Conservatives for Rampant Vaxxing

I seldom read Henry Ergas these days. Used to, even though his obscure “learned” references were annoying.

Just a little while ago he explained that Putin really didn’t attack Ukraine because of the likelihood of Ukraine joining NATO, and cherry-picked an historical reference to ‘prove’ his point. It was to my thinking intellectually dishonest. A number of statements can be found where Putin is expressing strident opposition to Ukraine joining NATO. Ergas didn’t mention those.

It was unusual therefore that I glanced at his article in the Australian newspaper last Friday. It was on the topic of “Covid jabs do what they’re meant to do: reduce risk.” Blow me down with a feather, I thought. So, the spiel of if you get jabbed you won’t get Covid, was just a come on. All the while the powers that be knew that it wouldn’t stop infection, wouldn’t stop transmission, wouldn’t stop lots of vaxxed people dying.

Hmm? I suspect Ergas is fitting a theory ex-post to fit the facts; being wise after the event. Or, in other words, he’s putting lipstick on a pig.

A number of agencies he says – TGA, CDC, UK’s Health Security Agency, Europe’s Centre for Disease Prevention and Control – conclude that vaccination “at least halves the risk of infection.” And, thus, reduces transmission. According to Ergas this conclusion is based on clinical trials and population studies. Based on what specific studies? We are not told. The fact is, these agencies are rife with vested interest. It is extremely difficult to reach firm conclusions on the effectiveness of the vaccines in the field based on clinical trials. They don’t put old sick people – the only ones at material risk from the virus – in clinical trials. It is even more difficult to base conclusions on population studies. The only population worth studying is the population at risk; and I for one have not seen these studies. Has Ergas? If he has, he should point us to them – to add some intelligence to his claims.

Ergas goes on to un-cite “overwhelming evidence” that “vaccination lowers the incidence of severe Covid by 75 to 97 percent [and fatality] by up to 90 percent.” Where the heck does he get the confidence to believe these figures. I’ll say again, there is no compelling evidence that vaccination significantly reduces deaths among the only group which is susceptible to death – those with two or more serious co-morbidities; particularly those who are also old-aged. The only study worth spit would be one that focuses solely on this cohort. Where is it?

Yet again we are being sold a pup. But my puzzlement is why so many commentators, including conservative ones, are such ardent fans of Big Pharma’s vaccines? Who don’t seem to have the curiosity to look behind the spiel; to follow the money? And, leaving all else aside, why aren’t they jumping up and down objecting to vaccines being foisted on six-month old babies? Surely that’s a bridge too far for any conservative; even for those most ardently pro-vax?

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July 10, 2022 2:07 pm

COVID was likely endemic in Europe at least as early as March 2019.

You have to be very careful to disentangle the data.

Ergas is describing a therapeutic. If the COVID vaccines were effective as the manufacturers say (97%, etc) then we’d only need about 83% of the population vaccinated for herd immunity to hit the magic 80% mark.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
July 10, 2022 2:08 pm

I agree that, out of his area of expertise, Henry has lost the plot. This is but one example. James Allan over at the Speccie demolished Henry’s Roe vs Wade lamentation.

Meanwhile, over at The Oz,

9:52 AM
Antivirals opened up to millions as Omicron bites
Sarah Ison

At MONTEFIORE HILL, NORTH ADELAIDE, The Shadow Minister for Health and Ageing, Mark Butler, in Adelaide today holding a doorstop on kids’ jabs, the aged care booster rollout and rapid tests. Picture.

Health Minister Mark Butler has announced the expansion of antiviral treatment for elderly people with Covid-19, with medication being made available to take at home rather than needing to go to hospital to be treated.

Mr Butler said the medicines were “cheap and effective” and came ahead of an expected third Covid wave in winter.

“I’m announcing that everyone aged 70 or over will have access to these antiviral medicines. So tablets, capsules you would take at home,” he said on ABC’s Insiders.

“Until recently, you had to go to hospital and have it intravenously. If you’re over 70, you will have automatic access to those medicines on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, probably just $6 for a round of that.

“If you’re over 50, you’ll have to show you’ve got a couple of risk factors that make you particularly vulnerable to severe Covid.”

