The Dreamer, Casper Friedrich, 1840
The Dreamer, Casper Friedrich, 1840
Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
AMK Mapping@AMK_Mapping_2hUkrainian forces now “control” less than 230km² of Kursk Oblast, down from 360km² just 24 hours ago.
The Spectator Index@spectatorindexEUROPE: The Financial Times reports that many European governments are feeling ‘buyers remorse for decades of US arms…
Thank you Wally.
Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…
Yeah right pipsqueak. You’re going to tone police me into not laughing at Armstrong’s BS?
(Oh hi, Memory Fault!…?)
Let’s pray that the human race never escapes from Earth to spread its iniquity elsewhere.
– C. S. Lewis
The video is an Etihad A380. Not sure where it is. I will let professional pilots judge the appropriateness of the decision to land.
Can I call Martin Armstrong a crook, a convicted felon and a billion dollar Ponzi scheme operator, without fear of being sued for defamation?
Why, yes.
Yes I can.
Because it is the truth.
Many (read: almost all) here know more about economics than I.
However, and for clarity – is this the Martin Armstrong currently being discussed?
This bloke?
I reckon I could make a fist of being a self-taught economist, and still manage to avoid doing 11 eleven years in the bin.
Rosie, NSW has an election early next year. A little bit of Covid panic can be used to great effect.
As for the media, anything to get eyeballs on screens.
And thanks for the mask update. Nice to know some people in the community are hygienic. I personally think they are a joke and waste of endeavour, but you already know this.
Well Victoriastan did re-elect Andrews, in a landslide, despite the longest lockdown worldwide, so there’s something in that.
Snap JC. Snap Sancho.
It is awesome from the left’s perspective. they throw up some “oppressed” minority as sacrificial lambs that challenges some part of christian/conservative values and dare you to attack them so they can call you bigots and parade some moral superiority. It allows trivial sound bites such as love is love, which require lengthy unpacking to refute.
From a conservative viewpoint it’s a lose-lose position. Damned if you defend conservative/christian values and if you don’t, you are gone anyway.
The most important thing to recognise about the woke is they don’t care, they are not embarrassed by hypocrisy, they don’t care if they cheat or get caught, all they care about is power.
Wasn’t actually expecting a new dark age till the end of the century, it’s already here. just few have noticed.
Confusius say-
There are many ways to troll a blog.
This last week and a half I’ve experienced the death of my 50yr old niece to bowel cancer. Although she had private health insurance all of her treatment was in public hospitals, and all exemplar. I have been very impressed.
The Ross Procedure done in a private hospital has hopefully given my 16yr old grandson another 25yrs of life.
We are fortunate to live in a country with with excellent doctors, hospitals and treatments available to all of us.
US scrambles to stop Iran from providing drones for Russia
David E. Sanger, Julian E. Barnes and Eric Schmitt
Washington | The Biden administration has launched a broad effort to halt Iran’s ability to produce and deliver drones to Russia for use in the war in Ukraine, an endeavour that has echoes of the years-long US program to cut off Tehran’s access to nuclear technology.
In interviews in the United States, Europe and the Middle East, a range of intelligence, military and national security officials have described an expanding US program that aims to choke off Iran’s ability to manufacture the drones, make it harder for the Russians to launch the unmanned “kamikaze” aircraft and – if all else fails – to provide the Ukrainians with the defences necessary to shoot them out of the sky.
The breadth of the effort has become clearer in recent weeks. The administration has accelerated its moves to deprive Iran of the Western-made components needed to manufacture the drones being sold to Russia after it became apparent from examining the wreckage of intercepted drones that they are stuffed with made-in-America technology.
US forces are helping Ukraine’s military to target the sites where the drones are being prepared for launch – a difficult task because the Russians are moving the launch sites around, from soccer fields to parking lots. And the Americans are rushing in new technologies designed to give early warning of approaching drone swarms, to improve Ukraine’s chances of bringing them down with everything from gunfire to missiles.
But all three approaches have run into deep challenges, and the drive to cut off critical parts for the drones is already proving as difficult as the decades-old drive to deprive Iran of the components needed to build the delicate centrifuges it uses to enrich near-bomb-grade uranium.
The Iranians, US intelligence officials have said in recent weeks, are applying to the drone program their expertise about how to spread nuclear centrifuge manufacturing around the country and to find “dual use” technologies on the black market to sidestep export controls.
In fact, one of the Iranian companies named by Britain, France and Germany as a key manufacturer of one of the two types of drones being bought by the Russians, Qods Aviation, has appeared for years on the United Nations’ lists of suppliers to Iran’s nuclear and missile programs. The company, which is owned by Iran’s military, has expanded its line of drones despite waves of sanctions.
The administration’s scramble to deal with the Iranian-supplied drones comes at a significant moment in the war, just as Ukraine is using its own drones to strike deep into Russia, including an attack this week on a base housing some of the country’s strategic bombers. And it comes as officials in Washington and London warn that Iran may be about to provide Russia with missiles, helping alleviate Moscow’s acute shortage.
Officials across the Western alliance say they are convinced that Iran and Russia, both isolated by US-led sanctions, are building a new alliance of convenience. One senior military official said that partnership had deepened quickly, after Iran’s agreement to supply drones to the Russians last summer “bailed Putin out”.
The Biden administration, having abandoned hopes of reviving the 2015 nuclear agreement with Tehran, has been adding new sanctions every few weeks.
Enter Israel
In the effort to stop the drone attacks, Biden’s aides are also engaging an ally with a long history of undermining Iran’s nuclear program: Israel.
In a secure video meeting last Thursday with Israel’s top national security, military and intelligence officials, Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser, “discussed Iran’s growing military relationship with Russia, including the transfer of weapons the Kremlin is deploying against Ukraine, targeting its civilian infrastructure and Russia’s provision of military technology to Iran in return”, the White House said in a statement outlining the meeting. The statement did not offer details about how the two countries decided to address the issue.
But the fact that the administration chose to highlight the discussion, in a quarterly meeting normally focused on disrupting Iran’s nuclear capabilities, was notable. Israel and the United States have a long history of operating together in dealing with technological threats emanating from Tehran. Together they developed one of the world’s most famous and sophisticated cyberattacks, using computer code that was later called “Stuxnet,” to attack Iran’s nuclear centrifuge facilities.
Since then, Israel has made little secret of its attempts to sabotage nuclear enrichment centres.
In a statement, Adrienne Watson, the spokesperson for the National Security Council, acknowledged the scope of the broad drive against Iran’s drone program.
“We are looking at ways to target Iranian UAV production through sanctions, export controls, and talking to private companies whose parts have been used in the production,” she said, using the acronym for unmanned aerial vehicles.
She added, “We are assessing further steps we can take in terms of export controls to restrict Iran’s access to technologies used in drones.”
Years in the making
Iran’s interest in drones dates back more than three decades, as the country looked for ways that it could monitor, and harass, ships in the Persian Gulf. The Mohajer I, a predecessor to one of the drones now being sold to the Russians, made its first flight in 1986.
