A female trans-Jizya is now upon us.

The Jizya is an Islamic poll tax that was levied on those who would not convert. The Jizya was designed to both penalise and humiliate the non-believer. For their tribute the non-believer both buys protection from the overlord and submits themselves publicly before the Collector of the Jizya. In this way, the unbeliever – and everyone else – is fully cognisant of their demeaned position.

A new type of Jizya, one with different overlords and different tribute-payers, has manifested in the West. Stories of trans-people claiming inclusion rights to access female-only spaces and compete in the sporting contests of women and girls are commonplace. But these claims for inclusion allocate equal time to an unbending indifference to the needs of others: for the trans lobby, rights and needs work in one direction only.

On the Open Thread today is a link to a report about the experience of four “freshmen” school girls showering after physical education in a Wisconsin school locker room in early March. The link is below. This is the précis.

Upon entering the locker room the girls noticed a male student, aged about eighteen, who was not part of their class but who they believed identified as transgender. Though feeling uncomfortable, they proceeded to the showers. While they were under the showers the male student entered the showers, undressed fully, and announced his trans status.

Initially, the male turned away from the girls but then turned around while still under the shower, fully exposing his male genitalia. The girls hurried to finish their showering and withdraw from the area. Afterwards, they did not know what to do. Finally, one of the girls confided the experience to another student. That student advised that the incident should be reported to the school. The families of the girls are taking legal action.

While the girls’ experience would be one of the most egregious ordeals of this kind, such instances are becoming more commonplace as transgender people insist that females include them in female-only spaces and activities.

Sometimes “acceptance” of the circumstance is the result of an unexpected and unnavigable situation, for which no-one ever agreed, as in this case. This is especially true for children who neither have the maturity or experience to respond to any type of harassment especially sexual harassment. At other times, decisions about inclusion management have ordained. Female place holders being required to stand on a dais while a male person receives the accolade for “winning” what is really a no-contest event, is an example of managerial box-ticking. But whenever diversity and inclusion claims become the only acceptable moral position, humiliation of the female – the penalty for the trans-Jizya – is the result.

Exclusion of males from competing in female-only sport has now begun – see swimming and athletics -but not all sports acknowledge what is patently obvious. Change rooms, toilets and showers are still “contested spaces” – like women themselves- as our former CMO, Dr Brendan Murphy, advised Senate Estimates not that long ago. Females and female-only spaces are not tribute. Politicians and bureaucrats are on notice.


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Mother Lode
Mother Lode
April 26, 2023 7:40 am

A bloke who imagines himself a woman would nevertheless be familiar with his own bits. For him to shower amongst other blokes with the same bits and who are not aroused by those bits would be no imposition.

For this same guy to insist upon showering with women is obviously an uncomfortable experience for the women. But what does the guy get from it? If we momentarily give credence to this abominable pretense it can only be to shower surrounded by the body he desires to have, but it does not give him a female body. It gets him no closer to his desire. And what are we doing if we are making the point of shower-room availability the chance to gaze on the others? The women in the showers don’t stare at each others’ bodies any more than guys in the guys’ showers.

Still, it does not surprise me to hear this sort of idiocy from the hollowed halls of academe. As Orwell once put it:

“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”

But how much more gullible are pretend intellectuals when they think they have been clever?

April 26, 2023 8:44 am

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

April 26, 2023 8:55 am

Encourage appalling behaviour and you’ll get more of it.

Thanks to the stupidity and arrogance of our ruling caste these perverts continue to be encouraged and in most cases, enabled.

Not seeing a solution to this anytime soon, either. There is one, obviously, but it’s not for the squeamish.

April 26, 2023 9:27 am

I hope this is not too much of a digression, but I believe what needs to be emphasized is that in practically every case, the chosen ‘victim’ group is being set up to fail: That this dangerous scaffolding is intentional; that the primary drivers of the disruption are using the claimed victims as only a tool (a means to an end; the acquisition of power/money/notoriety); and that WE, conservatives, are actually the natural allies (rather than heartless assailants) of such victim groups.

That reads as quite a radical suggestion, no?
Ask yourself this: How much of the effectiveness of these disruptive issues (Qwerty/trans/The Vise, etc.) is dependent upon an identified ‘enemy’ (i.e. Conservatives)? Without the sales blurb: ‘These people HATE you, they want you to be miserable. The best way you can fight them, is to do EXACTLY what they don’t want you to do,’ how much attention would most of these issues be receiving?

