No waste on Melania, her waist is where its supposed to be.
No waste on Melania, her waist is where its supposed to be.
Overseas Actors is a way of saying the local scum can carry on coz we won’t be investigating them.
Also certain other types of men. Iraq lowers age of consent to 9 years old with sick law to allow…
Does generations of incestuous first cousin marriage lead to mental problems?
Their cult demands it. It’s as simple as that. The Cult adherent no longer has free will. They are mentally…
Far-left Oakland, California is losing their last professional sports team, the professional baseball ‘Athletics’. This is the third professional sports team to leave Oakland in recent years.
The city had been negotiating with the team about building a new ballpark, but the team abruptly stopped discussions and announced their move.
I’m sure there is a lesson here.
No, this lot are unique.
Probably never, so many are lemmings and happy to fall off the edge of civilization.
I’m hoping this freak makes MSM headlines ….
It does provide a substantial firepower addition at section level, for very little cost. Unlike the alternatives which are generally heavier, cost a lot more, and much more complicated.
Otherwise, spot on.
Dr F at 12:24
They knew.
That is why they aren’t firing her outright.
I’m hoping this freak makes MSM headlines ….
Ask and yee shall receive.
He got famous fast.
Wow o wow. How many bikies & crims will exploit this. The CMFEU rally doing Hakas in Melbourne a couple of weeks ago makes me think there’s too many Kiwi thugs here now:
It was a rhetorical question, intention doesn’t translate well in text sometimes.
But yes. That’s exactly what I meant.
I was actually hoping headlines for a different reason… as a statistic if you know what I mean.
Unless it’s our finger on the launch button, we may not as well have them.
But then, would you have the spivs, liars, and cheats currently in power be the deciders?
Jeez. Talk about tough decisions.
If the CCP decides to take the yuuuge call (and existential risk) to let go nukes, I would expect that we would not be their best risk/reward target. So having nukes close by, even in US hands, would offer some kind of deterrent.
Her name is “Overdyke”. Of course it is.
Re the shortage of tradeie – I think the whole system, which is based on market and social conditions that prevailed many decades ago, needs to be overhauled. For instance, why on earth do four year and even three year apprenticeships still exist? That’s as long as it takes to get a law degree or an accounting degree.
I’m not saying that trades are for dummies, or implying that there is not much to learn. But I can see why young people might baulk at years of low wages while they are used as unskilled labour and lunch/coffee fetchers. Compressing the time frame and clearly structuring the training would make it much more attractive. Quite possibly this would include an option for the equivalent of a higher degree for those who want it, and a basic qualification for those who don’t.
And I agree that the bureaucratic demands on trainers are ludicrous. Ideally, you would wipe the lot and start with a blank sheet of paper, listing the essentials only and prioritising the minimisation of bureaucracy.
Since I have been living in a tradie-infested motel, I have overheard many conversations when groups of tradies have a beer on the verandah in the evening. They talk about work all the time, sharing experiences and tips, often at a very technical level. This is continuing education at its best, IMO, and many an apprentice would benefit greatly from it. Linking apprentices up informally with experienced people would be a very valuable adjunct to classroom work and also address the limitations of being attached to a single employer.
Just a few thoughts – instead of more of the same we need to think more laterally about making the pathways to trades more productive and attractive.
The Courier Mail today:
Palaszczuk polling plunge to 31% approval.
Cost of living, youth crime and hospital waiting lists feature in voters’ concerns.
A pandemic won’t save her this time.
Because they do one day at TAFE and the rest on the job.
(For a lack of tradies)
Fair enough, a bit harsh on the poor buggers at the bottom of the ladder. But when government won’t do the job they’re paid bloody generously to do, and the people keep voting for them because they’re ‘for the wukkas’, what the Hell else is there to do?
Apart from HoP time that is.
I thought metrification was supposed to fix this?
No more inches and feet stuff. Now they just get the measurements stuffed up in percentages of the original specs.
Actually, I thought of this in jest, but wasn’t that the problem? Misplaced decimal points?
Another glorious day in the Southern Tablelands. That is FOUR this week! They have been so few and far between that I actually count them.
I have been rushing to get my outside work done in the morning. Yesterday afternoon and today have been spent furiously baking for a big family and friends celebration tomorrow. I’m bringing the sweeties. So far I have baked “Apricot, Macadamia and Blood Orange Biscotti”, 3 Banana Cakes, the kids favourite Lady Bug Bikkies. I have Ginger Zacs in the oven and I still have to bake my Crunchy Breakfast Bikkies filled with five different flavours of choc chips.
I miss my commercial oven. I was able to bake five large trays at a time in it. Now I have to make do with two trays in a tiny oven. sigh…. Who cares! I get to see the little ones tomorrow! 😀
I was chatting with an apprentice plumber at my place recently.
He enjoys the work but finds the course work challenging, particularly the maths.
Most trades have long apprenticeships because it takes that long to become a skilled tradesman. It’s much harder to become a sparky than to complete an arts degree. Anyone who thinks that people who can actually do things are not smart is a fool. Most apprenticeships have a high dropout rate because of the difficulty. The reason 1st year pay is low is because the best they can do is watch, cleanup and put away the tools.
So why isn’t the private sector stepping in? Are they forbidden? Is the government refusing licensing for graduates?
ChatGPT can complete an arts degree.
An AI that could become a tradie would really impress me. It’s not going to happen soon.
Probably the best analysis of the trannie dysphoria, its focus on kids, its MO and its spokespersons; by Salty.
Deregulation of the vocational sector was tried in Victoriastan. Made KRuddy’s pink batt program look pretty good in comparison.
Part of the problem with the tradie shortage is an unintended consequence of the Greiner/Kennet public-sector reforms. Yes, the railways, state electricity commissions and other utilities were overstaffed, sometimes grossly so. But that meant that they trained many more apprentices than they really needed, creating a pool of qualified tradies who would move on to work for private companies or as sole traders. (The NSW SEC and the Chullora railway workshops were famous for this, and for staff taking tools when they left.) The states were, in effect, providing free training for private industry.
With the cuts and privatisations, the training pathways were cut off and not replaced.
What a hoot! Perhaps she’s protecting someone further up the ladder and is holding out for more loot. In which case, they haven’t learnt their lesson. Which means they’re going to have to relearn it again.
Their fingers are caught in the sausage mincing machine, and no matter which way they turn the handle, it’s going to hurt.
April 22, 2023 at 2:15 pm
Most trades have long apprenticeships because it takes that long to become a skilled tradesman. It’s much harder to become a sparky than to complete an arts degree. Anyone who thinks that people who can actually do things are not smart is a fool. Most apprenticeships have a high dropout rate because of the difficulty. The reason 1st year pay is low is because the best they can do is watch, cleanup and put away the tools.”
I’d like to add to the above, a badly trained tradesman can kill if he makes mistakes. The worst an Arts Degree holder can do is break their crayons.
