Too soon?
Too soon?
Pension not passion.No hope of that increasing
Excellent find by Michael Smith. Listen to the Saudi tell the filthy Pallies the truth about themselves. The clip has…
Top Ender March 7, 2025 10:04 amWill be interesting seeing the EV vehicles in the south-east Qld streets, unable to charge,…
Scam email today which could be very effective in the right age group telling me my passion has increased and…
The latest Pauline Hanson “Please Explain” Video – The Woke Mind Virus.
Absolute Gold (again).
KD has done it again …
Steve tricklersays:
April 21, 2023 at 8:36 pm
The frogs are going off. They’d have to be burrowing under fence lines to get a root.
The frogs could not get under any fence line. The only line they know of is way back away from the front line. The British Commonwealth Armies saved their arses in 2 World Wars.
I haven’t set foot in the cbd of Perth for some years – which SF bookstore would that be?
Ducked in to Perf’s pre-eminent SF bookstore the other day, got a copy of Caliphate by Tom Kratman.
Available for free online for Kindle.
Any list of all time great SF that doesn’t include Heinlein and the incomparable Poul Anderson isn’t for real.
Lizzie might really like Anderson’s ” The Queen of Air and Darkness”.
Ed Casesays:
April 21, 2023 at 5:48 pm
Mr Case, I’d like you to consider the detonation of an Israeli nuclear device 300m under the Twin Towers.
Hypothetically, of course.
What’s your hypothesis, Cletus?
Oi, idiot features, I am the one and only Cletus the Illustrious. Keep your nicknames straight.
Good Lord, today’s Cat has been emotional torture. Albo mushrooms are right up there with frozen tomato paste tranny pessaries.
Come, blessed forgetfulness of McWilliams Royal Reserve…
The placards are spot on:
Feminism is anti-trans
End coal and gas immediately – f*ck the economy
Change the constitution who cares?!
Although I’m very disappointed the chainsaw wasn’t utilised. ?
April 21, 2023 at 8:51 pm
The latest Pauline Hanson “Please Explain” Video – The Woke Mind Virus.
Absolute Gold (again).
That is so funny. But now back to the reality. Right now, we are Farked.
James Morrow’s US Report on Sky is a rubbish program these days, nothing but anti-Trump and that is not just him but from most of his guests. If that’s what he is about the I could just as well watch any free to air or their ABC. It’s a good thing Rowan and Rita keep him in check on The Outsiders.
Oops – credit goes to Tommy for first posting it.
After the Latho “stating the bleeding obvious about homosexual acts” imbroglio, nice to see One Nation just getting on with it regardless.
Dot says:
April 21, 2023 at 6:39 pm
Where have people in Eastern Ukraine gone as refugees? Not to Russia, but to western Europe. Just because they speak Russian does NOT mean they invited Russian irregular forces to infiltrate their provinces and create a state of lawlessness.
Every single province in 1991 voted for Ukrainian independence. Yes votes for disputed provinces:
Donetsk Oblast 83.90%
Luhansk Oblast 83.86%
Sevastopol City 57.07%
Crimean ASSR 54.19%
According to some reports, approximately 2.8m Ukrainians have travelled into Russia since the conflict began. To be fair, there are also other reports that almost half (1.2m) were forcibly repatriated which seems extraordinary as it effectively means almost 100,000 people per month were forced to relocate into Russia. I find that very hard to believe and if nothing else, why? Why import people that will be socially disruptive? Or lock them up meaning shelter, feed, guard them? Or import them and then let them go in which case they will only return to the Ukraine and the cycle begins again. No, the high number of forced repatriation alleged by some in the West (parroting the Ukrainians) cannot be correct. This isn’t post WW2 and Russian retribution on German POWs and others who found themselves delivered to gulags in Siberia.
As for the figures you quote, the percentages are the voter turnout rates – not those in favour of independence. In Sevastopol for example, 57% voted yes but from only 38% of eligible voters. Crimea was 54% of 37% of eligible voters. Luhansk was 83% of 68% whilst Donetsk was 83% of 64%. Not quite as overwhelming as intimated.
Following the vote, when the Ukraine came into being as a sovereign nation, the Crimea was granted special autonomous status. It had its own President, constitution, parliament, made laws applicable only within the Crimea, exercised rudimentary “border” controls of those coming in/out from the Ukraine, etc. Then, in 1993, the central Government in Kiev abolished the Crimea’s special status, cancelled the constitution and dismissed the parliament. Crimeans were enraged and Moscow protested but could do nothing at the time – except remember and wait.
Johnny Rottensays:
April 21, 2023 at 8:52 pm
Steve tricklersays:
April 21, 2023 at 8:36 pm
The frogs are going off. They’d have to be burrowing under fence lines to get a root.
