Open Thread – Tue 14 March 2023

Extreme Unction, Nicolas Poussin, 1646

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March 14, 2023 5:06 pm

My favourite movie is Mother Night.

A story about a man (Nick Nolte) who writes plays in Nazi Germany in the 30’s. Meets an American military dude (John Goodman) who tells him “there’s a war coming and Germany will be on one side and the US on the other” and that they “need a man of his talent to write Nazi speeches on deliver them over the radio.” The message would have coughs and stutters, lisps and all to convey a secretly embedded message.

It gets a bit nuts, years after the war he end up living in the US under a false name but some Neo Nazi movement (co-headed by a black dude) find out he’s there… then the Israeli’s do too… its got some very dark humour…

It’s an arthouse movie and very slow but great music throughout of Arvo Part (my fave composer after Beethoven).

March 14, 2023 5:08 pm

March 14, 2023 at 4:24 pm

blah blah blah
So what?

Water is fatal if taken excessively.

Interesting comment from someone edging towards the fatal ingestion limit for donuts.

March 14, 2023 5:08 pm

An Ivermectin Influencer Died. Now His Followers Are Worried About Their Own ‘Severe’ Symptoms.

Ivermectin, to my knowledge, has NEVER been recommended to be administered in this way – using a veterinary product on a daily basis.

The Ivermectin distributed by officials in Utah Pradesh came in a combined package with Zinc & Vic D3 was of limited application over time. Similarly, the Ivermectin regime recommended by the FLCCC frontline Covid medicos was a specified dose (tablet form) over a specified period.

There have been very many meta studies in research publications showing the efficacy of Ivermectin.

March 14, 2023 5:09 pm

trial feminist Utopia

I linked this the other day, but it applies again.
Rick and Morty

Summer’s top saves the day in court

March 14, 2023 5:14 pm

Besides recording tonight

calli says:
March 14, 2023 at 4:24 pm

Crouching Tiger is onSBS movies tonight Bruce.

I am really enjoying

Netflix K-Dramas

Laugh, cry, sigh, scream, shout or whatever you feel like with these funny, intense, romantic and suspenseful Korean dramas.

So far 16 Episodes Extraorinary Attorney Woo,

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Run Do

All of the Korean Movies and Shows Coming to Netflix in 2023

Here are 34 Korean series, films, unscripted shows and documentaries coming this year.

By Tudum StaffJan 17, 2023

The global fandom for K-content is continuing to grow, with more than 60 percent of all Netflix members watching Korean titles last year. Looking ahead at 2023, Netflix is debuting a diverse array of Korean TV series, films and unscripted shows. Today, we’re showcasing 34 upcoming titles, including eye-popping original productions alongside returning fan favorites, in our biggest-ever lineup of Korean films and series.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 14, 2023 5:14 pm

Leave it with me.
I will make the connection between Roswell, Jewish bankers, Big Pharma, the Bermuda Triangle and Global Veganism by lunchtime.

Good luck, Cletus.
Front page of The Australian today:
Puma will stop using kangaroo leather in signature football boots, which is a disaster for the Industry in Australia.
What’s the connection between that and Sancho and Joffa’s virtue signaling, I fantasise someone querying?

Well, all the big name Shoe Makers [Florsheim, Adidas, Puma, Nike, Aquila, the lot] are all owned by the Pharmaceutical Companies [think
Vaccines] and they’ve all stopped making leather soles.
R.M. Williams still makes leather soled shoes, don’t they?
No, they do not.

March 14, 2023 5:16 pm

GPT4 will be available next week and will integrate video, audio and images as inputs or outputs.

You will be able to provide an image, an audio or a video as input
and ask for a summary, a description or a transformation

the relentless march continues

March 14, 2023 5:20 pm


I had a friend who took Ivermectin with a really bad cold/flu/COVID.

He got better in a couple of days.

He read the literature on humans and worked out his dose.

Ivermectin was considered an essential drug by WHO before COVID.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 14, 2023 5:20 pm

I actually didn’t mind Everything, Everywhere, All at Once. It was light enough, with funny fight scenes in a Jackie Chan sort of way. It was a bit confusing at first keeping track with what all the leaps entail.

Given the set up of a wife suddenly realising that she had scarcely even noticed when hope and optimism (and love for her husband) had died, confronted by all the exotic other lives she might have had, growing into a super-version of her old self, becoming confident and empowered, you were prepared for the standard sort of denouement of a certain type of action flick – and yet it was the meek husband (Short Round from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom) twisted it round.

A nice little surprise.

Not the greatest movie I have seen of course but enjoyable. There was no way Top Gun: Maverick was going to win, but it was a glorious rebuff that makes clear just how good satisfying the movie was. This was not your woke shit. If it had won a swag of awards it would have been embarrassing. The people who worked on it can look their audience in the eye, wink, and say “Hollywood hated us”. All those glib, dismissive, ostentatious poseurs with their forced moral affectations, hated it.

The greatest accolade for a movie.

And there was the jab at Don Lemon that Michelle Yeoh got in. I don’t know how widely it is known that Lemon shat in the nest on his morning show (surely the equivalent of a sin-bin for one of the network’s fevered ‘Roland Freisler’-type prime time blabbermouths. But even there, on probation, and wishing to mock Nikki Haley, he blurted out some nonsense about how women above their 40’s ought just to butt out of affairs. Women, he argued, hit their prime in their 20’s.

Yeoh made the point to tell “Ladies, don’t let anyone ever tell you you are past your prime.”

It is weird Lemon saying something so tin-eared. I wonder if it is not so much that he is gay, but because he is gay in that ridiculous world of pantomime social justice with its wicked villains and doe-eyed innocent heroes. He forgot that women might actually view themselves as women, not silly men in grotesque make up.

Good on her for that alone.

March 14, 2023 5:21 pm

Men would be permanently banned from any kind of medical practice. All woman-hating, genocidal institutions such as gynecology, psychiatry, obstetrics, big pharma, the torture of living beings in the name of “scientific experimentation” will be banned. Men’s fragmented, objectifying, sadistic view the human body will be part of history, replaced by biophilic medicine.

This would be the same male doctors who saved millions of lives particularly of women who used to die in childbirth at the rate of one in ten.

March 14, 2023 5:23 pm

I am terribly sorry my dear fellow but I must insist the two situations are different in a relevant way. The main avenue for exchange of cells (or material of all kinds) between the uterine volume (including foetus) and the rest of the mother is via the placenta, and that doesn’t exist until long after the fertilisation is done and dusted – even in the mechanism hypothesised by that article.

From the article. It’s kind of gay.

The sperm of the next partner reaches a location in the female reproductive canal where it exchanges information with the uterosomes and obtains the proteins and non-coding RNAs required for fertilization, development, and implantation.

March 14, 2023 5:23 pm

March 14, 2023 at 5:21 pm

Who wrote this bullshit? What do they want transwomen to take over.

March 14, 2023 5:24 pm

Eventually , there will be severe repercussions for this type of cumulative mismagement;

The Fed’s Negative Capital

“Ironically, the same problem that has happened to banks in terms of significant unrealized losses on their portfolio from otherwise-safe assets, has happened to multiple central banks as well.

This is because several central banks including the U.S. Federal Reserve are fighting 1940s-style fiscal-driven inflation with 1970s-style monetary policy, which is mainly aimed at slowing down private credit growth.

Central banks such as the Federal Reserve hold long-duration assets such as Treasury bonds and mortgage-backed securities as their assets, while their liabilities are shorter-term, including bank reserves, physical banknotes, and reverse repos.

Normally, a central bank’s assets have higher interest rates than their liabilities do, resulting in operating profits for the central bank. In the United States, the Federal Reserve is required to send its operating profits to the U.S. Treasury Department as remittances, and in recent years they have been around $100 billion per year (enough to fund NASA four times over).

However, because central banks raised interest rates so quickly in 2022, many of them now have liabilities that have higher interest rates than their assets. The Federal Reserve is running operating losses to the tune of ~$2 billion per week due to this, and they are no longer sending remittances to the U.S. Treasury.

