Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
AMK Mapping@AMK_Mapping_2hUkrainian forces now “control” less than 230km² of Kursk Oblast, down from 360km² just 24 hours ago.
The Spectator Index@spectatorindexEUROPE: The Financial Times reports that many European governments are feeling ‘buyers remorse for decades of US arms…
Thank you Wally.
Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…
Daily Kos probably would have been keen on using rethuglican, back in the day.
Young men, creating some magick …
All ten minutes of it.
Biological Men Are Popping Hormones To Induce Lactation for “Milk”
It’d be funny if it were not vomit inducing sick.
Try again:
Biological Men Are Popping Hormones To Induce Lactation for “Milk”
I bet you don’t say that about all the “cute owls”.
I used all my good one liners about that yesterday.
All in all, I think it’s a rather cheesy headline.
Scroll down past the Babylon Bee stuff to where De Santis gets discussed.
Seems chuck is still at it.
Searching for “rethuglican” returns zero results however. Perhaps the jungle rot failed to completely devour his frontal cortex.
Neighbours parents must be away.
Party starting crank up.
Better compete with some decent tunes.
Shuffling Foo Fighters Gunners & K-Pop (just to keep them on their toes).
Blue vein, surely.
Can’t you stop the twisting and turning. Can you remember what you posted:
Let’s see the curveball on this now. Also, there are plenty of multiple shots. Reagan was one example and very apt in terms for De Santis. Very successful governor, held core beliefs and didn’t let go. And that’s just on the Right.
Save it for early tomorrow morning. Maria Callas while you rev the leaf blower should teach them of the evils of alcohol consumption. Bonus points if you do it wearing only your jocks, ray bans and a pair of wellingtons.
Sure Muddy. I’ll tell the Avonmore boss it’s coming.
Well, yes, Nurse Betty.
I’ve been falsifying the drug issue records at the hospital. I issue the drugs to a geriatric patient but I don’t administer them.
I take them home to party, party, party.
Sure, the old codger is writhing in pain, but they are unproductive members of society, right?
Anything else you’d like to know?
It’s just the vibe, and I’m quite uncertain about him and just the general feeling of the man.
But I could quite easily be wrong, and you, right.
Look – I am not an expert on De Santis. Just have followed his policy in relation Covid/lockdowns etc. Plus I have friends in Florida – an ex military bloke and his very smart wife – who reckon he is the real deal. Since we share most conclusions about the state of the West in general – I defer somewhat to their assessment of their Governor.
Serious, apolitical (non-ranting) request.
Seeking Contacts in Papua New Guinea.
If anyone reading this has provincial (Morobe) government or media contacts in Lae, PNG, or with the U.S. and Japanese Embassies in Port Moresby, I would love to know please.
I have a PNG friend at Salamaua (just inland from Salamaua actually) who I have been assisting with his small military museum for some years. The area had a lot of military activity in 1942-43 (at least 20,000 from PNG, Australia, the US of A, and Japan, served on the battlefield during this period). This September will mark the 80th anniversary of the re-occupation by the Allies of Salamaua (which is dwarfed in the history books by the campaign for Lae), and my friend and I have been planning a small commemorative ceremony to take place at Salamaua on the 12th of Sept.
We’ve made a start on the local government level, where we have been tentatively promised limited financial help, and have made initial contact with the Australian Consulate at Lae, and a Morobe Government representative. What we require is to consolidate our contacts at the Province level, and to establish a liaison with a media outlet (we had a contact but it dropped out).
We would also like to communicate directly with named individuals at both the U.S. and Japanese Embassies in Moresby, as our introductory efforts with both have not borne fruit. While we consider it unlikely that due to logistic and security concerns, either Embassy will send an official party to the event, we hope to solicit a written statement that can be read out on the day.
Any suggestions will be most welcome, thank you.
New ‘Birthgap’ Film Shows How Explosion in Childlessness is Driving Historically Unprecedented Population Collapse
Peoples – it appears that poor li’l ol’ Eddles has gone missing in Beijing …
I look forward to the Sky after dark controlled opposition loudly stating that he must be released.
He courageously blundered in there, demanding the CCTV footage from within Reynolds’ office that showed Hoggins and Lehrmann engaging in the “beast with two backs” as well as the file containing the minutes of the National Cabinet meetings in 2020 and 2021.
And tragically, we’ve not heard from him since 🙁
Top Ender.
Thanks. It will be a week or two, as I have a few other distractions right now.
European concern
Engineered. The Davos elites believe the Malthusian rubbish.
Saw them in Singapore. Fools Gold live was freekin’ amazing.
INSANE! Biden to create new federal agency to track your behavior | Redacted w Clayton Morris
To clarify my request above:
I am NOT soliciting money or goods. What we ARE seeking is assistance with making contacts. That’s all.
