Extreme Unction, Nicolas Poussin, 1646
Extreme Unction, Nicolas Poussin, 1646
I’ll tell you how MAGA lost it’s way. Trump is a populist. Ukraine is unpopular, in part due to the…
Hi Cats I received the daily email from teh Free Press which has an article by Douglas Murray – “How…
Ah yes, a masterful gambit to spook the markets and destroy business and consumer confidence.
Too soon?
Thanks Rabz. For some reason I thought it was in the Senate. My memory of the photo had Blabbersak in it, which makes sense now.
Gosh. Have I been commenting on blogs for so long? I need to get out more.
He really, really, really liked TOP GUN.
Look at Liliana’s profile.
A furry.
That is the ALP and LNP for you.
OK, you have convinced me. ‘Union Class’ is an inappropriate name for the bipartisan submarine capability.
Is ‘Fantasy Class’ more appropriate?
You made me look you rotter! Not there yet.
But this is:
Let that sink in.
Thanks, Dover. In my opinion, Paul Joseph Watson’s best video.
No, the freakshow the Liberal party pays to troll wiki contributors already wiped my quiet political protest.
Ahh, quiet weapons for silent wars.
I feel your pain, literally and figuratively.
HMASs Fantasy, Unicorn, Rocking Horse Shit, Yowie, Thylocine, Honest Politician perhaps?
I remember driving to work one day, listening to Billy Joel’s ” Goodnight Saigon” and having a type of epiphany that those who wage war seldom put their own sons in harm’s
The decision to accept servitude at the hands of an enemy or decide to defend your freedom is one of the great existential decisions that one can make.
I would gladly take a bullet if it would save my grandson from that bullet. But mothers and grandmothers – indeed anyone – rarely are allowed that choice.
The SSN contract includes $2 billion to develop an improved ice cream machine.
The standard USN one isn’t suitable for Australian conditions.
I expect James Howard Kunstler to write about this.
The Long Si!mergency.
It’s a special clause in the contract.
…and minus five for the Big Guy.
Genius, perhaps one might add HMAS Shorten, bow shaped like a peanut, the only assault it is likely to participate in involves Kathy Sherriff or a text message at the footy.
March 14, 2023 at 9:24 am
Does anyone honestly believe these subs will be built?
As someone noted upthread, the future is in small, uncrewed, remotely controlled subs. The only real value will come with the three from the US, which can be used as control centres for the remote-controlled boats.
The rest probably will never be built, but the grift will be spent on well-connected maaaaaates.
I once had fun at The Conversation explaining the term frightbat – starting from ‘moonbat’ and adding ‘but OH that fright wig!’
SVB paid its US employees a bonus on Friday, just hours before the FDIC shut it down.
Presumably while withdrawal requests were being ignored.
And a quality media environment is vital, to save any nation from idiots declaring war to get a moment’s approval from the pitchfork-wielding mob.
The intriguing question is why has nice Mr Bandt and his petting zoo remained stum over the nuclear subs.
After all, no other initiative so specifically strikes at the very foundation of their insanity. Add to the life threatening technology a latent agressive stance towards their spiritual fatherland and one must ask:
What have they been paid or in other words, what
destruction of the peoples rights and standard of
living have they been promised?;
What do they know?
Of course Little Tony is too stupid to understand that the duration any agreement with the Greens extends only to the next bad trip.
Chrissy from SA will be Pining for more seaman. May need to check my spelling of a couple of words. Saw the little turd on fta recently in some gameshow with a lot of other luvvies.
Speaking of moonbat…
The bromance between George Monbiot & Russell Brand is officially over.
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
March 14, 2023 at 9:54 am
What strategic benefit does Australia actually acquire by purchasing a small fleet of nuclear submarines (yes, long range, yes, long submerged duration) without equipping them with strategic (ie nooclular) weapons?
Faustus – My view is they would make excellent drone motherships. They can lurk deeply and distantly and release shorter-legged drones to extend reach without making it easy for the sub to be found.
Snap re motherships.
“Is the PLA really going to be that discomfited by the prospect that an Australian submarine might pop up anywhere to fire a couple of conventional torpedoes, or anti-ship missiles at a Chinese naval group before being sunk?”
Well, no.
However, these subs can launch cruise missiles too.
If you fired off a dozen cruise missiles with “bunker buster” conventional warheads and targeted, say, Three Gorges Dam, you could easily destroy said dam – which not would not only destabilise the electricity grid, but also flood large areas of rice growing and other farming, as well as killing likely several million people. A pretty devastating blow, and I think, I pretty good deterrent to the PLA tossing a nuke or two our way, or even landing a few million troops here to take over.
NordStream sabotage solved.
It was just some good ol’ boys Georgia Fly Fishing.
Speaking of chimeras…
…no not that type of chimera, no not the original Chimera, the modern biological meaning.
From a 2016 Sci-Am article:
I think it was Dot who was talking about this the other day and just random luck this showed up in a search for chimeras.
Now look up telegony on wikipedia then look up recent articles on Pub Med.
Someone is lying and the societal implications are massive, massive, massive.
Anyone who thinks they are conservative or “red pilled” at all needs to look up those things.
I wonder hwo much the manager of risk got?
I clearly remember the scene with Conjob bawling. For extra effect, some twat next to him put their arm around him and patted him with the “there, there my poor little possum, you are being ever so brave”.
It was gag inducing.
“Robert Sewellsays:
March 14, 2023 at 11:35 am
And a heads-up – any government sponsored assisted living program is a chimera, you have to be lucky to get any service at all. Do not depend on it.
I’ve been trying to get a minor issue sorted out with Home Assist for 6 days. Uncontactable, even by email, phone, mobile. Today gout has managed to settle enough I can drive down the street and speak to them in their office.”
Robert, exactly the same way that NBN treats its customers. Shame there isn’t a Starlink for those in need of help at home.
The institutional design is better, look how low the spread/transaction fees are.
Market left in shock after an Ethereum whale moved billions in Shiba Inu worth a staggering $2.6 million, for a transaction fee of only $2.