The Federal Reserve already has deeply negative capital (about -$1 trillion or so) if we mark its assets to market. Aside from that, the Federal Reserve will reach negative tangible capital in a couple weeks even without marketing assets to market, due to ongoing operating losses from paying out higher interest rates on its liabilities than its assets. The accounting method of treating its cumulative losses as “deferred assets” and avoiding mark-to-market accounting is what’s keeping it solvent on paper.

Fortunately as a central bank, it’s not subject to bank runs in the same way that individual banks are (especially small banks) and doesn’t go out of business if it has negative tangible capital or operating losses.

Instead, when a central bank has negative tangible capital and/or operating losses, it’s their level of independence from their government that becomes questionable, and the government loses out on a revenue source since the remittances stop flowing. For a variety of reasons including this one, I expect the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy to be increasingly politicized by members of Congress in the years ahead. ( M- You betcha! )

A lot of things in the financial system are upside down lately, as policymakers try to get a grip on price inflation. The Federal Reserve is sucking liquidity out of the long tail of small and medium-sized banks, paying out tons of money on its liabilities mostly to large banks and money market funds, and accumulating operating losses into a negative tangible capital position on its own balance sheet.”

h/t Lyn Alden

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 14, 2023 5:25 pm

… he blurted out some nonsense about how women above their 40’s ought just to butt out of affairs.
That’s arguable, but good on him for saying it.
Women, he argued, hit their prime in their 20’s.

That’s just biological truth, who could disagree there?

March 14, 2023 5:26 pm

The Ivermectin story is interesting. Why would someone take what I presume to be an animal dosage. A prolonged dosage at that.

The drug has already proved safe for use in the tropics where it is a life saver. Of that there is no question.

What’s in play here is a zealot (one of those internet loudmouths I mentioned earlier) being hoist on his own petard. Much to the glee of ghouls. Who will now turn it into the usual circus.

March 14, 2023 5:28 pm

There’s something to be said for ruinously stupid green policies after all. Poor old Sri lanka is now so blighted, a beachside villa that would have cost $4000 a month just a year and a bit ago can now be had for less than a quarter of that.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
March 14, 2023 5:28 pm

Watched Holy Grail last night.

Completely non-PC – hence why its so funny.

The Black Knight scene. Love how BK draws his sword out of the Green Knights helmet.

King Arthur assaulted the mud farmer ‘Old Woman!’ – Dennis, who then pointed out ‘Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony’.

But lets not bicker and squabble about oo killed oo. This should be a happy occassion.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 14, 2023 5:31 pm

Groogs is like the Geelong footy club. Trying to get the average age of his skin list down.

March 14, 2023 5:31 pm

Hit their prime what?

I’ve hit prime Cranky Old Bat. And…loving it!

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 14, 2023 5:31 pm

No Old Boilers for Mother.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 14, 2023 5:33 pm

Further to my comment at 5:25pm:

Don Lemon wouldn’t say anything he wasn’t told to say, so the new message could be
Lay off the Woke stuff for a while, we need to boost WhiteMan up so he volunteers for out War In Ukraine.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 14, 2023 5:38 pm

Hit their prime what?

Good question.
I’m gonna take a wild guess here and say

Women’s Prime years of attractiveness to the average male is 16 to 25

N.B. Check Age Of Consent in your location first.

March 14, 2023 5:38 pm

Liberals disendorse candidate for Wyong because he didn’t say the approved things about homosexuals and Muslims.

Premier Dominic Perrottet said the right call had been made.

“I just want to back in the Liberal Party’s decision,” he said.

“There is no place for those views in our party and he’s been disendorsed, as he should have been, and I completely back that decision.”

March 14, 2023 5:39 pm

Thanks for the answer O Shallow One.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 14, 2023 5:42 pm

Liberals disendorse candidate for Wyong because he didn’t say the approved things about homosexuals and Muslims.

He should double down and do a Pauline Hanson.
The Labor guy sounds a bit complacent, perhaps he needs his arse kicked?

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 14, 2023 5:42 pm

Ed Casesays:
March 14, 2023 at 5:25 pm
… he blurted out some nonsense about how women above their 40’s ought just to butt out of affairs.
That’s arguable, but good on him for saying it.
Women, he argued, hit their prime in their 20’s.

That’s just biological truth, who could disagree there?

I’m guessing that Richard Cranium isn’t married, at least at present.

And as he is probably no Leonardo di Caprio, his chance of getting into the 20s-ladies market is minimal. Still, he could always do a line for Mizzzz Knickerless. At least this year, then (according to Ed) she will be past her prime.

March 14, 2023 5:44 pm

As usual, mOron has it completely wrong. Even WaPo can see that Ukraine and the west are achieving nothing by sacrificing all these Ukrainian men;

“Ukraine short of skilled troops and munitions as losses, pessimism grow”

A German official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to be candid, said that Berlin estimates Ukrainian casualties, including dead and wounded, are as high as 120,000. “They don’t share the information with us because they don’t trust us,” the official said.

On the front lines, however, the mood is dark.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 14, 2023 5:46 pm

In the coming months the System will start backing down on a few Woke Issues, …


March 14, 2023 5:49 pm


I had a friend who took Ivermectin with a really bad cold/flu/COVID.

He got better in a couple of days.

I did the same, except that it was COVID according to the testing. Interestingly I had proved impervious to COVID (everyone else at home had it), until I was vaccinated.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
March 14, 2023 5:51 pm


Let me show you how easy it was for our taxpayer-funded ABC to report – contrary to all evidence – that a town meeting in Alice Springs was overrun by white supremacists

The video ABC doesn’t want you to watch.

March 14, 2023 5:53 pm

Even WaPo can see that Ukraine and the west are achieving nothing by sacrificing all these Ukrainian men.

Feeding a couple of generations into the Russian meat grinder is almost certainly one way to fix a neo nazi problem…

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 14, 2023 5:54 pm

Hi Calli.

Yeah, it’s a tough world out there.

I know, the Murdoch Press tells us that [rising 86] Jane Fonda is still a hornbag and whaddabout Joan Baez, but the reality is somewhat different,
[I imagine].

March 14, 2023 5:59 pm

I’m more than happy to endorse Westinghouse’s nuclear reactor for trucks.

We Can Do It! 😀

March 14, 2023 6:03 pm

‘The special mark of the modern world is not that it is skeptical, but that it is dogmatic without knowing it.’

G. K. Chesterton

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
March 14, 2023 6:18 pm

Bad Language warning.



You know, sometimes I sit at home, you know, and I watch TV
And I wonder what would be like to live in some place like
You know, The Cosby Show, Ozzie and Harriet
You know, where Cops come and got you cut outta the tree
All your friends died at old age
But you see.. I live in South Central, Los Angeles
And unfortunately… Sh*t AIN’T LIKE THAT!!
It’s real f***ed. up!

March 14, 2023 6:25 pm

This must be fairly unique?

The Perth Mint’s enabling legislation has a section in it whereby employees who speak out against the Mint can be gaoled for up to five years…!!!

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
March 14, 2023 6:27 pm


He’s ripped into the entire Hi-Hop industry and melted them all down.


Kool Keith – I Don’t Believe You

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
March 14, 2023 6:29 pm

Jeeze – I can’t think of anywhere at all in our country that is geologically stable, remote, unused, secure, and has a history of either uranium mining or unclear explody things.

I can. Pretty much under the radar of Joe Public, and a high security area, no tourists.

Mt Walton.

March 14, 2023 6:54 pm

Jordan Peterson must be reading the Cat after he just posted that ChatGPT will “come clean” after its been caught lying.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
March 14, 2023 6:56 pm

The bloke is a champ. Orchestral music later.–XTIRZ8

March 14, 2023 6:59 pm

You heap of compost replaces you heap of shit.

Mar 13
Later this month, New York will become the sixth state to allow “human composting”

Human composting — also known as natural organic reduction or the reduction of human remains — is the practice of placing a dead body in a reusable vessel with biodegradable materials that foster the transformation into nutrient-dense soil that can be returned to loved ones or donated to conservation land.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 14, 2023 7:00 pm

I would visit her and notice the cleaning hadn’t been done. When I asked whether the cleaner had not been mum would say that she had but wanted to talk most of the time and mum was too kind to interrupt her. At the end of her time she would just go.

