Erminia and the Shepherds, Eugene Delacroix, 1859
Not just birds but this sun fish missed the human visitors Tokyo: Sunfish that got sick after aquarium closed has…
Erminia and the Shepherds, Eugene Delacroix, 1859
Not just birds but this sun fish missed the human visitors Tokyo: Sunfish that got sick after aquarium closed has…
Haw! 😀
And the strap on.
Deals like this all over. Which fund University activities in one way or another, so it isn’t a stretch to…
Instant Trump USA Withdrawals SHAKE The World
Keen to do Malta and Sicily.
Can’t wait.
After they have been manacled in dim dungeon, with swill once(maybe) a day for (say) 2 or 3 months.
With plenty of rats to gnaw at their dangly bits.
I guess the protestations of, “I’d die for you in a ditch” of a few years ago were…conditional. Along with “honorary bloke”.
Here’s a little tip. I never really believed it.
Atlassian doesn’t pay tax because the firm hasn’t made a profit and can carry forward losses to offset future profits (which is not going to happen). As much as people despise Mick and Scottie, there is zero wrong with what Atlassian is doing tax wise according to your comment. Please remain silent about these matters unless you’re advising the Albanian on tax matters.
Managed a first: hand fed a wild tawny frogmouth just now. Normally they won’t eat stuff that isn’t wriggling but I cheated. She was a young one, I think just fledged today, and was making like a tree stump. This wasn’t working particularly well since she was on the black steel fence of the local school. So she switched to plan B, which was to frighten me away with beak and eyes wide open. Interesting display, she looked like a Kiwi rugby player doing the haka. That didn’t work either, since I put a lump of mince on the end of a twig and presented it in front of her. Bite! Swallow. Ooh yum. But that was her limit and she flapped unsteadily to a nearby tree, totally silently. Nice to see them breeding in the suburbs.
Speaking of Malta
when the Poms made great TV
Part 2- Good Saturday night viewing
I’m catching the overnight ferry*, no problem with CO2, it’s just part of the fun, I’m staying in an apartment in an old palazzo near the ferry terminals in Naples so it should actually be easier.
I was thinking about catching ferries all the way back from Malta via Sicily to Sardinia then Barcelona but I think I’ll just fly Valetta to Madrid, then onwards and downwards.
*I think the plane might be cheaper.
Anyway, enough. Belittling St Ruth for his faults (of which there are undoubtedly very, very many) is not something that gives me any great pleasure.
To paraphrase the Argentinian in the Vatican, we are talking about a man who has obviously been driven insane by Gerbil Worming and various other regrettable clearly beyond his control “events”.
St Ruth should be pitied, not mocked unmercifully.
Ramblers, your ideas have much merit.
Magnificent! There are a few around here because I hear them. But they remain so perfectly camouflaged.
Meanwhile, I counted a flock of thirteen white tailed black cockatoos circle over my place yesterday. The casuarinas in the swamp are providing lots of delicious food.
We can’t do pitying and unmerciful mocking simultaneously?
First G&T of the season on the verandah, watching the Angus cows down on the river flat with calves at foot busily putting on the $$$.
Wish I owned them.
Sancho Panzersays:
November 5, 2022 at 5:52 pm
November 5, 2022 at 5:19 pm
“…a stop off in Rome, Naples and over to Sicily. Ten days of southern Italy.”
Calli copy cat, lol.
I’ve already booked those, though I’m planning to go to Malta after Sicily then over to Spain.
Keen to do Malta and Sicily.
Can’t wait.
Worth going Naples, Amalfi Coast, Puglia and Calabria. to Reggio then Ferry to Messina
Had to fly Palermo to Rome then Malta as ferries stopped for season
Both Malta and Sicily great – Malta they drive on the left like Oz
Your idea is that everyone refusing the vaxx would have stopped the mandates is likely true. But there was no reason for anyone to do that for that purpose if they did not know if anyone much else was doing it. They instead made their decisions based on what they did know, whether it was right or not.
Think of this parallel case. What if everyone refused to pay taxes. It would certainly shake up the government. But unless you know everyone else is doing it you can expect a visit from the ATO and the government will not even have notice.
