Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
AMK Mapping@AMK_Mapping_2hUkrainian forces now “control” less than 230km² of Kursk Oblast, down from 360km² just 24 hours ago.
The Spectator Index@spectatorindexEUROPE: The Financial Times reports that many European governments are feeling ‘buyers remorse for decades of US arms…
Thank you Wally.
Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…
Clearly, the wrong lizard got in.
Steve, for me it was the same, but for rugby.
Rural sport is usually of a high standard, often very high. There are lots of very high standard sports people with their own professions and trades who do not wish join a professional team.
Rural players have not had their individual initiative and risk taking desire kicked out of them.
Doesn’t cost $120.00 to see a good game. Crowds are knowledgeable and friendly. You may find yourself being tapped to help out. No welcome to country, no half time woke propaganda, and, as you say a beer and a pie.
At the end of last season here there was a game between the local girls and a models’ convention that was in town. You won’t see that at the SFS.
I got a 4 day ban on twitter for saying she should have kicked the trannies in the nuts
Kerry O’Brien gives impassioned defence of Indigenous voice to parliament at hearing
Former ABC journalist tells joint select committee on voice wording that it is a ‘simple and unambitious and unthreatening’ proposal
There is nothing “simple and unambitious and unthreatening” about “The Voice”. It is always astonishing that people cannot exercise critical thinking in relation to issues that they hold dear.
The current terms of The Voice are so open ended that it would certainly “end in tears before bedtime.” Essentially, virtually all matters considered by the Executive and/or Parliament would be relevant to concerns of indigenous Australians. It is destructive to deny it. It would, at the very least, necessitate a duplicate public service body to address an astronomical amount of paperwork. It is also disingenuous to say that the High Court would redress any anomalies.
It is also clear that all the “do-gooders” who support this abomination of process know absolutely nothing about Aboriginal culture and the obligations and privileges within this culture. It would produce a multiplication of existing power imbalances.
The whole issue is an example of there twisted, emotive policies that plague modern western societies.
April 14, 2023 at 3:35 pm
In the key states of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wyoming Trump went to bed with big leads but woke up to find biden ahead. It’s a miracle!
The Republic died in 2020.
The US Constitution is no more. It has been dead and buried for a while now. RIP.
April 14, 2023 at 4:16 pm
I got a 4 day ban on twitter for saying she should have kicked the trannies in the nuts
Even better, just kick Twatter in the nuts and leave the joint.
That is just one of many problems.
If people want subsidiarity, an elected Commonwealth body is not how to do it.
Like The Thing?
Kill it with fire! Now!
April 14, 2023 at 3:40 pm
Well now Im convinced….
Kerry O’Brien gives impassioned defence of Indigenous voice to parliament at hearing
Former ABC journalist tells joint select committee on voice wording that it is a ‘simple and unambitious and unthreatening’ proposal
In the words of Mandy Rice-Davies, “Well, he would say that, wouldn’t he?”
Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye – the ABC has set the record straight! ABC Melbourne Drive hosted by a Mary something just had some bimbo on who said Peter Dutton is wrong, wrong, wrong! There is no sexual abuse in Aboriginal communities. Full stop. And he should apologise for making such an erroneous statement. FMD! And we have to pay for this, repulsively wrong as it is.
So – the start of the CBDCs!
The US Constitution is no more. It has been dead and buried for a while now. RIP.
About ten years ago there was discussion in Ukraine about a new Constitution. One journo suggested they just borrow the US Constitution ” it has worked pretty well for over two hundred years and they won’t mind as they aren’t using it anymore”.
Here comes the social credit system. Now, imagine if this was a thing during COVID mandates and jab jab booster.
[Thanks, Vicki.]
There is nothing “simple and unambitious and unthreatening” about “The Voice”. It is always astonishing that people cannot exercise critical thinking in relation to issues that they hold dear.
Theres a shorter word that encapsulates the concept.
to mature and grow and evolve, just as the parliament of Australia did
From 11% gdp to 22%+ in 60 years….
I know, I was being facetious though they were predominantly Russian.
The indigenous are not the assigned child sexual abusers, that only applies to Catholics.
April 14, 2023 at 4:43 pm
Im sure the RMIT “factcheckers” will be all over it….
Lets play “Im sure this one voted one Nation/Lib/Nat last election”…
These are the people telling you you are wrong.
Not much life experience outside academia there.
Dot says: April 14, 2023 at 12:55 pm
Try harder, Dot.
Yeah, *you* aren’t talking about inflation, but *I* am bringing inflation into it because that’s the main argument typically used by decentralised digital currency advocates. And I’m talking about your social licence being penalised by a non-centralised digital currency. That’s hardly any better than a CBDC for liberty.
Why not have the economic freedom without the currency devaluation? You know, like this country used to have.
And no, wishing for the system to be improved in ways that it used to be *before I was born* does not make me a boomer (in either body or spirit) it simply makes me a reader.
If Red Kezza is in favour of it … you know the rest. Byron Bay Friends of the ALPBC can FOAD.
April 14, 2023 at 4:55 pm
The US Constitution is no more. It has been dead and buried for a while now. RIP.
About ten years ago there was discussion in Ukraine about a new Constitution. One journo suggested they just borrow the US Constitution ” it has worked pretty well for over two hundred years and they won’t mind as they aren’t using it anymore”.
LOL and that deserves a load of upticks. How about 100?
To clarify my earlier, I agree the decentralised DCs are better than the CBDCs, I just think that’s a false dilemma because there is (obviously) a third option.
Explain how. They can ban it or they can see the ledger. They can’t control it.
Kerry has quite an opinion of the importance of his role in the world. Most narcissists are smart enough to hide it, they know it doesn’t play well.
Something I forgot to say about Auckland. Most of the expensive stores – fashion clothing, handbags, ritzy sunglasses, jewellery, and so on – had their doors closed, and a security guard stationed inside. If you wanted to go in, you knocked politely, and if the guard liked the look of you, you were allowed in.
What is all this Social Licence BS anyway? Who gives it any Air? Dick Heads that’s Who.
The 2023 edition of Freedom in the World was published 4 weeks ago.
I was surprised to see NZ rated so highly. Even the competing HFI from Cato Institute puts NZ at 2nd-highest in the world – even during the reign of horsey-chops.
When the government imposes a social credit system, you balance is zero and you have a licence to nothing but sit at home in virtual home detention, you will care.
CBDC makes this possible.
I was told I needed a “social licence” to run a farm. When I asked the social justice warrior, if she needed a social license to eat, she got very huffy.
Applies to a lot of j’ismists I’m afraid. If it ever applied, it certainly doesn’t today. Public servants with an autocue.
