Purgatory Canto 33, Gustave Dore, mid-1800s
Purgatory Canto 33, Gustave Dore, mid-1800s
Special people are special, especially ABC special people. Six parking fines in six weeks: Is TV heartthrob a Tightarse Tony…
@BreitbartNews Republicans are “weird and bizarre,” says cross-dressing Congressman
I like the inferred analogy of killing the climate change religion as you would kill a vampire with a stake…
“Megan prances around …” lol It’s beautifully written dry humor, thanks Bruce.
@RCMaxw3ll India broke from its BRIC alliance saying they have “no interest” in joining Chinese, Russian, and Brazilian attempts to…
It’s not just the Boomers money, it’s all the saved money the government can get its hands on.
Our problem is that we can only choose between two profligate political parties that are addicted to spending money they don’t have and are upending every bloody hollow log they can find.
It’s like finding out your wife or husband have maxed out every credit card on lottery tickets and the bans are about to call in the debts.
What to do? You know the partner is an addict to the ‘rush’ of spending and won’t stop. You know the debts they make are your debts too, despite the fact they won’t let you know just how bad it is.
You are also aware the promises of stopping spending are worthless – an addict will always lie about their addiction.
Now with record money flowing in, the spending is getting worse.
China decides to stop buying our grains and metals. They can do that, they are a Command Economy.
That’s 150 Billion in sales that will have to be looking for a home. Yes, it can be sold on the open market and China will buy from those sources, but we will have to sell into a saturated market. That won’t help our price at all.
It brings us back to our problem – the Australian economy is dangerously overspending and there is no appetite for restricting our governments.
What to do?
There will be no “man with a white van” in Sloane Square?
Unless, of course, they are delivering a crate of Burgundy.
Tsk, tsk Rabz, you left out the most corrupt.
I love this photo.
Can you imagine what the foul old goats breath smells like? Zelensky apparently thinks it smells like Hell’s latrine:
I can still rig up a Coolgardie safe, Vicki, so that we can use stuff like milk and meat that we have refrigerated or have just managed to purchase during an emergency. We have LED lights and a camping gaz stove with spare cannisters and a solar mobile phone charger. Car radio feeds off car battery. We’ll fill our deep bath with water and we keep a supply of bottled drinking water and canned food and iodised salt – at a pinch there’s a rock-seepage drip in the garden where a bucket can collect water. We have firewood in the lower garden, for an occasional fire, and grow a few vegie there. We are north facing and mostly can just add clothes or take them off for cooling and heating. I keep a reasonable pharmacy cupboard to hand and updated with basics for pain relief and bandages, antibiotics, antihistamines etc. None of our entries and exits are electronically controlled.
Most people can manage without electricity for a week or so, though I pity people in high rises doing without lifts or with unopenable windows. Perhaps some towers have emergency back up for lights, lifts and aircon. One would hope so.
Example. I have had a small section of old flue and the back of an old switchboard removed without the need for moonsuits.
I helped the neighbour demolish their old asbestos clad garage. Took the roof off and then removed the sheeting wearing masks while it was pouring raining. A garden hose to wet any area that managed to stay dry.
You can’t even see the strings.
A few years back QR ordered new self=- propelled carriages from Bombardier, manufactured in India.
Upon arrival they were found to be non-compliant with several local regs and had to be modified at Maryborough.
Even so, they can only stop at staffed platforms so disabled passengers can alight safely.
Quite a shot in the foot by QR which had years before embarked on a process of de-staffing and automating suburban stations.
Geez things are looking crook for the Russkies. Months in to their winter offensive, they have achieved two-fifths of bugger all while expending huge amounts of materiel and manpower. Now Biden gives them a few hours notice of his visit to Kyiv, and they dutifully cower in place while he strides the streets like MacArthur.
It is amazing how weak Russia looks today.
Young lady at the airport cafe is running around like a lunatic operating the cash register and getting orders while joking and laughing. Me joking: Are you ok?! I’ve been working for 15 hours straight, I’m starting to go a bit crazy!
The new staff from Manila are a bit soft, they’ve been off sick every second day, the original crew are having to cover for them.
link goes way back – there’s interviews he did with her in earlier years.
This is so obviously a stitch-up of government, then a big thank-you payment from the ALP to Higgins.
Talk about corruption of legal processes..
Joe Biden is making Europe great again – for the US
The American president’s annual address celebrated ‘saving’ the Western part of the continent from the last remnants of independence
In his State of the Union address earlier this month, US President Joe Biden referenced Europe several times, and the underlying message was always the same: Captain America has swooped in to save his Western allies from a horrible fate.
“Our nation is working for more freedom, more dignity, and more peace, not just in Europe, but everywhere,” Biden said.
Woah, slow your roll there, big guy. The world can only handle so much “freedom” after recent debacles in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, and elsewhere. Europe was actually a pretty chill place as far as conflicts went, right up until Washington decided that it wanted to set up a flophouse for itself in Ukraine to better keep tabs on Russia, then managing to convince its European NATO allies to come help it move in and provide some weapons as housewarming gifts.
The result for Ukraine? “A murderous assault evoking images of the death and destruction Europe suffered in World War II,” Biden described, conveniently ignoring the fact that this time around, it was Washington’s NATO allies that trained the Nazis. “Canada’s Joint Task Force Ukraine even produced a briefing on the Azov Battalion, acknowledging its links to Nazi ideology,” according to the Ottawa Citizen.
When Russia finally drew the line and the conflict went red hot, Biden was quick to hightail it over to Brussels to take that dirty authoritarian Russian gas off Europe’s hands and replace it with molecules of freedom. Captain America was going to save the day, and European bureaucrats ignored the fact that US-branded freedom has a price tag.
For starters, it has ended up costing Europe an amount several times the typical domestic market price paid for US liquified natural gas. American gas exports to Europe have spiked 148% year on year.
Biden also pushed Europe to go green as yet another reason not to ever again turn back to Russian gas. “Today we’ve agreed on a joint game plan toward that goal while accelerating our progress toward a secure clean energy future. This initiative focuses on two core issues: One, helping Europe reduce its dependency on Russian gas as quickly as possible. And, secondly, reducing Europe’s demand for gas overall,” Biden said last March during his EU visit. However, now the US President has changed his tune. “We’re still going to need oil and gas for a while,” Biden declared, going off script to say the quiet part aloud in his State of the Union address. “We’re going to need oil for another decade. And beyond that.”
Oh wow, in that case, maybe Europe should be turning the Nord Stream pipeline of cheap Russian gas back on so that European governments can stop shoveling cash out the door in an attempt to keep their industry and economy – not to mention consumers – from being crushed by exorbitant energy costs.
Whoops, the pipelines were mysteriously blown up. “If Russia invades – that means tanks or troops crossing the border of Ukraine – then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it,” Biden said last February.
A new report by Pulitzer and Polk Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh now attributes the terrorist act to a covert American operation in cooperation with Norway, whose sales of gas to Europe have risen from $27 billion in 2021 to $109 billion last year, with Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki accusing Oslo of war profiteering.
Both countries have denied the accusations. But even without cheap gas, as Biden sees it, Europe has a bright future. “Time and again, Democrats and Republicans came together…to defend a stronger and safer Europe,” he said in his annual address.
Maybe share that with French and German economic ministers who were just in Washington to tell big bipartisan Team America to lay off Europe and to stop shutting out European imports under the new Inflation Reduction Act favoring “made in America” products – particularly green ones.
Screwing over the EU because, hey, “business is business” is one of the very rare concepts on which both Democrats and Republicans seem to agree.
Brussels could have at least stopped sanctioning its own natural resource supplies from Russia if it had realized, as Biden just admitted, that fossil fuels were here for the foreseeable future. But that would mean not being able to pretend to stick it to Russian President Vladimir Putin. If the EU’s commitment to its green energy fantasies to the detriment of its own economy has proven anything, it’s that blind ideology is the first and foremost criteria for decision making in the EU. So, the EU is staying the course while the US actively works to seduce its industry to relocate across the pond where energy is still plentiful because, unlike Europe, the US is not dumb enough to actually align reality with their lofty rhetoric if it’s going to be economically suicidal.
There’s no doubt that Europe is doing better than ever as far as US interests are concerned. Washington planted the idea of a divorce from Russia in Brussel’s ear, and then rushed in to take Moscow’s place before the ink was even dry. Europe is hardly more free than it was when it at least had the option to play the field between the two geopolitical spheres.
Now it’s totally dependent on Washington with European citizens subsidizing American greatness and freedom at the expense of their own.
It is amazing how weak Russia looks today.
Stand back everyone, General Muntifa is at the sand box!
