Extreme Unction, Nicolas Poussin, 1646
Extreme Unction, Nicolas Poussin, 1646
Meet Amir Ali: The Far-Left, Anti-Cop, BLM Supporting Biden Judge Forcing Trump to Fund USAID Grants.
He may have a point.Elon Musk suggests sanctioning Ukraine’s oligarichs would end war, boasts he’s been propping up Ukrainian military…
Lets get some heads on a platter.
braindead lamestream meeja in an uproar cos Israel has cut off the electrickery to pallyweird Laura Rosen Cohen* describes this…
laser sintering 3d. Great stuff.. but volume manufacture, nope.
Michael Smith has a pithy clip up on his website, Hunter Biden for President https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2023/03/hunter-biden-for-president.html
Doc Faustus:
As usual, the government is confusing a plan with a generating plant.
A plan is a series of pieces of paper with the wishes and instructions of the person in charge of what to do to carry out the aims of the plan.
A generating plant consists of buildings and energy processes that generate electricity.
To confuse the two is something that happens quite often in government and they seem to be incapable of distinguishing the difference between the two.
Queensland’s share of the domestic tourism market is down to 21%, falling behind NSW & VIC.
Perhaps potential visitors are afraid of getting sick while here, QLD hospitals being for Queenslanders and all that.
IIRC Kings in Grass Castles contains a similar discovery.
Don’t have a copy handy & even if so, there’d be a lot of perusing to find it in that mighty volume.
Just who does Ch 10 think they are asking a “rape” suspect to answer their questions before even been interviewed by cops. Then somehow suggesting he had been given a chance to reply but how dare he not. Arrogant in the extreme.
From the Oz article on Bruce Kerhman defamation case.
“The producer emailed an address for Mr Lehrmann, provided by Ms Higgins’ partner David Sharaz, in which he asked 16 questions, including: “Did you take Ms Higgins to Australian Parliament House after the drinks?” and “Did you rape Brittany Higgins as alleged?”
Including Chinese students living here?
Are they citizens?
A blockade of our sea lanes is a more likely scenario, which is why, pace others here, I think there’s a crucial role for subs (and aircraft) in our defence.
Totally agree, Roger, which is why yesterday – I was so relieved with Topender’s assurance (& verified officially) that US & British subs would be stationed in our waters (or rotating) ASAP.
No – I think it more likely that China would require “vassal” status for Australia. No boots on ground – no need!! But the results would be THEIR terms for ag & mineral products.
I think it has more to do with the 20-year campaign by ec0-terrorists lying to would-be international visitors that the Great Barrier Reef is dead.
Monty was surplus to requirements as the Ukraine military has just accepted a shipment of fat American lesbians.
Another Malmo Moment, l was going but suddenly….
The strategy adopted by the Imperial Japanese Army, in 1942. Isolate Australia from any Allies, and wait for the leadership to come to terms.
Given Prime Minister Wong will be taking orders from Klaus via Peking, who decides when war is declared.
If declaration of war is to be distributed locally, what constitutes an emergency requiring an armed response? Could the local branch of the Greens declare climate war and shoot up your place with impunity for you having a petrol generator and an ICE car?
Another Malmo Moment, l was going but suddenly….
Situational jaundice of the liver.
Many such cases.
Greta Thunberg Exposed (calls out Australia)
There no such thing as Random Walks in Markets or Economics
COMMENT: Marty, I really cannot thank you enough. Socrates called yesterday as the turning point and it was the strongest one of the week. We got the bounce when everyone was in a panic state claiming that the Fed would not have to lower rates. They really do not understand central banks as you alone have explained many times. There was no way the Fed would lower rates and undermine its credibility by suspending its inflation fight now. That would blow all credibility and lead to panic for sure. The Fed will not change because of SVB for that would undermine financial stability completely.
I am not sure just how much Socrates helps traders and society.
REPLY: “I do realize that Socrates could run the economy far better than any human. It is my hope that it proves itself over the course of now and 2032 and that people will look back upon these forecasts and at last comprehend that there is truly a hidden order in what people think are just random walks.
Here is the Array published on March 1st. It forecast the high for the 6th with a turning point, a Panic Cycle for the 9th, and then the turning point on the 13th for a low. This was clearly published in advance of the SVB failure. This raises the question, how can a computer possibly predict such a Panic would take place on the 9th long before anyone heard about SVB? This is NOT my personal opinion. You do not see me running ads saying this is the guy who had forecast whatever. Socrates has taught me a lot about market behavior.
Just as Edward Lorenz ran what appeared to be random weather data into a computer and out came the most perplexing image of a hidden order that existed in what the human eye could see only randomness. He became the father of Chaos Theory, which to this day, prevents us from seeing the future as part of a pattern that has been set in motion.
My real hope is that the world will come to recognize that there is a hidden order to everything that most are blinded by the appearance of randomness – chaos. We need to understand how everything works if we are to reconstruct a new form of government after the great collapse of governments post-2032.”
Roger, export to China is roughly 40% of our export market. Even if we halved it they would still constitute our largest export market. As I said before, the size of their economy and their needs made this inevitable.
A blockade of our sea lanes is a more likely scenario, which is why, pace others here, I think there’s a crucial role for subs (and aircraft) in our defence.
With a weeks worth of liquid fuels on the ground here and two weeks worth in tankers on the way, a blockade is a piece of cake. Declare maritime exclusion zone around Australia. As long as the opponent has a submarine force, sink a tanker to prove you mean business. We’ll be begging to surrender in one month. A couple of our subs prowling around will not make any difference.
Unless we become self sufficient in liquid fuels you can forget about putting up any sort of defence. That would involve lots of refineries, incentives to find onshore oil and also offshore which we would then defend.
Our defence posture is geared to sending task forces overseas to help the Americans who would hopefully come to our rescue in the event TSHTF back here. Better hope they will be motivated and capable. I wouldn’t bet on either right now and if they are, for how much longer?
Infanticide may indeed have been practised in Aboriginal communities:
It really is not that surprising that in a land of frequent food scarcities that babies may not survive. It should also be remembered that Aboriginal women carried babies and small children, plus the meagre receptacles – coolamons – used for carrying seeds, yams etc. In extreme conditions those little ones may have been an impossible burden.
All of these possibilities will never be accepted amongst the Woke, or even by contemporary Aborigines. They find it impossible even to accept that they were hunter/gatherers. Once the latter is accepted, many things are possible that they will not accept.
March 16, 2023 at 1:02 pm
That raises the question: a larger regular Army, or a smaller regular force, and a large part-time force optimised for local defence?
Distributed defence. You can buy anything with preference towards approved calibres. No licenses and no registration as both are a means of tracking down who owns what. Drone licensing and registration should also be scrapped.
Every street and road instantly becomes an ambush point, and everything in between.
I realise that any potential opponent is unlikely to care much about the Geneva Conventions, but ignoring the concept of formal enlistment is a courageous move.
Robert Sewellsays:
March 16, 2023 at 1:05 pm
Boambee John:
That raises the question: a larger regular Army, or a smaller regular force, and a large part-time force optimised for local defence?
A large Regular Army – 10 Brigades with 4 on 24 hour deployment,
A Ready Reserve built around Company/Battalion size depending on area concerned with recon and intelligence gathering in each area.
Two questions:
Costs? (We struggle to equip half a dozen battalions adequately, and the main priority must remain with the air and maritime forces).
Like the lithium from the Australian company that went bust and the Chinese company that refused to live up to its obligations now getting the product at a 70% discount while the Australian company is in receivership? Trading while insolvent?
Those terms?
“You can land a plane anywhere….. once.”
There’s a difference between “landing” and “controlled flight into terrain” – for any aircraft, the former can be done multiple times, the latter more often than not only once.
Two words.
Nuclear frickin’ weapons.
Let’s imagine a magic wand made those 8 subs suddenly appear.