April 14, 2023 at 5:27 pm
When the government imposes a social credit system, you balance is zero and you have a licence to nothing but sit at home in virtual home detention, you will care.
CBDC makes this possible.
You are a Fruit Loop. Get a Life. BTW try to type better when you are so angry. ‘you balance’ should be ‘your balance’. FFS.
Of course, Crossie – we ALL know that! (No need for sarc. tag – I’m sure)
Anyone can infer how you spend your time by looking at how you spend your digital currency, and can then bring any pressure or spiteful action against you by all means other than preventing you spending DC with 3rd parties – unless they pressure those 3rd parties into not trading with you. How many off-ledger soft power actions are worth your continued on-ledger transactions? This isn’t a tradeoff you consider until you are forced to by spiteful people who do not share your preferences. To think this wouldn’t happen is the stereotypical Achilles’ heel of libertarianism, which is unable to provide a plan for how to deal with people who don’t share libertarian values.
Cronkite’s very cute owl.
Who knows? Maybe if you both lose enough social credit points, your bank accounts will be locked down for 30 days and you can both beg for cans of soup.
Remember to withdraw $200 – $400 in cash before every time you want to make an edgy comment online.
You will be forced by the AI. The overlords will then escape all blame and responsibility.
Off to Phillip Island tomorrow with the kidlets in tow. Going to watch the penguins among other things, youngest son wants to go fishing but as it will only be an overnight stay, can’t do too much.
Which is a shame because it appears there is much to do there. Quite a few nature reserves and whatnot. Looks an impressive place at least on the interwebs. Excited to go
Johnny Rotten says:
Oh does that annoy you does it, Rotten, when people make accidental spelling mistakes in haste?
Here’s a quote from myself an hour ago.
Oooh that’s got to sting. Are you going to just sit there and cop a misspelling of “rein” that resulted in the incorrect use of “reign”? I’ll bet you’re hopping mad about that, aren’t ya? No, not really.
If you were really upset about all misspellings uniformly, and weren’t faking injury simply to have a go at Dot specifically, then you have lots of authors here to complain about. But I think you were just attacking Dot and these honest mistakes don’t really upset you in the manner you implied.
Everyone should take CBDCs seriously despite my two left hands and fat fingers.
Harr har!
Intergenerational Theft | Peter Costello AC
John Anderson
[PS – no one tell rotten crotch aboot James Joyce’s Finnegan’s Wake].
April 14, 2023 at 5:27 pm
you will care.
Dotty Dot of Dottiness. You are a Fruit Loop. There will never be a Social Licence or any of all of that BS. As the People will have already sorted things out.
Off with their heads comes to mind……………………….
I just read their ‘refutation’ of claims that the setup in NZ is a predictor of what will happen here.
It is essentially a defence of the government’s position, littered with red herrings about the NZ Treaty. ‘It will be up to the government to manage the politics’ they airily proclaim, as if this is a side issue. No discussion of the practicalities, of course, since we don’t know what they are.
While we are on the subj. – TheirABC ran an absolutely fatuous piece this morning about how the squabbles about the criss-crossing of the countryside with power lines to deliver a few lightbulbs’ worth of electricity are just a sign that the Energy Revolution is unstoppably underway – it’s just a question of how.
Once again, people who have no idea about how wealth is created. None.
Isn’t producing food and earning export dollars to keep the professional agitators in the style to which they are accustomed enough?
That’s it. There won’t be budget surplus anytime before 2050. Meanwhile the NDIS will eat us alive. I heard one defense of the NDIS the other day, which suggested that those people employed under the scheme help the economy because they’re earning money. It’s absolutely gross what bullshit these parasites put out.
Big Ears, the market designer is making waves in DC kicking up an intellectual storm.
There was the intervention, investigations, studies, numerous reports. The pollies have tried and consistently failed. In a democracy power isn’t everything. Pollies can’t just demand anything. We’re not a dictatorship, at least not yet. Consider the lockdowns, they had various so called experts providing them with justification. How does Johnny Rotten propose to solve the problem Dutton raised? Another study, another Royal Commission? If they people on the ground are controlling the data nothing changes.
Henry Kissinger had a book published ‘ World Order’ with a map of Tartaria on the cover.
Was he trolling?
You figure it out. Do have fun. I’m going to visit Tomato Lake and the bin chickens on my daily walk.
1979 Manhattan Transfer :: Twilight Tone-Twilight Zone @ 432 Hz (non-official recut)
BB Phillip Island is beaut- make sure you see the Cape Barron geese. Lovely things. Amazing things is good for the kids. Only downside is it’s getting a bit loved to death- so popular. Churchill Island (almost attached to PI) is worth a visit too.
April 14, 2023 at 5:43 pm
Oooh that’s got to sting. Are you going to just sit there and cop a misspelling of “rein” that resulted in the incorrect use of “reign”? I’ll bet you’re hopping mad about that, aren’t ya? No, not really.
Harr har!
You seem to have a very invented mind when I caught you out ages ago with the word ‘desert’ when you should have typed ‘dessert’. What a Tosser you are for making things up. Just like your alleged Economic knowledge.
What you know about Economics, you could write a book. What you don’t know, you could fill a Farking Library.
Hmm. Not sure about this. There are time intensive and commodity intensive resources. I don’t think you can reveal anything without looking a lot deeper.
Say my boss (AG’s Dept) wants to see if I look at midget clown porn.
How do they know if I have a VPN and if I pay anything I pay using monero?
If they ban monero, they don’t get to see any “suspicious” transactions any more.
There are other ways, like how in Africa “Mobi money” is used, account balances with phone companies can be transferred. As well as gambling accounts here.
Calling the challenge of fighting authoritarian government and the implacable state as your enemy is a rather strange “fatal flaw of libertarianism”.
Here’s the thing. Who gets to see the ledgers? I have my “transaction” account for crypto not in my real name, but I have done the KYC stuff for it. They’d have to get a warrant to see what is what. I’m not hiding anything but about one person IRL other than me knows my account name.
How much data mining do you need to go back to when I first put fiat into it? You would have to specifically go into my bank and request old records. There is a level of cost which starts to become prohibitive because it is a time intensive process.
I’m struggling here, finish this for me or finish me off.
I’m not sure a Liars Treasurer ever needs to hose down expectations of a budget surplus. Did he say anything about the veal?
That’s not funny head prefect. I’ve moved on from cute owls and black beauties and now I’m promoting wonderful wangs.
Jesus Christ man, it was a spelling error on an internet forum from two months ago. Let it go!
Yes, I agree. Unlike that ridiculous fraud, Martin “Greta Thunberg Man” Armstrong. He built a sentient AI in 1985 and the CIA and FBI tried to steal it off him!
How absurd.
