Extreme Unction, Nicolas Poussin, 1646
Extreme Unction, Nicolas Poussin, 1646
Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
AMK Mapping@AMK_Mapping_2hUkrainian forces now “control” less than 230km² of Kursk Oblast, down from 360km² just 24 hours ago.
The Spectator Index@spectatorindexEUROPE: The Financial Times reports that many European governments are feeling ‘buyers remorse for decades of US arms…
Thank you Wally.
Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…
Thanks for your advice Vicki.
I have the house and a large shed behind the house. Basically a three car garage with a high roof. There is an unused but full rainwater tank next to it. My house only has a bore, which also feeds into all the irrigation that had been laid out for the berry beds and fruit trees that were here. All gone now because they were diseased and dying. I am starting fresh.
I am placing an order for a rainwater tank to have next to the house and with it’s own pump, I will have far better pressure in the house. I reckon it’s criminal out in the country not to utilise the roof for rainwater. You can never have too many tanks full of water when you are on a farm.
Will invest in a petrol pump so I can get water from the tanks at greater pressure than just using the hose. The previous owners did away with a house tank and relied on the bore for everything. Silly.
I hope Sunday will be reasonably fire-free. I am planning on going to the Crookwell Country Festival. It should be a great day.
By the way, I saw a Hot Pink water tank at an Ag place in Crookwell last week. Wondering where I can put it. It’s really pretty!
Zulu, sorry to hear you have lost a house to fire. I can add no more as I couldn’t begin to imagine what that is like.
do you have a link for the Fish Kill story?
That’s right, original Alpha and Delta strains of covid presented no additional risk factors for pregnant women.
It was just a cold.
study from Oxford Population Health
Forgot to say, the Curraweela fire is now under control. Sadly, it has burnt more than 3,400 hectares so far.
Evening all.
Am about to read upthread but what’s cooking? 8 days just outside mobile range and trapped in camp for 2 of those by flooded creeks that came up between 1 and 2m over the bridges in 1 night’s thunderstorms. Fun and games, back Sunday though for another round. Mrs reckons I am red as a beetroot as the sun when out still has a sting and even SPF 50 only lessens that exposure. Wet season is on the wane though.
Bring a knife to a gunfight….
Pro tip ….. spot fires are created by embers blown *down wind* of the mainfire. If you find spotfires appearing around you, you are downwind of the mainfire. Nor only are you in extreme danger, but putting the spotfires out is unlikely to do you much good because, as noted above, you are downwind of the mainfire.
PS … with fast moving grassies, the spotfires can quickly coalesce into the new mainfire, within seconds, and this is one way they can move so fast.
Pogria, fish kill story here.
On the maternal deaths, I don’t know what to think, except…I know someone at the pointy forensic edge of all of this and not a peep of anything unusual here.
What is happening overseas may be a different story.
Eeeew. Something happened with the coding. Sorry, must have typed that way too fast.
Anyway, I’m sure you get the drift..
Pro tip.
Being an obese landwhale with diabetes can be problematic if you catch a flu just before you’re due to give birth.
Very interesting
Not the most fun I have ever had – BTW, we rebuilt, and the new place has an automatic rooftop sprinkler system, linked to a rainwater tank…..
Wow, Zulu! And he still called him “Sir”!
W.H.O. Do You Trust? | Opinion
Citizen Free Press
Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo on mRNA COVID Vaccines:
“I’m not sure anyone should be taking them…They have a terrible safety profile.”
The more I think about this Voice bull and the fact that Albaslease is deliberately hiding details with regard to the true impact of the Referendum, should it get up, which will negatively impact us all, I’m wondering if his clever plan, by not letting us know anything at all, is the hope the whole thing is scuttled. He must realise, dividing this country by race is not going to work.
At the bottom of the fish mass extinction event article.
I think a lot of people are under the misapprehension that inland NSW resembles some sort of temperate rainforest/prairie, with lush forests and rolling green hills and permanent rivers.
New World Odor™
FRANCE: Watch members of the gov whistle, heckle and walk off as Elisabeth Borne announces Article 49.3 to adopt Macron’s pension reform plan WITHOUT a vote in the French National Assembly.
Nine mental vomit ‘news’ network on tragic 1278 was carrying on about a ‘contagious deadly mutant’ of covid this arvo. Just FOAD. Are they trying to wind it up again for the dick tator?
House Oversight Committee: Beau’s Widow Hallie Is ‘New’ Biden Business Member Who Received China Cash
U.K. says it’s glow time, declares nuclear “environmentally sustainable”
Nice to see La Tingle getting a hug in this week’s Media Watchdog. Woof woof.
Bring a knife to a gunfight….
Nice mag change, easy to screw up under such a high pressure situation.