Bear with me for a moment please, while I engage in long-winded prattle…

By teaching people, especially the young, that their self-worth should be entirely dependent on the public acclamation of others (symbolic events such as pride months, etc.), they are being programmed to equate the absence of such acknowledgement as ‘hate,’ social rejection, and victimisation. Sooner or later, the spotlight will move on to another ‘victim group’ and those who were previously flavour of the month may, in the absence of the expected pats on the head, experience a crisis of identity. The individuals and organisations who had posed as their defenders, having squeezed as much juice from their fruit-puppets as possible, will have taken their strings elsewhere. The cycle will repeat.

We need to seize the initiative and reposition ourselves from the place of ‘oppressor’ (where we have long permitted our opponents to stake conservatives), to that of empathetic ally, wanting each individual to derive the the quality of life they desire and are prepared to put the effort into achieving.

This would NOT entail uncritical submission to demands for disruptive/destructive behaviour. I believe that a good chunk of the popularity (everyone wants to be popular, to ‘be’ someone of perceived value) of these parasitic movements comes from the Us vs. Them, Accepted vs. Rejected (gang culture), dichotomy. As a long-term strategy, this needs to be blunted.

Body dysmorphia (spelling?) has been recognised for some time, and no doubt will continue to exist. Without the public attention on such an issue, however, the desire of some unhappy people to seek external acknowledgement by claiming to be courageously living their unique selves (courage requires an obstacle), will surely go unrewarded, at least in quantity.

By remaining in the same position – as evil oppressors – that the puppeteers have placed us, there seems to be little opportunity to create a change in the psychologically-charged policy decisions that now seem dominant. Opportunity needs to be created, rather than waited for.

My apologies for the length, BBS.

April 26, 2023 9:37 am

Castration should be the minimal initial requirement. Shouldn’t even be discussing it about any trans who retains their penis. Other requirements can be negotiated after that with no certainty of acceptance in female sports for any individual.

April 26, 2023 10:00 am

I see what you smuggled in there.

April 26, 2023 10:06 am

Flashers in public are arrested (or used to be). Now made legal in female change rooms.
Another sickening example of the fall of the West.

April 26, 2023 10:13 am

Females and female-only spaces are not tribute. Politicians and bureaucrats are on notice.

Or what? There is no recourse. Why don’t we ask for practical measures such as shower stalls with doors? I don’t understand the open plan showers which take just as much room.

Swimming pools used to have shower stalls with doors when I was in high school in early 70s. The open plan must be an American thing that we seem to have adopted like Big Macs and Dominos pizzas.

Cassie of Sydney
April 26, 2023 10:14 am

Thanks BBS. Great piece as always. Reading these stories fills me with a a combination of furious anger, sickness, dread and fear. Here are some points…

1. The male in question, who entered the locker room, is a DEVIANT & PERVERT.

2. Other biological males who do the same or who seek to do the same are….DEVIANTS & PERVERTS.

3. Any person who justifies this, who shouts, screams and screeches lies about “trans rights” or “transwomen are women” is a…..DEVIANT APOLOGIST & PERVERT APOLOGIST.

We have a pervert apologist who graces this blog, this pervert apologist thinks it’s okay to bash and beat women who stand up to this nonsense.

Either we stand up and fight this sinister ideology or, as with so much else the right has steadfastly refused to fight about, WE WILL LOSE.

But I will fight, I will not kowtow to PERVERTS & PERVERT APOLOGISTS.

April 26, 2023 10:15 am

Ceres says:
April 26, 2023 at 10:06 am
Flashers in public are arrested (or used to be). Now made legal in female change rooms.
Another sickening example of the fall of the West.

The new flashers are just as perverted as the old style flashers. Has anyone noticed if the old style flashing has declined? Are they the same people?

April 26, 2023 10:17 am

What I meant to say in my earlier comment, have the old pervert flashers simply changed tactics?