The frogs could not get under any fence line. The only line they know of is way back away from the front line. The British Commonwealth Armies saved their arses in 2 World Wars.
They’ve just flicked off like someone flicking a switch. Bed time for them. Happy to hear them in the burbs.
It’s not frogs, it’s crickets. They are very loud this year and sound just like frogs. There are dead crickets all around the house, I use surface spray which does work to some extent. The crickets are also skittering away when I cut the grass. I have not seen so many crickets in my life.
Yea, Xi makes similar claims about Taiwan.
Thanks Rabz, it certainly is a good one.
Speaking of wild critters, much bouncing on Cafe roof tonight.
Young Mz Brushtail arrived, received some bread and a carrot. Then young Mr Brushtail arrived. This is quite the domestic controversy since he is her brother. Which isn’t preventing him from following her around like a puppy.
Both are scions of elderly Lady Brushtail, who has moved on to a different territory, thereby leaving the Cafe to her daughter.
I think she’s decided he smells wrong, so his amorous intent is stymied. I assisted by bribing him with bread-and-carrot too. But they’re still bouncing around on my roof as I write. Love is love, in the natural world.
OK – once more for the uninquisitive partisan dullards among our beloved j’ismist fraternity.
Teats Peanuthead has been busy “attending to” his newest mistress since late December last year, you f*cking lazy staggeringly stupid collectivist frauds. She’s front and centre in Teats’ NPC bloviating last Tuesday (hint, she’s the one in ostentatious white, prominently placed right under his Lawreyesque nose).
Breaking this story will see both of them go down in flames. Massive conflicts of interests.
Get out there and start reporting it, or I will, FFS.
No more warnings, you useless f*cks.
April 21, 2023 at 9:08 pm
Steve trickler says:
April 21, 2023 at 8:36 pm
The frogs are going off. They’d have to be burrowing under fence lines to get a root.
It’s not frogs, it’s crickets. They are very loud this year and sound just like frogs. There are dead crickets all around the house, I use surface spray which does work to some extent. The crickets are also skittering away when I cut the grass. I have not seen so many crickets in my life.
Ed Casesays:
April 21, 2023 at 7:51 pm
Ol’ Sancho was vergin’ on a Racism/BadWhites bender earlier over the 6 year old and her parents that were shot after a bucket’ball landed in some redneck’s yard.
Latest on the story is the victims are White and the shooter is Black.
Grandpa Ed Simpson
And exactly why do you think that that excludes racism from the equation? Do you take the view that it impossible for other races to display racism against whites? Or are you simply stupid?
You are right, it’s brilliant. Thanks for the link.
Fake comfort. Logic doesn’t make woke heads explode. They are utterly impervious to it.
What? The aristocratic Chloe is being cheated on?
The joys of having once been a “Scamberra Insider”.
I fled the cesspit six years ago to the day and have not looked back, until now, as I’d like to right a wrong, as pointless as that might seem.
If you’ve ever wondered why this country is circling the drain, then look no further than our quisling political/meeja/braindead bureaucrat caste – they’re akin to the blowflies that hover around and feed off a massive festering cowpat.
Yep. Hopefully the “Hell will have no fury concept” is about to be invoked.
They could have voted NO, but decided to stay home.
“We’ll wait until Russia invades and kills our part time countrymen because we couldn’t be bothered turning up to vote”
If 37% of eligible voters voted yes in Crimea, then only 32% said no.
A wise move to get rid of the autonomous Parliament, Putin would have used that to justify his vainglorious imperialism.
So did Putin give them their Parliament back? Are they enjoying autonomy yet?
There’s almost something Biblical, isn’t there?
The Secret Reason Why Bud Light Chose Dylan Mulvaney | Guest: James Lindsay
“Teats Peanuthead has been busy “attending to” his newest mistress since late December last year, you f*cking lazy staggeringly stupid collectivist frauds.”
Rabz, we will talk about this on the weekend.
Johnny Rotten says:
April 21, 2023 at 6:32 pm
Incorrect. The war has been going on since 2014 with the USA and NATO behind the whole thing with the UKR Army having a go at Eastern Ukraine (which is Russian speaking and with Russian people).
Started before that. Former US President Clinton gave the State Department ‘free reign’ to bring as many of the ex-Soviet nations into NATO as possible although many needed little convincing after decades under USSR rule.
Each time the Russians protested about the encroachment but NATO (USA) had growing visions of an isolated Russia with NATO at their doorstep. Meanwhile, nobody had their eyes on China as it was a ‘developing nation’ and a thoroughly useful place to manufacture Western products cheaply.
Then, something strange happened.
