I went to see a comedy duo in Northbridge last night. Got a laugh here and there but tooo much…
I went to see a comedy duo in Northbridge last night. Got a laugh here and there but tooo much…
Skiting alert: My artwork has been recognised! Libs of TikTok used an image that was created by me. I feel…
ChatGPT Isn’t it true that philosophers who haven’t kept themselves updated with developments in neuroscience continue to believe in existence…
I totally boycott any Perth Festival stuff.
Barely intelligible. Don’t hang shit on stuff you obviously haven’t experienced. You are a ‘tard in my mind.
Johannes Leak has an article in the Oz today.
I couldn’t have wished for a better send-off for Dad (Paywallian)
Two heroic lions that we’ll miss. Fortunately Johannes is rapidly becoming one himself.
When living in Singleton drove the Putty rd a bunch of times to get into the back of Sydney. Never saw a cop once. Winding road makes it hard to speed in a car.
Most bikers were pretty good but was overtaken a few times by fools, one just on from the Colo River on the ridges with double white lines & blind corners that he was lucky nothing came round the corner as I had nowhere to go and would have won that one.
One very valid comment – “What have Indigenous Australians ever done, in the name of reconciliation, except hold their hands out, and demand more?”
Surprised the moderators let that one through.
We did a consulting job on bricks in Perf for a colourful character from the 80s (more a bit player). Interesting and quite good fun but didn’t get paid a cent. Bricks by container out of Perf become economic periodically. Likewise clay roof tiles imports from Europe. Whole think went nowhere, although curiously Hanson now here.
Can’t keep that up for long.
On the James Lindsay speech to the EUP linked upthread, I enjoyed his passing swipe at all the new victim groups who see themselves as special, virtuous fighters against injustice, and who identify through their own flags etc. as ‘VOLK’.
Nothing like calling out the right as Nazis while adopting Nazi methodology yourself.
Anyone knowingly investing in this bullshit is a crony capitalist.
A bit of it starting to happen in the water market as well. I know (first hand) of people buying water allocations with the aim of selling them to the government at a vastly inflated price once the new round of buy backs start.
* No Crocs were harmed in the manufacture of this fairytale.
This really is a nightmare considering what legislative powers can be delegated and that the National Voice will be indirectly elected by regional Voices.
I’m not attacking the good intentions of people. This is a pandora’s box.
political debate around Liddell and the fact that in the end it was market forces dictating the change
Yes. The “market” in subsidies.
Talking about market forces in the electricity market is laughable.
“Was always a one term government at best.”
Alas no given the state the Liberals are in. Although, they have found some cojones since the disastrous Aston result. It doesn’t help that 90% of the MSM are in Sleazy’s pocket. However, I do think that some of the Teal electorates will be returned to the Liberal fold at the next election and the Liberals will pick up other seats lost last May.
I will listen to the James Lindsay speech this afternoon, as it’s a dismal, rainy, grey day here in Sydney.
I like James, he’s consistent. Also, he voted for Trump in 2020, and he’s unapologetic about it, he knows the woke Marxist utopian disaster that’s coming.
Bruce of Ncl
And since the Left are suppressing gas extraction AGL can therefore make humungous amounts of munni, first by farming the renewable subsidies, then sadly (more in sorrow than in anger) being forced, FORCED!, to bring in LNG from Qatar to keep the lights on. A more rapacious and mendacious company would be hard to find in Australia.
Remember when the left hated greedy companies? When they at least tried to help those at the bottom of the economic pile?
Isn’t it amazing what big political donations can achieve? See also the compulsory superannuation system.
Fascism offers the same absolute power over the “Lives of Others”, combined with vastly greater opportunities for grifting. And so all the left’s principles have been abandoned. Now it is just a large-scale money laundering gang.
Googleory, of course, lives in a croc-infested Northern Territory billabong* so he’s calling out all the girlymen baulking at taking their life in their hands in the wilds of the outback.
*not a comfy public service job in Sydney.
Banner painting. When you look at a Pisarro work you understand why so many people wish they had the ability to paint a peaceful rural scene.
… the National Voice will be indirectly elected by regional Voices.
The original 24 Uncle Tokens will be appointed by Albanese.
For life.
Otherwise, at “National” Voice Election time, there’s going to be Mexican Cartel level violence in the remote Communities.
The woke juvenile work experience editors probably thought they would be exposing their racist Australian readers. The vast majority of course want indigenous nobles as overlords , right?
This is the wildcard. I wouldn’t take that prediction to the bank. I expect post- Voice politics will be quite different to the status quo.
Never seen this one, I watched a fair bit of this as a kid and as reruns.
Marcy & Jefferson Roleplay as Al & Peg! | Married With Children
boambee john at 1051
there appears to be no outcomes which are entirely popcorn-free
Oh FFS Linda. Get real. It’s not about reconciliation. It’s about money- our money to be squandered by Gov’ts on the Indigenous Industry. In perpetuity.
If was going to build a house, I’d use imported Danish bricks. They look great.
Weekend moderators are usually a bit more easy going. I expect they get swamped. Tick and flick.
It doesn’t help that 90% of the MSM are in Sleazy’s pocket.
Yup and the puff pieces still keep coming about this loathsome man. Nil mention of his gaffe on ANZAC Day either.
At least he was in good company at that wedding with Sandalands, birds of feather so they say…
Brace yourself.
Fleccas Talks:
As usual I can’t get past about 30 seconds.
aka El Stupido The Great:
The story is bullshit emanating from N.T. Police, viz:
We’ve saved these 2 dopes from a chompin’ so let’s forget about Rolfey, okay?
Top Ender hasn’t pasted the rest of the story, which claims the cops fired at onrushing crocs to save the offenders, but no crocs were harmed.
It’s obvious BS.
… absolute power as communism over …
Somebody’s due to be wormed.
“there appears to be no outcomes which are entirely popcorn-free”
Yep, though I feel pity for the real victim of this whole confected political operation, however he did have good news yesterday with the decision that he could proceed with his defamation lawsuits.
