He may have a point.Elon Musk suggests sanctioning Ukraine’s oligarichs would end war, boasts he’s been propping up Ukrainian military…
He may have a point.Elon Musk suggests sanctioning Ukraine’s oligarichs would end war, boasts he’s been propping up Ukrainian military…
Lets get some heads on a platter.
braindead lamestream meeja in an uproar cos Israel has cut off the electrickery to pallyweird Laura Rosen Cohen* describes this…
laser sintering 3d. Great stuff.. but volume manufacture, nope.
I think so, but it might be of limited use in this conflict.
Dover, please ban JC for his post at 9:57am.
Very good article by Lord Ashcroft in the Daily Mail. For those who don’t know Ashcroft is a bit of an authority on bravery as he has the worlds largest collection of Victoria Cross medals and written books on the subject. Now that is a hobby. Now all on display in an Annex at Imperial War Museum.
The daring British Major butchered by the Nazis – and why a tiny French village will never forget the ultimate sacrifice he made for their freedom, writes LORD ASHCROFT
Major Colin Ogden-Smith volunteered for a group known as the Jedburghs
Small Breton community in France still holds a special service every other year
The service will commemorate the gallantry of the British Special Forces officer
You talk about stalin’s daughter hightailing outta there.
Looks like a modelling shot.
A very small calibre pop gun in her hand and what looks like 30-06 ammunition in the belt.
Universities. That means that we got it from the US but they probably got it from the French. Like Pol Pot did.
It’s the other way around. Marxists are former liberals who have developed a lust for guns and state power.
From The Oz….
“‘We don’t want to waste a day’, vows Albanese
The Government will introduce ‘at least 18’ pieces of legislation into parliament in the first sitting week alone this week.”
Well, I’ll say this about Labor, they don’t and won’t waste any time.
Contrast this with the stupid fucking Liberals, remember how it took the Morrison government until early this year to introduce the Religious Discrimination Bill, only to see the bill shot down in flames, with more than a little help from so called Liberals such as Karma Sharma, Rent Zimmerboy, Fiona “call the police on constituents” Martin and Dr Katie “I love Obama” Allen.
How long before we get gay quarantine/internment camps I the outback.
Well, I’ll say this about Labor, they don’t and won’t waste any time.
Remember the stack of executive orders Biden signed on his first day? (& withdrawing/reversing previous executive orders).
Just google the stack of the things he got through.
You can tarnish any group by highlighting the extreme.
The internet is quick.
Memes abound already in response to the WHO monkey pox declaration.
Admiral Ackbar “It’s a trap” getting a work out.
WHO Leader Declares Monkeypox Global Health Emergency, Despite Majority of WHO Panel Experts Saying No to Emergency
July 23, 2022 | sundance
Great pic.
It’s hard to know who to despise the most, the academic bullshitter or the AAP reporter who didn’t check a single damn claim she made. Part of a wire story that moved about an hour ago:
At the time, Dr Hanna was in rural Victoria and observed the less obvious unfolding of human suffering in communities around Lake Eildon, a dammed reservoir on one of the major tributaries of the Murray.
As the water vanished from the lake, the tourists vanished along with their cash.
The real reason Eildon was so low in 2008-09: The dam wall was judged inadequate under newly introduced standards to survive a middling earthquake, which would have seen Shep and a bunch of other towns swept away. So it was decided to take advantage of the drought, open the spillgate to further lower levels and then bring in John Holland to raise and reinforce the dam wall.
When the work was finished, water levels were back to near-normal in no time even before the drought’s end in 2013.
Modern journos, incurious handmaidens of careerist catastropharians.
We are looking forward to being in Florida during the mid-terms.
De Santis showing his good form:
If anyone is looking for a bit of “taking the piss” I would recommend the Pitch Meeting videos on YouTube where the host pitches a new movie or TV show to himself and takes apart the implausibilities and contradictions in the plot.
The video on the last Game of Thrones series is IMHO very very funny.
DB sez: Libruls
Proceeds to parade authoritarian loons who believe in 95% tax rates, controlled speech and government permission to do anything, let alone owning a BB gun or smoking a cigar or eating an ice cream that some self absorbed dinner party fancier finds too unhealthy
Some other confused cons: Yep, those libertarians are libruls. They also are maniacs who want US style gun rights here, taxes so low I cannot imagine campaigning on that and weird ideas like no state schools, conscription or land zoning – let alone an immunisation register.
I feel somewhat mischaracterised.
The US use of the term liberal is a political and linguistic tragedy. They should have always been called authoritarian – that is what a loose interpretation of government licitness under a negative rights constitution can become. It is clearly the reason why wannabe thugs like FDR always tried to pack the court too.
Please stop. You’ll make Chuck Norris cry.
July 23, 2022 at 10:29 pm
Revolution and the Minds of Children
thank you, Indolent. Well worth reading – from that we’re in the middle of a communist takeover.
If you look at the cultural and social ideas of Adorno, Horkheimer, Fromm, and the like, there is nothing incongruous about these ideas and liberalism. Also, the relation of liberalism to state power is more complicated and embarrassing.
We usually watch Outsiders over Sunday lunch.
Daisy, who is young (now merely youngish) and learning, has been improving lately in some of the fill-in spots she has been on, but she was never any sort of match for being on Outsiders. Her problem is that her initial youtube persona with the full floral and lace image wears thin as she moves into more serious older-persons’ territory; and she needs to drop that arch theatricality which might have been ok for grabbing attention on youtube (she is nicer lately as she is trying to be more normal). Caleb Bond, yes he’s said he’s from South Australia, has loosened up a bit after some earlier stolidity but is still rather unexciting, but I will reserve judgement until I see how he shapes up with Rita and James, who are both exceptionally quick and bright. We really like James new Friday show on matters US, we record it with others we catch up on later.
