Traitors to Everything Australians Love.


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Cassie of Sydney
February 4, 2023 11:43 am

The Teals are the spawn of the Liberals. The Liberals have no one else to blame but themselves. Like some gruesome creatures from a horror flick, these evil creatures were created and nurtured by the Liberal Party of Australia. When Scumbag Morrison and his merry men signed us up to “net zero emissions” in November 2021, on that same day they gave birth to these creatures. These creatures had been festering in the Liberal womb for years but Scumbag’s disastrous decision enabled them to start breathing. For decades now, the Liberals have steadfastly refused to engage in or fight the left about anything, be it the climate scam, SSM, fiscal responsibility, free speech, individual liberty, and so on, and in the process they gave life and succour to lies and dog whistles which was formulated in the Teal movement. Everything about the Teals is based on lies and misinformation. But to the Liberals, you reap what you sew, it was the Liberals who successfully sewed the Teals into our body politics.

But what would I know, I’m just a right-wing extremist.

Cassie of Sydney
February 4, 2023 12:10 pm

As far as I’m concerned, it’s the Liberals who are the traitors, and their treachery gave birth to the Teals. The Liberals, for years, deceived and sold out middle and working Australia. And for that they paid a heavy price on 21 May 2022.

February 4, 2023 12:15 pm

Traitors to Everything Australians Love.

No further questions your honour….

February 4, 2023 12:16 pm

Great comments Cassie . . .

As I’ve said before you should have your own weekly post, as some of your outstanding comments (especially in the Open Threads) can get lost, and you write so eloquently (with a few choice 4 letter words) and passionately.

Cassie of Sydney
February 4, 2023 12:18 pm

February 4, 2023 at 12:16 pm
Great comments Cassie . . .

As I’ve said before you should have your own weekly post, as some of your outstanding comments (especially in the Open Threads)”

Thank you Wolf, I really appreciate it!

February 4, 2023 12:35 pm

The Teals are the spawn of the Liberals.

And here we were, thinking we would get a brand-new conservative party. Idiots! Instead we got a party of middle-aged white women – the Karen’s Party. Funded and controlled by an evil billionaire and his mates of course.

We live in the weirdest of times.

February 4, 2023 12:44 pm

People are seeing the real Monique Ryan it seems, given her chief of staff is suing her.

February 4, 2023 1:51 pm

Staff meeting in Monique Ryan’s coven will be a real barrel of laughs. The seeds of an incredibly dysfunctional organisation have been sown and have germinated. It’s a pity they can’t be online, popcorn futures would go through the roof!

February 4, 2023 2:08 pm

The Teals are the spawn of the Liberals.

A spinoff from Broadchurch.

February 4, 2023 2:13 pm

While I don’t disagree with Cassie I also believe that our education system is as much to blame as anything else.
How can you expect people under 35 to make reasoned choices about gerbil warming and socialism when both have been preached to them throughout their education. While real life will bring some back I fear the majority have been brainwashed for life, they are breeding and will pass on their beliefs to their children.
The Teals are perfect for these voters and will take some serious opposition to unseat.

Simple Simon
Simple Simon
February 4, 2023 2:32 pm

The Teals: internally empty women who don’t have anything better to do turning society into the infants they never had.

As is so often the case, we get things precisely the wrong way around. Society currently suffers from a surfeit of toxic femininity. Adults are treated as infants who need protection, and anyone who does not go along with the infantilisation is branded a predator and dangerous. This controlling and obsessive imperative pushes into all areas, from attempting to limit the words people are ‘allowed’ to use, through removing choice of light globes in one’s own home, to coercing people to introduce foreign substances into their bodies, all to ‘protect’ those people and things termed ‘vulnerable’.

Bar Beach Swimmer
February 4, 2023 2:36 pm

Have a look at the new “Liberal” aligned group for women, Hilma’s Network.

This was advertised for their 2nd or maybe 3rd event – from November.