We have a good relationship with a Chinese cleaning company who provide us with two female cleaners who come together about once every six weeks with some heavy duty equipment. Their English is terrible but we communicate well with smiles and gestures. Hairy throws our small vac around inbetween times and I ensure the bathrooms and kitchen are still basically hygienic without exerting much effort at it. These cleaners charge $150 for their two hours there and they do a fantastic job. That works out at about $25 per week. They make perfect the kitchen and bathrooms, they get under furniture, thoroughly wash all floors and skirting boards, heavy vacuum all rugs, and clean all surfaces big and small, including my display pieces and tray full of perfume bottles. After that they swab the foyer and terraces and take the money in cash. The place is spotless.

We could pay a so-called ‘subsidised’ age-care cleaner, if one was even available, between $80-$100 per weekly clean of a place our size (they would want to come weekly or every two weeks at least) and we would likely get what my mother got, a disinterested Afghani man who vacuumed only the traffic areas with an inferior vacuum, giving a desultory wipe around the kitchen benchtops and bathroom surfaces without moving anything in the way. Done in under half an hour.

We will rely on private services for home help in our future rather than rely on endless bureaucracy and make do with less of it if availability tightens. Better, less often, is a good deal.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
March 14, 2023 7:01 pm

Check out the art.

Traditional Albanian music (instrumental)

March 14, 2023 7:03 pm

cohenite says:
March 14, 2023 at 5:23 pm
March 14, 2023 at 5:21 pm

Who wrote this bullshit? What do they want transwomen to take over.

Please see Robert Sewell’s post at 2:29 pm.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 14, 2023 7:08 pm

About $50 per week. Bad maths there. Still a bargain.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 14, 2023 7:10 pm

Last two weeks of the six work out at only $25 a week, that’s what I was thinking of.

I think, anyway. Not in top financial form today. 🙂

Robert Sewell
March 14, 2023 7:12 pm

Can someone make any sense out of this story?
Company is broke and under administration and selling its product at way under the market value. It looks to me like someone is pulling a swifty.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 14, 2023 7:13 pm

If you work it out by cleaning hours spent by the two of them, it really is a bargain.

I think these women mainly work in office cleaning; they are really professional about it.

March 14, 2023 7:15 pm

C.L. says:
March 14, 2023 at 5:38 pm
Liberals disendorse candidate for Wyong because he didn’t say the approved things about homosexuals and Muslims.

This means they will lose that seat and not because of the disendorsed candidate’s sins but because they are quick to get rid of anyone the media doesn’t like. Did they ask the voters of the electorate what they thought? Dominic is Morrison V.2.

March 14, 2023 7:22 pm

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare says:
March 14, 2023 at 7:13 pm
If you work it out by cleaning hours spent by the two of them, it really is a bargain.

I think these women mainly work in office cleaning; they are really professional about it.

Lizzie, Mum’s helpers were organised through Home Care and she made a co-payment for the services. When I wanted to complain mum pleaded not to as it would get the women into trouble. In the end she agreed that it was too much and she moved into a retirement facility where she was in the low dependency section for five years and had a lot of autonomy until she got really sick and was then moved into the high dependency section. Sadly she died nine months later.

March 14, 2023 7:24 pm

I would visit her and notice the cleaning hadn’t been done. When I asked whether the cleaner had not been mum would say that she had but wanted to talk most of the time and mum was too kind to interrupt her. At the end of her time she would just go.

My goodness – that is EXACTLY what occurred in mum’s house when she was alive. It was infuriating – because I would visit & find the kitchen especially grubby. Couldn’t change the situation, however.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
March 14, 2023 7:28 pm

Can someone make any sense out of this story?

Chunk lithium miners avoiding paying royalties to the state government.

So solly. mine lose lotsa money.

Robert Sewell
March 14, 2023 7:32 pm

Tom Cotton: Biden Administration Won’t Commit to Not Bailing Out Chinese SVB Investors

“It’s well known that SVB funneled American money into Chinese companies,” Cotton tweeted.
“I pressed the Biden administration today to commit not to bailout Chinese companies with money from Arkansas’s taxpayers, but they refused. Which tells you that’s exactly what President Biden plans to do,” he said.

March 14, 2023 7:33 pm

The beauty of the low care retirement facility mum was in for five years is that the washing cooking and cleaning was all done for her and she had a choice of communal means or eating privately in her unit. She had a balcony-like patio with potted plants and a garden surrounding it. She loved looking after her plants and even helped in the kitchen garden. She also fed the birds on the patio which meant that they hung around and pooped over the garden furniture which she used to clean up so the staff would not complain.

March 14, 2023 7:34 pm

Men would be permanently banned from any kind of medical practice. All woman-hating, genocidal institutions such as gynecology, psychiatry, obstetrics, big pharma, the torture of living beings in the name of “scientific experimentation” will be banned. Men’s fragmented, objectifying, sadistic view the human body will be part of history, replaced by biophilic medicine.

IIRC the idea of separating men from women at puberty is the plot line of Kate Wilhelm’s “Where Late the Sweet birds Sang”. I only got part way into the second chapter although I read other novels of hers and enjoyed them but Mrs Eyrie read and enjoyed it.

March 14, 2023 7:34 pm

My God the NSW lieboral party is an abomination. Wishy washy- prissy-stands for nuffink.

March 14, 2023 7:35 pm

Credit Suisse may be in trouble. Wow! Just wow! Half of the retired mob in our Sydney harbour suburb will be in trouble!

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 14, 2023 7:36 pm

This means they will lose that seat …

They lost that seat in 2015.

… and not because of the disendorsed candidate’s sins but because they are quick to get rid of anyone the media doesn’t like.

You can’t have it both ways.
He was disendorsed as soon as he bagged flamers and muslims.
Perhaps he was a Labor Plant all along?

March 14, 2023 7:39 pm

What people fail to realise about AI like ChatGPT is that “Intelligence” is a misnomer.

It can parse and respond in written word, but it lacks critical thinking skills. It only knows what it is taught (the ‘training set’). Given the huge bias in the media, it is no wonder its responses are biased similarly.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 14, 2023 7:40 pm

Just talking with Hairy abut our cleaners today and my maths. How much did you pay them? he asks.
$150, I say. That’s $25 a week, he replies. Ulp. I was right first time, and then confused $150 with $250.
And made comments here correcting myself. Sorry for derailing fred with extraneous nonsense.

March 14, 2023 7:42 pm

Chunk lithium miners avoiding paying royalties to the state government.

So solly. mine lose lotsa money.

Nicely done!

Ausgov looking like a Mong in the headlights as usual. The only thing they’re really good at is f’cking citizens, everyone else, not so much!

Robert Sewell
March 14, 2023 7:46 pm


Chunk lithium miners avoiding paying royalties to the state government.

Damn. Should have been much clearer:
The initial contract was written so the buyer would subsidise the the production run. But the contractor refused to buy the product they had contracted to do so. The company goes broke, then the buyer starts buying product at way lower than market prices, while the company is in receivership.

Say what?

March 14, 2023 7:53 pm

What people fail to realise about AI like ChatGPT is that “Intelligence” is a misnomer.

Correct, just another AS (Artificial Stupid).

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
March 14, 2023 7:55 pm

Bruce of Newcastlesays:
March 14, 2023 at 2:34 pm

The Oscars voters couldn’t seem to make themselves vote for Top Gun: Maverick

Why would they? Top Gun embodies everything they hate. It even ticked many diversity boxes (except there were no gays).

Cruise may or may not be a good actor in the true sense of the word but he is bankable as heck. Top Gun may not be a cinematic masterpiece but who cares. An Oscar won’t matter.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 14, 2023 8:03 pm

Great, if harrowingly so, quote Roger.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 14, 2023 8:04 pm

Credit Suisse may be in trouble.

Credit Suisse have been the problem child in Europe for a while now.
Watch them squirm.

(I have a lot of bank shares, but retail not merchant banks. The latter, like Macq Bank, are top predators. When they run out of prey they die.)