The treatment would usually cost more than $1000 otherwise for the two antivirals, with Mr Butler signalling he also wanted to investigate extending the 18-month shelf life of the tablets.

“The former government ordered 1.3 million doses to their credit, but they (the tablets) have been sitting in warehouses rather than getting into people actually doing their job, which is why we made this decision,” he said.

“We’re talking with the companies now and the authorities about the shelf life to make sure we get the full benefit of the medicines that the former government ordered. We’ll have further to say about that in due course.”

It comes after the government announced adults over 30 were eligible for a fourth dose of a Covid vaccine.

Mr Butler said taking a fourth jab was a “soft recommendation” for people who wanted more immunity for winter, but stressed people absolutely needed their third shot.

“My overriding message is to get your third dose. There’s still 2.5 million in their 30s and 40s who haven’t got their third booster dose,” he said.

“That’s the thing that gives you a very big boost in immunity against severe disease or even worse. There are five million Australians who have that second dose more than six months ago, but haven’t yet had that crucial booster. That’s why we rolled out the information campaign. The boosters are critical.”

On mask mandates, Mr Butler said there was “no advice” to bring them back over winter.

“The chief health officers met in the last couple of days and there was no such advice given by them. In this phase of the pandemic, mask mandates and things like that are best done in a targeted way,” he said.

“There are mask mandates in aged care, in health facilities, on public transport, in aeroplanes.”

Mr Butler defended rolling back pandemic leave payments, and said the emergency support “could not be continued forever”.

“We’re in an extraordinarily difficult budget position, which means hard decisions have to be made,” he said.

“But of course we’ll keep an eye on all of the developments in this pandemic. And make sure that community is protected.”


Antivirals! Who’d thought? And by the looks of it, expensive ones at that!

Trained Observer
Trained Observer
July 10, 2022 2:17 pm

The problem with the NATO-Ukraine argument is that Ukraine had no chance of joining NATO at the time of Putin’s invasion. Instead, Putin has forced Finland and Sweden to join.
As to the vaccination evidence, if you can’t accept the advice of the agencies Henry cites then I wonder what clinical opinion is sufficient?

Ed Case
Ed Case
July 10, 2022 2:30 pm

Henry Ergas had another article [on Covid19/vaxxes] in the Oz last year, it rambled on like all his stuff, but the takeout was:

Australians have never had it so good, people are living into their Nineties, but all good things must end, so get used to much shorter lifespans.

Basically, he’s saying
“Embrace the Culture of Death”

Ed Case
Ed Case
July 10, 2022 2:33 pm

The problem with the NATO-Ukraine argument is that Ukraine had no chance of joining NATO at the time of Putin’s invasion.

Ukraine was/is a de facto NATO Member, it’s guys have been running the bombardment of the Donbas since 2014

July 10, 2022 2:41 pm

But my puzzlement is why so many commentators, including conservative ones, are such ardent fans of Big Pharma’s vaccines?

I suspect there’s an element of groupthink involved.

July 10, 2022 2:54 pm

As to the vaccination evidence, if you can’t accept the advice of the agencies Henry cites then I wonder what clinical opinion is sufficient?

I am quoting nothing but “establishment” authorities.

July 10, 2022 2:57 pm

I just ask the vaxxers a few questions ..

1) Are you vaccinated against tetanus?
2) Have you ever had tetanus?
3) Are you vaccinated against polio?
4) Have you ever had polio?
5) Are you vaccinated against Diptheria?
6) Have you ever had diphtheria?
7) Are you vaccinated against Covid?
8) Have you ever had Covid?

No further questions your honour.

July 10, 2022 3:03 pm

I’ve always found it interesting that western societies success of vaccination campaigns coincided with a massive increase in personal hygiene and food quality & availability over the last 100-200 years.
I’m curious as to which had the larger impact overall on our survival.

Anyone here with greater insight?

Ed Case
Ed Case
July 10, 2022 3:20 pm

1) Are you vaccinated against tetanus?

Yes, last shot around 1980
2) Have you ever had tetanus?
No, but if I suffered a life threatening injury on ground where there had been horses or ruminants anytime in the previous 40 years, I would expect Tetanus, Vaxed or not.
3) Are you vaccinated against polio?