An exciting update: we have added another guest! Amanda Anderson worked for the Obama Administration as President Obama’s Special Assistant for Legislative Affairs. Amanda now works for Square as Head of Policy for the Americas and will be in Australia this week.
Amanda will be adding commentary to the panel on the gender pay gap (along with Kate Browne and Emma Walsh)…

If they also do an event on da Climate, then we’re looking at a TEALS+ scenario.

Having already sucked up the “effluent” in the Eastern Suburbs, Hilma’s Network seems to be charged with reinvigorating the TEALS base in the so-called Liberal Party. I’d rather they all went.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 4, 2023 3:05 pm

Simple Simon

all to ‘protect’ those people and things termed ‘vulnerable’.

I hate to be a pedant, but that’s spelled “vunnable”.

February 4, 2023 3:13 pm

Have a look at the new “Liberal” aligned group for women, Hilma’s Network.

This was advertised for their 2nd or maybe 3rd event – from November.

An exciting update: we have added another guest! Amanda Anderson worked for the Obama Administration as President Obama’s Special Assistant for Legislative Affairs. Amanda now works for Square as Head of Policy for the Americas and will be in Australia this week.
Amanda will be adding commentary to the panel on the gender pay gap (along with Kate Browne and Emma Walsh)…

If they also do an event on da Climate, then we’re looking at a TEALS+ scenario.

Having already sucked up the “effluent” in the Eastern Suburbs, Hilma’s Network seems to be charged with reinvigorating the TEALS base in the so-called Liberal Party. I’d rather they all went.

The Liberal Party is so doomed.

February 4, 2023 3:57 pm

Meanwhile in WA I got a POST on my driveway with an extended valedictory whine from Colin Honey about developers and the West Australian.
It seems that the Liberal Party has disappointed its former Parliamentary Leader.

February 4, 2023 4:13 pm

If Perrotet resigns after the next election and Matt Kean becomes leader it is game over for multiple elections for LNP in NSW.

Cassie of Sydney
February 4, 2023 4:24 pm

“An exciting update: we have added another guest! Amanda Anderson worked for the Obama Administration as President Obama’s Special Assistant for Legislative Affairs. Amanda now works for Square as Head of Policy for the Americas and will be in Australia this week.
Amanda will be adding commentary to the panel on the gender pay gap (along with Kate Browne and Emma Walsh)…”

If I didn’t laugh at the above, I’d cry.

Vote One Nation, I will be.

Cassie of Sydney
February 4, 2023 4:25 pm

“If Perrotet resigns after the next election and Matt Kean becomes leader it is game over for multiple elections for LNP in NSW.”

I suspect those scenarios are inevitable.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 4, 2023 4:28 pm

The Teals originate from the events of 23 rd March 2019 involving Brittany Higgins, and others.

Labor knew something had gone badly wrong when Bruce Lehrmann was sacked without notice and it was only a matter of time before they found out what had gone down and reached out to Higgins.

2 years later, when Higgins went public, the Labor Campaign already knew what the unspoken Election Issue would be, and it was just a matter of finding some Redwing willing and able to fund a completely AstroTurfed Party.

Voila, The Teals.

February 4, 2023 4:49 pm

The Teals – it’s the new form of charity indulgence for affluent ladies. No more charity balls fund raising for sick children, it’s now posing for social page group pictures as world climate saviours and whatever else the ABC says needs to be saved from horrible pale old men.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 4, 2023 4:56 pm

Labor instructed enough of their voters to vote Teal in Liberal held seats and that’s what got Teals over the line and nearly a couple more.

Totally AstroTurfed Party, those Seats are default Liberal Seats, provided the can run credible candidates.

Candidates running on keeping Trannies out of the Ladies toilets, well, how dumb have you gotta be to buy that?

Wyndham Dix
Wyndham Dix
February 4, 2023 5:12 pm

Big Nambas at 2:13 p.m.:-

While I don’t disagree with Cassie I also believe that our education system is as much to blame as anything else.

I go further:-

While I don’t disagree with Cassie I also believe that our education system is _______ to blame ________________.