The relationship between Russia and China became much closer as Russia acted to fortify their economy. President Putin didn’t wake up one morning in February 2022 and decide to invade Ukraine – there is a boatload of history about this and the re-taking of Crimea in 2014 (post Maidan) was just the first overt military step in something that has its genesis a decade before.
Bookshop is White Dwarf, Albert Facey House near the Wellington Street green cactus Art.
…my knowledge of Perth is now fairly narrow.
Tits Peanuthead must have something in his pants which is truly magnificent. It’s hard to understand the rising star status which was granted to him by the AWU, Pratt, Labor, Their ABC, Chloe Parkin-Shorten nee Bryce, and now whichever bird he’s covering.
Yep. Shoigu publicly said in late 2021 that it’d be nice to re-establish the Soviet empire. The context for that remark was the 30 year anniversary of the takeover of South Ossetia. I suspect the Ukrainians might’ve noticed this, and also noticed the several Russia tanks flying large Soviet flags during the first few weeks of the war. Sometimes the Russians like to politically shoot themselves in both feet.
Thank you.
Stevie T at 9.15:
Are you not aware, sir, that crickets affected by BOM directed weather beams sound like frogs?
Heed the calls of the cricketfrogs, because they are also a much more effective predictor of earthquakes than Minnesota accountants.
Dot says:
April 21, 2023 at 9:34 pm
Sure, it was a huge miscalculation to stay at home and not vote.
When all this is over, I thoroughly recommend Crimea to your ‘to do’ list as a destination. It has very attractive landscapes with lovely welcoming people, old buildings, nice beaches, plenty to see and do etc. And if you’re into WW2 history, it is a rock solid gem. But it is also Russian, Russian, Russian. Solidly and unmistakably. I’m surprised that almost anybody voted ‘yes’ in Crimea.
Politics is Hollywood for ugly people … in Canbra.
Miranda Devine: This might be the breakthrough Biden story
Anyway, “Sliante” to all you mob.
Currently reading a very good book “Hunting the Viet Cong – the Counterinsurgency Campaign in South Vietnam 1961- 63.” – one of those, written with access to the Viet Cong’s own documentation. The much despised Diem Government came far closer to crushing the Viet Cong then they were ever given credit for – large areas of South Vietnam were under Government control before the coup in 1963. The myth of the Viet Cong as the gallant little bunch of Robin Hoods, fighting for their independence, is exploded – they were extremely violent and savage towards their own people – beheading civilians, mutilating children and destroying schools and hospitals were all considered legitimate tactics. Interesting reading.
Anyhooo, kalinichta yatou. Off to blues improv nite, which I’ll need a fair bit of Coopers XPA to get excited about.
Spoonmantle currently living up to their reputation against the Western Bulldogs.
Except it won’t be. Until the (alleged) next one.
If “they”* got away with the 2020 fraud (which they did) then fuggeddabooditt.
Consoivatives – this Century’s Donkee Otees.
*Yeah, yeah, collectivists.
“But it is also Russian, Russian, Russian. Solidly and unmistakably. “
Correct, and if it isn’t Russian, it’s Tartar. Crimea is not and has never been Ukrainian. It was Khrushchev in the 1950s who transferred governance of Crimea to Ukraine, not thinking that the Soviet Union would ever fall apart.
Enjoy, Wally.
Meh. I’m only into scandiwegian math metal right now, like the incomparable Kvelertak. Gotta love a band with their own theme music.
This is the sort of important shit the police do
The appearance of those elusive Grampian Nazis at the Let Women Speak rally in Melbourne a month ago was a very deliberate hit job, orchestrated and planned with the connivance of the Victorian police and government.
Yeltsin and Clinton both went behind the back of the public in each nation and had to save face. Clinton had a waiting room. John McCain, Biden etc, did not like the “waiting room”.
More people voted yes than no. About an equal amount didn’t bother to vote at all.
Russia has some problems if claims are going to be made on historic terms.
1915 map of Southern Russia and “Little Russia” (Ukraine) from Moscow (Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology).
“NSW Police have launched an investigation after a group of senior King’s School students allegedly killed a goanna at a school camp last month.”
All part of the demonisation of private schools. Kings is a very good school.
Walli get back to us when you find Dimmu Borgir and Varg Vikernes.
Knuckle Draggersays:
April 21, 2023 at 10:01 pm</strong
I'd be to have have of all your bones broken before you flinched. Your're a wakner, KD. With that said, I'd be happy to share a meal with you.
Is this real?
…they were camping…
…are we not allowed to eat animals we kill ourselves?
What is this, a vegan police state?
Animal cruelty is not good, but that is not what is being claimed.
