Sailboat at Le Petit-Gennevilliers, Claude Monet, 1874
It’s a wonder chess hasn’t been called out as racist.
Sailboat at Le Petit-Gennevilliers, Claude Monet, 1874
It’s a wonder chess hasn’t been called out as racist.
whoops … black to play
Fegatini di Pollo was the Old Man’s favourite
removing the defender white to play
Moscow, another swamp that needs draining.
You know over there is a Russian miltonf raging about disgusting public servants in Mockba.
But even in the big cities it’s always prudent to carry cash. There’s nothing especially about rural areas other than weather events up north. In fact I’d rather be cashless in a town than a big city for obvious reasons.
However, were we to be plunged into an existential conflict I would utilise it as a long overdue opportunity to mightily settle some scores, mainly against the quisling deadsh*ts who enabled it.
So yeah, not fighting for the husk of this nation, but within it.
The chances of an extended total failure of telephone, internet, & electricity services are greater.
No, not scrubbed here…
Nor here, not completely.
Perhaps there’s a special sealed edition of the Internet just for Australians.
Viktor Suslov, a top economist at the Russian Academy of Sciences, has built up a body of work showing how this happens. In a 2018 paper, he and his collaborators argued that Russia’s Central Federal Region, which includes Moscow, acts like a black hole that absorbs about 35% more resources from other regions than it gives back. Siberia, the Ural region, the Far East and the Northwest (which includes St. Petersburg) each contribute 10% to 13% more than they receive. Unsurprisingly, Suslov is based in Novosibirsk, the center of one of the regions whose lifeblood is drained by the great Moscow pump.
The bit in bold sounds a lot like the ACT? Siberia, Urals, Far East and Northwest like Queensland, WA and regional areas of NSW and Victoria?
January 29, 2023 at 8:25 pm
Poor John Campbell, he’s finally “lost his religion.”
Hence my answer above, Arks – and apologies, I only got as far as your first sentence before deciding on an emphatic response.
Very much needed at the HKPA. Our “Top Men” are sounding him out right now, Cats. 🙂
Serb and volley!
Biden has openly stated he wants regime change. And the USG’s Helsinki Commission is openly discussing breaking up Russia through “decolonization”.
Auckland’s Five week blackout about 25 yrs ago is an outlier.
Then again, Melbourne had a corker of a blackout around the same era, though not five weeks.
Both of those events were followed by a noticeable muting of the chatter about the “death of cash” & the arrival of electronic banking.
I made an exception for weather events, Dickforbrains. Read what I said, and in any event, that comment was directed to Rockdoc and not you, as you’re just there to abuse and bash around the ears. Bugger off.
My initial response to the Ukraine war was:
1. These Ukes aren’t going to last 2 weeks against the Russkies.
2. After what you complete pricks have done to us these last two years you can F*** off getting any support from me for any more of your spastic overseas adventures.
I was awhile calming down and coming to slightly different conclusion about things as they unfolded.
I could still be very wrong. I don’t claim any special insight above those arguing against me. Just ststing it as I see it now.
That would be veselyy krot
I’ve said a few times now anywhere that has an “ imperial” city lording it over everyone else cops strangulation by the capital
Capital cities draining resources from the regions?
What a quaint idea. That’s where the votes are.
Show me a country where it happens in a worse way than Australia.
Maturity being exhibited, again.
If it comes to it Arky, more than a few of us will fight with Russia.
See you on the battle field.
Calli et al:
A link to the list of terrorist victims endured by Israeli citizens.
It’s a very high price for the Israeli people to pay when their leaders deem this the price of ‘peace’.
Dali exasperated:
Umpire should start ejecting the loudmouths. It may only take one to serve as example.
Novaxx handed many charitable points to Tits-have-rash, but still ended up winning 2nd set.
Courier says “Tsitipas still learning how to behave in these high stakes games.”
Well that’s a nice way of saying that hitting it out or into the net is extra super annoying when you’re in the final.
Mother Lode:
I didn’t know Heards came in different colours, let alone could own animals.
What’s stopping you?
I was asked that question and answered it.
What’s your answer?
Your theory is that Israel would sit back and watch Iran set up an air shield? Courageous.
Dr F.
Could it be that this is how one becomes a ‘trusted source on the internet’?
By telling the faithful this is the only place to get the good stuff?
As far as next moves go, one wonders whether the Russians are considering a sortie or two into Azerbaijan. They would presumably know where the attacks came from.
Then again Putin might save his ammo and his air shields to defend Russian territory. He barely has enough missiles for the Ukraine front as it is.
Fade to Grey explained
You’re an oppositional dickhead and have zero tolerance for you. I made the observation to RocDoc (not you) that city folk should also carry cash around just and excepted weather events in rural areas. Only a dickhead like you could raise an exception to such a comment. You dishonest blowhard. Just piss off.
Maturity continues to be exhibited.
How’s it go again?
There’s no point in trying to predict Chinese intentions. Every story, every photo, every video that comes out of China has been viewed by the Party/Intelligence/Armed Forces officials to adhere to what they want us to know.
All we can do is make sure we can deal with what they have the potential to do to us and remember:
“All warfare is based on deception.” Sun Tzu.
Being banned by the Internet is obviously a badge of honour for trusted bloggers and a validation for their disciples. Nothing says ‘relevance’ or ‘over the target’ quite like having Goggle or YouTube pull the plerg on you.
The grief and horror experienced when the Internet just stares back at you must be awful.
Air Force General Predicts U.S. Will Be At War With China In 2025: ‘I Hope I Am Wrong’
I hope he’s right; we won’t notice the closure of Eraring and we’ll be warmed by all those mushroom clouds.
What are you on about?
I point out that a key difference between urban & rural is the chances of an extended blackout or failure of telecoms are much greater.
You carry on like Tiger Kelly when he jumped into the burr patch.
This is not how normal people behave & certainly not how mature people behave.
“In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.”= Winston Churchill.
Or pretending to be banned by, say, making slight adjustments to links to deliberately take people to a blind alley.
Strange coming from someone who continually demands bans on Cats who refuse to put up with your verbal abuse.