On fuel, keep your cars’ tanks full, top up regularly after use. Storing in tins at home is not wise for ordinary householders imho. Different on acreage and farms.
Liddel and Eraring won’t close. They’ll be refurbished and kept ready for use because a ‘fault’ will be found in the renewables sector that necessitates keeping them open.
They will not be demolished.
Mmmm. On one side we have matt kean, cannon-brookes and the whole gang of alarmist morons in the liars and filth. Who will have the sense not close and demolish and over-rule that band of fu.kwits?
Robert Sewellsays:
February 21, 2023 at 11:19 am
Anchor What:
AEMO warns of urgent need for more firming power to avoid shortfalls!
Liddel and Eraring won’t close. They’ll be refurbished and kept ready for use because a ‘fault’ will be found in the renewables sector that necessitates keeping them open.
They will not be demolished.
We can but hope that sanity prevails.
You can’t even troll properly munster. Is there anything you can do? Even poorly.
Ozzie straight up posting pissweak Russian propaganda, LOL.
This is so obviously a stitch-up of government, then a big thank-you payment from the ALP to Higgins.
Classic Australia, corrupt as all hell, but not at a level that can be accessed by the average person.
Here be the linkie thing.
They will not be demolished.
We can but hope that sanity prevails.
I’m not betting on it.
It’s actually built into the inverter to stop back feed into the grid. If you isolate from the grid and provide an equivalent incoming by a small genset it can be made to work. But you also need to have a load bank and some monitoring to bring the bank on and off. It all gets very complicated very quickly.
I did read that new solar arrays can be both on and off line. If the grid goes down as it will soon; then the unit becomes self sufficient. A battery or 2 and a decent genset will be necessary though.
Oh, and expect the unexpected.
Cats at Tinta’s on Friday nite last will know what I mean.
Keep calm and carry on. lol.
You can’t even troll properly munster. Is there anything you can do? Even poorly.
Gorge on donuts? BMI indicates a good degree of success!
Haha, I wondered how long it would take for this lunatic “15 minute city” conspiracy theory to percolate through to the Cat. It takes a particularly insane set of beliefs to think that a harmless town planning idea will lead to the Hunger Games.
Newcastle earthquake.
He was too busy hobnobbing with Labor’s goon squad and their scions.
Had he been at a loose end after Spycatcher, he would definitely be in the frame.
Disgraced CNN anchor glorifies Ukrainian use of child soldiers
The youths are “ready to die” fighting Russia, Chris Cuomo says
Former CNN star Chris Cuomo, who now works for NewsNation network, has visited an academy in Ukraine where he says teens are being prepared to go to the front and fight Russian forces.
The report by Cuomo emerged last week coinciding with speculation by some media outlets that Ukraine has been resorting to recruiting children and people with disabilities during its latest mobilization drive.
The “kids” of 15, 16 and 17 years of age “have made the decision… to put away their dreams and have only the single purpose of defending their country,” the American journalist explained of what he saw at the academy.
The report featured footage of the teenagers in camouflaged fatigues learning to fire assault rifles via a computer simulation as well as training in a gym, while sporting black track suits with what looks to be a Ukrainian military insignia.
Cuomo appeared live on air with NewsNation from Kiev, but it’s not clear from the report where exactly the academy for the teen soldiers was located.
The journalist spoke to one of the trainees, said to be 16 or 17, asking him if he was prepared to use his newly acquired skills on the battlefield. “Definitely, I’m ready for that… but it’s scary,” the boy replied.
As for those fighting against Russia, “it’s not just the warrior class – it’s everyone that they can reach,” Cuomo said of Kiev’s approach to the conflict.
Moscow has accused the US and other Western backers of Vladimir Zelensky’s government of pushing Kiev to fight against Russia “until the last Ukrainian.”
I did read that new solar arrays can be both on and off line. If the grid goes down as it will soon; then the unit becomes self sufficient.
That makes sense, the original systems weren’t designed with total grid collapse in mind!
Scientists are clueless.
Discarded Roman artifact may have been more than a good luck charm (Phys.org, 20 Feb)
Um, yes, I think that might conceivably be true. Just a tiny suspicion in my mind. The photo is totally obvious, especially with the helpful scale. I am amused by the innocence of my profession.
The “kids” of 15, 16 and 17 years of age “have made the decision… to put away their dreams and have only the single purpose of defending their country,” the American journalist explained of what he saw at the academy.
Ukenazi’s following the same trajectory as their heroes. I wonder if they’ll start making smaller helmets soon?! Likely to be very collectible in the future.
Coppeda “newie” out in the garden, this morning, sting/bite on the neck by a flying beastie of some sort .. sudden agonizing pain that lasted about two minutes then gone but followed up by an all over body itch from feet to head .. the palms of my hands were the worst .. my left felt like I was about to be ravished 10 times and the right was telling me I’d won Lotto .. sadly .. neither came true!
Anyway, this persisted for about 10 minutes tho, fortunately, it was more a tingly sensation inch than a scratch-me itch .. and just as I was wondering what the hell to do … it stopped .. GONE .. no other symptoms, never even felt unwell just …… duuuuh!
No idea what got me but, definitely, gave me a fright! ……
I am wondering about those smallish single solar panels I saw attached to apartment balconies in Seoul, South Korea. If we could rig one up to keep our fridge/freezer working that would solve a lot of blackout worries. Plenty of north facing verandah at ours to put one over without obscuring the views.
Quite independent of the grid, with just a switch to turn on during main grid failure.
Could have a small battery so that it would work overnight.
Have to be on some sort of toggle, especially for when mains power returned.
Would it be a fire hazard? Questions, questions…..
From the OOT..
Crossie says:
February 20, 2023 at 7:13 pm
My late husband worked in Westmead before retiring and he also could not believe the state of their IT. OK, that was almost five years ago but I am not surprised nothing has improved.
Just one word:
The “State of the art” pathology test ordering/results system for the schmucks working there.
A NSW Health contract costing over $5m pa to Westmead alone, also rolled out to other major hospitals.
To compare it to Windows Vista is like comparing a viscid turd to a Ferrari 488.
Your dollars at work.
Apropos antifa..
They wear the same “uniforms”
They fly the same flags
They shout the same slogans
They congregate with uncanny timing, dozens to hundreds of them
They use the same weapons
They have established “bases” (large tent city near an overpass in Portland was shown on YT/Rumble back in 2020)
Maybe I’ve missed the published answers.. but has anyone.. anyone asked and documented who/what is:
1) funding
2) supplying
3) organizing
4) coordinating
these thugs??
Old Ozzie:
Proof enough that the US is a Socialist State: “Accuse the other party of doing what you are doing”.
Indeed. Yesterday there was a video of the police giving two antifa protesters a police escort to safety at the Oxford protests.
Will try and find a link.
Comrades in arms.
Wow, Bettina’s article is an award winner. It is the most comprehensive drawing together of all of the putrid conspiracies and conspirators surrounding this scandal.
But unstated is the perpetual question of Morrisson. With ample evidence of malpractice and conspiracy, he remained mute as yet another of his Ministers was destroyed by what were obviously false claims.
One day someone will expose the reasons for, or the people behind Morrisson’s willingness to see his Ministers torn down through orchestrated lies.
Labor has always relied on media silence, ABC falsehoods and a refusal to respond to questions as the mechanisms to make their scandles go away. This time however it does feel different – the payoff and the boyfriend’s big mouth are simply too FU to be ignored.
Anti-histamines are your friend, Shatterzzz. Take after any bite.
The ole Hairy’s life was probably saved by them in the remote Sloth Sanctuary of Costa Rica when an errant stinging insect bit him inside the mouth as he took a bite of delicious fruit salad. He has allergies to some bee and insect stings.
m0nty says:
February 21, 2023 at 12:30 pm
Ozzie straight up posting pissweak Russian propaganda, LOL.
2 sides to every story and the article your rubbishing is by Rachel Marsden
Rachel Marsden is a Canadian conservative political columnist, television commentator and university lecturer, based in Paris. She is also the CEO of Rachel Marsden Associates, a PR and media consultancy firm. As of March 2016, she hosts a French-language geopolitical talk show on Sputnik News from the network’s Paris studio four times per week.
I assume you read (you can read can’t you?)
Here are links to four of Simplicius76’s recent articles. Must read material if you want to understand what has happened and what is about to unfold in the coming weeks. The first article discusses in depth the erroneous assumptions that have been made about an expected Russia offensive:
PS why does eveyone call you Fat & refer to Donuts?
What’s with the jet flyovers in Sydney?