Ignoring the family court system and the depressing, usurious taxes levied against people trying to buy a home is completely ignorant.
Here’s the thing. Iran has fertility as low as the West, Hasidic Jewish families in America have an average of 5+ children and the ultra orthodox Jewish families in Israel have 7+ children on average. Career orientation is part of that as well.
Child support and divorce (and alimony) in America is ridiculous; ReasonTV on YouTube has plenty of clips from DivorceCorp explaining this.
De Santis has some electoral success, ran the state through Covid without messing up much and engages effectively on the cultural issues. Looks like a winner over old Joe B, if he can get in front of Trump.
Who should lose in votes and not jury polls, to show his time is past and whatever MAGA dreams he sold were not delivered in his term …
They don’t just believe it, they’re trying to engineer it by creating a food crisis. And the energy crisis is well underway.
Hence the “jungle languishing”, Pol?
Told in Max Hasting’s book “Soldiers. Great Stories of War and Peace.”
The Anglo French Suez invasion of 1956 was marked by a fair amount of military confusion.
“When ships eventually unloaded at Port Said, there were surprises. At the fishing harbor a senior staff officer noticed a three ton lorry so overloaded that it’s rear springs were all but concave, and stuck fast on the ramp. “Who the bloody hell are you,” he inquired kindly ” and what are you doing?”
“I, Sir” responded a voice of much dignity “am the Mess – Sergeant of Her Majesty’s Life Guards, and I have with me the officer’s mess silver, and champagne.”
He has certainly dropped off his more outrageous claims about Mr Lehrmann.
Which is just as well.
For him.
Awesome funk. A much unappreciated style of music.
In return I’ll put up a bit of jazz soul blues rock from an Aussie babe.
Gabriella Cilmi – Sweet About Me (2007)
Nothing that can’t be fixed with the application of some “Hong Kong Money” … 🙂
Pancho – he has gone missing – an apprehension in Beijing?
And just like that, option 5A VNI West is back.
What was a technical error a few days ago in now in AEMO’s project assessment and conclusions report.
A whole new group of landholders and communities have just been targeted without any warning.
Long since vanished tribal groups are given higher status for consultation than actual landholders.
May 27, 2023 at 6:25 pm
“In 1967, we were counted. In 2023, we seek to be heard,” Burney said.
“Today marks 66 years since the 1967 referendum – one of the most successful federal referendums in Australia’s history.
Bearing in mind that I studied vege maths in school, can someone tell me what 33 plus 23 is please?
What am I missing?
It’s like the 1988 “40,000 years” (200 times 200) number. 66 years sounds close to two thirds of a century and has a “vibe”, 56 years is a “Meh!” number.
Somebody really needs to do a welfare check. Somebody …?
Paging Mr Mole
The punchlines on these are quite good.
[Chiktatoon] Forever alone vs Virgin ghost
Jordan Peterson Reveals The Whole Hidden Agenda!
Not returning those Brittany tapes wasn’t really like Blockbuster in ‘86. Dark forces at work.
George Soros has dedicated his life to dividing people of all nations and backgrounds.THE SOROS ACTIVIST AT THE HEART OF CALIFORNIA’S $800 BILLION SLAVE REPARATIONS
Some serious funk in this track. Have to wonder what the planet thought when these guys appeared out of nowhere. And television in the sixties was so lame.
Rolling Stones – It’s all over now (1964)
Cats, I exist because my employer hasn’t seen fit to jobsack me.
Try being the only non collectivist within an organisation that employs about 80 peoples nationwide.
Yet I’ve been there for over 15 years – so they can at least claim that they employ a personage who is not a collectivist.
Stuck in the middle and yet allowed a free range brief – and they pay me well.
So things could be a lot worse. 🙂
I am not getting RickRolled again with Gillard, Joan Kirner and other obese feminista Labor luminaries.
Get a load of these ( I think) undecipherable, illogical betting markets at https://www.electionbettingodds.com/
Conclusions I can draw.
1. Trump will be the GOP nominee
2. Hiden will be the Demon nominee
3. Hiden beats Trump
4. Hiden will lose the election.
How the F can betting markets become so tangled up with illogical nonsense, unless I’m not reading this right. With Hiden 37.1% to win the election, it means the odds favor him to lose?
This is the intelligence service of the Chinese People’s Army. We have your Eddles. Pay us one million dollars, immediately, or we’ll give him back.
Those Mighty Reds couldn’t win the eight in a row they needed to land a space in the top four, Cats. 🙁
However, they will never, ever have to walk alone …
I am getting a flashback to “Ruthless People”.
Feeling sorry for the captors, who are reducing the ransom demands by the hour.