” new EU law that classifies insects as food”
Last week Youtuber Gad Saad had a great discussion with Michael Shellenberger. It’s worth listening to. Shellenberger debunks everyone about the UN/WEF climate change hysteria and dictates. One of the things Shellenberger discusses is this WEF UN EU dictate to encourage the world to eat bugs. It’s part of the plan to impoverish and starve us. As anyone with a smidgen of knowledge about human history would know, humans only ate bugs when other sources of protein were scarce or completely absent, usually due to grinding poverty or climatic and societal catastrophes such as drought, famine and war. Given the choice between a juicy cow or kangaroo and a bug, humans across the planet, ever since we came down from trees and began to walk, will always prefer the cow or kangaroo. Shellenberger went on to discuss how his wife is Korean and that in Korea there is a history of eating certain silkworm pupae, but this arose due to poverty, famine and war, when other more pleasurable supplies of protein were absent.
Of course, I can assure everyone that the elites in Davos didn’t eat any bugs.
Why should I give a rats about your point of view when I my comment was directed to rocdoc, you dishonest clow?
You carry on like a psychopathic criminal .
Counts you out then.
Driller, stop insinuating yourself in other people’s conversations. It’s bad manners and in a pub setting you’d get a whack in the jaw for doing so. Bugger off.
The other week you pubbling again – pity trolling about the plight you got yourself into, and asked folks to pray for you. It was just pathetic. That’s all.
Bit harsh, Cohenite.
How about an enhanced radiation weapon? I’m sure the Russians have a few ready to assemble since their Greenpeace Allies forced the Wests governments to destroy theirs.
It’s much too late. The scale of the fall of a civilisation is far too big to be stopped once it has started. You’re asking for half a dozen senators to halt the fall of Rome.
The only thing to be done is try to keep your own sanity, to keep the sanity of your friends and family (who will disagree and laugh at you) and enjoy the decadence. Anything else is whistling in the graveyard to keep your spirits up.
What keeps my courage up now at what I’m sure is the threshold of the dark days ahead is pulling the foundations of western civilization closer around my family. Not saying it’s been easy rallying the troupe- in fact the blues which have gone on between me and my wife these last three years would probably have killed any relationship if not for the fact that we’re battling over fundamentals, not just petty niceties and fickle opinions, and because that’s the calibre we both respect the battle lines, and embrace the truce and respect the new detente when and if it comes.
Right now, we’re looking like a 50’s house all over again. We’re Catholic education, Methodist entertainment, Hayek money, Friedman economy.
I’m putting noses out of joint amongst some of our friends- reminder, a lot more important for wimmin and children than for me- but it seems I’m annoying all the right people.
I am worried that our kids will become pariahs, tho. Firstborn was a precocious talker and therefore listener, and is starting to come up with some darkly vicious one-liners… youngest is still coming to tdeal with anxiety, which I have to bear much of the blame for… unfortunately the only solution is to support her to get her stronger.
We- and there might be a few Cats n Kitts in this- might have to spend a generation or two living like the Amish or the Ashkenazis. Coercion is one thing I can easily resist… conscription? I’ll lead the charge against, don’t care which bug eating surrender monkeys I’m holding up the banner with.
Of course, I can assure everyone that the elites in Davos didn’t eat any bugs.
Robert Sewell says: January 29, 2023 at 9:57 pm
Yeah, yeah, Sun Tzu this and Sun Tzu that, but what does that mean for China today?
All their nukes are just fake inflatables?
They secretly have 10 million frogmen with rubber-duckies and Red Bull six-packs to zerg-rush all our capitals simultaneously?
It’s just FUD to say the enemy is using deception even more than the deception you already suspect.
Besides, hasn’t the Foreign Investment Review Board let the first wave through without a shot fired?
Sure, if you want to make it a three cornered contest between the Allies, Russia and the triffids.
Woolworths that had no Australia Day merch is festooned with Happy Lunar New Year posters.
Anything but Australia.
It’s a matter of opinion, OCO. I think you’re wrong, but it isn’t worth getting riled over.
Why the Victorian or federal governments need to move to save the wreck of the Cerberus….
Dived a fair bit on the Cerberus when I was the Victoria Command Diving Supervisor from 1976 to 78 and it was a bit of a mess then and really showing it’s age. We did some rudimentary repairs but nothing permanent or substantial. It really needs a comprehensive survey and a fully funded recovery effort before it is too late.
Yep, maturity on full display, again.
You just described much of what we ourselves have thought and been through lately.
I wonder who will read this?
The Israeli target acquisition people are off their pace.
They usually hit baby formulae factories, hospitals, old folks homes and mosques.
Oh. And orphanages.
(The wife and I)
You’re lying as usual, Turtlehead. I think this blog would be much better off without you (and a couple of others), but that’s not my call.
In my opinion, you’re a total disgrace, and it irks me to associate with you on this blog. In fact, I find it disgusting. But that’s just me.
Let us also recall that you went to the old blog owner, sobbing that I was a jerk to you, and told me you were threatening him with legal action unless it stopped. He suggested (at my behest) that there should be no more conversations between us, and you of course broke that agreement by grovelling to me, as though I would think better of you? Really?
The exhibition of maturity continues.
Can you give me a quick precis?
There’s this:
The biggest threat to our way of life is from the American left. Most recent example, Gates filth polluting out shores.
This is ridiculous.
Banks and many other entities in Australia and many other countries including the UK have been required to report cash transactions over $10,000 since around 1990.
They’ve also been reporting suspicious transactions ie structuring under 10k which is a judgement decision by the teller in question.
People in the UK with uncomfortable amounts of paper notes in a particular denomination, in this case £20s, have had plenty of time to spend them in the lead up to the change.
It’s the personal vs the nation.
You’d have jumped into a near frozen river to rescue a Russian child who fell in and was drowning, yes? Of course you would.
And you’d cheer on a thousand bomber raid to hit Hamburg where thousands of little girls perished?
Yes, we did.
People in the masses are very different to the individual and that’s one of the curses of the mob.
And the Armstong claim was suddenly your notes were worthless.
Don’t think they were in the crowd tonight
… the EU?
Of course, not with tanks but with legislation.
