Open Thread – New Year’s Weekend 2023

The Dreamer, Casper Friedrich, 1840

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H B Bear
H B Bear
January 1, 2023 12:55 pm

The ALPBC making a pigs ear of NYE is an annual tradition, like the Boxing Day Test only you have to pay for it anyway.

January 1, 2023 12:56 pm

Big Nambas,
I don’t care about the whining of “young people”. They haven’t been around as long and they have been totally indoctrinated. They have also grown up in the era of air-con and heating. The older ones went through life like I did, where the coolest thing you could do in summer was cover yourself with a wet towel and lie on a tiled floor. If it was cold, you bunged on more layers and blankets and in the morning, you got dressed in front of the oven in the kitchen.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 1, 2023 12:57 pm

beat the Catholic Church about the head over the wrongs of the past

Add to that the progressives were very careful to make sure microscope was never allowed to stray to any institution – such as state schools. Thus creating the impression the Church was a nest of kiddy-fiddlers.

Paradoxically the readiness of the Church to confront its past is accepted as proof of guilt, but the silence of other institutions is accepted as proof of innocence.

My suspicion is that some, even many, of the historical cases are not true – the progressives have been gunning up claims to make their claims more damning. But at least the Church is not seeking to use that likelihood to tarnish the claims of real victims.

January 1, 2023 1:01 pm

Martin Armstrong’s models are technical analysis married to a cyclic theory with no proof and linked to a finance database that updates with “AI”.

What an incredible huckster.

I’d still like to know when he met Paul Keating.

January 1, 2023 1:01 pm

The death of Ratzinger brings to a close a shameful era in Catholicism.

Interesting. But what is not shameful to mOron is the Leader of the Left and his acolytes indulging their fetish for grooming children. Obviously, mOron fully endorses that abhorrent policy if his silence is any guide.

Really mOron, you should stfu with criticizing anyone until you call out this deviant behavior. It’s the worst and you’re supporting it here every day.

January 1, 2023 1:07 pm

Dangers of Pentagon’s ‘decapitation strike’ against Russia

In recent decades, one of the political West’s favorite strategies have been the so-called “decapitation strikes” against various countries or non-state actors. One of the first examples of this happened in the 1990s in Europe, during the US aggression against Yugoslavia. At the time, NATO forces directly targeted the Serb/Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic. In complete disregard for the safety of his family, NATO destroyed Milosevic’s mansions and residencies, causing casualties among civilians in the process. Although the attacks failed, the Serb/Yugoslav leader was still deposed and later imprisoned in the aftermath of a successful NATO-orchestrated coup.

A similar approach was used against Saddam Hussein in Iraq. These attacks failed, but after the US-led invasion forces occupied most of the country, he was taken prisoner by American troops and after a show trial by the new puppet regime in Baghdad, executed in 2006. A very similar fate awaited the leader of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi, who was also directly targeted during the 2011 NATO aggression on Libya. Unlike Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi never got a show trial, but was instead brutally killed by a mob. Again, in both cases, NATO strikes on the residencies of both leaders resulted in the deaths of their immediate family members and any civilians in their vicinity.

It should be noted that these decapitation strikes brought mixed results. While they did destroy much of the command structure of the targeted country or organization, the ensuing chaos and power vacuum were usually filled by someone with little regard for meaningful dialogue and brought even more suffering to the people of the affected country, causing decades of instability and factionalism. Such strikes were always conducted with impunity, as the targeted countries had no means to respond.

It seems this has become such a favorite strategy in the Pentagon, that the US simply forgot that certain countries can “return the favor”, so now they’re suggesting the same against global powers such as Russia.

For months, in complete disregard of reality, some US officials have been calling for the elimination of Russian leadership. Threatening a country incapable of retaliating is one thing, despite how morally and legally reprehensible that is, but threatening a country whose response could quite literally end the world is a clear indicator of just how detached the US establishment has become.

And yet, this doesn’t stop the said officials from continued calls for decapitation strikes against Russia, as stated by former CIA head David Petraeus, or direct calls for Putin’s assassination by both former US National Security Advisor John Bolton and a sitting US senator Lindsey Graham.

The comments by these US officials inevitably caught Russia’s attention, including its Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. In an interview with Russia’s TASS news agency published on Tuesday, he condemned that Washington DC obviously doesn’t rule out the assassination of President Vladimir Putin. The foreign minister noted:

“Some unnamed officials from the Pentagon actually threatened to conduct a ‘decapitating strike’ on the Kremlin… What we are talking about is the threat of the physical elimination of the head of the Russian state.”

Moscow’s top diplomat cautioned against such a line of thinking:

“If such ideas are actually being nourished by someone, this someone should think very carefully about the possible consequences of such plans.”

Russia’s top diplomat once again cautioned against such statements, but also recalled that they’re even worse in the case of the Neo-Nazi junta. He warned:

“I am not even mentioning the Kiev regime’s provocations that go off the chart. Volodymyr Zelensky went as far as to demand preventive nuclear strikes by NATO countries on Russia. This is also beyond the bounds of what is acceptable.”

Indeed, such rhetoric is quite disturbing, to say the least. Given how heavily armed the global powers are, calls for decapitation strikes or assassinations of any of their leaders are extremely dangerous.

However, such statements aren’t coming from Moscow or Beijing, as they are aware of the irreversible consequences of such actions. Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to be the case in Washington DC, where a complete lack of etiquette (diplomatic or otherwise) seems to have become the norm.

How exactly this could affect the world remains to be seen, as Russia is exercising restraint for the time being. This approach is the only sensible one, but the issue is that the political West often sees it as a sign of “weakness”.

January 1, 2023 1:07 pm

Some old people have short memories.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 1, 2023 1:07 pm

Listening to two ALPBC hive members talking for any length of time is sure to offend most peoples sensibilities.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 1, 2023 1:09 pm

Add to that the progressives were very careful to make sure microscope was never allowed to stray to any institution – such as state schools. Thus creating the impression the Church was a nest of kiddy-fiddlers.
The ol’ “epidemic of kiddy fiddlin’ at State Schools” that no one ever heard about, eh?

January 1, 2023 1:12 pm

Nobel Peace Prize winners have deep CIA ties

Far-fetched as it sounds, this year’s winners are all connected to a CIA offshoot, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and parroted CIA / State Department / Pentagon talking points about Ukraine and Russia in their acceptance speeches

The Nobel Prize Committee has five judges, appointed by the Norwegian parliament, who are tasked with choosing Nobel Prizewinners.

But people are starting to wonder if there is a 6th Nobel Prize judge, not appointed by the Norwegian parliament, but by the CIA, who is tasked with making sure that winners of the coveted Nobel Peace Prize advance the agenda of U.S. policy makers.

Although the idea may seem far-fetched, this year’s winners all have connections to a CIA offshoot, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

Oleksandra Matviichuk, for example, who accepted this year’s Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of the Ukraine Center for Civil Liberties (CCL) on December 10, had received the NED’s annual Democracy Award on behalf of the CCL six months earlier.[1]

The NED was founded in the 1980s to promote propaganda and regime-change operations in the service of U.S. imperial interests. Allen Weinstein, the director of the research study that led to creation of the NED remarked in 1991: “A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.”

The two other recipients of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize, Ales Bialiatski, a Belarusian dissident, and Memorial, a human rights organization expelled from Russia for violating its foreign agent law, have also received NED awards and probable financing.

While the Nobel Peace Prize has previously gone to warmongers like Theodore Roosevelt, Henry Kissinger and Barack Obama,[2] never before has it gone to organizations that were intricately associated with a foreign intelligence agency specializing in political skullduggery and psychological warfare.

Shades of Obama 2009

Matviichuk’s use of the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony as a forum to promote war drew on the precedent established by the drone king, Barack Obama, when he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009.

In his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, Obama provided a tortured defense of U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, stating “we must begin by acknowledging the hard truth that we will not eradicate violent conflict in our lifetimes. There will be times when nations — acting individually or in concert — will find the use of force not only necessary but morally justified.”

Obama continued:

January 1, 2023 1:13 pm

The ol’ “epidemic of kiddy fiddlin’ at State Schools” that no one ever heard about, eh?

Yes. State schools are far worse. More so in America.

January 1, 2023 1:14 pm

Ed Casesays:
January 1, 2023 at 1:09 pm
Add to that the progressives were very careful to make sure microscope was never allowed to stray to any institution – such as state schools. Thus creating the impression the Church was a nest of kiddy-fiddlers.
The ol’ “epidemic of kiddy fiddlin’ at State Schools” that no one ever heard about, eh?

Inside Cromer High School: Male teachers ‘preyed on young girls’ in the 1980s

The Sydney high school where several male teachers “preyed on young girls” was a cesspit of secrets, lies and cover-ups, past students allege.

January 1, 2023 1:15 pm

“Saw a chart yesterday (forget where) on major Oz city breakdown(s) and it stated Sydney was 45% migrant populated ……..”

I went to Sydney’s Cabramatta High School in the 1970’s, and I had classmates from every inhabited continent on Earth. Off the top of my head, from: England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Spain, Germany, Greece, Scandinavia, Yugoslavia (Serbia, Croatia and Macedonia), Russia, Egypt, Morocco, South Africa, Iran, Lebanon, Pakistan, India, Canada, USA, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Korea, China, Vietnam and, of course, Australia. They were also of diversity of religion – Jews, many denominations of Christianity, many denominations is Islam, Buddhists and even atheists. I would hazard a guess that it was at least 45% “imports” (or were 1st gen Australian). All were escaping political, religious or racist persecution, and came here seeking only freedom, equality and opportunity.

No-one was safe from discrimination, not even us Skippy’s – we all copped an earful of abuse, but gave as good as we got, and had a good laugh at the others as well as ourselves, with only the occasional fisty-cuffs resulting and usually quickly forgotten . At the end of the day, it didn’t really matter where “they” came from, you could still be mates, or at least civil in the case of, eg Serbian vs Croatian.

There are very few places in the world where this can be the case, most notably Australia, the UK, Canada and the USA – all English “colonies”. Yet oddly also where most complaints of “racism” are entertained and to some extent are illegal. Even more oddly, we no longer seem proud of this tolerance. Sigh – it is, IMO, the inability to allow for offending others that is one of the largest problems we have. Diversity is indeed a strength, but only where we expect, allow and even encourage mild cultural offense – that is the safety valve we have blocked off, to our detriment.

It is also one of the values of traditional Australian culture – that no matter if you are the king or a pauper, that no matter your social or financial standing, you are allowed to find amusement in your perceived folly of others, and that those others are not just allowed, but expected – even encouraged! – to give back as good as they get. And that it is all done in good humour, on the understanding that this not only greases the wheels of diverse cultural interactions, but also gives us all a good laugh – and who can be angry when they are laughing? Is that not the best example of both tolerance and equality?

January 1, 2023 1:16 pm

January 1, 2023 at 1:07 pm
Some old people have short memories.

