Really Dover at. 2am coming across a headless Goliath and after reading the Spectators evening edition,I am not sure wether to have hysterics or pretend it just retribution for Dan Andrews,Palazyzcuk and Morrison ,their Police gestapo and their half witted nincompoop Chief Medical Officers.
doverbeach, Ah…. the Caravaggio which gave me quite a few bad dreams after seeing it IRL. A perfect example of the chiaroscuro for which Caravaggio is renown. He died so young after a chaotic life punctuated by brilliance and brawling, and murder too. To me
David’s expression appears to be sad rather than triumphant.
An interesting choice doverbeach, right about now we could do with a young David to cut off the head of the Satan loose upon the world.
Given that so many of the young have been duped and indoctrinated into shallow ignorance, is it too much to see David with the head of Goliath as a symbol of hope: that the young will triumph over what appear to be impossible odds?
Not keen on decapitation as an image or a practice.
It’s too reminiscent of the Terror of the French Revolution and the Religion of Pieces.
September 6, 2022 5:45 am
September 6, 2022 5:46 am
Getting internal server errors. Will try again later.
Bruce of Newcastle
September 6, 2022 5:49 am
I see the Tory base has held their collective noses and chosen the fake Thatcher over the fake Churchill.
Cute how the party elites engineered it so they had to pick between two wets, and shut out more representative candidates like Ms Badenoch.
Tintarella di Luna
September 6, 2022 5:53 am
I see the Australian Catholic Bishops might be on to something. They appear to be reaffirming what Juvenal said a couple of thousand years ago: Never does Nature say one thing and wisdom another, Be gentle with the young and lastly Refrain from doing ill; for one all powerful reason, lest our children should copy our misdeeds; we are all too prone to imitate whatever is base and depraved. I’ve put this comment here as I am sure my comment in the Australian will not see the light of day.
What is the Albanese government going to do about this? Withdraw funding?
In the Australia today Catholic’s gender warning for schools:
Catholic schools have been strongly advised not to assist in efforts to affirm gender transitions in students through the use of drugs or surgical interventions and that “a human being’s sex is a physical, biological reality”.
The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference will advise schools that, for the vast majority of children and adolescents, gender incongruence is a psychological condition through which they will pass safely and naturally with supportive psychological care.
The guidance, to be issued on Tuesday, urges Catholic schools to avoid assisting in the issue of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones or surgery to limit possible infertility, “unnecessary damage” and “future possibilities for healthy human growth”.
The nation has more than 1700 Catholic schools educating about 780,000 students.
The guidance voices grave concerns over an affirmation-based approach to students experiencing gender dysphoria and instead steers educators to a “biopsychosocial model” based on research showing a high correlation between “childhood gender incongruence and family dynamics”.
“In this model, practitioners promote ongoing psychological support for the child or young person through engaging with families,” the guidance says. “By discovering the child’s and family’s stories, practitioners are able to understand the gender variance felt by the child or young person within the context of family and their domestic environment.”
Pastoral care initiatives that are “in conflict with the generosity of the Christian vision” are also to be “respectfully avoided”, including concepts that say gender is arbitrarily assigned at birth, gender is fluid and that gender is separate from biological sex.
“Research data strongly suggests that, for the vast majority of children and adolescents, gender incongruence is a psychological condition through which they will pass safely and naturally with supportive psychological care,” the guidance states. “Studies quote between 80 to 90 per cent of pre-pubescent children who do not seem to fit social gender expectations are not gender-incongruent in the long term.”
Melbourne Archbishop Peter Comensoli, says the guidance document elevates the dignity of every person rather than ‘defining that person by any single characteristic”’.
Catholic school leaders are told to recognise that society has “widely adopted the belief that each person’s innermost concept of themselves determines their gender identity”. But they are warned these recent changes were “in conflict with the Catholic understanding of creation, in which every person is created good and is loved unconditionally as they are”.
Melbourne Archbishop Peter Comensoli, the chair of the Bishops Commission for Life, Family and Public Engagement, said the guidance document elevated the dignity of every person rather than “defining that person by any single characteristic”.
He said Catholic schools adhered to the “foundational principle that each person is created in the image and likeness of god, and is loved by god”.
“That principle guides this document, which we offer to our schools to support them in walking compassionately alongside each student we are invited to educate,” he said.
The document is aimed at providing support and care to students. It makes no recommendations that would result in students being expelled because of their gender identity.
Catholic schools are encouraged to cater to the needs of students experiencing gender incongruence, a term recommended for use by educators over the term “transgender”.
The document recommends that schools provide unisex toilets or a change room area not aligned to biological sex to increase safety and options for vulnerable students. It also proposes to offer “flexibility with uniform expectations” to cater to the diversity of the student body.
However, all school documentation is to record students’ biological sex at enrolment. The guidance notes that “it may be lawful” to exclude a student from single-sex competition if they are over the age of 12 where the “strength, stamina or physique of competitors is relevant.”
It advises educators to refer to commonwealth guidelines when developing school policies, and argues it is “paramount” for all sporting environments to be inclusive and safe.
The guidance comes amid public debate surrounding the ability of transgender students to participate in school sports, a discussion that was stoked during the election campaign after Scott Morrison’s hand-picked candidate for the seat of Warringah, Katherine Deves, ran on a platform to ban transgender competitors from participating in female sports. Ms Deves said a ban would ensure the safety of female competitors, but faced a backlash for a number of tweets she wrote arguing that transgender girls had been “mutilated and sterilised”.
In the new guidance, Catholic school are encouraged to be diligent in “resisting the incursion of political lobbying, ideological postures” and various organisations which may be “at odds” with the school’s mission. It also gives licence to principals who may feel the need to decline the involvement of politically motivated organisations.
National Catholic Education Commission executive director Jacinta Collins said the guide would be discussed at the National Catholic Education Conference underway in Melbourne. “Recent comments by eminent psychologist Professor Ian Hickie highlight the increasing number of medical professionals who are challenging the gender-affirmative approach and are supporting the biopsychosocial approach, which is less invasive, holistic and more closely aligned with a Catholic world view,” she said. “It remains critical that our Catholic schools can speak about the Church’s teachings on these matters in an informed way, underpinned by the principles of respect and human dignity.”
The guidance recommended that schools review of a number of subjects in the curriculum to ensure schools were well placed to deal with “most matters that may surface if a student is undergoing psychological and/ or medical intervention”.
The federal government provided $8.24bn in funding to Catholic schools in 2020, which is close to the $8.67bn spent on government schools, while the states and territories contributed $2.2bn.
Bruce of Newcastle
September 6, 2022 6:16 am
Hahaha, the DOJ are now admitting that Trump declassified the documents he had at Mar a Lago.
Just what I’ve been saying to Monty. The DOJ and FBI lied and the MSM have been supporting their lies.
September 6, 2022 6:20 am
A vote for the Hunchback will be like turkey’s voting for Christmas.
September 6, 2022 6:23 am
Looks like the Elbow government has unleashed yet another destructive force on freedom of choice and prosperity, this time in the form of trying to mandate gender quotas on senior corporate management:
CEW’s data found one in four executive leadership roles in ASX300 companies are held by women.
Three-in-five employers offer paid parental leave but few dads take up the offer
There are calls for the federal government to step in and offer 26 weeks paid parental leave so that more fathers share the role of primary carer during their child’s life.
Just over one in 10 management roles with profit and loss responsibilities (line management roles) – which are traditional pathways for CEO appointments – are held by women.
While women are more likely to feature in the executive leadership teams of ASX100 companies, only half of the ASX100 have at least one woman in roles with profit and loss responsibilities.
CEW also found target-setting is gaining traction, with the number of companies setting gender balance targets increasing by 7 per cent in the past year (51 per cent for the ASX100 and 36 per cent for the ASX300).
Ms Mostyn said some ASX-listed companies are beginning to measure the success of gender equality in their organisations by building it into their management’s pay and bonuses.
But she said there needs to be tougher consequences for companies that do not act.
She said that was starting to happen with, major investors, including big superannuation funds, voting against the re-election of company directors that head organisations that have consistently failed to act.
“It may be a consequence for them in their procurement opportunities,” she said, adding that she is a supporter of setting quotas and targets.
Ms Mostyn said there also needs to be massive structural change.
She noted that at last week’s jobs summit in Canberra, there were discussions about reforming child care and paid parental leave so that more women would be available to go back into employment.
Apparently, the only reason that CEOs of listed companies are mostly male is because of prejudice and lack of child care.
What utter bollocks.
Women in senior executive positions can afford child care. It’s a red herring.
As to the why, the vast, vast majority of men are unable or unwilling to become CEOs of big companies. It takes a very particular set of characteristics, and as it happens, those characteristics are more common in men.
I don’t think that anyone disputes that Gina Rinehart is a more than competent CEO. It has nothing to do with her plumbing and everything to do with her personal qualities.
What is it with leftists that they constantly try to remake humans in the face of contrary evidence to fit their fantasies?
And, I wonder if male to female trannies will be acceptable to fill the quotas?
There are calls for the federal government to step in and offer 26 weeks paid parental leave so that more fathers share the role of primary carer during their child’s life.
I already pay for many children that are not mine, with the ATO holding a gun to my head.
This is just a War on Men.
We’ve had enough and we’ll lay flat soon.
Quite frankly, we need more women as:
Roof tilers
Remote high voltage linesmen
Special forces soldiers
Wastewater workers
Society won’t be equal in all regards until this happens, which is more important than anything else.
Re my asking about Boer War info, thanks for the tips.
September 6, 2022 6:43 am
What was meant to be with my above…
Well well well, Singleton Mayor and National Party member shows her catty side. Bought to you by a party whose primary is down from the heights of 60% to under 30…
Caledonian was a miners pub and a thorn in side of COVID regs so this is pure payback. As for Mayor Sue Moore, this stinks like selling out to get your coveted preselection or likely another Sydney based swamp thing will pip you at the post again.
His plan was to send blacks back to Africa. At first, through American colonisation!
As for the black and Latino vote:
1. A majority of latinos probably vote GOP.
2. 90% of blacks probably don’t vote Democrat. There are probably pockets of Republican majorities.
The modern Democrats probably steal so many votes.
Normal people don’t vote for Drag Queen Story Time or “born alive” “abortions”.
September 6, 2022 6:45 am
Not too much to laugh at today Tom, the old ladies who could not remember what Pizza they had ordered, voted to pay for all the work needed here ,letting off the owner paying his share. Moreover, Gaslighted into thinking their apartment would increase in value . Don’t think mine will be worth a k more but the owner of building will have increased the value of his property.
Back to work to pay the Bill.
Jo Nova does it again, with a study into the effectiveness of that low cost antiviral called Ivermectin.
We live in the age of political failure, and the handling of the covid scare is just one major failure. It has impoverished nations and rolled back our rights.
Climate change scam is now considered gospel by the vast majority of the media and most politicians.
Energy systems have been wrecked, with dire consequences for all of the formerly strong western nations, while China continues to grow its various power sources.
Gender equality in some things – preferably highly paid executive roles – while families are weakened and children misled about identity etc.
Division between aboriginals and the rest of us is still being promoted under feelgood banners which will do nothing to “close the gap”.
Our two main export dollar earners are agriculture and mining. Both are under sustained attacks, again as a consequence of the climate scam.
A new report from CNBC reveals that Amazon powered down all of its solar rooftops in the U.S. last year following a series of major fires at facilities throughout the country.
CNBC reports that over a year, at least six Amazon fulfillment centers caught fire or experienced electrical explosions due to failures with their solar energy rooftop systems. Internal documents obtained by CNBC reveal that between April 2020 and June 2021 Amazon experienced “critical fire or arc flash events” in at least six of its 47 North American sites with solar installations.
“Fulfillment Centre” is a wonderfully Orwellian name. Seeing that Bezos owns notorious propaganda rag WaPo that seems a feature not a bug. But unfortunately for lefties like Bezos electricity is not so easily fooled.
We should all have been screeching furies during the covid scam.
Yes, but not in support of it.
Farmer Gez
September 6, 2022 7:05 am
Yes she did Bush.
At least she learns, unlike Bolt who still thinks vaccines saved the world and will not run the patent evidence of vaccine damage.
Anchor What
September 6, 2022 7:07 am
Black chef Terrence Williams put his own face on his pancake mix box, Facebook labelled it as racist!
We do indeed live in the age of stupid, that age of political absurdity.
Anchor What
September 6, 2022 7:09 am
What? I read many pieces at Jo Nova’s in support of antivirals during the covid scam.
Anchor What
September 6, 2022 7:17 am
I have just followed back through Jo’s tagged pieces under Coronavirus, and what I said above is true, she was sceptical about vaccines and pro antivirals from way back.
Ringers overlooking the drafting yards on the station. They were used for branding steers and spaying cows.
You couldn’t make it up.
September 6, 2022 7:22 am
We should all have been screeching furies during the covid scam.
Yeah but not the way she did.
Full on for lock down to name one.
Hope she has.
Something in her core that is suspect though.
Maybe it’s the “I’m a scientist/smart person so I’m right about everything” syndrome. A lot of doctors suffer from it.
Knuckle Dragger
September 6, 2022 7:25 am
Normal people don’t vote for Drag Queen Story Time or “born alive” “abortions”.
No, they don’t.
That is because neither of those things correlates with the hardwired instinct present in almost all the human race, which runs deeper than any ‘ism’ and consists of the drive to:
1. Eat;
2. Not be eaten;
3. Procreate; and
4. Protect their young.
This is also why communism and all its mutant nephews have failed, and will ultimately fail – despite their leaders’ best efforts to change the basic makeup of the human being whose base allegiances will always be to those four things, and to the State only under duress.
Superficial changes have not, and will never change tens of thousands of years of human instinct with millions of years of similar bedrock underneath it.
Medieval kings understood that they could tax the peasants and lower nobility all they liked, as long as they were fed and they had the opportunity to provide for their own. Fail, and those kings were overthrown and killed. Communism, on the other hand is almost entirely theoretical – the longevity record so far for any communist regime is a pissweak 75 years with a dozen different leaders, and even then it killed tens of millions of their own people to do it.
Drag Queen Story Time and post-birth abortion won’t work because it can’t work. There may be up to and including a generation of very well-resourced attempts to do that, but a rock painted red is still a rock – and paint washes off.
September 6, 2022 7:26 am
To clarify;
I’m a long time follower and fan of Jo’s work re climate.
September 6, 2022 7:29 am
Cousin T pancakes.
Good on him.
Sancho Panzer
September 6, 2022 7:29 am
From the OT:-
research showing a high correlation between “childhood gender incongruence and family dynamics”.
Or, as we like to say, “most trannies come from fucked up families”.
If a kid turns up to hospital with multiple marks and bruises, they automatically suspect child abuse.
Same should go for kids wanting their genitals mutilated.
Knuckle Dragger
September 6, 2022 7:31 am
spaying cows
Cows! Traitors! Look at what they’ve done!
September 6, 2022 7:33 am
I’m very impressed with the Catholic gender incongruous stance.
Absolutely correct that 80 to 90 percent of children feeling that way change their mind.
All wisdom comes from God and can never be in conflict with the nature He created.
“Or, as we like to say, “most trannies come from fucked up families”.
If a kid turns up to hospital with multiple marks and bruises, they automatically suspect child abuse.
Same should go for kids wanting their genitals mutilated.”
September 6, 2022 7:38 am
Indeed, Sancho. I saw another study somewhere recently (sorry, can’t remember where) indicating that mothers are by far the most passionate advocates for re-gendering their children.
Neurotic women foisting their problems on children.
In England in Victorian times, middle/upper class male babies were dressed like girls and never had their hair cut until some unspecified age when Mama finally had to admit that they were boys. There are many accounts of how traumatic that was for Mama, especially cutting their hair.
Shortly afterwards, they were sent to boarding school.
Weird childraising is nothing new.
Top Ender
September 6, 2022 7:39 am
Training for future careers? Read between the lines on this one:
A Sydney high school is making students who want to visit the toilet present their fingerprints in a bid to track their movements to stamp out vandalism in a move that has upset parents.
The decision to rollout the tech for toilet access has also shocked privacy experts who say there is no excuse to take biometric data from students which could be vulnerable to hackers who want personal information.
Moorebank High principal Vally Grego wrote to parents earlier this year telling them that Posiflex Kiosks Biometrics would be rolled out this term.
“The system will roll out in Term 3 for the external student toilets only,” she told parents earlier this year.
“We are introducing this system to monitor students’ movement during class time and to reduce the incidents of vandalism. We will then investigate the upgrade to the toilets.”
Hope she has.
Something in her core that is suspect though.
Maybe it’s the “I’m a scientist/smart person so I’m right about everything” syndrome. A lot of doctors suffer from it.
