Bondi is a big letdown.
Bondi is a big letdown.
Germany: Knife-Wielding Afghan Migrant Shot Dead by Police After Threatening Innocent Bystandershttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/03/germany-knife-wielding-afghan-migrant-shot-dead-police/ Special units from the State Criminal Police Office,…
My idea is still for the UN to be moved to Gaza.
Every Labor MP knows that a fourth term is very unlikely. The idea that the Stupid Frigging Liberals will win the…
When, as rumour has it, Anal decides a Vietnam conscription policy is a good idea, then we’ll see Labor tear…
No. If a case shouldn’t have gone past committal, it should be dismissed.
If you believe in the concept of innocent until proven guilty, the lack of a fair trial means you are innocent.
Higgins and her political allies are stopping a fair trial and arguably now committing justice offences.
“Right Wing Groups” as in “wholly created by the Security Services”?
Who fucking cares?
MBS’s trip to Ankara to meet with Erdogan at the same time the US can’t nail down a day for Biden’s begging trip is the biggest fuck you to the West & NATO.
Austria bins vaccine mandates.
Supporters of a bill of rights just have to look to the UK.
The swamp already have a game plan ready to roll if it ever it gets raised in any western democracy.
Wealthy stockbroker Christopher Hyland died in January this year, leaving a $5m Darling Point apartment and millions from his share portfolio but with a strict proviso for his only daughter if she wishes to access the money: get a job
Ms Brown’ twin cousins, believed to have been appointed executors of their late uncle Christopher Hyland Brown’s multi-million dollar estate, say he stipulated in his will that his daughter Clare could only collect her inheritance ‘if she gets a job and contributes something to society’.
Clare says that is impossible because she has Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and ‘high-functioning autism’.
Ruth Barr, the elderly mother of Clare’s wife Lauren told Daily Mail Australia her unemployed daughter-in-law couldn’t work because ‘she hates crowds, can’t concentrate and people hate her because she’s gay’.
Daily Mail
It’s passed that point know, Dot.
Ed Case says:
June 24, 2022 at 4:09 am
What’s your problem with Tom’s ‘toons?
You keep interrupting, I assure you, they are harmless.
What’s your argument that it shouldn’t have been Committed for Trial?
No it doesn’t.
Fuck off.
Higgins has no Political Allies, the Liberal Party tried to pretend nothing happened, she’s been used by Sam Maiden and Lisa Wilkinson’s actions are suspicious.
Wilkinson’s Media career is over, but she’s more or less guaranteed no Trial is ever going to be held.
What’s in it for her to do that?
I can’t remember = no prima facie case.
Plus destroying evidence against legal advice.
Oh no. Channel 10’s army of lawyers are going to sue me. Noooo!
My my Ch 10 must have a lot of free cash flow. 🙂
That’s conflation, Dot.
I agree dot.
When so many have interfered to prevent a fair trial, you are particularly entitled to your presumption of innocence.
One wonders why so many thumbs have been pressed on the scale.
Cassie of Sydneysays:
June 23, 2022 at 10:34 pm
June 24, 2022 at 3:44 am
Cassie, Bespoke is right – He needs the opportunity to clear his name.
And I suspect denying him this, is part of the game plan by the accuser. If it is dropped, the ‘victim’ can say the charges were dropped due to the pressure.
No it’s not, not in light of justice offences committed by the accused.
I meant accusers
If I commit justice offences accusing you of a crime, you shouldn’t go to trial, I should be put on trial.
Alito’s concurring opinion in the 2A case today is pretty bombastic.
You don’t know when it was written but maybe the abortion case leak means the court will not be so polite to each other.
Lol, Goat of Kiev.
Wait for this one to go viral.
Those offences have a better chance of being exposed in a trial then social media, Dot.
Sorry accident slip of the thumb.
June 24, 2022 at 5:11 am”
“He needs the opportunity to clear his name.”
I’m sure George Pell thought the same thing, except he ended up spending a year in goal for a crime he did not commit.
Andrews and Marshall have created a giant bureaucracy that will continue to grow and eat taxes, we’re all going to be paying. Wonder why they need all these extra senior positions? Especially so soon after the creation of the monster.
“A third submission seeks funding for the Country Fire Authority to employ five assistant chief fire officer positions and 21 commander relievers.”
‘But muh free money.’
If we did have a justice system Higgins would be on trial for making false allegations. Provide evidence or shut up. The she said, she said, she said ad infinitum without any proof is just malice and so is the journalism that supports it.
Rita Panahi on Wilkinson:-
she is a media veteran in her 60s
That comment more than any other would sting the old botox biddy more than anything.
Jimmy Dore calls The Guardian “that garbage paper”.
Nicely said Jimmy.
Jimmy Dore calls The Guardian “that garbage paper”.
Nicely said Jimmy.
Only useful as old style Fish and Chips wrapping paper and as the base for starting a coal fire with wood sticks and coal on top for a coal fire in the grate at home in winter.
Happy Friday and fish and chips for me today.
Apologies…should be gaol.
Austria bins vaccine mandates.
What a shame that that doesn’t say – “Australia bins both Gov’ment and Employer “vaccine” (Covid 19 drug) mandates”…………………
Excellent stuff:
I noticed that as well.
Looks like the Ed Random Word Generator has been programmed to interrupt Tom’s toons.
I’m not assigning a lot of blame to Brih-neee herself for this.
Sure, she would appear to be a vacuous bimbo in the early stages of what she thought would be a lifetime at the trough, and who didn’t give a lot of thought to actions v consequences – but she got chewed up by The Machine, and this is nowhere near finished yet.
