Revenge is a dish
It’s not about Right and Left … It’s about Right and Wrong With hope Ian Cook will suck the oxygen right outta Dan’s hunchback lungs Shakespeare couldn’t have written such a delicious story LoL … My kingdom for slug
To the editor of The Australian
Dear Editor A few comments on the editorial on Tuesday August 23. On the closure of our ageing fleet of coal-fired power stations, the situation is much more precarious than the writer realises, as explained in this piece that was rejected by your op ed staff recently. Closure of more coal capacity at present will…
Open Thread – Tue 30 Aug 2022
EV illusions and delusions
Saw Chris Bowen (minister for a contradiction in terms; namely, climate change and energy) some time back, with a crazy-eyes look, talking about emission standards being applied to conventional cars to encourage the take up of electric cars (EVs). He had the same look when inviting people to vote against Labor if they didn’t like…
Mater’s Musings #55 – An Inconvenient Truth
Love this quote, but it’s all worth a read. “The difference between the motive powers in the economy of society under private property and under communism would be greatest in case of the directing minds. Under the present system, the direction being entirely in the hand of the person or persons who own (or are…
Weekend Reading #4
Patrick Deneen on why freedom for excellence as opposed to freedom of indifference explains Why Liberalism can’t limit government. Ben Sixsmith discusses the poverty of punishment in our contemporary legal systems, and why some men, can neither be rehabilitated nor deterred, only separated from society by either imprisonment or death. Daniel Miller outlines how the…
Open Thread – Weekend 27 Aug 2022
WolfmanOz at the Movies #35
God Save the King ! Historical dramas have long been a staple of cinema, whether based on fact or fiction, they have provided a countless sources of topic/plots over the years. One of my particular favourites is the film Cromwell starring Richard Harris as Oliver Cromwell and Alec Guinness as King Charles I. The film…
Open Thread – Tue 23 Aug 2022
Life’s tough, pretending it can be otherwise helps no one
Meandering through my Sydney Sunday newspaper- The Sunday Telegraph – (poor fare, why do they bother) two things struck me. One concerned the sad suicide death of rugby league player and coach Paul Green. A terrible thing for his family to deal with. Enough said. However, according to the writer of an article on the…