In spades.
I’ve followed Jo on climate change and infrequently comment, as I did when her lockdown mania was peaking.
Farming has a habit of teaching you that the experts are often wrong and simple solutions to complex problems are invariably wrong.
Sancho Panzer
September 6, 2022 7:58 am
Nice bit of ‘checking the fact-checkers’ by Johanna at 7:20.
I note also that a cow herding person is called a “cattle driver”.
I am trying to imagine what “spaying” a fully grown cow in a cattle crush might involve.
I think you would need full Tik-Tok nurse PPE.
Bruce of Newcastle
September 6, 2022 8:01 am
Ringers overlooking the drafting yards on the station. They were used for branding steers and spaying cows.
Pre-op tranny cows?
The ABC produces lots of bovine excrement, it makes sense for it to come from qwerty bovines.
September 6, 2022 8:01 am
I am trying to imagine what “spaying” a fully grown cow in a cattle crush might involve.
Indeed, Sancho. I saw another study somewhere recently (sorry, can’t remember where) indicating that mothers are by far the most passionate advocates for re-gendering their children.
No surprise there.
I have a theory that if you examined the occupations of the mothers, you would find an over-representation of certain professions.
I would bet that nurses, teachers and public servants would top the list.
I have just followed back through Jo’s tagged pieces under Coronavirus, and what I said above is true, she was sceptical about vaccines and pro antivirals from way back.
She even came on to this site specifically to have a go at my statistical analysis of the figures. It was embarrassing. You’ll find it all within my old posts.
She went the full retard. Never go the full retard.
Knuckle Dragger
September 6, 2022 8:11 am
I would bet that nurses, teachers and public servants would top the list.
Respectfully disagree.
In my view, that crown belongs to ladeee ‘HR managers’.
September 6, 2022 8:12 am
Farming has a habit of teaching you that the experts are often wrong
These day’s, my default position is ‘the experts are ALWAYS wrong’
The whole transgender movement is prefaced around the normalisation of sexual fetishes as in Autogynephilia and in child mutilation. I can’t believe we live in a society where we are told that we must accept this.
September 6, 2022 8:24 am
She went the full retard. Never go the full retard.
She certainly did. I hardly ever bother to go to her site since. False in one, treat anything else she says with suspicion.
Scott Morrison, the unlamented former PM of this country, was interviewed on Sky last night by Paul Murray. I didn’t watch it. However the Oz is reporting today some of the Morrison’s verbal guff from the interview with Murray which I am unable to post because I keep on getting an internal error message.
However here’s my rebuttal to Mr Morrison…
“I know there was something you did have, something you chose not to exercise and that was your VOICE. You chose to remain silent when borders were shut, separating families and crippling this country, you chose to remain silent when state governments hypocritically supported BLM protests but came down heavy on protests by working men and women who’d lost livelihoods due to lockdowns, you chose to remain silent when Victorians were bashed daily by a thuggish politicised police force, you chose to remain silent when a pregnant Victorian woman was handcuffed and arrested in her own home for the crime of a social media post, you chose to remain silent when that disgraceful baboon premier of Queensland said that “Queensland hospitals were for Queenslanders”, you chose to remain silent when police fired tear gas at protesters at the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne last years, you chose to remain silent and actually sided with the MSM and the left when they went after Craig Kelly, you to chose to remain silent when the MSM and the left went after Christian Porter, Alan Tudge and Andrew Laming, you chose to remain silent when the MSM and left went after George Christensen.
I could go on however there’s so much my stomach can take so early in the morning. However what’s curious, very curious, is that there were things you chose NOT to remain silent about, when you should have kept your smirking mouth shut….umm…..remember Christine Holgate, our SAS soldiers, and the alleged in the Higgins case, remember them Mr Morrison? I do.
Oh and as for your quaint statement above “put governing ahead of playing politics”….sorry, doesn’t wash, every PM in history needs to play politics whilst governing. You clearly showed you had no ability in doing either. And I must note that it didn’t stop you from making catastrophically disastrous political decisions such as “net zero emissions”. That was pure politics, you sanctimonious hypocrite. And I haven’t even mentioned your collection of portfolios, like some tinpot South or Central American dictator.
The likelihood is that your inactions and your incompetence has likely destroyed the Liberal Party of Australia federally for a decade, because you drove the base away.
You are not missed, whilst you got your comeuppance on 21 May 2022 the tragedy is that the Australian people didn’t deserve what they got on 21 May 2022.
You once said free speech never created a single job, well Mr Morrison, exercising some free speech might well have saved your job.
Please go away, I never ever want to see or hear from you again.
September 6, 2022 8:24 am
Not much change in the narrative today.
Twitter surrogates are quiet on the Special Master being appointed to oversee the Trump haul.
Maybe it’s because it’s the Labour Day long weekend (which I thought was last weekend).
Sancho Panzer
September 6, 2022 8:25 am
Munchausen syndrome by proxy.
We have a relative who has a teenagers – a girl and a boy.
She is a nurse and delusional to the point of being dangerous. She will tell anyone who cares to listen that she knows more than the doctors and surgeons.
The boy develops an amazing array of medical conditions. Some are real, but I have doubts about others, to the point where I have asked the paternal grandfather if the boy’s father has actually seen the test results for all of the conditions.
He didn’t seem shocked at the question.
September 6, 2022 8:28 am
What will have to be addressed at some stage are the mistakes/revelations in the FBI/DOJ filings that do not sync up with their previous filings.
I give Liz Truss two years maximum as the PM before she is also howled out of office. The coming winter and all the power problems that will happen may be the end of her even sooner. There is no way she will go against the media narrative. Basically, she is no leader.
September 6, 2022 8:32 am
The only asset Liz Truss has going for is that most people have zero expectations of her.
Leaving aside the obvious howler about performing major surgery on cows in a stockyard, how come this graduate of ‘critical thinking’ didn’t wonder why anyone in the cattle business would want to sterilise cows?
The objective is to get as many of them pregnant as possible.
Unless, of course, the cows were gender uncertain …
September 6, 2022 8:35 am
feelthebern says:
September 6, 2022 at 8:28 am
What will have to be addressed at some stage are the mistakes/revelations in the FBI/DOJ filings that do not sync up with their previous filings.
Why bother? Just sack the lot of them and start again or spread their functions to the states’ law enforcement.
Sancho Panzer
September 6, 2022 8:36 am
BloJo gone?
I seem to recall a prediction here that he would hold on, using all his Oxbridge Top Table 5D chess skills.
Just received my electricity bill. It’s increased by $70.00 for the quarter.
September 6, 2022 8:40 am
I do not believe in that rubbish about only the top leadership of the FBI is rotten and that realisation came at their handling of the Florida and Las Vegas mass shootings. Since then other mass shooters were on their radar prior to the massacres and yet the lower level agents did nothing. Surely even the local agents would have learned something from previous tragedies.
September 6, 2022 8:43 am
The 12 foot paywall breaker can’t crack the Telegraph.
No Tim Blair for us, unless someone has another way around.
September 6, 2022 8:44 am
Copied this from Cory Bernardi’s morning comment, remind you of one of our political parties?
“If you look at great human civilisations, from the Roman Empire to the Soviet Union, you will see that most do not fail simply due to external threats but because of internal weakness, corruption, or a failure to manifest the values and ideals they espouse.”
Cory Booker
Bruce of Newcastle
September 6, 2022 8:45 am
I saw another study somewhere recently (sorry, can’t remember where) indicating that mothers are by far the most passionate advocates for re-gendering their children.
Fits with this graph. Men have pretty much stayed the same but young women of child-bearing age have markedly moved leftwards in the last 10 years.
(From Steven Hayward’s Geek in Pictures of 23 Aug.)
September 6, 2022 8:46 am
Cassie of Sydney says:
September 6, 2022 at 8:38 am
Just received my electricity bill. It’s increased by $70.00 for the quarter.
Mine is almost double. I expected a third increase as they sent me a letter in June advising that’s what they will do.
I can afford this extortion but I am thinking what a horrible slug this is for people on government pensions and for low wage earners. The renewable catastrophe is an indictment of our political and leadership class. They should simply be called what they are, The Marie Antoinette Class.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 6, 2022 8:46 am
Central Australian cattle station saves big in maintenance after employing all-female crew
“I can afford this extortion but I am thinking what a horrible slug this is for people on government pensions and for low wage earners. The renewable catastrophe is an indictment of our political and leadership class. They should simply be called what they are, The Marie Antoinette Class.”
Yep…and what was done to Marie Antionette should also be done to our political and leadership class.
September 6, 2022 8:50 am
Tintarella di Luna says:
September 6, 2022 at 5:53 am
Thank you .
Further to the above article: The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has released a guide on gender and identity to support Catholic schools in responding to the individual social and pastoral needs of students.
Here is the PDF file Created & Loved
September 6, 2022 8:51 am
johanna says:
September 6, 2022 at 8:35 am
Leaving aside the obvious howler about performing major surgery on cows in a stockyard, how come this graduate of ‘critical thinking’ didn’t wonder why anyone in the cattle business would want to sterilise cows?
ABC people seem never to have studied logic otherwise they may exhibit some cognitive dissonance. They are the perfect example of the shortcomings of our education system.
What is even more horrifying is that when our generation is gone there will be nobody there to even notice this stupidity.
September 6, 2022 8:52 am
Sounds legit. Like how those black women were better than Werner von Braun.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 6, 2022 8:53 am
The South West Native Title Settlement between the Noongar people and the WA Government has been described as Australia’s first treaty. It illustrates how treaties can be effective in supporting self-determination and how the native title system already provides the framework to put them in place. Would a Makarrata Commission have “supervised” the negotiations between the Noongar people and the WA Government? What would that have entailed? Would a Makarrata Commission have sought to represent or speak for the Noongar people in those negotiations?
I’m also deeply concerned the Voice and Makarrata Commission will undermine traditional owner approval and governance processes and be infiltrated by activists in their campaigns against major projects.
Consider these examples.
In 2013, Woodside abandoned plans for a gas hub at James Price Point. The Goolarabooloo Jabirr Jabirr people negotiated a native title agreement with Woodside which was overwhelmingly approved by the traditional owners. The project would have generated about $1.5 billion for local Aboriginal communities through jobs, business opportunities and community development.
Activists relentlessly campaigned against the project, enlisting a minority group of local Aboriginal people opposed to the project. After years of lawfare and resistance, the project became uneconomical and Woodside abandoned it. A few years later the Federal Court ruled the minority group weren’t traditional owners there at all.
From an article in the “West”, by Warren Mundine, about the “voice.”
September 6, 2022 8:54 am
What is even more horrifying is that when our generation is gone there will be nobody there to even notice this stupidity.
I’m surprised how many young people don’t buy into the bullshit, however there’s one exception and that’s gerbil warmening.
September 6, 2022 8:55 am
Anchor Whatsays:
September 6, 2022 at 6:52 am
Jo Nova does it again, with a study into the effectiveness of that low cost antiviral called Ivermectin.
Page #2 and Page #3 of Judge Aileen Cannon’s ruling cites a quote from the DOJ own legal filing, dated May 10th, that Joe Biden ordered the National Archives and Records Administration to provide access to the FBI to review the Trump records. Note the quotation marks:
On May 10, 2022, NARA informed Plaintiff that it would proceed with “provid[ing] the FBI access to the records in question, as requested by the incumbent President, beginning as early as Thursday, May 12, 2022.” [citation]
August 24, 2022, Joe Biden was questioned about how much notice he had regarding the FBI raid on President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago in Florida.
Question: “Mr. President, how much advanced notice did you have of the FBI’s plan to search Mar-a-Lago?“
BIDEN:“I didn’t have any advanced notice. None, zero, not one single bit.”
September 6, 2022 8:59 am
rosie says:
September 6, 2022 at 8:37 am
Lismoreans head for the hills.
The shoe shop owner came to the right conclusion – that she had to relocate her shop to higher ground. Everyone else should follow suit and the government is morally obligated to help them financially and materially as they allowed development in the flood plains.
I am in favour of this sort of subsidy with public money rather than the renewables subsidies that only help select rich friends.
Perplexed of Brisbane
September 6, 2022 9:01 am
Cassie of Sydneysays:
September 6, 2022 at 8:24 am
Brilliant piece of writing Cassie.
I do disagree with your last line though.
Please go away, I never ever want to see or hear from you again.
I want to see and hear him at his trial along with the Premiers and CHO’s at theirs.
September 6, 2022 9:02 am
BIDEN: “I didn’t have any advanced notice. None, zero, not one single bit.”
He’s been a liar all his life, that doesn’t change just because he is going senile, it probably intensifies.
Why on Earth did U.S. Magistrate Bruce Reinhart issue a warrant to raid Mar-a-Lago?
The stuff the FBI collected was not nuclear codes. It was a bunch of old magazines and newspapers.
He and the FBI had no business confiscating them.
A detailed list of what the FBI claims it took shows Reinhart’s was a general warrant, which the 4th Amendment bans. I suppose this is FBI standard operating procedure because although they are sworn to defend the Constitution, the agents never seem to bother following it.
The full list of items taken is here.
Overwhelmingly, what the FBI took were newspapers and magazines, either in full or just articles clipped from them.
President Trump obviously needed the 1,693 articles, newspapers and magazines to help his ghostwriter write his presidential memoirs.
Why did the FBI take them? What evidence does an old newspaper provide? That the media lied (or as we should call it now, FBI-ed)?
They also took articles of clothing and gifts.
The confiscation of items totally unrelated to national security shows that far from upholding the Constitution, Biden’s Boys were committing crimes. Taking Melania’s panties — or whatever articles of clothing they took — is not an act of investigation. Confiscating personal items is intimidation.
The 4th Amendment is quite clear that the police cannot go into your home and take whatever they want.
It says, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
If the warrant says the FBI can take newspapers, clothing and gifts, then Congress must impeach Magistrate Reinhart.
If it doesn’t, the 30 agents in the raid must be suspended without pay and prosecuted.
September 6, 2022 9:07 am
Cassie of Sydney says:
September 6, 2022 at 8:24 am
Scott Morrison, the unlamented former PM of this country, was interviewed on Sky last night by Paul Murray. I didn’t watch it.
Cassie, I didn’t watch it and for similar reasons you stated. He had his time and the chance to say and do the right things. He didn’t and I have no interest in his excuses. The quicker he fades into obscurity the better.
Knuckle Dragger
September 6, 2022 9:20 am
BloJo gone?
I seem to recall a prediction here that he would hold on, using all his Oxbridge Top Table 5D chess skills.
A sharp operator, it was said. Very savvy, it was said. Supremely connected at the topender town, it was said. All those things would swat away those awful common plebs presuming to have their feet under the kitchen table (Genoese marble, of course) at Number 10, it was said.
Yet here we are. Inexplicable, apparently.
September 6, 2022 9:27 am
Old Ozzie
That NIH link says Ivermectin is NOT approved – but they are able to be used in approved trials
Just back from a extended weekend in the Snow, my wife and I taking son down to join his Wife and one of my GrandDaughters who are down in the Snow for the Season and staying in Jindabyne – 2 Great Fathers Day Sinner – Japanese Saturday Night and Huge Steak Sunday Night
Return service from Jindabyne to Perisher or Thredbo runs every 30 minutes during peak and is the most affordable and stress-free way to get to the ski fields.
Return tickets include your entry into the national park.
Buses run Friday, Saturday and Sunday only
As Seniors, $20 return Jindabyne to Perisher for the 2 of us
As kids headed off for 0700 Ski Tube – we decided to go for Bus trip – Caught 1100 Jindabyne to Perisher arr 1200- had Hot Chocolate & Chunky Pie with Son and Daughter-in-Law then back on 1300 Perisher to Jindabyne (same Bus Driver)
Relevance to Scouring forests for fuel,
we saw so many fallen dead trees on the way down to Jindabyne, and on the road to Perisher the number of fallen snow gums was huge – and I commented to my wife, who had mentioned that my German Daughter-in-law had talked about Germans scouring Forests for wood fuel, and based on my trips around Australia and especially Vic and NSW High Country 4WD Driving – we, Australia will never run of Wood Fuel, Caol, Gas or Uranium
Yes I know, Good to see someone clicked through, but it previously did not appear on that AntiVirals Therapy Page and now shows
Ivermectin Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug that is being evaluated to treat COVID-19.
Farmer Gez
September 6, 2022 9:33 am
BIDEN: “I didn’t have any advanced notice. None, zero, not one single bit.”
It’s only a lie if you can remember it.
September 6, 2022 9:33 am
I watched episode 3 of the House of the Dragon last night.
It was well done.
What riles me is the social media coverage that crows about the strong fem lead standing up to the patriarchy.
But nothing much about the blokes hacking each other death in the battles.