Progress was slow, but may have been aided in 2011 when the Central Intelligence Agency took a stealthy, unarmed RQ-170 from the Pentagon’s fleet in Afghanistan and flew it over Iran, in what appeared to be an effort to map some of the hundreds of tunnels dug by the Iranians to hide elements of their nuclear program.
A malfunction led to the aircraft landing in the desert, and President Barack Obama briefly considered sending in a Navy SEAL team to blow it up before it fell into the hands of Iranian engineers, senior officials later reported. He decided not to take the risk, and within days the Iranians paraded the drone through the streets of Tehran, a propaganda victory.
US intelligence officials later concluded that the aircraft likely proved a bonanza for Iranian drone designers, who could reverse engineer the craft.
It was not until 2016 that Iran announced it was beginning to develop attack drones, some in co-operation with Russia. Many of the first were placed in the hands of Iranian-backed militias, including Houthi rebels in Yemen, and they were used most effectively in 2019 in attacks on two Saudi oil processing facilities run by Saudi Aramco, the state-owned oil company.
US officials said the experiences in Saudi Arabia, and the targeting of American forces in Syria and elsewhere, gave them an appreciation of Iranian drone capabilities, and the challenge of dealing with kamikaze raids in which a small explosive is secured in the drone’s nose. But the aftermath of the invasion of Ukraine underscores that Iran knows how to mass produce the aircraft – a particular worry at a moment when there are discussions of opening an Iranian plant inside Russia.
The Iranian program has hardly been without its problems. Deliveries have come episodically, as Russia and Iran retrofitted the drones to operate in the cold of a Ukrainian winter. And Iran has run into supply chain issues, a problem the United States is seeking to worsen.
Nonetheless, despite years of sanctions on Iran’s defence sector, Iranian drones are still built largely with American and Western parts. When photographs began to circulate of circuit boards from downed drones, visibly packed with chips from US manufacturers, the White House ordered a crackdown, including calls to the firms whose products had been discovered. Almost all had the same reaction: these are unrestricted, “dual use” items whose circulation is almost impossible to stop.
The Biden administration is trying anyway.
In September, the US tightened sanctions, specifically naming companies involved with building the aircraft for Russia. That was followed by further action in November against companies like Safiran Airport Services, a Tehran-based firm that it accused of shipping the drones on behalf of the Russian government.
In November, the Treasury Department sanctioned two companies based in the United Arab Emirates, a key US ally, accusing them of collaborating with Safiran.
Michael Kofman, the director of Russian studies at CNA, a research institute in Arlington, Virginia, says the sanctions are hardly an instant solution.
“Export controls are going to have an effect, but you have to be realistic about the timelines on which they will work. Sanctions delay and make costly the acquisition of components,” he says. “But determined countries will get their hands on tech for narrow defence applications, or adjust their weapon designs to what they can get, even if it’s less reliable.”
As the war grinds on, the United States, Britain, France and Germany are pressing the secretary-general of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, to launch a formal investigation into whether Russia and Iran are, together, violating the terms of a UN restriction on the export of sophisticated arms from Iran.
Guterres has made clear that his top priority is executing a deal with Russia over the export of Ukrainian grain, to alleviate shortages, and his aides say now is not the time to risk that agreement with an investigation whose conclusion seems predictable.
Tracking the drones
Iran appears to be flying drones to Russian forces on cargo aircraft, usually over routes that leave little opportunity to intercept them. That means attempting to attack them on the ground – no easy task.
Until a little more than a month ago, US and British government officials say, the drones were largely based in Crimea. Then they disappeared for a number of days, reappearing in Russian-occupied areas of Zaporizhzhia province. The movements have been tracked by US and Ukrainian officials, some sitting side by side in military intelligence centres. But the drones are highly mobile, with launch systems mounted on trucks, and the Russians know they are being hunted – so they move them to safer locations, which makes tracking and striking them a difficult proposition.
“The change of launch site is likely due to Russian concerns about the vulnerability of Crimea, while it is also convenient for resupply from the weapons’ likely arrival point in Russia, at Astrakhan,” a British military assessment said this month.
There is growing evidence that the military relationship may be a two-way street. Britain has accused Russia of planning to give Iran advanced military components in exchange for hundreds of drones.
“Iran has become one of Russia’s top military backers,” Britain’s defence minister, Ben Wallace, told parliament last week.
“In return for having supplied more than 300 kamikaze drones, Russia now intends to provide Iran with advanced military components, undermining both Middle East and international security – we must expose that deal,” Wallace said.
I’ve just taught myself some research, and discovered everyone born north of York in the UK is genetically Belgian.
And some more for those lovers of Armstrong…………………….Argue against that then Dotty Dot. Dotty by name and Dotty by nature………………………
Schwab Cancels Twitter Rejects Free Speech
From Martin Armstrong –
“Klaus Schwab has shown his true colors of authoritarianism. He is against democracy, freedom, and basic God-given human rights. With his Davos group next month, the World Economic Forum (WEF), Schwab who is a control freak by nature, has endorsed the cancel culture banning Twitter, and listing the various Chinese state-controlled social media apps to “follow along” with Davos Man. Schwab follows Marx and believes that he can create the perfect world and that he is far superior to anyone else and this can shape and design how society should function.
That was the very same attitude of Marx and Lenin. Those ideas resulted in over 200 million people dying. That’s OK. We are just collateral damage on his yellow-brick road to perfection. Schwab looks down upon society as the dirt beneath his feat. He fails to understand why communism even failed because it suppressed human nature and in so doing, it eliminated curiosity and imagination. Children under communism could not imagine their future. They were told by the state what they will be according to the needs of the state.
We are far too stupid to know what is best for us. Only the elite understand how to shape the future. We are to surrender everything in our own lives and have no say in our future. This is Schwab’s dream to control society 150%. We are to surrender our very beliefs and our aspirations to the state. These ideas have been tried throughout history so many times. They have always ended in stagnation and total collapse and many dead in the process. The real question is why do some people feel they must control everyone?”
I still see kids walking alone with masks.
This blog makes fools of the left.
We have several left wing trolls who spam the place with blowharding they are not prepared to stand by, thousands of cut and pasted jokes and articles or utterly insane takes to kayfabe as a “right wing lunatic”.
They waste their lives doing this.
May this blog (2001 – present) rock on for decades to come.
Because the unrepentant convicted thief Armstrong doesn’t like Big Klaus, and also happens to think global warming is a load of crap, it does not render him an oracle on all matters.
Believing someone on every subject because your thoughts align on just two of them is known as the St. Ruth System.
Body Language: FDIC Discussing Future Bank Bail-In Event
Body Language Ghost
Leon L.says:
December 31, 2022 at 4:12 pm
OldOzzie says:
December 31, 2022 at 3:53 pm
Lizzie – just for you as you are travelling through SIN – I think this was an SQ 380, but happy for anyone to identify from the Tail Emblem.