…wait what?
Oh Ok, tanks too
Just take it to a cash business & change it for new.
(You’d probably have to know the operator, or be a good customer)
Australia has scrapped & issued a new $50 three times.
Likewise the $100 note has been scrapped & reissued three times.
Each time there has been mild panic among the significant community of hoarders. (Independent miners & others who sell their product for significant cash)
Each time I’ve changed significant amount for people. No problem.
Sancho Panzer:
Sancho Panzersays:
January 29, 2023 at 8:13 pm
No. But for the Israelis, it isn’t the worst thing that can happen. Sometimes a policy of massive retaliation can deter where a single or two strikes won’t. Most leaders of Iran think they are safe from nuclear reprisal from Israel. They are also aware massive retaliation shortens their own life spans as well as their peoples.
They may be fanatics, but they aren’t stupid.
Click on the link Sancho , I dare you!
Well, he showed them
Phuck you SloMo and Hawke you turds.
Yep, NoVaxx scores payback at AO.
Absolutely bawling.
Well done Djoker!
He’s shown us the way: we never give up.
Presidential Executive orders 13818 and 13848 have yet to be seriously considered by this blog.
Sunset clauses and their renewal under the (so called Biden administration) don’t make sense.
They are an anathema to a legitimate DS, Democrat money laundering regime.
Yes, I thought the same thing, but I didn’t realise the $10k reporting limit had been around for so long.
He’s a thief and a liar?
I am afraid to!
Am I off the pace?
It has been 739 days since the mythical Q failed to send Military Intelligence in black helicopters down onto the Capitol dais to slap the cuffs on Joe. And still Custard keeps the faith.
All will be revealed.
Remain patient.
I’m a bit hazy about the exact date Sancho, Austrac was born in 1989 and there was some sort of international consensus in 1990.
Doesn’t matter; it’s been at least a couple of decades.
I certainly always carry a little cash, when travelling more than a little.
Lots of places are still cash only.
Bar Beach Swimmer says:
January 29, 2023 at 10:46 pm
First open I watched for yonks, just to see if he still had it.
Some say he is arrogant, I didn’t see it, but if he is, he has lot to be arrogant about at least as far as playing tennis goes.
Great match.
I read it all. It defends QAnon from the charge of nuttiness by pointing out all the bad things that are happening, and claims that believing in the forces of evil being organised is not crazy.
Yes, it is. There’s a confluence of bad things as ppl go dotty and governments try to take even more power over us. But the idea that there’s a small cabal running it all is to say the least implausible.
No-one is going to jail for carrying $500 in cash (despite what Martin says).
Tsitsipas trying to say it’s a great privilege to play Djokovic. And he’s done great things for the sport.
Rewind 12 months
Dan Andrews will be sending his sincere congratulations to Djoker – he’s that sort of guy.
Alex Hawke can shove it up as far as it can go – “civil unrest” – what a tool.
Dan a no-show tonight?
Please Djoker, dedicate your win to Dan Andrews and Alex Hawke.
They can shove it up as far as it can go.
Sorry double up. India to Oz takes time.
Sancho Panzer:
That’s the part that should be ringing the bullshit bell, but it isn’t.
This Old Tony on collets:
And Nanny Neil Mitchell and all at 3AW who have been going hysterical over him for a month.
Sancho Panzer:
Don’t mistake the need to understand the weapon and the ways to protect ourselves from it for eagerness to use it.
Ignorance isn’t bliss. That’s a rookie mistake.
I have a very good idea of what happens if the “Big Red Button” is pushed. Medical & Nursing Corps makes sure we know. And I’ve sat through Educational/Professional film and lectures about Chemical, Nuclear and Biological that would have you vomiting in your lap.
Knowledge is one thing that can save your life.
Daily Mail has a candid photo of Albo stuffing his gob with ice cream while watching the tennis. No leadership in Alice Springs, watching the tennis is far more important!
Albo is “leading & taking responsibility”
I don’t
hold a hoseer.. give a stuff, mate.Anthony Albanese @AlboMP
Australia government official
Two years ago Scott Morrison told Australians he “doesn’t hold a hose”.
Australians deserve a Prime Minister who actually leads and takes responsibility.
8:38 AM · Dec 20, 2021
Wally Dalísays:
January 29, 2023 at 10:13 pm
There’s some damn fine thinking in that there couple of paragraphs.
Fifteen years ago? I couldn’t be bothered looking for the original post, and you’re still telling that lie?
I bet you still hate that kid you bragged about bullying in school.
Talk about carrying a grudge over something that didn’t happen.
Strange world you inhabit when “Good manners” = “Grovelling.” …of course you can’t tell the difference.
Seeing that the Aboriginal People are doubly overrepresented in Parliament, which ones will have to give up their seats to accommodate the Voice?
I bet they weren’t thinking of that when they decided to lunge at the feeding trough?
Most logical would be: Linda Burney.
Shanta-struth is still making up stories?
(without any citation)
* Yawn *
Firstly, my theory is very much contingent on your bonkers theory being correct, which I highly doubt. I still haven’t seen sufficient evidence of any great attack. At this point, it looks as though one facility was attacked by three small drones and very little damage was done. If that’s the best the Israelis can muster, it was a complete debacle and several senior people in Israeli intelligence need to be fired. It would be a national humiliation. I don’t think the Israelis were behind it, unless it was a feint of some kind. And even then it would be rather crude – they would pull off a more convincing distraction than that.
Anyway, my point is this – IF the Israelis did to the Russians in Iran what you claim, the Russians in such a scenario would almost certainly step in to make sure it didn’t happen again. And yes, in that situation the Israelis would indeed have to sit back and watch Russia install air defences in the parts of Iran where it wants to protect its interests. However, this is extraordinarily unlikely to occur as it is extraordinarily unlikely that the Israelis are responsible for what you claim them to be., for the reasons I have mentioned above.
The American civil war veteran who served in WWI:
this is the district where I am staying, I think the chickens are gone.
There are some clever people around.
I just saw Iran’s drones described as ‘Obama bombs’.
Scummo turned up to Jim’s funeral which left me feeling uncomfortable.