Five out of six primary school teachers today are women and have been so for some time. Secondary and tertiary teachers/lecturers/tutors cannot be far behind. Most of their few male colleagues are of the same mindset: witness the third in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

The Libs draw their young recruits from the same talent pool as Labor, The Greens, et al. They take their indoctrination with them. They may take different paths to pre-selection but the raw material is little changed if at all.

At the family Christmas dinner 12 months ago I tried to reason with a recent uni graduate offspring about CO2 emissions and climate change. The certitude of belief that the two are inexorably and dangerously linked is breathtaking.

February 4, 2023 5:17 pm

The “Teals” are not a party but supposed independents that were bank-rolled primarily by Simon Holmes A Court as a devious way of stealing support from the Liberals in close seats and to bolster support for all things green renewable energy. I regard them as political prostitutes or cats-paws. Nothing nice about these “ladies”. Bought and paid for floozies.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 4, 2023 5:28 pm

Both Parties had similar Policies on Renewable Energy and NetZero,
the difference was that the Coalition Policy was based in reality and the Labor/Greens Policy was just a wishlist.

The sleeping issue in 2022 was the perceived Morrison Government’s appalling treatment of loyal Staffer Brittany Higgins.

Labor couldn’t run on that, given their own appalling behaviour [though that’s not the only reason], but The Teals were an ideal lightning rod.

The Morrison Government knew what the Issue was, that’s why they swapped out a good candidate in Warringah for Katharine Deves.

It was way too little, way too late.

February 4, 2023 5:54 pm

I do wonder how these gals are fairing now that they are getting swathes of briefing notes on any number of issues. Do they send them off to Simon Holmes A Court for direction on how to respond or do they rely on their-Get-Up appointed office staff to provide direction. Sooner or later a distressed local will contact their office about something “trivial” such as a $1000 increase their electricity bill and not be assuaged by “You’re saving the Planet”. Things are bound to get a little messy and it won’t be long.

February 4, 2023 6:04 pm

Bingo! Nail, head.

February 4, 2023 6:50 pm

Teals are what happen when you have intergenerational low information voters who have unearned wealth.

February 4, 2023 6:52 pm

Standing ovation, Cassie, for your brilliant response. A concise summary of exactly how I see it.

February 4, 2023 7:20 pm

February 4, 2023 at 6:50 pm
Teals are what happen when you have intergenerational low information voters who have unearned wealth.

Teals are also what you get when the inheritors of large fortunes and new $kids on the block want to run Australian politics and economy for their own ends. They have a ticket on themselves and need to prove their manhood. Simon Holmes A Court, Alex Turnbull et al. They are the new thugs, the buyers of front men (or this case front women) to maneuver the system. Stuff democracy, stuff ethics, stuff the little guy. Power and money is what it is about and the teals are their pawns.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 4, 2023 7:54 pm

Richard Cranium continues to shill for the Liars.

February 4, 2023 8:29 pm

Simple Simon claimed:

The Teals: internally empty women who don’t have anything better to do turning society into the infants they never had


I am not supporting them politically, but there is plenty to disparage them with without making up false personal attacks.

They have done more than their share of infant rearing:
Steggal 2
Scamps 3
Daniel 2
Ryan 3
Chaney 3

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 4, 2023 8:36 pm

The Morrison Government brought it on themselves by being seen to act appallingly in the Higgins affair.
For a start, Higgins was monstered into not making a complaint by the unspoken suggestion that she’d be looked after, career wise, if she was silent.
That sorted, they spent the next 2 years making her life miserable.
Then, when she finally snatched it and went public, the spin was that Morrison only found out about it yesterday and Reynolds was a combination of Grace Darling and Florence Nightingale.

It didn’t pass the smell test and that was the end of the Morrison Government, smashed a year later by the most underwhelming Opposition Leader ever.

Cassie of Sydney
February 4, 2023 8:54 pm

“I am not supporting them politically, but there is plenty to disparage them with without making up false personal attacks.