NY PERMANENTLY lowers math and reading standards
Parents fed up as hundreds of colleges still mandate COVID vaccines: ‘Laboratory of guinea pigs’
I don’t normally subscribe to conspiracy theories, but I’ll bet good money that, if the whole thing IS scuttled, Australians will be branded a mob of rednecks, who need strong leadership and a firm hand to guide them, which only Albo can provide!
Crotchless in fine form tonight:
He raped her, he can’t change his mind about that no matter how many Law Firms do pro bono work for him.
No basis in reality.
Jacinta Price has been a huge disappointment.
Less defamatory but still wrong.
Even if it was from notorious old Liar philander Biggles.
Is 1278 an AM band radio station? Otherwise I have NFI.
COVID. Lol, give it up guys. It has been in the west for four years now.
It’s over.
No one cares anymore.
Gonzalo Lira
Swiss banks as a safe haven play ended in 2012, when the Obama Admin. targeted Wegelin Bank, threatening to disconnect it (and other Swiss banks) from SWIFT unless it revealed their client lists.
Outflows started then, and never stopped. Swiss banking has never recovered.
Baby steps.
Gonzalo Lira
Some Russian pranksters had a 20 minute conversation with Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank—and she admits that a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is about control of the people.
They are definitely rolling it out—Lagarde tacitly confirms this. Listen
My apartment block is classic French 19th century.
Three curling flights of beautiful wooden stairs with large landings, four front doors to each landing, to my spacish modern one bedroom apartment which was probably once a family home.
At least I’m not on the 4th floor.
The main doors to the building lead to a cobbled lane way with one or two story ateliers lining each side, behind the main apartment buildings.
If I’m hungry a take away underneath offers ‘Naan and Fried Chicken’.
Not far from Avenue de Fountainbleau, my street is named after a hero of the resistance, I’m a hop and skip from the 13th.
Having a coffee at the brasserie across the road, you know you are in France when the price of a coffee jumps from €1.20 to €3.80.
No wonder the French are flocking to new lives in southern Portugal.
After coffee shall go and see if I can’t find a nice protest in the centre.
Russia is so cut off from the international financial system that the Kremlin thinks Western sanctions have ‘insured’ the country against the banking crisis
March 17, 2023 at 7:30 pm
Crotchless in fine form tonight:
And he still will not provide evidenced of Curtin’s alleged “treachert” during WW II.
Nor will he provide an estimate of the time it will take to build a full ruinable electricity generation system, including firming and new transmission lines, the system to be capable of providing the reliable, continuous, electricity required to sustain a modern economy.
I think he just makes things up. The only question is whether everything he posts is made up, or whether some have a vague connection to reality. I am inclining to the former.
As for exorcism mentioned earlier
South African pastor Christ Penelope farts on congregants claiming that it’s a process to heal people.
Personally I think he has a fetish for farting on people and the smell of his own excrement.
I see we’ve moved back to
Americans are only dying of covid because obese and co morbid.
That’s probably true but, in the circumstances of grieving families caring for motherless new borns, just a little callous.
HB Bear.
Googlery has been doing this for more than 30 years. Wtf makes you think he’s going to change.? Honestly, you
clowns are like communists: “It’ll work when I’m in charge.”
On fun movies and remakes….Journey to the Centre of the Earth now showing.
I’ll be in Iceland in June. Will report any dinosaur sightings.
Portugal by the way seems cheap to us visitors, but with billboards demanding €10,000 per annum minimum wage, I suspect not to most locals.
The galling thing is that most Australians will have no idea what has transpired in NZ with regard to Maori control of their Parliament. Most Australian voters think touchy-feely is the way to rid themselves of racism guilt that the
regressives have foisted upon them. They are too stupid to realise they are being played. Therefore, their Referendum vote will be “Yes”. Sheer ignorance will win the day.
This country is lost.
What a waste of a life.
Wtf happened? Comments have gone missing… (other than mine, I don’t care about mine)
I have faith in my Little Buddy.
Katie Hopkins: DISLOCATION. The ground work needed for total control
Awful story – bloke is a turd etc, etc…
But im guessing this wasnt in the syllabus he was teaching.
The Supreme Court today heard details of how Chen Cheng, 35, was murdered by her husband Adam Brown, who taught gender studies
KD at 12:36.
The premise wasn’t “the military might use simulation for supplementary training”.
It was that the purchase of weapons should become a free-for-all, with all records of who owns what abandoned, and infantry tactics could be picked up using video games like Call ‘o Duty.
This Rambo fantasy has not been thought through.
During the late 1930’s, John Curtin, then Leader of the Opposition, then keen to appease Japan, had talks with senior Japanese envoys, about allowing Japan access to the iron ore deposits of Yampi Sound…
I’m not so sure the yes vote will succeed.
Russia is so cut off from the international financial system that the Kremlin thinks Western sanctions have ‘insured’ the country against the banking crisis
Sanctions against Russia may yet be the biggest own goal in history.
