Open Thread – Tues 7 March 2023

New York Movie, Edward Hopper, 1939

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Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 10, 2023 11:15 am

RDS much?

Colin Kaepernick accuses his White adoptive parents of ‘problematic’ upbringing, perpetuating racism (9 Mar)

“Former NFL quarterback Colin Kapernick accused his adoptive parents of “perpetuating racism” in an interview that aired Thursday. Kaepernick talked about coming to terms with his racial identity while growing up in a White family in his new graphic novel, “Change the Game.” The former football player recalled disagreements with his parents that he attributed to racism”

Let’s see, hmm. He’s accused the parents who adopted him as being racists. He hasn’t written like an actual book, he’s somehow produced a bunch of cartoons (did he do the artwork or just write the Whaps and Kapows?) Having produced this tome he is now being interviewed about it on CBS. Ookaaay. Wow it must be great to be part of the new racial nomenklatura. At least he’s not playing football, which I suspect the NFL is secretly very relieved about.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 10, 2023 11:15 am

Well in this case, every Ukrainian that fled the SMO came to Georgia, we really do have great hospitality, but now they are influencing the crowd, not paying rent, …

When the SMO commenced, others left for Bulgarian resorts, where it was Off Season.
Come the high season, they refused to budge or pay rent, because “refugees”.

March 10, 2023 11:18 am

March 10, 2023 at 9:52 am
Monty pining for the Fjords again??

Wiki, in one of the funniest dodges Ive seen blames the rise on “an increasing population”

Guardian no better… regarding the Hamburg mass shooting:

Germany has been rocked by several mass shootings in recent years.

In February 2020 a far-right extremist shot dead 10 people and wounded five others in the central German city of Hanau.

And in 2019, two people were killed after a neo-Nazi tried to storm a synagogue in Halle on the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur.

its always the far right – except for the 90% of cases where its not.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 10, 2023 11:19 am

Wiki tells me it’s a small Yiddish town with a predominantly Ashkenazi population.

A real magician never tells his secrets.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 10, 2023 11:21 am

Not because mum was a pisswreck? We live and learn.

The Evidence given is that Arnold Walker wasn’t diagnosed until a teenager.
The reality is that the underlying problem was evident from his appearance from birth.
Rolfey took aim and shot him 3 times in the heart, yet it’s his mother’s fault?
Put the bong down, dickhead.

Robert Sewell
March 10, 2023 11:23 am


(Soviet army was almost totally unable to read a map)

Under the Communists, a map was a classified document. You don’t want the troops to know they’re going to invade their own towns and villages, and massacre the civvies, do you?

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2023 11:25 am

Yeah, I remember the days when Australians all lived on Seep Stations, yeah, we loved those Seep, those were the days, eh?

What the fark is a ‘Seep Station’ and how long did you live on one? Obviously, somefink’ seeped into your excuse for a head and it wasn’t nice.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 10, 2023 11:26 am

Looks like Groogs has turned himself up to 11. It’s not Saturday yet.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 10, 2023 11:29 am

I love it when Gargooglery talks about Evidence, especially with a capital E. Makes me reach for a mutton sandwich.

Robert Sewell
March 10, 2023 11:32 am


My inclination is to say nothing to avoid a potential irreparable family conflict, but it is a lot of money.
I have no idea what to do.

You have a thief in the family who has just stolen from everyone else.
Your only action is to announce the fact and demand the return of the Estate items.
Sometimes honesty is the best policy as you are now in the position of possibly being accused of the theft of goods that were in your possession, as well.
Failure to act is morally – and legally – wrong.

March 10, 2023 11:33 am

You mean monty. I don’t find either Hersh or the NYT credible.

There was certainly a lot of weasel words in the most recent reports. The sources, despite being anonymous, couched their analysis in terms of what might have happened, with a frustrating lack of confirmation.

We will probably never know. Oceans are big places, it’s easy for a small boat with comms turned off to go under the radar. It could have been anyone.

Mind you, if you think German police are in on the op and have manufactured evidence to suit a CIA narrative, you’re probably too deep in the weeds. Not everything is a conspiracy, some people just do their jobs.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 10, 2023 11:35 am

Always rely on trusted bloggers.

Robert Sewell
March 10, 2023 11:38 am


And…I got the rotten scrolled tea service of great value and miserable hours of cleaning. The power tools would have been more practical.

That’s our Calli!
(Winston shakes his head in despair at ever seeing Calli in a girlie frock.)

March 10, 2023 11:40 am

Ok guys who might like the movie Zulu and be concerned about being thought a terrorist.

Have just spoken to a mole inside the Qld Police Counter Terrorism unit. They have just had an intelligence update and as feared the Zulu movie was mentioned.

Be on the lookout when being questioned by police. If they casually ask, as writing out your speeding ticket, if you liked Zulu movie you must respond no. Some of the smarter cops may ask a more wide ranging question such as what is your favourite war movie. Beware it is a trap.

Obviously Zulu is out but under no circumstances mention the following either :
Saving Private Ryan
A Bridge Too Far
Black Hawk Down
The Longest Day.

Acceptable answers are :
The Sound of Music
and any last stand movies where all the good guys get killed by non whites ie. The Alamo, Zulu Dawn etc.

Now gotta go as got to bury my DVD collection in the garden.

March 10, 2023 11:42 am

There’s an ad on the German radio station Antenne Bayern for a clinic in Munich where a bloke says “the pandemic is over” and a woman says derisively “really?” and then launches into a lecture about ignorance and complacency being the greatest danger.

I ducked into the local Aldi this morning and saw evidence that “the pandemic is over”. Something looked different at the checkouts and then I realised that all the perspex screens between the cashiers and the customers had been removed. I commented to the cashier (who was also one of the shift managers) about the ad and how Aldi must consider that the pandemic really is over and she responded that it was crazy, they enforced mandatory vaccination and now they don’t worry and she commented that the store had lost a lot of good staff and they can’t replace them.

Dunny Brush
Dunny Brush
March 10, 2023 11:42 am

ABC website tagging its reports on the Hillsong financial skulduggery “Christianity”.

March 10, 2023 11:42 am

Former Chair of the Productivity Commission Prof. Gary Banks has written in The Australian that the combined effects of artificially high energy costs and a re-regulated labour market present a future Australia with sovereign risk issues akin to 3rd world nations or socialist republics:

“On the one hand, we have been busily eliminating our comparative advantage in energy, while on the other we are reviving our traditional disadvantage with respect to labour.

“This has helped suppress investment and productivity growth, and taken a toll on real incomes.”

Australians can no longer trust the major political parties to govern in their best interests, he says.

March 10, 2023 11:45 am

ABC website tagging its reports on the Hillsong financial skulduggery “Christianity”.


That’s like calling their output “journalism.”

March 10, 2023 11:47 am

On and on it goes, complete with a flattering photo of Walker looking like a young Jimmy Little. Which he was not – and the late JL never endorsed getting away with crime because of your race. Nor was he a violent criminal, or any other kind of criminal.

None of it has anything to do with the Coroner’s brief. That the NT ‘government’ has allowed this dog and pony show to occur is an absolute disgrace. I hope it gets to the High Court. There are so many breaches of scope and fairness it would be a slam dunk to be thrown in the bin.

On reflection, this would probably be used by activists as evidence of ‘systemic racism.’

It’s the classic ‘heads I win, tails you lose’ model used by racial shysters everywhere.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 10, 2023 11:47 am

Always rely on trusted bloggers.

Liberty quote.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 10, 2023 11:49 am

Ted at 10.06:

Also longest sentence in the history of the Cat

With the notable exceptions of almost all None’s imperious voice-to-text missives that made the more recent wordwalls look like Morse Code.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 10, 2023 11:51 am

I’ve not said anything about Mr Topol but read a number of items about his work this morning. I’ve never seen Fiddler on the Roof, not being a fan of musicals. But I loved his wry performances in Flash Gordon and For Your Eyes Only with the luscious Carole Bouquet.

I liked these three comments on the following Lucianne entry:

Chaim Topol, Tevye in Film and Stage Versions of ‘Fiddler on the Roof,’ Dies at 87

Reply 4 – Posted by: Vaquero45 3/9/2023 10:14:07 AM (No. 1421047)
I read somewhere that he had to get special permission to leave Israel to film “Fiddler On The Roof” because, at the time, he was on active duty as a sergeant in the Israeli defense forces.

An all-around good guy who created a memorable character on stage and screen. RIP, Topol.

Reply 5 – Posted by: zoidberg 3/9/2023 11:18:58 AM (No. 1421107)
I read that he played Tevye an estimated 3500 times. But that pales in comparison to Yul Brynner’s 4400 times as the King of Siam.

Reply 7 – Posted by: broken01 3/9/2023 12:59:15 PM (No. 1421183)
I remember my Performing Arts class in college we did Fiddler on the Roof. I played Avram and even though I can sing pretty good I can’t act or dance to save my life. Mind you this was me going to college after 20 years active-duty Navy while working a regular job. I still have to say that it was one of the best experiences of my life. It was a plus that I can draw and was able to help with props and sets. One of the ways to get ready to do the production My much better half rented Fiddler on the Roof starring Mr. Topol. He was great as Tevye and I enjoyed watching it so much I watched it three times during our production. Funny enough my classmate who was also my World History professor looked similar to Mr. Topol when he played Tevye. Watching that helped me get into the right frame of mind to do the 8 shows we did. So, with that said Chaim Topol is part of one of my favorite memories as my first and only college stage musical and for that I thank him.

I hope you don’t mind the length, they seem fine epitaphs to a talented man. A trouper.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 10, 2023 11:53 am

Saving Private Ryan?

While it does reinforce discredited WW2 narratives, it’s hardly a celebration of White Nationalism.

Tom Hanks – another fake hero who fled his country to avoid some probing questions?

March 10, 2023 11:55 am

Acceptable answers are :
The Sound of Music

“V for Vendatta” is a tricky one. Made to portray a far right fascist government but actually looks like today’s leftists.

March 10, 2023 12:00 pm

Acceptable answers are :
The Sound of Music

Hold on there.
Placing your family above the needs of the State is just the sort of attitude
that leads to extreme right wing terrorism.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 10, 2023 12:02 pm

used by activists as evidence of ‘systemic racism.’