Might even have to rethink capitalism, eh Jim.
Creating wealth never contributed to anyone’s well being, wouldn’t you say?
“There will never be a social licence”
This is complete bullshit, we just lived through authoritarianism not seen since WWII.
1. I had to get vaccinated against my will to continue being employed.
2. Dr Duk was bundled off by a bunch of unqualified morons.
3. Rick lost his job for a vaccine he didn’t need, for a virus that was already in the west, at the time, for 2.5 years (longer than a usual pandemic).
4. Cancel culture as a whole refutes your stupid idea.
5. A pair of sweeties here couldn’t see each other for months despite being about 10 km apart.
Social licence as a concept is foreign to you, because you are a moron. It is an old idea flogged by watermelons and other assorted parasites.
Social credit is a graduated system of social licence. The Chinese already use it and western officials have praised it, Lagarde was caught with her pants down so to speak praising an ECB CBDC as having the ability to be used as a form of social credit “downgrading”.
Careful Johnny.
The spelling police are about.
In truth, they were in no such position.
Scott Morrison was PM and leader of the LNP for those previous years. We don’t know his attitude to the Alice Springs problems or indeed, to the horrific abuse of little aboriginal children, because he never had the courage to state it. We don’t know how he would have reacted to his ministers raising this issue.
Petter Dutton now is leader of the LNP and he has spelled out in no uncertain terms his attitude – indeed, his abhorrence – to the prevalence of child sexual abuse in aboriginal communities. And he now is in the position to call for action.
As I said this morning, kudos to him.
How does Johnny Rotten propose to solve the problem Dutton raised?
Give me a break. Dutton has not raised one thing let alone a problem. He is a typical ‘Pollie’ and just in it for himself.
Col Crispin Berka…
Then there’s the option of having a third party pay for things in lieu of cash (if it is still legal!) and in-kind payments, or some kind of exchange programme. Gift cards are another possible way or tool to at least enable third party purchases.
Are there some pigeons that need shouting at somewhere?
My pigeons got an AVO out against me for being too loud. They also sued for nuisance like in the Canary Wharf case. I’m so depressed I got hired to do the voice over for the disclaimer on the end of gambling ads on You Tube.
Delta A at 6:04 – a distinction without a difference I’m afraid. To lay all the failures of the ScoMo government at his door on the way out is a bit too cute IMO. True, SloMo didn’t show much courage when it came to grasping nettles.
Perhaps. But there’s some very sinister looking shrubs lurking under the window here.
Hey! You! Who grows there?
Excellent summary of Phillip Island attractions. And for a souvenir or gift for a bikie friend, a poster of the Grand Prix circuit.
But my favourite attraction is the beautiful bridge.
Petter Dutton now is leader of the LNP and he has spelled out in no uncertain terms his attitude – indeed, his abhorrence – to the prevalence of child sexual abuse in aboriginal communities. And he now is in the position to call for action.
As I said this morning, kudos to him.
And where was he and all the other ‘Pollies’ Laybore/Libs/Nats/Greens and all the others? No where to be seen anywhere. This has been going on for years and years. No need for a ‘Voice’, just someone with ‘Ears’………………… No one has been listening.
Either your boss has approved the team coming out of the closet about their use of this site, or… you’re playing along with your own joke from 2 years ago.
Either way I commend you!
Thanks Delta. My first visit to PI inspired me to move to Vicco.
Mmmm…mmm! Easter Show treats – deep fried lasagne.
Move over Scotland…we win.
calli says: April 14, 2023 at 6:04 pm
This is going to get very Scanner Darkly very quickly. LOL
Dot have you got a URL for midget clown porn. All I can find is ALP goat rodeo pron. The SFL are the goats.
I am actually Mark Dreyfus, but I can’t log onto my own profile, I am stuck with Christian bloody Porter’s!
I refuse to deal with IT support. “Have you turned it on at the wall?”
She is a he, apparently. A few comments down someone lets on about him.
You can see yourself out after that effort.
This AAP story just moved on the wire. Expect more of the same MSM slant and perspective as the Voice vote draws near:
Crime rates in Alice Springs are back in the spotlight as the federal government and opposition accuse each other of ‘playing politics’ on the issue.
That’s NOT the story. The story is Dutton made specific charges which the indigestablishment would prefer not to be aired.
But the national peak body for Indigenous children and families has called for the serious crime of sexual abuse not to be used as a political football.
It’s not the poor bloody kids that matter, it’s the political advantage. Bugger the kids.
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton this week visited the Northern Territory town to highlight crime rates but came under fire for alleging children were being returned to abusive households, without citing evidence.
Deputy leader Sussan Ley said a national tragedy was unfolding in the red centre which needed to be placed above politics.
“Instead of demonstrating leadership, we are seeing political accusations levelled at Peter Dutton that are quite frankly disgusting,” she told reporters in Sydney on Friday.
“There’s a national tragedy unfolding in Alice Springs with women and children at risk of violence and sexual assault.”
Pity she and her Morrisonian colleagues didn’t do something about it.
But the head of the national voice for Indigenous children, SNAICC, said Mr Dutton’s claims were not supported by evidence.
“Sexual abuse is a really serious crime, which has a devastating impact on children, families and communities. This is not a political football,” chief executive Catherine Liddle said.
“The claims of ‘rampant’ abuse fly in the face of evidence. Data from Territory Families show there has been no escalation in investigations of sexual abuse or exploitation.”
Self-serving grant-snaffler pleads ‘For the Rainbow Serpent’s sake, don’t hold me responsible because statistics (her statistics)
Ms Liddle said Mr Dutton had not taken up an invitation to meet with SNAICC to discuss the issue of child sexual abuse and the over-representation of Aboriginal children in the child protection system
She urged all sides of politics to listen to the expertise and voices of Indigenous communities.
The voices of indigenous community leaders, like her, shouting ‘Nothing to see here’ into an ABC microphone
Indigenous Liberal senator Kerrynne Liddle earlier defended Mr Dutton’s claims about the rates of child abuse in the NT and challenged people who questioned the claim.
“I say prove it’s not happening and then we can have a conversation about the kind of language we can actually use for this,” Senator Liddle told ABC Radio National.
Acting Prime Minister Richard Marles told Nine’s Today Show Alice Springs should not be made a “political football” and the government had worked to try and improve the rates of crime and substance abuse.
Ah-ha. ‘Political football’ must have led the day’s talking points. Has Monty used it yet?
Meanwhile, federal Labor MP Marion Scrymgour, who represents the seat of Lingiari taking in most of the territory, called on NT Police Commissioner Kate Worden to focus on her department’s work in Alice Springs.