And for a series force feeding today’s standards, how about country that told the monarchies to fuck right off.
I read that Melania threw out the contents of her underwear drawers and bought new stuff.
I mean, eeeuw. Grubby little local FBI agents whose idea of erotica is a hot tub bar out near the airport, or a jelly wrestle closer to home, getting to fondle Melania’s underwear. This would have been the biggest thing in their whole sad careers.
How long before a pair of Melania’s scanties appears on e-Bay?
It will be fascinating to watch how the UK establishment deals with the Do Not Pay movement.
And people like Russell Brand who are now promoting it.
There will be many within the establishment who would love to do to these protesters what the Canadian establishment did to the truck drivers.
JC, apart from a child being taught to pray everyday, name something that gets drummed into kids like climate change.
Even the hardest core footy fan wouldn’t indoctrinate their kids like climate change is.
Has Cry Bullies been added to the Cat dictionary? Courtesy Berenson
Knuckle Dragger
September 6, 2022 9:54 am
How long before a pair of Melania’s scanties appears on e-Bay?
They won’t be there for long. The trannies will snap them up.
September 6, 2022 9:55 am
September 6, 2022 at 9:43 am
Axel & Salo la negra pantera – Mickey Then / Asesina Matame [Bachata Sensual]
What about if you’re working from home?
Sancho Panzer
September 6, 2022 9:55 am
Knuckle Draggersays:
September 6, 2022 at 9:20 am
BloJo gone?
I seem to recall a prediction here that he would hold on, using all his Oxbridge Top Table 5D chess skills.
A sharp operator, it was said. Very savvy, it was said. Supremely connected at the topender town, it was said.
Could we be witnessing a tactical withdrawal?
Is it possible to have a tactical unconditional surrender?
Bill from the Bush
September 6, 2022 9:58 am
Cows were spayed in the yards in the late 70’s early 80’s around the Nebo area of Qld. I was building stockyards then and helped in the yards from time to time.
Logically it makes no sense to sterilise a breeding cow. However when a herd improvement program is going on then it makes good sense to bring the unwanted cows to a marketable weight. All cattle were also being tested for bovine tb at the time so it actully was good animal husbandry in practice
It didn’t seem to be that complicated, but the cow had to be firmly restrained as both of the “spayers” arms were in the orifices, one to feel and locate and t’other to cut. Barbaric in today’s times but mundane then.
September 6, 2022 10:03 am
September 6, 2022 at 8:46 am Cassie of Sydney says:
September 6, 2022 at 8:38 am Just received my electricity bill. It’s increased by $70.00 for the quarter.
Mine is almost double. I expected a third increase as they sent me a letter in June advising that’s what they will do.
I can afford this extortion but I am thinking what a horrible slug this is for people on government pensions and for low wage earners. The renewable catastrophe is an indictment of our political and leadership class. They should simply be called what they are, The Marie Antoinette Class.
Having done a lot of research after getting Simply Energys price increase which does not gel with their NSW Standing Offer, had selected AGL Seniors Electricity and Gas offers from
They came up with AGL Electricity(not Seniors) but same rates – but added $75 Disc as new customer – you at this stage have to finalise with Supplier yourself, so rang AGL and really helpful Lady, as I had previously been AGL Customer for Gas for 44 years, suggested Seniors with $100 discount for sign-on – so went with that with billhero email address (concept is bill hero keep eye as they receive your bills and then on forward to you, and if a better saving than you preset amount comes up they advise)
Simply Energy Electricity was NRMA 28% Disc and new AGL pricing was saving $70 on latest Elec Bill
On gas AGL lady could not match billhero Gas proposal of so went with them
Tariff Details
Peak Rates (All year)
First threshold usage tariff 3.01 c/MJ (inc GST)
First threshold 20.71 MJ
First threshold time period Daily
Second threshold usage tariffm2.28 c/MJ (inc GST)
Second threshold 41.1 MJ
Third threshold usage tariff 2.17 c/MJ (inc GST)
Third threshold 90.41 MJ
Fourth threshold usage tariff 2.16 c/MJ (inc GST)
Fourth threshold 2,745 MJ
Balance usage tariff 2.12 c/MJ (inc GST)
Quick Hint for “Young Players” re Gas – Our Gas Wholesaler in NSW is Jemena and they manually read Gas Meter every 3 Months – I waited till Gas was 3 monthly read and then got bill to swap – however means that sumo cannot take over till after next 3 read month
So Hint – change Gas Supplier a week before Gas Meter Read
September 6, 2022 10:05 am
Farming has a habit of teaching you that the experts are often wrong and simple solutions to complex problems are invariably wrong.
Most real jobs teach you this.
Many people don’t have real jobs.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 6, 2022 10:07 am
Mehreen Faruqi the Senator for Pakistan goes into action for her constituency
Michael Smith News. It seems Australia should give more aid to Pakistan.
Fair Shake
September 6, 2022 10:08 am
Central Australian cattle station saves big in maintenance after employing all-female crew
Well of course, because you can pay them less. (Sara)
September 6, 2022 10:09 am
I think that ‘cry bullies’ was either Julie Bindel or Julie Burchill. Both UK feminist writers who loathe male trannies taking over.
Simon Evans, Josh Howie and Nick Dixon react to an article in The Times | Feminist society ‘purged’ by trans rights activists at Swansea Universit
A new study of 8,300 people shows that taking ivermectin regularly before catching Covid halved the odds of catching it, and reduced mortality by a seismic 92%*. It reduced hospitalization by 98%, and in a dose dependent manner. If unvaccinated people were threatening our hospital system, it was only ever because they were denied ivermectin, something that appears to have increased their odds of dying by 12.5 fold. And as we all know now, the Emergency Use Authorization for the new, barely tested, radically different vaccines depended on there being no safe cheap alternative, which clearly there was. This study took place from July 2020 — Dec 2020. So here we are two years after it started. So many people died who didn’t need to.
This study follows up on the large trial in Itajai, Brazil to see if regular use of ivermectin would work better than the bizarrely low doses which still cut hospitalization in half, and reduced deaths by 70%. In that study, people were asked to take the 0.2mg/kg/day dose two days in a row but only once every two weeks. Since the half-life of ivermectin in humans is only 12–36 hours, those taking it in the study were effectively left unprotected at least half the time. It still seems strange, but even the regular users in this study were only taking ivermectin for two consecutive days every two weeks.
As the only Unvaxxed person in my Family, I have and will continue to take AntiVirals that I have been taking since the start of Covid – Still healthiest one in the Family and only one not to have had Covid
Have HCQ and Azithromycin available if needed, but would take Ivermectin if the Cretins at Thugs Goods Administration of Australia had not banned it
Bruce of Newcastle
September 6, 2022 10:14 am
It seems Australia should give more aid to Pakistan.
I have a different idea. We should offer to buy several atomic bombs from them. At a billion each we’d get a useful deterrent and they’d get money to help flood victims with. Win win!
Which faction of the Pakistani government are Australian taxpayers giving money to?
The Khan faction?
Or the US backed faction?
Or the ISI playing the US taxpayer for fools faction?
Sancho Panzer
September 6, 2022 10:18 am
Righto Bill.
What did these graziers do with these ‘spayed’ cows?
Put them back out to fatten up, where a fair percentage will keel over from infection, with the remainder chewing up valuable pasture which could be used to run prime steers?
Yeah, nah.
It might have been a quaint little practice in some Queensssland backwater, but there is only one true path for all cows which have passed their use-by date as breeders.
To the chopper sale.
Do not pass “Go!”.
September 6, 2022 10:19 am
BIDEN: “I didn’t have any advanced notice. None, zero, not one single bit.”
At a billion each we’d get a useful deterrent and they’d get money to help flood victims with. Win win!
It would have the additional bonus of causing mass heart failure among Adam Bandt, and the Greens. Win, win, win!!!!
H B Bear
September 6, 2022 10:23 am
On Pakistan and atomic bombs. I’m not sure buying them would be the best use. Only the Saudis are better at playing the West for mugs.
September 6, 2022 10:24 am
Kudos to the Cat who posted the link to The Soviet Story yesterday…
It was excellent, but confronting!
Black Ball
September 6, 2022 10:28 am
Did I hear correctly that some Australian biotech company is developing a drug that will lessen the chance of you keeling over from teh rona jab?
Mother Lode
September 6, 2022 10:30 am
Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug that is being evaluated to treat COVID-19.
A ha!
That is why the government and its rogues gallery of misshapen and botched ogres are so implacably opposed to it.
Its anti-parasitic effect would have the oily mats of bureaucrats, politicians, and activists sloughing off people’s skin in sheets.
Bill From The Bush
September 6, 2022 10:30 am
The only ones that I saw being spayed were some of the heifers and young cows. Older cows were as you said off to the meatworks as were all of the scrub bulls that were mustered.
incoherent rambler
September 6, 2022 10:30 am
I’m prepared to open the bidding for Melania’s scanties at $1 million.
On the condition that they come with the original owner.
Margaret Court claims that Williams never ‘admired’ her
Serena Williams’ achievements in tennis were hailed this past weekend by a robust chorus of admirers from Michelle Obama to Tiger Woods and LeBron James, but one name which perhaps won’t be added to the list is Australian tennis icon Margaret Court, who has delivered a put-down of the newly-retired American star.
Court remains perhaps the most enduring success story in female tennis, winning an unparalleled 24 Grand Slam singles titles in her career in the 1960s and 70s, but has more recently become a pariah in some circles due to her vocal stance in opposition to same-sex marriage and her support of gay conversion therapy, among other things.
“Serena has played seven years more than I did,” she added, noting that Williams had more opportunities to capture tournament crowds throughout her career.
“I finished in my early 30s. People forget that I took two years out. I first retired, like Ash Barty, when I was 25, thinking I would never return to tennis. I got married, had a baby, but then had one of my best years, winning 24 out of 25 tournaments.”
Discussing the modern era of tennis, Court added: “I would love to have played in this era. I think it’s so much easier.
“How I would love to have taken family or friends along with me. But I couldn’t. I had to go on my own or with the national team. People don’t see all that.
“We didn’t have psychologists or coaches with us. It’s a whole different world. That’s what disappoints me – that players today don’t honor the past of the game.”
The lockdown jig is up
Rishi Sunak regrets what they did, but did Albo get the memo?
In the UK, Rishi Sunak, whose resignation as Chancellor of the Exchequer precipitated the final collapse of Boris Johnson’s hold on the Tory leadership, has come clean about Britain’s lockdown strategy.
In sum, what the Brits were told was good for them in the Covid fight, was cooked up in secret meetings by scientific advisers who, far from being masters of ‘the science’ and confident in their judgments, were often divided and ultimately reversed key positions, as time went by, on what ‘the science’ was supposed be.
The Sunak confession was made to Fraser Nelson, editor of The Spectator, who wrote up his interview with Sunak.
According to Sunak, the UK government’s Covid advisory group, known by the august acronym SAGE, was often divided over such fundamental measures as mask wearing and lockdowns.
SAGE minutes were written in such a way as to hide these disagreements. As the Covid scare deepened, SAGE actually reversed its key initial positions. Eventually, its leading lights – Chief Medical Officer, Sir Chris Whitty, and Chief Science Advisor, Sir Patrick Vallance – openly admitted that lockdowns could do more harm than good, but SAGE recommended them anyway.
No ‘cost-benefit’ analyses were undertaken; SAGE advice went directly to the Prime Minister’s Office at No. 10 and was accepted without reference to Cabinet. Finally, the PMO simply issued Minsters with directions on how they should answer questions about Covid measures, the merits of which could not be seriously discussed at any level within the government.
It’s good to have confirmed, what some have long suspected, that the ‘Masters of the Science’ did not know what they were doing and were much less confident of their positions than they themselves and their political masters gave them out to be.
Kiev has reportedly asked the military bloc to urgently provide it with hundreds of thousands of uniforms and other equipment
According to Der Spiegel, Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov wrote a letter to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg back in late July, calling on the military alliance to provide cold-proof field tents along with clothing for as many as 200,000 Ukrainian soldiers. The uniforms and equipment should be delivered as quickly as possible, the minister added, according to the magazine.
Several NATO nations have since been searching their warehouses for the needed supplies. The organization confirmed to Der Spiegel that it is in contact with member states on the issue. According to reports cited by Der Spiegel, so far the US and Canada, as well as Sweden and Finland, which are yet to join the military grouping, have together promised deliveries that could cover up to 50% of Ukraine’s demands.
According to Der Spiegel, the German military is “quite critical” of the idea of handing over its equipment to Ukraine. Lambrecht herself repeatedly stated earlier that the German Armed Forces – the Bundeswehr – are about to reach the limits of what they can give away when it comes to weapons.
One of the unanswered questions posed by Sunak’s account of events is whether SAGE massaged its advice to meet what its ultimate political master, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, wanted to hear.
Sunak’s unburdening of conscience over what went on behind the scenes in Britain prompts one to ask what was really happening back here in Australia behind our own, until now, veiled government decision-making about how to respond to the Wuhan virus.
A new book hit our stores recently entitled Plagued: Australia’s two years of hell – the inside story.
It’s mostly about how the government of Prime Minister Scott Morrison dealt with the Covid ‘plague’ or, perhaps more accurately, how Scott Morrison himself dealt with the ‘plague’.
Written by Simon Benson and Geoff Chambers, both journalists for The Australian, the book’s launch was accompanied by a well-timed marketing blitz that zeroed in on the book’s chief scoop: that Morrison had had himself ‘sworn in’ as an invisible Minister of two portfolios. We subsequently discovered that there were five such portfolios for which there were already duly sworn Ministers, of whom four were wholly unaware of Morrison’s hidden presence.
About the book itself, I’ll say more another time. And, on the secret swearings-in, I’ll pass over them for now.
What I want to draw attention to is in just two pages of Plagued: pages 80-81. On them, the authors relate how Morrison and his Health Minister, Greg Hunt, kept working on their senior health advisory group – the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) – to get the kind of medical advice they wanted, or thought they needed.
It seems that, back in early March 2020, the AHPPC – which included the Commonwealth’s Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Health Officers of the States – was opposed, among other things, to mask mandates. This opposition stunned Morrison and Hunt.
‘You have to put your hands to your head and say, “What?”’ Benson and Chambers quote Hunt as telling them.
‘… we had to keep going back to them on masks. We thought it was obvious that masks would make a difference. There wasn’t resistance from us. There was resistance from parts of the AHPPC.’
Now remember those words: ‘We thought it was obvious…’
September 6, 2022 10:46 am
Ivermectin, fixed me up in three days flat. That’s the only study I’ve needed.
As a medical practitioner, I was threatened with deregistration, possibly gaol ( depending on the state), for prescribing a proven safe drug, with an extensive research base suggesting good efficacy as a repurposed treatment for Covid.
Theses decisions came from the TGA (principally funded by Big Pharma), CMO’s (career bureaucrats) Health Ministers ( not one of whom has any medical knowledge) and State Premiers (Machiavellian authoritarians) and allowed no dissent.
I remain unable to comprehend what became of my country, and the world in general.
Lucy Kerr, Fernando Baldi, Raysildo Lobo, Washington Luiz Assagra, Fernando Carlos Proença, Juan J. Chamie, Jennifer A. Hibberd, Pierre Kory, Flavio A. Cadegiani
As the only Unvaxxed person in my Family, I have and will continue to take AntiVirals that I have been taking since the start of Covid – Still healthiest one in the Family and only one not to have had Covid
Have HCQ and Azithromycin available if needed, but would take Ivermectin if the Cretins at Thugs Goods Administration of Australia had not banned it
I too remain ‘unjabbed’ and will continue to do so. I will not be jabbed by an experimental (mental) gene therapy drug that only has emergency approval. I get my Vitamin D from the sunshine and eating spuds. I also find that drinking alcohol helps me get along fine.
I have an Innate Immune System and I’m not sure whether I have ever had ‘The Virus’ as I have never been for a test.
Mind you, I get the Common Cold just about every Winter. A Lemsip laced with Captain Morgan’s Rum seems to be a nice tonic. Not too sure whether that is TGA approved or not. My constitution seems to like it though……………….lol
September 6, 2022 11:00 am
If it’s not a randomised double blind trial I can’t see how the results are reliable.
But I’m not standing in the way of anyone taking ivermectin.
Go nuts.
Mind you, I get the Common Cold just about every Winter. A Lemsip laced with Captain Morgan’s Rum seems to be a nice tonic. Not too sure whether that is TGA approved or not. My constitution seems to like it though
Yep – both those remedies part of my antivirals
Anchor What
September 6, 2022 11:04 am
Daily Telegraph:
Union email reveals tactic is to ensure a Labor win.
No! Really? You mean those rail unions are just doing it on purpose?