Probable FASD. ‘Complex behaviours’, ‘complex’ being code for ‘a docket as long as your leg of serious criminal violent, property, drug and domestic violence offending’.

‘Slipped through the cracks’.

The abovementioned activists, of course, do not care one jot for Walker or his pisswreck family. They are simply vehicles for cash grabs, with said cash coming from anonymous others.

All this would die off like a Roundup-ed nettle if we had a PM who would publicly say something along the lines of:

It is clear more needs to be done for indigenous people. To that end, the Government has decided to quadruple the amount of services available to these vulnerable Australians residing in regional and remote areas. This massive humanitarian mission will be paid for by the immediate cessation of the following:

All arts funding;
The ABC;
All LBGTQ+ funding and promotional activity;
Withdrawal from all existing UN and WHO arrangements; and
All foreign aid programmes.

An efficiency identification taskforce has also been established to identify further areas from which we can divert colonialist funding to the First Nations. Thank you.

But they won’t do that, because it’s all jazz hands and projection.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 10, 2023 12:03 pm

Italics fail. I knew it.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Pogria says: March 10, 2023 at 7:48 am
Tevye is gone.
Chaim Topol has passed away. Wolfman, if you read this, how about a Fiddler on the Roof movie thread in the next few weeks.

He likewise put in a very memorable performance in Winds of War and War and Remembrance. I fell for him before all of the above, coz of a black & white comedy movie Arbinka (or Ervinka).

Robert Sewell
March 10, 2023 12:04 pm

Sancho Panzer:

He has two useless but avaricious kids by a previous marriage. One of the kids is a bit spectrum-ish but is capable of work. He doesn’t work, and the other sibling and the ex are constantly pointing out his dismal employment prospects.

An idea that is a bit out there, but would solve your friends problems – the two children? Kill them*. – in a humane and unsuffering way, of course. I don’t think you’d be the kind of monster to lock them in a car and set it on fire, or anything like that. Perhaps a cake with a fake/non fake stick of gelignite as a joke birthday cake. Here one minute, having a jolly fine time, the next a dark cloud of combustible hydrocarbons and other impurities.
Or, do you have a source of Plutonium? Perhaps Ricin, or Polonium? Even arsenic will do the job if you’re not in a hurry.

March 10, 2023 12:05 pm

Methinks mØnty’s never gone down to the sea in ships.

March 10, 2023 12:05 pm

It wasn’t in the ocean, it was in the Baltic sea, on a busy sea lane, in a yacht that would have to sit there in support of the divers making several dives around 300 feet planting explosives, while civilian and military ships were passing close by and go unnoticed. The idea that this could have been anyone is preposterous bullshit.

A yacht would normally be in transit. One sitting over Nordstream would have to be suspicious unless of course it was a super stealth yacht, invisible on warship radars. Or the naval forces were told to turn a blind eye.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 10, 2023 12:08 pm

MoLo at 7.43:

Why are these tribes accepting 1/16 bloods? If their identity is important to them why do they accept such a dilute specimen as one of them?

Follow the money. Specifically, follow the potential for money to flow to the past, present and emerging elders that accept these people as part of their skin group.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 10, 2023 12:09 pm

Stop worrying about Aborigines, Joffa.

They’re not worrying about you.

That said, if you end up a rumpled wreck lying in a park somewhere, which is on the cards, Aborigines are the only people likely to ask you if you’re okay.

March 10, 2023 12:11 pm

Good point about Muslims, rosie. I am old enough to remember when the Cat was wall to wall anti-Islam moral panic. And now… strangely forgotten. It’s as if you just choose a minority to hate and go all out until you move on to the next one.

Muslims are not a minority dickless. And we can only deal with so much bullshit from you and your fellow dickless lefties. I put up regular posts from Jihad Watch and Geller which show that islam continues it’s bastardry. The thing about islam is that dickless lefties have designated it a victim so every and all atrocity committed by this vile ideology just passes through your empty groin.

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 10, 2023 12:11 pm

friend of ours has just bought a top of the range Lexus, and he loves it.
Trouble is he’s now in his mid 80’s and keeps forgetting where he has parked it.

By contrast I have a mate who is a 102 ex-air gunner from WWII who has just bought Lexus no 9. He has no dementia and lives at home with a visiting carer.

Some people have the right genes.

March 10, 2023 12:12 pm

That said, if you end up a rumpled wreck lying in a park somewhere, which is on the cards, Aborigines are the only people likely to ask you if you’re okay.

That’s a lie crotchless. Aboriginals were very efficient hunters and gatherers. If you’re a rumpled wreck they’ll eat you.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 10, 2023 12:12 pm

Scientists uncover dangerous viruses within thawing permafrost

Yeah, I saw that episode of the X-Files as well.

March 10, 2023 12:15 pm

This is special..

Really special.

Prosecutors: Gun in “Rust” shooting broke during testing, and “destroyed”

Gee whats the odds of a completely unknown malfunction both setting off the gun as it was aimed at people AND spontaneously suffering a complete destruction when its next tested?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 10, 2023 12:17 pm

Stop worrying about Aborigines

‘Worry’ is not the word you’re looking for.

I’ll stop when:

1. They, enabled by the increasingly stupider policies of Federal, State, Territory and local governments stop wrecking the quality of life of people I care about; and
2. You stop worrying about HMAS Sydney, gypsum, traffic paddles, Bert Ironmonger, mutton, spooks and flamers.

March 10, 2023 12:21 pm

That said, if you end up a rumpled wreck lying in a park somewhere, which is on the cards, Aborigines are the only people likely to ask you if you’re okay.

Upon which empirical data do you make this ludicrous claim?

March 10, 2023 12:26 pm

It was The Deep what done it.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 10, 2023 12:26 pm

Australian Selectors wouldn’t mind Bert Ironmonger joining the current Tour of India.
Replacing Todd Murphy and Nathan Lyon.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 10, 2023 12:28 pm

Denial is a river in the sky.

The world’s atmospheric rivers now have an intensity ranking like hurricanes (, 9 Mar)

“Atmospheric rivers, which are long, narrow bands of water vapor, are becoming more intense and frequent with climate change. A new study demonstrates that a recently developed scale for atmospheric river intensity (akin to the hurricane scale) can be used to rank atmospheric rivers and identify hotspots of the most intense atmospheric rivers not only along the U.S. West Coast but also worldwide.”

Since hurricanes have been getting less common and less intense the noisy alarmists are struggling to find something else to screech about. Atmospheric rivers seem to be it. I like the colour scale, which has one white, two light blue and 12 scary orange and red boxes on it.

Meanwhile California’s drought that will never end is getting its second terrifying atmospheric river in a month.

Another Atmospheric River To Pound Central California (9 Mar)

Last year they were moaning that the place was having the worst drought in 1200 years:

“The megadrought does not show signs of getting better anytime soon, the researchers said”

I hope their houses haven’t washed away.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 10, 2023 12:32 pm

What’s ludicrous about imagining Knuckle Dragger as a piss stained tramp living in Brisbane’s Botanical Gardens?
He’s practically admitted to it already, numerous times.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 10, 2023 12:35 pm

Since hurricanes have been getting less common and less intense

Another season down in the NT without anything significant. A poxy tropical low, which is said to have reached Cat 1 just before it crossed the coast well SW of Darwin was the sole candidate. The last half-decent one was TC Marcus in 2017, a high Cat 2 that went through D-Town – which largely recovered within a week.

Roads are ratshit and flooding was widespread all through Central Australia – as has happened almost every single year.

March 10, 2023 12:36 pm

Sure Groogs, sure.

I sometimes wonder what living an unsubstantiated life must be like.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 10, 2023 12:37 pm

What’s ludicrous about imagining Knuckle Dragger as a piss stained tramp living in Brisbane’s Botanical Gardens?

Living in Brisbane, for a start.

March 10, 2023 12:39 pm

Another season down in the NT without anything significant

Also in WA and across Australia KD.

I note that BoM used to have a page on “History of Cyclones Impacting Perth” which noted a cyclone hits Perth, on average, every 9 years. That’s gone down the memory hole (since Perth hasn’t had a Cat.1 or larger since 1991).

March 10, 2023 12:40 pm

Don’t let facts get in the way of Groogs’ smears…

He’s a moron!

March 10, 2023 12:40 pm

Very interesting comment way above about the Proud Boys trial. It seems that TheirFBI deleted over a thousand emails from the agent who swore in court that everything had been turned over to the defence.

At least one of the emails that were deleted referred to an FBI agent being present.

The narrative about Jan. 6 is falling apart, piece by piece.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 10, 2023 12:40 pm

Mark Dreyfus’s attempts to water down Indigenous voice to parliament’s ‘executive government’ powers rejected
(Unlinkable Oz)

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, who tried to water down the proposed Indigenous voice to parliament’s power to advise the executive government, has been rebuked by Aboriginal leaders in the government’s own referendum working group.

The Australian has been told by sources inside the working group meeting in Canberra on Thursday that Mr Dreyfus suggested an alternative to the use of “executive government” in the proposed constitutional amendment to enshrine the voice and several members of the working group thought his actions “overreach”.

Unlike his spastic colleagues, Dreyfus is trying to avoid the management of Australia becoming jammed in the High Court.

However, in a sign of things to come, the Attorney General’s opinion on constitutional issues is “overreach”.

Professor Langton explains racist:

Marcia Langton, a member of the referendum working group and a longtime advocate for the voice, told The Australian on Wednesday: “Advice of the voice must be litigable.”

The Indigenous researcher, author and distinguished academic expressed dismay that anyone would insist the voice should be exempt from the legal scrutiny of the courts like any other statutory body in Australia, adding “their argument reeks of subconscious racism”.

Oddly, Professor Langton’s own report, Indigenous Voice Co-design Process, tells us dismaying racist things:

All elements would be non-justiciable, meaning there could not be a court challenge and no law could be invalidated based on whether there was alignment with the consultation standards or transparency mechanism.

Shirley there’s no humbuggery going on here.

March 10, 2023 12:45 pm

johanna says:
March 10, 2023 at 12:40 pm

Very interesting comment way above about the Proud Boys trial. It seems that TheirFBI deleted over a thousand emails from the agent who swore in court that everything had been turned over to the defence.

At least one of the emails that were deleted referred to an FBI agent being present.

The narrative about Jan. 6 is falling apart, piece by piece.

