn’t matter anyway, the Democrats enjoyed watching him squirm, but they were never going to produce the goods.
Kavanaugh has been a big disappointment on the SCOTUS.
June 14, 2022 6:29 pm
June 14, 2022 at 6:23 pm
Ruinables currently supplying 4% of NSW’s power. Outfuckingstanding:
I wonder how much it would cost to rent one of those stupid inner city LED billboards and every time the output of ruinables dropped below 10% have it onscreen for the plebs to enjoy.
Even better if it came with a ticker of ‘Dollars spend installing per day” bit as well.
June 14, 2022 6:30 pm
Ruinables currently supplying 4% of NSW’s power.
More subsidies clearly required.
43% by 2030.
June 14, 2022 6:31 pm
The vast majority of them educated well beyond their level of intelligence.
I think you mean “credentialed”, not “educated”.
Then there is the third category as defined by David Thompson, the severely educated.
June 14, 2022 6:33 pm
Ex head of WA Police shuffled t a position to ensure he will not have to answer any questions about the covid lockdown fuckups…
He will take the helm once current Commissioner Chris Dawson becomes WA’s 34th governor next month.
Farmer Gez
June 14, 2022 6:33 pm
If the power goes out in TaliDanstan tonight I’ve got the fire all pumped up to take the load.
The fireplace is the centrepiece of our lounge room, as it should be, and the TV is off to the side. There’s one of those fat candles in a jar alight on the coffee table and lights are off.
I don’t know what it is but there’s something very satisfying and calming about a setting a good fire.
June 14, 2022 6:37 pm
I don’t know what it is but there’s something very satisfying and calming about a setting a good fire.
High Noon
We have no shame, do we?
And no lives either. 😀
Bonjour. Has anyone seen my submarine?
Top Five?
This is my first attempt at claiming a spot.
I had a sad epiphany recently. My favourite colour is Teal but that has been spoiled by recent events.
As a caveat, any use of the colour Teal by me in no way constitutes support for the ‘Teals’.
Top Five?
This is my first attempt at claiming a spot.
I had a sad epiphany recently. My favourite colour is Teal but that has been spoiled by recent events.
As a caveat, any use of the colour Teal by me in no way constitutes support for the ‘Teals’.
Do lifts, in apartment highrise, have power backup?
Or carpark auto gates ?
Interesting take on church attendance in Russia. TLDR is there’s not enough churches for people to go to, and rates of attendance have tripled since the end of the soviet union.
Modern issue #3
Does my EV have enough power to drive me to an area that has a working electricity supply?
Believe it or not, the local SES has battery driven chain saws.
Good afternoon, traitors.
and seditionists
And mongs.
But not sub-mongs, grigory isnt welcome anywhere.
Vox: Stop telling kids that climate change will destroy their world
As I’ve written about before, climate change is going to be bad, and it will hold back humanity from thriving as much as we should this century. It will likely cause mass migration and displacement and extinctions of many species.
What it won’t do, however, is make the Earth unlivable, or even mean that our children live in a world poorer than the one we grew up in.
“There might not be a world to live in when she grows up. What use is school without a future?” one page describes Thunberg as thinking. Even as a setup for Thunberg’s rise as an activist, I’m not thrilled about that message. Some kids might hear that and be inspired to speak before the United Nations, but most kids are going to hear that and be scared and disempowered.
That pessimistic message seems to be sinking in for the young. A 2021 study funded by the campaign and research group Avaaz polled 10,000 people between 16 and 25, and found that over half thought that humanity was “doomed” because of climate change.
There’s something twisted and cruel about people who seem to go out of their way to tell kids that they are all doomed.
What happens when dipsticks like Matt Kean go to war with coal?
the end is nigh.
It’s like we are in the Truman Show wondering what the hell is going on.
Do they still have the top 20!
Anti-Porter campaigner was rooting him at uni:
Rape activist Jo Dyer’s secret Christian Porter sex history.
Don’t have Top of the Pops either.
No Ross No!!!
Dont bell the cat.
Its actually a revealing article about how Ross’ cohort view the great unwashed vs his Eloi contemporaries.
The teal seats’ most dominant characteristic was their high levels of “educational attainment”.*
Many people think they’ve detected in recent election results a growing divide between city and country in Australia, but also in Britain and America. But maybe it’s more about the better-educated concentrating in the big cities – where the best-paying jobs are – leaving the less well-educated in outer suburbs or back in country towns, feeling the world has changed in ways they don’t like and thinking of voting One Nation.**
But it still gets down to education and the way ever-rising levels of educational attainment – particularly among women – are remodelling the party-political landscape.
Take climate change. The better educated you are, the more likely you are to accept the science, believe we should be acting, and not be worried about either losing your job in the mine or paying a bit more for power.***
* So they have been through the indoctrination mills of uni and now have a much more homogenous view of what s “correct” in the world..
* *Obligatory slur on those rural rubes from a highly credentialed know nothing.
*** Would high wages have anything to do with those opinions oh wise mong? Given the impacts are to be felt by thos *MINERS* and filthy uneducated poor people?
Classic the front fell off
There are not enough posts happening here at the new Cat. There I said it.
H-EV-Y LOAD Why electric car buyers face DISASTER if they buy the wrong crucial part
The top three areas of concern are – the increased weight of the car, the noise in the cabin, and low rolling resistance.
1. Extra load
Having tyres that can carry the weight of the car is always important, no matter the motor.
But on an EV, there’s the extra weight of the battery to take into account too.
You should check whether the tyres that came with the vehicle initially are extra load (XL) tyres, with a load range developed to offer higher load capacity than standard tyres.
In some cases, you might even find that heavy load (HL) tyres are required.
The load capacity of new HL tyres equates to a 10 percent increase on the more familiar XL standard.
Always go for a like-for-like tyre replacement that has the load capacity specified by the vehicle manufacturer.
Continental Tyres has a handy guide to see what the load requirement is for your vehicle.
2. Cabin noise
EVs are typically a lot quieter than vehicles with standard internal combustion engines.
As a result, the noise generated from their tyres interacting with the road surface is a lot more noticeable in the cabin.
Continental’s ContiSilent technology, which uses a special layer of polyurethane foam on the inside cavity of the tyre to absorb vibration and noise, is popular with vehicle manufacturers for its ability to reduce in-cab noise levels.
