Open Thread – Weekend 27 May 2023

His Mother’s Joy, Hugh Cameron, 1884

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May 27, 2023 11:48 am

We need a powerful, professional systems approach to anything at all these days. That includes even working out what the well-meaning are doing to take your freedom from you.

There we go Muddy, its my bolding now.
Yes. You have been telling us.

Indeed Roger, the Liberal Party need not apply. They are the well-meaning trying to take our freedom from us, actually; by inaction as much as anything.

May 27, 2023 11:50 am

Couldn’t be more pleased with my part in this.

Well done!

May 27, 2023 11:52 am


Relation is in the chief executive band, smart hard working guy from humble roots but views are decidedly left of centre. Same with others I have met higher up the corporate tree. I reckon they become so insular at some stage they actually can’t fathom that the base may think differently to what they do.

I’ll put money on it a far right disinformation campaign being the main talking point not a stupid marketing decisions being the blame, when the dust settles. For the time being Bud is doubling down on the stupid and Target also has dipped a toe in the same water with similar results.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 27, 2023 11:53 am

Somebody over on the Oz website assuring us that Aborigines weren’t counted in the census until the 1960 referendum….they walk amongst us, and have the right to vote…

May 27, 2023 11:53 am

The problem with their cunning plan is the reaction is NOT the one they were hoping to provoke/control.

Actually in further thought, the cunning backup plan may be to drive down the price of the shares to allow a cheaper takeover.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 27, 2023 11:58 am

Veteran cop emerges from inquiry bout bruised but not beaten
STEPHEN RICE Follow @riceyontheroad STEPHEN RICE

9:17PM May 26, 2023

It was the cops’ turn in the witness box at the Sofronoff Inquiry this week, looking as uncomfortable as you might expect of officers of the law finding themselves under cross-examination by the man who prosecuted serial killer Ivan Milat.

On this occasion, Mark Tedeschi KC is representing ACT chief prosecutor Shane Drumgold as he seeks to defend himself against accusations of misconduct in his handling of the Bruce Lehrmann rape case.

It is also an implicit part of Tedeschi’s job here to turn the tables back on police, who Drumgold accuses of working with Lehrmann’s defence team to kill the case. First in Tedeschi’s sights this week was Detective Superintendent Scott Moller, the officer who oversaw the investigation into Brittany Higgins’ claims.

The veteran cop recounted how his entire team believed there was not enough evidence to charge Lehrmann and were appalled that the presumption of innocence was being trashed, with the DPP allegedly pushing for a prosecution before even seeing the brief of evidence.

Moller presented as a thoughtful, decent cop, frustrated at being accused of not doing his job and annoyed at Tedeschi’s repeated suggestion that ACT police were soft on sexual assault crimes.

If there was any doubt about his motives or commitment, Moller crushed it when he revealed he himself had been the victim of childhood sexual abuse.

Yes, Drumgold had applied the correct legal test for charging Lehrmann, the policeman agreed under Tedeschi’s questioning, but no, Moller had not been wrong in his approach to the case.

It was a rare concession by Moller but, in any case, a moot point: all parties to the inquiry, including police, have agreed Drumgold was within his rights to prosecute Lehrmann.

The issue for inquiry chairman Walter Sofronoff is whether Drumgold overstepped the mark in doing so.

On that score, Tedeschi struggled to counter the principle claims against his client. Those included Drumgold’s attempts to prevent disclosure of police documents to the defence and his conduct after Lisa Wilkinson’s Logies speech prejudiced Lehrmann’s upcoming trial.

When the DPP went into court after the speech to argue against a delay, he misled the chief justice – he says unintentionally – in allowing her to believe that a proofing note of his meeting with Ms Wilkinson before the Logies was based on the contemporaneous notes of a junior, when in fact it was written by him after the speech. One question that ran hot at the beginning of the inquiry has now been answered.

For all the claims of “political interference”, it seems there was none from actual politicians.

Drumgold has admitted he was mistaken in suspecting political interference by former Liberal ministers Linda Reynolds and Michaelia Cash. He’s now blaming “a skills deficit on the part of investigators”.

On Friday, AFP Commander Michael Chew agreed that his claim of “political interference” – recorded in Moller’s diary notes – was an “unfortunate” choice of words. It was an expression of the environment police were facing, he said: pressure from the media, pressure from the DPP, pressure from Ms Higgins and her boyfriend, David Sharaz.

But Tedeschi has been unable to shake the impression his client was also caught up in the fervour of the #MeToo movement, leading him into fundamental errors in his handling of the case.

Tedeschi’s take-no-prisoners style was in stark contrast to that of Peggy Dwyer, counsel for Victims of Crime Commissioner Heidi Yates, who will appear next week. Dwyer began her examination of Moller by passing on an invitation from Ms Yates to sit down with her for a cup of tea and a chat.

By the end of the day Moller had agreed he was wrong to have cast Yates as inappropriately interfering in the case.

It’s hard to imagine Shane Drumgold will be inviting the cops around for a beer when this is over – and zero chance of it being accepted.

May 27, 2023 12:01 pm

“The person most responsible for the conviction of Chauvin is the expert witness Tobin”
I believe Chauvin would (and should) have got off on appeal, but the political situation was such that there would have been riots in the streets. So much for the vaunted system of American justice.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
May 27, 2023 12:01 pm

Higgins truly is the face of the #MeeToo movement – although not sure how it qualifies as a ‘movement’.

She is the perfect example of its flaws: Demanding that we instantly and uncritically believe women’s accusations against men, and at the same time it is becoming clearer how little merit those claims possessed.

#MeeToo is not about justice – that is what the law courts are for. It is about attacking men who are not guilty.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 27, 2023 12:01 pm

The BoM says we’re going to have an El Nino from Hell this year, so why are these guys, gals and yxes not out doing control burns? I doubt Canadian firefighters will help us in summer. Trudy isn’t a generous sort of guy.

Australian firefighters arrive in Canada to assist with raging wildfires (Sky News, 27 May)

No one ever does enough control burning here, yet they all squawk like excited parrots when the inevitable then occurs.

Robert Sewell
May 27, 2023 12:04 pm

Bruce O’Nuke:

Not only the beer industry. Target in the US is doubling down on woke as their shareprice doubles down on going down. And North Face got the treatment in Tom’s toons this morning. It’ll be fun to see what happens to them. The cost of going woke is getting higher, but the executives are so intent on staying in the Davos elites stratum they dare not back away. Always fun to see companies play chicken with their customers and lose, abjectly.

It will only start getting better when the first shareholder meeting sacks the board for refusing to add to share value, and as the board shuffles off stage left, only then will the remainder take note.
Because the unemployed don’t get invites to the dinner parties that matter.

Cassie of Sydney
May 27, 2023 12:06 pm

All the major Australian corporates and banks are furiously embracing ESG. I know, I work for one.

May 27, 2023 12:09 pm

It is about attacking men who are not guilty.

A marxist lesbian project and canbra is full of them.

May 27, 2023 12:10 pm

Yes that’s my observation too Cassie. Not at the coal face though.

May 27, 2023 12:11 pm

Vogon-like regulatory abuse

I’ll say one thing for the Vogons – they certainly aren’t (weren’t?) one trick ponies.

May 27, 2023 12:12 pm

And North Face got the treatment in Tom’s toons this morning.

We began regularly walking a local nature path two years ago now, I recall mentioning to hubby that we must be out of style because EVERYONE wore a black North Face puffer jacket, hundreds of them. I re-lined some of hubby’s nylon windbreakers from 30 years ago, they work just fine.

May 27, 2023 12:12 pm

It is about attacking men who are not guilty.
Same with the attacks on soldiers who were in Afghanistan. What a loathsome abomination canbra is.

