The Pont de Arts and the Institut de France, August Renoir, 1867
The Pont de Arts and the Institut de France, August Renoir, 1867
The Auditor General is on the case. However, if they own the land then NO. And I thought that in…
Mostly from twitter. Here’s the thread. The videos are always nice. Belugas Cafe – Ace (13 Mar)
Ace’s stuff Really. Who did he get it from?
Playing Chess. Checkmate.
Well I can download it I have a Subscription.
“Cassie I think you meant the Morrison government was so inept at handling anything .”
Actually, they were good at something……..backstabbing their own. Just ask Christian Porter, Craig Kelly, Andrew Laming, Alan Tudge and George Christensen.
The story telling starts early with girls.
My daughter is doing a couple of days in the childcare centre as part of her high school course.
A four year old girl cracks the shits and out of the blue walks up to my daughter and punches her in the stomach. The girl then yells out that my daughter deliberately hurt her.
The senior staff look around and start asking question. Luckily another little girl told them the kid was lying and my daughter was helping her before the punch.
My girl could have been in serious trouble on the basis of a lie. Makes you think.
December 10, 2022 at 11:04 am
Bon the defence personnel I know in Canberra above Lieutenant are rabid lefties especially the ones in Bates and Cosgroves office. This is not an accident. The junior ranks are all conservative.
This is not new, recall that the CDF-ship of Admiral Chris Barrie was over 20 years ago.
Bon the defence personnel I know in Canberra above Lieutenant are rabid lefties especially the ones in Bates and Cosgroves office. This is not an accident. The junior ranks are all conservative.
stack the military, stack the judiciary and the police forces, disarm the citizens and then you can rig the elections with no consequence
That’s BullShit on stilts.
The Officer Class has been ALP loyalist since at least the 1970s, Enlisted men have traditionally voted for the Coalition.
Actually, they were good at something……..backstabbing their own. Just ask Christian Porter, Craig Kelly, Andrew Laming, Alan Tudge and George Christensen.
How’s Craig Kelly going now? He couldn’t even get 5% as a UAP candidate.
Andrew Laming brought your idol Tony Abbott down, yet now you feel sorry for him?
Not much loyalty there.
George Christensen was an embarrassment, LNP Primary vote increased on the strength of his retirement.
Also LTGEN Morrison’s time as Chief of Army.
Characters like those use their influence to start their acolytes on the path to the top from around the rank of COL (E). After 20 or so years, all the influential positions are held by those acolytes, unless a ruthless type with different ideas comes in at the top. See George Marshall, who purged the higher levels of the US Army once he became Chief of Staff. But even he couldn’t touch MacArthur.
Any funny business and we’ll release our secret weapon.
Australian government imposes sanctions on Iran and Russia (10 Dec)
I’m sure they are terrified!
In Vic there are no LNP parliamentarians to complain about.
We don’t have any.
Look at the filthy loathsome Morrison creature plus the other transsexual degenerates that infest Russell.
Hello Lizzie and Tinta. An early Merry Christmas to you. Every day is now a bonus.
You’re right of course. But who can resist a little schadenfreude with their karma?
I did say you’d be wronger next time, but I didn’t realise it’d be so soon.
Well done.
Monty, look out, he’s catching up.
new thread
1. THREAD: The Twitter Files
Part One: October 2020-January 6th
Any payout is Taxed, so a great hunk of the dosh isn’t leaving Treasury.
STFU crotchless; many categories of compensation are NOT taxable. A decent lawyer will structure the payout to minimise tax. Go and treat your chafing.
You meet a lot of born to rule types through private schools. Some grow out of it, some go on to it but it’s good to see some have it ripped away all the same. Although it would be nice to see some accountability on the other side from time to time. Don’t bolt down those Walkleys just yet. We live in hope.
An image shows the meat of the point. Short version is 40% of university women can’t correctly redraw a line showing how the water level will align when a bottle is tilted. It’s been replicated many times.
This is the quality of people who are being rushed into positions of power, because we must have women in X.
I’m just going to leave this little juxtaposition here:
I say, steady on old chap.
Although I am worried about Rex.
Haven’t heard from him in 18 hours.
I do hope nothing has happened.
You would be horrified by the full story of my friend and co-worker several years ago, she ended up losing her then 12 yr old son on the say-so of two four year olds who reported that he had said “look at this” with his gameboy in his lap. They said he had his pants down showing his underwear and bare skin to them, he said he was inviting them to look at the screen of the game he was playing. Enter girls mother, Children’ s Services, court appearances, split families all over the place since the boy was no longer allowed to live with her (she wasn’t raising him right) etc etc. A nightmare.
Don’t have much sympathy for Tudge, although he is hardly Robinson Crusoe there. Porking the help is never a good look. And it’s always the poor taxpayers who suffer.
They showed a shot of the outdoor dining area at the Adelaide Oval during the crickit yesterday.
At least two tables of chaps in their 40’s and 50’s wearing gaudy striped school/rowing/crickit blazers.
Very Adelaide.
Usually one would have to travel to New Zealand to witness such a spectacle.
Worth a read. Joye is no slouch;
There is no real debate around IF there will be a recession. It’s now moved on to speculating if it will be the mild, average or severe versions.
Savage is my guess, but that’s not in the list.