He was not one of the far too many speakers, but just his presence forced me to exercise a more than accustomed degree of self control.
I didn’t realise how visceral was my loathing.
John Spooner.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Bob Moran.
Andy Davey.
Peter Brookes.
Dave Brown.
Michael Ramirez.
Re the discussion upthread about a cashless society, we have used hardly any cash in Britain, carding it most places, so Hairy gives me some cash and says you’d better spend it before we leave. Then we called into what was once Britain’s first Services on the M1, on our way down to Tunbridge Wells, a late and cold afternoon at 5 degrees with the surroundings equally distressed-looking and dismal. It wasn’t very busy. At the entry sat a young man, looking cold with a light sleeping bag on his legs beside his hat with had a few coins in it. Hairy passed me a pound coin and unusually for him who doesn’t reward begging said give it to him, which I did. I stopped to talk to the lad, who was about 25, and asked him how the collecting was going and what was it for. He said he’d got twenty-three pounds, but not from sitting there, mostly left from his savings. He added that he was hoping to make a further eighteen pounds in order to get a hostel place for a week. That clearly was not going to happen for him tonight. I thought about that for a second or two, thinking that we would decide to add a sea view to our room for an extra twenty pounds, or not, simply on the basis of only having it for an hour or two till dark, and I felt supremely over-privileged. I passed him a crisp twenty pound note and said I hope this helps. He was so surprised. Big tears welled up in his eyes as he said no-one’s ever done anything like that for me before and he asked if he could hug me. No need, I said. I clasped his hands instead for he was still seated and said good luck to you, just go and do what you have to do, and I raced inside after Hairy.
I don’t know if he was scamming for drug money or whatever, but I suspect not. He seemed a nice sort of young fellow, just for whatever reason down on his luck, and wanting to pay for a warm bed.
That night I felt so glad that when I thought about him that he wouldn’t have to be sleeping in the cold although doubtless thousands of others were. I am not saying this for any ‘my lady bountiful’ kudos, so those who think so can get lost. I am just saying it because it was sad and because I could make it less so. And because he said that most people passed him by saying they didn’t have any cash on them to help him. And I did. I had heaps. Perhaps I should have given him more .. my guilt trip kicking in.
Michael Ramirez #2.
Tom Stiglich.
Ben Garrison.
You just can’t escape some horrible history in Europe. Everywhere are reminders. Yet people picked themselves up and started to rebuild.
We have watched some fairly stark reminders of the awfulness of what happened in Europe around the time of my birth in Britain, because one TV channel was running continual Holocaust documentaries for Holocaust Memorial Week, finishing with Schindler’s List, which we have seen of course but which still packed its punch with another viewing. The message in that movie of doing what you can, albeit imperfect, against evil being done to others is still an important one.
Tom, probably not practical, but is there a chance of giving a hint, a one line at least, what the ‘toon is about?
I know I’m not speaking for the majority here, who are up-to date with all the world’s affairs but most of the cartoons are meaningless to me, the OZ ones are easy.
Sorry for interrupting your toons, Tom.
I should have waited a while. It’s only 5.45 in the evening here, dark, and I’d lost track of time.
It seems to me impossible to do justice even to la kalsa let alone Palermo in a month let alone a week, I haven’t even ventured to the port area yet, a few hundreds metres in the other direction.
a blogger on la kalsa in 2013
Gabor, I try to use British and American ‘toons that are not too regional or specific to a topic that would require you to live there to understand. I’ve taken note of your concerns.
Thanks Tom.
Rosie, thanks for the link to the blog post about La Kalsa. You’re in an interesting country.
Comprised of former and current MPs and prominent Indigenous figures, the No campaign will propose a preamble to the Constitution and a new parliamentary committee to focus on the rights of native title holders under existing legislation.
You donna like the Albanese Voice?
Here ya go, get the Anderson/Price/Mundine Voice up ya!
They can have a voice in the same way everyone else has to – by voting, lobbying, discussing.
The extreme Right are certainly getting hysterical over Peter Dutton not choosing the No position and allowing Albanese and NewsCorp to get down and dirty in the gutter.
A Preamble acknowledging Aborigines as the Rightful Owners, eh?
What’s next?
Bring out The Gimp?
They can have a voice in the same way everyone else has to – by voting, lobbying, discussing.
Albanese can Legislate a Body and call it The Voice, he’s got the numbers and a Mandate.
What he can’t do is change the Constitution.
He needs to go to an Election and seek a Mandate for that.
Rep. McCaul: I haven’t seen anything like this ‘since WWII’
How pathetic can Tennis Australia get? .. out comes the “begging bowl’ AGAIN .. cos Ukrainian players ect, apparently, can’t go home!..
These are folk that travel the world all year earning $squillions and only see the homeland for holidays but TA feels the prize money isn’t enuf toget home on so needs everyone, except TA, to dig deep .. FFS! ..
I’m guessin’ the main criteria for making the Oz “A List” is just to turn-up! .. LOL!
A bunch of “C” graders (& I’m being generous!) getz promoted beyond their ‘celebrity” appeal ..!
How thick can special ed be? Luigi’s got a mandate. He can’t change the constitution. Luigi has to go to an election and seek a mandate. The constitution can only be changed by Referendum.
That’s the “A” List? Eeeek.
Have to laugh at the Mail’s captioning.
Gates – sixth richest man
Luigi – busy, greedy and careless
Tsitsipas – Greek hero, underdog
Hemmes – pub “baron”
Griffiths – raised in Melbourne
Wilkinson – veteran showbusiness
Dutton and Costello – and the price of seats. Damned elites!
Although it was updated at 2340 last night, there appears to be no mention of who won. Was it that “divisive” fellow?
Apparently these pics are computer generated, 100% not real women.
Of course, I can assure everyone that the elites in Davos didn’t eat any bugs.
Possibly some ate Moreton Bay Bugs?
Their cozzies shrank, sfw. That’s what happens when you set the machine at 60degrees.
Be kind to textiles.
One of my favourite hidden gems in Palermo is the Museo Palazzo Branciforte. It has odd opening hours from memory but it’s puppet museum is worth the trouble.