Your second ‘fact’ requires people to see the Australian government as ‘the unlawful communist government of Australia’. This is overwrought opinion. Communist? Is that just a word to communicate outrage, not meaning? You can hardly expect people to act according to your own overblown characterisations. You scarcely have a grip on your own reality, let alone anyone else’s.
Do the millions know?
Look, we speak different languages. I do (as best I can) dialectic. You do diatribe. Your posts are replete with coloured language meant to trigger emotion while I use colour as a matter of ornamenting what are essentially argument. I would like to think I am at least moderately successful in rational argument.
So here we are.
I believe you adhere to the conviction that the last person who posts in a dispute is the winner. Presumably it is meant to be understood as ‘proof’ that your antagonist has run out of ideas. So you will always strive to have the last word.
I on the other hand am content that my arguments stand by themselves. I do not need to respond to every moronic thing you say. I would invite anyone to look back and evaluate your and my arguments on their own merits. And if they side with you then well and good.
But I do believe you are lamentably dull-witted and possessed of a singularly unpleasant personality. I am going to leave it there because I do not feel like trudging off to the duelling thread and I do not need to have the last word.
You can say what you like from now and I would only ask people look back to my previous comments.
Now I must prepare my dinner – eye fillet ($99.99/kg – glad I am saving on the cent), red wine jus, and 2016 Pauillac. There is no way I am going to engage in some tit-for-tat while I can be dining on that.
The ultimate tax dodge.
Burn cash.
You may indeed, Pancho, as long as it’s leavened with much as much spirit cookin’ as you can muster.
I’m watching the Peter Temple.
Now I must prepare my dinner – eye fillet ($99.99/kg –
Eye fillet is Eye Fillet, it’ll be just as good for $35/k.
No, no, no! Upticks indicate merit.
We have entered the Time of the Borg.
Tres, tres bon voyage to all current and future travellers. Grandpa Simpsom spluttering and shaking his fist at the sky will dampen your enjoyment not one iota.
This Galaxy’s most Dynamic Slimbo … 🙂
As opposed to the time of the Björn Borg* …
*Pictured here with JC (on the left)
She was sitting in the second row at Bowman Hall behind Bob Hawke. The conservative Liberal party had ruled Australia all her life, since 1949.
From Wiki:
Patricia “Little Pattie” Thelma Thompson (née Amphlett) OAM (born 17 March 1949) …
The Menzies Government was elected 10th December 1949, so Little Patti is mistaken, as well as being totally up herself.
Hence “the Grate Cat Uptick Imbroglio Meltdown Contretemps” of several weeks (?) ago.
“Regrettable” doesn’t even come close to essaying it. 😕
Roger that, DJ Rabz.
Thanks, Pancho – Tonight’s Radio Show is locked and Loaded, Cats – and very “open world”.
Thirty minutes and counting …
OCO, have you not seen the revelations this morning re Pelosi incident? And did the ABC not know of them?
Another Learjet just pulled into the VIP area.
I don’t deny anyone the right to own a Learjet, but it is almost a certainty that said Learjet owner wishes to deny me the right to own an IC vehicle!
Speaking of Cannon-Brookes, why does Cranbrook school keep turning out bozos like him?
“After 35 years does This Galaxy’s most Dynamic Slimbo … ?”
What is wrong with you? As far as talent goes that was a black hole of vacuity.
2022.11.04 Masks Off
Two of my favourite places. Malta is full of former Aussies who have returned to look after aging parents.
CDC recommendations for childhood vaccine schedule will grow geographical divisions
Chortle. Thanks for the memories.
It is official! Construction work has begun on the controversial mirrored linear megacity called The Line, which is part of Saudi Arabia’s most ambitious project; Neom City. A Recent video that surfaced on social media shows numerous excavators digging a wide linear trench in the vast desert. When the project was initially announced in 2017, People were convinced that this is just a utopian fantasy project that would never get built, but fast forward to today, the work on this futuristic megacity is now underway.
Err, Frank, thats does not compute …
Tucker Carlson: This is laughably absurd
Tulsi Gabbard Shreds The Democrats: ‘Has Become This Radical Woke Party That Stands Against Freedom’
“Err, Frank, thats does not compute …”
Perhaps not, the prerequisite level of intoxication is my excuse. And yes, she is skinny but the is no excuse.