Yes, 60 years ago.
4) Have you ever had polio?
No, because Polio exists naturally in the human gut, and since i’ve only ever drank Council Treated water, my risk is non existent.
Should I ever have to drink Bore Water in an urban environmemt, I’d expect my chances of contreacting Polio to skyrocketr, Vaccine or no vaccine.
5) Are you vaccinated against Diptheria?

I believe so.

6) Have you ever had diphtheria?

I don’t know.
My father had Diphtheria as an 18 month old and I believe susceptibility is inherited, Vaccine or no Vaccine.
7) Are you vaccinated against Covid?


8) Have you ever had Covid?

I’ve had the sniffles every day since 1966, when I received a Vaccination in the right Buttock.
I’ve also been deaf in my left ear and had impaired hearing in my right ear, plus Tinnitus, since that day.
The Doctor responsible was still practising 10 years ago, but a fire had destroyed records from that time.
So I can’t tell you what Vaccine it was.
Good luck!

Ed Case
Ed Case
July 10, 2022 3:24 pm

Anyone here with greater insight?

Not me, but people are dying of Polio in rural India all the time, Vaccinated or not.
As a matter of fact, Modi had to tell Bill Gates and his Polio Vaccination teams to fuck off out of India, that’s how bad it was.

July 10, 2022 4:07 pm

Want to keep your job as a journo? Get behind the narrative!
Looks like Henry is just another common presstitute.

July 10, 2022 4:11 pm

I am very disappointed in Ergas’s decision to become a bumboy for the political establishment just as the establishment becomes a duplicitous, two-faced enforcer of its own power whatever it takes — especially on Kung Flu.

I used to enjoy Ergas’s excellent historical research which I mistook for genuine curiosity.

Oh, well, I’ve learnt my lesson.

July 10, 2022 4:18 pm

This comment on Henry’s article rejected by the soft headed moderators at The Oz…

Can someone explain how a vaccine developed for variant #1 is effective for what is now a completely different strain? It was acknowledged early on that making vaccines for RNA viruses such as covid were fraught with difficulty due to the high mutation rate yet here we have Henry pushing boosters that are for yesterday’s virus.

July 10, 2022 4:25 pm

Agree about Ergas. Like so many I used to read or listen to “they” seem to have been got at – maybe advertisers or threat of being cancelled.
As Mak above mentioned two antivirals are now on the PBS. They are Paxlovid which is Pfizer’s expensive one, and the one Fauci has been experiencing viral rebound from.
The other is the even more expensive Molnupiravir which also has questions around it.
No mention of the cheapies ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine which appear to have decent results, taken early on.

Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
July 10, 2022 4:31 pm

Rather sad comment by Henry as nations like Canada and UK actually publish their health details as well as NSW until recently. Plus there are numerous websites carrying much information about Pfizer and Moderna’s trials and their hidden outcomes. The stats are hidden in Queensland of course, keep the peasants and serfs in ignorance. We have/are fed are massive bunch of lies over everything Covid whether masks, (useless) lockdowns (more useless) or the effectiveness of the vax. The reason why so many people are dying in Australia 10,000+if newspaper reports are real (?) and everywhere else from Covid is ruined immune systems.

Ed Case
Ed Case
July 10, 2022 4:39 pm

Vaccines are a conservative value, they’ve been around since Jenner in the 18th Century, and before that the Turks practised a form of inoculation against disease.
Had their ups and downs though.
In the England of the 1860s Bailiffs were turfing people out of their houses and selling the house and all possessions for refusing to vaccinate their children against Smallpox.
The Authorities gave up only because of their [real] fear of open revolt.

It took 150 years [5 Generations] before they tried again, but this time it’s for keeps, we haven’t got a hope.

Oh come on
Oh come on
July 10, 2022 4:57 pm

I thought it was weird how Ergas was given a gig at the old Cat, but all he ever posted were links to his paywalled Oz op-eds along with a single sentence teaser quote. Annoying.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 10, 2022 5:29 pm

It took 150 years [5 Generations] before they tried again, but this time it’s for keeps, we haven’t got a hope.

Dickless still defies the demographers in his definition of a generation.

We currently have the (youngest to oldest) Millenials, Gen Y, Gen X, Boomers, Silents (born before and during WW II, but too young to serve), Greatest (fought in or lived through WW II as adults). That’s six recognised (by demographers) generations.