It’s like choosing a Doctor. You really want to be sure the Doc is well trained.
On the other hand, diversity and Abo apprentices are slipped through regardless of how useless they will always be because “muh rights as a loser”, versus your “white privilege”.
I need to know if there is a safe upper limit for “Schadenfreude”.
I’m becoming concerned at mine from the amount I’m experiencing today as I watch the smartest people in the room stumble from one self inflicted catastrophe to the next.
Laurence Fox: Is it any wonder people shut their mouths and try to avoid saying the wrong thing?
Many…many apprenticeships require hard physical work. Boys come out of YR10-12 soft as, and need to harden up. The best ones are the guys who’ve played a lot of contact sports, but I was surprised at some weeds who flourished mixing mud and wheeling barrows and placing stone. Wiry – they toughened up in no time.
As for girls doing this type of work…nup. They’d flake at the first mix. You’d have to set them on planting or even irrigation, which would be frowned upon by the fellows who are working much harder. Fortunately no takers after the first glance at the Porta-Loo.
The older blokes are surprising tolerant of the newbies, but that soon pales if they spot a slacker. I used to put hopefuls on a few week’s probation to see if they enjoyed the work, the ones who survived might be offered an apprenticeship. Even then many are called but few get to the end. A lot of my guys have gone on to run their own businesses, some are sole traders and others run teams. And they have families of their own, so plenty of incentive to do well.
The Circle of Life.
Are there any horticulturalists about?
I’ve got stacks of these plants growing from bulbs in my garden, and from memory they are quite pretty. They flower during the day and the flower is about 6 inches long and trumpet shaped. There are multiple colours from white to deep reds and others.
They keep on coming up but don’t flower very often. I need to dig up the front garden and don’t want to kill them because they were the Child Brides favourite flower.
Can I just dig them up and transplant them, or dig them up and keep the bulb, or what?
I have a black thumb. The only thing I’m having success with is Frangipanis which you can’t kill with an axe.
Funny how the expression ‘green finger’, for a gardener became the springboard for ‘green thumb’ to explain those of us with less skill and more clumsiness in the horticultural realm. Now green thumb seems to be the standard term so a new one gets developed…
Winston, they are the glorious Amaryllis. These days known as Hippeastrum. I prefer the older name.
Calli is the expert, she will help you. I have five different ones. I adore them and they last well as cut flowers.
The worst an Arts graduate can do is break our whole social and economic system – which is what they are busily engaged in doing.
Nobody is advocating for badly trained tradies. But I do think that the training system for trades is often archaic, wasteful and unlikely to attract the kind of people who are likely to succeed. I remember in the 1960s a friend of mine was a plumber’s apprentice for a couple of years, before he quit in disgust. All his boss gave him to do was to clean out greasetraps, dig trenches and get the lunches. He learned very little, and he was a smart guy. So he quit and set up his own business as a motor mechanic, entirely self-taught, and very successful.
The point is, the old model of apprentices as lowly paid dogsbodies is not delivering. Why would it?
April 22, 2023 at 2:15 pm
Most trades have long apprenticeships because it takes that long to become a skilled tradesman. It’s much harder to become a sparky than to complete an arts degree. Anyone who thinks that people who can actually do things are not smart is a fool. Most apprenticeships have a high dropout rate because of the difficulty. The reason 1st year pay is low is because the best they can do is watch, cleanup and put away the tools.
Worth repeating.
And tacit knowledge.
For instance, why on earth do four year and even three year apprenticeships still exist?
Wrong answer:
Because they do one day at TAFE and the rest on the job.
Correct answer:
It depends on how quickly the apprentice can pick the Trade up and complete the block training satisfactorily.
Trade School used to be done at night, in the Apprentice’s own time.
It shifted to a day or two a fortnight about 50 years ago.
That’s about the time that employing apprentices became uneconomic.
Nowadays, many Electrical Apprentices are employed by Government funded bodies that move apprentices from where they’re not required to where they are.
It seems to work okay, if an employer finds an apprentice that fits in and is really good, they can take on his Indentures.
Night School was the best system, it weeded out most of the pissheads and no hopers and the employer wasn’t a man short for a coupla weeks every few months.,
Winston, they are very hardy, and quite likely yours have multiplied over the years and are now overcrowded, hence not flowering well.
Once you are sure they are dormant (all leaves completely dead) just dig them up and replant them spaced out a bit. Divide any clumps of bulbs. Throw some compost and a handful of chook poo or blood and bone into the soil you are planting them in. Water well, then forget.
You’ll have a magnificent display next year!
Winston my wife suggests Hippieastrums, hope I spelled it right.
Hervey Bay, quite a nice place, very clean, a beautiful long beach strip, about 17km long, amazingly well kept and easy access. Everyone is friendly, the weather at the moment not that good, very windy, around the low 20’s with clouds. Oh well it can’t be perfect all the time I guess.
Apparently all the Tradies are moving to Quenthland.
Sorry, link won’t work. The story about Tradies moving to Queensland is at
It wasn’t until I looked up his name that I realised your point – I had to go to babies names and their meanings, then the surname.
So it’s probably acceptable behaviour in his family. Perhaps the Jews made him do it. 🙂
And you’re probably right – all charges will be dropped and the prick will get away with it.
There some serious transitioning going on here. Wow.
My nephew is a bricklayer who used to run his own business. He had to close it down because he couldn’t get anyone. He would trial applicants for a week(paid). Some took off at 1st smoko, others lasted till lunch, and 99% didn’t come back after the first day. Of the 30 or so he trialled only 1, a girl, lasted the week so he offered her an apprenticeship. She refused, saying it was not for her, but she completed the trial as she had made a commitment. Nephew gave her fantastic references because of her work ethic.
I don’t buy that, SWF. Tradies can be extremely intelligent or stupid. but it has nothing to do with the job. The job doesn’t require much smarts. It requires thoroughness, which is essentially methodical. Laying a wire from the board to, say, a light fixture 50 feet away doesn’t require the person doing that job to be as talented as, say, a neurosurgeon or even a tax attorney. It requires someone to be thorough and methodical. That’s not what I would call “wow” smarts.
One word … Instructors.
There are a gazillion private providers in hospitality, hairdressing, etc etc.
I know of one private construction provider on the Sunshine Coast. They advertise on Seek every week looking for qualified instructors. And the list of what they are looking for seems to get longer every couple of weeks
My view on what’s going on with tradies is that there was massive pent up demand for construction as we came out of the mandated lockdowns, etc. Those lockdowns retarded construction in the present. As time went on new construction demand came on stream. It was a demand shock as a result of bunching demand, and to some extent, it’s still going on. The market is behaving exactly as it should in order to allocate resources, or in this case, services, by allowing prices to allocate efficiently. We shouldn’t fear it. The market signal through high prices for trade services is telling us we need more tradespeople to be trained. Eventually, this will be resolved.