May 27, 2023 12:13 pm

It will only start getting better when the first shareholder meeting sacks the board for refusing to add to share value, and as the board shuffles off stage left, only then will the remainder take note.
Because the unemployed don’t get invites to the dinner parties that matter.

Shareholders with percents to control the vote are the funds, not individuals. They are loaded with superannuation money. The fund MANAGERS have power and they have measurable goals, whcih now depend on ESG scores.
in the absence of fund members taking power.

May 27, 2023 12:13 pm

All the major Australian corporates and banks are furiously embracing ESG. I know, I work for one.

I’m curious to know exactly how they are doing this. Are they refusing customers for example?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 27, 2023 12:16 pm

There are planets everywhere. Guys please get that star drive going soon.

Astrophysicists catalog all known planet-hosting, three-star systems (, 26 May)

Also some professors have really fun names. I wonder if Manfred shortens his first name to “Man”? I’m not giving an excerpt because Dover’s blog settings might not like his last name.

Robert Sewell
May 27, 2023 12:16 pm


But there are more serious weights and measures issues facing the nation. Like, for example, “medical perfessionals” fiddling the drugs register in hospitals.

Your distractor is an admission you have no case.
And it brings us right back to the original reason for this discussion

I won’t do business with people whose culture permits them to lie and cheat, and has been part of their culture for centuries. I’d think it a fairly rational decision.

Whereas you think I shouldn’t be allowed to discriminate on the basis of that culture. But as I’ve already pointed out, both you and JC have replaced the concept of culture with race.
And that allows you to play the race card. Which is just another way of telling me to shut up.
The Race card is only played when you have no argument, and you, Sancho, have no argument.

May 27, 2023 12:18 pm

Well a lot of it is propaganda over the intranet – ‘indigenous’ and alphabet stuff. Zero about Australia Day or the death of the Queen or the Chilla coronation.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
May 27, 2023 12:19 pm

Yours truly, Calli Olthwaite

Wi’ brass tang…

May 27, 2023 12:21 pm

ANZ certainly refuses to lend for coal mining.

May 27, 2023 12:31 pm

and you, Sancho, have no argument.

Not only do those fucwits have no argument, they also have no clue. About anything. Best ignored.

Robert Sewell
May 27, 2023 12:33 pm


Speaking of petrol pumps, I’ve been trying to verify my car’s trip computing which says 6.4L/100km average. Tried about 4 times and got 7.2L/100km. Ok but not spectacular and I am a lead foot.

On both the Patrol and the 380, I use the cruise control. Recently bought a Navman which I use more for video and insurance purposes.
The issue is that both cars tell me I’m doing 110km/hr while the Navman says 97km/hr. So which is accurate? The car speedo or the satellite? And tyre inflation seems to have only a marginal effect on speedo readouts while it does have a moderate effect on fuel consumption.
The instrumentation issue on modern vehicles must be a lawyers lunch box.

May 27, 2023 12:33 pm

American justice.


As for#meetoo, it all started in 2016 with pussy hats and Trump baiting. It has now grown into a monstrous, entitled blob of vengeful, angry whiners. It was always about politics and never about justice for victims.

You only have to look at the targets.

Robert Sewell
May 27, 2023 12:35 pm


The Dialectic at work. Action, provoke and control the reaction, implement the solution you had in mind when you created the problem

The problem is that the Left can do the first two quite well, but have only moderate success at the third.

May 27, 2023 12:37 pm

ANZ certainly refuses to lend for coal mining.

We need more competition in the banking sector.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 27, 2023 12:40 pm

May 27, 2023 at 12:01 pm
“The person most responsible for the conviction of Chauvin is the expert witness Tobin”
I believe Chauvin would (and should) have got off on appeal, but the political situation was such that there would have been riots in the streets. So much for the vaunted system of American justice.

Lynch Law redux, but with the blaks holding the ropes this time?

May 27, 2023 12:40 pm

Robert Sewell,

I’ll concede I had one or two more glasses of Shiraz than usual last night, being a Friday and all, but I think I’d remember a stoush and we didn’t have one. I retired early with a book. I gathe rthere was a discussion about race but it didn’t involve me.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 27, 2023 12:47 pm


May 27, 2023 at 11:34 am

I should also say that ex employees I’ve spoken to have told me they were horrible to work for.

I have 2 family members who until recently worked for Qantas, one a pilot the other ground staff. Basically, Qantas are at war with their workforce

The flip side of that is that the wukkas are represented by the fat, dumb and happy unions who are pining for the good old days of the two airline policy.
The problem is, Qantas competes with airlines who don’t have that burden.
The most laughable is that goose from the LAME’s union (Purvinas?) who is regularly on their ABC screaming “safety issue” over anything and everything.
Invariably the “safety issue” can be resolved by the payment of juicy allowances and penalties to the bruvvers.

Black Ball
Black Ball
May 27, 2023 12:48 pm

Congrats Sancho and Ms Kournikova

May 27, 2023 12:50 pm

Hasn’t our economy been bound, gagged and abducted by various green commitments as specified in international trade agreements and UN obligations ?

Swerving away from them into nuclear might see us facing hefty penalties.

That’s how the green blackmail works.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
May 27, 2023 12:50 pm

Indians have one culture.
As do Swedes,Italians, Serbs, Greeks, Germans and so on. I can’t tell the difference between any of them.
A speaking tour of Tamil Nadu is on the cards for Robert. Seventh two million of them think they’re different to other Indians. Bengalis and Punjabis, can’t tell ‘em apart.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 27, 2023 12:52 pm

On both the Patrol and the 380, I use the cruise control. Recently bought a Navman which I use more for video and insurance purposes.
The issue is that both cars tell me I’m doing 110km/hr while the Navman says 97km/hr. So which is accurate?

Even Nurse Betty’s speedo is dudding him.
13 kmh difference?
Usually it is 3-5 max.
Are you sure it is 13 kmh?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 27, 2023 12:54 pm

Black Ballsays:

May 27, 2023 at 12:48 pm

Congrats Sancho and Ms Kournikova

Thank you.
It was only a brief moment of effort for me.
Anna deserves most of the credit.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 27, 2023 12:59 pm

I won’t do business with people whose culture permits them to lie and cheat, and has been part of their culture for centuries. I’d think it a fairly rational decision.

And which cultures are these, Nurse Betty, who are dudding you out of a cupful of petrol?
Do you have any evidence that the data is a culturally skewed towards a particular group?
Or is it just another St Ruth truck stop anecdote?
Have you counted the Weeties in your cereal packet this morning?

May 27, 2023 1:01 pm

Indians have one culture.

Not the India I know.

The don’t even have one language.

English would be closest. 😀

May 27, 2023 1:02 pm

The issue is that both cars tell me I’m doing 110km/hr while the Navman says 97km/hr. So which is accurate? The car speedo or the satellite?

I have been told by someone who I forget, that the car speedos have generally been calibrated low forever, to reduce risks to the car company from being sued by their customers getting too many speeding fines, and such data being used to imply culpability in lawsuits. You should expect sticking to the speedo to result in a GPS showing 3-6km/h low.
If true.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
May 27, 2023 1:08 pm

Lady newsreader reports on an accident involving a car and a B-double-W.
It’s not the first time I’ve heard this weird description of a B-double. Must be a suburban language tick from shopping at Big W.

May 27, 2023 1:08 pm

There is no excuse nowadays for inaccurate speedos. They should be dynamically re-calibrated as you drive using the GPS. Some cheap GPS units will get the speed by measuring distance between fixes and dividing by time taken. This will have a lot of noise which needs a lot of averaging to eliminate.
Far better is to measure speed by the Doppler shifts of the satellite frequencies. Noise is usually maybe 1 cm/s and minimal averaging is necessary

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
May 27, 2023 1:09 pm

I was being perverse Roger.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 27, 2023 1:10 pm

The instrumentation issue on modern vehicles must be a lawyers lunch box.