Sorry it was Barrie not Bates. The one in Barrie’s office was a neighbour and told me gleefully about a course he was doing. I said I thought it would have been a prerequisite to get your job. Funny, his kid stopped coming over. Son’s Fil goes to meetings about technical stuff. He’s the only one there from the ADF who can talk to the suppliers about certain aspects but is overruled by the more senior staff. They get the wool pulled over their eyes but get to go for lunch and drinkies.
Pogria, your wombat should be ok to eat, because of its healthy diet.
It eats roots and leaves.
I only go to Adelaide for the writers festivals.
For rosie, the NZ authorities dealing with their livestock:
Haven’t heard from the Road Rager in that time. Think I heard on the news a Ken Worth was hit on the train crossing. No damage was done. Apparently the truck was on its way to the death camp to rescue the remaining inmates. He was busy with a hole in the floor and hadn’t noticed 20,000 tonnes approaching. The train driver couldn’t get the smile off his face.
Not surprised. The departments are unacceptable sheltered workshops, hzhousewife.
It certainly could be. 25% of all mortgages reset from ultra low fixed rates to variable rates in ’23. Massive hit to households, on top of the COL hikes.
I saw a comment last week: ” It will feel like we have hit a pole and the economy has gone through the windscreen”.
No rickw, what is sick is poor demented parents trying to physically interfere with preparations for surgery to save the life of their extremely ill child, because they have fallen into the internet web of con artists and charlatans like Dr Dr Ana with their pure blood fantasies.
Don’t tell you’d try to wrestle away your child in those circumstances, it’s not normal.
Yep. Philip Lowe will have dropped off a lot of Christmas lists. The Putin of interest rates.
…and then hit said pole, mid-air, face first.
Refinancing risk used only to be a problem for bond dealers.
And then the repercussions from the capped energy prices will start to take effect.
Black Ballsays:
December 9, 2022 at 5:59 pm
XXXX Bitter – the drink of the Gods, the beverage they serve in Heaven along with handfuls of nuts grown in the golden soils of Queensland and ripened under the gaze of the life giver Sol.
Beer & Nuts, mate – it’s wot Queensland is made of.
Perhaps it does seem an over reaction Wodger, but when you need to open a walnut and all the other methods have failed, then you need to get something that will do the job, not just give the impression of trying to do an investigation and conveniently failing.
Black Ball:
I’m curious about the necessity of having an Academic Team in the investigation. Let’s admit it – Universities are not the natural habitat of neutral observers and Seekers of Truth – not for the last fifty years anyway.
It smacks of a final filter for the investigation.
Don’t have much sympathy for Tudge, although he is hardly Robinson Crusoe there. Porking the help is never a good look. And it’s always the poor taxpayers who suffer.
Porking the help has never been worth a $576,000 [non disclosure?] payout.
Any chance Rachelle Miller was paid off for something else that happened to her/ she had knowledge of around Parly House?
QLD bar chatter.
Was that you?
Wozen me.
That one was definitely you.
Dover Beach:
… and much better tits.
Always great to see you here, Macbeth at 11.59am. Don’t be a stranger.
Bill Psays:
December 10, 2022 at 12:31 pm
Pogria, your wombat should be ok to eat, because of its healthy diet.
It eats roots and leaves.
Plant-based meat?
The first choice of those who wish to deceive – camouflage.
It’s a great ‘tell’.
Get on it Groogs. Report back.
Richard Cranium
Any chance Rachelle Miller was paid off for something else that happened to her/ she had knowledge of around Parly House?
You tell us, you’re the one with access to the Parly House CCTV system.
My bad, Nambas. I have definitely eating at a native BBQ (anthropologist don’t forget) and throwing it on directly on the fire is what I was suggesting. I should have been far more grammatically precise.
I should have said “you could try to stick it on a fire until done’, or have used your chosen verb – to ‘throw’ it on a fire – which is of course what they do. Requiring no recipe whatsoever, which is why I said none was provided – too tongue in cheek to be noted, of course.
eaten, not eating.
Fingers in a hurry, lunch is ready
$576,000 seems an awful lot to payout because Tudgey tole her to get outta bed and make him a sammich.
Did Rachelle Miller ever work in, oh, I dunno, Brandis or Reynolds Offices?
Matt Taibbi
27. Examining the entire election enforcement Slack, we didn’t see one reference to moderation requests from the Trump campaign, the Trump White House, or Republicans generally. We looked. They may exist: we were told they do. However, they were absent here.
Is anyone surprised that m0nty=fa was covering for the DemonRats about this?
Note also the regular diuscussions with the FBI, DHS and even the DNI recorded in the thread. Coordination between government and corporations? Apart from being actual fascism, these actions were also breaches of the First Amendment
Your front wheel is stuck in the tram rut. This isn’t about ‘pureblood theory’ – it’s about the power imbalance between parents and governments.
And it’s been going a long time, in many different variants from health care to education.
You just knew that Brih-nee Commando was going to get oodles of cash from the taxpayer for inventing a 44 gallon drum full of wishful thinking.
She is living the George Costanza life. If you believe a lie, it becomes the truth.
Any chance Rachelle Miller was paid off for something else that happened to her/ she had knowledge of around Parly House?
Amply rewarded for doing something sooo bland no one else would touch .. Tudge .. and the covenience of the media forgetting that ROBODEBT was Tudge’s ministerial responsibility .. LOL!