The video is an Etihad A380. Not sure where it is. I will let professional pilots judge the appropriateness of the decision to land.
Leon L.
Thanks for that, agree – when I look at final view of tail just before touchdown, can see triangle layout of Etihad A380 Tail – https://www.jetphotos.com/photo/9099467
Knuckle Draggersays:
December 31, 2022 at 4:17 pm
I’ve just taught myself some research, and discovered everyone born north of York in the UK is genetically Belgian.
Your Goggle check is not very good. The peoples in those areas north and somewhat south of York are Norse. Anyone to the real north are Scots Gits. Belgium did not exist in those days. FFS.
I had to look that up Dot. Very…very good.
Gorgeous George? 😀
Only two days to go to save Armstrong Economics! .com!
Buy him a coffee!
That was a home video, calli.
The most important thing to recognise about the woke is they don’t care, they are not embarrassed by hypocrisy, they don’t care if they cheat or get caught, all they care about is power.”
And holding onto that power…regardless.
In In Good Hands News:
But, suddenly, the science is in…
On a dime.
Luckily, Woodford Abronese is made of sterner stuff and sees no reason to annoy BFF Emperor Xi by banning Health Care Tourism.
No no. I’ve done my own research, you see.
I have also discovered that the Bishop of Berwick-upon-Tweed had a throne made of ice cream.
Martin Armstrong is a crook.
For someone who posts the amount of jokes you do Mr Rotten, you have a remarkable inability to see them coming back the other way.
Belgium as a region has existed since Caesar named it Belgica Secunda.
Do mediocrities like Howard and McGauran realize how much they piss off much of their former base by dissing Trump and his supporters? Probably couldn’t care less even if they do.
Douglas Macgregor – We have Russia All Wrong
From Armstrong Economics –
Douglas Macgregor is a retired U.S. Army colonel and government official, and an author, consultant, and television commentator. He played a significant role on the battlefield in the 1990-91 Gulf War and the 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.
See the video below if you want to learn something on this alleged libertarian Bog. Errrrrr I mean Blog.
Hi Fawlty.
Secunda is, of course, the Latin for ice cream.
Transcript of an interview between Ben Shapiro, Bibi Netanyahu and Jordan Peterson:
[From Unz Review]
Only if it’s professionally-produced and edited. Preferably also with stirring music throughout.
Dot. Kayfabe.
I used to watch WCW on Nine’s Wonderful World of Sports, Saturday morning in glorious black and white, Jack Little presiding. Must have been all of 10 years old.
Tulsi Gabbard can be trust about as far as I can spit a grand piano, she’s a democrat trojan horse.
Wrestling and gladiator movies.
Calli, are you the Captain from Airplane?
December 31, 2022 at 3:53 pm
This. This is why I feel sick to my stomach that our retards in control are encouraging another wave. Why? Do they want to bring back lockdowns, masks in every environment; more enforce medical procedures? Do they really want us all bloody well DEAD?
In the new year anyone who disagrees with me will be sent to Heard Island (without a boat).
Yes but so was Mike Pence!
Prepare for another three years of tyranny and gaslighting.
Barbara Walters croaked it.
December 31, 2022 at 4:17 pm
Condolences, P. This has been a very stressful time for you. But great news about your grandson. I had to look up the ‘Ross Procedure’; an incredible advance in cardiac surgery.
Look after yourself. Caring Grannies are a true godsend.
It looks like we have a strong consensus that:-
(a) Martin Armstrong is a crook; and
(b) Johnny Rotten has had a total catastrophic failure of the central sense of humour unit.
Roger Roger. What’s our vector Victor?
And…don’t call me Shirley.
“I wouldn’t vote for Tulsi”
Tulsi is angling for a job in a new administration. Republican or Democrat. Who cares?
Pence is Spike Milligan in Life of Brian.
Mike Pence would be a candidate without a constituency (28 Dec)
Yep. Mike No-Friends.
December 31, 2022 at 4:10 pm
The pH also has an effect on the interior lining of the pool. I have an automatic acid doser as mine is usually too high.
You can also add some Therolux minerals into the pool if you want the water “softened” and less chlorine-y. Did that before the kiddies came up to avoid the red eye problems – they’re in the pool for hours and turn into little prunes otherwise
thanks for that – I have salt chlorination on both pool & spa, and the water here in Seaforth is pretty soft, not much scaling of irons, kettles, Nespresso (before that ALDI EXpressi), no stains around coffee mugs vs AT Eldest Daughter’s house in Malvern VIC, and I have always used DE Filtration on the pool, but have moved to “Big” Cartridge on Spa from DE (keeps 25 year old Poolrite XL60 going with spares from Spa Poolrite XL60) – and have new Waterco DE Filter for when current DE Filter hits the dust, plus
I have purchased a MultiCyclone 16 Plus combines centrifugal and cartridge filtration into one streamline housing, creating an ultra compact filtration system that can be vertically installed on a pool pump. to go before the new filter when I ultimately install it – I would have liked The Ultra, but just did not have the height – https://www.waterco.com.au/waterco/brochures/pool-spa/centrifugal-filters/zzb1478-multicyclone-12-16-ultra-lo-res-3-9-2020-f-.pdf
Spa is fully tiled and Pool is Quartzon
No red eye from pool, really pleasant to swim in and tell kids not to put heads under in Spa, even as again no problem doing so – just safety.
I will read up on https://www.theralux.com.au/how-it-works
I note Waterco has something similar – https://www.waterco.com.au/pool-spa/minerals/Vitale-Mineral-Salts
Belgium did not exist as a National Country until after the Battle of Waterloo. And any one that lived around York had Viking/Norse heritage. Look it up you Dotty Dot of the Wherever.
This person needs to be in a hospital!
What is it doctor?
Yes indeed Delta. He has had two valves replaced.
Thank you.
December 31, 2022 at 3:33 pm
How do you think they can solve it?
I don’t know.
There’ll be no Nobel Peace Prize on our horizons then.
And for my next trick, I’ll see what I can do about the Middle East. Same I think.
Still frustrating though.
Daily Mail.
Same stuff, Ozzie, different brand.
Waterco gear is good. I have Hayward as it’s all made in the US…but it comes at a price. Luckily I get it at mate’s rates, ie. cost.
Quartzon is a really nice smooth interior finish – you have to be spot on with your pH though as the surface can be affected. Just make sure you have all the testing charts…if you don’t you may have warranty issues. But it sounds like you’re on top of all the sanitation, so just lay back on your giant flamingo float and enjoy it.
I was told you couldn’t get covid if your were vaxxed
Johnny Rotten is Belgian? That explains a lot.
Dr Strange should put them into a time loop.
Oh wait, they already are in one.
More gooooooood stuff for Dotty Dot, Stencho Pantyhose and others………………..