What’s for Dinner tonight? – Wife in Reply I have already told you 3 times today

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 1, 2023 1:19 pm

Spooks everywhere, oldozzie.
‘SMatter o’ fact, I wouldna be surprised if there were a few Spooks on this very Blog, pertendin’ to be Libertarians or some such beastie.

January 1, 2023 1:23 pm

A certain podcast I follow has made the prediction that the U.S./NATO will assassinate Zelensky in a false flag attack and use that as justification for a full declaration of war against Russia.

Any thoughts on this?
Guy I follow is a former U.S. navy intelligence analyst.

January 1, 2023 1:23 pm

Musk loses more money than anyone else ever in $200 billion bloodbath

Elon Musk has just passed a milestone that nobody wants to be known for — losing more money than anyone else who has ever existed on planet Earth.

In November 2021, at the height of the stock market craze during the Covid pandemic, Musk was the richest person to have ever walked the earth, with a net worth of $US340 billion ($500 billion).

However, at time of writing, he’s had a significant fall from grace since that staggering figure.

Mr Musk, 51, now has a fortune of $US137 billion ($201 billion), which means he’s lost than half of his peak wealth.

Bloomberg Billionaires Index

View profiles for each of the world’s 500 richest people, see the biggest movers, and compare fortunes or track returns.

January 1, 2023 1:24 pm

After Meloni’s “Peace can be achieved by supporting Ukraine

is she about to go full Aspen Institue?

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has announced that the new security decree to regulate the activities of migrant taxi NGOs will not come into force until early next year, as over 100,000 migrants have entered illegally this year.

While the decree will regulate the activities of migrant taxi NGOs, it also looks to promote deportations and simplify asylum applications. According to Meloni, the delay is because she wants to personally take the time to go over the document and assess it herself, Il Giornale reports.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 1, 2023 1:26 pm

Inside Cromer High School: Male teachers ‘preyed on young girls’ in the 1980s

Big deal, old ozzie.
Try this:
Priests routinely transferred to other Dioceses after complaints about rooting young boys at Victorian Primary Schools.

January 1, 2023 1:30 pm

Ed Casesays:
January 1, 2023 at 1:19 pm
Spooks everywhere, oldozzie.
‘SMatter o’ fact, I wouldna be surprised if there were a few Spooks on this very Blog, pertendin’ to be Libertarians or some such beastie.


I do have an Australian Security Clearance needed for Dept Supply working on spares program F111

Robert Sewell
January 1, 2023 1:34 pm


Robert Sewell, why stuff around with Linux? Win 11 works great.
Just bought a new PC for the office as the old ASUS all in one was 12 years old and noticeably slow now and 12 years of relying on spinning rust was probably pushing my luck.

This all came about when I upgraded my personal home computer. Within a month, Google and Windows + every other prick who wanted my information was demanding I cross link all my apps, sign on to their programs, and notifying me that I had logged onto another device that was now a permanent fixture of my life.
If I wanted to open Brave, it would ask if I wanted to use Edge.
When I had an upgrade during the night, ALL my preferences were returned to Bill Gates products. And you couldn’t stop the bloody thing. I even went so far as to refuse any updates, but I’d get popups that reminded me I had ‘updates’ blocked.
I no longer have a home computer – I have a two meter wide conduit for advertising Gates and Google products spewing crap I do not want, have never asked for, and cannot refuse, intruding into my placid and comfortable life.
I strongly suspect that I cannot remove the hard drive and install a new OS because probably the drivers will be incompatible and made deliberately so.
For me, Win!! has been an intrusive disaster.
And as the tentacles of the information state creep into your machine, it will become so for you too.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 1, 2023 1:36 pm
January 1, 2023 1:36 pm

Scotland Police Face Backlash After Report Renaming Pedophiles as ‘Minor-Attracted People’

The Scottish police have been chastised for a report that uses the term “Minor-Attracted People” instead of using pedophiles, raising concerns that it would normalize child abuse.

In the year-end report by Chief Constable Iain Livingstone on child abuse and exploitation, he stated, “The project’s main agenda is to develop understanding and approach to avoid the victimization of children by engaging Minor-Attracted People (MAPs) and providing them with the necessary support, treatment and guidance to help prevent criminal activities.”

The police defended its action by claiming that the wording used in the annual report was modeled after European Union’s terminology.

A spokesperson for the department stated that the word “MAPs” is not one they use to characterize child abusers and that its use in the report has to be understood in context, Scottish Daily Express reported.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 1, 2023 1:37 pm

Inside Cromer High School: Male teachers ‘preyed on young girls’ in the 1980s

It was a High School, there weren’t any “young girls” there.

I did see there’s a Lezzo who taught there at the time facing charges in Sydney the other day.
Basically, there’s one Rule for Homo & Lezzo teachers, which is:
Let’s not ever talk about this again
and there’s another Rule for Male teachers who get caught with 16 year olds:
Squawkk!!!! Look over there!!! Bleeeeeat!!!

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 1, 2023 1:39 pm

Ed Casesays:
January 1, 2023 at 1:09 pm
Add to that the progressives were very careful to make sure microscope was never allowed to stray to any institution – such as state schools. Thus creating the impression the Church was a nest of kiddy-fiddlers.
The ol’ “epidemic of kiddy fiddlin’ at State Schools” that no one ever heard about, eh?

Try to recover your failing Google-fu, and look up the Tasmanian Royal Commission. Also, for an older age group, the activities of high school teachers on Sydney’s North Shore in the 1980s.

Or you could leave your Richard Cranium firmly inserted in your rectum.

January 1, 2023 1:40 pm

This all came about when I upgraded my personal home computer. Within a month, Google and Windows + every other prick who wanted my information was demanding I cross link all my apps, sign on to their programs, and notifying me that I had logged onto another device that was now a permanent fixture of my life.
If I wanted to open Brave, it would ask if I wanted to use Edge.

Hmm, had none of that.

January 1, 2023 1:41 pm

A certain podcast I follow has made the prediction that the U.S./NATO will assassinate Zelensky in a false flag attack

I suspect that Zelenskiy has as much to be worried about from his own team as from the Russ. Grinding up his forces against Russia in Bachmut isn’t going down too well with the UAF hierarchy. Especially after the Kherson bloodbath. Now he’s pondering a strike into Russia proper at Belgorod? Z is offering up annihilation by piecemeal. If the Polish response is any guide, confidence in Ukraine’s survival is starting to whither.

Robert Sewell
January 1, 2023 1:41 pm


Robert, i remember that contraption which eventually led to our bathroom renovations.

Yeah. I was having a bit of a dig at it being a giant babies feeding straw.
Didn’t work.
Not funny.
Not ‘arf as much as Granny getting ‘er tits caught in the mangle, anyway.

January 1, 2023 1:42 pm

Don’t respond to the narrative maker and he’ll eventually stop.
There was no systemic enquiry into abuse in government schools.

January 1, 2023 1:43 pm

Robert Sewell

LinuxMint 21.1

check out Easy Linux Tips Project

January 1, 2023 1:44 pm


The Americans are financing this war on the Uke side. What are they telling him?

January 1, 2023 1:44 pm

Yay, Lizzie !

Gave me a laugh.

Though this gem from 2022 should not pass unnoticed: Lizzie and Hairy in the car driving somewhere, conversing about something, prehistoric stone monuments perhaps: Sometimes Hairy looks at me funny.

It’s the lightness of touch.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 1, 2023 1:45 pm


I do have an Australian Security Clearance needed for Dept Supply working on spares program F111
S’okay, old Ozzie, no one reads your WordWalls anyway, so you hardly qualify.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 1, 2023 1:47 pm

Ed Casesays:
January 1, 2023 at 1:37 pm
Inside Cromer High School: Male teachers ‘preyed on young girls’ in the 1980s

It was a High School, there weren’t any “young girls” there.

Richard Cranium thinks that 13, 14, 15, 16 year old girls are not “young”. Is there something you want to tell us you Dick Head?

January 1, 2023 1:47 pm

Rosie says -“Meanwhile thousands and thousands of new immigrants are flocking here.”

That is the BIG problem, most are not much more than welfare seekers, but allowing that all of them are talented, hard workers, it’s still bad for us. London is now a minority city for native Englanders, Sydney it seems isn’t far away and neither is Melbourne. Both Sydney and Melbourne once had distinctive cultures and ways of life, now well on the path to extinction. A couple of years ago I had regularly fly to Sydney and catch trains to different suburbs, it struck me that at many stations, all or most of the surrounding shops had signs mainly in Chinese and the faces on the platforms were mainly Chinese.

Huge parts of Melbourne outer suburbs are now Indian, Chinese or African. The multiculturalists may get a hard on for this but it had drowned out Aussie culture. There’s little or no assimilation. Mass migration is destroying our culture as I write and yet the pollies want even more. I cannot understand why we, like the poms are happy to sit back and see our culture that developed over a long time be washed from the earth in the name of ponzi housing and GDP.

Kneel – “It is also one of the values of traditional Australian culture – that no matter if you are the king or a pauper, that no matter your social or financial standing, you are allowed to find amusement in your perceived folly of others, and that those others are not just allowed, but expected – even encouraged! – to give back as good as they get. And that it is all done in good humour, on the understanding that this not only greases the wheels of diverse cultural interactions, but also gives us all a good laugh – and who can be angry when they are laughing? Is that not the best example of both tolerance and equality?”

You’re living in the past, nobody is allowed to make fun of or jest over another cultures strange and often unpleasant ways anymore. The only culture that is allowed to be ridiculed and attacked is the culture that built this country and made it a great place to live and prosper. The elites want to crush us and think they can destroy Aussie culture and the country will continue to be a great place. They’re wrong, we will end up an economic basket case, a place full of serfs living on gov handouts from a fascist govs that tie themselves to big business and big unions. I think the process is too far advanced to unwind.

January 1, 2023 1:48 pm

2022, Perhaps the Apex Year for an Era of Pretending

December 31, 2022 – sundance

If 2022 was not the apex year for the era of great pretending, then we remain sitting in a handbasket – destination, full speed ahead.

When asked for the topic of a ‘big picture‘ podcast this 2022-year ending, the obvious answer from me was We Need to Quit Pretending.

For the past two years I can only encapsulate the entire social, political and socioeconomic dynamic that surrounds us by saying we are living in an era of great pretending. Why? Because nothing else adequately explains it.

A recession is no longer two negative quarters of economic growth. Elections are no longer defined by votes cast, but by ballots counted. Meanwhile, women are claimed to have penises and people will argue -strenuously and with commitment- that men can give birth to babies.

Simultaneously, vaccines are no longer about medicines to avoid viruses, and Americans have some moral obligation to fund the administrative salaries, pensions and expense accounts for a nation of European politicians, in a country that few taxpayers could find on a map.

