Open Thread – Easter Weekend 8 April 2023

Agnus Dei, Zurbarán, 1635-1640

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April 10, 2023 10:03 pm

Didn’t know Langton was an old commo from way back.

April 10, 2023 10:04 pm

Night all. Back to work tomorrow for me.

same here- so good night

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 10, 2023 10:13 pm

Didn’t know Langton was an old commo from way back.

Don’t have a reference, but the Communist Party of Australia was beating the drum for indigenous rights since the mid 1930’s and the CPA was behind the Aboriginal stockman’s strike of the late 1940’s.

April 10, 2023 10:13 pm

the West is quickly losing any moral authority when it comes to free speech and censorship.

Lost, already lost.

When you will deprive people of employment for refusing to participate in a stage 2 drug trial, you’ve absolutely f’cking lost.

April 10, 2023 10:19 pm

In my opinion if you had the WILL to keep this plant running it can be done. The cost is easily off-set by current power prices. We had this plant making handsome profits with a dispatch price of $27 / Mwh.

A complex plant only has an “end of life” if you do nothing for decades.

F’cking liars counting on The Mongs equating a power plant with a car.

April 10, 2023 10:31 pm

Banned by police services across the rest of Australia, the Queensland Police-sanctioned Lateral Vascular Neck Restraint – known as a chokehold or stranglehold – was found to have caused or contributed to the deaths and serious injury in the five cases, all of whom were men resisting arrest.

Interesting, Vikpol seemed to be laying down a few chokeholds over lockdown.

April 10, 2023 10:35 pm

the eSafety Commissioner

Nice, very Ministry of Truth.

April 10, 2023 10:39 pm

Depends who is friends with the owners.

Crossie understands how things work in Australia!

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
April 10, 2023 11:00 pm

Parody is obsolete.

When Barr asked for clarification if legislation would be released, Ms Plibersek said there was “no point” holding a debate ahead of a referendum that might lose.

ALP expect you to vote for the legislation to find out what’s in it.

April 10, 2023 11:04 pm

ALP expect you to vote for the legislation to find out what’s in it.

It’s the vibe! They absolutely believe it!

Australia: Sheep led by Mongs!

What could possibly go wrong?!

April 10, 2023 11:12 pm

What could possibly go wrong?!

what to do?

…if only there were historical precedents

April 10, 2023 11:24 pm

you know what?
western democracy has always been a rort
the whole thing was always set up to deliver money, power, and influence to a select few

every now and then the Commies wake up and realise they can take over the system

the real truth that people don’t understand?
is that Right or Left … it’s always money, power and influence

oh … and also, who has ‘legitimate’ control of the methods of enforcing that it flows the correct way

eat the bugs

April 11, 2023 12:33 am

what to do?

Keep moving!

Keep going where it is best!

Wherever is best always seems to ultimately breed a parasite class that is intent on destruction.

Be prepared to move.

Look at munty, could you honestly stuff any more pervert f’ckwit into a donut engorged carcass? Yet he votes and breeds, intent on destroying the only environment capable of sustaining such stupidity.

April 11, 2023 8:47 am

ABCcess switches to full retard.
Totally rational argument for the In-Voice, not emoting all over the place like a monty after someone spiked Xirs krispy kremes with ostregen.
“Our people laid their soul bare to you and made themselves vulnerable in extending the hand to this nation and asking you to recognise us and to give us a voice.

“This country has criminalised our children, they are highly incarcerated, we are even locking up 10-year-olds.

“What a shame to this country.

“And yet what you decide is going to determine our future.

“We shared with you our pain, but we also shared our hope, and if we don’t have that hope recognised, you are then damning us to hell, and you are going to kill a nation of people.”

Im feeling positively Satanic after that lump of emotional bullshit.
Hell it is.

April 11, 2023 9:52 am

“…photos was doctored to make it look as though he punched the horse but was in fact using his wrist to prevent the horse from harming him…”

There is video of the event, which clearly shows the forearm was used to turn the horses head, in what I believe is best described as self-defense against being pushed and perhaps even trampled by the same animal. A “punch” would be forceful and focused contact of the fist, not merely the hand coming into contact with the target at any particular instant. The fingers were bunched into a fist merely to protect them, not in order to focus applied force to do harm.
This is all quite plain and obvious from the aforesaid video.
IMHO, no rational person viewing the video would come to any other conclusion, and the selection of specific frames from the video to propose a narrative the horse was punched is at best “fake news” as “click-bait” and at worst malicious and deliberate libel and slander.