The new subs have more than double crew size and we are more than doubling number of subs. How many crew do we need and what is that cost as there are crew problems now .
Are you sure about that?
Unbridled heroism and humility.
Of course it was.
Yes, sentient AI for Dear Leader!
I came from a real tough neighbourhood. In my street, the kids took hub caps off the cars – while the cars were moving………………………
– Rodney Dangerfield
For shame, don’t you believe “Dark Emu?”
Boambee John:
Two questions – Conscription? Yes.
This matter of funding is a political issue – NOT a funding issue. The money is there – it’s just that our ‘leaders’ are more concerned with buying votes than defending Australia.
Cancel the NDIS, cancel the rascist Aboriginal Industry, and limit the dole.
The Navy and Air Force are overly selective. They can and have to be right now.
There is also a lot of fat in defence. I’m sorry but what value did Jacqui Lambie add to the mission and objectives of the ADF?
“Champ, this is the CDF. You’re a sailor now, godspeed. You may wear your slouch hat and regimental uniform on ANZAC Day. Please report to the ‘Tross by 5 PM tomorrow.”
Damn straight.
Where would The Ukraine be right now if they’d kept the nukes they stupidly gave to Russia?
“Being disarmed allows your enemies to treat you with contempt.” Machiavelli
Like the lithium from the Australian company that went bust and the Chinese company that refused to live up to its obligations now getting the product at a 70% discount while the Australian company is in receivership? Trading while insolvent?
Those terms?
This is a serious defict in our thinking.
China have pulled this exact tactic a number of times now.
a Chinese “private” company signs up for “x” amount of product over a number of years – the Aussie company invests/gears up/loans to meet the projected demand, then the Chinese “private’ company goes belly up.
A while later a while knight Chinese “private” company rides in to buy them out or take the product at a much, much lower rate.
Its foolish to pretend China plays by established rules other than “I got mine”.
And in bizzaro world logic – the Greens were the only ones talking the big picture in this case.
Senator Whish-Wilson raised concerns Bellamy’s had not been granted a licence to sell its products in China since that incident, and queried the link to the takeover offer.
“This has led to a halving of their share price, they’ve been languishing waiting for these licence approvals,” he said.
“And here we have a Chinese government competitor, owned by the Chinese Government, who’s buying them at a rock-bottom price.
“You can’t prove that this is manipulation, but I’ve certainly raised concerns that this looks like manipulation by a foreign government.”
Fro shame, don’t you know she did a mighty job wearing the big, reflective gauntlets, and making sure all the trucks in the convoy went the same way?
Another safety intervention on the CCP.
Second time I have caught them taking their 30t excavator on the low loader past the front of the airport terminal without it being chained down. Just the morning for it to slip off, rained overnight so everything is nice and slippery.
I realise that any potential opponent is unlikely to care much about the Geneva Conventions, but ignoring the concept of formal enlistment is a courageous move.
If you’re keen on paperwork then anyone over 18 can be automatically enlisted. I don’t think that or the Geneva Convention would stop the CCP executing anyone they caught.
The new subs have more than double crew size and we are more than doubling number of subs. How many crew do we need and what is that cost as there are crew problems now .
It will cost plenty. These crews will be the elite of the armed forces, I guess. They will be under water for months at a time….cramped, if high tech conditions, highly trained, dangerous work. One would hazard a guess that they would be paid plenty.
Could the local branch of the Greens declare climate war and shoot up your place with impunity for you having a petrol generator and an ICE car?
OMG. So much worrying about shit that doesn’t matter. If a foreign nation lands troops on your shore, are you going to wait for a formal declaration of war General Worrysome-Smyth-Sancho? (Actually a nice example of the thinking that has completely rooted Australia.)
The primary point of this is deterrence. Invasion of the mainland USA was off the table for even the most Hawkish of the Japanese. The objective here is to produce exactly the same.
ZK2A they were not going in the same direction. They were avoiding the heffalump with the big reflective gauntlets. Never heard of the saying, ‘running the gauntlet’. In this case with disastrous results if caught. That scene will haunt you for a long time into the wee small hours.
My observation is that the CCP would struggle hugely with any opponent exercising individual initiative and exploiting weakness as they found them. At least initially. They would struggle to respond as the command structure escalated problems and then received orders based on imperfect information well behind the required time frame. I say at least initially, because it would ultimately result in self selection of commanders capable of dealing with such a foe.
That being said, it would appear that Australian’s might be equally incapable of being such an opponent. “Have you submitted LGA form 873 enabling us to commence action against a hostile foreign force on Australian soil?!”
Don’t get ChatGPT to write your essays.
Iron has four stable isotopes: iron-54, iron-56, iron-57, and iron-58. The atomic structure of these isotopes is identical, with the same number of electrons, protons, and neutrons, but their atomic masses are slightly different due to the different number of neutrons.
Sounds like a Stepford wife with a short cct.
Um, don’t Lehrmann’s supposedly bombshell texts indicate a man of clear conscience?
The Frolicking Moll:
Bullshit from the Greens. You could take the facts that are readily available, to court in Australia and win.
“University politics are vicious precisely because the stakes are so small.” – Henry Kissinger
I just received an RFS warning about a serious fire 12 k’s from my place.
Checked the RFS website. It’s an out of control grass fire. Over 250 hectares gone already. I hope the wind is kind to the fire fighters.
Forgot to ask, if you are here Vicki, how are things out your way re fire wise?
Robert Sewellsays:
March 16, 2023 at 2:27 pm
Boambee John:
Two questions – Conscription? Yes.
Costs? (We struggle to equip half a dozen battalions adequately, and the main priority must remain with the air and maritime forces).
We struggle to find the will to equip half a dozen battalions.
This matter of funding is a political issue – NOT a funding issue. The money is there – it’s just that our ‘leaders’ are more concerned with buying votes than defending Australia.
Cancel the NDIS, cancel the rascist Aboriginal Industry, and limit the dole.
First, politics is the art of the possible.
Second, on readiness, it is both highly expensive and highly perishable.
In November 1989, at the time the Berlin Wall fell, Canada had a mechanised brigade in Europe, tank regiment, three mechanised battalions, artillery regiment, all the add ons to have it at 24 hours notice for WW III. Less than a year later, it could not be deployed to the Gulf after Iraq grabbed Kuwait. Changes of personnel, reduced training time, lots else had effectively destroyed that readiness level.
Necessarily, air and naval forces should be our highest priority. Any enemy must come by sea or air. The prime reason for an army in our circumstances is to force an enemy to move their large, expensive, army to our shores, using lots of large , expensive, ships and aircraft. Our naval and air forces must attrit them on the way here, leaving a remnant that we can beat.
To quote Admiral Gorshkov of the 1970s Soviet Navy, “Comrade, the best is the enemy of good enough”. You are seeking the best army for Australia, but we need the best navy and air force first. We cannot do everything. To quote another soldier whose name escapes me, “We cannot fight as we ought, but must fight as we can”.
Coincidence, I started rereading Daisy Bates’s book ‘The Passing of the Aborigines’ a couple of days ago. I’m about a third in and she has already documented in detail, cannibalism including the eating of babies.
Just finished the chapter on the tribes she calls ‘Bibbulmun’, an uncircumcised people of the SW corner of WA, she obviously felt strongly about this group and liked their ways. She thinks thy were the remnants of an earlier wave of migration here and were eventually pushed down into the SW corner, where they found a gentle rich land. She notes that they were one of the few tribes that didn’t engage in cannibalism.
It’s a good read so far, it’s a pity that she has been disappeared from history, a slightly mad but amazing woman.
Fires in NSW today.
Stay safe fellow country cats.
“Elon Musk calls for ‘QAnon Shaman’ to be released from prison after additional video revelations”
Part of his plea deal was that he wouldn’t appeal.