The thing is, they don’t care because these things take so long to unravel and who is paying attention?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 10, 2023 12:46 pm

First e-scooter rider to sue over crash loses £30,000 claim
Jonathan Ames, Legal Editor
Thursday March 09 2023, 9.20pm GMT, The Times

The first e-scooter rider to sue over a crash has lost a £30,000 claim for injuries after failing to prove that a pothole caused her fall.

Giovanna Drago told a court that her new Xiaomi Mi Pro 2 e-scooter ploughed into a pothole in north London in 2020, resulting in a broken leg that took nearly two years to heal.

Drago had admitted that she was operating an illegal scooter on a public street, but in what is thought to be the first dispute of its kind to reach court, the 22-year-old sued the London Borough of Barnet over its alleged failure to keep the road clear.

She told a judge at Central London county court that she could not avoid the “large and dangerous” hole in the road because it was dusk and difficult to see.

But the local authority denied liability and challenged Drago to prove that the pothole existed.

After a three-day trial, the judge, Jan Luba KC, rejected Drago’s case on the basis that she had no evidence that the photograph of a pothole she showed in court was the one she claimed to have hit.

Drago had claimed £30,000 compensation for injuries that she said caused lasting pain and scarring and left “clicking, swelling and muscle-wasting” around her knee.

During the trial, Drago told the court that “because it was dark I couldn’t see the hole”. She said that the scooter’s headlights were on but that the vehicle catapulted forward without warning.

She had been travelling at a “moderate” speed and was wearing a safety helmet at the time of the fall, but she was not wearing knee pads when she went over the handlebars.

Lawyers for the borough denied all blame for her injuries, and insisted that local authority staff did their utmost to keep the road safe and clear from hazards.

They also argued that Drago should not be compensated because she was breaking the law by riding on the road.

Drago claimed that she was unaware that she had been riding illegally and that she had ridden the scooter only twice before the crash.

March 10, 2023 12:47 pm

Humility is pride’s antidote
By Monica Doumit -March 10, 2023 – The Catholic Weekly

I have to say that I have been quite conflicted over the last couple of weeks about how to respond to the 17-day “celebration” of World Pride.

On the one hand, it seems as though there was no escape from the “rainbow’ ideology.”

To coincide with the beginning of WorldPride, the Independent Member for Sydney, Alex Greenwich, would try to push through a ban on “conversion therapy” that is less about protecting people and more about outlawing Christian teaching on sexual morality.

Then there were the Vinnies stores which departed from any form of Catholicism (and, dare I say, decency) with their pride-themed front windows that featured everything from rainbow flags to mannequins wearing bondage gear and rosary beads.

There was the Mass advertised as being in thanksgiving for the LGBT community held in Glebe, the now infamous “joke” on The Project and the prime minister and NSW opposition leader who, while noticeably absent from Cardinal George Pell’s funeral, marched in the Mardi Gras and across the harbour bridge.

March 10, 2023 12:47 pm

Scientists have made a shocking discovery about worrisome viruses within Arctic permafrost that could pose a pandemic threat.

Isn’t that so fortuitous? And just when they were running out of viruses with which to scare us.

March 10, 2023 12:50 pm

Then there were the Vinnies stores which departed from any form of Catholicism (and, dare I say, decency) with their pride-themed front windows that featured everything from rainbow flags to mannequins wearing bondage gear and rosary beads.

Is that true? If so I will never give them another cent.

March 10, 2023 12:52 pm

Marcia, Marcia.

I told this story at Sinc’s, but here it is for later readers.

Many, many moons ago, I was living with a barrister who was very supportive of the so-called Indigenous. 1980s.

He got a job defending Marcia for smashing up a bank. There was no doubt that someone had smashed up the bank. It was 99.99% certain that she did it.

Somehow, he got her off. As a reward, she never paid his (modest) fee.

That’s Marcia.

March 10, 2023 12:53 pm


I believe I called it months ago on Ukraine blowing up the pipelines.

based on your first principles analysis of the well known Ukrainian Navy’s deep sea diving capabilities in the Baltic Sea?

March 10, 2023 12:55 pm

Crooked Hillary has claimed that women and children are suffering the most from climate change, and “sadly” this “is mostly evident in Ukraine”

March 10, 2023 12:56 pm

Solitary confinement, on bread and water not an option?

No, that was reserved for societies *true* enemies, doctors who spent hundreds of hours researching COVID and its management, concluded the government response was wrong, and put their patients first and their careers on the line by speaking out about it.

Robert Sewell
March 10, 2023 12:56 pm

Boambee John:

Another one like Pearson. Decades in the aboriginal “industry”, no positive achievements for the worst-off aborigines, but lots of prestige and munni for him.

They’re all the same – lots of positions in the resume, but nothing in the achievements column.
Well – nothing an employer would want to see.

March 10, 2023 12:56 pm

“Former NFL quarterback Colin Kapernick accused his adoptive parents of “perpetuating racism” in an interview that aired Thursday. Kaepernick talked about coming to terms with his racial identity while growing up in a White family in his new graphic novel, “Change the Game.” The former football player recalled disagreements with his parents that he attributed to racism”

How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child. Shakespeare knew about Kapernick five centuries ago.

March 10, 2023 12:58 pm

Vinnies lost their way when they started opening on Sundays. Says it all about a “catholic” organisation.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2023 1:00 pm

March 10, 2023 at 12:47 pm
Scientists have made a shocking discovery about worrisome viruses within Arctic permafrost that could pose a pandemic threat.

Isn’t that so fortuitous? And just when they were running out of viruses with which to scare us.

Yes, and those viruses killed all of the Mammoths and Sabre Toothed Tigers too……………..LOL FFS.

March 10, 2023 1:01 pm

These are clearly Aboriginal prisoners, they’re suffering Vitamin D deprivation, which is essentially a form of torture.

Factcheck: True

Whilst being admitted to the solitary section of the Canberra jail, I informed them I was *both* aboriginal and torres strait islander (and watched whilst both boxes were ticked on the form). I also told them I was on vitamin D and thyroid meds daily.

Their response: I was locked in a 2m by 4m cell for 6 days with NO access to the yard and not given any D at any stage and denied the thyroid meds (without which I become comatose in a couple of weeks) until day 6.

March 10, 2023 1:02 pm

March 10, 2023 at 12:40 pm
Don’t let facts get in the way of Groogs’ smears…

He’s a moron

That’s unkind to morons. You mean he’s a Munty.

Cassie of Sydney
March 10, 2023 1:02 pm

I don’t know whether anyone posted this earlier but it’s a good wrap on Ukraine…from The Oz

NATO breached promise to Moscow of ‘not one inch’ to east

Singapore has urged Western nations to reflect on their role in the Ukraine war, comparing Australia’s concerns over China’s growing military presence in the Pacific islands with Russia’s long-held fear of encirclement by NATO in the long lead-up to its invasion.

Home Affairs Minister Shanmugan Kasiviswanathan told a two-day conference hosted by Singapore’s International Institute for Strategic Studies his government took a consistent stand against such unilateral invasions and was clear the “war has to end”.

Singapore, the only ASEAN nation to impose sanctions on Russia over Ukraine, saw the conflict as a lesson to small states on the need to build up the military means and social resilience to defend themselves “because others may help only if it suits their interests”, Mr Shanmugan said.

“Nothing justifies the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Nothing can justify the horrors that the Ukrainian people are going through.”

But, he added, the Western view that the war was a result purely of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s imperial ambitions “too conveniently absolves the West of any responsibility for the way the events have unfolded”.

The West must also “reflect on whether Russia’s concerns were adequately dealt with, even as NATO expanded”.

“The West and NATO, in my view, were not uninvolved bystanders who had no role to play in the current situation,” he said.

Russia’s invasion was a “clear and gross violation of international law” but Western nations could have done more to address Moscow’s often-stated concerns over NATO’s post-Cold War eastward enlargement – in breach of what it understood to be a clear agreement. NATO accepted 10 Eastern European nations as members between 1992 – the year after the Soviet Union’s collapse – and 2004, despite previous assurances from the US and NATO partners that it would expand “not one inch” to the east.

From 2009 to 2020, NATO continued that expansion by including Albania, Croatia, Montenegro and North Macedonia, though not yet Ukraine.

Neither Russia nor Ukraine appeared to have honoured the 2015 Minsk Agreements in the wake of Russia’s occupation in Crimea that sought to reinstate Ukrainian control over Donbas in exchange for constitutional reforms granting greater autonomy to those regions, he said.

“If you lived in the Baltics, ­Poland, or any of these countries, it is entirely understandable that you might want to be part of NATO. But I think it is also fair to say that there was a significant responsibility to deal with Russia’s security concerns, even as NATO decided on enlargement.

“In April last year, when China signed a security agreement with the Solomon Islands, there was considerable alarm in Australia about a possible Chinese military presence in the Pacific Islands – 2000km away from Australia. I think Kyiv is about 500km away from Moscow.”

Similarly, the Cuban missile crisis was sparked by US fears of having Russia’s military at its doorstep “notwithstanding that Cuba had the sovereign power to decide”. “And Australia wasn’t – and isn’t – keen on Chinese military presence in the Pacific Islands. But NATO’s presence in all of these countries is much closer or much less than 2000km.

“This is not an argument that NATO should not expand. But it is a point that Russian concerns need to have been dealt with. It cannot simply be dismissed. Otherwise, it will look like double standards are being applied.”

Mr Shanmugan said Ukraine’s defence of its territory against its far more powerful neighbour had been “nothing short of heroic”, but ultimately it was paying a disproportionate price for geopolitical conflict between great powers.

Tens of thousands of combatants and civilians have been killed and millions of Ukrainians forced to flee since Mr Putin launched his invasion in February last year. As the Ukraine conflict grinds into a second year – with neither side able to claim a clear military advantage – the US has warned that Moscow could be planning to drag out the war for years.

Kudos to Mr Shanmugan.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 10, 2023 1:03 pm

Humility is pride’s antidote
By Monica Doumit -March 10, 2023 – The Catholic Weekly

Related story today:

The Catholic Church’s LGBTQ Odyssey (FrontPageMag, 9 Mar)

Plus from yesterday also:

Pope Francis Brings Heterodox Cardinal into His Inner Circle (8 Mar)

Unfortunately the siren song of the Left is corroding both the Anglicans (eg. Welby) and the Catholic Church. And several other denominations. It’s sad to see them going this way. The one thing which is always the outcome if a Christian church abandons the Word of God is that God likewise abandons them. It never goes well.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2023 1:05 pm

Somehow, he got her off. As a reward, she never paid his (modest) fee.