Dickless needs to get together with demographers, and resolve this minor definitional issue.

July 10, 2022 5:46 pm

Sorry, unwittingly reported dots comment at 2:54. Stupid finger

Roger W
Roger W
July 10, 2022 5:48 pm

The testing by Pfizer etc was cut very short and the control group were offered the vaccine as well.
The excuse was that Covid was so deadly it would be unethical to deny them the vaxx. Governments helped by giving legal exemption for problems and emergency approval.
We now know that Covid is somewhere between a bad flu and a mild cold, so not the deadly virus being made out.
However, it meant that it was much more difficult to prove problems with the new vaxxes – how convenient!
Luckily, some Danish studies exist and they have shown problems with the new vaxxes in health areas beyond Covid, particularly for younger people. In addition, the overall effect of Pfizer etc is negative because of the negative health effects outside of Covid.
Not that WHO, Governments or the MSM are the least bit interested.
Nor, clearly, was Henry!

July 10, 2022 5:49 pm

Boambee John says:
July 10, 2022 at 5:29 pm

Snap John, you beat me to it.
Ed talks a lot more rubbish today than usual. Is there a new moon?

July 10, 2022 6:00 pm

Anyone still want to dispute may claim that “Ed” is a random word generator bot?

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 10, 2022 6:09 pm

July 10, 2022 at 6:00 pm
Anyone still want to dispute may claim that “Ed” is a random word generator bot?

A very poorly programmed one, with a malfunctioning logic/consistency sub-routine.

July 10, 2022 6:21 pm

I saw Henry’s article too & could hardly believe his lack of research on the subject.

The most cursory research re vaccine development will tell you that vaccines generally require 8-10 years research & clinical testing (with strict parameters) before they are released to the public. The number of adverse responses once released are very few to require instant market withdrawal.

The company which was engaged by Pfizer to conduct the RCTs is currently being sued in US court for unfair dismissal after she blew the whistle on the careless & unblinded tests she witnessed.

Renown Australian immunologists Prof Clancy & Dr Phillip Altman have both written articles to Quadrant Online & objected to Australian medical bodies regarding the release of the genetic vaccines in Australia.

Maybe Henry doesn’t read Quadrant.

July 10, 2022 6:29 pm

Those dinner invites don’t write themselves.

another ian
another ian
July 10, 2022 7:23 pm

Then there is this

“What’s the drum on this?

On line Courier Mail headline

“Extraordinary number of deaths avoided by covid vax” ”

” I did find this

I see models mentioned. ”

I’ve seen no discussion on either so far

July 10, 2022 7:25 pm

My boss, the same age as I am, (mid-sixties), and has had four jabs. I am un-vaxxed. We both got CoVid at the same time (1st time for each of us), in early June. Both had similar experiences, bad flu symptoms, but we’ve had worse.

The vaccine don’t do shit!

And yeah, very disappointing article from Henry.

July 10, 2022 10:00 pm

I suspect Ergas is fitting a theory ex-post to fit the facts; being wise after the event. Or, in other words, he’s putting lipstick on a pig.

Still a pig. And not a very alluring one at that.

Still reeling from “disregard everything we’ve told you in the past” from Jabby McJabface Chant.

The sensible response to all of it is “disregard everything we’ve told you”.

Wyndham Dix
Wyndham Dix
July 10, 2022 10:07 pm

1. I am rising age 84.
2. I have had no respiratory infection in four years.
3. It appals me that our blinkered and risk-averse health authorities and politicians are urging parents to have their infants and children “vaccinated” with these bogus prophylactics.
4. I am not “vaccinated” against Covid and have no intention of becoming so.
5. I had the usual vaccinations as a child. They were thoroughly tried and tested, unlike those for Covid.
6. I have not worn a mask except on one occasion when I was otherwise denied entry to the local butcher’s shop. I had to buy one from a nearby pharmacy.
7. Excepting the avoidance of public transport and crowded rooms I have continued without ill effect to mingle with my family and people in shops, supermarkets, shopping centres and weekly at the local eatery.
8. I continue to practise sensible hand hygiene and concern for others if overtaken by the urge to cough or sneeze.
9. I am regarded as a pariah by my local GP of forty-seven years and the aged care home where my 102 y-o stepfather-in-law has resided since January this year.
10. Out of curiosity last week I used one of my wife’s RAT kits; the result was negative.
11. Doubtless, I am fortunate to enjoy better health than many my age. I do not intend jeopardising that good health to appease the self-styled goddesses and gods who project their fakery and risk aversion onto us.