It was indeed, calli, and more strength to his nonvaxxed arm. He certainly stuck it up ’em.
PS. Craig Tiley is an A grade idiot. Bever saw a government $ he didn’t covet.
Bever???? Never!!!
Scummo turned up to Jim’s funeral which left me feeling uncomfortable.
“Jim” was one of his favourite “YES” men so why wouldn’t BRADBURY acknowledge him?
Gates – Epstein buddy, regular flyer on the Lolita Express
Luigi – inept, vulgar, far-left, Trot, spent more time at the tennis than he did in Alice. Gifted to the nation by the more inept Scumbag Morrison and the stupid effing Liberals
Tsitsipas – Half Russian/half Greek, what a combination, an Adonis, the image of my gorgeous nephew.
Hemmes – I could say something else but it would be extremely defamatory
Griffiths – Hypocrite, anti-Catholic bigot, mediocre actress.
Wilkinson – The Queen of amphibians, the Queen of Subjudice, should be charged
Dutton and Costello – one should have been PM, the other will probably never be PM
I first visited Palermo in 1973 and the scars of war were still very much apparent. The water in our host’s apartment was turned off every night and 7pm. Next door was still a rubbled, empty reminder of the bombardment and the wall of our building facing still carried the scars of bullets holes scored from top to bottom. The city was a depressing, filthy, rubbish strewn mess.
I did not appreciate it’s astonishing history and beautiful treasures in my callow youth. Many subsequent visits have cured me of that immature perspective. Never judge books/covers etc.
The djivisive one did, in fact, win.
Sorry. Wilkins, not Wilkinson. Sporting a bottle of insta-tan on his face.
You are wise to say nothing about that baron guy. Although I used to buy his mum’s lovely frocks back in the day.
That’s why we decided on Sicily, Megan. What lies beneath.
CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Ray Epps Led Break-In of First Set of US Capitol Barriers – Now We Have Video He Was Also in Lead Pack During Break-In of Second Set of Barriers on Jan. 6
one TV channel was running continual Holocaust documentaries for Holocaust Memorial Week,
I watched a doco last night, HOW THE HOLOCAUST STARTED, British BBC production .. most of it was stuff that anyone who has read/watched HOLOCAUST atrocities would be familiar with but then towards the end came a real shocker ! .. one I’d never heard of before .. an SS major Lange was ordered by Himmler to devise ‘economic” methods for killing & disposal of large numbers of people .. between 1938 & 1941 he killed around 3 000 disabled, Jewish, gypsies and political prisoners using various techniques before settling on gas as the quickest and most “cost” effective .. one of the experiments detailed was truly horrific, frightening to believe anyone even thought it up ..!
A pit 3 mtres deep was dug the the bottom foot or so was filled with quicklime .. the “victims” were then thrown alive into the pit/quicklime and the trench half-filled with water .. the reaction of quicklime/water is boiling .. these people were boiled alive! .. the “experiment” was deemed a failure because it took several hours for all the victims to succumb …….!
SS Major Rudolph Lange was last seen alive in 1945, tho his body was never identified, he is believed to have commited suicide rather than be captured during the seige/battle for Posen …….
Doctor Who Tried to Save Ashli Babbitt on Jan. 6 Charged With 4 Misdemeanors for Time at the US Capitol
Heartache as ‘fit and healthy’ young man dies after sudden chest pains at home
Football Player Collapses Suddenly After Suffering from Cardiac Arrest During Beitostølen Cup in Norway
36 year old Lindsey Lanoux has #DiedSuddenly from sudden cardiac arrest. She bragged on Facebook about getting her last booster and and dismissed safety concerns: “F*ck the haters”
She even changed her cover photo to trust the “science”
How many more need to die?
Rand Paul
As you read the #TwitterFiles, remember that from the beginning Fauci worked to malign fellow scientists to obscure his culpability in funding the Wuhan lab.
And i got an SMS, not 30 seconds later, saying ‘NOvax wins! – another victory for the freedom fighters!’
Methinks our wise masters have seriously underestimated the depth and durability of feeling of those they chose to make into second class citizens – They have certainly expanded the cadre of people who will never trust the government, or most of their fellow citizens, again.
The FDA is Sued in Federal Court Over Withholding Vaccine Safety Data
Ed Casesays:
January 30, 2023 at 6:28 am
Comprised of former and current MPs and prominent Indigenous figures, the No campaign will propose a preamble to the Constitution and a new parliamentary committee to focus on the rights of native title holders under existing legislation.
You donna like the Albanese Voice?
Here ya go, get the Anderson/Price/Mundine Voice up ya!
Richard Cranium continues his shilling for the Liars and the Voice.
He’d be better of trying to learn how to Google, so he could work out the difference between the two Kermit Roosevelts, son and grandson of Teddy.
Then he could research the two Quentins and Teddy Jnr, and maybe learn something.
They seem to have found a new way to kill people.
New World Odor™
2 Year Old Girl Dies Day After Covid And Flu Shot Toxic Combo
A Deadly Combo with 147 Already Dead and Over 6000 Injured
There are now over 6000 injuries reported to the Gov VAERS database, 147 deaths, from those who took both shots together.
Chief Nerd
What is Pfizer Doing in it’s BSL3 Laboratory in Pearl River, NY?
A thread…
Louise 7-Nil-Again with another hatchet job on Catholics and the Liberal Party
January 30, 2023 at 7:17 am
How pathetic can Tennis Australia get? .. out comes the “begging bowl’ AGAIN .. cos Ukrainian players ect, apparently, can’t go home!..
They’re not keen on some training hitting grenades towards the Wussians on the Donbas front line?
Adam Creighton has a good article up at the Oz about MSM covering up the Pfizer Director story.
Comments also talking about media cover up. Jonova site even gets a mention.
I was cheering him on too.
Clay Travis
One year after being banned from Australia for refusing to take the worthless covid shot,
@DjokerNole wins the Aussie Open. This is what actual bravery, conviction, & validation looks like. Love it. Novak is the GOAT & he was 100% right on the covid shot.
Wanted – dignity.
Did Any Say
And in more ‘burned down suddenly’ news:
At this rate, the ‘sudden death’ of refineries and food factories is going to start vying with the sudden death of athletes in this years ‘coincidence’ stakes.