March 14, 2023 8:05 pm

calli says:
March 14, 2023 at 4:37 pm
Sequels rarely live up to the original. Maybe a subject for a review?

I’ve got it listed as a potential topic for a post – needs a bit of thought as there’s so much to weed through.

I did post nearly a year ago probably the best original/sequel combination in Alien and Aliens.

March 14, 2023 8:06 pm

Great, if harrowingly so, quote Roger.

And that would have been written c. 100 years ago, ML.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 14, 2023 8:12 pm

Cruise may or may not be a good actor in the true sense of the word but he is bankable as heck.

He’s actually a very good actor. I’ve been watching movie clips this arvo. Here’s him rescuing Earth.

Everybody has to die. The thing is to die well.

I don’t like his odd religion but he’s a great talent.

March 14, 2023 8:17 pm

IIRC the idea of separating men from women at puberty is the plot line of Kate Wilhelm’s “Where Late the Sweet birds Sang”. I only got part way into the second chapter although I read other novels of hers and enjoyed them but Mrs Eyrie read and enjoyed it.

Eyrie, there is another feminist novel from the 80s, Shore Of Women by Pamela Sargent, where the women live in walled cities and men are banished to the countryside. Even boys once they turn seven are expelled to live with the men. It’s been so long ago since I read it that I can’t remember how the pregnancies were arranged. I thought the female society couldn’t see how savage they were to little boys in their efforts to exclude men from their world.

March 14, 2023 8:17 pm

$368 billion for the subs over 30 years. Budget outlays for indigenous next 30 years, 900 billion or so, may come down when the Voice kicks in.

March 14, 2023 8:21 pm

Haven’t seen Mater or Arky here recently.

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
March 14, 2023 8:23 pm

March 14, 2023 at 5:21 pm

This would be the same male doctors who saved millions of lives particularly of women who used to die in childbirth at the rate of one in ten.

Ignaz Semmelweis worked out that simple hygiene (though he didn’t understand why at the time – he thought it was just getting rid of the smell from the autopsiy), doctors washing and disinfecting their hands after autopsies before working on a patient largely stopped women dying of childbed fever.

Damned misogynistic doctors trying to save women’s lives.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
March 14, 2023 8:24 pm

Am I the only one stunned how their ABC is so blase’ about Rub’n’Tug’s subs deal?
It’s got everything they hate.
Nuclear. Defence. The USA.
And a decades-long delivery chain, which was the constant crow call in the Pyne-Turnbull debacle.
But… silence. The ABC is all sunshine and lollipops, by which I mean rainbow flags and painted flogs.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 14, 2023 8:25 pm

Men would be permanently banned from any kind of medical practice.

Haha. Once in my life I fronted up to a lady medic.
Was for an entry medical into the Army Reserve.
The only one thing that was to be ascertained was this: were my balls distended?
The Army wanted to know.
I have no idea why they wanted to know. But they did.
So I fronted up. She stood at one end of long room and told me to drop my dacks.
I did. She had good eyesight, so I passed the test.

March 14, 2023 8:27 pm

He’s actually a very good actor.

I’ve seen a few of his films over the years on account of my wife having had a crush on him [before we met, obviously 😀 ]

He’s very good at getting the viewer to suspend disbelief, which is crucial for a leading film actor. Even in roles where some critics have said he’s been miscast, he’s given a credible performance. I guess that’s why he’s so bankable.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 14, 2023 8:27 pm

This would be the same male doctors who saved millions of lives particularly of women who used to die in childbirth at the rate of one in ten.

That only started when women started giving birth in hospitals.
Previous to that, birth happened at home with a Midwife in attendance and childbirth was not dangerous.

March 14, 2023 8:30 pm

Am I the only one stunned how their ABC is so blase’ about Rub’n’Tug’s subs deal?

RN AM was somewhat sceptical this morning.

They called the $300bn+ figure “mind boggling.”

Which it is.

What’s even more mind boggling is that we’ll give the ABC $30bn+ over the same time period.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 14, 2023 8:31 pm

True story. Armies are weird.

March 14, 2023 8:35 pm

dopey says:
March 14, 2023 at 8:17 pm
$368 billion for the subs over 30 years. Budget outlays for indigenous next 30 years, 900 billion or so, may come down when the Voice kicks in.

The Voice will double the budge outlay for indigenous. Nothing will be done away with, there will be more and more departments, agencies and bureaucrats that will eat up the nation’s finances.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 14, 2023 8:39 pm

Greens defence spokesman David Shoebridge said Labor was “mortgaging” Australia’s future to stoke regional tensions and that the party would not co-operate with the government to force ­budget savings on critical public services.

“This is a $368bn nuclear-powered raid on public education, health, housing and First Nations justice that will starve core services for decades to come,” Senator Shoebridge said.

“Until it is reversed, today’s ­announcement will force Labor to deliver austerity budgets to funnel billions of dollars offshore to fund the US and UK nuclear submarine industries.”

Greens spokesman for nuclear disarmament Jordon Steele-John said he was “deeply concerned” by the lack of appropriate contingency planning should a nuclear accident occur, after the navy ­revealed in estimates last year that, in the event of such an incident, the submarine would be towed out to sea.

In the case of Western Australia, which will host eight nuclear submarines by 2055, a compromised vessel would be towed out past Rottnest Island to “minimise, to the extent practicable the ­exposure of individuals”.

“As a Western Australian I do not want to see our beautiful coastline put at risk in this way – it is completely unacceptable,” Senator Steele-John said.

Greens have their say on nuclear submarines.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 14, 2023 8:41 pm

IIRC the idea of separating men from women at puberty is the plot line of Kate Wilhelm’s “Where Late the Sweet birds Sang”. I only got part way into the second chapter

Eyrie – You have to read the whole novel. One of those novels that goes through a terribly bleak and depressing central bit. But the second half is the thing. Well worth a Hugo.
Quite a righty theme actually, in the end.

Cassie of Sydney
March 14, 2023 8:42 pm

“Italian food is a perpetual scandal and it is perpetually in crisis.”

Err….what? Have you ever been to Italy? Italian food is the best in the world. It was Italian chefs who taught the French how to cook.

March 14, 2023 8:43 pm

The Perth Mint’s enabling legislation has a section in it whereby employees who speak out against the Mint can be gaoled for up to five years…!!

Like AHPRA then…

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 14, 2023 8:43 pm

March 14, 2023 at 8:17 pm
$368 billion for the subs over 30 years. Budget outlays for indigenous next 30 years, 900 billion or so, may come down when the Voice kicks in.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! LOL. Hahahahahahahaha!

March 14, 2023 8:44 pm

ChatGPT is the ultimate NPC

March 14, 2023 8:44 pm

@ Crossie:

“What is there to protect in the West?”

In WW1, Oz was briefly a LEADER in submarine activity; and that with just TWO dodgy, second-hand Pommy boats. (AE-1 and AE-2, the latter of which played in the Gallipoli fiasco). Just for giggles, the son of the Bosun of the AE2 lived into the early Noughties and we would occasionally chat when he dropped in to visit his young grandson, who lived across the street from us. In a weird twist, this elderly chap was in an Australian Battalion captured by the Japanese as they raced down the Malay Peninsula. That Battalion, was the WW2 reincarnation of the Battalion with which my grandfather went ashore at Gallipoli in 1915.

Speaking of the Second Great Unpleasantness, Oz had precisely ZERO Subs. However, the US NAVY turned up and turned Fremantle and Brisbane into MAJOR staging and repair ports for their Sub fleet.

They lost a scary number of boats to accidents and actual combat, but, in turn, the tonnage of Japanese combat and logistics shipping sunk was astronomical.

The boats from Fremantle prowled the Indian ocean and the vital shipping channels around Indonesia and up around Indo-China. Tragically, among the ships destroyed in that region were several transports loaded with Allied prisoners of the Emperor, being shipped as slave labour to various occupied countries and to Japan’s home Islands. The Japanese did NOT properly escort such ships, nor did they correctly mark and flag them. SOME survivors, not eaten by the abundant sharks, were occasionally picked up by Japanese naval surface vessels, whose crews were occasionally somewhat more humane than were their army compatriots. The IJN was heavily based on the Royal Navy for, not just its ships, but for weapons, uniforms, “traditions” etc.