We Must Stop Funding Ukraine in its Ethnic Cleansing
Spread the love
Everything he says I have confirmed from other sources. French soldiers who volunteered said the same thing, Ukrainians kill Russian prisoners sometimes ruthlessly. It is a total disgrace that we are supporting these Neonazis – the very people still practicing ethnic cleansing.
I heard Cumberbach is a descendant of Richard III.
He can sue the royal family back for Wrongful Death as well as Loss of Earnings.
I am not normally a sci fi fan but went to see Avatar – Way of water.
Basically the bad guys have been able to adopt the look and features of the blue tribe and have been sent to hunt down Sam Worthington and his family. He and family flee the forest to hang out with the sea people.
The underwater photography / special effects are incredible. Seems the sea people are descendants of the Kiwis judging by their tattoos and tongue action.
Available in normal or 3D.
On the other hand wife and I fell asleep during Glass Onion on Netflix. An easy $100m for Daniel Craig.
Yesterday I went shopping at Bondi Junction Myer with my elderly mother. She received a Myer voucher from her health fund, for an amount of $270.00. She wanted to spend it pronto despite me telling her that the voucher would provide her with a healthy time period to spend it and there was no need to rush. But no, no, no, she needed to spend it ASAP. The Junction was busy, very busy, and the Westfield at Bondi Junction is a nightmare. My mother, who shops mainly at DJs, drove into the DJ side of the carpark and then we went round in circles before we drove to the Myer side of Westfield. Naturally things were tensing up and an argument ensued between us. Finally we park at the disability parking spot, she has a disability pass because my elderly stepfather is an invalid who needs a frame to walk, he spent three months in hospital last year, after falling and smashing his hip socket. At his age they won’t operate. It was a combination of physio and my mother’s sheer will that got him walking again. Anyway I digress, we get out and get the lift up to Myer, the top floor where the homewares are. I should preface this by saying my mother doesn’t need a thing, she buy clothes, shoes, linen, towels, bedspreads that she never wears or uses. She has two favourite stores, DJs and Spotlight. Her cupboards are brimming with new and unused stuff. Anyway, we arrive at the top floor and start looking around. I needed a new biscuit tray to bake with, and I found one. I look for my mother and I find her looking at a pressure cooker which had been reduced…
I said, “Mum, why are you looking at pressure cookers? You threw your last one out.”
She said, “I’m thinking about all the soups and stews I can make”.
I said, “since when? You’re always telling me you how much you now hate cooking, only last week you told me that you were going to use one of those meal services.
She said, “well, I’ve changed my mind”.
She buys the pressure cooker, which I then proceed to carry for her (it was heavy). She still has thirty dollars left on the voucher and we go downstairs where she buys a Mac lipstick with the remainder.
Voucher now spent! My mother was very, very happy!
We drive back to her inner city apartment, and she’s chatting away about what food she’s going to cook. I remain silent, not saying a word. On arrival I carry the pressure cooker upstairs. We unpack the pressure cooker and lo and behold, the handle is broken. This naturally distressed my mother who said….”right, we’re going back to Myer now”. So, I picked up the broken pressure cooker, put it back into the box, shlepped it back to the car, we drove to the Junction for “act two”, I hauled the pressure cooker back to the top floor and the pressure cooker was replaced with a new one, which we checked to make sure there was no damage. By the end of this I was exhausted. Oh and I can guarantee you all that she will never use the pressure cooker, it will stay in its box and it will be given either to me or to my sister (I use my pressure cooker all the time, they’re fabulous).
Sad news about Barbara Walters.
She was only 93,I bet she’d had all her Boosters.
Anyway, doing some research to find out if she was a Lezzo, and I stumbled on this:
C’mon, no woman dated Roy Cohn.
She was a Lezzo.
“Barbados targets Hollywood star Benedict Cumberbatch as campaigners demand reparations over the sins of his slave-owning ancestors”
Benedict Cumberbatch is a pompous, lefty luvvie hypocrite. Whilst this whole “reparations” campaign is ridiculous, I don’t have any sympathy for Cumberbatch.
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
December 31, 2022 at 4:55 pm
Barbados targets Hollywood star Benedict Cumberbatch as campaigners demand reparations over the sins of his slave-owning ancestors
Dr Strange should put them into a time loop.
Oh wait, they already are in one.
Being English by Birth I demand millions of pounds from the Romans (The Vatican as they have all the Gold and Jewels) as comfort money from wot’ they did to my ancestors.
I’d like to see all those, demanding reparations over the slavery issue, back charged the cost of fighting the American Civil War or the cost of the Royal Navy’s anti slavery patrols.
Oh…Cassie. You are a good daughter! I loathe Westfield Bondi. One circumnavigation of the carpark and it would be Home! for mum and me.
And a nice cup of tea.
Have some fun and email her a stack of recipes. 😀
Those countries wouldn’t exist without slavery, they should give it back to the native Americans and go back to Africa!
Perplexed of Brisbane
I do know long lasting change will not come from feel good grand plans talk fests and seeking the next messiah but from individuals challenging government overreach in person. To many people looking to be influencers and not enough leaders.
I can’t tell you how long we spent cleaning out my folks house. There was literally a shoe store worth’s of shoe boxes of shoes that were never worn (mum of course). Kitchenware, china that was never used, closets with unworn clothes. Wifey did nearly all the work. She was there for about a solid week in fits and starts.
Tinta, I quite like Tulsi Gabbard. So does Tucker Carlson, who has let her look after his show while he’s on holidays.
But Tulsi’s fatal flaw is that she doesn’t decide arguments according to logic, commonsense or compassion.
She ultimately decides her positions according to hyper-moral fabulist, Marxist ideology.
She’s a menace.
You made a reference to my post last night about 2 kids dying of the Vax and TGA confirming it.
If you read my post you will note the purpose of my post was to see if anybody else had seen such info. Since the claim was made 5 days earlier and quite significant you would think it would be widely discussed. In the absence of any other references I don’t take it as confirmed by TGA.
However see my post this morning. To best of my knowledge NZ had four Pfizer deaths from under 1/4 of jabs Oz given. UK also had Pfizer deaths. What are the odds of Oz not having any ? Oh wait, who gets to decide ? Yep the TGA who are the same ones who approved the drug. Vested interest? But happy to admit 13 deaths from AZ.
You will have to forgive my cynicism.
More Luvverlee stuff for all those Armstrong Luvvers…………..LOL
The Political Storm on the Horizon
From Armstrong Economics –
COMMENT: Could an individual state finish the wall started by the previous administration?
It’s painfully obvious Washington has its own agenda. And at this time, I see no point in even lobbying our federal government to do anything in our border towns/states. Is it legal to have our individual states finish what was started? I know I’m not alone in my concerns and would gladly contribute to a “wall fund”, or something of the sort. Maybe things are so corrupted it would be pointless?
REPLY: Yes, it is the state’s border. Knowing the atmosphere on Capitol Hill, it has simply become war and it has nothing to do with the benefit of the nation. I was impressed by the words of Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema who courageously announced that she was leaving the Democratic Party to register as an independent. It was her words that rang true. She stated that she was abandoning the Democratic Party and turning her back on the “broken partisan system in Washington” that prioritizes denying the opposition party a win rather than “delivering for all Americans.”