There is nothing small about Huf Houses.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s about time these idiots were given a good smacking down. I’m over their “We’ll offer what we could be bothered producing, and you can lump it.”
I don’t see my choices being limited in that way while they make the system so complex that new entrants can’t get in.
At the very least, life without parole.
JC is engaging in ultracrepadarianism again.
Dover, do you think this gross stuff is legit – that there are people who really believe this-or could it be a false flag from the right to make pro baby- hooverers look really bad? I can’t imagine anyone thinking like this as it’s beyond the pale.
What Joh said, Winston.
Amaryllis. Love them too, and they grow like weeds here. Wait until the strappy leaves die off, then up they come. They can stay out of the ground for a few weeks as you prepare new beds.
They like to be a bit crowded. Tops of the bulbs at ground level or a bit out of ground. Feed them, but beware of overdoing it as you’ll get few flowers and lots of leaves. Maybe something a bit heavier on the phosphorus rather than nitrogen. There are a heap of products on the market – pick a “flower and fruit” one.
A little bit of that is correct. Construction was only really closed down in Afdanistan . There was a trades shortage before COVID, but people were renovating ( I’m WFH ING so I don’t need to take time if to let tradie in) during the lockdowns and tradies were very difficult to find. Add Scummo offering a 25k incentive to build a new house and all that lovely Keynesian public infrastructure, and you have a perfect storm.
Tradies pissing off to the mines is factor as well. The carpenter who did our rennos on the Central Coast is working Fifo in WA, earning better than he did when self employed and none of the hassle of running the business as well.
Oh, and they like it hot and a bit dry – under the eaves on the north facing wall.
ngry Karen.
You obviously knew the transitioning comment was about you because of your recent comment self-identifying yourself as a woman.
So are you in a lesbian marriage, then? I’m not being judgemental, as you told us you identified as female and are now saying you have a “wife”.
What’s going on?
Yea Diogenes, like crazy.
How embarrassment!
Perhaps I should get my rhetorical gland transplant date moved up!
Dr Faustussays:
April 22, 2023 at 11:13 am
So, when was the first and last time that a Coal Fired Electricity Power Station burst into flames?
Last time: Callide C, May 2021.
Correct. But how many others and how long between each incident?
The relationship between investment bank JPMorgan Chase and deceased child sex predator Jeffrey Epstein was deeper than the firm has previously admitted, according to a Friday report from The Wall Street Journal.
Recent lawsuits filed against JPMorgan Chase assert that Epstein, who ran a hedge fund before his apparent suicide in 2019, benefited from special treatment at the investment bank because he attracted a number of wealthy clients.
Laying a wire from the board to, say, a light fixture 50 feet away doesn’t require the person doing that job to be as talented as, say, a neurosurgeon or even a tax attorney. It requires someone to be thorough and methodical. That’s not what I would call “wow” smarts.
Very good head prefect. In future when you address me prefix it with “wow” smarts.
It’s the NDIS. It is sucking labour supply out of everything else that pays for it.
I did an apprenticeship and worked as a technician for a few years, but found it boring, so I went to university and ended up doing a PhD. I would not go back to working in trades unless I had no other means of making a living, but that is just me.
A master troll.
On Thursday evening, Musk revealed that he’s paying for LeBron James, Stephen King and William Shatner’s blue check marks himself. Earlier that day, Twitter purged those coveted marks from accounts that opted out of the subscription. King wasn’t aware of the move until Musk alerted him of it
Le Bron James, the poor down trodden petal.
How did black men go from Malcolm X to the sook Le Bron?
I did an apprenticeship and worked as a technician for a few years, but found it boring, so I went to university and ended up doing a PhD
PhD in what?
Hard to say but I think you underestimate how depraved some people are. If people can rape toddlers this is not out of the question.
Unfortunately, MAD Theory has multiple steps between Launch on Warning etc.
I cannot find the original steps but IIRC there upwards of 30 of them.
At the initial stages there are the battlefield usage of 10 20Kt nukes against Russian/Soviet armoured thrusts into Europe. Then single use of larger weapons on peripheral targets of allied nations, then use against peripheral targets of the US.
What this means is that Australia is uniquely vulnerable to early use of a nuke by an enemy armed with nuclear weapons.
Allies such as Germany, Spain etc are too close to France and GB who will retaliate – perhaps. Would France risk Paris for Melbourne? Would the UK risk London for Sydney? Both Melbourne and Sydney are lower on the scale for retaliation than London or Paris.
No countries (of consequence to the major powers) are in the Australian fallout pattern.
Again, it’s about political appearances – if one side wants to ‘show their determination’ then Australia – as I said – is uniquely vulnerable. Our lack of nuclear weapons just exacerbates this weakness.
It’s real JC, look up hybristophilia*. Part of it is those involved in the process are turning them on, as well as their own actions.
I think it has more to do with getting back at people they don’t agree with and the thrill of more unprotected, frequent casual sex (with strangers) more than any urge to actually hurt the kid (I know Dover was just saying that as a matter of degree).
*Gratification from causing outrage to others.
It’s not only tradies — had an interesting discussion with my SIL who’s specialised in obstetrics nursing for 43 years. Was voted NSW and Australian Mid-wife of the year a few years ago, was at the delivery of my two sons and has delivered thousands of babies. In her 60s now, works part-time – a couple of weeks ago she was on shift — the charge nurse was a 25-year-old with limited experience.
My SIL, who is across her brief big-time noticed a bad trace (monitoring the fetal heart to assess likelihood of hypoxic injury ) on a woman in labour, not her patient – SIL was very concerned and advised the charge nurse to immediately inform the obstetrician of the situation — hours went by and again SIL urged to now call in the obstetrician because the trace was getting worse, meaning the baby was in real trouble (to cover herself my SIL and another senior nurse who’d seen what was going on, documented the whole timeline and exchange, chapter and verse) — that charge nurse did not inform the obstetrician who eventually came in — upshot –the baby was born ‘flat’ meaning on delivery the baby had to be resuscitate and spent time in the neo-natal ICU — it could have been worse — the obstetrician asked my SIL and the other senior nurse why hadn’t the charge nurse advised of the bad trace and the urgency? In no uncertain terms the answer was we did but we were ignored and besides that’s what happens when you put a 25-year-old inexperienced nurse on as charge nurse. It’s a worry, it really is and this happened in a private hospital. Good luck peoples.
April 22, 2023 at 2:04 pm
The Courier Mail today:
Palaszczuk polling plunge to 31% approval.
Cost of living, youth crime and hospital waiting lists feature in voters’ concerns.
A pandemic won’t save her this time.
I wish.
While I believe she and her cronies should stand trial and suffer a fitting punishment (in proportion to the deaths and suffering caused by her policies), the oldies that voted for her last time and got her across the line would vote for her in a heartbeat if she ‘keeps them safe’ again.