“Goannas are endangered!”
Yes, so that untrained children can hunt them?
…good to know some idiot might call the cops when I camping next and eat a rainbow trout I catch.
Bro this is psychotic, calm down.
By cricketfrogs?
Because of the weather radar beams?
This is an actual definition, from Urban Dictionary:
You’re so genteel, when you’re not calling women dipshits.
April 21, 2023 at 10:50 pm
Not at all. He’s alright and your rush to judgment fits with MSM whores.
““NSW Police have launched an investigation after a group of senior King’s School students allegedly killed a goanna at a school camp last month.””
All the boys have to do is claim to be indigenous.
I’ve caught, killed and eaten a goanna.
Oh God. I’m a Milat.
Sure, I’m a regular David Koch.
I would self non continue/zero credit if I had that insufferable voice.
Is this a matter for the police in the first place?
Cats – I’m now barely into a four day weekend. Some (brief) ruminations on ANZAC Day and the pointlessness of war.
Thanks to Eddles, I’m at a loss as to how my ol’ man with his Italiano surname wasn’t condemned to languishing in an internment camp from ’39 to ’43.
Instead, he served with distinction as an Australian Army Captain and frontline field surgeon in New Guinea from 1943 until his final assignment in a massive field hospital in Cape York from ’44 to ’46.
WW2 was an absolute abomination. The worst of humanity and then some.
If Satan has ever blatantly emerged onto this earth, it was during the nayzees’ and the soviets’ rampage across eastern Europe from ’39 to ’45, when that demon was goading his earthly bound helpers to commit ever new excesses.
Yet here we are, witnessing another conflict in Eastern Europe, ploughing the same old barely tilled ground.
My view of the US has also changed irrevocably – to quote the Steyn: “The USA is harmless as an enemy and treacherous as a friend”, which is paraphrasing the Kissinger:
“To be an enemy of the US is dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal”
Then they all headed off to their comfy sinecures at the Henry Kissinger Peace Academy. 🙂
Mr Milat, now listen here, champ.
I would have all of your bones broken you colossal cock smoker, but other than that, I’d gladly grab a pub grub burger and a schooner or three with you.
Indolent, April 21, 2023 at 10:14 pm
Tax treatment? Devine is playing softball. Have we forgotten about the Biden admin’s decision to use the FBI to raid his main political opponent? Which one of these is really in the same vein as, and worse than, Watergate?
Letting Hunter keep a bit more of his own money doesn’t seem quite as shocking compared to how Joe likes to earn that money and win elections.
I can cite you those, with an Italiano surname, who languished in an internment camp, while their sons taught Mussolini’s army the art of soldiering in North Africa……
Easy, big fella.
Sure. I’d have a mixed grill and a beer with you. I’d be draped in your own intestines, but that would add to the ambience.
I must have missed that comment re pessaries.
Yuk. This is taking their play-acting to extraordinary lengths.
Completely mental.
Like Anthony Perkins at the end of Psycho.
For pity’s sake get these people out of our schools.
If Old Bill is really playing the Lothario (again) it has to be the most spectacular self destruction since the last silly old goat – Barnabeee.
What gets into them ?
Older fellas tipping over the cliff of lust for youthful beauty. Goethe and a sixteen year old girl. Adelaide poet Geoff Dutton left his missus of many years for a young twenty something not long before his final stanza. Many others.
ZK2A – one of my best mate’s ol’ man was a Sicilian who served in Abyssinia before being apprehended by the Ozzies during the North African campaign and sent to Oz, where he was imprisoned with other axis captives until the end of the war.
He lived peacefully here once released, brought up a family and tended his mighty suburban garden until his death at the age of 97 in 2008. One of the most gentle, civilised and educated men I’ve had the privilege of knowing in my life. His olives were the best I’ve ever tasted.
His son (who remains one of my best friends) that I’ve known since I was four, is now happily married to a womanage of Sicilian extraction, they live in Haberfield in a mighty Federation Pile with their lovely son and daughter, Johnny and Jess (both of whom are fluent in classical Italian).
This is the immigrant story writ large, again. It should send hearts soaring.
Cassie, check your email.
The womanage in this case is 40.
Exquisite, but that is irrelevant.
S’ok. It’s Friday nite. Everyone’s a little bit oiled up for the long weekend.
Just hanging out and tossing the world around a bit. Nothing serious.
Sleep tight, lovelies. My bed and book calls.
Rabz, a song.
Not all smoke comes from a real fire, just the broken heart’s embers.
As they say, this too will pass. Better days are ahead.
There could be some hints here: Wartime internment camps in Australia
See also the Transport voyage of the HMT Dunera to Australia. aka ‘The Dunera Boys’.