“I think Kate Worden needs to look at her department and herself, to look at the Act and to deal with this issue … because there are way too many young people doing illegal things around Alice Springs and stealing cars and setting them on fire,” she told ABC Radio.
All Plod’s fault that pissed-to-the-gills parents let their kids roam the wee hours while they beat each other senseless.
Every day in every way Australia’s media disgraces those who write it and demeans those who read it.
talk about a social credit system delving into decentralized digital currencies might be overkill. just take away peoples mobile and a lot of modern life would be impossible.
I got one in my lounge room right now if you want it. Next door’s brought it over this arvo, a spotted dove kid. Nearly full size. It was on the ground and the currawongs were giving it a hard time. I don’t like its chances, but I’ll stick it in a nearby tree tomorrow and see if the parents can find it. Unfortunately I had zero success trying to feed it.
Every day in every way Australia’s media disgraces those who write it and demeans those who read it.
Nothing more than Marxist agit prop.
Being locked down for months might be overkill for a variant of the common cold!
Child abuse and neglect is being reported to authorities in the Northern Territory at almost five times the rate of any other Australian jurisdiction.
The latest available data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare shows 95.5 children per 1000 in the NT were the subject of an investigation or notification to child protection services in 2020/2021.
The state with the next highest rate was New South Wales where there were 23.5 investigations or notifications per 1000 children.
In Tasmania there were just 6.7 notifications or investigations per 1000 children.
The data also showed the Northern Territory had the second lowest substantiation rate when abuse and neglect was reported to authorities.
Just 31.9 per cent of cases in the NT were substantiated. In Tasmania the substantiation rate was 76.5 per cent.
But substantiated cases of child abuse and neglect are still far higher in the Northern Territory than in any other state or territory.
For children aged under one, there were 63.8 NT children per 1000 who were the subject of a substantiated notification. The national average was 16.6.
For all children aged 0-17 the rate of substantiated abuse and neglect per 1000 children in the NT was 26. The national average was 8.8.
Sky News obtained the data after a political slanging match erupted during Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s visit this week to Alice Springs.
NT News
Mmmm…mmm! Easter Show treats – deep fried lasagne.
I have this pain in my chest like an elephant stepping on it radiating up to my left arm and jaw after reading that.
The deep faked Arnold and Sly in old movies gag is all over you tube and it is great.
JC you’re a sick puppy. You never used to be like this. Ever since you and mutley have been having lunch together you’ve definitely gone downhill. Those cute owls of which none of them are cute are not as bad as your submissions.
Areff thunders:
Pity she and her Morrisonian colleagues didn’t do something about it.
They did do something about it, dickhead.
It was called the Cashless Debit Card.
Remember that?
Your Labor Mates threw it in the bin, now the Indigenous in remote areas are drowning in Alcohol, the kids are starving, and with Alcohol abuse goes sexual abuse of children.
Has anyone seen this episode of Tucker Carlson where he discusses the leaks in terms of a hot war directly between the US and Russia? Without Congressional approval?
It’s not the poor bloody kids that matter, it’s the political advantage. Bugger the kids.
Been reading about the old thief’s antics in Ireland. What an evil old PoS.
Johnny Rotten here BTW –
There will never be a social licence”
This is complete bullshit, we just lived through authoritarianism not seen since WWII.
NO. You, and others lived through it and I didn’t. So STFU stupid. If you lived in Sicktoria, then Bad Luck. I live in NSW and I was out and about every day. Thankfully. The Cops in Sydney were not like VIC POL.
And were you around in WW2? And I’m sure that there was no authoritarianism here then. Community, YES.
“the indigestablishment”
If the Voice gets up, they’ll be our masters, lording it over us.
All the media “debate” about the sexual abuse of minors in the NT needs is a Mike Moore “Hmmm disturbing.” And No, sTan doesn’t count.
How is this at all cute, oh Pantless Bruin?
Morrison, along with all his faceless apparatchicks, called all the shots while he was the boss. Now Dutton is ‘in charge’ and he doesn’t like aboriginal child sexual abuse. And he actually has the clout, hopefully, do something about it.
Now Dutton is ‘in charge’ and he doesn’t like aboriginal child sexual abuse. And he actually has the clout, hopefully, do something about it.
Yes credit where credit is due
Come on Ranga, fair suck on the sauce. I was trying to be nice helpful to Cronkers.
Yeah, but only on the near 60%* of the continent they have title to.
* based on government figures.
Anal’s trying to pull off a marxist putsch. Anyone opposing this needs full support. Dangerous times.
They would consider that action to be sabotage. And from a couple of posters here, there’s a good chance you will be dobbed in to the various authorities – many of which have powers they’ve arrogated to themselves that they were never intended to have, and will never give up.
No you weren’t. The whole country got locked down to start with. If you never got vaccinated you were allowed to go for a walk, that’s about it. “I was out and about, I bought some toilet paper, I walked to the pond and fed the ducks…then I went home”.
They assaulted blokes for buying pizza take away in a small car. They beat the crap out of Arab bros for buying masks, that was caught on video. They drove through Moore Park IIRC to catch “bad guys”.
(Were you? Idiot).
Besides contradicting yourself, explain how we had stupid stuff like virtual house arrest and other nonsense like locking down entire suburbs for two unvaccinated brothers.
Delta Asays:
April 14, 2023 at 6:49 pm
To lay all the failures of the ScoMo government at his door on the way out is a bit too cute IMO
How is this at all cute, oh Pantless Bruin?
Morrison, along with all his faceless apparatchicks, called all the shots while he was the boss. Now Dutton is ‘in charge’ and he doesn’t like aboriginal child sexual abuse. And he actually has the clout, hopefully, do something about it.
Rubbish. He had the clout before this and they all had.
Now that it is in the open, he can belt Tennis Elbow and Chinless Chalmers over the net. Now it is their problem as the Aboriginal Peoples have been yelling for years with no one listening. So much for a ‘Voice’. What a joke.
I’ve read a lot of posts suggesting child molestation and family violence is rife in aboriginal communities. I really trying to be objective here by asking if there’s any hardened evidence and from whom? For instance, are medical authorities supporting these claims?
A classical conundrum, Black Ball. The best thing about Phillip Island for kids is obviously the penguin parade.
For most grown-ups it the MotoGP track — one of the fastest bike racing tracks in the world, with the spectacular ocean views of Bass Strait.
I’m sure by now they have a fast lap tourist attraction for rev heads.
Enjoy the day!
And thanks for the many News Corp copy dumps here from behind the Mudrock paywall as I can’t afford anything more than a subscription to the Paywallian — mostly to get Leak/Spooner cartoons.
There is, in all likelihood, an element of political advantage in sticking the boot in. Any astute pollie wouldn’t miss a chance like this.