If your EV came with ContiSilent tyres, you should make sure any replacements you have fitted are ContiSilent as well.
3. Range anxiety
Specially designed, low rolling resistance tyres can help to extend an EV’s range by up to 12 per cent.
For newer cars with ranges greater than 250 miles, a tyre with an EU tyre label value of ‘A’ could benefit from an additional 30 miles per charge compared to a ‘C’ rated tyre.
This can not only save you money on charging, but you will also be able to complete longer journeys, uninterrupted.
Steve Howat, general manager for technical services at Continental Tyre Group, said: “While some standard tyres can be fitted to electric vehicles with no impact on performance, many others risk making the braking distance longer, hampering the range and ruining the sound reduction benefits that EVs bring – compromising on the comfort, cost-efficiency and safety of the drive.
“And even within battery-powered vehicles, there’s not a one-size-fits-all approach with tyres.
Judith Sloan in fine cutting fashion on the energy situation:
Drive to renewables won’t bring energy prices down soon
Even before the election there were signs the coming three years would be a difficult time for any government. The combination of higher prices for petrol, electricity and food and escalating mortgage rates means many households will find their budgets squeezed.
The challenges for the Labor government are extensive and weighty. The national electricity market is under considerable stress, but government actions are constrained by the election pledges made to reduce emissions by 43 per cent by 2030 and to increase the share of renewables in the system to 83 per cent. The expectation was that household power bills would be lower by $275 by 2025 and by nearly $400 by the end of the decade.
The government is under pressure from the Greens and the teals to lift its emissions reduction target but Labor is likely to resist. It was refreshing to see newly installed Resources Minister Madeleine King speaking sense about the need to repair coal-fired power stations quickly to provide reliable (and less costly) power.
Needless to say, this incensed Greens leader Adam Bandt. His solution to the problems in the NEM is to hasten the rollout of renewables, citing the example of electricity in the ACT as a success story of 100 per cent renewables.
Had he bothered to look more closely at the situation in the ACT, he might have been more circumspect. The ACT is the size of a handkerchief and has a population of just more than 400,000. No large-scale electricity is generated there; the ACT is effectively part of the NSW system.
The Australian Energy Council’s Chief Executive Sarah McNamara says Australia’s energy crisis is being impacted… by reduced coal output. “This puts more pressure on gas and of course, gas prices are very high at the moment, which is making everything very strained in the market,” she told Sky More
The boast that 100 per cent of electricity used in the ACT is from renewables is a mirage. It is based on the contracts-for-differences the ACT government has entered into with renewable energy providers that, in theory, cover the needs of the territory. The reality is the electricity used in the ACT is sourced from the grid and these electrons are a melange of coal, gas, hydro and renewable sources. ACT residents have paid a high price for this because providers are compensated when wholesale electricity prices are higher than the contract strike price. For most of the past decade retail electricity prices in the ACT have been relatively high.
Last year, however, there was a period when wholesale prices were lower than the strike price, which has enabled the regulated electricity price to be reduced by a small amount – a little more than 1 per cent or an average of $23 a household across the year. Looking into the near future, however, these contracts will require a great deal of compensation to the providers and electricity prices in the ACT will jump.
When it comes to the NEM, the most obvious medium-term solution is to create a capacity/standby mechanism to ensure reliability in a system with a high proportion of weather-dependent renewable energy. The Coalition government had been inching towards this solution, but bear in mind that the NEM is owned and essentially controlled by five states and one territory.
These sorts of mechanisms are common overseas, including in some parts of the US as well as in Britain. Their principal aim is to pay providers to be available to generate electricity to cover gaps when supply falls short of demand. The costs of these markets are transferred to users but 24/7 reliability is a necessary feature of a First World electricity system.
The design features of these markets are critical. The British one uses annual contracts that reduce the incentives for providers to invest in standby capacity. Longer-duration contracts are preferable. The specification of the energy sources of these standby facilities is also important.
Some of our states have arced up about including coal-fired (and even gas) generation in the capacity market, which limits the options. The likelihood, given the strains on the system, is that these states will have to compromise. (It is nonsense for renewables to be listed in a capacity mechanism.)
We witnessed a practical example of the impact of the absence of a capacity mechanism in Texas more than a year ago. The combination of an extremely cold weather snap, an electricity system too dependent on wind generation and poor interconnection with the other states led to widespread blackouts and rapidly escalating prices. With some gas generators unable to be brought into operation through lack of gas, the result was a short-term catastrophe for the state.
The absence of any capacity market was based on the belief by the key regulators that intermittent spiking prices would create enough incentives for providers to gear up to cash in on the high prices by gap filling. The reality is these opportunities were too uncertain for providers to make the required investment.
It is also worth examining the potential impact of Labor’s proposed Rewiring the Nation program in which a $20bn off-budget fund will be created to subsidise the construction of a tapestry of transmission lines to link renewable energy projects to the grid.
The claim is the availability of cheap renewable energy is being thwarted because the regulatory process of approval is bogged down and there has been insufficient investment in transmission lines to the sites that could provide cheap electricity, albeit intermittently. Bear in mind that a regulated asset – one approved by the regulator – means the owner of the transmission line is guaranteed a rate of return, with costs passed on to all consumers.
But here’s the problem – if a renewable project (or set of projects) produces power only 20 or 30 per cent of the time (the sun has a nasty habit of setting), then the attached transmission line will similarly bear that inefficiency even though the costs are the same as a line with a high usage. In other words, there is a potential for prices to be driven higher because of this policy.
Renewable energy zones partly offset this problem, although the degree of homogeneity in the generation of electricity – the wind blowing at the same time, for instance – means that connecting transmission lines will still often carry low loads.
The bottom line is we are a long way from the affordable and reliable electricity system we had when the NEM was created at the start of the century. Electricity prices have risen in real terms over the past decade and a half and are now high by international standards, although there are other countries with high prices too, including Germany and Britain. With the engineers sidelined, many ill-considered decisions have led us to this predicament. It won’t be easy to fix.
12 page statement from DJT
Dover will the Cat close down this evening to ease the strain on the QLD & NSW power grids?
June 14, 2022 at 12:56 pm
There are not enough posts happening here at the new Cat. There I said it.”