Some RAAF action over Sydney. Hope it’s not a war starting.
rickw says:
February 21, 2023 at 12:40 pm
The “kids” of 15, 16 and 17 years of age “have made the decision… to put away their dreams and have only the single purpose of defending their country,” the American journalist explained of what he saw at the academy.
Ukenazi’s following the same trajectory as their heroes. I wonder if they’ll start making smaller helmets soon?! Likely to be very collectible in the future.
The Bunker Boys – Hitler’s Child Soldiers, Berlin 1945
The story of the child and teenage soldiers that were famously filmed being awarded Iron Crosses outside the Führerbunker in Berlin, March 1945
LOL, Monty, which rock have you been living under? It’s widespread and is spreading fast. The climate religion accretes these weird doctrines and, once it has, they become madatory doctrine on pain of anathemization.
The Best Speech Against 15 Minute Cities You Will Ever See (19 Feb)
The 15-minute city meets human needs but leaves desires wanting. Here’s why (WEF, Nov 2021)
Yep, Monty, the latter is the WEF advocating for exactly what Oxford has put in, and other green-left councils are now pushing. Sheesh sometimes you are clueless. Btw I hope you know how to ride a bicycle.
lol. The erect male penis was probably the most common protective icon in the Roman Empire.
Recent work on Hadrian’s Wall has found numerous rock carved examples in degraded bas relief embedded in the wall to assist in repelling invaders. A darning mushroom this one is clearly not. Especially when found at Vindolanda, a major fort on the wall. How dense can some interpretations be?
How anyone, anyone, could imagine Turnbuckle as a “conservative” is beyond belief. His history, both in business and public life, points fair and square to the Labor trough.
He was ushered in to the Liberal Party by a foolish, dazzled imbecile. And then proceeded to white ant it to oblivion.
No potential greatness there, just potential for something entirely different. But he can cast a spell on the unwary, he’s very good at it.
Yep, I had the same thing from the CEO of SA Ambulance after he sent out an employee circular encouraging them to wear ‘rainbow epaulettes’ to show support for ‘gay marriage’. My reply (‘Count me out of your SJW bullshit) triggered (snigger) a top level harassment campaign against me where the CEO actually canvassed my work colleagues looking for ‘homophobic’ (sic) complaints.
It escalated pretty rapidly after I told him I didn’t care what he said or did because I regarded him as ‘an overseas FIFO who would soon be gone, having left irreparable institutional damage in the meantime’, and that ‘I would much rather be left alone but if he wanted a fight I was up for it – but I was a suicide bomber with my finger on the button and only one of us would survive the contest’.
Funny thing – mid way through the resultant ‘HR-fare’, he suddenly fled the country under an corruption cloud 😉
Funny thing –
Lizzie – The critter in the photo is of a certain size and as the article says “both ends … were noticeably smoother, indicating repeated contact over time.” Aside from that yes I agree with you, although perhaps the warding off of evil in this case was often carried out in a rather vigorous manner.
They saw one grainy picture of me from 20 years ago and guessed (wrongly) about my diet.
Only very early results from this poll on a recruiter’s social media page, but I’m still very surprised:
Is this a generational thing? Surely it is only Zs and younger Ys that have not been made redundant or fired by their “friend” yet who could possibly believe in such a fiction as a “friend manager”? I thought they were into sustainability.
A family member is currently engaged in formulating a workplace agreement for a large provider. This involves lengthy meetings with the nurses’ union. Oh joy.
A bemusing and bizarre feature of the meetings – the delegates all greet each other as “comrade”. I kid you not. The first time it happened, it was all they could do not to burst out laughing, so Pythonesque was the little pantomime. Then gulags and sealed rooms with central drains came to mind.
This is the mentality business has to deal with.
Sancho Panzer:
I suspect they’ve worked out those refunds end up in government pockets anyway for Annual car Rego, insurance, power bills, rates, etc.
They still steal the refunds, but by a slightly different route.
The best approach to satire is to promote it and embrace it… not to deny it.
Here is a link to my Cookerpedia entry, which I find hilarious. 🙂
I am not talking about the 15 minute city concept itself, Bruce. I am talking about the conspiracy theory among the Right about how it is actually a plot to enclose people in ghettoes.
You have to be way, way down the rabbit hole to imagine that a harmless push by urban planners to build infrastructure near where people live is somehow a way for Klaus Schwab to inject graphite nanobots in your bloodstream.
Lizzie, were you at the Pura Vida by any chance?
It takes a particularly insane set of beliefs to think that a harmless town planning idea will lead to the Hunger Games.
It’s a great idea dickless: all the dickless scumbags can be in their 15 minute radius and the rest of us can be in the rest. Win/win.
February 21, 2023 at 12:30 pm
Ozzie straight up posting pissweak Russian propaganda, LOL.
Having himself posted pissweak Ukie propaganda, m0nty=fa complains about pissweak Wussian propaganda.
No, the real problem is that the people have now become so infantilised they fall for this shite, meaning it just has to get worse and worse until it collapses.
“the people deserve to get what they voted for – good and hard…‘ (HL Mencken)
rickw says: February 21, 2023 at 12:30 pm
Aside from Hot Air B&B (Bruce/Bittany) saga and the covid non-vax profiteering experiment, has there been any other governance event you have personally experienced that has led you to this rotting-from-the-head-down opinion?
Lizzie off with the pixies, as usual.
Without electricity, there is no water. NO WATER.
As for ‘most people’, they must be those of her acquaintance. If you are living in a house/unit based on electricity, and you have small kids, how does that work?
You can’t cook food. You can’t wash nappies or clothes in hot water. You are in the dark after sunset. Everything in the fridge that you can’t eat immediately goes off and has to be thrown out. You can’t even have a tea or coffee
Oh, everyone should have a gas portable stove, with gas bottle, just in case. Top priority for struggling families.
Not to mention a supply of videos of dancing for geratrics.
As usual, you have NFI.
To stop my workplace attitudes question becoming a victim of the last-10-comments-before-the-page-turn phenomenon, I’ll link back to it. https://newcatallaxy.blog/2023/02/21/open-thread-tues-21-feb-2023/comment-page-1/#comment-462323
i.e. Is it generational?
Monty – You’re funny. How exactly do you think our betters are going to get people to not own cars (and EVs are now haram too) and to eat bugs like good little proles? The climate fascists have been talking openly about bringing in climate lockdowns and a social credit system. They talk about this quite openly.
‘My Carbon’: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities (WEF, Sep 2022)
Eat your bug gruel Monty. It’s good for the planet.
Most people can manage without electricity for a week or so
Maybe 70 years ago. Today there would be rioting and social breakdown.
Duk, we had a fly-in Pommie director at my work who arrived just before the COVID lockdowns. He fled back to UK in late 2021, just could not hack it though before he went he instituted a voluntary redundancies plan that left the place uncomfortably short staffed once the restrictions were lifted.
If only there was some way to collect and store water without electricity… some method ….. something….
Please don’t insult MacArthur, the father of modern Japan with this bemusing comparison to a career grifter.
Latest from NetZero:
1) China’s taking control of LNG as global demand booms
Bloomberg, 19 February 2023
2) Gas shortage exposes fragile South Asian economies to more pain
Reuters, 20 February 2023
3) The IEA warns of possible natural gas shortage next winter
Reuters, 19 February 2023
4) Australia rattles industry and trading partners with gas export threat
Financial Times, 20 February 2023
5) Ian Williams: China is trying to strangle the world’s solar panel industry
The Spectator, 19 February 2023
6) European business groups attack US over more green subsidies for US
Financial Times, 19 February 2023
7) Green subsidy wars: UK ‘risks losing billions’ in green energy investment
The Times, 20 February 2023
8) Jeremy Warner: Global Britain stands no chance against Biden’s green protectionism
The Daily Telegraph, 18 February 2023
9) British companies face energy bill cliff edge, experts warn
Financial Times, 19 February 2023
10) Are Small Modular Reactors the future of nuclear power?
Alex Kimani, OilPrice.com, 19 February 2023
11) And finally: Climate science doing what it does best
Bruce, you sound like one of those mumbling feral losers who hang out in the CBD and annoy local shopkeepers. Do you even realise how loony you sound?
Bruce of N
Yep, Monty, the latter is the WEF advocating for exactly what Oxford has put in, and other green-left councils are now pushing. Sheesh sometimes you are clueless. Btw I hope you know how to ride a bicycle.
Going from the famous (infamous?) photo of m0nty=fa on the golf course, it will need to have a verrrry strong frame.
Eat your bug gruel Monty
Dickless can’t do that; whatever else he is, he’s not a cannibal.