April 26, 2023 10:21 am

it isn’t just change rooms.
the whole world is now a stage and performativity is valued higher than performance

I listened to rant the other day from a sparkie leading-hand to the builder. He said, can go faster mate, when they stop sending me stupid little girls pretending to electricians.

at the same time a plumber about 65yo is still nimble above what will eventually be the plaster ceiling while his ‘apprentice’ essentially just stands there and looks up.
when she finishes pretending to be an apprentice, she’ll pretend to plumber too.

social spaces:
Nanna loves to show off her tolerance and inclusion skills.
dont bother asking, like a vegan she’ll tell how strong and brave their little gender-X is.
don’t frown when they show you the iPhone snaps of their lad in a frock
don’t hesitate … quickly gush some fawning agreement or else you know what happens next
yep, loving caring inclusive-nanna will grow horns and tell you just how ‘you lot’ are literally murdering the generations to come (assuming they can breed)

public spaces:
it walked jauntily down Flinders lane.
the bloke in the floral dress, bald headed, and sculpted beard dyed bright red. He had sparkly lipstick that matched his sparkly runners.

across the road a family is buying breakfast.
the nuggety little fella playing Dad was sporting what I’ll politely call a kilt. The 2.5 kids were so rainbow you couldn’t tell where one stopped and the other 1.5 began.

around the corner barista-sista was 6’3″ and dressed like a geisha.
the Bun Hairdo was nice touch…it softened the Adams Apple and balanced the crotch bulge

private spaces:
turn on the TV and see any number of performing monkeys getting paid to explain in so many ways what a bigot you are.
the sub-text is ever about modeling the most genuine performance thing you could do as pretence as well.

personal spaces:
use the pronouns because ‘inclusion’ actually means use the pronouns or else
use the pronouns because ‘tolerance’ actually means use the pronouns or else
use the pronouns because ‘respect’ actually means use the pronouns or else

everything, everywhere and all at once … eat the bugs

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 26, 2023 10:27 am

Muddy and Cassie.

Well said.

April 26, 2023 10:38 am

That this dangerous scaffolding is intentional; that the primary drivers of the disruption are using the claimed victims as only a tool (a means to an end; the acquisition of power/money/notoriety);

agreed definitely intentional,
up to point though
see, both parties to that game want the same thing
and the second party aren’t exactly unwilling victims

and that WE, conservatives, are actually the natural allies (rather than heartless assailants) of such victim groups.

ah gonna politely disagree there.
both parties to ‘the game’ hate you mate

don’t get get lost in their dialectical games
sympathy, pity and empathy are different things

April 26, 2023 10:49 am

Do not think I want to go to Melbourne again

another bloke walking down Calarendon St

Marilyn Monroe red dress with ray-bans, crimson lippy, f-me pumps, and complete with a black parasol

April 26, 2023 12:39 pm

How come more women don’t dress like that?

April 26, 2023 1:23 pm

Think of a competitive team sport: Would you let an opposing coach, captain or player, choose YOUR position on the field? Would you go along with their direction, and when they are out of hearing, meekly whimper “This doesn’t work for me. This isn’t fair”?

Conservatives do this. They allow their opponent to position them as an ‘enemy,’ an antagonist, and then do little more than whine about hypocrisy. Why?

Think of a film. If the antagonist or the obstacle/s facing the protagonist were removed, what quality of story remains? How is the audience going to engage with a hero whose path to their goal is straight and smooth? If the story has less ability to engage the audience, it has less power/attraction.

If we remove conservatives as antagonists/obstacles/haters from the now standard ‘You are being oppressed, these people are your oppressors’ narrative, will the audience feel less engaged?

Let’s go back to the competitive team sport analogy: If your coach prescribed the same plays/tactics week after week, and you kept losing, week after week: Would you maintain the repetition simply because it is familiar? Because changing is a risk, and risk is, well… risky?

How are the repetitive tactics working for us? When did we evaluate what we were doing (our return on investment), and decide, ‘Yeah, that’s brilliant. Let’s stick to it?’

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
April 26, 2023 1:25 pm

Then there was the gay footballer who complained about how oppressive it was that he couldn’t manifest his sexuality in male change rooms….

April 26, 2023 1:28 pm

I forgot a bit (insert as third paragraph): Simply objecting to being labelled an evil enemy (‘We’re actually nice people’) achieves little, because the audience has already been told that we are untrustworthy and deceitful, thus they should believe nothing we say or do. If you didn’t know me at all, and someone had told you before you came across these comments of mine that “Muddy is a fraud and manipulative liar,” would you be reading this with a different frame of mind?

April 26, 2023 1:33 pm

In any competitive endeavour, be it sport, business, warfare, or whatever, holding the initiative will give you a head start. That start may not be maintained, but it’s an advantage. This is a competition for influence. We can influence nothing if we don’t seize the initiative. If we’re happy for our opponents to set the rules and position us, we may as well bring a folding chair and an esky.

Cassie of Sydney
April 26, 2023 1:51 pm

Conservatives do this. They allow their opponent to position them as an ‘enemy,’ an antagonist, and then do little more than whine about hypocrisy. Why?