July 10, 2022 10:39 pm

“Covid jabs do what they’re meant to do: reduce risk.” Blow me down with a feather, I thought. So, the spiel of if you get jabbed you won’t get Covid, was just a come on. All the while the powers that be knew that it wouldn’t stop infection, wouldn’t stop transmission,…

The only justification for the mandates was stopping infection and transmission and it did nothing of the sort. They forced people to take the vax on pain of losing their jobs, being treated as second class citizens, and yet we’ll never get a sorry, we stuffed up, from Ergas and the like.

July 11, 2022 10:42 am

The whole Kovid Kaper is MUCH bigger than the average punter realizes:

July 11, 2022 10:46 am


Coming soon to a body near you.

July 11, 2022 11:03 am

Pure blood wins Wimbledon – because the vaxxed cant compete anymore

Old bloke
Old bloke
July 11, 2022 11:31 am

It was unusual therefore that I glanced at his article in the Australian newspaper last Friday. It was on the topic of “Covid jabs do what they’re meant to do: reduce risk.”

Ergas should check the Israeli data which concludes that the triple and quadruple vaxxed patients are more likely to die from Covid than the unvaxxed.

The more Covid jabs you take the higher your risk of death from Covid, plus all the other assorted adverse events.

Thanks for the advice Henry but I prefer to say no at the moment, feel free to take my share of jabs.

Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
July 11, 2022 12:41 pm

My sense is that with a lot of these ‘veteran’ commentators it’s the fact they are in the ‘at risk’ cohort themselves, lead very comfortable lives and are beginning to have a sense for their own mortality ie: have been more susceptible to the fear campaign than their track record of critical thinking might have implied. Also, when erstwhile well regarded commentators start going outside their established lanes.

July 11, 2022 2:18 pm

I was even more surprised that the softcock moderators in “The Australian” printed my comment on Henry Ergas whom I used to enjoy reading. I was astounded at the naivety of his article. This was it:

“I am surprised that an intelligent and articulate person believes that they can predict how sick you would have been without the jab. With the continuing obfuscation of the safety and efficacy of this drug, I would never consider using it. There is a reason why Pfizer and co. wanted to hide their test results for 75 years, and that alone tells you all you need and ever will need, to know.”

July 11, 2022 2:51 pm

Unless there are links to studies that can be inspected in detail I believe nothing I read in the elite media.

July 11, 2022 3:01 pm

Perfidious Albino says:
July 11, 2022 at 12:41 pm

That’s very perceptive of you. I think you’re onto something there.

July 11, 2022 3:11 pm

Mak Siccarsays:
July 10, 2022 at 2:08 pm
I agree that, out of his area of expertise, Henry has lost the plot. This is but one example. James Allan over at the Speccie demolished Henry’s Roe vs Wade lamentation.

Meanwhile, over at The Oz,

9:52 AM
Antivirals opened up to millions as Omicron bites
Sarah Ison

Antivirals! Who’d thought? And by the looks of it, expensive ones at that!

Only one in Family who is Unvaxxed

– Son and Family – all 4 doses – all into 3rd COVID
– Elder Daughter and Family – 3 doses – only Daughter & Son-in-law with COVID
– Youngest Daughter (5 of Family live-in with us) – 2 doses – all 5 with COVID in past week
– Wife – 2 doses – no COVID so far

I am still unvaxxed and happy with my antivirals approach of over the last 2 years – considering at RNSH around 90 times over the last 2 years with 4 Minor Ops and 1 Major Op definitely
seems to be working – Had Seniors Flu shot early Apr and will have 2nd Flu shot mid-July

Re the proposed AntiVirals

David Maddison
July 11, 2022 at 10:49 am · Reply
More information here (bottom link). The article doesn’t specify which antivirals but I’d be willing to bet they aren’t IVM or HCQ. More likely they are Lagevrio (molnupiravir) and Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir and ritonavir).