The NT (Labor) government has wilfully mismanaged anything in its remit for years. This collection of local dunderheads and bored housewives have become so traumatised by the RC into children in detention that they’ve tipped the metronome over trying to swing it back the other way. Combine that with years of sucking up to ‘culture’, which – like it or not – included cannibalism and still includes child sexual abuse, and here we are.
Don’t get me wrong. I loathe the SFLs, because they keep throwing their chances out the window by being snivellers. However, on this occasion someone’s stood up and actually said what needed to be said, and for the first time since 2007.
Dutton is also a father, and aside from the political angle it is equally likely he’s disgusted enough to kick some wheels in motion. And he’s smacked the ABC around in the process, which is a good start and signals some intent.
Tom at 1:32.
I am struggling to believe that Anheuser-Busch senior exec and board let this nut-job launch an advertising campaign without their knowledge.
If she had that level of brand-wrecking autonomy and delegation they are equally culpable.
If not, why is she still there?
However, on this occasion someone’s stood up and actually said what needed to be said, and for the first time since 2007.
correct and taken on the marxist meja
Don’t bother struggling. They knew – at least the head of marketing and most likely the CEO.
Fantastic workmanship:
I see upthread (Areff at 6.23) that the Liddell woman from SNAICC refers to the over-representation of Aboriginal children in protection schemes. This is good evidence that there is a serious problem of abuse of these children in their families.
April 14, 2023 at 6:54 pm
I live in NSW and I was out and about every day.
No you weren’t. The whole country got locked down to start with. If you never got vaccinated you were allowed to go for a walk, that’s about it. “I was out and about, I bought some toilet paper, I walked to the pond and fed the ducks…then I went home”.
Dotty Dot of Dottiness. You are a retard. I was out and about every day. The whole country did not get locked down. In Sydney, it was so easy to tell a copper that you were out for a 5 km walk. And then you did a longer walk. And then as I said to the next copper that stopped me that I was out for a walk (from where he/she did not know) and I’m going there soon. Then I would say that I was homeless and then they had no idea what to say. Except go home…………..lol.
So Dot, STFU as you are not very good at this stuff as well as Economics.
Then you obviously didn’t live in a “LGA of concern.” No curfew at 9pm with lights from helicopters hovering overhead checking.
Thanks for the considered reply.
I was unsure of the hierarchical issue here – I had assumed the Archbishop was head of the Church. However, the refusal of the King to conform to the oath and his concurrent refusal to the primacy of the Church of England, does that not put him in defiance of his position and therefore unable to carry out his duties as required?
When I took the Oath of Allegiance as an Officer, I wasn’t allowed to cross my fingers and hope for the best, nor was I allowed to alter the Oath.
A different standard for those who rule over us?
Glodishocklian was Dickhead dan in a dress with a nace accent.
I do so wish people would stop using “elected” as some sort of shorthand for “selected”.
It goes to the heart of the whole farce. It can’t be an elected body because they can’t ever plausibly define the parameters for inclusion on the electoral roll. It is so amorphous that no one has actually dared try, and if anyone did, they would soon find that tackling something easier, like defining “woman”, might be more useful.
So this desperately-needed “Voice” is a voice on behalf of a group which cannot be defined.
Yup, I’m all for inserting an openly-racist element into our Constitution when the proponents can’t even define the race it is supposed to be benefiting. Absolutely no opportunity for unintended consequences there.
Dot says: April 14, 2023 at 5:54 pm
I’m somewhat relieved the counter argument is not readily apparent, if there is one.
Not a lot deeper, just one level. Reading a book… you still had to buy the book. Going sailing in someone else’s yacht… consumables and transport. There must still be some you can’t infer but how much of someone’s week is taken up by those really? And which of them make a political difference?
They don’t need to, you accidentally had your audio assigned to your bluetooth speakers and the neighbours are laughing at the high pitched voices, you clutz. Just kidding, but this is a humorous way of introducing the Analog Hole. Nothing physical can be encrypted, and everything that can be encrypted has to be decrypted before you can use it, thus the Analog Hole (much hated by music and movie studios) can always be monitored.
For example that is how the intelligence agencies can monitor what you do on your computer regardless of the physical security around your computer, which operating system you use, or which VPN provider you use. They just decode the faint electrical signals emanating from your monitor at some distance, thus seeing in realtime everything that you see on the screen. That is more targeted surveillance than mass surveillance, but that’s only a matter of time,
Yes, you’re getting it now.
Okay so there’s the tradeoff; the more different (effectively) currency providers there are, the more siloed your various different transactions are, but the more centralised parties you have to trust and keep monitoring for trustworthiness. No free lunch again.
Settle down. I didn’t say anything like that. Certainly I did not mean anything like that. I was implying libertarianism has no way of fighting an authoritarian government, because anything he/she might try to do will be illegal according to that government and so the libertarian must refrain from it, or cease being libertarian. You have to prevent the government / public service from devolving into authoritarianism because libertarianism has no way to fix it.
That’s just it. So there is non-removable component of trust in every step of this process. We have to trust other people in trade, it’s just a question of who, where, for what, and for how long.
I think I can’t take the argument much further on that point because I’ve never bought nor used any cryptocurrencies. All Flynns, Unaipons, and Monashes for me so far.
Right, so the …uh…broker??… has done the KYC stuff on you because the government wants to be able to get that “administrative information” from the exchange at some time in the future for undoubtedly noble purposes that you can fully trust they will confine themselves to without misusing that information for purposes other than that for which it was granted and… you’re already in the same unreliable trust relationship that CBDCs would bring.
Dude! Eww! I’m not a midget!
I’m trying (maybe failing) to suggest Preserved-Purchase-Power-Parity Cash is a 3rd alternative to public crypto and CBDCs. It clearly lacks a mechanism of enforcement which is the problem that crypto avoids but crypto creates a different set of risks.
Yea, that’s pretty good evidence.
Anal’s trying to pull off a marxist putsch.
Uh huh.
Putsch is defined as a sudden violent overthrow of Government, typically led by a small group of military or civilians.
Got any proof that this is on foot?
But he fed some ducks!
He walked around..all day. Lucky for him, he never had sport, cultural or social events cancelled.
This proves we have nothing to worry about CBDCs, because Marty Armstrong is off the pace?
The idea that social licence only exists because righties complain about it is laughable, ditto for social credit.
They have both been tried in the West to varying degrees of success. CBDC during the COVIDmania would have made enforcement of compliance easier.
We have local councils (“rates, roads, rubbish…”) spying on people with drones and metadata…”oh but don’t worry about a CBDC…”.
I can think of several colonising nations that this conversation wouldn’t be being held under.
The phrase “Thankful for small mercies” doesn’t appear to translate into 251.