Not sure what you mean Petros. Dover’s Cat is busy, however sometimes, depending on the time of day, it can be quiet.
There are not enough posts happening here at the new Cat. There I said it.
How about a lamp post, gate post, fence post, trading post, post box, post mortem and any other post that you can think of……………………………..
Dover will the Cat close down this evening to ease the strain on the QLD & NSW power grids?
Ex Faluchi beagle puppies are considered a renewable resource.
You can chuck as many of them as you like in the Cats patented InSinctrator to generate lots of lovely green energy.
Just dont live downwind or within earshot.
Just dont live downwind
Speaking of which, Dover is requesting volunteers to provide methane to keep the Cat running this evening.
And mentally ill, sick denialists.
The vast majority of them educated well beyond their level of intelligence.
GreyRanga, tail of the OOT:
Shit news on your FiL. Kept his marbles to the end though, by the sound.
Australia ‘destroyed’ energy sector: Andrew Bolt
Sky News host Andrew Bolt says Australia has “destroyed what worked” to “replace it with what doesn’t” in our energy system.
“And all to make no difference to a climate that right now has produced one of the coldest snaps in our lives,” he said.
What are you going to write about Petros?
Heaters will be ‘turned off’ tonight on one of the ‘coldest nights since winter started’: Smith
Sky News host Chris Smith says there will be pensioners who will not turn on their heaters tonight in order to avoid a hefty power bill.
“Tonight – one of the coldest nights we’ve had since winter started – there will be heaters turned off,” he told Sky News host Paul Murray.
Leftism is a special form on endumbenment: you start off with an average IQ, then reduce it by supporting primitive, hippie policies like destroying the electricity grid and replacing it with something out of the 19th century.
Must be the weather.
My daughter’s home in qld faced east, on a sunny winter day, barely needs heating, but overnight, it can get icy, and the only ‘heating’ is air-conditioning which I find bizarre given the average winter temps in this part of QLD.
How much modern multi density housing being built in Melbourne is energy intensive for heating and cooling?
Never should government policy right hand know or care what the left hand is doing.
Dover will be putting the dickless uptick function on hold this evening to conserve power.
No one should flounce during that time.
‘Dance, monkeys, dance for me.’
Sydney will be colder than Melbourne tonight.
New build?
Predicted years ago.
Would not be surprised to see this season turn to crap in a lot of areas because of late season frosts.
Climate-Change Censorship: Phase Two
Now Gina McCarthy tells Big Tech to stifle debate global-warming policy responses.
By The WSJ Editorial Board
Progressives first demanded that social media platforms silence critics of climate alarmism. Now White House national climate adviser Gina McCarthy wants them to censor content on the costs of a force-fed green energy transition.
A few years ago, Facebook enlisted third-party “fact checkers” to review news stories about climate.
That didn’t satisfy Democratic Senators who howled about a “loophole” for opinion pieces. Facebook then began appending fact-checks to op-eds, including by our contributors Bjorn Lomborg and Steven Koonin, that criticized apocalyptic climate models and studies. The goal was to restrict readership.
Now progressives are moving to censorship phase two, which is shutting down debate over climate “solutions.” “Now it’s not so much denying the problem,” Ms. McCarthy said in an Axios interview last Thursday. “What the industry is now doing is seeding doubt about the costs associated with [green energy] and whether they work or not.”
Ms. McCarthy cited the week-long power outage in Texas in February 2021. “The first thing we read in the paper was” that the blackouts occurred “because of those wind turbines,” she said. “That became the mantra.” In fact, most of the media immediately blamed climate change and fossil fuels.
We were among the few to point out that wind energy plunged as temperatures dropped and turbines froze. Gas-fired plants couldn’t make up for the wind shortfall despite running all-out, and then some went down too. Ms. McCarthy doesn’t want to admit the inconvenient truth that renewable energy sources are making the grid increasingly unreliable.
Comparing fossil-fuel companies to Big Tobacco, she complained that “dark money” is being used to “fool” the public about “the benefits of clean energy.” “We need the tech companies to really jump in,” she said, because highlighting the costs of green energy is “equally dangerous to denial because we have to move fast.” Got that, Mark Zuckerberg ?
Merely pointing out technical limitations of lithium-ion batteries could be “disinformation.” Asked whether climate disinformation posed a threat to public health, Ms. McCarthy replied “absolutely” while adding hilariously that “President Biden doesn’t focus on, and neither do I on, bashing the fossil-fuel companies.” The Axios interviewer smiled and nodded along.
Some conservative scholars argue that Big Tech companies could be sued as “state actors” for violating users’ First Amendment speech rights when they censor content at the behest of government officials.
Ms. McCarthy is helping make their case.
seems to me pre election all the ABC SBS stories were about people being let down by NDIS now it’s fraud fraud fraud
Headlining channel 9 news (last night -i thought I’d sent this already) is power calamity, with users in QLD asked to turn off appliances.
While I’m happy for Labor to dump ruinables in such a crisis, one must be suspicious that the whole ruinables election promises were knowingly false. Labor was always going to dump it like last week’s sushi.
I just hope the Teals are in tears.
According to twitter Ohio just joined the states where Constitutional Carry is a thing.
votes by division, final turnout between 88.85 and 92.94?
June 14, 2022 at 1:18 pm
Its actually a revealing article about how Ross’ cohort view the great unwashed vs his Eloi contemporaries.
The vast majority of them educated well beyond their level of intelligence.
I think you mean “credentialed”, not “educated”.
Does that mean Tumut will be warmer than Sydney tomorrow? Asking for a friend!!!
No Roger, but it is a rental, which would explain why no consideration was given to energy costs for the occupants.
It does have a electric pumped water tank which is used for sewerage and washing machine which I assume was government mandated.
The only thing that has changed is the narrative.
Tumut, like Crookwell, is never warmer than anywhere this time of year. 😀
I’ve been at the shops. Bought a rechargeable LED lamp and looked at a butane camp stove but didn’t buy it. I’d prefer a methanol one, but they only had gas (butane or LPG).
Then went into plonk shop. Here’s a new stand proudly labelled in great big letters “The Wine That Will Save The Planet”.
Okaaay. Big claim that. So looked closer. They’d put the wine into what looked like recycled polycarbonate bottles. That was it. Then I saw whose wine it was. Banrock Station, which I tried ‘way back when it first came out in a box. It wasn’t bad for chateau cardboard, but very ordinary otherwise.