However, he may be able to vacate that plea by showing that his right to be given any and all evidence in the governments possession regarding the case was violated (Tucker’s video release about him is surely at the very least potentially exculpatory, and government had it). Once he gets past that, then he can appeal, based on both new evidence and also on his due process rights being violated.
If he can’t get past that initial hurdle, he’s staying where he is.
If he gets past both, he may be entitled to compensation for wrongful arrest, malicious prosecution etc etc.
Robert S
Cancel the NDIS, cancel the rascist Aboriginal Industry, and limit the dole.
Possible if a clear and present danger exists. Not going to happen in the short term. We must work within political reality.
Another thing we were lied to about.
Reviews in Medical Virology
Azithromycin in viral infections
Madeleine E. Oliver, Timothy S. C. Hinks
First published: 23 September 2020
Citations: 41
Azithromycin (AZM) is a synthetic macrolide antibiotic effective against a broad range of bacterial and mycobacterial infections. Due to an additional range of anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties, it has been given to patients with the coronaviruses SARS-CoV or MERS-CoV. It is now being investigated as a potential candidate treatment for SARS-CoV-2 having been identified as a candidate therapeutic for this virus by both in vitro and in silico drug screens. To date there are no randomised trial data on its use in any novel coronavirus infection, although a large number of trials are currently in progress. In this review, we summarise data from in vitro, murine and human clinical studies on the anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties of macrolides, particularly AZM. AZM reduces in vitro replication of several classes of viruses including rhinovirus, influenza A, Zika virus, Ebola, enteroviruses and coronaviruses, via several mechanisms. AZM enhances expression of anti-viral pattern recognition receptors and induction of anti-viral type I and III interferon responses. Of relevance to severe coronavirus-19 disease (COVID-19), which is characterised by an over-exuberant innate inflammatory response, AZM also has anti-inflammatory properties including suppression of IL-1beta, IL-2, TNF and GM-CSF. AZM inhibits T cells by inhibiting calcineurin signalling, mammalian target of rapamycin activity and NF?B activation. AZM particularly targets granulocytes where it concentrates markedly in lysosomes, particularly affecting accumulation, adhesion, degranulation and apoptosis of neutrophils. Given its proven safety, affordability and global availability, tempered by significant concerns about antimicrobial stewardship, there is an urgent mandate to perform well-designed and conducted randomised clinical trials.
Infanticide may indeed have been practised in Aboriginal communities:
It really is not that surprising that in a land of frequent food scarcities that babies may not survive. It should also be remembered that Aboriginal women carried babies and small children, plus the meagre receptacles – coolamons – used for carrying seeds, yams etc. In extreme conditions those little ones may have been an impossible burden.
All of these possibilities will never be accepted amongst the Woke, or even by contemporary Aborigines. They find it impossible even to accept that they were hunter/gatherers. Once the latter is accepted, many things are possible that they will not accept.
Yep; an extreme patriarchal, hunting and gathering society existing in a harsh land would do whatever it had to. And that includes infanticide, killing of the elderly and cannibalism.
The glossing of the culture which really invaded Australia, exterminated the Mega Fauna and committed ecological vandalism will not stop because this lie of the Noble Savage is a major tool of the left to attack Western democracy.
March 16, 2023 at 2:48 pm
I realise that any potential opponent is unlikely to care much about the Geneva Conventions, but ignoring the concept of formal enlistment is a courageous move.
If you’re keen on paperwork then anyone over 18 can be automatically enlisted. I don’t think that or the Geneva Convention would stop the CCP executing anyone they caught.
You are probably correct about the Geneva Conventions, but having the paperwork enables trials after the event.
As for “automatically enlisted”, do you propose any formal training on such minor things as weapons and tactics?
Azithromycin (AZM) is a synthetic macrolide antibiotic effective against a broad range of bacterial and mycobacterial infections. Due to an additional range of anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties, it has been given to patients with the coronaviruses SARS-CoV or MERS-CoV.
My recollection is that Azithromycin was part of the regime of early treatment recommended by the Covid frontline physicians the FLCCC – who were, of course, demonised by the medical “establishment”.
The Beanie has a video at Prager U.
The old diagnostic ideas of the ‘left/right’ dichotomy seems to be in flux and newer alliances forming according to new circumstances. The Beanie was keen on Occupy Wall Street and I am not sure that he has fully renounced it. But while he would perhaps once have been described as a lefty with a few right wing ideas, he is now right wing with a few lefty ideas (I believe he only fell out with Bernie Sanders because Bernie was not as committed to his own cause as the Beanie). He has learned to embrace more of the traditional right, such as Second Amendment rights on the way.
And am sure we have all met people who we would have thought of as right leaning who nevertheless believe in vaccine mandates, anti-gun laws for anyone, and the need to phase out reliable energy.
I also find I am watching more Jimmy Dore and Bill Maher and indulgently roll my eyes at their reflexive Orange-Man-Bad snipes but stick around to listen to them talk about the stupidity of Woke and hypocrisy of the SJW and AGW Pharisees.
Robert Sewellsays:
March 16, 2023 at 3:24 pm
That was intended to show the idiocy of friedeggburger waving the takeover through, when even greenslime could see the set up like a pair of phosphorescent boar balls at the bottom of a mineshaft.
For those who have been seeking new names for Aussie naval ships:
His Majesty’s Australian Navy ships we could have:
HMAS Bracegirdle
HMAS Cliff
HMAS Darling
HMAS Goldsworthy
HMAS Gosse
HMAS Howden
HMAS Humphries
HMAS Mould
HMAS Rogers
HMAS Kessack
HMAS McNicoll
HMAS Rhodes
HMAS Smith
HMAS Upton
HMAS Taylor
HMAS Wadsley
HMAS Waldman
not inconceivable, even if they did pay off the house on original loan.
If it was worth $1.5M in 2019 (completely plausible), then he’d have to borrow $750k to pay the wife 50% of the value.
Either way – the guy is a stooge for 1/ not factoring in interest rate rises in his decision to pay out and remain in the house, and 2/ not downsizing or cashing out and renting.
As for “automatically enlisted”, do you propose any formal training on such minor things as weapons and tactics?
Absolutely. The immediate problem is supplying weapons and getting them out in the community. The next problem is training and effectiveness.
This assumes of course that this needs a big government solution.
If you were planning on having a crack at an invader would you just wander out there with your newly acquired M-16 and blast away, or would you be studying and training your arse off the maximise your chances of survival?
Interesting to see the focus on details and governmental solutions to issues that any sensible individual would solve themselves.
Fires in NSW today.
Stay safe fellow country cats.
It’s 35 degrees here, but feels hotter because of the substantial NW wind. Did my daily walk this morning & a few outside jobs. Husband is in the shed during some repairs (I am inside in the aircon!), as the Total Fire Ban prevents from doing the slashing he would like to finish, & as well as any job that may cause a spark. The neighbour to our north very fortuitously ploughed about 30 acres on our boundary last week. We are very relieved about that as it is a superb fire break.
As I write this it is 4pm – & no sign of any spot fire in eyesight – or on “Fires Near Me”. We believe conditions will be similar tomorrow & Saturday. But I think Sunday is the day the RFS is concerned about.
Went to the flicks the other day and saw Shackleton. Apart from the guff at the end about global warming, which I wondered was the price to get it produced, it was a great documentary.
The primary point of this is deterrence. Invasion of the mainland USA was off the table for even the most Hawkish of the Japanese. The objective here is to produce exactly the same.
I recall reading too many years ago that one of the arguments that the IJN used against an invasion of Australia was the prospect of large numbers of Australians taking to the bush. The prospect of landing the 11 divisions they assessed would be needed was beyond their resources. This is the reason that we need an organised, recognisable, ground force, to force a potential invader to bring a larger force.
But, even if invasion is so deterred, we still need the top line naval and air forces to break a blockade.