Err, no.
See Chris’s post at 1:02.
Speedos are set to under-read by 3-5 kmh specifically to eliminate scope for litigation for speeding fines, loss of licence and injuries/death from collisions.
Can you tell me what case a person might mount against Big Auto for a speedo under-reading?

May 27, 2023 1:12 pm

I was being perverse Roger.

Ah…conveying such subtleties with pixels is “fraught”, I’m afraid.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 27, 2023 1:13 pm

Far better is to measure speed by the Doppler shifts of the satellite frequencies.

Well, if you are prepared to accept the cancer and mind-alteration risks, that is.

May 27, 2023 1:15 pm

The issue is that both cars tell me I’m doing 110km/hr while the Navman says 97km/hr. So which is accurate? The car speedo or the satellite?

I have been told by someone who I forget, that the car speedos have generally been calibrated low forever, to reduce risks to the car company from being sued by their customers getting too many speeding fines, and such data being used to imply culpability in lawsuits. You should expect sticking to the speedo to result in a GPS showing 3-6km/h low.

I had a Toyota which had GPS navigation a few years ago that did this. When I asked the service “advisor” to look into it I was told it was a safety feature to prevent speeding! Other cars I’ve driven that have internal GPS have all read low on the speedo, but I doubt they use the GPS for speed measurement in order not to rely on it in case of outages or poor coverage. The car GPS screen, as distinct from the speedo, doesn’t indicate speed probably for that reason. I’d trust an aftermarket GPS over the car speedo any day.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
May 27, 2023 1:17 pm

Fraught (frôt) in Hindi means bountiful.

May 27, 2023 1:22 pm

I’m curious to know exactly how they are doing this. Are they refusing customers for example?

Yes, in the case of coal. But now its more the vibey, values-y thing which all big corporates have done forever to show the org has a non-$$$ reason to be. Usually some consultants hired to workshop stuff and indoctrinate staff so they know buzzwords to lock in bonuses … Now with ESG its more than just a vibe with perm ESG-vibe hires and board-level ESG data to be published and rankings to be massaged.

Its all BS, as it always was, but the hooks are deeper and management often think this stuff is “sucess” … like some beer and flying bus companies.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
May 27, 2023 1:28 pm

New page!

May 27, 2023 1:34 pm

I find Waze says I’m going 5km/h slower than what my Speedo says

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 27, 2023 1:35 pm

Top ‘o de page to yez all.

May 27, 2023 1:37 pm

May 27, 2023 at 1:34 pm
I find Waze says I’m going 5km/h slower than what my Speedo says

that’s because your speedo is over-reading by 5km/h.

waze is reporting gps speed.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 27, 2023 1:38 pm

From the Oz.

15 minutes ago
I was a project officer on a remote community my wife and other lady’s would get the woman’s magazines flown in they would give them eventually to the aboriginal girls who would want to be like the pictures of models and clothes ,but at about 12 they become promised brides so from then on had no future ,the voice certainly won’t fix the problem these girls face , the men control the community’s the woman are second class citizens will the voice fix this NO , we had a committee of 12 all men who made the decisions. So the vote from me is NO

May 27, 2023 1:39 pm

It will only start getting better when the first shareholder meeting sacks the board for refusing to add to share value,

that will never happen in Aus – shareholdings are dominated by funds (super and other).

May 27, 2023 1:44 pm

Chuckle…the Bee has been extra funny this week:

‘Florida Is A Mismanaged Hellhole And Only An Idiot Would Live There,’ Says Trump

‘I’m Not Sanctimonious And I Don’t Look Like A Meatball,’ Whispers Ron DeSantis Crying Self To Sleep At Night

Biden Says Anyone Can Crash Twitter, It Takes A Real Leader To Crash Economy

Jordan Peterson Considers Every Possible Meaning Of Bible Story Except That It Might Mean Exactly What It Says

Mechanic Determines Car Repairs Will Cost Whatever Your Whole Paycheck Is This Month

May 27, 2023 1:51 pm

Note the gay flag. Note the number of beds. Wonder what demonic activates happened here.

May 27, 2023 2:01 pm

The thirteen year old “face of racism in Australia” was unavailable for comment.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 27, 2023 2:06 pm

After the debate on the old thread about the dropping of the atomic bomb, I’m reading Richard B Frank’s classic book “Downfall.: The End of the Imperial Japanese Empire.”

The Japanese Army developed the equal of the Sherman tank – the Type 3 Chi Ni, with a long 75mm gun. They produced about sixty such tanks – Sherman production ran to 49,234 . (Page 173.)

May 27, 2023 2:12 pm

Is Australia now populated by millions of Anne Franks?

May 27, 2023 2:19 pm

Mechanic Determines Car Repairs Will Cost Whatever Your Whole Paycheck Is This Month

Boxing Day my car (2010 Subaru Forester cost me $4K) blew up its radiator on the country run.
$100 to fellow who helped by towing me to edge of city.
$500 to tilt tray to get the car home
$100 to get car to mechanic when my turn comes two weeks later.
$1080 for new radiator to be fitted. Mechanics says ‘Sorry, gas is bubbling out of radiator. Cant fix it, take it away. Here, have a can of Bars Leaks.” Parked it up while I find someone to fix it.

Beloved has constant pain and driving a manual hurts worse. Busted car is auto; and new Camry is $55K and eighteen months.

Four months parked up, a mechanic who does this kind of job does a quote.
$3700 for pulling both heads, skimming and new head gaskets incl $500 for timing belt kit. OK!
Wife says aircon doesnt work. Take it back.
$470 for aircon. Not merely a lead left off, like I hoped.

Car now driveable and my beloved is much pleased at her pain reduction. Would cost $15K to replace with same model, and I am frightened to keep it in case I find out worse. And I need to do country runs!

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
May 27, 2023 2:29 pm

A 2020 IEA report

The more capital-intensive a technology, the more sensitive is its LCOE is to changes in the discount rate. Among baseload plants, this means that in particular the costs of nuclear new build depend on the discount rate. With a low discount rate of 3%, reflecting a stable market environment with high investment security, the LCOE of new nuclear plants is lower than for new coal and gas plant. With higher discount rates at 7% or 10%, which would reflect riskier economic environments, the costs of a newly built nuclear plant would exceed those of fossil fuel-based plants.

What a bit of bad luck that when politicians and the media began to give some airtime to the possibility of nuclear power in Australia, the inflation rate had shot up about 6 months earlier. On the one hand, the worse inflation is, the worse holding cash is than investing in productive infrastructure, but anyone with the moolah to spend on investments probably wasn’t holding cash anyway.
(It’s an economics cliché: ) On The Other Hand, with interest on loans raised to currency devaluation, it seems a “riskier economic environment” and more difficult to make a case for major investment of any kind let alone nuclear. Presumably the spenders (gov or private) could be convinced that reliable electricity is better than unreliable electricity regardless of interest repayments.

Is that the right analysis of relation between high inflation and nuclear cost effectiveness?

John H.
John H.
May 27, 2023 2:34 pm

Expert on the reality of “Expendable” Japanese WW2 pilots

The expert, who sounds like an Aussie, makes some interesting observations concerning the problem of resealable fuel tanks on Japanese aircraft and the rescue of Japanese pilots. He offers recommended reading at the end of the interview.

May 27, 2023 2:52 pm

John H. says:
May 27, 2023 at 2:34 pm

Thanks for the link, John.
Michael Claringbould has written more than a few very decent aviation war books, including the Pacific Profiles series which I began to collect before, well, you know … Covidiocy (F@@k Qld Health) …
Check out Avonmore Books.
His aircraft illustrations are great, and he provides details from Japanese sources which hitherto have not been commonly available.