The “Brisbane” boats prowled the western Pacific; merrily sinking anything flying a “meatball’ flag and using their superior radio and radar gear to keep track of the rest. That the US cracked the Japanese naval “Purple” code was also a bit of a game changer.

It is ALL connected. There were several critical battles in which RAAF and USAAF aircraft worked very closely with USN submarines

The ancient “Oberon” RAN subs were OK in the 1960s, but not for the eighties and beyond. The “Collins” boats were a political and technical fiasco. After they had been expensively “debugged”, they went on to demonstrate what they COULD do in a couple of major exercises with the US Navy

Diesel-electric boats are generally QUIETER when running submerged on battery power. “Boomers” are a bit noisier, because, traditionally, the reactor and the associated coolant pumps, etc., cannot simply be “shut down”. However, they are MUCH faster underwater and have incredible endurance and are usually built to be able to “hide” at great depths, beneath thermoclines, listening to the passing traffic far above. The nuclear plant in a Boomer allows for serious air and water recycling and processing, but even in the biggest, there is not enough space to run a serious farm.

(“What did you do in the Third Great Unpleasantness, Grandad?”

“I was a was a drover on a nuclear submarine!”

“Really, truly, Grandad?”).

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 14, 2023 8:46 pm

Only the final eight words were meant to be in Bold.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
March 14, 2023 8:49 pm

Thanks Roger- I remember your reportage posts, listening to RN so that the rest of us didn’t have to. I used to listen, right up until the afternoons were cleared of music and flooded with more of the audio mogadon of book writers interviewing book writers.
Now, I only get ABC feed vicariously through Twitter feed (yes, I haven’t quit twitter- where else would I get news?) which tells me that all is well with the world because Sydney is getting lubed with rainbows, Albo is getting strewn with marigolds, shipbuilders are getting primped with bolt-tightening jobs… and for the dark side, STan Grant is fighting fascism with his guitar and Sir Billy Bragg.

Robert Sewell
March 14, 2023 8:52 pm

Wolfman Oz:

I’ve got it listed as a potential topic for a post – needs a bit of thought as there’s so much to weed through.
I did post nearly a year ago probably the best original/sequel combination in Alien and Aliens.

I went nuts with the card in the Big Smoke and bought a rooly rooley hidef monitor and I’ve just finished watching the entire Alien series.
Loved the bit where the kidnapped colonist hatches an alien out of his chest and through the head of the Director. “Why don’t people listen to me?”

March 14, 2023 8:54 pm

All I am saying is real bolognaise ragu has cream in it, homemade gnocchi is not worth the effort and eschewing pineapple on pizza because it is a tropical fruit (from the Americas) is a little strange.

March 14, 2023 8:59 pm

The “Brisbane” boats prowled the western Pacific; merrily sinking anything flying a “meatball’ flag and using their superior radio and radar gear to keep track of the rest. That the US cracked the Japanese naval “Purple” code was also a bit of a game changer.

The site of the sub base on the Brisbane River has in recent times been graced with a fitting memorial. In the years in which I grew up in Brisbane it was derelict and nobody old enough to remember wanted to talk about the war. Understandable, perhaps, but it was subsequently left to the next generation to preserve the history, including MacArthur’s HQ downtown in the old AMP building, which Nimitz visited on several occasions.

March 14, 2023 9:01 pm

…eschewing pineapple on pizza because it is a tropical fruit (from the Americas) is a little strange.

I do believe that is an irrefutable argument, dot.

And with that, good night!

March 14, 2023 9:04 pm

Dot says:
March 14, 2023 at 8:54 pm

All I am saying is real bolognaise ragu has cream in it, homemade gnocchi is not worth the effort and eschewing pineapple on pizza because it is a tropical fruit (from the Americas) is a little strange.

In a just world cream in bolognaise alone should put you under the guillotine. Pineapple as a pizza topping would mean a blunt blade.

Cassie of Sydney
March 14, 2023 9:04 pm

“All I am saying is real bolognaise ragu has cream in it, homemade gnocchi is not worth the effort and eschewing pineapple on pizza because it is a tropical fruit (from the Americas) is a little strange.”

So? Recipes evolve. I’ve made gnocchi and pasta and both are scrumptious when homemade. Also, there is no such thing in Italy as “spaghetti and meatballs”. As for pineapple, I love it, but not on pizza, but then again I don’t eat pork, I’ve heard pineapple and pig go well together.

March 14, 2023 9:04 pm

Christ, Penelope Farts!

Christ Penelope, Farts!

South Africa is weird.

March 14, 2023 9:05 pm

gave me cause to revisit the works
of RadFem’s Sister Number One.

I thought it was funny. This dim drip, who doesn’t understand how a wheelbarrow works, redesigning a socio-economic system in her spare time.

March 14, 2023 9:06 pm

“I am inspired by the bible”

No, you were inspired by monty python.

Cassie of Sydney
March 14, 2023 9:06 pm

I have a friend who’s from a Jewish Italian family, from Rome. Every Friday afternoon, before Shabbat, she still makes home made gnocchi. It’s a Friday night treat.

Cassie of Sydney
March 14, 2023 9:07 pm

“In a just world cream in bolognaise alone should put you under the guillotine. “


March 14, 2023 9:07 pm

Italians commit greater pizza crimes than pineapple.
Eg Chips, wurtzel.
And yeap at least pig meat and pineapple are complementary.

March 14, 2023 9:08 pm

Watched Crouching Tiger a little. Seen it several times before. What visual sumptuous feast. Each scene is minuet. One of the best.

March 14, 2023 9:10 pm

…eschewing pineapple on pizza because it is a tropical fruit (from the Americas) is a little strange.

Meanwhile, tomatoes are a tropical fruit from …. Oh.


March 14, 2023 9:12 pm

Whacky world of islam:

Jihad Watch.

March 14, 2023 9:12 pm

I have a friend who’s from a Jewish Italian family, from Rome.

I worked for a dude who was from a Venetian Jewish family. He had a very Jewish second name that’s similar to Josh’s. His first name was Filippo.

March 14, 2023 9:17 pm

I have a friend who’s from a Jewish Italian family, from Rome.

I worked for a dude who was from a Venetian Jewish family.

That’s nothing; I read Portnoy’s Complaint.

March 14, 2023 9:18 pm

I don’t think you have to cook stuff the authentic way. I can see why the cream is added for texture and umami, but you don’t really need it. Some people stir the manky old knobs of parmesan in for the same reason.

I do cook the ragu for hours on low heat though. And it always tastes better a day old. Always a favourite with the grandchildren.

Cassie of Sydney
March 14, 2023 9:19 pm

“I worked for a dude who was from a Venetian Jewish family. He had a very Jewish second name that’s similar to Josh’s. His first name was Filippo.”

There were communities in Rome, Venice, Florence, Livorno, Turin and other centres. The Roman community dates back 2,000 years.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
March 14, 2023 9:22 pm

Did I call it?
One day after I wrote my advice to the new cold non-warriors, right on cue the trailer for a new movie about a new cold war (which, like the last one, was the stalemate aftermath of a new hot war) had premiered on the web, thus signalling culturally that we are probably entering a new cold war.

March 14, 2023 9:24 pm

That’s nothing; I read Portnoy’s Complaint.

Which aroused you obviously.

March 14, 2023 9:29 pm

No you are not the only one to see the subs as the new uniparty COVID scam.
The whole farce is the culmination of 50 years of nonsense strategy formulations by the idiot Canberra strategic studies and policy set.
But now they own the media and SFL.
They have always hated the landforce and like teenage gamers have swooned over gee wizz.
We still pay for the ineffective Over the Horizon Radar system which was only ever an employment scam for third rate Defence scientists but was loved by the ‘strategists’. Any Defence person who blew the whistle on the farce was quickly disappeared.
A second national bankruptcy within a decade to fund six little submarines that will be swept aside by the massive chunk Navy who will land unopposed and find no landforce opposition in one of the most defensible places on earth.
Just go away Hastie, your ADF indoctrination makes you dangerous. “Of course reforms will be necessary” he intones selling out his constituency to the Labor dictatorship. FU Morrison traitor.