That’s Marcia.

He most probably got his (modest) fee from Legal Aid. That means, the Long Suffering Taxpayer.

March 10, 2023 1:06 pm
March 10, 2023 1:07 pm

If you in fact believe this you actually like being lied to.

Paging Military Perfesser Monty….

March 10, 2023 1:10 pm

Prosecutors: Gun in “Rust” shooting broke during testing, and “destroyed”

Gee whats the odds of a completely unknown malfunction both setting off the gun as it was aimed at people AND spontaneously suffering a complete destruction when its next tested?

Pass it on to the ATSB – they seem to be able to identify mechanical faults from the tinfoil left over after a plane spuds in at 450 knots.

March 10, 2023 1:11 pm

“In April last year, when China signed a security agreement with the Solomon Islands, there was considerable alarm in Australia about a possible Chinese military presence in the Pacific Islands – 2000km away from Australia. I think Kyiv is about 500km away from Moscow.”

Nice call out of the Australian Idiocracy.

March 10, 2023 1:11 pm

Has anyone ever seen Munt and Groogs in the same room at the same time?

March 10, 2023 1:12 pm

Moderators must be on their lunch-break(s) .. 3 comments thru on MSN news without a knockback!
gotta be a record .. for me, at least .. LOL!

March 10, 2023 1:12 pm

The one thing which is always the outcome if a Christian church abandons the Word of God is that God likewise abandons them. It never goes well.

What Does It Mean to Be a “Welcoming” Church?
Crisis Magazine – March 9, 2023

On my way home in the city where I currently live, I pass by three Protestant churches. All proclaim, to varying degrees, their “welcoming inclusivity,” with emphasis on the sexual, particularly through their curbside signs.

The first, where progeny of John and Charles Wesley meet and still pretend to be “united” (although half their denomination is walking out on them), declares “All Are Welcome Here!” above a rainbow logo. Next comes the loyal subjects of Henry VIII, who continue his deconstruction of sexual ethics to proclaim “inclusivity” with rainbow and BLM symbols painted on their sign.

Finally, across the street from my bedroom window, the alleged heirs of John Knox outdo all their fellows, advertising “All Are Welcome Here!” capped with a Pride flag blowing in the wind and four 6 by 3 foot signs announcing, “Jesus,” “Lord,” “Black Lives Are” “Sacred.” (Presbyterians are hardly so Christologically committed to unborn lives).

March 10, 2023 1:14 pm

Johnny Rotten says:
March 10, 2023 at 1:05 pm

Somehow, he got her off. As a reward, she never paid his (modest) fee.

That’s Marcia.

He most probably got his (modest) fee from Legal Aid. That means, the Long Suffering Taxpayer.

Nope. If so, he would have been paid eventually.

She was a private client. Someone must have told her that he was a pushover.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2023 1:15 pm

Tens of thousands of combatants and civilians have been killed and millions of Ukrainians forced to flee since Mr Putin launched his invasion in February last year. As the Ukraine conflict grinds into a second year – with neither side able to claim a clear military advantage – the US has warned that Moscow could be planning to drag out the war for years.

Kudos to Mr Shanmugan.

However, Russia will win this War and the USA and NATO will be humbled. Unfortunately, the UKR gets smashed in the process. Well done the West. Russia does not want NATO on it’s border. Not hard to reason why. What if Putin convinced Mexico to have missiles on the border with the USA?

March 10, 2023 1:16 pm

The former football player recalled disagreements with his parents that he attributed to racism

Apparently will return to the jungle no matter what you do.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 10, 2023 1:19 pm

More lawyer goodness – this is commentary during a bail application for a NSW dude on remand for driving around with eight kilograms of meth (the Tele):

Ms Hawkins was the presiding magistrate when Mansell first appeared in Taree Local Court via audio visual link on October 19 with his lawyer telling the court his client was “not a man of any wealth or means”.

But Ms Hawkins interjected saying “He’s wearing a Louis Vuitton shirt.”

Bail denied. Brilliant.

March 10, 2023 1:20 pm

I have just been polled by a market research company about the upcoming state election. The first time in over twenty years. I actually answered honestly but was surprised that they couldn’t accommodate me saying I would vote differently for the lower and the upper house. The other questions were about favourability or unfavourability of Perrottet, Minns and my local MP.

March 10, 2023 1:20 pm

I’m not trying to preach to the converted, but many in the Churches have forgotten the a key phrase/belief of Christianity:

Love the sinner, hate the sin.

March 10, 2023 1:21 pm


I believe I called it months ago on Ukraine blowing up the pipelines.

You understand the Leftist Mind, and therefore understood who they would attempt to scapegoat.

March 10, 2023 1:22 pm

Vinnies lost their way when they started opening on Sundays. Says it all about a “catholic”

The majority of Vinnies opening on Sunday’s are the franchises .. most (if not all) of the Vinnies management run operations don’t open Sunday’s ….. tho, I think, this is more because they are majority volunteer staffed rather than because of religious consideration …..

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 10, 2023 1:23 pm

The first, where progeny of John and Charles Wesley meet and still pretend to be “united” (although half their denomination is walking out on them), declares “All Are Welcome Here!”

Yes, exactly P. So welcoming that they no longer welcome Bible-believing Christians. I wonder when they’ll start editing the Bible the way they’ve been doing with Roald Dahl, Ian Fleming and R L Stine’s books.

March 10, 2023 1:26 pm

Big Food, Big Pharma colluding to keep Americans DIABETIC and OBESE to maximize profits

No! they wouldn’t be that evil!

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2023 1:27 pm

March 10, 2023 at 1:20 pm
I’m not trying to preach to the converted, but many in the Churches have forgotten the a key phrase/belief of Christianity:

Love the sinner, hate the sin.

I like ‘an eye for an eye’ in the Bible…………Seems fair to me.

March 10, 2023 1:27 pm

Hahaha what a great line…

Alec Baldwin killed more people than Jan 6 protestors. 😛

March 10, 2023 1:27 pm

Unfortunately the siren song of the Left is corroding both the Anglicans (eg. Welby) and the Catholic Church. And several other denominations. It’s sad to see them going this way. The one thing which is always the outcome if a Christian church abandons the Word of God is that God likewise abandons them. It never goes well.

I heard the Arch preach in St Georges Cathedral a few months ago.
A major tongue bath for the traditional owners, and I don’t mean just an acknowledgement of country. Not sure the Bride of Christ’s groom got a mention at all.
Right down there with the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation.

March 10, 2023 1:28 pm

Johnny… I go one-more back at ya 😛

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

March 10, 2023 1:29 pm

$100 lathe for WA Cats, it’s most probably an “Adept”, has the useful countershaft and is probably about 300mm long:

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2023 1:31 pm

But Ms Hawkins interjected saying “He’s wearing a Louis Vuitton shirt.”

Bail denied. Brilliant.

“But, but, it was a ‘knock off’ yer’ Honour”. “Even mote reason to deny you bail”, she said…………….LOL

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 10, 2023 1:35 pm

It wasn’t in the ocean, it was in the Baltic sea, on a busy sea lane, in a yacht that would have to sit there in support of the divers making several dives around 300 feet planting explosives, while civilian and military ships were passing close by and go unnoticed. The idea that this could have been anyone is preposterous bullshit.

Preposterous? Not really.
The general idea that this exploit could only have been done by a sophisticated state actor using high end military kit falls away with a gentle touch.

The first key step is locating and observing the pipelines. The first few seconds of this video of the actual damage shows a fairly low tech, unobtrusive, and effective approach to locating the target in real time from a small boat using a commercial submersible ROV camera.

The second step is damaging the target. Seymour Hersh has divers placing “shaped charges” and ‘special covers’ on the pipelines, however the actual blasts were ~100kg mass charges and not shaped charges. Assuming RDX was used, with this charge weight, these devices only needed to be in general proximity/contact to breach the pipeline. 100kg would fit in a container the size of a small suitcase – and, mounted on a simple sled, could easily be towed into place along the sea floor, guided by the ROV camera. No divers or suspicious loitering required.

And, apparently, the yacht didn’t go unnoticed.

And, if it was the US (or the UK, or Russia) putting its relationship with the world on the line to send a message to Germany, all far more deniable than a complicated, sophisticated multi-national, multi-service military operation.

March 10, 2023 1:35 pm

What if Putin convinced Mexico to have missiles on the border with the USA?

The Biden Regime doesn’t have a problem with the Chinese presence in Mexico?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 10, 2023 1:35 pm

Some people have the right genes.

Well, so far for me it’s thank you mum and dad. A little deficient in the parenting stakes sometimes but excellent in the brain-functioning genetic ones – to date anyway, in spite of being the Cat Paragon of Typing Errors. Long may I continue to recall them both, sparking on all six to the end as they did, and also long may I have the capacity to recognise the good things that they did for the three of us, and also the hopes they started out with.

I sometimes suspect that there is no perfection in parenting anyway. There are guidelines which aren’t always followed, but even those parents who keep well within them can seem to cause their offspring grief. Human beings are very complex creatures with a tremendous capacity to talk past each other. That we can talk at all is the greatest gift.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2023 1:36 pm

March 10, 2023 at 1:28 pm
Johnny… I go one-more back at ya ?

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

I disagree, as after the first strike you will still have one eye. And not only that, but the ones that still have two eyes are the ones behaving themselves…………………….

March 10, 2023 1:39 pm

Nordstream… 500,000 tonnes of methane released.

And methane is 10 times “worse” than Carbon emissions.

Great job Joe.

March 10, 2023 1:47 pm

these devices only needed to be in general proximity/contact to breach the pipeline. 100kg would fit in a container the size of a small suitcase

100kg is a lot, but in my limited experience, blowing up a pipeline is more difficult than it would seem, most attempts fail.

March 10, 2023 1:50 pm

Has anyone ever seen Munt and Groogs in the same room at the same time?

Heres the recovered footage..