Mother Lode’s naming and description of our future subs has been copied and saved. It’s going straight to the Pool Room. 😀
I’m not one for conspiracy theories, but there’s been way too many major issues with the Sydney train system this close to the election… I can’t recall any similar events in the last 2-3 years.
Are the Union wukkas throwing spanners in the works?
What a miserable day down here. It has been raining and cold so I got stuck into some much needed housework. Yuk. I’m not keen on indoor work unless it involves baking, reading or watching a decent movie.
Uh oh…
Oh no!
I’m hoping the subs never get built
What, you don’t want a fleet of underwater F-111s — expensive, easy to take down, of little use other than serving as auxilliaries in any US fleet action?
We should christen the first two Ark Royal and Repulse 2.0
This anti F-111 propaganda must be from the 1970s Australian Navy.
Bears. Woods. Watch your step.
For the observant, I was avoiding a rhetorical question.
How about Marie Celeste?
Keep potential submariners and marinettes safe through zero personnel.
No, Dot, it reflects the corruption that gave the contract to General Dynamics despite Boeing’s TFX proposal winning four selection processes, that the first (very short) deployment produced nothing but dead crew and holes in the jungle and how, eventually, a “fighter-bomber” that couldn’t stay in the air on one engine and handled like a bus became an electronic warfare plane because it was the only thing it could do, and even that not very well.
LOL! I wonder if the Germans did it? It fits the strategic jigsaw puzzle fairly well actually. The German government is a left-green coalition, they were already stonewalling on Nordstream 2 permitting. That was getting threadbare, so blowing the pipelines up would let them declare force majeure. Plus winning greenie points for forcing the country off Gaia’s hated natural gas, which they couldn’t otherwise get away with politically. And blaming the US, Ukies or Vlad would neatly take any heat away from them.
How feasible is it to anticipate that the US will send their own Virginia class nuclear subs out here to patrol our waters (and adjacent ) prior to the delivery of the 3-5 subs promised for purchase?
Very much so. In fact, in some ways the RAN is a branch of the USN, although that would never be admitted publicly by governments. We have surfed on the back of the US dollar and defence since WWII.
Some might say we’d have done better to become states 51-60 of the USA in 1946…
Okay that’s a pretty strong critique areff.
I don’t think we should ever throw anything out, just keep on updating them until they’re impractical to actually get airborne.
Mr Panzer at 8.50:
I present a hypothetical situation only, cognisant of the direction given in respect of, erm, other places:
IF one were to look at the Rothmans Blog (as it has clearly become) and IF one were to peruse quite recent ‘open’ commentary there, one MAY find that reason very clearly spelled out.
You MAY have to wade through a comparatively shallow puddle of ‘oh yeah it’s someone else’s fault that I don’t have six jetskis and let’s blame the Tim Roths’ commentary (including that of the rapidly declining Cairns Post devotee and one-time potential employer of Faulty) to do it, but it’s there.
Old Ozzie:
The government interfered with something and gave it a right royal rogering.
(Yes, I know the Fed is privately owned, but its legal framework is set by the State.)
the last couple of months I’ve been in and out of NSW and QLD quite a bit for work.
the first trip we drove to Sydney and then most of the Northern Beaches and Central Coast
similarly in South Australia
and WA is on the cards next month
lately it was Brisbane where I availed myself of the trains and ranged from the Gold Coast, out to Ipswich, and out near redcliffe.
cities can be a little grimy but there is one very noticeable difference between Melb and other cities and their burbs and that is all the rubbish and filth here.
very noticeable as soon as I return … in fact it the first thing I notice every time I come back
it’s everywhere.
up the train lines
on the beaches
up and down the freeways
its in the streets
in Brunswick, vortexes of empty Twisty packets blow between the apartment stacks and their ubiquitous piles of dead TVs and old mattresses.
Top Ender
Some might say we’d have done better to become states 51-60 of the USA in 1946…
Hmmmm. Creepy Joe or AnAl? Tough choice.
How feasible is it to anticipate that the US will send their own Virginia class nuclear subs out here to patrol our waters (and adjacent ) prior to the delivery of the 3-5 subs promised for purchase?
Very much so. In fact, in some ways the RAN is a branch of the USN, although that would never be admitted publicly by governments. We have surfed on the back of the US dollar and defence since WWII.
Good. After reading the late Jim Molan’s book “Danger on our Doorstep” I will feel a lot better if US subs are patrolling our shores. The prospect of the Chinese destroying our internet cables and mining our harbours does not lead to pleasant dreams at night.
Could’ve got a Kitty Hawk CV and a CG consort for the money.
Instead, a couple of bags of Ready Mix to patch
the dodgy bits of the Can Opener’s flight deck.
Been to the dam too and drove over it. It should refill with the melt as I expect the surrounding mountains would have received high snowfalls like the nearby Californian ones.
Public Cowardice in Modern Britain
Now THAT’s an interesting concept. The amateur wargamers will be chewing their fingers off thinking up power projection scenarios and the like.
I watch a lot of Russell Brand. He is engaging, funny, reflective and asks many good questions without presuming to tell his viewers the answers.
George Monbiot is none of the above and doesn’t do much except cling to his political tribe’s beliefs as a way of proving his virtue.
That probably explains why Russell Brand now has over 6 million subscribers to his channels and Monbiot is still at The Grauniad.
I expect wherever they are storing the nuclear waste from Lucas Heights.
give the contract to Incat
Rabz, they don’t need to. There will be enough Quislings and Marxists here to carry out Elevens wishes. Never underestimate the amount of hate the Left have for building one of the best societies in the world. They are just busting to see us in the Labour Camps for not recognising the superiority of their system.
Daniel Greenfield can be a very funny writer sometimes!
Iraqi Prime Minister to Solve Nation’s Problems With Solar Panels (13 Mar)
Hope and change. I have yet to see a problem that can’t be fixed by putting up solar panels.
I believe we can all agree that what Iraq, a miserable war-torn hellhole in a permanent state of civil war (yes, long before we got there) whose only real resource comes out of the ground, needs is a climate policy:
“Iraq’s prime minister Sunday promised sweeping measures to tackle climate change — which has affected millions across the country — including plans to meet a third of the country’s electricity demands using renewable energy.”