Anecdotal, but I know someone who was employed as a social worker by the church in Alice in the ’90s and early 2000’s.
Child sexual abuse was rampant, fueled by pornography, drug use and, of course, alcohol abuse.
I don’t imagine things have improved since.
Just who is “playing politics” with children here, Ms. Liddle?
To sit around the Cabinet table for the best part of a decade and say you couldn’t do anything? Give me a break.
I had a willie wagtail almost touch my hand…within one cm. She was plump – pregnant ( I am guessing ) and she then took and off gave a crow some grief.
One fearless cool chick. I’ll visit again tomorrow. Those little brains are not to be dismissed.
True story.
April 14, 2023 at 7:10 pm
I live in NSW and I was out and about every day.
Then you obviously didn’t live in a “LGA of concern.” No curfew at 9pm with lights from helicopters hovering overhead checking.
Of course not. When you are alarmed then maybe. But, I was as free as a bird so no problem. There are 5 million people in Sydney and how many helicopters? Work it out when you have some time to think.
H/T Michael Smith News.
The primary overall reason for CBDC’s, apart from all the control aspects, is the ability to implement negative interest rates.
This means that your money will be eaten while sitting in your account (and you can’t do anything about it as withdrawing no longer exists)
Negative interest rates give a government the ability to incentivise spending even more to keep kicking the economy along and the can down the road.
And yes, they will block your ability to buy food and pay your bills if you say anything.
Then they come and take your property because you didn’t pay your rates due to your account being locked..
Are we understanding yet???
Anyway you’re welcome to Sydney- congested and neurotic. Don’t mind if I never see the place again.
I wonder what sort of ‘Voice’ the Abos would have if Australia had been colonised by the Spanish??
Pretty good.
Mexico is an example
I suspect we wouldn’t be having this conversation…
No, the Spanish culture is great.
The Germans were in New Guinea, Samoa, Guam, South West Africa and Tanganyika until 1919.
They left all those places better than they found them.
The French?
The Dutch?
Maybe not.
The Belgians?
Not going there.
In a strange twist of evolutionary history, the ancestors of modern South American monkeys such as the capuchin and woolly monkeys first came to the New World by floating across the Atlantic Ocean on mats of vegetation and earth. According to a new study, they were not the only primates to make the trip. A fossil find in Peru suggests that a different, entirely extinct family of primates undertook the same kind of oceanic voyage more than 30 million years ago.
Surely it happened some other way?!
Ducking in for a bit and with no dog in the fight.
Upper Hunter Valley was pretty laid back during the lockdowns. I never got pulled up once being out but saying that wasn’t stupid about being out. Sydney based colleagues different, some just stayed up the valley as a result of unwanted attention.
I see the unhinged bint Chant still full of self importance felt the need to remind us of her 15minutes of fame recently.
How TF is she still even employed? Surely the ALP who are more ruthless than the hapless Liberals see her as a liability.
Dot says: April 14, 2023 at 5:54 pm
It doesn’t really matter any more as to what you say as YOU ARE A FRUIT LOOP.
What happened to the Easter Islanders?
Anybody know?
Okay Johnny.
Keep on believing in a convicted fraudster with a magical AI programme he invented in 1985 and the CIA wanted to steal off hi.
Nazis and climate change.
That’s almost a new instant classic aphorism.
The rotten calling the dot fruity.
Anyone seen Memory Fault around lately?
Ed Casesays:
April 14, 2023 at 7:33 pm
What happened to the Easter Islanders?
Anybody know?
They ate all of the Easter Eggs and went to South America. Didn’t yer’ know that, clueless?
75,000 Heroro and Namaqua tribesmen, murdered in South West Africa, between 1904 and 1907 might beg to differ.
Carbon Dioxide Dumbass’s and the destruction of everything:
Colonel Crispin Berkasays:
April 14, 2023 at 7:38 pm
That’s almost a new instant classic aphorism.
The rotten calling the dot fruity.
A Fruit Loop in fact. Which is no way ‘fruity’.
There were 13 “LGAs of of concern” in Sydney.
And spooks and flamers.
Nazis and climate change and spooks and flamers. Didn’t stand a chance.
That’s something that has worried me for a while – Amazon can – I understand – just negate all your downloads or decide to charge a fee each time you read one of their books without any defence on your behalf.
So it’s time I downloaded all of my Kindle books into PDF format seeing as I have nearly 1,000 of them. It’s a significant investment for me.
What happened to the Easter Islanders?
April 14, 2023 at 7:44 pm
Of course not. When you are alarmed then maybe. But, I was as free as a bird so no problem. There are 5 million people in Sydney and how many helicopters? Work it out when you have some time to think.
There were 13 “LGAs of of concern” in Sydney.
Of concern to who? Not me. If you were scared by the BS then that was and is your concern. Not mine. And never was.
Lies about Super-computer
In Institutional Time Share Martin Armstrong claimed:
We have constructed the First Fully Functioning Artificial Intelligence System Correlating the Entire World Economy 7 days a week, 24 hours per day. There is simply nothing like this model in the financial world….
We are porting all systems to the IBM Sequoia, which is the fastest Supercomputer in the world with 16 thousand trillion calculations per second monitoring everything that beats and moves worldwide. You can put your entire portfolio into the system and it will monitor everything far more intensely than any human staff are even capable of accomplishing and without the risk of pure opinion…..
Time Share slots will be available at $5 million up to $100 million annually depending upon the size and international scope of the portfolio. Our actual annual cost just in energy to run such a system is in excess of $6 million…..
This page can be also be viewed at the WayBack Machine, dated October 11th, 2012
Institutional Time Share
The glaringly obvious problem is that IBM Sequoia is a project contracted by the US Government Department of Energy. That unique project and hardware configuration certainly wasn’t made available for any other commercial purposes.
According to Wikipedia, Sequoia is used for energy and scientific research (i.e. academic institutions only). It is a single custom computer installation – not an IBM model that anyone could buy.
Armstrong claims that, HIS annual cost just in energy is in excess of $6 million. It is the same number reported by Time, except that it’s the full energy cost of the Sequoia super-computer. Based on the same Time article, only researchers get to submit their proposal to run on Sequoia. And yet, Martin Armstrong’s team are porting all systems to the IBM Sequoia.
I have never heard of any instances where the USA government actually sells their spare capacity of their equipment to the public let alone close to 100%. What is the chance that Armstrong’s Socrates can be run on Sequoia? I would say that it is ZERO.
Not only that, Martin Armstrong’s energy cost of $6 million is at about 86% to 100% of the capacity of Sequoia (total energy cost for Sequoia is $6 to $7 million). What is the chance that the US government allows Martin Armstrong taking 86% to 100% of the capacity? I would say that is is FOR SURE IMPOSSIBLE.