On the beach front here today – just perfect.
Donagemma family saved by miracle days before deportation
By Marilyn Rodrigues -March 16, 2023
The Donagemma family got the miracle they prayed for to help them stay in Australia days before they were due to be deported.
Following media coverage of their plight and a change.org petition which drew almost 40,000 signatures, St Agatha’s Pennant Hills parishioner Vanni Donagemma was offered a dream job from an Australian gas and oil company.
The news also means that his youngest child, Benedetta, should be safe to remain legally with her family but only ever temporarily as she will never pass the requirements for a permanent visa.
As reported by The Catholic Weekly on 5 March the couple and Benedetta, 18, were preparing to leave their home of nearly 20 years when their temporary visas expired at the end of the month.
Mr Donagemma was invited to Australia from Italy to work as a geologist in 2006 and he and his wie raised their children here.
The parishioners at St Agatha’s Church, Pennant Hills, said that after Mr Donagemma lost his job in 2021 due to the COVID pandemic he had struggled to find work in the oil and gas sector, which was necessary for him to continue on his working visa status.
I wonder who the Australian gas and oil company was that offered the family that lifeline.
Interesting to see the focus on details and governmental solutions to issues that any sensible individual would solve themselves.
Sensible individuals can learn on the job, expensively. Training in even basic infantry tactics will reduce that cost, and increase the cost to the invader. Having trained teams is far better than only individuals, and having and being able to use a range of supporting weapons is even better yet.
These aren’t bureaucratic government solutions, they are hard-learned lessons from the past.
Hey Vicki,
big wall of smoke to the east-north-east. Wind seems to be easing, forecast says they should. My ten acres was slashed a month ago. Neighbour on the other side moved his cattle onto the four foot long pasture on Tuesday.
When I moved down here, the very first thing I did was clear everything around the house. It was an overgrown jungle. Much better now.
Now this is really interesting.
Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2016 Oct; 48(4): 349–352.
Published online 2016 Aug 5. doi: 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2016.07.004
PMCID: PMC7134768
PMID: 27546219
Fighting viruses with antibiotics: an overlooked path
Mentions SARS Coronaviruses and Ivermectin, but not together.
Indolent says:
March 16, 2023 at 8:52 am
Because that’s exactly what it is.
The best way to stop this is for the females to stop competing against XYs
Why would professional Italians need 17 years worth of temporary visas?
Why do I care? 17 years is long enough to get citizenship.
Boambee John:
You’re preaching to the converted, BJ 🙂
The issue atm is that Australia would be hard pressed to repel a lodgement by a Mechanised Brigade even if it had been worn down to a Battalion. Especially if it had air cover. Or even just a fairly robust AA capability.
Look, I may just be a worry wart on this issue, but this is real life and in Real Life, we can lose all our marbles.
I’m still reminded that when the Germans attacked in the Ardennes, Eisenhower had to grab his squabbling Generals by the nuts, and scream at them “We can still lose this damned war!”*
*Perhaps a little embellishment there, but I don’t see anyone in a position to do anything about our parlous defences, actually doing anything effective.
My recollection is that Azithromycin was part of the regime of early treatment recommended by the Covid frontline physicians the FLCCC – who were, of course, demonised by the medical “establishment”.
HCQ or IVM + AZM + zinc
The bastards, who lied and lied and lied to us.
I suspect there are any number of multiplayer shoot em up video games where basic infantry tactics could be taught. There is already a cadre of competent players.
I also suspect all Australian governments would be frightened shitless by the idea of all of the population over puberty being armed with weapons and knowledge of basic infantry tactics.
At the risk of repeating myself, jobs*are*a*cost*of*a*project*not*a*benefit.
Ergo, the *fewer* jobs they ‘create’, the better.
To illustrate, you are getting quotes for a kitchen reno. 2 companies quote on the exact same project. One can do the job in 2 weeks with 4 guys, the other in 2 years with a thousand workers. Which quote do you chose?
This would be after they thoroughly pulverize our defence installations, critical domestic infrastructure, command and control systems with cruise and ballistic missiles? As well as taking out whatever satellite capability we have. Without even getting near our sea borders.
Any enemy would well prepare the battlefield (here) before setting sail . I imagine that is why it’s been discovered we need these subs. Because that would likely be all that’s left to defend the place, apart from our ANZUS Treaty arrangements.
Also, those subs should carry all nuclear missiles. If we are going to defend ourselves , then let’s fkn well do it properly!
Quote fail. Bottom 3 para are mine.
At the risk of repeating myself, jobs*are*a*cost*of*a*project*not*a*benefit.
Ergo, the *fewer* jobs they ‘create’, the better.
See “renewable energy” jobs.
Yup – this lady’s asthma is causing entirely by excessive air pollution.
I suspect there may be other reasons she struggles to walk.
Same article.. do these people ever listen to themselves talk?
More electricity consumption with fewer power stations. You know it makes sense.
Absolutely , a mountain of lies. But not stats, according to rosie. That’s all perfectly legit if it comes from .gov.au
Winston did say ” When at war, the truth must be protected by a bodyguard of lies”
They are at war with us. Especially anyone who dares to not comply.
DeSantis Confirms His Position on Ukraine
“Two potential GOP candidates for the 2024 US election want to pull America out of the proxy war overseas. This sentiment is not within party lines as Neocons have infiltrated both major political parties as they profit off of war. Trump was extremely vocal about his distaste for the war and has been anti-war in general since he came on the scene. DeSantis finally confirmed his position by saying the “territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia” is not a “vital national interest” for the US.
DeSantis said that peace should be the objective. “The Biden administration’s virtual ‘blank check’ funding of this conflict for ‘as long as it takes,’ without any defined objectives or accountability, distracts from our country’s most pressing challenges,” the 44-year-old politician argued. DeSantis plainly said that objective for peace is in the best interest for the US, as additional funding “would risk explicitly drawing the United States into the conflict and drawing us closer to a hot war between the world’s two largest nuclear powers. That risk is unacceptable.”
Trump boasted of his past diplomatic relations with Putin. He was in fact one of the only recent US presidents to establish diplomatic relations with “unfriendly countries.” “Before I even arrive at the Oval Office, I will have the disastrous war between Russia and Ukraine settled. … I will get the problem solved. And I will get it solved in rapid order and it will take me no longer than one day,” Trump said. “I know exactly what to say to each of them.” Trump has also stated that the problem is primarily a European one, hence his repeated efforts to cut America’s NATO spending.
Both men stated that sending billions of dollars to a foreign nation is unacceptable when we are unable to care for our own people. Why should we sacrifice domestic policy for a foreign one that does not benefit the taxpaying people? This issue may separate Trump and DeSantis from other GOP hopefuls. It is another reason to question if the powers that be will even permit us to have an election next year since the GLOBAL plan is to reset the world.”
Yep ‘a rifle behind every blade of grass’, and ‘every hunter becomes a sniper’.
Personal weapons in the hands of ‘concerned citizens’ have been proven, again and again, effective deterrents to aggression.
Of course, our government knows that, and now that they have morphed into ‘enemies of the people’, instead of defenders of rhem, they want the guns gone.
I also suspect all Australian governments would be frightened shitless by the idea of all of the population over puberty being armed with weapons and knowledge of basic infantry tactics.
In the minds of Australian Politicians, getting invaded by China is preferable to having Australians armed and competent.
That’s why this obvious, cheap, effective and FAST solution will never gain any political support.
The storm clouds are gathering but Australian Politicians are as always most worried about saving their own skins.
Robert S
The issue atm is that Australia would be hard pressed to repel a lodgement by a Mechanised Brigade even if it had been worn down to a Battalion. Especially if it had air cover. Or even just a fairly robust AA capability.
Look, I may just be a worry wart on this issue, but this is real life and in Real Life, we can lose all our marbles.