Alternatively, they could be the most junior of the juniors, forced by their juniority to do the sh*t weekend shifts.
Maybe they’re just tired of trying to be the thought police and are actually interested in what their job’s supposed to be — i.e., finding out stuff.
Grandpa Ed Simpson
Top Ender hasn’t pasted the rest of the story, which claims the cops fired at onrushing crocs to save the offenders, but no crocs were harmed.
What makes you think that they were firing at the crocs?
Your version is obvious BS.
“I expect post- Voice politics will be quite different to the status quo.”
I hope you’re right.
Lisa lied about not being warned by Drumgold.
She was up to her ears in a conspiracy , then realised at the last minute that Channel 10 were going to settle with Lehrmann and leave her in the lurch.
Looks as though the ACT Labor Government is trying to get Lisa off the hook, but D-Day is happening if she’s ever called as a witness.
Justice Samuel Alito was supposed to speak to law students at George Mason University in Arlington, Va., but when they showed up, he wasn’t there. “That Alito was speaking via closed circuit from a room at the Supreme Court seven miles away, rather than in person, was a sign these are not normal times,” the Washington Post reported. The Post didn’t explain what made the “times” abnormal.
And look who not only isn’t defending the judges but supporting the threats.
Female baby-sitter accused of raping 13-year-old boy, telling him to ‘take it like man’
“Every generation has a moment,” Biden, who was born during WWII, claimed, “To stand up for their fundamental freedoms. I believe this is ours. That’s why I’m running for reelection.”– lying old piece of shite. The danger of pay to play amoral crooks.
After dodging the draft in Vietnam, Biden’s reporting for duty at the age of 80 to fight for freedom. dirty old c*nt
I remember a particular day at Cottesloe beach. Massive swells!
You’d roll yourself into a ball, get pummeled and go back for the next set. It was better than a carnival ride.
Below should put a smile on your face.
Bondi Rescue:
Lifeguard’s Most Desperate Resuscitation | Bondi Rescue – Season 6 Episode 4 (OFFICIAL UPLOAD)
Hiden’s energy secretary doing hard drugs.
I made a brief comment on the Noel Pearson article about the fact the Cape York indigenous leader has lived in Noosa for the past 10 years.
I was literally just repeating what the article said but the point is more obvious when combined into one sentence.
He moved to Noosa due to medical treatment but now staying until his kids all finished school. I guess he did not want them educated under the much lauded and very expensive scheme he set up in Cape York.
Peter O’Brien, in “The Indigenous voice to Parliament,” makes the point that Lidia Thorpe would have been very quickly put in her place, by traditional Aboriginal culture, in 1788. (Page 104.)
Peter O’Brien, in “The Indigenous voice to Parliament,” makes the point that Lidia Thorpe would have been very quickly put in her place, by traditional Aboriginal culture, in 1788. (Page 104.)
She woulda been put very quickly in her place in the English Culture of 1788 too, so what exactly is your point?
They are already muttering about the interest rate raising cycle being over. If true, it means they have chosen inflationary price increases instead. With real ‘inflation’ likely double the 8% they admit, interest rates would have to be close to 20% to address it.
Peter O’Brien, in “The Indigenous voice to Parliament,” makes the point that Lidia Thorpe would have been very quickly put in her place, by traditional Aboriginal culture, in 1788. (Page 104.)
Watkin Tench was on friendly terms with Aborigines at Sydney Cove.
His informant told him that women were the root cause of all violence in Aboriginal Communities, so really, nothing’s changed in 235 years.
Real estate porn
JPMorgan’s garage turned into a house.
Our government is full of lemmings.
They will do whatever the U.S. Federal Reserve does.
I suspect that rates will be dropping by the end of this year as our economies (in particular the U.S.) cannot afford them due to government debt being too high(at current rates the U.S. will be paying one Trillion dollars in interest on the government debt)
Rates will fall by this year’s and lock in the mindset of oncoming high inflation for years to come.
“Solicitor Duke Myrteza said he’s never seen a situation like this in 30 years of practising law and he’s now representing 18 former students in a class action against the university.
“A course must not be advertised, or a course of study must not be represented as accredited when it’s not, and it’s essential that no statements are made to students that are false or misleading,” Myrteza said.”
Wasn’t JCU the crooked organisation that tried to destroy Peter Ridd?
Welcome to my Country.
Now pay me.
Leaked Government data from the Wellington Region in New Zealand shows the number of heart attacks resulting in hospitalisation has increased by 83%. Hospitalisation for myocarditis is up by one third, a 33% increase. Miscarriage, stillbirths, and strokes are all up by a quarter, a 25% increase. And acute kidney injury is up by 40%.
Reduxx has been contacted by the Australian Government and advised to censor or delete an article we published on April 1. The article identified a trans activist accused of injuring female players at a women’s soccer game.
For that, we have been told we violated Australian law.
When they upload these skills into a robot body, it stops being a game.
Memorial of Saint Catherine of Siena – 29th April 2023
World-renowned evangelist Sherry Weddell, author of best-seller Forming Intentional Disciples: The Path to Knowing and Following Jesus, is returning to Sydney in May.
Following on from her hugely popular visit in 2019, the co-founder and executive director of the US-based Catherine of Siena Institute, she will present her highly acclaimed Charisms: The Power of the Holy Spirit Unleashed, aimed to equip clergy, religious and laity to understand how discerning our charisms can help us to recognise how God is calling us to serve in his Church.
Seattle-born Weddell, who grew up in southern Mississippi, became a Catholic in 1987, after praying for God’s guidance before a statue of St Catherine of Siena, the 14th-century Italian doctor of the church.
Today she and her international team of collaborators have worked directly with around 150,000 lay, religious, and ordained Catholics in well over 150 dioceses around the world and have helped countless people become intentional disciples.
The Catholic Weekly – March 29, 2023
Two blankets and a jar of rum?
