Trump’s a rotter, the Libs are far right, and the voice is the bee’s knees?

From today’s (4/4) op-ed in the Australian newspaper.

Greg Sheridan: “…his [Trump’s] style was chaotic and he told countless lies. Nonetheless, he did do some good things.”

Countless lies? Pray tell, when you’re hurling ad hominem insults, what are the most egregious of those lies? Give at least one example surely. As usual for Sheridan, nary a one. Just the usual insult. Apparently though, amongst the chaos, Trump did some good things.

  • Do you mean like reducing the unemployment rate for Blacks and Hispanics to the lowest on record?
  • Reducing women’s unemployment to the lowest since the 1950s?
  • Increasing manufacturing jobs against a previous longstanding falling trend?
  • Massively deregulating and reducing business taxes?
  • Replacing the NAFTA with USMCA and getting a better trade deal out of China?
  • Making the US energy independent for the first time since the 1950s?
  • Withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement?
  • Withdrawing from the Iran deal?
  • Appointing a large number of conservative judges and three supreme court justices; Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett?
  • Stemming the tide of illegal arrivals across the southern border?
  • Making NATO allies spend more money for their own defence?
  • Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem and forging a better relationship between the Gulf states and Israel?
  • Avoiding costly and pointless wars?

These are off the top of my head. There are many more. Talk about damning with faint praise. Sheridan is a master when it comes to Trump. Of course, I can think of a couple of bad things he did. Encouraging the ‘warp speed’ development of experimental Covid vaccines by unscrupulous Big Pharma and listening to Fauci. But then Covid messed with most minds.

All told, and against all the odds and the unending stream of brickbats thrown at him, chaotic Trump was easily the most successful president in the history of the United States. Ok, maybe George Washington, Honest Abe and Coolidge are also worth a mention.

In case Sheridan disappointed, you could have given Troy Bramston a go:

“If it [the Liberal Party] continues to follow the advice of cable television pundits and moves further to the right then it will never return to government.”

Got that, Peter Dutton. Your party has moved too far to the right. Could have fooled me. But there it is, according to Bramston. Yet another riveting read on the op-ed page.

Never mind, Julian Leeser (federal opposition indigenous affairs spokesman) provides balance on the op-ed page.

 “To argue for changes to the government’s amendment does not mean you oppose the voice…I believe the voice should be engaging with decision-makers.”

To be fair to Leeser he seems to be arguing that the voice should be legislated first to see how it works before it is enshrined. But, nonetheless, he’s a fan. No mention of the numerous well-funded Aboriginal bodies already in the business of advising governments and why they haven’t worked and why this one will. It feels virtuous therefore it must be good.

Is Mr Leeser an example of those Liberals who have moved too far to the right? Mr Bramston, any thoughts? Were Trent Zimmerman and Dave Sharma, et al, kicked out by the Teals because they’d strayed too far to the right. It’s a theory.

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April 4, 2023 4:31 pm

Sheridan in Nov 2016:

“Hilary Clinton will win tomorrow. You can take that to the bank.”

I’ve been taking Greg’s advice ever since – i.e. doing a 180 on his statement and following that. Mostly spot on.

April 4, 2023 4:51 pm

I can’t criticise an aboriginal, woman, homosexual etc. these days without an “ism” lable being applied to me and sometimes “far right”. So be it.
They can kiss my a$$.
I don’t care and I never have.

Cassie of Sydney
April 4, 2023 5:04 pm

I call Greg Sheridan a “dribbler”, because quite frankly he’s embarrassing. I remember last year when he described the current Sniffer in Chief as “fundamentally a good man”.

I had to quickly find a bucket.

No wonder he and Blot are good buddies.

April 4, 2023 5:17 pm

Why blot gets Sheridan to comment on Trump fails me.
Never has an unbiased word for Trump, always claims he is shit!

Bruce in WA
April 4, 2023 5:27 pm

Like him or hate him, Trump wasn’t elected for his personality. He was given the (Herculean) task of rescuing the USA from almost certain economic devastation.