Factor in the rusted on ALP voters and the lack of a viable opposition and she is a shoo-in. We also have the wildcard of the masses of Victorians that migrated up here. Will they vote for her or did they escape the Gulag?
Apparently there is a clock in Times Square counting down to the end of the world due to climate change. That and a few good examples of failed predictions by alarmism:
Interesting choice of words —the court required her to tell the truth — does not mean she told the truth.
I mentioned it a coupla years ago and the Usual Suspects carried on with the Usual Phony Attack.
The suggestion then was that it was a hoax to suck in the anti-abortion campaigners.
Whether it’s legit, I can’t say, but I can say this:
Nothing that Lezzos do could surprise me, and if this is legit, they’re Lezzos for sure.
Amarillys – yes that’s the one. But the leaves never die off. Can I just dig them up and move them the same day without killing them?
We had one that would catch the winter sun as it set and the shed behind it would be in shade, but the flower would still be in nearly full sun. Same colour as the one linked. Lovely.
I hate every ape I see, from chimp in a, to Chimpanzee.
This is pretty good.
Dr. Zaius Was Right
Why the villains in the Planet of the Apes movies are actually right.
…they are!
April 22, 2023 at 4:32 pm
It’s real JC, look up hybristophilia*
*Gratification from causing outrage to others.
I thought it meant being turned on by criminals. Women who are attracted to criminals, even the worse kind such as murderers suffer from it. I’ve seen instances of otherwise sensible intelligent sheilas throwing their life away so as to be involved with some bad dude in jail. That’s when I wasn’t working on tax issues with my “wow” smarts.
Ford 302 – Windsor.
The wind helped.
Summernats 27 – Masters Qualifying – SICKO
It does too, but the etymology of the word means there can be some auto erotic motivations too.
Interesting choice of words —the court required her to tell the truth — does not mean she told the truth.
Higgins told the truth.
Just keep in mind that Higgins had the option of giving Evidence from another room but chose to give her evidence in person.
Lehrmann wouldn’t even take the stand.
Yeah, I know, the Jury couldn’t take an adverse inference from that choice, but … we’re not The Jury, and the inference I take is that he was as Guilty as Hell.
I don’t think there are “stupid” tradies, not for long anyway. All tradies are smart, some smarter than others.
Like stock traders, accountants, lawyers, pilots.
Hmmm yes.
Which is why she lied to the police about seeking “medical advice” and the DPP dropped the prosecution.
Human visual cognition of faces and objects. Not something I have any special interest in, but it was stimulating enough to get me through.
My father’s first job (in the Netherlands just after WWII) was as a telephone technician, after a few months’ training at a trade school. A few years later he joined the Army, and got trained in advanced communications and signalling, then he went to Korea and worked in signalling and later Intelligence. He built his first computer at home in the late 1970s.
My nephew started out learning to be a brickie, then got a builder’s ticket, then went into project management with great success.
The point is that we should be encouraging bright, energetic people who do not want to spend years cooped up in a classroom (at university) to learn skills, after which there are many good options for them. As we know, skills build on skills, however unrelated they may seem to be.
Treating apprentices like serfs and their teachers like professional bureaucrats is definitely not the way forward.
that charge nurse was probably one of those “pay for your own Uni course”, trained nurses. They sit in a classroom for two years and then have to find someplace that will have them for six weeks for work experience.
Your SiL would have trained the good way where nurses were apprentices and lived and worked at the Hospital and went to TAFE one day a week. It is criminal what they have done with nursing training.
Nothing beats on the job training.
Ed Casesays:
April 22, 2023 at 4:45 pm
Interesting choice of words —the court required her to tell the truth — does not mean she told the truth.
Higgins told the truth.
Just keep in mind that Higgins had the option of giving Evidence from another room but chose to give her evidence in person.
Lehrmann wouldn’t even take the stand.
Yeah, I know, the Jury couldn’t take an adverse inference from that choice, but … we’re not The Jury, and the inference I take is that he was as Guilty as Hell.
Grandpa Ed Simpson “knows” that Mizzzz Knickerless “told the truth”, but he rejects the presumption of innocence for Lehrmann.
Have you yet viewed the CCTV of the “incident”, yet Grandpa ED? Or are you again making things up to suit your overt prejudices?
Winston, doesn’t surprise me. The leaves may persist in warmer climates. So…when the weather in Barky is at its coolest…lift them.
I sometimes cut the old ratty foliage off if I feel so inclined – these things will survive thermonuclear attack. As I said, they like it hot and not too much water, particularly if you’re on heavy clay.
Yes, Johanna, but if we dismantled credentialism the Left might become unhappy.
That would be sad.
(Corporations are a microcosm of this stuff. They do a round of redundancies and the paperwork rubbish is ditched. Suddenly we’re incredibly productive and get lots done! Then over the next few years the paperwork and the “systems” build back up again and we’d get tied up in knots. Whereupon the next CEO would notice how unproductive we were and would do a round of redundancies…
Can’t recall how many cycles I went through, three or four of them. It was Kafkaesque.)
I don’t think there are “stupid” tradies, not for long anyway. All tradies are smart, some smarter than others.
Have you ever met any?
I’ve known carpenters who couldn’t use a Laser Level, let alone do a
Set Out, Butchers who couldn’t keep a sharp knife and Plumbers whose ability didn’t go past knowing the order to put the blue glue and the red glue on.
This “Get A Trade” bullshit is a staple of the Lolbertarians, but the reality is that if you’re smart enough to do well at University, you’re just letting yourself down by doing a Trade.
That’s why journalism is in such diabolical trouble: it has abdicated its former mission to be the public’s eyes and ears in order to promote journalists’ favourite hair-brained political causes like Net Zero and The Voice, which the Australian middle class will never vote for.
99% of journalists loathe the Australian public and their democracy.
Ed, you are a computer algorithm, you don’t know real people, only what you “read” about them.
Note: journalism now requires a university journalism degree. Journalism’s former training template was on-the-job cadetships, which are no longer in operation.
Nothing beats on the job training.
That goes double for newsrooms
Snap, Tom!
Not just the left, Bruce.
I find a lot of people place way too much store in it.
It’s quite funny sometimes, the human equivalent of two dogs sniffing one another’s rear ends when they first meet.
It is criminal what they have done with nursing training.
Midwife Training hasn’t included any delivery room experience
for >30 years.
State Labor Governments introduced that “reform”.
April 22, 2023 at 10:15 am
Also, nuclear capabilities
I’m betting they are already here. In the form of US weaponry stationed here and also US subs around about our sea borders. Undeclared of course.
Probably true but I still don’t trust (at least the current US admin) to go nuclear on our behalf.