Gonzalo Lira
Here’s an ugly truth about our civilization:
Imagine if the shots—rather than giving people clots, strokes, myocarditis and “sudden death”—gave people alopecia.
How long would it take for the shots to be withdrawn from the market?
January 30, 2023 at 8:51 am
Louise 7-Nil-Again with another hatchet job on Catholics and the Liberal Party
It’s amusing (in a cynical way) to contemplate that Labor used to be the Party of the rural and urban working class, and had a strong Catholic base.
Now, Labor bigwigs hobnob with the Big End of town, and the party harbours anti-Christian bigots (well, maybe not anti-Uniting Church).
Tennis Elbow…
Albanese’s been at the Australian Open 3 nights running.
Keeps him out of mischief, I suppose.
Shaterzzz, we watched that same BBC video and were also sickened by that tale of ‘experimental’ brutality. As was the interviewer, a relatively young man. I noticed he went white and looked as if he was about to throw up when he heard this.
So much brutality done by evil people to others during that truly horrific period.
It’s gotta be the Simulation. “Novax”wins the Australian Open.
H/T Twitter
Hemmes is very good at giving Sydney what it wants. No, not like the Mardi Gras after party. Hospitality is a tough game. Arguably no one does it at scale better.
For the fools who think handing in old bank notes is no problem – a government can simply say that after a certain date the old notes are no longer legal tender, so hand them in before that date.
As usual rosie missed my point. You may have a fair bit of money in notes, say over $10,000 and you think that swapping for new notes over a period of weeks or months in smallish, variable amounts means that you will not get noticed. Ha! With modern tracking, recording and face recognition you can bet that when governments now do a note swap they will record EVERY time somebody does a swap and then it is simply a small matter to put your personal record together.
Side note: I actually designed and manufactured some prototype gear for the Reserve Bank note printing branch when they were doing the original plastic $5 notes.
January 30, 2023 at 8:51 am
Louise 7-Nil-Again with another hatchet job on Catholics and the Liberal Party
Hatchet job?
How can you say that when she’s uncovered an actual cilice?
We’ve all read Dan Brown; it’s crystal clear that Perrottet and the Liberal government are covering up secret chapels for rituals with chosen virgins and murderous albino Angus Day monks. And scourging.
Perrottet himself admits to coming from a family of 12 children.
The ALPPBC does their usual Monday Four Corners promo as News. Seven Nilligan does some vox to make sure Perrottet is linked with Opus Dei. Oooo spooky.
Perrottet does a Gillard by folding like a cheap tent and announces an inquiry and goes back to his deckchair on the Titanic.
Small reward for 30 years in the Liar party room. I would rather try and scrounge whatever tickets aren’t given to the corporates.
PHON reportedly polling well in western Sydney.
Yep, I generally find Tennis batshit boring and almost never watch it, not even the big matches.
Last night, however, I did tune in to see Novax stick it up em.
30 January.
Tomorrow Trump will be resurrected!
Gitmo full! Indictments unsealed! Mass arrests! ‘Army tanks’ in the streets!
It’s Happening!
Safe and effective!! Rosie this is for you.
Catastrophic COVID-19 Vaccine Casualties in 2021
New Data Estimate 278,000 Americans Had Life Ended by Immunization Campaign.
Several sources of data emerged in 2021 pointing to a biopharmaceutical public health disaster with the COVID-19 vaccine campaign. Pfizer recorded 1223 deaths occurring shortly after administration of their product within the first 90 days of use starting December 10, 2020. Pantazatos and Seligmann reported an excess in all-cause mortality from vaccine administration and US census data during 2021 between 146k and 187k, with a midpoint of 166k deaths. By the end of December, 2021, the CDC VAERS system had reported ~8K with an under-reporting factor of 30, the casualty estimate from that source was 240k. In a recent paper published in BMC Infectious Diseases, Dr. Mark Skidmore used a valid representative survey to learn from population reporting. A total of 22% knew of someone who was seriously injured by the vaccine and the estimate based upon deaths attributed to the vaccine by respondents was 278K deaths.
As an added powerful point, note that the recently published analysis of Pfizer documents used to get FDA emergency use authorization for the vaccine revealed that the fatality rate among clinical trial volunteers was an amazing 3.7%. This is an extremely high death rate for any medicine or vaccine. With hundreds of millions of vaccine shots used worldwide that means millions would die from the vaccine shots. Some soon after getting vaccinated and others over months and years because of damage by spike proteins, especially damage to immune systems. And that figure may be too low because Pfizer intentionally included a small fraction of men (just 22%) who are especially vulnerable to cardiac problems from the shots, including deaths.
When thinking in terms of risks and benefits, what this analysis shows is that for nearly all people the risks of the vaccine far outweighs its benefits.
And don’t forget, history has shown us that government can ‘demonetise’ cash in a number of ways (this would now apply to digital dollars as well).
This would include
– The country going broke/failing militarily (Saddam Dinar, US ‘Continental’)
– Inflationary printing (numerous examples, but I have a 2007 Zim dollar on my fridge, and a 2008 Ten Trilliion dollar next to it)
– Simply stating that certain denominations are no longer ‘legal tender’ , as India has done at times
– Ceasing to make the larger denominations whilst relentlessly destroying the value of the remaining denominations via inflationary printing
– Barring certain ‘undesirables’ from accessing their accounts – Canadian Truckers etc
– Dipping into your account and freezing your money or confiscating it.
Guns, gold and Bitcoin are the only sound moneys now.
KD, are you still in the ancestral homeland or have you retreated to South Peking on the Timor Sea?
Going down to the Latrobe Valley tomorrow (while Trump’s coronation occurs) to see my younger sister and 12 year old nephew for a day or two.
Am packing some extra pig’s heads into the tray of the ute, just in case I need to throw one through someone’s window.
Gabor whilst I understand your frustration, I don’t think it is up to Tom or anyone else to interpret the cartoonist’s work for the public. Cartoons speak for themselves. The cartoonist would be insulted and it would also put a heavy burden on Tom to get the gist of the cartoonist’s message, and frequently cartoons can’t be put into words. Perhaps ask other cat’s to tell you what they think the toon is about. You might get several different answers though.