If you are poor and believe insane things,they say you’re crazy. If you’re rich and believe the same things, they say you’re eccentric. If you’re super-rich and believe the same things they take the money and call you a visionary.
Poxilla of the Desert
If you look at California, they never lost population from the founding of the state until this current governor has been in office.
Titans of CNC moved their entire machine shop and workforce from California to Texas. Absolute indictment of Commiefornia given the difficulty and cost of making such a move and California having previously been a manufacturing powerhouse. A refugee caravan of skilled people and their machinery heading to Texas.
How long before we get gay quarantine/internment camps I the outback.
Priscilla queen of The Desert was predictive programming!
July 24, 2022 at 7:54 am
Dr. Rosamund Lewis, said this week …
Back in May the official WHO language was:
gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men.
Presumably, they’re trying to decouple blokes dorking each other from homosexuality
to combat homophobia.
Or something.
That men-who-have-sex-with-men thing is referring to females who identify as trans-men and who have sex with men…
So, it’s heterosexual sex…
but in an inclusive way.
There is nothing tragic about it. It is in fact more accurate.
Fire up the Hot Needle of Inquiry.
I disagree, but let it be.
Europe is one step behind any fetish happening in the US, and we are one step behind Europe
I would say that Canada is one step behind Europe, New Zealand one step behind Canada and Australia one step behind New Zealand.
Elbow will fix this!
areff, great comeback last night!
It is an appalling travesty.
Bigger than Ben Hur.
Old Ozzie @ 09:39am
Having fun doing the survey – can’t find a postcode to use. Any help?
I used LE13 for Melton Mowbray (not the Tas one). Said it was invalid
LE16. LE1 LE5 Etc. Etc.
I prefer going after ‘progsives’ as they are predominantly cranks. Going after liberalism will only alienate potential allies.
I skipped over the postcode, it kept going forward OK with a blank field. Yep, survey was fun and I said quite a lot eg please redefine your questions which seem to indicate the you want to eliminate all carbon life-forms and dead-forms in Leicestershire.
It far more accurately reflects the fundamental character of liberalism than the alternative. And the proof in the pudding, so to say, is contemporary politics. I’m going to begin a series this week on Deneen’s Why Liberalism Failed that will elaborate on this discussion.
Progressives are liberals. I can’t go after progressives without going after liberalism.
The Frankfurt School of Critical Marxism/Critical Theory. Read about it here as the mish-mash of philosophical ideas that it actually was, dominated by a marxist view of the poor and oppressed. Combine it with the subjectivisit European linguistic and social-structural analyses of philosophers like Derrida and Foucault and you get the wishy-washy relativist post-modernism that permeates US universities today, and which constantly refertilises itself with the British brands of it.
It all stems from Marxist theory about ‘the capitalist stage of production’ not working out as planned (strange that, eh?). Therefore the intellectuals searched for reasons why not, from false consciousness (Sartre) and psychoanalytic disasters (Freud, and then the anti-psychiatry Death of the Family) right through to outraged concern with hyped up racial and sexual ‘exploitation’, a free-floating exploration of ‘gender’ as feelz, and sheeting the blame for all perceived societal and economic deficits to capitalist profits and industrial capitalist environmental degradation. We all know where that led. What a handy, albeit unproven, theory Climate Change has turned out to be.
Getting inside the heads of the people (via their institutions as per Gramsci) seemed like the way to go to create the sorts of changes these social manipulators wanted to make to fulfill their own twisted ideologies. And unshackled from any rational realities, they are teaching your children to hate.
Yep, skipped the postcode bit.
A Christian heterosexual/straight white male aged under 15.
What do mean by “carbon”. Carbon dioxide? Element C?
What are greenhouse emissions?
How will you change the weather climate/weather?
Who/What are stakeholders?
If by renewables you mean solar panels and windmills how do you provide electricity when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine?
Etc, etc.
Thanks Old Ozzie for the link. Bit of fun while watching Outsiders.
Enjoyed it so much I’ve loosened the lid on a bottle of Tullamore Dew a bit early before watching Collingwood belt Essendon to honour Billy Picken.
subjectivist, not subjectivisit
Try pointing out why ‘Conservatism’ is a better alternative. The market for bitch·ing about the other side is saturated.
I referred Leicestershire to the book Green Murder by Ian Plimer also.
Hmm yeah right. I’m an anti capitalist Gramscian Marxist because a conservative doesn’t want to admit libertarians, classical liberals, are not progressives, i.e. American liberals.
You want to talk about results?
Real life examples of classical liberalism are Tim Quilty and David Limbrick.
They stood up to the Marxist VIC ALP and utterly useless, progressive “conservative” Vic “Liberal” Party. Effectively the true Victorian opposition party during Dan’s absurd power grab.
BBS: Thought I was going to have a heart attack in those last few minutes.
Interesting thing: This was the ‘retro round’ — and retro indeed when Ugle-Hagen kicked that astonishing last goal to seal the deal.
In Bontompelli’s first year, also against Melbourne, he kicked a similarly impossible goal to cement victory in the final seconds from almost the same position.
Dont give me ideas at this hour, Toad. I am quite partial to a drop of that myself.
But not at 11.25 on a Sunday morning. Time for tea and elevenses.
Plenty of very nice choclates for elevenses, left over from my birthday, and a little book of sayings to go with them. Three I like are ‘a little too much chocolate is just about right’, and “A toast: may all your pleasures become habits” and “I think I just ate my willpower”.
I’m getting the feeling criticising liberalism is verboten.
I voted LDP in Wentworth, Dot, precisely because I am a Liberal in the mode of J.S. Mill and the Liberal Democrats stood up for things that I see as classically liberal (which today’s Liberal Party definitely does not). Which doesn’t mean I can’t be conservative about many things that are important to me.
I despise the American usage of the term ‘liberal’.