To his credit, Eddles is no mUttley.
Called upon to leave his comfortable living room couch, the Eddles appears to be out their conducting some actual field work*. Although the subsequent seemingly interminable languishing in a soviet era gaol cell may not have been part of his idyllic idyll …
Free Eddles, Albosleazey!
*The sentence above may bear no resemblance to reality, coincidentally or otherwise
Certainly not with modern video editing. Two rapidly multiplying Aussies:
The Presets – My People (2007)
Just rewatched Death Wish with Charlie Bronson; hilarious how attitudes towards vigilantism depicted in the movie differ so much from today when the need for vigilantism is so much greater. However, a vigilante today would be wasting their time plugging the trash on the street; what would have to be done is the pollies, AGs and Judges who have caused the shit on the streets would be the ones who would have to be subject to vigilantism.
The sock drawer is a mess.
Paul Wallee and the Yams – “the bitterest pill” I ever had to swallow, Cats – Miss Personage dumping me to engage in a tawdree affair with teats peanuthead. 🙁
And since its Saturday night with distasteful comments already gratuitously made here is tonight’s cute owl.. Suck on that losers.
My fav scene from Death Wish
The acronym fest on offer to “stakeholders” dealing with AEMO:
That’s just a short list in the latest email to landholders.
“stakeholders”- what an odious buzzword. Reminds me of Tony Bliar
come on and take my gun from me … a more contemporary version of charles bronson
It is very easy to ‘screen record’ Zoom meetings in real time on your computer. I have done it a number of times.
I would be very surprised if some (if not all) of the participants didnt do so, by some means or other, even as low tech as a gopro off to the side recording your screen
Cronkers, most of us is, I presume are, hetro.
Farmers and landholders are referred to as “hosts” of the infrastructure by AEMO
It’s mafia language. They’re making us an offer we can’t refuse.
Bring a knife to a gunfight….
Stakeholders is meant to be anyone with an interest in said development and definitely includes landholders. I live in this world being an exploration geologist.
One thing I have noticed having one of these renewable monstrosities planned adjoining the suburb I live in stakeholders is skewed to Qld Development Corp, Townsville City Council, Ergon, Dept Mines & energy, Dept Environment & Science and the NBS (For some unknown reason). Everyone but the residents if I was you I would be looking for any EPBC Act referrals (They are mandatory and federal jurisdictionally not state based) and looking for how long they knew. Seem same standards are not enforced for “renewables.”
Lastly, Vic seems to have no Land Court that the more resource rich states do. These guys below are the enemy but they may give you ways of frustrating the carpetbaggers:
For your perusal anyway.
Well done Jennifer and the other determined men who didn’t let BoM mislead the public without challenge.
Thanks Rockdoctor.
Gil Scott Heron – well, the first thing I want to say is, “mandate my house sized backside” and he “acted like an actor, Hollyweird … “
Sacré bleu, he never desists … ;?
Yeah, you get the point, interlopers.
Get off my planet by sundown, I requests ya.
Or else. 🙂
civil rights, womens’ rights, gay rights, – it’s all wrong – call in the cavalry to disrupt this perception of freedom gone wild – goddammit – first one wants freedom, then the whole damn world wants freedom – nostalgia, that’s what we want, I tells ya … 🙂
When all the other celluloid saviours were cringing in terror before the McArthee, Ron stood tall …
Well done Jennifer and the other determined men who didn’t let BoM mislead the public without challenge.
Jen and the others in the group do great work. Getting up at Watts and also sometimes in the local media is great but we need a major political attack on the BOM and the CSIRO. It won’t come from brain dead turtle and the libs are dickless.
Will the Surry Hills burnt building husk collapse into its own footprint?
Something something, jet fuel can’t melt heritage listings.
I defer to Indolent in such matters.
Vivek crying victim here is pathetic. You can’t go on a professional networking and employment site, start spouting political opinions, and whinge you’re being politically targeted when your rants get suppressed. The rest of the Internet exists for speech and LinkedIn has a purpose that I do not think it should stray from with very good reason.
I’d rather our society return to the arrangements when businesses focussed on legally making money by excelling in some narrow stage in the value chain, without trying to save the planet, promote equity, and be “good corporate citizens” or whatever euphemisms for crony capitalism we’re using this week. Users refraining from blogging politics on LinkedIn is part of that vision.
Bobby Zimmerman’s finest song, as unrepentantly performed by himself … 🙂
Miss Apil Corley at her best
The pale skinned brunette Ten in the green top and white boots …
Magnifique 🙂
April …
Anyone who believes bulk import of yuuuge numbas of Indian nationals into the Australian workforce will go smoothly, well they badly need to ride in a cab driven by an Indian student, twice daily for a week.