I did not buy any and resolved not to, ever. But somewhere a Green is drinking bad wine and congratulating itself for its virtue.
Lol, Calli, my boss is bringing thermal underwear for the occassion.
Take climate change. The better educated you are, the more likely you are to accept the science, believe we should be acting, and not be worried about either losing your job in the mine or paying a bit more for power.
With acknowledgments to Peter Smith of Quadrant Online –
“The airhead Teals didn’t get in because of the strength of their arguments. They rode in on the general gullibility of a population, which has succumbed to climate-related lies; just as the same population dutifully and uselessly masked up.
I’m not talking, by the way, about the unproven hypothesis that man-made CO2 is the predominant cause of the mild warming since, say, 1875, or that continued warming might cause problems. That’s at least a contestable proposition. I’m talking about the surrounding gabble. The ten years to extinction trope, which is constantly updated to ten years hence as each year passes. They don’t think we notice. And, for the most part, they’re probably right.
Dud prediction after dud prediction. Tim Flannery’s, ‘the dams will never fill’ prediction has gone down in Australian folklore, thanks to Sky News saving the video from deletion. But his wayward prediction is one of many. Snow is a thing of the past. ‘Drowning’ Pacific Islands. More widespread and intense droughts, floods, famines, bushfires, cyclones. Millions of climate refugees. None of it bears scrutiny. Lies. And deliberately constructed to serve an agenda”.
Riveting fester. Please let us know which lamp and wine you buy. Don’t keep us in suspense.
132andBush says:
June 14, 2022 at 1:30 pm
“And all to make no difference to a climate that right now has produced one of the coldest snaps in our lives,” he said.
Predicted years ago.
Would not be surprised to see this season turn to crap in a lot of areas because of late season frosts.
Finishing our last paddock of lentils today.
Being the frost capital of Australia, hasty early sowing can lead to empty crops and lots of hay in our parts.
Designed our house to be passive solar, so it heats up fast and stays that way. Same for cooling in summer when the skylight is closed and the awnings down. It has enough insulation to sink the Queen Mary, plus extra thick glass on the windows. Energy bills are negligible.
I heard the ocean roaring this morning – that Tasman Low is creating huge surf. Have to pop down to Birubi and sea what the tide dragged in.
June 14, 2022 at 1:32 pm
seems to me pre election all the ABC SBS stories were about people being let down by NDIS now it’s fraud fraud fraud
Good pickup.
I hadnt noticed the sudden shift from Liberals harvesting crippled orphans tears to Labour saving us from the evil moustache twirling fraudsters tying the voluptuous NDIS to the railway tracks.
Haven’t seen Turtle Head spruiking about ruinables today and telling us nuclear is the most expensive option. Gerbil warming mantra has gone quiet too.
Maybe ‘cos I’m watching replays of Collingwood bashing Melbourne – again.
Created in Gillard’s own image. And just as reliable.
Those fuckin’ comma/apostrophe thingies jump around the keyboard when Checkers slots one.
The only thing that has changed is the narrative.
Fact Check# .. Not quite true!.. the “new” NDIS minister is, apparently, on-the-ball and well up to the task of sorting the wheat from the chaff sez OUR ABC ..!
after all, he’s a, renowned, expert at all the lurks of “rorting” & “troughing” .. LOL!
Created in Gillard’s own image.
Thank you Calli for not posting that link with the slappers on stage “dancing”.
Judith Sloan –
It is also worth examining the potential impact of Labor’s proposed Rewiring the Nation program in which a $20bn off-budget fund will be created to subsidise the construction of a tapestry of transmission lines to link renewable energy projects to the grid.
I expect that this $20bn off-budget fund will be called an “investment” using borrowed money. Will the Federal Government (the Taxpayer) then have “ownership” of this tapestry of transmission lines whether fully or partly? Will the Federal Government receive rental income from this “investment” or will some large “Ruinables” Company or Companies get the $20bn as a subsidy and full or partial ownership?
The mind boggles. Another NBN anyone (funded by off-budget accounting trickery)?
It’s always nice when your predictions come true. All thoughtful, informed ppl knew that the enviroloons and their stupid, ignorant policies would a) increase the price of electricity dramatically and b) lead to blackouts and power restrictions.
And here we are.
Told you so, you unspeakable morons!! 🙂
Gotta hand it to “Bill” he’s got his “TV” style down pat .. he did it all wiv a straight face thru-out .. LOL!
In an interview on the ABC’s Insiders program on Sunday, Shorten confirmed he was concerned by the “disturbing” trend, and that the incoming Labor government would take action.
“There’s very few things more despicable in life than crooks taking money, which is due to go to disabled people,” he said.
or –
“Yes. I know we had ground rules but I’ve changed them because I can. And you are not allowed to protest because it will make me unhappy.”
I heard the ocean roaring this morning – that Tasman Low is creating huge surf. Have to pop down to Birubi and sea what the tide dragged in.
Maybe a wrecked Container Ship with some expensive motor cars washed up onto the beach. Take a few cans of petrol just in case and have a minimal drive away price from the “Showroom”………………
Sancho Panzer:
some great shots of HRM visiting the Snowy Hydro back in 1963.
I suspect Electricity Bill will go vewy vewy quiet when he works out which demographics feature most often. The childcare industry being a worked example.
On shopping trip of the planet saving wine I was also in bank talking to a teller since the ATM was down, when two guys of no mentionable description arrived at the next teller along. I want to open account pliss, say one. Turned out they were nationals of a certain other place. Teller asks how long are you in the country, 3 months or more? No. No three months. Do you have a return booked airline ticket. No, solly, no airline ticket. (Pause for conference with manager.) Ah, sorry you can’t open an account right now without it. They then wandered off. I had this feeling I’d seen the tiniest tip of a very large iceberg just visible above a vast and deep swamp of such things.
And more courtesy of Peter Smith of Quadrant Online –
“Then there’s renewable energy and the tall tale that this will bring many green jobs and lower energy costs. The recent events in Australia, soaring gas prices and the ironic call by the government for more coal and gas power, should put pay to that. It won’t. The powers that be are shameless. If they said higher power bills, unreliable power and less prosperity is the price for protecting the planet, at least they would be honest, if stupid. Instead, they lie. It’s hardly noticeable against the backdrop”.