This he did.

It breaks my heart to see Biden tearing it all down again.

April 4, 2023 5:45 pm

I call Greg Sheridan a “dribbler”, because quite frankly he’s embarrassing. I remember last year when he described the current Sniffer in Chief as “fundamentally a good man”.

Yes, the Groomer-in-Chief and head of the Biden Crime Family is a “fundamentally a good man.”

And I am Santa Claus.

Is Sheridan, like his hero, suffering dementia, or completely ignorant?

April 4, 2023 6:20 pm

I haven’t bought newspaper for over a decade and I wouldn’t piss on sheridan if he was on fire.

April 4, 2023 6:23 pm

Prissy and priggish sum up Blot.

April 4, 2023 6:34 pm

I can remember when I think it was WAPO had their Trump lie counter which I think they got up to 4 billion gazillion and I thought “alright lets have a look at this list of lies.” First one was Trump claimed to have legislated the biggest tax cuts in US history. WAPO said “it’s a lie”. Why? Because Reagan had legislated bigger tax cuts on a percentage basis. Now whilst I’m inclined to give the medal to Reagan on that one, clearly Trump was not lying, he just measured it in terms of dollars whilst WAPO conveniently decided to read it in terms of percentages. That’s a difference of opinion at worst. Most of the rest were similar. They were Trump boasting for sure, but lying, nope. So it turns out the WAPO list of lies was one big lie itself.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
April 4, 2023 7:06 pm

Julian Leeser spoke at the Nat Press Club yesterday. “When I’m out in my electorate and I ask people about The Voice they tell me they like the show. Nice to see so many young people with lovely voices”.
Camera cut to attending journos and scowls of disapproval.

April 4, 2023 7:14 pm

Sheridan has ALWAYS been a statist stooge.

April 4, 2023 7:20 pm

It breaks my heart to see Biden tearing it all down again.

Especially given the incompetent corrupt syphilitic ol’ geriatric is there courtesy of a blatantly fraudulent presidential election.

As far as I’m concerned it’s a dead giveaway as to how stupid and or brainwashed someone is if they claim the gliberals have moved to the far-right. The last time someone said it to me in person (as opposed the current idiots screeching it in the braindead lamestream meeja) was my bloody brother just after Waffles Turnbuckle had deposed Abbott.

In the meantime, Blot is interviewing that brain damaged bimbecile Annaliese Nielsen about the imminent arrest of Fatty Trump.

What a joke.

April 4, 2023 7:27 pm

attending j’ismists and scowls of disapproval

AKA, the “cat’s bum mouth” phenomenon.

April 4, 2023 7:29 pm

To be fair to Leeser he seems to be arguing that the voice should be legislated first to see how it works before it is enshrined.

If only the Liberals hadn’t gone down this road to begin with.

Not to mention appointing the likes of Langton and Calma to oversee the process.

Hoist on their own petard.

April 4, 2023 7:39 pm

Now that’s not how it looked before I hit post.

Bottom three lines are mine.

April 4, 2023 8:42 pm

Nearly bought a copy of the Weekend Aus up at Mission Beach recently, the weekend edition usually isn’t too bad. That thought disappeared when I saw they wanted $5 for an edition, IMO sorry wildly over priced now.

April 5, 2023 4:40 am

Peter Dutton, the media don’t represent your voters. They’ve never voted for the LNP and will never vote for the LNP.

The media is your OPPOSITION; 99% of journalists vote for the Greens or the ALP.

The more criticism you get from the media, the higher the LNP’s primary vote in by-elections and general elections.

PS: media critics who assert the LNP is “far right” merely project their own position on the far left and haven’t talked to your voters, who are crying out for a party of the forgotten Australians, not a Labor Lite party.

April 5, 2023 5:06 am

That’s it, Tom. The SFL should realise that they are over the target when the MSM behave that way.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 5, 2023 6:29 am

Were Trent Zimmerman and Dave Sharma, et al, kicked out by the Teals because they’d strayed too far to the right.