If Iraq can’t change the weather by putting up solar panels and windmills, who can?
Read on, it’s a marvelous blog post. 😀
Even more perversely, the police officer praises the “tolerance” of the local community — how magnanimous, that nobody so far has followed through on the death threats — and then blankly nods along as the imam roars, “we will never let this go!”
Tribal rage meets cowardly policing.
Deportation is the cure.
We’ll get the ones from the US, none of the others will leave the slips except for the breakers yards because they will not be fit for purpose, and the quality will be hopelessly compromised.
Because Unions.
Off topic,but…
I watched “Blues Brothers” with (almost aspy) 11 yo grandson on the weekend. He is mindful of boundaries and rules and so I explained that there would be some bad language, but nothing that he wouldn’t have heard at school.
Later, I googled BB to find the actual age rating and was surprised to see that it has an R rating. The reason:
No nudity or perversions, but a lot of smoking. What a stupid, nanny-governed world we live in.
An excellent segue to this, at Quadrant Online…
How the [Australian] Workers Weekly reported the Great Terror.
Doc Faustus:
Build them in Cooktown.
I want to film the Greenies screams of rage while a path is dug through the Little Reef That Could.
Where’s the lie?
The old Telegony theory held the later baby could gain characteristics from a “previous sexual partner”, level of sexual involvement not exactly specified.
The modern evidence is only cells lodged in the brain from a previous baby, not that the genes actually flowed from a previous father into a later baby, and not just from anybody they bonked that didn’t result in a pregnancy. The multi-purpose placenta has as one goal to stop contamination of the foetus. That a cell could slip out of the womb is one thing, but to argue it can go the other way is quite another argument. There is no statement of what type of fetal cells were found back in 2012, but safe to say they are not gametes capable of producing a zygote, and seems very unlikely they would migrate in the reverse direction, and cross the placenta, and do this at just the right time (probably a 3 week window for cells which are capable of being dormant for 60+ years) so they could become a significant part of a new foetus. There’s your chimera for the day.
Look, I realise this site (like, as you admitted, its predecessor site) operates chiefly as a state-subsidised ASIO honeypot for right wing extremists, but promoting a formerly Nazi ideology in the hope of getting some takers is surely going a bit too far?
Yep, I failed to agree with you.
Quite glad to follow the evidence instead.
Nice to see Netanyahu’s coalition is holding, at least for the moment.
Override Clause approved in first reading in Knesset (14 Mar)
Proposal approved by a majority of 61 to 52. The bill stipulates that laws struck down by the Supreme Court can be re-enacted by the Knesset with a majority of 61 MKs.
‘Incapacitation Law’ approved (13 Mar)
The law would prevent the Attorney General from declaring that a Prime Minister is unfit for office. … 61 MKs supported the proposal and 51 opposed it.
The problem behind these two laws is the AG is appointed, and the current one was by the previous lefty government. She’s a full-on lefty activist. Unlike the US the Israel AG has a six year term, so this woman is going to persecute the current coalition for their entire term in government, since she’s only been in the job a year. The AG office is also where the specious court cases against Netanyahu are coming from. The override law is needed because the Supreme Court is controlled by the Left, and has been overturning a lot of stuff passed by the Knesset on ideological grounds. That of course leads to the judicial reform bill which currently has the Left out on the streets: they don’t want to lose their powerful lock on the nation.
That was my guess when the first outage happened. Unions were doing what they could to help their party win.
Modern, empirical science vs wikipedia bullshit.
Modern, empirical, scientific research:
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Volume 174, October 2022, Pages 55-61
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Uterosomes: The lost ring of telegony?
Telegony refers to the appearance of some characteristics of the female’s previously mated male in her subsequent offspring by another male. According to evidence, telegony may occur either through the infiltration of sperm into the somatic tissues of the female genital tract or the presence of fetal genes in the mother’s blood. It is highlighted that sperm penetrates into the mucosa of the uterine and possibly alters the genetic structure, affecting the embryo and enduring from one pregnancy to the next, which may be one of the potential mechanisms of telegony. Uterine fluid, uterine gland-derived histotroph, supplies key nutrients for successful embryo implantation and it is important during the first trimester, especially, because of its susceptibility to maternal states. The presence of EVs in uterine fluid (uterosomes) was reported in mice, sheep, and humans, including a wide range of biomolecules, such as proteins, and non-coding RNAs. In this review article, we presented a new idea to explain telegony. Based on our idea, after the previous male sperm entry into the female reproductive system, those sperm which do not participate in fertilization penetrate into the somatic cells of the uterus and store their genetic/epigenetic information there. The sperm of the next partner reaches a location in the female reproductive canal where it exchanges information with the uterosomes and obtains the proteins and non-coding RNAs required for fertilization, development, and implantation
Smooth brained wikipedia:
Telegony is a pseudoscientific theory of heredity holding that offspring can inherit the characteristics of a previous mate of the female parent; thus the child of a woman might partake of traits of a previous sexual partner. Wikipedia
Sweden stores all of its nuclear waste in an underground room no bigger than a couple of garages… It actually doesn’t take up much room!
The safety of the nuclear industry in the West is objectively impeccable.
That could have been feasible if the Germans didn’t recommission their old coal fired power stations and start mining coal.
Ignoring telegony because it makes feminists upset about their prior life choices is a massive error by conservatives. Being intimidated by wikipedia editors is probably a litmus test you can’t cut it in public office.
You mean Dover’s having cash funnelled to him by The Machine? If you listen hard enough Colonel, you will hear the black helicopters.
I have yet to be approached by an ASIO femme fatale hoping for pillow talk about watch porn, coffee and the inside running on Trains vs Trucks.
Well Trickler’s here, so there’s that.
These are the mothers of the next generation?
I’m failing to see how useless spiteful union dunderheads causing even more chaos than usual on the Sydney train network will help labore at the upcoming election. Especially given the gliberals are their own worst enema.
