Place de la Madeleine, Édouard Cortès, early 1900s
Place de la Madeleine, Édouard Cortès, early 1900s
Zomzing like zis.. https://youtu.be/X4aVueFmOHo?si=d7j_53XoKIBcsecK
Good morning all. And a great big fcuk you to the Greens in Prahran. Even the gays and hippies are…
Midnight Man – Flash and the Pan https://youtu.be/EnMVWa3WIQw
Norsemen “Viking fashion”
Turn it back into farmland like it was before 2005.
I don’t think he’s a troll at all. John H adds good value on scientific papers and similar things.
He just made a bit of a mess of responding to people here about his views on Democrat attacks on Fox news. We (as responders) probably have a few sensitivities re the stolen election and the general behaviour of the Democrats, perhaps that’s it.
It’s easy enough to make a bit of a mess of a comment around here. We should be more generous.
Only JC is right all the time. lol. 🙂
There is no difference between the sexes or so they say. Today I witnessed a work colleague wonderful hearted woman break down and cry upon hearing her family’s attacker plead guilty to aggravated home invasion. (Via zoom ). Whilst she was consoled she apologised for being in mother mode as she felt so bad that this 18 yo (a child in her eyes) attacker being not the brightest crayon in the box has ruined his life.
Personally as a male and never having cried except for when my dog died felt the chap was v lucky. Lucky to not have killed anyone during the stabbing home invasion and when the car was driven 200kmh plus with 7 occupants.
Lucky to have a family come from Sudan and be in a country that does not send the lot home. Lucky in that he has time on his side to get past this and build a new life. But as a cynical bloke , leopards and spots. Easily led and down the path he goes. I feel no sympathy. He is very very lucky. No difference in the sexes? Maybe. Country v City. I believe we ex country folk are faced with real experiences when younger and are built of sterner stuff. Thankfully other work colleagues supported and also pointed out how very lucky her attacker had been.
To be fair i also think she also cried as an emotional release knowing it was all done and behind her. 2 fkns years of legal shyte. The cops said to her so many home invasions do not make it this far as victims do not want to relive it again and again and be attacked again by the legal defense team. Make u wonder whose side the legal system is.
With whom are you playing tennis *Gabor*?
rosie says:
March 7, 2023 at 12:09 am
Don’t ever verbal me, show where I said it?
I categorically stated that I don’t regard him as such.
Bruce o’Newc is one of the good guys too. Scientifically literate, bird cafe proprietor and always interesting. He’s a retired bike-pedalling Christian gentleman who is now perusing politics and a lot of other things beyond his previous knitting. Ideal for the Cat.
I never said you said it, or made reference to you in any way shape or form in my notatroll comment, the quote is from Anchor What you hysterical ninny.
Do we perchance have a minister for men?
If we did then Tennis Elbow would likely appoint a Woman as the Minister.
If we did then Tennis Elbow would likely appoint a
WomanTranny as the Minister.FIFY
Due to Sharri Markson’s afternoon program alone, I recommend the $8 per month for Flash – as a worthwhile, nay essential, purchase for any Cat.
That’s Fifty cents per episode – watchable on demand (& if you delay you’re able to “skip” past the adverts)
She’s worth that.
Thank you to the Cat who recommended Flash. I’m embarrassed to say it eludes me who – I believe it to have been Tom.
rosie says:
March 7, 2023 at 12:24 am
Oh yeah?
Then why mention me instead of him?
By inference, you attributed the quote to me.
And no need for insults.
I’m not at all sure I believe this is genuine. The thing that is disturbing is that it very well might be.
Mong Ryan has hitched her tentacles to The Voice and indig affairs which, to be fair, probably plays well with the boomer Karen set locally. If the SFL’s had any mongrel whatsoever and weren’t culpable themselves they’d be drawing her out on Covid related positions as well as her problem with women.
On the side of the good we have Patrick Daniel Monihayn, Trump, Jesus Christ, Buddha and Maryanne Williamson.
On the side of darkness we have James Jesus Angleton, George Bush I, Peter Strzok, Hillary Clinton, J Edgar Hoover, the frogs who bombed the Rainbow Warrior and Satan.
A guy who sold steaks vs a guy who illegally ran a coke racket & a pervert who spied on everyone and oppressed dissent in the nation which led the free world.
Tough choice monty, then again you want to be taxed more and enjoyed being locked up for six months, have strange things shoved in you and muzzled.
Here’s your voting booth sir.