Hard to know what Dave Sharma, Zimmerman and the others stood for.
They all seemed to be playing their cards pretty close to their chest.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 5, 2023 6:35 am

As far as reducing Black and Hispanic [read Hispanic Black] Unemployment,
Blacks voted for Trump about 5% of the time in 2016 and it was worse in 2020.
And they burnt their suburbs down in the 2020 Summer of Mostly Peaceful Protests.
Trump was also big on bringing Dot Indians to America to do Tech jobs at half the price White people got paid.

April 5, 2023 8:11 am

It is certainly a mystery why those that accuse the libs of being chock full of “far right policies” never get asked exactly what those policies are. Must be a vibe.

On the subject of mysteries, why on earth is wet Lesser the opposition aboriginal affairs spokesman when there is a perfectly suitable and eloquent Jacinta Price available, who just might know a thing or two about indigenous matters? Oh, that’s right SFL.

April 5, 2023 8:21 am

Ed Case.
Facts matter: Even the infamous BBC note that Trump gained support from minorities in 2020. This link is for you to educate yourself ….
When you lie you discredit anything and everything you have said or will say in the future. You would do well as a politician in that regard.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 5, 2023 8:30 am

Here’s a good reason:
Jacinta Price is a National Party Senator, and the National Party are saying No to The Voice.
Price also doesn’t know why she is opposed.
Something to do with Racism, last time I looked.
here’s another reason:
Leeser has an IQ at least 2 SD higher than Price’s and he’s done quite well so far.
He’s also Shadow Attorney General, so giving Price the Shadow Aboriginal Affairs Portfolio would be a disaster ready to explode.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 5, 2023 8:34 am

Hispanic is a Fake category created by Nixon in 1970 to fudge astounding Black violent Crime stats.
There’s Black Hispanics and there’s White Hispanics.
Trump did even worse among Blacks in 2020 than he did in 2016.

Citing the BBC to back up your case is laughable.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 5, 2023 8:40 am

From Wal1957’s BBC link:

The Republican president gained six percentage points among black men, and five percentage points among Hispanic women.

How’d your hero CheetoHead go with Black Women and Hispanic Men?
And the other 57 varieties of minority?
BBC doesn’t say, so the news couldn’t be favourable to their fake argument.

April 5, 2023 8:42 am

Jacinta Price is a National Party Senator, and the National Party are saying No to The Voice.
Price also doesn’t know why she is opposed.

Saying no to the voice is a good reason to vote for the nats as opposed to the fence sitting libs. As for saying Price doesn’t know why she is opposed to the voice? Garbage!.
She has done numerous interviews regarding her reasons readily available on youtube.
Pull yourself away from the claptrap on “yourABC” and improve your “IQ”.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 5, 2023 8:48 am

She has done numerous interviews regarding her reasons readily available on youtube.

So you can summarise Prices opposition in a few sentences, Wal1957?
Your IQ up to that?

April 5, 2023 8:54 am

The Republican president gained six percentage points among black men, and five percentage points among Hispanic women.

How’d your hero CheetoHead go with Black Women and Hispanic Men?

Ed Case apparently can’t read either.
From the article…
Black men +6
Black women +5
Hispanic men +4
Hispanic women +5
Asian and other minorities +7

BTW I referred you to “yourBBC” because of their obvious slant to your viewpoint.
There are numerous other reports I can refer you to.
Admit it…you LIED!

April 5, 2023 8:58 am

It’s not difficult to dislike Troy and his writings. He must have been even-handed once, which led a Labor tragic to describe him as “a tapeworm in the anus of the Labor Party”.
This was harsh; and very distressing to him, so they said.

Thank you for the list of Donald Trump’s “some good things”.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 5, 2023 8:58 am

Black women voted 99.5% for Clinton in 2016 but Trump made up 5% in 2020?
GTFOutta here.

April 5, 2023 11:46 am

Australia should put up a proposal to the UN to have election monitoring officials in the USA during their next election. I know it wouldn’t go anywhere, but it would perhaps put the Americans on notice that the rest of the world sees them and their systems as increasingly corrupt and unattractive.