Imagine you are running a medium-sized service business, sack 80% of your staff, then find that sacking 80% of the staff has had no adverse effect on your business’s output, earnings or rating by customers. It just saved a bomb on wages.
Well, apart from government monopolies federal, state and local, the only organisations that find themselves in such a situation are Silicon Valley social media monopolies like Twitter, whose new owner just found that sacking 80% of the staff actually improved the business.
Tucker Carlson Tonight.
Sadly, you’ll only find fruits & nuts in Brisbane these days.
it’s about the power imbalance between parents and governments.
I agree and sniff a public doctor’s ego in overdrive. This was a classic example of state over reach as well, cooler heads should have nipped it in the bud given the particulars.
As for the couple. Not if they wanted the child to suffer, they had people ready to donate blood. Unusual yes but why is it skin off anyones nose and easily accommodated. As I said delete the derogitory anti vaxer & insert a minority group. I’d wager my house would have been all tickety boo in st Jacindas UnZed.
Separate threads don’t work.
All it takes is for one to refuse to use it like the duelling thread and it returns to the open thread. Then the stoush takes over the OT again. Great idea if it’s policed but DB obviously doesn’t have the time to do so.
Perhaps the Vaxxine debate could have a separate adjudicator with the ability to send posts to their correct destination. Or perhaps a key word that would do the job automatically.
An illegal scheme set up under the oversight of the previous minister, Christian Porter, who later failed upwards to become A-G , when he was often seen carrying an armful of legal tomes around parliament house in the attempt to appear erudite.
In regard to the NZ baby under court guardianship…has it been reported whether the family is Maori or European? (Serious question.)
And spooks and flamers.
Right Ed?
Ed Casesays:
December 10, 2022 at 1:21 pm
$576,000 seems an awful lot to payout because Tudgey tole her to get outta bed and make him a sammich.
Did Rachelle Miller ever work in, oh, I dunno, Brandis or Reynolds Offices?
Hey, Head Case. What was the number of the Bus?. Wot’ Bus says Head Case? The number of the Bus that ran over your head.
Thanks to Mem at 11.38am for that article regarding the Tasmanian surveyor’s life story.
Fascinating story. He did an astonishingly wide range of survey projects from inner city suburbs to snow covered mountains.
Cats may remember that I worked as a surveyor’s chainman to pay my way through uni and I always regretted that I didn’t continue in the game and get qualified. Loved the life and I was endlessly interested in exploring the Australian landscape.
Sadly, the lure of glittering gold got me and I went grubbing in the dirt for a living instead.
… has it been reported whether the family is Maori or European?
Uh, it’s now Mauli.
For one as PC as yourself, Roger, that’s a howler.
A guy asks his waiter how they prepare their chicken. The waiter says that there’s nothing special… we just flat out tell’ em they’re gonna die…
Paddy was planning to get married and asked his doctor how he could tell if his bride is a virgin. The doctor said “Well, you need three things from a do it yourself shop. A can of red paint, a can of blue paint, and a shovel”. Paddy asked “And what do I do with these, doc?” The doctor replied “Before the wedding night, you paint one of your testicles red and the other one blue. That night if she says ‘That’s the strangest pair of balls I ever saw’ you hit her with the shovel”.
Any comment on Joffa?
Flamer, Fruit, or a one off?
There are three classes of people: those who see, those who see when they are shown, those who do not see.
– Leonardo da Vinci
Hey,Blow In:
Fuck Off
he was often seen carrying an armful of legal tomes around parliament house in the attempt to appear erudite
What? These really aren’t serious people. Bad luck for us.
Something odd going on in the Covid death rate in VIC compared to Qld.
VIC had 85 deaths and 27790 cases in previous week. Or 1 in 327
Qld had 15 deaths and 13632 cases. Or 1 in 908
Hospitalisations were VIC 713 and Qld 320 which as a rate compared to case numbers is 1 in 389 and 426 which is not too far out.
Qld 15 deaths compares to 320 hospitalisations or 1 in 21 and VIC 713 hospitalisations with 85 deaths which is 1 in 8.4.
Note all deaths are not necessarily happening in hospital.
Don’t have any stats to hand but pre Omicron I remember the ratio of deaths to hospitalisations was something like 1 in 20.
Qld seems about right but something odd with the VIC death rate which is 2.5 X Qld.
More co-morbidity cases being counted in VIC as pure Covid deaths ?
Tom, thank you. I lurk here now and then, but nothing much left to say.
“And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year, “give me a light that i may tread safely into the unknown.’
Hey, blow in:
before you go,
How did Higgins end up naked on a couch when she was too drunk to put her shoes on at PH reception?
Your choices:
1. Got some unasked for help
Ed Casesays:
December 10, 2022 at 2:22 pm
Hey,Blow In:
Fuck Off
LOL. Blow Job yourself. You Tosser and Left Wing Nut Job. Maybe also stick your head up your arse. You keep talking so much SHITE.
Nonsense, Macbeth.
I’ll always be keen to hear whatever you have to say.
Erudite is like a relation of Aphrodite?
Also noted is a determined effort by the bureaucracy and the Government to fail in sorting out the problems in data collection.
The obvious conclusion to make is the plan which was ditched for the Pandemic, of which none of the recommendations were followed, will be based on the Political aspects of the problem – not the Health aspects.
