Best of WIP: Trump and DJ:
Best of WIP: Trump and DJ:
Vote-Buying Scheme Exposed: Stacey Abrams Admits on MSNBC Biden EPA Handed Her $2 Billion to Buy New Home Appliances to…
We are doing 3.8’s over here. We are catching up, Americans….said with 100% respect. It’s great Clay bought all his…
Keir Starmer ‘sidelining’ Christianity to ‘promote Islam’
True of both sides. Amber-Jade won’t take long. And Saffioti knows the clock is ticking. And the fuzz, teachers and…
Yep. I wonder how the Soviet push through Eastern Europe, Chermany and into Berlin in 1945 would have been reported by the respective teams?
The same way, is probably the answer.
I just don’t care. Neither side carries the hopes of the free world with it. The Ukraine has been conquered and re-conquered in part or in full for millennia. The current contretemps just needs to be thrown on the pile.
Did someone mention Gladys?
🙂 🙂
Mme Zulu has the same problem..I agree with Farmer Gez…shit music and a crap sound system..
Sorry Rabz.
I should have just printed the lyrics which were perfect.
Like a sound you hear …
A single that had “arrangements”.
Another one, with a slightly more chequered history … 😕
today I was sitting out the back in the sun-room
had been lifting the old tiles off the floor and was taking a smoko.
was just enjoying the wintery calm on my own while the missus was out negotiating over new tiles and curtails
heard a noise over the back fence and I looked up and blow me down, there’s a fox with its head over our side having a look around.
a few seconds later it walks the length of the fence and then up onto the roof of next door’s shed.
beachy suburban Melbourne
sneaky buggers are everywhere
Never heard of them.
Gez – do they essay a particular musical genre?
That, and audio propagation in a steel tube is shit. What was the music choice?
I went for seventies rock.
Some bastard gathered all shit that no one liked from that era and used it on patients in the machine that went bing.
Medical malpractice in my books.
Had about eight MRIs over the journey. Didn’t mind the soundtrack, although it was the same each time.
Edit: I tried to put a vocabular representation of what an MRI sounds like, but it broke the spaminator.
Had me bopping along nicely though.
Along with some poison and traps that your good self might just have laid for them?
The last time I saw a fox in Sydney would have been about thirty years ago, in Rookwood, which has its own weird ecosystem.
Reprehensible. 🙂
They hit a factory building and railway line next to the mall.
Clinketty clank clack
“How are you doing in there, Mr KD?”
* Not the machine…
One of the most notorious cultural criminals in human history.
I suppose that striking the edge of a factory building counts. But I’m sure RWA would agree that the explosion and fire that wrecked the shopping mall while leaving the factory itself relatively unscathed was totally a Ukrainian invention…
Rabz, we see them all time in Melb … usually squished on the freeway.
a few years back a mate of mine got diggers and went on a mission to remove their burrows.
in proper suburban Melb on a bit of land … channel 10 studios in Burwood
he told me they found no foxes that night
but he did hear a noise in the trees in the dark and when he shone the torch the foxies were in the trees watching them dig.
the bloke is way too Aspy to exaggerate
word is that they use the storm water drains in the burbs to get about
I know it’s the “Daily Mail”, but I’m a self funded retiree, and paying tax. Why should I support this douchenozzle?
there are numerous sources, search on google for current size the russian army. this is compared to nato forces and they are about equal. given how russia feels about nato, it makes some sense, that they would size their army in terms of nato numbers.
how much of this is russian propaganda, who knows. I am not seeing any shortage of bodies, some of this may be due to lower death rate and replacement of casualties. what we are seeing is ukrainian forces crumbling under the relentless artillery barrage.
and putin has not called for a general mobilisation, which would no doubt happen if the west actually sent in troops. clearly at this stage there is no need as there are sufficient numbers for the current stated objective which is destroying the ukrainian army.
Amtraked from LA to NY and back again a few years ago. Epic.
Flew from Sydney to LA in 1983. I then did LA to Chicago by Amtrack. Brillo. Flew to the UK and a 2 week Britrail Pass around the UK. Saw a couple of football matches too. Then a first class Eurail Pass for 2 months. Went to the top of Norway all the way down to Crete (the pass worked on ferries as well). Fantastic 2 months. Back to the UK then flew London to Perth with Air India (nice curries on board). Then the Indian Pacific from Perth to Sydney. Celebrated my birthday on the train with a cheap bottle of Australian ‘Champers’. I got back to Sydney with $100 left in my pocket. Happy days.