After that, they all their possession, especially valuable stuff, shall be transported by an imported Indian truckie, with whom they have to deal on every aspect of the transport.
After that they get read back to them, in public, their belief that Indians are “just like us”
Anyway, what’s all this about importing hordes of Indians?
Marvin and some Amazons, who are impossible to ignore …
When go go goils go rogue 🙂
Just the rampant imagination of the Good Nurse.
James Woods
The American Revolution was based on the concept of no taxation without representation. Now we have either a single party supermajority (CA and NY, e.g.) or our federal two-party “uniparty.”
We are back where we started: taxed to death with no voice in our own government.
My Son Hunter | The Hunter Biden Movie
BREAKING: The Capitol Visitors Center BLOCKED @MySonHunter so now we are releasing the movie for FREE.
A larger dose of vitamin D may decrease psychiatric symptoms at school age
So the posting & discussion a few days ago about Albanese getting all huggy with India & importing hordes of Indians, .. .. was just… baseless chit chat?
Yep. There was no supporting internal superstructure. It was indeed, a husk.
Apparently the cops have been “speaking with two utes*”, seen as they were, very quickly dashing back to Redfern.
*See the Joe Pesci character in “My cousin Vinnee”
Hey, Miss Personage – it’s a thin line between love and hate …
A Gyspy as she is …
What a film clip – a brunette completely outsmarting a blonde.
Keely always was definitively gorgeous.
I used to just enjoy the song back in the late nineties.
Indolent posted about a speach by Alan Jones. If it is one I clicked on in Twitter it is not Alan speaking.
Regarding De Santis I read he was getting a lot of his Covid advice from Dr Jay Bhaticharia of the Great Barrington Declaration.
Briefly scrolled through today activities.
It would appear Nurse Bobbie may be inheriting the Faulty/St.Ruth meatsack of doom-mongering.
Am keeping an eye on the sky. No planeloads of PLA heading south.
Told you I was looking at the sky. Instead of the keyboard.
Anyone recall when Basil Faulty of the Torres Strait was on here vigorously defending Struphid. It’s like a death wish with this fcucker. Whenever he’s providing security for one of his faves, the fave end up in a ditch.
Week In Pictures.
Piers Akerman:
Labor instituted self-government for the ACT despite a referendum which voted against it. This has resulted in a quasi-state type of government in a puddle that only justifies a town council. The dregs then rise to the top.
The federal government (and my local GP) are recommending a booster shot of the same vaccines that Dr. McCullough now says caused and will cause damage to males.
Megyn Kelly says it’s no longer Fox News, it’s Foxweiser!
Thanks Tom. Sunday rolls around again.
Nice poster for Knuckle’s wall there.
And…took a second to realise those were pigeons.
Was at lunch yesterday where the issue of future power sources was discussed. According to some, hydrogen power will be the go to fuel for cars. I expressed my reservations it could be commercially viable given the properties of the gas, but then wake to reading this today. Am I wrong?
Hydrogen difficulties:
1. It requires energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen.
2. Cannot be contained in the sort of metal fuel tanks we use now for petrol and diesel.
3. Unsafe to ship – has to be converted to ammonia, then reconverted later.
4. Like wind power, it will require a complete redesign of vehicles and the distribution system (infrastructure) that a century of development has made good for petrol and diesel, and coal fired power.
5. We are governed by idiots, who are in turn supported by complicit media who do not tell the truth about power systems and energy generally. Hence we get stupid memes like Green Hydrogen, and Green political parties.
Pentecost Sunday
Veni Sancte Spiritus – Pentecost Sequence Sung in Latin Gregorian Chant
Pentecost was a Jewish feast, as it remains today, going back to the time of Moses. It commemorated two events: the end of the harvest 50 days after the Passover, for which it was called the Festival of Weeks, and the Giving of the Torah, or Law, to Moses on Mt Sinai fifty days after the first Passover, when Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt.
For this feast all males were to go up to Jerusalem, which explains why the Acts of the Apostles tell us that “there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men from every nation under heaven” (Acts 2:5).
When Christians began to celebrate Pentecost to commemorate the coming of the Holy Spirit on the apostles on the very day of the Jewish feast, they kept the name Pentecost, from the Greek word meaning “fiftieth”, because it came 50 days after Easter.
In English the feast is also known as Whitsunday, or White Sunday, because on that day the newly baptised wore their white garments for the services.
The Catholic Weekly
Nice, ZK2A.
Mum’s partner was in that imbroglio, a driver of interesting vehicles for odd jobs. The locals had a picturesque habit of stringing wires across the roads for motorcycle couriers and top-down landrover drivers.
A precious day in the Church calendar. Thanks for that P. The Beloved is champing at the bit to get off to Church right now.