That is a very good question Muddy.

In the case of the trans perverts, they’ve weaponised, very successfully I might add, our compassion, and then they’ve used this as a hammer to bludgeon us. The plain truth is that there is a small number of children with gender dysphoria (almost always boys), and if left alone, they almost always grow out.

The male mentioned by in the above piece is, without a doubt, an autogynephile, that is a male who gets aroused by putting on women’s attire, they think of themselves as women and they get off on such things as women’s menstruation and so on. All of these are sexual perversions, fetishes and they are very, very dangerous. These males despise women and theysee themselves as “more women” than an actual biological female, which makes us expendable. And the male uses this fetish to gain access to women and women’s spaces. These males should be kept well away from women and children. This push to accept those with sexual fetishes is all part of queer theory, which aims to normalise the abnormal and the putrid, such as pedophilia.

But back to…why? Well, conservatives, for far too long, have played nice, have played decent and have played fair. And then we snap out of it and we find ourselves still at the starting line, the progressive left have run the race and they’re laughing out loud at us. And why are we still at the starting line? Because we were nice, we were decent and we were fair….but here’s the truth, the left aren’t.

Our niceness, our kindness, and our decency must stop now. Either we stand up and fight or we accept deviancy and perversion, and that will include pedophilia. I don’t know about others but I’m ready to stand up and fight.

April 26, 2023 2:20 pm

I don’t know about others but I’m ready to stand up and fight.

I truly believe that we possess the intelligence to do so, but for whatever reason (good times breed soft people?), we don’t or cannot, apply that same intelligence.

One of our first steps to gaining the initiative could be to publicly apologise to the younger generations for basically neglecting them for the last few decades. This would take a great deal of pride swallowing though (No, not THAT pride swallowing), and I wonder if we are too ego-driven to demonstrate the required humility? I’m not religious, but isn’t pride a deadly sin?

April 26, 2023 2:24 pm

But I will fight, I will not kowtow to PERVERTS & PERVERT APOLOGISTS.

Yes. Me too and that’s why two family members no longer speak to me. One in particular who thought it was appropriate to push his fagism to a point where I could no longer look at a picture of him without wanting to spew.

On another point, I’ve got to the stage of risking wetting myself rather than venture into female toilets.

Apologies for venting, BBS, but this poofter/trans stuff really disgusts me.

April 26, 2023 2:29 pm

The approach to Alinksy’s ‘Rules’ needs to be proactive rather than reactive, because they are truly effective as tools to dismantle.

April 26, 2023 2:45 pm

One of our first steps to gaining the initiative could be to publicly apologise to the younger generations for basically neglecting them for the last few decades

I cant see neglect anywhere.

In fact I see the opposite. Coddled and indulged.

Besides that, apologising for what post-structural feminism did to them would be heaping more lies on lies.

you need to understand how intersectionality works … you can never regain initiative.
it’s designed that way

engaging them is like rhetorical velcro
and will result in failure

tbh, that’s how we got here

April 26, 2023 2:55 pm

Alinksy’s ‘Rules’

they are truly effective as tools to dismantle

there is thread that runs through the Frankfurt School, Derrida, Foucault etc and on through every Feminist School.

all the way through the post-modern, post-structural, to the intersectional.

like a chain of paper dolls.

they told you it was about womens but it was never women.

it’s all about power

April 26, 2023 2:59 pm

BBS, thank you.

April 26, 2023 3:05 pm
April 26, 2023 3:07 pm

I actually think we are winning on this. Think where we were on this issue just 3 years ago. Our side was rolling over without even a whimper of resistance at every encounter. Now we see Nicola Sturgeon losing her job. A number of women’s sporting associations are now banning Trans athletes. Dylan Mulvaney just made some pretty serious coin off AB and Nike but has he picked up a third gig? The marketing execs who made that decision are “on leave”. Finally there is a price being paid.
The one really big disappointment is the treatment of Moira Deeming . So not a clean sweep and we are coming from behind for sure but at least now we have claimed a few scalps ourselves. We are in the fight at least.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 26, 2023 3:48 pm


A point on terminology.

Do not use the leftard term “progressive”. There are very far from that. Instead, refer to the “regressive left”. Reclaim verbal accuracy.

April 26, 2023 3:52 pm

April 26, 2023 at 3:07 pm

I am not as confident as you appear to be that we are winning. We may have the numbers but they have the guns (ref. politicians, bureaucracy and the filth media.) I can’t see commonsense prevailing through that.