Cassie of Sydneysays:
March 17, 2023 at 7:54 pm
I sincerely hope you are right and I am wrong. However, I have a gut feeling on this. My gut doesn’t often let me down.
Wtf happened? Comments have gone missing…
They’ll turn up.
(other than mine, I don’t care about mine)
You’re not Robinson Crusoe there, pard.
It was that the purchase of weapons should become a free-for-all, with all records of who owns what abandoned, and infantry tactics could be picked up using video games like Call ‘o Duty.
This Rambo fantasy has not been thought through.
No one ever actually said this you dip shit.
What was actually said was that the acquisition and distribution of weapons and destruction of records was the top priority, given the time constraints.
Training was the next priority. A useful adjunct to this training was the use of simulations. Again, time is short. As I pointed out much earlier, anyone with half a brain would do self training before attempting an engagement, even if formal training was not available.
So yes, it’s been thought through.
I have this suspicion that Adam wasn’t always an Adam, and was once an Eve.
Odd for a male to be teaching that subject, it is usually the province of misandrist fat chicks with nasty dispositions. In fact, a male teaching that subject counts as a big red flag.
The rich are eating themselves.
The oligarchs are playing a dangerous game by pouring trillions into woke causes.
Been out all day.
Which movie is this?
The Outfit on Netflix.
The Biden administration’s jihad on gas stoves has metastised:
Yep, people who have unventilated kitchens (n=1) are dropping off like flies. Have been for decades.
As Willis would say – where are the bodies?
Adam Brown with the unfortunate ex wife. She looks nervous, he looks like he needs a fitting for a wig.
He raped her, he can’t change his mind about that no matter how many Law Firms do pro bono work for him.
Jacinta Price has been a huge disappointment.
Pies vs Dangerfields.
11 goals in the first quarter of footy, plus a (slight) melee at quarter time. Three times the scoring rate of an average entire AFLVagina match.
Yet, somehow, the latter must be considered ‘elite’ and paid accordingly.
CCP has established a beach head!!
Fortunately the crate of weapons and ammo we ordered online just showed up!
But there’s no government sanctioned training program to attend? What are we going to do?!
A: Jump in the Ute and go and have a crack?!
B: Watch and practice (field and online) a shit load of this?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKRues4Fwrk
Thermageddon tomorrow in Vic with temps 35-40 forecast.
Call me sceptical since we’re past the middle of March. The climate change chilli is added to every dish.
Yeah, Senator Matt My Mummy signed me up as an Italian citizen without telling me Canavan.
Total joke.
40 in Brisbane this arvey.
Won’t drop below 20 until 2:30 tomorrow morning.
Very accommodating of the Paris Main Roads Department to build the city streets out of cobblestones which are a perfect size for piffing at the Gendarmes.
Of particular interest would be which ‘guns’ are being ‘simulated’ for ‘refresher training’,
Which I told him about.
When discussing arming the population so the country becomes a “porcupine” we aren’t trying to turn everyone into a highly trained, professional army infantryman. Just that the enemy knows that most of the population is armed and has plenty of live fire practice with real guns. A citizen militia isn’t going to be aiming to fight stand up battles. Rather, sabotage (IED’s), picking off the odd enemy soldier, ambushing small patrols before disappearing back into their communities. Local knowledge, local supply, so no carrying heavy loads long distances and no long periods in the field.
It will help greatly if the citizens are familiar with the tactics likely to be used against them and the tactics they would need to run an ambush. Hence the simulations.
The aim is never to have to use any of this because the enemy decides it is going to be too expensive. If they invade anyway your deterrence has failed.
Bush at 7.20:
There is a place called Utopia in the NT. It is 200km northeast of Alice Springs. Those who have not been there may imagine the place to be chockers with smiling livestock gambolling in step over fields of clover, next to rivers of flowing chocolate where well-fed and not-at-all sexually abused children play while being serenaded by choirs of puppies.
Utopia is, in fact, none of those things.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
March 17, 2023 at 7:54 pm
And he still will not provide evidenced of Curtin’s alleged “treachert” during WW II.
During the late 1930’s, John Curtin, then Leader of the Opposition, then keen to appease Japan, had talks with senior Japanese envoys, about allowing Japan access to the iron ore deposits of Yampi Sound…
Thanks Zulu, but that is a long way from Richard Cranium asserting that Curtin was prepared to hand the whole nation over to the Japanese once the Pacific War was on. Pre-war negotiations are not unreasonable (see also pig iron).
Tend to believe them this time, Gez.
39 tomorrow and 41 for Sunday up here and based on predicted wind direction we’ll likely get there.
It’s no heatwave though.
Fortunately, different ppls guts tell them different things.
Mine tells me when it’s hungry.
No 40 in Brisbane Ed.