It’s almost superfluous to say that it is not unusual for younger punters (of either sex) to get shitfaced, intended or not, at social functions – particularly ones they had a role in planning – and to end up having a consensual drunken root at the end of it, and then to arise at some point the next day going ‘Jesus wept. What was that about?’
They didn’t invent the terms ‘beer goggles’ and ‘walk of shame’ out of thin air. Consider this scenario:
Higgins arose the following day, post root-n-spew, horrified and embarrassed that people are aware of her earlier uninhibited indiscretions (like millions of people every week in every country on Earth). She is immediately seized upon by the local femmo coven who insist she was raped, and demand she retain ‘the evidence’, ie the dress. She tells them she’s not interested, and has the fluidy dress cleaned.
Gossipy speculation continues for a few months inside the Parliamentary vacuum, then dissipates as other bright shiny things attract attention.
But then – then – the ‘Government has a woman problem’ concept grows legs, powered by the usual suspects. Grace Tame is made AOTY to calm that farm, but it backfires. For a short while both of them were side by side, symbolising nasty men in Parliament, and non-Labor men in particular.
Brih-neee is pressured by The Machine’s faceless tarts to get on board and make a formal complaint. Really pressured. Finally, she does so and is promptly raised up as a symbol of everything wrong with the Government of the day, and with men as a side issue.
The ACT jacks want nothing to do with it, and resist for some time before the Ministerial pressure (a la Pell – and Rolfe, for that matter) becomes too much. The path of least resistance – ie, ‘fuck it – we’ll put it in front of a jury’ is taken by police, the DPP and the Magistrate hearing the committal, and here we are.
This chick will be hanging from the castle walls for years to come. There’s every chance she now believes what’s fed to her by The Machine, but in any event she’s not experienced enough in the political system to take this path on her own.
Higgins will be viewed by The Machine pushing this as one would a Chinese masonry drill bit. Use it to get the job done, and if it breaks you just get another one because they’re dirt cheap.
Riiiiiight…. “significant facts”. We know a secret but we can’t tell.
On the second matter of “significance” – quite so. To the accused, not the loudmouthed, narcissistic Channel 10 bobblehead.
Go ahead. Sue. Make my day.
I should add a qualification here:
VicJack wanted Pell in particular from the start.
Winston Smithsays:
June 24, 2022 at 6:58 am
“We’re investing nearly $100 billion in public transit” to “take millions of cars off the road,” he said.
Biden should easily be able to claim this just by allowing gas (petrol) to get to $US 10 a US gallon.
I am.
My taxes paid her salary. She was tasked with organising an event on my dime at which she got sh*tfaced and proceeded to a tryst at PH in a Minister’s Office. The erotic combination of power and cocking a snook at her superiors is not lost on me here.
Finding herself in hot water (naked and vomit everywhere plus some PH security witnesses), she does the usual fallback routine – the mean man made me do it! Whether either of them were competent enough to complete any sort of sexual congress is moot – there is no evidence to that effect.
It’s all bullsh*t on stilts and has been since day one. A normal woman would put it down to experience and move on. And I stress woman. But not this one. The showboating lure has been too strong for common sense.
“It’s all bullsh*t on stilts and has been since day one. “
Correct, a political hit job designed to make the Morrison government and the Liberals/Nationals look as though they have a “woman problem”. And it worked, because Morrison, being the spineless, supine, craven, cowardly quisling that he was, fell for it hook, line and sinker.
Fair point calli.
Like I said, she expected a lifetime at the trough. And of course normal people put it in The Big Book of Experience and forgettorise it.
But there is zero chance the coven – perhaps promising the return of that lifelong troughing – didn’t seize on that opportunity and make her a modern-day Joan of Arc.
Yes, from YOUR journalists.
Channel 10 has always been a joke, now they’re bracing their inner honklings.
Poor old Pirate Pete. Last in the rugby tipping and now a new crisis to deal with. Well, there could be a book in it…
Recent reporting on Lisa Wilkinson by some media organisations has been inaccurate and unfair,” the Ten statement read.
“There are significant facts that cannot be disclosed until after the trial has concluded.
“This reporting is now causing significant harm
Riiiiiight…. “significant facts”. We know a secret but we can’t tell.
On the second matter of “significance” – quite so. To the accused, not the loudmouthed, narcissistic Channel 10 bobblehead.
Go ahead. Sue. Make my day.
I would suggest that commenting on what Wilkinson said in her speech at the Logies is just “Free Speech” in action. Maybe Ch 10 have never heard of this part of a Free Society/Civilisation.
How will Ch 10 fare by going after all those Internet Blog comments or what Social Media (Gossip) has to say?
Methinks that Ch 10 would be on a hiding to nothing.
On his next appearance does he a) not stand in front of the flag, therefore alienating Australians even more, and losing even more votes, or b) stand in front of it, thus selling himself out?
Adam Bandit has a third choice, never to appear in public again?
I have to add something positive about Higgins in all fairness.
When she was able, she got dressed, went home and cleaned up. So far, so normal for a woman who has found herself at the other end of a stupid decision.
What happens next is all damage control – for her career. The report to the minister, the trip to the police and subsequent dropping of the complaint.
And she got what she wanted. She was not sacked but moved. The man was dismissed. It should have been left there, but politics intervened.
“A third submission seeks funding for the Country Fire Authority to employ five assistant chief fire officer positions and 21 commander relievers.”
Of course he did, the petty little tyrant.
His Qango, Fire Rescue Victoria, is spending their time choking the life out of the industrial building sector with over the top regulation causing delays and costs for compliance.
Missed a bit there.
I’m referring to TaliDan.
“This reporting is now causing significant harm
Gas lighting is contagious.
Son and heir, after he got home from work last night:
‘I have to do an English assignment during school holidays.’
