John Kerry, our savior

“When you start to think about it, it’s pretty extraordinary that we – a select group of human beings, because of whatever touched us at some point in our lives – are able to sit in a room and come together and actually talk about saving the planet,” Kerry told a WEF panel on Tuesday.

“It’s so… almost extra-terrestrial to think about, saving the planet. If you say that to most people most people, they think you’re just a crazy tree hugging and lefty liberal, you know, do-gooder, whatever,” he added.

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January 21, 2023 7:24 am

I think Mr Kerry and I have slightly different definitions of the word ‘saving’
Seems more like destroying to me…

What would I know though… I’m just a pleb

Anchor What
Anchor What
January 21, 2023 7:30 am

My usual “we are governed by idiots” is just not strong enough to cover this.

Johnny Rotten
January 21, 2023 7:55 am

“It’s so… almost extra-terrestrial to think about, saving the planet. If you say that to most people most people, they think you’re just a crazy tree hugging and lefty liberal, you know, do-gooder, whatever,” he added.

And THEY are 100% correct,

January 21, 2023 8:10 am

Is there no depth the level of their stupidity can plunge to?

January 21, 2023 8:15 am

It’s the rich people’s saviour complex, with all the money and advantages they still feel empty so they must save us to feel something. The only trouble is they have no idea what they are doing so cause more and more harm. This is the benevolent explanation.

This explanation is more likely to be the truth, they think we are crowding out their world. These days we can afford to go to all the places only they used to afford thus dismissing their enjoyment. There are too many of us for their needs, to be their servants, so most of us must go.

The word elite is now used by the “elite” without any hesitation to bring home to the rest of us that they are better than everyone, the best in fact. It has become the new term for aristocracy, in comparison the Royals are way more accountable, practically the hoi polloi.

I’m afraid that it’s not going to end well but I hope it’s for them and not us. It is them and us, they have decided.

January 21, 2023 8:23 am

These callous dictators just don’t know much history.

Cassie of Sydney
January 21, 2023 8:47 am

When I have the misfortune to watch or listen to John Kerry, my first instinct is to quickly find a bucket, and then after vomiting, I sit back and think about history, because knowing history as I do, I understand why revolutions happen and why the likes of Marie Antionette was guillotined and why Nicholas and Alexandra were shot dead in a basement.

The tragedy is that the last Queen of France and the last Emperor and Empress of Russia were decent human beings compared to scum like Kerry. It’s him and his ilk who need to be put in a basement in Ekaterinburg and disposed of. Kerry is hypocrite of monumental proportions, a particularly disgusting, putrid man and a menace to humanity. We might ask how he got to Davos? No doubt by private jet. The fact he is given any airtime and any platform to pontificate his crap, given his smug elitism, given his stinking hypocrisy and given his way of life, shows just how far the left, who once cared about ordinary people or at least professed to care about ordinary people, has fallen. Kerry and his comrades in Davos don’t a shit about ordinary people, and they are proud of the fact that they don’t give a shit about ordinary people. They want us to starve, they want us gone. Meanwhile, Kerry, with his ugly face plumped up by years of plastic surgery and Botox, reeks a kind of banal evil, an evil that once we would have only seen in a Hammer House of Horror movie or as a creepy Bond villain, but now he’s given a platform at the “World Economic Forum” to lecture and pontificate to people about how it’ll be good when millions OF US to death.

The likes of scum like Kerry (and I note that one of our own scum attended Davos, the one and only skeletal grasshopper, Julie Bishop), bring out the inner Marxist in me and all I can say is….bring on the revolution!

January 21, 2023 8:59 am

I have one word to describe John Kerry – WANKER !

January 21, 2023 9:24 am

WolfmanOz, if that’s all he was he would be harmless but as Cassie said, he is far more than that.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
January 21, 2023 9:26 am
Cassie of Sydney
January 21, 2023 10:15 am

John Kerry, our Satan.

January 21, 2023 10:16 am

Cassie, Kerry claims he flew commercial. Hiring a private jet and crew rather than using his own is apparently how defines ‘commercial’.

As you said more eloquently than I, he is a vomitous wanker.*

*Waits to be sanctioned for social media violence by Karen Inman.

January 21, 2023 10:36 am


I sit back and think about history, because knowing history as I do, I understand why revolutions happen and why the likes of Marie Antionette was guillotined and why Nicholas and Alexandra were shot dead in a basement.

I jokingly said the same a few years ago.
Maybe I was prophecising and I didn’t realise it at the time.

January 21, 2023 11:05 am

Jacinda will have more time to spend with this mob now.

Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
January 21, 2023 2:22 pm

John Kerry seems to be a totally arrogant twit who thinks the world revolves around him. I guess the amount of money they all amass must deluding them in to thinking they eternal and invicible. I would like to invent a new word to describe the elites instead of “do-gooders” can I please have “do-baders”? It certainly would fit better! From the snippets I have read of Davos this years it wasn’t exactly a roaring success.

January 21, 2023 5:03 pm

I do think you’re just a crazy tree hugging and lefty liberal, you know, do-gooder, whatever.
I also remember you from the Vietnam days – you traitorous bastard!

January 21, 2023 5:09 pm

From the snippets I have read of Davos this years it wasn’t exactly a roaring success.

Dave of Gold Coast, I think we have passed peak Davos. Even as recently as 10 years ago there was a certain cachet in being asked to attend, when they were still discussing economic issues. Once they veered into climate change they jumped the shark and straight into stupidity. And here we are where they are now being lampooned and ridiculed. The only way is down.

January 22, 2023 7:06 am

A Golden opportunity was missed at Davos once again ..all the bad eggs were in one basket …!!!!

January 23, 2023 12:44 pm

“John Kerry seems to be a totally arrogant twit who thinks the world revolves around him.”

The same one who said Trump’s Abraham Accords were impossible.

vlad redux
vlad redux
January 23, 2023 9:58 pm

Just a crazy tree hugging and lefty liberal, you know, do-gooder, whatever.

He married well, though, I’ll say that for him.

The American people owe a debt of gratitude to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x