March 14, 2023 9:32 pm

So? Recipes evolve. I’ve made gnocchi and pasta and both are scrumptious when homemade. Also, there is no such thing in Italy as “spaghetti and meatballs”. As for pineapple, I love it, but not on pizza, but then again I don’t eat pork, I’ve heard pineapple and pig go well together.

As you say Cassie, recipes and tastes evolve. I love home made gnocchi and use the same recipe for dumplings. What’s even worse, I love pineapple on pizza.

Delta A
Delta A
March 14, 2023 9:34 pm

I do believe that is an irrefutable argument, dot.

And with that, good night!

Well, if you’re flouncing, Roger, so am I.

March 14, 2023 9:34 pm

Which aroused you obviously.

Why would I be aroused by a novel about a young Jewish lad growing up in the world. Try and be serious head prefect.

Cassie of Sydney
March 14, 2023 9:37 pm

” I love home made gnocchi and use the same recipe for dumplings. “

I love dumplings, in soups and casseroles.

March 14, 2023 9:38 pm

We still pay for the ineffective Over the Horizon Radar system which was only ever an employment scam for third rate Defence scientists but was loved by the ‘strategists’. Any Defence person who blew the whistle on the farce was quickly disappeared.

Jindalee doesn’t work? Please tell us more.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
March 14, 2023 9:39 pm

“umami” is like “cisgender”
I don’t reckon it’s actually a thing.

March 14, 2023 9:40 pm

Tom Cruise plays a part he’d like to be but never will. Same as most of the well known actors. Boring as grass growing. Gary Oldman is one of the few not cast in the same mold. Differing characterisations, sometimes hard to tell it him. To early to tell yet but has the makings of an Alec Guinness. I tend to watch foreign stuff as the quality is far better. I think not knowing many of the actors makes for more enjoyable viewing. The yanks tend to hype everything and the poms understate. Picky I know.

March 14, 2023 9:40 pm

That’s nothing; I read Portnoy’s Complaint.

Lot of wanking involved, I seem to half remember.

March 14, 2023 9:41 pm

Frank tell us about the book not what you were doing.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 14, 2023 9:44 pm

That’s nothing; I read Portnoy’s Complaint.

You “wrote the book”, right?

Bruce in WA
March 14, 2023 9:44 pm

Don’t know much about growing pineapples; do know I like it on pizza, along with furry fish.

However, I DO know that a picture of a pumpkin on the door of a cruise ship cabin is an indicator (and invite) that the occupants therein are more than a little favourable to some discreet partner exchange …

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 14, 2023 9:45 pm

Did any Portnoys change their name after that?

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
March 14, 2023 9:45 pm

cohenite says: March 14, 2023 at 9:12 pm

Whacky world of islam:
Jihad Watch.

The conservatives are getting angry about Muslims again.
Nature is healing.

March 14, 2023 9:47 pm

What would Italian food be with out the tomato, or the potato for that matter.
The only error the old world made adopting the food of the new world was not preparing corn properly and having pellegra outbreaks.

Bruce in WA
March 14, 2023 9:48 pm

I had cause to ask ChatGPT about the waves of immigration to Australia, as in Indigenous folks.

As part of its answer was the following:

The third wave of immigration is believed to have occurred around 4,000 years ago, when a group of people from Southeast Asia arrived in northern Australia. These people are believed to have introduced the use of domesticated animals and agriculture to Indigenous Australians.

It is important to note that the exact details of these waves of migration are still being studied and debated among scholars, and our understanding of the history of Indigenous Australians is constantly evolving as new evidence is uncovered.

To which I asked: “Really? What evidence is there of the use of domesticated animals and agriculture by Indigenous Australians. What “domesticated” animals would they have been?”

There was a l-o-o-o-n-g wait, then, typed ever so slowly:

I apologize for the confusion in my previous response. It is currently believed that Indigenous Australians did not domesticate any animals and did not practice agriculture prior to the arrival of Europeans in the 18th century.

There is evidence that Indigenous Australians engaged in practices such as firestick farming, which involved using fire to manage and maintain the landscape, and aquaculture, which involved building complex systems of ponds, channels, and weirs to farm fish and eels. However, these practices are not considered to be the same as agriculture or animal domestication in the way that they are commonly understood.

The third wave of migration that I mentioned earlier is still a subject of debate among scholars, and there is ongoing research to better understand the origins and impact of this group of people on the Indigenous Australian population. However, it is currently believed that they did not introduce agriculture or animal domestication to the continent.

I hope this clarification helps, and please let me know if you have any further questions.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 14, 2023 9:48 pm

It’d become a bit tedious walking into the Butcher Shop, the last thing you’re thinking of is Fowl, and the butcher asks:

Turkey, Mr Portnoy?

Bruce in WA
March 14, 2023 9:49 pm

However, I DO know that a picture of a pumpkin on the door of a cruise ship cabin is an indicator (and invite) that the occupants therein are more than a little favourable to some discreet partner exchange …

Bugger! The pumpkin has to be inverted

March 14, 2023 9:51 pm

You “wrote the book”, right?

Don’t be a smartarse crotchless; although I wish I did because the novel and the movie made a motza; not a dry hanky in the house you might say.

March 14, 2023 9:52 pm

Ask ChatGPT if it tells lies or is just a bullshiiter?

March 14, 2023 9:53 pm

Not covered in the wiki entry but mentioned on the documentary, the killer advertised in sex magazines
to meet couple in forests for free exchange of ideas.
swinging risks

March 14, 2023 9:56 pm

However, I DO know that a picture of a pumpkin on the door of a cruise ship cabin is an indicator (and invite) that the occupants therein are more than a little favourable to some discreet partner exchange …


Is there no evil these new world vegetables aren’t involved with?

Boomers man, boomers!

March 14, 2023 10:01 pm

However, I DO know that a picture of a pumpkin on the door of a cruise ship cabin is an indicator (and invite) that the occupants therein are more than a little favourable to some discreet partner exchange …

You must have been on different cruises to any on which I’ve ever travelled. Never saw a pumpkin on any cabin door, inverted or otherwise. But then again Princess cruises are not party ships.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 14, 2023 10:02 pm

Hi Cletus

You do understand that Portnoy’s Complaint was Autobiographical, right?

March 14, 2023 10:05 pm

to meet couple in forests for free exchange of ideas.

That delicate age, when the little ones start asking questions. Questions like “Mum, what’s dogging?”.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 14, 2023 10:05 pm

Someone was hounding me awhile back over who the Real McCoy was.

Was that you, SpongeBob?

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 14, 2023 10:05 pm

$368 billion for the subs over 30 years. Budget outlays for indigenous next 30 years, 900 billion or so, may come down when the Voice kicks in.

If Teh Voice gets up, expect the annual figure of expenditure on Aboriginal affairs to rise. Steeply.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
March 14, 2023 10:06 pm

Bali’s scooter ban to crack down on ‘disorderly’ tourists

He’ll no longer be jumping all over the world.

March 14, 2023 10:06 pm

People are weird. Karabar is a southern suburb of Queanbeyan, so obviously close to Canberra.

From FaceBook. An emergency services FB page for Canberra.

OnSceneACT 4 March 2023

“A man has suffered severe burns following a house fire in Karabar this evening.”

Some rando replies:

“Karabar takeaway has the best potato scallops in Sthn NSW.”

Bruce in WA
March 14, 2023 10:07 pm

You must have been on different cruises to any on which I’ve ever travelled. Never saw a pumpkin on any cabin door, inverted or otherwise. But then again Princess cruises are not party ships.

Ummmm … I first saw it and heard about it on … a Princess ship. Sorry.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
March 14, 2023 10:12 pm

Moychandising, moychandising, moychandising.
Karabar Takeaway, the signature spud.
Karabar Takeaway, the T-shirt.
Karabar Takeaway, the burns victim exploitation post.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 14, 2023 10:13 pm

Philip Roth did a fair bit of apologising for revealing ethnic secrets for the rest of his life.
Although he didn’t cry all the way to the bank.
That was Liberace.