Crossie – That only happened after they found that the country was dying as a result of no gas and stupendously expensive electricity.
We Cats all knew that was going to happen but eliminating gas is a religious doctrine of the green-left. And they’re the German government.
Fortunately for them they had a warm winter and the US frackers got lots of LNG to them on tankers. Otherwise things would’ve been rather nasty.
Last week the UK government were forced to turn on their mothballed coal plants. At least they still have them. We have a imbecilic tendency of blowing them up with explosives rather than keeping them around just in case.
Not to mention the (no doubt sizable) hard core cadre of CCP members we’ve so stupidly imported en masse over the last two decades.
If WaPo is publishing this things must be serious.
Lathe of the week!
Massive Dean Smith and Grace for sale at pretty much the value of the iron in it:
Welp, who’s lying more?
The Italian government has said Russian mercenary group Wagner is behind a surge in migrant boats trying to cross the central Mediterranean, as part of Moscow’s strategy to retaliate against countries supporting Ukraine, Reuters reported. Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin responded to the claims, saying, “We have no idea what’s happening with the migrant crisis, we don’t concern ourselves with it.”
We have a imbecilic tendency of blowing them up with explosives rather than keeping them around just in case.
The state governments love blowing up infrastructure for virtue points!
I can’t imagine how much work it must have taken to get these coal fired plants back on line.
They’re gonna get Trump and it’s going to be the most venal, prurient allegation. Stormy in NY by the black slob Soros AG or this:
Clinton-Appointed Judge Allows “Hollywood Access” Tape Into E. Jean Carroll’s Garbage Rape Case Against Trump
Judge Kaplan ruled on Friday that Trump’s “grab her by the p*ssy” Hollywood Access tape can be played at the civil trial.
“In this case, a jury reasonably could find, even from the Access Hollywood tape alone, that Mr. Trump admitted in the Access Hollywood tape that he in fact has had contact with women’s genitalia in the past without their consent, or that he has attempted to do so,” Judge Kaplan wrote of Trump’s locker room talk, according to the Washington Times.
This idiot Judge is talking about similar fact and tendency evidence and both are generally excluded in the US jurisdictions. Similar fact evidence is where a crime is committed and someone is charged simply because the accused had been convicted of a crime previously which had similar facts. Tendency is slightly different where an accused has a past of behaviour of a sort which the current crime involves.
In this instance neither similar fact evidence or tendency are involved. All we have is a secret tape of Trump dirty talking with other blokes one of whom was a snake who secretly taped him. This is not evidence of tendency nor is it a similar fact of sexual assault. This is a horrible, biased Judgment by a hack judge. Unfortunately sheeple will be influenced by this.
Found it!
It starts at 3.30. I didn’t bother looking through the rest of it, but if someone can stomach it, it should show him in seat being comforted by some other lowlife.
What’s interesting in this clip is, this was the one where that bloke Wong voted against SSM.
How many of the affected train travellers would connect the problem with unions? As far as they are concerned the current government are incompetent.
From Roger’s The Critic link:
I don’t think even the Police officer should put himself or his family at risk either. For the simple reason that should he do so his actions won’t be backed up by those higher on the food chain.
We have a slice of perilous, lawless, primitive, self-righteous cranks foisted upon us by our politicians for political purposes. Their crackpot, evil religion has been given equal status by brainless, faithless turds of people who will never suffer for their casual approval and enabling.
Every day my grandchildren go to school in a place so heavily guarded, so full of security that it resembles a high-security facility, not a school. Just about every week there is a threat. Where, oh where, might that threat originate? It’s a mystery.
They show “nice” face to visitors, something palatable and acceptable for low information dills. Rub them the wrong way, just a little, and the bomb goes off.
M0nty and others of a progressive persuasion like to call it “moral panic”. Glib, because their own children have nothing to fear. I’m so over worrying about these little ones’ safety. In my own country for heaven’s sake.
I haven’t seen any “sudden deluge”. Just the usual. Indeed the tactical situation seems even more static than usual. The Wagner guys seem to be stuck in Bakhmut with a river in the way of a westward assault and a steelworks to protect the north flank.
I’m not seeing signs the Ukies are short of warm bodies. Ammo maybe though.
See the Carrie Fisher and Twiggy characters in the film.
oops, the time should have been 4.30, not 3.30. My bad. Was caught up in the excitement. 😀
Bruce, blowing up the old power stations is something I can’t understand. Why not just leave them alone even if they don’t mothball them? Wouldn’t they be cool museums some time down the track? We have the worst idiots running our governments, even idiots of other countries are better than ours.
Crossie says
I expect wherever they are storing the nuclear waste from Lucas Heights.
Except it is all still being stored at Lucas Heights, along with 2 tonnes of radioactive waste from the UK, because the National Radioactive Waste centre has not been built .. meant to be in SA I believe (?)
Still going through regulatory approvals process?
Anyway, if they build the subs in SA, might as well store the waste there eh?
pfft .. will never happen, as much chance as building a dam in Australia!
The ones with functioning brains, presumably.
Good work, Pogria.
How about Watch Ma Tay! and his “huge, pulsating, green, nuclear light”? I’d forgotten that odious twerp. My tax dollars haven’t, sadly.
Just a full-on virtual signal, Crossie. Not only are we denying you affordable, reliable energy now, we’re putting well out of reach!
At some risk of tendering a whataboutism, may I say if it were any other day of the week you would be just as likely to argue the phrase “Modern, empirical, scientific research” was a contradiction in terms, especially in the medical field. But that’s by-the-by.
As I said, happy to go with the evidence. Whatever happens next, please do not attempt to transport newly conveyed information backwards in time and pretend it preceded my initial disagreement. You presented no evidence, you got no traction. You present evidence, well maybe that’s a different outcome. And no I don’t have to research your hobby horse for you, as you are the one attempting to persuade.
On the matter of this 2022 article…
Well it is at least one step towards feasibility by arguing the philandering cells are gametes, just as I required in my previous comment, and which was not implied by the 2016 story or the 2012 study.
A new idea. But what is the new evidence?