What is it that they think higher education achievement is doing here? Does someone with a law degree or a politics degree delve into Da Science and check the figures?
Or have they somehow instead just developed an instinct for valid science which does not require knowledge of science?
Or have they (perhaps as a professional courtesy) decided they they will respect those who have been labelled ‘experts’ one way or another?
Or, what regretfully seems most likely to be the case, did their pursuit of their higher attainments inculcate a habit of grabbing at authoritative reports that bolster pre-existing agenda?
After a few centuries of science progressing by leaps and bounds the politicians and orators, and the demagogues and rabble-rousers, the cranks and the puritans aching to control our lives, they have finally put science back on a leash. They have reduced it to their currency – polemic texts, loaded words, patronage, social policy, and money.
Who would be so rude as to defer to scientific method at a discussion about ‘da science’?
We’re making our way back and dickhead Tony Jones and Sour Tits are on the LA flight. Of course they’re in bus. Nice employer, ABC. Lots of money.
Filling the pubic serpents up with the otherwise unemployable gender studies graduates may not have been a good idea.
The dickhead was wearing back sunnies too .. 9.30 in the evening. Total dickhead.
” Of course they’re in bus. Nice employer, ABC. Lots of money”
That money comes from us.
send them a note via the hosties asking them if they’re enjoying the taxpayer champagne.
JC — Is he still employed by ABC?
Ask him about his sympathies for Zaky Mallah JC!!!
Would he, say, enjoy it if Zaky was on yer flight right now? 😛
You know, since reading this morning about Jo Dyer, it confirms everything I wrote in my thread. The right doesn’t fight back.
Porter didn’t fight. He capitulated, sure he was probably in shock but I wonder whether he did of his own accord or he was pressured by Morrison, I don’t know, it wouldn’t surprise me to learn that Morrison, the eternal appeaser, may have pressured Porter. But this garbage about “Kate” and the fact that her lunatic ravings were deliberately used by a monstrous cabal of well-heeled Adelaide and ex-Adelaide females – Dyer, Wonk, Crabb, Maiden….they all know each other, confirms to me that this was a well co0rdinated hit job.
All O/S is business class.
Any domestic over 2(?) hours is first class.
Cos the workers, united, will never be etc etc.
I love youse all (except for the malakes).
Tough day to be collecting for renewables in a koala suit on commission.
I sea what you did there.
Indeed, Cassie. The other angle that the ABC never disclosed was that Dyer was a longstanding SLP member and preselection aspirant. Surely a material fact, I would have thought.
When and how she ‘left’ the ALP to become a teal pseudo-independent remain a mystery, if course.
Well Winston we know Chrissy Pyne didn’t bang her for a start off.
JC, are they wearing masks?
You forgot the ‘cats eating their face’ part.
But otherwise an A-.
Yep… reeks of something put together over lunch at a writers festival.
Yes, southern QLD can get very cold, particularly west of the Great Divide. We’ve been consistently colder than Melbourne over the last few weeks. I know that because every time my sil calls my wife to complain how cold it is my wife is able to say “We’re colder!”. With a fireplace we don’t notice it indoors.
Another great post Cassie.
P L E A S E.
A few blackouts are not going to do it. The east coast power grid shut down for a couple of weeks ought to focus attention on the roonabaubles scam.
Someone was asking about Firefox slowing down their computer. I have found if I don’t install W10 updates my machine runs slow and I had Avast pro anti virus. The thing just chugged along, so I dumped it and used the free version instead. Hope it helps.
Scientists discover some Fully Vaccinated Children are suffering Sepsis & Autoimmune Disease when exposed to Covid-19
Re frost.
The best operator I’ve met told me he’s had to extend his “date of last frost” by ten days in the last 20 years. Now into first week of October.
Not far from you.
I now identify as a professional Fact Checker:
Fact check: TRUE
see 🙂
They all do.
How else would they hide their scales?
With all this CO2 around, how come I am so frickin cold?
Do I need to make more CO2?
Darts Cassie, lovely darts…….
Morrison, the eternal appeaser
June 14, 2022 at 3:08 pm”
Thank you.
predictions: data adulteration is the coming thing
What was Porter to do? Accuse Dyer of sleeping with him?
All she had to do was deny it and he was in deeper poo. Or…she could go the other way and say he forced himself on her.
Either way he loses. Dot is right. It’s no longer a strings free frolic for fellows.
Want to sow your wild oats? Just don’t anticipate a career in politics, particularly conservative politics.
Of course, if you’re looking forward to a lifetime in Labor, you can brothel creep, organise all sorts of bizarre harbour stuff, even assault young females – you’ll be riiiiiight maaaaaate.
Might even make PM.
What was Porter to do? Accuse Dyer of sleeping with him?
He just had to say that they were previously involved.
If Dyer wanted to make up stories then, she would have tied herself in knots.
Only the sane would think so.
A failure to properly invest in our green future would be the top line message.
Oh, and Aldi bags. Many…many Aldi bags.
For da planet.
Porter had a lot of levers to pull.
He didn’t pull any of them.
Bern, bern, bern. You dear innocent.
Dyer could have said anything she wanted to. Belieb all women!
Except Kimberley Kitching. Don’t belieb her.
Want to sow your wild oats? Just don’t anticipate a career in politics, particularly conservative politics.
Only way to do it is to be a cock in a frock
Bugger orf. I’m gonna be making lots of CO2 because I am frickin’ freezing my arse off.
Old Lefty
When and how she ‘left’ the ALP to become a teal pseudo-independent remain a mystery, if course.
Was there an ALP candidate in that electorate? If so, watch to see if she turns up later as a future ALP candidate. Given the Liars’ strict rules, that would indicate she ran on a false flag.
June 14, 2022 at 3:18 pm”
I understand what you’re saying but I feel it also relates to the thread I wrote. Nobody on the right fights back. I think if Dyer had been exposed last year as having had a sexual relationship (however fleeting) with Porter, then that would have put a spanner in the whole narrative. This was a well coordinated hit job on Porter.
Until people on the right start doing two things, one defending themselves and the other, being ruthless in returning serve, then these kind of fabrications against men on the right will become the norm….in fact they already are.