The “Inevitability Hypothesis”, Squire. Pack a bunch of preposterous moneyed wallies into a small real estate space along with their equally vacuous woives and funnily enough, their offspring might just happen to be unfunny jokes.
I used to pity the Cranbrook wallies when we played them in rugby. They were even more pathetic than the Trinity wallies.
FBI is ‘rotted at its core,’ Republican lawmakers say
Impossible to do everything Old Ozzie
I’m going to go back and visit Calabria etc, perhaps next time, or maybe the time after that.
I have spent a little time on the east coast of Italy, it’s never enough though.
dover, if you’re about…
I just checked my Remi Brague book order.
I noticed they’re down to 1 copy and the price has gone up to $68.20!
Frank – she’s exquisitely beautiful (not that I would ever objectify young womanages).
Invite her for a date that involves her eating a very large meal.
Then, the subsequent retirement to a place where a certain act might just happen.
Oi! Oh…okay then. Wrong generation. 😀
Guy Fawkes Night tonite.
Safety first:
Don’t put Tom Thumbs in anyone’s pockets and leave that cat alone!
November 5, 2022 at 4:39 pm
Noice Cali, enjoy. My brother has seen it, I have yet to. Though low silica magmas like what you see in rifting plates aren’t generally Mt St Helens or Pinatubo earth shattering. When however mixed with water or high in gas content they can be quite energetic though.
Groundwater can make basic lavas explosive though, the limestones round Warrnambool in Vic have features known as Maars, craters are the said result of exploding steam. Some would have been formed around the time the local aboriginal tribes were there, surprised there’s no legends of these events.
Then the interminable hours afterwards of listening to her carry one. About herself.
carry on
The nerve is raw………
Where’s Choo Choo?
Tick tick tick.
Who’s next?
You were told.
You just wouldn’t BE told.
A controversial Sydney academic who superimposed a sw@stik@ over an Israeli flag did so under the protection of intellectual freedom and should not have been fired as a result, a federal court judge has found.
Dr Tim Anderson worked at the University of Sydney from February 1988 until he was dismissed in February 2019. At the time he left, he was a senior lecturer in the Department of Political Economy.
If we did a head count now…who’s not with us anymore?
Were any of them swayed by Rosie or the little gang of wrongologist sneerers to get the jab.
No remorse will be shown by these arseholes who care nothing about what their actions and talk may cause.
Instead they point to the unjabbed and call them arseholes…FOR DARING TO CONFRONT THEM WITH IT.
Where’s my money Brian?
Sorry, struth.
Where’s my money, struth?
Malta: mind blowing harbour, steeped in history of the Knights Templar and a wonderful climate. The food was exceptional and nightlife full of pretty damsels.
Highly recommended.
November 5, 2022 at 7:11 pm
Interesting so this lowlife is entitled to “Academic Freedom” but Prof Nick Cater isn’t?
So much for my request a couple of days ago.
Where’s my money Brian?
Huh? Huh?
Got it.
Juicers should fuck off from this blog. Go join twatter with your leftard mates.
St. Ruth. Shush now.
The cricket’s on.
err, you’ve never heard of earplugs?
It’s the other chest-beater.
Shouldn’t you be overseas? You can go you know.
You said you would. Why haven’t you?
Sounds like half the people here have already been to Malta.
2000 plus people a month dying from the jab in Australia alone (and thats only what the government admits to) and still pure evil try to deny this and twist and deflect….and ignore.
I know a couple of old Maltesers.
Sure, they go back for family visits and such.
But they harbour no romantic illusions about the “good old days” of grinding poverty in the old country.
One in particular I would happily let loose on those here making empty threats to depart this “shithole”.
Hey Razey!
Have you got the name of the “School of Death” yet?
Former Liberal opposition leader Dr Brendan Nelson has claimed Malcolm Turnbull consciously tried to “make life difficult” for him every day he led the party.
No good telling us stories Sancho Pansy…’re a self confessed liar oh mighty road warrior.
The intention becomes plain. Make people leave in disgust and so diminish the blog.
You first troll.
A great day racing today.