This is the very reason why the United States will collapse. There is no longer any sense of guiding the nation for the benefit of all the people. This has turned into a hate game. Neither side will dare to agree that ANYTHING the other side did was just, fair, or in the best interest of the whole. It is just partisan war and in the process, they are destroying the core of the United States and our once culture of freedom that was admired and inspired by the world.
I can confirm that when the US invaded Iraq on the nonsense of weapons of mass destruction, the pro-Americans in Russia lost ground. They were indeed pushing to join NATO and enter the world economy for the benefit of all the Russian people. But that invasion armed the Neocons and they pointed to that invasion that America was imperialistic and was seeking to control the entire world. It also lowered the esteem of America in the eyes of many in China. Ukraine has merely reconfirmed that view.
Politics has degenerated into a very dark era. If history repeats itself, there will be no other choice but to move toward separatism. We will no longer be able to live in peace together because that is not acceptable anymore. All this nonsense of what is your pronoun and men can have babies with a sex change is dividing the country into groups. Once you do that, you do not benefit the right of those people, you cast them as the new enemy of the state just as Hitler did with the Jews. The end is near for the United States. A house as divided as we have become CANNOT stand. That was the view of Lincoln to justify the Civil War.”
Tulsi is a politician. She tells you what she thinks you want to hear. I doubt if she believes in anything except getting power for herself.
We are all descended from murderous, vicious, hunter killers.
If your ancestors did not have these attributes they would not have survived and you wouldn’t be here.
Sooo. Let’s apply today’s standards to the behaviour of our cave dwelling ancestors. Someone has to pay!
The Belgians?
Don’t worry about China Coof
It’s just the sniffles and only gets those about to pop their clogs anyhow.
Amazing Extreme Motor Grader Operator Trimming Slope Skills
On pressure cookers.
Used to make the very best ragu. Try using a boned shoulder of lamb instead of beef, or veal/pork.
Vikings would beg for it.
Flat pasta – pappardelle, preferably.
Woodstock pre-mix cans
Melbourne doctor Kate Gregorevic took to Twitter on Saturday to say “I absolutely do not stand” with Dr McRae’s opinion and wanted the AMA to release a statement saying it ”does not support labelling people from an ethnic group or country as a threat”.
Other medical professionals and academics also reacted in anger, calling Dr McRae’s views “appalling”, “stinking with racism” and “reprehensible”, with some saying it was beliefs like those expressed by the AMA chief that had led to their departure from the AMA.
The medicos have been telling us for three years about the terrifying dangers of COVID. Now they tell us that enforcing border quarantine against these dangers is waaaaaycissssst!!
Such are the depths to which medical science in Australia has sunk. FMD.
So the claim re the Australian children, yet again an example of trusted internet bloggers, right?
And even more stuff for those Lovers of Mr Armstrong……………………………
The Rising Hatred of Trump is Spreading
From Armstrong Economics –
COMMENT: I can see what your model is predicting. It is just becoming in your face. I had a one time friend who is so consumed with his hatred of Donald Trump he is incapable to seeing anything else. The country is so divided we are no longer friends and I am middle-of-the-road and not a Trump worshiper.
REPLY: We must understand that those who are just consumed with hatred for Donald Trump are victims of physiological warfare the very same tactics employed by Hitler. It is very true that Hitler was an extremely gifted speaker. He would mesmerize and totally captivate many people with his beating of the lectern symbolizing how the German people were wronged. Hitler’s primary tactic was to tap into people’s emotions and this became his inspirational tactic to win over the people. Hitler would praise Christian heritage as well as the German Christian culture. He would tie himself to a belief in Jesus Christ.
Hitler was a master at getting people to hate. Hitler used Christianity as a central motivation for his anti-Semitism and this was how he managed to get so many people to view Jews as the enemy. Hitler’s strategy was to create the conception that Jews were in fact the enemies of all civilization. His speeches were emotional and in so doing, he used Christianity to support his policies as if this were a Holy War. In Hitler’s public speeches, he influenced others using their emotions by recasting that Jesus was a fighter against the Jews.
He became exceptionally adept at telling people what they wanted to hear just as we see unfolding today with demonizing Trump and in the process, extending that to all Republicans dividing the country just as Hitler learned how to do. Today, we are supporting the Ukrainian Nazis who follow the same teachings extending it to all Russians. Hitler used the theme that this was a Jewish-Marxist plot to conquer the world. Today it is a Russian plot. The Reichstag Fire he blamed on a communist which he linked with the Jews thanks to Karl Marx. He exclaimed that this was a betrayal of everything German culture stood for.
They have demonized Trump and as soon as Biden took office, he went out of his way to undo whatever Trump had done, which had to be reversed despite the fact that it was reasonable for the country. They have opened the borders, but only to South America hoping to flood the country with immigrants who they are counting on will vote Democrat against those who actually produce. I met with the former head of Australia, Paul Keating, and tried to negotiate on behalf of Hong Kong to buy land to allow them to migrate. He declined, When I asked WHY? Is this Racist? He said no. They were fleeing communism so they would vote conservative and Keating was a Labour Government fearing that an influx would change the political demographics.
The Democrats are using that strategy. They believe all these people are coming for a free handout. If they had assets, they would not come. So they want the poorest of the poor to change the politics of the United States.
As long as they keep people blinded but their hatred of Trump, they get to do whatever they want. It is the Hitler’s strategy all over again.
One reader from Texas wrote:
QUESTION: What does Socrates say about immigration? I can’t believe the hordes of people coming into Texas, but no one in Washington cares. Our governor is seen as a terrible human being by the media because he sends busloads of immigrants to “blue” cities, but those people would freeze to death in El Paso where people are crammed into civic centers, schools, churches, and the airport. They have run out of blankets and clothing to give to them and their volunteers are exhausted. Smaller border towns have even greater problems because they have fewer resources. The immigrants only shot at survival is to leave El Paso. Why don’t people in other states see what is happening? Why do they think Texas has a place for all these people? And why do they think Texas has received money to take care of these people when it is charity organizations who picks up the tab?
For people who believe that immigrants add value—Texas has been educating immigrant children for years and we have very high school taxes. Immigrants appear at hospital ERs and expect treatment, which has resulted in the closing of many rural hospitals. They drive without insurance and often don’t follow traffic laws. Our insurance rates go up.
If Texans complain we are called racist, however, a plurality of Texans are Hispanic. The border counties are 90-95% Hispanic. People who live along the border are tired of the invasion and are increasingly voting “red.” It’s really hard to see what Washington is trying to accomplish unless they want to see Texas leave the union.
ANSWER: This will be a major factor on the separatist movement building in the United States. This is part of the destruction of society and we would expect that post-2024.”