If you look at the example of Depp…he could have folded, his reputation and career in shreds, but he fought and he’s won his court case and the bitch of a woman has been exposed for what she is….a serial liar completely lacking in any credibility.
I think Morrison had a role in Porter’s acquiescence. Bern is right, Porter had options and he chose not to pursue them.
Toronto van attacker sentenced to life in prison
Eight women and two men died after the killer ploughed a van down a busy pavement.
Throughout the ruling last year, Justice Malloy refused to name the attacker, referring to him instead as John Doe*, and said she would not give him the notoriety “he sought from the start”.
* Alek Minassian
Let me guess… second generation Armenian m#slim?
Really? On election night? Twenty six days before the counting room witnesses had come forward to testify in Michigan? J6 circus stopped collecting testimony when the very first opinions supported their goals.
There is only one way that renewables will ever become feasible.
That is by the invention of room temperature superconductors.
Geothermal/Solar/Wind all tied together in a continent wide network delivering no loss transmission to the end user will work – but it will be too expensive to use, and too inefficient to be practical.
A n@k3d woman in a mental health crisis is pounding on a window.
Cop: Can [the new mental health response unit] come over?
Dispatch: Per [the unit] we’re not allowed to dispatch them. They must volunteer.
Cop: So they’re not volunteering?
Dispatch: No
That is not supposed to be happening. One of the most basic mainstream predictions of enhanced greenhouse gas theory is that – all other factors being equal – with more CO2 the overnight minimum temperatures should be increasing.
Possibly not all other factors are equal, such as the presence of overnight cloud. If there is less cloudcover during early spring the overnight temperature would be lower and frost would occur for longer. So many variables, unfortunately.
And cocksmokers.
Don’t forget the cocksmokers.
Winston. Wrong answer to the wrong question.
Roonabaubles were legislated into existence. You vill uze ze vatts from ze vindmills!
Will decommissioning the windmills cost more or less than some new submarines?
TheLastRefuge retweeted:
Greg Price @greg_price11 ·1h
Lemon: “Experts say last year’s stimulus package contributed to inflation. Does the Biden admin bear some responsibility for this?
Jean-Pierre: “It has put us in a place where we can actually put us in a place where the American people feel can actually we can take on inflation”
Greg Price @greg_price11 · 2h
Lemon: “Does the president has the stamina, physically and mentally, do you think to continue on even after 2024?”
Jean-Pierre: “I can’t even keep up with him… That is not a question that we should be even asking. Just look at the work that he does.”
WWF koalas are humourless pricks.
Whenever one would appear outside my work I used to offer to go into Chemist Warehouse and get some cream for the chlamydia.
He/she/ze wasn’t really that appreciative.
Yep. My girlfriend and I sat at coffee after our dance class the other day and sadly agreed that our mutal choice of a teal top was a mistake, a wardrobe malfunction. Would hate to be mistaken for a supporter, we said to each other. She’s from Warringah, I’m from Wentworth, and we are both disgusted by Teals.
We made a pact then and there: into the rag bag go any teal tops. Royal blue sounds good though.
This was a sad tale I saw today:
Safe And Effective (14 Jun)
And this one.
Canadian PM Trudeau tests positive for COVID a second time (13 Jun)
He’s double vaccinated and boosted. The other time he had it was only back in January.
I think this sort of thing should cease after people stop getting boosters, then give it 12 months or so for their T-cells to regenerate. But in some unlucky people it looks like they’re in for a fair bit of illness until then.
Colonel Crispin Berka says:
June 14, 2022 at 3:57 pm
The best operator I’ve met told me he’s had to extend his “date of last frost” by ten days in the last 20 years. Now into first week of October.
That is not supposed to be happening.
We had a frost on November 16th last year. My late father said he’d seen the same thing.
McClown has announced closing all govt owned coal stations in WA by 2030 due to “increasing costs.”
Shortly afterwards an announcement comes out about $662,000,000 (!!!) to grow jobs in Collie.*
(*Collie being WA’s biggest coal town). Collie has 7,000 people. $95,000 per capita.
I’ve checked up with him, I had it wrong.
It was late October.
Now into November.
McClown has got rid of coal/ power and forestry in the southwest WA.
Tourism will apparently pick up the slack.
The ads almost write themselves.
“ it’s dark, it’s cold, the food is raw, why would you want to be anywhere else”
Colonel C B
Really? On election night? Twenty six days before the counting room witnesses had come forward to testify in Michigan? J6 circus stopped collecting testimony when the very first opinions supported their goals.
If so, this is why they cannot afford to charge Trump in relation to 6 January. He would be able (absent a change to an overt Show Trial) to bring evidence in his defence, evidence that the Committee does not want before a genuine court.
Any chance mclown is going to build Oz’s first nuke reactor? Probably not, gas turbines it is then.
WWF koalas are humourless pricks.
Whenever one would appear outside my work I used to offer to go into Chemist Warehouse and get some cream for the chlamydia.
He/she/ze wasn’t really that appreciative.
I once told one that I could not afford to donate, as I was saving to buy a chainsaw. Definitely not amused.
They keep on lying and the public believes it because they have no way of figuring out otherwise. Certainly not from the MSM.
It’s the same when pollies keep on claiming that the energy crisis is because not enough windmills have been built yet. It takes a fair bit of mental effort to work out that this is a lie. Especially when the lie is coming repetitively from every direction and ever since kindergarten.
I don’t know what will happen but it’s gearing up to a French Revolution level event of some sort. The trouble with that is that places like Venezuela, Zimbabwe and North Korea have already reached that point, but rather than a revolution they’re stuck in a sort of twilight zone and can’t get out. Maybe technology, both military tech and information tech, is the problem – since in the hands of the dictators it can very effectively prevent grass-roots action. Orwell’s boot is coming even nearer.
Heading into week six of my kid waiting for his passport.
Blessed are the Kochsmokers.
From 3pm on this sunny Sydney day our north side with plenty of glass has been warm and our south side, with less glass, has been really cold. Sitting here now in my south-side study there is a real cold around my legs in light track pants. It feels like bitter mid-winter. I’ve just flicked the heater on, apparently at great risk of it being the final flick that broke the grid’s back. We have been warned.