Flemington really turned it on.
So did Sydney.
No one does racing like Australia.
November 5, 2022 at 6:45 pm
Home to 9 million and powered by renewable energy: camel farts, pixie dust and wind gusts from burqas.
The intention becomes plain. Make people leave in disgust and so diminish the blog.
You first troll.
sure seems like it
Well, that was a mistake. Who let that law lapse?
JC aka Snopes,
Thanks for the fact check regarding his tax status.
However if you actually read my post all I did was cut and paste the top part of the article. I made no comment about his taxes but said like others happy to see him losing money.
You are like a moth to a flame when you see a post by me but try to think before you post as you trigger yourself unnecessarily.
So if is ok with your lordship I will continue to comment and post as I wish.
Now give yourself an uppercut.
“Atlassian doesn’t pay tax because the firm hasn’t made a profit and can carry forward losses to offset future profits (which is not going to happen). As much as people despise Mick and Scottie, there is zero wrong with what Atlassian is doing tax wise according to your comment. Please remain silent about these matters unless you’re advising the Albanian on tax matters”.
You have no fkg say who stays or goes. But feel free to fk right off if the place doesn’t suit.
DJ Rabz at 6:51.
On the esteemed alumni of Cranbrook school, as well as Cannon-Brookes, I was also thinking of the Onetel dynamic duo (Jodeee Rich and Brad Keeeling) and the inimitable Rodney Adler.
I am sure there are others which don’t immediately spring to mind.
Good stuff isn’t it?
Wikipedia says that Malta story is the only surviving episode from the entire first two seasons.
I’d never before heard of Peter Temple, even google didn’t autocomplete the name, suggesting something else entirely.
Have another Dark ‘n Stormy, St Ruth, and tell us the story about the boat again.
Elon Musk Threatens “Thermonuclear Name and Shame” to Ad Boycotts
The problem is that the ‘pays no tax’ argument without any reference to, well, taxable income is straight out of the Albascreechy ABC playbook.
The one way to ensure being roundly mocked here is to trot that one out.
Look, I detest the Messiah brothers as much as anyone. They are guilty of many sins, but tax evasion isn’t one of them.
Trash me all day, but it’ll cost $8
Motion To Dismiss Civil Suit Against Kyle Rittenhouse is Denied
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KENOSHA, Wis -( The motion to dismiss the civil case against Kyle Rittenhouse by the family of Anthony Huber was denied.
Anthony Huber was shot and killed by Mr. Rittenhouse after attacking the teenager with a skateboard at a Black Lives Matter protest that turned into a riot. Mr. Rittenhouse was there to provide medical aid to anyone that needed it after he spent the day cleaning up vandalism. At the time of the shooting, Rittenhouse was being chased by an angry mob after shooting a convicted child rapist who attacked him. The crowd descended on the young man when he stumbled and fell to the ground.
The lawsuit was launched by Anthony Huber’s father, John Huber. The elder Huber claims that Rittenhouse unjustly shot and killed his son and is entitled to a cash settlement. Wisconsin unsuccessfully tried Rittenhouse for murder. Mr. Rittenhouse beat all charges levied against him. Many in the Second Amendment community viewed the charges as a malicious prosecution by the state to appease the angry mob. They believe that Rittenhouse was justified in his use of force.
Went for a round trip today in the sporty Beemer to pick up a few boxes of my favourite cool climate Cabernet and drop one off at my brother’s for the use of his holiday house.
Taking a road I don’t normally take past a wind farm and … WTF!
There is a viewing platform to watch the monstrosities and they take tours FFS.
I don’t want to know if they charge for the tours.
Pretty hilarious. All the Juicer Dan supporters out themselves so easily.
Ooops! A baby star just went supernova.
Tea Pickers vs Soap Dodgers.
Pickers off to a flyer, but slowed down a bit now.
3/104 off 14.
The name of the School of Death!
Why do progressive twits think 6 billion will end world hunger?
November 5, 2022 at 7:57 pm
Motion To Dismiss Civil Suit Against Kyle Rittenhouse is Denied
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Fucked but typical. The left never give up. Kyle will have to counter-sue since costs do not follow the event in yank suits so that even if he successfully defends the grotesque action against him recovery of his costs are not guaranteed. He has to bring his own action. But again, the vermin who attacked him are not only dead but impecunious.