‘Well you’re in Year 12, so yes. What’s it on?’
‘Ohhhhh it’s this stupid story.’
‘What is it?’
‘Flowers for Algernon, or something.’
‘The short story or novel?’
‘Aaaaaahahahahahahaaaa. Sucker.’
Neither of these statements have anything to do with the fact that she gave that potentially illegal speech at the Logies. Typical slippery lawyerly noise to distract.
The voir dire ought to be the death of the Higgins matter.
Yes it should.
The Higgins dress was cleaned. The intention was that the woman wanted to wear it again. No?
“The erotic combination of power and cocking a snook at her superiors is not lost on me here.”
For some reason, probably context, the dyslexia kicked in for the bolded term.
June 24, 2022 at 7:55 am
“The erotic combination of power and cocking a snook at her superiors is not lost on me here.”
For some reason, probably context, the dyslexia kicked in for the bolded term.
A Spoonerism? Snooking a …..
Is that like the public transit that people are being mugged on each day in Democrat cities denuded of police?
Might buy a Glock and carry it around in NY.
Leftheads are going to go nuts.
“We’re investing nearly $100 billion in public transit” to “take millions of cars off the road,” he said.
As Glenn reynolds says: Public transport is like picking up 20 random hitchhikers at once.
“The erotic combination of power and cocking a snook at her superiors is not lost on me here.”
For some reason, probably context, the dyslexia kicked in for the bolded term.
A Spoonerism? Snooking a …..
One of my favourite Spoonerism’s is –
“In the words of Dr. Spooner, you are a shinning wit”…………………
Lol. I thought you’d enjoy that expression in connection with the idiotic imbroglio.
The dress was cleaned because vomit. We know this because witnesses. Unlike Ms Monica’s garment, the presence of any other bodily fluids is pure conjecture.
Leftheads are going to go nuts.
Waddya mean “are going to”? Leftards have been nuts for decades.
How depraved is Hollywood when Charlie Sheen is the voice of reason.
June 24, 2022 at 7:15 am
Gabor says:
June 24, 2022 at 5:30 am
I noticed that as well.
Looks like the Ed Random Word Generator has been programmed to interrupt Tom’s toons.
A Suitable “Case” for Treatment no less…………………………
Long range forecast is for a dry winter.
first a trickle, then a flood: the vaccine adverse events dam is breaking
The Senate swearing in of Lidia Thorpe who has said that the Australian Parliament has no permission to be here and said her role was to infiltrate the Senate and question the colonial system.
What a hypocrite to say the least.
And this, just when America is throwing babies to the pharma wolves.
danish national board of health admits vaccinating kids for covid was a mistake
From Westprint Maps. Oldies but goodies.
It’s dead calm and totally socked in.
It’d be dead silent too, under mØnty’s Time for someone else to have a go.
They may fail, but they deserve a chance. energy plan.
Except no-one has to wait for the fog to burn off so the electric SUV can finish charging up for the school run.
ABC running a story that wheat shortages and prices are causing the big rises on baked goods.
While the price of wheat is historically high, there’s no shortage in Australia and prices are similar to levels that occurred during the big droughts just past.
The problem is energy costs for processors and bakers plus the labour and supplies shortage.
The ABC misleads and misinforms as usual.
World Health Organization Study concludes risk of suffering Serious Injury due to COVID Vaccination is 339% higher than risk of being hospitalised with COVID-19
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Supreme Court expands gun rights, with nation divided
Boston City Councilor Goes On Anti-Semitic Rant After BDS Loses in Court
No doubt the defence will raise the issue of Higgins setting up a company with her name.
Worth remembering:
Balls on the line (as it were).
No backup position.
Didn’t happen.
Now. this may be a brass face ‘you can’t prove it’ defence.
But it will be interesting to see whether the standard of ‘reasonable doubt’ is trumped by parliamentary apologies, endorsement by celebrity mates, Press Club worship, and the ultimate in forensic evidence – a Logie acceptance speech.
A lot turns on this.
Chicago’s Wealthiest Man Pulls His $22 Billion Company from the City Following Crime Complaints, Will Relocate to DeSantis’ Florida
“Solemnly and sincerely swear..”
Thorpe has done this country one great service. Is the likes of her who will comprise an Aboriginal voice to Parliament?
Calli said recently that she now understands how revolutions happen. We’ve been discussing and criticising the way the recent school shooting was handled by the police just standing by and letting it happen but the simple fact is that a handful of mostly geriatric people have been and are overseeing the deliberate death and destruction of millions of people with, apparently, no pushback at all.
S.C. Democrat: ‘The Whole System of Gov’t is Being Run by a Geriatric Oligarchy’
How the 1911 murder of a New York novelist by a mentally ill concert violinist led to the strictest gun law in the country which has now been struck down by SCOTUS
Because you’re not allowed to investigate their actions.
Feds Raid the Home of Former Trump DOJ Official Who Wanted to Investigate Allegations of Voter Fraud
Fed chief Powell makes Biden look like a boob
‘Unbelievable’ Biden won’t meet with oil executives: Former Trump economic adviser
Day Before J6 Committee Hearing, FBI Agents Raid Home of Trump DOJ Official Jeffrey Clark in Pre-Dawn Raid –Forced into Street in His Pajamas
Roth: DEBUNKED and EXPLAINED: No, greedy oil companies are not to blame for gas prices
Major Supermarket Chain Won’t Give COVID-19 Vaccines for Kids Under 5
What the Pfizer Trial in children showed
Something bothering me about the high price of some vegetables at the moment .. is it realistic or just profit?