We must pretend the occupant of the oval office is not a dementia patient, at the same time we must pretend the Dept of Homeland Security and FBI is not telling online speech platforms that identifying the dementia patient, as a dementia patient, means you are a domestic violent extremist. The absurdity of the pretenses are off-the-charts.

However, on the upside, we now see even blissfully ignorant people starting to realize something is wrong when their electricity and heating bills quadruple, while the same system of governmental caretakers are telling us to embrace a new earth friendly normal of $12 dollar eggs.

We been knew, but more are now knowing – thank God.

I see that dynamic starting to play out now. Mainstream media are openly mocked everywhere for being the Baghdad Bob’s they are. The MSM credibility and influence essentially destroyed by the Potemkin villages and Eco-chambers they built around themselves.

The congressional J6 committee is yet another example of a proclaimed thermonuclear ICBM missile that ended up delivering a contrasting reality. The fading whistle & pop akin to a dysfunctional bottle rocket.

There’s no help on this pretending issue coming from the political side of the American spectrum; sneeze that thought into a tissue and flush it.

The big movement that will end this era will come from ordinary people laughing, mocking and belittling the pretenders.

I do genuinely believe this phase is well underway, albeit we are in the beginning phases of the great mocking.

All Summed up by the Glass Image at the bottom of the Article

January 1, 2023 1:49 pm

Josh Frydenberg was on 58% primary vote in Kooyong in 2016. Things change.

Some don’t. You’ll never have a dick.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 1, 2023 1:49 pm

January 1, 2023 at 1:23 pm
A certain podcast I follow has made the prediction that the U.S./NATO will assassinate Zelensky in a false flag attack and use that as justification for a full declaration of war against Russia.

Any thoughts on this?
Guy I follow is a former U.S. navy intelligence analyst.

Sounds like a load of bollocks. Shoot Biden first. And don’t miss.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 1, 2023 1:53 pm

Also, for an older age group, the activities of high school teachers on Sydney’s North Shore in the 1980s.
1 High School in NSW where the odd teacher was rooting a 17 year old hottie versus the Primary Schools in the Ballarat Diocese in the 60s and 70s [and probably the 20s, 30s, 40s & 50s as well] where priests were rooting boys under the age of 12?
Not much of a comparison, SpongeBob?

Robert Sewell
January 1, 2023 1:54 pm

Old Ozzie:
They forgot my favourite – Polywater.
It frightened the shit out of me as a naïve 16 year old.

January 1, 2023 1:55 pm

Idaho Murder Suspect Bryan Kohberger Identified, in Part, by DNA Search of Public Genetic Genealogy Database

December 31, 2022 – sundance

This is interesting. The use of public genetic genealogy databases by law enforcement officials has been discussed for several years now.

According to information within a CNN article about the capture of Idaho murder suspect Bryan Kohberger, it appears this might be the most recent case solved -at least in part- through the use of those public DNA databases.

Previously the Golden State Killer was identified through the use of DNA using a public genealogy database. According to the CNN article it appears a similar process was used in the identification of Kohberger:

Many who understand the scope of data and privacy exploitation have often wondered and warned if it was smart for people to be voluntarily giving their DNA to various genealogical tracing companies.

When Blackstone purchased Ancestry.Com the world’s largest public DNA database, there were several questions raised again about the possible misuse and privacy issues. At the time, here’s how Ancestry responded:

…”Ancestry does not sell or share customer DNA data with insurers, employers or third-party marketers, nor do we share customer personal information with law enforcement unless compelled to by a valid legal process. Ancestry’s commitment to these robust consumer privacy and data protections remain unchanged under our new ownership”…

Obviously, the key phrase in that statement is “unless compelled by a valid legal process.” An unknown DNA sample at such a horrific and nationally newsworthy crime scene, could certainly lead to law enforcement compelling that type of database search.

For the issue of catching the psychopathic criminal who killed the four college students, you won’t find too many people concerned about the methods the investigative units conducted.

However, in the bigger picture of having a national DNA registry available for cross-reference use in other non-criminal matters, there are still some privacy issues to consider.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 1, 2023 1:56 pm


Huge parts of Melbourne outer suburbs are now Indian, Chinese or African. The multiculturalists may get a hard on for this but it had drowned out Aussie culture. There’s little or no assimilation. Mass migration is destroying our culture as I write and yet the pollies want even more. I cannot understand why we, like the poms are happy to sit back and see our culture that developed over a long time be washed from the earth in the name of ponzi housing and GDP.

Is it time for the “Old Ozzies”(deliberate) to seek a Constitutional Voice to Parliament? On the same terms as the so-called “indigenous” Voice? And maybe some reparations from the welfare ‘fugees and their ilk? And a treaty to ensure that we are consulted in future, before further attempts to drive our traditional culture into extinction?

January 1, 2023 1:57 pm

Septimus/Grigory/robbiemac/Head Case comparing the sins of two people in Victoria against tens to hundreds in another state

A master of Rake Fu.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 1, 2023 1:58 pm

The Americans are financing this war on the Uke side. What are they telling him?
They’re telling him:
Start talking Peace and you’re dead.
He’s a quick learner for a bloke who thinks his dick is for playing a piano.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
January 1, 2023 1:58 pm

Roger says:
January 1, 2023 at 11:00 am
– Hard to argue.
Ratzinger’s record was not perfect – he himself confessed that – but to state that he was the prime architect of the cover up of clerical sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church is a lie, much like the similar allegations directed against Pell here. In fact, when Ratzinger led the response there was an almost 100% “conviction” rate (so to speak) of the some 3400 cases that came before his office for investigation, resulting in “defrocking” or other canonical penalties. Hardly a cover up.

Worth repeating, especially since Mutley has gone into print to agree that Ratzinger was party to the cover up.

January 1, 2023 2:00 pm

mUnty doesn’t do facts

der … facts are fascist

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 1, 2023 2:01 pm

Ed Casesays:
January 1, 2023 at 1:53 pm
Also, for an older age group, the activities of high school teachers on Sydney’s North Shore in the 1980s.
1 High School in NSW where the odd teacher was rooting a 17 year old hottie versus the Primary Schools in the Ballarat Diocese in the 60s and 70s [and probably the 20s, 30s, 40s & 50s as well] where priests were rooting boys under the age of 12?
Not much of a comparison, SpongeBob?

If you are stupid enough to believe that this occurred in only one school, then your head really is stuck in your rectum.

PS, you forgot to comment on the Tasmanian Royal Commission.

January 1, 2023 2:01 pm

BJ, I’ve been thinking that. They woke seem to value culture and skin colour above all else. We indigenous Aussies with European background have a distinctive culture and way of looking at the world, particularly those from rural areas. We need to claim that culture and demand that it and our way of life justly deserves as much support and protection as any other culture. Governments are happy to splurge $ on people form some barbaric cultures, why not support and nurture the culture that was developed from the First Fleet up to the end of the last century?

Question, which Gov, spoke of ‘White picket fences’ etc and yet was elected in the 90’s, governed through to 2007 and instituted the mass migration and destruction of our own culture?

Robert Sewell
January 1, 2023 2:02 pm

Matrix Transform:

Sounds like they’ve stitched something up in the UEFI

I thought it might be something like that – a simple bit of code in the firmware somewhere. Akin to designing a car with the need for a specific set of rims that can’t be changed unless it’s at great expense and a horrendous degree of loss of functionality.
Keeps out the competition because it’s ‘patented’ or ‘copy written’, or voids your warranty. Locks the owner into buying your product at a higher price and kills them off.
It’s the sort of thing I’d expect off these latter day Robber Barons.

January 1, 2023 2:02 pm

MatrixTransform says:
January 1, 2023 at 2:00 pm

mUnty doesn’t do facts

der … facts are fascist

MaxiTransition always has to have a target.

January 1, 2023 2:03 pm

Robert Sewellsays:
January 1, 2023 at 1:54 pm
Old Ozzie:
They forgot my favourite – Polywater.
It frightened the shit out of me as a naïve 16 year old.

Thanks Robert – Great Article – I liked conclusion especially the PigPen analogy

Rousseau was determined to prove the nonexistence of polywater, and to make his point he went to the gym, where he believed he could get to the source of the impurities. After an intense game of handball Rousseau wrung out the perspiration from his T-shirt and put a sample of it into his spectrometer. The machine spat out the chemical spectrum, which matched that of an earlier sample of polywater. In January 1971 Science published a paper with Rousseau’s findings.

In it he wrote that each person, like the Peanuts character Pigpen, is surrounded by a fog containing a fine mist of that person’s essence. This mist, or aerosol, when it landed on the inside of a glass tube containing a microscopic amount of water, created the fluid with the odd behavior. Polywater turned out to be 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

Put another way, polywater was merely dirty water.

Finally polywater’s adherents lost their faith. Scientists got back to work left undone while polywater had consumed them along with millions of research dollars. It was all water under the bridge now.

Two years later even the stubborn Deryagin conceded. “These experiments do not support the hypothesis of anomalous or polymeric water,” he said.

January 1, 2023 2:05 pm

The big movement that will end this era will come from ordinary people laughing, mocking and belittling the pretenders.

does anyone think they care for even a moment? It’s all about the levers of power

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 1, 2023 2:07 pm

For three years, the young attorney had been taking his vacations at this country inn. The previous year he’d finally managed to close the deal with the innkeeper’s daughter.

Looking forward to an exciting few days, he dragged his suitcase up the stairs of the inn, then stopped short. There sat his lover with an infant on her lap!

“Helen, why didn’t you write when you learned you were pregnant?” he cried. “I would have rushed up here, we could have gotten married, and the baby would have my name!”

Well” she said “when my folks found out about my condition, we sat up all night talkin’ and talkin’ and decided it would be better to have a bastard in the family than a lawyer”.

January 1, 2023 2:07 pm

Alright, looking for suggestions for the things that were parts of the distinctively Aussie culture of the late 20th century, a culture that was developed over two hundred years of isolation and relatively small migration. I’ll start.

Standing by your mate, when he’s in a fight.
A fair go.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 1, 2023 2:08 pm

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.

– George Bernard Shaw

January 1, 2023 2:09 pm

Pogria re snake repellantsetc:

Years ago we regularly had snakes (as many as 6 a summer) entering are house grounds and gardens. We weren’t too concerned about the black snakes which are timid, but we pretty concerned about the Eastern Browns. We experimented with the vibration devices – but they didn’t repel the snakes.

After searching the internet for advice, we decided to embark on the onerous job of fixing black bird netting around the perimeter house fence. The latter can be purchased at Mitre 10, but unfortunately comes in large squares. Consequently, we had to cut it (horrible job!) to a height of about 20cm. We fixed the netting to the fence with plastic ties.

It was a complete & utter success and has been for years. Snakes attempt to push through & become stuck and they cannot reverse. Consequently we either find them & dispose of them (by a certain means) or we find them dead in the net.