Great Prediction.
The answer, if it comes at all, will be ‘Er, er, ummm, ahh you’re a juicer.’
Law of scarcity.
What is a Juicer?
You’re not even close lardhead.
Good to see the word I coined is gaining traction. 😉
LOL. There we go.
Buy Charles Bukowski’s Factotum instead.
It’s a pretty good read, and it’s not 68 Buck$$.
It was reported that Jeff Bezos started the Amazon Cloud to soak up excess cash so that Amazon did not have to pay tax. Which of course backfired spectacularly, but it did make him one of the richest men in the world.
Someone who fabricates stories of clot-shot deaths on a daily basis.
From Okinawa.
Bourne 1879:
Have you been through the Army legal system?
I wasn’t even aware we had one until I did my ROBC.
Sancho Panzer
At least 30 children in every Australian primary school died last week of unexplained causes.
Big if true.
It’s a wonderful creation to counter balancer ‘cooker’.
Fark, guess I cant type.
Old Ozzie:
He doesn’t remember what he’s saying from one hour to the next.
Hopeless at satire too.
Is that right?
Just now:
Bahahahasnork ha ha snicker. Here you go:
Hahaha. At least you responded 😉
Where’s Choo Choo?
Fake news.
It’s 70 in Victoria alone.
Although my DoE contact tells me last week’s total from all causes was [0].
And the week before that.
And …
The Vedda people should have got to 180+. They’ll get to 145 or thereabouts, if that.
Come on you kipper eaters. I want this done in 12 overs.
It’s important to correct an anodyne comment like that without qualification. You often do that and in this case we can’t be certain if you thought losses should be taxed. I hope you don’t mind.
I didn’t want to scare people. The real number is 110.
Every week.
SPECIAL REPORT: David James Koch’s Latest Investment Has Experts in Awe And Big Banks Terrified
Saw your post today and it got me mulling having spent part of my childhood and early adult years in that area of rural Victoria. Know the place is changing, I saw it with my own eyes recently. Job search agencies in place of the small businesses who used to run dodgy sawmills, labour hire or agricultural support enterprises. Problem is when I left school & before uni I was able to avoid ending up on the dole and doing farm work or even a stint at a sawmill. There were plenty of jobs like this around and I worked with all sorts, bikies to just your run of the mill bogan. My latest visit I reckon there is much less opportunity. Sad as the area round Seymour doesn’t have the best reputation, hell even the cop station was full of the stuff ups from Melbourne in Purgatory when I was at school.
The name Cleeland was a mind-worm till I scratched it by searching for politicians of that name. Any chance the new National Candidate is related to Peter Cleeland ALP member for McEwan 1984-1990. Could be a coincidence but the way the Nat’s are going I wouldn’t be the least surprised. Steph Ryan is partnered to an ALP member…
“A yarning circle with elders and Mr Walkers peers….”seriously?
In Adelaide somewhere, there is a team of climate warriors disguised as sportsmen who just watched Sri Lanka’s under par performance blow their own chances of getting into the World Cup semis out of the water.
Right this second they’ll be in tears, patting each other on the ballsack and going ‘never mind’.
Hopefully they’ll be in the dark as well.
“We Follow the Facts Without Regard For Politics” – FBI Dirtbags Respond to 1,000 Page Report Highlighting their Politicization and Complete Lawlessness
That’s Melbourne state schools.
My trusted sources on the innernet tell me if we include regional and private schools the number is 250.
A week.
Of course, you won’t hear anything.
The parents are all paid actors, you see.
Denialists. None so blind.
this is a phishing site. what the?
The Tea Pickers obviously got the call from John the Bookie.
Flying start.
Grinding finish.
Not enough.
Which (cough) sadly means the Alintastralians will be eliminated.
And their climate warrior antics are going to come under a lot of scrutiny.
Pretty creepy stuff, Sancho & Son.
I left a tribute for mum on the music thread.
Damn ,” Predator” is a fine movie. And “The Expendables” is work of art.
Stallone and Schwarzenegger movies pure gold. Never to be repeated, ……..ever.