Ammonia is probably easier than hydrogen, but why bother?
Just have nuke and we can synthesise safer traditional liquid fuels out of electrical energy and atmospheric gases and vapour; we don’t even need EVs.
It has been recently proven nuclear is literally too cheap to meter.
Anchor Whatsays:
May 28, 2023 at 7:42 am
Hydrogen difficulties:
So what is Le-mans race up to? Is it just throwing up the challenge or seeming to be green at some stage in future?
2.4 degrees C at Longreach at 0700.
Sod this for a lark.
I remember a “Spring” September in Urandangie on the Qld-NT border when it was zero degrees outside the swag I was sleeping in. In all but summer, the Australian outback away from the coast is freezing.
Blackout Bowen should read this if he ever sobers up!
Modern civilization has only two choices for baseload power—hydrocarbons or nuclear.
The heralded wind and solar ‘transition’ has already revealed itself as among the greatest deceptions ever pulled. Harry Houdini would have been impressed with the wind and sun cult’s ability to turn night into day and twist logic and reason beyond even the most delusional imagination.
As Nick Giambruno details in this punchy little essay, taxpayers and power consumers around the globe have already stumped up $5 trillion subsidise wind and solar, with their combined output globally amounting to little more than a rounding error.
Nick correctly describes coal, oil and gas as the mainstay of the world’s energy supply – now, and for generations to come. Given that wind and solar have already proven to be an abject failure, as Nick points out, the only serious contender is safe, reliable and affordable nuclear.
The Great Energy Deception: The Truth Behind the $5 Trillion Renewable Energy Scam
Financial Underground
Nick Giambruno
April 2023
Did you know governments worldwide have spent over $5 trillion in the past two decades to subsidize wind, solar, and other so-called renewables?
To put that in perspective, if you earned $1 a second 24/7/365—about $31 million per year—it would take you 158,550 YEARS to make $5 trillion.
$5 trillion is an almost unfathomable amount of money.
However, even with that astronomical financial support, the world still depends on hydrocarbons for 84% of its energy needs—down only 2% since governments started binge spending on renewables 20 years ago.
That’s all according to Mark Mills in a report from the Manhattan Institute, who concludes that:
“The lessons of the recent decade make it clear that solar, wind, and battery technologies cannot be surged in times of need, are neither inherently ‘clean’ nor even independent of hydrocarbons, and are not cheap.”
With all that in mind, it should be clear that so-called renewables—more accurately, unreliables—have been a giant flop. They are not viable for baseload power—even with $5 trillion in subsidies and two decades of trying. Today, using wind and solar for mass power generation is an artificial political solution that would not have been chosen on a genuinely free market for energy.
Wind and solar power might be useful in specific situations. Still, it’s ridiculous to think they can provide reliable baseload power for an advanced industrial economy. It’s like trying to force a square peg into a round hole.
This time of year at 3 degrees the humidity will be in the mid 90’s in my part of northern Vic. In Longreach it will be in the 60’s.
It’s a desert.
There was an article in the Oz two weeks about hydrogen going through the current gas pipelines . The boss of the company that operates the pipelines (AMA?) said was decades away from happening.
Chris – the cost of labour is so high these days its only worth owning an old car if you know how to fix it yourself.
You could have picked up a wrecker engine for a $k and bolted it in. It only takes a couple of hours to change a subaru engine.
(* – owner of circa late-90’s subaru).
.. and the track which inspired the drumming for it:
Have just found my 85yo mother in the kitchen, holding a knife …. waiting for SAPOL and the tasers now.
Daily Mail.
Good Sunday morning read
Big Nambas:
Worth repeating.
“The lessons of the recent decade make it clear that solar, wind, and battery technologies cannot be surged in times of need, are neither inherently ‘clean’ nor even independent of hydrocarbons, and are not cheap.”
With all that in mind, it should be clear that so-called renewables—more accurately, unreliables—have been a giant flop. They are not viable for baseload power—even with $5 trillion in subsidies and two decades of trying. Today, using wind and solar for mass power generation is an artificial political solution that would not have been chosen on a genuinely free market for energy.
Tingle eh? These meja people are just so nasty. What’s their problem?
Exactly as I said above. An example, not a comparison. Nowhere in the above do I compare ’16 and ’24.
Hope you’re joking…
If not, I’ll have peanut butter on my toast please.
Don’t bother buying it – they’ll just demand it back because ‘colonialism.’.
From the Hun.
Many of the comments below it said the same. I listened to Alan on the radio for years and it sounded like him to me, but under bad technical conditions. The content was 100% Alan. No one could put it better.
Good luck getting a gang of villains in a shed up at Heathrow.