A lovely velvet-balmy Sydney night. You feel you could jump through the heavy dark of it and swim away, it is so rich and deep. It’s been hot and steamy in Sydney yesterday and today, an Indian Summer that will soon turn to March winds and an April falling of those leaves that fall.
Nights like this are meant for sitting out and relaxing. Thank goodness for the air fryer.
They do fish very well with no effort required.
My God.
What have we become?
That’ll get the jacarandas firing.
Let me know how it goes Faulty.
I was there, pard.
You wouldn’t be allowed thru the Tick Gate, let alone into Brissie.
Point taken, but it’s ironic Richard Cranium asserting that it was Curtin prepared to hand over the whole nation to the Japanese – the first time I’ve heard that claim – when Curtin won the 1943 election over Eddie Ward’s claim that the Liberals planned to surrender vast tracts of Australia – the Brisbane Line – without a shot being fired…
Is that a rhetorical question?
Professor Glenn Reynolds is on Sky at the moment with James Morrow, he is absolutely brilliant. His philosophy is that students are not the consumers of universities, they are the products. And he thinks they should have as much input into their education as a car should have into the assembly line. If only.
The teev just had a shot of Joel Selwood, ‘inspirational’ recently-retired leader of the Dangerfields sitting in the crowd at the G.
He had a Geelong scarf around his neck, and was appealing to a bloke walking past for a high-contact free kick against it.
A citizen militia isn’t going to be aiming to fight stand up battles. Rather, sabotage (IED’s), picking off the odd enemy soldier, ambushing small patrols before disappearing back into their communities. Local knowledge, local supply, so no carrying heavy loads long distances and no long periods in the field.
Mate, if Australia is invaded, there won’t be Rules Of Engagement, like in Afghanistan.
Murdering one of their soldiers will result in massacres.
Well, someone’s got a VHS copy of Red Dawn sitting in a cupboard somewhere.
Damn the thermometers, Ed’s got the feelz.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
March 17, 2023 at 8:50 pm
Thanks Zulu, but that is a long way from Richard Cranium asserting that Curtin was prepared to hand the whole nation over to the Japanese once the Pacific War was on
Point taken, but it’s ironic Richard Cranium asserting that it was Curtin prepared to hand over the whole nation to the Japanese – the first time I’ve heard that claim – when Curtin won the 1943 election over Eddie Ward’s claim that the Liberals planned to surrender vast tracts of Australia – the Brisbane Line – without a shot being fired…
Good point, I look forward to Dick ‘Ed’s comment on that minor point.
Lizzie, not where I live. I would be eaten alive by mosquitoes no matter how many citronella candles I light. Therefore inside with aircon on.
Who is this we you speak of, General Patton?
And the AK-16s buried somewhere.
With the iodine.
Selwood just opened up a cut above the eye after he drained the dregs from the plastic beer cup. Bandaged for the second half.
Farmer Gez, I think it may be right but not for the reasons that BOM and the warmistas put forward. Summer started rather late which could mean that the Earth’s tilt change may be the cause in which case autumn may be later in arriving. In other words, everything has shifted in time not intensity.
Murdering one of their soldiers will result in massacres.
Correct. Which is why you don’t want the deterrence to fail.
Bit like MAD with nuclear missiles. If the enemy launches everything they have, do you launch and destroy all the world instead of letting half of it live?
Curtin [was] prepared to hand over the whole nation to the Japanese – the first time I’ve heard that claim –
I’ve made that assertion a number of times.
… when Curtin won the 1943 election over Eddie Ward’s claim that the Liberals planned to surrender vast tracts of Australia – the Brisbane Line – without a shot being fired…
That is total ALP MythMaking.
The Labor Defence Policy was defending Australia on a lin e between Nambour and Geraldton.
When it was pointed out that that wasn’t a credible Defence Policy, Forde introduced the Newcastle to Adelaide Defence Line.
By that time, wiser heads realised that there was something rotten in Denmark.
That’s when Labor came clean.
The real Policy was:
Wait until Japanese Fleets appear outside Sydney Harbour and Port Philip Bay, evacuate the entire populations of those Cities to the countryside where they will live off the land.
With no rifles, because Lab or confiscated them.
Then burn Sydney and Melbourne to the ground.
Too many air fryers exported to the Southern Hemisphere is causing this season shifting tilt.
If they migrate to the Antarctic we could be in big trouble.
I suppose it depends where you and your people are. If most of your people are destroyed in the initial assault then let it all fly at the attacking enemy. Not doing so would be mad.
Ahh yes – lie down and let them rape you, they will only murder you every 1/10 times.
Ed Casesays:
March 17, 2023 at 8:49 pm
I was there, pard.
You wouldn’t be allowed thru the Tick Gate, let alone into Brissie.