The dying children claim is a very old one. I think it appeared first in the Cairns Post, then silence. It has now been resurrected as a talking point.
I wish they would just stick to the truth. Reality is worrying enough without the hyperbolic hysterical bullsh*t.
Cassie of Sydneysays:
December 31, 2022 at 5:01 pm
“Barbados targets Hollywood star Benedict Cumberbatch as campaigners demand reparations over the sins of his slave-owning ancestors”
Benedict Cumberbatch is a pompous, lefty luvvie hypocrite. Whilst this whole “reparations” campaign is ridiculous, I don’t have any sympathy for Cumberbatch.
The insanity will stop only when leftards suffer as a result of it. Bring that on!
Cassie earlier.
Delicious ironing!
But Tulsi’s fatal flaw is that she doesn’t decide arguments according to logic, commonsense or compassion.
She ultimately decides her positions according to hyper-moral fabulist, Marxist ideology.
A standard leftard then, just better looking than the average leftard women, who generally look either like a mummified corpse or a transitioned m0nty=fa?
Don;t know how smutley manages to keep up with the narrative it twists and turns more than a mills and boon novel.
A guy was playing golf one day and he got lost. He saw a lady up ahead of him and went to her and said “Can you please help me, I don’t know what hole I’m on”.
She told him “You are one hole behind me. I’m on 7, you’re on 6”. He thanked her and continued playing golf.
On the back nine he got lost again.
He saw the same lady and went to her again kind of embarrassed. “I’m sorry to bother you again but I’m lost again, can you please tell me what hole I’m on”.
She told him “You are one hole behind me. I’m on 14. You are on 13”.
Again, he thanked her and continued playing golf.
When he finished he saw her in the clubhouse. He went up to her and asked if he could buy her a drink for helping him out. She accepted.
As they were drinking and talking he asked her what she did for a living. “I’m in sales”. He replied “no kidding so am I. What do you sell?”
She said it’s too embarrassing to tell. But after he kept pleading to know what she sold she said she’d tell him if he promised not to laugh. He promised. She said “I sell tampons”.
He immediately fell to the floor laughing hysterically.
She said “You promised you wouldn’t laugh”. He replied “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help it. I sell toilet paper. I’m still one hole behind you”.
With Tulsie it depends on how well the WEF indoctrinated her- either she’s a sleeper or she’s had a genuine change of heart.
None of this makes any sense.
With the possible exception of the equator, everything begins somewhere.
– C. S. Lewis
Bing Bong!
Armstrong overload!
Armstrong overload!
Bing Bong!
Rotten, calm down, dude.
Posting great swathes of Armstrong isn’t going to change anyone’s mind about him being a grifter and a crook.
None of this makes any sense.
Not to you it would not as you are a Dotty Dot with NFI.
Looks like a New Year’s Eve flip out is becoming an annual event.
December 31, 2022 at 5:49 pm
I met with the former head of Australia, Paul Keating, and tried to negotiate on behalf of Hong Kong to buy land to allow them to migrate. He declined, When I asked WHY? Is this Racist? He said no. They were fleeing communism so they would vote conservative and Keating was a Labour Government fearing that an influx would change the political demographics.
None of this makes any sense.
Put it in the context of Whitlam’s “fvcking Vietnamese Balts” comment, then it does.
Sancho Panzersays:
December 31, 2022 at 5:50 pm
Bing Bong!
Armstrong overload!
Armstrong overload!
Bing Bong!
Rotten, calm down, dude.
Posting great swathes of Armstrong isn’t going to change anyone’s mind about him being a grifter and a crook.
LOL and I thought that you loved my jokes. Mrs Stencho Pantyhose, just go away and play in the traffic.
When did Paul Keating meet Martin Armstrong?
They aren’t your jokes, you pinhead.
Fascism-fighting scribe says ‘hateful homophobic hillbilly DeSantis’ is investigating venue over drag show
Keating despised Whitlam though.
The Cat jury is back.
we could but
only if we had a quarantine camp really close to MEL
When did Martin Armstrong meet Paul Keating?
What year?
What month?
What day?
The time and location?
Mrs Stencho. I can’t hear the cars crashing into you. I bet that you have run away somewhere. Forever I hope……………LOL
More Armstrong to come to a Blog near you…………..LOL
Whether Armstrong is a crook or a grifter has no bearing on the truth or falsity of what he says. Some of what he comes out with is quite reasonable, some ain’t. Dismissing everything he says on the grounds that he has been convicted as a scammer is just lazy.
December 31, 2022 at 5:58 pm
When did Martin Armstrong meet Paul Keating?
What year?
What month?
What day?
The time and location?
You will never know as in the Big Scheme of things you are a very small person. With NFI.
Rotten, calm down, dude.
You misunderstand freedom of speech.
The act of criticising your speech (e.g. bagging your lame jokes, or laughing at your crush on Armstrong) is not an infringement of your free speech.
You have said whatever lame-arse thing it is that you have dredged up from trusted sources on the innernet. It still stands uncensored. The rest of us hanging shit on the gullibility and stupidity doesn’t impinge on your rights at all.
Maybe the Lollipop Blog or the Furniture Store is more your speed, where there are vast tracts of criticism-free innernet and everyone mostly agrees with the other three people there.
I guess it wasn’t during the intervening years Marty was in the clink. Unless of course Keating met him in prison talking to him over a phone with a glass partition. Rottenhead, is that what happened?
It does put up a red flag that he might be trying to grift or talk up his own book (whatever that might be).
Given there are vast swathes of stuff to read on the innernet, and knowing that he is a crook, is reasonable grounds to regard with extreme scepticism everything he says.
He has had too many misses for me to bother with. All he has to do is align himself with Trump and the boneheads dutifully fall in behind.
December 31, 2022 at 6:03 pm
Whether Armstrong is a crook or a grifter has no bearing on the truth or falsity of what he says. Some of what he comes out with is quite reasonable, some ain’t. Dismissing everything he says on the grounds that he has been convicted as a scammer is just lazy.
It is and for all of those people that don’t like him. Don’t read the posts. Simple and then get over your bias.
Dr BeauGan.
I have easily pointed out howlers in Armstrong’s unhinged rambling.
He just pulls stuff out of his rear end.
He was demonstrably wrong about:
History of coinage in Europe
What the Philips curve is
The nature of the Philips curve
US seigniorage
These are all easily verified by anyone without a background in economics. I knew they were wrong by sight.
Also totally wrong about
US guidance systems
Nonsense about America’s former and current hypersonic missile capabilities and countermeasures.
He’s a solid gold idiot and grifter.
There remains a case for a formal education!
Sancho Panzersays:
December 31, 2022 at 6:07 pm
December 31, 2022 at 6:03 pm
Whether Armstrong is a crook or a grifter has no bearing on the truth or falsity of what he says.
It does put up a red flag that he might be trying to grift or talk up his own book (whatever that might be).
Given there are vast swathes of stuff to read on the innernet, and knowing that he is a crook, is reasonable grounds to regard with extreme scepticism everything he says.