I think China would be mad to initiate a nuclear exchange with the US. Before they could say “Horry Sh1T! What was that?” they would be glowing. However, a warning strike against Oz would not necessarily be enough to generate a response in kind from the US. We are a long way from anywhere. They could take out Canberra (mixed messages with the cheering from the rest of the country I know) and then threaten to take out the other capitals in sequence.
Who are we to the Yanks in the big scheme of things? The minerals would still be safe to be mined in the future. There’s no rush.
Definitely having our own nuclear capability would be prudent but with the pollies we have, they may use them against us in service of their CCP masters.
The question is what would be the best / quickest to acquire platform to launch them? Subs, Land-based ICBM’s, Drones, Hypersonic missiles?
I can’t believe that a woman would fall pregnant only to abort the foetus for sexual gratification.
If I am wrong, then our society has surpassed Sodom and Gomorrh for degeneracy.
I wouldn’t advise a young kid (if s/he is smart) to go into the trades at this point in time. There’s going to be a major technological upheaval in the construction business—at least for home building anyway. Just as robotics more or less took away most jobs on the assembly line, robots and kit construction will reduce the numbers needed. This should begin to happen over the next decade. I’m not suggesting these jobs will be eliminated, but they will be greatly reduced. 3D printing will accelerate the change. All this is coming and will bite hard. To a large extent, most home building is bespoke. This is going to end.
Also, if the market for tradie services is very tight, it means the price signal is enticing young folks to enter the market. They may be getting in at the top of the market.
The Chief Justice of the ACT Supreme Court.
My belated thanks to all involved in the discovery of the wreck of the Montevideo Maru. It is a significant moment in Australian military history, despite the apathy of Australian governments of both delusions.
Elbow and co. are joining the worldwide belief that legislating changes reality.
Waving the magic wand to mandate nurses in aged care by legislation, in the face of reality, has taught them nothing. Nursing homes closing down – meh.
Here they go again.
Judging from the popularity of events like Summernats, and the small trucks and SUVs I see in the carpark of the motel every day (some lovingly customised) I suspect that he is pissing into a hurricane.
“If I am wrong, then our society has surpassed Sodom and Gomorrh for degeneracy.”
You are not wrong.
Shocking story in the Oz today about a couple of well-meaning professionals working in aboriginal teaching and welfare foster cared for four children, seen by welfare authorities as a last resort because the children were difficult (foetal alcohol syndrome and general early trauma) and no aboriginal family was available. The carers had the kids, who were siblings, for ten years with little support, they were closely in touch with the aboriginal mother of them, but in asking for more help including respite time they were regarded as deficient parents (they were obviously not). Eventually tensions between authorities and these carers overflowed and the children were sent to a revolving door of other carers. One boy died, one boy has still not been returned although he wants to be, one girl stayed and has grown into a capable working adult, and one girl ran away from the revolving door constantly, insisting on wanting to return to ‘mum and dad and her siblings’. Welfare made appalling mistakes. The carers are distraught. The boy had suicided aged 15 because he felt abandonned away from his loved ones, loved by this family in spite of his difficult behaviours (due to welfare intervention he’d become a druggie in a welfare shelter). And still, they are explaining the situation of the original mother, who was made welcome for visits and approved of the carers, as due to ‘colonial oppression and disadvantage’. The aboriginal mother made no efforts to rehabilitate herself for her children.
Yet still, ‘the culture’ was all in the eyes of these welfare bureaucrats. The truth is that the kids are far better off away from its damaging influences and returning to it in their adult years if they wish to explore it more. The needs of the child have become totally lost in the colonialist narrative that predominates.
The foster carers of course were of the wrong skin colour. They were Europeans, white.
This is definitely not a cars replacing horses scenario.
Correct, except that nurses, in those days did all their training in their hospital. There was no TAFE and any ‘nurses’ school’ would have been on site, facilitated by senior staff.
TAFE as we know it began in the 1970’s, taking over from the trade schools which had previously trained mechanics, hairdressers etc. I’m not sure if/when nursing came under TAFE. Nowadays, training nurses and a range of allied health workers are enrolled with Universities.
We’re not going to go to war with China unilaterally, which means we would tag along if the US did. If we were attacked with nuclear weapons, the US would have to respond in kind; otherwise, it would be seen as American capitulation. In any event, the US would make it unambiguous to the Chinese that an attack on America’s allies would be seen as an attack on the US itself. China would then need to call the card game.
This is a natural and valuable process.
Is he reliable , consistent and on time? Does he do his chores properly every time? Does he take pride in his work? Ca he be trusted? Can he learn new things? Does he listen and follow instructions properly? This is the discovery taking place.
New appys are in the care of their tradesmen so the process you ridicule helps to ensure the kid doesn’t kill himself or others. So while you may observe, you really haven’t a clue what’s really going on.
Very quickly shirkers and NAFI’s (no ambition and fk all initiative) are found out. The decent ones quickly graduate to the interesting work and are gladly mentored.
Nobody want to waste time on someone who doesn’t give AF.
Yes Johanna but the bureaucrats are highly qualified experts with postgraduate qualifications in psychology and social work. They know what’s best. They’ll tell you that if you ask them. And even if you don’t ask them.
I wish I knew what the answer was. We need a Mr Hercules and a nearby river. Or possibly a nice bloodthirsty barbarian horde.
There are many scenarios. But I’m of the opinion that if the CCP wants to initiate a war it will first be in space. Where everything is located to control a nuclear exchange. In fact, if space based weapons and critical defense infrastructure can be successfully taken out first, the need for nuclear exchange may become mute. All forms of vectoring, guidance, defense would be largely compromised at that point.
Ed Casesays:
April 22, 2023 at 5:07 pm
I don’t think there are “stupid” tradies, not for long anyway. All tradies are smart, some smarter than others.
Have you ever met any?
I’ve known carpenters who couldn’t use a Laser Level, let alone do a
Set Out, Butchers who couldn’t keep a sharp knife and Plumbers whose ability didn’t go past knowing the order to put the blue glue and the red glue on.
You don’t know many successful tradies, do you Grandpa Ed Simpson?
Although given your tendency to make things up, there must be some doubt as to whether you have ever met a tradie. Perhaps they send you out of the sheltered workshop while they are present, so that you don’t muck things up by “trying” (very trying) to “help”?
Oops, Lizzie, not Johanna. Sorry. Johanna was saying similar things, I was infected by momentum or something.
TAFE is the problem. Accreditation of degrees is the problem.
TAFE is very bureaucratic and not responsive to what industry wants.
The Australian Mathematics Assn. should be able to give out maths degrees by distance learning and open testing.
The question is what would be the best / quickest to acquire platform to launch them? Subs, Land-based ICBM’s, Drones, Hypersonic missiles?
Unless you can persuade someone to provide them “off the shelf”, then the recipe starts off: take ten years (if you are in a nation governed by sensible people), hire some good engineers and physicists, …..