If you are considering purchasing one of his books – I do recommend the lavishly illustrated series I noted above – Pacific Profiles – I’d suggest purchasing from Avonmore if practical for you, as his titles on other websites such as Booktopia etc, are often far more expensive.

Top Ender is likely quite familiar with Michael.

Robert Sewell
May 27, 2023 3:02 pm


May 27, 2023 at 12:40 pm
Robert Sewell,

I’ll concede I had one or two more glasses of Shiraz than usual last night, being a Friday and all, but I think I’d remember a stoush and we didn’t have one. I retired early with a book. I gathe rthere was a discussion about race but it didn’t involve me.

That’s OK, Roger. I probably put you in with the Sancho/JC blue – without going into the minutae of it all.
Yes – I think I mistook a comment you made, for one of Sanchos. Sorry.

May 27, 2023 3:12 pm

The inaugural Royal Australian Air Force Oral Histories series publication, First Nations Aviators, will introduce you to a number of First Nations People who have proudly served the Air Force, in various capacities, from the Second World War through to today. Albeit brief, their stories are particularly inspirational considering the discrimination that occurred on enlistment, and their treatment after separating from the Armed Services, at that time. Their stories should help to reveal and acknowledge those First Nations People for the heroes that they are and the recognition that their families are due.

First Nations Aviators provides the perfect backdrop to introduce this series as we start with ‘First Nations People’, the very people who have already been protecting Australia and its interests for more than sixty thousand years!

I’ve noted previously that I’m an unreformed history nerd, with a particular interest in military history. As such, I’m keen to read the stories of all who honourably served, regardless of their personal characteristics (which should be utterly irrelevant in such a context). While there’s nothing wrong with social history comprising part of a military history, where appropriate (the ‘Battle of Brisbane’ in Nov, 1942; the Second Indochinese (Vietnam) War post 1968, etc.), I very much hope that the traditional, research-based military history genre (that leaves you out, Fitzsimons) is not devoured whole by a social history lens.

May 27, 2023 3:16 pm

‘First Nations People’, the very people who have already been protecting Australia and its interests for more than sixty thousand years!

I don’t wish to be disrespectful to individuals who served their country, but … how long until we’re told that pre-contact indigenous people had organised, trained and disciplined local or regional militia?

May 27, 2023 3:17 pm

The really sad thing about the DeSantis campaign is that it appears to be have the support and leadership of the Bush clan and Rove behind it.

In other words, DeSantis is being used by the Republican Party establishment to damage and hopefully destroy the America First movement.

The GOP might as well be working for the Chinese Communist Party.

The Washington DC swamp is almost bottomless.

Trump was right.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 27, 2023 3:21 pm

Robert Sewellsays:

May 27, 2023 at 3:02 pm


May 27, 2023 at 12:40 pm
Robert Sewell,

I’ll concede I had one or two more glasses of Shiraz than usual last night, being a Friday and all, but I think I’d remember a stoush and we didn’t have one. I retired early with a book. I gathe rthere was a discussion about race but it didn’t involve me.

That’s OK, Roger. I probably put you in with the Sancho/JC blue – without going into the minutae of it all.
Yes – I think I mistook a comment you made, for one of Sanchos. Sorry.

Fck off you fixated dickhead.
The last comment I made on the old thread was just before 11:00 a.m. yesterday morning, and no comment I made had anything remotely to do with any of the drivel you post.
Go crimp someone’s IV or taser an old lady.
You know you want to.

Robert Sewell
May 27, 2023 3:27 pm

Family member bought a Jeep Grand Cherokee and after 107?km, it blew a hole in the engine and lost all the coolant. About 4 years old. Engine cooked, needs whole new engine. Sold for scrap => $4k. Insurance refused cover.

May 27, 2023 3:37 pm

Tom says:
May 27, 2023 at 3:17 pm

In other words, DeSantis is being used by the Republican Party establishment to damage and hopefully destroy the America First movement.

I had been wondering if that could be the case, though I’m not privy to anything that would provide solid evidence.

One suspects the Mouldy ‘Pubs might yearn for the pre-Trump era where they were not required to justify their existence.

Is this what happened to the Tea Party? (My awareness of politics back then was akin to a Buffy the Vampire Slayer dialogue line: ‘Fire bad, tree pretty’).

Oh. Apologies to all for my mini tantrum this morning. Age has decayed the insulation on some of my brain wiring.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 27, 2023 3:37 pm

how long until we’re told that pre-contact indigenous people had organised, trained and disciplined local or regional militia?

Was there ever such a race that was conquered so utterly, after such an ineffectual resistance?

May 27, 2023 3:37 pm

Go crimp someone’s IV or taser an old lady.
You know you want to.

Or an Indian service station owner.

Nothing personal, turtlehead but you’re one despicable individual. Just putrid.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 27, 2023 3:42 pm

Daily Mail

EXCLUSIVE: ‘The bravest of the brave’: One of the last living original SAS men who was recruited when leader Paddy Mayne asked if he liked killing people, devastated Nazi forces deep behind enemy lines and survived being blown up in a jeep dies aged 98

Lance Corporal Alec Borrie passed away at his home in Dagenham, East London
Was referred to by comrades as ‘Boy’ because he was just 19 when he signed up

May 27, 2023 3:43 pm

While on the subject of putrid, I notice that Razey is issuing orders to ignore people but the one thing he doesn’t do is ignore those he wants others to. He’s always posting ignore instructions.
He lent tacit support to the turtlehead’s pathetic racism against Indians. In other words Razey doesn’t like those Asians on the left side but seems to be fine with some on the right side.

If we’re going all racist then, what’s wrong Razey, you couldn’t reach the top rungs of the ladder and find a westerner?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 27, 2023 3:49 pm

If we’re going all racist then, what’s wrong Razey, you couldn’t reach the top rungs of the ladder and find a westerner?

Good question.
Does Razey-san tell Mrs Razey-san every day how lucky she is to have married up?

May 27, 2023 3:50 pm

The excuses after the fact.

“Oh, oh no, you read me wrong. I don’t mind Indians at all. I love all 1.3 billion of them. I just like dare kulture”

You read me wrong like the frequent times you claim I’m inciting people to commit mass murder. I was joking. It was a joke and you missed the funny side of aiming an automatic at people and pulling the trigger.

No kidding, this loon should be on police intel radar.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 27, 2023 3:50 pm

will introduce you to a number of First Nations People who have proudly served the Air Force, in various capacities, from the Second World War through to today.

Wonder if they include the bloke who was a gunner with 9 Squadron in Vietnam?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 27, 2023 3:53 pm

The Good Nurse.

May 27, 2023 3:59 pm


It really doesn’t matter who supports De Santis as long (AS LONG) as he doesn’t cave to their ideals and views. It doesn’t seem as though he is in any way. I would support Trump even though I think he’s too old. He needs to win.

The GOP contenders are truly top shelf.

De Santis
Tim Scott

Vivek Ramaswamy ( I wonder if he owns a gas station).

Any of these would be great value.

May 27, 2023 4:10 pm

Zulu: I cannot access a title page for the indig aviators book, so I don’t have answer to your question. You may be interested in this book, however:
Dreadful Lady over the Mekong Delta – RAAF Canberras in the Vietnam War

May 27, 2023 4:12 pm

The GOP contenders are truly top shelf.

Except the GOP establishment appears to be backing DeSantis, which will split the GOP vote and guarantee the Dems win the White House in 2024.

Politics 101: divided parties can’t win.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 27, 2023 4:14 pm

Dreadful Lady over the Mekong Delta – RAAF Canberras in the Vietnam War

Thanks – I’m grabbing a copy of both titles. Selwyn Evans, who commanded 2 Squadron in the Vietnam War, cut his teeth on Beaufighters during the Second World War, and went on to fly F-111’s.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 27, 2023 4:18 pm

Politics 101: divided parties can’t win.