Birka, I don’t get your complaint here. LinkedIn is full of woke liberal opinion, and here they are sprung censoring it’s opponents. Vivek is simply exposing their ideological commitments.
Michelle Obama Humiliated as Her Product Fails Standards She Pushed on Americans
The ABC sees it as their right to use their media platform to influence politics, but screams ‘muh independence’ as soon as anyone in politics comments on the wayward behaviour of the ABC.
What makes it worse is that politicians only really ever call out the ABC for its politics but the ABC sees any attempt to point out their interference in politics as political interference in their (biased) reporting.
President Trump just called Ron DeSantis a globalist. He’s 100% right. Here’s a long thread with everything i know so far to validate his point.
DB is right, it’s now a stuphid revisit with dribs of Faulty mixed in for good measure.
Lindsey Graham Travels to Kiev to Promise Whatever the GOP Candidates Say the Uniparty Congress Will Keep Feeding Ukraine Weapons
Well, it wasn’t me. I’m still five years off the pace.
And I’m not Flying Duk’s mum either. 🙂
‘You’re a Piece of Sh**!!’ AOC Town Hall in Queens Erupts in Chaos, Shouting Matches, Security Scuffles Over Immigration and More
Rob Schneider
A truly remarkable and horribly sad indictment on the politicians who run these cities…
Did she claim “inter generational trauma” and slavery as an excuse?
Exactly. It was a shitty recording but that wasn’t Alans fault.
You have to wonder how far up the political chain these chat logs may lead.
The boss told them he supports DeSantis and not to target him.
Davar Echad
I am curious at the media reaction to the Durham report and its reference to Alexander Downer. You would think that Australian media would latch onto the Australian connection and ask Downer to explain or at least comment on it. The deafening silence is interesting particularly from Sky. Chris Kenny even had Downer on his show and he failed to ask a single question about it.
LOL – Outsiders interviewing George Papadopolopolous about his legendary encounter with Fishnets Downer, which gave birth to the Steele Dossier and much hysterical screeching by various imbeciles about Wussia.
Indians in their heart of hearts aspire to be more English than the British.
I’m glad Rowan and the Outsiders are now tackling the Alexander Downer annd the Durham Report issue. No wonder they are the highest rated Sky News program.
“5. We are governed by idiots, who are in turn supported by complicit media who do not tell the truth about power systems and energy generally. Hence we get stupid memes like Green Hydrogen, and Green political parties.”
Indeed. Well said.
Further to “complicit media who do not tell the truth “, in case you haven’t heard British Cycling has finally banned biological males, even those biological males who’ve chopped off their dicks, even those biological males who’ve guzzled tonnes of hormones. Amen. Of course, the usual progressive coterie of deviants, perverts, cheats and progressive idiots are now all wailing, “it’s not fair” (funny how they’re never interested in “fairness” when it comes to the perverts competing and beating biological women), never mind the fact that the science is absolutely crystal clear about what happens to males after they’ve gone through puberty, which is that even if an adult male cuts his dick off, or guzzles a tonne of hormones, HE still has a considerable biological winning edge over biological females. But now, in the light of the British Cycling ban, some are asking the very reasonable question, “well, how did it get this far when a sporting organisation has had to come out and issue such a common sense policy ban?”. That’s a good question, and the answer is obvious. The reason why it has gotten so far is that too weaklings and cowards in government, corporate, sporting, media and entertainment professions have all been captured by this gruesome perverted nonsense, they worship at the altar of LGBTQI+ queer bulldust, they have willingly swallowed sinister lies they then happily propagate, and they avidly participate in the gaslighting of deplorables…aka ordinary people, to the point where we are now in a situation where perverts are beating biological women in cycling, surfing, swimming and so on. And don’t get me started on male perverts in changerooms. Even now, under a story on the Oz, if I was to write the following truthful words….
“Transwomen are not women”.
The comment would be rejected, within seconds I might add.
One of the main reasons why we now find ourselves in these very ludicrous and dystopian times is because we no longer have a media that is brave, a media that is curious and inquisitive, and a media that wants to tell the truth. Because, and here’s a fundamental basic truth, a truth that even the Oz won’t even publish, which is that….”transwomen are not women”.
Very very few want to stand up and speak truth and those who do, like Sall Grover, like Bernard Gaynor, like Kirralee Smith, like Lyle Shelton, have been or are being reported on by perverts and then they are summoned before a Stasi like government department such as the AHRC (departments I might add that in the almost nine years of cretinous Coalition governments, they did f*ck all to rein in or curb), and be forced to attend mediation all because they’ve spoken a basic truth such as, wait for it….”transwomen are not women”.