Ed Casesays:
April 29, 2023 at 12:54 pm
Peter O’Brien, in “The Indigenous voice to Parliament,” makes the point that Lidia Thorpe would have been very quickly put in her place, by traditional Aboriginal culture, in 1788. (Page 104.)
She woulda been put very quickly in her place in the English Culture of 1788 too, so what exactly is your point?
If you are too stupid to work it out, better to stay silent Grandpa Ed.
If you were on a cruise ship and Telstra was a passenger hanging over the rails on the top deck after midnight.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha says: April 29, 2023 at 1:21 pm
Depends on what’s in the blankets.
Watkin Tench was on friendly terms with Aborigines at Sydney Cove.
His informant told him that women were the root cause of all violence in Aboriginal Communities, so really, nothing’s changed in 235 years.
Grandpa Ed Simpson moves to combine his great passions, racism and misogyny.
The indig are very unhappy with Tanya.
She hasn’t given them water rights in the MDB yet – as promised.
They desperately need a dink on the water cycle to get to the shops.
Oh look!
We have a new fred.
Well put, Muddy. I will steal that one and use it on a T shirt. No attribution – so people think I thought of it and they will believe I am clever.
That was brilliant. Lindsay has managed to coalesce several trains of thought of mine for me.
I was unable to find a way of downloading the transcript – can you do so for us, please?
And yes, I’ve put it up on my no longer nationwide Facebook page since my other reader blew up the motor in his Jeep and it is now on the way back to Brisbane on the back of a truck along with his caravan.
What the Hell happened to our Health System during the COVID overreaction?
Very good post from Richardson. Details how the US government (and by extension, ours.) forced the system into the mass murder of the sick with the coercion of the doctors and nurses.
cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra will be visiting Oz in late May early June.
He is now one of the most well known Dr’s speaking against the vaccine. He initially took two and promoted Vax on UK TV. Then his father, also a Dr, died of sudden heart issue. He had autopsy done and since then campaigned against the vaccine and says should be stopped.
Sponsored by TNT Radio and the Australian Medical Professionals Society.
Smallpox, if you believe Bill Shorten.
Watkin Tench was on friendly terms with Aborigines at Sydney Cove.
Watkin Tench’s “A Narrative of the Expedition to Botany Bay” & “A Complete Account of the Settlement at Port Jackson, republished by Tim Flannery (1996) is a marvellous source of information about the attitude and relationships between the early colonials and the Sydney area Aborigines. It should be read by all in these days of confusion and angst.
One of the most remarkable things it reveals is the physical and social isolation of Aboriginal clan/language groups from these early times. When the early explorers of the colony sought the guidance and company of local Aborigines in expeditions, they were met with alarm and reluctance.
Tench and others also testify to the terrible violence inflicted on Aboriginal women by their men. It distressed Phillip and his officers immensely.
They also expected the colonists to share their fish catches with them and could not understand any reluctance on their part. Nothing has changed.
That Harry Richardson article is from American Thinker and is a must read because it also happened here.
Club Grubbery podcast had two wives on, about 4,/5 weeks ago, talking about husband’s hospital treatment with Remdesivir etc. One was in hospital for 4 months and from the short doco his wife did you would not be wrong to think the hospital was trying to kill him. In the other case the husband died and his treatment was similar.
cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra will be visiting Oz in late May early June.
Fantastic! Hope to see him at some venue.
We were privileged to have a leading and founding member of the Australian Medical Professionals Society, and his wife, stay with us for a couple of days at the farm. He has over 40 years experience in the field of immunology and knows all the leading players in this country. As you can imagine, it was a real Talk Fest! He has been an indefatigable proponent of the need to immediately cease the promotion of the mRNA vaccines pending a complete review of the data.
Hoover Institution senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson reacts to a CDC study showing 1 in 4 high schoolers identify as homosexual on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’
1540 Experts Agree There Is No Climate Emergency
“There is no climate emergency. As I have been saying for years, the climate change agenda to end fossil fuels is merely a fraudulent cause intended to gain power. The Global Climate Intelligence Group (CLINTEL) is an independent foundation founded in 2019 by emeritus professor of geophysics Guus Berkhout and science journalist Marcel Crok. “The climate view of CLINTEL can be easily summarized as: There is no climate emergency.” Over 1540 experts respected in their independent fields have joined CLINTEL to spread the message that there is no scientific data to indicate that climate change is political propaganda.
“Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. In particular, scientists should emphasize that their modeling output is not the result of magic: computer models are human-made. What comes out is fully dependent on what theoreticians and programmers have put in: hypotheses, assumptions, relationships, parameterizations, stability constraints, etc. Unfortunately, in mainstream climate science most of this input is undeclared.
To believe the outcome of a climate model is to believe what the model makers have put in. This is precisely the problem of today’s climate discussion to which climate models are central. Climate science has degenerated into a discussion based on beliefs, not on sound self-critical science. We should free ourselves from the naïve belief in immature climate models. In future, climate research must give significantly more emphasis to empirical science.”
Climate science currently starts with a preconceived notion that leads to biased, untrustworthy studies, which are often funded by those with special interests. Climate experts have convinced the world that CO2 is a pollutant when it is essential to all life. They have also lied to us and claimed that natural disasters are somehow created by man when there is zero supporting evidence. Climate has varied on a cyclical basis, with the most recent Little Ice Age ending in 1850. We are experiencing nature’s cyclical pattern of warming and there is no case for alarm.”
We MUST question why governments across the world are fighting tooth and nail to eliminate fossil fuels and our way of life as we know it. Why are we following the World Economic Forum’s 2030 agenda to save a planet that does not need saving? Why are we allowing our elected officials to spend endless funds on an imaginary cause? Everything has a cycle, including the weather. So while the climate may be changing, there is absolutely nothing humans can do to alter the course of nature, and those stating otherwise are lying.”
Gloss coming off Albo?
Anthony Albanese has clashed with hecklers who tried to hijack his press conference about his plan to funnel millions into a new stadium in Hobart.