Well I never …
By the same logic, water should be banned. It is horse rehydration fluid don’t you know…
…AND it kills people too. Far more deaths caused by water than Ivermectin (which is zero for IVM in Australia).
We cannot possibly expect citizens to be allowed to administer their own baths – so dangerous without expert supervision control.
Just stop struggling and accept your future. You will be filthy (and dehydrated) and you will be happy. You WILL be happy, damn it!
September 6, 2022 11:06 am
“Ivermectin, fixed me up in three days flat. That’s the only study I’ve needed.”
You have no way of knowing if no ivermectin areff would also have recovered in three days flat.
Everyone is different.
Vaxxed 92 old wheel chair bound person of my acquaintance, very mild dose recovered with panadol.
Another highly compromised vaxxed individual had a headache one evening, took two aspirin, woke up the next morning, all better.
Bear Necessities
September 6, 2022 11:06 am
I’m prepared to open the bidding for Melania’s scanties at $1 million.
On the condition that they come with the original owner.
I’m pretty sure the perverts in the FBI would of left a lot of ‘evidence’ on those briefs.
See the frames on the right…. Now zoom in a little.
Weird that the light and dark colored frames are EXACTLY the same size. That dark colored frame wold not fit in the room with the others but is the exact same size.
You want proof, here’s proof that the FIB completely doctored this photo. Note the intensity change at the box edge where the shadow is. A huge drop in brightness as ANYONE would expect from the box shadow.
Now see the slice thorough the FAKE time magazine photo.
The framed picture literally does not exist. Per any rules of lighting physics, there has to be some HINT of a shadow, yet there is no line visible or in the high resolution intensity slice. There needs to be at least a hint of difference in coloration but there isn’t. This is proof that the time photo is a completely fake add-on which just ‘happens’ to have an amazingly political context.
FAKE. Completely fucking fake.
September 6, 2022 11:09 am
A good speccie article there JR
What we Australians need to know can be formulated in one basic question: why was the detailed pandemic plan developed during Tony Abbott’s time as Minister for Health and Ageing (2003-07) abandoned in the face of Covid?
Under this plan, into which years of research had gone, lockdowns were not recommended; mandatory masking was not envisaged; schools would not be closed; selected hospitals were allocated the task of treating ‘pandemic’ victims while other hospitals, both public and private, were to continue providing, as far as possible, their normal services to the public. Vaccines were considered an important part of any pandemic response, but so too was early treatment of the infected who, from Day 1 of a pandemic, were to be medicated with anti-viral drugs; and, finally, to create an emergency supply of these, significant Commonwealth funds were outlaid.
Why was this existing pandemic plan secretly junked in March 2020?
Who made the decision and for what reasons?
September 6, 2022 11:10 am
Oops Apologies, can’t see what happen re bluing
September 6, 2022 11:10 am
That cluey doctor I linked to the other day, querying the use of boosters in healthy young people still thought even one dose of the vaxx was better than none and was adamant that proper randomised double blind trials were essential.
I imagine that would go for all medications.
Timothy Neilson
September 6, 2022 11:12 am
September 6, 2022 at 9:45 am
It’s a pretty pissweak “study”.
They admit that there’s a trend that ivermectin reduces viral load, dismiss it as not statistically significant, but then deep down in the paper they admit that their study cohorts were too small.
Hardly a resounding repudiation.
September 6, 2022 11:13 am
Tony Abbott, the only Federal politician who said anything sensible about the pandemic without venturing into lalaland.
I wonder what would have happened if he’d been PM in 2020.
incoherent rambler says:
September 6, 2022 at 10:30 am
I’m prepared to open the bidding for Melania’s scanties at $1 million.
On the condition that theyI come with the original owner.
That cluey doctor I linked to the other day, querying the use of boosters in healthy young people still thought even one dose of the vaxx was better than none
Yes, and thalidomide worked in suppressing morning sickness.
The effectiveness (or otherwise) is not the main issue. The National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) still say: “However, as there are limited safety data, full registration of the vaccine will only be given after extended safety monitoring, which will take several years”
September 6, 2022 11:27 am
For Dover – Not sure if this has been previously posted but interesting analysis
– How I Think About War
– The Kiev Thunder Run
– The Donbas Grind
– Slow Burn and the Economic Calculus
– What Comes Next
My overall prognosis is very simple: I believe that Russia has degraded Ukraine’s military capabilities beyond repair, and is now doing the methodical work of grinding away the rest, while forcing the west to bear the unexpected burden of propping up the Ukrainian state and army.
At a certain point, two things will happen that will accelerated the pace of Russia’s gains. First, Ukrainian military capability will be attrited to the point where they can no longer effectively offer static defense, as they are doing now in the Donbas. Secondly, western support for Ukraine will begin to dry up, at which point Ukraine will be exposed as a failed state that cannot function independently.
Bruce of Newcastle says:
September 6, 2022 at 8:45 am
I saw another study somewhere recently (sorry, can’t remember where) indicating that mothers are by far the most passionate advocates for re-gendering their children.
Fits with this graph. Men have pretty much stayed the same but young women of child-bearing age have markedly moved leftwards in the last 10 years.
Looks like the change really kicked in about 2005, when Facebook and Twitter began.
After an unprecedented harmful algae bloom first turned San Francisco Bay a murky brown color and then littered its shores with dead fish, many people assumed it was yet another climate disaster to add to the list, along with extreme drought, wildfires and heat waves.
While scientists suspect climate change played a role in triggering the bloom, what fueled it is not a mystery. Algae blooms need food to grow, and this one had plenty: nutrients originating in wastewater that the region’s 37 sewage plants pump into the bay.
In other words —we wouldn’t have this problem without the poop and pee of the Bay Area’s 8 million residents.
President Joe Biden’s speech last Thursday, in which he declared war on those who voted against him in 2020, gave us a peek into the actual status of the 2022 election cycle. By trying to make the election about the actions of the former president – rather than about Mr. Biden’s own record or any of his legislative “achievements” — he made it clear that the Democrats know they are in trouble unless something happens to shake up the race.
If Team Biden thought otherwise or believed the public polling, they would have not felt the need to drag President Donald J. Trump into the campaign.
They have good reason to be concerned. When limited to likely voters (rather than the more expansive and less reliable metric of registered voters), the generic ballot test for House races indicates that the Republicans are headed towards a modest majority consisting of about 230 Members in the House next January.
Team Biden knows all this. That’s why the histrionics and the blood red stage and all that jazz the other night in Philadelphia. They desperately need to gin up turnout among those who do not like Mr. Trump. Otherwise, they will be faced with the irrelevancy of a lame duck president whose party controls neither the House nor the Senate.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 6, 2022 11:43 am
Kumanjayi Walker inquest: Claims Zack Rolfe’s father ran campaign to ‘intimidate’ key witness
Constable Zach Rolfe’s father has been accused of mounting a campaign of intimidation against a key witness in the inquest into the shooting death of Kumanjayi Walker.
Jason Walls
Jason Walls
2 min read
September 6, 2022 – 10:52AM
The father of Constable Zach Rolfe has launched a “campaign” – “perhaps on behalf of his son” – to “intimidate” a key witness at an inquest into the death of the man Constable Rolfe killed in 2019, a court has heard.
During the first day of hearings in the inquiry into the death of Kumanjayi Walker in 2019 on Monday, counsel for NT Police, Ian Freckelton QC, said public comments made by Richard Rolfe in the lead up to the inquest were “inflammatory and, for the most part, utterly inaccurate”.
Dr Freckelton said Mr Rolfe had made repeated allegations against then officer in charge of the Yuendumu police station, Sergeant Julie Frost, in “an online publication which contends that it is a newspaper”.
He said the claims – including “that if any other police officer on the planet had been the OIC at Yuendumu, then Walker would be alive today” – amounted to “a combined campaign” between Mr Rolfe and the bloggers.
Dr Freckelton said anyone, including Mr Rolfe, was “entitled to take a position and express it robustly”, saying “there is no harm in that”.
“But if a publication, or more particularly a series of publications, crosses the line into denigration, vituperation and attempted intimidation, we say, your honour, that there’s a problem, and we say that that is exactly what has been happening,” he said.
“Your honour might well conclude that the purpose of this campaign is to intimidate persons who are not sympathetic to the position being promulgated by Richard Rolfe, perhaps on behalf of his son, from talking the truth that we’ve been speaking about this morning.
Indeed, nothing will change until the reality of blackouts, deprivation and even death hits home, when the people can’t charge their mobiles or computers, when people can’t upload a picture on Instagram, when people can’t go to the their favourite restaurant or cafe and when people gasp for breath when they receive their electricity and gas bills. Bring on the reality.
Have I made another convert, Cassie?
That will make two…
September 6, 2022 11:51 am
I’m old enough to remember when inquests first looked at events that led up to the death of the person/persons involved.
And the actions of individuals involved if it directly related to the death/deaths.
The shoe shop owner came to the right conclusion – that she had to relocate her shop to higher ground. Everyone else should follow suit and the government is morally obligated to help them financially and materially as they allowed development in the flood plains.
There is no ‘government’ .. any such bailout would come from the citizens, either in direct taxation, borrowing or inflation. Given Lismore has flooded every 5 minutes for all of recorded history, how about the ‘right conclusion’ being ‘buyer beware’?
Been doing a bit of back scrolling to catch up and notice a lot of folk were taken in by the Dai Le theatrics and dress sense .. this FOWLER resident/voter isn’t so impressed! ..
Make no mistake Dai Le got in cos she scored the Vietnamese vote which added to enuf of us who got fed up with years of “joke” representation by Labor .. Labor, until, now took FOWLER like the adjacent McMAHON as heriditary and treated the vote herd as such ..
Dai Le has broken the mould but whether she can see it thru and represent us all is another matter! .. for those of you who don’t live in FOWLER or have much interaction with Viets you need to realise the Vietnamese have several traits which won’t be changing! .. The majority are GREEDY, SELFISH and regard the rest of us as lessers .. not equals! .. They look out for no.1 and Dai Le got their votes so they will expect pay-back and they will have no interest in whether that pay-back involves non Vietnamese ..
Admittedly, I am talking from personal observations as 90% of the Vietnamese around me are on on the “rorters” and show no outward signs of disability other than not speaking English .. these are folk who when they get junk mail or whatever in the mail boxes throw it straight onto the street without a 2nd thought! .. 90% of face nappy wearing out here is SE Asian and the streets/shopping centres are always littered with discarded masks ..
I may be wrong and Dai Le may surprise me and represent us all but I won’t hold my breathe waiting! .. still if we’d gotten Christine we’d have gotten nothing so, for the time being, life will go on, probably, same as usual …… tho her having been heavily supported by Fairfield’s mayor is not a good omen! .. he may tout himself as “independent” but that was a politically motivated ploy when he realised that the Labor run Council was starting to get on-the-nose .. LOL!
Dr. Weinberg adds that “the comprehensive study we’ve conducted raises serious doubts regarding the possibility of bats being the origin of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Try the rat and monkey soup! Very popular in Wuhan, especially for lunch. The lab people swear by it. Very cheap!
Speaking to CNBC at the Ambrosetti Forum in Italy, Ferguson said the catalyst events had already occurred to spark a repeat of the 70s, a period characterized by financial shocks, political clashes and civil unrest. Yet this time, the severity of those shocks was likely to be greater and more sustained.
You will kill all the nannas. Every last one of them.
God, some people.
September 6, 2022 12:31 pm
When the WA Parliament declares it’s got no work to do (or doesn’t want to be accountable):
The Committee proposes that the House sits one hour earlier on Tuesdays, i.e. from
1.00 pm, rather than 2.00 pm; that the House dispenses with the dinner break; and that
the House concludes business at 7.00 pm instead of 10.00 pm. By starting an hour earlier,
and forgoing the one-hour dinner break, the House would claw back two hours of the
three hours surrendered by not sitting from 7.00 pm to 10.00 pm.
The Queensland opposition said the Palaszczuk government’s new land tax regime was an “unprecedented” assault on interstate investors that could force up rents and drive investment out of the Sunshine State.
As investors prepare to be slugged thousands of dollars for their interstate holdings, Liberal National Party treasury spokesman David Janetzki called on Treasurer Cameron Dick to release the economic modelling behind the new tax hike.
NSW Finance Minister Damien Tudehope questioned the constitutionality of the new land tax regime, which will rely on the goodwill of revenue offices in other states to share information to become effective.
Mr Janetzki said the new land tax system, which will come into effect next year, was “unprecedented and unworkable”.
He said recent budget estimates hearings revealed Queensland Treasury had no clear idea how much revenue would be raised, how many people would be affected or how the tax would even be collected.
“It is a national land tax levied by the state,” he told The Australian Financial Review.
“Confusion now reigns across the industry at a time when regulatory certainty is paramount. The Labor government must release the modelling to give the market confidence this wasn’t put together on the back of an envelope.
“The new tax runs the risk of driving up rents, forcing investors from the market and adding to cost of living pressures.“
In December last year, Mr Dick announced the changes to land tax to include interstate land holdings, claiming some interstate investors “exploited tax-free thresholds in different jurisdictions to minimise their tax obligations”.
In an Australian-first, landholders will have to voluntarily disclose their interstate holdings in other states before being taxed for their Queensland holdings.
Interstate investors have now started to work out how much they will be slugged when the scheme begins on January 1 and apply from the 2023-24 tax year onwards.
A Sydney-based investor told the Financial Review on Monday that his land tax bill would jump by about $27,000 next financial year as a consequence of the state’s new tax rule.
Another said his land tax would rise by $15,000 to $20,000 a year.
Mr Dick has previously said the measure would raise about $20 million a year from 2023-24 and impact about 10,000 landholders,
A spokesman for Mr Dick on Monday acknowledged a number of those landholders would be Queenslanders.
“This sensible, prudent reform means interstate investors get treated the same as Queensland investors, wherever they live and wherever they own property,” the spokesman said.
“Currently, interstate investors who own properties across several states can access the tax-free and progressive rate thresholds multiple times, depending on how many states they own property in. It’s a strategy that is actively promoted in some quarters as a way to avoid land tax.”
The system will rely on co-ordination between Queensland Treasury and revenue offices in other states.
Mr Tudehope said he was seeking advice on whether the Queensland scheme was constitutional.
“I have been informed by Revenue NSW that it has not received any requests for data sharing in relation to the recent Queensland land tax amendments,” he said.
“I am seeking advice on the constitutionality of such a regime. This sort of tax grab is exactly what you would expect from a Labor government – they never miss an opportunity to raise taxes.”
Queensland Under Treasurer Leon Allen told budget estimates the revenue received would be “highly dependent on how much information sharing we can get from other jurisdictions”.
Tax experts said the aggregation of interstate property rules was not closing a tax loophole and looked more like a “tax grab”.
Real Estate Institute of Queensland chief executive Antonia Mercorella said no other state or territory charged land tax based on the value of properties held across Australia and outside the jurisdiction where the tax was collected.
“This new land tax regime is as unique as it is illogical,” she said.
“There’s plenty of reasons to invest in the Sunshine State, but with this land tax regime the Treasury has not only knocked the confidence out of the Queensland property, it’s delivered a king hit.”
Bruce of Newcastle
September 6, 2022 12:34 pm
CDC Warns Of New ‘Stealth’ COVID Variant Where You Test Negative And Get No Symptoms
Is there any downside?
Hysterical lefties who imagine they have stealth covid.
Plus those people who realize the opportunity.
They get a week off work on full sick pay…
If investors need a simple (and arguably over-simplified) view of why Europe’s deepening crisis matters, they should consider bathroom tiles.
It’s not all that surprising that Australia’s market opened higher on Tuesday morning despite Europe’s energy crisis taking yet another turn for the worst on Monday night.
With the eyes of local investors firmly fixed on the Reserve Bank’s interest rate decision, the latest machinations over gas pipelines running between Russia and Germany seem a long way away.
Why bathroom tiles? Well, Spain is the world’s fifth largest producer of ceramic kitchen and bathroom tiles and last week Spanish media reported that a large tile producer has shut down due to the explosion in energy prices.
According to Bloomberg’s energy guru, Javier Blas, the cost of turning clay into a ceramic tile has soared 1,047 per cent over the last 12 months – and now there will be fewer of them coming out of Spain in the first place.
You may not be about to buy bathroom tiles, but you can bet there are plenty of renovators and builders around Australia who will in the next 12 months. And the prices they pay for imported tiles will be going up, regardless of where they come from.
It’s a small and maybe silly example of how Europe’s energy crisis will be exported around the world, but it’s one that will be repeated across various sectors of the global economy as European industry is put under severe pressure by savage rises in gas and electricity prices.