Tick gates are long gone Richard. You should try to get away from Peshawar more, even when the jacarandas are blooming.
yes tragic 1278 is an AM station in Melbourne
Wait until Japanese Fleets appear outside Sydney Harbour and Port Philip Bay, evacuate the entire populations of those Cities to the countryside where they will live off the land.
With no rifles, because Lab or confiscated them.
Then burn Sydney and Melbourne to the ground.
More to my earlier comment about MAD, you have to be serious about it or it’s a paper tiger. That it could destroy the world is a feature, not a bug. It is to encourage those not in possession of Armageddon weapons to dissuade an initial attack if they don’t want to be caught up in it.
actually their music is ok- you just have to remember to turn off the ‘news’
Ed Casesays:
March 17, 2023 at 9:06 pm
Curtin [was] prepared to hand over the whole nation to the Japanese – the first time I’ve heard that claim –
I’ve made that assertion a number of times.
But never provided a skerrick of evidence to support. Now is the hour for the evidence.
Ed Case malding hard tonight.
I blame Thermomix.
There. I said it.
Excuse me sir I knew Jack Ryan and you are no Jack Ryan!
Richard Cranium
Wait until Japanese Fleets appear outside Sydney Harbour and Port Philip Bay, evacuate the entire populations of those Cities to the countryside where they will live off the land.
With no rifles, because Lab or confiscated them.
Then burn Sydney and Melbourne to the ground.
It shouldn’t be difficult to provide evidence, get to it. Try the Shedden Papers.
Evidence that the ravings of known Paranoiac Eddie Ward won Labor the 1943 Election?
Take your time.
Some more to this, we are all assuming that Russians or the Chinese will be the initial attackers when it’s most likely to be Iran. Who is dissuading them? As long as anybody has anything to do with Iran they could and should be held responsible if the worst happens. I am looking now at Russia, China, Germany, Saudi Arabia, North Korea and Pakistan.
A.L. Martin’s biography of Bob Menzies, or Paul Burn’s epic work “The Brisbane Line Controversy.”
Here’s how to turn me on the Ukraine issue.
Make me read the obviously fake “Ukrainian” social media accounts owned by the establishment left/left wing careerists in CIA/MI-6 in the EU and US.
Why do so many “Ukrainians” want to call out Charlie Kirk and Ian Miles Cheong?
That’s very weird!
Let me guess, they also have no opinion regarding Biden being senile and having nuclear launch codes?
A.L. Martin & Paul Burn, eh?
Never herda either of ’em.
They wouldn’t be Labor hacks, by any chance?
I guess all of those unmanly Ukrainians who are now dead were shit soldiers (not real men) and are now confirmed incels, Ivan is now slamming their girl.
You see that. That is how much the fake Ukrainian social media accounts piss me off. They are so obviously not Ukrainian.
Wow, perfect English and so much free time at Bakhmut!?
Feel free to reveal your ignorance, Grogs.
Ed Casesays:
March 17, 2023 at 9:16 pm
Evidence that the ravings of known Paranoiac Eddie Ward won Labor the 1943 Election?
Take your time.
Wasn’t my claim, but there is no doubt that Labor did win. Stop trying to distract from your complete inability to provide evidence to support your assertions.
And don’t forget the estimate of the time to build a ruinable electricity generation and transmission network sufficient to maintain a modern society.
Known as Gonzalo Lira Syndrome.
Ed Casesays:
March 17, 2023 at 9:29 pm
A.L. Martin & Paul Burn, eh?
Never herda either of ’em.
Not to worry, they haven’t herda you either. If only you had published your evidence, you could have been famous.
I don’t have Dnieper Fever though.
Rosie, how very French. You could have got that in Melbourne.
In Japan, I will move to Tottori prefecture, I will drift up Mt Fuji in my metallic blue MR-2 with my Japanese wife and we will own a two storey, two bedroom apartment in Kurayoshi with a small garden, we will have a pet penguin without a permit who will live in the fridge, and will have one child called Yoshi Fumi Hashimoto.
Can I do that in Japan, Isoroku Yamamoto-San?
Straya performing in traditionally underwhelming fashion in the ODI against India.
8/188 with 18 overs still to go.
Did Iceland in 2014 though no dinosaurs or entrances to the centre of the Earth. Apart from that it was a wonderful tour. Went to the Blue Lagoon , saw puffins in Seydisfjordur, stood on the side of the Godafoss (falls) and walked on volcanic rocks all over the place. Even stood beside the gas geysers. The most beautiful land. Our last sight to see was the Hallgrimskirkja cathedral in Reykjavik, I sat inside and prayed which I do in every church I visit regardless of denomination.
I burned a candle to the memory of my late younger brother, in a cathedral in Montreal.
Sorry Rosie, didn’t mean to be catty. Never been to Paris and not likely to visit there in future. My husband was not interested and I had an animosity to anything French on account of Muroroa Atoll and Rainbow Warrior. I don’t have any problems with people visiting an important part of Europe.