February 21, 2023 at 1:09 pm
LOL, Monty, which rock have you been living under? It’s widespread and is spreading fast. The climate religion accretes these weird doctrines and, once it has, they become madatory doctrine on pain of anathemization.
I am not talking about the 15 minute city concept itself, Bruce. I am talking about the conspiracy theory among the Right about how it is actually a plot to enclose people in ghettoes.
You have to be way, way down the rabbit hole to imagine that a harmless push by urban planners to build infrastructure near where people live is somehow a way for Klaus Schwab to inject graphite nanobots in your bloodstream.
When m0nty=fa discovers that he can’t even reach the boundaries of Hawthorn, much less cross them, he will bleat: “If only Klaus knew!”
monty you silk stocking full of shit,
How on earth is this a CONSPIRACY THEORY???
Get your head out of your rear end.
In praise of the ‘15-minute city’ – the mundane planning theory terrifying conspiracists
It looks like you weren’t paying attention during the morning meeting when the talking points were handed out.
Some more on the Oxford fascists.
The madness of the ‘15-minute city’ (Oct 2022)
Their focus is less on helping people get around than in reducing our use of cars by any means necessary.
“To this end, Oxfordshire County Council, which is run by Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Green Party, wants to divide the city of Oxford into six ‘15 minute’ districts. In these districts, it is said, most household essentials will be accessible by a quarter-of-an-hour walk or bike ride, and so residents will have no need for a car.
On the surface, these 15-minute neigbourhoods might sound pleasant and convenient. But there is a coercive edge. The council plans to cut car use and traffic congestion by placing strict rules on car journeys. Under the new proposals, if any of Oxford’s 150,000 residents drives outside of their designated district more than 100 days a year, he or she could be fined £70.
Do not leave your allotted zone, at least most of the time – that is the policy.”
The far-lefty mayor of London is currently trying to expand his ULEZes (ultra low emissions zones) which mean anyone with a sane car is punitively fined for entering Gaia’s holy zone emitting the horrible gas CO2. He’s getting pushback from the outer parts of London. But you can be sure this is the intention of green WEF types everywhere, and is sure to come here very soon. Probably starting in Yarragrad and Clover’s commune.
Indeed … its about as crazy as believing that a respiratory virus with a < 0.1% fatality rate could turn our 'public health experts' into medical dictators, our 'elected representatives' into literal fascists in league with big business, our police into tac vested stormtroopers assaulting grandmothers to 'protect their health', our neighbours into stasi snitches reporting facebook crimes, doctors who wanted to prescribe ivermectin into criminals, the media into full on Pravda, the unions into agents for oppression of their members and the bunnings door greeters into covid nazis. Crazy crazy crazy concerns…..
Everyone get a grip here!!
Once again, it’s not a conspiracy theory. You will be punished if you don’t conform.
Oops, the first para under the link should been a quote also – it’s part of the article, which is in Spiked.
Well of course, this sounds exactly like the Warsaw ghettoes.
Not sure if this is more or less mugwump than Qanon, but they probably tie in to each other so why choose.
You sound like a pusillanimous lickspittle for government oppression.
m0nty says:
February 21, 2023 at 1:04 pm
PS why does eveyone call you Fat & refer to Donuts?
They saw one grainy picture of me from 20 years ago and guessed (wrongly) about my diet.
thanks for the explanation – I was just curious re the continued references
I was back in South Africa last year and experienced load shedding daily between 6 and 8. That was a real pain. Try a week without electricity and you’ll experience real pain. Unless you can eat everything you have deep frozen you are going to have rotten food. If you don’t have camping gear you can’t cook or have light so you better buy some gear for the future. Funny enough buildings in PNG, where I did a stint, all have backup generators and water tanks. The way of the future here!
We can live off grid to a certain extent. Our hot water system is gas and our camper trailer has solar and a fridge along with a water tank and gas stove. Our sailboat is self contained with plenty of solar powering a fridge, lights and electronics. Metho stove rather than gas and large water tanks. Nice having options!
Would you like to pay over 18,550 GBP a year to be able to drive beyond your “economic zone”?
I also had a roof taken off a garage.
The blokes told me they were allowed to remove x square metres a day without calling the SAS (Special Asbestos Service).
It seemed to me that there were more square metres than days in the job, but I didn’t ask. They were fully suited up and took their time.
As you say, unless you take to it with a demo saw on a dry windy day, removing small amounts with sensible precautions is fine.
Hahaha, I’ve provided you with links to the WEF itself, and to several mainstream articles. Perhaps you could read them?
I’m amused that the elites seem now to’ve decided a line to push in the MSM. That suggests they’re getting serious grass-roots rebellion – not least from the Oxford and London protests this last week. The proles are revolting, aren’t they Monty?
The only player currently at the Hawthorn AFL club who has kids is Tyler Brockman (has 2 at age 20) according to coach Sam Mitchell. Just shows how inexperienced they are at the moment.
February 21, 2023 at 1:39 pm
Bruce, you sound like one of those mumbling feral losers who hang out in the CBD and annoy local shopkeepers. Do you even realise how loony you sound?
You sound like a pusillanimous lickspittle for government oppression.
m0nty=fa tries very hard to be a “pusillanimous lickspittle for government oppression , he’s just not very good at it.
Lizzie said:
The location or setting should be clarified before we can assess whether this is true.
johanna says: February 21, 2023 at 1:19 pm
The location or setting should be clarified before we can assess whether this is true.
flyingduk sarcasmed: February 21, 2023 at 1:27 pm
Sounds like a research question, perhaps we need to consult a think tank?
Water tanks being much easier to install in outer suburban blocks and rural areas than in urban rowhouses and apartment towers. The feasibility of the claims depends on the physical environment.
It’s the same with Sadiq Khan’s ULEZes Monty. Major fines every time you enter the holy precinct, which with the expanded zone takes up most of London. Thousands of pounds a year just for the temerity to own an ordinary car in London.
I suspect your LCA will be one of the first to adopt the same policy. I hope your family finances are up for the climate tithes they’re going to make you pay.
No, the real problem is that the people have now become so infantilised they fall for this shite, meaning it just has to get worse and worse until it collapses.
No. People voted against all this shite in 2013 and we got it anyway.
Link for Leon L
I promise this is not parody…
Its an actual sharticle in an actual newspaper.
Two queer endurance parties took over a cavernous art space in Redfern this weekend, in a joy-filled and nurturing celebration of community
A chorus processional wove from outside Carriageworks, through the foyer, representing The Creation Project – artist Deborah Kelly’s “queer insurrectionary climate change religion”. This is a community-building, crowd-sourced, pleasure-based belief system expressed in ritual garments (James Lionel King), choreography (by Angela Goh) and the sharing of food (small cups of vegan, gluten-free mushroom broth offered to everyone in attendance).
Beds were scattered through the venue, and in dark corners couples embraced.
Next week: Montypox- why Australia needs to tap your super funds to pay for the treatments…
M0nty is doing the classic hysterical left manoeuvre – accept that 15 minute zones are a reality but vastly downplay their impact. Then slowly, drip by drip, accept the reality as each unique imposition becomes too huge to hide any more.
Frogs, hot water, anyone?
15 minute zones will be OK up until he has to drive 16 minutes to get Krispy Kreams.
Old Ozzie:
You were warned.
11) And finally: Climate science doing what it does best…
F*ck everyone good and proper.
It’s a real putsch in England now- make brexit meaningless, restriction on your freedom to travel (called 15 min cities), get rid of Lizz Truss and rough up citizens who object. King Tampon doesn’t seem too purturbed.
Noted in the comments below the vid;
The police-issue boots worn by the escorting Constables is exactly the same footwear as that worn by the two Antifa activists.
johanna says:
February 21, 2023 at 1:19 pm
Without electricity, there is no water. NO WATER.
As for ‘most people’, they must be those of her acquaintance. If you are living in a house/unit based on electricity, and you have small kids, how does that work?
You can’t cook food. You can’t wash nappies or clothes in hot water. You are in the dark after sunset.