This crisis appears certain to get worse, given Russian gas giant Gazprom’s announcement overnight Tuesday that gas flows to Europe via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline would be halted indefinitely, after earlier suggesting flows would halt for a few days for maintenance.
European gas prices, which sit about four times higher than a year ago, initially jumped 35 per cent on the news before falling back. European stocks fell 5 per cent as investors digested the likely hit to the margins of European companies.
The long-held fear that Russian President Vladimir Putin will withhold gas from Europe during winter in order to win some reduction in sanctions against his country appears to be becoming a reality.
European leaders are remaining steadfast in their opposition to Putin, and desperately trying to insulate their economies against energy shortages by lowering energy consumption and considering a range of measures to shield households and businesses from the worst of the crisis.
Putin’s plan
Much was made last week of the fact that Europe has managed to fill about 80 per cent of its gas storage capacity earlier than expected. But any celebrations missed two important points.
First, these storage facilities will only, at best, provide for about 30 per cent of Europe’s winter heating needs. And secondly, Europe has paid an incredible amount – to Russia, of course – to fill these storage facilities: according to the US analyst Jim Bianco, it has cost 6.5 times more to fill Europe’s gas storages than in any other full season.
This cost has to be borne by someone – households and businesses will feel some of the costs, but beyond that it’s taxpayers that will be forced to foot the bill. Either way, higher energy costs are sparking a surge in inflation, which is currently running at 9.1 per cent across the Eurozone.
This will leave the European Central Bank with no choice but to raise interest rates, further exacerbating cost of living pressures and financial stresses; a Reuters survey last week found almost half of economists expect a 0.75 per cent rise from the ECB this week, with the remainder tipping a 50 basis point hike.
Make no mistake, Putin knows exactly what he’s doing by using higher energy prices to push up inflation and subsequently interest rates for a Western world that has become increasingly financialised in the past decade.
Or Putin himself put in a speech in June: “The economy of imaginary wealth is being inevitably replaced by the economy of real and hard assets.”
And Europe’s energy crisis will not be solved any time soon. In the short term, Europe bans Russian oil on December 3. In the longer term, pressure on energy supply will persist until new, cheap sources of gas can be found or the long and complex shift to renewables can be made.
Australia will obviously not be immune from a higher-for-longer inflationary outbreak.
While we’re not seeing anything like the energy shortages seen in Europe, we have experienced the pain of higher energy prices this year. And there will be many other ways higher inflation is imported here, from more expensive zinc to aluminium to bathroom tiles.
More than that though, a more inflationary world is not good news for investors in equities or for savers.
Bruce of Newcastle
September 6, 2022 12:40 pm
By starting an hour earlier, and forgoing the one-hour dinner break, the House would claw back two hours of the three hours surrendered by not sitting from 7.00 pm to 10.00 pm.
Sitting an hour less per week means they should take a pay cut of 2.5%.
I didn’t think so…
The Rings Of Power Star In THERAPY After Disastrous Show Launch!
I hate to admit it but “our” Kate did a far better job as Galadriel ….. this “Rings of Power” version has all the Elven characters bordering on effeminate .. including the wimminz .. some shocking casting on display .. LOL!
Temporary relief from deliberate, government caused misery repackaged as morning light entertainment.
September 6, 2022 12:59 pm
I’m waiting for the usual suspects point out that the judge who ruled that a Special Master be appointed was a “Trump appointed judge”.
I’m imagining the ones who have read more than just tweets know why hence they’re not buying into it.
But let’s wait for the low info surrogates to point it out.
It is not a ‘howler’ Speying cows in the crush on station stockyards was common in that era on large stations.
There is nothing remarkable about speying cows, in large numbers, in station stockyards.
That article is bristling with bloopers coz as Joh says, it is written by cadet j’ismists who’ve never been west of Katoomba.
However they’ve not blooped with the comment on speying. They’d have got it from the subject of the interview.
I hope he wrote a book. Three years on Augustus in the early 1960s would be full of action.
September 6, 2022 1:01 pm
Further to the above article:
The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has released a guide on gender and identity to support Catholic schools in responding to the individual social and pastoral needs of students.
I wish they’d get themselves sorted over this acknowledgement of traditional owners bullshit.
Boambee John
September 6, 2022 1:02 pm
The Committee proposes that the House sits one hour earlier on Tuesdays, i.e. from
1.00 pm, rather than 2.00 pm; that the House dispenses with the dinner break; and that
the House concludes business at 7.00 pm instead of 10.00 pm. By starting an hour earlier,
and forgoing the one-hour dinner break, the House would claw back two hours of the
three hours surrendered by not sitting from 7.00 pm to 10.00 pm.
And by sheer happenstance, they will then be able to have a very long dinner in the Parliamentary dining room, without the boring necessity to avoid being “tired and emotional” when they had to return to the chamber after only an hour for dinner.
The disgraceful issue with Ivermectin is the government clampdown on its use. Its harmless to take and should not have been banned and demonised. That is what the discussion should be about. How the fuck did bureaucrats have the power to threaten Dr’s who wanted to use it?
Does it work? Who knows? Who the fuck cares? COVID is basically harmless to most of us. People will take Ivermectin and feel better, because they would anyway. Take it with Vitamin D, Zinc etc. for better results? I’ve been taking those with the onset of illness for years – its common sense. I’d imagine if you gave patients 3 hearty meals in one day the results would have been the same.
Really Dover at. 2am coming across a headless Goliath and after reading the Spectators evening edition,I am not sure wether to have hysterics or pretend it just retribution for Dan Andrews,Palazyzcuk and Morrison ,their Police gestapo and their half witted nincompoop Chief Medical Officers.
John Spooner. Exactly.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
doverbeach, Ah…. the Caravaggio which gave me quite a few bad dreams after seeing it IRL. A perfect example of the chiaroscuro for which Caravaggio is renown. He died so young after a chaotic life punctuated by brilliance and brawling, and murder too. To me
David’s expression appears to be sad rather than triumphant.
An interesting choice doverbeach, right about now we could do with a young David to cut off the head of the Satan loose upon the world.
Given that so many of the young have been duped and indoctrinated into shallow ignorance, is it too much to see David with the head of Goliath as a symbol of hope: that the young will triumph over what appear to be impossible odds?
This photo says it all – replicated reprobates sorry for those having breakfast
Not keen on decapitation as an image or a practice.
It’s too reminiscent of the Terror of the French Revolution and the Religion of Pieces.
Getting internal server errors. Will try again later.
I see the Tory base has held their collective noses and chosen the fake Thatcher over the fake Churchill.
Cute how the party elites engineered it so they had to pick between two wets, and shut out more representative candidates like Ms Badenoch.
I see the Australian Catholic Bishops might be on to something. They appear to be reaffirming what Juvenal said a couple of thousand years ago: Never does Nature say one thing and wisdom another, Be gentle with the young and lastly Refrain from doing ill; for one all powerful reason, lest our children should copy our misdeeds; we are all too prone to imitate whatever is base and depraved. I’ve put this comment here as I am sure my comment in the Australian will not see the light of day.
What is the Albanese government going to do about this? Withdraw funding?
In the Australia today Catholic’s gender warning for schools:
Hahaha, the DOJ are now admitting that Trump declassified the documents he had at Mar a Lago.
DOJ: Trump Must Comply With Subpoena; His Declassifying of Docs Doesn’t Matter (4 Sep)
Just what I’ve been saying to Monty. The DOJ and FBI lied and the MSM have been supporting their lies.
A vote for the Hunchback will be like turkey’s voting for Christmas.
Looks like the Elbow government has unleashed yet another destructive force on freedom of choice and prosperity, this time in the form of trying to mandate gender quotas on senior corporate management:
Apparently, the only reason that CEOs of listed companies are mostly male is because of prejudice and lack of child care.
What utter bollocks.
Women in senior executive positions can afford child care. It’s a red herring.
As to the why, the vast, vast majority of men are unable or unwilling to become CEOs of big companies. It takes a very particular set of characteristics, and as it happens, those characteristics are more common in men.
I don’t think that anyone disputes that Gina Rinehart is a more than competent CEO. It has nothing to do with her plumbing and everything to do with her personal qualities.
What is it with leftists that they constantly try to remake humans in the face of contrary evidence to fit their fantasies?
And, I wonder if male to female trannies will be acceptable to fill the quotas?
Democrats chasing after black [votes].
Now do a series of modern “globohomo” “art” used in advertising.
It’s too abysmal for something visual.
Democrats are the KKK, so have plenty of experience chasing Blacks.
I already pay for many children that are not mine, with the ATO holding a gun to my head.
This is just a War on Men.
We’ve had enough and we’ll lay flat soon.
Quite frankly, we need more women as:
Roof tilers
Remote high voltage linesmen
Special forces soldiers
Wastewater workers
Society won’t be equal in all regards until this happens, which is more important than anything else.
Re my asking about Boer War info, thanks for the tips.
What was meant to be with my above…
Well well well, Singleton Mayor and National Party member shows her catty side. Bought to you by a party whose primary is down from the heights of 60% to under 30…
Caledonian was a miners pub and a thorn in side of COVID regs so this is pure payback. As for Mayor Sue Moore, this stinks like selling out to get your coveted preselection or likely another Sydney based swamp thing will pip you at the post again.
Maybe Lincoln being smoked was for the best.
His plan was to send blacks back to Africa. At first, through American colonisation!
As for the black and Latino vote:
1. A majority of latinos probably vote GOP.
2. 90% of blacks probably don’t vote Democrat. There are probably pockets of Republican majorities.
The modern Democrats probably steal so many votes.
Normal people don’t vote for Drag Queen Story Time or “born alive” “abortions”.
Not too much to laugh at today Tom, the old ladies who could not remember what Pizza they had ordered, voted to pay for all the work needed here ,letting off the owner paying his share. Moreover, Gaslighted into thinking their apartment would increase in value . Don’t think mine will be worth a k more but the owner of building will have increased the value of his property.
Back to work to pay the Bill.
Just went looking and found him, very good.
Jo Nova does it again, with a study into the effectiveness of that low cost antiviral called Ivermectin.
We live in the age of political failure, and the handling of the covid scare is just one major failure. It has impoverished nations and rolled back our rights.
Climate change scam is now considered gospel by the vast majority of the media and most politicians.
Energy systems have been wrecked, with dire consequences for all of the formerly strong western nations, while China continues to grow its various power sources.
Gender equality in some things – preferably highly paid executive roles – while families are weakened and children misled about identity etc.
Division between aboriginals and the rest of us is still being promoted under feelgood banners which will do nothing to “close the gap”.
Our two main export dollar earners are agriculture and mining. Both are under sustained attacks, again as a consequence of the climate scam.
Glad we could help.
Ivermectin has been unbanned in Airstrip One (the UK).
Did the soyence change again?
Jo Nova became a screeching zombie re covid.
Chile dodges the socialist bullet and rejects leftist constitutional reform.
We should all have been screeching furies during the covid scam.
Can apparently see straight through the Climate crap, but got entangled in the Covid scam.
Haha, we’ve been talking about the EVs that get all burny. Turns out they’ve got company.
Another Green Disaster: Amazon Took Solar Rooftops Offline Following Major Fires, Electrical Explosions (5 Sep)
“Fulfillment Centre” is a wonderfully Orwellian name. Seeing that Bezos owns notorious propaganda rag WaPo that seems a feature not a bug. But unfortunately for lefties like Bezos electricity is not so easily fooled.
Yes, but not in support of it.
Yes she did Bush.
At least she learns, unlike Bolt who still thinks vaccines saved the world and will not run the patent evidence of vaccine damage.
Black chef Terrence Williams put his own face on his pancake mix box, Facebook labelled it as racist!
We do indeed live in the age of stupid, that age of political absurdity.
What? I read many pieces at Jo Nova’s in support of antivirals during the covid scam.
I have just followed back through Jo’s tagged pieces under Coronavirus, and what I said above is true, she was sceptical about vaccines and pro antivirals from way back.
In case there is any doubt about the sheer ignorance of the so-called ‘journalists’ at TheirABC, get a load of this caption on a photo of a cattle yard:
You couldn’t make it up.
Yeah but not the way she did.
Full on for lock down to name one.
Hope she has.
Something in her core that is suspect though.
Maybe it’s the “I’m a scientist/smart person so I’m right about everything” syndrome. A lot of doctors suffer from it.
No, they don’t.
That is because neither of those things correlates with the hardwired instinct present in almost all the human race, which runs deeper than any ‘ism’ and consists of the drive to:
1. Eat;
2. Not be eaten;
3. Procreate; and
4. Protect their young.
This is also why communism and all its mutant nephews have failed, and will ultimately fail – despite their leaders’ best efforts to change the basic makeup of the human being whose base allegiances will always be to those four things, and to the State only under duress.
Superficial changes have not, and will never change tens of thousands of years of human instinct with millions of years of similar bedrock underneath it.
Medieval kings understood that they could tax the peasants and lower nobility all they liked, as long as they were fed and they had the opportunity to provide for their own. Fail, and those kings were overthrown and killed. Communism, on the other hand is almost entirely theoretical – the longevity record so far for any communist regime is a pissweak 75 years with a dozen different leaders, and even then it killed tens of millions of their own people to do it.
Drag Queen Story Time and post-birth abortion won’t work because it can’t work. There may be up to and including a generation of very well-resourced attempts to do that, but a rock painted red is still a rock – and paint washes off.
To clarify;
I’m a long time follower and fan of Jo’s work re climate.
Cousin T pancakes.
Good on him.
From the OT:-
Or, as we like to say, “most trannies come from fucked up families”.
If a kid turns up to hospital with multiple marks and bruises, they automatically suspect child abuse.
Same should go for kids wanting their genitals mutilated.
Cows! Traitors! Look at what they’ve done!
I’m very impressed with the Catholic gender incongruous stance.
Absolutely correct that 80 to 90 percent of children feeling that way change their mind.
All wisdom comes from God and can never be in conflict with the nature He created.
“Or, as we like to say, “most trannies come from fucked up families”.
If a kid turns up to hospital with multiple marks and bruises, they automatically suspect child abuse.
Same should go for kids wanting their genitals mutilated.”
Indeed, Sancho. I saw another study somewhere recently (sorry, can’t remember where) indicating that mothers are by far the most passionate advocates for re-gendering their children.
Neurotic women foisting their problems on children.
In England in Victorian times, middle/upper class male babies were dressed like girls and never had their hair cut until some unspecified age when Mama finally had to admit that they were boys. There are many accounts of how traumatic that was for Mama, especially cutting their hair.
Shortly afterwards, they were sent to boarding school.
Weird childraising is nothing new.
Training for future careers? Read between the lines on this one:
A Sydney high school is making students who want to visit the toilet present their fingerprints in a bid to track their movements to stamp out vandalism in a move that has upset parents.
The decision to rollout the tech for toilet access has also shocked privacy experts who say there is no excuse to take biometric data from students which could be vulnerable to hackers who want personal information.
Moorebank High principal Vally Grego wrote to parents earlier this year telling them that Posiflex Kiosks Biometrics would be rolled out this term.
“The system will roll out in Term 3 for the external student toilets only,” she told parents earlier this year.
“We are introducing this system to monitor students’ movement during class time and to reduce the incidents of vandalism. We will then investigate the upgrade to the toilets.”
Hope she has.
Something in her core that is suspect though.
Maybe it’s the “I’m a scientist/smart person so I’m right about everything” syndrome. A lot of doctors suffer from it.
In spades.
I’ve followed Jo on climate change and infrequently comment, as I did when her lockdown mania was peaking.
Farming has a habit of teaching you that the experts are often wrong and simple solutions to complex problems are invariably wrong.
Nice bit of ‘checking the fact-checkers’ by Johanna at 7:20.
I note also that a cow herding person is called a “cattle driver”.
I am trying to imagine what “spaying” a fully grown cow in a cattle crush might involve.
I think you would need full Tik-Tok nurse PPE.
Pre-op tranny cows?
The ABC produces lots of bovine excrement, it makes sense for it to come from qwerty bovines.
In 97.1% of cases it would result in an ex cow.
The narrative is firming, ignore the massive increases in energy costs flowing through prices, only interest rates are the problem, even though most mortgages have interest rate rises built in.
At the ABC
The Commonwealth Bank is warning of the risk a three-month mortgage lag poses to the economy if the Reserve Bank keeps raising interest rates aggressively.
No surprise there.
I have a theory that if you examined the occupations of the mothers, you would find an over-representation of certain professions.
I would bet that nurses, teachers and public servants would top the list.
She even came on to this site specifically to have a go at my statistical analysis of the figures. It was embarrassing. You’ll find it all within my old posts.
She went the full retard. Never go the full retard.
Respectfully disagree.
In my view, that crown belongs to ladeee ‘HR managers’.