Molnupiravir is just a touch mutagenic.

Zhou S, Hill CS, Sarkar S, Tse LV, Woodburn BMD, Schinazi RF, et al. ?-d-N4-hydroxycytidine Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Through Lethal Mutagenesis But Is Also Mutagenic To Mammalian Cells. J Infect Dis. 2021 Aug 2;224(3):415-419. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiab247

Physicians say they need clearer guidance on prescribing Paxlovid amid concerns around COVID-19 rebound

July 11, 2022 at 11:44 am · Reply
5 out of 5 Back of House with COVID over last week – 2 Grandkids in now playing X Box X on 65in LG OLED Wall TV

Will stick with 2 year antiviral approach and have HCQ & Azithromycin if needed, using Original Listerine (Yuck on Taste) 4 times a day, have Claratyne and Colchicine as additionals if any hint of COVID

Still healthiest in Family

July 11, 2022 3:22 pm

And while we are at it:

I finally picked up a DIY RAT kit.

Interesting provenance.

In tiny letters on the outer box, it lists:

Australian SPONSOR(?)

Compliance Management Solutions
1B 85 Curzon St, North Melbourne.

Manufacturer / Originator romps in with:

Hangzhou AllTest Biotech Co., Ltd.
550 Yinhai St.
Hangzhou Economic and Technical Development Centre.

‘Ya reckon I was thrilled to see all that?

“Compliance Management Solutions”? The further adventures of Orwell on the Belt and Road?

July 11, 2022 3:36 pm

Will stick with 2 year antiviral approach and have HCQ & Azithromycin if needed, using Original Listerine (Yuck on Taste) 4 times a day, have Claratyne and Colchicine as additionals if any hint of COVID

I’ve not seen Cochicine* mentioned anywhere before with regard to Covid. Isn’t it prescribed for gout, Old Ozzie? Can you expand on why this is in your prevention/treatment armoury?

*Curious because in my forensics file binge watching during the interminable lockdown one case involved Colchicine mixed into a lunchtime smoothie and used to poison the on again, off again boyfriend’s mother. Nasty stuff if the description of her agonising death was an indicator.

July 11, 2022 5:50 pm

Megan says:
July 11, 2022 at 3:36 pm
Will stick with 2 year antiviral approach and have HCQ & Azithromycin if needed, using Original Listerine (Yuck on Taste) 4 times a day, have Claratyne and Colchicine as additionals if any hint of COVID

I’ve not seen Cochicine* mentioned anywhere before with regard to Covid. Isn’t it prescribed for gout, Old Ozzie? Can you expand on why this is in your prevention/treatment armoury?


I have used Colchicine for Gout with Allopurinol – don’t use at moment – only Allopurinol, but have it

Beneficial effects of colchicine for moderate to severe COVID-19: a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial

All studies (pooled effects, all stages) Jul 11, 2022 – Note list of all on left

Quercetin rates with Ivermectin

Sandy K
Sandy K
July 11, 2022 6:13 pm

“Anyone here with greater insight?”
Research terrain theory (Deschamps?) vs germ theory (Pasteur)

July 11, 2022 7:26 pm

This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

Funnily enough something McClown hasn’t said for a while.

July 11, 2022 7:43 pm

What’s Henry’s learned position on masks I wonder?

Can an intellectual explain the science behind mandating the wearing of masks in planes then have the whole plane take them off to eat? How the fuck does that work?

July 11, 2022 8:01 pm

Thanks Ozzie!

another ian
another ian
July 11, 2022 8:05 pm

comment image


comment image

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
July 11, 2022 10:16 pm

then I wonder what clinical opinion is sufficient?

A doctor of something more than mere statistics.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
July 11, 2022 10:23 pm

Anyone here with greater insight?

Not me, but people are dying of Polio in rural India all the time, Vaccinated or not.
As a matter of fact, Modi had to tell Bill Gates and his Polio Vaccination teams to fuck off out of India, that’s how bad it was.

Apart from the prospect of Muttley dissing vaccines, your opposition is its greatest advertisement.

Chris M
Chris M
July 11, 2022 10:36 pm


Very large Israeli study has established that having Covid leads to ZERO increase in the chance of Myocarditis and Pericarditis. It’s a mild flu, it isn’t going to blow up your heart.