March 10, 2023 1:51 pm

Hah! The NSW Electoral Commission’s random ballot positioning has come out with Lyle Shelton and Craig Kelly at the top of the Legislative Council ballot!

March 10, 2023 1:52 pm

However, Russia will win this War and the USA and NATO will be humbled.

Russia has been humbled to a great degree. If Russia was going to win this war, wouldn’t they have won by now already?

Unfortunately, the UKR gets smashed in the process.

They already may never recover, even if they “win”. Their losses are calculable on paper, but what is Ukraine anymore? You can say from here Russia wins on a very long time frame (say in decades time), they just turn to Russia.

Well done the West. Russia does not want NATO on it’s border.

Russia screwed up here. Who joined NATO since the “SMOO” (Special Military Operation in “our” Oblasts) started?

Not hard to reason why. What if Putin convinced Mexico to have missiles on the border with the USA?

Like Lysander said, China is already there, and arguably in Canada and much of the US government anyway…like you I can’t understand why they care about expanding NATO ever eastward. Benevolently, they want Russia with the west. Malevolently, they DO want to “carve up” Russia, but what the hell to? The only people taking this seriously is China, who have historical beefs and claims with and on parts of Russia. Russia’s conventional military is a lot weaker since Feb. 2022.

March 10, 2023 1:52 pm

That’s some awful block quoting. Geez louise!

March 10, 2023 1:57 pm

And more…

-On voting intention, primary vote numbers inclusive of a 7% undecided component have Labor and the Coalition on 32% each, which is one down in Labor’s case and two up in the Coalition’s.

-Leader favourability ratings, in which respondents are asked to rate the leaders from zero to ten (distinct from a more conventional approval question that is asked of the Prime Minister once a month), offer the most distinctive evidence yet for a softening of Anthony Albanese’s position: 40% now give him a rating of seven to ten, down seven on last month, with 28% scoring him from zero to three, up six.

-For the first time since Labor came to power, a “national mood” question records a net negative result, with 42% rating that the country is on the wrong track, up five on a month ago, compared with 38% for the right track, down five.

-An additional result from this week’s Newspoll has support for an Indigenous voice at 53%, down three on a month ago, with opposition up one to 38%.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 10, 2023 1:57 pm

100kg is a lot, but in my limited experience, blowing up a pipeline is more difficult than it would seem, most attempts fail.

Petroleum pipelines certainly are resilient things by design.
Yet, what we know:

– The seismic shock from the explosions registered at around 100kg of TNT equivalent;
– Three of the four pipeline sections were breached;
– The video shows shattered/torn pipeline, with several meters destroyed – completely inconsistent with the results you would expect from a shaped charge.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2023 2:01 pm

“There you go, if you like watching Zulu you are a terrorist”

I’ve heard that even the Zulus liked watching ‘Zulu’. Especially ‘Zulu Dawn’ which is a battle that happened earlier before Rourke’s Drift I do believe.

So, they are not terrorists or racist? Actually, the British were the Invaders just like the Boers (Dutch), the Germans and the French and Belgians.

March 10, 2023 2:02 pm

100kg is a lot, but in my limited experience, blowing up a pipeline is more difficult than it would seem, most attempts fail.

I am interested in this ‘limited experience’ you mention.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2023 2:11 pm

However, Russia will win this War and the USA and NATO will be humbled.

Russia has been humbled to a great degree. If Russia was going to win this war, wouldn’t they have won by now already?

Unfortunately, the UKR gets smashed in the process.

They already may never recover, even if they “win”. Their losses are calculable on paper, but what is Ukraine anymore? You can say from here Russia wins on a very long time frame (say in decades time), they just turn to Russia.

Well done the West. Russia does not want NATO on it’s border.

Russia screwed up here. Who joined NATO since the “SMOO” (Special Military Operation in “our” Oblasts) started?

Not hard to reason why. What if Putin convinced Mexico to have missiles on the border with the USA?

Like Lysander said, China is already there, and arguably in Canada and much of the US government anyway…like you I can’t understand why they care about expanding NATO ever eastward. Benevolently, they want Russia with the west. Malevolently, they DO want to “carve up” Russia, but what the hell to? The only people taking this seriously is China, who have historical beefs and claims with and on parts of Russia. Russia’s conventional military is a lot weaker since Feb. 2022.

Well Dotty Dot of Dottiness, this is already ramping up Big Time. Watch this space. There are some very good Podcasts by US Colonel (retired) Douglas MacGregor and they do take some time to watch. Most people don’t seem to have the time to watch this sort of stuff. But I do.

Who is winning? Watch this and then make your own mind up.

March 10, 2023 2:13 pm

based on your first principles analysis of the well known Ukrainian Navy’s deep sea diving capabilities in the Baltic Sea?

If you had been following along, duk, you would know that the latest narrative is that it was probably non-state Ukrainian actors.

My guess was mostly based on figuring out who had the least to lose and most to gain. Ukraine is already being invaded, what more can be done to them? They are the most desperate. It’s a matter of life and death to them, of course they are going to try some crazy shit.

March 10, 2023 2:18 pm

Well Dotty Dot of Dottiness, this is already ramping up Big Time.

I don’t know why you wouldn’t take a war seriously for the first year. Maybe I’m too much of a civilian.

March 10, 2023 2:19 pm


Who released the pics of the Russian General dancing in his bathrobes, with mild explicit nudity?

March 10, 2023 2:19 pm

Ukraine is already being invaded, what more can be done to them?

They could lose NATO support, therefore pretty well 90% of their logistics in one swoop.

The actors in this will be “non state” only in the sense they werent wearing uniforms when they did it.
Anyone checked what the “rainbow warrior” squad are up to lately?

March 10, 2023 2:20 pm

Xavier Maginuet wrote a cracking and ultra realistic book on shark attacks, “The Jaws of Death”.

March 10, 2023 2:32 pm


We are allowing mysticism and woo to infest the legal system.

This is about equivalent to going to court and claiming a gay pride parade is going to bring down the wrath of god and the person doing it must be criminally charged.
According to the prosecution’s statement of facts, the brook is the home of the Waugul — the rainbow serpent central to Noongar mythology.

It states that any alteration to the Waugul’s home could scare it from the water, causing it to dry up and cause harm to the surrounding environment and people.

Mr Maddox said the outcome could have wideranging implications for landholders all over the state.

“If this goes through it will affect every single farmer in Western Australia,” he said.

“Every farmer crosses creeks in their daily activities. There’s going to be an awful lot of permission-seeking going on.

“I’ve got a duty of care to comply with the Act. Why haven’t they got a duty of care to tell me the Act exists?”

Robert Sewell
March 10, 2023 2:33 pm


And speaking of mimicking, nervous ticks are becoming a “thing” with younger girls. Apparently having a tick is now a craze, much the same as self-described “autism”. I suppose it isn’t called “TikTok” for nothing.

I think we’ve seen the human equivalent of Calhouns experiment with Norwegian Rats – the overload of social interactions neatly correlates to the rise of mobile phone connectedness. When you look at the amount of interactions young women conduct during the day, it looks pretty straightforward.
But what would I know? I’m not a biologist.

March 10, 2023 2:38 pm

You stop worrying about HMAS Sydney, gypsum, traffic paddles, Dainty Ironmonger, mutton, spooks and flamers.

Only to commence expounding on his many other bizarre obsessions.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 10, 2023 2:39 pm

it was probably non-state Ukrainian actors

Steven Seagal could have stopped this, if he hadn’t turned so fat and mental.

March 10, 2023 2:46 pm

Steven Seagal could have stopped this, if he hadn’t turned so fat and mental.

Yep; in his prime it would have been all over: Anybody seen Richie?

March 10, 2023 2:52 pm

Mmm – just been pigging out on a creamy Austalian cheddar implanted with garlic and black pepper. On a multigrain cracker with a bit of butter, absolutely delicious.

Who needs wog cheese?

Garlic does stink out the fridge, though. 🙂

Robert Sewell
March 10, 2023 2:58 pm

Grey Ranga:

lotocoti a Commadore is 2 ranks higher than a Commander. Also a poorly made overpriced car no longer made.

And yet the Mighty 380 just made a trip to the big smoke and back with nary a murmur, and would pick up the skirts and go like a scalded cat when passing road trains. (But back off at 160 because we don’t need to prove nuthin.)
104,000Km on the clock and she doesn’t look a day over 18.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 10, 2023 2:59 pm

Somehow, he got her (Marcia) off.


March 10, 2023 3:01 pm

Anyone checked what the “rainbow warrior” squad are up to lately?

You want either the NRL or AFL on this pronto.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2023 3:02 pm

My guess was mostly based on

SFA as usual. You have no intelligence whatsoever. Guessing is not the best.

Robert Sewell
March 10, 2023 3:02 pm

With Calhouns experiment, wasn’t there a generation that stood out as the point at which the rat society lost the plot?
No, not Generation 666 – something else.

Robert Sewell
March 10, 2023 3:03 pm

With Calhouns experiment, wasn’t there a generation that stood out as the point at which the rat society lost the plot?
No, not Generation 666 – maybe something else.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2023 3:07 pm

March 10, 2023 at 2:52 pm
Mmm – just been pigging out on a creamy Austalian cheddar implanted with garlic and black pepper. On a multigrain cracker with a bit of butter, absolutely delicious.

Who needs wog cheese?

Garlic does stink out the fridge, though. ?

How dare you say the word wog. And I hope your fridge continues to stink with garlic.

Robert Sewell
March 10, 2023 3:11 pm


Yes. Anorexia/bulimia was a “thing” in the mid-80’s and 90’s. I know of a couple of deaths and a few hospitalisations in my immediate circle.

My very first MiL was one of them. Mad as a meat axe, but not floridly so. She was Matron of a Hospital.
She’d carry a grudge until she died.
Had a hatred of being defied. Which I did quite often, after I realised just how nasty she was. She threw a party when her weight got down to 39 kilogram.
She ate an orange to celebrate.
I seem to have run into a series of lunatics for rels.
A cousin just a couple of years older than me has been crook with cardiomyopathy and associated stuff.
He’s had the jab and tests negative for COVID. Claims the tests are wrong and won’t have a bar of being sick because of the jab.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 10, 2023 3:14 pm

Daily Mail.