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 14, 2023 10:13 pm

Hun just now:

Scott Morrison says the unlawful robodebt scheme which unlawfully forced thousands of welfare recipients to repay debts they didn’t owe was regrettable, but he stopped short of calling it immoral.

Mr Morrison was the social services minister when the unlawful program was introduced in 2015 and the prime minister when it was discontinued in 2019.

“It is totally regrettable and it is a very sad thing that has occurred,” he told ABC TV’s 7.30 program.

“I only wish that at the time when we were advised that it was unlawful.”

He said it wasn’t until he was prime minister when he was told it was unlawful “and then shut it down.”

But when pushed on if he thought the scheme was also immoral, he said “the outcome was very different from what was intended.”

The scheme cost the commonwealth nearly $1.8bn in written-off debts and compensation paid to victims who mounted a class-action lawsuit.

The families of some robodebt victims have alleged their relatives took their own lives after being notified of and, in some cases, pursued over the Centrelink debts they supposedly owed.

Mr Morrison in December told the royal commission in December that by the time he took the policy proposal to cabinet in early 2015, the Department of Social Services had changed its view and advised that legislation was not required.

The commission has already heard the Department of Human Services – which was in charge of running the robodebt scheme – pressed ahead with the illegal program in part to meet its goal of recouping an estimated $1.2bn from Centrelink customers.

Mr Morrison said achieving budget balance was not the major driver for the scheme and that he had sought to shore up the “integrity of the welfare system” when he became social services minister.

The royal commission into the scheme has finished public hearings and will hand down over its report to the government at the end of June.

Bruce in WA
March 14, 2023 10:14 pm

We also had a couple put off our ship for exercising their conjugal rights.

At 1.00 am.

In the swimming pool.

When I heard about it, I looked around at the passengers in the bar where we were having a drink. I figured the amorous couple should have been given a medal, not a dishonourable … ummm …. discharge.

(Incidentally, the bar is called “Crooners Bar”, decorated with pics of Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra et al. After seeing the crowd there, most of whom looked like they were recovering from an autopsy, I dubbed it the “Coroner’s Bar”, a nickname which has stuck.)

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 14, 2023 10:17 pm

As long as it’s spent on McWilliams Sweet Sherry
and Royal Reserve Port, I’m cool with a coupla % Aborigine Tax.

Low Alcohol Beer?
I’m not paying them to drink that shit.

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 14, 2023 10:21 pm

As long as it’s spent on McWilliams Sweet Sherry
and Royal Reserve Port, I’m cool with a coupla % Aborigine Tax.
Low Alcohol Beer?
I’m not paying them to drink that shit.

FMD if any further proof of the complete arseholery of Ed is required, look no further.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
March 14, 2023 10:21 pm

Beware the pineapple pieces that are upside down on the ham and pineapple pizza.

You my cop one in the freckle.

March 14, 2023 10:22 pm

Bruce in WA says:
March 14, 2023 at 10:07 pm
You must have been on different cruises to any on which I’ve ever travelled. Never saw a pumpkin on any cabin door, inverted or otherwise. But then again Princess cruises are not party ships.
Ummmm … I first saw it and heard about it on … a Princess ship. Sorry.

Are you sure it wasn’t Halloween? Someone might have been having a lend of you.

Real Deal
Real Deal
March 14, 2023 10:24 pm

My favourite movie is Mother Night.

Great taste. One of my favourites too. Nolte deserved an Oscar for that. The director, Keith Gordon was a teenage actor in Jaws 2, was also the protagonist in Christine and Rodney Dangerfield’s son in Back to School. One of my favourites too.

Best line from Dangerfield to pretty female student; “What’s your favourite subject?” Answer, “Poetry”. Dangerfield; “Really, maybe you could help straighten out my Longfellow.”

March 14, 2023 10:27 pm

Does anyone else here subscribe to Quadrant? They seem to be having serious issues in the subscription area. I got a letter today asking me to renew my subscription. No bank details in the notice unlike in previous years. I rang them to ask about it and was told ‘most subscribers don’t want to renew that way’ – they wouldn’t give me the bank details over the phone. OK, what about credit card? That’s fine but you need to snail mail it. Fax? ‘We’re having trouble with the fax machine’.

It’s almost as if they’re trying to discourage subscription renewals. What’s going on there? I haven’t sent a snail mail letter for a very long time and would not relish going to the PO just to buy one stamp. How much is a stamp these days anyway?

March 14, 2023 10:32 pm

March 14, 2023 at 9:18 pm
I don’t think you have to cook stuff the authentic way. I can see why the cream is added for texture and umami,

a tablespoon of flour sprinkled before the passata is added does the same trick.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 14, 2023 10:33 pm

Lotta things slowly shutting down lately.

Bunning used to give a $50 credit on returned pallets.
Now they still charge $50 for the pallet, but there’s no Credit for returning it.
Result, pallets just end up in landfill.

March 14, 2023 10:36 pm

March 14, 2023 at 9:53 pm
Not covered in the wiki entry but mentioned on the documentary, the killer advertised in sex magazines
to meet couple in forests for free exchange of ideas.

that makes more sense. I was confused how two couples managed to walk ‘2km into the forest’ and bump into the bloke.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 14, 2023 10:40 pm

I DO know that a picture of a pumpkin on the door of a cruise ship cabin is an indicator (and invite) that the occupants therein are more than a little favourable to some discreet partner exchange

Pineapples on caravans, and upside down in shopping carts.

Pumpkins, inverted or otherwise, on or around cruise ship cabin doors.

Someone should really put a book out on the topic, or at least a pamphlet. ‘How to Tell if The Other Bloke’s Missus Wants Strange Pipe’.

I wish Juan was still here to straighten this out.

March 14, 2023 10:41 pm

Vagabond, email the editor and state the problem. Also phone again and see if you get a different office person. There have been duds there in the past, but not lately to my knowledge.

Real Deal
Real Deal
March 14, 2023 10:42 pm

It’s almost as if they’re trying to discourage subscription renewals. What’s going on there? I haven’t sent a snail mail letter for a very long time and would not relish going to the PO just to buy one stamp. How much is a stamp these days anyway?

I has similar problems last year. I think I renewed with a credit card over the phone. IIRC they didn’t have online renewals. Maybe areff can advise. My online renewal is due soon.

Real Deal
Real Deal
March 14, 2023 10:43 pm

“had” not has. Shouldn’t type when falling asleep.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
March 14, 2023 10:44 pm

Sydney Barrister Louise Clegg says Bret Walker SC’s comments are “grotesque”, after he labelled arguments against the proposed model of the Indigenous Voice to Parliament as “racist”.
Ms Clegg has since written to the NSW Bar Association – asking them “to issue a public rebuke to Bret personally, for bringing the profession into disrepute and for the unacceptable moral bullying towards lawyers who may wish to openly engage in this monumentally important public debate.”

We want lawyers to openly engage in this monumentally important public debate, especially when they disagree with the government’s characterisation of the proposal. Whether he should be rebuked, professionally castigated, or in any way “canceled” for his opinion is quite another matter. How about simply making the counter argument that the InVoice itself is racist by design and it is not racist per se to point that out, and that Mr Walker SC has (shock, horror) erred in his argument. That’s *also* what barristers are supposed to do, aren’t they, Ms Clegg?

It’s more of the same from Mr Walker, as he was one of the counsel opposing Peter Ridd’s unfair dismissal case.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 14, 2023 10:44 pm

Ed the Labor Spookflamer at 5.14:

Puma will stop using kangaroo leather in signature football boots, which is a disaster for the Industry in Australia.


Well, all the big name Shoe Makers [Florsheim, Adidas, Puma, Nike, Aquila, the lot] are all owned by the Pharmaceutical Companies [think
Vaccines] and they’ve all stopped making leather soles.

There are three potentially correct answers to these assertions:

1. The leather will be provided from the skin of children trapped in The Tunnels (in which case, all the shoes will be red);
2. The leather will be replaced by dried mutton; and/or
3. The entire statement is horseshit.