They’ve done hours and hours in the batting simulator.
The Moulin Rouge was interesting.
Apart from Paris I have never been to Rome and Vatican either even though we have been to other parts of Italy. Always assumed we would do it properly when we were both retired but now that it’s just me I don’t know how to do it. Not sure how to travel alone. I admire Rosie for being so brave and do it on her own.
I was very fortunate when travelling for so long, 46 years to be exact. My husband used to leave all the arrangements to me and the travel agents. Once we got there he would pick up the car and drive, no matter where, UK, Europe, US continental and Hawaii, Canada, Singapore , anywhere. We did not do public transport as it was too limiting. We needed to be able to go anywhere at any time. I realise I was spoiled and will need to adapt, still working on it.
Let me know how it goes Faulty.
Someone panicked that we might all end up having to do something.
Collaboration is Thancho way!
Naturally hasn’t offered up any ideas on significantly improving Aus defence deterrence within a mere 4 years.
Ms McCallum, meet the wheels of the ACTION bus.
I’ll take a well funded, well trained and highly organised ADF over a rag-tag bunch of Grandpa Simpsons who have all the gear and no idea (apart from Level 3 Tour of Duty).
And, speaking of collaborators, tell us again who you are working for at the moment.
Watched Vikki Campion on Peta Credlin tonight and thought she sounded exactly like Barnaby, even had his verbal idiosyncrasies. Sky could save a sone money and just employ the prettier of the couple. By the way, Vikki was wrong about abolishing the states, we should abolish local councils, too much corruption goes on there under the radar.
Three and a half minutes left, but the Pies are up by 26 against the reigning premiers.
This state of affairs perfectly illustrates what could have been, had the preliminary final fit-up against the Sydney Mancravers not occurred last year.
The best Pies in Melbourne are out of the oven at The G.
Ingredients – minced Cat.
I think the definition of panic is the concept of handing out weapons to all and sundry and scrubbing all ownership records.
No-one has explained how we might keep the heavy fire-power out of the hands of Sudanese gangs in Dandenong, wannabe Antifas anywhere and Lebbo gangs in Sydney.
Yeah, yeah, the Lebbos already have some weapons. But imagine the partytime it would be with access to untraceable military grade weapons in bulk.
Thought it through my arse.
ESG Will Bankrupt You — Financially and Morally
Could of been more if the umps hadn’t turned a blind eye to a couple of obvious Dangerfield transgressions.
“I Was Severely Injured by the Moderna Vaccine” – Former Pussycat Dolls Member Shares Her Vaccine Injury Story
And there it is, everything that is wrong with Canberra. Some years after the alleged crime this guy is 27 and I suppose Ms Higgins is about the same age. When I look at the average 27 old year with a university degree I don’t see anybody who should be anywhere near the centre of the national politics. We have got to stop this from happening. All the mundane office jobs in Canberra can be filled by 50+ year olds from Fyshwick, Queanbeyan or Tuggeranong, we don’t need uppity, well connected uni graduates from the state capital cities.
Fairly obvious Collungwood have the best match simulator.
Kevin O’Leary, also known as Mr. Wonderful from Shark Tank, calls out the insanity of the Democrats.
This clip is absolute for all the CNN viewers watching. He explains that the leftist policies are destroying blue states and says they have become “uninvestable.”
“California? Out of business… no business there. You can’t do business there. I don’t know what that place is gonna turn into… Imagine San Francisco. You can’t even walk at night out in the street. Sorry!”
Never Have I Seen a More Accurate Depiction of Fauci
“Bruce Lehrmann shocked at judge’s secret guilty-plea comment.”
A never ending conga line of malfeasance, lies, gutter politics, and judicial trashing, that stretches to the bottom of the Mariana trench.
No-one has explained how we might keep the heavy fire-power out of the hands of Sudanese gangs in Dandenong, wannabe Antifas anywhere and Lebbo gangs in Sydney.
We don’t now, so why the concern?
“Bruce Lehrmann has revealed the judge who presided over his trial for the alleged rape of Brittany Higgins made a comment to his barrister at a secret meeting early in the trial, which Mr Lehrmann says showed a possible “apprehension of bias” against him.”
I think we can safely delete the words “apprehension of”.
Smith Street car re-birthers – 1
Surf Coast Socialists – 0
Greetings Cats – trying to get the Arfur Dunger “Pillar of the Resistance” outfit happening, except:
Terry towelling hat: No
Knee length socks: No
Sandals: No
Ample stomach: Yes – courtesy of a cushion stuffed up the faded lime green t-shirt
AK47: Remains elusive
Any advice? The Chinamen could arrive any day now and I’m keen to impress Miss Delvene with my rampant resistance machismo. 😕
The Sudanese in Dandenong have semi-autos?