This technique was a huge relief for a young country family we know who had lost 5 “sacrificial” Jack Russell terriers who are notoriously crazy brave in attacking snakes, which at least saved the toddlers they were protecting in the yard. They have not lost a dog in the house grounds since they installed the netting.

January 1, 2023 2:09 pm

What are they telling him?

When to fire his missiles at Engels. And no doubt Bidens wants the war to continue. His and Hunter’s Ukraine interests need all the protection they can get.

Beyond that it’s a guess. But as inflation, COL, energy costs, winter energy restrictions , job insecurity and more pressures grow and weigh on the west I get the impression the love for Ukraine is turning sour. Now Z wants UN sponsored peace talks. I bet he does. He wants to get to spend those millions he’s squirreled away.

The Twitter Files have shown how deep the Dem corrupted DoJ/FBI/CIA are inside mass media. My impression is sentiment is swinging away from unconditional Ukr support. Towards “let’s end this fkn mess , asap”.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
January 1, 2023 2:10 pm

Appreciate you going to the uae to escape this sexual lunacy.

January 1, 2023 2:12 pm

Attack of the Megalomaniacal News Media

The mainstream news media have mutated from providing useful information into multi-biased, overbearing, omnipresent purveyors of false, useless information that is critical for them to report and useless for us to receive. This must stop.

In the past, the metaphorical 100 pounds of available fact-based news (as opposed to opinion pieces) was reported through news distribution with a roughly 100-pound news distribution capacity. That is, there was relative equilibrium between “what news you needed to hear” and “what news was reported.” The components of this historical news distribution were:

So, you probably received less than five hours or less of news daily, and that’s if you watched it all. More importantly, few people seemed to be “news starved.”

Journalists practiced journalism. They vetted information and corrected mistakes with full intent to inform. Was there media bias? Some. Were there reporting mistakes? Some.

For a deeper dive into how news delivery in America has changed, this article is helpful.

So, what happened from then till now?

Maybe Alvin Toffler nailed it in his 1970 book Future Shock:

People of the future may suffer not from an absence of choice but from a paralyzing surfeit of it. They may turn out to be victims of that peculiarly super-industrial dilemma: over choice.

Now, in addition to the five hours of news per day we used to have, we have the following additional “over choices”:

24-hour cable news services (MSNBC, CNN, Fox, Newsmax, BBC, etc.).
Endless online news sites.
Social media sites that purvey news.

So, using basic economic theory, we can figure out the value of today’s news with a simple calculation: Price (value) = Demand/Supply

When news supply grows exponentially, the value (price) of news plummets as demand has remained much more stagnate. And the real news becomes harder to identify amidst the content that fills the enlarged news supply capacity.

So that leaves us metaphorically having likely the same 100 pounds of news (even if legitimate news has doubled to two hundred pounds) but with 1,000 pounds or more of news distribution capability. So then, how do the excess 800-900 pounds or more of news distribution get occupied? With distortions. Let us count some of these distortions:

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
January 1, 2023 2:13 pm

Sorry cont
Plenty masculine and skilled jobs in the uae with a great lifestyle in the most inhospitable environment.
World Cup highlighted a good standard of living and archecture.
Keep us informed if the man in Dubai is going to build a mountain range to cause rainfall.

January 1, 2023 2:13 pm

Sharyl Attkisson ???????

Switzerland says “no” to gender ideology that attempted to create new gender options beside male and female.
There Are Only Two Genders: Switzerland Rejects Gender Ideology in New Ruling – DC Enquirer
The government of Switzerland rejected attempts to impose a third-gender option or no-gender option for official records last week,

Another example the slippery slope is a fig-tree of a sad, depressed imagination.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 1, 2023 2:14 pm

MaxiTransition always has to have a target.

You are the one that has to have a target and start a stoush. Trouble is, your aim is not that good. Pissing into the wind is what you do so well and all down your leg it goes………. Tosser.

January 1, 2023 2:15 pm

Costello spat the dummy after Howard refused to anoint him. Had he had the intestinal fortitude to stay on in Opposition, he would surely have won the next election. We would also have been spared the later Abbott administration, which was so disappointing.

At the time I was looking forward to an Abbott and Costello government.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 1, 2023 2:15 pm

Septimus/Grigory/robbiemac/Head Case

NewYear, new sock.

January 1, 2023 2:16 pm

Not cowards. Now thugs they have to have back up ,some one to hold their hand or should that be knife. They are so yellow they have to do the ambush .How many whites and Chinese have been victims and did not know their attacker.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 1, 2023 2:17 pm

2002 Cabinet Papers: David Hicks’ detention at Guantanamo Bay ‘lawful’, Howard government ruled
Senior Writer
12:01AM January 1, 2023
No Comments

The detention of David Hicks by the US government at Guantanamo Bay was endorsed by the Howard cabinet as entirely “lawful” and ministers agreed to US forces completing their “investigative and legal processes” before determining legal options for prosecuting him under Australian law.

A February 2002 cabinet minute released by the National Archives of Australia on January 1 also saw the need for both the Australian and US governments to agree on “consistent public positions” about “future actions” regarding Mr Hicks.

Attorney-General Daryl Williams had given an oral report to cabinet about Mr Hicks, an Australian citizen who trained with al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and met with 9/11 terrorist attack mastermind Osama bin Laden, who had been captured and detained by the US.

David Hicks should consider himself lucky to be alive. He had no rights to any protection under the Geneva Convention, and the Northern Alliance troops who captured him could have quite lawfully shot him out of hand. Instead they handed him over to the Americans, who threw his sorry arze into Gitmo……

January 1, 2023 2:19 pm

Disturbed to the nth degree: men now inserting frozen tomato paste cubes for a mock ‘fem cycle’

At this point, can we please, please admit that ‘transgender’ ideations are a debilitating mental health crisis? Think we’ve finally seen the perversion through to the end?

Think these people can’t get any more debauched and twisted? ‘Hold my beer,’ they say.

If you think I’m being dramatic, let me explain; and fair warning, the material is beyond gross.

Posted to Twitter by conservative influencer Ashley St. Clair were screenshots from some sort of online chat forum. The author of the first post is obviously a male pretending to be a female and solicits “advice” from the community’s members on how to take his “fem cycle to the next level.” It turns out this aberrant behavior is not an anomaly because the original author received a flurry of responses from fellow men who also mock menstruation.

Some of the “advice” included:

January 1, 2023 2:19 pm

Commenter at the Age says we have so much to learn from the oldest living continuous civilization
Commentator was referring to communism/socialism

January 1, 2023 2:21 pm

Rodney Rottenhead.

If people even bothered to look, they would see the stoush comments you leave vs the rest of us combined would be about 5:1., you delusional imbecile. Maxitransition is around 95% targets.

January 1, 2023 2:23 pm

Our German Ally: Tanking

From Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest:

Jack: I have lost both my parents.

Lady Bracknell: To lose one parent, Mr. Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness.

From the Financial Times (December 19):

Germany sought to reassure Nato that it could still be relied on to lead the alliance’s rapid response task force even after all 18 of its most advanced armoured vehicles malfunctioned in a training exercise earlier this month.

All of them?

Robert Sewell
January 1, 2023 2:30 pm

Old Ozzie:

“I meant no harm and did not mean to offend anyone at all. I love that my nephew feels free to express himself as we all should. My deepest apologies for my behaviour as I realise it is really not acceptable in the world today for anyone, no matter where you are from, to marginalise or stereotype anyone.

What a gutless prick. He could at least have stood up for this kid who is being used and abused most shamelessly by – just a guess – his mother, for her own sick purposes.
No one else, obviously, is going to protect the nephew, and now that the uncle has apologised, the mob will be back for more like the pack animals they are.

January 1, 2023 2:31 pm

Very non PC afternoon courtesy of the Little Bloke. He’s got out his green army men, and grey army men, and set them up facing each other. Now proceeding to take turns at shooting them with the Bunnings 8mm dowel cannons. The grey army men at a distinct disadvantage seeing as the green guys have got two 3D printed Sherman’s at their disposal, one GMC GMK 35 truck and a couple of jeeps with trailers. Never got round to printing the grey guys any panzers!

January 1, 2023 2:31 pm

Without Papers Pizza
I lost my business because I fed an unvaccinated child a pizza.
That’s right, a 13yr old who didn’t get jabbed sat down & ate a pizza in my restaurant. That was against the law.
My neighbours heard & ratted me out to the cops.
Then they all laughed when they shut us down.
7:22 AM · Dec 31, 2022

I was just looking at Dr. Jay Bhattacharrya’s twitter feed (@DrJBhattacharya/Twitter) & I say this from a follower in Canada. And we think society hasn’t changed and/or can return to “normal” ?????

January 1, 2023 2:35 pm

Commenter at the Age says we have so much to learn from the oldest living continuous civilization

The bar is set very low for what constitutes civilisation. But again, much was lost in the great bark library fire of Meekatharra.

January 1, 2023 2:35 pm

There’s little or no assimilation
The “houso” estate I live in is a perfect example of this .. a hodge podge of nationalities many who’ve hated each other for centuries .. the only time you see anyone talk to some else you can guarantee they are from the same country .. their is no community spirit/pride/neighbourness just lotza folk who don’t like each other.
I’ve been here for 30 years and for the past 15 the only English 1st language speaker (parent) in the street .. I haven’t spoken to other occupants in most of that time as most have never bothered to learn any English .. no need as they’ve never worked! .. the gummints, state, federal or local print everything in 300 languages and include telephone numbers for “free” interpreters/do good groups and these days even most CentreLink contact is able to be done from home .. life is good! …

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
January 1, 2023 2:36 pm

Good afternoon all – hope revelry recovery was swift this morning – these last 10 days have been challenging to say the least, enough said, no details lest boredom set in so early this year.

Wouldn’t be dead for quids the future looks to produce some interesting times. Warmest regards to all – we get a new day every day to start again and I guess a new year every year to make up for any poor doings on a daily basis. Good luck.

January 1, 2023 2:37 pm

Incidentally, Bhattacharya is a lot more forgiving and generous than I am. He calls the vaccine “pushers” as “not very good at their job”. I’m afraid I would call them something else.

Jay Bhattacharya
·Dec 26, 2022
It’s amazing to watch public health professionals who pushed vaccine mandates and discrimination befuddled by the the fact that people no longer trust them, and now question other vaccines. It is public health malpractice, by people not very good at their job.

January 1, 2023 2:41 pm

“There was only one catch and that was Catch-22.

Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn’t, but if he was sane he had to fly them.

If he flew them he was crazy and didn’t have to; but if he didn’t want to he was sane and had to.”

? Joseph Heller, Catch-22

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
January 1, 2023 2:41 pm

Kneel 1.15
Cracking spot on – the eff ups from every country is laid bare and you defend your parents homeland.
If you want racism go to the race based soccer club, someone from norf Europe and blonde – how long will they last at one of the Mediterranean based clubs.
Funniest conversation was with this tax guru who was telling me he was the only nip in a all wog soccer team at a Jesuit school.
I couldn’t stop laughing – he used to dish it out.
BTW – knuckles – let rip – from the Balt craut

January 1, 2023 2:41 pm

That was against the law.
My neighbours heard & ratted me out to the cops.
Then they all laughed when they shut us down.