Bruce Lehrmann claims The Project botched efforts to contact him by using an old email address and calling a wrong number before airing Lisa Wilkinson interview with Brittany Higgins about rape allegation

Channel Ten tried to contact Bruce Lehrmann five times
He was accused of raping Brittany Higgins, which he denies
One email address was defunct, another was old and disused didn’t contact him because he didn’t reply to Ten

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 10, 2023 3:17 pm

Chaim Topol…put in a very memorable performance in Winds of War and War and Remembrance.

Thanks for joining the dots there. Watched both and didn’t realise it was Topol.

Herman Wouk was a great writer. Just finished re-reading The Caine Mutiny.

As an aside, Topol gets a mention in the film Notting Hill.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2023 3:19 pm

March 10, 2023 at 8:21 am
like the Anglo Saxon myth

UN-like the Anglo Saxon myth

I’m an Anglo Saxon.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 10, 2023 3:22 pm

-For the first time since Labor came to power, a “national mood” question records a net negative result, with 42% rating that the country is on the wrong track, up five on a month ago, compared with 38% for the right track, down five.

Just to depress you Lysander:

Biden’s public approval ticks up to 42%, highest since June: Reuters/Ipsos poll (8 Mar)

A full 42% of Americans like having a corrupt vegetable as their President.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 10, 2023 3:22 pm

Just finished re-reading The Caine Mutiny.

I’m reading Ian Toll’s trilogy, of the U.S. Navy, in the Pacific War “Pacific Crucible – War At Sea in the Pacific.” Best account of that campaign I’ve ever read

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2023 3:25 pm

I think we’ve seen the human equivalent of Calhouns experiment with Norwegian Rats – the overload of social interactions neatly correlates to the rise of mobile phone connectedness. When you look at the amount of interactions young women conduct during the day, it looks pretty straightforward.
But what would I know? I’m not a biologist.

In the Olden Days they were called Lemmings. Over the cliff you go…………………..

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 10, 2023 3:30 pm

Teacher who hit 7-year-old must go back to court in ruling blasted by magistrate

A teacher accused of hitting a seven-year-old student will have her case heard for a second time, despite a local magistrate dismissing the case because he thought this was “a classic case of the insanity that has overtaken society in the 21st century”.

Charges against NSW public school teacher Emma Tiller for hitting the young boy’s hand when she thought he was using building blocks to gesture inappropriately at another child were brought before Magistrate Roger Clisdell last year.

In delivering his judgment, Magistrate Clisdell said the courts see too many people “from a generation who never experienced discipline at school” and declared “shame on the education department” for sacking Ms Tiller.

He found Ms Tiller not guilty of assault causing grievous bodily harm and threw out the case.

But the Supreme Court this week upheld the Director of Public Prosecutions’ appeal for the matter to be reheard in the Queanbeyan Local Court by any other judge.

During the trial, Ms Tiller claimed her actions were a “reflex, and not appropriate.”

She told Magistrate Clisdell she instantly knew she had done the wrong thing, apologised to the student for her actions and reported herself to her superiors.

Magistrate Clisdell said it was unfair Ms Tiller been fired because of the incident, and that the education department had lost “a fantastic primary school teacher, dedicated, organised, well meaning.”

“Gee I wish I could go back and sue all my teachers from primary school,” he said when reading out his judgment.

“This is a classic case of the insanity that has overtaken society in the 21st century. It started in the 1980s when we advised students that they had rights and we took away the control and power of, firstly parents then teachers, then the police, and even the courts.”

Magistrate Clisdell illustrated the “insanity” of the treatment of school teachers by recalling an anecdote with a teacher friend who had quit over accusations of sexual assault.

“One of my former school mates who I’m still mates with from boarding school nearly 50 years later was a schoolteacher in primary school, a male, one of those extinct species in primary schools, who was the only male teacher in the school, so whenever there was a discipline problem, he was called in to sort out the class,” he said.

“One day a kid racing across the asphalt slips and falls, he runs over picks up the kid – comforts it, and has a complaint made that he was sexually assaulting the kid. It never went anywhere but he quit. This is what is happening with our world today.”

The child told the court, in a pre-recorded interview, that Ms Tiller “smacked” him as he was packing up blocks, and the smack caused a bruise on his arm.

The boy said Ms Tiller thought he was “doing something very silly”, but he wasn’t. When asked why he thought the teacher believed he was doing something silly he stated he was holding the blocks near the top of his right leg.

The boy said Ms Tiller left a bruise, two photos of which where tended to evidence. He said it was very swollen, quite sore, and it “really hurt” when he tried to stretch it a little bit.

“(The child’s) interview was impressive for the fact that he gave every buzz word available, scared, terrified,” Magistrate Clisdell said.

“What do we have here, we have a child who has behavioural problems in the classroom, a child who was a constant nuisance. We know he’s a constant nuisance cause even his school friends were saying, ‘Ooh, you got rid of (Ms Tiller)’.”

The trial also heard evidence from the child’s mother, known as Ms L, who said Ms Tiller had called her the day before the alleged assault to say she had been “picking on” the child because his behaviour in class was “unacceptable.”

“(She said) he was being very talkative, that she was having to call his name repeatedly, that it was getting to the point where she was picking on him, but it wasn’t very nice, and she was finding it hard to (control) herself with him,” Ms L said.

In cross-examination, it was confirmed Ms L took contemporaneous notes of the conversation. This was clarified to mean that she “jotted down on a piece of paper … the words ‘picking on (the child)’”

She also said she found Ms Tiller’s feedback odd, as the child had not presented with behavioural issues in the past.

Magistrate Clisdell said he had “never heard anything as stupid and unbelievable as a teacher ringing a (parent) and saying, ‘I’m picking on your kid’, that did not happen, I don’t accept it for a moment.”

“What I do accept that was probably said, was that either, ‘I don’t want you to be concerned that I’m picking’, or ‘I’m concerned that I might be seen as picking on him because I’m always having to call him out’,” he said.

“We all know the kid that wants attention in the classroom and the fact that he didn‘t play up in kindergarten in first class, just means that he got a little bit older and a little bit more bold when he got into second class. I never got into trouble in kindergarten and first class, did get into trouble in second class.”

The reasons for Magistrate Clisdell’s judgment concluded with a call for all members of the courtroom to read Edward Gibbons ‘The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’ – a six-volume set of works which details how religion took down for Roman Empire.

“Guess what, western society is following it chapter and verse 2000 years later. 1600 probably, but close enough,” he said.

Oz – comments allowed oddly

March 10, 2023 3:32 pm

I’m an Anglo Saxon.

Like me. Our ancestors were there at least 7,000 years ago. The AS Chronicle is nearly all fantasy in terms of an invasion.

Didn’t it strike you as rather odd that some of the “post invasion” Wessex Kings had “Celtic” names?


I highly recommend you watch Francis Pryor on the matter. He had DNA tests done looking at how villages changed from Roman to AS to modern times. Very little change.

March 10, 2023 3:35 pm

grievous bodily harm

Now THAT is a bullshit charge.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2023 3:37 pm

March 10, 2023 at 2:19 pm

Who released the pics of the Russian General dancing in his bathrobes, with mild explicit nudity?

There’s a lot more of that Clown Zelensky trying to dance in his high heels…………

Wot’ a Tosser. Leader of a Nation? I don’t fink’ so……………………………………….

March 10, 2023 3:39 pm

A full 42% of Americans like having a corrupt vegetable as their President.

They would like him even better if he were embalmed.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2023 3:43 pm

Like me. Our ancestors were there at least 7,000 years ago. The AS Chronicle is nearly all fantasy in terms of an invasion.

NO you Plonker. Anglo Saxons were not there 7,000 years ago. Those people were Celts. Ancient Britons. The Anglo Saxons came after the Romans. FFS. What History have you ever researched? Not much it seems.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 10, 2023 3:45 pm

“Gee I wish I could go back and sue all my teachers from primary school,” he said when reading out his judgment.

This Magistrate is a total clown.

Hitting children is never appropriate, this teacher is nuts.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 10, 2023 3:48 pm

I have to say that I have been quite conflicted over the last couple of weeks about how to respond to the 17-day “celebration” of World Pride.

On the one hand, it seems as though there was no escape from the “rainbow’ ideology.”

The one thing I noticed throughout was that it was not, and is not, a popular movement.

Christmas, New Year, the Grand Final, Australia Day, ANZAC Day – these are things celebrated or cherished by real people. People will, in passing, make mention of them and impart the little tokens and gestures – Asking “Who are you barracking for?” and dressing up (to varying degrees) with football team livery, planning big Christmas gut-rupturing family get-togethers and buying each other gifts, solemnly watching the aging men and women march under their unit banners each of which tell tales of sacrifice and comradeship – these are things Australians heartily celebrate.

Bottom-fussing pride does not inspire this. It is not an Australian celebration. It is a government celebration, and an HR department celebration. It comes from the top down and finds no root in Australia proper. (Well, there might be some rooting in the mardi gras, but I am sure they use stronger detergents when they hose down the streets the next day).

No one I dealt with in the weeks up to Pride whatever mentioned it. What we did see was loads of ads paid for by governments, and some corporate-styled stickers and ribbons and banners. Some shop staff might have Pride lanyards or such on their clothes, but all uniform, approved, manufactured, and mandated by the HR department. Take away the propaganda and procurement apparatus that allows a few faddist morons to amplify their causes which, like sparks from fireworks leap sudden and bright from darkness and as swiftly are gone (and which run to their very cores – their shallow convictions plumbing the very depths of their shallow souls), and all you are left with is a few weirdos in gaudy clothing, disastrous hair, silly voices, gibbering unintelligibly.

While we buy chocolates for family and select friends for Easter.

March 10, 2023 3:52 pm

My guess was mostly based on figuring out who had the least to lose and most to gain.

That would be the good ol USA.

The Ukrainians would really have to weigh up destroying Europe’s economy vs prevent Germany from rapprochement with Russia(because they need energy), and if caught end up loosing German support anyway.

March 10, 2023 3:53 pm

No Johnny, you were deceived. Bede was an awful historian. You may as well see Arthur and Merlin as real historical figures.

You have time to watch this, DNA evidence is hard to argue against. Lizzie and me discussed later DNA studies a few weeks ago.