You can take that to the bank. See: Howard Peacock years

May 27, 2023 4:20 pm


The one I find really interesting is Vivek. He’s exceedingly smart and with great policy ideas. Sure, he’s not going to win, but boy he’s good value.

Heck, all those four are.

(I think he made all his money shorting Americans on gas sales)

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 27, 2023 4:22 pm

It was supposed to be Evans, who as Chief of Air Staff, attended a dining in night at the new Tri Service Defence Force Academy.

During the after dinner speeches, first Chief of Army, then Chief of Navy, referred to the R.A.A.F as “The Cinderella of the three Services.”

Evans is said to have risen to his feet, torn the notes for his speech in half, said “Gentlemen, I know fvck all about Cinderella, except she had two very ugly sisters, and had to do all the work” before sitting down.

Robert Sewell
May 27, 2023 4:23 pm


Fck off you fixated dickhead.
The last comment I made on the old thread was just before 11:00 a.m. yesterday morning, and no comment I made had anything remotely to do with any of the drivel you post.
Go crimp someone’s IV or taser an old lady.
You know you want to.

You’re floundering. Give it up and go back to being the class clown – it’s where your talents lie.

May 27, 2023 4:24 pm

You gotta love De Santis persuasive abilities. In an interview, he said

1. Trump is a little woke
2. He would pardon Trump.

Robert Sewell
May 27, 2023 4:24 pm

Here you go. A Get Out of Gaol Free Card.

May 27, 2023 4:25 pm

That’s OK, Roger. I probably put you in with the Sancho/JC blue – without going into the minutae of it all.
Yes – I think I mistook a comment you made, for one of Sanchos. Sorry.

LOL. Does anyone even read Scamcho’s pointless posts? Haha

May 27, 2023 4:31 pm

The one I find really interesting is Vivek. He’s exceedingly smart and with great policy ideas. Sure, he’s not going to win, but boy he’s good value.

I agree 100%, JC. Vivek gives me confidence that the Dem nation-wreckers won’t succeed in destroying the country.

The idea of America is stronger than those who hate it. The people running the American economy are simply adjusting for the fact that nation-wreckers have occupied DC and are working around them.

May 27, 2023 4:33 pm

Robert Sewell says:
May 27, 2023 at 4:24 pm

I’m puzzled as to whether to accept that as a compliment?
I’ll take it anyway.
Had I ended up in the slammer five years ago (for impersonating someone with charisma), I’d have resigned myself to my fate and attempted to become a chameleon. Now, 2023, I’d take hostages and demand a media interview. Maybe with Stan?

Robert Sewell
May 27, 2023 4:38 pm

Dover Beach:

They are wasting hundreds of millions for nothing, and creating enemies in their own ranks for no reason at all.

This is classic Leftist tactics – get the enemy fighting among themselves and let them destroy each others chances at power.
DeSantis is another Pence – a Republican right up until the point at which he reveals his true colours.

May 27, 2023 4:39 pm

dover0beach says:
May 27, 2023 at 4:32 pm

DeSantis will never get higher than the 20s v Trump, and Trump is clear favourite in the field with over 50%. They are wasting hundreds of millions for nothing, and creating enemies in their own ranks for no reason at all.

He may not get more than 20% but even that would make him a decent contender in 28.

May 27, 2023 4:39 pm

What percentage of nominally Republican voters will abstain if Trump is not the candidate?

May 27, 2023 4:40 pm

(I think he made all his money shorting Americans on gas sales)

Plus a bit of VC & PE.
And a little Pharma.

May 27, 2023 4:42 pm

FFS, turtlehead, just STFU, you moron. FMD, you’re a loon. Just STFU.

De Santis is the governor of a large state either dismantling or banning almost every important facet of CRT and wokeism.

You’re idiocy embarrasses the site.

May 27, 2023 4:44 pm

Muddy says:
May 27, 2023 at 4:39 pm

What percentage of nominally Republican voters will abstain if Trump is not the candidate?

None, because if there’s a candidate the beats Trump in the primaries it will be because the candidate is so energetic and commanding.

May 27, 2023 4:46 pm

De Santis needs to lose 10kilos if he’s up against Newsom.

May 27, 2023 4:48 pm

Trump has told followers to treat de Santis with respect recently so it’s sort of obvious he thinks he can pick him as VP.

Trump can live in NY to avoid the necessity to have the candidates living in different States.

May 27, 2023 4:48 pm

a black north farce puffie jacket

I try to stick to just one brand (as some of us here would know) but seriously, how on earth did the brand in the quote survive the toxic touch of the grotesque deformed jug eared fascist imbecile?

300* bat flu press conferences in a row hyping the hysteria (with his pet poofter), while clad in a black north farce puffie jacket, as if that made the execution worthy imbecile any more remotely like an actual human.

There should have been a mulvaney type reaction. But we are talking Disasterstan here. North Farce’s sales are no doubt higher there than anywhere else in Oz.

*If not that many, then it certainly seemd like it.

May 27, 2023 4:49 pm

DeSantis is another Pence – a Republican right up until the point at which he reveals his true colours.

That’s not really fair to say. Look how the lunar left have gone crazy with de Santis simply demanding that Disney exist under the same laws as everyone else.

May 27, 2023 4:51 pm

De Santis needs to reframe the Disney fight to be around a land tax rort.
One of the biggest companies in the US not paying their fair share due to shennanigans dating back to the 1960’s.

May 27, 2023 4:52 pm

Friday’s in Sydney is puffer jackets & RM Williams day.

May 27, 2023 4:55 pm

I’ve posited previously that a reasonable tactical option would be for Trump and DeSantis to catfight up until just prior to the election (‘Yes! Our plan is working,’ think the Dems), then reveal that DeSantis had been Trump’s VP pick all along, and they both actually had a lot of common ground. A subterfuge to blunt their enemy’s attack, in other words.

Of course, getting the timing right would be vital, and explaining the reason for the deception to loyalists also important. The benefit would be that at least their opponents’ tactics would be known (create division in Repub ranks, as others have noted above).

May 27, 2023 4:57 pm

Fatty Trump can live in NY to avoid the necessity to have the candidates living in different States

While being subjected to many, many preposterous civil lawsuits.

“Fatty Trump had sexual relationships with me on more than one occasion in the Bergdorf Goodman lingerie changing rooms, I tells ya! Except I can’t remember the day, or the month, or even the year”

“Just decree me many millions of his ill gotten munni, I demands ya!”

May 27, 2023 5:00 pm

Oh my, Rabz! That’s a bunny boiler all right. Yikes.

May 27, 2023 5:05 pm

In my thinly disguised Mrs Olthwaite-ness this morning I described the rivetting progress of my (proposed) day.

*dusts off hands*

All complete, including a Thai green curry for the Beloved as a reward for being my garden slave. He did talk back a bit, but. Good slaves are thin on the ground these days, so I guess I’ll keep him.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 27, 2023 5:05 pm

(I think he made all his money shorting Americans on gas sales)

Is he Indian?

May 27, 2023 5:06 pm

Doves – this week’s painting, again, just magnifique.

“His Mother’s Joy”, meaning the (unseen) brother will just have to seek some solace and many life learnings from his dad.

Or have I completely misinterpreted it?

May 27, 2023 5:07 pm

Oh. Forgot description of tools. I used snippers but not shovel.

There are many kinds of shovel, but not one I used today. Perhaps tomorrow.


May 27, 2023 5:09 pm

calli, I prefer to refer to a shovel as a spade.

Especially when leading an angry mob towards any nearby legislature. 🙂

May 27, 2023 5:10 pm

Rabz, little boys wore dresses up until they were “breeched” at around four years of age.

It was a rite of passage to get that first pair of trousers.