Any attempt at an actual invasion will involve more than a mechanised brigade. Even in our current state, it would be a courageous (in the Yes Prime Minister sense) invader who did not send at least a couple of divisions. There’s a lot of land to occupy, and enough people and equipment in the present army (regular, plus reserve, plus recently discharged soldiers) to dissipate such a force all over the place.
The question is how much more do we need to make an attempt logistically impracticable, while leaving enough resources for the naval and air forces to wear the enemy down on the voyage here?
I would go for a regular force not much bigger than now, but organised differently, combined with a large organised part time force focusing on its local district (not as basic as rickw proposes, but not as widely trained or heavily equipped as the regular force).
Lose some visceral fat you idiot and not only will your lungs be able to fill properly, you’ll be able to put one foot in front of the other multiple times.
And you’ll be able to see them too. *Bonus*
Why aren’t doctors telling her this? Are they the same ones who are too scared to “fat shame” therefore killing their patients by neglect and cowardice?
Benedetta lives with a rare chromosomal condition and is reliant on her parents’ visas, so the heartbroken couple were preparing to separate her from her siblings and twin brother Matteo, who all successfully obtained visas.
Because she is non-verbal and has a developmental delay Benedetta has been deemed a burden on Australia’s health system and has not passed the country’s strict tests for migrants and refugees with a disability.
SpongeBob snorkels:
I recall reading too many years ago that one of the arguments that the IJN used against an invasion of Australia was the prospect of large numbers of Australians taking to the bush. The prospect of landing the 11 divisions they assessed would be needed was beyond their resources.
Absolute horseShit.
That was the Policy of the Curtin Government in the event of an IJN invasion.
The populations of Sydney and Melbourne would be evacuated to The Bush, where they would live off the land.
Washington rightly saw this as treachery.
All my children had severe asthma. They were encouraged to play every sort of sport. They stayed slim and healthy. The New Broom was hospitalised several times as a child and missed out on a couple of career paths because of asthma, including the police*.
These days he’s healthier and stronger and fitter than some of his friends who got through. Seems many run to fat the moment they get the desk job.
* now that was another dodged bullet, but very stressful at the time
The ‘duk takes notes….
I don’t disagree with your sentiment in the first part.
However, citizenship is not granted on a “time served on temporary visa” basis.
Words have meanings. Ponder what temporary visa might mean, particularly in the context of making a citizenship application.
Regardless of time ‘served’ in Australia, one of the criteria for citizenship is for time ‘served’ as a Permanent Resident.
It is likely that Mr. Donagemma has been continually refused a permanent visa, on the grounds of his dependent daughter’s medical condition.
All went well, until Mr. Donagemma got sacked coz of Slomo “no mandates here, how good is that” Morrison spent a few billion of taxpayer’s money to put Mr. Donagemma out of a job, thus rendering Mr. Donagemma ineligible for a temporary work visa (you got no work = you got no visa, go home)
There are countless such as Mr. Donagemma. Almost every time I delve into that area there’s upstanding prospective citizens working with much needed skills.
Mr. Donagemma can be thankful that he’s Italian, & not Zimbabwean, South African, or some other group declared ‘unclean’ by the woke wankocracy.
In the event of a hostile invasion, the Labor Party will be doing secret deals with the invaders and planning to genocide the rest of us.
It’s in their DNA.
Alas, if you define victory as passing on your freedoms and your way of life to your children, I fear the enemy is already well and truly inside the wire…
With the massive price hikes in Asian supplied machine tools. These guys aren’t entirely uncompetitive:
Sal, I seem to recall an Irish family with the same problem. The name slips my mind, but they were skilled, upstanding prospective citizens who had lived here for yonks.
But hey…let’s have some useless, violent welfare sucking vote wielding droobs instead! It makes perfect sense.
Richard Cranium
Absolute horseShit.
That was the Policy of the Curtin Government in the event of an IJN invasion.
The populations of Sydney and Melbourne would be evacuated to The Bush, where they would live off the land.
Washington rightly saw this as treachery.
You keep telling us this, but have never offered any actual evidence. How about a link to actual evidence? Perhaps you can provide some US documentation for the “treachery” claim? Was it in MacArthur’s memoirs? He was quick to criticise Australians, shirley he would have written this allegation down?
And the “large numbers of Australians taking to the bush” were expected by the Japanese to be armed resisters, not a vast movement of the whole population. Why would the Japanese have cared about thousands of old men, women and children camping out in the bush? Try not to be a complete fool.
PS, the invasion force, had it come, would have been transported and supported by the IJN (Navy), but the bulk of the force would have been provided by the IJA (Army).
It is likely that Mr. Donagemma has been continually refused a permanent visa, on the grounds of his dependent daughter’s medical condition.
She’ll need carers, 3 shifts a day, forever.
Try lobbing in Italy from Australia in similar circumstances, and see how far you get?
BTW, is Donagemma a Maltese surname?
Sure sounds like one.
PS, how are you going with the estimate for the time required to build the Compleat Ruinable Electricity Generation and Grid System? Did you consider the data provided by the Gummint on the numbers of panels and windmills required?
I’ve caught you out lying on behalf of your beloved Labor Party again, SpongeBob.
All my children had severe asthma.
Vaccines, by any chance?
Being married to “Harry Morant”/ Edwin Murrant, A.K.A. “the Breaker” would have some effect.
Calli, there’s dozens of such cases.
Occasionally, for some intangible reason, one that has a strong support group gets picked up & a work-around solution of some sort is found.
Many don’t, despite a strong lobbying effort by employers, church, & community groups (yep, unlike Mr. Dongagemma many still have a job & an employer desperate to keep them)
There’s two of my sponsored workers who’re in a similar situation*, they’ve spent years battling in vain due to a dependent child with an expensive, incurable, incapacitating condition.
(& yeah, among their problems are no supportive/outraged community groups & an employer [that would be me] who isn’t able to do anything to help them)
(* hence I’ve a window into the numbers involved & the hopelessness of their situation)
Fair enough and ‘ead Case, the name is northern Italian.
Tha IJA calculated they would need between nine and twelve divisions to occupy Australia, of a total order of battle of 38 divisions, the majority of which were engaged in China, The calculated they would need half a million tons of shipping, which would have to be redeployed from transporting raw materials from their newly conquered empire, to the industries of Japan.
IIRC that marriage was invalid, or illegal, or something.
trading with china is exactly a deal with the devil
Ed Casesays:
March 16, 2023 at 5:07 pm
I’ve caught you out lying on behalf of your beloved Labor Party again, SpongeBob.
What is the specific statement that you claim to be a lie? That you have never provided evidence to support your assertions? That the Japanese assessed that 11 divisions would be required?
Or are you just making lying assertions, to cover up your previous lying assertions?
Richard Cranium
Don’t forget to provide that construction time assessment.
Bigamous, in that the lady was married to someone else at the time.
That’s where the wankocracy switch sides.
They’ll argue till they’re red-faced & spitting, that a Zimbo farmworker family with a chronically ill Gran should be sent home because of the “economic cost” to Australia of medicating Gran.
Then the next night will argue just as vehemently that an unskilled, unemployed Sudanese layabout with a record as long as your arm, should be granted citizenship & a series of free passes in life, because compassion.
Another reminder of the hazards of the electronic world that our ‘leaders’ are rushing us headlong into:
Not exactly rocket science. The data is protected by the equivalent of chicken wire.
I never give any information, even my mobile number, to anyone unless it is essential to survival (trusted friends and family excluded.) No rewards schemes for me. I set up separate email accounts for specific purposes such as property transactions, using the most secure provider I can find.
That said, my experience with the two banks that have my cash is not reassuring. For instance, when one of my passwords ceased to work, they just shrugged and told me to create another one. Not good. But we all have to do what we can.
The Australia Post “secure” email system is nothing of the sort.
Something for us here in terms of Militias both regular and irregular.