Everything in the fridge that you can’t eat immediately goes off and has to be thrown out. You can’t even have a tea or coffee
Oh, everyone should have a gas portable stove, with gas bottle, just in case. Top priority for struggling families.
let me see
Water – waterfall below us, Manly Dam, lots of streams in bush around, there was a spring on Wakehurst Parkway just before turnoff to Aquatic Centre (I am leaving out pool & spa water) – note I have Camping Purification Tablets
Cook food – wood to make fire, boil a billy, tinned food Spam, Baked Beans, Ham, Pimeapple, Pears, Apples, Beans, Peas etc
Oh, everyone should have a gas portable stove, with gas bottle – they are only $24.95
https://www.bunnings.com.au/gasmate-portable-bbq-butane-stove-single-burner_p0035119 plus
Gasmate 220g Rim Vent Safety Butane Gas Cartridge – 4 Pack $6 – I have a number as part of Camping Equipment
You can’t wash nappies or clothes in hot water – the old fashioned way we did in early 70s – Napisan in Cold Water Bucket
You are in the dark after sunset. – Candles, Kero Hurricane lamps, again as we did in ’50s, LED Headlamps plus lots of batteries – we buy AA Batteries in 38 Lots and LED Headlamps last for ages
The Word is Improvise
Old Ozzie:
And that Big Pharmacy killed it.
Now Biden gives them a few hours notice of his visit to Kyiv, and they dutifully cower in place while he strides the streets like MacArthur.
So Monty is saying the wailing of air raid sirens while the Sharter in chief was meeting Zelensky was fake news?
That it was done to give gravitas to a grifters visit.
Biden Visits Embattled Ukraine as Air-Raid Siren Sounds
Yes and sewerage pumping is electric.
People voted for personal responsibility, living within their means and an end to free stuff?
I missed that…
I did read them, and I saw no evidence of a conspiracy to lock people in to ghettoes. The protestors are delusional froot loops, and so are you if you agree with them.
Contrast your insane 15-minute panic over nothing with a real problem currently facing right-wing voters in Australia: serious lack of nearby infrastructure. This is the legacy of the economic and town planning policies you champion: promised schools don’t arrive, 3-4 hour commutes, crippling toll road costs, little to no child care facilities. Aspirational voters who should be rustadon LNP faithful are turning away from parties that have abandoned them, and instead look to teals and Labor for solutions to problems that conservative politicians just don’t care about.
A bit of 15 minute town planning would be sorely welcomed by the residents of places like Marsden Park. Have you got anything for them, except thoughts and prayers?
hey did you ask them all? Spare me the sanctimony.
I wonder if he read to kids monty
Lizzie what you want is a 3 way fridge freezer. Runs off 12 volts, suitable with battery and solar. 230 v ac. LPG. Not cheap now. I had one for camping years ago. $80 secondhand.
They saw one grainy picture of me from 20 years ago and guessed (wrongly) about my diet.
It wasn’t a grainy photo, it was a “grain fed” photo!
This should be interesting.
One of several exciting writing tasks this coming year – of which more anon – Mark Slim and I are currently producing, probably in three volumes, with Sharpe Books, a compendium of his grandfather’s pre-war writings. Between 1931 and 1940 Bill Slim wrote 44 articles – totalling 122,461 words, all under a pseudonym – for magazines and newspapers in the UK, India and Australia on a range of subjects, many dealing with the ‘lived experience’ of a soldier of empire. The collating and editing project is about half way through: I’m hopeful that by mid-year we’ll have the 3-volumes ready for publication.
Homes where all shops and amenities are within walking distance tend to attract higher rents/prices.
At the same time we have the two labour market threats of “Net Zero” and AI growing in their influence. The AI may make it more difficult for average-skilled people to get decent-paying jobs in information-processing and customer service roles. The net-zero policies raise prices of everything, leading to lower volumes and fewer employee positions.
Quite possibly the only residents of 15-minute cities will be the minority who have jobs too airy-fairy to be replaced by AI via economic market forces and who would acquiesce to any costs of Net Zero policies to have such convenient accommodation. Perhaps public servants are the only people who will live in 15-minute cities?
Perhaps I’m guessing too much here.
Add 15 minute cities to Drag Queen Story Time, political opponents getting harassed and sometimes killed and murder of babies to monty’s list.
Old Ozzie, whilst you are are dead right about having precautionary options available, don’t get sucked into accepting that scenario.
Yeah, some people can make do for a week without electricity.
BUT what about the apartment dwellers who can’t?
What about you being OK for a week but then power outages go on for two weeks?
We need to be preparing AND kicking up a fuss to prevent shortages from ever happening.
PS I pass that spring at 80ks each day and I look for it. Haven’t laid eyes on it and haven’t seen water collectors filling containers. It may still be there but I don’t think so.
Crispin Berka says:
February 21, 2023 at 1:46 pm
Lizzie said:
Most people can manage without electricity for a week or so
The location or setting should be clarified before we can assess whether this is true.
johanna says: February 21, 2023 at 1:19 pm
Without electricity, there is no water.
The location or setting should be clarified before we can assess whether this is true.
As I said to johanna above – The Word is Improvise
Storm water drains and pipes
As a kid in the early 50s I roamed around under the streets in Cremorne/Mosman/Neutral Bay through storm water drains, pipes and drainage tunnels – there was always water
Same for Double Bay, Green Square – anywhere
Monty, Monty, being fined £12.50 a day to drive a basic ICE car anywhere in London comes to $8,000 Aussie per year. So two cars would be $16,000. How many does your family have? That to my mind sounds a lot like a green ghetto, at least in the Bronx sort of meaning. Make sure you don’t stand in front of the hordes fleeing London and Oxford, you’ll get trampled.
Mole, yesterday on the ABC website was an article about a performance piece for Ghey Pride – 6 of those who kick for the other side telling their stories. I could only stomach reading the first two – the following id from the second “performer”:
At least he’s honest. All the cheerers of this stuff steadfastly refuse to acknowledge what is the bleeding obvious.
Old School Conservative says:
February 21, 2023 at 2:15 pm
Old Ozzie, whilst you are are dead right about having precautionary options available, don’t get sucked into accepting that scenario.
Yeah, some people can make do for a week without electricity.
BUT what about the apartment dwellers who can’t?
What about you being OK for a week but then power outages go on for two weeks?
We need to be preparing AND kicking up a fuss to prevent shortages from ever happening.
PS I pass that spring at 80ks each day and I look for it. Haven’t laid eyes on it and haven’t seen water collectors filling containers. It may still be there but I don’t think so.
No, they plugged it up to stop people collecting, but I know where it is and a good stone chisel and Bitch Pick would easily open it up
In more news from Queercity, it’s a warm day today so, I decided to walk to work along Oxford Street, and I passed a shop with the banner on the front window….
“we celebrate love in all its ways”.
I should pop my head into the shop and ask them if that means that they also celebrate “minor attracted love”?
A non problem crying out for a non solution – for example, the appointment of Waffles Turnbuckle as Australia’s “Infrastructure Tsar”.
Yes monty Sydney needs more infrastructure, not less government money and to open up the rest of the state.
How many more lanes on the Cahill Expressway will you want when primary industry is put to the sword?
Anyone seriously doing a four hour commute needs their head read.
If you drive from Ulladulla to North Sydney daily, you have no one to blame but yourself.
One proposal from one council does not constitute a massive imperial conspiracy, Bruce. Again, you are sounding like a lunatic.
I think they mean four hours total, not four plus four.
Back when I lived in Sydney, I knew blokes who commuted from Campbelltown to North Sydney. Crazy stuff to me, but that was considered normal 30 years ago. Sydney things.
Tekweni says:
February 21, 2023 at 1:42 pm
Metho stove rather than gas
Our recent 4WD Rentals have moved to metho stoves rather than gas – safer and easier to carry Metho
OldOzzie vs johanna is basically glamping versus hotels.
If you’re using Napisan and a gas stove it’s still glamping.
Put all this together and it’s safe to assume that Project Veritas is dead
One to many direct hits on The Swamp.
Campbelltown to North Sydney isn’t even that bad, it’s only 75 minutes.
“Bruce, you sound like one of those mumbling feral losers who hang out in the CBD and annoy local shopkeepers. Do you even realise how loony you sound?”
You mean like progressive hero Danny Lim? He’s one of your lot, Monty
Ulladulla 3 hour plus trip to Sydney
And some more on ghettoization:
Where even the Walmarts are closing (20 Feb, via Old Ozzie upthread)
So in your 15 minute city after a few years you’ll find that all the rich people have left, because they like their cars and air conditioners. The local council are BLM fanbois and the police let crims out without bail immediately after being arrested. The remaining people are poor, living in tenements, and reluctantly use public transport despite the muggings and rapes because they have no alternative. And food is very expensive because the supermarket has closed due to shoplifting. Indeed in places like England that probably means a literal black ghetto, given the demographics. But the people who are left will be living Gaia’s holy lifestyle, if only because they don’t have the wherewithal to escape.
Try using a wood fire, the NPWS loonies will be all over you like Jim Chalmers on retiree savings.
A 15 minute city and a home in the Cotswolds in every Ed Miliband fanboi’s dreams.