Got some candles, matches, torches, your Ancient Briton rug for your knees and the camping gaz stove with extra gaz for boiling a cuppa? asks Hairy solicitously, off to the gym as he leaves me to my frozen fate.
Perhaps we should make it a reverse Earth Hour. Turn everything on, and let it shred the grid.
Quite so.
? Michigan State Senate Committee on Oversight Holds Hearing on Election Issues 12/1/20
duration = 7:26:20
Most of the recordings of the senate/house election hearings in Penn + Arizona + Georgia + Michigan are still available on YT.
Sri Lanka too. We’ve given up hope of ever getting a safe trip or our money back there.
They will go back in time to become as they were in 1973, very like today’s Venezuela.
And I don’t intend to ever revisit the nightmare that Sri Lanka was then. And is becoming again.
Cook Islands has come through though. We’ve been offered a week in September.
Better take it, we decide, because 2020 credits probably won’t extend to 2023.
The DOJ has requested all the Jan 6th documents/files/interview notes but the committee has said no.
The DOJ requested the Crowdstrike data into the DNC server alleged hack but the DNC said no.
Amazing how the DOJ runs dead on certain issues.
DOJ requests Jan 6th data, gets told no, does nothing.
Someone refuses to appear before Jan 6th committee, gets arrested for contempt.
How do these two things possible at the same time?
Oh that’s right.
This David Hogg?
David Hogg: Putting More Cops in Schools May Endanger Non-White Students (11 Jun)
If he’s supposed to be older and wiser now then he must’ve been a total fruitloop hitherto. I think I’ll stay with the fruitloop view myself.
Tucker Carlson Is All of Us in Latest Take-Down of Biden’s America
Via instapundit
Boambee John earlier.
As much as I hate those fucking chuggers, they do afford some excellent trolling opportunities if you have a minute to spare.
Methane volunteers, start your engines.
Any chance mclown is going to build Oz’s first nuke reactor? Probably not, gas turbines it is then.
No, I don’t think so. I think that he will probably go with Twiggy’s Brave New Hydrogen World to power those Electricity Generating Plants. Hopefully, it is Gas although I have my doubts.
McClown has announced closing all govt owned coal stations in WA by 2030 due to “increasing costs.”
By 2029 according to their ABC.
LOL. He will try and trick everyone into believing that Hydrogen is cheaper. Which it won’t be of course. So, hopefully he goes with Gas.
The only hope is that LayBore is booted out of Office way before then, but then again the Libs are in such disarray that is wishful thinking.
Shutting down coal in WA is problem ridden.
It is not like they have transmission lines to world cheapest Viktoristan electricity.
Err.. hold on that for a moment …
Charles Court proposed a nuclear reactor, in Western Australia, in 1979..
I once told one that I could not afford to donate, as I was saving to buy a chainsaw. Definitely not amused.
I just tell all these Commission driven Collectors that I am a poor Pensioner, then I show them my Pensioner Health Card. I then say, “How about you contribute to my ‘Adopt a Pensioner venture’. They are usually not amused so Fark them all.
WA reveals plan to shut coal-fired power stations
In a landmark announcement this afternoon, Premier Mark McGowan and Energy Minister Bill Johnston revealed state-owned power provider Synergy would shut its remaining coal-fired plants by 2029.
Mr McGowan said the change was needed because the proliferation of renewable energy sources meant coal power was becoming more expensive.
He said without a shift, household power bills could rise by around $1,200 a year by 2030.
About 1,200 staff from Collie and the surrounding areas will be affected by the decision, although the government, industry and unions are aiming to retrain or re-employ workers as part of a “just transition” program.
Synergy currently owns and runs two coal power stations, the 854MW Muja plant and the 340MW Collie asset, both of which are near Collie about 200km south of Perth.
The government had already announced its planned closure of dates of October this year and 2024 for some older units at Muja.
Renewable projects to ramp up
Under the decision announced today, Collie will be closed by October 2027 while the remaining units at Muja will be shuttered just two years later, by October 2029.
The exits will leave one coal-fired power plant operating in WA – the privately-owned Bluewaters generator which is also near Collie.
As part of the shake-up, the government will spend $3.5 billion over 10 years building renewable energy capacity to replace the lost generation.
This will feature about 800MW of new wind capacity along with more than 2000MWh of storage, including fast-start lithium-ion batteries.
A modern sawmill.
Now try to count the electric motors.
I shed no tear when they lost my state. All they did was photo ops and block inquiries into department’s.
We’re officially worse than Uganda, which is third world.
Uganda to build East Africa’s first nuclear power plant (Jonova, 13 Jun)
I suppose that means we’re fourth world. Ok, fifth world, since even Argentina has nuclear power. They even sold us the Lucas Heights research reactor.
Father-in-law of Margaret Court.
Boambee @04:33
Hahaha – nice one centurion
Is there an English word which means totally stupidly inanely predictable? I could use one about now.
Albanese claims ‘the current problems were a failure’ of the former government (14 Jun)
You stupid berk, they were doing exactly what your own imbecilic and utterly bonkers policy is. I need more adjectives please.
Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Economics and his latest view on Cryptocurrencies –
“I’ve said it before and will say it again – cryptocurrencies are not a safe investment. I know it is not a popular opinion; people have had success with trading. The problems with cryptocurrencies: (1) they depend entirely upon the government; with the stroke of a pen, they can all be seized; (2) they depend upon a power grid; (3) they also become dependent upon others accepting them.
A fourth all too common issue is that crypto trading platforms can prevent people from trading with little or no explanation. Binance recently announced that users are not permitted at this time “due to a stuck transaction causing a backlog.” CEO Changpeng Zhao stated on Twitter that the issue would be fixed in under 30 minutes. Later in the day, he said the issue would “take a bit longer to fix than my initial estimate,” but would only impact the Bitcoin network. Uncoincidentally, this sudden system glitch occurred after bitcoin fell by 10% beneath the $24,000 level.
This happens more than they would like people to believe. A few years back, a friend of mine was blocked out of their Bittrex account as soon as one of their cryptos began crashing. At one point, Bittrex suspended and eliminated numerous accounts in 2017, and it took them days to respond. They claimed the issue was a “compliance review,” as these platforms can seemingly make up any excuse they please. During that instance, they did not even inform users before they were locked out of their accounts. Unpopular opinion but the fact of the matter is that cryptos are seriously flawed”.