Re lack of workers, our town has around 3000 people, only a small Foodworks supermarket, two pubs and a few cafes. Yesterday the supermarket couldn’t man the deli and closed it in the afternoon, there were only two student part timers to man the checkouts and do the other work, one permanent in the bottle shop and the shift manager. Told that they just can’t get anyone to work, it’s not the pay, both schoolkids and adults just aren’t applying. There’s a high school here that until the last year or so had more kids looking for work than available jobs, all gone.
The same for the pubs and cafes, they are all operating on restricted hours for staff. This is peak season here with the skiers, tourists are complaining that they can’t get a meal, the pubs have restricted the number of meals served over an evening and so limit the diners. Up at the ski area much the same, all screaming for staff. I suppose a couple of years sit down money is a factor but this seems worse than that.
Great video from the Reiner Fuellmich team – a great win in the courts in Italy.
By who?
Conservatism in the Burkian sense of holding on to things in social organisation that are tried and seemingly true and not rushing immediately into newness for its own sake is an approach to the world rather than a theory of it. I find this approach can often have great value, personally and in what I hope to see achieved in daily life.
Liberalism, like conservatism, is a memeplex, a constellation of ideas. Nor is it the same constellation as it was two hundred years ago. In those days, conservatism was clinging to traditions and liberalism was giving traditions rational thought and discarding those which didn’t survive. Liberals had more faith in their ability to think than was justified by the consequences, conservatives had more faith in the opinions of their grandfathers than was warranted. It was the liberals who abolished slavery, promoted freedoms and gave women the vote. OK, the last was a blunder. Meanwhile, conservatives favoured the divine right of kings.
Nowadays, liberals, at least in the US, are not the least bit liberal, they are statist, authoritarian shits.
I see plenty to criticise on all sides of politics, I see no reason to pick only one side. But then, I’ve long outgrown the need for an ideology.
Define exactly what you mean by liberalism so we at least know what and whom you’re criticizing.
arking Toadsays:
July 24, 2022 at 11:00 am
Old Ozzie @ 09:39am
Having fun doing the survey – can’t find a postcode to use. Any help?
Take your choice – https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C5CHFA_enAU862AU862&nfpr=1&q=postcodes+leicester&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjoppn9tpD5AhUyxoUKHVzYBjAQBSgAegQIAhAz&biw=1595&bih=701&dpr=2
I have a family member that’s the classic NEET, nearly 30 now and never worked a day in their life. Dropped out of every course they got into, had plenty of opportunities, including walking straight into a job no questions asked, and turned their nose up at every one of them. The suggestion they see a shrink got a similar reaction. There’s always some excuse, the latest has been they need transport. Never mind there’s stupid amounts of work in easy walking distance.
This person has pretty much burned every bridge they had. Not simply because they won’t show up, but because they’ve knocked back every chance they had and are of the “everyone owes me simply for existing” bent. At this point they’re unemployed and I would say they’re unemployable. Never going to be anything other than a leach of society.
Is that all? Where did I lose the other 2?
I tend not to use the term ‘conservatism’ because “isms” are generally ideologies.
That would be helpful.
Ok, so looks like the site now allows different fonts:
Australian conservative parties have been bowing to the left since the Harvester case.
Always room for improvement, DrBG.
And I also gave you extra for making an effort for a change.
Jeremiah 51:7
King James Version
Babylon hath been a golden cup in the Lord’s hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad.
If ‘conservatism’ isn’t an ideology then what is it ,woger?
I’m going to save it for the series. It deserves extended treatment.
Thanks Old Ozzie @12:01
Sorted it – see further up fred. Thanks again for the link. Sunday fun.
Gender activists want scientists to stop categorising ancient human remains as either male or female – because they cannot be sure how the deceased identified themselves when they were alive.
Woke warriors have also insisted that archaeologists no longer categorise the race of remains as this ‘contributes to white supremacy’.
Critics said last night that such demands would lead to a rewriting of history and imposing current ideology ‘where it doesn’t belong’.
Traditionally, when human remains are excavated, archaeologists determine traits such as age, gender and race using proven scientific methods such as bone structure and DNA analysis.
Daily Mail
I’d like to report that yesterday we dug up a human. No further information will be released.
Laughing at them is the best method for dealing with these halfwits.
Bourne – That fits perfectly with Troy Kennedy Martin in Edge of Darkness calling his antihero “Darius Jedburgh”. Not surprising give TKM’s attention to detail. I didn’t know about the Jedburghs until your comment.
Contemporary conservatism is milquetoast liberalism.
Someone wrote a piece recently suggesting the US is going through the early stages of something resembling the beginnings of the French Revolution.
It’s fine. Knock yourself out.
I was thinking about the vicpol bashing case on my morning walk it occurred to me that I had not seen any mention of the perpetrators mental health. As all Muslim sex offenders and terrorists are given a free pass because of “mental health issues” along with most of the ethnic and abo offenders in Australia, why was there no mention of this guys obvious “mental health issues”.
I see this as clear evidence of racism against white males. 3 years and 2 months prison for him, counseling and shrinks for the ethnic offenders.
Anyone who hasn’t got a job now doesn’t want one. That’s plain wrong, a denial of all the political talk about providing equal opportunities and a better life for Aboriginal Australians.
Mark Latham MLC
He should have quoted Ben Chifley: “A hand up, not a hand out.”
JC says:
July 24, 2022 at 12:20 pm
Gabor says:
July 24, 2022 at 8:02 am
I’m afraid you are right, most of the societal ills infecting the world is emanating from the US, has been for decades.
Someone wrote a piece recently suggesting the US is going through the early stages of something resembling the beginnings of the French Revolution.
If you are correct, I know who will win. Not the unarmed left liberal democrat pronoun mob.
All hail the fully armed and righteous right wing conservatives. He who has the guns wins.
I blame horrid tree changes pushing the price of accommodation up.
Of course they do. You can’t dismantle a civilisation unless you don’t first start with Marxist deconstructionism at university to provide the academic framework for unleashing the mob on the old ruling class (carefully controlled by the new ruling class).