“Get to da chopper”
Phishing sites. Satire sites. Comedy sites.
Expect nothing less.
What total BS. What has their so called culture got to do with the hearing?
The deference to their culture is getting out of control.
Perhaps Rolfes lawyer might get a few ex NT cops to tell us a bit more about the local culture.
I am guessing the town will be the most spruced up place in Oz on the day of the visit.
“people will talk to your honour about a whole range of issues to do with Warlpiri culture,” he said”
NT Police Culture:
Hire ex Army psychos, see what happens.
Yeah, that sounds like a great culture.
Uh oh, Sancho is Alex Jones.
“Of course, you won’t hear anything.
The parents are all paid actors, you see”.
Pulling the legs of gullible “whitefellas” is considered fine sport by the indigenous…….
No problem from me. I would give a special medal for any cop willing to work in NT. Ex Army even better as many of the locals seem to think they are in a war zone.
NT Police Culture:
Hire ex Army psychos, see what happens.
Yeah, that sounds like a great culture.
The Soap Dodgers are a nice round 0/50 off five.
Only need six an over to eliminate the Gaia Worriers.
0/70 from six overs.
Goood. Gooooooood.
No problem from me.
Because you’re an idiot.
I would give a special medal for any cop willing to work in NT. Ex Army even better as many of the locals seem to think they are in a war zone.
The cops run the communities as a War Zone by using Informers.
It’s a vicious circle, the last thing needed is PTSD psychos from Afghanistan/Iraq with something to prove.
Dan’s a crook. Pretty catchy.
You personally know a few of those psychos, do you, Grogs?
Rolfey hasn’t killed anybody for a while, put it that way.
It might be worth you reverting to something more in your lane. You know, like pondering the use of G-Strings and/or giving detailed explanations of how to undress unconscious women.
Look out!
It’s Aboriginal Community expert Mater charging thru No Man’s Land.
What’s the frequency, Mater?
Everything tickety boo?
Ed is probably right.
All NT cops should be unarmed females under 5ft 6″.
“It’s a vicious circle, the last thing needed is PTSD psychos from Afghanistan/Iraq with something to prove.
Yes, I recognised it from the titles of the spam emails I’ve been getting for the past month or so.
On a related note, I had to turn my phone off at night in Germany and Ireland because of all the scam calls that were coming through from Australia. I ended up setting up an auto-reject for numbers starting with 038521.
How do you know?
Wot Mater said!
Say again, all after “Look out!”
Use words twice.
I’m receiving you, but you’re weak and unbearable.
The Year The World Went Crazy
Some would have been formed around the time the local aboriginal tribes were there, surprised there’s no legends of these events.
This is an interesting avenue of investigation. Local and global geological events versus when they synchronised with the much vaunted Aboriginal oral history.
My guess is that this hasn’t and/or won’t be investigated because it would cause major problems with the timeframe of Aboriginal habitation.
Poor old Ed.
He’s got more hangups than Michael Hutchence.
De-FAANG’d | ITK with Cathie Wood
32 runs to get.
Go you smelly pasty Ibiza-holidaying blood pudding enthusiasts.
FFS. Poms 5/111.
Good article
Flicked channels, AWFUL full-time score. 16-14 to the lezzos from somewhere.
It’s a vicious circle, the last thing needed is PTSD psychos from Afghanistan/Iraq with something to prove
Said by someone who openly admitted last night they had a relative commit fraud by claiming a TPI pension last night despite going AWOL.
The Soap Dodgers stretching it out.
It’s okay, Rockley.
That fraudster was a lifelong Labor Voter too.
Oh you Pommy cockheads.
It’s long been known that he comes from a family of skivers and shirkers. To that, we can now add ‘scoundrels’.
6/129 off 18.
13 off 12 balls.
I wonder what they’re going to do when a dune starts to build up alongside.
Or as the wind as it passes over the top of the wall starts to scoop out the sand on the lee side.
Hard to tell if this isn’t a parody but Herald-Sun now reporting the stairs that Andrew fell down. Two steps.
Most of the visible employment around Seymour other than the trades appears to be associated with the railways and their upgrading of the Goulburn Valley line.