These day’s, my default position is ‘the experts are ALWAYS wrong’
“I have a theory that if you examined the occupations of the mothers, you would find an over-representation of certain professions.”
Munchausen syndrome by proxy.
Theoretically true.
But fat childless lesbians don’t make it to the starter’s gate in the Trannie Stakes.
The whole transgender movement is prefaced around the normalisation of sexual fetishes as in Autogynephilia and in child mutilation. I can’t believe we live in a society where we are told that we must accept this.
She went the full retard. Never go the full retard.
She certainly did. I hardly ever bother to go to her site since. False in one, treat anything else she says with suspicion.
Scott Morrison, the unlamented former PM of this country, was interviewed on Sky last night by Paul Murray. I didn’t watch it. However the Oz is reporting today some of the Morrison’s verbal guff from the interview with Murray which I am unable to post because I keep on getting an internal error message.
However here’s my rebuttal to Mr Morrison…
“I know there was something you did have, something you chose not to exercise and that was your VOICE. You chose to remain silent when borders were shut, separating families and crippling this country, you chose to remain silent when state governments hypocritically supported BLM protests but came down heavy on protests by working men and women who’d lost livelihoods due to lockdowns, you chose to remain silent when Victorians were bashed daily by a thuggish politicised police force, you chose to remain silent when a pregnant Victorian woman was handcuffed and arrested in her own home for the crime of a social media post, you chose to remain silent when that disgraceful baboon premier of Queensland said that “Queensland hospitals were for Queenslanders”, you chose to remain silent when police fired tear gas at protesters at the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne last years, you chose to remain silent and actually sided with the MSM and the left when they went after Craig Kelly, you to chose to remain silent when the MSM and the left went after Christian Porter, Alan Tudge and Andrew Laming, you chose to remain silent when the MSM and left went after George Christensen.
I could go on however there’s so much my stomach can take so early in the morning. However what’s curious, very curious, is that there were things you chose NOT to remain silent about, when you should have kept your smirking mouth shut….umm…..remember Christine Holgate, our SAS soldiers, and the alleged in the Higgins case, remember them Mr Morrison? I do.
Oh and as for your quaint statement above “put governing ahead of playing politics”….sorry, doesn’t wash, every PM in history needs to play politics whilst governing. You clearly showed you had no ability in doing either. And I must note that it didn’t stop you from making catastrophically disastrous political decisions such as “net zero emissions”. That was pure politics, you sanctimonious hypocrite. And I haven’t even mentioned your collection of portfolios, like some tinpot South or Central American dictator.
The likelihood is that your inactions and your incompetence has likely destroyed the Liberal Party of Australia federally for a decade, because you drove the base away.
You are not missed, whilst you got your comeuppance on 21 May 2022 the tragedy is that the Australian people didn’t deserve what they got on 21 May 2022.
You once said free speech never created a single job, well Mr Morrison, exercising some free speech might well have saved your job.
Please go away, I never ever want to see or hear from you again.
Not much change in the narrative today.
Twitter surrogates are quiet on the Special Master being appointed to oversee the Trump haul.
Maybe it’s because it’s the Labour Day long weekend (which I thought was last weekend).
We have a relative who has a teenagers – a girl and a boy.
She is a nurse and delusional to the point of being dangerous. She will tell anyone who cares to listen that she knows more than the doctors and surgeons.
The boy develops an amazing array of medical conditions. Some are real, but I have doubts about others, to the point where I have asked the paternal grandfather if the boy’s father has actually seen the test results for all of the conditions.
He didn’t seem shocked at the question.
What will have to be addressed at some stage are the mistakes/revelations in the FBI/DOJ filings that do not sync up with their previous filings.
Tim Blair: Australia still has a chance to dodge a European-style disaster
Scouring forests for fuel, paying $95,000 for power, restrictions on heating and cooling – welcome to life in nations that followed the holy word of Greta Thunberg, writes Tim Blair, paywalled at the Tele
I give Liz Truss two years maximum as the PM before she is also howled out of office. The coming winter and all the power problems that will happen may be the end of her even sooner. There is no way she will go against the media narrative. Basically, she is no leader.
The only asset Liz Truss has going for is that most people have zero expectations of her.
The ABC takes an interest.
NT Police increase presence in Yuendumu in response to escalating destruction, violence
Leaving aside the obvious howler about performing major surgery on cows in a stockyard, how come this graduate of ‘critical thinking’ didn’t wonder why anyone in the cattle business would want to sterilise cows?
The objective is to get as many of them pregnant as possible.
Unless, of course, the cows were gender uncertain …
Why bother? Just sack the lot of them and start again or spread their functions to the states’ law enforcement.
BloJo gone?
I seem to recall a prediction here that he would hold on, using all his Oxbridge Top Table 5D chess skills.
Lismoreans head for the hills.
Aspiring croppers?
Just received my electricity bill. It’s increased by $70.00 for the quarter.
I do not believe in that rubbish about only the top leadership of the FBI is rotten and that realisation came at their handling of the Florida and Las Vegas mass shootings. Since then other mass shooters were on their radar prior to the massacres and yet the lower level agents did nothing. Surely even the local agents would have learned something from previous tragedies.
The 12 foot paywall breaker can’t crack the Telegraph.
No Tim Blair for us, unless someone has another way around.
Copied this from Cory Bernardi’s morning comment, remind you of one of our political parties?
“If you look at great human civilisations, from the Roman Empire to the Soviet Union, you will see that most do not fail simply due to external threats but because of internal weakness, corruption, or a failure to manifest the values and ideals they espouse.”
Cory Booker
Fits with this graph. Men have pretty much stayed the same but young women of child-bearing age have markedly moved leftwards in the last 10 years.
(From Steven Hayward’s Geek in Pictures of 23 Aug.)
Mine is almost double. I expected a third increase as they sent me a letter in June advising that’s what they will do.
I can afford this extortion but I am thinking what a horrible slug this is for people on government pensions and for low wage earners. The renewable catastrophe is an indictment of our political and leadership class. They should simply be called what they are, The Marie Antoinette Class.
ABC News
Trump: ‘Did You Get Screwed Or What?’
Sounds legit. Like how those black women were better than Werner von Braun.
“I can afford this extortion but I am thinking what a horrible slug this is for people on government pensions and for low wage earners. The renewable catastrophe is an indictment of our political and leadership class. They should simply be called what they are, The Marie Antoinette Class.”
Yep…and what was done to Marie Antionette should also be done to our political and leadership class.
Thank you .
Further to the above article:
The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has released a guide on gender and identity to support Catholic schools in responding to the individual social and pastoral needs of students.
Here is the PDF file Created & Loved
ABC people seem never to have studied logic otherwise they may exhibit some cognitive dissonance. They are the perfect example of the shortcomings of our education system.
What is even more horrifying is that when our generation is gone there will be nobody there to even notice this stupidity.
From an article in the “West”, by Warren Mundine, about the “voice.”
I’m surprised how many young people don’t buy into the bullshit, however there’s one exception and that’s gerbil warmening.
Anchor Whatsays:
September 6, 2022 at 6:52 am
Jo Nova does it again, with a study into the effectiveness of that low cost antiviral called Ivermectin.
From the Comments
Did The NIH Just Admit Ivermectin Treats COVID-19?
Answer Yes
Federal Judge Notes in Special Master Order a Quoted DOJ Citation That Joe Biden Ordered FBI Access to Mar-a-Lago Documents
September 5, 2022 | sundance
Page #2 and Page #3 of Judge Aileen Cannon’s ruling cites a quote from the DOJ own legal filing, dated May 10th, that Joe Biden ordered the National Archives and Records Administration to provide access to the FBI to review the Trump records. Note the quotation marks:
On May 10, 2022, NARA informed Plaintiff that it would proceed with “provid[ing] the FBI access to the records in question, as requested by the incumbent President, beginning as early as Thursday, May 12, 2022.” [citation]
August 24, 2022, Joe Biden was questioned about how much notice he had regarding the FBI raid on President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago in Florida.
Question: “Mr. President, how much advanced notice did you have of the FBI’s plan to search Mar-a-Lago?“
BIDEN: “I didn’t have any advanced notice. None, zero, not one single bit.”
The shoe shop owner came to the right conclusion – that she had to relocate her shop to higher ground. Everyone else should follow suit and the government is morally obligated to help them financially and materially as they allowed development in the flood plains.
I am in favour of this sort of subsidy with public money rather than the renewables subsidies that only help select rich friends.
Cassie of Sydneysays:
September 6, 2022 at 8:24 am
Brilliant piece of writing Cassie.
I do disagree with your last line though.
Please go away, I never ever want to see or hear from you again.
I want to see and hear him at his trial along with the Premiers and CHO’s at theirs.
He’s been a liar all his life, that doesn’t change just because he is going senile, it probably intensifies.
DON SURBER: A raid to get 1,693 newspapers?
Why on Earth did U.S. Magistrate Bruce Reinhart issue a warrant to raid Mar-a-Lago?
The stuff the FBI collected was not nuclear codes. It was a bunch of old magazines and newspapers.
He and the FBI had no business confiscating them.
A detailed list of what the FBI claims it took shows Reinhart’s was a general warrant, which the 4th Amendment bans. I suppose this is FBI standard operating procedure because although they are sworn to defend the Constitution, the agents never seem to bother following it.
The full list of items taken is here.
Overwhelmingly, what the FBI took were newspapers and magazines, either in full or just articles clipped from them.
President Trump obviously needed the 1,693 articles, newspapers and magazines to help his ghostwriter write his presidential memoirs.
Why did the FBI take them? What evidence does an old newspaper provide? That the media lied (or as we should call it now, FBI-ed)?
They also took articles of clothing and gifts.
The confiscation of items totally unrelated to national security shows that far from upholding the Constitution, Biden’s Boys were committing crimes. Taking Melania’s panties — or whatever articles of clothing they took — is not an act of investigation. Confiscating personal items is intimidation.
The 4th Amendment is quite clear that the police cannot go into your home and take whatever they want.
It says, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
If the warrant says the FBI can take newspapers, clothing and gifts, then Congress must impeach Magistrate Reinhart.
If it doesn’t, the 30 agents in the raid must be suspended without pay and prosecuted.
Cassie, I didn’t watch it and for similar reasons you stated. He had his time and the chance to say and do the right things. He didn’t and I have no interest in his excuses. The quicker he fades into obscurity the better.
A sharp operator, it was said. Very savvy, it was said. Supremely connected at the topender town, it was said. All those things would swat away those awful common plebs presuming to have their feet under the kitchen table (Genoese marble, of course) at Number 10, it was said.
Yet here we are. Inexplicable, apparently.
Old Ozzie
That NIH link says Ivermectin is NOT approved – but they are able to be used in approved trials
September 6, 2022 at 8:29 am
Tim Blair: Australia still has a chance to dodge a European-style disaster
Scouring forests for fuel
Just back from a extended weekend in the Snow, my wife and I taking son down to join his Wife and one of my GrandDaughters who are down in the Snow for the Season and staying in Jindabyne – 2 Great Fathers Day Sinner – Japanese Saturday Night and Huge Steak Sunday Night
Wife reading Local Snow paper found
Snowy Mountains bus service
Let public transport take you to the slopes
Return service from Jindabyne to Perisher or Thredbo runs every 30 minutes during peak and is the most affordable and stress-free way to get to the ski fields.
Return tickets include your entry into the national park.
Snowy Mountains Bus Service
Buses run Friday, Saturday and Sunday only
As Seniors, $20 return Jindabyne to Perisher for the 2 of us
As kids headed off for 0700 Ski Tube – we decided to go for Bus trip – Caught 1100 Jindabyne to Perisher arr 1200- had Hot Chocolate & Chunky Pie with Son and Daughter-in-Law then back on 1300 Perisher to Jindabyne (same Bus Driver)
Relevance to Scouring forests for fuel,
we saw so many fallen dead trees on the way down to Jindabyne, and on the road to Perisher the number of fallen snow gums was huge – and I commented to my wife, who had mentioned that my German Daughter-in-law had talked about Germans scouring Forests for wood fuel, and based on my trips around Australia and especially Vic and NSW High Country 4WD Driving – we, Australia will never run of Wood Fuel, Caol, Gas or Uranium
September 6, 2022 at 9:27 am
Old Ozzie
That NIH link says Ivermectin is NOT approved – but they are able to be used in approved trials
Yes I know, Good to see someone clicked through, but it previously did not appear on that AntiVirals Therapy Page and now shows
Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug that is being evaluated to treat COVID-19.
BIDEN: “I didn’t have any advanced notice. None, zero, not one single bit.”
It’s only a lie if you can remember it.
I watched episode 3 of the House of the Dragon last night.
It was well done.
What riles me is the social media coverage that crows about the strong fem lead standing up to the patriarchy.
But nothing much about the blokes hacking each other death in the battles.
And for a series force feeding today’s standards, how about country that told the monarchies to fuck right off.
Super-rich ‘preppers’ planning to save themselves from apocalypse | Headliners
Effect of Early Treatment with Ivermectin among Patients with Covid-19
I read that Melania threw out the contents of her underwear drawers and bought new stuff.
I mean, eeeuw. Grubby little local FBI agents whose idea of erotica is a hot tub bar out near the airport, or a jelly wrestle closer to home, getting to fondle Melania’s underwear. This would have been the biggest thing in their whole sad careers.
How long before a pair of Melania’s scanties appears on e-Bay?
Non-effectiveness of Ivermectin on Inpatients and Outpatients With COVID-19; Results of Two Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trials
It will be fascinating to watch how the UK establishment deals with the Do Not Pay movement.
And people like Russell Brand who are now promoting it.
There will be many within the establishment who would love to do to these protesters what the Canadian establishment did to the truck drivers.
Axel & Salo la negra pantera – Mickey Then / Asesina Matame [Bachata Sensual]
JC, apart from a child being taught to pray everyday, name something that gets drummed into kids like climate change.
Even the hardest core footy fan wouldn’t indoctrinate their kids like climate change is.
High-dose ivermectin for early treatment of COVID-19 (COVER study): a randomised, double-blind, multicentre, phase II, dose-finding, proof-of-concept clinical trial
Has Cry Bullies been added to the Cat dictionary? Courtesy Berenson
They won’t be there for long. The trannies will snap them up.
What about if you’re working from home?
Could we be witnessing a tactical withdrawal?
Is it possible to have a tactical unconditional surrender?
Cows were spayed in the yards in the late 70’s early 80’s around the Nebo area of Qld. I was building stockyards then and helped in the yards from time to time.
Logically it makes no sense to sterilise a breeding cow. However when a herd improvement program is going on then it makes good sense to bring the unwanted cows to a marketable weight. All cattle were also being tested for bovine tb at the time so it actully was good animal husbandry in practice
It didn’t seem to be that complicated, but the cow had to be firmly restrained as both of the “spayers” arms were in the orifices, one to feel and locate and t’other to cut. Barbaric in today’s times but mundane then.
September 6, 2022 at 8:46 am
Cassie of Sydney says:
September 6, 2022 at 8:38 am
Just received my electricity bill. It’s increased by $70.00 for the quarter.
Mine is almost double. I expected a third increase as they sent me a letter in June advising that’s what they will do.
I can afford this extortion but I am thinking what a horrible slug this is for people on government pensions and for low wage earners. The renewable catastrophe is an indictment of our political and leadership class. They should simply be called what they are, The Marie Antoinette Class.
Having done a lot of research after getting Simply Energys price increase which does not gel with their NSW Standing Offer, had selected AGL Seniors Electricity and Gas offers from
Based on Choice’s recommendation decided to go with $79 Annual –
They came up with AGL Electricity(not Seniors) but same rates – but added $75 Disc as new customer – you at this stage have to finalise with Supplier yourself, so rang AGL and really helpful Lady, as I had previously been AGL Customer for Gas for 44 years, suggested Seniors with $100 discount for sign-on – so went with that with billhero email address (concept is bill hero keep eye as they receive your bills and then on forward to you, and if a better saving than you preset amount comes up they advise)
Simply Energy Electricity was NRMA 28% Disc and new AGL pricing was saving $70 on latest Elec Bill
On gas AGL lady could not match billhero Gas proposal of so went with them
Tariff Details
Peak Rates (All year)
First threshold usage tariff 3.01 c/MJ (inc GST)
First threshold 20.71 MJ
First threshold time period Daily
Second threshold usage tariffm2.28 c/MJ (inc GST)
Second threshold 41.1 MJ
Third threshold usage tariff 2.17 c/MJ (inc GST)
Third threshold 90.41 MJ
Fourth threshold usage tariff 2.16 c/MJ (inc GST)
Fourth threshold 2,745 MJ
Balance usage tariff 2.12 c/MJ (inc GST)
Supply Charges
Daily supply charge 71.5 c/day (inc GST)
Quick Hint for “Young Players” re Gas – Our Gas Wholesaler in NSW is Jemena and they manually read Gas Meter every 3 Months – I waited till Gas was 3 monthly read and then got bill to swap – however means that sumo cannot take over till after next 3 read month
So Hint – change Gas Supplier a week before Gas Meter Read
Farming has a habit of teaching you that the experts are often wrong and simple solutions to complex problems are invariably wrong.