I’ll have to learn to knit so I can transition to a tricoteuse.
I recall in my Economics History (compulsory unit) there was an argument Australians have always permitted a greater role for government than might otherwise be expected because in the early colonial days your food (and life) might have depended on it and the Harvester judgment reflected that. I think there is probably something in that.
Top Ender – please refrain from using the word “human” please because it contains the word “man” and we can’t tolerate that type of language abuse any longer. May I suggest huperson or huthing! The field is wide open for more appropriate descriptors, of course.
A lot of stuff that’s gone down in the US in the last 5 years has been uncomfortably reminiscent of Russia and Germany after WWI. The street fighting, the Putsch., the imprisonment of and physical attacks on political opponents
I’d describe it as an attitude, a sentiment or an approach to life.
“Conservatism starts from a sentiment that all mature people can readily share: the sentiment that good things are easily destroyed, but not easily created. This is especially true of the good things that come to us as collective assets: peace, freedom, law, civility, public spirit, the security of property and family life, in all of which we depend on the cooperation of others while having no means singlehandedly to obtain it. In respect of such things, the work of destruction is quick, easy and exhilarating; the work of creation slow, laborious and dull. That is one of the lessons of the twentieth century. It is also one reason why conservatives suffer such a disadvantage when it comes to public opinion. Their position is true but boring, that of their opponents exciting but false.”
Roger Scruton, ‘How to Be a Conservative’
We had havester the Americans had the new deal
Cheers woger, yet isn’t that how most approach ideology?
“an attitude”
The rise of socialism will lead to those outcomes
Add in the inflation of the money supply(Germany 1914-18 to fund the war effort, then on steroids after the Socialist Revolution to fund social programs) which was the direct cause of the rise in prices and hyperinflation in the early 20s – also not helped by the collapse in export markets – the British Empire & US recessions before the Depression. Then there are also the calls for the state to interfere in all aspects of life and more and more central planning.
To be fair to the early liberals and conservatives, none of them would have entertained for a moment the idea that the primary function of government is to look after the people. Protect them from invaders and croooks, yes. Protect them from themselves, no.
A lot of Hayek’s thinking was clearly influenced by WWII and the response to it. Both major wars were such profound events you could hardly expect otherwise.
I’m still trying to get my head around government (of any colour) mandating a vaccine to hold a job, go to a cafe or the pub.
DrB – The response of government to plebs crying “give me liberty or give me death” is to enslave them, thereby saving them from death. That is how governments think.
At least within the states, the worst offenders were leftwing governments. I’m not saying the only ones, but the worst. WA was essentially an Australian version of North Korea and Victoria was like China with its zero Covid policy.
Freedom entails responsibility. That is why most men, and almost all women, hate it.
Institutionalization happens over time.
I’m not so sure that food security had much to do with it. The harvester case set the wheels in motion for the rest of last century and now beyond. The case allowed the unions to metastasize while allowing for more government intervention.
For a decent half of the 19th C Australians most likely had the best food security and healthiest food intake in the world. It wasn’t that,I think it was the culture of the “gov” and the convicts.
The TV series 1 of Peaky Blinders captures the awful dislocation caused by WWI where people tried to carry on but the undercurrent was constantly that nothing would ever be quite the same again. The human damage was immense as well as the economic ruin.
Of course Hayek couldn’t ignore all of that. It is foundational to understanding in a contemporary society the role of money, pricing, knowledge, and the individual’s social world – all of which Hayek put into his theorising: see here for a quick study guide to his oeuvre. I met him once, at a seminar in 1976 in Australia (where he was largely ostracised by the New Left of those days; and still is, of course).
This about this
And both these regimes are popular. How’s that!
You can’t use huperson either because it contains the word “son”, so we should use “huperthing” or, instead of person, use “perthing”.
Cute kitty
And both these regimes are popular. How’s that!
Many women and she-men like to be told what to do.
There I’ve said it.
What a mug.
It’s interesting though.
Here we have two comments, one with the word “liberty” and the other with the word “freedom”. Look up each of the words and check out the meaning. And then the usage over time. You’ll note the word “freedom” is on the rise, while “liberty” is on the wane.
The ability to do as one pleases vs. the absence of restrictions to do as one pleases. If it feels good, I’ll do it…or don’t you dare enslave me.
I wonder if it is a product of cultural infantilisation.
You can’t use “hu” because it is an appropriation of the Hu dynasty and therefore racist.
Malcolm Roberts talking with Ian Plimer and Suzi Smeed, who along with her hubbie, John, sponsored the great Lord Monckton to Australia and I was honoured to host him at Newcastle twice to huge crowds:
Non-feathered biped?
It is in every report I have seen.
This from the ABC.
And part of the reasoning behind his sentencing is this:-
Later in the report the Police Union secretary talks about the King’s “acknowledged mental illness”.
He ran the full list of impairments during the sentencing. They weren’t run during the trial because he pleaded guilty.
I am surprised he didn’t throw hemophilia into the mix, what with him being of Royal blood and all.
Also, what to think and feel. Most ppl are natural born slaves.
One could find it depressing.
I think the term can be useful in a broad sense, a descriptor of a set of views and observations held by a range of different authors, which produce a particular ‘bent’ to discourse. Not a ‘theory’ in the sense that Marx’s theoretical writings underpin Socialism and Mill’s underpin Liberalism. I definitely made it pretty clear, by calling it an approach myself as detailed above, that I am in the ‘sentiment’ school about it rather than a blind adherent to any theory (-ism) of it. As you do too, Roger, when you say above in line with a prominent writer within that discourse, one Roger Scruton:
Most people go through life somnambulant.
They don’t need Soma.
I blame MAFS.
I think liberalism too can be seen in a similar way to conservatism, as a broad set of approaches rather than any particular one. Socialism though always has at its heart collective ownership and authoriarian (governmental) control, as anarchists and ‘communistic settlements’ found out to their dismay.