Take Brussel sprouts or Swedes (turnips) as examples .. Sprouts @ Colesworths averaging $15kg and Swedes $6kg .. yet both are winter vegetables and in their element the colder it gets! .. when I was a kid growing up in County Durham, England the sprout stalks ( sprouts grow on stalks for those who might not know .. LOL!) would pop up thru half a metre of snow .. no probs! .. swedes grow underground (like potatoes) but aren’t in the east bothered by snow/frost/ice …
So what is causing high prices during the picking season .. gotta be either not many folk grow these two vegetables anymore or given that they should be in abundance .. PROFIT!
I didn’t realise that, when Dolph Lundgren was as scientist mercenary in The Expendables that it echoed reality.
The other guy in the image is treated by media as the Lord High Justice on matters of science. The same preference for manufactured credibility underwrites all the less generic (but even more revered) experts that have been bleeding the life from our society by ‘The Death of a Thousand Cuts’.
Suicide by hanging with a shotgun blast to the chest.
Courts Seal Records Of Former Clinton Aide And Epstein Associate Who Committed Suicide
The DOJ didn’t just raid one GOP home overnight.
There was a sweep.
How the fuck is this happening.
From science.org
The intersectional privilege of white able-bodied heterosexual men in STEM
The author has a queerbio entry so you can probably guess the discussion notes at the end.
Liberal Twitter is going nuts over 2A SCOTUS decision.
If you believe in that concept you have never been charged with a criminal offence. During my bail hearing after being arrested at the Canberra protest, 2 things stood out.
1) I was referred to as ‘the offender’, NOT the ‘accused’.
2) The judge asked for the ‘facts sheet’ – which consisted of the police ALLEGATIONS – when I pointed out that these allegations would be contested, the judge replied ‘well, I have to go by the facts’
Now do you understand its is NOT a JUSTICE system?
I gave up my decades-long membership of the Planetary Society when Nye was appointed. That was in 2010…even then he was a complete climate looney.
Ed Case says:
June 24, 2022 at 4:09 am
Every accused person deserves a fair trial and that is not possible if members of the media undermine the judicial process.
Oh yeah?
Ever heard of Chris Dawson and how The Australian ran it’s own Murder Trial against him for years?
The interests of alleged victims are not served by prejudicing a trial.
Why say “alleged victim” instead of “Justice”?
Aren’t you subtly trying to influence perceptions there?
What an idiot. All that publicity occurred before any charges were laid. Dick Ed can’t figure the distinction. Once charges are laid comments prejudicial to the conduct of the trial are off limits.
Notorious Perth pedophile, Bradley Pen Dragon is back in the tronk, forty eight hours after being released….
I gave up my decades-long membership of the Planetary Society when Nye was appointed
I never did get around to joining although Bud Schurmeier sent me the application forms. (Look him up)
Shepard with his dog and flock are sailing to the Antipodes after being evicted during the Highland Clearance. His ship is wrecked and only him, his dog and sheep make it to shore. He manages to find enough food and shelter to survive. After six months he is feeling lonely but every time he gets close to one of his flock the dog barks and the sheep run off. One day he sees a body floating in the water. He wades out and pulls it ashore. It is a beautiful young woman, he revives her and when she recovers asks if she can do absolutely anything at all for him. Without hesitation he says ” can you hold my dog”.
I do hope this is a squirrel from Roberts in advance of the Roe decision announcement. My fear is Roberts will sit on that decision forever, which could cause a potentially Scotus-killing fiasco. I hope he realizes that would be much more dangerous than releasing the judgement. (Surber says today he suspects it was Roberts who leaked the draft, ie not the liberal staffer.)
I made a meme.
Monkey Pox = King Gon.
Gonorrhea, get it?
What happens now? The internet takes it from here, or do I have to tip off AI?
yeh, nah
I predict all his press conference will henceforth be held outdoors.
Politics intervened?
I thought it was her and her current bf who created a ‘dossier’, for personal reasons, political ambitions, revenge, fame, fortune, whatever, that got this ball rolling.
I don’t even believe anything sexual took place in the office, timing supports her following him in, passing out while he fiddled around doing whatever he went there for, and him deciding to leave her in situ.
Who know when and why she decided to undress?
Protester arrested after twerking in front of cops gets $75K settlement
PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) – A woman who said she was falsely arrested after twerking to NWA’s “F*** Tha Police” at a Black Lives Matter rally in Portland received $75,000 from the city in a settlement.
June 24, 2022 at 9:13 am
Suicide by hanging with a shotgun blast to the chest.
Apparently the best way to stop speculation and conspiracy theories is to hide the evidence.
Im sure that will work well.
Looking for relevance, Adam?
Unless things have changed, at least in NYC, it was extremely difficult to get a permit to buy a gun.
From my recollection, you personally had to attend a dungeon somewhere in the Bronx and apply there. You were required to go a couple of times and the wait could literally be hours before they rudely called you. Even a dot placed incorrectly would in the masses of difficult forms couldcause you to go back and reapply.
I’m not sure this SCOTUS finding will change much in this respect.
Again, it could have changed over the last two decades but I doubt it.
The day before the Shanghai explosion, a grand ceremony to launch an aircraft carrier was held here
At around 4:00 in the morning on June 18th, some Shanghai residents heard multiple loud bangs in their sleep, followed by the sight of blazing flames in the sky. The incredible scene made some of them even think that war had suddenly broken out between China and the US.
The most confusing one is: that three fires broke out at the same time in the petrochemical plant area, and they were distant from each other. Why did three places that are so far apart explode and catch fire at the same time?
The day before the explosion, on June 17, another big event took place in Shanghai. The CCP’s third aircraft carrier, Fujian, was launched in Shanghai. This carrier, unlike the previous Liaoning and Shandong ships, has a sliding jump deck.
The wireless just reminded me it’s the anniversary of the most consequential moment in the history of the Commonwealth.