From the abstract I cannot tell if this “highlight” is hypothetical or from observation. If you want to buy the article to read it, go ahead.
Even assuming a cell that is not built to be penetrated by a spermatozoa somehow does get new genes injected into it by one of the busy blighters, you’ve still got the awkward fact that nearly the whole lining of the uterus gets flushed every 28 days for as long as the female is capable of being impregnated.
A woman on the pill who has no menses but who wants to get pregnant has to cease the pill and resume menstruation which then flushes the lining, and quite heavily in the first one IIRC. (sidenote, “A 2009 study suggested that 72 to 94 percent of women who come off the combined oral contraceptive pill in the aim of conceiving are pregnant within a year”, so in 18% of cases it can take more than 12 menstrual cycles before fertility returns. ) The sperm sleeper agent has to burrow in quite deep past all the cells that are destined to be jettisoned within the next 20 days to have a good chance of bagging a cell that will stay around for the next partner.
You see how many barriers of implausibility have to be overcome for this mechanism to occur?
And they are not even suggesting that the old sperm has fertilised the new egg, so where’s the inheritance?
And where is the actual observed result? Where and when has a human been genetically tested and found to have genes from the mother AND an identified specific telegonic paternal donor AND the most recent presumed father? When has the telegonic hybrid actually been found? There’s not much point in hashing out causes without any observed effect in need of explanation.
No. Any pregnancy these bimbos experience will be aborted and documented on TikTok.
It’s been raining cats and dogs at my place for over an hour now. I just emptied the 40 mls rain gauge as it was overflowing. The forecast was for 5 mls today. BOM don’t know what will happen in the next 24 hours weather wise but they are presuming to forecast for the next century.
So Monty is Mike Burgess?
Makes sense…
Why haven’t I been paid for my excellent work?
Which they will repeat so often that it will wreck their ability to conceive or carry to term when they finally want to in their 40s. At that point they will expect free IVF.
AUKUS deal: Jim Chalmers announces $8 billion HMAS Stirling naval base expansion
So sneakers mcclown is going to have nuclear subs within a few k’s of his home… interesting…(when he’s not in Applecross screwing his mistress)…
It’s a deluge in the Sir Humphrey Appleby sense.
It’s not a ‘deluge’.
It’s a ‘rain rampage bomb assault’.
Oi! Atmospheric River is the term you seek.
“The families destroyed by gender ideology”
An excellent article at Spiked about a Documentary called Dead Name.
It’s about the parents of supposed Trans kids and the horrors they had to go through re trying to get help for them. There is a trailer for the documentary at the end of the article. A must read.
The burden of proof required to convince someone who made up their mind before you prevent evidence is quite incredible.
Somatic cells were found in uterine RNA and peptides across multiple mammal species, including humans.
Its pretty funny how all manner of things work in animal models and are assumed to work in humans, but no, not for this. That would be rude.
It’s not just in the sperm that contains the genetic altering material, but the seminal fluid.
It’s also not just a matter of shedding a uterine wall. In between that the cells are treated like other epithelial cells. Their waste or remains from programmed cell death become distributed beyond the uterine wall.
It’s not that different to a baby leaving behind genetic information in organs nowhere near the womb, despite the birth process, including afterbirth and subsequent menses.
In time it will be seen that the high point of the honeypot meme was when Dover didn’t deny it.
And really, Calli, you think your paymasters would be so obvious as to leave a paper trail from your bank account right back to the green shores of the Molonglo? How about that time you won the hamper in the office lottery, or that time you received a “misdirected” parcel, or that time you scored a job that you thought you had no hope of getting? Non-attribution is the name of the spy game. 😉
That woman is mad. Certifiably insane. She would murder 50% of the human race to enable her ideology.
It’s from 2007, and you can read it and understand just how stuffed our society is.
Read it yourselves….
Spooks. Spooks everywhere.
Hi Ed.
We haven’t discussed the Oscars. The rollicking winner is Everything Everywhere All at Once, which I think is pretty much a Hong Kong style scifi action film. Budget tiny in the usual scheme of things.
Took Best Actress (the luminous Michelle Yeoh of Crouching Tiger fame), Ke Huy Quan as best supporting actor (Short Round in Temple of Doom) and best supporting actress Jamie Lee Curtis (who is a complete nutcase, but can act commendably).
I’ve only seen one brief short of it some time ago, but it looked like a lot of fun.
I think the movie is as worthy a winner as you can possibly get these days. The Oscars voters couldn’t seem to make themselves vote for Top Gun:Maverick, but at the same time they didn’t reward Dancing With Smurfs On Water either Nor did they reward any of the Oscars-bait twee movies that did awfully at the box office. So it’s nice that Ms Yeoh got the statue.
(Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon is one of my favourite movies. Wolfman, are you around?)
Warren Mundine posted Gottliebson’s article about the screech where he argues the voice will enable 3rd nation claims over private property.
If this commie abomination gets up and 3rd nation shitheads turn up on the front doors of the punters it will get interesting.
Of interest for those interested in the submarine debate:
And now for something completely silly.
Medieval Covid Rules
Old Meme
Who said the place has no culture or history?
Bruce O’Nuke:
How would they communicate?
I will neither confirm nor deny receipt of said parcel.
It smelt funny.
Reverend Simon Sideways:
Doctors giving you medicine (you don’t need)
Via Instapundit: Iowahawk nails it. Awe.
Paging a Mr P. T. Barnum.
hopefully sprinkled all over the now privatised Ayers Rock, pour encourager les autres
If this commie abomination gets up and 3rd nation shitheads turn up on the front doors of the punters it will get interesting.
It with be South African style, focused on the farmers.
The suburban punters won’t comprehend what’s going on until they start starving.
Nuclear waste in Oz?
Jeeze – I can’t think of anywhere at all in our country that is geologically stable, remote, unused, secure, and has a history of either uranium mining or unclear explody things.
Colonel Birka:
My understanding was that foetal stem cells were often found in the mothers circulatory system. Perhaps this being some benefit to the risky business of having a child? The reason, I don’t know.
I thought it was common knowledge.