I am being called to lunch and Outsiders.
I’d describe it as common prudence and the humility to recognise that because you can’t see a good reason for the fence being there, it doesn’t follow that there isn’t one.
Trying to hard to be profound.
Thinking hurts the head. Nature’s way of telling you not to do it.
Not something you’ll ever be guilty of.
Cleary refuses to take medication for his illness.
The pandemic restrictions also meant the mentally ill were unable to access professional care and be properly assessed.
One of our workers had an episode and a GP is all that he saw for eighteen months.
Put this down to Dan.
Then there are also the calls for the state to interfere in all aspects of life and more and more central planning.
The UK’s response to the Great Depression was generally to cut red tape and reduce taxes, they subsequently recovered more rapidly.
I hope the Pies honour the great Billy Picken #25 with a win today.
For those northerners, he was a bloke that could mark anything in a pack. Spring heels and superb judgement.
Universities flooding the zone with foreign(Chinese) students have a case to answer too. Women, children and indigenes hardest hit. Also men. It would be fun to see the whiny vice chancellors explaining why they haven’t violated their social licenses to operate in the way they do.
Just ran into Karma Sharma….wanted to give him a spray but didn’t as he was with his young daughter.
Being civilised is a terrible handicap.
“I am surprised he didn’t throw hemophilia into the mix, what with him being of Royal blood and all.”
He should claim he’s suffering from the other royal disease…..porphyria, more in keeping with his behaviour.
Mak Siccar at 1.27 pm
Drat! I didn’t proof the post before submitting! You are, of course, correct. Out with the word “person”.
Have you heard any gossip of the Great Technologist, Cannon-Brookes financing the Teal Tarts. I didn’t think Holmes a’Court was wealthy enough to handle it on his own.
You can’t use ‘perthing’ if the entity does not come from, or exist in, Perth.
You could describe us as matter and someone would still accuse you of being phonic to antimatter.
July 24, 2022 at 2:17 pm
Have you heard any gossip of the Great Technologist, Cannon-Brookes financing the Teal Tarts. I didn’t think Holmes a’Court was wealthy enough to handle it on his own.”
Yes, I’ve heard talk that the Great Technologist aka Great Fraud, Cannon-Brookes, helped finance the Teals here in Sydney.
Came across a couple of lyrebirds in the Dandenongs on Friday. They displayed their ability to identify as other birds and non-bird things in quick succession.
Sancho Panzer says:
July 24, 2022 at 1:36 pm
Yes yes they talked about it at sentencing, but any ethnic offender with those problems would either avoid prosecution or be sentenced to treatment! not 3.2 years which will mean life as he is sure to bash prison officers and other inmates who piss him off, he will either be sentenced to more and more time or more likely killed.
This weekend Nine Newspapers, in their “Good Weekend” trash, produced a puff piece about lard-arse Monique Ryan, the new member for Kooyong. It’s called “The Lady Vanquishes”. I haven’t read it but I can guarantee that it’s a cringeworthy piece of progressive swill. I do wonder if Nine Newspapers will do a piece about a real dragon slayer, as in Dai Le (a true independent), who vanquished Kristina Keneally in the seat of Fowler. I don’t and won’t hold my breath, because Dai Le doesn’t fit the progressive narrative.
“Being civilised is a terrible handicap.”
Indeed but sometimes it’s necessary.
Perpeople ?
FMD, I despise these two turds.
I’d bully this one every day of his existence if I could. Get a load of this zero.
Funny thing is, in Barron’s half yearly round table, one American fund manager was loudly touting Atlassian and what a great stock it is. He never mentioned those two galoots have yet to make an annual profit and the earlier software is basically an open casket for malicious hackers. He’s down at least 40% so I’m guessing the fuckhead was touting it in the hope of pushing the stock higher so as to offload.
My take on ESG – if its legal, its OK. All else erodes shareholder value.
That Escalated Quickly, New York Times Ponders if we are Ready Yet to Start Eating People
In keeping with the theme “people” should be renamed “soylent green”.
hope the Pies honour the great Billy Picken #25 with a win today.
Onya Farmer Gez.
Carna Pies – do it for Billy.
Italics on the Tullamore.
And the father of Liam Picken, who played the game of his life in the 2016 grand final, then was banished from the game by a genuinely serious concussion – not one of those pantywaist knocks to the noggin that have McPolo Pony a’feared and plaintiff lawyers salivating.
Perthing, still guilty of being anthropomorphic. It was a thing to avoid back when SNAGS were around in the nineties, but they would be guilty of being gendered and non inclusive these days. All that grovelling for nothing.
Quite frankly, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. The state of the Liberal Party.
I wonder if an alternative party named “The Real Liberal Party (RLP)” could be registered
I posted this at Scotty’s wiki page. Let’s see how long it lasts.
Under: Business life
Business Life
Atlassian, of which Scott Farquhar is co-founder (along with Michael Cannon-Brookes), has an interesting history. Several stock analysts suggest the stock is grossly overvalued, even though the price of the stock has fallen 57% from its 2021 highs: see : https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/TEAM?p=TEAM&.tsrc=fin-srch
The stock is extremely tightly held and almost impossible to short, which often is a sign the major shareholders are extremely defensive on the downside for the stock in an attempt to prevent shorting.
According to 10Q reports with the SEC, the company has never made a profit and trades, even now, on a huge market-cap to sales multiple. This multiple is often used to gauge stock valuation for start-ups ignoring earnings because start-ups are often loss making at the beginning. Due to the length of time Atlassian has been listed, no one could suggest the stock is a start-up any longer.
Still is, from a few days ago
(Lizzie) Conservatism in the Burkian sense of holding on to things in social organisation that are tried and seemingly true and not rushing immediately into newness for its own sake is an approach to the world rather than a theory of it.
(Roger) I tend not to use the term ‘conservatism’ because “isms” are generally ideologies.