He has had too many misses for me to bother with. All he has to do is align himself with Trump and the boneheads dutifully fall in behind.
Mrs Stencho Pantyhose you are a shinning wit – as said by Dr Spooner.
Marty Rotten: You will never know as in the Big Scheme of things you are a very small person. With NFI.
Marty. That’s very lame.
Life is too short to allow yourself to get sucked in by the likes of Armstrong.
Unless you’re a Belgian.
Not really. The guy is a fraudster and most of the things Rottenhead posts is laughable nonsense… I’m referring to Marty not Rottenhead’s silly jokes.
I read the post earlier on the Fed Reserve. It’s laughable hogwash. One other time I caught Marty straight out lying. Why offer any credence to a ponzi scheme operator who hurt people financially. He went out of his way to do it and doesn’t repent anything he did. He’s a turd and deserves to be ignored. Let me repeat, he hurt people.
Sure is a sign he is grifting and better to look elsewhere, DrBG.
December 31, 2022 at 6:10 pm
He was demonstrably wrong about:
History of coinage in Europe
What the Philips curve is
The nature of the Philips curve
US seigniorage
There remains a case for a formal education!
Keep going Dotty Dot. You are beginning to sound like a broken down old maid (I mean record).
That’s your counter, is it? lol
Are you also on the Andrew Tate juggernaut, Bogan? If you believe Armstrong is a guru then you seem the type who would think Tate is Top G.
ABC finally showing something decent. The beautiful Hook with Robin Williams. And the rather delicious Julia Roberts with tousled hair.
Rather nostalgic, seen it as a kid and happy that my kids enjoy it too.
Fatboy, stay out of it please. Tate isn’t a convicted criminal. Don’t ruin the neg side of the Armstrong debacle.
Martin Armstrong, convicted unrepentant thief and stealer of hundreds of millions from ordinary punters, is becoming Rotten’s idol – in the same manner custard started crushing on Q.
I think both would be fine with anal penetration.
Big Websites
Big Schemes
Belgium is the capital of the holy EU.
You do realize that don’t you Monty?
Also Antwerp and Brussels are substantially muslim, at least in the no go zones.
You invoke Belgium at your own peril.
The woke aren’t especially forgiving.
Martin Armstrong is the Andrew Tate of economics.
Which brings us to the Daily Exposé.
It is a blog basically lifting content from elsewhere on the web, and putting their own jaundiced spin on it. Their running costs would be about the same as Dover’s. Not zero, but hardly requiring the constant shaking of the begging bowl.
So the business model is:-
1. Find some published data;
2. Spin it so that it sounds sinister;
3. Claim they are being threatened with closure by the FBI, MI5, MI6 yada, yada.
4. Shake the begging bowl.
We often think of Japan as the home of monster factories with wukkas standing by production lines, but here’s the other side of the Japanese industrial powerhouse – and the one that in our country while carrying the load of the industrial process – makes up a substantial part of the economy.
Has anyone seen Armstrong and Q in the same room together?
So Bruce, you’re saying I should lay off Johnny Rotten lest he lay a fatwa on me?
Is anyone dressing up to see in the New Year?
I still haven’t made up my mind.
Heads up everyone, the fireworks tonight are going to be almost entirely about bleeeach, First Nations.
Not going to watch it.
What I wouldn’t give right now for a Carry On joke.
‘I say vicar, what a lovely pair of melons!’
‘Ooooh you are awful, Mr Forsterbridge-Staines.’
I regard with extreme scepticism everything anybody says on the interwebzy thingo.
If you haven’t been scrolling Rotten for weeks are you even paying attention?
he lay a fatwa on me?
Takeaway pizza, a glass of good red, and a couple of single malts. Nothing to celebrate about 2022.
Quite. But reputation is important. It has no bearing on Truth*, but it does on interpretation of truth.
* I’m talking absolutes here, not “your” truth and “my” truth as popularised recently by knickerless nancy.
Your alive.
Any man worth his salt is in love with his car, possibly or allegedly above all else.
Even I am among them, Cats 😕
And if someone has gone to Jail and done the time. Are they always a felon?
You lot are farking dickheads and bigots. This is NOT a Blog that loves Free Speech. It is run by Bigots.
Begin was a Jewish terrorist shooting and killing British soldiers in Palestine. Then he became the Prime Minister of Israel. And then he is looked up to by the World. FMD.
One New Year’s resolution please.
No more intentional spelling howlers.
You lot!
Uh oh.
Third year of shite in a row. For me, there was at least one diamond in the dirt. 🙂
So Cats, let’s have some Pretty Pictures!
Johnny Rotten is either Belgian or my sockpuppet.
I thought that character was Mr Knickerbocker-Staines-Bardly
Can’t make a resolution based on something I don’t do, Dot.
There are always diamonds in the dirt, Rabz.
Like this. Love the music, love the song. Almost a contender for your “albums” night.
Sydney NYE 1999 – The Ghost Of Time
I remember watching this live on TV back in 1999, absolutely mesmerized by the magnificently intricate floats on the harbour timed *perfectly* to The Ghost of Time. I knew that I was watching something incredible, a “never to be seen again” performance of all the best things about our great city. I bought the CD a week later and it’s one of my cherished.
Thank you so much for this special upload, big thanks to Iva Davies, IceHouse, Richard Tognetti, Sydney Symphony Orchestra, Taikoz & Guy Pratt
Criticism of an idea is not a rejection of free speech. In any event, you are on private property here – as are we all – and free speech is whatever blog management says it is.
Calling Martin Armstrong a crook is not destroying free speech by any analysis.
And the northern English, more accurately known as Belgians.
HNY Dover, and many thanks for your hospitality.
HNY Tom, and many thanks for your 4am ritual.
HNY Cats and Kittehs. Play hard,
Just watched “Dinner for One” on SBS HD having been introduced to the fact that it is a German New Year Tradition by my German Daughter-in-law over 20 Years ago
Dinner for One – A German New Year’s Eve Tradition
It’s a bit bizarre when you think about it. A short British cabaret sketch from the 1920s has become a German New Year’s tradition. Yet, although “The 90th Birthday or Dinner for One” is a famous cult classic in Germany and several other European countries, it is virtually unknown in the English-speaking world, including Britain, its birthplace.
Although newer versions have been produced, every year around Silvester (New Year’s Eve), German television broadcasts the classic, black-and-white English-language version filmed back in 1963 in Hamburg. All across Germany, from the 31st of December to January 1st, Germans know it’s the beginning of a new year when they watch this annual event.
Why Is This Show Cult in Germany?
It’s honestly difficult to understand. While the show certainly has it’s funny moments, its humor simply can’t appeal to 18 million viewers every year. My assumption is that in many households the TV is just running and nobody really watches this anymore like it was in my youth, but I might also be completely wrong. It might also be a representation of the simple need for persistence and continuity in an ever-changing world.