Then I had to get a job again.
It really has only just began.
Something tells me the edge of the factory is good enough.
Ben Hoys hasn’t been wasting his taxpayer funded lifestyle with any attempt at education.
It’s a shame because he could become a Cat and write a book about rorting the welfare system.
Mr Gorbachev … tear down this wall
Hell March
Somebody posted upthread about the “Uncle Jack Charles” story.
He’s all over the “Daily Mail”, bawling on about “It’s tough enough, being an Aborigine. Why would anyone want to pretend to be an Aborigine?”
Dunno – ask Bruce Pascoe…….
Aye. And you try and tell that to the young people of today. Will they believe you? No!
Why would the Russians report such personnel shortages if they are #winning as bigly as you feel they are?
And a country constantly broadening its reserve callup laws and relaxing its entry standards doesn’t sound like one that is comfortably coasting to total victory by attrition.
But hey, Vatnik is as Vatnik cites.
Like Dover linking Russians With Attitude’s posting of random demolition pictures and video and claiming that it’s the destroyed weapons dump/factory at Kremenchuk (that was totally a legit target and properly hit, bro! 🙁 Cucumbers and road machines are fair game!), while the factory in question is still there, behind the burnt-out mall.
Excellent quote. Well said Zipster. For the short period the RAAF were involved in the shooting war in Afghanistan, their spokes-eunuch was bragging – he was really proud – about NOT dropping bombs.
But hey, ex high-ranking officers are well trained for further government employment as ‘diversity’ experts when they leave the ADF.
Are you glued to the road?
You better think about what chu sayin’!
You better think about the consequences of yer actions!
BBS at 8.45:
The telecast started off with the CFC banner proclaiming gender equality and the colour orange splashed all over the place
Yes. I had wondered why, but then discovered that the orange on Caaarlton jumpers was to pay respect to poofs – past, present and emerging.
Sad to hear that. Carlton’s uniforms in the 1860’s used to have some orange so I thought they were just paying tribute to their heritage. Since when did orange become a gay activist thing?
The outgoing Chief of the Army has left a legacy:
Cultural and ethical fitness. Get your pronouns right but kill the enemy at your own peril. Just another fuckwit in the conga-line of traitors hell bent on emasculating a once magnificent fighting force. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
I never quite got why MRI is the weapon of choice for some diagnostics and CT for others.
Mrs P had a couple of goes at MRI and hated it – loud, cold and almost painful holding your position for so long.
I have had a few runs through the CT and it is a doddle. Apart from the distinct (but false) sensation that you have pissed yourself just after the juice goes in.
Yeah but that’s not even one seventh of the problem.
How did we let the LGBs capture the whole freakin’ rainbow?
That thing belongs to everyone, dammit.
It’s not gay. It’s raising awareness for “gender equality and the prevention of violence against women”. Because if Carlton didn’t do that, you would never know it was going on. Except that you didn’t anyway. Nevertheless, I’m sure the Carlton board are giving themselves a pat on the back for a lovely bit of virtue signaling.
There’s a destroyed building in the footage provided. You’re hanging everything on the building destroyed being peripheral while the buildings near the mall being central.
KD at 8:59.
Why add the orange?
Nothing says “gay” more effectively than the navy blue with CFC on the front.
For IT type guys might want to check out The Undeclared War on Stan. Series about GCHQ and cyber warfare attack on UK and seems the suspect is Russia. Simon Pegg main star. Good bit of retaliation is the hacker who was turning Putins office lights on and off.
Good so far.
That angry koala with attitude the Brisbane Bears had on their jumpers for a while was pretty limp wristed.
And you in turn are hanging on the hope that Russians With Attitude are unimpeachably right, when they like the spin as much as everyone else taking Moscow’s side.
Remember all the feints from Kiev, Kharkov, Snake Island* and the Moskva making Sevastopol under its own power?
* Quite a few pro-RUS accounts have ragequit off Twitter because of this particular reveral in the last 24 hours…
hey Rex … what are your pronouns?
Next question?
what happened to your balls?
no surprise Victoria State government is stony broke
It’s not some nebulous genetic problem.
You’re talking thru your arse again.
Epigenetics is real.
I managed to get vlans set-up in the router and AP’s for the WiFi.
But it’s the switch that being a hassle.
This is an ex-thread – it has ceased to be….