Apart from his normal corruptions of the English language, the fact that m0nty-fa occasionally describes himself as a “conservative” is sufficient reason to look for another tag.
as in Dai Le (a true independent), who vanquished Kristina Keneally in the seat of Fowler. I don’t and won’t hold my breath, because Dai Le doesn’t fit the progressive narrative.
I live in Fowler .. haven’t heard/read a solitary word about her apart from a coupla pre-election pamphlets .. not surprised tho! .. it’s par for the course out here once the election hype is 3 days gone ..!
Are you seriously suggesting someone who took to the cops with a baseball bat wouldn’t do some jail time, or better still, would not be charged?
Err, I think the hyperbowl is overflowing.
From what I can tell on the Soshuls, this was one out of the box for King Steven of Norway.
It seems his targets are usually more carefully chosen, with a view to an easy win for King Steven (pensioners, skinny teenagers, shop assistants etc). Mind you, he correctly assessed the boy-scout constables as an easy mark, so maybe not a change in M.O.
My money is on him taking his meds, keeping his head down and being out in under 12 months. He’s already done nine months on remand and hasn’t been killed yet.
He’s down at least 40% so I’m guessing the fuckhead was touting it in the hope of pushing the stock higher so as to offload.
Apple has had a decent rally off it’s recent low.
Same with metrosexuals.
pic 1.
Pic 2.
pic 3
shatterzzz, what’s your community newspaper?
“I live in Fowler .. haven’t heard/read a solitary word about her apart from a coupla pre-election pamphlets “
She’s been on Sky News a bit.
Here’s what happens when a spineless opposition (who needs a backbone when there’s no brain with which to connect?) is led by a an idiot.
First, Groundhog boots Bernie Finn for opposing legal abortion, as do many (former) Liberal supporters, and thereby confirms Liberals are simpatico with Labor’s view that anyone opposed to killing babies is a nasty, ultra-far-right, jackbooted monster.
So the SFLs need a new candidate and yesterday they tapped Melton councillor Moira Deeming, who opposes drag queen story time, wants Australia Day left as is, and doesn’t want genetic males in ladies’ change rooms.
DanFilth must have celebrated when he heard the news because today he’s out there slamming the Libs as ‘transphobes’ and gay-bashers.
What did Guy, Crown Prince of Morons, gain by turfing Finn? Nothing. He no doubt wished to be seen as down with progressive causes, yet today the ham-fisted, politically club-footed testament to the long-term consequences of dropping a baby on its head is presented as the reigning czar of bigotry, homophobia and all the rest.
Are there no Liberals who understand that going into November’s election with an amoeba for a leader isn’t going to do them, and poor Victoria, anything but harm?
Prediction: after losing blue-ribbon Hawthorn the last time around, the adjoining seat of Kew — now held by Tim ‘Mind if I Park My Jag in Your Bedroom’ Smith — will go south in November.
You just watch and see.
Hey, Shatterzzzzzz, you still interested in my stamp collection? I’ve retrieved it from Mum’s and gave the kids first right of refusal. Not interested! 🙂
It’s around 5 volumes of Aussie and international stamps up to circa 1985, two or three chocolate boxes of loose stamps and Stamp Bulletins of the era. The albums weigh almost 8 kg all up…
My handle, above, should work as an email, just join the two parts with an at symbol. Happy to drop them off to your daughter if that works out.
That may get the libs a few votes.
My mother suggests, with zero evidence, that the Turnbulls also funded the teals.
It would cause me zero surprise to learn that that was true.
July 24, 2022 at 3:51 pm
My mother suggests, with zero evidence, that the Turnbulls also funded the teals.
It would cause me zero surprise to learn that that was true.”
Rosie, your mother is right. Living in Wentworth as I do, the word is that the Turnbulls quietly helped Princess Allegra. I don’t doubt it.
Some blokes describe themselves as women; doesn’t mean they are.
shatterzzz, what’s your community newspaper?
Used have two but been a long time since anyone other than the “postie” hand delivered into this “houso” estate .. we dusn’t get “junk” mail .. LOL!
think they’re both online nowadays .. never been worth reading, usuyally wall to wall council/adverts .. Fairfield Champion & Fairfield Advance ……
Don’t have Sky so no idea if she’s on it .. end up like the State bloke for Cabramatta .. lotz and lotza “what I’ll do” when he shifted from Mayor of Fairfield to MacQuarrie Street back in Carr dayz .. can’t remember his name anymore but it’ll turn up come the State elections, no doubt .. still remembered for his weekly pix spreads across both “locals” .. bloke never travelled without his “make-up” staff .. lol!
I’m only 74 soo far too young to remember anytime when we’ve had “useful” pollies out here .. LOL!
#memory lane .. “turtle’,Tripodi, Scully (the man who would be king), Reba Meagher (who’s main claim(s) to fame was living in the eastern suburbs her entire political career then retiring mid 30s on a lifetime pension before she was pushed) and of course the one who never made it , Phong Ngo tho still on the gummint (Long Bay) teat .. LOL!
Eggsactly. I keep telling Fatboy that even though he identifies as a fat lesbian, it doesn’t mean he is.
Monty is a ‘conservative’ only in wanting to preserve structural liberalism.
O/T -There’s an account in Halik Kochanki’s (excellent) book “Resistance The Underground War Against Hitler 1939 – 1945” of a British S.O.E officer about to be parachuted into occupied Europe, and discovering, just before he was dropped, that he had an English ten shilling note, and the day’s crossword from the “Times” in his wallet..
Shatterzz whenever I see the name Meagher it reminds me of an industrial designer I worked with. He spend 18 months working on a new machine along with some other blokes and came up with nothing. Another Director got five of us to look at it, in 3 days we had a machine going with very few new parts required. The designer got the nickname Meagre.