Britain AD ~ The Invasion That Never Was ~ Francis Pryor

Finding new and previously unexplained evidence Francis Pryor overturns the idea that Britain was crushed under Roman rule, then reverted to a state of anarchy and disorder after the Romans left in 410 AD. Instead of doom and gloom Francis discovers a continuous culture that assimilated influences from as far a field as the Middle East and Constantinople. Francis is confronted by evidence that confounds traditional views of Britain as a powerless bunch or warring barbarian tribes. Nor was there the invasion of bloodthirsty Anglo Saxons, rampaging across the countryside, which our school books have always depicted. With new archaeological evidence Francis discovers a far more interesting and complex story, one that puts the continuing energy of the Ancient Britons at the core. According to conventional wisdom, native British culture was suppressed by 400 years of Roman rule, and the withdrawal of the mighty imperial army in 410AD threw the country into a state of primitive barbarism, which only came to an end with the invasion of the more advanced Anglo Saxons. With detailed archaeology, cutting-edge academic research and his own brand of iconoclasm, writer and broadcaster, and presenter of Britain AD, Francis Pryor argues that we’ve got this version of British history wrong. Francis shows how archaeologists are beginning to reveal that the early history of Britain was in fact a vibrant period in which the population thrived from a series of foreign influences from as far afield as the Middle East and Constantinople without losing its own cultural identity. In the second episode of this series, Francis Pryor sheds light on the so-called ‘Dark Ages’. He shows that far from a ‘Dark Age’, archaeologists have discovered evidence of a resurgence of native culture. The classic image of the Romans departing and ‘turning out the lights’ is shown to be completely false. Francis finds a world inhabited by Christianised, literate Britons engaging in trade and diplomacy with the Byzantine Empire. So far reaching are the implications of these discoveries that the ‘dark age’ period in Britain has been renamed Late Antiquity.

(Okay it is in 3 parts, I can’t remember where the DNA is mentioned).

I find it very strange that some English people insist there was an invasion, despite the DNA evidence only really showing Y chromosomal displacement in London and York.

March 10, 2023 3:56 pm

the British were the Invaders

so were the Zulus. they moved south from kenya at about the same time dutchies were heading north

March 10, 2023 4:00 pm

This Magistrate is a total clown.

What he said was sensible and common sense: antiquated values I know but that was the beak’s point.

Hitting children is never appropriate, this teacher is nuts.

Reintroduction of measured caning of kids is ok.

March 10, 2023 4:02 pm

Hearing: AI Could Spur Bioweapon Development | China In Focus

01:00 Hearing: AI Could Spur Bioweapon Development
05:43 Pre-Birth Organ Matching? China’s Infant Organ Transplants Spark Concerns
08:40 China Trade Hurting Amid Faltering Demand
10:37 McCarthy to Meet Taiwan’s Tsai, China Issues Warning
12:04 Taiwan Islands Cope with Cut Internet Cables; Chinese Ships Suspected
13:37 Australia’s PM Visits India to Bolster Ties

March 10, 2023 4:24 pm

ACCC gets $6mill out of Booktopia.
What a country.
Amazon’s business model is built on predatory pricing & stealing IP from enterprises who use Amazon’s infrastructure.
But the ACCC dings a teeny tiny retailer who doesn’t have the resources to drag out litigation like Amazon.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 10, 2023 4:24 pm

Yeah, it was the Yacht wot dunnit.

The ol’ Pink Oboe strikes again, eh?

March 10, 2023 4:28 pm

Amazing how Coles & Woollies prices across whole ranges went up at the same time and the same rate.
Different suppliers, different contracts, but the retail price goes up.
If the ACCC wasn’t a pack of needle dick fascist bullies, they’d have a crack at the big boys.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 10, 2023 4:30 pm

Francis is confronted by evidence that confounds traditional views of Britain as a powerless bunch or warring barbarian tribes. Nor was there the invasion of bloodthirsty Anglo Saxons, rampaging across the countryside, which our school books have always depicted.

School books have always depicted this because for far too long historians who should have known better relied on Bede’s very self-interested account favoring an Adventus Saxonum, the early material about which he took almost directly from the text by Gildas. My work on Gildas tells a different tale, one long over-looked. His references were not to a warrior arising to fight the Saxons. They were to an internal religious dispute over a Father-God going on within the Romanised Church under attack from apostatic half-believers in the old Father God. A proper analysis of the dating cues in Gildas suggests more on how this historical wrong turn about an ‘invasion’ being fought managed to gain historical traction by Bede’s time. In original work, I assess Gildas was writing much earlier than has ever been previously thought, being born around the time of Magnus Maximus towards the real end of Roman Britain. This puts new light on manner in which heresies dominate his piece and on how and why Germanus arrived to dispute these and of how memories of Germanus’ visit became bowdlerised into a tale of Arthur fighting ‘Saxons’. Hint; check out Gildas’ birthdate and his deliberate obfuscation about this.

March 10, 2023 4:32 pm

I have to say that I have been quite conflicted over the last couple of weeks about how to respond to the 17-day “celebration” of World Pride.

It was a localized ‘celebration” at best! .. there was nothing whatsoever on show around Fairfield, NSW to indicate the “festival’ was in Oz …… if it hadn’t of been for media waffling/pix we wouldn’t have known about it ..!

March 10, 2023 4:32 pm

Colin Kaepernick complaining about his parents is really screwed up.
No doubt they weren’t perfect but sheesh, he struck gold being adopted by them.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

I was locked in a 2m by 4m cell for 6 days with NO access to the yard and not given any D at any stage and denied the thyroid meds (without which I become comatose in a couple of weeks) until day 6.

The incarceration so described was based upon a completely faked charge, otherwise known as a “fit up” or “framing”.
Court proceedings revealed that every police officer involved was demonstrably lying, making a deliberate and conscious choice to do so.
(If you listen to them in private moments, many of them often wonder why they’re called pigs – cluelessly believing there is no valid cause to so describe them)

Makes my blood boil.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2023 4:42 pm

I find it very strange that some English people insist there was an invasion, despite the DNA evidence only really showing Y chromosomal displacement in London and York.

You have your timeline completely wrong. The peoples of Northern England after the Romans left were mainly Danes/Vikings. In the South and Wessex and Mercia they were mainly Anglo Saxons. The Jutes were in Kent SE England. The remnants of the Celts, the Ancient Britons were in Cornwall, Wales, the Highlands of Scotland and Ireland. Even in NW France where it is called Brittany they were Celts. There are Celts in Northern Spain.

Go to Lindisfarne and see what the Nordic invaders did.

The Angles and the Saxons moved to Britannia as it was a milder climate and it was easier to grow food.

March 10, 2023 4:45 pm

Its a mystery how pollies leave politics after accumulating large sums of money..
A real mystery.

Two leading Ohio Republicans found guilty in $60m bribery scheme
Ex-House speaker Larry Householder and ex-state Republican party chair Matt Borges convicted in Ohio’s largest corruption case

Prosecutors alleged that Householder orchestrated a scheme secretly funded by Akron-based FirstEnergy Corp to secure his power in the legislature, elect his allies – and then to pass and defend a $1bn nuclear power plant bailout benefiting the electric utility. They alleged that Borges, then a lobbyist, sought to bribe an operative for inside information on the referendum to overturn the bailout.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 10, 2023 4:46 pm

ACCC gets $6mill out of Booktopia.

Nuther bunch of high-handed totalitarian fascists. ACCC was instructing the airlines to lower their airfares yesterday. Do the own these private companies? No they don’t. Get lost ACCC.

Qantas complaints to ACCC soar by 70 per cent as consumer watchdog calls on carriers to reduce domestic airfares (Sky News, 8 Mar)

And I am not fan of Qantas.

March 10, 2023 4:47 pm

You have your timeline completely wrong. The peoples of Northern England after the Romans left were mainly Danes/Vikings.


Are you SURE you’re from England???

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 10, 2023 4:52 pm

“Prosecutors alleged that Householder orchestrated a scheme secretly funded by Akron-based FirstEnergy Corp to secure his power in the legislature, elect his allies – and then to pass and defend a $1bn nuclear power plant bailout benefiting the electric utility. ”

Nuclear Power Plant Bailout, eh?

What happened to
Free Energy from the Sun

Was that all bullshit too?

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2023 4:53 pm

I find it very strange that some English people insist there was an invasion, despite the DNA evidence only really showing Y chromosomal displacement in London and York.

You started off with 7,000 years ago. Way, way too early for your deliberations. The Romans hadn’t been invented and there were no Angles, Saxons or Jutes. The Druids were only just planning Stonehenge in 3,000 BC. You need to do more work on the History of Ancient Britain. Try again. And harder this time.

March 10, 2023 4:59 pm

Whilst being admitted to the solitary section of the Canberra jail, I informed them I was *both* aboriginal and torres strait islander (and watched whilst both boxes were ticked on the form). I also told them I was on vitamin D and thyroid meds daily.

Their response: I was locked in a 2m by 4m cell for 6 days with NO access to the yard and not given any D at any stage and denied the thyroid meds (without which I become comatose in a couple of weeks) until day 6.

There are no words.

I will say this: in the last decade we have been living in a fool’s paradise. Good times…very good times. And it is all coming to an end in so many ways. And still the populace blithely thinks they are living in the best place in the world.

The Chinese certainly agree that we have much that they would like to have on tap, instead of buying. And to think that one part of our population has been reaping pretty substantial rewards, and the lower end has been rejoicing in cheap Chinese household products.

And the real prize of a democracy to be envied by the world? Well, as Duk discovered, that is the saddest illusion of them all.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2023 5:03 pm

March 10, 2023 at 4:47 pm
You have your timeline completely wrong. The peoples of Northern England after the Romans left were mainly Danes/Vikings.


Are you SURE you’re from England???

Ever heard of Danegeld? Ever been to Pomgolia? Ever studied History? I don’t fink’ so……………

March 10, 2023 5:04 pm

You’re not referring to any evidence Johnny, just regurgitating Bede and insisting that Vikings (?) were around in 410.

The DNA evidence is that most towns had very little genetic drift. Where it occurred was largely in the largest cities in the east. Anglo Saxon capitals did not include London for a long time.

Why not Tamworth or Winchester? Why do so many Kings, even into the late 7th century, have celtic names?

Why would “German” Frankish invaders revert to the English names of pagan gods? Why did the English not worship the Irminsul?