So it is a big lie, a confidence trick. To boost his credibility, Armstrong simply makes outlandish claims for his “Fully Functioning Artificial Intelligence System”, while his Socrates is not even a system, still plotting charts using bar-height without numbers in timing arrays which need human guesswork for interpretation.
If running software on a super-computer is a lie, and his office is a lie, and his readers’ comments are lies, what would preclude Martin Armstrong from lying about any of his forecasting “successes”?
ALL THE SUBURBS inside the Greater Sydney LGAs identified as COVID-19 ‘Areas of Concern’
Is Johnny Rotten actually Martin “Greta Thunberg evolved Pokemon” Armstrong?
( :
Bette Davis Vs Marlene Dietrich – Maneater
April 14, 2023 at 7:36 pm
Okay Johnny.
Keep on believing in a convicted fraudster with a magical AI programme he invented in 1985 and the CIA wanted to steal off hi.
I do like how you have to divert attention away from your complete lack of any reality.
And thanks for the many News Corp copy dumps here from behind the Mudrock paywall as I can’t afford anything more than a subscription to the Paywallian
In that vein Tom, I bring you the continued bed wetting over covid, Hun:
Covid deaths and hospitalisations across the state have soared, amid pleas for Victorians to get booster jabs and take other precautions to stem the spread and save lives.
Thirty Covid deaths were reported to Victoria’s Department of Health in the past week alone.
“An average of four deaths were reported each day in the past week. This represents a 108 per cent increase when compared to the same period the previous month,” Victorian chief health officer Brett Sutton said on Friday afternoon.
And there were currently 297 Covid patients in Victorian hospitals — an increase of 46 per cent on last week — with 15 in intensive care and five on ventilators.
Prof Sutton said Covid cases had risen to 5811 in the past week, with an average of 830 new cases a day.
It follows the string of rising cases and hospitalisations over past weeks.
The spike in Victorian deaths and hospitalisations comes as a new Omicron sub variant – currently wreaking havoc in India – is being increasingly detected in Victoria, and becoming more dominant.
“Victoria continued to see an increase in Covid cases, hospitalisations and intensive care admissions this week . . . (with) Covid hospitalisations up 46 per cent,” Prof Sutton said.
“The increase in transmission is being driven by the combination of waning immunity and the growth in recent weeks of multiple Omicron recombinant sublineages, particularly XBB.1.5, XBB.1.9.1 and XBB.1.16.”
The XBB.1.16 strain, which is nicknamed Arcturus is sweeping India and creating chaos, with a warning from the World Health Organisation (WHO) that the strain is “one to watch”.
The Omicron spin-off has also started spreading through the U.K and U.S.
Abdominal pain is a symptom of the XBB.1.16 variant, along with the symptoms common to other variants such as fever, sore throat, body pain and headaches.
The name Arcturus means ‘Guardian of the Bear’ and is related to the constellation called the Great Bear. Arcturus is also a red giant star and one of the brightest stars in the northern hemisphere.
Prof Sutton said with increasing Covid cases and hospitalisations across Victoria, now was the time to take steps to help reduce transmission and the impact on the state’s health system.
He said Victorians should take the following steps to “help stay ahead of Covid”.
1. Wear a mask
2. Get a 2023 booster: new bivalent vaccines targeting Omicron variants are available though GPs and pharmacies.
3. Let fresh air in: open windows and doors when you can, it reduces the spread of the virus
4. Get tested: if you have symptoms, take a rapid antigen test.
5. Stay at home: if you have Covid, you should stay at home for at least five days and until you have no symptoms.
6. Talk to your doctor: if you are at risk of falling very sick, you may be eligible for Covid medicines. Covid medicines work best taken within five days of getting sick, and the earlier the better.
Of course I forgot to close italics and I also failed to add a hearty FMD after that vomit article
Like what?
Armstrong’s fraudulent forecasts?
You found a spelling mistake today and two months ago from me? (Who cares!?)
You are shilling for a CBDC by running interference for social credit schemes?
If you listened to the talk by Naomi Wolf at the same institution I linked a couple of days ago, she was saying much the same thing.
Big Pharma and the Chinese Communist Party | Brian T. Kennedy
I haven’t heard of anyone getting seriously sick from COVID besides the elderly for months and months.
It’s over Dan. Time to put down the crack pipe!
Naomi Wolf can apologise to us first before I listen to her.
The deadshits are still trying the pump it up. Just fuk off.
The Herald-Vomit a willing participant in this beat up.
Johnny Rotten:
I can see a place for an Arcology in New York’s future.
Getting some flip answers to my question, so …
here’s the answer:
They were taken to Peru as slaves to work in the Guano Mines
during the 1860s.
Slavery had been abolished in the Spanish Empire in 1821, so it’s not clear who the slavers were.
Johnny Rotten:
The pollies have no intention of changing the system because it suits them as it is.
You may as well claim an elephant can roller skate in a variable gravity field as claim they can change the system.
April 14, 2023 at 7:52 pm
Is Johnny Rotten actually Martin “Greta Thunberg evolved Pokemon” Armstrong?
Is Dotty Dot a Fem Bot from an Austin Powers Film where her tits don’t work and her gob goes off with no control?
No Country For Old Men message breakdown?
75,000 Heroro and Namaqua tribesmen, murdered in South West Africa, between 1904 and 1907 might beg to differ.
Incited by the British.
The Germans were peaceful colonists, but the choice there was to resist or die.
Rates of aboriginal domestic violence:
Johnny Rotten:
Maintain frame, faggot.
They left all those places better than they found them.
Read Niall Ferguson, Sad Case, on the Huns’ first attempt (a rather successful one) at genocide in East Africa. Not many Herero and Namaqua left these days. Wikipedia has a fair account of how they left the joint “better than they found it”.
‘Better’ only if defined as empty and carpeted with bones.
forgot the lin:
To realise how futile and utterly ridiculous climate change policy is in practical terms, you just have to remember that humanity is responsible for about 3% of overall CO2 emissions. So if mankind disappeared from the earth tomorrow, the difference would hardly be noticeable. (Even assuming that CO2 is actually harmful which, of course, it isn’t). The whole approach seems like murder/suicide on an industrial scale. But, of course, it makes perfect sense if the goal is to drastically reduce the human population. The level of insanity required to adhere to such a course is beyond my imagination but seems to be perfectly acceptable to those currently in positions of power.