The Prime Minister was at Macquarie Point in the Tasmanian capital to announce the $240m investment into the “one-in-a-generation” urban renewal project, which will pave the way for Tasmania to enter the AFL.
Mr Albanese said the millions would go towards redeveloping the Hobart waterfront location and include a private-public partnership to develop housing along the precinct – including affordable homes for “critical health workers and veterans”.
But it wasn’t long before a small group of protesters, armed with umpire’s whistlers and banners and signs, disrupted proceedings.
“We want affordable housing, not a stadium. Affordable housing!” a man shouted from the crowd.
“Priorities Albo, please,” another woman yelled.
“Any more questions?” Mr Albanese remarked, later adding their appearance at the press conference was as an example of our “great democracy”.
He stressed the government would set aside room in the precinct’s plan to ensure “someone in social and affordable housing have access to this unbelievable view” at Macquarie Point.
As the press conference continued, the hecklers were emboldened. During a question whether the Prime Minister’s would DJ at shock jock Kyle Sandilands’ wedding on Saturday, things came to a head.
“The big picture is housing,” the woman yelled.
An unimpressed Mr Albanese glared at the protester and responded: “I think you’ve had your say”.
“No, I haven’t, you have had your say at the back of the sewerage works when no-one knows what is going on,” she continued.
The Prime Minister ignored her comments, turning his focus back to the reporter to reveal he wouldn’t be spinning the decks, and then promptly ended the press conference.
The clash comes as a report by Anglicare on Friday revealed rents in Tasmania had risen 10 times faster than income support payments.
Federal Tasmanian senator Tammy Tyrrel slammed the federal government and accused it of bending to the will of the AFL and the state Liberals.
“The money going to this project could do a hell of a lot for the most vulnerable people in our community. The ones sleeping in tents. The ones who can’t afford to pay for their medication,” she said.
The federal Tasmanian Liberals also questioned the investment. Senator Jonno Duniam slammed Labor for being “out of touch” with what the state actually needed.
“This news will be of no comfort to the many thousands of Tasmanians who are fighting hard to make ends meet,” he said.
Hobart Mercury
What gloss as he never had any. He’s an inarticulate doofus way over his head.
Man overbooooooooooard. 🙂
Get a load of this. The world isn’t such a bad place when you see something like this.
They also expected the colonists to share their fish catches with them and could not understand any reluctance on their part.
An understandable reaction, since the Colonists fished Sydney Harbour out inside 3 years.
Black libertarian trialing for Tucker’s spot. Could work, but I think the viewers of that slot want red meat, but the viewership mix may change.
Re the Telstra scenario…
‘gurgle, gurgle’
“Another round of G&T’s gentlemen?”
A fine series of twats on twatter by black folk, mainly women, wanting to kill whites.
Your initial negotiating position is laughable. Put them in the back of the ute.
The ‘private- public partnership’ is, of course, Mussolini’s very definition of fascism.
Mak Sicccar:
Woke physics, my man.
May you live all the days of your life.
– Jonathan Swift
If there was already a chip, the impact shock might have done it, same as a pothole. But just a dirty great crack. Anyone got a photo of the windscreen?
I’m not smart, but I like to observe. Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why.
– William Hazlitt
Interesting article on historiography of ASD…
Quote from a friend many years ago:
“No really Chris, it’s just a boring desk job.”
Does anyone have info on where the 400K New Australians are coming from? And – how was this decided and by whom?
I suspect a tsunami from Shitholistan etc is on its way …
Don’t buy Maybellene make-up products any more if you ever have. Cheap stuff anyway, but pricepoint popular for many young women.
They have Dylan Mulvaney as their key ‘female’ promoter saying he uses their make-up. A man muscling into yet another female domain.
Just had a look. Nope. Looks like the impact was the driver’s side front fender and something heavy flew over the bonnet and hit the windscreen.
And they were allowed to drive it home?
Don’t you know who I am?
April 29, 2023 at 11:52 am
If was going to build a house, I’d use imported Danish bricks. They look great.
You would look so good in a Lego House with all those lego bricks to play with. Mattel could then supply you with a Barbie and a Ken.
Anyone abroad who doesn’t look at Australia as a wannabe Third World sh*thole ruled by communist autocrats is wearing rose-coloured glasses.
Homeless derro drug addicts are now going to be housed in government-built apartments on prime waterfront land with million-dollar views (as long as they vote for Abo apatheid and the end of one-vote one-value democracy).
Winston Smith says:
April 29, 2023 at 1:35 pm
That was brilliant. Lindsay has managed to coalesce several trains of thought of mine for me.
I was unable to find a way of downloading the transcript – can you do so for us, please?
Have removed time stamps and editing the speech now.
Have asked Dover if it could be uploaded in full, as a separate thread.
And a fair chunk from Kiwis already here on one visa or another.
April 29, 2023 at 11:10 am
Whoops. I posted my real name some some other blokes too.
April 29, 2023 at 11:09 am
Who cares wot’ yer’ real name is. You are still Dotty Dot of Dottiness………………………….
Thanks Gilas. I’ve bookmarked it and will send it to anyone who’s interested in my little social circle.
I get a lot of comments along the lines of “What the hell is going on? People have gone nuts”. That address goes a long way towards answering the question and filling in the gaps.
Why would you do that, Johnny? Making sure everyone has a look?
Cali one thing is guaranteed, high likelihood the Belinda Neil moment happened.
Guardian of the Gorge of Eternal Peril
Thanks, JC. I worked my way down that whole thread, cuteness and amazingness of animals, so good.
Dogs and cats are very special adjuncts to humans. They help to keep us sane.
Trigger warning: scroll now, Johanna, scroll if you’re watching and are outrageously outraged.
Attapuss’s white fat tum in full display cures many ills. And when he jumps up on what I’m reading, settles his two front paws on my shoulder and tries desperately to lick my hair, hoping that one day I will turn into something furry like him, he is beyond glorious. He then tries to make do with my face and hands. A rasp too far for me to stand it for more than a couple of goes.