This means the large increase in prevalence of these serious syndromes has entirely come from the jabs.

July 12, 2022 2:18 am

I was banned several times from the Old Cat for questioning the sacred cow of vaccines.

Something about these concoctions.

Most people lose half their IQ points and all their principles whenever “vaccines” are mentioned.

Strict Catholics decide abortion is great if they are used to make vaccines.

Libertarians decide that bureaucrats can do no wrong if they’re approving vaccines.

Socialists decide that billionaires are completely infallible if they’re selling vaccines.

And nobody – absolutely nobody – bothers to check whether rates of paralysis have actually fallen since the polio vaccine.

Ed Case
Ed Case
July 12, 2022 5:05 am

Research terrain theory (Deschamps?) vs germ theory (Pasteur)

Bechamp was Pasteur’s opponent.
He was proven right, Pasteur is said to have admitted that on his deathbed.

Ed Case
Ed Case
July 12, 2022 5:09 am

While pimping for their DeathShot, Pfizer admitted that previous vaccines did indeed have serious side effects, but the Covid Vaccine is the safest ever made.
Get you dose of Cobra Venom [therapeutic use only] x 4 now!

July 12, 2022 7:17 am

Figures, this is a valid point.

Robert Kennedy Jnr’s recent book re Covid vaccines has argued strongly, as he has for many years, that vaccines per se have caused many injuries.

I confess I was sceptical of the argument – I guess, simply because, like others, I was unaware of the evidence & convinced of the safety of vaccines because it seemed to be universally accepted.

After examining the evidence re the Covid vaccines, I am now prepared to accept that we should now be seriously looking at the argument , for example, of the link ( in some children) between Autism & childhood vaccination.

July 12, 2022 7:28 am

Old Ozzie.

Not sure of evidence that Quercetin rates with Ivermectin. The FLCCC team did say in the early days that Quercetin should be used if you don’t have access to Ivermectin. But they did not say it was as effective.

While saying this, personally I have taken Quercetin ( although it was hard to get for some time) because I did not have access to Ivermectin in tablet form. However, be aware that Quercetin should not be taken as a prophylactic. I was initially not aware of that, and was happily taking it daily until a well known highly credentialed pharmacologist (also opposed to the Covid vaccines) told me that this was unwise. After that, I have only taken when exposed to Covid or in “dubious” surroundings re infection.

July 12, 2022 7:46 am

Has gas was just another one who outed himself as a phony during the Trump era.

July 12, 2022 11:23 am

The mask rules are even crazier than you think

Mask required in taxi to airport
No mask required in airport
Mask required for first 20 min of flight
No mask while having your drink and snack
Mask required for last 20 min of flight
No mask required in airport
Mask required on train from airport


July 12, 2022 12:41 pm

July 12, 2022 at 7:28 am
Old Ozzie.

Not sure of evidence that Quercetin rates with Ivermectin. The FLCCC team did say in the early days that Quercetin should be used if you don’t have access to Ivermectin. But they did not say it was as effective.

While saying this, personally I have taken Quercetin ( although it was hard to get for some time) because I did not have access to Ivermectin in tablet form. However, be aware that Quercetin should not be taken as a prophylactic. I was initially not aware of that, and was happily taking it daily until a well known highly credentialed pharmacologist (also opposed to the Covid vaccines) told me that this was unwise. After that, I have only taken when exposed to Covid or in “dubious” surroundings re infection.


Not sure of evidence that Quercetin rates with Ivermectin

both at 63% – COVID-19 early treatment: real-time analysis of 1,889 studies

Colchicine for COVID-19: real-time analysis of all 34 studies –

Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time analysis of all 173 studies –

Re – However, be aware that Quercetin should not be taken as a prophylactic. I was initially not aware of that, and was happily taking it daily until a well known highly credentialed pharmacologist (also opposed to the Covid vaccines) told me that this was unwise.

I have taken antivirals for over 2 years now with Quercetin with Bromelain twice a day – with 34 Cancer Immunotherapy Infusions over the 2 year COVID period and minimum 34 Blood tests every 3 week kept a close eye on body – no problems

Now with regard to Government approved antivirals

Doctor warns antivirals can affect reproductive health

If you are on, or have recently taken antivirals for COVID-19, and there is even a remote chance you may conceive a child, think about taking contraception.