April 26, 2023 4:18 pm

I think a starting point, as largely ineffectual as it would be, is to actually have .xxx domains the only ones legally allowed to host porn and perversions.
It would at least give a basis to try and quarantine younger people from the insidious pipeline of “porn/I dont look/act/feel like that, I must be wrong/oh heres a group who say Im not wrong just “special”/grooming/life destroying changes.”

Not censorship per say, but putting the vast bulk of that sort of material in a clearly defined “adult” space.

The internet is a pipeline for this sort of thing, many “activists” appear to live lives defined by trying to recruit others while living on welfare of some sort.

April 26, 2023 4:23 pm

There’s too much of wanting/needing to apologise already.
It’s a tactic to gain the initiative. Without doing the latter, we remain standing where we have allowed others to place us, flapping our limbs in the breeze. Unless we evaluate what we have been doing, and if it has been working, how can we expect to compete? Do we even have one foot on the field of competition, or are we still waiting in line for the toilets?

I cant see neglect anywhere.
We are here, discussing this, because no-one thought the termites that were spotted decades ago could possibly do any damage to the structure, because they were so small.

I actually think we are winning on this.
How do we define ‘winning?’ I ask that seriously. Does winning = not better, but not worse either? Is winning one policy reversal, or legal victory, after years of irreversible damage? Are we content with mediocrity, in the hope that sooner or later, someone will save us?

engaging them is like rhetorical velcro and will result in failure
An apt phrase, and true, insofar as you insert ‘on their own terms’ after the word ‘them.’ That’s my point: Changing the terms of engagement. They were changed once (over a period of time), and can be changed again.

It’s not conservatism that has failed, but conservatives. Conservatives have failed to provide a viable alternative to the mass delusion that now squats in western craniums. Without an alternative, people will believe the sole narrative they are exposed to.

Cassie of Sydney
April 26, 2023 4:25 pm

“I actually think we are winning on this. “

I’m not. Maybe in the UK, but not elsewhere, and most particularly not in Oz and NZ. Did you not see what happened at the rallies here in Oz and those utterly appalling scenes in NZ where women were assaulted and almost lynched? I attended Kellie-Jay Keen’s first rally here in Sydney. The only reason we weren’t assaulted was because the NSW police did their job. But it all got steadily worse as she went around Australia. All of the subsequent violence and rioting was egged on by our squalid MSM and vile politicians, but particularly that spineless, toad, jelly backed, creep, dumb arse and so called liberal John Pussotto. I believe Pussotto directly contributed to the near lynching by a feral mob of Kellie-Jay Keen in Auckland. It was he who fell hook line and sinker for the far-left lie that Keen was far-right and a Nazi and it was he who falsely claimed Deeming was associated with Nazis and that Kellie-Jay Keen was a Nazi and had associated with the likes of David Duke…..ALL LIES. And why did he do it? Because either Dumb Arse Pussotto himself or one of his useless Mint Green minions in his office read a f*cking Wikipedia page. My God, when I watched that Credlin piece I nearly fell off my couch laughing and then I stopped laughing and I became white with fury and I’m still white with fury because apart from Hanson, Antic, and a few others, nobody, even in the so called f*cking Liberal party has the guts to stand up and speak up for women and women’s safe spaces.

The reason why there is some success in the UK is because of outspoken and tough women such as Kellie-Jay, Julie Bindel, Julie Burchill and the ever marvellous JK Rowling. Rowling is uncancellable, the trans perverts try with Rowling but they can’t.

Finally, my Sky News selection is shrinking by the day. Sharri Markson’s outrageous interview with Kath Deves last week put the kibosh on watching her programme again. I won’t watch that moron Blot anymore (although he was good about Keen and Deeming).

The future is ADH TV.

Sorry about the rant, but I can’t believe we now live in a society where we’re expected to tolerate perverts.

April 26, 2023 4:25 pm

My apologies for digressing so far from your premise, BBS. I just thought that while there was a reasonable exchange of views occurring, it may be interesting to continue in that vein. Please let me know if I need to bite my tongue.

April 26, 2023 4:34 pm

Conservatives have failed to provide a viable alternative to the mass delusion that now squats in western craniums.

Bingo! Way to much projecting and ranting and little else, Muddy.

April 26, 2023 4:52 pm

Conservatives have failed to provide a viable alternative to the mass delusion that now squats in western craniums.

Apart from stating the bleedin’ obvious?

Do we need to dress the truth up in fancy gear and a little lippie?