Along with old fashioned swaddling, it has gone by the wayside with the introduction of washing machines and nappies and laundry detergents. Practically speaking, it was all about poo control.

May 27, 2023 5:10 pm

Young children’s clothing back in the day was unisex iirc

May 27, 2023 5:11 pm

“DeSantis will never get higher than the 20s v Trump”
Trump was hated because he was a successful, NY loudmouth. If he had accepted his ‘rightful’ role as a stage comedian there would have been no problem. But he wanted to step out of the frame, and that could not be permitted.

May 27, 2023 5:12 pm

*gardener’s tip*

Always use a grinder to sharpen the edge of spades and shovels. Amazing the difference it makes in a weed (or other) skirmish.

May 27, 2023 5:13 pm

will introduce you to a number of First Nations People who have proudly served the Air Force, in various capacities, from the Second World War through to today.

It’s all insultingly patronising. I don’t have any reason to suppose that aboriginal men in those days were any less brave or competent than any others. I’d take it for granted. And from what I know of white Australians of the time, the aboriginal men would not have been treated any differently from anyone else.

I get fed up with the crypto-racism and piety of the collectivists who insist on dividing us by race, when the obvious differences between groups is cultural and frequently bogus.

May 27, 2023 5:16 pm

Also, don’t lose focus on what the left are doing on the legal front against Trump. There are several legal entanglements that could put Trump in jail. Do underestimate the length they will go to, in order to destroy the Trumpster and take him out of the race.

I heard a podcast today that very worrying. A very large number of Americans aren’t even aware that wussiagate was a Clinton setup. And the reason is that they just watch legacy media for news. The MSM never mentions Wussiagate was a universe bigger than Watergate.

May 27, 2023 5:19 pm

Sacré bleu! So the kiddie in the picture is not a li’l goil?

Cherubs. Indeterminate, they are.

May 27, 2023 5:20 pm

calli – your downdicker is still at large.

What is his problem?

May 27, 2023 5:24 pm

don’t lose focus on what the left are doing on the legal front against Fatty Trump

We haven’t, Squire. See my comment at 4:57pm.

The Rethuglicans will never, ever win another presidential election in our lifetimes, Cats.

After 2020, all bets are off.

May 27, 2023 5:25 pm

My flexed muscles. I wish. Or…the defiant glint in my eye.

May 27, 2023 5:25 pm

We haven’t, Squire. See my comment at 4:57pm.

We as in the royal “we”. How could I have missed it. 🙂

May 27, 2023 5:30 pm

While being subjected to many, many preposterous civil lawsuits.

Okay, I didn’t see it, but I was referring to criminal investigations and potential indictments.

The NY Leftwing AG is now demanding documents to see if the Trump Organization was doing any overseas business dealings during his presidency. This is an obvious ploy to blunt the very successful GOP house investigation into a Hiden crime family influence peddling.

May 27, 2023 5:31 pm

DeSantis will never get higher than the 20s v Trump, and Trump is clear favourite in the field with over 50%. They are wasting hundreds of millions for nothing, and creating enemies in their own ranks for no reason at all.

Correct. Meanwhile the demorats are reinforcing their ballot harvesting protocols and techniques which is what election s are really about. Trump is doing this too but he will have to waste time fighting against the GOP some of whom like all conservatives think there are still rules while the rest will simply oppose Trump because he is blunt and hurts their feelings.

DeSantis running now is a huge mistake.

May 27, 2023 5:32 pm

err, Cats – how do I turn spellwrecker back on, please?

The many many (unintentional) typos in my recent comments would not be well received by various j’ismist types here*.

*For example, Tommy and areff, not that I’m naming manes 😕

May 27, 2023 5:33 pm

A TV tip. SBS movies has the remake of the Ealing “Whiskey Galore”. So far so good.

Nice scenic views of Scotland. And a most excellent fire and brimstone sermon! Now to salvage the grog.

May 27, 2023 5:34 pm

LOL. Does anyone even read Scamcho’s pointless posts? Haha

haha as in laughing at your own attempt at trying to be funny, Razey.

As for anyone reading Sanchez, you obviously do and you just couldn’t make it up the ladder, could you champ. 🙂

Robert Sewell
May 27, 2023 5:35 pm


Along with old fashioned swaddling, it has gone by the wayside with the introduction of washing machines and nappies and laundry detergents. Practically speaking, it was all about poo control.

Starting to make sense – I was getting concerned.

May 27, 2023 5:35 pm

We as in the royal “we”

There’s nothing quite like a bit of presumptuousness, Squire. 🙂

Time for some Springsteen?

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 27, 2023 5:36 pm

G’day Muddy, yes know Michael Claringbould well – he was round at mine last night for a wargame.

Mike has done several covers for my books The Empire Strikes South, Eagles over Darwin, and Bombers North, also from Avonmore, as are his. His work is impeccable, and he pays enormous attention to getting the wartime colours right.

May 27, 2023 5:37 pm

Wrong. If he gets smashed this primary he’ll be done. Same as Cruz, Jeb, and Rubio were in ’16. You don’t get multiple shot typically as a Presidential contender.

Wrong as in 1 + 1 =3?

If De Santis gets around 20% of the primary it means he’s doing reasonably well. Also there’s a lot of fluid stuff that’s going to occur that can’t be discounted. Trump is the current front runner by a country mile. Do can’t “wrong” in something that’s just starting and can’t be predicted.

May 27, 2023 5:39 pm

whoops Don’t say “wrong”….

May 27, 2023 5:40 pm

The last dress my son wore was his long Swiss voile and Nottingham lace christening gown. 🙂

And then, most precious of all, his daughter in the same gown all starched and pristine for the occasion. It’s still wrapped up in the blue tissue paper, ready for the next generation.

Robert Sewell
May 27, 2023 5:40 pm

Doc Beaugan:

It’s all insultingly patronising.

That’s sort of what I thought. It’s the individual that shows bravery, not the collective.
To claim that one race is/was braver than another is, well, racist. Because it it says that the other race was less brave – or more cowardly.
Yes. Patronising.

May 27, 2023 5:44 pm

Robert Sewell

Family member bought a Jeep Grand Cherokee and after 107?km, it blew a hole in the engine and lost all the coolant. About 4 years old. Engine cooked, needs whole new engine. Sold for scrap => $4k. Insurance refused cover.

Very tough.
A neighbour bought a Jeep for his daughter. When it needed significant parts (maybe headlights?), he went and bought another the same model and just on the headlights it paid for itself.

May 27, 2023 5:47 pm

You don’t get multiple shot typically as a Presidential contender.

Biden pulled it off and Clinton might yet try out again for the third time.

May 27, 2023 5:48 pm

Meanwhile the demorats are reinforcing their ballot harvesting protocols and techniques which is what election s are really about. Trump is doing this too but he will have to waste time fighting against the GOP some of whom like all conservatives think there are still rules while the rest will simply oppose Trump because he is blunt and hurts their feelings.

Yeah, the GOP should adopt Politburo election rules and procedures.

May 27, 2023 5:49 pm

Muddy @ 4.33 pom:

If only that were true. I think Americans and American society has been irreparably destroyed. I see no coming back. I see the 2024 election as yet another steal. How can the Repubs. win if they don’t reduce themselves to the fetid level of the Dems?

May 27, 2023 5:52 pm

Karen, write one of your angry letters to the DOJ with your complaints. You know it makes sense and make it sound really angry.

Robert Sewell
May 27, 2023 5:57 pm


calli – your downdicker is still at large.
What is his problem?

I dunno, but I got a leetle suspicious when out of four posts, the JC/Sancho Bobbsey twins got 9,9,9,7. upticks in about ten minutes, while the pattern around them was in the 3 – 5 mark.
Is there something you want to confess to, sancho?

May 27, 2023 5:59 pm

Meanwhile the demorats are reinforcing their ballot harvesting protocols and techniques which is what election s are really about.