These far left green ecofeminists are psychotic, bloodthirsty, child killing lunatics who are impotent:
Thankfully, this plan is wholly sustainable as well.
Women never bully each other, commit mass murder, rape, genocide etc and men cannot plan clandestinely, fight guerilla wars and would always be able to hold their desires for revenge back at all times.
I did not “make up my mind” that the idea was false, at best I said it “seems very unlikely” given all the known mechanisms that are against it happening. I still think that.
That statement cannot be literally true by the definitions of the words cell and RNA.
I am terribly sorry my dear fellow but I must insist the two situations are different in a relevant way. The main avenue for exchange of cells (or material of all kinds) between the uterine volume (including foetus) and the rest of the mother is via the placenta, and that doesn’t exist until long after the fertilisation is done and dusted – even in the mechanism hypothesised by that article. That’s why you might get fetal cells spreading but not a previous partner’s sperm or sperm-infected mucous.
(That’s the kind of day I’m having today, I’m typing “sperm-infected mucous” on the Internet.)
That you would bring up the “rudeness” of an idea that “upsets feminists” sounds like your motivation for indulging in this idea is not merely the search for the scientific truth of reproduction.
Give it a rest for a couple of days and then see if you are still so beholden to this hypothesis.
FM – is the electricity back on yet?
Winston – That is a difficulty, which I mentioned. Getting decent transmission through seawater appears to be really hard. But if you can mix and match small byte number keycodes with slow data rates, plus automation, you might get something workable. This is entirely surmise on my part.
Mr Sulu! Transmit number 02FE: “surface and engage nearest carrier-sized ship”. Aye aye, Captain.
Low frequency sounds can transmit pretty well as I understand, but not with much of a data rate. I haven’t looked into the area much though, so I’ll defer to experts like TE.
This. This is what it’s all about.
The Announcement Stream, structured spending ($1 billion over the forward estimates, $7 billies on the never never), job conjuring (up to 500, no 700, jerbs over the life of the project).
A bright new hi-tech, bleeding edge future for all, courtesy of the Albanese Government (cheque endorsed, P. Dutton).
At some point, just like Scummo’s Covid Extravaganza, it’s going to add up to serious money.
I give you the Tate Modern, ground zero of the decline and fall.
On the other hand, the Powerhouse…
The “bush telegraph” has reported, for some years now, carloads of indigenous, on local farms – when asked as to what their business is, “You want to remember this is Aboriginal land.”
Lamb prices continue to tumble and heading for cost of production numbers.
Labor in states and federally, banning the live sheep trade, unions in total control and the old organised theft by the cabal is back.
Drone to sub ? The sub can float an antenna, relay buoy or similar.
With satellite comms, there’s no reason any drone communication needs to come from the launch sub, it could be a distant base station tucked away at home.
March 14, 2023 at 2:47 pm
If this commie abomination gets up and 3rd nation shitheads turn up on the front doors of the punters it will get interesting.
It with be South African style, focused on the farmers.
The suburban punters won’t comprehend what’s going on until they start starving.”
they will do it Rhodesia style. They already have the sprogs practising with machetes.
Public Cowardice in Modern Britain
Britain (and Europe) can either deal with it’s Islamic problem now, or do nothing for a generation and have to deal with the Civil War that will come, and the ethnic cleansing that will occur along with it.
Dreadful to say, I guess, but refusing to acknowledge the problem of Islamic conquest has brought us to this point.
Embedded Personnel and Port Visits. Beginning in 2023, Australian military and civilian personnel will embed with the United States Navy, the United Kingdom Royal Navy and, subject to any necessary arrangements, within the United States and United Kingdom submarine industrial bases. This will accelerate the training and development of Australian personnel to ensure our ability to work together and for Australians to take on the responsibilities associated with these programs. The United States plans to increase SSN port visits to Australia beginning in 2023, with Australian sailors joining U.S. crews for training and development; the United Kingdom will increase visits to Australia beginning in 2026.
From, link from Topender:
The trick is when the u-boat is submerged. Water is highly absorbant of EM radiation of a wide range of frequencies, particularly radio.
That’s one of the reasons ULF acoustic USN transmissions to subs was one of the hypotheses floated for why mass whale beachings happened. Painful to sensitive whale ears. No idea if it was true or plausible.
In which electorate will the new nuclear submarine waste be stored?
O’Connor. Already a bloody great hole over 600 metres deep.
We had a lash at it last night on Prime.
Incoherence dressed up as sci-fi, the plotline is pretty rubbish – basically a vehicle for some observational humour, Michelle Yeoh, Ke Huy Quan – and JLC in an adjustable fat-suit.
It’s an interesting choice for best pic, because without the actors there’s nothing much there.
The Maverick crew will have been spewing.
“Young mum, 23, reveals terrifying moment she was ‘threatened with handcuffs and forced to have a caesarean under police guard’ after doctors denied her a natural birth”
The next step in our “it’s for your own good”, plan for the population.
Oh… so you mean that was what you were actually talking about rather than coded instructions to the hive.
/crack Asio operative
Matrix @12:51
The Dan Andrews effect.
We used to make a hammer tone paint finish for this stuff. The colour jogged a memory!
Seeing Trump do the perp walk is the Lefts wet dream.
It will also be the act that triggers the second civil war.
The treatment of public spaces is very noticeable. The UK was always a sh1thole compared to Europe generally, although graffiti there can be very bad. Melbournibad mythology around their laneways rivals the Poms and the NHS.
I’ve got it penciled in for the week after Muellerween.
Yeah but Maverick is ‘way to righty to get any serious gong. “Best Sound” haha.
I am surprised Cameron’s lil’ blue guys didn’t get more, since he’s as woke as you get.
‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’ Wins Best Picture Oscar (Breitbart, 12 Mar)
If someone hasn’t already invented a weapons capable, underwater drone, I have no doubt it will happen well before 2040.
Our $368bn subs will last about as long as a politicians promise.
My take on another aspect of modern teaching:
I’ve not seen so many people unable to see the link between act and consequence.