They have done more than their share of infant rearing:
Steggal 2
Scamps 3
Daniel 2
Ryan 3
Chaney 3”

Firstly, there is nothing “disparaging” about Simple Simon’s analogy. It’s a very apt one.

The simple fact is that these women do want to “mummy” the Australian electorate, even in parliament they’re not averse to attempting to mother other parliamentarians. Did you not see Ms Ryan’s castigating dictate to the opposition benches to “put on their masks”? Ryan spoke as thought she was a kindergarten teacher.

I still have my mummy and whilst she can still tell me what to do, here this, I don’t want or need another mummy, particularly one like Allegra Da Big Spenda who is now, sadly, my local member. Spenda and the other Teals don’t give a rat’s arse about ordinary Australians, but they think they can dictate to us. Read my lips, NO.

February 4, 2023 9:00 pm

The Teals are utterly contemptible and bigger hypocrites and liars than even Labor and the Greens.

February 4, 2023 9:13 pm

“there is nothing “disparaging” about Simple Simon’s analogy”.

“..the children they never had” is not an analogy, but a false accusation that the Teal women have not had children.

Cassie of Sydney
February 4, 2023 9:33 pm

“The Teals are utterly contemptible and bigger hypocrites and liars than even Labor and the Greens.”

Absolutely correct, however as I said above in my morning comment, the Teals are the creation of the Liberal Party, conceived and birthed by consecutive Liberal do nothing governments in LINOs.

Some points…

1. The Liberals, in power for almost nine years, did nothing about education until the very end, and then it blew up because Tudge resigned as a result of an ABC gotcha Four Corners report and good old Scumbag, never one to side with his own against the left, decided to stab Tudge in the back. Ah Scumbag, the great happy clappy Pentecostalist PM, is not missed. A complete lightweight, reflected in his canned food brand of Christianity.

2. The Liberals, in power for almost nine years, did nothing about religious freedom until the very end, and so what ensued? The religious freedom act flunked and failed early last year because of Teal like light Liberal scum such as Sharma, Allen, Zimmerman, Archer and Martin, who ALL crossed the floor. Mercifully, Sharma, Allen, Zimmerman and Martin are gonski. Sharma and Zimmerman to Teals and Allen and Martin to Labor. Allen managed to lose the seat of Higgins, Costello’s old seat. Some feat.

Oh and whilst I’m on the topic of lightweights such as Dr Katie Allen, the unlamented former member for Higgins and since BBS above mentioned how a so called Liberal women’s group, Hilma’s Network, is laughably spruiking a talk fest and all round love in with a former Obama acolyte, I used to note and find it very odd how Dr Katie Allen, when interviewed on Sky News, would always place books written by the Obamas or books about the Obamas behind her, for all Sky viewers to see. Dr Allen didn’t have books behind by Ronald Reagan, or Margaret Thatcher, or Friedrich Hayek, or Alexander Solzhenitsyn, nah, Dr Allen had books about the Obummas. If that doesn’t tell you about the woeful state of the Liberal Party of Australia and the people they choose, nothing will.

Cassie of Sydney
February 4, 2023 9:34 pm

““..the children they never had” is not an analogy, but a false accusation that the Teal women have not had children.”

So what.

February 4, 2023 9:46 pm

So what?

You accused me of saying SS’s analogy was disparaging of the Teals. I did not. – I indicated that he had attempted to disparage them by saying they were childless.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 4, 2023 9:50 pm

Dr Allen didn’t have books behind by Ronald Reagan,
Reagan wrote a book?
or Margaret Thatcher,
What’s the title of Thatcher’s book?:
or Friedrich Hayek,
Hayek was a Socialist
… or Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Solzhenitsyn was a Socialist too.
.., nah, Dr Allen had books about the Obummas.

Okay, she was an airhead.
Are you happy she’s gone, defeated by the ALP?

February 4, 2023 9:53 pm

I used to note and find it very odd how Dr Katie Allen, when interviewed on Sky News, would always place books written by the Obamas or books about the Obamas behind her, for all Sky viewers to see. Dr Allen didn’t have books behind by Ronald Reagan, or Margaret Thatcher, or Friedrich Hayek, or Alexander Solzhenitsyn, nah, Dr Allen had books about the Obummas. If that doesn’t tell you about the woeful state of the Liberal Party of Australia and the people they choose, nothing will.