Most real jobs teach you this.
Many people don’t have real jobs.
Michael Smith News. It seems Australia should give more aid to Pakistan.
Central Australian cattle station saves big in maintenance after employing all-female crew
Well of course, because you can pay them less. (Sara)
I think that ‘cry bullies’ was either Julie Bindel or Julie Burchill. Both UK feminist writers who loathe male trannies taking over.
‘Once again, it’s the trans rights activists kicking out actual feminists.’
Simon Evans, Josh Howie and Nick Dixon react to an article in The Times | Feminist society ‘purged’ by trans rights activists at Swansea Universit
Rosie Contra
Ivermectin reduces deaths by 92% for 10 cents a week
A new study of 8,300 people shows that taking ivermectin regularly before catching Covid halved the odds of catching it, and reduced mortality by a seismic 92%*. It reduced hospitalization by 98%, and in a dose dependent manner. If unvaccinated people were threatening our hospital system, it was only ever because they were denied ivermectin, something that appears to have increased their odds of dying by 12.5 fold. And as we all know now, the Emergency Use Authorization for the new, barely tested, radically different vaccines depended on there being no safe cheap alternative, which clearly there was. This study took place from July 2020 — Dec 2020. So here we are two years after it started. So many people died who didn’t need to.
This study follows up on the large trial in Itajai, Brazil to see if regular use of ivermectin would work better than the bizarrely low doses which still cut hospitalization in half, and reduced deaths by 70%. In that study, people were asked to take the 0.2mg/kg/day dose two days in a row but only once every two weeks. Since the half-life of ivermectin in humans is only 12–36 hours, those taking it in the study were effectively left unprotected at least half the time. It still seems strange, but even the regular users in this study were only taking ivermectin for two consecutive days every two weeks.
As the only Unvaxxed person in my Family, I have and will continue to take AntiVirals that I have been taking since the start of Covid – Still healthiest one in the Family and only one not to have had Covid
Have HCQ and Azithromycin available if needed, but would take Ivermectin if the Cretins at Thugs Goods Administration of Australia had not banned it
I have a different idea. We should offer to buy several atomic bombs from them. At a billion each we’d get a useful deterrent and they’d get money to help flood victims with. Win win!
Decent economics & history lesson via TIK.
Which faction of the Pakistani government are Australian taxpayers giving money to?
The Khan faction?
Or the US backed faction?
Or the ISI playing the US taxpayer for fools faction?
Righto Bill.
What did these graziers do with these ‘spayed’ cows?
Put them back out to fatten up, where a fair percentage will keel over from infection, with the remainder chewing up valuable pasture which could be used to run prime steers?
Yeah, nah.
It might have been a quaint little practice in some Queensssland backwater, but there is only one true path for all cows which have passed their use-by date as breeders.
To the chopper sale.
Do not pass “Go!”.
after he approved it
The Rings Of Power Star In THERAPY After Disastrous Show Launch!
It would have the additional bonus of causing mass heart failure among Adam Bandt, and the Greens. Win, win, win!!!!
On Pakistan and atomic bombs. I’m not sure buying them would be the best use. Only the Saudis are better at playing the West for mugs.
Kudos to the Cat who posted the link to The Soviet Story yesterday…
It was excellent, but confronting!
Did I hear correctly that some Australian biotech company is developing a drug that will lessen the chance of you keeling over from teh rona jab?
A ha!
That is why the government and its rogues gallery of misshapen and botched ogres are so implacably opposed to it.
Its anti-parasitic effect would have the oily mats of bureaucrats, politicians, and activists sloughing off people’s skin in sheets.
The only ones that I saw being spayed were some of the heifers and young cows. Older cows were as you said off to the meatworks as were all of the scrub bulls that were mustered.
I’m prepared to open the bidding for Melania’s scanties at $1 million.
On the condition that they come with the original owner.
Women’s record title holder scolds retired Serena Williams
Margaret Court claims that Williams never ‘admired’ her
Serena Williams’ achievements in tennis were hailed this past weekend by a robust chorus of admirers from Michelle Obama to Tiger Woods and LeBron James, but one name which perhaps won’t be added to the list is Australian tennis icon Margaret Court, who has delivered a put-down of the newly-retired American star.
Court remains perhaps the most enduring success story in female tennis, winning an unparalleled 24 Grand Slam singles titles in her career in the 1960s and 70s, but has more recently become a pariah in some circles due to her vocal stance in opposition to same-sex marriage and her support of gay conversion therapy, among other things.
“Serena has played seven years more than I did,” she added, noting that Williams had more opportunities to capture tournament crowds throughout her career.
“I finished in my early 30s. People forget that I took two years out. I first retired, like Ash Barty, when I was 25, thinking I would never return to tennis. I got married, had a baby, but then had one of my best years, winning 24 out of 25 tournaments.”
Discussing the modern era of tennis, Court added: “I would love to have played in this era. I think it’s so much easier.
“How I would love to have taken family or friends along with me. But I couldn’t. I had to go on my own or with the national team. People don’t see all that.
“We didn’t have psychologists or coaches with us. It’s a whole different world. That’s what disappoints me – that players today don’t honor the past of the game.”
The lockdown jig is up
Rishi Sunak regrets what they did, but did Albo get the memo?
In the UK, Rishi Sunak, whose resignation as Chancellor of the Exchequer precipitated the final collapse of Boris Johnson’s hold on the Tory leadership, has come clean about Britain’s lockdown strategy.
In sum, what the Brits were told was good for them in the Covid fight, was cooked up in secret meetings by scientific advisers who, far from being masters of ‘the science’ and confident in their judgments, were often divided and ultimately reversed key positions, as time went by, on what ‘the science’ was supposed be.
The Sunak confession was made to Fraser Nelson, editor of The Spectator, who wrote up his interview with Sunak.
According to Sunak, the UK government’s Covid advisory group, known by the august acronym SAGE, was often divided over such fundamental measures as mask wearing and lockdowns.
SAGE minutes were written in such a way as to hide these disagreements. As the Covid scare deepened, SAGE actually reversed its key initial positions. Eventually, its leading lights – Chief Medical Officer, Sir Chris Whitty, and Chief Science Advisor, Sir Patrick Vallance – openly admitted that lockdowns could do more harm than good, but SAGE recommended them anyway.
No ‘cost-benefit’ analyses were undertaken; SAGE advice went directly to the Prime Minister’s Office at No. 10 and was accepted without reference to Cabinet. Finally, the PMO simply issued Minsters with directions on how they should answer questions about Covid measures, the merits of which could not be seriously discussed at any level within the government.
It’s good to have confirmed, what some have long suspected, that the ‘Masters of the Science’ did not know what they were doing and were much less confident of their positions than they themselves and their political masters gave them out to be.
NATO struggling to supply winter uniforms to Ukraine – Der Spiegel
Kiev has reportedly asked the military bloc to urgently provide it with hundreds of thousands of uniforms and other equipment
According to Der Spiegel, Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov wrote a letter to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg back in late July, calling on the military alliance to provide cold-proof field tents along with clothing for as many as 200,000 Ukrainian soldiers. The uniforms and equipment should be delivered as quickly as possible, the minister added, according to the magazine.
Several NATO nations have since been searching their warehouses for the needed supplies. The organization confirmed to Der Spiegel that it is in contact with member states on the issue. According to reports cited by Der Spiegel, so far the US and Canada, as well as Sweden and Finland, which are yet to join the military grouping, have together promised deliveries that could cover up to 50% of Ukraine’s demands.
According to Der Spiegel, the German military is “quite critical” of the idea of handing over its equipment to Ukraine. Lambrecht herself repeatedly stated earlier that the German Armed Forces – the Bundeswehr – are about to reach the limits of what they can give away when it comes to weapons.
The lockdown jig is up – Continued
From The Spectator –
One of the unanswered questions posed by Sunak’s account of events is whether SAGE massaged its advice to meet what its ultimate political master, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, wanted to hear.
Sunak’s unburdening of conscience over what went on behind the scenes in Britain prompts one to ask what was really happening back here in Australia behind our own, until now, veiled government decision-making about how to respond to the Wuhan virus.
A new book hit our stores recently entitled Plagued: Australia’s two years of hell – the inside story.
It’s mostly about how the government of Prime Minister Scott Morrison dealt with the Covid ‘plague’ or, perhaps more accurately, how Scott Morrison himself dealt with the ‘plague’.
Written by Simon Benson and Geoff Chambers, both journalists for The Australian, the book’s launch was accompanied by a well-timed marketing blitz that zeroed in on the book’s chief scoop: that Morrison had had himself ‘sworn in’ as an invisible Minister of two portfolios. We subsequently discovered that there were five such portfolios for which there were already duly sworn Ministers, of whom four were wholly unaware of Morrison’s hidden presence.
About the book itself, I’ll say more another time. And, on the secret swearings-in, I’ll pass over them for now.
What I want to draw attention to is in just two pages of Plagued: pages 80-81. On them, the authors relate how Morrison and his Health Minister, Greg Hunt, kept working on their senior health advisory group – the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) – to get the kind of medical advice they wanted, or thought they needed.
It seems that, back in early March 2020, the AHPPC – which included the Commonwealth’s Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Health Officers of the States – was opposed, among other things, to mask mandates. This opposition stunned Morrison and Hunt.
‘You have to put your hands to your head and say, “What?”’ Benson and Chambers quote Hunt as telling them.
‘… we had to keep going back to them on masks. We thought it was obvious that masks would make a difference. There wasn’t resistance from us. There was resistance from parts of the AHPPC.’
Now remember those words: ‘We thought it was obvious…’
Ivermectin, fixed me up in three days flat. That’s the only study I’ve needed.
Rosie – More Contra
Doctor T
September 5, 2022 at 8:15 pm · Reply
As a medical practitioner, I was threatened with deregistration, possibly gaol ( depending on the state), for prescribing a proven safe drug, with an extensive research base suggesting good efficacy as a repurposed treatment for Covid.
Theses decisions came from the TGA (principally funded by Big Pharma), CMO’s (career bureaucrats) Health Ministers ( not one of whom has any medical knowledge) and State Premiers (Machiavellian authoritarians) and allowed no dissent.
I remain unable to comprehend what became of my country, and the world in general.
The Original Study of JoNova’s Article
Regular Use of Ivermectin as Prophylaxis for COVID-19 Led Up to a 92% Reduction in COVID-19
Mortality Rate in a Dose-Response Manner: Results of a Prospective Observational Study of a Strictly Controlled Population of 88,012 Subjects
Lucy Kerr, Fernando Baldi, Raysildo Lobo, Washington Luiz Assagra, Fernando Carlos Proença, Juan J. Chamie, Jennifer A. Hibberd, Pierre Kory, Flavio A. Cadegiani
Published: August 31, 2022
As the only Unvaxxed person in my Family, I have and will continue to take AntiVirals that I have been taking since the start of Covid – Still healthiest one in the Family and only one not to have had Covid
Have HCQ and Azithromycin available if needed, but would take Ivermectin if the Cretins at Thugs Goods Administration of Australia had not banned it
I too remain ‘unjabbed’ and will continue to do so. I will not be jabbed by an experimental (mental) gene therapy drug that only has emergency approval. I get my Vitamin D from the sunshine and eating spuds. I also find that drinking alcohol helps me get along fine.
I have an Innate Immune System and I’m not sure whether I have ever had ‘The Virus’ as I have never been for a test.
Mind you, I get the Common Cold just about every Winter. A Lemsip laced with Captain Morgan’s Rum seems to be a nice tonic. Not too sure whether that is TGA approved or not. My constitution seems to like it though……………….lol
If it’s not a randomised double blind trial I can’t see how the results are reliable.
But I’m not standing in the way of anyone taking ivermectin.
Go nuts.
Johnny Rotten says:
September 6, 2022 at 11:00 am
I also find that drinking alcohol helps me get along fine.
Mind you, I get the Common Cold just about every Winter. A Lemsip laced with Captain Morgan’s Rum seems to be a nice tonic. Not too sure whether that is TGA approved or not. My constitution seems to like it though
Yep – both those remedies part of my antivirals
Daily Telegraph:
Union email reveals tactic is to ensure a Labor win.
No! Really? You mean those rail unions are just doing it on purpose?
Well I never …
September 6, 2022 at 10:05 am · Reply
I get very angry when I hear Leftists laughingly mock Ivermectin, as they typically do, by referring to it as a “horse dewormer”.
By the same logic, water should be banned. It is horse rehydration fluid don’t you know…
…AND it kills people too. Far more deaths caused by water than Ivermectin (which is zero for IVM in Australia).
We cannot possibly expect citizens to be allowed to administer their own baths – so dangerous without expert supervision control.
Just stop struggling and accept your future. You will be filthy (and dehydrated) and you will be happy. You WILL be happy, damn it!
“Ivermectin, fixed me up in three days flat. That’s the only study I’ve needed.”
You have no way of knowing if no ivermectin areff would also have recovered in three days flat.
Everyone is different.
Vaxxed 92 old wheel chair bound person of my acquaintance, very mild dose recovered with panadol.
Another highly compromised vaxxed individual had a headache one evening, took two aspirin, woke up the next morning, all better.
I’m pretty sure the perverts in the FBI would of left a lot of ‘evidence’ on those briefs.
The FIB FAKED the Trump Photos
The original image……
See the frames on the right…. Now zoom in a little.
Weird that the light and dark colored frames are EXACTLY the same size. That dark colored frame wold not fit in the room with the others but is the exact same size.
You want proof, here’s proof that the FIB completely doctored this photo. Note the intensity change at the box edge where the shadow is. A huge drop in brightness as ANYONE would expect from the box shadow.
Now see the slice thorough the FAKE time magazine photo.
The framed picture literally does not exist. Per any rules of lighting physics, there has to be some HINT of a shadow, yet there is no line visible or in the high resolution intensity slice. There needs to be at least a hint of difference in coloration but there isn’t. This is proof that the time photo is a completely fake add-on which just ‘happens’ to have an amazingly political context.
FAKE. Completely fucking fake.
A good speccie article there JR
What we Australians need to know can be formulated in one basic question: why was the detailed pandemic plan developed during Tony Abbott’s time as Minister for Health and Ageing (2003-07) abandoned in the face of Covid?
Under this plan, into which years of research had gone, lockdowns were not recommended; mandatory masking was not envisaged; schools would not be closed; selected hospitals were allocated the task of treating ‘pandemic’ victims while other hospitals, both public and private, were to continue providing, as far as possible, their normal services to the public. Vaccines were considered an important part of any pandemic response, but so too was early treatment of the infected who, from Day 1 of a pandemic, were to be medicated with anti-viral drugs; and, finally, to create an emergency supply of these, significant Commonwealth funds were outlaid.
Why was this existing pandemic plan secretly junked in March 2020?
Who made the decision and for what reasons?
Oops Apologies, can’t see what happen re bluing
That cluey doctor I linked to the other day, querying the use of boosters in healthy young people still thought even one dose of the vaxx was better than none and was adamant that proper randomised double blind trials were essential.
I imagine that would go for all medications.
September 6, 2022 at 9:45 am
It’s a pretty pissweak “study”.
They admit that there’s a trend that ivermectin reduces viral load, dismiss it as not statistically significant, but then deep down in the paper they admit that their study cohorts were too small.
Hardly a resounding repudiation.
Tony Abbott, the only Federal politician who said anything sensible about the pandemic without venturing into lalaland.
I wonder what would have happened if he’d been PM in 2020.
I fixes it.
Rosie – Further Contras
CDC Warns Of New ‘Stealth’ COVID Variant Where You Test Negative And Get No Symptoms
Yes, and thalidomide worked in suppressing morning sickness.
The effectiveness (or otherwise) is not the main issue. The National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) still say: “However, as there are limited safety data, full registration of the vaccine will only be given after extended safety monitoring, which will take several years”
For Dover – Not sure if this has been previously posted but interesting analysis
The Russo-Ukrainian War
A Six Month Retrospective
Big Serge
– How I Think About War
– The Kiev Thunder Run
– The Donbas Grind
– Slow Burn and the Economic Calculus
– What Comes Next
My overall prognosis is very simple: I believe that Russia has degraded Ukraine’s military capabilities beyond repair, and is now doing the methodical work of grinding away the rest, while forcing the west to bear the unexpected burden of propping up the Ukrainian state and army.