And even when they were speaking and at the cusp of discovering the link, you could see them shying away from the revelation. “It doesn’t fit. So I will ignore it.”
Just bizarre. And that’s using my out-of-calibration bizzarotron.
Having ABSOLUTELY no experience I will loose a floater in the swimming pool of ideas.
One of the evolutionary leaps that our chordates and others benefited from way back, but which eluded creatures like insects, was myelinated nerve cells. A charge crosses the nerve endings and then the pulse passes along the length of the nerve chemically. Lucky us have a myelin sheath so that rather than waiting for plodding chemicals to wander from one end to the other as happens in bugs, our cells polarise, so the charge ‘leaps’ along the nerve cell. Supposed to be something like 50 times faster.
I wonder if such things as quantum entanglement are being researched as a way of side-stepping the way atoms and molecules interfere with EM radiation – completely change the medium.
Top Ender, that’s a very well built article on the truants finding negative reinforcement in the system. I highly enjoyed your gentle and concerned approach.
So far they have had serious performance issues in consummating the act. All they have achieved is ruptured arteries in their eyeballs, veins popping from their foreheads like knotted cords, and a severe case of chafing.
Put it near Broken Hill in Parkes. It is real Mad Max country out there.
Great read.
Bruce O’ Nuke:
Going from memory here, but the US submarine fleet had an emergency coms system to deal with the aftermath of a nuclear war and communications with the submerged sub fleet called TACAMO. It was only able to do a couple of characters a minute, the bandwidth is that low.
Drones could perhaps be wire connected, like the Mk 48 but still it means the drone would be very vulnerable to the wire breaking during movement. The distance would be very limiting – perhaps a couple of kilometers?
Lasers? Lots of problems with water turbidity and temperature gradient changes.
I can see the drone system working well with the RAAF “Loyal Wingman” but not the underwater boys.
I had a chronic wagger in one of my classes. I saw him 3 times in a year. Those 3 times headed off court action.
There was a process that took about 12 weeks to get the parents to court. Kid does 1 day and the process resets.
Australia is being run by autocrats – Senate Speech 7.03.23
Senator Gerard Rennick
Like this.
Embedded Personnel and Port Visits. Beginning in 2023, Australian military and civilian personnel will embed with the United States Navy, the United Kingdom Royal Navy
Lotza hands being rubbed with glee not only defence personnel but public serpents chomping at the bit for OS postings .. 1st class gravy train troughin’ a must for all these deals ! .. depending on your rank/ PS level you get top notch housing befitting your rank/status, transport and private school fees paid for the ankle biters, free tix home annually as well as invitations to all the best soirees plus the,necessary, extra allowance(s) for all the other bitz and pieces one requires for life’s necessities on the top tier …
In this tortured age one must seize upon and cherish even the slightest hint of a silver lining.
Just back from soccer refereeing.
I watched Everything Everywhere All At Once last night . . . in one word . . . sh!t . . . It made The Matrix look like a masterpiece.
It came across as a smart-arse look at us at how clever we are type of film. I was bored witless after 30 minutes but stuck it out.
You won’t be seeing a weekly post on this film.
Apart from Top Gun: Maverick I hadn’t seen any of the other nominated films, and I can say I don’t think I’d be missing much although I might get around to watch All Quiet On The Western Front on Netflix, but I rank the 1930 Lewis Milestone version as one of the great anti-war films of all-time.
Now I need to finish my post for this week and also next weeks post as I will be in Auckland for a family wedding next week.
I’d rather that we were part of the US, not as a country but as individual states, hopefully more than our current number of states. Sure the US is in a state of lunacy but it has something we don’t, a bill of rights. That bill would’ve stopped Howard disarming us, protect our free speech way more than our current courts do and so much more. Being like Hawaii and Guam, on the periphery of the empire would be pretty good, we would get the good stuff and the bad stuff couldn’t be any worse than the crap we’ve already done to ourselves.
Delta Asays:
March 14, 2023 at 3:27 pm
Australia will spend up to $368bn to deliver a historic nuclear submarine program featuring at least three boats bought from the US, upgrades to extend the life of our existing fleet and eight homemade nuclear subs hitting the water from the 2040s.
If someone hasn’t already invented a weapons capable, underwater drone, I have no doubt it will happen well before 2040.
Our $368bn subs will last about as long as a politicians promise.
Only the first three (from the US) will matter. The “cutting edge, state of the art” submarine construction facility in SA will get the job for the drones. Battery powered, helped by the “Klimate Scientists “and their obsessive quest for ever better batteries, and much less complex at the construction stage than SSNs. Control systems from US/UK.
I watched Everything Everywhere All At Once last night . . . in one word . . . sh!t . . . It made The Matrix look like a masterpiece.
Correct. It is literally unwatchable. I stuck it for about 30 minutes. It was tedious, the characters were pains in the arse and the multiverse plot was basic.
Top Gun did not win because the oscars are woke bullshit. Incidentally Top Gun: Maverick has almost cracked $1.5 billion; more than the other crap combined.
Mother Load:
Yes it would.
I hadn’t thought that far out, but yes. Are we anywhere near that degree of technical expertise?
You really have to laugh at what the West is doing to itself.
What a stupid farking title:
Um, no. Because the resources sector makes government billions of dollars. The subs, are costing billions of dollars.
“Logic” at Fauxfacts.
I love The Mayrix, Wolfman. Great premise and the ideas have permeated popular culture like no other.
I did get to the point though, watching the hedonistic party scene, whether the so-called civilisation was worth saving. Which then transferred my thinking towards more theological lines.
Lots of return for your viewing dollars. A rare thing these days.
Oi, Wolfman, I thought Matrix was a masterpiece.
I’m a scifi sort of guy though.
My take on another aspect of modern teaching:
Out here in “houso” land the trick is to get the kids classified ADHD early on and by year 12 and leaving they’ve turn 18 and straight onto the ‘rorters” .. a few, grown, kids where I am that can’t read/write but with the $1 000 a fortnight pension to tide them over ……. no probs ..!
by Dan Hitchens
3 . 13 . 23
Ten years into Pope Francis’s pontificate—he first waved from the balcony of St. Peter’s on March 13, 2013—he has been analyzed, praised, criticized, and interviewed ad nauseam. He began the decade being hero-worshipped by the world’s media and ended it being denounced by Jordan Peterson. Books, articles, Twitter threads have poured forth from overheated brains. And yet—and I include myself in this—nobody, absolutely nobody, has managed to understand him.