Over the last two years, most have failed the “what would you have done 1930’s Germany?” test.

January 1, 2023 2:41 pm

The detention of David Hicks by the US government at Guantanamo Bay was endorsed by the Howard cabinet as entirely “lawful”

The only reason I’ve ever come up with for “Davey” just being taken out the back and disposed of is that some “furglewit” thought there might be some political mileage to be gained by publicity of his capture ..

January 1, 2023 2:46 pm

always has to have a target.

fat and slow
malingering and stupid
preening narcissists obsessed with themselves

… it’s pretty hard to miss

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
January 1, 2023 2:47 pm

Dot – pedo and state schools
Quadrant had a great article on this, the Catholic Church per head count had the lowest rates of abuse, the uniting church the highest and the Anglicans in between.
The state schools were off the charts.of course big union contingent and the voting block.
Catholics are the target as the commies don’t have the spiritual behavioural bind which is world wide.
Hence the lies.

January 1, 2023 2:48 pm

after all 18 of its most advanced armoured vehicles malfunctioned in a training exercise earlier this month.

All of them?

That’s a pretty impressive design defect or maintenance error!

January 1, 2023 2:51 pm

preening narcissists obsessed with themselves

Oh yes, Maximum transition – the narcissistic line.

Maxitransition says:
December 12, 2022 at 9:37 pm

I had a lunch today at the pub
the food was shiite but the company was good.

there are some forums where your’e like a god and people hang on yr every word.
parts of my little world are like that
I’m the old man
the oracle
the bloke that makes people shit themselves when I enter the room



January 1, 2023 2:54 pm

you’ll always be my favourite JC

you really do think you’re normal dontcha?

picking you off at a hundred meters with a single-shot one-liner is pure delight

January 1, 2023 2:56 pm

“try running the server without a screen attached and getting it to display a remote desktop in any sensible resolution.”

Most of the “pizza box” (rack mount) servers have IPMI for that – it even gives you remote access to POST screen and BIOS setup like virtualised servers. If you have IP controlled power rail and PXE server, you don’t need to be physically present to do anything that doesn’t require adding/removing/changing physical hardware (new HDD, new RAM etc) – including being able to DoD wipe the HDD and install new OS remotely.
If it doesn’t have IPMI direct on the motherboard, you can also get PCI and (m)PCIe cards that do IPMI. As far as I know, they either “look like” or “interface to” standard Intel etc graphics controllers, and I’ve used them at 1024×768 resolution (probably work at 1920×1080 these days). It really does look like a virtualised server, even though it is dedicated hardware.
Of course, you need a separate network connection and IP for IPMI to work, and plenty of bandwidth for responsiveness to be OK at the higher resolutions.

And yeah, they want the SCSI variant of the HDDs (“Serial attached SCSI”, SaS) rather than SATA(II/III), but that’s a physical connector thing more than anything – it’s one big connector instead of separate power and data connectors. IIRC, there is little to no difference in hardware levels, control lines etc, and also very little if any difference in interface protocol – I think it just makes “hot swap” a lot easier, especially in things like multi bay servers where you can change HDDs from the front panel.

January 1, 2023 2:59 pm

Maxi transitions says;

you’ll always be my favourite JC

Great. I’m touched.

you really do think you’re normal dontcha?

Well I don’t think I’m God, an oracle, nor do I think people shit themselves when I enter a room. Unlike you.

picking you off at a hundred meters with a single-shot one-liner is pure delight

I’m sure. In your own delusional movie. maxi transition.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 1, 2023 3:02 pm

Loopy Twitt writes:
Dot – pedo and state schools
Quadrant had a great article on this, the Catholic Church per head count had the lowest rates of abuse, the uniting church the highest and the Anglicans in between.
Quadrant is Spook-Funded, Loopy.
It seeks out the dumbest dum dums, then tells them what they want to hear.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 1, 2023 3:02 pm

picking you off at a hundred meters with a single-shot one-liner is pure delight

I agree but pass more ammo. This is fun. Like being at the Fun Fair and the target is the duck.

Robert Sewell
January 1, 2023 3:03 pm

Old Ozzie:

Previously the Golden State Killer was identified through the use of DNA using a public genealogy database. According to the CNN article it appears a similar process was used in the identification of Kohberger:

This has been playing at the edge of my mind for a year or more.
There is a market for personal information. Especially genetic and shopping habits.
There are a lot of people becoming Sqillionaires over this informatio.
The only person missing out on this money is the owner.
Why can’t I package my own personal information into a file – with stuff I am willing to share for a price – and allow the big boys access – for a price.

January 1, 2023 3:07 pm

Great. I’m touched.

yeah … its all your graces that impress me most

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 1, 2023 3:10 pm

there are some forums where your’e like a god and people hang on yr every word.
parts of my little world are like that
I’m the old man
the oracle
the bloke that makes people shit themselves when I enter the room

Except I’m not that old.

January 1, 2023 3:14 pm

Why can’t I package my own personal information into a file – with stuff I am willing to share for a price – and allow the big boys access – for a price.

Because everyone else has already sold theirs for nothing.

January 1, 2023 3:17 pm

Why can’t I package my own personal information into a file – with stuff I am willing to share for a price – and allow the big boys access – for a price.

because they are freeloaders

Robert Sewell
January 1, 2023 3:18 pm


This technique was a huge relief for a young country family we know who had lost 5 “sacrificial” Jack Russell terriers who are notoriously crazy brave in attacking snakes, which at least saved the toddlers they were protecting in the yard. They have not lost a dog in the house grounds since they installed the netting.

Another one to try if the ‘nakes come back:
Have you noticed how they can slither through the smallest gap? They just lay their ribs down and squeeze through. Put a hard boiled egg in with the chooks, and when the snake tries to get through the netting, they’re stuck. They can’t crush the egg to get out. Or mark a fresh egg, using syringe and drawing up needle, remove the yolk. Inject whatever liquid poison you’ve got in the garage into the yolk sac – the sac will keep the poison from escaping and being detected through the shell for long enough to let the snake eat it.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 1, 2023 3:22 pm

Quadrant is Spook-Funded, Loopy.
It seeks out the dumbest dum dums, then tells them what they want to hear.

Head Case and a Suitable Case for Lots of Treatment. Quadrant is funded by Subscriptions. You on the other Case are funded by CCP loot and lots of fried rice. You Fat Twat.

January 1, 2023 3:23 pm

Quadrant is Spook-Funded

Sad Case, you crapulous pool of rancid pig slobber. Quadrant did get some CIA backing in the very early days. That cash arrived at about the same time Moscow was blitzing local commos with money for Arena, Overland and (not sure) Meanjin.

As a magazine that has been critical of COVID policy, the crimping of free speech and the machinations of the Deep State, the spooks wouldn’t get much value for money — certainly not as obliging as Twitter, which did get its cash.

Stick to wanking, dribble dick. It’s the one thing you do with any semblance of competence.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 1, 2023 3:24 pm

Riot squad escorts firefighters into Perth juvenile detention centre

By Paige Taylor
Indigenous Affairs Correspondent, WA Bureau Chief
9:57PM December 31, 2022

Police and a prison riot squad have again been called to Western Australia’s children’s prison, where an attempt to quell rolling violence by sending the most “challenging” juveniles to an adult men’s prison has failed.

Three days after teenage boys caused a standoff by sitting on roofs at Banksia Hill Juvenile Detention Centre in Perth’s southeast, boys were again climbing roofs and running along the tops of fences designed to be unscalable.

The prison riot squad escorted firefighters into the children’s jail as part of it burned.

The Australian has been told the fire lit by rioting children caused extensive damage to one building at the facility late on Saturday and staff were being evacuated.

In response to questions from The Australian, the WA Department of Justice issued a media statement that confirmed Corrective Services officers were “responding to a disturbance at Banksia Hill Detention Centre”.

“A number of detainees have ascended roof tops and fences and have been threatening staff,” according to the statement.

“A command centre has been set up at the detention centre to co-ordinate the response.

“Special Operations Group officers have been deployed on site and other officers are en route to the facility. DFES (the Department of Fire and Emergency Services) have attended the site under SOG escort to put out an isolated fire that was lit.

“There is no threat to the broader community,” the Justice Department statement said.

There have long been occasional riots at Banksia Hill. The biggest was in the summer of 2013 after boys were locked in unairconditioned cells for 23 to 24 hours a day for seven weeks. One boy got bedsores.

The lockdowns were a result of a staffing shortage and some boys destroyed the cells, forcing the Barnett Liberal government to send children to a maximum-security men’s prison while the facility was repaired and rebuilt.

Juvenile justice advocates say unrest at Banksia Hill over the past year is also largely the result of understaffing: when the facility does not have enough guards, children cannot be let out for exercise, sport or other activities and must remain locked down.

Perth Children’s Court president Hylton Quail has repeatedly told the McGowan government the regime is illegal. He highlighted the case of a 15-year-old boy who was locked in solitary confinement for 79 days last summer including on Christmas Day.

Megan Krakouer, director of the National Suicide Prevention and Trauma Recovery Project, said: “These are not difficult children to work with. The Department refuses the approach that works: radical empathy, radical transformation.”

January 1, 2023 3:28 pm

There is a market for personal information. Especially genetic and shopping habits.

There must be a market for the foreign born adopted. Not much chance of being traced via genealogy services.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 1, 2023 3:33 pm


Now Z wants UN sponsored peace talks

This whole business is odd. Formerly, the initial reaction to a conflict was the UN calling for peace talks. After a while a conference would eb convened. Then, finally, an agreement would eb made, putting in place a UN Peacekeeping force between the combatants. The next stage would be a UN-sponsored and supervised plebiscite, to decide the future of the disputed area, followed by partition and a permanent UN Supervisory force.

Did someone refuse to pay-off the UN?

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 1, 2023 3:33 pm

As a magazine that has been critical of COVID policy,
You wanted Compulsory Vaccination?
the crimping of free speech and the machinations of the Deep State,
Any examples?
Didn’t think so.
the spooks wouldn’t get much value for money — certainly not as obliging as Twitter, which did get its cash.
They get their moneys worth though.

Robert Sewell
January 1, 2023 3:34 pm


Because everyone else has already sold theirs for nothing.