What they have done to Trump, regardless of what you think of him, is the way 3rd world countries and places like, for example, Singapore and Malaysia behave. Jailing their opposition or suing them out of existance.

The USA are losing their ability to influence the world at any rate, they are in a steeper decline now than ever before and getting worse. The mighty petrodollar is being undermined by their own sanctions on so many countries that many countries don’t want to use it – an easy way to have your money stolen by the USA.

If you want the USA to tank, then hope for the Democrats to continue.

Even with Trump as their next president, is that happened, he still could not change the swamp, like our swamp, the culture of the civil service or our public service is against conservative governence.

April 5, 2023 12:28 pm

“Trump did even worse among Blacks in 2020 than he did in 2016.

Citing the BBC to back up your case is laughable.”

How about Vox (hardly alt-right, those people):

“According to AP VoteCast, Trump won 8 percent of the Black vote, about a 2 percentage-point gain on his 2016 numbers (using the 2016 Cooperative Congressional Election Study, or CCES, a national survey of more than 50,000 confirmed voters, as a point of comparison).

And he may have done even better than 2 percentage points. If you compare the CCES numbers to the results of 2020 exit polls by Edison Research, Trump actually improved by 4 percentage points.”

April 5, 2023 1:06 pm


How about Vox (hardly alt-right, those people):

Ed will only argue that they are trying to encourage the black population to vote for dumbocrats by promoting false figures about the republican vote.
I mean…orange man bad, right?

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 5, 2023 1:54 pm

“According to AP VoteCast, Trump won 8 percent of the Black vote, about a 2 percentage-point gain on his 2016 numbers …

And he may have done even better than 2 percentage points.

Wow, is that the best you can do?

Trump improved 2% of 8% of 14% of the population, 85% of whom don’t vote anyway, and he wasted all his political capital doing it.

For maybe a net gain of 3,300 votes out of 154 million votes cast.

The guy is a political genius, right?

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 5, 2023 3:20 pm

Ed Casesays:
April 5, 2023 at 6:29 am
Were Trent Zimmerman and Dave Sharma, et al, kicked out by the Teals because they’d strayed too far to the right.

Hard to know what Dave Sharma, Zimmerman and the others stood for.
They all seemed to be playing their cards pretty close to their chest.

Grandpa Simpson

See a good ophthalmologist, these days a lot can be done for vision problems.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 5, 2023 3:23 pm

Ed Casesays:
April 5, 2023 at 8:48 am
She has done numerous interviews regarding her reasons readily available on youtube.

So you can summarise Prices opposition in a few sentences, Wal1957?
Your IQ up to that?

You could research the subject in a few minutes, Grandpa Simpson. Is your Google-fu up to that?

April 5, 2023 5:53 pm

Head case has 8 comments!!!
No wonder I’m tired of scrolling on….

April 6, 2023 6:55 am

Such is the state of “conservatism” in Australia.

It needs to get a hell of a lot worse before people wake up.

April 6, 2023 12:14 pm

“Wow, is that the best you can do?”

It’s from a left-leaning rag and refutes your claim that “Trump did even worse among Blacks in 2020 than he did in 2016.”
He did not, he did better.

“Trump improved 2% of 8% of 14% of the population…”
No, he increased his share of the black vote from 8% to 12%.
In 2022, the GOP in general continued this trend, increasing their percentage of the black vote.

You were wrong, as my cite demonstrates.
Why won’t you admit you were wrong?
By all means say it hardly makes a difference, I have no issue with you claiming that.
The fact is Trump increased his portion of the black vote between 2016 and 2020, the exact opposite of what you claimed. Even left-leaning outlets like Vox, NYT, and CNN agree this is true.
Admit you made a mistake and move on…

April 6, 2023 5:31 pm

Well, until the DickEd inserted himself into the thread I was on target to uptick every comment for the first time. Ever the spoiler Eddles, never the star, you miserable moron.