Eugenics and Culling the Human Herd, Why Davos WEF is Promoting Impossible Zero Carbon Green Agenda
And lesbian aboriginal women are worse of all:
Lesbian and bisexual women experience more physical, sexual and emotional abuse
than exclusively heterosexual women
Emotional abuse by a partner was the most commonly reported type of abuse across all sexual
identity groups. Experiences of emotional abuse were most commonly reported among women who
identified as bisexual (46%), followed by women who identified as mainly heterosexual (32%), lesbian
(28%), and exclusively heterosexual (21%). Women who identified as mainly heterosexual, bisexual,
or lesbian were twice as likely to report physical abuse by a partner as women who identified as
exclusively heterosexual (24%, 29%, and 22%, versus 12%, respectively) (Szalacha et al. 2017)
They were mostly peaceful.
The Belgians were the most peaceful.
The Germans were peaceful colonists
I beg to differ as I saw ‘The African Queen’
They love you, Googleory, and asked to be remembered to you as an oracle of world anthropological wisdom when I told them I would probably be speaking with you about the mystery of Easter Island.
However, when I was there about 15 years ago, none of them had any clue about why their forefathers destroyed their own Polynesian civilisation by cutting down all the island’s trees — probably as part of their program of building their own famous giant Malcolm Fraser statues.
Hope that helps.
em>The Germans were peaceful colonists
I beg to differ as I saw ‘The African Queen’
93.1% of Big Lap Barry and Shirls have a dash cam and will be lining up at the next town to report “the cranky young buck in the V8”.
PS Googleory: I have visited Easter Island twice.
It’s a fascinating place, right down to the grove of gum trees in the middle of the island.
April 14, 2023 at 8:15 pm
The Germans were peaceful colonists
They were mostly peaceful.
The Belgians were the most peaceful.
More BS from Dotty Dot of Dottiness. The Belgian Congo was a shit hole. They (The Belgians) raped the place.
As they do, ZK2A, when ‘awkward’ questions are asked.
Jesus Christ you dolt, that was SARCASM.
Enjoy the show.
Valerian 2017 Incredible Opening Scene HD Space Oddity David bowie
You are shilling for a CBDC by running interference for social credit schemes?
So, Mrs Dotty Dot, what the fark is CBDC? Crappy Bionic DickHead Cretin or wot’? Sounds appropriate to me with you being so Dotty Dotty.
One thing we discovered during the black death we barely managed to survive last couple of years, was that government doesn’t do its own dirty work any more – they just pass legislation requiring others to do it for them or cop a hefty fine. They’ll do the same thing with bank records – “Give us the data we demand, or cop a fine.”
The bastards are capable of it despite civil conscription being frowned upon in most civilised countries.
Let the shills damn the concept with their own words.
April 14, 2023 at 7:09 pm
I see upthread (Areff at 6.23) that the Liddell woman from SNAICC refers to the over-representation of Aboriginal children in protection schemes. This is good evidence that there is a serious problem of abuse of these children in their families.
Particularly since the child “protection” authorities seem to bend over backwards to avoid taking indigenous kiddies into care.
For those interested, Midway is on tonight – Gem.
Some great special effects so far.
Blackstone’s Trillion Dollar COLLAPSE | Worst Bank Run EVER
I hate Illinois Nasties. Not as bad as Grampian Nasties though. A bit easier to find too. They got a good start with the Teutonic Knights. All that good cherman stock in South Australia, had to be some crazies in there. I’m starting to sound like Special Ed. Better go and take more drugs.
Winston Smith says:
April 14, 2023 at 7:47 pm
Don’t understand, you mean you don’t actually have your Kindle books on your hard drive or On your phone or your eReader?
How do you read them when away from the internet?
Top Ender says:
April 14, 2023 at 5:22 pm
Something I forgot to say about Auckland. Most of the expensive stores – fashion clothing, handbags, ritzy sunglasses, jewellery, and so on – had their doors closed, and a security guard stationed inside. If you wanted to go in, you knocked politely, and if the guard liked the look of you, you were allowed in.
That happens in Brisbane as well.
Bruce O’Nuke:
I think I see your problem about it’s chances – what were you trying to feed it to?
Grandpa Ed Simpson
The Germans were in …, South West Africa … until 1919.
They left all those places better than they found them.
The Herero people, subject to treatment amounting to near genocide, might beg to differ.
April 14, 2023 at 8:26 pm
More BS from Dotty Dot of Dottiness. The Belgian Congo was a shit hole. They (The Belgians) raped the place.
Jesus Christ you dolt, that was SARCASM.
No it wasn’t and you know it. That was just so typical of your ignorance of History and Geography.
Snap re SW Africa.
The Herero people, subject to treatment amounting to near genocide, might beg to differ.
Great minds, Boambee John.
investigations or notifications per 1000 children.
Unfortunately the kids and communities are suffering. There are ways of dealing with this stuff but now it’s become a no go zone and so nothing gets fixed. It will take a leader with courage, but it can be done. I don’t give up hope. Perhaps Dutton is that leader?
Today, is the Anniversary of the Titanic hitting the Iceberg in 1912. A very sad outcome.
Stop bullshitting you imbecile. It was a put down of Ed’s ongoing idea if he can bullshit enough here he can make us look bad. Ed stated how Germans were “peaceful” colonisers.
I made an oblique reference to the 2020 Omar Jimenez report on CNN live in Kenosha during a BLM protest (re Jacob Blake shooting by police) where the banner read “FIERY BUT MOSTLY PEACEFUL PROTESTS AFTER POLICE SHOOTING.” whilst buildings burnt in the background behind Jimenez.
The Germans were not model colonisers. The Belgians were probably the worst. This is common knowledge and you are incredibly self centred if you think you taught me this fact.
School and reading books
Various military bloggers here
The internet generally, and various military history You Tubers
All got there before you champion.
…but do carry on, and keep on defending “Ed Case”, aka Grigory/Septimus in his effort to wreck this site with inaccurate and racist shit under the guise of “Ed”.
Delta A says:
April 14, 2023 at 6:14 pm
Excellent summary of Phillip Island attractions. And for a souvenir or gift for a bikie friend, a poster of the Grand Prix circuit.
Years ago (20) I came across a schematic of the Clipsal 500 race track that was to be held on a cut down version of the former Adelaide F1 Grand Prix circuit. The plan is about 1.m x 500mm. It was rolled up on a shelf in an office and (to cut a long story short) was destined for the rubbish tip. It’s signed by the engineers from Kellogg, Brown and Root who designed the track. Nobody seemed interested so I snaffled it. 🙂
The Soviets were comprised of Russians, Ukrainians, Georgians, etc …
Fast forward to 1:27 in to grasp the true width and depth of the supposedly almighty and very former Soviet Unionionion …
If one were a cynic, one might suggest that russians are reverting (again) to their traditional habits of “liberating” territory, ports and peoples, although this time, they’re (allegedly) not marching under the banner of soviet collectivism.