Calli, that is an intramural dispute within liberalism. Classically, liberty meant someone that had mastered their appetites. Whereas the modern notion of liberty under liberalism was freedom from arbitrary constraint, where the later included nature, manners and mores.
Roger’s issue with my sentence was that I used the term ‘conservatism’ as a concept, not about the word ‘conservative’ itself. I pointed out that I saw conservatism as a viable rubric for ‘an approach’ to thinking conservatively about social and political life. There is no ‘theory’ of conservatism.
As with all political rubrics, the content of them is up to the user. M0nty is a laughable conservative.
He is a statist neo-socialist who believes he is a liberal. Sorry, M0nts, but them’s the breaks for youse.
How has WordPress behaved today?
– from thegatewaypundit.com
A clue to the Covid vaccines – as if we needed one!!
That is Rousseau – ‘man was born free but everywhere you look he is in chains’.
The communists turned into ‘you have nothing to lose but your chains’.
Which ended very badly as we know.
Not an ‘issue’, Lizzie, but an observation.
It’s hard to avoid the term, but it has to be made clear that it is not just another ideology.
I hope he did, in which case he, along with Simon Holmes a Court and Mike Cannon-Brookes, lost their dough. They would have backed the Teals in the belief that they would win sufficient seats to hold the balance of power in the HoR and then they would have replaced the Photios faction in the Liberal Party as the go-to people for renewable energy scams.
That would have been a real gold mine opportunity so it must have been very disheartening for them to have been so successful electorally, yet to have found themselves without any influence as Albo’s mob didn’t need their support to form government.
never been worth reading, usually wall to wall council/adverts .. Fairfield Champion & Fairfield Advance ……
The Advance was worth reading once, from 1976 until 1978.
I was the editor (and sole reporter, chief and only sub, ad-supplement copy writer, pseudononymous staple on the letters page and real estate specialist: “This stately brick veneer boasts a kitchen so magnificent it would persuade a feminist to pull her bra out of the bonfire” — you could get away with lines like that back then. Sigh.)
Scoops included the miniature french poodle which broke its legs and continued wallking on its back legs after it heeled (“…makes John Wayne look like a hunchback”).
How easy to score dope in Fairfield (easy if the dealer is a mate)
Should German shepherds be banned, which prompted a demo outside council chambers.
Learnt more doing that sweatshop gig than anywhere else until the Web came along.
July 24, 2022 at 3:58 pm
Apart from his normal corruptions of the English language, the fact that m0nty-fa occasionally describes himself as a “conservative” is sufficient reason to look for another tag.
Some blokes describe themselves as women; doesn’t mean they are.
Point taken. Perhaps m0nty-fa “identifies” as a conservative woman?
Real Smooth, Dover.
Thanks Dover. I agree.
Perhaps that’s why the word isn’t used as much these days. It has connotations of restraint.
Also Hobbes and Locke. Rousseau was just repeating what they said about man in the state of nature.
He is a statist neo-socialist who believes he is a liberal. Sorry, M0nts, but them’s the breaks for youse.
A shorter description is “fascist”.
“All Of A Sudden, It Came To A Halt”: After Posting Fresh Records Just Months Earlier, RV Industry Grinds To A Halt (24 Jul)
It’s ridiculous. We have just heard that supplies of ear tags for cattle& sheep are tight, if available at all. Not sure if this is just in our area – but, for heaven sake – why?
It is actually important for graziers, because of the strict regulations on purchase & sale of livestock in Australia. City folk may not realise – but livestock can’t be purchased or sold in sale yards without electronic identification codes and records.
Classically, liberty meant someone that had mastered their appetites.
Seen as a moral failing these days.
Which reminds me…reading material for the conservative woman.
When you have nothing else to do “Play Track an Aircraft”
But starting on Wednesday, the movements of Canadian government aircraft started mysteriously disappearing from the internet as part of an apparent move by Ottawa to conceal the itineraries of its VIP flights.
Flightradar24 – one of the world’s most utilized flight trackers – this week began hiding the movements of any aircraft carrying the call sign CANFORCE ONE, the usual indicator of an RCAF jet carrying the prime minister. Also hidden is any aircraft bearing the call sign CANFORCE 3701, which is used for the Governor General.
Ironically, none of the concealments actually prevent the prime minister’s jet from being tracked. As noted by National Post reporter Bryan Passifiume, it’s still possible to track the movements of the RCAF’s VIP jets by their tail number.
The average Flightradar24 user can still keep tabs on 15001, the tail number used by the liveried CC-150 Polaris typically used by the prime minister for long-haul flights. The same holds true for 144618, the tail number for one of the smaller Challenger jets typically used for domestic prime ministerial travel.
Oddly, nobody is quite sure who ordered the call signs to be concealed.
Last week, NAV Canada sent an official note to the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration requesting that a number of RCAF call signs (including CANFORCE ONE) be added to the agency’s LADD list. The acronym stands for Limiting Aircraft Data Displayed, and the list is a filter that blocks the “public dissemination” of aircraft information by request of the operator.
Normally, this request would have come to NAV Canada by way of the Canadian Armed Forces, who operate all the VIP aircraft used by the prime minister. But an RCAF source told the National Post on Thursday that while they had considered taking their callsigns down from public flight trackers, no such decision has been made.
Last week’s NAV Canada memo wasn’t just limited to VIP aircraft, either. It requested the concealment of 10 other RCAF call signs, including those used for drug interdiction flights (MOLSON), fighter sorties (VIMY, ODIN) and even search and rescue (OILER, HUNTER).
The LADD list most notably contains the world’s most famous VIP transport: Air Force One, the U.S. presidential plane – although, as with CanForceOne it can easily be tracked anyway by using the tail number (usually 28000 or 29000).
While no reason was given for last week’s NAV Canada memo, it’s worth noting that any number of sensitive aircraft remain freely trackable via Flightradar24.