April 29, 2023 at 11:52 am
If was going to build a house, I’d use imported Danish bricks. They look great.
Yes, and your house would look so good made of Lego Bricks. You could go on TV and show your Dolls House with Barbie and Ken in it. Invite Chairman Dan over for some tea and cakes as well……………….lol
April 29, 2023 at 2:56 pm
Why would you do that, Johnny? Making sure everyone has a look?
Dotty Dot did it. And it was not the Butler.
Thinking of 251s jumping in rivers to avoid arrest ..!
Mig welding in a tight space and nearly upside down.
I’ve got spot burns in my ears.
an annoying local identity who is on the ship has been on facebook assuring everyone he is safe
i am thinking that if the missing passenger had engaged said batshit boring local identity in conversation it is fairly likely he jumped
Wodney, can you go and ask ladyboy what s/he thinks?
Black Ball:
Plenty of accommodation – there will be entire multi story motels ready for a quick killing to let at 3 – 4 persons per room each paying (Government billing of course) $150 – $200 per day.
Watch them get snaffled up by ‘connected’ buyers.
Attapuss’s white fat tum in full display cures many ills. And when he jumps up on what I’m reading, settles his two front paws on my shoulder and tries desperately to lick my hair, hoping that one day I will turn into something furry like him, he is beyond glorious. He then tries to make do with my face and hands
Gorgeous Lizzie. Just gorgeous.
Everyone seems to have had their way with Trump’s “rape victim”. Trump, the former head of a media company and even the dentist and the list goes on.
JC, for shame appealing to our prurient interests.
Much better that you let an Instapundit co-blogger do it.
It’s never too late. However the corrective action to be taken is much much worse at Stage ? than at Stage ?.
(Testing Roman Numerals cutnpaste)
Bugger. Didn’t work.
It’s never too late. However the corrective action to be taken is much much worse at Stage VI than at Stage II.
April 29, 2023 at 3:26 pm
Wodney, can you go and ask ladyboy what s/he thinks?
I did, but Dotty Dot asked me to ask you………………..lol
Watched it this morning. Probably for Mon or Tues.
Our daughter’s husband has been with us for two nights, corporate warrior on business, Army Reservist, and all-round good guy husband and father. He stayed with us to update us on our littlest grandson’s serious emergent health issues and give news re their two daughter’s school progress, and discuss future funding of private schooling.
They live in one of Brisbane’s top double-story renovated Queenslander suburbs, where nearby suburbs have seen a rise in juvenile break and enter crimes, one of which led to a woman’s death by stabbing. Due to the spread of this phenomenon, all locals in their area have been busy installing security camera monitoring and apparently a short while ago it paid off for our son-in-law’s protective nature re his little family of his wife and their three little ones, all of whom sleep upstairs. He showed us video on his phone of two hoodie and masked yoofs coming down their side passage to the back garden after having first tried out the front door; he was alerted to a special wake-up tone, one that blocks out animal movements as false alarms. His military skills kicked in, and he immediately asked our daughter to phone the police, going downstairs himself to follow these kids out, getting a good ID on them on his phone and in his memory. The police arrived within six minutes (they are extra wary after the recent murder), having picked up the two boys from his directions as to where they were headed, and asked our son-in-law to go down to the station immediately (3.30am) to make a statement.
A later press report congratulated ‘the householder’ for both his forethought in installing security cameras and his good sense in not tacking the boys himself but ensuring the police were on their way to do so and also that he provided information and video that could ID them.
These wealthier areas of Brisbane suburbs are being targeted for these attacks by out-of-control yoofs, often aboriginal or inspired by their example. It seems to be a Queensland thing, although that said, it is contagious, from Alice Springs now down to Townsville in NSW.
No worries though. The Voice will fix it.
Boambee John:
They all knew what was going down, but the Great Backpedalling is stage 2 of the argument.
Gilas, thanks for the Lindsay recommendation. It was superb, 100% accurate and a little depressing.
Whilst watching the Lindsay youtube video, this came up on my feed, rather uplifting after watching James speak….
“Texas Police PUMMELS Antifa. This Made My Day”
Firstly, at least in some parts of the USA the police still know how to deal with far-left scum, this was in Texas, which unlike Portland or Seattle, will use force when necessary. Secondly, I rather like the description “commie cockroaches”, and watch how, just like filthy little German cockroaches, they try and scuttle off, but being Texas, the police got em!
Oh and when you see the pictures of the Antifa scum arrested, the description “commie cockroaches” is rather apt.
The Voice will make all the fvcking difference here, too, won’t it!
Remember Kittehs, Tannerite is an EXPLOSIVE!
And placing it in the fridge won’t make it safer. snork.
We discussed our own home security and safe holding with our son, as we sat talking about how I wanted his girls (my only granddaughters) to inherit my jewellery, via my only daughter who can have first use of it. Keep it matrilineal, was my view. I hadn’t thought much about that as it’s not in my will, but his advice to photograph it all and put valuation notices handy was heeded. He also pointed out that it is nice for grandsons to inherit some too, for their future wives, saying that setting aside some minor pieces for them (I have four grandsons in all) might be a good idea, and identifying which bits now would certainly help.
He also said to us that as these types of intruders are often joyriders seeking only a car it is sensible to leave your car keys where they are easily found. They don’t bother to take much else, he has found out from the local neighbourhood watch. You can always claim the insurance on your car, he says, but you don’t want to have to claim the insurance on your life when these knife carrying loons are thwarted.
In bed last night Hairy and I hugged as I said I’m in the age range to be thinking of these things, securing and passing on some assets already, and he said yes, the count of the years left is closing in fast on us both. Only a year ago today we were in London with his Cambridge friends, reliving old times and making more good times that are now memories.
Here’s the reality of our relationship with Aborigines, starting at Sydney Cove:
Our ancestors plonked themselves down, ate all the food, then blamed the people who owned the house for:
#1. Not having any food
#2. Not feeding their kids
#3. Not being particularly keen on serving as slave labour to their new guests
It’s still solvable.