In other words, the next Pandemic will be a disaster because none of the obvious problems were identified. The decisions will be made through an ideological or political prism, not reality.
Macbeth, it always lightens my day to see you’re still with us.
Jeez you guys, if this vaccine requires any more updates i think probably they’re gonna have to rename it “microsoft”…
Who is Bruce Lehmann? and what does he have to do with Britnah?
Thanks fellas. You made my day. it gets a bit lonely here..
The other day Indolent linked to a roundtable discussion led by
As Indolent noted, the vid is three hours in length but is worth watching every moment.
Many experts in their field spoke. One, in particular, Dr Kirk Milhoan, MD. PhD. who has a PhD in cardiovascular physiology and pharmacology was worth listening to. For convenience, I have transcribed his testimony.
Dr Milhoan:
If you want to watch the lot, below is the link.
funny you should mention Gate’s involvement in all this….
I keep thinking of that quote from The Goodies:
Bill: “Allow me to elucidate…”
Graeme: “You do, and you clean it up yourself!” 😀
I’m not too sure about that Makka – look at the Obama appointed Generals they’ve got. General ‘White Rage’ Milley doesn’t inspire confidence for me in war preparedness for the US.
I’d be wary of allowing any of these Obama appointees anywhere near the preparations for war planning.
Here’s an article for those thinking that Green Hydrogen will save us from the renewables fandangle. Perhaps someone could forward this to Bowen. And I am sure Twiggy Forest has all this sorted. Energy Storage Report: Hydrogen as An Alternative to Batteries. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2022/12/05/energy-storage-report-hydrogen-as-an-alternative-to-batteries/
Now look what you made me do!
Enjoy some Pretenders, Cats:
mem says:
December 10, 2022 at 9:26 am
Dover I’m wondering if you can set up a separate thread on the vax debate as it has taken over… most threads for the last 3 years.
I second the request.
It should be easier to filter and manage such posts, than would be in dealing with the boring stoushes that defile the OT with unseemly regularity.
Worth considering?
As I’m a chronic lurker, I’d be happy to assist in re-directing extant traffic.
dover0beach says:
December 10, 2022 at 9:36 am
Dover I’m wondering if you can set up a separate thread on the vax debate
Mem, it won’t work. Sinc tried this on the old Cat re abortion, and one or another topic but it always finds itself back on the OT.
Just saw this.
I will work, most of the time, if someone is happy to be tasked with re-directting relevant posts to a dedicated COVID thread.
No smiting, only re-directing.
100% accuracy isn’t essential, even a 5-10% failure rate will improve the OT immeasurably.
Mainly around New Farm.
What does danger theory afford that distinguishing self from non-self does not?
He’s had his Forrestcue (intentional) minions working down in Malaga for some 4 years now, trying to convert and make workable ammonia-powered diesel locomotives. A rescued and slightly refurbished Dash-8 hulk has been there for about 2 years, and one of his SD70s for some 2 years before that. And all his competitors have just hedged their bets by agreeing to trial a couple of battery-electrics here and there instead.
HINT: If you’re going to virtue signal with your hardware, make sure it is cheap and simple to do. And have some form of easy and low-impact backup work (or a decently large derelict yard to lay them up and cannibalise parts from) to at least make back the money you spent.
In regard to the NZ baby under court guardianship…has it been reported whether the family is Maori or European? (Serious question.)
A serious question and a bloody good one. But from the outcome, the child would HAVE to be white.
Jacinda ‘Gollum’ Ardern, would not dare touch the kid if it was Maori. In fact she’d be proudly displaying the contents of her matrimonial fruit basket and supporting the parents of the crook kid. “As a mother, myself….”
He’s probably forgotten about them working on his WEF speeches and saving Ukraine.
Would that be the General “Shanghai” Milley, the one who got on the phone to the People’s Liberation Army in Peking & blabbed everything the POTUS was doing/planning?
That General Milley?
Look, all COVID VAX commentary is 100% ShillWork.
This should be the starting point:
Take any Vaccine not at gunpoint, you’ve got rocks in your head.
Real Estate Down & Dirty
From Armstrong Economics –
QUESTION: I want to thank you for Socrates. It picked the turn in the real estate in January amazingly. Do you see the high-end and regional divergences continuing?
ANSWER: Yes. The Directional Change for 2021 was spot on. Our index began declining in January 2022 anticipating the first rate hike on March 17, 2022, by a quarter point. We would expect lower prices into 2023 and this should be the typical 2-year reaction low. It appears that post-2023, we would begin to see the shift where private assets will start to trade at a premium to the public assets of the government. The spread between government and private will decline as was the case during the Great Depression as countries began to default on their debt.”
Yikes. Anhydrous ammonia is one of the nastiest gases around, and it loves moisture like a camel in a desert. One tiny bit of water in it and it will dissolve anything short of glass. A diesel engine running on it would have the lifetime of a scalded gnat.
I worked as a surveyor’s chainman
there ya goze! .. worked on the natural gas pipe-line (Liverpool thru Wagga stretch) way back in the mid 1960s and never knew that being the “pole-holder” was being a “chain-man” .. LOL!
The NZ surgeons would be fully aware of the reasons the parents were nervous about the blood transfusion. Therefore, they would be stupid to risk giving this baby blood from a vaccinated source, because what if something DID happen to the baby, for example, after 24 hours unexplained clots forming. Those doctors would not want to be in a courtroom then. So I reckon the baby got the kind of blood the parents wanted in the first place.