Twelve years ago, that young and naive solicitor, Miss O’Gyny, blew off the patriarchy to become the most powerful wahman in the land.
Wind farm’s connection to power grid causes lights to flicker across South Australia
A connection between Port Augusta Renewable Energy Park and the national electricity grid is under investigation for causing lights to flicker and dim across South Australia for hours this morning.
Energy distributor ElectraNet said the privately-owned power generator connected its new wind farm to the grid in South Australia’s north about 1:30am, causing a “voltage issue”.
There have been widespread reports of house and street lights flickering across the state as a result.
South Australian Energy Minister Tom Koutsantonis said the issue was not related to AEMO’s gradual end to its intervention to wholesale price caps, which started from 4am and would go for 24 hours.
The minister stopped short of assigning blame but said it could be “a connection issue”.
“We don’t know what the actual cause is. We know the source of the problem but we don’t know who was causing it,” he said.
“It could have been [the] renewable energy park, it could have been ElectraNet.”
ElectraNet said it worked with the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) to identify the cause and the third party was disconnected from the network.
It said power supplies returned to normal about 5:30am.
ElectraNet interim chief executive Rainer Korte said the fluctuations had less of an impact than they otherwise would have because the wind farm generator concerned was only in the commissioning phase.
“We don’t like to see these impacts, but the reason we take a cautious approach to commissioning the gradual release of capacity is exactly for this reason — to identify any issues and limit the impact of any issues that may be identified,” he said.
Mr Koutsantonis said large operators such as GFG and BHP noticed the “voltage fluctuations”.
He denies there was an inherent problem with renewable energy.
“I don’t think it was anything malicious or dangerous. I just think it’s probably testing, probably either a new generator that’s attempting to establish its connection to the grid after commission,” he told ABC Radio Adelaide this morning.
“There was testing and as demand started to increase into the day, they pulled the testing and the flickering stopped.”
Premier Peter Malinauskas said ElectraNet controlled the transmission lines from power stations to localised networks.
“The transmission lines issue sits with ElectraNet and apparently there’s a frequency issue there with one of their feeders,” he said.
Jab jab booster…………………..
Bombshell Study: mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Serious Adverse Event Risks Significantly Higher than Risk of COVID-19
I’m not sure this SCOTUS finding will change much in this respect.
JC, Anthony Cumia who is a certified gun nut said nothing changed based on today’s announcement for NY.
There are different rules for NY city versus NY state too.
For example, in NYC it might change the charge.
For example, if the NYPD pull you over and you have a gun in the car, you might not be charged with one thing, you might be charged with brandishing a weapon contrary to what a sane person would say brandishing means.
I imagine this was the same reaction that Republicans had when Watergate heated up.
The answer is that they are all crooks.
You can tell they are all crooks by the amount of requests for pardons that they made to Trump… mostly ignored lol.
Only a minor traffic offence.
It was complete bullshit. I won.
You are correct – most magistrates have relegated themselves to rubber stamping the police accusations.
It is a culture that seriously needs to end.
Surely a charity would give her a job of some sort if she would agree to offer them some financial benefit later? She might even find she enjoys life more if she gets out and about a bit helping others instead of excuse-making.
If she loses her inheritance due to lack of a job then she deserves to lose it.
Allahpundit is coming in hot this morning:
That is why his house got raided this morning.
The poetic lyrics of James Reyne:
Dulles not gay
No more footsteps poppin’
The angels party
Enrique’s in the Nova
Con me, con me
Pick up the painful and die, oh my numb bar
We don’t even know words to rhyme
Wheat goes in the pretty false lumber
I’ll be your garden line
I’ll be your fake surrender
You never know what’s rye
I’ll be your silent centre wood
One mild raver, one mild raver
But I still got along, girl
One mild raver, one mild raver
But I still got a long girl to go
Just the thing for your new computer. Not.
Oh no, not you again OCO. Sounds like Chinese tricks to me.
Remember you only get one chance.
Remember, we’re the nicest of people.
CHICAGO — Chicago police officers will no longer be allowed to chase people on foot simply because they run away or they’ve committed minor offenses, the department said Tuesday,
Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown said he expects the new policy will make the officers and the public safer
Perhaps most significantly, the policy makes clear that the days of officers giving chase just because someone tries to avoid them are over.
Got a piss up this weekend. I am going to get absolutely dorsetted.
m0nty gets off on a good old fashioned show trial, eh? I’m sure there must be footage of court proceedings adjudicated by Roland Freisler and Vasiliy Ulrikh up on YouTube. That stuff would really work m0nts’s crank.
Watergate Hearings: United States Senate Watergate Committee (1973)
Your bin hanging with the noxious weeds
Oh a ham, a hay
Some silk gets ripped by weevils
A ham, a hay
Sure, sure, they had teams in WI and GA investigating.
Monty pronouncing guilt befre the show trials are over?
Hows Mullerween going lardass?
June 24, 2022 at 9:42 am
Bandt has successfully managed to paint himself into a corner on this one. On his next appearance does he a) not stand in front of the flag, therefore alienating Australians even more, and losing even more votes, or b) stand in front of it, thus selling himself out?
I predict all his press conference will henceforth be held outdoors.
Adam “Piss Ant” Bandt should now be instructed to hold all of his Press Talkfests outdoors under a large tree in the middle of a thunderstorm with the Press asking him questions via a Zoom session well away from the Green energy powered lightning bolts. That should spark some interest in proceedings………………….
One mall leaver, one mall leaver
But I still got a long gun
One more waiver, one more waiver
But I still got a law girl
June 24, 2022 at 10:50 am
insisted that the subject had been investigated and no fraud was found.
Sure, sure, they had teams in WI and GA investigating.