March 14, 2023 10:48 pm
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 14, 2023 10:48 pm

Bret Walker SC’s comments are “grotesque”, after he labelled arguments against the proposed model of the Indigenous Voice to Parliament as “racist”

If any further indication were needed that silks are just guns for hire, note that Walker SC was the same bloke that eviscerated the wailing ‘yeah but we’re trying really hard’ NSW health tarts over the Ruby Princess thing, to considerable public acclaim.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 14, 2023 10:55 pm

3. The entire statement is horseshit.

Uh huh.

Any research to back your Horseshit up, Cletus?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 14, 2023 11:00 pm

Any research to back your Horseshit up, Cletus?


Joe Burns (‘Burnsy’ to jacaranda lovers) told me.

Bruce in WA
March 14, 2023 11:16 pm

Are you sure it wasn’t Halloween? Someone might have been having a lend of you.

Have to admit I was sceptical at first, but a little research and plenty of digging around on cruise line forums has me convinced it’s the real deal.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 14, 2023 11:28 pm

I’m looking for guidance, here on the Cat.

What’s the rather liquid Welsh phrase that translates as “Wales forever, and azeholes to all Englishmen?”

March 14, 2023 11:33 pm

Night mother is a very, very good film.
Nolte gives a great performance and the negro Nazi alone makes the film fun.
Pretty bleak, especially what his boxhead father in law tells him.

March 14, 2023 11:38 pm

What’s the rather liquid Welsh phrase that translates as “Wales forever, and azeholes to all Englishmen?”

cymru am byth

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
March 14, 2023 11:38 pm

Get a paper copy sub. If you’re no longer one for stamps and envelopes, then the satisfaction of getting the solid mag in the mailbox will help you fall back in love with Australia Post.
Plus, hard copy of our culture is like bullion in your brain bank. I wouldn’t put it past the Lizard People to start spiking online archives, and by the experience of renewing subs by phone, Quadrant dot org are wide open.

Bruce in WA
March 14, 2023 11:47 pm

cymru am byth

Isn’t that just “Wales forever”?

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 15, 2023 12:04 am

“In a just world cream in bolognaise alone should put you under the guillotine. “

I’ve seen “authentic” recipes that do it, I never went down that road myself. Used to put in a cup of cheap port to kick things along. Spag bol on hot buttered sourdough toast might just be my greatest food loss.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 15, 2023 12:13 am

I’m trading Max Hasting’s book “Soldiers – Great Stories of War And Peace. ”

Hastings cites the story of one reprobate married officer, serving with the British Army on the Rhine, in 1951. As a married man, with a child, said officer had received a marriage allowance, which he was supposed to hand over to his spouse. He had not done so, which resulted in the following exchange of telegrams.

“Wife and baby starving. Send money soonest.”

“Sorry, no money. Suggest you eat baby.”

(Max Hastings, “Soldiers – Great Stories of War and Peace, Page 401.”

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 15, 2023 12:15 am

On This Day:

Lisa Simpson: ‘Beware the Ides of March.’
Homer: ‘No.’

March 15, 2023 12:21 am

Midweek, make sure you don’t join the take away queue.
I don’t know why people bother queuing for this cafe for anything else other that the pasteis, but they do.
It’s a bit Coles cafeteria.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 15, 2023 12:22 am

Also On This Day:

15–19 March 1877

The first ever Test match between Straya and the soap-dodgers, giving rise to 146 subsequent years of putting shit on the stinky little men.

March 15, 2023 12:25 am

Every supermarket in Italy seems to sell Barilla and other brand bolognese sauce, no cream.
If it’s good enough for the indigenous it’s good enough for me.
Though the Australian versions never seems as good as the ones sold in Italy.

March 15, 2023 12:29 am
March 15, 2023 1:22 am

The decorative pineapple was much in evidence in Sicily and in Palermo, in particular, I really wanted to buy a pair but I don’t have any fence posts to put them on.
Another Belém suggestion.
Walk a stop or two further along to catch a tram or bus back to the centre if you would like a seat, it’s a long trip.
You can also pop into the Pingo Doce supermarket for a 23c bottle of sparkling mineral water, if you don’t mind room temperature and on the way look at the remnants of the Roman fish factory at the front of the former governor’s residence, now a 5* hotel.

March 15, 2023 1:47 am

Norton 850 unboxing (48 years after it was boxed!)

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 15, 2023 3:48 am

Knuckle Draggersays:

March 15, 2023 at 12:22 am

Also On This Day:

15–19 March 1877

The first ever Test match between Straya and the soap-dodgers, giving rise to 146 subsequent years of putting shit on the stinky little men.

But Davey Warner wasn’t born until 1986.

March 15, 2023 4:00 am
March 15, 2023 4:02 am
March 15, 2023 4:03 am
March 15, 2023 4:04 am
March 15, 2023 4:06 am
March 15, 2023 4:07 am
March 15, 2023 4:08 am
March 15, 2023 4:10 am

Matt Margolis. Brilliant.

March 15, 2023 4:11 am
March 15, 2023 4:12 am
March 15, 2023 4:14 am
March 15, 2023 4:15 am
March 15, 2023 4:32 am

Watching one of those airport reality shows set at the international airport in San Paulo Brazil.
Apparently 4% of all Chinese arrivals end up illegal overstays.
Anywhere but China.

Anchor What
Anchor What
March 15, 2023 6:34 am

A peaceful demo outside the Capitol on January 6th was not going to serve the purpose of the coup plotters, the voting fraudsters. In order to avoid motions being put to delay certification, the demo needed to become violent and there had to be some who broke into the Capitol. Disrupting proceedings so those motions were never put was the final piece in the election Steal plot.
Gateway Pundit

March 15, 2023 6:37 am

Just checking out Small pox vaccinations, Edward Jenner, King Carlos of Spain and the orphan ship that took Jenners Cow Pox vaccine to the Spanish colonies for the benefit of humanity not for personal wealth. One hundred and twenty years later we have Pfizer Moderna Fauci and Dan Andrews . What legacy is theirs.

March 15, 2023 6:58 am

Chris O’Keefe, who revealed the confidential documents on his 2GB show, described the management of the water plant as ‘concerning’.

‘We are not not about an apartment block or a commercial property, we are talking about our water,’ he said.

‘If we had to push back on the Chinese government buying our poles and wires, and we banned Huawei from being involved in our telecommunications network, then how the hell did it come to pass that a company with links as significant as Beijing water enterprises group with the Chinese Communist Party?

‘How has it come to pass that they’re allowed to run critical water plants in the Sydney basin?

‘This is on a day when we’re spending $300 billion plus to combat Chinese government influence in our region. And then right under our noses the Perrottet government has sold the operation of parts of our water network to a company owned by the Chinese Communist Party.

The Stupid, it burns!

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
March 15, 2023 6:59 am

I see there was a little contretemps on the recipe for Ragu alla Bolognese — that is always the way — the Bolognesi are very serious about their ragu to the extent that there was an attempt by the Accademia della Cucina di Bologna settle the arguements on this most delicious and renown of recipes, to no avail – that recipe does call for milk, some include cream, however given that this is supposed to be cucina povera milk/cream might have been a bit. of a stretch in the original, however as with all things individual palates make for interesting accommodations. The most important thing is long slow cooking to develop the flavours of all those simple ingredients, when I make my ragu i cook it for a minimum of 2 hours and like my mamma, I don’t use very much meat.

Ragu Bolognese is a bit like the debate about Osso Bucco – some use tomato which is regarded as a modern twist while my mamma never used tomato but just the trinity and veal osso bucoo and a little brodo but it was always the slow cooking that made her Regina del’Osso Bucco – my sister made this version for the son of a school friend who is a chef in Byron Bay and he was converted to the no-tomato version. But gatti whatever version you enjoy, buon appetito e salute. chin chin

  1. My personal belief is that – predictably – you are whistling past the graveyard. No personal animosity, but look at…

  2. That tells you everything you need to know about politics. Laybore are experts at this it would seem. What a…

  3. There is no such thing as an upper class comie, they are headonists, and as been pointed out here they…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x