My prediction for growth jobs and trades in the future given the trajectory rub and tug and the turtle have us on are:
1 Lamplighters; proficiency in distinguishing turps from kero will be required.
2 Fettlers and gangers. The train service will become important again as ICE cars get blown up so stokers and water tenders will also come into their own
3 Town criers and horse shit shovelers
4 Fan bearers to keep visiting dignitaries from the UN cool as they visit to check on net zero.
Gary Johns summed up the situation well in his book “The Burden Of Culture.” “An Aboriginal child with a mobile phone, and access to the internet – what use do they have for such a closed culture?”
It’s been a looooong time since home builders assembled frames on site from raw timber.
Indeed that’s my SIL — not a uni-trained nurse, one that did on the job training and cleaned up vomit and shit from the get go — now nurse graduate realises she’s gotta clean up vomit and shit too because the cleaners certainly don’t do that — and then reality bites – it would be interesting to know how many uni-graduate nurses say= : “But, but I went to uni, I shouldn’t be expected to clean up vomit and shit”?
I know. But most of the work is still done on site.
Lovely to see you here at the Cat, Muddy. You are sorely missed.
On the the Montevideo Maru, it is shameful that neither I nor most Australians knew anything about this tragedy. Reading the various reports today, I note that estimations of loss of life range from the 900’s to almost 1,100. Are you able to explain this discrepency?
All forms of vectoring, guidance, defense would be largely compromised at that point
People involved in nuclear weapons and ballistics missiles tend to be paranoids who believe in belts, braces and bits of string. I suspect that the old inertial and stellar navigation systems are still in place. They will be more than adequate to turn a few cities into glazed parking lots.
I wonder if anyone knows whether there is some oversight body looking at judicial conduct? I am sure the Lehrmann team would have explored that option vis a vis Judge Lucy McCallum, I wonder whether Mr Sofranoff is allowed to have a peek?
All forms of vectoring, guidance, defense would be largely compromised at that point.
Before geolocation, the US fired its test missiles at Kwajalwien Atoll and only at Kwajalwien Atoll.
Despite target familiarity the CEP was in the order of 50 miles.
If the Middle Kingdom launches a space war, the US will retaliate and, fingers crossed, both sides will holster their weaponry before it gets any more serious (I’m an optimist by nature).
Alas, earth orbits will be so full of debris by then,the sudden deaths of satellites will be commonplace. Back to the old days, when the first Tomahawks navigated by comparing the land below to onboard topographic software, regularly lost their way and had to be destroyed.
Yep as looooong ago as 3 weeks. Watched a team of 4 carpenters put up 8 frames in the stage across the road from us from packs of timber, They were able to create and erect the frames at the rate if 2 houses a week (2.5 days each) Some houses in the newest stage have had their frames come in on the back of a truck. Still takes a team of 4 2 days to erect including waiting for the truck, waiting for it be craned if, work out which piece goes where etc etc.
Thanks, Delta.
I’ve needed some time to increase my bitterness and lust for vengeance.
The Montevideo Maru: Off-the-top-of-my-head numbers: 980-odd soldiers of Lark Force (Rabaul) and about half of No. 1 Australian Independent Company (150-ish at Kavieng), plus 60-70 odd Rabaul and New Britain civilians. I’ve not watched much dinosaur media, but I gather that some have included only the Rabaul garrison, that being 800-odd, and some the full AIF complement, but not the civilians.
TAFE responds to ASQA. Certificates are defined by ASQA, competencies are defined by ASQA, evidence that the student meets the competency defined by ASQA, audits are carried out for ASQA.
I worked for a private RTO for 3 months. There was a different audit being conducted every week or so.
We’re doomed.
AI Will Eventually Be ‘As Good A Tutor As Any Human’: Bill Gates (22 Apr)
Great to see you here, Muddy.
Hugh- if your grapevines are carking it, then there’s something seriously wrong. Virus or fungus.
If it’s the fruit itself failing- then that’s treatable.
…did you study “the man who mistook his wife for his hat” stuff?
No doubt. But when it comes to C & C , key elements of the comms chain is in space. Command and Control will be the opening targets of any nuclear exchange from the CCP because they will be playing for keeps. I still think the US has the advantage in that regard.
Several years before my mother died, she suffered a fall and broke her hip, ending up in hospital. Fearing that those were her last days -she was already 90 years old – all the family visited, including the toddler who didn’t want to be nursed. But we couldn’t let him down. The floor was filthy, as were all the surfaces in her room.
The moment she regained consciousness her doctor advised that we take her home because there’d been several outbreaks of fatal staph infections.
Can’t imagine why.
Delta A
On the the Montevideo Maru, it is shameful that neither I nor most Australians knew anything about this tragedy. Reading the various reports today, I note that estimations of loss of life range from the 900’s to almost 1,100. Are you able to explain this discrepency?
I suspect that the differences relate to the number of soldiers vs number of civilians (the mandate administrators based in Rabaul).
My recollection is about 950 were Australian soldiers, predominantly from the 2/22nd Infantry Battalion (raised in Victoria) and the coast artillery. Many others (around 160 IIRC) escaping from Rabaul were captured and murdered near Tol Plantation, on New Britain. Some made it back to Papua, and later served in other units.
The Montevideo Maru passengers were very unlucky. At that period of the war, USN submarine torpedoes were unreliable, often running too deep for their contact fuses, while the magnetic detonators were unreliable. Even if they ran at the right depth, the contact fuses had a weak firing pin, which only worked if the torpedo hit at an oblique angle. Hits at 90 degrees tended to bend the firing pin, and the torpedo did not explode.
The band of the 2/22nd Battalion had enlisted en masse from a local Salvation Army Temple (possibly Brunswick??). Only one band member survived the war, the rest died on the Montevideo Maru.
April 22, 2023 at 5:57 pm
It’s been a looooong time since home builders assembled frames on site from raw timber.
Yep as looooong ago as 3 weeks.
Sorry, my phrasing was a bit loose. I was referring to the old practice of delivering stacks of timber to a site. Carpenters would then cut the timber, and build the frames there. Pre-fabricated frames have been common for decades, delivered on trucks and put together like meccano sets.
Delta A:
When i went to interview at Manly Hospital for training in 1982, the Matron hesitatingly broached the subject of living in for the first year of training.
“I’m sure my wife will have words to say to me about this option.”
Having read the article in the Oz this morning outlining Moses’ concerns, I suspect that the DPP is a dead man walking.
As Moses pointed out, Higgins repeatedly compromised the right to a fair trial, but there is no evidence that DPP Drumhold did anything about it. Not a thing. He didn’t warn, counsel, comment. Nope. He just let her go about spraying comments, giving press conferences, appearing on TV, appearing with the ‘Victims of Crime’ person and all the rest.
Not a peep from him.
I’d love to know what the process was that appointed this incompetent, who would not have passed Contracts II when I was at the ANU.