At a certain point, two things will happen that will accelerated the pace of Russia’s gains. First, Ukrainian military capability will be attrited to the point where they can no longer effectively offer static defense, as they are doing now in the Donbas. Secondly, western support for Ukraine will begin to dry up, at which point Ukraine will be exposed as a failed state that cannot function independently.
Looks like the change really kicked in about 2005, when Facebook and Twitter began.
WITH DNC IN MIND, CITY BANS CARRYING URINE, FECES: Poop and pee fueled the huge algae bloom in San Francisco Bay. Fixing the problem could cost $14 billion.
After an unprecedented harmful algae bloom first turned San Francisco Bay a murky brown color and then littered its shores with dead fish, many people assumed it was yet another climate disaster to add to the list, along with extreme drought, wildfires and heat waves.
While scientists suspect climate change played a role in triggering the bloom, what fueled it is not a mystery. Algae blooms need food to grow, and this one had plenty: nutrients originating in wastewater that the region’s 37 sewage plants pump into the bay.
In other words —we wouldn’t have this problem without the poop and pee of the Bay Area’s 8 million residents.
The fish aren’t the only animals being impacted by, err, material that can be found on the streets of San Francisco: Do dogs in San Francisco get stoned from eating human poop?
President Biden’s fear of irrelevancy
What that awful speech was really all about
President Joe Biden’s speech last Thursday, in which he declared war on those who voted against him in 2020, gave us a peek into the actual status of the 2022 election cycle. By trying to make the election about the actions of the former president – rather than about Mr. Biden’s own record or any of his legislative “achievements” — he made it clear that the Democrats know they are in trouble unless something happens to shake up the race.
If Team Biden thought otherwise or believed the public polling, they would have not felt the need to drag President Donald J. Trump into the campaign.
They have good reason to be concerned. When limited to likely voters (rather than the more expansive and less reliable metric of registered voters), the generic ballot test for House races indicates that the Republicans are headed towards a modest majority consisting of about 230 Members in the House next January.
Team Biden knows all this. That’s why the histrionics and the blood red stage and all that jazz the other night in Philadelphia. They desperately need to gin up turnout among those who do not like Mr. Trump. Otherwise, they will be faced with the irrelevancy of a lame duck president whose party controls neither the House nor the Senate.
Cassie of Sydney:
Have I made another convert, Cassie?
That will make two…
I’m old enough to remember when inquests first looked at events that led up to the death of the person/persons involved.
And the actions of individuals involved if it directly related to the death/deaths.
Traitor Joe
20 pounds for a pint of beer in London!!!
It’s enough to make you drink!
There is no ‘government’ .. any such bailout would come from the citizens, either in direct taxation, borrowing or inflation. Given Lismore has flooded every 5 minutes for all of recorded history, how about the ‘right conclusion’ being ‘buyer beware’?
MASSIVE crowd for Joe Biden in Pennsylvania today! ??
10:52 am · 6 Sep 2022
Donald Trump and Joe Biden Both held rallies in Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania this week.
Here is what they looked like back to back.
Been doing a bit of back scrolling to catch up and notice a lot of folk were taken in by the Dai Le theatrics and dress sense .. this FOWLER resident/voter isn’t so impressed! ..
Make no mistake Dai Le got in cos she scored the Vietnamese vote which added to enuf of us who got fed up with years of “joke” representation by Labor .. Labor, until, now took FOWLER like the adjacent McMAHON as heriditary and treated the vote herd as such ..
Dai Le has broken the mould but whether she can see it thru and represent us all is another matter! .. for those of you who don’t live in FOWLER or have much interaction with Viets you need to realise the Vietnamese have several traits which won’t be changing! .. The majority are GREEDY, SELFISH and regard the rest of us as lessers .. not equals! .. They look out for no.1 and Dai Le got their votes so they will expect pay-back and they will have no interest in whether that pay-back involves non Vietnamese ..
Admittedly, I am talking from personal observations as 90% of the Vietnamese around me are on on the “rorters” and show no outward signs of disability other than not speaking English .. these are folk who when they get junk mail or whatever in the mail boxes throw it straight onto the street without a 2nd thought! .. 90% of face nappy wearing out here is SE Asian and the streets/shopping centres are always littered with discarded masks ..
I may be wrong and Dai Le may surprise me and represent us all but I won’t hold my breathe waiting! .. still if we’d gotten Christine we’d have gotten nothing so, for the time being, life will go on, probably, same as usual …… tho her having been heavily supported by Fairfield’s mayor is not a good omen! .. he may tout himself as “independent” but that was a politically motivated ploy when he realised that the Labor run Council was starting to get on-the-nose .. LOL!
Time for Rita’s Weekly Reality Check
CDC Warns Of New ‘Stealth’ COVID Variant Where You Test Negative And Get No Symptoms
Is there any downside?
How odd. Apparently heinous bat crud doesn’t come from bats.
A new study has concluded that there is no clear evidence that COVID-19 was transmitted from bats (, 5 Sep)
Try the rat and monkey soup! Very popular in Wuhan, especially for lunch. The lab people swear by it. Very cheap!
So many blackpills today…
Historian Niall Ferguson warned Friday that the world is sleepwalking into an era of political and economic upheaval akin to the 1970s — only worse.
Speaking to CNBC at the Ambrosetti Forum in Italy, Ferguson said the catalyst events had already occurred to spark a repeat of the 70s, a period characterized by financial shocks, political clashes and civil unrest. Yet this time, the severity of those shocks was likely to be greater and more sustained.
And in sub 50cent AUD news.
Why I’m glad to see the back of my Ukrainian refugee: As someone whose family escaped persecution, Tanya Fox wanted to help those fleeing Vladimir Putin’s war. But months later, she dares to say the unsayable
Bill of the Bush.
Hi Googlery!
Yeah, loss of control!
You will kill all the nannas. Every last one of them.
God, some people.
When the WA Parliament declares it’s got no work to do (or doesn’t want to be accountable):
New Queensland land tax will ‘drive away investors’
The Queensland opposition said the Palaszczuk government’s new land tax regime was an “unprecedented” assault on interstate investors that could force up rents and drive investment out of the Sunshine State.
As investors prepare to be slugged thousands of dollars for their interstate holdings, Liberal National Party treasury spokesman David Janetzki called on Treasurer Cameron Dick to release the economic modelling behind the new tax hike.
NSW Finance Minister Damien Tudehope questioned the constitutionality of the new land tax regime, which will rely on the goodwill of revenue offices in other states to share information to become effective.
Mr Janetzki said the new land tax system, which will come into effect next year, was “unprecedented and unworkable”.
He said recent budget estimates hearings revealed Queensland Treasury had no clear idea how much revenue would be raised, how many people would be affected or how the tax would even be collected.
“It is a national land tax levied by the state,” he told The Australian Financial Review.
“Confusion now reigns across the industry at a time when regulatory certainty is paramount. The Labor government must release the modelling to give the market confidence this wasn’t put together on the back of an envelope.
“The new tax runs the risk of driving up rents, forcing investors from the market and adding to cost of living pressures.“
In December last year, Mr Dick announced the changes to land tax to include interstate land holdings, claiming some interstate investors “exploited tax-free thresholds in different jurisdictions to minimise their tax obligations”.
In an Australian-first, landholders will have to voluntarily disclose their interstate holdings in other states before being taxed for their Queensland holdings.
Interstate investors have now started to work out how much they will be slugged when the scheme begins on January 1 and apply from the 2023-24 tax year onwards.
A Sydney-based investor told the Financial Review on Monday that his land tax bill would jump by about $27,000 next financial year as a consequence of the state’s new tax rule.
Another said his land tax would rise by $15,000 to $20,000 a year.
Mr Dick has previously said the measure would raise about $20 million a year from 2023-24 and impact about 10,000 landholders,
A spokesman for Mr Dick on Monday acknowledged a number of those landholders would be Queenslanders.
“This sensible, prudent reform means interstate investors get treated the same as Queensland investors, wherever they live and wherever they own property,” the spokesman said.
“Currently, interstate investors who own properties across several states can access the tax-free and progressive rate thresholds multiple times, depending on how many states they own property in. It’s a strategy that is actively promoted in some quarters as a way to avoid land tax.”
The system will rely on co-ordination between Queensland Treasury and revenue offices in other states.
Mr Tudehope said he was seeking advice on whether the Queensland scheme was constitutional.
“I have been informed by Revenue NSW that it has not received any requests for data sharing in relation to the recent Queensland land tax amendments,” he said.
“I am seeking advice on the constitutionality of such a regime. This sort of tax grab is exactly what you would expect from a Labor government – they never miss an opportunity to raise taxes.”
Queensland Under Treasurer Leon Allen told budget estimates the revenue received would be “highly dependent on how much information sharing we can get from other jurisdictions”.
Tax experts said the aggregation of interstate property rules was not closing a tax loophole and looked more like a “tax grab”.
Real Estate Institute of Queensland chief executive Antonia Mercorella said no other state or territory charged land tax based on the value of properties held across Australia and outside the jurisdiction where the tax was collected.
“This new land tax regime is as unique as it is illogical,” she said.
“There’s plenty of reasons to invest in the Sunshine State, but with this land tax regime the Treasury has not only knocked the confidence out of the Queensland property, it’s delivered a king hit.”
Hysterical lefties who imagine they have stealth covid.
Plus those people who realize the opportunity.
They get a week off work on full sick pay…
Why Australian investors should care a lot about Europe’s gas crisis
If investors need a simple (and arguably over-simplified) view of why Europe’s deepening crisis matters, they should consider bathroom tiles.
It’s not all that surprising that Australia’s market opened higher on Tuesday morning despite Europe’s energy crisis taking yet another turn for the worst on Monday night.
With the eyes of local investors firmly fixed on the Reserve Bank’s interest rate decision, the latest machinations over gas pipelines running between Russia and Germany seem a long way away.
Why bathroom tiles? Well, Spain is the world’s fifth largest producer of ceramic kitchen and bathroom tiles and last week Spanish media reported that a large tile producer has shut down due to the explosion in energy prices.
According to Bloomberg’s energy guru, Javier Blas, the cost of turning clay into a ceramic tile has soared 1,047 per cent over the last 12 months – and now there will be fewer of them coming out of Spain in the first place.
You may not be about to buy bathroom tiles, but you can bet there are plenty of renovators and builders around Australia who will in the next 12 months. And the prices they pay for imported tiles will be going up, regardless of where they come from.
It’s a small and maybe silly example of how Europe’s energy crisis will be exported around the world, but it’s one that will be repeated across various sectors of the global economy as European industry is put under severe pressure by savage rises in gas and electricity prices.
This crisis appears certain to get worse, given Russian gas giant Gazprom’s announcement overnight Tuesday that gas flows to Europe via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline would be halted indefinitely, after earlier suggesting flows would halt for a few days for maintenance.
European gas prices, which sit about four times higher than a year ago, initially jumped 35 per cent on the news before falling back. European stocks fell 5 per cent as investors digested the likely hit to the margins of European companies.
The long-held fear that Russian President Vladimir Putin will withhold gas from Europe during winter in order to win some reduction in sanctions against his country appears to be becoming a reality.
European leaders are remaining steadfast in their opposition to Putin, and desperately trying to insulate their economies against energy shortages by lowering energy consumption and considering a range of measures to shield households and businesses from the worst of the crisis.
Putin’s plan
Much was made last week of the fact that Europe has managed to fill about 80 per cent of its gas storage capacity earlier than expected. But any celebrations missed two important points.
First, these storage facilities will only, at best, provide for about 30 per cent of Europe’s winter heating needs. And secondly, Europe has paid an incredible amount – to Russia, of course – to fill these storage facilities: according to the US analyst Jim Bianco, it has cost 6.5 times more to fill Europe’s gas storages than in any other full season.
This cost has to be borne by someone – households and businesses will feel some of the costs, but beyond that it’s taxpayers that will be forced to foot the bill. Either way, higher energy costs are sparking a surge in inflation, which is currently running at 9.1 per cent across the Eurozone.
This will leave the European Central Bank with no choice but to raise interest rates, further exacerbating cost of living pressures and financial stresses; a Reuters survey last week found almost half of economists expect a 0.75 per cent rise from the ECB this week, with the remainder tipping a 50 basis point hike.
Make no mistake, Putin knows exactly what he’s doing by using higher energy prices to push up inflation and subsequently interest rates for a Western world that has become increasingly financialised in the past decade.
Or Putin himself put in a speech in June: “The economy of imaginary wealth is being inevitably replaced by the economy of real and hard assets.”
And Europe’s energy crisis will not be solved any time soon. In the short term, Europe bans Russian oil on December 3. In the longer term, pressure on energy supply will persist until new, cheap sources of gas can be found or the long and complex shift to renewables can be made.
Australia will obviously not be immune from a higher-for-longer inflationary outbreak.
While we’re not seeing anything like the energy shortages seen in Europe, we have experienced the pain of higher energy prices this year. And there will be many other ways higher inflation is imported here, from more expensive zinc to aluminium to bathroom tiles.
More than that though, a more inflationary world is not good news for investors in equities or for savers.
Sitting an hour less per week means they should take a pay cut of 2.5%.
I didn’t think so…
The Rings Of Power Star In THERAPY After Disastrous Show Launch!
I hate to admit it but “our” Kate did a far better job as Galadriel ….. this “Rings of Power” version has all the Elven characters bordering on effeminate .. including the wimminz .. some shocking casting on display .. LOL!
Dot – September 6, 2022 at 6:40 am
I’m female and worked in wastewater.
Let them drink Champagne!
What an awesome promotion.
“Wheel of destitution” in the UK.
The bloke covers it well in the vid.
Temporary relief from deliberate, government caused misery repackaged as morning light entertainment.
I’m waiting for the usual suspects point out that the judge who ruled that a Special Master be appointed was a “Trump appointed judge”.
I’m imagining the ones who have read more than just tweets know why hence they’re not buying into it.
But let’s wait for the low info surrogates to point it out.
PS It’s a trap !
It is not a ‘howler’
Speying cows in the crush on station stockyards was common in that era on large stations.
There is nothing remarkable about speying cows, in large numbers, in station stockyards.
That article is bristling with bloopers coz as Joh says, it is written by cadet j’ismists who’ve never been west of Katoomba.
However they’ve not blooped with the comment on speying. They’d have got it from the subject of the interview.
I hope he wrote a book. Three years on Augustus in the early 1960s would be full of action.
Further to the above article:
The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has released a guide on gender and identity to support Catholic schools in responding to the individual social and pastoral needs of students.
The Committee proposes that the House sits one hour earlier on Tuesdays, i.e. from
1.00 pm, rather than 2.00 pm; that the House dispenses with the dinner break; and that
the House concludes business at 7.00 pm instead of 10.00 pm. By starting an hour earlier,
and forgoing the one-hour dinner break, the House would claw back two hours of the
three hours surrendered by not sitting from 7.00 pm to 10.00 pm.
And by sheer happenstance, they will then be able to have a very long dinner in the Parliamentary dining room, without the boring necessity to avoid being “tired and emotional” when they had to return to the chamber after only an hour for dinner.
The disgraceful issue with Ivermectin is the government clampdown on its use. Its harmless to take and should not have been banned and demonised. That is what the discussion should be about. How the fuck did bureaucrats have the power to threaten Dr’s who wanted to use it?
Does it work? Who knows? Who the fuck cares? COVID is basically harmless to most of us. People will take Ivermectin and feel better, because they would anyway. Take it with Vitamin D, Zinc etc. for better results? I’ve been taking those with the onset of illness for years – its common sense. I’d imagine if you gave patients 3 hearty meals in one day the results would have been the same.
‘Long Covid’ for this variant is a doozy.
You don’t know you have it, you don’t feel a thing and you just get on with life…but you do it for longer!
Sitting an hour less per week means they should take a pay cut of 2.5%.
I didn’t think so…
How about we pay them to not sit at all?
Australia prospers despite their moronic tinkering, not because of it!
Massive Power Outages Across Bay Area after California’s Grid Operator Declares Emergency Amid Soaring Temps
Meanwhile in the Democrat hellhole of California…
Thousands of customers across the Bay Area were without power Monday afternoon amid a blistering heat wave.
California’s grid operator on Monday declared an energy emergency amid soaring temps.
Californians were strongly urged to use less energy today between 5pm to 9pm to avoid rotating blackouts.
People were urged to turn off appliances, turn up their thermostats and avoid charging electric vehicles during the peak hours.
MASSIVE crowd for Joe Biden in Pennsylvania today!
Just remember there was no election fraud! 81 million rock solid votes!
How do they manage to even get the crowds they do? Field trips for retirement villages and dementia clinics?
A ripper interview about a global financial criminal conspiracy.