Apparently, there is plenty of evidence shown in that 2000 Mules Doco.
They had the excerable Thorpe on ABCcess being given a fluid check and fundament regroove this morning.
There is no bigger obstacle to everything she claims to want than her own self.
This is verbatim, “There couldnt have been reconciliation 21 years ago because Australia was too racist a country”.
And Bess price calling her on her bullshit is “the media making it a fight between 2 blak ladies”…
Radio off after the 21 years remark, just a vile little harpy
Monty thinks this is normal for a functioning executive.
South Australia:
Voltage excursions. What happens when your power is being supplied by asynchronous renewables.
But it’s a mystery.
Not to worry…someone from AEMO with a MBA is investigating.
For a second there I thought you wrote corsetted. Maybe a spelling mistake on your part. I’ve turned into a two pot screamer. and I get the beaut headaches. I have to temper my drinking.
Michael Smith.
“Meet your Senators. “Mob Only” online “Q and A.”
Having handed such a degree of power in government to these appalling fuckers, Australia owns the result.
The best we can hope for is that it’s a ‘learning experience’, and a succession of valuable ‘teachable moments’.
I’ve had voltage excursions, helping my mate welding. The electrode stuck and stupid me lifted the bracket of the frame. Bare arms leaning on the frame. thump,thump,thump, thump, thump, thump, Thump, Thump, THUMP THUMP
THUMP. My heart took a pounding.
lyrics of James Reyne
Someone has translated them?
Any day………………………?
Into the English language?
Double-down time:
Outspoken Victorian Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe has called the Queen a “coloniser” as she labelled fellow Indigenous Senator Jacinta Price’s “personal attack” on Thursday “absolutely disgusting.”
Earlier this week, Senator Thorpe had said the Australian parliament had no permission to be here, that her role as an Indigenous woman was to “infiltrate” the senate and that the Australian flag represented colonisation.
Reaffirming her calls for Australia to become a republic on Friday, the Greens said “colonisation of this country is coming to an end”.
“How many Australians in this country wake up and put their hands on their heart for the colonising Queen?” she questioned.
Senator Price, who has been newly elected in the Northern Territory, slammed Senator Thorpe’s comments on Thursday, labelling them “childish” and “divisive” as she called on the Greens Senator to recognise her privilege.
Speaking to RN Breakfast this morning, Senator Thorpe doubled down on her comments, saying that the Australian flag represents “dispossession, massacre and genocide,” as she called out the media for “pitting two black Senators against each other.”
The Senator accused Australians of ‘bringing out the popcorn’ for an argument between two black women.
“I understand that it sells papers and it sells news,” she said. “But I’m not going to participate in that.”
Denying that refusing to stand in front of the Australian flag was divisive, Senator Thorpe called on Greens voters who have questioned her views on the flag to listen to the concerns of Indigenous children who don’t identify with the flag or the national anthem.
“The colonial project came here and murdered our people. I’m sorry we’re not happy about that,” she said.
“If people are going to get a little bit upset along the way, well that’s just part of the truth telling. The truth hurts.”
Oz with comments open if you can leap the paywall
Like many people, I work on the basis that the media generally represents the viewpoint of a wannabe elite. To use Rita Panahi’s carefully carved phrase, a “noxious brand of self-delighted arsehattery”.
It’s a sober reflection that so much of what is happening around us at the moment – inflation, collapse of the power system, politicisation of justice, failure of the Commonwealth/State relationship, unvoted introduction of Marxist Green government – was utterly predictable (and was widely predicted here) and yet has still come as a complete surprise to the commentariat.
Interesting point of view. By those standards, doesn’t the Aboriginal flag represent “infanticide, cannibalism and violence towards women?”
Haven’t previously, but now will.
Thanks for the tip, numbslunt.
“Indigenous Senator Jacinta Price’s “personal attack” on Thursday “absolutely disgusting.””
Speaking of “absolutely disgusting”….this is the same Lidia Thorpe* who, in the Senate late last year, said to Senator Holly Hughes “at least I keep my legs shut” during a Senate debate.
Thorpe is a stain on parliament. In fact, all the Greens are.
Oh and from hereon I refuse to call this person a “senator”. She’s a disgrace to parliament, actually she’s a disgrace to this country.
Oh and she should change her name, “Thorpe” is cultural appropriation.
This is hilarious.
Between them, Thorpe & Bandt are going to sink any chance of Elbow’s two signature policies, indigenous recognition & a republic, gaining the public support they need to get up.
What price an Aboriginal voice to Parliament?
When are the memes ridiculing Bandt & Thorpe going to surface?
There is an established pattern where a government becomes a thug, sadistically persecuting (and prosecuting) those it sees standing against it – that is the bully way. And there is always a crowd of little people who ally themselves to the bully because they believe they can get the bully to take out the noble, the virtuous, the faithful, the honest – those whom the little people, embarrassed by their own contrasting mean natures, viscerally despise.
And they think they are safe.
But the thugs feel no such loyalty to any of the little people. As a mass, sure they are useful. Individually – well they can be made useful yet. When capricious need, momentary benefit, or scapegoating is required little people will be hauled shackled and abandoned, unable to fathom what is happening, for a judgement long since decided. Protesting their loyalty all the way. And dispatched without the least whit of sympathy from anyone, anywhere.
Reminds me of the character Tom Parsons in 1984 – after fearfully expressing bumbling pride in his daughter who had turned him in to the Thought Police, he then desperately seeks pitiable reassurance from Winston that he is too useful to the party to be killed, then as soon as the PA announces that he must go to Room 101 instantly turns on Winston and begs the disembodied voice to take Winston instead.
Parsons is rotund, sweaty, and stupid too. The similarities are ineluctable.