March 10, 2023 5:06 pm
March 10, 2023 5:06 pm

Lindisfarne was attacked nearly 400 years later; 400 years later the 1st Danegeld was collected on the continent.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 10, 2023 5:07 pm

There are no words.


GOP Congress Members Organize Trip To See J6 Prisoners (9 Mar)

A delegation of GOP congressmen, led by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, are assembling plans to visit prisoners awaiting trial for participating in the January 6, 2021 [“]riots[“] that rattled Washington and the world. Republicans continue to criticize the detainment centers where prisoners are being held with minimal recreation time, visitation rights, and black mold infestations. Greene has partnered with House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) to release a letter later today informing D.C. corrections officers of their travel plans.

Over two years rotting in Riker’s without even a trial. Shows you how evil the Democrats and their deep state allies are. Especially with Tucker’s video footage – which these poor people haven’t even had a chance to present in their defense since they haven’t had a trial yet to defend themselves in.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2023 5:08 pm

Dotty Dot. Watch this brilliant TV Series and learn.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
March 10, 2023 5:14 pm

Old man back from the GP.
Had his fifth batflu jab.
GP told him that there’s lotsa lotsa the coof in the community. You don’t have to not be on social media to know that’s bunkum.
GP told him about the new wonder antivirals which are definitely not Ivermectin.
If you get the ‘rona, the five day course will cost you $1200. To save your life.
But if you’ve had five jabs, it’s free.

March 10, 2023 5:18 pm

You can’t disprove DNA evidence wrong by a plausible, unfalsifiable language theory.

Now if English IS close to Frisian, what was in between Frisia and Britain until ~7,000-8,000 years ago? Now that is a very long time so the idea of a cultural continuum might not work out.

It would be a hell of a coincidence if latin speakers, formerly celts, were invaded by Germans speaking old Frankish, then took on French and latin after a later invasion…ending up like Frisian.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 10, 2023 5:18 pm

I don’t think so, because I don’t think the general idea is that it must have involved the use of high end military kit.

I think you’ll find Seymour Hersh, who has become the gold standard of pipeline demolition, has that exactly that general idea.

But at least it seems we’re largely agreed that blowing the pipelines is within the capacity of an actor who can get their hands on 500kg of RDX – and can afford $5,000 to buy a commercial underwater camera drone capable of operating at 100m – and a set of navigation maps to locate the pipeline.

That doesn’t rule out the US/Norway/SPECTRE – but it widens the field of suspects.

March 10, 2023 5:20 pm

Why would English sentence structure most closely resemble Irish when compared to any other European language?

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
March 10, 2023 5:27 pm

I assume it’s because the poms and the paddys were close enough to shout at each other across the water.
Next question?

March 10, 2023 5:31 pm

Anyone got a pitch report from India? The Aussies are doing quite well. Again, without Captain Climate.

March 10, 2023 5:34 pm

Prominent Indigenous leaders from the southern Gulf of Carpentaria have urged Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to give the public more information about the Voice to parliament and even delay it, warning failure could set back First Nations people’s rights for generations.

They said while they could understand the Albanese government’s intent with the Voice, it was undeveloped to the point it could easily fail.

March 10, 2023 5:36 pm

Sure Wally, and there has been a lot of Irish immigration into the midlands & London going back even to early medieval times.

Seems kind of weird that the Saxons would genocide and subjugate some celts then other celts would have no issue with becoming subjects of these conquering, celt hating, Germanic Kings!

March 10, 2023 5:36 pm

Wally Dalí says:
March 10, 2023 at 5:14 pm

The practice probably gets a bonus if they can get their rates of booster shots above a certain threshold in his demographic.

March 10, 2023 5:42 pm

From CL’s blog and ridiculous

The man built a bridge over a pissy little creek where it is thought the rainbow serpent came from (and I note, he just replaced a shitty bridge with a concrete one… it look about 3 metres long). He stands to lose his home.

March 10, 2023 5:47 pm

The non state actors from Ukraine blowing up the pipeline story is just plausible enough to throw doubt on alternative explanations. The yacht may have just been used as a red herring, if indeed it existed or was in the area. Who knows?

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2023 5:50 pm

March 10, 2023 at 5:04 pm
You’re not referring to any evidence Johnny, just regurgitating Bede and insisting that Vikings (?) were around in 410.

The DNA evidence is that most towns had very little genetic drift. Where it occurred was largely in the largest cities in the east. Anglo Saxon capitals did not include London for a long time.

Why not Tamworth or Winchester? Why do so many Kings, even into the late 7th century, have celtic names?

Why would “German” Frankish invaders revert to the English names of pagan gods? Why did the English not worship the Irminsul?

I have posted the web link to the Story of English a Documentary made by a superior intellect that you will never have. Watch it or not but it is there on the internet for all to see. You need to go to Spec Savers and get your eyes tested.

NO Dot, you were the one talking about 7,000 years ago. Go back and look at your stupid post.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
March 10, 2023 5:53 pm

Graves has got some interesting questions mixed up in the European language-myth-migration soup. Even further than Europe.
Like, who cleft the devil’s foot?
and, why did Gilgamesh, Odysseus and Odin all have a dog with basically the same name?
English/Irish sentence structure is interesting…. but not fascinating. Actually, Irish syntax sometimes needs an unsupportable amount of decoding. Girl said to me yesterday, “Ye’d be after not so much rain as we got after all would ye not Wal?”, and it felt like i’d been drinking heavily all day.
Another really good question is, why do so many “welcome to country” sentences resemble their English translations so exactly, considering that modern English grammar is almost a worldwide orphan?

March 10, 2023 5:57 pm

I’ve seen The Story of English. It is very interesting but you cannot cling to the Anglo Saxon invasion myth, there is no contemporaneous records of it ever occurring and the DNA evidence says NO.

You also haven’t answered any questions.

Vikings in England in 410???

Come on, man!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 10, 2023 5:59 pm

The non state actors from Ukraine blowing up the pipeline story is just plausible enough to throw doubt on alternative explanations.

– Story leaked by unnamed “US Intelligence”
– To the New York Slimes, their go to orifice.
– Just as J6 footage is giving them painful heat.

Colour me…sceptical.

Robert Sewell
March 10, 2023 6:02 pm

Cassie of Sydney:

Whatever happens, it’s safe to say that Bruce Lehmann’s life has been destroyed.

Well, not destroyed, but it has certainly taken a different path to what he thought it would. Perhaps justice will come about and he’ll be able to do something useful with his time. Become a bricklayer or tiler, a mechanic or whatever takes his fancy.
Anything that doesn’t involve a heavily feminised management layer. Even if the courts proclaim his innocence, they will crucify him – just because they can.

March 10, 2023 6:05 pm

Now that Pell is well and truly six foot under, can you mention JJ’s name?

Robert Sewell
March 10, 2023 6:06 pm

Doc Faustus:

Well, that’s conclusive.
Slam dunk.

I’m convinced…

March 10, 2023 6:06 pm

“I can’t believe I’m charged with a criminal offence for [an Act] that I know nothing about. I just find that extraordinary.”

Welcome to Australia Mate!

Worse, there’s a trove of obnoxious shitweasels such as Munty that applaud this kind of shit.

March 10, 2023 6:07 pm

Here’s one for lawyer cats: If a person is charged with an offence, found guilty but no conviction is recorded, can someone claim he has a criminal conviction?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 10, 2023 6:08 pm

You have your timeline completely wrong.

Johnny, if you’d read more recent scholarship you would know that the timeline is the actual issue. the genetics are as yet unclear because they are generally from such small samples, however recent work suggests as 75% incoming population of Scando-Germanic origin by the end of the 7th century and a 25% of British origin. Many Romanised Britons fled to Brittany in Gaul, causing some depopulation and opening the way for new settlers seeking out people there who were kin. There is almost no evidence of separation and fighting of any ‘invasion’ type between these two closely-related peoples. The ‘Saxons’ is a term that covers a polyglot group, and it is well recognised now that ‘Celtic’ is a meaningless term with regard to the iron age populations of north western Europe. The border edges of languages and dialects have always been fluid. English may have arisen as a type of universal trading and contact language drawing on Germanic syntax but a wider vocabulary. Linguists often make the point that languages are not reliant on genetic carriage.

Check the links in this comment I put up on Quadrant with reference to an article quoting Gildas:

For those interested there is an ongoing debate about the extent to which there was ever a ‘Saxon Invasion’ although there is good evidence for a solid ongoing drip-feed from the Continent. Gildas certainly recognises a ‘Saxon’ influx. He demonises these people as heathens, but is actually unclear as to whom the fighting he details was against, newcomers in the East or Irish and Scots raiders, as well as the dates it happened. Historian Dumville comments that Gildas writes in a ‘chronological fog’. I agree.

The genetic picture varies by region and is open to numerous interpretations as yet.

Your sketch is certainly what pertained eventually, after a few hundred years of incoming populations especially in the North, but also in South-eastern coastal areas.

March 10, 2023 6:08 pm

Whatever happens, it’s safe to say that Bruce Lehmann’s life has been destroyed.

No, he just had the good luck to discover the true nature of Australia. He can move away and onwards!

March 10, 2023 6:11 pm

He stands to lose his home.

Australian’s think they live in a free country, then one day, there’s a knock at the door.

March 10, 2023 6:11 pm

Where to?

March 10, 2023 6:11 pm

The Oz doing a major weekend feature on Clive Palmer. Seems he makes $600m a year on just his WA royalties from CITIC. Plus there is a possibility of more as he has just won another court case to do with neighbouring land.

March 10, 2023 6:12 pm

I don’t think white people can even own property in most Asian countries.

March 10, 2023 6:16 pm

Australian’s think they live in a free country, then one day, there’s a knock at the door.

Yes but we are backing Ukraine in their fight for “freedom and democracy”. Barf.
As I wrote to my Federal member the other day ” There is no freedom and democracy in Ukraine and there isn’t much of either here. Just varying degrees of government oppression”.

  1. There are so many opioid types that can easily be manufactured controlling external supply won’t change much. The opioid issue…

  2. So, continuing that graph, the money supply is still expanding faster than it historically has, yes? Which means that inflation…

  3. How embarrassing. Pasty and doughy “first nationses” poseurs take a load of sand… and Ikea shelving… to Vienna as the…

  4. I think the control of drug distribution from Canadia and Meccico is a factor, but I don’t think it is…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x