April 11, 2023 10:11 am

Disney VS 4chan
Black Pigeon Speaks

April 11, 2023 10:19 am

The Fall of the West EXPLAINED
Black Pigeon Speaks

April 11, 2023 10:20 am

When you will deprive people of employment for refusing to participate in a stage 2 drug trial, you’ve absolutely f’cking lost.

Well said Rick. That is what it amounts to.

Like Cassie and others, I am still quite shell shocked over what happened. The authorities had no foresight at all about the consequences . We are now seeing a global economy in freefall, businesses lost, kids refusing to return to school, widespread psychological damage, and of course deaths and serious health damage caused by experimental drugs.

This is a society that is slowly disintegrating. If this sounds extreme …….it won’t in about two years time.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 11, 2023 5:53 pm

Dunno about being Nazis, Cass. But Lordie enduring 4 freaking hours of that stuff should send you around the bend. German opera is cultural appropriation anyway. Opera should only be sung in Italian. ?

No, The Ring is high German culture, very special and definitely refers to something pan-European, the very ancient cosmology of the north-west European Bronze and Iron Ages. Linked also in common origins to the grander Indo-European cosmology of Crete, Greece and Rome. The music is what it is about as well; the story telling of a familial drama of the gods via musical motifs and huge rises and falls in emotions. They say you have to be ‘taught’ to love Wagner and to some extent that is true of The Ring, but it does grown on you, and Hairy has been an excellent teacher for me, with his intense musical background as a chorister. It’s been echoing in my head ever since.

Hairy now pondering (seriously, he’s so wrapped in this production) whether we should return to Bendigo in a couple of weeks for the second sitting to pick up the two operas of this cycle that we missed – ‘Seigfreid’, the tale of the saving of Brunnhilde, and the amazing feat of ‘Gotterdammerung’, the twilight of the gods. In Scandinavia, t’s icalled Ragnorok, their total final destruction; although one god Balder – a Christian concept perhaps – does emerge as a point of renewal. If we do I think we should fly rather than drive, and keep our driving spirits for seeing the grandies in Queensland soon.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 11, 2023 6:17 pm

It’s nice to be home. The Currawongs are singing themselves to bed in the dusk and Attapuss emerged from under our bedclothes where he has been pining, pitiful with little mweeps, so it’s not one of those long absences, you could almost hear him saying thankfully.

We did get to see the riverside beach at Wagga Wagga, so lovely on a startlingly cobalt blue-skied morning, no clouds, and the river gums drifting green above the milk-tea Murrumbidgee. We’d had a disagreement about which hotel to book – I’d wanted the smart newish International, and Hairy had wanted one on the riverside walk. He won, and we both agreed in the end that his choice was the better one. Obviously a very upmarket place in the 1990’s, still acceptably of quality and blissfully quiet unlike the other choices, our very large room this conference hotel backed onto the riverside walk, which we took as soon as we arrived.

The walk actually sits on top of a steep levee which raises the already significant riverbank even higher. We quickly worked out that the solid wall along the top of this levee was recent additional flood protection. Without the levee and this wall, which extends to the city beach, the flood waters would pile into central Mudgee as they used to do in the past. So much of the Riverina is a flood plain, where roadways have to be elevated, and where in the past, as in Maitland and places like Lismore up north, and parts of the Shoalhaven down south, floods were the norm. Droughts and flooding rains. How stupid was that young girl who drank the Climate Kool Aid re the ‘unprecedented’ Lismore floods and took down the City of Sydney believing it?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 11, 2023 6:45 pm

That link suggesting Calli and I resembled the Chaucer-reading ladies of medieval yore lamenting those danged new-fangled things like Gothic buttresses and commenting on how young the Crusaders looked these days – well, it made me laugh. While away I have been amusing myself with a book that is all about how one famous woman grew older and wiser in medieval times, with just the same sort of terseness in her approach to her world. The book, by Australian Karen Brooks, is called .The Good Wife of Bath’, published recently, and subtitled ‘A (Mostly) True Story’. It is loosely based on the bawdy character so denominated in Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales. It romps its way through saucy tales of husbands one to five (in number if not content it has shades of my Big Sis’s marital trials), with poor Eleanor, a practical woman with a good business head, constantly betrayed in a man’s world by the desires of her queynte. Say it aloud, gentlemen, and it will emerge as a word with which you are familiar and which Dover does not permit here in its more Anglo-Saxon mode.

A book for female readers, and I warn you, it has some raunchy moments for the ladies.
Gentlemen however may feel themselves somewhat … umm … assessed.
Aye, so they may, the great gobshytes, Eleanor may well have opined.

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  1. TBF, winning an additional 22 seats for the Dutton against a first term government, no matter how bad, is unlikely.

Version 1.0.0
Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x