Is Albo TweedleDee or TweedleDum? That’s the problem criticising UniParty policy from Opposition.
albimbobvious – a PM who is stupid and formulaic in his approach to a crisis
Probably not.
Pretty obvious what the falling out was about now this has become public.
The Australian does it again, this story shoulda broken before May 21,n when it mighta mattered.
Boothby, won by the Labor Party by 7,451 votes.
Independent Candidate and long time Labor Operative Jo Dyer 7,441 votes.
Yes, but Elbow’s complaint is they weren’t going hard enough.
If they had done, we’d be in the sunlit uplands with power too cheap to meter instead of the valley of load shedding.
I’m waiting for an ABC fact check on this claim…waiting…
You stupid berk, they were doing exactly what your own imbecilic and utterly bonkers policy is. I need more adjectives please.
I don’t have the “predictable” word that you are after. Anyway, how about –
– Codswallop
– Poppycock
– FW1 (not a word)
– NFI (three words)
– Foolhardy
– Misinformed
– BS (two words)
– Predictable failure (two words but it uses the predicable word)…………………
I am sure that many more apply.
Yeah, and the Liberal were turfed out at the next Election and stayed in the wilderness long enough for voters to forget they’d ever shilled for Nuclear Power.
The Bard can help us out:
“An ass head and a coxcomb and a thin faced knave”
But “mooncalf” might cut it.
Zer Germans were never hemmed in by a mere two-word limit, they have ad lib linguistic lebensraum, withou even the politeness of hyphens. Just force your words to mate, mate
Starting to sound a bit sinister.
Did The Australian sit on this information until the Election was done and dusted?
Either that or misdirektionsboner
Calli @05:47
Matt Kean?
Yeah, and the Liberal were turfed out at the next Election and stayed in the wilderness long enough for voters to forget they’d ever shilled for Nuclear Power.
What is your preferred option? Wind? Solar? Hydro? Gas? Coal? Diesel? Slaves on treadmills?
As I have said before. Net Zero is the average IQ of ALL Australian “Pollies”. Probably similar for most other Countries.
Cryptos are therefore no different to your AUD or USD.
Methane volunteers, start your engines.
For this precise reason I am forbidden, on pain of death, from ever making this again.
Tasted bloody nice as well.
I ponder, have these chaps been busy today… and why is the ad appearing on the real estate site all of a sudden?
If only they made a coal powered version.
The Kavanaugh thing was worse. You could basically prove it by putting Feinstein, Eshoo and Blazey Ford under oath and asking a few very simple questions.
It would be a real shame if an irresponsible hacker got Maiden and Milligan’s WhatsApp messages.
Don’t Follow Your Passion
Heading into week six of my kid waiting for his passport.
My kids took 7 weeks and entailed waiting in a que for 4.5 hours to pick it up.
The 4.5 hour que’s must have been going on for a while because the nearby coffee shop had a trolley going up and down the que taking orders and making deliveries.
I ponder, have these chaps been busy today… and why is the ad appearing on the real estate site all of a sudden?
I reckon they’re on a winner. Gas is a great option, no long term storage problems. And if it got really pear shaped I reckon you could get it to run on wood gas with far less work than any other option. Could probably also get it to work on a coal gas if you could get some coal.
“Yeah, and the Liberal were turfed out at the next Election and stayed in the wilderness long enough for voters to forget they’d ever shilled for Nuclear Power.”
Honestly Ed…you’re quite endearing at times with your nonsense. The Liberals won the WA state election in 1980. They lost in 1983 to Labor. Then there was ten years of corrupt Labor and then the Liberals won in 1993 and 1996.
“The Kavanaugh thing was worse. You could basically prove it by putting Feinstein, Eshoo and Blazey Ford under oath and asking a few very simple questions.”
Yes…Kavanaugh was fortunate, Donald Trump had his back.
Mr McGowan said the change was needed because the proliferation of renewable energy sources meant coal power was becoming more expensive.
To an extent the latter assertion is true. The regulatory preference for “renewables” means that coal powered stations are artificially prevented from selling as much as they otherwise would, which means that to stay solvent they have to charge more when they can sell.
But the solution would be a proper level playing field free market, not shutting down coal and replacing it with the very things that are so much more expensive that they have to be propped up with the regulatory preferences that are making coal more expensive.
Ruinables currently supplying 4% of NSW’s power. Outfuckingstanding:
The offensively fake masks now have an Australian supplier! Tempted to buy one and wear it just to piss off the Covid fascists, even though the mask madness seems to have abated.
I’ll go wandering through crowded places wearing it, loudly humming that ‘we’re all in this together’ lockdown/vaxx anthem.
A pretty interesting assessment of Ukrainian V Russia:
Should have thrown him to the wolves.
Rewriting history?
Trump publicly declined to explicitly back Kavanaugh in his Confirmation Hearing.
It didn’t matter anyway, the Democrats enjoyed watching him squirm, but they were never going to produce the goods.
Kavanaugh has been a big disappointment on the SCOTUS.
June 14, 2022 at 6:23 pm
Ruinables currently supplying 4% of NSW’s power. Outfuckingstanding:
I wonder how much it would cost to rent one of those stupid inner city LED billboards and every time the output of ruinables dropped below 10% have it onscreen for the plebs to enjoy.
Even better if it came with a ticker of ‘Dollars spend installing per day” bit as well.
More subsidies clearly required.
43% by 2030.
Then there is the third category as defined by David Thompson, the severely educated.
Ex head of WA Police shuffled t a position to ensure he will not have to answer any questions about the covid lockdown fuckups…
Or am I too cynical.
Col Blanch has been appointed as Western Australia’s next police commissioner.
He will take the helm once current Commissioner Chris Dawson becomes WA’s 34th governor next month.
If the power goes out in TaliDanstan tonight I’ve got the fire all pumped up to take the load.
The fireplace is the centrepiece of our lounge room, as it should be, and the TV is off to the side. There’s one of those fat candles in a jar alight on the coffee table and lights are off.
I don’t know what it is but there’s something very satisfying and calming about a setting a good fire.
I don’t know what it is but there’s something very satisfying and calming about a setting a good fire.
Yes the screaming of the politician in the wicker man is such sweet music.