It seems to be a wide open catchall for anyone 17 – 45 who is an American citizen.
The desk job provides a large enough food budget to get fat on. A chicken or the egg argument, both of which will increase the waistline.
Ed-Mong got something right.
But stuffed up the order and a question mark.
That was the Policy of the Curtin Government in the event of an IJN invasion?
Absolute horseShit.
When WWII began, firearms in NSW were confiscated & the population left unarmed.
(caveat: records weren’t as readily accessible as today’s computerized, nor was compliance with registration complied with as readily as today)
Russian schoolchildren learning to assemble/reassemble AK 47.
Then the next night will argue just as vehemently that an unskilled, unemployed Sudanese layabout with a record as long as your arm, should be granted citizenship & a series of free passes in life, because compassion.
Ease up with the casual racism, Cletus.
The Sudanese came here as Reffos, they can’t be Deported.
The Donagemmas have gamed the system [with help from the RCC], simple as that.
I’m always amazed at the outsized murder rate in the US – exceedingly high for a developed country. 26,000 murders in 2021. Same period in Australia, we had .86 per 100,000. Population of 25.9 million/ 100,000 = 259 X .86 = 223 murders
At our rate, the US should have had 2,840 murders. The difference is astonishing, and the American left wants to defund the police!
Correct …. the whole point of defence is to make it too expensive to defeat you, not to make it impossible. This is why Switzerland was the only European country not to be invaded by the axis…. Switzerland is excellent defensive country, has a long history of armed citizen service, and H itler could never spare the resources to take it.
Any mention of the fact that the great bulk of the perpetrators and victims are young black men?
What was the murder rate in 2018?
What was the murder rate excluding drug crime?
Or black on black gang violence?
If you’re in New Hampshire it’s about the same as here.
We also have another issue: we might be not prosecuting as many murders. If you ever saw an old missing persons poster in a police station, it is mind blowing.
Tha IJA calculated they would need between nine and twelve divisions to occupy Australia, of a total order of battle of 38 divisions,
#1. Japan was never serious about invading Australia, though
#2. … the Labor Party was prepared to offer them the entire Country anyway.
Head Case I’m a bit upset. Yesterday you were calling me Cletus, now you’re calling someone else Cletus. I don’t want others thinking Cletus is a name to be thrown about loosely. Get on your scooter and go home.
You can’t, otherwise you’d be called a wacist and cancelled. But you know, no biggie, because everyone knows the truth anyway. 🙂
Robert Sewellsays:
March 16, 2023 at 5:40 pm
Something for us here in terms of Militias both regular and irregular.
It seems to be a wide open catchall for anyone 17 – 45 who is an American citizen.
Some of the US states maintain state militias separate from and additional to the state National Guard. They are presumably funded by the state not Defense, but might get some NG castoff equipment (as do many state and county police forces in the US. Not certain how much training they do, but those I have read about are in organised units.
That’s illegal, now?
We also have another issue: we might be not prosecuting as many murders. If you ever saw an old missing persons poster in a police station, it is mind blowing.
Yeah, but nah.
How mindblowing do you think a missing persons poster in an American Police Station would be?
Keep in mind that 90% of Serial Killers are blacks, and they account for something like 20% of the population.
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupiditysays:
March 16, 2023 at 5:44 pm
When WWII began, firearms in NSW were confiscated & the population left unarmed.
(caveat: records weren’t as readily accessible as today’s computerized, nor was compliance with registration complied with as readily as today)
One of the Japanese escapees from Cowra was shot and killed by a man rabbit shooting, who considered the escapee to be a threat to his grandson, also rabbit shooting. At least some rifles were still in the community.
Lower. But of course Trump caused the huge uptick. You know that. 🙂
Much less.
Which means it’s mostly related to drugs.
I’m not sure, but at the top of my head I don’t think it would greatly skew the numbers.
A long time, I recall that that solved murder rate in the US was around 70%, but that’s just vague memory.
Richard Cranium
Stop babbling about refugees, and specify which of my statements was a lie.
No answer, and I am entitled to assume that you were, as usual, talking through your arse.
The black population is about 13% or so. It’s not 20%.
And, as I say, what if large numbers of those are Chinese “students” approved by Mr Xi?
That bloke getting washed down the street @ 0:34
Horrible….the entire clip is horrible.
Disaster Compilations:
That’s the African American Population [13%].
Then there’s the Non White Hispanic Population, think Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Cubans, black people from Mexico, Central and South America and their descendants.
So, yeah, 20%
Nixon found Black Violent Crime stats mind boggling in 1969, so he created the Hispanic Category for the 1970 Census to obfuscate the bad news.
Ed Casesays:
March 16, 2023 at 5:55 pm
Tha IJA calculated they would need between nine and twelve divisions to occupy Australia, of a total order of battle of 38 divisions,
#1. Japan was never serious about invading Australia, though
#2. … the Labor Party was prepared to offer them the entire Country anyway.
Fact #1: The IJA was serious about invading Australia, but the IJN would not provide the necessary support.
Fact #2: You still have not provided any evidence to support this assertion. The ravings of Eddie Ward during the war would suggest that the Labor Party was most definitely not unanimous on the subject. Evidence, or you made the whole thing up.
But they need to be practiced over and over and over until it is in muscle memory.
There is a big difference pointing a joystick, and actually trying to move with a weapon.
The ravings of Eddie Ward during the war …
Eddie Ward was nuts, just like your other Labor hero, Rex Connor.
March 16, 2023 at 5:55 pm
Head Case I’m a bit upset. Yesterday you were calling me Cletus, now you’re calling someone else Cletus. I don’t want others thinking Cletus is a name to be thrown about loosely. Get on your scooter and go home.
I think that the idiot thinks it is some kind of insult. He seems ignorant that the original Greek word translated as “Glory”, hardly an insult. I suspect that reference to the Holy Spirit as Paraclete might be linked.
Lol when everyone whining and moaning about excess deaths that they claim are all vaccine caused relies on government stats.
If the government is hiding the real death rate, or something, that would be a colossal scandal.
I don’t read the vaccine waawaas here much anymore, just hope eventually they’ll dry up.
Still haven’t had covid though.
March 16, 2023 at 6:02 pm
The black population is about 13% or so. It’s not 20%.
Dick ‘Ed never lets facts get in the way of a convenient assertion.
Quite so.
Compliance was limited to those firearms registered. Also reality had crept in by then, it was realised that plinker .22s & the like confiscated by force from the civvy population were never going to help the AIF.
Ed Casesays:
March 16, 2023 at 6:16 pm
The ravings of Eddie Ward during the war …
Eddie Ward was nuts, just like your other Labor hero, Rex Connor.
Therevwas a hint in the word “ravings”, but you are too srtupid to notice it.
Now, come on, you know you want to put the facts of the table, show us yer evidence, unless you made the whole thing up and are lying.
There is a big difference pointing a joystick, and actually trying to move with a weapon.
Correct, but at least they would know what they would be trying to do.
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupiditysays:
March 16, 2023 at 6:21 pm
Boambee John says: March 16, 2023 at 5:59 pm
Salvatore, One of the Japanese escapees from Cowra was shot and killed by a man rabbit shooting, who considered the escapee to be a threat to his grandson, also rabbit shooting. At least some rifles were still in the community.
Quite so.
Compliance was limited to those firearms registered. Also reality had crept in by then, it was realised that plinker .22s & the like confiscated by force from the civvy population were never going to help the AIF.
There was a complication in that an inquest had to be held, with Japan represented by the Swiss, the Protecting Power. The Coroner found no case to answer, and the Swiss rep was satisfied.
Seeing that Credit Suisse is in the news, I heard a couple of very funny stories today.
1. The two “richest” bank branches in the world are in Zurich, which belong to UBS and Credit Suisse.
2. About 20 years ago, the German tax authority took office space near and opposite these two branch buildings. They took pictures of everyone entering the buildings, and if they were able to scope out that they were German, they would terrorize them through interrogation.