Just put everyone who identifies as Indigenous on the Cashless Debit Card.
The only objections would be from the Liquor Industry, which is the source of the problems anyway.
.. with our son-in-law, that is.
He’s like another son to us.
The Cane Toad is terminally stupid (like her spouse), and might well have not understood the implications of plain English, but how could the lawyer not comprehend?
They all knew what was going down
Well, I think that they all thought that they knew, but they did not get the preconceived result that was planned for. so I hope they all get what they deserve and end up bankrupt paying their lawyers.
Calli is right, the ship has sailed and we need to steel ourselves for the coming woke tyranny. I wrote a thread on this blog about how it’s over and how people like us are marooned, and like tortoises, we need to take shelter, popping our heads out occasionally. People like us will be the Amish of the future. It is a fact that all governments, all corporations, almost all businesses (apart from small business, and they’re about to be crushed), all media, all entertainment, all education, all academia, and even many religious groups, are now fully captured by pernicious woke ideology. Even the effing royal family has gone woke. My own organisation is implementing ESG policies. It’s over.
Let me end by saying this, right of centre parties across the English speaking West, be it the Liberals and Nationals here in Oz, the GOP in the USA (apart from Trump and DeSantis), the UK Conservatives, the Canadian Conservatives in Canada, the NZ Nationals, none have fought the good fight against woke tyranny, all they’ve done is to cower spinelessly, to appease, to hide away or to capitulate. The only reason woke has won is because those on the right refused to fight.
They say privacy rights cannot be used to shield criminal activity. OK.
How about national security cannot be used to shield criminal activity?
Googleory, I think it would be an excellent idea if the public service sent you to Bourke to explain to the Aboriginal locals how voting for the Voice will change their lives.
You know you want to.
As we pay for your parasitic existence, I hope your hire car isn’t stolen.
Live in the north with rampant crime & also where the cops are now hiding in stations (2nd time occurring last week!).
Nope, we make things as difficult for the little darlings as possible. All our cars are manual. Padlocks on all gates/shed, security lights on motion sense and keys well out of sight/reach. They are inherently lazy so if a target is too hard they move on to the next house round here.
I think Palace”chook” is gone up this way. Thuringowa will likely swing as Harper is an imbecile, maybe Mundingburra with the hapless belligerent drunk Walker possibly but Townsville city will probably hold on for the ALP having Palm Is as one of it wards. Palace”chook”s double speak is transparent to everyone.
Crime is a hot button issue that the MSM pays scant attention too but has touched so many recently that even media blackouts can’t hide it now.
Second that. They could then send him to Northam, to explain to the two clans, who have been feuding since the late 1960’s, how voting for the Voice will change their lives.
But frustratingly insensitive, and Kittehs don’t like that.
British talk show host- Female of course.
Well put, Muddy. I will steal that one and use it on a T shirt.
Not just cultural appropriation, but you were thinking about misgendering me too, weren’t you?
Pffft. You young people!
Isn’t that #7 on the list?
No – it’s #5
5. A good tactic is one your people enjoy.”
You don’t post under the nom du blog of “The Marxist Terrorist Who Farts”, do you?
For those who’ve forgotten:
The Rules
She’d make a damnfine Kitteh.
Zipster: Thanks for that link about the eSafety Commission Censor. It spawned this:
The only reason woke has won is because those on the right refused to fight.
Pride. Hubris. Ego. Choose your sin.
We’ve had the capacity, but cannot or will not, compete.
I made this analogy in BBS’s thread the other day: In professional sport, business, and warfare, the participants periodically assess their progress and evaluate the tactics they have used.
Have conservatives done this? Recently? At ANY time?
Turtlehead, there’s nothing about those “rules” that are somehow revelatory or unique, you goose. Those actions and behaviors are innate in humans. Just stop talking.
And each call will have an addendum to it:
“We know that what was translated was not what you said, but it is what we think you thought.”
Remember how an unlamented, so called Liberal PM once said the following about free speech…..
‘It doesn’t create one job’.
That’s why we’ve lost the f*cking war
Thanks Dover, you are a gentleman.
Look, half of you know me and I saw everyone’s emails etc when Sinc’s blog got attacked.
It’s good to have a culture of NOT doxxing people, even if they start off with some carelessness.
Winston Smithsays:
April 29, 2023 at 4:40 pm
For those who’ve forgotten:
The Rules
“Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.”
“Never go outside the expertise of your people.”
“Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy.”
“Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”
“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”
“A good tactic is one your people enjoy.”
“A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”
“Keep the pressure on.”
“The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”
“The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.”
“If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside; this is based on the principle that every positive has its negative.”
“The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.”
“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”
For those who have forgotten this –
– Military action is important to the Nation – it is the ground of death and life; the path of survival and destruction, so it is imperative to examine it –
Sun Tzu
Yet, I would argue that it does.
Hollywood had genuine free speech in the 1970s to 2010s and they made some landmark cinema that is standout work with great painters, writers, sculptors and so forth. They also made a metric crap tonne of money.
April 29, 2023 at 4:46 pm
Turtlehead, there’s nothing about those “rules” that are somehow revelatory or unique, you goose. Those actions and behaviors are innate in humans. Just stop talking.
Just keep playing with those Lego Bricks. Little Boy.
Those actions and behaviors are innate in humans.
A fair point. Sometimes I wonder if we’ve given them too much mystique.
A tactic can only be effective if there is no counter-tactic applied.
Wow we have a pumpkin vine that has run amok spitting out nice pumpkins.
Any recipes to cook them are appreciated as we are running out of ways to cook. Still too warm for soup up in the tropics as well.
Have at the moment 1 we are eating, the other still on vine but ready to eat and there are 4 more on the way.
Muddy, it happens slowly then all at once. I refuse to blame anyone.
Chipping away, year after year, cause after cause, like termites in a once sturdy house. I liken Australia to that house in Dickens’ Little Dorritt.
