Men Ain’t Women and Vice Versa

The Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, published the results of some research in 2017 which was directed to try to explain the different incidences of particular diseases in men and women. Researchers analysed 20,000 different genes, sorting them by sex and for differences in expression in each body tissue. They found that around 6,500 of these genes were expressed more in one or other sex, in at least one part of the human anatomy. 

Men and women are different. Vive la difference, doesn’t quite do it. We usually focus on outward appearances; on bodily shape on the specific differences which are there to facilitate procreation. Beyond that it is clear, if a generalisation, that behaviour and conversation differ between boys and girls, and men and women. Evidently, the differences go much deeper than that, according to the Weizmann research, into our very genetic expression. How many differences did they find? Worth repeating, around 6,500 of them.

Recall, a year or so ago, William Thomas, mediocre male swimmer, donned a frock changed to Lia Thomas and beat the pants of US college girls in the swimming pool at the University of Pennsylvania. Obviously lacking all self-respect he, pecker and all, also apparently thought it fitting to use the girls’ change room. One of the beaten girls, Riley Gaines (12-time All-American swimmer) didn’t take kindly to this; and has been campaigning against men competing in women’s sports. The other day after a speech at the University of San Francisco she was set upon by pro-transgender protesters. She was punched and shoved and had to find sanctuary in a classroom for three hours before being escorted to safety. You can read about it and see it here on Fox News.

My impression, apart from the expletives was that the most common cry of the protesters was “trans women are women.” Let those of us retaining our reason and common sense say that this is nonsense. Trans women are men pure and simple. They are men comporting themselves as women. They have the genetic makeup of men and all of the same surface body parts as men, unless they’ve had them surgically removed. So, trans women aren’t women. Women don’t and never have had a penis. And for the information of UK Labour leader Keir Starmer, who is obviously short on reason and common sense, that’s 100 percent of women not 99.9 percent.

To be clear, adults claiming that they are the opposite of their biological sex is ho-hum in the scheme of things. Go for it, if that turns you on. The problem is the invasion of women’s sports by men and the activism as exhibited in the violent demonstration against Ms Gaines. The problem is the insidious way that activism has found its way into classrooms and school libraries, into drag queen story hour, into lewd shows which some wayward mothers take their children to in the US. The problem is the sexualisation and grooming of children that this represents.

The problem is the way governments – Victorian, Queensland, the ACT, soon NSW and the other states – have legislated to ban non-affirming counselling of mentally-confused minors who mistakenly believe they are in the wrong bodies. The problem is the way this has all led to children and teenagers being given puberty blockers whose lasting effects are unknown; subsequently being given hormone therapy, and finally being physically mutilated. Teenage girls having their breasts chopped off. Which sane and decent person does not think this to be barbaric?  Surely it will be seen as barbaric when the future looks back at this present. If not, dear God help us.

Jesus was tempted by the Devil in the lead up to Easter. Anyone who doubts the existence of the Devil need only consider the chemical and physical maiming of confused youngsters. If that isn’t compelling enough proof, what exactly is it?

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Carpe Jugulum
Carpe Jugulum
April 9, 2023 7:42 pm

I’m Waiting to see the law suits, it will be epic.

This perverted ideology and it’s boosters may have ruined a generation of children.

Cassie of Sydney
April 9, 2023 8:00 pm

Two weeks ago, after almost being lynched in broad daylight by trans terrorists, Kellie-Jay Keen has described how, after flying out of Auckland and arriving in Dubai, she felt safer in Dubai than she had in New Zealand. I think that says a lot about the state of the West in 2023.

I regard the transgender movement is an insidious and satanic cult of pure unadulterated misogyny and evil, a cult that openly encourages and incites unhinged physical and verbal violence towards biological women.

Here are some truths, and I don’t care who is offended.

1. Transwomen are not women.

2. Transmen are not men.

3. Transgenderism is evil.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 9, 2023 9:08 pm

If you want your daughter to meet lezzos, you enrol her in Field Sports.