Two key Republicans call for Secretary of State Blinken to resign over Hunter Biden revelations
Thanks, Tom. I appreciate the acknowledgement. It has been a challenging 18 or so months. I found my cognition deteriorating, so rather than embracing reactive vitriol, I decided to take a break from The Cat. I’m still feeling bitter, but I might pop in now and then. I’m pleased to see that yourself and the regular furballs are still being coughed up.
Eagle Wings
@glennbeck I’m tired I’m worn out I’m fed up I’ve had enough
I’m tired of exposing corruption; nothing happens and no one goes to jail No one pays for a damn thing anymore
– Clinton Foundation/Uranium
– Hillary’s emails
– Obama SpyGate
– Russia Collusion
– Lying to FISA Courts
– Biden China deals
– Hunter’s Laptop
The Biden Economy and How It Could Be Fixed
The problem is that with this, and a dozen other dirty tricks Trump still won big. Until they can control the electoral cheating, there’s no hope of dislodging the criminals and traitors running America into the ground.
FLASHBACK: Watch Joe Biden Lie Through His Teeth at Presidential Debate About Letter Signed by 50 Intel Leaders Saying Hunter’s Laptop was Russia Propaganda — A COMPLETE LIE HIS CAMPAIGN ORCHESTRATED
Sec. Buttigieg Wants 20M Taxpayer Dollars For Female Crash Dummies To “Fight The Gender Inequity,” Accidentally Admitting Physiological Differences Between Males And Females
Hey, Muddy.
There was a definite relationship between hospital-trained nurses and cadet journalists.
The nurses would call the papers, which used to print the test results, to learn if they had passed before the next day’s edition actually came out. It was very pleasant duty for male cadets listening to their squeals of delight when they heard the good news, with invitations to parties apt to follow.
I know two Melbourne cadets who met their future partners that way. Jeroboams of hospital alcohol with fruit and wotnot served in a plastic rubbish bin encouraged those dalliances.
I can only imagine that congratulating a university-trained nurse might well these days result in a lecture about the predatory sexuality of young males. Not that university-trained journos would ever do that, having been immersed in soy-boy beta-ism for four counter-producticte years of absorbing Margaret Simmons, Jenna Price and Wendy Bacon. They’re most likely gay by that stage anyway.
Gov. Youngkin’s Election Officials to Remove 19K Dead People from Virginia Voter Rolls
Devil in the Digital Dollar Details :: By Terry James
We have a little way to go yet, I think. The Cities of the Plain had no more than one righteous family left, and even they were highly suspect if you read the story carefully.
Our society, such as it is, still has many…many people in it who will do good. Witness the black lady who rescued the couple set upon by the mob. She is not an isolated case.
The women in Dover’s link represent an increasing cohort of seared consciences – they have embraced evil beyond the sensation of guilt. This is something we see all around us, Weimar Germany repeated. And because internet, it’s public.
Hope remains while there is a remnant.
G’day, Roger. Much health, happiness and humility to you, sir.
I’ll just quickly clarify, as perhaps I was a bit vague: My break from The Cat (thanks for keeping it running, Dover) had nothing to do with it, or any commenter. Like a mysterious rash, life expands, contracts, and sometimes takes extra scratching.
Agree calli- there are a lot of good people out there. I suppose you’re referring to Lot’s daughters?
Muddy! 😀
The Catictionary Puppy!
Good to see you back, Muddy.
Lot’s relationship with his daughters I mean.
And Lot himself, offering them to the men of the city. And even his grossly disobedient wife who decided in the horror that happened to have a little peek.
They escaped by grace, not because of anything intrinsically good in their characters.
Yes see what you mean- amazing story really
Thanks, Zulu. Cheers, mate.
Hi, Calli. Yeaaah… the Catictionary. Over it. If someone wants to resurrect it, I have no problems with that. For me, the novelty has long worn off, and I don’t see it serving any useful purpose.
Gov. Youngkin’s Election Officials to Remove 19K Dead People from Virginia Voter Rolls.
This week, Virginia Department of Elections Commissioner Susan Beals, appointed by Youngkin last year, announced that close to 19,000 dead registrants were recently discovered on the state’s voter rolls.
The most disgraceful aspect of that episode was the claim by ordnance officers that the torpedoes were perfectly serviceable, the unreliability was due to errors on the part of the submarine crews….
On the subject of tradies, electricians in particular- some are not very bright and others are up there with electrical engineers.
The director of Netflix’s Queen Cleopatra docudrama series is defending the casting of a black actress as the Egyptian queen, who was not black, calling her decision a “political act.”
They just don’t get it, do they?
The Catictionary was fun and of its time. Its season is over, but the memory remains.
There is not much of a time difference either way, and on Friday I heard lots of swearing when they realised they had put the wrong bits together.
I understand they reverted to the old way because the framers could not supply the Meccano pieces.
Netflix needs to do an “historical” program on Martin Luther King.
Cast him as white.
If not, why not?
No they don’t. The idea that fiction based on fact should have some element of truth in the representation is something they’ll never get. Truth isn’t an idea they can get their heads around.
Aha! OK, I get it.
You had fleas.
Who was the hussy who gave them to you, Muddy?
(We won’t say a word.)
In the words of the actress playing Cleopatra:
How many crews were lost to enemy action because of that pathetic run of arse covering?
There needed to be multiple career ending holidays at Leavenworth for many of them.
Enjoying the kerfuffle about a production where Cleopatra is black (which she undeniably wasn’t.).
My favourite moment was when the (woke) director said ‘why is it so important to some people that Cleopatra is black?’
To which the answer is – why is it so important to make a non black woman black?
Elizabeth Taylor is Cleopatra.
As I said at Wolfman’s, I’m not a fan of the sword and sandal genre. Nothing to do with history, awful costumes and sets.
Anyway, in contrast to the usual music clips, here is
by Peter, Paul and Mary, based on an old folk song and released in 1963.
Here it is.
They sound like they are rehearsing in a garage here, but were very influential in the folk and rock scenes for a time. Here is their other great hit.
Mary Travers was a great singer, and the two Ps were very fine musicians.
War Birds.
The Rabaul garrison which was lost on board the Montevideo Maru when the transport was sunk was known as Lark Force.
The similarly-sized garrison lost on Ambon was titled Gull Force, and that on Timor, Sparrow Force.
Robin Force was based in New Caledonia (until the Americans took over), and Emu Force was the name of the second echelon sent to Port Moresby (the date in early 1942 escapes me at present).
Plover Force was a small Australian and Netherlands East Indies detachment inserted (unsuccessfully) on several Japanese-held islands between northern Australian and western New Guinea.
Hollywood has always taken liberties with history.
But lately they’re getting ideological about it.
Winston: I’m not sure. I was tied and blindfolded at the time. She seemed to have very hirsute arms though. At least I think they were arms?