Thanks for the History Hub, OldOzzie.
Interesting point of view. By those standards, doesn’t the Aboriginal flag represent “infanticide, cannibalism and violence towards women?”
Wrong sort of truth ZK2A, wrong sort of truth.
Almost as unpopular as “defeated by tea, flour and tobacco”
Good to see Blot’s Sky News daily ratings are unaffected by his absence on holidays. His fill-in — the host of Sunday morning’s Outsiders Rowan Dean — is at least as popular in Blot’s slot at 7pm Monday to Friday, consistently attracting 50,000-55,000 viewers.
The only ratings disaster at the moment at Sky News Australia is Piers Morgan, recently signed up to do a weeknight show in a $US63 million global deal with News Corp.
Viewers Down Under were curious at first, delivering Sky News Australia a respectable 55,000 nightly viewers.
But that quickly disappeared. Piers Morgan Uncensored is no longer in Australian pay TV’s top 20 daily programs because fewer than 20,000 people are bothering to watch.
Pay that one!
Nah. Just the criminals who planned a coup and insurrection.
Interesting story. Note that the dissenting Justices (the usual suspects) focused on gun crime rather than the law and the Constitution.
This law has been in effect in NY state for more than 100 years. How effective has it been in preventing gun-related crime compared to other jurisdictions?
Answer: Not very.
If nothing else, the appointment of two SCOTUS judges who are not raging liberals is a proud monument to Trump’s Presidency.
Let them run off at the mouth at every opportunity, and then watch Elbow tie himself in knots trying to distance himself from them (and getting himself labelled as waaaacist in the process).
TE, went to the Australian on the link and no comments at all that I can see, I posted one but it’s in moderation, probably won’t be posted, I haven’t had a comment approved for a month or two.
June 24, 2022 at 11:52 am
the noble, the virtuous, the faithful, the honest
Nah. Just the criminals who planned a coup and insurrection.
It’s a strange sort Insurrection when there is plenty of CCTV evidence of the Police opening the doors and letting the “Protesters” into the Building.
I may be stating the bleeding obvious but Lidia Thorpe does not appear to be very bright. When even Walid Aly snorts in amusement to her dumb answer the other night about Derren Hinch’s comments, she does seem deficient intellectually.
Wikipedia is silent on her education. Does anyone know if she has any academic qualifications?
Surprised the indig industry hasn’t put in a claim for making them addicted to smokes, bread making them gluten intolerant and tea burning their mouths.
Her parliamentary web page mentions only the following:
CertIVIndLead (Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre).
DipCmtyDev (Swinburne University of Technology).
Grad(AICD) (Australian Institute of Company Directors).
GradCertMgt(PubPol) (La Trobe University).
Yes, PHD from the Boob Brown School of Scum. Maybe an exaggeration, passed kindy, learnt where the trough was. All she needed.
As a B. sprouts fan, I pay attention to prices. Last winter they were around $12 a kilo at Coles. So, it’s a 25% increase at your local – I’ll check mine next time I’m there.
I don’t know where they are grown for our local market, and if it is somewhere that got drowned in the floods, I’ll give them a pass. Otherwise, fuel costs have risen bla bla, but 25% is pretty steep.
How many more lies before the Australian Sheep wake up?
The Brussels Sprouts Index
$14.50kg Coles
$15.00kg WW
Frozen $5 kg
Wow, first Bandt and now Thorpe. You lot are massively triggered. Lucky you have a safe space here to whinge about it.
Wow, first Bandt and now Thorpe. You lot are massively triggered. Lucky you have a safe space here to whinge about it.
No one here is triggered.
You are a clown.
GreyRanga says:
June 24, 2022 at 9:30 am
Shepard with his dog and flock are sailing to the Antipodes after being evicted during the Highland Clearance.
Excuse me there Ranga, where’s the attribution for this story?
It’s a synopsis from a longer novel that received a prestigious award for romantic fiction in NZ.
Nah. Just the criminals who planned a coup and insurrection.
No narrative disbelieved.
Even Democrats aren’t buying this.
Thorpe’s comments are calculated to bring the worst people out of the woodwork to attack them. Then we all get to see who the worst people are.
Unsurprisingly, you lot think she’s the Antichrist.
“Unless things have changed, at least in NYC, it was extremely difficult to get a permit to buy a gun.
I’m not sure this SCOTUS finding will change much in this respect.”
SCOTUS ruled that such denial to obtain a firearm by the state breached the 14th amendment, and confirmed that being able to buy a firearm and carrying a firearm in public is a 2nd amendment protected activity.
Don’t forget that at least 25 states in the US are now “constitutional carry” – you need no permit, even for concealed carry. Florida will shortly become the 26th state.
FYI, most gun deaths – including most “mass shooting” events – happen where the strictest gun laws are: NYC, Chicago etc. Such nuts want to make sure no-one will shoot back.
It’s a synopsis from a longer novel that received a prestigious award for romantic fiction in NZ.
Sheep and shepherd at the bow, limbs outstretched, staring unto the sunset. Dave Dobbin and the herbs playing softly in the background!
Thorpe and Bandt are both drongos, but clearly they trump Monty in intellect.
On the contrary, I’m looking forward to these two disrupting Elbow’s agenda for the next three years.
sfw, 9 comments so far, mine not one of them. Probably the Oz moderators are being rather careful at present, with defamation writs flying around. I only manage to get comments up by being rather gentle.
I notice comments about whether an aboriginal person is or is not, esp. depending on what colour they are, always get blocked at the Oz.
Warren Mundine, Jacinta Price & Waleed Aly.
The axis of evil.