If you want her to start having sex when she’s 12, you enrol her in competitive swimming.

Even without Trannies, it’s a No Brainer.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 9, 2023 9:12 pm

The Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, published the results of some research in 2017 which was directed to try to explain the different incidences of particular diseases in men and women.

But they were unsuccessful?
Here’s what I’ve noticed:
Lezzos tend to get Multiple Sclerosis compared to non Lezzos, Flamers tend to be heavily represented in Motor Neurone Disease.
Lezzoes are also prone to Breast Cancer and afflictions of the Cash Register.

April 9, 2023 10:28 pm

Watching the NZ PM squirm after asked ro define a woman, provoked this thought: ask a man if he considers himself a man, and if yes, why so?
This line is harder to avoid.

April 9, 2023 10:51 pm

Matt Walsh asked a similar question of an elderly gentleman, and received the following succinct reply: cos I’ve got a dick.
Case needs to smarten up. Women are XX, men are XY (why, we don’t know). Hormonal changes are much greater, and significantly different in the two sexes, and the incidence of mucosal (and systemic) diseases is also different. But trivial remarks about lezzos are unhelpful.

April 10, 2023 12:19 am

The problem is the invasion of women’s sports by men

youse people need to understand how this post-modern bullshit works

it isn’t about sovereignty over their body, it’s about sovereignty over yours

Mrs B
Mrs B
April 10, 2023 5:03 am

This young father has been fighting thus satanic evil for over 2 years. Check his twitter feed. He has done a few interviews that are well worth a look n listen.

Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
April 10, 2023 5:18 am

Yet another dangerous trend fully supported by the looney left. I am reasonably sure this is part of the Great Reset to cull the population. If you get a lot of young people going through this horrific practice, they will never reproduce. That folks, is the whole aim of this current arm of the elites agenda.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 10, 2023 7:07 am

Case needs to smarten up.
But trivial remarks about lezzos are unhelpful.
Isn’t that what it’s all about.
Women’s “Sport” is a complete joke, it’s infested with Lesbians, Margaret Court has pointed that out re Women’s Tennis, but we’re too prim & proper to talk about it.
So, we’ve got Lesbians giving an 80 year old woman a hell of a time for years over calling them out, and we’ve got Lesbians flying over from the U.K. to stir up street violence with other Lesbians, and we’re taking sides in this madness?
Competitive Swimming, the Coach will tell the hopeful parents to put their 11 year old on The Pill “to regularise her Periods”.
Yeah, sure.

April 10, 2023 7:27 am

“It is better to keep one’s mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt”

April 10, 2023 7:28 am

Brilliant article in Spiked by Brendan O’Neill

It makes me so angry as a father to 2 young women and a granddad to a wonderful young toddler girl.

As Cassie so eloquently said:

Here are some truths, and I don’t care who is offended.

1. Transwomen are not women.

2. Transmen are not men.

3. Transgenderism is evil.

April 10, 2023 8:17 am

I would say that dance schools are very gender imbalanced but do not seem to result in the same sort of cultural behaviours as women’s field sports.

April 10, 2023 8:21 am

Yet another dangerous trend fully supported by the looney left. I am reasonably sure this is part of the Great Reset to cull the population. If you get a lot of young people going through this horrific practice, they will never reproduce. That folks, is the whole aim of this current arm of the elites agenda.

All true BUT the damage was already more or less done by radical feminism destroying the incentives of marriage for men and marrying women to the state which coerces men for money to pay for kids that aren’t their own (also incentivising divorce for women). When the High Court made pre nups (BFAs) all but illegal I can only defend marriage now in very limited circumstances.

April 10, 2023 8:51 am

Headcase proving yet again that he is a vile, leftist hypocrite.
His masters would be so proud.

April 10, 2023 11:26 am

Watching that freak bouncing around reminded me of Richard Simmons. Totally over the top.
Although Richard Simmons genuinely wanted to help people.
Won’t be long before the Bud Light Freak (I will not use his real name), starts screaming “I’m a Pony! I’m a Pony!”.