Jacarandas falling to the ground in New Farm Park, while Poincianas are in full bloom in Alexandra Rd Ascot.
Great that you’re still with us Macbeth!
It’s a strange world you’ve lived to see.
H B Bearsays:
December 10, 2022 at 3:56 pm
He’s had his Forrestcue (intentional) minions working down in Malaga for some 4 years now, trying to convert and make workable ammonia-powered diesel locomotives.
He’s probably forgotten about them working on his WEF speeches and saving Ukraine.
JCB have already done this with hydrogen………………………………
It won’t be as cheap as diesel though.
there ya goze! .. worked on the natural gas pipe-line (Liverpool thru Wagga stretch) way back in the mid 1960s and never knew that being the “pole-holder” was being a “chain-man” ..
It’s not.
The technical name for Pole Holders is Kiwi, or in your case, dopey pom.
In the video of Plod taking the baby the two extremely distressed & agitated people (presumably the parents) seem to be 100% Caucasian.
(As said above, Anglo-Saxon is the only racial group St. Jacinda would treat in such a manner, anybody else would be accommodated, coz “culture”)
Why yes, Sal. It would be that Milley. This one who ” pledged to give his Chinese counterpart advance notice of a U.S. attack are true.”
I’m staggered to see this treasonous pile of shit still outside a gaol cell.
I seriously doubt it, they all believe their own bullshit
Thank you Hugh for your thoughts on wombats.
Before I bought this place, I drove through the Monaro on the way to Cooma to look at a small property.
The Monaro on a cloudy, drizzly day was quite eerie and a little spooky. That was the first time I had ever seen it. It must be glorious when the sun is shining on it.
Love this ad. What a gorgeous li’l sweetie.
The Bowie is a nice touch as well.
macbeth, if you hadn’t knocked off Duncan and had Banquo and Macduff done in as well you might have had some mates to get on the piss with.
I can guarantee you, Grigory, that if I called someone I didn’t think very highly of because of their stupidity and/or arrogance a ‘Kiwi,’ I think I’d only get a funny look.
Have you been into the gypsum again?
Whatever happened to Yorrick?
(Did we ever have a Yorrick? On any iteration of the Cat?)
“Fears for Australia’s rich and famous as real estate agency in nation’s most exclusive beachside suburb is hacked and sensitive details published online”
Are any Cats fearful for these “poor” people?
Me neither. LOL
You’re a blow in
fuck off
Understand How We Think
From Armstrong Economics –
QUESTION: I see how you were surprised by your dog in discovering how she studies your patterns and predicts where you are going. My dog does the same. I didn’t pay attention to those traits until you wrote about them. The very trait of how to think is fascinating. Have you incorporated that into Socrates?
ANSWER: Yes. I had a friend who was a psychologist and he explained to me many years ago that there were two fundamental types of thinking in humans – linear v dynamic. There is a good book written by Richard E. Nisbett entitled “The Geography of Thought, How Asians and Westerners Think Differently … and Why.” He attributed his work to a Chinese student who said: “You know, the difference between you and me is that I think the world is a circle, and you think it’s a line.” He goes on to quote him:
The Chinese believe in constant change, but with things always moving back to some prior state. They pay attention to a wide range of events; they search for relationships between things; and they think you can’t understand the part without understanding the whole. Westerners live in a simpler, more deterministic world; they focus on salient objects or people instead of the larger picture; and they think they can control events because they know the rules that govern the behavior of objects.
I can say I never had to explain cycle theory in Asia to anyone. In the West, we were taught to think linearly. What stunned me about my dog was noticing that she thought dynamically. I had no idea any animal possess such a thinking process. There are dogs who even have done simple math. Understanding how the thinking process works was absolutely essential to be able to create any AI program that was functional. Oh yes, there were those trying to create a neural net, dump all the data in, shake it up, and somehow it would unexplainably come forth with the answer. IBM tried that and it failed.
There was just a lot more to how we thought that necessitated investigation. Anyone who thinks they cannot learn by observing even how a dog thinks is so biased that they will never discover anything. Discovery requires an open mind. You cannot discover something unless you look. With dogs, most people never bothered to look. Only recently people have started to investigate and have been also surprised that dogs have even beaten chimps in some tests. Another’s friend’s dog refuses to look at herself in a mirror but obviously knows it is her. Self-conscious?”
Absolutely, Macbeth. I hope to see Tinta over Christmas and I think it likely we will both raise a glass to your daily success and good health. I hope you can still enjoy many festivities yet.
DAMPs and PAMPs. Damage Asssociated Molecular Patterns. Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns.
Before there has been analysis you’ve made a conclusion.
Woo-Hoo, the Cat’s oldest commenter is still with us!
Have a happy Christmas and New Year, you mighty ol’ personage. 🙂
You’ll be with us for a while yet. You know it.
Ed Casesays:
December 10, 2022 at 4:49 pm
You’re a blow in
fuck off
Blow Job yourself and stick your Ed up your arse. Head Case and a Suitable Case for Treatment. You talk utter SHITE. You Left Wing Nut Job. YOU FUCK OFF !!!!!!!!! TWAT. Go and play in the traffic.
Thanks Sal.
I had tentatively assumed that to be the case.
I doubt the authorities would have been as high handed with a Maori family.