Cassie, great post from the other day – yes, all the “subtlety” (and menace) of the swastika and the Brown Shirts.
Snap, Colonel.
This theory is put to the sword by about 8am the morning after any half-decent cyclone.
No electricity, no phones, no radio station transmitting.
No trafficable roads, no dry wood, no information.
No ability to even make a cup of tea.
+ fridges & freezers full of tucker that will start going off, with no way to cook any of it.
No way to reach shops, no way to know if those shops would be open anyway, no way to access electronic money, no way to get to work, or even to know if your workplace is still there, or if it wants/needs you.
The better equipped, more self-reliant are able to cope, though somewhat uncomfortably.
Nobody, but nobody, is thinking anything other than, “If this goes past the 3rd day, it will get really really tricky here”
Um, Monty, what is the population of the Greater London area. Eight million? Ten?
You did look at the BBC article didn’t you? And the policy is green progressive policy pretty much everywhere. As you saw from the WEF articles. It’s religious canon Monty. You should know your own doctrine, surely?
Waffles Turnbuckle as Australia’s “Infrastructure Tsar”
In Victoriastan they can’t even maintain what they have. If your outside of the Danisbad vote herd zone, forget about it.
I agree with NPWS requiring controlled flames such as gas/metho or electric for cooking instead of open wood fires – in national parks.
I could remove cooking heat technology from the definition of glamping or else accept glamping is now the minimum requirement. The latter I think.
Perhaps camping can be manifested as either glamping or survivalism.
Not back in the 90s it wasn’t, before the M5.
The worst thing about no eliktrikery is the fantasy football site is down.
I hate temporary construction sites built by Asians. Every brace and crossbar gets installed at slightly over 6’. Just hit my head making a coffee. No hard hat!! GRRR!!
The fifteen minute city concept in and of itself isn’t a bad idea.
I even think it is actually a very good idea.
Herding people in like sheep and fining them for noncompliance, assisted by a surveillance state to pursue compliance and fines, however, is incredibly bad, dumb, misanthropic, misguided, anti work & family.
It’s terrible!
Before the M5 East, I should say.
Take the train monty.
There is no policy to lock people into ghettoes, Bruce. Your fevered imaginings are not real.
The entire Superannuation Fund scheme should NEVER have been implemented. Let’s admit it – MT designed the scheme to create a frigging great big block of cheese that the big end of town could nibble at forever.
Better to have allowed the individual to look after their own retirement needs like used to happen, with a safety net – not a Jason recliner.
Winston Smiths Book of Damn Good Quotes.
Saw a clip of Federal Health Minister saying increasing by double amount Drs and Pharmacists will get for going into aged care to jab no 5.
My understanding was GP’s previously getting $32. So is it now about $64?
This becomes a very lucrative gig for a simple jab. So far I have never seen anybody ask the elderly if they want to be pin cushion every time the Government decides.
I suspect there will be a high degree of coercion involved and more to add to the woe of those living in aged care.
Turf wars in aged care as Dr’s seek to get exclusive rights?
Another fun thing that’s happening is the Montys increasingly aren’t living in Gaia’s holy 15 minute cities.
Nearly 30 percent of work remains remote as workers dig in (20 Feb)
“The pandemic may be winding down, but the work-from-home revolution marches on.
Nearly 30 percent of all work happened at home in January, six times the rate in 2019, according to WFH Research, a data-collection project. In Washington and other large urban centers, the share of remote work is closer to half. In the nation’s biggest cities, entire office buildings sit empty.
As of last week, 49 percent of desks sat empty in Chicago, 53 percent in D.C., 51 percent in New York and Los Angeles. The figures come from Kastle Systems, a company that manages office-access security.
Other researchers have identified about a dozen large urban centers where one-quarter or more of employees work entirely from home. The top five telework cities: D.C., San Francisco, Austin, San Jose and Seattle.”
So the white collar wukkas are staying away from highly urbanized dog boxes and dangerous public transport in Gaia’s holy 15 minute cities like DC and Seattle, and are working over the internet from salubrious places in the suburbs and the green belt. Meanwhile all those quaint bars and restaurants in the cities are closing due to lack of customers. Good thing that Ubereats not exists eh Monty?
It’s similar to the movie Elysium, in which the wealthy lived in stationary orbit on a massive spiral contraption kept well away from the riff raff while the unfortunate were scrounging around Earth trying to make ends meet.
Better to have allowed the individual to look after their own retirement needs like used to happen, with a safety net – not a Jason recliner.
The super incentive was a Keating wet-dream hoping for a way to end the OAP .. but too short-sighted to see that lotza folks don’t work (for one reason or another) and 100s 0f 1 000s more would be retiring long before any significant ‘retirement” sum could be counted on …….
I was nearly 50 when he introduced compulsory super so was never going to be in a position to live off the final balance, alone! …… like soo many others …..!
Even the ABC is reporting potential problems with power supply!
But their solution, courtesy of the Australia Institute, is to go harder at going Green.
How long until governments nan the sale of Kero lamps, primus stoves, ice chests and generators?
No you are correct Monty, only poor people will be locked in the new climate ghettos. Same as always. The rich progressive hypocrites won’t be, they have the means and the money to escape them.
the 15-minute precinct would be completely out of your league. You’d have to drive or use some form of mechanized transport to get around because even a 10 minute walk would end up killing you. You couldn’t walk for 10 minutes without inducing a massive heart attack from exertion.
Via Bern:
Just off the bat, I don’t like the initial ‘Not fully vaxxed’ and ‘Unvaxxed’ covering what appear to be the same category in the government’s graphs.
forget no water – the sewers will be overflowing in hilly suburban areas like Sydney.
There is no policy to lock people into ghettoes, Bruce.
Your fevered imaginings are not real.
Your dick is not real.
Campbelltown to North Sydney isn’t even that bad, it’s only 75 minutes.
Catching the train wouldn’t be any worse than that plus no petrol/tolls and the reality that 75 minutes needs a smooth, no probs, run .. everytime!
JC, you couldn’t drive for fifteen minutes without causing an accident.
I own a terrier, he takes me on two walks a day. What do you do for exercise?
Via the link I sent to DB, you can spend a lot of time on that stats NZ website.
It might just be the most fascinating thing to ever come out of NZ.
Jake the Muss would approve if he could read.
The super incentive was a Keating wet-dream hoping for a way to end the OAP
Shatterzzz, iirc, it was a way out of the promised LAW tax cuts (to counter Hewson’s Fightback) that the Liars promised the workers. So, into super it went.
Tim Blair:
IT billionaire Cannon-Brookes and Labor Transport Minister King don’t name the device, but they sure are in love with it.
Cannon-Brookes urges us to “see it, feel it, sit in it” – but how does anyone do that without knowing what brand and model they’re looking for?
Photographs, too, seem cropped to conceal badges. Other promotional sites, just like Cannon-Brookes and King, are similarly shy about the origins of something they only describe as an “electric ute”.
Why the secrecy?
Just a theory, but maybe our EV evangelists don’t want to admit their hero vehicle is $93,000 worth of rolling rubbish made by a company wholly owned by China’s communist dictatorship.
Aside from that disqualifying provenance, the LDV eT60 electric ute so adored by Cannon-Brookes and King costs twice as much as the petrol version but is significantly worse in almost every way.
It has a short range, tiny towing limit, reduced standard equipment and an abbreviated warranty. Also, the thing is slow. Damn slow.
No wonder the LDV eT60 is the ute that dares not speak its name. Why is a senior government minister so urgently pushing this inadequate, unaffordable product on the Australian people?
Canada, 2018: There is no policy to make euthanasia available to children, the mentally ill, or those not terminally ill. Your fevered imaginings are not real.
Fun fact: the green left has gone full retard negative against EVs after realizing that the (emissions) cost of production, combined with the source of energy used, would mean that EVs would break even with gasoline engines at around 60,000 miles (or around 100,000 kilometers).
There has been no reduction in emissions up to that point.
Canada, 2021-2: There is no policy to stop truck drivers who picket the parliament being able to access their own money.
What do I use? Legs. You have never seen yours obviously.
And fatboy, don’t be so freaking rude please in blog conversations.
So King’s back- only Ballarat could give us something like King (what a sexist name too).
I presume there are pumping stations all around Sydney? I can’t recall them.
The same way only Canbra could produce something like Gallagher (Plastic Piranha MkII).
I presume there are pumping stations all around Sydney? I can’t recall them.
certainly one at Rosehill where is it very flat- you could hear it cutting in and out. North Sydney station has them too. Electricity is the life blood and civilization and prosperity.