3. The Swiss private banks then set up two solutions.
They would meet their wealthy clients at the airport, where the clients would zoom in by private jet. They would then do their banking on the tarmac, and because the Zurich airport is a free port, the clients wouldn’t have their passports stamped.
The banks also set up “branches” in rural areas on farms, so that way virtually no one would see them in darkly tinted limos driving to the farmhouse.
All this isn’t current.
Duncanm you are I think quite correct about Mr Mortage.
He has shared custody, no suggestion he’s paying ‘maintenance’ considered a sublet of a room, certainly has no funds for an expensive renovation to sublet part of the house.
$500,000 in 2001 puts him somewhere fairly nice.
Of which only 1/2 are men, and less than 1/2 of those are in the prime age group for committing murder…. factor that in and less than 5% of the population are commiting the bulk of the murders … because racist
No comparison. None whatsoever, I’m afraid.
Video game players, yes. Able to be turned to competent infanteers, no.
Compliance was limited to those firearms registered. Also reality had crept in by then, it was realised that plinker .22s & the like confiscated by force from the civvy population were never going to help the AIF.
Any proof that the Labor Government were confiscating rifles to give to the AIF?
Of course not, Lithgow was pumping out Rifles 24/7 at the time.
So, why did Labor confiscate rifles while Australia was under threat?
Because they’d done a secret deal with the Japs, just in case.
Helicopter has flown over towards the fire. Temp has cooled but wind is still pushing it along.
Still out of control.
Waiting for weather report to see if there is any footage.
The stats on Covid deaths are a mess. The dying “with” Covid counting is major issue particularly as many are over 80 with co-morbidities.
In 2021 / 22 a significant number of elderly died ahead of their time which in many cases might not have been that long.
If anything deaths should be down because some of those expected to this year died earlier. One explanation just heard on radio from UK parliament is deaths caused by delayed testing and treatment when hospitals were cutting back on services. I suspect many of those deaths younger than the average Covid death.
And good luck reducing homicide rates in inner city USA where no-one wants to cooperate with the police.
The solution is going to have to start with those communities rethinking how they want to live in the first place.
Get educated,get a job, get married, go to church, that kind of thing
If you think this subject matter is tin foil hat territory, go watch Netflix and escape from the world. The Soviets fried the US Embassy back in the day, and a few bled out in hospital from multiple orifices and died.
The flip side is, EM radiation can cure diseases as well.
Stew Peters:
We’ve gotten used to using microwave ovens but the radiation is a weapon and can be used to cause almost any symptoms of any disease.
It can also be used for geoengineering.
The elites and globalists are using 5G technology to create a “kill switch” that can genocide entire populations.
Dead crops and livestock could be a result of 5G radiation.
In 2022, Federal Judge Frederic Block stopped Verizon from putting up cellular antennas in small Connecticut and Vermont towns clarifying that local governments can stop their construction.
State and local governments need to ban 5G towers.
I’m not keen on word salad.
I think we have a bit of Rambo-Stiffy going on here.
Probably is, Tickler, if form means anything.
Probably is.
Infantry tactics have to be instructed in environments where they will be used. In the dirt, in inclement weather and on unfavourable terrain, whilst carrying heavy weight and while you are hungry, dehydrated and physically buggered.
That is the only time it will sink in that X is what is necessary to achieve Y. And then, as Diogenes points out, done again and again and again and again.
You have to know you are capable of achieving something in a team environment you had previously thought physically impossible, before being able to do it IRL.
None of this is achievable on a couch surrounded by Doritos and boing water.
Also, there is no reset button.
*bong water*
Stupid autowreck.
The Soviets fried the US Embassy back in the day,
It turned out that when the Americans had the Russians build the embassy, the Russians built in any number of bugs. The problem was how to power them so the Russians bathed the embassy in low level microwave radiation and the bugs were powered by their built in rectennas.
“EMERGENCY WARNING – Craigs Rd Curraweela Fire (Upper Lachlan) – Seek Shelter Curraweela area 2023-03-16 18:37
Posted: 2023-03-16 18:37
An emergency warning is in place for a fast moving grass fire burning in the area of Curraweela, north of Taralga.
If you are in the Curraweela area of Craigs Road, Jerrong Road and Wombeyan Caves Road, you are in danger. It is now too late to leave. Seek shelter now inside a solid structure such as a house.
Current Situation
The fire is burning in the area of Curraweela and is continuing to spread in an easterly direction. The fire has crossed Taralga Road and is burning towards Jerrong Road and Wombeyan Caves Road.
Firefighters and aircraft are working in the area to slow the spread of the fire. The fire is not under control.
What you need to do
If you are in the area of Curraweela including Taralga Road, Jerrong Road, Old Station Creek Road and Wombeyan Caves Road, it is too late to leave.“
This may interest some – Peter Boghassian speaking at the Ramsay Centre Sydney March 8th .
Latitude Financial — a company that issues consumer loans and runs a buy now, pay later scheme used by major retailers
Latitude isn’t that the finance mob that had Alec Baldwin fronting their loan adverts?
I’m always amazed at the outsized murder rate in the US – exceedingly high for a developed country. 26,000 murders in 2021. Same period in Australia, we had .86 per 100,000. Population of 25.9 million/ 100,000 = 259 X .86 = 223 murders
At our rate, the US should have had 2,840 murders. The difference is astonishing, and the American left wants to defund the police!
The ONLY person to listen to about yank guns and murders is Dr John Lott. Here’s a presentation he gave recently to a house full of demorat pollies. They had nothing to say in response:
As to guns and murders in the US: Murders in US very concentrated: 54% of US counties in 2014 had zero murders, 2% of counties have 51% of the murders
Literally if you remove a few demorat cities like Chicago, Detroit, Portland etc, the US has a gun murder rate LESS than Australia’s.
I am pleased for that migrant family whose fourth child, who has a developmental delay, has been allowed to stay in Australia, with her father gaining a very good job. Best of luck to them.
On Sunday we had a birthday party for an adult family member and the developmentally delayed little three year old boy who is the grandson of both me and of Hairy attended. Such good news! He recognised me delightedly at the door with a big smile and the word Grandma in place of the usual blank look-throughs. First time he’s acknowledged me, let alone spoken of it. His speech therapy is working well, he now trials the words and phrases he hears around him, and this seems such a big step. We are all thrilled.
However, when on the way to the kitchen I dropped a tub of Taramosalata and some of it got on the carpet because I was carrying too many things, I let out an exasperated Oh Shit!!
Oh Shit, said this little fellow delightedly, following me in without me noticing.
I’ve never been more pleased to hear an expletive from a child’s mouth. I hope though he hasn’t filed it away somewhere. That’s a bad word, I say. Naughty Grandma, I correct myself. Norta Grannma, he says back to me with a wicked smile.
He also muscled in and blew out all of the candles on the birthday cake, but no-one complained at all.
He is discovering that there is such fun in life.
Sancho Panzersays:
March 16, 2023 at 6:35 pm
And you have know idea about the Embassy attack in Moscow, do you? Fess up.
I’ll do another post and not want it associated with a clown.
Daisy Bates, the book I’m reading, in it she briefly mentions her son and that’s about it as far as her personal life goes. I have no idea what happened to her son and the rest of her family. Makes me wonder if like Mrs Jellyby she practised ‘telescopic philanthropy’.
I heard that another issue in calculations of gun deaths in the US is that a lot of those deaths were guns used in suicides – and a very substantial proportion they are.
It would not be the first time vague and imprecise definitions were deliberately deployed to create a false impression of causation and push a false agenda – gun deaths being treated as murders. And comparing these murders (all of gun deaths including suicides) to all of murders (prosecutable instances with guns, knives, vehicles, incorrect pronouns, and fists).