It’s now election month.
Adapt or die.

May 27, 2023 5:59 pm


err, Cherubim – apologies, cass. 😕

May 27, 2023 5:59 pm

I’ve seen articles suggesting that the GOP can’t win another election again because of the cheating. That’s true, but only to a limited extent. There’s a limit to the number of ballots that can be stolen without being found out. I’d say the limit is around 3 to 4 %. If a GOP candidate gets around 10%, and it isn’t impossible, the left is shot. Cheating in the US can only occur if if the election is reasonably close.

May 27, 2023 6:01 pm

Bobby – ultimately, we do not give a rodent’s about our ticks, real or imagined.

Our comments stand or fall on their merits.

May 27, 2023 6:02 pm

DeSantis is another Pence – a Republican right up until the point at which he reveals his true colours.

I like him. He was the only governor with any guts to face the Covid and Covid vaccine mafia.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 27, 2023 6:02 pm

Biden pulled it off and Clinton might yet try out again for the third time.

Not sure that is entirely comparable.

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 27, 2023 6:03 pm

Let’s hope he’s not the godfather to someone:

A man who dropped a horse head on the doorstep of a National Parks and Wildlife Service office concedes his approach could be seen as “excessive” but says he was fed up with being ignored.

“Maybe this was a little too dramatic but the normal pathways to get people to care just got an arrogant zero,” Rocky Harvey told The Sunday Telegraph.

The avid horse rider has never entered into the debate about brumby culling and resents being labelled an “activist”.

“I’m not taking issue with the culling management plan in the park, I have never got involved in that debate, I’m taking issue with the poor outcome. It’s just not acceptable to leave 67 carcasses laying around near a public camping ground,” he said.

“I went and did the right thing, reported it to the EPA, who then referred it to the Wild Horse Management Unit, no response. Penny Sharpe, no response.”

May 27, 2023 6:05 pm

I can’t remember the last time we had a primary when one of the contenders already had a majority and was firming. DeSantis is counting on the ‘fluid stuff’ but he’s going to turn away about 20% of those that currently support Trump. If he just managed to win that rump would stay home in the general and he’ll lose to Biden by 8-10. Disaster.

Why are you still selling after the sale? I said I agree Trump is the likely winner within reason. Within reason, meaning the left doesn’t slam him in jail. This is a very different election in the sense that Trump is the elephant in the room this time with a huge core voting bloc. If De Santis gets around 20% of the vote or more he’s looking good. Stop comparing this time around to the 16 primary, which is a different universe.

May 27, 2023 6:05 pm

Our comments stand or fall on their merits.

As I’ve opined many…many times myself.

But it is a window into weirdness. In a Rear Window kind of way.

May 27, 2023 6:05 pm

Clinton might yet try out again for the third time.

But the DNC donor pool will back Newsom.

May 27, 2023 6:05 pm

Bobby – ultimately, we do not give a rodent’s about our ticks, real or imagined.

Our comments stand or fall on their merits.

And that is the truth. Spot on, Rabs.

May 27, 2023 6:08 pm

The Stranglers – Big in America

It’s Saturday night, Cats!

May 27, 2023 6:08 pm

And that is the truth. Spot on, Rabs.

Literally 180 in 24 hours. Very strong core our Angry Karen.

Robert Sewell
May 27, 2023 6:08 pm


If only that were true. I think Americans and American society has been irreparably destroyed. I see no coming back. I see the 2024 election as yet another steal. How can the Repubs. win if they don’t reduce themselves to the fetid level of the Dems?

While it’s looking grim for the Republicans, I wouldn’t be too quick to write them off. They may get knocked down, but their ability to reinvent themselves and bounce back is pretty good.

May 27, 2023 6:13 pm

Calli, I was christened in a similar gown. It would be nearly a hundred years old now. I didn’t have children, and never found out what happened to it.

May 27, 2023 6:13 pm

Rabz says:
May 27, 2023 at 5:24 pm

The Rethuglicans

Here I am, planning a furious, slightly unhinged rant which probably isn’t fit for publication, when a gorgeous cherubic creation slip effortlessly from Rabz’s birthing canal. Rethuglicans. It’s shame the Catictionary is rigormortised.


May 27, 2023 6:14 pm

not slip.

May 27, 2023 6:14 pm

Can that $US250mill penthouse on billionaires row sell already?
My YouTube feed is full of every agent in NY trying to flog the place.

May 27, 2023 6:14 pm

That’s a bunny boiler all right. Yikes.

Thanks , calli – you’ve had me trawling through the figurative junkyard that is my mind in an effort to identify the doppelganger of E. Jean Carroll.

Well, here she is*.

*Trigger warning: Hideously uglee ol’ Hollyweird dinobore

May 27, 2023 6:15 pm

The idea that Biden would have the hide to try again after his first attempt says something, not a good thing. I’d balk at saying he won, but he prevailed the second time, so it is possible to do so. Winning strategies and Biden are not really two concepts that mesh well.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 27, 2023 6:15 pm

Linda Burney urges Voice ‘yes’ vote in referendum, 66 years after Indigenous Australians counted in population
Rudi Maxwell, AAP & Isabel McMillan, NCAAAP
Sat, 27 May 2023 4:02PM

Minister for Indigenous Australians Linda Burney was in Uluru on Saturday for the 66th anniversary of the referendum that saw Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people counted as part of the population.

On the anniversary of the 1967 referendum, the government has called for Australians to vote yes for an Indigenous Voice to parliament, amid opposition claims it could set back reconciliation.

Minister for Indigenous Australians Linda Burney was in Uluru on Saturday for the 66th anniversary of the referendum that saw Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people counted as part of the population.

She called for new constitutional recognition, and urged Australians to vote yes in a 2023 referendum that will see an Indigenous voice enshrined in the Constitution.

“In 1967, we were counted. In 2023, we seek to be heard,” Burney said.

“Today marks 66 years since the 1967 referendum – one of the most successful federal referendums in Australia’s history.

“A day when Australians came together, to vote to change the constitution, so Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will be counted as part of the population.

I don’t know how Linda Burney is allowed to get away with this flagrant bullsh!t.

May 27, 2023 6:15 pm

Also missing an ‘a.’
My cognitive function seems destined to become a rusted hulk.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 27, 2023 6:17 pm

It’s Saturday night, Cats!


Elton John – Saturday Night’s Alright For Fighting (1973)

May 27, 2023 6:19 pm

There’s a limit to the number of ballots that can be stolen without being found out.
But it doesn’t matter how many when it’s, fairly, obvious, that no one running the election(s) actually cares ..
How many videos/statements have there been in the last two years exposing the blatant vote cheating and no one, authorities or media cares .. we’ve gotten that used to seeing/hearing about the fraud(s) that most of us just blink and move on ………..
The USA is at the stage that if the next Presidential election is squeaky clean very few will believe it anyway!… Honesty in USA elections is sooooo pre BAT FLU-ish ……

May 27, 2023 6:20 pm

Bluddee hell – that E Jean Carroll experience was so monstrous that I’ve had to find a picture of an aesthetically pleasing young womanage to enable some offsetting … 🙂

May 27, 2023 6:20 pm

I dunno, but I got a leetle suspicious when out of four posts, the JC/Sancho Bobbsey twins got 9,9,9,7. upticks in about ten minutes, while the pattern around them was in the 3 – 5 mark.
Is there something you want to confess to, sancho?

Oh look, the Turtlehead can’t believe it’s possible that 8 to 10 people think he’s a mentally disturbed, hyperbolic loser. What, with Razey believing in him, how could think otherwise.

He has no life other than refreshing the Cat page to see the uptick count. Lord almighty.

May 27, 2023 6:22 pm

He wasn’t the only Governor to do so, and he’s record there while good is mixed.