Milt, I lived in Waverton one time back in the 80s. Waverton is a tiny bit south east of North Sydney. Was it around there? There were huge petrol depos close by on the harbor around there too.
The Bitcoin Delusion
From Armstrong Economics –
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Now with Switzerland outlawing a cashless society, I understand your point that cryptocurrency is really a dead end. Without power, it cannot exist and as you said in times of war, you take down the power grid and they can do that with an EPM pulse. These Bitcoin zealots are clueless about history and humanity. It’s just another way to separate a fool from his money.
Thank you for the education
REPLY: The whole blockchain was the perfect creation of a totalitarian state. They can trace everything. How would you bribe politicians? It would all have to revert to barter. Do this and I will give you that – off the grid. This is why people are still buying real estate, precious metals, ancient coins, art, collectibles, and various things that are tangible and are thus off the grid.
Having funds in any cryptocurrency is still on the grid. When I was one of the three top market-makers in gold back in the ’70s, the IRS walked in and said they declared me to be a bank. Thus, I was supposed to report every transaction of $10,000 or more. They acknowledged I did not realize I was a bank, so they waived the fines. They seized all my records and went off to audit over 3,000 clients. They claimed that gold was not DEMONETIZED as money, just suspended for a while. I retired because I was supposed to report customers but not everyone else in the field. My lawyers said I could fight it. It would take years. My model warned that gold would decline for 19 years anyway so I choose to retire. The clients still wanted the research and thus Princeton Economics was spun off separately.
They can declare every person running an exchange in crypto is now a bank and must report every transaction. They can be put them out of business in the blink of an eye. These people have no idea who they are messing with. You will not win. All this is because of their twisted view of fiat money. They no more understand money and assets any more than Karl Marx.
During inflation, assets rise in value, and money declines. That took place during the 19th century when a gold coin was money. MONEY has NEVER been of a constant value – NEVER! These people yelling fiat simply do not comprehend that for thousands of years, there has always been a business cycle and that means money rises and calls in purchasing power REGARDLESS of whatever it has been. The fiscal irresponsibility of governments is well documented throughout history long before paper money.
Even under a gold standard, there were periods of inflation and deflation. Read the history of the California Gold Rush. During the 1849 Gold Rush in California, the journalist for the New York Tribune, Bayard Taylor (1825-1878), arrived in San Francisco by ship during the summer of 1849. He was shocked at what he encountered and did not think that anyone would even believe what he was going to write. His dispatches about the gold rush economy in California stunned many and helped to create the 1849 Gold Rush.
The average wage for a laborer in New York was about one or two dollars a day. In California, individual hotel rooms were rented to professional gamblers for upwards of $10,000 a month, which is the equivalent of about $300,000 today. The degree of inflation in terms of gold was astounding and lacks comparison in modern times. There was so much gold, that the value of goods rose even though they did not in New York. The inflation phenomenon was local.
Gold became so common; they were even striking $50 gold coins in California when $20 was the highest denomination elsewhere and $1-dollar coins down to 25 cents all in gold. Eventually, there were $1 gold coins minted in the United States for general circulation throughout the USA. Indeed, Taylor wrote:
“[One] citizen of San Francisco died insolvent to the amount of forty-one thousand dollars the previous autumn. His administrators were delayed in settling his affairs and his real estate advanced so rapidly in value meantime that after his debts were paid, his heirs had a yearly income of $40,000 [$1.2 million today].
“These facts were indubitably attested; everyone believed them, yet hearing them talked of daily, as matters of course, one at first could not help feeling as if he had been eating ‘of the insane root.’”
It does NOT matter what is money. It will always rise and fall as measured against tangible assets as it has done since Babylonian times. In fact, the very first attempt to control inflation, as the central banks are doing right now, were the wage and price controls put in place by the legal codes of the Assyrians and Babylonians.
So – stop the BS. Understand that there are times when CASH will be king regardless of what money is at that moment in time, and then it will fall in value when everyone wants tangible assets. There is a business cycle – learn to live with it and we will be better off. The hard-nosed cryptocurrency zealots will never admit they are wrong. They are like politicians and will cling to their theories no matter what evidence you show them.
I asked one once, to name a single period in history where money was constant and never declined in value. He could not!
Bitcoin is an instrument for trading. This very chart CONFIRMS it is by no means a store of wealth. It rises and falls like ant commodity of stock. It is still influenced as part of the business cycle. Sorry – there is NOTHING that is a perfect store of wealth. Everything fluctuates. Trade Bitcoin, that is fine. But do not make a religion out of it for you will lose not just your shirt, but your pants as well.”
Plus a couple grand for the generator.
Thank’s again to Old Ozzie for that awesome link! Make sure you turn on the sound for the vid.
Turns out about 10,000 subscribers dropped Telstra/NBN last year to opt for Starlink.
Total mystery** why anybody would quite Telstra for Starlink.
Heck tins cans & a piece of string would be an improvement on Telstra.
They were just on platform 4 at North Sydney station iirc to pump the effluent up to street level JC. I just happened to have to work on them once. It’s easy to take sanitation for granted until it goes wrong.
JC says:
February 21, 2023 at 3:21 pm
duncanm says:
February 21, 2023 at 3:04 pm
Without electricity, there is no water. NO WATER.
forget no water – the sewers will be overflowing in hilly suburban areas like Sydney.
I presume there are pumping stations all around Sydney? I can’t recall them.
Sewage Pumping Station Clontarf Beach
(I’m not sure of the accuracy of the information here as it’s second/third hand)
We have a power station that runs on gas from the gasfields. Currently under care and maintenance while two large solar collectors in the district make up peak supply.
I have no idea what will happen if the grid goes tits up, but the amount we could feed in would be miniscule if it does.
There are similar choices to Telstra which is the worst run large company in Australia. If someone lives in the regular urban areas why would you go with Starlink? What services do they offer?
I’ve recently discovered Astronomy Professor David Kipping who has a cool channel on Youtube.
Most of his doccos are on the big question of Are We Alone? He makes fun of Bill Nye, Brian Cox and DeGrussa who say “of course there’s gotta be life out there as there’s an abundance of galaxies so it’d be implausible to think not.”
He takes a very pragmatic view and states that this cannot be empirically proven as is a statement of hope rather than science.
He speaks about NASA’s Kepler program (which he worked on) and how this surveyed tens of thousands of stars only to find two “earth like” objects, which later turned out to be false positives.
He also states that just because there is an abundance of things does not scientifically equate to life out there. For example, he says, it has been snowing on Earth for about a billion years or more, and in that time, not one snowflake, despite the abundance, has ever been the same.
He concludes that, based on current scientific evidence, life is actually very rare.
JC, your legs are used merely to propel you from your Beemer to the restaurant and back again. With occasional visits to the smash repairer.
Heck tins cans & a piece of string would be an improvement on Telstra.
I deeply dislike Telstra but their mobile network is pretty good.
Parts of South of the River Perf go underwater. Won’t be an issue for a few months. Enjoy the sunshine.
flyingduk at 1:34 – 2 weeks to flatten the curve
Turns out about 10,000 subscribers dropped Telstra/NBN last year to opt for Starlink.
Total mystery** why anybody would quite Telstra for Starlink.
10,001 as of Friday last week.
Very, very easy to set up.
Works well.
Connected to everything I told it too.
And Christened it with “The Northman”.
Quite a hard arsed Viking revenge movie.
There’s a funny story about that. Wifey and I go to the same gym and use some of the same machines. Obviously, we don’t go at the same time, as that would be massively gay. We compared notes on the weights we each use for some of the machines. There’s the leg press, and I was embarrassed to see that she can press 280 pounds while I was doing a leisurely 220. I’m now up to 310 lbs. I was mortified. She grew up in the desert on a farm in NW Victoria. I think they breed them tough there.
JC, ditch the machines.
Get on the ropes, Chris Hemsworth style.
I’ll take Martin Armstrong doesn’t know a damned thing about BTC for four billion dollars of fraud and 11 years of goal, Alex.
Starlink is 10 x times faster than Telstra or the NBN.
Ropes? Really? Bern, Kieser is a truly excellent gym as they have any strength building machine you can think of. It’s pretty much all they focus on. Just strength. I do quite a bit of cardio, including weekend fishing off a pier. 🙂 I do 10,000 steps 3 to 4 times a week.
The NBN is pretty fast, depending on the plan one buys. Does Starlink off phone service – landline? Mobile? Can you get Foxtel streaming? Presumably all the other streaming services are accessible on Starlink.
Mmm hmm, I am sure fishing involves a lot of cardio.
It was meant in jest, Monster, you oversized lardball.