Suffice to say that the definitive comment on the era was given by that marvelously succinct thinker Alice von Hildebrand when she remarked: “I beg God to take me before I have a chance to get confused.”
when the pope has returned to his great theme of “the throwaway society,” his lonely stand against a global system which, from the sweatshops to the euthanasia clinics, treats the vulnerable not as the image of Christ but as useless trash. That magnificent critique will be one of his most significant legacies.
Will there be other positive legacies from this pontificate? I think we are obliged to pray that there will. As for the first decade, despite the mysteriousness that hangs around it, its legacy can be simply summarized: ten years which have destroyed a great deal and created almost nothing.
Bother. Red pilled.
Anyway Wolfman, I was more interested in your take on Crouching Tiger, and HK movies in general. Bruce Lee!
Oh dear.
Crouching Tiger is onSBS movies tonight Bruce.
OK on Crouching Tiger but I’m not really into HK movies including Bruce Lee.
I did like The Matrix but if found the sequels, as is so often the case, a case of diminishing returns.
I too like a good sci-fi film – a very much under-rated one in the last 25 years is Alex Proyas’s Dark City IMO.
To give the Chinese some credit (not that they deserve it) a lot of it is outsourced West pollution. For example, Australian plastics until recently.
Everything Everywhere All At Once. The IRS character played by Jamie Lee Curtis with her statuettes of mounted butt plugs given for work performance was a good gag, you have to pay that one at least.
Who’s going to help the women:
* scare away spiders
* fix the car
* unclog the drain
* mow the lawn
* .. etc
If we told them it could be used as a vaccine Pfizer would be all over it like…well, like Pfizer.
Sequels rarely live up to the original. Maybe a subject for a review?
Once Upon a Time in America is on tonight too, but way too late. Always worth a look. Enjoyed the Hollywood one too, but it just went for way too long.
Have seen Triangle of Sadness – don’t bother – and The Banshees of Inisherin – nicely filmed and acted but plot is ridiculous.
Elvis gets my vote, with Maverick worthy of a lot for its flying.
Having said that, the husband did a reprise of every Jackie Chan movie ever, a coolie blackface.
Who had a seaweed apocalypse on their 2023 bingo card?
Huge seaweed bloom that can be seen from space threatens Florida beaches (14 Mar)
I quite liked Gregory Benford’s Timescape novel, where a guy communicates with his past self using NMR, in order to avert the algal death of the oceans. The novel is from 1980 so well before the current climate screechy stuff. I used to use NMR in my postgrad work in the eighties, but sadly no one from the future ever tried to communicate with me.
‘Why Are You Here If You Can’t Even Answer Our Questions?’: Nancy Mace Goes Off On OPM Director
Forbes Breaking News
Agree on Dark City, a massively underrated film. Also a fan of Strange Days, directed by Jim Cameron’s wife.
yes yes.. which is why I was suggesting floating antenna buoy (could be tethered), or drag an antenna (VLF). The subs currently use VLF effectively (Naval Communication Station Harold E. Holt uses 19.8kHz). A suitable antenna on the drones may be a little more difficult!
Anyway – as I pointed out, launch from the sub, then comms to a base station via satellite. No reason the sub has to talk to the drones once released.
Brothers who were paid by Jussie Smollett to attack him on Chicago street break their silence: They still feel ‘betrayed’ by his hoaxed hate crime and slammed the jailed Empire actor as a ‘crazy fraudster’
Daily Mail
I honestly can’t work out what the problem is. There are just so many good stories out there, so many seriously fine actors and technicians, so much talent.
Yet they tie themselves into story lines that are just unsaleable, and as the old moguls knew, it was bums on seats that counted. If they wanted a “message” they’d go to Western Union.
And on remakes – it’s sad watching good solid old tales remodelled into imbecility . It won’t sell, it stinks to high heaven and it’s a vanity project. Just stop.
Right after Holy Grail! I’d have to go out and buy a television set. It’s tempting.
I could sign up for SBS On Demand, haven’t wanted to though hitherto.
Crouching Tiger
One of my all time favourite movies. Such an elegant love story. And beautiful story telling.
I too like a good sci-fi film – a very much under-rated one in the last 25 years is Alex Proyas’s Dark City IMO.
I like your style young man.
I have a soft spot for Interstellar, the wave scene alone makes it worthwhile; and I must say the remake of Dune is very good; or at least the first half of the remake, with the second half coming soon.
Mother Load said:
Yes, not just in the military, but also… (checks over shoulder, waves to ASIO)… also in the intelligence and law enforcement agencies. A compact room-temperature quantum entanglement device could also be used to make an undetectable bug. It sends information over an arbitrary distance without transmitting any energy wave of any kind.
Robert Sewell says:
Seems like only 2 years ago that some Australian researchers demonstrated QE over a distance of 1.5km (IIRC) which was over one hundred times the distance that anybody else (in the unclass world anyhow) had ever demonstrated. So not too shabby for a bunch of Bruces.
So what?
Water is fatal if taken excessively.
March 14, 2023 at 4:36 pm
All men at least above…
Who’s going to help the women:
* scare away spiders
* fix the car
* unclog the drain
* mow the lawn
* .. etc
I think that the author should collect at least a thousand like-minded women, and set up a trial feminist Utopia, that success of which would attract millions of additional residents.
Or perhaps not.
definitely — who knew a sci-fi could be so emotional, and TARS is a laugh.
March 14, 2023 at 4:59 pm
March 14, 2023 at 4:24 pm
blah blah blah
So what?
Water is fatal if taken excessively.
Please don’t confuse m0nty=fa with science. It makes his brain (such as it is) hurt.
Australia is being run by autocrats
And the very dumbest ones at that…