Which explains why their weapons of choice are machetes and hammers.
But imagine the partytime it would be with access to untraceable military grade weapons in bulk.
Someone get the smelling salts!
Untraceable? What difference does it make knowing where a weapon came from? All fired rounds and spent cases are automatically traceable back to the weapon used.
“Military grade bulk” pretty much describes Australian firearm ownership before 1996. Short memory!
The Cardigan Commandos have standards.
We will not countenance grey Levi jackets, ghey Adidas boxing boots or Doctor Martens footwear and tactical turtle-head pullovers.
The Sudanese in Dandenong have semi-autos?
No, they have the odd AK-47 for the purpose off occasional mag dump into opponents house.
National defence policy now dictated by a mongrel 0.05%. Makes sense.
The “Jarndyce Vs Jarndyce ” of the Australian legal profession…
And if you’ve got dozens of them you get rid of the ‘hot’ ones.
High end crooks always do.
It is only the scarcity of weapons which leads to low level crooks hanging onto a weapon which has ‘exposed form’.
Take that scarcity and traceability away and it is party time.
But, as you say, it’s all been thought through by Top Men in The Resistance.
You got a reference for Sudanese gangs in Melbourne unloading an AK47 into an opponent’s house?
I’ll take a well funded, well trained and highly organised ADF over a rag-tag bunch of Grandpa Simpsons who have all the gear and no idea (apart from Level 3 Tour of Duty).
They’re not well funded, they’re not well trained and their equipment procurement is a shambles. No one has suggested that army civilians is anything more than an adjunct to the ADF and all its problems.
I assume this is a brand of designer t-shirt?
You asked what my preference would be, not a sit-rep on the current status of the ADF.
I’ll take their shambles over the Cut-Lunch Commandos shambles any day.
What makes sense is not allowing a bunch of Grandpa Simpsons to turn the 0.05% into 5% because they’ve got unrequited Rambo fantasies.
You got a reference for Sudanese gangs in Melbourne unloading an AK47 into an opponent’s house?
Herald Sun, google is your friend.
If wankers actually paid attention to the weapons that criminals and thugs are using they would be way less hyperventilated over civilian firearm ownership.
I guess Australia had civilian marksmanship programs in the past for absolutely no reason.
FYI – An elderly friend of mine spent a good deal of time in Tasmania in his early teens learning to operate Vickers MG, SMLE and throw grenades. I guess Old Australia was planning to meet a Japanese land invasion with everything and everyone.
What makes sense is not allowing a bunch of Grandpa Simpsons to turn the 0.05% into 5% because they’ve got unrequited Rambo fantasies.
You’re such a wanker, you don’t have an argument, just hyperbolic imagery.
You’re actually mocking the decency and capability of you fellow Australians without even realising it.
Hey Hoges, how’s about I get it on with Oz’s most aesthetically pleasing young womanage evah, while you get to battle interminably with our beloved ATO after dumping your hausfrau for a cellulite laden Hollyweirdette?
Got a reference?
And, even if it happened once, do you want that to become their standard agg-burg M.O.?
Weapons issued on demand to any citizen who says they will use it for defence of the realm.
No records.
No traceability.
No problems.
The Volunteer Defence Corps were the Australian equivalent of the Home Guard – raised by the R.S.L. , among veterans of World War One.
And they all existed happily ever after, I tells ya … 😕
I’m mocking half-baked ideas about handing out weapons wholesale with no accountability and relying on video games for tactical training.
It is a Faulty idea and you are mounting a St Ruth defence of it (“anyone who dares question me is an un-Australian tRAiToR!”).
Cold steel!
They don’t like it up ’em, Captain Mainwaring, suh!
And, speaking of collaborators, tell us again who you are working for at the moment.
I’m working for the CCP. Political projects division.
I’m merely suggesting how Australia MIGHT avoid or survive the onslaught.
I don’t have any allegiance to Australia. Government deprived me of employment and a good proportion of the Australian Sheeple thought that was a great idea.
There is nothing left worth fighting for.
I’m mocking half-baked ideas about handing out weapons wholesale with no accountability and relying on video games for tactical training.
As always, this is merely your twisted interpretation of what is being said.
Again, you’re ultimately mocking pretty much the whole Australian Population with your absurd characterisation of this.
Classic Australian outlook, Australian’s are not to be trusted, Government must be in absolute control.
So why propose a half-arsed Cardigan Commando solution then?
no … you’re just wanking
same thing every day
Cold steel!
They don’t like it up ’em, Captain Mainwaring, suh!
Top shelf wanker.
You’re now mocking Australia’s and Australian’s efforts to fend off a potential Japanese invasion.
There is a resident black cat in this very large and busy Cafe.
You can bet whom it’s decided to sit next to.
No, no.
I repeat.