The alternative is viable and always has been. It is what has given us the marvellous, clean and peaceful cultures that we have enjoyed up until morons decided that was “boring” and needed to tear the lot down.

April 26, 2023 4:57 pm

Apart from stating the bleedin’ obvious?

Why hasn’t it succeeded?

April 26, 2023 5:06 pm

Why hasn’t it succeeded?

Because people are determined to believe a lie, which, repeated often enough becomes truth.

We are seeing propagandised people. This is not new and the propaganda fits with their world view. The propagandised are soft, they are bored, they don’t know what it’s like to do without…really to do without.

Like children they need to feel the effects of the lies they have been told and that they have full throatedly supported. Unfortunately we will be caught up in it all too.

April 26, 2023 5:11 pm

people are determined to believe a lie, which, repeated often enough becomes truth.

What makes them susceptible to believe a lie, and what can be done about it?
How was enemy propaganda responded to in the Second World War? Was it ignored in the hope the enemy would get tired and need a looong nap?

April 26, 2023 5:16 pm

Enemy propaganda was responded to in a number of ways –

Counter propaganda – see Allied posters, postcards, newsletters
Bombs – just shoot the buggers (this, incidentally, won the war)
Blockades and starvation
Humour – Disney is my favourite at this

The difference – the Allies had the press on side. A rails run.

April 26, 2023 5:29 pm

Cassie and others I may have over stated to say we are winning but I do think we have stopped surrendering ground without even a fight. JK Rowling was almost completely alone 3 years ago. Riley Gaines is recruiting other female athletes to her cause nearly every other day. The GOP passed legislation in the House to protect women’s sport and yes it got defeated in Senate and Biden would have vetoed if it got that far but every GOP-er voted for it. I’m not sure that would have happened even a year ago.

I do share your despair, as I said above at how Moira Deeming was treated. I personally would have liked Pesutto to have been asked “”Why the hell weren’t you there with her side by side defending women’s rights?” However I suspect Pesutto would have been very surprised at how much sustained support she had and has and will be a great deal slower to throw stones next time if at all.

Grinding progress to be sure but that’s a helluva lot better than unmitigated surrender which is what it was just a couple of years ago. Keep fighting the good fight!

April 26, 2023 5:59 pm

The alternative is viable and always has been. It is what has given us the marvellous, clean and peaceful cultures that we have enjoyed up until morons decided that was “boring” and needed to tear the lot down.

When was this?

April 26, 2023 6:36 pm

We are here, discussing this, because no-one thought the termites that were spotted decades ago could possibly do any damage to the structure, because they were so small.

ah … so you’re not saying our ‘negligence’ of them per se, more a neglect to protect against the termites? I think I get what you mean.

sounds to me though, like you may also mean that allowing natural consequence to take it’s course will make this self-correcting. If you you don’t fix the termites then the house will fall down.

trouble is, post-modernism and particularly intersectionality are designed to be a double-bind or no-win situation. They want the house down and, they’re white-anting to bring it down.

the seductive delusion has become institutionalised now and the institutions don’t believe we need old houses.

as long as it stands; it must be white-anted

conflict or lose

April 26, 2023 6:39 pm
April 26, 2023 6:53 pm

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Maybe they got Jizya in their eyes – oh, behave

April 26, 2023 7:04 pm

When was this?

Well I have enjoyed it bespoke, by and large.

Not all of us live in a perpetual war zone.

April 26, 2023 7:21 pm

Not all of us live in a perpetual war zone.

A mix of circumstance and choice, calli.
While I think life is good civilisation is only ever been a thin veneer.

April 26, 2023 7:39 pm

Not so long ago, the guy would have been visited by the girls’ fathers, brothers, boy friends and he would never have attempted this again.
We have become soft.
Time to get serious.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
April 26, 2023 7:44 pm

Tis Womanface and as such female cultural appropriation. Or using another of their terminology its violence against women and I say no.

Winston Smith
April 28, 2023 9:01 pm


I am not as confident as you appear to be that we are winning. We may have the numbers but they have the guns (ref. politicians, bureaucracy and the filth media.) I can’t see commonsense prevailing through that.

Entryism works.

  1. cohenite  March 7, 2025 10:04 am Gutfeld is the best political commentator. His opening last night about the demorats reactions…

  2. That’s not really how that might work. Once the ICBMs start flying, they all go, because that’s the logic of…

  3. 2AM last pie in the roadhouse bain-marie retard strength. Those following me will find death a blessing.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x