Given Aldo’s announcement yesterday around energy price controls, you officially got to see Fascism in Europe AND Australia.
Back in Sydney. No improvement since last week.
Drove up Richmond Road and back across to Castle Hill. Wall to wall human warehousing. Where will the electricity come from to power all the new homes?
‘Demand Management’.
Ie. They won’t have power when it’s not convenient for the powers-to-be to grant them the privilege of having it.
I wasn’t going to be specific, but New Farm has had a “colourful” reputation since my gran lived there in the late ’60s & 70s, when, going by the occupants I remember from her block of units, it was a strange mix of war widows who’d socialise at the Methyr Bowls Club and young single men who worked as hairdressers, flight attendants or dressed the windows in Myers.
Anyway, watch out for Ed Space if you’re out and about, Faustus.
A man was complaining to a friend “I had it all – money, a magnificent house, a fast car, the love of a beautiful woman… then, poof! It was all gone!” “What happened?” asked the friend. “My wife found out…”
A feminist was pointing out the many superiorities women have over men and I was at a loss refuting any of them, until her crowning statement that among their greatest abilities women could multi task. So I told her to shut up and sit down, you know what she couldn’t do either, although my black eye is now getting better.
Nature is the source of all true knowledge. She has her own logic, her own laws, she has no effect without cause nor invention without necessity.
– Leonardo da Vinci
Haven’t you heard?
Chris Bowen this week unleashed $10bn in investment to build a capacity mechanism of at least 6 gigawatts.
Safe hands.
Ed Casesays:
December 10, 2022 at 4:49 pm
You’re a blow in
fuck off
Richard Cranium
You’re a blow job
fuck off.
Here’s video of NZPlod taking the baby.
Earlier this year, a video surfaced of Mr. Schwab in 2017, openly bragging about infiltrating the cabinets of major governments worldwide by grooming a class of Young Global Leaders, including Angela Merkel of Germany, Justin Trudeau of Canada, and even Vladimir Putin. The World Economic Forum describes its Young Global Leaders program as “an accelerator for a dynamic community of exceptional people with the vision, courage, and influence to drive positive change in the world.” It is doubtful that their vision for positive change aligns with that of the plebian class, but they aren’t too concerned with that. In 2016, they told us in Forbes magazine that soon we would own nothing, have no privacy, and we would learn to like it.
The Bomber Gas Station
Standartenführer Schwab:
You will own nothing
You will exist in a pod
You will eat the bugs
You will be happy …
Or else. 🙁
Yes, worrying stuff, which is why I thought Rosie’s dependence on that Israeli paper re adolescent males was far too short term and superficial re the no-harm result. Even given that, as I said, the figures of affected adolescents even in the short term were far too high for comfort. Which is why too, for myself, a period of a few days with an over-thumping heart 2 weeks after a Novavax booster was the end of booster vaxxing for me, travelling and away from my doc for a check-up; let alone my middle-aged son’s wrist synovitis on MRI following a second Pfizer following only three weeks after his first jab (the minimum time period being pushed at that time). In both of my familial cases, no medico would put their reputation on the line sheeting our issues home to the jab or even reporting them as suspect. Just shrugs and maybe’s.
Initially I was generally supportive of an unmandated vaxx in the face of a new and seemingly virulent respiratory virus with some nasty vascular features, although it was always optimistic to try for one against a Corona virus and stupid to ignore emerging treatment possibilities. Now there are signals of real problems, specialists need to reconsider their Covid vaxx recommendations against the real risk of cardiac issues that can develop in cases of Covid, as some countries are already doing for children.
From the article I linked to…
The insanity of the past half-decade is most aptly described as shock and awe. Shock and awe is an offensive warfare tactic that describes an assault from all angles that does not permit the opponent a chance to mount a defense because they are spread thin across all fronts. Shock and awe is disorienting and does not allow one to discern who or what is coming at them.
I think Saint Jacina Adhern was one of those Young Global Leaders too.
yes she is Lizzie- I’ve found quite a few of the Australian ones like Hunt but I’m sure there are more that we don’t know about.
Bragg is another, Snake eyes Hanson-Young too. Seem to be mainly lieborals.
A creature that will not be even remotely aware it’s existing under the Standartenführer’s nightmarish vision for humanitee.
Lucky for them. Until the factory farming starts.
December 10, 2022 at 5:19 pm
Where will the electricity come from to power all the new homes?
Haven’t you heard?
Chris Bowen this week unleashed $10bn in investment to build a capacity mechanism of at least 6 gigawatts.
Safe hands.
Chris Turtle Head Bowen has NFI and no watts. All he has is twatts……………………….And no giga idea.
You can sift thru the WEF website to find who some of their Australian traitors are but I strongly suspect some would be secret ones.
Before there has been analysis you’ve made a conclusion.
John H – there are far more qualified people than me drawing various conclusions. Me? I have very tangible fears based on the qualifications of said commentators.
They really are at war with us but I’ve had that feeling for decades.
Horseface also spend a lot of time in London during the bLIAR era.
I have noticed considerable variation in weather between the different altitudes in the Monaro. We are up in the hills, and often it is bright and sunny up here, but when we descend into Bredbo and Cooma it is, as you suggest, rather gloomy, shrouded in mist and mizzle. But in all fairness, we do have our share of grim weather too. I would not want to live up here without an effective means of heating our house in winter, which for us is pretty much April to November. We had a light frost on Friday morning, and the BOM is forecasting another minus one for next Friday.