The bird from South Dakota was the only one who didn’t lose their mind.
Keep in mind, De Santis had road blocks up at the start of COVID (as Malice reminded everyone this week).

May 27, 2023 6:24 pm

Watch out for the Skin Deep, Cats …

May 27, 2023 6:24 pm

If I was living in the US & things started to fall apart like they did in early 2020, I would bolt to South Dakota.
Or the Arizona desert (if I had water & power security).

May 27, 2023 6:24 pm

“Rethuglicans” has been around for a long time. I used it a few days ago here in relation to De Santis.
Speaking of whom:
We all know the situation with the pandemic. Not one Governor actually said “No!” and meant it. People claim DeSantis did but they’re lying. I lived in Florida when this started; I was in the process of moving to Tennessee but was a Florida resident and had to put up with all of it during the process of moving. My daughter lived in Florida, as an independent adult, and lost her job because the place she worked was forced closed by the Governor.
Others I know ran establishments that were forced closed, in one case by cops showing up and forcibly ejecting the patrons; the cops were all, of course, armed. Do not tell me that this didn’t happen: It did happen, it occurred to varying degrees everywhere and not one of said 50 governors has apologized, said they were wrong and most-importantly passed iron-clad law to prevent it from ever being done again.
How about illegal immigration? Florida has some of the highest premiums for car insurance in the United States. One reason is that Florida has done little or nothing about illegal aliens driving without insurance thus there is a very good chance that if you get hit and it is their fault they’ll have no insurance — and suing someone without anything is a waste of time. Thus you are forced to pay for the risk of said person hitting you and that price falls on every driver licensed in Florida in their uninsured motorist coverage. Over my 20 years of living there this cost me thousands of dollars, directly, for which I got not a nickel of actual benefit.
Now DeSantis has asked for and gotten an “E-Verify” bill passed. But did he also get an Amendment proposed and passed that bars illegal aliens from access to state-funded taxpayer services? No. And is there a mandate that the State actually guarantee compliance — by, for example, requiring that employers document said compliance via a state-operated system at the time of hiring? No. That wasn’t part of it. Further, the law exempts employers with fewer than 25 employees so the crew of illegals roofing houses will not be impacted. It is trivial to get around these rules in the contracting industry by setting up parallel LLCs and keeping each subcontractor under 25 employees.

De Santis is a bullshitter.

May 27, 2023 6:25 pm

“In 1967, we were counted. In 2023, we seek to be heard,” Burney said.

“Today marks 66 years since the 1967 referendum – one of the most successful federal referendums in Australia’s history.

Bearing in mind that I studied vege maths in school, can someone tell me what 33 plus 23 is please?
What am I missing?

Robert Sewell
May 27, 2023 6:26 pm


Bobby – ultimately, we do not give a rodent’s about our ticks, real or imagined.

As you say, but Rabz, some here take them very seriously.

(Rabz – please, the diminutive of Robert is not Bobby. It’s Bob. I trained with a bloke called Bobbie – he was a screaming faggot and gave us all the shits with his carryings on.)

May 27, 2023 6:27 pm

While it’s looking grim for the Republicans, I wouldn’t be too quick to write them off. They may get knocked down, but their ability to reinvent themselves and bounce back is pretty good.

Robert. It’s a done deal. The Dems have control. Modus operandi is to destroy the US. (See Clinton/Obama) The fix is in.

May 27, 2023 6:27 pm


Thanks, Eyrie.
I’ve led a sheltered life!
(I also become excited over small things, now).

May 27, 2023 6:29 pm

Linda Burney urges Voice ‘yes’ vote in referendum, 66 years after Indigenous Australians counted in population

The Gucci clad BB continues the trend of everything about the screech and black history is a lie. 3rd nations were counted in the first census in 1911; professor Helen Irving:

following the 1967 referendum, section 127 of the Constitution was removed. This section said: In reckoning the numbers of the people of the Commonwealth, or of a State or other part of the Commonwealth, aboriginal natives shall not be counted.

It is a common myth that the section excluded Aboriginal people from being counted in the census, and that the 1967 referendum meant that they would henceforth be counted. It did not. The Aboriginal people have always been counted, from the very first Commonwealth census in 1911. In fact, census statistics specifically recorded the populations of Aboriginal Australians. “Half-blood” Aborigines were considered to be white and were included in the general census.

The purpose of section 127 (admittedly, not obvious from its words) was to guide the calculation of the numbers of parliamentary representatives per State and also to determine certain State financial entitlements and obligations, based on State populations. When these calculations were made, the numbers of Aboriginal people, as counted, were excluded.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 27, 2023 6:31 pm

Beautiful late C19th pic ‘His Mother’s Joy’, Dover.

I can’t help reflecting that he would be canon fodder in 1914,

Robert Sewell
May 27, 2023 6:32 pm


I like him. He was the only governor with any guts to face the Covid and Covid vaccine mafia.

In the beginning he looked really good. I also cheered for him, but there seemed to me after a couple of minor blunders that he was trying too hard. As if he was acting out not a script, but following a recipe to get a desired result.
It’s just the vibe, and I’m quite uncertain about him and just the general feeling of the man.
But I could quite easily be wrong, and you, right.

May 27, 2023 6:32 pm

Bruce of Newcastle says May 27, 2023 at 6:17 pm

LOL, BoN, back in the day, it occasionally was.

How I emerged from the eighties bodily intact remains a mystery. My peer group (and occasionally myself) used to engage in ultra violence just for the sheer hell of it.

It is not a chapter in my life that I’m proud of. Hence the subsequent retreat into economic hypotheses and trying to live a normal existence.

Young men will do what they do. Any society that tries to resist this inevitability will collapse in on itself.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 27, 2023 6:33 pm

I do love the Stranglers and the first one has an awesome sax solo, which made me think of this one which has an even awesomer sax solo!

Ian Dury and The Blockheads – Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick (1978)

May 27, 2023 6:35 pm

Top Ender.

I’d like to ask Michael a handful of specific questions relating to a campaign in the SWPA which I’ve been researching for some time. If I send an email to him via Avonmore, do you think it will be forwarded?

Robert Sewell
May 27, 2023 6:37 pm

Top Ender:

“I’m not taking issue with the culling management plan in the park, I have never got involved in that debate, I’m taking issue with the poor outcome. It’s just not acceptable to leave 67 carcasses laying around near a public camping ground,” he said.

He’s quite right, IMHO. Leaving the carcases there as food for wild dogs and pigs is wrong. There’s already a problem with ferals and leaving food out for them is counterproductive. The carcases should have been removed or deep buried or burnt. Or was funding an issue?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 27, 2023 6:42 pm

The Gucci clad BB continues the trend of everything about the screech and black history is a lie. 3rd nations were counted in the first census in 1911; professor Helen Irving:

I contacted my local member’s office, regarding this issue, on a previous occasion, only to be told “Well, we don’t want to give Linda Burney a chance to play the race card.”

Words fail me, they honestly do.

Robert Sewell
May 27, 2023 6:43 pm


While it’s looking grim for the Republicans, I wouldn’t be too quick to write them off. They may get knocked down, but their ability to reinvent themselves and bounce back is pretty good.

I meant “While it’s looking grim for the US, I wouldn’t be too quick to write them off. They may get knocked down, but their ability to reinvent themselves and bounce back is pretty good.”
Not just Republicans. The US has surprised a lot of people who underestimated them.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 27, 2023 6:44 pm

I now have to do the following track since I took this photo since my last comment. She’s golden brown, a fine temptress. Haven’t seen her for a couple weeks so it’s an auspicious evening.

Golden Brown – The Stranglers live (2014)

May 27, 2023 6:45 pm

Iowahawk (pbuh) was the first personage I ever heard refer to ‘Rethuglicans”.

  1. Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x