Conditions here in D-Town are genuinely cyclonic now. The only difference is that it’s in ten to 20 minute bursts.
My rain gauge has been battered clear off its perch on the fence. I have never seen water defeat zipties before.
History isn’t just the story of bad people doing bad things. It’s quite as much a story of people trying to do good things. But somehow, something goes wrong.
– C. S. Lewis
Happy New Year to Dover and to all Cats.
I like Cassie a whole lot more:
Another one of those legendary figures such as Gonzalo Lira or Giuseppe Peso.
And the northern English, more accurately known as Belgians.
You are most obviously a french git with no idea that you lost 2 world wars.
Mr Rotten probably wears a suicide vest to bed with him.
He’s that sort of guy Monty.
Happy New Year to All
Just about to go down and Babysit 18 Month Old Neurotic Female Beagle who is missing Youngster Family
Knuckle Draggersays:
December 31, 2022 at 6:53 pm
And if someone has gone to Jail and done the time. Are they always a felon?
Jo Nova:
Klaudia Tanner, the Austrian Defence Minister, dropped the extraordinary bombshell that a long blackout is coming. She hopes you don’t notice that is a dramatically bad and new threat. It’s all Vladimir Putin’s fault, she says (not the government that burned energy security on a Green bonfire in a fantasy quest for nicer weather). And when it happens, if you suffer and run out of supplies, or die in the cold, that’s your fault.
Who knew it was your job to maintain wood, oil or gas and food and water to tide you over a week long total blackout? Well, now you do.
So the announcement of the shocking state of the Austrian grid is buried under the excuses:
Read on
A seemingly winning strategy when existing in modern life, which could be alleged to be bloody rubbish.
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
December 31, 2022 at 7:04 pm
So Bruce, you’re saying I should lay off Johnny Rotten lest he lay a fatwa on me?
Mr Rotten probably wears a suicide vest to bed with him.
He’s that sort of guy Monty.
Ha, ha, ha. The only vest I wear is my sexy Thai Girlfriend’s on my head if anywhere. Otherwise, it is on the floor with here knickers.
Oi! The correct term is “Big Bigotty Bigots”, thanks very much.
Sacré bleu 😕
Many thanks for your contributions here thoughout the year.
May you experience good health and good times in 2023.
Can’t pass that up.
Crowley || I’m in Love With My Car (2019)
You have to’ve read Pratchett and Gaiman’s “Good Omens” to understand this video!
It’s the only other novel which I’ve physically fallen off a chair laughing twice.
The first was Pratchett’s “The Colour of Magic”. Vale.
Because 2 + 2 = 4, the sky is blue and water is wet, that’s why.
I don’t know what remote corner of Belgium you’re from, but in this country (and the US, by the way) your criminal convictions follow you to the grave.
Wishing this not to be so will have an identical result as your earlier wish that Mick Jagger wasn’t a raging flamer.
Innit guv?
looks like Dr BG doesn’t shop at fallacies’R’us either
A direct lift from Carry on Bangkok.
Unless you’re a fat Belgian bastard.
Knuckle Draggersays:
December 31, 2022 at 7:13 pm
The only vest I wear is my sexy Thai Girlfriend’s on my head if anywhere. Otherwise, it is on the floor with here knickers
A direct lift from Carry on Bangkok.
Rubbish. I said it first………………….
Every guy knows that you drive a muscle to avoid a situation like this
Unless you’re a fat Belgian bastard.
They get fat by eating lots of chocolate and letting the German Army run all over their Country in Two World Wars. Fat Wankers with no bottle.
If he is reformed he would accept scepticism of his motivations. You don’t give an ex alcoholic a job in a bar.
2001 Space Odyssey is on now on SBS World Movies…………………………….
Knuckle Draggersays:
December 31, 2022 at 7:12 pm
And if someone has gone to Jail and done the time. Are they always a felon?
Because 2 + 2 = 4, the sky is blue and water is wet, that’s why.
I don’t know what remote corner of Belgium you’re from, but in this country (and the US, by the way) your criminal convictions follow you to the grave.
Wishing this not to be so will have an identical result as your earlier wish that Mick Jagger wasn’t a raging flamer.
Innit guv?
Being an Anglo Saxon (English) and that Belgium is an invented Country after the Battle of Waterloo. I don’t really give a toss. Long live the King.
Take 2 tonight to fly out of Bangkok. Happy New year all as I’ll be 38,000ft somewhere over South China Sea or Borneo.
KD could you keep the MJO in your neck of the woods for a few days longer. Monsoonal bursts are best viewed with a cold one in hand from inside and not outside in car parks sorting ones life out after a spell away. Ta in advance.
Best wishes to all, lurkers & trolls for 2023.
Neil Oliver New Year Message ‘…is this really how we want to live?’
Who is the real mass murderer: Peter Hotez or Steve Kirsch?
New World Odor™
This is Justin Trudeau’s Canada
“Justinflation” is running its path & with soaring food costs & taxes, the poor are talking to food banks about “taking their own lives (thru MAID – Medical Assistance In Dying) because it’s too hard to be poor any longer.”
This is horrifying.
Very few things make me regret not replacing my dead television.
Marc Fennell’s taste in movies is one of them.
Only he could run 5th Element all day on SBS2. Which I think he’s done twice. 😀
Happy New Year Cats and Kits, all the best for the future. I’m going to drop off the conversation side of the OTs from now on- not that I don’t enjoy it immensely, and I get a lot more out than I put in… but it’s not you, it’s me (h.t. G.C.). Also logging off the twitstering, which consolidates my worst habits of snark.
Goals this year are learning Finnish to audible level, parking the stringed instruments to focus on keyboards and understudy bass- press ganged into a cover band-, finding something to make money with the time, water, acreage and horsepower which is parked up after giving away the spuds… and lifting up the kids, esp our youngest who has had a trying time lately, both for her and us parents. There are some problems- for kids and parents- to which the only solution is holding a hand and firmly hauling kids onto their own feet.
December 31, 2022 at 6:48 pm
Johnny Rotten is either Belgian or my sockpuppet.
No MontyPox Virus. I am an Anglo Saxon Male whereas you are a watered down pussy. Always trying to have the gift of the gab when you only have the gob of the crab. Wanker. Tosser. Happy New Year if you can make it……………………..
That’s not what Jagger said to David Bowie.
Swedish Teacher: Students Call Me ‘Dirty’ Because I Am White and Christian
He’s still alive?
Last morsel to pitch in, from the back of the Bible-
II Tim 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.
Bombshell in Newly Released Testimony of Ray Epps Is Going to Raise Even More Questions
and, apparently, his lawyer worked for the FBI at one time.
Knuckle Draggersays:
December 31, 2022 at 7:38 pm
I don’t really give a toss.
That’s not what Jagger said to David Bowie.
So were you there?
All the best Wally.
Why pick on him, you ten pound pom? George Washington is a much better example. So is Jefferson.
I’m sorry dave, I can’t do that…………….HAL takes over