The likes of Sheridan, the rest of the MSM, and the increasing numbers of increasingly dumb voters who see the vibe, and won’t come out of their complacent comas until they are nose deep in the coming shitstorm of ‘unforeseen’ consequences. And just not with regard to the execrable and racist InVoice. Every possible issue du jour is converging to deliver exactly the opposite result that they are aiming to deliver. It will bring this once great country to its knees.

What we are seeing in the US is that they are further down the roller coaster but on the on the same trajectory. Trump is just a lightning rod for the thunderbolts the Demonrats imagine they are controlling.

Of course, it will be those very same right wing extremists they so viciously insult at every opportunity that are more likely have the knowledge, skills and experience needed to lead these dumbasses out of Deep Shit Mountain.

I can only hope I live long enough to see them disappear beneath the waves of crap they have created.

Louis Litt
April 6, 2023 9:05 pm

Opposition to the Voice – its based on a lie.
As has been stated I will be treated as a 2nd class citizen.
The aborigines were integrating into European civilisation as it was a lot easier than being a hunter gatherer roaming naked through in land Australia.
As has been noted as museum here, Gough and Coombs set up these reserves which did not reflect traditional society.
All it did was set up an area of lawlessness. Adults drunk, raping eachother and their children.
Adults sitting in dirt, unwashed , drinking alcohol, flies buzzing around them.
There is no way any civilisation lives like this.
Just like the lie of the aboriginal flag, football, sacred sites etc and other technical inventions, it’s all a lie.
Grow up, stop dehumanising them, and stop talking rubbish about the peaceful aboriginal society.
This is rubbish, just like parents not being able to discipline their children as the govt sends out someone to investigate abuse.
I want to emigrate,.

April 7, 2023 9:17 am

Thanks to Bernadi I’ll be calling it the Aboriginal House of Lords from now on.

April 7, 2023 9:34 am


Palm Island and Doomadgee are classic North Queensland examples of failed reserves. There are plenty of others as well that I cannot think about off the top of my head.

Unfortunately us NQ dwellers are not far from going down the track of what is going on in the Alice and Darwin, we don’t get the stabbings or violence as ours is more petty crime but they are growing bolder. Only time, especially since they can get cops hiding in police stations rather than apprehending as happened at Mundingburra recently. (Disclaimer: Rank & file cops would love to get at them but are constantly held back by Peppa Pig in Brisbane)

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 7, 2023 5:09 pm

You were wrong, as my cite demonstrates.

All it demonstrates is that you don’t understand how percentage works.

Why won’t you admit you were wrong?
Why would I?
By all means say it hardly makes a difference, I have no issue with you claiming that.
Mighty White of you, pard.
The fact is Trump increased his portion of the black vote between 2016 and 2020, the exact opposite of what you claimed.
By a coupla thousand votes on a very low Base is what I said, a lousy return on Trump’s 4 years long Black bottom Kissathon.

Even left-leaning outlets like Vox, NYT, and CNN agree this is true.
Who cares what they say?
It’s all lies, except when you’re quoting it, then it’s the Gospel of Kneel.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 7, 2023 5:17 pm

Palm Island and Doomadgee are classic North Queensland examples of failed reserves.
Palm Island was where Aborigines who got on the wrong side of the Mission Commandants were sent.
So, there’s not a good history.
Here’s something else you don’t know, being a blow in:

Blokes in Townsville used to drive drunken Gins up Castle Hill for a party, stop halfway up, and throw them over the side.
I was only there a week in August 1982, was told about it on the first day I was there, and it had happened again by the time I left.

April 7, 2023 7:09 pm

Blow in.

Hahahaha from another SEQ southerner like you I’ll wear that with pride.

I was only there a week in August 1982, was told about it on the first day I was there, and it had happened again by the time I left.

Nice story, like anything you write I’ll take it at that.

As for Palm Is yup am well aware it was set up after a cyclone decimated Hull River well before any of us including you were in existence. Just because I didn’t mention it doesn’t mean I don’t know about it, context being everything and all that you constantly miss…

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 7, 2023 7:33 pm

As for Palm Is yup am well aware it was set up after a cyclone decimated Hull River well before any of us including you were in existence.
So, only 90% of Hull River remained after the Cyclone?
Palm Island was a prison island, you never heard about that?