If you add ropes to your gym session, you will build muscle mass quicker than you would think.
There were huge petrol depos close by on the harbor around there too.
I worked at the BP storage depot at Lavender Bay in the early 70s .. we used to unload 1 or 2 tankers a week as well as re-fuel cruise ships in the Harbour and lotza road delivery tankers ……….!
JC’s capacity to pick up ropes is extremely poor. He’s more of a velvet rope type.
In Horse Has Bolted noos, Courier Mail:
Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk issued an apology to Queensland’s victims of teen crime as parliament returned on Tuesday, with the government introducing their highly-touted new youth justice laws.
Victims of crime and youth justice advocates sat in the parliament’s public gallery as the Premier detailed the new legislation and $332m in additional funding, saying the changes had been made in “careful consideration”.
“Our government is determined that all Queenslanders and all communities are safe. Safety must always come first,” she said.
As well as previously announced measures including increasing the maximum penalty for stealing a car to ten years, and further punishment for criminals who boast about their crimes on social media, the Premier also announced a range of new youth justice funding.
It included $15m to help senior citizens install additional security, $9m for enhanced support for victims of crime, and $10m for a vehicle immobiliser trial for Cairns, Townsville and Mt Isa.
A further $100m will be spent on enhancing youth justice programs, including intensive case management in Townsville and Cairns, and an expansion of the program across Brisbane, Logan, Toowoomba, Moreton, Rockhampton, Ipswich and the Gold Coast.
Youth co-responder teams will also be boosted, and $17m will be spent on expanding “flying squads” – expert youth justice workers to partner with police to target high risk offending.
Two new detention centres will also be built.
“We are introducing tough new laws and increasing our investment in youth justice after careful consideration by our government,” Ms Palaszczuk said.
“These new initiatives are based in evidence and they follow feedback from the community, police and other important stakeholders.”
Specific measures were introduced aimed at targeting repeat, hardcore young offenders – including strengthening conditional release orders, a new declaration of serious repeat offenders and expanding the number of offences with a presumption against bail.
Ms Palaszczuk said addressing the issue of spiralling youth crime in Queensland was “beyond politics”. (Is there an election in the Sunshine State this year?)
“And we are adopting a bipartisan approach in proposing to make a breach of bail condition an offence for young offenders, just as it is for adult offenders,” she said.
Both Ms Palaszczuk, Attorney-General Shannon Fentiman, Police Minister Mark Ryan and Youth Justice Leanne Linard were pressured during a fiery Question Time over the apparent backflip on the breach of bail policy announced on Monday – after saying multiple times publicly the policy didn’t work.
All maintained the new state government policy was different – despite the Premier’s sell of the change post Monday’s cabinet meeting that it was taking a “bipartisan approach”.
Ms Palaszczuk told parliament, “it is important to note that this is different to the amendment brought in by the previous Newman Government which was found to be flawed and breached the rule against double punishment.”
However, while the new law does differ from Campbell Newman’s earlier policy, the proposed changes to the Bail Act pushed by the government on Tuesday are similar to an amendment put forward by the LNP in 2021 and pushed for by Opposition Leader David Crisafulli since.
During Question Time Ms Palaszczuk was also asked by Mr Crisafulli whether she would “apologise to victims of crime for the changes to the Youth Justice Act since 2015?”
Ms Palaszczuk said “of course we apologise to victims of crime” – saying “that is why we are taking the course of actions that I have announced today”.
“Now can I say to the Leader of the Opposition that the challenge now is will the Opposition support these measures? Now is the time and now is the time for us to put politics aside.”
Mr Ryan introduced the new Strengthening Community Safety Bill, which will now be considered by the economics and governance committee – a process expected to take two weeks.
“This bill contributes to addressing those concerns and coupled with a combined investment package of more than $322n focused on prevention, rehabilitation and support measures, (and) will provide a stronger foundation from which to make that change,” the Minister said.
But Deputy Leader Jarrod Bleijie slammed the lack of debate on the youth justice laws this week, saying he was “distressed and angry”.
“I accept the point about committees and consultation – but that wasn’t the commitment the Premier made,” he told parliament.
“The Premier promised Queenslanders they (the laws) were so urgent, they would be introduced and passed this week.”
But the Greens have slammed the new legislation, with MP Michael Berkman calling it a “reheated LNP policy” that would make communities less safe.
“Labor hasn’t just backflipped on breach of bail; they’ve come up with an even worse solution than Campbell Newman,” he said.
“They don’t care about community safety, all they care about is a headline. Queenslanders now know Labor will abandon their supposed principles for political clout, even where they concede they’re breaching Queensland’s Human Rights Act.
“Queensland is locking up more kids than any other state and it isn’t working.
“Instead of reheating old LNP policies, Labor should fix the basics in this state like the housing crisis, underfunded state schools and a strained healthcare system.
“The funding for evidence-based programs that actually improve safety is dwarfed by spending on new youth prisons, and is completely undermined by taking our laws backwards in an attempt to outdo the LNP.”
Earlier, Ms Palaszczuk shared a “message to Queenslanders”, with the Premier outlining the state government’s youth justice plan and once again calling on the courts to “do their job”.”Even worse to be the victim in those videos.
“It’s unsettling to see videos of crime in your local neighborhood online,” Ms Palaszczuk posted on social media.
“We’ve also seen some more extreme, very tragic crimes in Queensland in recent months.”
The Premier and her ministers have repeatedly said the youth crime issue is complex, but the post attempted to answer “why is this happening?”
“In relation to crime, it comes down to this: most of us are decent honest people, doing the right thing, looking out for each other,” the post read.
“But there is a small group of serious repeat-offenders who are posing a threat to community safety.
“We will use the full force of the law to stop this.”
The Premier said police need to catch the offenders and courts need to do their jobs to punish individuals doing the wrong thing.
“But it’s not as simple as locking young people up and throwing away the key,” she posted.
“Many of these young people come from broken homes, and have experienced a lot of trauma themselves, and after they’re put into detention they re-offend.
“We need to break that cycle.
“We need to have measures that stop crime being the choice they make.”
The letter comes after the Premier sensationally announcing on Monday that the breach of bail offence would be returned to Queensland, Ms Palaszczuk said the rule changes differed from the proposal put forward by the LNP.
“It’s important to note this is different to the amendment brought in by the Newman government,” she said.
“(That policy) was found to be flawed and breach the rule against double punishment”.
Sorry Crossie, I meant to write Costa Rico not Puerto Rico. It’s a small country, rather charming, near Mexico on the coast, known mainly for its wildlife including Big Three Toed Sloths.
They saw one grainy picture of me from 20 years ago and guessed (wrongly) about my diet.
Perhaps you could resolve the issue by posting a recent photo of yourself in the new, slimline look?
Nowhere near as fast as Starlink – hence subscribers are dropping it in favour of Starlink
That was the threat Musk made to Apple when Apple dropped Musk from the Applestore.
Hence the Apple CEO publicly apologising to Musk for the “misunderstanding”
If Musk does start phone service, Telstra has got real worries. & not just in remote areas.
Starlink is an internet service, you can get anything that is online…. and get it fast.
There is no pause in streaming on Starlink, if you jump ahead in a video, it plays instantly.
Likewise no first few minutes of any video being blurry or low-res.
Hence NBN & Telstra executives lose their temper when Starlink is mentioned.
The recent berating of those execs in Senate estimates was somewhat of a revelation.
Bruce o’Newc, those ‘iconographic objects’ were passed around for people to give them a bit of a rub. Bringing down the good luck. Perhaps they were also used in other nefarious ways in what appears to have been a ladies sewing circle, but we won’t go there. It was probably simply lonely soldiers doing their own mending and musing over the bad luck they’d been having lately, so out comes the icon.
Archaeology can require a lot of imagination sometimes. Easy to overdo it. 🙂
Get on the ropes, Chris Hemsworth style.
Hollywood chicken breasts.
Thats the secret.
We do not want apologies.
We want an end to teen* crime.
The stupid cow caused this increase in crime – all we want from her is her resignation.
(*”teen” is the govt approved euphemism)
In rising ocean noos: SMH running a story about Venice’s canals being dry because of “extreme weather”, which turns out to be tides.
February 21, 2023 at 2:40 pm
Campbelltown to North Sydney isn’t even that bad, it’s only 75 minutes.
Not back in the 90s it wasn’t, before the M5.
One such as m0nty=fa would never deign to travel with the smelly proles on the train.
We have been very tempted to change internet service provider in our remote area from Activ-8 to Starlink. But while everyone acknowledges it is faster and more efficient, some have warned that if any problems occur it is difficult to contact Starlink for support.