Include suicides in one case, exclude them in the other.
An apple and orange pie.
Had a bit of a get together with local landholders regarding the ruinables transmission line we are to be gifted by our betters.
The consensus was that we are too few in number to make enough noise to stop the project but we could screw the bastards for as much as we can. The current compensation package is an insult and that’s a good point to start the media campaign.
We’re rounding up the younger generation and young mums in particular to put out front.
Watch it. I’ve forgotten how many times I’ve posted it.
Via Dutch:
Premiered on 30 Apr 2022
Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden has passed away, and his website has been deactivated, or taken down!
His company, energetic productions, sent this DVD to me directly, unsolicited, with a hand written note:
Wasn’t sure if you had seen THIS ONE of Tom’s—-
Energetic Productions
1988 lecture about Russian Directed Energy weapons, given at the World Trade Center of all places.
This video includes clips added by Mr. Bearden himself at some point in 2010, long before he passed away.
This is a miracle and a half to get confirmation on pretty much everything I discovered ON MY OWN since 2011. He even has HAARP RINGS in the video but calls them “RADAR pulses”!
Listen to the parts about Ukraine and Russia, about nuclear reactors and earthquakes. About Scalar and Cancer. About the US Embassies being attacked with EMF radio wave devices, about Russia having cures to viruses using radio waves. Making ‘viruses’ also with the same technique.
This is a magnum opus of Lt. Col Bearden. The fact that it was just sent to me after he passed away , I feel obligated to carry the torch on this.
I will be uploading everywhere.
4/29/2022 — Secret Super Weapons That Drive Disarmament Negotiations – Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden
Eight years ago the Financial Times carried this fun piece by a Credit Suisse director – headed by matching photos of him/her.
I initially thought this would be typical artisanal wankery, but the effect overall – in the finished product was quite OK.
Building a River Table.
IIRC he went away to WWI & she never heard from him again.
He simply wanted nothing to do with her when he came back. (He was not a casualty)
AFAIK she never managed to get in touch with him.
Going to be difficult with ‘Tickler’ in the by-line.
It’s real manly stuff that. I’ve been heavily into it vicariously for quite some time – with a view to eventually doing it for real (no river tables though, I’ve other projects in mind)
Interestingly, the “scene” seems to be dominated by females – though the serious pros making large scale stuff are enterprises run by men employing men as craftsmen.
“This may interest some – Peter Boghassian speaking at the Ramsay Centre Sydney March 8th .”
I attended, it was last night at the State Library. Boghossian’s lecture on the Socratic method was superb.
I think you’ll find it was the other way around – After the fall of Singapore, the Japanese navy put forward two plans for the invasion of Australia, to deny the Americans the use of this country as a base, for an offensive North to liberate the Philippine Islands. The Japanese Army rejected both, on the grounds they would require too many soldiers.
It isn’t ruinable generation per se.
If you have any decentralised generation, the transmission/distribution network is going to be a spider’s web.
In 1914 – IIRC – the US made a collection of weapons to help out the Brits. Over a million firearms were collected and shipped across to England. Where they sat for four years and were then dumped into the North Sea. Unless they were particularly valuable and were looted by the Gendarmerie.
The half-man/half-woman Credit Suisse director (fancy word for supervisor in charge of wankery) gets quite a lot of mention over the years.
“The half-man/half-woman Credit Suisse director (fancy word for supervisor in charge of wankery) gets quite a lot of mention over the years.”
Trannies love wearing fishnet stockings.
Russians stole one of my socks.
It was dark grey with a grey/blue argyle check pattern on the sides.
All cotton.
Commie bastards.
Mark Latham’s PHON candidate for Kean’s seat of Hornsby, Steve Busch, is a good one, on top of the issues and presents well. This for me is a test. If Kean is re-elected the sheeple are not worth worrying about. I’ve been in politics since 2008; the over-riding factors are the impact of the media and the gullibility, laziness and stupidity of the punters. Like I say if Kean wins, fu.k the public: let them wallow in their own shit in the dark.
Same, same.
I could sell you mine if you like.
I actually know about this, having seen Casey Ryback wreck a plan involving one of them in Under Siege II.
Richard Cranium
So, why did Labor confiscate rifles while Australia was under threat?
Because they’d done a secret deal with the Japs, just in case.
Is this the sum total of your “evidence”? Lay off the Happy Baccy.
Just topped up my Maltese Melita pre paid because the 30 days had expired, easily the most reliable and cheapest sim I’ve had travelling in Europe, the data allowance in most Western European countries is the same as it is in Malta, seamless transition from country to country and it’s only €10 for 30 days including 8gb of data.
If Kean is re-elected the sheeple are not worth worrying about.
How similar is Hornsby to Mosman these days?
Infantry tactics have to be instructed in environments where they will be used.
No classroom briefings explaining the basic moves?
BTW Flight simulators totally don’t work.
Lay off Mosman!
March 16, 2023 at 7:46 pm
Infantry tactics have to be instructed in environments where they will be used.
No classroom briefings explaining the basic moves?
Works better if done in the field. Stand in movement pattern, move each individual to required new position, repeat at increasing speed, keep repeating until it is automatic.
Knuckle Draggersays:
March 16, 2023 at 7:32 pm
1988 lecture about Russian Directed Energy weapons
I actually know about this, having seen Casey Ryback wreck a plan involving one of them in Under Siege II.
Dickhead ex PIG who probably fantasizes about shooting people in Melbourne with rubber bullets. You don’t have a clue on the subject, do you?
Casey Ryback wreck a plan involving one of them in Under Siege II.
One of Seagal’s best.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzv9Cim7Z9c
They also swapped my right-hand i-Phone remote for a left-hand one.
They must have done it when I was getting my psychiatric meds recalibrated because ever since then I keep hearing voices even when I am not holding the phone to my ear.
The bugging of the US embassy in Moscow by the Soviets has been known about for decades. The Soviets probably tried many times, but were caught out twice, first in the early 1960s and secondly, when a new US embassy was built in Moscow in the 1980s. The Soviets used electronic bugging. I’m not aware, and have never read, of anyone subsequently “bleeding in hospitals from multiple orifices and dying” from the bugging, unless of course the Soviets covertly planted in the embassy some rats carrying bubonic plague fleas, and then the fleas infected with the plague bit the embassy staff. Now, that would cause some to “bleed from multiple orifices”.
my right-hand i-Phone
remoteWorks better if done in the field. Stand in movement pattern, move each individual to required new position, repeat at increasing speed, keep repeating until it is automatic.
Oh FFS, if the troops have some idea of what they are meant to do it will work better. What are you dealing with IQ 80 odd? A citizen militia will be way smarter than that.
Funny thing, isn’t it, that computer simulations are used as training aids in many fields. I wonder why?
It is more reassuring to think my pilot might have done it for real quite a few times before.
It is more reassuring to think my pilot might have done it for real quite a few times before.
Next time you fly on an airliner, have a think that one of the blokes up front may be flying that real aircraft type for the first time. Yep.
I remember learning about it from a segment on ‘Discover Magazine’ on the Discovery Channel in 2000. The point of the piece seemed to be “What did you expect?”
Stew Peters:
Why did the U.S. military have a war plane flying toward Russia in the Black Sea?
Edward Szall is back to explain how we must put pressure on our government to not start a nuclear war.
Senator Lindsey Graham is calling for the U.S. military to start WW3 by shooting down Russian jets.
The prospect of a new war can be squelched if House Speaker Kevin McCarthy rejects the neocons who are lusting after a new war.
America was flying a military drone right off the coast of Russia.
Many of the facts we have about this international incident cannot be trusted.
According to reports the drone was mapping terrain for a U.S./NATO led invasion of Crimea.
Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton is calling for further provocation with Russia.
Can the woke U.S. military win a war against Russia with LGBT soldiers