By the way, has someone told Little Johnny Prosciutto and his fellow jelly-back comrades in the Victorian Liberal Party about the UK cycling ban? Or perhaps Little Johnny Prosciutto or one of the cretinous minions in his office are now furiously looking up Wikipedia to smear the head of British Cycling, a man named John Dutton, as a “Nazi” or “Nazi adjacent”. Oh and Monty must also now think that the head of British Cycling is a hateful, far-right Nazi and he too should be “punched’ in the face.
I couldn’t comment much yesterday as I had a busy family day, but scrolling back I note that yesterday “hzhousewife” asked, in response to my comment about “all the major Australian corporates and banks are furiously embracing ESG”
“I’m curious to know exactly how they are doing this. Are they refusing customers for example?
Yes, the big four banks and large corporates are now beginning to refuse to lend money and/or work with companies with no ESG policy. ESG is now becoming entrenched in loans, leases, mortgages and so on. And again this comes back to moral cowardice and all round moral posturing. Green activism is now rampant through most large Australian companies and organisations. How has it got this far? Well, it comes back to the aforementioned transpervert stuff above, it’s due to a fatal combination of moral cowardice, of not wanting to upset the apple cart and of selling your souls to far-left activists. I should add that whilst small small business may not yet be effected by ESG militant activism, they will be, it’s already effecting medium sized business. If you don’t have “green” ESG policies then you won’t get a dime from the major banks.
So, as said above, we are indeed governed by cowardly supine idiots, who are in turn propped up and supported by a complicit media who do not and will not tell the truth about anything. And what do we get? Stupid, stupid memes like Green Hydrogen, Green political parties, ESG, Twiggy Forrest is a hero (never mind his League or Rights’ connections), perverts destroying women’s sports, perverts in women only changerooms and all the rest of the far-left gunk running amok in the West.
And oneday, people will ask “well, how did it get this far when we allowed Green nonsense to run amok, when we destroyed our energy grid, when we destroyed our agriculture, when we allowed children to be mutilated, surgically and chemically, and all the rest of the sinister, ludicrous nonsense currently running amok in the West?”
Here’s my answer……cowardice, that how.
By the way I hope you’re all ready, coz…coz…get the drums out…..June is “Pride Month”.
Apologies about the long rant.
Didn’t the Durham report find that Downer’s role was quite benign, but that the Hilderbeest’s campaign misrepresented it (so much nicer a word than ‘lies about’) to get the hoax rolling?
If the media interviews downer he might point this out. If they don’t, and noone else corrects the record, the lie survives.
Never. I’d rather read rants of Cats than pages of copied articles from the MSM or trusted bloggers.
Re:Black Woman Who Was Fired From Equinox Gym After Being Late 47 Times in 10 Months,
No but she did claim she was being picked on by whitey…
WTF? Didn’t we just go through a month of that sh*t?
Would have thought it was a feature, not a bug. Hun:
Ditto, Dot.
Memorial Weekend banger from George Alexopoulos.
Good news yesterday….I’m going to be a great-aunt!
Thrilled, absolutely thrilled.
I see a poor chick in the SMH was reported as “winning” an auction paying $847,000 for a one bedroom apartment in Newtown.
Not even the Eastern Suburbs.
John 11:35.
calli at 7.21:
Yes. Yes it is. The only unanswered question relates to what is best in life.
The answer to that question is NOT oversized replica old-timey railway station clocks on lounge room walls.
So why doesn’t Downer set the record straight? Rowan said that he refused the Outsiders’ invitation to respond.
Political animals. Politics is all they care about.
All the best, Cassie – “Great Aunt” and “Great Uncle” (as I am) are titles with a certain air of dignity and respect about them.
Terrible story. Look at the killer trees lining the road. The road looks narrow but in good repair. It’s possible that a kangaroo was involved and is gone without trace.
May 28, 2023 at 9:43 am
I saw what you did there.
By the way, on C.L.’s marvellous blog he’s posted this twitter exchange from Doomlord in response to Tone Abbott’s tweet…
Ukraine is not the only country under existential threat, but it is the one most threatened now; that’s why it is the global frontline of freedom, and why every free country should rally to its side. :
Doomlord responded…
“Very annoying when Australian politicians discover threats to freedom halfway around the world, but did nothing to promote freedom in Australia while in office.”
Beautifully said Doomlord.
Abbott should STFU.
Every month is now pride month. Corporations will be expected and are cooperating every day. I expect that in the near future anyone applying for a job will be asked to demonstrate their commitment to rainbow powers that be. Reminds me of how behind the Iron Curtain anyone who wanted a job had to express their fealty to the Communist Party.
Da “Big Five” came up in conversation again regarding work, now apropos of Knuckles baiting of me at 9:53 AM today.
My big five:
Strength of body and mind.
The glory of the nation.
Advancement of my family.
My reputation.
Living the dream.