Passifiume noted that while he can’t track the prime minister jet via its call sign anymore, he can still do it for spy planes, for transport aircraft to and from the United States’ ultra-secretive Area 51 and even for the Boeing E-6 Mercury, the so-called “Doomsday Plane” intended to act as an airborne command centre in the event of nuclear war.
The now untrackable CANFORCE ONE currently en route for meetings & fundraiser in Halifax.
Among aircraft still trackable:
Not quite on the same topic but the same point – like ‘well regulated’, as in militia in the American Constitution.
Back then it meant to be balanced and governing oneself, and when extended to groups, made up of such people who can conduct themselves in their group in a sober and effective manner – who therefore do not need government regulation.
Aaaand I popped into a bottle-o and was intrigued by a ‘Trappists Rochefort’ beer.
In a moment of whimsy I bought a few. They are only small bottles (330 ml) and thought to have one or two tonight while prepping dinner.
They are 11.3% alcohol. Almost wine strength.
I think not for just ‘knocking back’.
Apparently the muppets are a hotbed of racism now too. Sesame St is in trouble for blowing off dusky children.
“They would have backed the Teals in the belief that they would win sufficient seats to hold the balance of power in the HoR and then they would have replaced the Photios faction in the Liberal Party as the go-to people for renewable energy scams.”
All correct OB. Svengali Simon and his Stepford skanks really thought that, post 21 May 2022, they would have the balance of power. Seeing Karma Sharma today, despite being a dripping wet iceberg lettuce, he would have served Wentworth better than Princess Allegra da big big Spenda.
I have no regrets about not voting for Sharma, I voted LDP. On 21 May 2022, the Liberal Party got the drubbing they richly deserved however I just don’t think the Australian people deserve what’s coming under Labor.
I don’t think they have the imagination to anticipate it.
My mother mentioned all the blackouts they experienced prior to the installation of the grid. They were a nuisance and people got fed up with it.
But people were different then. Just out of the war, rebuilding and hopeful, full of determination and resilience. Now so now. Soft, cosseted, entitled, without the idealistic foundation so carefully formed in childhood.
When trouble comes, what will they do? I’ve seen the angry mindless mob, I know what it looks like what it sounds like and how powerless one is against it.
That conversation happened today. We were laughing about a run on hurricane lamps. Sorry – no paraffin.
Good for me Dover. No 500 errors yet and no spam monster black holes.
Only the blockquote font needs to be lowered a couple notches.
You should run. I’d vote up there to help you win. 🙂 You go girl.
Gold! Am I allowed to say that? Speaking of whom, which or what:
Teal independents call for more staff (24 Jul)
“Incoming teal independents will put pressure on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to double staffing allocation during a meeting tomorrow.”
Bwahahahahaha! Maybe Simon Magus can ante up some personal dosh for useful idiots.
Yo – Miss Ellie wowing everyone again, TRNSMIT 2022
I, see a sign, of a lifetime … 🙂
GB News
The same elite that has taken almost all the money is now after everything else as well, including the land beneath our feet, says Neil Oliver.
Knuckle Dragger:
I’m over the faggots who demand the other 99% of the human race genuflect in front of the altar of their perversions.
Gay Marriage, Aids, Monkey pox, grooming our kids,the lot.
If they keep pushing, will we go back to the old days of poofter bashing?
Because all the signs are that this is where we’re heading…
The Great Awakening
Today The Netherlands
The People’s General Flynn message to the Dutch people on a Huge screen at The Dam – Amsterdam.
Show your Dutch Flag
Who is she, Rabz? She can’t sing for nought, but she’s pretty hot, which obviously gets her a pass.
JC – FFS … 😕
My beloved Miss Ellie.
My levels of anxiety have risen over the last 3 years of watching my society begin to disintegrate. No doubt about that. But today I made the mistake of chasing up Edward Dowd’s latest thoughts. Dowd is the ex Wall St trader dude who looked at the insurance companies’ financials as a result of Injury and Death claims in the US & realised something extraordinary was occurring. He is no stranger to financial frauds & his assessment of the extent of the Covid/Vax deployment is scary.
In his latest talk on GETTR he speculates that the water is getting muddier as the WHO and world governments begin to talk up the threat of Monkey Pox – originally a minor, very specific and easily treatable disease. He thinks it will be used to delay US elections in the Fall or to mandate postal voting. He says it is worrying Wall St.
Incidentally, Malone is apparently concerned that the genomic sequence of Monkey Pox, as in the SARS virus, may have been altered to make it more virulent. We were warned many years ago that the next global battleground will be fought with bio weapons in asymmetrical warfare.
That’s an understatement. It really does seem that insanity is now in control.
Gonzalo Lira
This is NOT normal.
Oh Okay. All good. Send her to singing school.
Winston – The other fun statistic is that there have been zero deaths. Not one as far as I know. So the WHO and the elites are crapping themselves about arse pox which is only transmitted by gay men and which is basically harmless. Itchy, though, I guess.
Miss Ellie in HD, with triple pony tails … 🙂
It doesn’t get much better than this.
On Friday, I left my workplace for the last time after 15.5 years of service. This was where the beautiful man and I first met and became friends and then lovers.
I was effectively poached and have left the CIT industry but remained where I really belong in transport and logistics.
It doesn’t hurt that I have received a 25% pay rise, more super and less stress.
Just sharing to encourage you all. Sometimes what we need comes unexpectedly at exactly the right time.
Okay, that’s possible, but I can’t see the Republican states agreeing with this bullshit. The state houses decide on this and not Washington, so the WHO, the Administration and the rest of the turds can push as much as they like, but the states will decide on how the elections will be handled.
The GOP holds 30 chambers and the demons hold 18. One is power shared. I dunno what happened to the 50th. In any event, it’s very hard for the scumbags to cheat in the GOP states, because I very much doubt they will again to accede to postal voting. With 30 GOP chambers, the demons appear to me to have lost both the senate and the house. It will be eternally much harder to cheat for the house.
There is absolutely no need for that.