I’m mocking you’re half-arsed idea.
And, even if it happened once, do you want that to become their standard agg-burg M.O.?
Weapons issued on demand to any citizen who says they will use it for defence of the realm.
No records.
No traceability.
No problems.
You’re such a tosser. Open your eyes, this is precisely how firearm ownership operated in Australia for most of its history.
Australian soldiers in WWI walked into their nearest sports store and purchased a side arm of their choice. Any civilian could do exactly the same. Firearm licensing only got going post WWII, firearm registration in the late 70’s. After 10 years of operation, Vicpol were still unable to produce a single instance where registration prevented or helped solve a crime.
Right now, every firearm regulation and rule that you think is keep you safe is actually an illusion. They do absolutely nothing.
How dare you!
I went to the Cenotaph on Anzac Day!
I was prepared to stand (or fall if necessary).
It wasn’t necessary.
But I was prepared.
I really was.
Proving a negative.
The UFO problem.
I’m mocking you’re half-arsed idea.
You don’t have any argument, other than that it’s a disruption to your comfortable illusion of safety.
I suspect this argument has everything to do with your desire to own various weapons and nothing to do with national defence.
Which is fine.
Just run that argument instead of some fanciful plan for old codgers to pick off the Yellow Peril from the roof of the bowlo between ends.
Rabz, seeing as Strop is no more I reckon you have a chance with Miss Delvene. Get on with it, man.
If Australia really faces an existential threat, wouldn’t it be better to recruit and train more soldiers?
We also have a fair few reserves, an organisation people could join if they were serious.
You’re angry at Big Oil HR.
I get that.
But don’t let that cloud your judgement.
Is Delvene still with us?
“Chaos is a ladder.”
I intend using any attack on this country as an opportunity for some serious and long overdue “getting square” time.
KD, check your email.
Walked from the tower of Saint Jacques to Saint Paul, through Sully to Place De Vosges then up to Saint Ambroise in the 11th.
The only thing different I can see is a proliferation of bike and cannibas shops and more playgrounds in open spaces.
The one in front of St Ambroise was exclusively white enfants with almost exclusively Sub Saharan nnannies.
Plenty of building activities, only a couple of homeless and a few beggars, mostly of the usual type.
Oh yeah and still as beautiful as ever.
What’s more about Delvene, I think she is one of us, she appeared in Rowan Dean’s special about the end of Australian comedy.
Miss Delvine
Crossie and NKP – Miss Delvene was a true Ozzie Chick. Effortlessly aesthetically pleasing and what my peer group refers to as “full spectrum” i.e., possessing hair that can go blonde to brunette and back again, depending on the situation. Her figure in that Love Boat clip (in glorious HD) is simply magnifique.
To quote an ol’ Ozzie on Tim Blair’s site about the chick attempting to portray the subject of this comment, “Not a patch on Delvene in her day.”
I suspect this argument has everything to do with your desire to own various weapons and nothing to do with national defence.
Nothing to do with that. Australia’s gun laws are no longer a concern for me.
What do you think chances are that right now, the CCP has a copy of, or back door access to, every single state firearm and licensing registry? Why would they have any interest in doing that?
Do you see the massive problem with “carefully controlled and documented” weapons distribution yet?
If Australia really faces an existential threat, wouldn’t it be better to recruit and train more soldiers?
We also have a fair few reserves, an organisation people could join if they were serious.
There seem to be plenty who think there is no “if”.
All those options are legitimate and should absolutely be persued. Could they be achieved within 4 years? Could they be made big enough to create enough of a deterrence? Remembering of course the massive size of the “if”.
I intend using any attack on this country as an opportunity for some serious and long overdue “getting square” time.
Could be very memorable and a lot of fun!
Naturally hasn’t offered up any ideas on significantly improving Aus defence deterrence within a mere 4 years.
In four years, a significant number of formally enlisted reserves could receive sufficient training in weapons use and minor tactics to cause a lot of trouble for any potential invading force. They don’t have to be trained to full regular standards, just be significantly better than untrained enthusiasts learning on the job (ie, learning by seeing their comrades killed or wounded making silly mistakes that would have been drilled out of them very early in their training).
March 17, 2023 at 10:29 pm
Watched Vikki Campion on Peta Credlin tonight and thought she sounded exactly like Barnaby, even had his verbal idiosyncrasies. Sky could save a sone money and just employ the prettier of the couple. By the way, Vikki was wrong about abolishing the states, we should abolish local councils, too much corruption goes on there under the radar.
Double the number of states, halve the number of senators from each state to keep the Senate/Reps balance correct, and have Tasmania retain its Constitutional minimum of six senators. Reduce the powers of councils by state law. Rubbish, roads, water, adequate but not gold-plated ports and community facilities. No sports cathedrals or “yartz centres”. No international “twin cities” or “learning trips”.