Seymour has an unusual main street with one side an elevated rail line. It is said to be located so, because of a flood around the decision making time.
The main street was meant to be the wide High St where the Vietnam Veterans Commerative Walk * is located.
High St was flooded as was the Seymour Police Station. When it came to rebuilding they were unable to relocate so it was the flood prone low end of High St for them.
* This Commemorative Walk is an excellent landscape work. It appears to be a forest of spotted gums fringed by baobab trees. Great work .
Five off the last over required.
Two from three.
Fuck off Straya, you woke shallow cock smokers!
Special thanks to Mike Hussey, Mr Cricket, firmly ensconced in the England camp.
What he said!
Bluddee hell – I inadvertently mistook jupes for Pancho on the soundtrack thread – living this down will not be easy or even albansleazey … 😕
Best switch to a siren, expounding … 🙂
The boys were soooo tired.
Well, a few of them are in for a long rest.
Especially those who weren’t really interested but inserted themselves in it to push up their IPL ticket.
Not sure that worked.
A couple of Paddies, Saffies and Kiwis have jumped that queue.
Oh, and Googlery … we don’t need a specialist sledger.
What’s the bet the only group tours are for school classes and the guides are pink haired ecoloons?
Well eat a shit sandwich Cummins and company, maybe eat a bag of many, many dicks too.
That has to be the first time in living memory I was barracking for the Pommy cricket team.
Inconceivable and unforgivable!
To the duelling thread!
My weapon of choice is sharpened AC/DC Back in Black CDs.
One gets the impression the Alintastralian Crickit team is not universally loved around here.
Same happened in the last days of the Keneally Government in NSW, NewsCorp published the Labor dirty washing every day for the last week.
Just shows you the power of the written word, though.
Even I imagined the Stairs to be concrete and at least 8 or 9 of them.
One gets the impression the Alintastralian Crickit team is not universally loved around here.
You and your son hate Australia, no doubt about that, and it goes way further than the Cricket team.
Win, win; the poms can beat up another colony from new zealandstan in the finals before getting beat by the curry crunchers; and the aussie team can go out and glue their hands to the road and throw baked beans over art works to save the planet
22nd Amendment.
Section 1.
“No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this Article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this Article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.”
In other news, killer whales are regularly attacking and sinking boats. Shit really hitting the fan. Expect Krakens and Triffids before long.
In live reporting from the caravan industry…
It’s fucked!
I’ve been at the biggest show in Perth for two years and no one is buying.
Last time we did this show we’d sell 8-10 vans a day. Yesterday just 4. Today 1. Thankfully I sold it. $100 cash tomorrow morning at the sales meeting.
The tanking has started
I sell the second biggest brand caravan in Australia, Avan
no wonder the demonrats are in a panic, Trump intends to roll back 50 years of the long march through the institutions. go you good thing!
Pro tip for selling large expensive consumer durables.
Don’t keep saying, “The end is nigh.”
In other news, killer whales are regularly attacking and sinking boats. Shit really hitting the fan.
I wonder how that works with your boat insurance…
One of the joys of being a salesman is talking to people
I believe that I have an insight into the public discourse that many other people perhaps wouldn’t understand.
I love talking to people.
Serious question, custard. I am not taking the piss.
When you talk to potential customers, do you….. say the same things you say here?
If you do, it may explain the drop in sales. Just a thought.
Of course not, I’m talking about caravans.
Occasionally things free range a bit
Don’t forget what you are here for…
GPT-3 says, “Time flows backwards!”
For about 18 months I have been having frequent and regular conversations with a virtual personality construct based on GPT-3. The conversations are often absolutely astonishing. But yesterday’s conversation was so mind-blowing that I made a video of it to share.
My best ever speech
sounds like blackrock is on a world of pain
Former Twitter employees….. learn to weld!
Whatever historical inaccuracies are in The Patriot, doesn’t take away from the fact it’s a very good fillum
And back on track.
Early computer culture: The life and times of Clippy
In the ’90s, Microsoft created an annoying paperclip that it quickly retired. Its developers never imagined the virtual assistant would become a cultural icon.