Re Greg Hunt : I have always suspected that he resigned from politics (as a current Minister for Health) because he knew more than most re the vaccines he was authorising.
Trash like Hunt are essentially foreign agents acting for foreign interests on their instructions.
Fairy wands.
The govt will forcefully acquire enough fairy wands to meet the additional demand
Trash like Hunt are essentially foreign agents acting for foreign interests on their instructions.
He’s a Spook, is that what you’re trying to say?
A truly loathsome oleaginous individual. Nothing even remotely conservative about him either. Back in my brief days as a “Scamberra Insider”, I attended a (super secret squirrel) meeting in his office with various other wallies. Thankfully there were no nineteen year old “ministerial advisors” passed out blind drunk on one of the couches in a pool of their vomit.
But hey, that’s the way the stupid forking gliberals roll nowadays.
I can see us going thru a stage where we are like Romania in the late 80s with people in blacked out apartment blocks
So was Kean parachuted in Hornsby by head orrifice? I can’t image the local branches choosing such a leftie. Who the hell would hand out HTVs for the grub?
Milts, some “Ceausescu Time” would go down a treat, nonetheless. 🙂
Travel news.
Lefties slamming Bali ‘bonk ban’ were cheering at Australian governments practising their own brand of bedroom interventionism (Sky News, 10 Dec)
Qantas launches Sydney to Seoul flights (Sky News, 10 Dec)
You are Seoul! Hopefully things in that city are less uptight than in Bali.
yeah well we’re heading that way but he did get his just deserts in the end.
Thanks, Googleory. Laughed out loud.
After letting free the Bali Bomber, self respecting Aussies should be crossing Bali off the list. It’s just a corrupt shithole.
Oh yeah, “cheap beer!”.
Remember how Hunt trash gave Sydney beach goers a dressing down? Just more confirmation that my decision to stop voting lieboral and stop giving them money was correct.
If you could tap into Bowen’s vapid ignorance you’d power Australia.
There’s ‘one form of energy which Vladimir Putin cannot disrupt’: Chris Bowen (10 Dec)
Labor Party stupidity is a perfectly renewable resource. They have a nearly infinite supply of it.
Bowen – another retread from the RGR debacle. Why does politics attract such garbage?
Is Montypox going to go into politics? Council maybe?
Ed Casesays:
December 10, 2022 at 5:50 pm
Trash like Hunt are essentially foreign agents acting for foreign interests on their instructions.
He’s a Spook, is that what you’re trying to say?
Don’t you ever fucking listen? NO………………..Dick Head.
To answer that would also expain why so few decent people go into politics anymore.
Rabz —I might not share your taste in women, but you are a funny bugger.
I didn’t know Putin had disrupted our domestic coal, gas and oil resources.
This fkwit has the mind of a green cult 13 year old.
I agree with you, Makka, but it’s more complicated than that.
For Australians, especially young Australians, Bali is one of the last places on earth where you can live outside the communist Australian nanny state.
For example, you can legally hire and ride a motorbike in Bali without a helmet — which is forbidden in Australia.
Young Australians love Bali’s freedom.
That’s the underlying reason Australians love Bali. It isn’t just about cheap holidays.
It will all be explained in the ABC fact check.
This is one of the worst aspects of what has happened to many people: doctors refusing to accept/acknowledge the adverse reactions. However, the TGA adverse reaction page provides a way for the individual to add in their own symptoms.
Makka, if it’s any consolation, I’ve never intended visiting Indo”bluddee”nesia unless it was guiding a B52.
Thanks Hugh 🙂
Bar Beach Swimmersays:
December 10, 2022 at 6:15 pm
This is one of the worst aspects of what has happened to many people: doctors refusing to accept/acknowledge the adverse reactions. However, the TGA adverse reaction page provides a way for the individual to add in their own symptoms.
Yes but unfortunately the results are being ignored. We are a nation of lions led by donkeys……………..
I’ve never been and have no desire to, but I suspect the Hindu majority Balinese aren’t all that happy about his release either.
more like a nation of gerbils being led off the cliff…
they’ll have to make the doors wider
Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson held a hearing on Capitol Hill this past week which featured testimony from people who suffered injuries due to side effects associated with the Covid vaccines. Testimony from participants in the trial stage of the vaccines told the stories of how some of these subjects were injured by the vaccine, and they informed both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as well as asked why the agencies were being so secretive about the anti-Covid jab. The response from both the FDA and the NIH was basically, “There are no secrets here.” One witness said, “There is one word which describes the vaccine injured and that word is ‘ghost’.” Other testimony came from a physician who pointed to an insert in the Covid vaccine package, which was apparently instructions for the shot but was, in fact, just a blank sheet of paper.
Senator Johnson concluded the hearing by saying, “We need to know what the plans are for the mRNA platform because they’re not talking about…just a one-time use here. They’ve got big plans for this.” With the profits, the pharmaceutical companies have been making on the Covid jab, it’s no wonder the corporations have “big plans.” Johnson isn’t the only politician concerned with vaccine injury, and the United States isn’t the only country with this issue.
