The process of self-transcendence through mutual growth and feedback is something that can be achieved in all walks of life and in all fields. It is possible for us to achieve it in our personal relations. It may not depend only on us, and it may lead to disappointments. But isappointments are met with in all phases of life. Our task is never to give way to a feeling that we did not receive what was our due. For as long as we live, we always receive more than is our due. To realize this, we have only to learn that there is nothing that the world owes us. We all can participate in the heritage of man. We all can help to preserve it. And we all can make our own modest contribution to it. We must not ask for more.
Karl Popper, “Knowledge and the Body-Mind Problem”
Stating the bleeding obvious. Why Fascism and Communism are Two Sides of the Same Coin
I just noticed none of the major news outlets will allow comments on the resignation of the Liberal ministers in favour of the Voice. One is inclined furiously to wonder.
Gratitude, as I have learned over many long years, helps you sleep peacefully.
Focussing on and appreciating what you have.
Sadly the society we live in is not built this way any longer, different values.
The concept that if you have more than me, you must have something of mine, is encouraged today. Reparations, is the word of the moment.
People should appreciate what they have.
However, man’s ability to overcome challenges and advance the species was born from the never ending desire for more.
Be it more power, more glory, gold, food, territory.
Both these points are important and need to be understood.
Mmm…iirc, Popper was nominally Lutheran.
This statement is very Lutheran, but refracted through a secular lens .
Yes Roger, correct:)
Late to the party; again.
“There are invisible rulers who control the destinies of millions. It is not generally realized to what extent the words and actions of our most influential public men are dictated by shrewd persons operating behind the scenes.”
Edward Bernays, 1928
See also:
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
That casts some light on why Popper co-authored The Self and Its Brain with John Eccles, a Nobel Prize winning Christian neuroscientist. They made it clear their work was an exploration not a declaration. I read it 40 years ago and it left me with impression they were going for a dualist angle. The book was a forerunner of consciousness studies. Too dated now, as are most of those consciousness studies. We don’t understand consciousness and I still entertain dreams of dualism. A small faint hope as Manning Clarke stated in an interview.