Cassie of Sydney
April 10, 2023 12:20 pm

“Watching that freak bouncing around reminded me of Richard Simmons. Totally over the top.
Although Richard Simmons genuinely wanted to help people.”

Good analogy Pogria. Simmons himself was gay but he had a good heart.

April 10, 2023 3:42 pm

Don’t forget the financial prizes in sport, for these pretend women. Clean up the trophies, sports scholarships and prize money by legalised cheating.
Then the pretend women crims aiming for a softer nicer environment in female prisons and as has turned out, ready access to vulnerable females.

April 10, 2023 4:24 pm

Meanwhile, it is becoming increasingly clear that pro-women organisations are nothing of the sort. Ratherm they are staunchly misandrist.
ANROWS – “Australia National Research organisation for Women’s Safety”

“In a recent report that ACON published, 82% of non-binary survivors indicated that the perpetrator of sexual violence was a cis-man,” Eloise Layard
#trans #nonbinary #sexualviolence

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 10, 2023 5:20 pm

The problem is the sexualisation and grooming of children that this represents.

I am old enough to remember when leftard activists were screeching in the streets about the “sexualisation of children” in department store sales brochures. Now they noisily support actual, real, sexualisation and grooming of children.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 10, 2023 5:23 pm

Ed Casesays:
April 9, 2023 at 9:12 pm
The Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, published the results of some research in 2017 which was directed to try to explain the different incidences of particular diseases in men and women.

But they were unsuccessful?
Here’s what I’ve noticed:
Lezzos tend to get Multiple Sclerosis compared to non Lezzos, Flamers tend to be heavily represented in Motor Neurone Disease.
Lezzoes are also prone to Breast Cancer and afflictions of the Cash Register.

How big was your sample size? Is what you noticed statistically significant? Have you written your observations up as a formal paper? Or are you, as usual, just making things up?

April 10, 2023 10:51 pm

Feminists wanted androgyny, now they have it – good and hard.

April 11, 2023 11:02 am

Men in women’s sport is a smokescreen. Yes, it’s an issue, but it is just a practical result of the Right’s failure to engage on the ideology of transgenderism. Even if we found a third way – an open competition of some sort where gender was irrelevant, the ideological problems would remain.

The bigger issue is that radical leftists are undermining the foundations of Western society. There have generally been agreed basic facts that underpinned everything else we did as a society – the existence of a higher power (we may not agree on God’s nature or influence in the world, but we’ve generally accepted that some form of higher power exists and that we are accountable to more than just society), the existence of two genders each with unique attributes and responsibilities, acceptance that you are solely responsible for your own actions and words, children are a good thing, marriage is the foundational relationship of the social order, etc.

We have not gone back to basics and argued why these things are important. As a result, we are now left to argue over the minor points of practicalities.

April 11, 2023 12:01 pm

I am old enough to remember when leftard activists were screeching in the streets about the “sexualisation of children” in department store sales brochures. Now they noisily support actual, real, sexualisation and grooming of children.

John, the left also are now in favour of a very close nexus of corporations and government.

There is a word for that which, ironically, the left flings around very freely at their ideological enemies.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 11, 2023 12:38 pm


Indeed. The political left has now gone full-on fascist, having worked out that fascism gives them as much control over the population as communism, but greater opportunities for personal enrichment through financial graft.

Winston Smith
April 12, 2023 6:32 pm

Peter Smiff:

The problem is the invasion of women’s sports by men and the activism as exhibited in the violent demonstration against Ms Gaines. The problem is the insidious way that activism has found its way into classrooms and school libraries, into drag queen story hour, into lewd shows which some wayward mothers take their children to in the US.

It isn’t insidious. It was the work of decades of Communist indoctrination in the universities via Gramsci and the Long March Through the Institutions. We were warned of the consequences and now we are reaping the fruits of decades of not giving a shit.
We are about to learn the hard way that Communists never relax, nor do they relent.

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