No, because once you’ve entered your information into your personal file, it’s yours. Just because the buyers can pick it up from your computer doesn’t negate your personal ownership.
When your car breaks down and you wander back to the servo to ring for a tow truck, it doesn’t mean your property is free to the next person passing by. They cannot just go through the glovebox and grab whatever they want.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
January 1, 2023 3:35 pm

Ed Case says:
January 1, 2023 at 1:53 pm
1 High School in NSW where the odd teacher was rooting a 17 year old hottie

Let’s not let the facts stand in the way of Ed’s bias.
He has conveniently left out these facts:
* at least 2 schools have been named
* at least 2 teachers have been named
* six former students have indicated a willingness to sue the Dept of Ed for historical sexual abuse.
* as “The Teachers Pet” showed, many teachers on the Northern Beaches groomed young girls then pounced as soon as they turned 16.

But lie as much as you like Ed, you will be run over by the steamroller of truth.

January 1, 2023 3:37 pm

Have you noticed how they can slither through the smallest gap? They just lay their ribs down and squeeze through. Put a hard boiled egg in with the chooks, and when the snake tries to get through the netting, they’re stuck. They can’t crush the egg to get out. Or mark a fresh egg,

Nope, Robert. They don’t seem to try to go under the netting – which, in any case, we tuck under the lower strand of wire. They really try to push through, and that is their undoing.

Incidentally, I hope I am not inviting disaster, but we haven’t either seen or caught a snake this year or, from memory, the last two years. Maybe we have decimated the population, because, no kidding, we used to see half a dozen each spring/summer around the farm or caught in the netting.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 1, 2023 3:39 pm


The Twitter Files have shown how deep the Dem corrupted DoJ/FBI/CIA are inside mass media.

ROFLMAO, m0nty=fa’s “nothingburger”, with fries and sauce? With a side of hog?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 1, 2023 3:42 pm

Happy New Year GMH!
Wishing you all the best, dude!

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 1, 2023 3:43 pm

The Plan is a War of Attrition until Ukraine is depopulated, at which time the US will cease funding Zelenskyy.
Putin will then repopulate Ukraine and Crimea.
I’ve read that potential migrants are already relocating to Russia.

January 1, 2023 3:44 pm

Another for the believe it or not file.

Pro-Trans Organization Pushes Transgender ‘Inclusive’ Math

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
January 1, 2023 3:48 pm


Old Lefty
Old Lefty
January 1, 2023 3:50 pm

‘Transgender maths’ has an eerie resemblance to ‘German physics’ – and we know where that led.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 1, 2023 3:50 pm

He has conveniently left out these facts:
You’re pettifogging.
* at least 2 schools have been named
* at least 2 teachers have been named
* six former students have indicated a willingness to sue the Dept of Ed for historical sexual abuse.

How many students have gone thru the State High School system since 1980?
A million?
But they’ve found 6 60+ year old women who reckon someone else should pay for their bad choices 45 years ago?

January 1, 2023 3:52 pm

“The Twitter Files have shown how deep the Dem corrupted DoJ/FBI/CIA are inside mass media. “

On a completely unrelated topic, it seems that both Space-X and Tesla are under GovCo investigation – surprise!

One can only hope that Elon is smart enough to have squirreled away a billion or so in personal assets that are untouchable by the company creditors, and so doesn’t really give a shit if those two companies and Twitter are bled to death by a thousand cuts.

Now THAT would be truly amusing to watch – a bunch of parasites trying to control a decent human being by reducing his worth so much that most people would feel rich on one years interest on what remains, while the recipient of said attention is content with what he has and really does want to make the world better, even if it costs him 90% of his own wealth. If Elon can keep Twitter alive long enough to expose the parasites, he may consider it a worthwhile spend. Awesome if true – one can hope.

January 1, 2023 3:56 pm

For those who want to understand why many think that individual batches of the mRNA vaccines have proved lethal see this analysis (very technical but extraordinary implications):

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 1, 2023 3:57 pm

Ed Casesays:
January 1, 2023 at 3:02 pm
Loopy Twitt writes:
Dot – pedo and state schools
Quadrant had a great article on this, the Catholic Church per head count had the lowest rates of abuse, the uniting church the highest and the Anglicans in between.
Quadrant is Spook-Funded, Loopy.

Poor old Richard Cranium, still stuck in the 1950s, explains a lot.

Times have moved on, Quadrant lost its gummint funding years ago. The money was needed to fund unread leftard magazines (which you in your stupidity probably call “right wing”.

January 1, 2023 3:58 pm

The state schools were off the charts.of course big union contingent and the voting block.

Yes, facts don’t care about feelings. In America, State schools are even worse than ours.

Catholics are the target as the commies don’t have the spiritual behavioural bind which is world wide.
Hence the lies.

Well, I take the view that the church is competition to an all powerful state, hence why in their eyes, it must be wiped out.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 1, 2023 4:00 pm

Except I’m not that old.

No Mrs Stencho Pantyhose. You are two year old with a poor attitude.

January 1, 2023 4:00 pm

Watching that Team America movie, finally, picked it up on DVD second-hand.
Didn’t realise it was modelled on the Thunderbirds.
Pretty funny though I’m not sure who all the characters are modelled on.
I’ve seen ‘I’m ronery’ so many times here.

January 1, 2023 4:01 pm

Stick to wanking, dribble dick. It’s the one thing you do with any semblance of competence.

Nah, Head Case is a well polished, full blown egg-spurt and world beater.

January 1, 2023 4:01 pm

UNSEEN Videos: The QLD Police Shootings

bit long, skimmed through it, some interesting points. ie locking down ppl with mental illness was a really bad idea.

January 1, 2023 4:01 pm

Robert Sewell,

the genealogy companies have ownership of the DNA results already. Consumer information is owned by whoever it is that does the loyalty cards. The personal correspondence is owned by Google more or less. Lots of this is tied together by mobile phone usage which would be Apple and Google again. Facebook and Google want access to medical records, god help us if they get them. It is hard to see what you could put into a personal file that many people haven’t already ceded to world for free already.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 1, 2023 4:02 pm

January 1, 2023 at 3:23 pm
Quadrant is Spook-Funded

Sad Case, you crapulous pool of rancid pig slobber.

Flattery will get you nowhere with Richard Cranium. He is so modest that it doesn’t affect him.

January 1, 2023 4:02 pm

I guess it’s welcome to another year of vaxx mania.

January 1, 2023 4:05 pm

Nah, Head Case is a well polished, full blown egg-spurt and world beater.

Seems more like the type to be mournfully stroking an unresponsive appendage to me. Tissues and lotion at the ready but not required.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 1, 2023 4:05 pm

Johnny Rottensays:

January 1, 2023 at 4:00 pm

Except I’m not that old.

No Mrs Stencho Pantyhose. You are two year old with a poor attitude.

We lub you longtime Mr Lotten.

January 1, 2023 4:07 pm

On a completely unrelated topic, it seems that both Space-X and Tesla are under GovCo investigation – surprise!

the same way Xi went after chinese billionaires. the state uber ales!

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 1, 2023 4:07 pm

Ed Casesays:
January 1, 2023 at 3:33 pm
As a magazine that has been critical of COVID policy,
You wanted Compulsory Vaccination?
the crimping of free speech and the machinations of the Deep State,
Any examples?
Didn’t think so.
the spooks wouldn’t get much value for money — certainly not as obliging as Twitter, which did get its cash.
They get their moneys worth though.

Wrong. This is a result of you having your head inserted in your rectum.

Don’t you find it smelly in there? The fumes seem to be affecting what little brain you were born with.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 1, 2023 4:08 pm

January 1, 2023 at 4:02 pm
I guess it’s welcome to another year of vaxx mania.

Only if you keep posting rubbish and BS about the ‘Rona and the drugs (alleged vaccines).

January 1, 2023 4:08 pm

Vicki says:
January 1, 2023 at 2:31 pm
Without Papers Pizza

Vicki, for many years I wondered how the jolly old oompah Bavarians could turn into the type of people who would inform on their neighbours and denounce their once-friends to the police.

And now I look at Canada, another jolly and friendly type of place, and I know. A gap in my understanding of the mystery of human wickedness has been filled. The predilection was there all the time, bursting to escape if given the right signals.

January 1, 2023 4:12 pm

And don‘t get me wrong. Happens here too.

One of my neighbours was informed upon to the police by the worthy citizens of Boat Harbour. His crime? Looking like an escapee from Sydney in his rental which he took while he did a major reno. Even though his ute had local signage.

Stupid shytes.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 1, 2023 4:12 pm

January 1, 2023 at 4:01 pm
Stick to wanking, dribble dick. It’s the one thing you do with any semblance of competence.

Nah, Head Case is a well polished, full blown egg-spurt and world beater.

Well, his dick head is certainly well-polished.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
January 1, 2023 4:14 pm

Old ozzie 1 07pm

Great post – what do you think Gaddafi was killed when he was killed.

January 1, 2023 4:26 pm

Robert Sewellsays:
January 1, 2023 at 1:54 pm
Old Ozzie:
They forgot my favourite – Polywater.
It frightened the shit out of me as a naïve 16 year old.

Robert, that was fascinating read. Thanks for posting it.

January 1, 2023 4:30 pm

Why don’t you tell us one more time how you’re unvaxxed and going to live forever Super Rotten?

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 1, 2023 4:32 pm

Commenter at the Age says we have so much to learn from the oldest living continuous civilization

If you’re going to wander around eating bark and bugs, yep. Outside that, not so much.

January 1, 2023 4:34 pm

thanks for the advice regarding snakes in the yard. I have been planning on adding mesh to the lower parts of the fence. I have fine wire bird mesh, left over from the previous owner, and the netting that was raised over the berry beds every summer. The netting is the same as the stuff I used to place over the fruit trees in the orchard I had in my previous home. (still miss my orchard, sniff). Snakes used to get caught in the netting regularly. I was quite happy when I would find a dead snake tangled in the netting. 🙂
I will probably go with the netting. There are a couple of hundred metres of it so plenty to practise with. Also easy to attach with cable ties. Will have to be extra careful that a Joe Blake or two aren’t hiding under the netting in the shed when I go to drag it out!

January 1, 2023 4:35 pm

And don‘t get me wrong. Happens here too.

Yes, Calli. Although it didn’t happen to us in our rural valley during Covid lockdowns, it did happen to friends who have a holiday house on the NSW South Coast. A local who obviously knew they were from Sydney roared past one morning in his ute, screaming that they should go back to Sydney. A day later they received a visit from the local constabulary. They told him, truthfully, that they had owned the house for forty years and were more “local” than their informant.

Fear and ignorance does strange things to people.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 1, 2023 4:37 pm

January 1, 2023 at 12:51 pm
What Einstein really said

In Ideas and Opinions, Albert Einstein said, “Pure logical thinking cannot yield us any knowledge of the empirical world; all knowledge of reality starts from experience and ends in it.”

“Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience. You need experience to gain wisdom.”

I believe Schwab have have looked at our model and what he is trying to do is he sees the real Great Reset which is 2032 and he is trying to force the tree to fall in his direction of total control.

Yeah right. He looked at a secret model and got results from it.