April 7, 2023 10:32 pm


Not worth the energy southerner. Please tell me some more BS stories about Victoria Bridge dwelling itinerants being thrown off Castle Hill.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 8, 2023 5:33 pm

Please tell me some more BS stories about Victoria Bridge dwelling itinerants being thrown off Castle Hill.

I told you about Townsville Indigenous women being thrown off Castle Hill.

You make out you’re a knockabout bloke round the pubs in Townsville, yet claim to never have heard of it?
Only 2 possibilities:
#1. You’re lying.
#2. Your carefully managed persona is fake.

April 9, 2023 10:59 am

“You were wrong, as my cite demonstrates.

All it demonstrates is that you don’t understand how percentage works.

Irrelevant, even if it was true – it increased, not decreased as you claimed.
You said:

“Ed Case says:
April 5, 2023 at 8:34 am

Hispanic is a Fake category created by Nixon in 1970 to fudge astounding Black violent Crime stats.
There’s Black Hispanics and there’s White Hispanics.
Trump did even worse among Blacks in 2020 than he did in 2016.

Why won’t you admit you were wrong?
Why would I?

Because, you know, you were – as you even acknowledge both above and below.

The fact is Trump increased his portion of the black vote between 2016 and 2020, the exact opposite of what you claimed.
By a coupla thousand votes on a very low Base is what I said, a lousy return on Trump’s 4 years long Black bottom Kissathon.

You are wrong – Trump’s increase in the black vote went up 4 percentage points, from 8% to 12%. You might prefer to call that a 50% increase. So it’s not a coupla thousand, it’s a coupla million, but what’s 3 orders of magnitude between friends, eh?

But even if your (incorrect) interpretation was correct, it’s still an increase, not a decrease, as you claimed.

Even left-leaning outlets like Vox, NYT, and CNN agree this is true.
Who cares what they say?
It’s all lies, except when you’re quoting it, then it’s the Gospel of Kneel.

Just pointing out that this is not some “alt-right” talking point, but a fact acknowledged by left-leaning outlets as well. When you quote sources trusted by your ideological enemies, they can hardly claim it’s just a biased source, right?

So, I have cited polls showing you were wrong, and you have not cited anything to show you are right. You even suggest it’s an insignificant increase for the effort (because of your faulty interpretation of the increase), which is tacitly admitting it did increase. Yet you still refuse to admit your statement that Trump got less of the black vote in 2020 than he did in 2016 was factually inaccurate. Even when shown to be wrong, even when you show no countering data, you just move the goal posts from “reduced” to “not significantly increased”. Hard to see that as anything other than a bad faith, “fingers in your ears” refusal to admit the truth – you made a factually inaccurate statement, period.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 9, 2023 8:24 pm

You appear pretty worked up about this, but the reality is Trump dropped from 9/91% among blacks in 2016 to 8/92% in 2020.
According to Pew Research, 16.4 million blacks turned out in 2016, 9% of that is 1,476,000 black votes.
Now read this:

Nearly two-in-ten voters who cast a ballot for Biden in the 2020 election (19%) were Black, identical to the share of Clinton voters in 2016 who were Black. That is significantly higher than the share of Trump voters who were Black (2%).

Trump got 74 million votes.
2% of that is 1,480,000 votes.

So, Trump improved his numbers by 4,000 among blacks in an election where there was an extra 29 million votes cast.
Percentage wise he dropped 11% among blacks over 4 years [9% in 2016; 8% in 2020].
Trump’s outreach to Blacks failed, and it cost the Republicans Georgia’s 16 Electoral College votes.

  1. I have no doubt that Elon Musk would have been enemy No. 1 if Trump had not won the election.…

  2. Hunter Biden accused of stiffing LA landlord out of over $300,000 in rent after being pardoned by dad Joe

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x