Given modern surveillance technology, if the government wants to track you, it’s going to be extremely difficult (albeit not impossible) to avoid.
The best reason for using cash is to prevent the state from switching to an electronic currency (which would make mass surveillance even easier). If a critical mass of consumers insists on paying in cash, it’ll be that much more difficult to transition to a fully electronic payment system.
Today on my Shakespeare insult date block:
Can’t help but think of the Davos crowd.
Three hours in Alice, three nights at the AO.
What’s next…a Hawaian holiday?
Won’t do the retreat until later next month. Still in Mongyang, catching up with various punters and so on. The Valley this week, potentially back to God’s Country the next.
Incidentally, while up in wheat country last week I made a trip into Horsham to drop off some of the old man’s stuff at Vinnie’s, at my dear old Mum’s request.
While there, and asking the nice old love working the counter where she wanted the stuff I noticed a shelf there with boxes and boxes of RAT tests for sale. I remember them being flogged off at Colesworths for $50 or more for a pack of three, although I never bought one.
They’re now at op shops. Two packs for $3. That’s where we’re at.
Unless you’re on their fixated persons watchlist.
In which case their resources are limited, apparently.
Has anyone seen the musical Hamilton.? We went yesterday. We had decided not to after reading the reviews of the US production but we received tickets from Santa.
Let’s summarise by saying that we wanted to leave at the interval but couldn’t because of our companions.
Two hours and fifty minutes of rap was, shall we say, testing.
I’m probably wrong but I got the feeling that the (very accomplished) cast were contemptuous of the audience.
Trudeau arrested by patriotic American border patrol militiamen group, “WWG1WGA” near Detroit crossing over from Windsor, Ontario to thwart a plot to stop Congress removing Biden and Harris and making Trump the U.S. President again.
It has taken the Prince almost 70 years to develop a sense of pride in being Sicilian. Looked down upon and exploited by mainland Italy since reunification it has taken many visits and exploration of Sicily for him to come out from under the widely held stereotype of the mafia’s steel grip on all aspects of society since the last war.
It has been an interesting journey to have witnessed. Invaded by virtually every other tribe in the vicinity it has endured through sheer grit and hard work.
When i stood amonst the ruins at Selinunte Goethe’s quote that ‘To have seen Italy without seeing Sicily is to not have seen Otaly at all, for Sicily is the clue to everything.’ pretty much summed up my own feelings of love for this enchanted island.
Ringside at the Reckoning
Five Things That Are Killing America
Cowardice, Dishonesty, Ignorance, Sloth and Mush
What really explains why the country is in the state it’s in, with inflation, worker shortages, propaganda replacing education, race huckstering galore, and Oprah-style gooey sentiment getting poured over everything?
I can’t answer that in one post, but I can at least begin. Our reaction to COVID is a good place to start. COVID was a new and ominous disease, and a good deal of caution was justified when we were first dealing with it. But it soon became clear that it posed significant mortal danger only to old people and those with serious health problems to start with. There was some danger to people under 60 but not much, and next to no danger to children, teenagers, and people in their twenties.
Nonetheless, we were seized with fear. We shut down schools, where COVID’s danger was minimal, telling parents that education would proceed via Zoom (or, you know, whatever). That was false. An entire generation of kids lost major ground in their education, as Paul has documented elsewhere on Ringside.
We also shut down the economy, even though for the great majority of workers and consumers, that was an obvious overreaction. Because workers were at home, and not earning paychecks at their jobs, they got sent government checks ($1400, if I recall correctly — I never got one) for doing nothing. Then they got sent a second round, also for doing nothing. The may have been sent a third; I’ve lost track.
What happens when you pay people for doing nothing? Well, two things to start with. First, they get used to getting paid for doing nothing, so they’re in no big rush to get back to work, and haven’t. Hence worker shortages from coast to coast, and masses of those still employed are still, even now, allowed to “work” from home on, say, Mondays and Fridays. If you think a loss of productivity is a big surprise when millions of people are “working” from home for 40% of the workweek, I have this bridge……….
The second thing that happens when you print of millions of fat government checks that correspond to no goods or services getting produced is inflation. No surprise there either: The very definition of inflation is expanding the money supply without a corresponding expansion of real wealth.
In other words, while alarm and caution were plainly justified initial reactions to COVID, they ballooned into something resembling national cowardice, then stuck around longer and in a more stringent form than even arguably warranted, producing disastrous effects for the education of our kids and our national wealth. A principal reason they stuck around was dishonesty.
The dangers of COVID were relentlessly fearmongered and overhyped; any questioning of this orthodoxy was condemned and suppressed, including on social media; and there was never anything approaching an honest accounting of the enormous and probably years-long cost of the shutdowns, lockdowns and authoritarian stay-at-home orders.
But what I’ve said up to now is only by way of introducing a piece by Andrew Sullivan in The Weekly Dish. Sullivan is far to my left on policy questions, but wonderfully honest and straightforward in calling out the devastation Wokeism has wreaked and is wreaking.
Now check out the data on how the DC Public School system is faring. A key metric is what they call “proficiency rates” — a test of whether the kids are passing the essentials of reading and math at every stage of their education. Overall, only 31 percent of DC students have proficiency in reading and just 19 percent have proficiency in math. Drill down further in the racial demographics and the picture is even worse: among African-American kids, the numbers are 20 percent and 9 percent, respectively.
Among black boys, it’s 15 percent and 9 percent. Which means to say that DC Public Schools graduate kids who are overwhelmingly unable to do the most basic reading and math that any employer would need.
This is not a function of money. In the most recent federal analysis: DC spends far more per student — $30,000 a year — than any other state, double the amount in many states across the country.
Let’s put it this way: if this were a corporation, it would be in liquidation. If it were a house, it would be condemned. But since it’s a public school system, it can avoid this catastrophic failure by emphasizing “equity”!