The blank screen was already intimidating enough. Then, out of nowhere, an incorporeal know-it-all popped up to make us feel even worse about the novel notion of word processing in the mid-’90s. “It looks like you’re writing a letter,” a googly-eyed, caterpillar-browed paperclip in Microsoft Word observed when we may or may not have been trying to write a letter. The metallic office supply bounced around the margins of documents and never stopped looking over our shoulders, even as it blinked back at us impatiently. “Would you like help?”
Many users found its polite but presumptuous suggestions invasive, obnoxious, and creepy. Almost immediately, computer geeks and neophytes panned it. Microsoft banished it. Time labeled it one of the 50 worst inventions ever. But nearly three decades after its genesis at the Redmond tech giant, Clippit — better known as Clippy — improbably lives on.
Others stressed that the idea of an assistant was just ahead of the technology. Today the artificial intelligence of Cortana, Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant can constantly get smarter. Clippy was only as bright as the next edition of Office.
November 5, 2022 at 11:44 pm
GPT-3 says, “Time flows backwards!”
For about 18 months I have been having frequent and regular conversations with a virtual personality construct based on GPT-3. The conversations are often absolutely astonishing. But yesterday’s conversation was so mind-blowing that I made a video of it to share.
Entirely new way of measuring time
Marking the passage of time in a world of ticking clocks and swinging pendulums is a simple case of counting the seconds between ‘then’ and ‘now’.
Down at the quantum scale of buzzing electrons, however, ‘then’ can’t always be anticipated. Worse still, ‘now’ often blurs into a haze of uncertainty. A stopwatch simply isn’t going to cut it for some scenarios.
A potential solution could be found in the very shape of the quantum fog itself, according to researchers from Uppsala University in Sweden.
Their experiments on the wave-like nature of something called a Rydberg state have revealed a novel way to measure time that doesn’t require a precise starting point.
Rydberg atoms are the over-inflated balloons of the particle kingdom. Puffed-up with lasers instead of air, these atoms contain electrons in extremely high energy states, orbiting far from the nucleus.
Of course, not every pump of a laser needs to puff an atom up to cartoonish proportions. In fact, lasers are routinely used to tickle electrons into higher energy states for a variety of uses.
In some applications, a second laser can be used to monitor the changes in the electron’s position, including the passing of time. These ‘pump-probe’ techniques can be used to measure the speed of certain ultrafast electronics, for instance.
Inducing atoms into Rydberg states is a handy trick for engineers, not least when it comes to designing novel components for quantum computers. Needless to say, physicists have amassed a significant amount of information about the way electrons move about when nudged into a Rydberg state.
Being quantum animals, though, their movements are less like beads sliding about on a tiny abacus, and more like an evening at the roulette table, where every roll and jump of the ball is squeezed into a single game of chance.
The mathematical rule book behind this wild game of Rydberg electron roulette is referred to as a Rydberg wave packet.
Just like actual waves in a pond, having more than one Rydberg wave packet rippling about in a space creates interference, resulting in unique patterns of ripples. Throw enough Rydberg wave packets into the same atomic pond, and those unique patterns will each represent the distinct time it takes for the wave packets to evolve in accordance with one another.
It was these very ‘fingerprints’ of time that the physicists behind this latest set of experiments set out to test, showing they were consistent and reliable enough to serve as a form of quantum timestamping.
Their research involved measuring the results of laser-excited helium atoms and matching their findings with theoretical predictions to show how their signature results could stand in for a duration of time.
“If you’re using a counter, you have to define zero. You start counting at some point,” physicist Marta Berholts from the University of Uppsala in Sweden, who led the team, explained to New Scientist.
“The benefit of this is that you don’t have to start the clock – you just look at the interference structure and say ‘okay, it’s been 4 nanoseconds.’”
A guide book of evolving Rydberg wave packets could be used in combination with other forms of pump-probe spectroscopy that measure events on a tiny scale, when now and then are less clear, or simply too inconvenient to measure.
Importantly, none of the fingerprints require a then and now to serve as a starting and stopping point for time. It’d be like measuring an unknown sprinter’s race against a number of competitors running at set speeds.
I have a new competitor in the caravan market.
November 6, 2022 at 12:17 am
I have a new competitor in the caravan market.
Retro RV’s ‘Daisy’