Dotty Dot, please keep on being dotty with your dotty comments. And have a happy new year contemplating your navel. Just go to SpecSavers and they may help. But I doubt it. You only have one eye.

January 1, 2023 4:37 pm

I will probably go with the netting. There are a couple of hundred metres of it so plenty to practise with. Also easy to attach with cable ties.

That’s it, Pogria! I couldn’t remember what they were called, but yes, we used cable ties.

January 1, 2023 4:38 pm

The only snake I have seen thus far into the season of warmth is our 1500mm olive python. I know how long it is because I find its discarded skins draped in the bay tree.

A dearth of frogs might be the reason for fewer redbellies. And an abundance of hungry kookaburra fledglings.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 1, 2023 4:42 pm

January 1, 2023 at 4:30 pm
Why don’t you tell us one more time how you’re unvaxxed and going to live forever Super Rotten?

No one lives forever. However, I do not need a Guv’ment Mandated jab with a drug that only works to kill peopl’s immune system. If you want to do that then go ahead. Please do as it might shut you up for once. Or kill you.

January 1, 2023 4:47 pm

First off , calling me by what you think is my name is an attempt at doxing, Angry Karen. I’m reporting it and we’ll see what happens.

And yes, two years of viciously attacking an 80 year old woman is relevant especially after it was me that stopped you and the others piling onto to her. You behaved like the vicious little jackal you’ve always been and the reason you’re so inflamed against me is because I stopped you and others from piling onto her.

Have you apologized to her yet? Of course not, because you’re a weak little zero living in the sticks all hurt because you are a nothing.
Seriously, what have you added to this blog? What new thoughts and ideas, because the only thing we ever see from you is telling people you agree with them. It’s laughable.

You, Maxi Transition, Rodney Rottenhead, Driller and a few other- most of what you do is target people . Stoushing in the third person, attempting to persuade others is so lame. Now go cry somewhere else, you mental midget.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 1, 2023 4:48 pm

The only snake I have seen thus far into the season of warmth is our 1500mm olive python. I know how long it is because I find its discarded skins draped in the bay tree.

All the snakes are located in the Federal Guv’ment Building and the State Guv’ment Houses and Territory Buildings. Send in the Mongooses and set us free from these leeches.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 1, 2023 4:49 pm

Head Case and a Suitable Case for Lots of Treatment. Quadrant is funded by Subscriptions. You on the other Case are funded by CCP loot and lots of fried rice

I suspect Groogs is living on Mother’s pension in the South Australian style. Hence the need to keep up the maintenance work.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 1, 2023 4:52 pm

January 1, 2023 at 4:47 pm
First off , calling me by what you think is my name is an attempt at doxing, Angry Karen. I’m reporting it and we’ll see what happens.

How can you report it as there is no longer a report button. Twat. Unless of course you have a hot line to Dover. You really do think that you own this Shite. Well you don’t. So just go away and play in the Traffic.

January 1, 2023 4:53 pm

I think one of JC’s most remarkable attributes is his personal insight into his own personal motivations.

It’s the way he’s so in-touch with himself all the time

now, I know that statement could be mis-read as me saying that he’s wanking all the time

but really … is he?

January 1, 2023 4:56 pm

The Hotline to Dover is via Protonmail. Anyone can use it.

A bit of self control is better though – the guy has a life to lead apart from channelling Jack Little. That said, here’s a trip down Memory Lane.


January 1, 2023 4:56 pm

How is that an example that a slippery slope re gender isn’t real? We have multiple examples across multiple jurisdictions and a single minor example is supposed to undermine the entire claim? I don’t think so. Especially when you read the Federal Council’s argument for rejecting the Parliamentary proposal:

How is it not an example? Try and explain it in direct language that we can understand instead of philosophy speak. 🙂

The theory of the slippery slope is the chain reaction argument in that one bad thing leads to another related bad thing.
If the Attkisson tweet is accurate then the Swiss parliament has stopped the bullshit. Are you suggesting she’s lying or misunderstood the action in the Swiss parliament? What are you suggesting here?

January 1, 2023 4:59 pm

Okay. Which of you guys is Playboy Larry Hart?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 1, 2023 5:03 pm

Crikey GMH!
Where’s the bonhomie and good humour?

January 1, 2023 5:08 pm

That’s it, Pogria! I couldn’t remember what they were called, but yes, we used cable ties.

I think the netting is now called “bird netting” because PC says you can’t be deliberately trying to keep snakes out / kill them.

January 1, 2023 5:11 pm

Johnny Rotten

I feel sorry for you if you cannot understand what a sham Armstrong’s “models” are, they are a bad joke. They have NO predictive value whatsoever.

I can tell you his models are bogus; for example does he model equities without considering derivatives? Yes, he thinks every commodity class has its own cycle.

This is absolute trash. You cannot properly price equities without having a knowledge of the relevant derivatives.

You need to ask him when he met Paul Keating, what date this happened and so on. As a subscriber, you probably have his business email.

My criticism of Armstrong is not borne out of jealousy. It come from the kindness of my heart. He is a shameless, ignorant grifter with a history of ripping people off. Not for small amounts of money either. Billions with a “B”!

He is very likely lying about meeting Keating.
His economic commentary is riddled with basic errors and ignorance.
His drawing on economic history is blatantly incorrect and easily debunked.
His comments on geopolitics are chicken little screeching based on ignorance of the true extent of US military technical capabilities.

You are being misled.

He has merely latched onto the sentiments of pisses off conservatives.

Just go read the von Mises institute stuff and watch Tucker if you’re sick of legacy media nonsense.

Martin Armstrong is a gardener carefully and lovingly tending to a crop of fruits that stupefy the consumer yet more in each successive season.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
January 1, 2023 5:15 pm

rickw says:January 1, 2023 at 2:35 pm

The bar is set very low for what constitutes civilisation. But again, much was lost in the great bark library fire of Meekatharra.

To say nothing of the Elder’s Lighthouse of Tarcoola. One of the seven wonders of the pre-Ancient world it was.

January 1, 2023 5:17 pm

Have you guys actually read Gammage?

Good lord, there were tree lined streets, pastures and monuments.

Chariots of the Gods read critically is better than Gammage!

January 1, 2023 5:18 pm

Rottenhead , you think we’re just attacking you for the sake of it over Armstronging the site, but what Dot is saying is 100% correct about the crooked loon. He’s taking you and others for a ride. Posting his scrawl here doesn’t make us angry, we’re just sad you think he has some value. He has none. Ask him for the lowdown of his so-called models. What are their foundation and then come back and report it.

January 1, 2023 5:18 pm

January 1, 2023 at 5:03 pm
First off, you doxxed yourself last year, cretin – so don’t blame me for that.

No I didn’t.

Oh yes, you did, you disgusting pile of maggot-ridden refuse, so cease with the denial. It was the kindness of another contributor who drew your attention to your doxxing by your own hand. You are on the same level as a fly-blown stinking pile of road kill. The stench is sickening. Go bite some tyres, little road-raging mutt.

January 1, 2023 5:18 pm

honestly JC

you’ve lost the plot

January 1, 2023 5:22 pm

Critical reviews of the Catallaxy book store:

He chose porn over me.

Lose some weight.

That is all.

January 1, 2023 5:24 pm

It’s simple. That didn’t deny any third gender in principle, they responded by delaying any change until the ‘social preconditions’ appeared. What that is is anyone’s guess, but it seems to me, being politicians, it means delaying until its politically irresistible.

Then why not wait until what seems to you becomes clearer instead of what looks like mind reading.

They’ve voted no according to Attkisson so what ponder forward until it’s clear? You have nothing to go by to make such a suggestion.

Of course a slippery slope is a chain reaction where one action or event causes another. That’s the very definition of a slippery slope.

January 1, 2023 5:29 pm

Remember how Marty Armstrong reckoned it too 600 years after Rome for gold specie to be used once more in Europe?

King of the Salian Franks (Merovingian King of Austrasia).

Gold solidus minted by Theudebert at Mainz around 534

That’s only 58 years after the Western Roman Empire fell.

His newsletters are chock full of howlers like this.

He is sowing ignorance and he should be ignored.

January 1, 2023 5:31 pm

Oh yes, you did, you disgusting pile of maggot-ridden refuse, so cease with the denial.

No, I didn’t, you dishonest skunk. And please, how many adjectives until they lose their usefulness, you try hard. The fact is, Angry Karen, you went after an 80 year old woman for two plus years and you were stopped by me out of embarrassment, you grudge holding little neuter. Try is again and see how far it gets you. We know you want to. The white robe bullshit is laughable as you have no moral authority to be talking about anyone’s stoushes, you little zero

It was the kindness of another contributor who drew your attention to your doxxing by your own hand. You are on the same level as a fly-blown stinking pile of road kill. The stench is sickening. Go bite some tyres, little road-raging mutt.

Lol. Too many adjectives again. Go away now and fester over what I’ve nicely explained to you. You’re exceedingly boring.

I can’t quite get over the white robe thing. It’s either very disturbing or just hilarious.

January 1, 2023 5:36 pm

Commenter at the Age says we have so much to learn from the oldest living continuous civilization

The Kalahari bushmen?

January 1, 2023 5:36 pm

Latest from Netzero:

1) Scientists reveal Greenland lush ecosystem 10-17°Celsius warmer than today
CNN, 7 December 2022

2) Biden’s green subsidies may drive Europe closer to China, warns EU commissioner
Financial Times, 30 December 2022

3) Biden administration signals US tax credits will subsidise foreign carmakers
Bloomberg News, 30 December 2022

4) Chinese battery makers set to dominate Europe’s car industry
Financial Times, 6 December 2022

5) Twitter users applaud, fume as Musk declares Twitter will ‘follow the science,’ promote ‘questioning’
Fox News, 29 December 2022

6) Green Britain: Energy prices are ‘unlikely to return to normal’ until next decade
Daily Mail, 30 December 2022

7) UK ramps up outreach to develop Small Nuclear Reactor fleet
Energy News-Record, 30 December 2022

8) Andrew Orlowski: The energy crisis risks dooming the electric car
The Daily Telegraph, 29 December 2022

9) Judith Curry: The yin and yang of climate science
Climate Etc., 29 December 2022

10) Susan Crockford: W. Hudson Bay polar bear population decline stories are unethical and ignore critical caveats
Polar Bear Science, 28 December 2022

January 1, 2023 5:36 pm

earlier today the missus was busy colour matching the fake-tan much to my amusement

she catches up with daughter who says something like, “OMG, your tan’s looking a bit orange”

well, just to round out the first day 2023, the missus reappears here a while ago and immediately gets busy with the fake-tan eraser.

and here I was expecting flying cars

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 1, 2023 5:37 pm

Sancho Panzersays:
January 1, 2023 at 5:03 pm
Crikey GMH!
Where’s the bonhomie and good humour?

When you shut your Gob and farked off for a while. Now that you are back, you are Mrs Stencho Pantyhose all over again. Tosser.