These drugs, which have just become more widely available and could be taken by millions of Australian, can temporarily affect reproductive health in both men and women.

The two brands approved in Australia, Lagevrio and Paxlovid, have different potential effects on reproduction and on pre-existing heath issues.

Lagevrio can affect sperm at any stage during the two or three months they take to develop and reach maturity. Consequently, the official recommendation is that men use contraception while being treated with the drug, and for three months afterwards.

The recommendation is that women taking Lagevrio should use contraception during treatment and for four days afterwards.

People taking Paxlovid should use effective forms of contraception during treatment and for seven days afterwards.

Women taking the contraceptive pill should use extra protection if they are on Paxlovid, as it may affect the effectiveness of “the pill”.

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding are advised to take neither drug.

Another consideration, experts say, is the potential interaction between antivirals and other common drugs.

“There are serious interactions between Paxlovid and commonly taken drugs, such as some of those for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, gout and depression,” said Sarah Hilmer, the head of the department of clinical pharmacology at Sydney’s Royal North Shore Hospital.

“Other drugs too, including those bought over the counter and even complementary medications such as St John’s Wort, can make Paxlovid ineffective,” she said.

“If you are taking Paxlovid, you need to go through all your medications with your doctor to make sure there are no dangerous interactions.

“While some people will not be able to take Paxlovid due to interactions with their other drugs, many may be able to pause their current drugs while they take Paxlovid.

“If you have kidney or liver problems, you need to consult your doctor to see if you can take Paxlovid. Those with mild moderate kidney disease can take it at a reduced dose.”

While Paxlovid appears to be the more effective of the two antivirals, she says more people can take Lagevrio safely. No drug interactions have been identified with Lagevrio, and it can be taken by people with kidney and liver disease.

She says diarrhoea and nausea are common side effects reported by people taking either drug. Paxlovid may also change taste perception in some people.

Taking prompt action is another thing to remember. Antivirals reduce the risk of severe COVID-19 but must be started within five days of the first symptoms appearing.

In advance of getting an infection, it’s prudent to plan how you would consult your doctor, once symptoms emerged.

Professor Hilmer recommends anybody who tests positive for COVID-19 should discuss antivirals with their doctor as soon as possible.

July 12, 2022 2:29 pm

The safe and effective narrative is falling apart

July 12, 2022 2:30 pm
July 12, 2022 3:07 pm

“Can an intellectual explain the science behind mandating the wearing of masks in planes then have the whole plane take them off to eat? How the fuck does that work?”

It means if you don’t want to wear a mask, all you have to do is carry a giant bag of cheese twisties, and make sure you are eating one every time the hostie walks past. Such bags should last you for the time it takes to complete most domestic flights.

If you need to wear a mask while walking to and from the table in the restaurant, but not while sitting (as per some crack-pot NY rules), clearly COIVD immunity involves being seated when in a crowd. So really, once you’re on the plane and seated, you should be good, right?

Also should be good without a mask if you’re a high-flying politician like, say, Dear Leader Dan, right?

Just say “No” – you’ll be safer than the director of an Alec Baldwin movie!

John A
John A
July 12, 2022 11:11 pm

flyingduk says: July 10, 2022 at 2:57 pm

I just ask the vaxxers a few questions ..

Ask me, ask me!

Have you had a measles vaccine? No.
Have you had measles? Yes, as a child. It enabled me to build life-long immunity.
Have you had a mumps vaccine? No.
Have you had the mumps? Yes, as a child. It enabled me to build life-long immunity.
Have you had a chickenpox vaccine? No.
Have you had chickenpox? Yes, as a teenager. It enabled me to build life-long immunity.
Have you had the Covid vaccines? No, not one shot.
Have you had Covid? Unlikely, no symptoms any time during the last two-plus years.

Like another responder, I have not had colds or flu for the past seven to ten years. Unlike that responder, I have not taken the seniors’ flu shots and don’t plan to change my stance.


  1. Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare February 11, 2025 11:43 pm Here’s Dylan in 1976, Desire album. Black Diamond Bay. A favorite of mine,…

  2. Did it one night in a fit of let’s see, and liked it, it became very shiny and made me…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x