June 24, 2022 at 12:32 pm
Thorpe’s comments are calculated to bring the worst people out of the woodwork to attack them. Then we all get to see who the worst people are.
Unsurprisingly, you lot think she’s the Antichrist.
More like this Monty.
or this.
And as mentioned, shes a problem for the pro side of any reconciliation, rather than those who think its decisive flogbaggery which will end in tears for all concerned.
m0nty says:
June 24, 2022 at 12:32 pm
Thorpe’s comments are calculated to bring the worst people out
If you don’t follow someone’s religion then don’t go to their church.
If you don’t believe in the flag, nation or constitution, then don’t swear allegiance to them.
Her word is worthless and her ethics detestable. Her colour or race is immaterial to these flaws.
Wouldn’t go that far, but they are all wrong.
It gets better…she’s also the Greens spokesperson on the republic.
Part of her point, as in that Aly interview, is that we don’t really need to listen to your patronising advice on how to act in the reconciliation debate. You’re an old white middle-class man, your perspective has had enough respect over the decades, time to give some respect to people like her who have a very different lived experience.
She’s a troll who is interested in scoring points?
How is she going to make our lives any better?
monty, every citizen has a right to participate in the democratic process regardless of age, race or class.
Anyone thinks there is a “debate” and that “reconciliation” needs to continue is a race baiting grifter who is too much of a weakling and moral coward to get the state to do what they want, to work, steal for them.
The Aboriginal industry is a sick joke. It has not made one person better off in net terms. Every single Aboriginal person I know is well off because they have integrated into society. One bloke went to a reform school and decided a life in and out of prison was not for him.
We said sorry, we meant it. We have spent billions of taxpayers (remember them?) money and end up with towns where the national past time is raping kids.
Enough. Aborigines Say the same thing. Thorpe and Bandt represent university Marxist lunatics and the donkey vote.
time to give some respect
respect is earned.
I dont respect people because “its their turn’, her people had 40,000 years of uninterrupted go at an entire continent and couldnt chase off 150 blokes armed with muskets.
I reserve the right to be just as blunt and offensive as her and piss-bAant.
Her “community” suffers from massive overrepresentation in every social pathology BECAUSE the worst aspects of traditional life are held as “authentic” because they guarantee no-one gets ahead.
If the only disadvantage you can claim is a nebulous group disadvantage then Im afraid nearly every living persons personal setbacks trump them.
Frozen Brussels Sprouts?
No wonder they are cheap. Try to imagine frozen lettuce, bok choy, or cabbage.
Oh, and before it starts, B. sprouts haters are in two categories:
(i) It’s a genetic thing which means they don’t like flavours which are slightly bitter;
(ii) they have been subjected to over-boiled sprouts, and this sprout fan wouldn’t eat that crap either. It’s like over-boiled cabbage.
Lightly steamed or stir-fried, cabbage is delicious. Over-boiled, it looks, smells and tastes like urine.
So endeth the lesson. 🙂
Thanks Bern , on the gun thing in NYC. I suspected as much.
In a burst of nostalgia last year, I felt like watching some VFL/AFL football again after having lost interest many years ago.
I’m reminded of one mid 80s grand final.
The ads around the ground were fascinating, cigarettes and other long forgotten products and companies. The police officers providing the required minimal security around the boundary all looked to be slim and fit.
The half-time entertainment consisted of a horde of kids unfurling and holding over their heads a giant Australian flag.
I wonder if one of those kids was named Lydia?
The fact remains that the Greens misrepresent themselves to the electorate as their policies do not state the positions they take after election.
If you want to overthrow the constitution and the Westminster system then tell voters your intention.
Spell out your alternative government structure and electoral system, if they believe in this at all.
There’s plenty of migrants to this country whose lived experience would make your hair stand on end but they don’t seek to destroy the nation they have chosen.
Gez I can’t attribute it to anyone apart from a bloke telling it in a pub upstairs in the Hay Street Mall. Patrons choking on their beer. I will try to remember yours and rickw comments. It adds to the telling.
I actually thought it was non-fiction.
Who needs an aboriginal voice, when we’ve got M0nty? He speaks for every hopeless loser on the planet. 🙂
she does seem deficient intellectually.
She’s a Green! What else could you expect?
Interesting parallel drawn between Parsons in 1984 and the fat creep. Parsons was certainly a fool but not as nasty as the fat creep.
GreyRanga says:
June 24, 2022 at 1:07 pm
I actually thought it was non-fiction.
A good sheepdog would never lower themselves to take part in the wooing the wool.
June 24, 2022 at 12:26 pm
Wow, first Bandt and now Thorpe. You lot are massively triggered. Lucky you have a safe space here to whinge about it.
Projecting again m0nty.
We’ve been through this before.
No-one is trying to hide from her. No-one is seeking a “safe space”.
You were the one squealing and whining in sheer terror when some here opposed the covid restrictions and vaxx mandates, frantically and desperately demanding that every other inhabitant of Australia be imprisoned so you didn’t have to reduce your own risk factors by laying off the doughnuts and getting on the exercise bike.
You were the one demanding that the whole of Australia be turned into a “safe space” for you, no matter what the cost to every other human being in this country (though admittedly you were so ashamed of being such a fat gutless sack of shit that you pretended to be speaking on behalf of people you’d never met and whose views you had no way of knowing).
Well, guess what m0nty. We’re getting our freedoms back steadily. And the virus is still out there.
Squeal, m0nty! Squeal like a pig!
I felt like watching some VFL
The good old days – walk in with a box of cans, sometimes in a foam esky.
As they get emptied they become a platform to stand on. And also filled up with, err, recycled beer.
As the day went on the platforms (or the punters) got a bit unstable and the rivers flowed down the concrete terraces prompting the ladies to pick up their dripping handbags.