On another matter, my comments about depression and some remedies that I have found useful weren’t meant as an attempt to “fix” anyone who suffers from that Old Black Derg. Sometimes the well is so profound that only medication will suffice, and I have been there too. Depression Villa has many rooms, and we’ve all had a go at decorating a space or two. I tend to go for soft furnishings.
And then you go way down to the Dead Sea, at minus 430 metres.
Are they ever going to let that damn thing fill up?
Chuckle. Just reviewed that last comment. Trust me to pop in allusions to building and plumbing.
And cushions. 😀
Ed Casesays:
April 29, 2023 at 4:09 pm
Here’s the reality of our relationship with Aborigines, starting at Sydney Cove:
Our ancestors plonked themselves down, ate all the food,
Hey Dick Head and a Suitable Case for Treatment. They brought their own food with them. T.W.A,T
Tom says:
April 29, 2023 at 2:50 pm
[Elbow] stressed the government would set aside room in the precinct’s plan to ensure “someone in social and affordable housing have access to this unbelievable view” at Macquarie Point.
Homeless derro drug addicts are now going to be housed in government-built apartments on prime waterfront land with million-dollar views (as long as they vote for Abo apatheid and the end of one-vote one-value democracy).
Here in Melbourne the govt is building about 1000 public housing apartments in a prime part of Hawthorn (at the park end of Robinson Road near Scotch Hill for those who know the area). This is in Monique Ryan and Pesutto’s electorates which once were respectively prime federal and state liberal territories. What do you think the effect will be on local demographics and voting outcomes once those apartments are populated with Dan’s clients enrolled to vote? Similar shifts are taking place in other formerly blue ribbon liberal electorates. I’ve written here before about the likelihood of permanent liars/greens rule in the democratic people’s republic of Victoriastan and that will apply federally as well. I don’t think blackouts, recession, unemployment or any reduction in SFL incompetence and stupidity will make much difference.
Gerard James Mazza and Tahlia Madeleine Stolarski should be easy names to remember.
My apologies if my comment about the comments of others re. depression, read as a criticism. It was not intended as such.
Regarding the impotence (flatulence?) of conservatives (not conservatism, but conservatives themselves, with exceptions): We might have to disagree. Change only ever takes place as the result of force.
Pumpkin Lasagna. You can either substitute lots of thinly sliced pumpkin in place of meat, season very well, and layer in the usual way. Or, Substitute thinly sliced pumpkin for the pasta and make lasagna in the usual way.
If you are a home bread baker, add one cup of mashed pumpkin to every 500gm flour.
Pumpkin scones. Sweet, add a little runny honey. Savoury, add Parmesan and finely chopped chives and/or olives.
Pumpkin Gratin. Use your favourite Potato Gratin recipe.
One of my personal favourites, Roasted Pumpkin Risotto.
One day when the history of the Union Movement is written, people will realise what a disaster this Mafia was for Australia.
The economic destruction these parasites of the criminal class have wreaked on the nation have cost us more than a continual war from Federation would have done.
Winston Smith says: April 29, 2023 at 3:45 pm
Yeah, Dover’s catallaxy blog is still operating in the pre-Y2K era. Does not accept raw unicode inputs.
One workaround is…
1. Find the needed symbols with your operating system’s unicode character browser (MS Character Map on Windows, GNOME Character Map on Ubuntu, Character Viewer on Mac).
2. If you can’t find an emoji, look on https://unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html and copy the actual character from that page.
3. Now that you have all the actual unicode characters copied in clipboard, a quick way of encoding them in HTML is to go here https://onlineunicodetools.com/convert-unicode-to-html and paste them in to the ‘unicode’ box. Make sure “Encode All Symbols” is selected in the options below or it may leave some letter-like symbols non-encoded, such as the Roman numerals and Greek characters.
4. Copy the HTML-encoded symbols from the HTML box and paste into comment boxes.
The blog will never be the same again.
e.g. “Crispium Berkium was here ↀⅹⅹⅲ”
Muddy, Of course, people have. It’s laughable to think that only those who have read that idiot’s rules would know how to act and behave in certain situations, especially politics. For instance, those old pros in the Roman senate would have used them all in their scheming and skullduggery.
School teachas really are the dregs- those who can do…
“Yet, I would argue that it does”
Of course it does, in fact liberal, libertarian and conservative free market societies nurture and create many jobs. I was just reminding everyone that if a so called Liberal PM doesn’t value free speech, then that explains a great deal as to we’re now living in a nasty woke world. Nobody on the right dares to speak up and articulate why free speech is so important.
And when you think about it, Marxism has had since the 1840’s to come to full bloom. As Lindsay so eloquently described it, it changes shape and creates species and sub species that look quite different to the undiscerning eye. But they all come from the same parent.
He’s not the next bright shiny saviour that people to the right are wanting, he just happens to have articulated the path of Marxist thought and action best and in a very public way. The Linnaean pattern simply struck a chord with me, and it seems many others.
I like this kids’ originality.
It would be very hard to punish him and keep a straight face.
UnionsWA has come out in support of the Voice.
Humphrey B Bear:
Easy to blame the Boomers for all our ills, but only if one is concerned with blame and not actually fixing the bloody problems.
A Conservative Pro Growth Party would romp it in at the next elections, unfortunately there isn’t one that is prepared to do the job of representing Australia. They only want to represent their own agendas – which is getting at the trough.
If I were a straight guy, I would be so in love right now.
Actually, I reckon I’m a little besotted anyway. 😉
There’s lots of pushback—at least in the US, which appears to be where we obtain all our bad habits from seeing the Australian left mimic American leftism.
Parent associations are pushing back hard in the US. Also, I recall one university (Stamford), but there were two recently that pushed back hard against free speech restrictionists. Don’t forget, that one of the most important agents in the transmission of opinions, ideas, etc. is Twitter, which has been largely cleansed of cancer. The US House of Representatives is doing an excellent job of exposing the left-wing rot.