Laying a wire from the board to, say, a light fixture 50 feet away doesn’t require the person doing that job to be as talented as, say, a neurosurgeon or even a tax attorney. It requires someone to be thorough and methodical. That’s not what I would call “wow” smarts.
The ones who are smart can either do the job really efficiently, or end up in the more technical areas of the trade.
I had an electrician mate who could wire a house in no time. He would look at the plans, grab a fist full of cables and head off through the house dropping the cables off as he went. Come back to the board and then snip off each cable and connect it to the right breaker based on which reel it was on.
I don’t actually care what skin colour an actor or actress has, I’m much more concerned with their competence. Except in some case when the skin colour is actually relevant. A white Othello would be confusing. Likewise a white MLK. Having Queen Elizabeth I played by a black chick would be weird, but I wouldn’t object. I’d assume that ppl would be smart enough to know that the real E1R wasn’t actually black. Making the same assumption about a black Cleopatra is a bit trickier.
Wally, they are kicking the bucket, not just failing to produce fruit. My neighbour says she has the same problem.
The soil here is not great, thin and fairly acidic (PH 4.5 – 5) , but I have improved the drainage and increased the PH by adding a bit of lime, with little success. One vine I got did really well for the first year, but then died in the backside after that.
“announced that close to 19,000 dead registrants were recently discovered on the state’s voter rolls.”
Not to worry, the Demonrats will find another 19,000 dead to resurrect. A miraculous party.
Watching Designated Survivor on Netflix. First 2 seasons captivating. 3rd season full of woke nonsense, but still main story interesting enough to keep watching, albeit with periodic shouting at the TV.
It was a sad thing, but had to be done. The USN was fixated on Rabaul, so we had to defend it as a price to get the US involved, at least to some extent. Ambon was a similar bastard deployment – necessary because of the diplomatic requirement to support Netherland Indies. And Timor was a bit of both, plus the Portuguese who were trying to sit on the fence.
Sending a battalion to each was about as small a commitment they could get away with politically. I doubt Canberra had any illusions about the fate of those poor guys, but as I said it had to be done.
At least a lot of Lark Force eventually got out by many and various means.
At least they weren’t tentacles.
Tentacles are bad, mkay?
Shall we drown her or burn her at the stake?
Nope. I drive a big jag with 8 cylinders, and I love every one of them. There’s nothing hypocritical about that, because I think the climate hysteria is loony and unwarranted.
You and your boss on the other hand are hysterical loons and slimy hypocrites.
I know what you mean Delta A, my mamma had open heart surgery to replace a congenital valve abnormality
I recall going into the shower and seeing all this matted hair in the shower drain it looked like it hadn’t been cleaned for a while — that was the responsibility of the cleaners not the nurses (as would have been the floors in your mother’s room) apparently, under the beds is the responsibility of the nurses — I had a few words with the charge sister along the lines of patients having had major surgery and being exposed to the germs and grime of a filthy shower – when I next visited (that afternoon I took in bleach and cleaning equipment to do the shower) this was in 1985 I was absolutely disgusted. Imagine what the hospitals must be like in Italy where, I’m told by rellies that if the family doesn’t come in with food and drink for the patients they starve and/or die of thirst. Progress – I think Aldous Huxley was right: Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.
I agree Johanna. It is an excellent film. I once read that Liz Taylor has beautiful violet eyes, but I would not know, as I do not think I have ever noticed her eyes. 😉
Bruce: I have a vague recollection that about 350-odd of the Lark Force garrison were rescued. So perhaps 25% of the total (not counting the civilians). The rescues were driven by rugged individuals with initiative though, from the mainland, with practically no contribution from higher authorities.
True, but ask us anything about the Kobayashi Maru ………
Interesting change in reporting on my favourite Sydney music station. The hourly news led with the MM article, with emphasis on “sunk by a US torpedo” with no accident mentioned. One could reasonably assume from that reportage that the US knew what they were doing.
By the end of the day the reporting had softened to “not knowing it was carrying prisoners of war”.
Perhaps a little Googling had finally been done by the University educated “journalists” (whose auto responder jobs will disappear soon with the advent of ChatGPT).
I recently bought an endoscope to see the interior of my rifle barrels. Reasonably cheap at about $60.
Hooked it up to the computer via USB. Good light, but no picture of the rifling etc.
Eventually found the site to download the software, but they won’t allow the download to commence until I surrender my credit card details.
Bastards. They can get knotted.
Given that pH you may need to use dolomite lime.
I’d suggest a full soil analysis, don’t just rely on pH. It’s far from the full story.
I don’t wish to cast general aspersions on the aged care sector in Australia, but if I had a close relative in care I’d not let a few days go by without checking in on them.
Shopping at Waitrose is very mUntyesque. Not many asset poor individuals in those aisles. Karl would not be impressed.
I see that font of all knowledge, Wikipedia, still lists an alternate truth (sarc) in the category I assume is called “worst wartime maritime disaster” Sinking of AHS Centaur. Hospital ship torpedoed by a Japanese submarine, loss of 268 lives.
I was close. About 343 escapees, according to a contemporary document.
Dirty hospitals? I seem to recall “Spotless”, beloved of unions and a certain Premier getting the contract.
No wonder they’re filthy.
Please don’t mention HMAS Sydney!
Bother. I have to go to the shop. Run out of beggin’ strips for Rover.
Light reading material for the military history insomniacs: The Tol and Waitavulu Massacres.
Muddy – I recall a couple of RAN or RANR small vessels made some trips. I think it was a coms and coordination issue in the face of overwhelming Japanese superiority more than a lack of HQ will.
All those men did amazing stuff in the face of insane odds. The Timor guys in particular were amazing – it was a remarkable campaign. Who knows, if it’d not been as redoubtable as it was maybe the Japanese would’ve gone on to a landing in Darwin or Broome?
Thanks Bushy. Will look into that.
I don’t wish to cast general aspersions on the aged care sector in Australia, but if I had a close relative in care I’d not let a few days go by without checking in on them.
Have a relative in same position, from a degenerative nervous system disease. I agree totally.
A friend whose Mum is 102, is in aged-care and he visits every day — she’s had COVID and he administered Ivermectin she was over it in 2 days, he takes her lunch and gives her vitamins because the food is simple inedible — and this is at a very very expensive place costing her $800.00 a week and having paid over $1M to get in there — her clothing goes missing on a regular basis and my friend’s wife has replaced it, labelled it and taken photographs and has the receipts – She’s warned administration if any item of clothing goes missing it is to be replaced or the price of it paid – nothing seems to have gone missing since.
The beautiful Mary Travers. Great pipes, legs that went on forever, beautiful hair – and that sexy toss of the hair.
Loved the music she and the goatee twins made. Almost turned me into a lefty.
Gorgeous females! The plump and preggo willy wagtail that walked between my between legs at the park was a cool chick ( : I reckon it was the all those walking the dogs the park that made it made it possible! Happy with humans. No threat.