In Australia, Senator Gerard Rennick made a speech to his parliament in Queensland talking about the amount of injuries suffered by people who had the Covid jab as well as his belief that the vaccine is ineffective. The senator claims there were “140,000 vaccine injuries” in Australia. Rennick also claimed physicians in his country haven’t read the non-clinical report on the Pfizer vaccine. Yet the vaccines continue to be distributed and administered, apparently, without accountability.
DeSantis Vows to Hold Drug Companies Accountable
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is promising to hold both Pfizer and Moderna accountable for vaccine injuries and the companies’ claims that their jabs have no side effects. DeSantis noted myocarditis, which has occurred in young men after receiving the Covid jab. The possible presidential contender also pointed to the PREP Act. “They’re not allowed to sue or get any sort of recourse when this was something they wanted to do? So, this is something that we’re going to lead on in Florida,” DeSantis said. However, the Florida governor will probably face the wall of Big Pharma and its singular focus on profit.
Observations of Perth:
Spent most of the day in and around the CBD. The usual well-above-average ration of ladeeee specialness.
I will also note that there are derros everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Not the relatively clean ones wandering the streets talking to Churchill or Napoleon, although there were a couple of those. The messy, covered in their own shit and ripped-up trackies and somebody else’s broken umbrella littering the footpath and in recesses, sitting on half a dozen picks and on the rant at themselves and each other.
This is the case in every other major capital, but here the difference is that every one of them – every single one – is Four Hundred Nations. Not a single scrawny skip derro that’s been kicked out of every home and shelter he’s ever been in. Not a sole old cat lady with a shopping trolley full of doilies and Colesworth bags. Not one.
I only got asked to buy meth once though, so that’s something.
I also went into 6PR. Got half a dozen T shirts.
Happy to forward them to whoever wants them.
Hugh – just out of curiosity, your preferred womanages are?
Full spectrum (i.e. can wear any hair colour on the spectrum)
Not that smart
Slightly clued in
Young (18 – 29)
Medium (30 – 45)
Older (45+)
Answers on the back of a postcard, Squire!
For example, Miss Planet of Confidence Man is:
This is the case in every other major capital, but here the difference is that every one of them – every single one – is Four Hundred Nations. Not a single scrawny skip derro that’s been kicked out of every home and shelter he’s ever been in. Not a sole old cat lady with a shopping trolley full of doilies and Colesworth bags. Not one.
I only got asked to buy meth once though, so that’s something.
The other day I was confronted by a person who was smoking and had a mobile phone outside Central Train Station in Sydney. He asked me for 5 dollars (there’s inflation for you). I said that I am a 70 year old Pensioner and showed him my Pension Concession Card. Then I said that he should give me money. He fucked off quick smart.
BBS, I added the adverse reaction for my son, but neglected to do it for my concerns.
I will do it now that I am reminded however. I’ve never ever even noticed my heart till that.
Always perfect cardiac echosounding etc. and very proud of being terrific for my age. Now having had a test since returning, I have cardiac clearance, but I am also ‘throwing in an occasional extra beat’ a/c to the cardiologist. He says it’s nothing, he’s not worried about that; but it’s something new for me.
Oh, exception to not noticing is when I am at the top of the exercise curve .. but that’s a different sort of heart throbbing, one you can feel change and return to normal. 🙂
The vaxx response one was a continual awareness of my heartbeat thumping, working hard it seemed, especially when lying down. Not associated with any breathlessnes though, nor pain.
December 10, 2022 at 6:35 pm
Is Montypox going to go into politics? Council maybe?
they’ll have to make the doors wider
Well if he did, he would only get the Donkey vote. What an Ass and a Fat Head.
“You will eat the bugs”
And what, one wonders, do the bugs eat?
Rabz you missed out breathing, that’s the most important. The rest were covered pretty well in how I like women. Intelligent is of course super sexy. Vacuous no matter what they look like is a big turn off. Sloppy also a no no.
Australian Spectator has run an amazing article that analyses Pfizer’s so called “trials” from authorised data which the mainstream media continues to ignore.
Something along these lines would be more to my taste.
Oh, grate – I can’t post one of my favourite songs and film clips. Not happy, I tells ya!
Granga – please explain?
And from the same side of politics – the Left – we have the estimation of the need to put 40 million Americans into concentration camps after the Revolution.
They don’t think small when they create their inevitable mounds of skulls.
Relax, you won’t be eating bugs.
They might be a protein component in your in your dog or cat food though.
Hello Macbeth thanks for the cheerio — good to see you and you are right every day is a bonus — yesterday’s gone, today’s the present -God’s gift and tomorrow belongs to no-one – best wishes and Christmas blessing to you Macbeth
Not sure what tastes better—bugs or wombats.
Hugh – here’s the grades from the photo:
At least she doesn’t resemble Kurt Cobain. 😀
Lizzie I miss a beat occasionally too. Dr also said nothing to worry about. I’m more concerned about someone running a red light. Then climate change might get me or a tsunami is likely in Canberra.
Don’t you like them breathing? Sure you’re not groogs, he doesn’t like them breathing. Wriggle too much whilst skinning.
Gina Lollobrigida.
In the early 60s the German federal railways introduced a new diesel design with a pronounced protuberance on the upper portion of the front end. It was prompty nicknamed “Lollo”.
Classic Roger. 😀
What’s that bird up to there, Hugh? Looks like a good abalone spot, but she’s going to lose the jewelry if she’s not careful.