And how about Musk allowing some journalists to pour over the innards of Twitter and show the disgusting way the state has tried to take over social media in favour of the left?
I like the comment “This is why the Comanches don’t own West Texas.”
Here in Melbourne the govt is building about 1000 public housing apartments in a prime part of Hawthorn (at the park end of Robinson Road near Scotch Hill for those who know the area). This is in Monique Ryan and Pesutto’s electorates which once were respectively prime federal and state liberal territories.
A variation of this in NYC was called blockbusting.
Basically, unscrupulous landlords would buy an apartment block in a good area, empty it and fill it with blacks.
Who don’t pay rent.
Sounds loony, right.
After a while, White tenants from other buildings would move out, no one would replace them, and the crooks would end up buying the neighbourhood for a song.
The central takeout from the Lindsay speech, Cats?
Divide and conquer.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
April 29, 2023 at 5:22 pm
UnionsWA has come out in support of the Voice.
Surprised I am not. What do their members think, or weren’t they asked?
Yeah, but, JC … (cue spooky muzak), Yankee Imperialism! 🙂
We were fkd when we kept believing, in spite of everything witnessed, that conservative Govts still had conviction.
Of course it does, in fact liberal, libertarian and conservative free market societies …
There’s never been a libertarian society, but if there ever is, I couldn’t see it lasting a week.
… nurture and create many jobs.
In other countries, at rock bottom wages and conditions.
The colonists nearly starved to death at Sydney Cove. Poor buggers were saved by the Second Fleet. They tried to plant crops on rubbish soil, they had zero idea of how the weather patterns worked. Finally, when they ventured up river, they found the magnificent, fertile Wiannamatta shales and started clearing and planting.
They never stole food. There was none to be stolen.
1000 or 206?
Next week’s radio show will test the imaginations of many of us, Cats.
Who exactly on this esteemed blogue is an expert on Southern Jug Bands from ’33 to ’37, I asks ya? 🙂
what’s the difference between social housing and affordable housing. Incidentally this appears to be a replacement of old public housing
A long time brewing and metastasising. And, like the Hydra’s head, regrowing to suit the current threat to its existence.
And we have been too slow to recognise it.
They never stole food. There was none to be stolen.
What had the people at Sydney Cove been eating prior to 1788 then?
The settlers raped the Harbour bare, if the 2nd Fleet hadn’t showed up just in time, they woulda starved.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
April 29, 2023 at 5:08 pm
Gerard Mazza and Tahlia Stolarski: Climate activists accused of trying to smoke out Woodside AGM
Sarah Steger
The West Australian
Sat, 29 April 2023 11:59AM
Here are some US alarmist arseholes:
Alarmists are lunatics. There is no climate emergency but it has taken on a pseudo religion for these empty but self absorbed tards.
Before I go out and get on the piss one of the best perpetual motion devices I’ve seen:
public housing watch aren’t happy about Bill’s St.
Trump Parc.
Trump did something similar to an apartment building on Central Park South in the late 80s early 90s. It was a rent control building or part of it was. Anyway, some renters wouldn’t leave because the rent was dirt cheap. So Trump tried to fill the empty apartments with hookers and druggies.
Funny as.
He was all heart.
As Mr. Trump’s frustration with the tenants grew, he offered the building’s dozen or so empty units as shelters for the homeless, promising free apartments with “beautiful views.”
The city declined, questioning the wisdom of moving people into a building headed for demolition.
“I actually thought it was a very generous offer,” Mr. Trump said last week. “I don’t want to see people out on the streets.”
Should be in quotes
All fifteen hundred of them?
Grow a brain.
what’s the difference between social housing and affordable housing. Incidentally this appears to be a replacement of old public housing
Affordable Housing was called Habitat For Humanity.
Basically, builders donate their time in return for brownie points and what’s built is cheap slum housing and not to Code.
Among the things the First Fleet did to alleviate starvation was issue muskets to convicts to go out in the bush and hunt.
Does anyone have info on where the 400K New Australians are coming from? And – how was this decided and by whom?
I suspect a tsunami from Shitholistan etc is on its way …
They are all new LayBore Voters……………………..
All fifteen hundred of them?
Completely denuded the harbour of anything edible in less than 3 years.
Grow a brain.
You might consider taking your own advice.
Thanks Pogria
Interesting – given Teats Peanuthead’s indulging in certain other activities, the Albansleazey has loudly marched out to bat on his behalf today.
*An indescribable unfunny joke in two door stop sized forms.
Inja ‘n’ China.
Anyone who thinks otherwise is blind, braindead or both.
Ed Casesays:
April 29, 2023 at 5:38 pm
They never stole food. There was none to be stolen.
What had the people at Sydney Cove been eating prior to 1788 then?
The settlers raped the Harbour bare, if the 2nd Fleet hadn’t showed up just in time, they woulda starved.
In which case, if they had all have starved and died out you would not be here today to make your stupid “free speech” dickhead comments. Unless it was in French,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,LOL. You Frog. Knee Deep, Knee Deep, Knee Deep…………lol
They fished out ALL of the grey nurse sharks?
Nope, not me.
Never even heard of the blog to be honest
No Ed, my brain functions perfectly well.
One thousand, four hundred people. Sydney Harbour.
Now a person with a brain who said the “ate all the food” might have said it happened over a period of time, but you doubled down and zeroed in on the First Fleet.
Really? One of biggest deep water harbours in the world? Pristine, full of fish?
I blame Trump. He probably raped it.
Canbra is at war with us and has been for decades- confiscatory taxation, denying irrigators water, wrecking the power grid, mass welfare/wage depressing migration, unaffordable housing.
Something else I saw yesterday, English language (obviously) street advertising around Newport. Something along the lines of get your place in jannah this ramadan by donating to Something Something.org.
I never thought of islam as a works based theology but there it was.
When they learn to make and roll out pastry, the children will lean there is another name for “The Instrument of Maternal Retribution”.