A number of federal Libs (former and current) have made it fairly obvious that they openly prefer a far-left Democrat president (Biden) to a conservative (or at least capitalist) Republican one in Trump.

Cassie of Sydney
February 4, 2023 9:56 pm

“I indicated that he had attempted to disparage them by saying they were childless.”

So what. I regard these Teal women as a bunch of parasitic, ghastly and very nasty women, who are all happy to dictate to middle and working Australia how to live their lives whilst they fly off to Whistler or Perisher for their yearly ski trips.

Texas Jack
Texas Jack
February 5, 2023 6:47 am

Cassie 9:56 pm
I regard these Teal women as a bunch of parasitic, ghastly and very nasty women, who are all happy to dictate to middle and working Australia how to live their lives whilst they fly off to Whistler or Perisher for their yearly ski trips.

It would certainly be interesting to know what the Teals all did during the break. How many burnt av-gas? How many roamed around Aspen or Verbier sporting duck down. For those who slummed it back in Oz, how many hid away in swank holiday homes near the waterline?

Important details of hypocritical karens to make clear to their electorates.

February 5, 2023 8:23 am

The alp has been funding independents for decades in liberal seats. Tony Windsor anyone? They are able to do this because of the rivers of gold from the Super scam. In the meantime they’ve locked down funding sources for everything else with the exception of the union movement and the libs let them. Now they have billionaires who simply want access to public money to entrench their wealth funding these folk, it’s about as grubby as it gets.

Cassie of Sydney
February 5, 2023 8:31 am

“In the meantime they’ve locked down funding sources for everything else with the exception of the union movement and the libs let them

Yep. The Libs have let them do a lot of things.

February 5, 2023 9:04 am

Cassia. To be fair the nsw coalition tried to shut down donations from the unions, but the high court threw out that part of the legislation.

February 5, 2023 9:55 am

Policies on Renewable Energy and NetZero, the difference was that the Coalition Policy was based in reality

Yeah right, Eddles. Any policy advocating renewable energy and net year zero, either by the gilberals or labore (not to mention the greenfilth or those stinking teal slags) is the antithesis of reality.

Feel free to repeat that again, after me:

“Policies advocating renewable energy and net year zero are the antithesis of reality.”

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 5, 2023 10:14 am

“Policies advocating renewable energy and net year zero are the antithesis of reality.”

Get this straight:
Western Countries not signing on to the Climate Policies eventually get a shock visit from the U.S. 101st Airborne followed by many years under U.N. Peacekeepers.
That’s why nobody has every done it.
So, yeah, the Coalition Net Zero Policy was achievable, the ALP Policy was a wishlist made on the run by a Drunk who is probably a Flamer too while really on the payroll of the CCCP.
Get it now?

February 5, 2023 12:19 pm

Western Countries not signing on to the Climate Policies eventually get a shock visit from the U.S. 101st Airborne followed by many years under U.N. Peacekeepers.
That’s why nobody has every done it.
So, yeah, the Coalition Net Zero Policy was achievable, the ALP Policy was a wishlist made on the run by a Drunk who is probably a Flamer too while really on the payroll of the CCCP.
Get it now?

This is badly worded and really makes no sense, you might like to reword it.

I’m happy to accept that the previous Australian government was metaphorically boxed into a corner by threats of no trade or sanctions, but military action is a massive stretch. Regardless, Morrisons successful election campaign was based on opposition to net zero, he would have been better advised to let those threats actually materialise and then oppose them.

February 5, 2023 12:31 pm

the ALP Policy was a wishlist made on the run by a Drunk who is probably a Flamer too while really on the payroll of the CCCP.
Get it now?