Then there’s the other stat that blew my mind — on the post-BLM surge in murders of African-Americans, including many children. The rise in homicide has cooled off somewhat, as Robert Verbruggen notes. But check this out:
Being an ambo in the Alice:
Triple-0 surge in Northern Territory after strict alcohol ban lifted
Northern Territory ambulances have attended to nearly double the number of assaults and sexual attacks since strict alcohol bans lapsed late last year, as Alice Springs residents braced for chaos amid a new sweep of grog restrictions this week.
New St John Ambulance NT data obtained by The Australian shows that after the lapse of Stronger Futures legislation, the number of call-outs attended by paramedics in the Northern Territory for reported assaults and sexual assaults increased by a massive 88.5 per cent – with 522 cases reported last June and 984 cases in December.
For the first six months of last year, 3520 calls were attended by paramedics territory-wide for assault or sexual assault, and 4802 for the second six months – marking a 36 per cent increase.
Paramedics in Alice Springs experienced a 40 per cent increase in attended calls, with the total call-outs last January recorded at 1281 cases compared to 1795 call-outs in December – the busiest month of the year.
It comes as households and licenced venues braced for a huge increase in break-ins as the town faces a two-day takeaway alcohol ban from Monday.
Locals fear the number of break-ins will “skyrocket” with people who haven’t pre-purchased alcohol invading homes and businesses to seek it.
“The problem drinkers of this town, the people from out bush, they are not going to buy alcohol today to last them three days, that’s just not how it works,” local business owner Darren Clark said.
“By Monday afternoon and Tuesday afternoon they’re going to realise, ‘Geez we’ve got no grog,’” he said. “That’s what people are fearful of in town.
“You’ve taken away the takeaway supply on Monday and Tuesday, so if there’s no supply of takeaway alcohol on those days, they’ll have to go and look for alcohol somewhere.”
“I just love it; it’s just awesome, hey,” Mr Cox says with a cheeky laugh just before his shift on Saturday night. A Wiradjuri man who moved to Alice Springs eight months ago, he says his background has helped him connect with many of the Indigenous population he works closely with.
He says when locals have seen the Aboriginal flag on his name tag, they’ve shown him “a bit more respect and understanding”.
“Trying to educate the Indigenous population is quite rewarding, but it is very challenging as well,” Mr Cox said.
Many jobs the paramedics in the region attend are mid to low acuity, with a large part of their job involving educating locals.
“When you put in the effort and try to educate them as well, you may see further down the line some benefit from that as they may not call for their sore toe in the future because you educate them on what to do and how to handle those things,” Mr Cox said.
His partner for the evening, Mr Bye, who has worked in Alice Springs for 18 months, says he’s noticed a heavy increase in the workload over the last 18 months.
“The moment you sign in on either shift, you’re just straight out the door,” he said. “There’s a great scope of practice in the NT; you get a variety of jobs you might not get elsewhere, a lot of times it is very much low acuity work.
“The environment we work in as far as the landscape, every sunrise is beautiful, every sunset is beautiful, it’s just the little things, the lifestyle is really good.”
Ambulance Services NT director Andrew Thomas said while working in a region such as Alice Springs had its challenges, it was a “really great experience for paramedics”.
“Some of the work that you do you would never get anywhere else in Australia,” he said.
When The Australian joined Mr Thomas for a ridealong last week, we gained first-hand experience of the uniqueness of the role of a paramedic in Alice Springs when a female patient called from a payphone with chest pains – a priority job attended to under lights and sirens.
Upon arrival, the patient was on the ground beneath the payphone, with her distressed dog comforting her, and when loaded on to the stretcher, the dog jumped on the stretcher too.
Mr Thomas loaded the dog into the rear seats of his vehicle, and drove to the town camp where the patient lived.
“Hopefully, the dog will be safe in the camp and reunited with the patient once she comes out of hospital,” he said. “Working in the NT has its unique challenges and opportunities and this is an example where you need to think out of the box to deliver the best care for the patient, and that care goes beyond just that physical treatment.”
Oz. Note the tone of the article though – it’s all wonderful out here, and more ambos should be Aboriginal etc.
The Israelis would not “have to sit back”. They have just shown that they are capable and willing to conduct special ops inside Iran. This is a pretty silly talking point you are running.
From the Oz.
So, moccasins on everyone, then?
The 000 workers and hospital staff must hit the piss very hard themselves in the Alice.
Guy I played hockey with and was a few grades above me told me about 000 parties before they were common knowledge. Blew my mind, the degenerate rascals.
Won’t the rock-rocks broke their bok-boks?
Skip to 3m30s for song, but the whole series illustrates what a cringe fest Hamilton is.
Good idea. I tried the butcher in Moe. Durrr.
Tell your kids marriage is more important than money or career — because it IS
Would you trade your family for money? Which one of your kids would you swap for certain wealth?
All parents know what they would answer. None. Never. No way.
Yet a new Pew study shows parents would prefer — by a lot — their children prioritize financial independence and a good career over family and children. Eighty-eight percent of parents said it’s “extremely or very important” for their children to be financially independent when they reach adulthood; 88% also said the same of their children having a job they enjoy.
Only 21% of parents said it was “extremely or very important” for their child to get married, and just 20% felt that strongly about their progeny reproducing.
This is a giant mistake.
For one thing, with the stability of family comes a higher income. Want a better shot at having a good career? Get married.
It makes sense. The dude swiping on Tinder every night just isn’t going to have the same focus on succeeding as the man who has a family to support.
It doesn’t apply just to men, either. An October 2021 Pew study reported that in the last 30 years, the coupled have come to outearn the singles. Coupled women make $8,000 more a year on average than single women.
“The gaps in economic outcomes between unpartnered and partnered adults have widened since 1990,” Pew noted. “Among men, the gaps are widening because unpartnered men are faring worse than they were in 1990. Among women, however, these gaps have gotten wider because partnered women are faring substantially better than in 1990.”
Married people also pool their resources. Want your kid to be financially secure? Move marriage to the top of his or her to-do list
I feel that if the journalists got a better photo, it would all be OK.
For instance, a photo of Morrison queuing for a flight home after cancelling his Hawaii trip to spend more time watching the ABC talk about watching the volunteers fight bushfires.
The Billionaires Behind The Gas Bans
Silver stakes needed there.