I often feel like telling the millenials (or whatever the f*ck they call themselves) I work with whining about never being able to buy property to stop being collectivists and to stop voting for collectivist imbeciles.
But what are the alternatives, when we’ve been gifted with three extreme left political parties (and the fourth are practitioners of national agrarian socialism)?
Voting for one nation is so uncool they’d not consider it. As for the gliberal democrats, they would never have even heard of them.
I think it is rational cognitive dissonance.
They’re hip to the scam, it’s hard to get on but once they’re on the ladder they reap the benefits and become Gen Z boomers, or “Zoomers”.
The idiots I encounter through work are already demonstrating this via the inclusion of their “preferred pronouns” in their stupid bloody emails.
Brought in Perth way back when, for half the price I would have paid in Sydney. Sold for over ten times what I paid for the place. Housing in Sydney is a rip off.
Always enjoy your rant Cassie.
If Brittany blows up La Tingle and the ALPBC it will all be money well spent. It’s a long way from mashing pumpkin for Alan Ramsey.
A sanctimonious hypocritical white imbecile getting around in blackface.
There is no other way to describe it. So take your fabricated racist abuse and stick it up your ample fundament, grant, you frigging fraud.
“The extraordinary exchange between Ms Higgins and Laura Tingle,”
What’s the female equivalent of the adjective ‘avuncular’?
Seems to me we need one…
Then there is Victims of Crime Commissioner Heidi Yates who acted as an intermediary between the alleged rape victim and police and whose multiple appearances walking Higgins to court and standing with her at media conferences sparked ongoing controversy. It is unthinkable that the commissioner in any other area, roads, police or fire, would be driving a steamroller, heading a murder investigation or holding a hose.
Heidi and Drumgold should be in a cell together.
Eternal adolescents.
Would have made more in Sydney over the past decade. All property is relative if you have to buy in the same market. Leaving Sydney for anywhere is always a good play in my book.
They’ll join the Greens.
Mentioned the other day a Canberra library had a trans video in the children’s section.
Now find that a local library in the West of Melbourne has trans picture books pushing the theme that if you are a boy that likes playing with dolls you must be trans.
No you are a boy that likes playing with dolls.
They just can’t leave those kids alone.
Canberra correspondents are one step below people giving $5 handjobs at the Hay truckstop. The entire place should be nuked and whatever’s left bulldozed into Lake Burley Griffin.
LOL. Whenever anyone asks me if I want to go back to Scamberra, I answer, yes, in a fully laden B52.
If Brittany blows up La Tingle and the ALPBC it will all be money well spent. It’s a long way from mashing pumpkin for Alan Ramsey.
Bear, that is simply superb. Well played, sir!
The Oz reporting Lydia Thorpe taking action against the Greens for racism against her.
Of course could not just be that she is a dickhead.
Where is Hay? Asking for a friend !
Are Warhammers dolls?
“The Oz reporting Lydia Thorpe taking action against the Greens for racism against her.”
I love it when the left eat their own.
Was their weekly land rent to the traditional owners not enough?
As long as Sarah Hanson Young goes back to court, this is a good thing.
Send them to a concentration camp.
Jane Fonda Blames Men for Climate Change: ‘We Have to Arrest and Jail Those Men’ (27 May)
Gulags are back, baby, this time for white men. Btw how’d she get to Cannes? Paddle in a canoe?
Thank you Cassie. I must get back to reading the Business pages again, and catch up.
Jane Fonda can’t move her face these days and always looks startled . That caused by climate change ? Wonder how much fossil fuel does it take to look like thst . When her face was pulled up must have pushed her brains out.
I foolishly gave my details to a water heater company in Victoria.
Still getting text messages
What I’d really like is a gas or electricity boosted solar hot water service but the process to purchase one is extremely opaque.
Why can’t I walk into a showroom and choose the appliances that suits me and then engage an installer of my choice?
Instead you get a list of online installers, (and the heat pump things are a priority) and have to work backwards.
I also get the impression they prefer suckers with existing electric hot water systems, rather than gas, because it’s easier for them to install them, as I initially contacted them at least eight months ago.
The system stinks.
Parva avia means little grandmother, like avunculus means little grandfather.
Where’s Deadman!?
If Fonda really though that she wouldn’t be flying to Cannes.
I’m sick of these rich Listers and their stinking climate hypocrisy.
There does seem to be an awful lot of professionally taken modelling shots of Stan Grant doing the rounds at the moment. Must be flattering to be that important.
They Hay truckstop sends its regards, Humphrey.
Stan needs to make sure the make up artist gets right down to the first done up button though.
No, but she does get a bikini wax between her shoulder blades.
They should pay me commission.
Now I get what it means.
“There’s always money in the banana stand.”
I was so innocent.