I rest my case, m’lud.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 5, 2023 1:05 pm

I’m happy to accept that the previous Australian government was metaphorically boxed into a corner by threats of no trade or sanctions, but military action is a massive stretch. Regardless, Morrisons successful election campaign was based on opposition to net zero, he would have been better advised to let those threats actually materialise and then oppose them.

This is poorly written and doesn’t make any sense.
Let’s get back to the issue.
Why were the Teals so successful?

Well, if you listen to the usual suspects, Scott Morrison is an arsehole, Doctors Wives are beneficiaries of White Privilege, and 100 new Coal Powerhouses shoulda been built yesterday.

The reality was that Morrison had led a capable Government, the Climate Policy was streets ahead of the Labor rubbish and no one ended up on the street and destitute over the Federal Government’s handling of Covid/19.

The Election was lost because the Women’s vote was lost and that was solely due to Morrison’s perceived mishandling handling of the Brittany Higgins issue.
Nothing else.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 5, 2023 3:22 pm

Richard Cranium

a wishlist made on the run by a Drunk who is probably a Flamer too while really on the payroll of the CCCP.

If only you had rolled “Spook” in, you would have got a line on Insanity Bingo.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 5, 2023 3:24 pm

Richard Cranium

The Election was lost because the Women’s vote was lost and that was solely due to Morrison’s perceived mishandling handling of the Brittany Higgins issue.
Nothing else.

How did this “perceived mishandling” occur at a time when you assured us that he was playing the election campaign like a Stradivarius? Out of tune violin?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 5, 2023 10:04 pm

Amanda Anderson worked for the Obama Administration as President Obama’s Special Assistant for Legislative Affairs. Amanda now works for Square as Head of Policy for the Americas

This woman should be nowhere near the Liberal Party of Bob Menzies.

But then, it was Abbott who tried appeasement with his appointment of Natasha the Spoiler.
Look how far that got him. Will they never learn??

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 5, 2023 10:18 pm

The Election was lost because the Women’s vote was lost and that was solely due to Morrison’s perceived mishandling handling of the Brittany Higgins issue.
Nothing else.

Quite wrong. The election was lost because the media-run zeitgeist had maintained the Liberals were faulty on many counts, women’s issues being only one of them. Hence, it was lost because the Liberals had no strong push back against this false narrative. A female friend of mine, her husband President of a well-off area’s local golf club, told me re the last Federal election she was going to vote for ‘the other lot’ and ‘give them a go’, because ‘this lot’ hadn’t really done much, hadn’t ‘stepped up to the mark’ (whatever that meant). I’d say from knowing her as politically disengaged she was just feeling that she wasn’t being communicated to much by the Morrison government, that they had no leadership direction and no differentiating policies (polices which she might have believed in, such as anti-green policies, for example). They didn’t recount and emphasise their successes nor for the future give her a reason to vote for them, and Labor was bellowing out theirs while denigrating the Libs for past sins and future failings.

But with the Libs embracing every left-wing ideologue seeking a job with them if female, how can they ever win and change?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 5, 2023 10:26 pm

The woman I mentioned above, by the way, had no time for Brittany the Knickerless.
Most women in Wentworth or Wahringah whom I know felt likewise, and I do know more than a few. I often heard comments of the sort that foolishness may have been its own reward in Brittany’s case.

A capable Liberal leader would have simply said let the courts decide on the basis of evidence.
And left it at that. The media beat up the story, and Morrison’s joining in then acted against him with many female voters, who would never have countenanced Brittany’s behaviour in their own daughters.

February 6, 2023 9:26 am

Top comments Lizzie – nailed it.

Black Ball
Black Ball
February 6, 2023 8:28 pm

Pretty simple, they can get phucked.

February 6, 2023 9:42 pm

February 6, 2023 at 9:26 am
Top comments Lizzie – nailed it.

Something has gone wrong with the timing on this blog. Wolfman at 9.20 am? don’t know where he is posting from but this odd?

  1. IDF now killing Hezbollah leaders at such an accelerating rate that soon they will only know who their leaders are…

  2. Their primary concern might be the prospect of a successful prosecution and how that would affect his international travel. It’s…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x