January 1, 2023 5:39 pm

January 1, 2023 at 3:52 pm
“The Twitter Files have shown how deep the Dem corrupted DoJ/FBI/CIA are inside mass media. “

On a completely unrelated topic, it seems that both Space-X and Tesla are under GovCo investigation – surprise!

One can only hope that Elon is smart enough to have squirreled away a billion or so in personal assets that are untouchable by the company creditors, and so doesn’t really give a shit if those two companies and Twitter are bled to death by a thousand cuts.

Elon Musk sells another huge chunk of Tesla shares 14 Dec 22


. Tesla CEO Elon Musk sold about 22 million more shares in his electric vehicle business, which were worth around $3.6 billion, according to a financial filing out Wednesday night.

. The transactions took place between Monday and Wednesday this week according to the filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

. According to financial research firm VerityData, Musk has sold 94,202,321 shares so far this year at an average price of $243.46 per share for pretax proceeds of approximately $22.93 billion.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 1, 2023 5:40 pm

The Kalahari bushmen?

The one’s whose culture has existed for over 100,000 years, and don’t some people get all hurty when that’s pointed out.

January 1, 2023 5:42 pm


Britannica Dictionary definition of SLIPPERY SLOPE. [singular] : a process or series of events that is hard to stop or control once it has begun and that usually leads to worse or more difficult things. His behavior will lead him down a slippery slope to ruin.


slippery slope
phrase of slippery

a course of action likely to lead to something bad or disastrous.


The meaning of SLIPPERY SLOPE is a course of action that seems to lead inevitably from one action or result to another with unintended …


A slippery slope is the perceived danger of a “bad” behavior or situation easily degrading into an even worse behavior or situation, resulting in a downward …


The slippery slope fallacy is a logical fallacy that claims one event or action will lead to another, more extreme event or action.

Why it’s fallacious.

January 1, 2023 5:44 pm

Johnny, just out of interest…why do the quotes you post not reflect what you say to others?

Do you post them for the benefit of the readers here but don’t think they apply to you? I’m only asking because, like the jokes, there are so many of them daily, so they must be important to you.

Yes, I know. Curiosity killed the Kitteh.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 1, 2023 5:45 pm

You seem upset with me Mr Rotten.
Have a pad thai and calm down a bit.

January 1, 2023 5:46 pm

I think the netting is now called “bird netting” because PC says you can’t be deliberately trying to keep snakes out / kill them.

Snakes are a protected species in Australia. I would never dream of deliberately killing one. 😉 hahahaha

as a country boy, you would remember the outside dunny. Your parents probably still have one. Every outside dunny was equipped with a metal rake and a shovel. When townies would come for a visit, they would always ask what the garden implements were for. Watching them go green when you explained the rake was for holding down the snake so you could hack off its head with the shovel was always a hoot.

I reckon a lot of guests went home backed up to their kidneys!

Kiwis were especially fun as there are no snakes in UnZud.

January 1, 2023 5:47 pm

More comments like the last one Matrix Transitioned.

You missed the part describing you as God, the Oracle, the entity who causes folks to shit themselves when you waltz into a room.

Tell us, when you walk in, do you have that ghetto swagger, wearing very loose fitting jeans just below the knees, white socks and loud sneakers with shiny blue t-shirt?

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 1, 2023 5:48 pm

January 1, 2023 at 5:36 pm
Latest from Netzero:

The latest from CNN (the Clinton National Nudes- blow jobs for Bill are required) –

1. The Pope Marries
2. Black Death Sweeps Europe
3. King Charles has a face lift – His jug ears are too big
4. The kardashians have their arses reduced.
5. The UN says it got it wrong with Climate Change. It is worse than they thought.
6. The Cold weather in N America was caused by Putin and Russia in particular.
7. No pooftahs
8. Just remember number 7.
9. Who cares
10. The end.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 1, 2023 5:50 pm

January 1, 2023 at 5:47 pm

In the words of Dr. Spooner, you are a Shinning Wit.

January 1, 2023 5:53 pm

Good point Calli.
It would also be a courtesy to provide a short quote from Armstrong, with a link if the reader is sufficiently interested rather than pasting the entire slab of text, that would also be a courtesy to Armstrong who probably now makes his living out of clicks.

January 1, 2023 5:54 pm

You missed the part describing you as God

no, actually I didn’t miss it., I wrote that … remember?

JC, your natural compunction toward a very humanizing empathy is disarming.

the way you describe people’s very real and difficult circumstances in such careful and understanding language makes me trust you more

how do you do that so easily?

you must be a very understanding and compassionate person

January 1, 2023 5:55 pm

some years back, the Government of Botswana rounded up all the Bushmen and tried an American style of settling them on a reservation of their own. The Bushmen were in the way because Diamonds had been discovered on their traditional lands.
They kept going back, but the fight is getting harder and harder. Our local “oldest” civilisation only fights hard when there is a goonie to be had.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 1, 2023 5:55 pm

Sancho Panzersays:
January 1, 2023 at 5:45 pm
You seem upset with me Mr Rotten.
Have a pad thai and calm down a bit.

How can I ever be upset with a turd like you. Mrs Stencho Pantyhose. Hope you like the upcumming March 2023 Alphabet Soup Partee in Siderknee. You would look good on a float in your frock…………..And then fall off the back of the Lorry……………LOL

January 1, 2023 5:56 pm

Rottenhead calm down, FFS. You don’t have get into every single stoush that doesn’t directly involve you just because you don’t like one party. That’s just stupid trolling.

January 1, 2023 5:57 pm

there are no snakes in UnZud.

Except one with very large fangs named Jacinda.

January 1, 2023 5:59 pm

Well, rosie, it just seemed to me that if I put in a link or a quote, I would qualify it. Readers here must know by now that I’m a Christian, and a bit of an old biddie when it comes to swearation. My own. At 66, and half a lifetime spent on building sites, I have heard enough swearing for it to wash over me like waves on the shore.

Anything I link to means tacit endorsement, unless I signal otherwise by a comment. But I’m always curious about why people do and say the things they do. Call it a weakness.

January 1, 2023 6:00 pm

Revisiting The Rationale For Pouring Money Into Ukraine

The Rationale For War

There’s a purported rationale for the enormous amount of money the U.S. is spending in Ukraine; namely, that it’s a bargain:

“US spending of 5.6% of its defense budget to destroy nearly half of Russia’s conventional military capability seems like an absolutely incredible investment.”

Here are five reasons why this rationale is stupid and wrong.

1) It’s a Lot of Money

The ~$100 billion we’re spending on the Ukraine is 164% of Russia’s annual defense budget and nearly 9x the cost of a border wall that would actually protect America.*

2) Not An Offensive Threat To Us

Russia’s military may be formidable in defense, but Russia’s conventional military poses no offensive threat to us, as evinced by their struggle to project force next door in the Ukraine.

4) We’re Not Destroying The Russian Military

We aren’t destroying “nearly half of Russia’s conventional military capability” because they have their own arms industry and can build more of any equipment that’s destroyed. Their UralVagonZavod company, for example, is the world’s leading tank manufacturer.

5) Weaking Russia Doesn’t Help Us

Finally, if we did manage to severely weaken Russia, how would that help us? How would causing regime change or civil war in the country with the world’s largest nuclear arsenal make us safer?
3) Russia Isn’t Our Enemy

Russia is not our enemy, despite our years-long efforts to make them one. Unlike the communist Soviet Union, Russia doesn’t seek to spread any ideology. Vladimir Putin was the first foreign leader to offer the U.S. assistance on 9/11, and we welcomed Russia as a non-Middle Eastern source of energy in the aughts.

January 1, 2023 6:01 pm

Stencho Pantyhose aka low low

January 1, 2023 6:01 pm


I basically ignored your stupid comments and I unfortunately didn’t intervene when you were attacking Liz in a multiyear pile-on. So acting like the little girly victim now after 95% of your comments are stoush related is going too far. You’re sick in head and need help. Don’t stoush with folks and don’t talk to me or about me. You’re then free to post whatever sickly comments you want. Just leave people alone, you ridiculous dickhead.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 1, 2023 6:01 pm

How can I ever be upset with a turd like you. Mrs Stencho Pantyhose. Hope you like the upcumming March 2023 Alphabet Soup Partee in Siderknee. 

I am thinking about going as a Thai mail-order ladyboy.
What do you reckon?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 1, 2023 6:03 pm

What’s a ‘lorry’?

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 1, 2023 6:03 pm

January 1, 2023 at 5:18 pm
Rottenhead , you think we’re just attacking you for the sake of it over Armstronging the site, but what Dot is saying is 100% correct about the crooked loon. He’s taking you and others for a ride. Posting his scrawl here doesn’t make us angry, we’re just sad you think he has some value. He has none. Ask him for the lowdown of his so-called models. What are their foundation and then come back and report it.

Who gives a shite wot’ you fink’. If you and your other Cronies don’t like my Armstrong Economics posts, then just swing by and play in the traffic. Tosser.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 1, 2023 6:05 pm

Knuckle Draggersays:
January 1, 2023 at 6:03 pm
What’s a ‘lorry’?

Ask a lorry driver and he will tell yer’.

January 1, 2023 6:06 pm

You’re sick in head and need help

I think I might continue enumerating your graces JC

… you have so many, it could take all year

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 1, 2023 6:08 pm

Russia is not our enemy, despite our years-long efforts to make them one. Unlike the communist Soviet Union, Russia doesn’t seek to spread any ideology. Vladimir Putin was the first foreign leader to offer the U.S. assistance on 9/11, and we welcomed Russia as a non-Middle Eastern source of energy in the aughts.

Dead right. Look at the Chinks first.

January 1, 2023 6:09 pm

Who gives a shite wot’ you fink’. If you and your other Cronies don’t like my Armstrong Economics posts, then just swing by and play in the traffic. Tosser.

No, I am here to help.

You’ve gotta admit Armstrong’s claim about gold not being used in Europe for 600 years after the fall of Rome was a bit embarrassing, right?

January 1, 2023 6:11 pm

Dead right. Look at the Chinks first.

If Russia is weak, China only has its client states of Mongolia and North Korea.

Which might backfire. China might cruel their aggression but dominate Russia.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 1, 2023 6:11 pm

But Armstrong is still a convicted felon who stole hundreds of millions, right?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
January 1, 2023 6:11 pm

You’ve gotta admit Armstrong’s claim about gold not being used in Europe for 600 years after the fall of Rome was a bit embarrassing, right?

As I understand it, people used to give this clown money.


1 4 5 6 7 8 24
  1. Other way around, despite what is reported in media. First one lost it (probably a big pothole or after the…

  2. Cheers. I don’t rate Papalia. Typical Liars machine man. Gun laws are now the equivalent of smoking laws.

  3. The Dutch are now bigly into (in) voluntary euthanasia. I am sure it works out cheaper than NDIS and MyAgedCare.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x